Author's Note: This is a (likely final) sequel to Lost in Translation II - , based on Lost in Translation. I recommend reading the trilogy in order for things to make sense.
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Chapter 1
Other than being strapped into the passenger seat all I remember of the drive home is disconnected bursts of sensation. Isolated within a sensory deprivation hood, double gagged with large vibrating plugs in both lower holes a mix of rubber, leather and steel covered almost my entire body to hold me tight and nigh immobile. The extreme outfit, combined with the exhaustion of the long evening, had me... elsewhere. I could feel the orgasms coursing through my tired body but it was as if from a great distance. I was so exhausted I couldn't even muster the strength to moan into the stifling gag, I just lay reclined in the seat next to my boyfriend. He could have driven us anywhere, hours or days might have passed in that state as I sat cocooned inside my own body as much as within my bindings, floating on a sea of sensations. Apparently he took us home he told me later that I collapsed when he tried to get me out of the car; I want to say I remember his arms supporting me but I can't be sure.
Exhaustion and orgasms dragging me into unconsciousness the next thing I remember for certain is the following morning.
I wake from a deep sleep, my eyes fluttering open I felt more rested than ever before, as if born anew full of energy. Luxuriating in every sensation I slowly sat up, the soft sheets falling away from my naked body as I looked around. The previous night - had it been just one night? It felt like a lifetime ago that Jason had driven me to the porn shop for our bet. -The previous night was still a haze punctuated by snapshots of sensation, almost as if it had been a dream. Looking over in the corner of my bedroom however I saw a pile of fetish attire that stood witness that it had been quite real.
Slowly rising from bed I stand up and look around the room. Something seems off but it takes a moment to figure out what. Finally I look down and realized that I was standing on tip-toes, my feet arched as if wearing steep invisible heels; the added height giving me a slightly different perspective of my otherwise familiar room. Shrugging I walked over to the pile of fetish gear in the corner, surprised at how graceful and natural it felt to walk like this.
Kneeling down next to the pile I was surprised the size of the stack. I almost couldn't believe that every piece of it had been on or in me just hours ago. While I had no memory of it Jason must have stripped me before putting me to bed. Moving down through the pile was almost like reenacting the previous night. Turning each item over in my hands I slowly examined each of them, holding each up to my naked body in front of the mirror, remembering how they had felt upon or in me.
While many pieces; like the massive gag or the steep platform heels, were a bit intimidating in the light of day it was when I neared the bottom of the pile that I was most shocked. Holding up the corset around waist I was amazed at how tiny it was. Thinking back I remembered the girl who laced me talking about closing it fully. I was in good shape but I could hardly believe I could be compressed that small. Those thoughts stirred cravings within me and I forced myself to put the corset aside before I tried to lace it up by myself.
Finally there was only one item left to review - the inflatable plug that had introduced me to the pleasures of anal. After just a moments hesitation I pick it up. Deflated it looked deceptivly innocuous, a narrow rubber core with a contoured base trailing a hose ending in a squeeze bulb. I give the bulb a tentative squeeze, watching as the plug swells in my hand. I try to remember how many squeezes I received and found that even my most conservative estimate resulted in the plug swelling as large as my fist. What I found most curious was how the plug grew. Rather than simply ballooning outwards evenly the inch or so at the base of the dong grew slower than the rest. It took me a moment to realize the purpose - even as it slowly stretches the wearers sphincter muscles it would remain significantly larger within, effectively locking the contraption in place until it was deflated.
My anus puckered - whether in fear or anticipation I was unsure and I set the plug aside. Having gone through all the toys, clothing and restraints I was left with a stack of papers - two sweat-stained business cards and the pile of notes that formed a sort of log of the night's experiences.
Smiling at the two contact cards I place them aside and pick up the stack of notes.
I begin with the note penned in Jason's hand that had kicked off the life-changing evening. I read each letter at least three times, savoring every word. I tried to put myself in the shoes of each author in turn, wondering what thoughts went through their heads as they played with me and wrote out the increasingly-extreme missives.
Replaying the previous evening's activities causes a mixture of emotions to flow through me. Amazed at the extremes I endured I reflect on what I would have thought about each of the scenes a mere two days ago. Despite being pushed past practically all of my limits I felt nothing but adoration for each of my "tormentors." Each had helped me in their own way, doing what they thought I wanted and even if I would - or perhapse should have railed against it at the time in retrospect all I could feel was gratitude. Finishing the final note I looked around at the circle of restraints and clothing surrounding me, the gifts from my playmates. Breathing in the mixed scent of rubber and leather I realized that they were right - it was what I wanted and I would gladly do it all again, each limit that I had been pushed through opening new, wondrous horizons. Smiling I read the final note - scrawled by my own hand. Rather than reading it as its intended statement of victory in the bet with Jason I could only see it as describing what I had gained for I had "won" much.
Sitting amidst the fetish gear I was startled from my meditation by a knock at the door.
"You awake?" Jason asks tentatively through the door "I brought you breakfast."
"Yes, I'm up" I reply, rising to stand it felt natural to perch on the balls of my feet.
"May I come in? or should I just leave it here?" he responds. I'm surprised at how timid he sounds.
The mention of food reminds me of how long its been since I've eaten. "Come in, please; we need to talk anyway" I reply facing the door, heedless of my nudity or the halo of fetish gear around my feet.
Jason walks into the room embarrassed as he tries to avoid looking directly at me or the items strewn about my feet. Making a beeline for the bed he sets the breakfast tray down and I walk over to sit next to him and eat. The scent of food has my stomach growling and I eagerly dig into the eggs and toast. I wave my hand to silence Jason before he can start talking, I want to talk as much as he does but right now I'm starving.
Finishing cleaning the plate I smile up at Jason but he turns away, unwilling to meet my gaze.
"So..." Jason starts slowly before the words began to tumble from his mouth "I really want to apologize for last night. I had no idea things would go like that and by the end of the evening I was tired and I didn't realize you'd lost the remote and I don't know what came over me and I'm sorry and..."
Placing a finger on his lips I silence his babbling "it's ok." I say soothingly. "It's ok, things might have turned out differently but as it was... losing that remote ended up being the best thing that could have happened. I thank you for setting things up, however much events spiraled apart from your plan."
His mouth sounds open, floored by my response. After a few moments he finds his voice, having lost the alacrity of his apology as he stumbles through speech "but... what happened to you? You've always been so against anal... I don't know everything but the way you were dressed at the end... you must have been taken advantage of, are you sure you aren't suffering from shock?"
"I think so" I reply, although I'm perhapse a little less certain than I let on - I was surely half-crazed by evenings end, could I be certain I had recovered? "I just need a few days alone I think."
"I understand" he says dejectedly "what a heel I've been, I wish we'd never made that stupid bet."
"Don't say that." I reply sternly, "I'm not upset with you; I just need some time to digest everything." Gently raising his chin with a finger I force him to look me in the eyes as I continued "I don't blame you and I still love you. I'm just not quite ready to talk about everything yet."
"Ok." He replys, a hint of fear in his eyes. I let him go as he wordlessly picks up the tray and starts towards the door.
"Besides," I said sultrily as he was leaving the room "I have to plan out YOUR dare."
I couldn't be sure but I'd swear a shiver ran up his spine as he closes the door.
Chapter 2
A half hour later I hear Jason pull the car out. Walking through the house I find a note explaining that he was going away for a few days to give me the time that I asked for but that he would be back in a moment if I needed him for anything.
Drawn back to the assortment of fetish gear I spend the rest of the day going through them methodically. Donning one piece at a time I stare at my reflection in the mirror and think about what each item mens to me, both as part of my ordeal and for my future. Just as before I end with the inflatable butt plug. I must hold it in my hand and inflate and deflate it half a dozen times before I finally mustere the courage to feel it within me once more.
While my front hole is practicly gushing in anticipation I have to go on the hunt for some lube to prepare my rear hole. Covering a finger in lube I work it slowly inside as I try to relax. The sensation is different without the prior evenings intense lead-up time but I still find it pleasurable as I work my way up to two, then three fingers. Finally, with both holes dripping and even a fleck of anticipatory drool on my lips it's time.
Covering the plug with more lobe I close my eyes and press the plug into my ass. The narrow shaft glides into me and I'm actually surprised at how quickly it slips home, the flat base base nestling between my firm buttcheeks.
Letting out a small gasp I spend several minutes standing and quivering, feeling every millimeter of the plug within me. Getting used to the presence of the plug I slowly relax, my right hand tracing its way my "tail" towards the squeeze bulb while my ass starts to milk the intruder, seemingly trying to suck it deeper.
Moaning in pleasure my left hand strays towards my front hole. A finger brushes the edge of my excited privates as I squeeze the bulb, groaning as I feel the plug swell within me. Caught up in the moment I fall to my knees, squeezing again and letting forth a moan in response to the ripples of pleasure flowing through me. Starting to lose control I grope amongst the items scattered around me, grabbing the vibrator I shove it into my front hole. Gasping at the sudden fullness I squeeze again searching desperately for a remote.
My fingers run across the penis gag and I eagerly shove it into my mouth and buckle it in place, screaming into it as I frantically try to find the remote. My hand clutch around the control at last I turn everything to full power as two quick squeezes swell the plug even larger.
The first orgasm slams into me so hard I fall backwards, both controls tumbled from my grip. Writhing on the ground I lose track of everything save the next orgasms, flopping around amidst the clothing and restraints.
I don't know how long I spend wanton and filled, I only stop when the batteries in both plugs have died and I am coated in sweat, trails of drool leaking around my gag. Staggering to my feet on rubbery (but unfortunatly not rubber-encased) legs I stumble to the bathroom, removing one plug at a time I sit on the cool toilet seat to relieve myself. Sitting in silence I slowly descend from my sexual high.
Looking down at the trio of phallic instruments that had so recently, and so delightfully, filled me is a final confirmation - the previous night was more than a freak occurrence, it was the first step into a whole new life. Rising to my feet I return to the bedroom, immediately aghast at the shape it's now in.
Caught up in the moment I had'nt realized how violently I was thrashing around during my orgasmic spasms. Fetish gear is scattered across the floor. The sheets have been roughly pulled down one side of my bed. The lower drawers of my dresser has been wrenched open. A small bookcase is knocked over, its contents cascading across the carpet. After an hour spent picking up everything I come to realize that bondage wasn't just exciting on its own, it might very well become a requirement if I didn't want to wreck anything. My throat slightly hoarse I was thankful for the eagerly-applied gag, without it might very well have alerted the neighborhood, or possibly woken the dead.
Needing to get away from the fetish gear before I lost control and attempted another session I make dinner and sit down in the kitchen to eat. Separated from the sight of restraints or toys my mind wanders to the two contact cards I received.
Exercising control I carefully clean the dishes before returning to my room to find the cards while doing my best to ignore the tantalizing pile of leather and rubber that would feel soooo good against my body. Dashing out of the room before my resolve falters I flip between the two cards trying to decide on a course of action.
The cards are simple; a single name and phone number each, "Ashley" on one, "Judith" the other. Having no memory of Jason undressing me I have no idea which card corresponds to which playmate. Shuffling between them for several minutes I finally draw up the courage to punch one of the numbers into my phone.
"Hello?" a female voice on the other end asks.
Tempted to hang up in embarrassment I plow forward "Yes, this is Robin, we met last night and you gave me your number..."
"OH!" she cuts me off excitedly "I'm soooo glad you called me!, how was the rest of your evening? I hope you had as much fun as I did. We HAVE to get together so you can tell me everything."
"Yes... I want to talk." I continue hesitantly, I can't believe how hard it is to talk to someone who seems so unbothered by having spent such a kinky time together. "I feel bad asking this but who exactly where you? I got a couple contact cards and they got all mixed up when I was getting undressed..."
"I bet you did!" she responds sultrily "we played with inflatable toys together, one of my favorite things and I hope one of yours now too."
"Yea..." I reply, surprised that the statement was in no way a lie; just the thought of something swelling in my ass had me wanting to rush to the bathroom to stuff the plug back inside to see how many squeezes I could take. "You said you wanted to get together to talk about last night?" I asked after taking a moment to re-focus on the conversation at hand.
"Definitely!, it's all I can think of. I must have gone through a dozen batteries since I got home fantasizing about you and last night." I blush so hard I she should have been able to see it through the phone. "You mentioned you had some other people leave contact information? I bet they're as interested to hear from you as I am and if they're friends of yours I'd love to meet them. How about we get together for lunch tomorrow? Just to talk as I bet you're pretty tired, thought who knows..."
"Sure" I reply and we decid on a small cafe near my house and before I hurriedly end the call. Hanging up I'm actually afraid that if I stayed on the line much longer with my enthusiastic new friend I'd be begging her to come over now to re-enact a two person sequel to my afternoon.
Saving the number to my phone I check which card I was reading from, it looks like Ashley was my inflatable-focused friend, which left Judith as the Mistress.
Knowing who I was calling made dialing even scarier. While Ashley was enthusiastic she didn't seem all that much more experienced than me. Judith on the other hand... between her behavior and the "party" she was going to it sounded like she was much deeper into the scene - to say nothing of her motorcycle-riding Bondage Slut slave.
"Judith Marshal speaking" comes the voice after two rings, even over the phone I can sense a dominant presence that makes me want to drop to my knees.
"This is Robin," I reply "you met me last night in a theater..." I still can't bring myself to speak directly about the evenings events.
"Excellent, I was waiting for your call. I debriefed my slave for more information but I would love to meet you again under shall we say... less distracting circumstances. You won your 'bet' I assume?"
"Yes" I reply, blushing even harder than before. "I just got off the phone with one of my other playmates from last night. We were planning on getting together for lunch tomorrow to talk. She's eager to meet anyone else I played with so I was wondering if you and your friend would like to join us?"
"It would be our pleasure." She replys and I quickly relay the information before hanging up. With a stray thought I wonder what I would have done if she had ordered me to do something, or to come over for her to use me. I'll never know for sure but deep down I have a feeling the answer would have been yes... or maybe that should be yes, Mistress? I suddenly realize how little I know for sure about the scene.
Putting down the phone my heart is still racing. I'm not sure what emotion I feel more, apprehensive embarrassment about meeting three women who I hardly knew, yet had known me so intimiatly, the next day; or panty-wrecking horniness concerning the same.
Unable to control my lusts I rush back to my room, tying rope to each corner of my bed I cuff myself in preparation. Replacing batteries and re-filling all three holes I even add a small butterfly vibe I bought before I even met Jason. I hold everything in place with the single crotch-band chastity belt, the strap pulled tight to press both plugs deep into me and seat the butterfly between my lips. Three squeezes of my tail have me full and even hornier. The click of each lock fixing the chastity belt on and the plugs in place have me over the moon - even though I know I have the keys the added confinement is intoxicating. Desperate to get situated so I can safely activate the vibrators I apply the nipple clamps with quick gasps. The pain of the clamps fading into even more pleasure I take a remote in one hand and attach the cuffs to the prepared rope. Lying on my back spread-eagle I close my eyes for a moment wishing I had thought to include the sensory deprivation hood. I can't trust myself to safely navigate the room in my current state so I just lay back and push the vibrators' power up to full.
I howl into the gag as the first orgasm slams into me almost immediatly. Twisting in pleasure I can hear the rope and bed creak with tension but my bonds hold. My mind starts to compose a fantasy where I re-played the previous evening but with Jason taking the place of each tormentor. Arching my back so hard I almost rise off the bed I fumble the remote, distantly hearing it drop onto the floor. "Looks like I'm stuck until the batteries die again" was my last coherent thought before surrendering to intoxicating waves of pleasure.
Chapter 3
For the second morning in a row I don't remember when I actually I fall asleep. Drifting to conciousness I remember dreams filled with visions of hedonistic lust. By the time I awake the next morning I've fantasized half a dozen scenarios of my coming lunch meeting turning into a lesbian fetish orgy.
I awake to sunlight streaming through the window, my muscles sore from the hours spent straining against my bondage. One arm has twisted free of its rope, my unrestrained hand tightly cupping my right breast. The nipple clamps have flown off and the other batteries are long depleted leaving me to lie still and relatively unstimulated. Deflating my rear plug makes me sigh into the gag, whether from missing the fullness or being able to relax slightly I am unsure. Untying my other arm I unbuckle the head strap and started to work the soreness out of my jaw as I free my legs and stagger off the bed to my feet.
Returning to the pile of clothes and restraints leads to a horrifying discovery - in my wanton haste I grabbed the wrong locks. Instead of using one of the many locks that had been left on me at the end of my night at the theater I had grabbed the locks normally used for my other chastity belt - locks that only Jason had the keys for.
Frustrated I glace at the clock - I overslept. There isn't much time before I need to leave for my lunch date and I don't want to have to explain to Jason how I ended up in the situation anyway. Resigned that I'm stuck with dual occupancy for awhile I get ready to leave.
Short on time I hurriedly put together an outfit idly wondering what the Mistress and her bondage slut look like in street clothes. To conceal the chastity belt I choose a pair of tight, high-waist jeans. A black, short-sleeved satin blouse conceals the inflation bulb that I pull up to lie against my spine. Without time to shower I style my hair the best I can but it's hard to completely disguise the sweat-matted, just-fucked look that my overnight entertainment has given me. Throwing keys and wallet in a small purse I slip on a pair of black leather multi-strapped ankle boots and head for the door. With each step I'm reminded of my lower companions, already moist I have a sudden urge and run back to my room. Replacing the batteries in each toy I treat myself to a quick burst that almost brings me to the floor before I turn everything off and toss the remote in my purse - this was shaping up to be an interesting afternoon.
Sitting back in the car squeezed the bulb causing the plug two swell. Lusts flaring I was tempted to run back into the house but I was afraid if I gave into temptation again I might not be willing to leave. Revving the engine I pull out of the driveway, wondering what lunch will be like - lustily shared experience aside I know nothing about these women. "Do I really want to get even deeper involved in their sort of depraved sexual activity?" I think. Jamming on the breaks at a quick red light slams me back into my seat. The motion swells my plug once more and I have my answer - a wholehearted "yes."
Chapter 4
I arrive at the cafe to find Ashley already has a table. Dressed in a micro skirt and tube top showing gobs of skin she wavs me over eagerly. We hug in greeting before sitting down to wait for the other two women to arrive.
I can tell Ashley wants to ask about more risque things but the conversation stays light and casual and and we order a pair of cosmo's. Fortunatly we don't have long to wait and about the time the drinks arrive the two other ladies show up and join us at the table. The newcomers' attire is stunning - Judith looms tall atop stiletto boot, a matching pencil skirt and double breasted tightly-cut suit. Her hair pulled into a formal chignon she radiates as strong an air of authority as the Mistress garb from the night we first met. Her companion manages to look as submissive as Judith is dominant while following a similar formal theme. All in white she wears a spread-collared dress shirt that clings tightly to her ample bosom before shaping around a narrow hourglass waist that would be impossible without a corset beneath. A steel chevron collar adorns her neck like a tie, the item barely skirting the line between overt fetish and elegant jewelry. I would bet anything that the shirt conceales a lock at the back of the "necklace." Below the waist she wears a tight white leather hobble skirt extending to the mid calf with the outfit finished off by fishnets and a pair of strappy white platform heels.
Judith, Ashley and and I exchange introductions all around before the Mistress gives a nod allowing her partner to speak. "This one is named Caroline" she says, bowing to Ashley and myself before holding the chair for Judith until recievig a signal to take a seat.
"So..." I start off, all eyes on looking at me in anticipation "I guess you want to hear about the rest of my night?"
"Yes, don't leave anything out, dear." Judith encourages before nodding to Caroline "you have permission to speak casually."
Taken slightly aback by the overt power exchange I ignore it for the moment and begin my tale. Starting with the initial bet I try to give a full narration of both the events that happened as well as memories of my thoughts and feelings at each point.
I'm surprised at how easy it is to talk once I get started, pausing only when the waitress comes by. As the divide between my, or rather Jason's, plans, my own interests and the actual outcome of the evening becomes clear the three other ladies grow concerned, each looking guilty for their actions. Continuing on with the story I pass through the first encounter with Judith before all three women break out apologizing for their actions.
Touched by the concern I brush off the condolences, explaining that Judith's initial prognosis was far more correct than I would have been willing to admit at the time. Winding through the rest of the night all four of us begin to show signs of sexual excitement, my own of course encouraged further by the "chastity belt" and companions still locked beneath my jeans.
Reaching the end of the night and the still disjointed memories of the car ride home I smile at the shocked expressions on my three companions. If my tale can surprise a seasoned pair like Judith and Caroline perhaps I'll have an easier time fitting in than I thought.
With the narration concluded I am once more deluged with words of comfort interspersed with more questions about my experience. Trying to convince the trio that everything is ok I pick narrating with the morning after my ordeal. Continuing forward all the way to the present I complete the tale by placing the remote controls for my vibrators on the table. This time the shocked expressions immediately fade to ones of gleeful plotting.
"You really locked yourself in?" Ashley asks as she eyes the remotes.
"Yes, I thought maybe one of you might know how I could get out? I still don't know how to explain everything to Jason. I want him to be a part of these new experiences, I'm just afraid he won't understand."
"I might" Judith replies taking a remote in each hand, "I think you have to earn it first thought." She grins slyly and turns the vibrators on, nosing the power up to a low hum. "Ashley, if you would be so kind as to confirm Robin's story by giving her tail a nice squeeze."
Ashley's face is split by a wide grin at the implied inflation and she feigns me to surreptitiously give the bulb two squeezes. I gasp at the swelling, buzzing item within.
The three of them decide to play a game, passing the remotes around the table as each of them tells a story from their own fetish experience. While the trade of ideas has everyone's motors running the story time is most intense for me as each storyteller punctuates their tale with buzzes in my most private of parts.
Ashley goes first talking about a scenario she executed involving inflatable plugs on a cross-country flight previous winter. We're all impressed by her ingenuity and express interest in trying out her clever step-powered inflation-fucking system.
Caroline goes next narrating a bondage scavenger hunt she had been sent on the previous month. Robin is happy to learn what such a thing is after the cryptic comment during their session together. By the end of the tale we're all begging Judith to setup a three way scavenger hunt for us to try.
Finally Judith talks about a "Mistress' Banquet" that she held where several D/S couples shared a formal dinner at her house served by Caroline. The final story has my head swimming - I already know being a submissive gets me off like nothing else and yet I'm fascinated by the thought of being served by Caroline with Ashley - or better yet Jason - kneeling beside my chair as I am by the idea of serving or kneeling myself.
The batteries of my vibes have started to run down and I'm desperate to orgasm. I've been on edge, biting my lip since midway through Ashley's tale but my three new friends are good, they've expertly turned the power down whenever I get too close. Judith gives me a final smile before turning the power to low and dropping the remotes in her purse.
"Now" Judith says as we rise to leave, "I think a nice celebratory shopping trip is in order. I know you said everything is fine but it's the least we can do to make up for wildly misinterpreting your wishes at the time. Besides, if you're as interested in all this as you appear you're going to need more than just what you ended up with in the theater. That goes for you too." She finishes giving Ashley a stare that has the girl almost melt.
"Yes Mistress" Ashley replies without thinking, turning beet red a moment later.
Judith just smiles and turns to Caroline. "You are back on formal codes now."
"Yes Mistress." She replies, the same words as Ashley's but this time suffused with deep layers of love, lust and loyalty.
Most of my concentration is absorbed in holding off from having a massive orgasm in public so I just nod at the plan. Carefully rising to my feet I gingerly walk, trying not to unduly move my inner companions. Our disparate foursome walks across the street to a small mall where Judith leads us on a beeline for a fetish boutique I hadn't even known existed.
Chapter 5
Smaller and more elegant than the porn shop of my escapade the inconspicuous shop is focused primarily on leather and latex fetish apparel with only a small corner devoted to toys. Judith leads us past the racks of shiny clothing giving a wave to the shopkeeper who smiles and waves back in obvious recognition.
"With the way you've been enjoying more long-term filling I have a few thoughts as to what you might enjoy." Turning to Caroline her voice takes on the edge of command "slave, what do you have in today?"
"The large Ben-wa balls in my front Mistress. You left my rear empty so I wouldn't be as distracted for lunch Mistress."
"That's right" Judith says turning back towards me and Ashley "unlike your vibrator which has to be held in and will require replacing batteries a good pair of balls will keep you entertained all day." She grabs two boxes of balls from a shelf and drops them in the basked Caroline is carrying. "Similarly I would recommend a few more plugs. As you have learned dealing with the tail of an inflatable can be a bit bothersome." She grabs an assortment of styles and sizes of plugs from a nearby shelf and into the basket they go. I grow slightly flush at the sight, wondering how each will feel within me.
Noticing my blush causes Judith to smile. "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself, but it just occurs to me you are probably feeling a bit lonely in your predicament." She turns to look directly at Caroline "Slave, fill yourself."
"Yes Mistress." Caroline replies instantly. Ashley and I watch in amazement as she grabs a (quite large) plug from the shelf. Unzipping the back of her hobble skirt reveals her lack of underwear. She unwraps the plug, squirts a bit of lube on it and seconds later it is gliding into her rear passage with just a quick intake of breath when it pops into place. Re-zipping her skirt she picks up the basket and returns to standing at attention. "Thank you Mistress." She finishes, her formal manner hiding any evidence of the inner change.
Still stunned by the brazen display Ashley is surprised when Judith turns to her next "Are you feeling left out?" she asks, turning back to the insertables display before Ashley can respond.
"I think you'll enjoy this one" she says as she unwraps a W-shaped device. "It's a nice complete package; the plugs keep you securely occupied and they're mostly hollow with a spring-loaded weight inside so when you move, they move. This front bit of course presses against the clit so it won't feel left out. Would you like to try it?" she asks holding the device out to Ashley.
Ashley's eyes are like saucers as she examines the device, but she tentatively takes it from Judith.
Emboldened as she looks between the three of us companions I speak up in encouragement "come on, you don't want to be left out, do you? You said the other night you wanted to have an adventure with me..."
Spurred by my taunt she lathers both plugs with lube and squats down. Unlike Caroline's hobble dress Ashley's miniskirt allows her to simply pull down her panties and work first one then the other plug in place. Her eyes roll back as the device is fully seated, pulling her panties back up she staggers "wow that's intense!"
"I knew you'd enjoy it." Judith replies, dropping a second, identical toy into the basket. I'm wishing I was out of the chastity belt so I could try it now. Now Ashley and I are both walking on eggshells as we leave the toy corner to look at latex clothing.
We spend the next hour trying on different outfits ranging from elegantly formal to sluttily depraved. If it hadn't been for the seductive materials and the way the three of us were holding back orgasms we could have been any coterie of ladies at the mall.
As we change we chat about fantasies and experiences. Eventually the conversation turns back around to me and what I am going to do about Jason. After much discussion and schemeing the four of us hatch a plan for my half of the dare.
As we tried on outfits Ashley and I stare at Carolines nipple rings, noticing our attention Judith gushes about how useful they are to a sub demonstrating by roughly teasing her slave. Watching Carolines groans of pleasure only has Ashley and I even more interested.
Between the plug and the attention to her breasts Caroline is getting a little loud, Judith solves the problem my shoving a gag into her mouth which adds a bit of extra excitement as we contine to try on outfits.
By the time we're ready to leave Ashley and I can't resist the idea anymore and Judith takes us to get our nipples pierced. Although painful I'm immediately struck by how hot the rings look and I can't wait for them to heal enough to play with - their presense will be yet another surprise for Jason. Only when we finally leave the mall and arrive at Judith's car that she produces a set of picks, her expert fingers quickly unlocked my chastity belt - although she gives me a final tail-squeeze instructions to stay belted until I get home. I don't know what has me more moist, the fullness itself or the shiver of submission the order induces.
Speaking of submissives - If Caroline was over-burdened carrying our large haul out to the car she never complains; although perhaps that was more due to the large gag cleverly hidden beneath a scarf. I might have felt sorry if her eyes weren't glistening in excitement as Judith buckles the shiny red ball behind her teeth. I'm surprised at how generous Judith has been in buying both Ashley and myself an assortment of toys as well as a pair of matching latex catsuits. In addition to toys for my own use my bag bulged with several items to be used in our plans for Jason.
Walking through the parking we finally split up for our respective vehicles - Jason's dare is planned for the next Friday and we promise to make additional plans afterwards. Speeding home in a blur I make a beeline for the bed, ripping the chastity belt off and fucking myself with the twin dongs for several explosive orgasms before taking a long-overdue shower. Several of the days purchases see their first use as I give myself a thorough "wash."
Chapter 6
The following week passes in a blur. I have trouble focusing at work, constantly looking forward to Friday. Each evening finds me plugged and bindfolded myself for a dozen or more orgasms and every morning I'm tempted to fill myself beneath one of the chastity harnesses. Only the fear of doing an un-acted rendition of When Harry Met Sally in the middle of the office holds me back. Supplementing my various "gifts" I make several online purchases that give me the start to a nice little fetish wardrobe. The final items I need for Friday arrive late Thursday and have me so excited I barely sleep a wink; even after I've forced myself through so many orgasms I could barely move (well, if my bondage hadn't already precluded any real movement).
Keeping my plans secret Jason and I don't meet in person but we talked several times. I try to get across to him that everything is fine between us while pushing any further discussion until after Friday. Somewhat reluctantly he agrees to go along with me and I tell him to meet me at the house after work for the start of his dare.
Dressed once more in tennis shoes, bra, button-up shirt and rip-away pants felt strange, while it was the same outfit (save the chastity belt) as the previous Friday it seemed like it belonged to a different person. I now delight in wearing 4" or higher heels so the tennies feel very flat, and while the rest of the outfit is certainly a little slutty it feels drab and dull compared to the sensuous embrace of rubber or leather.
Waiting impatiently I'm so nervous I practically leap to the door when I heard Jason park and walk up the drive.
For me the previous week had been consumed by a different sort of tension than what I later learned Robin had been dealing with. Still guilty over what I had accidentally set in motion for Robin I was desperate to make amends. I had drilled Brandon for information but since he'd spent the whole night at the counter without going into the theater all he could tell me was the parade of guests my girlfriend "entertained." Just knowing that was more than enough to cause my mind to conjured up horror stories and fantasy scenarios alike.
When Robin stated that she wanted me to come over Friday for her half of the dare I reluctantly agreed. Despite all of her assurances I still felt horrible at what had happened with my "innocent" plan. I was desperate to patch things up between but I still had trepidations pulling into the driveway.
Walking up to the door I take a deep breath and knock. She opens the door so fast she must have been practically lurking on the other side. Stepping inside I could tell she was excited about something but I wasn't sure what to make of the fact that she was dressed the same as I had instructed her at the start of the dare last Friday.
"I'm sorry I've been so distant this week." She exclaimes throwing her arms around my neck. "I've just had a lot to think about, I promise once tonight is over I'll tell you everything and answer any of your questions."
As I return the hug she presses herself against me tightly enough that I can feel through her pants the absence of the chastity belt. In what is starting to become a trend I'm unsure what to make of this fact.
"Thank you again for coming. Are you ready for your dare?" she askes with a devious twinkle in her eye.
"Yes, if that's what it takes to fix things up between us. I still feel horrible about what you must have gone through last friday."
"Don't," she says putting a finger over my lips to silence me while giving a cute little frown. "You didn't have any malicious intent and couldn't have known what could happen. Enough about that; tonight is about you." as she spoke her frown dissolved into a mischievous grin "I'll tell you everything about my experience tomorrow but for now you should be focused on your evening."
"Ok, what do I have to do?" I reply.
"It's simple; I'm going to drop you off at a bar and you'll have the whole night to prove that you're less vanilla than I am. Tomorrow we'll compare your experience to mine last friday to see who the real chicken is." She smiles up at me as if what she said was the most innocent thing possible. "Now before you start making plans, there's two conditions to make it more interesting."
"Alright," I reply. I'm not sure if I want, or even possibly ocould, ace out what I knew of her experience but with how excited she seemed I didn't want to let her down thinking I was wussing out. Besides, she wasn't the only one with a competitive streak.
"First, I'll be taking your keys and money, so no cheating with a hooker or anything. You'll have to get by on your masculine charms. And second, you have to wear this." So speaking she hands me a large box.
I remove the lid of the box to find a metal device inside. It takes me a moment to recognize it as a chastity belt - similar in function to the one she has it would encase my sex while leaving my ass exposed. "Helpfully" she starts to unbutton my pants for me to put it on.
"I'm sorry it doesn't have anything to keep you entertained like mine did, but that should give you an extra challenge. Plus it seems appropriate, right?"
While she'd spent plenty of time belted I'd never worn one so it takes us a couple minutes to figure out how to put it on. Once the metal warms to my body temperature I find it to be surprisingly comfortable - but there isn't any way I'm going to forget it's there.
"Perfect!" she says proudly, laying a kiss on the front of my penis' prison. "I bet you want to get started, so give me your wallet and keys and I'll drive you to the bar."
Pulling up my pants I hand her the items and she hands me back my ID before leading me out to her car. "And what do you expect me to do with this on me?" I ask.
"Oh, I managed to make do, so I'm sure you can figure something out!" she teases back. A little nervous at the possibilities left to me the remainder of the drive passes in silence before she droppes me off at a bar near the college. With a smile and a wave of encouragement she speeds off.
Looking up at the sign I recognize the place as a common hangout for the frat and sorority crowds. Under normal circumstances it'd be easy to find a partner here - especially once the booze was flowing, but with the chastity belt... I was definitely in need of a plan. While my private prison definitely made my pants bulge provocatively I have no idea how I might explain it to anyone else. Shrugging I head into the building, worst case scenario I'd just drink at the bar, forfeit the bet and hopefully at least get credit for agreeing to the plan.
It was still early in the evening so the bar was pretty empty, I grab a stool and was about to order a beer before remembering I had no way to pay. To my surprise a glass appears before me unbidden as an auburn-haired hottie takes the stool next to me and starts talking.
"Hi!" she says chipperly, "you new here?"
I don't know which god (or perhapse goddess?) decided to bless me with luck but looking her over one couldn't help but smile. Tight and slender her medium-sized breasts look ready to explode out of a too-small top. Her shorts hug so close they might have been painted on, and were so short they barely even touch her thighs. Her only other attire is a pair of spike heels that were as hot as they were excessive - I doubt it would take more than a drink or two before walking in the steep platforms would be almost impossible. All in all she looked like exactly the type of girl I needed, and she'd even made the first move!
"Yea," I reply, trying to play it cool, "just checking the place out."
"Liking what you've seen so far?" she asks, jiggling her breasts seductively and blinking innocently.
I try to be suave but I needn't have bothered, within less than five minutes she's dragging me away from the bar and into the empty back room. I doubt hooking up with a college slut is going to match up all that impressively with Robin's tale, but hey - I have to start somewhere. Locking the door behind us she pushes me back onto a table to stand between my legs. As she loomes over me I start to understand the purpose for the towering platforms.
"So... I have a confession to make." She says, her voice still sultry but her tone tinged with a sharp edge that hadn't been there with the slutty sexpot at the bar. "I was actually sent here by Robin to start you off - she wanted a bit more control over the course of her dare than you exercised with her."
I'm not sure how to feel about the revelation - the backhanded comment about my dare stings a bit, and while it made more sense it was still a little disappointing to find out she'd been acting. Still, knowing that Robin was figuratively keeping an eye on me was good to know, even if it meant I might have to try a bit harder to do something unexpected to have a chance at wining.
"Awww, don't pout" she continues as my expression clouds, "you seem like a good guy and Robin definitely likes you a lot. Tell you what, so there's no hard feelings how about you give me one order and I'll do it, give you a bit of a start to the evening?"
I took a moment to think before I remembered the paddle that had been amongst Robin's things. I try to put on an evil grin and make my voice commanding. "Alright, well it seems to me that you pulled a bit of a mean trick on me and that makes you a naughty girl, and what happens to naughty girls?"
She smiles back at me, hamming it up "they get punished?" she replies putting a finger to her lips as if to indicate "stick cock here."
"That's right, now why don't you bend over and I'll give you the spanking you deserve."
"Yes sir!" she replies, failing to conceal glee as she sprawls across my legs, her shorts riding up high enough to reveal her tight ass.
What a kinky girl I think as I begin swatting her pert behind with my hand. Is this what Robin is going to be like too? She'd always been adventurous but I could sense that something had changed Friday and if she was making friends like this...
I turn her bottom red before grabbing a fistfull of her hair and pulling her back to her feet. "Have you learned your lesson?" I ask.
"Yes sir, I should never lead someone on if I'm not going to follow through."
"Very good, slut" I reply rising to head back to the bar. Just as I unlock the door she stops me.
"Robin told me to do one more thing." She says causing me to turn around.
"What's that?" I say, growing curious as to what Robin's real game is for tonight.
"I'm to give you this." She replies handing me a key. "It'll unlock your chastity belt, the only rule is you can't take it off yourself, you have to get someone else to remove it for you, and put it back in place once they're done. Robin also said you're free to do whatever you want within those rules, just remember that you have to tell her EVERYTHING that happened when you talk tomorrow."
I nod, putting the key in my pocket and heading back to the bar. The chastity belt remains an obstacle, but perhaps a bit less of one now. I return to sipping my beer and survey the room for possible targets.
"I gave him the key." Ashley speaks into her phone after Jason has left.
"Good, how'd things go otherwise?" Robin replies.
"He seems like he's getting into the swing of things, I let him spank me."
"That must have been such a punishment" Robin replies and they laugh, "Well we'll have to see how he gets on with Judith. I just got dressed and I'm heading to the club - meet you there?"
"You bet! I can't wait to see how tonight turns out!" Ashley hangs up and slips out the back door to her car. Grabbing a bag from the trunk she changes clothes in the alley before driving off.
Chapter 7
Looking around the bar as people start to trickle in my eyes are eventually drawn to a woman sitting alone in a corner booth. I somehow missed her enter but even in the dark corner what I can see of her makes her seem like she doesn't belong. Intrigued I wonder if she might be another plant from Robin. Trying to examine her unobtrusively I peg her as early thirties - way too young to be a cougar but still a little old for a college bar. Even seated her attire is stunning - a formally-cut leather dress hugs her from chin to knee, a wide belt wraps around an impressive hourglass waist. Her arms bare save for elbow length matching leather gloves she has finished the look off with black knee-high boots and her hair pulled back into a tight bun.
I'm paying a bit too much attention to the mystery woman when she notices my glances and looks back at me. After a moment of emotionless staring she makes a crooking come-hither motion with one gloved finger.
Figuring what the hell - I probably won't win Robin's game by following her pre-laid plan, but I'll probably get me more credit for that than using my own plan - which at this point was still no plan at all.
I sit in the booth across and she examines me intently for almost a minute before speaking. "So, boy, why were you staring at me?"
Her demeanor remindes me of a particularly severe teacher I had back in school; I discarded the thought of lying and just tried to roll with it. "You caught my eye, you look quite impressive, and I don't mean to be rude but... you seem a bit out of place in a college bar."
"You're saying I'm too old?" she asks pointedly.
This wasn't where I wanted the conversation to go and I tried frantically to save myself "too elegant, look around, your outfit covers more than any three girls here and even if you drink beer I doubt it's the cheap swill they have on tap."
"Nicely handled." She replies with a slight smile. I figuratively let out my breath but I doubt I was out of the woods yet. "So if I don't belong here, where would you suggest I go?"
"That's up to you I guess, I'd offer to take you for a nice dinner but I don't have any money on me."
"Oh, and why is that?, seems poor planning for a guy spending the night at a bar."
I try to think of something to explain my situation OTHER than the truth "yea, I just forgot my wallet in my other pants," I remember the bar has a pool table in the back "thought I might try hustling at the table but not much play yet and I prefer my marks a little tipsy."
"Should I be concerned? An innocent woman such as myself trapped in a booth with an admitted shark?"
"You're safe with me; I never bite a lady... unless she asks."
"Clever boy." She replies and I think I catch the edge of her lip twitch in a smile. "Your assessment is correct however; this is not my sort of place... I don't suppose you'd care to accompany me somewhere else?"
"Sure," I reply, "where did you have in mind?"
"Oh, a little club across town. The only thing is you'd have to change - there's a dress code if you want to avoid the cover charge and since you have no money..."
I was curious, I'd always considered avoiding cover via clothing (or lack thereof) was a girl thing, but I figured that either this was part of Robin's plan or it would make an interesting story so I just said "sure."
Rising from the booth she leads me to her car - a Cadillac SUV with tinted windows. She orders me into the back before sliding into the driver's seat.
"There's a box of clothes back there, see what you can put together. You should be able to finish changing by the time we get there."
Opening the box I am greeted by the smell of latex and leather and I suddenly know exactly what type of club we're heading to. On the upside, I thought, at least the chastity belt would be easier to explain there.
Pawing through the clothes I decided on a latex ¾ catsuit beneath leather pants, the rear-zip on the pants is a bit ominous but I ignored it and slipped them on. I find a couple pairs of shoes on the floor and selected a set of black leather steel-toed boots with lots of studs.
Arriving at the club I find my guess to have been correct. Due to Robin's lack of interest in any sort of exhibitionism I'd never been here but I recognized the name from some fliers in the porn store advertising the fetish party they hosted every Friday.
Stopping the car she gave me a quick inspection and seemed satisfied with my choice of outfit, leading me off towards the front enterance to the club. Walking behind I notice she's carrying a crop; I gulp wondering what I, or was it Robin?, had gotten me into?
Chapter 8
I pull into the parking lot of the club and park way in the back. I don't want to take a chance that Jason might spot my car; tonight will be a lot more interesting if he doesn't know I'm in the club observing. Satisfied that my car is tucked away I spend a few minutes stumped trying to figure out how to carry my keys - the latex catsuit I've changed into has no pockets and it's so tight to eliminate even the normal cleavage hiding place. I finally decide to take just the car key off the ring and slide it into my boot. Might as well take advantage of the thigh-highs, they'd certainly been tricky enough to drive in.
My outfit started with the latex catsuit Judith bought me; the tight material hugging me from the neck down with a zipper through my crotch and reinforced holes allowing my breasts to spill out. To this I had added the towering heels and the "bra" I had earned during my time at the theater. I had learned that the bra came with an optional pair of leather nipple shields which allowed it to technically qualify for public wear. The round pads held in place by a web of elastic my breasts were forced out from my body, swelling against their prison. To hide my identity I was wearing a rubber hood, holes for my eyes and mouth let me see and breath while I figured in the dark lights of the club it should be more than sufficient to keep Jason from recognizing me. Finally I was wearing a chastity harness of similar single-crotch strap design to the one that Caroline had locked on me.
This device wasn't even subtle in putting a lie to its name. Not only did the crotch strap it fail to lock but the twist to activate bases of the twin dildos it held inside me protruded obviously from the leather like two squat towers. I had been tempted since sliding them in to turn them on but I had a long evening ahead and didn't want my thoughts that lust-addled - not yet at least. Just the small motion caused by walking (combined with my overall anticipation for the evening) has me dripping by the time I reach the front doors of the club. Heading into the club I glid past the bouncer - from the leering grin he gave me it was clear I fit the dress code.
Inside the small antechamber of the club I see the coat-check counter manned by a latex-clad girl who is chatting with someone dressed even more severely than myself. Walking closer I'm able to recognize Caroline, noticing me she smiles and we share a hug.
"Good, you made it here in time," she says, "I wanted to get you inside before Judith and Jason arrive." Facing me I am able to get a better look at her outfit. In principle the ensemble shares several common factors with my own, although her catsuit looks significantly heavier and she is balanced on full ballet heels rather than tall platforms like I wear. Her suit has fewer holes than mine as well, the tight rubber exposing an oval of her face. She isn't wearing it at the moment but a gas mask dangles over one shoulder, the intake tubes connecting to a pair of bubbler bottles strapped to her back. The sea of black rubber draws attention to her neck where a gleaming steel collar is locked in place. She carries a similar device in her hand, holding it out to me "here, put this on and we can head in."
The device is beautiful and definitely matched my outfit but I was still a bit curious. "What's it for?"
The blue-clad employee behind the counter helpfully jumps in with the answer. "Tonight is a play party so there's a stricter dress code than normal. All tops are required to pass a qualification first while everyone else has to wear a collar. The type of collar you have on lets others know what sort of play you're looking for."
"Yup," Caroline continues "an all metal collar means that you're an 'owned' slave - at least for the night. That means anything that happens to you is up to whoever gave you the collar. Other collars you can either bring yourself or get here." She points to a board displaying collars in several colors and styles.
"An unadorned collar just means you're here to watch, one attachment point means you're a submissive open to bondage play. The other two attachment points allow you to declare your sexual preference for more hardcore play - D rings if you're interested in girls, triangle rings if you want guys, add O rings to either and it means you're interested in both. Finally spikes tell what sort of punishment you're into, ranging from studs for spanking up through large spikes for caning. Color is mostly just a fashion choice with the exception of pink. Pink collars are reserved for sissy-sluts who are here to be used by anyone. You see someone in a pink collar and you're probably going to be in for a show before the nights over."
"Since this is your first time here Judith suggested I give you a steel collar, this way you won't be bothered by anyone but you still have the option of participating in play without having to come out to change collars. Just remember as a 'slave' you'll have to get permission from myself or Judith if you want to play."
"Ok" I reply leaning over for Caroline to lock the collar around my neck. The sound of the latch clicking shut sends a shiver thought my whole body. Shaking my head I find the collar to be heavy but surprisingly comfortable.
The collar in place she adds a pair of chains from the collar to my wrists. So encumbered I am no longer able to reach below my waist thus putting control over my occupants out of my control.
"Ready to head inside?" she asks, the chains jangle as I nod eagerly. The collar really puts me in the right head-space and I am looking forward to the rest of the evening even more.
"Tonight's safe word is pomegranate" the coat check girl informes us as we stride into the club proper.
Approaching the door to the club we're waved in by a muscular guy in latex pants and a leather chest harness. From the way he nods at my companion I'd bet money she's a regular which makes her serendipitious presence in the college bar seem even more like a plant.
Behind the counter for the coat check stands a girl in a form-fitting blue latex catsuit. The tight material was such that she might as well have been naked, a steel collar adorned her neck and I have a the feeling it's more than just a fashion statement.
"Welcome back Mistress Judith," the girl greets us cheerfully "will your guest be requiring a temporary collar today?"
"Yes" my companion replies with a quick glance back at me "have you attended one of our parties before or do you need an explanation?"
I'm puzzled for a moment at what exactly is going on before I spot a displayboard behind the counter with several rows of collars. At the top of the display the collars are simple straps, moving lower they got progressively more complicated with spikes or attachments points. Most of the collars are in dark materials, primarily black leather. The far right column however is all in pink, many of with frills in addition to their various steel fittings.
Not wanting to appear ignorant I point at a collar near the bottom. Made of black leather it looks just over two inches thick, sporting a single D ring at the front for attachment points. The thing that draws my eye to that one in particular are the many spikes that adorned it - it looks a bit intimidating which I figure might be good.
My companion raises an eyebrow at the selection but makes no verbal comment. The girl behind the counter rummages around and pulls out a collar matching the one I had indicated. "Well it looks like you've found an aggressive new slave, Mistress- I hope the two of you have a great night!"
"I'm sure we will." Judith replies with a smile as she buckles the collar around my neck.
"Tonight's safe word is pomegranate" the coat check girl cheerfully informes us as Judith clips a leash to the front ring of my collar and leads me through the leather-upholstered door .
The club is a lot larger than the college bar and I might have stood awhile dumbfounded if my "Mistress" hadn't given the leash a sharp tug. Dutifully I follow along, distracted by the multitude of fetished-out people scattered about the club.
Judith takes her time making a circuit through the large room to chat with friends and generally ignore me trailing behind slightly awestruck. Leather and latex is the norm and I was getting quite excited within my chastity cage. Much more of this and I would eagerly pass the key to anyone who asked if they promised to unlock me.
We spend the longest visiting a trio of rubber-clad ladies that Judith appears to be good friends with. All three are have stunning figures shown encased within hooded catsuits - what seems to be the leader of the group looms tall atop full-on ballet boots, a gasmask shrouding her face and muffling her voice. The second girl is more playfully, outfitted in a red catsuit topped with a black latex dress accesorized with steel cuffs and collar, her head is most striking, I wonder how she can see since to my eye the hood is solid save for her red-lipsticked mouth peeking out. Her aubern hair sprouts from either side of the top of her head, wrapped to stay straight for a good 6" to form demonic horns. The final girl looks by far the most submissive; standing uneasily on towering thigh-high heels - her unsteadiness is perhaps due to the twin plugs protruding from a chastity belt their stumpy protruding bases are wiggling slightly so I can only imagine how intense it is for her - although her half-closed eyes and glazed expression gives me an idea. Leather straps around her breasts hold them out from her chest and cause them to almost burst past a web of straps framing twin pierced nipples. Judith seems to delight in showing me off to the three of them, two of them complimenting her on new slave, the third, the submissive nods encouragingly but says nothing - although that may be more due to the giant ring gag trainer that leaves her without much in the way of conventional communication options.
After about ten minutes spent catching up Judith excuses herself saying it's time to try out her new slave. The three girls wish us luck and wave as we wind past the bar and skirt the fairly empty dance floor to enter the play section that runs the width of the room opposite the entrance. I know enough to recognize some stocks and a Saint Andrew's Cross but many of the other apparati are more devilishly complex than anything I've seen before.
There are only a few people playing at the moment and after a brief observation she leads me to a sturdy spanking bench. Starting to get scared I dig in my heels, the leash growing taught before she turns to face me.
"What's the matter?" she teases "I thought this was what you wanted?" she flirts as she runs a finger over one of the larger spikes on my collar "I thought we were having fun, or would you rather I return you to the bar I found you at?"
I hesitate for a moment - I was more than a little intimidated by the club but seeing all these sexy people definitly had me excited and my curiosity was piqued as well. Giving it a final thought I give a sheepish smile and start walking after her once more - how bad can it be anyway? Besides, even if I'm not quite as competitive as Robin I still don't want to lose, and from what I'd heard she'd gone in for far more than a simple spanking, to say nothing of how next to her outfit mine might as well be street clothes. I certainly wouldn't go to work dressed like I this but it really wasn't any more extreme than some mainstream club wear.
Mind made up I do my best to get into the swing of things. Remembering Robin's friend from the bar I "eagerly" lean over the bench and playfully struggle against the cuffs as she chains me down at wrist, waist and ankles. Walking in front of me she grabs a fistful of hair and pulls my head up to face forward "It is punishment time slave, what should I use on you?"
"Whatever you think is best Mistress." I reply, surprised at how firm I'm getting within the chastity belt.
"Let's start off with a nice spanking." She says walking out of my field of vision. A moment later I let out a yelp as a leather paddle smacks across my ass.
" I thought you were a pro at this?" she says, her gloved hand tenderly massaging my ass.
I don't want to wimp out so I reply quickly "I was just startled, it's fine."
"Ok, I don't want to bother anyone so if get too loud I may have to gag you."
"Yes Mistress." I reply, bracing myself for the next blow to arrive.
A quick pair of swats land on my butt before I let out another yelp and she pauses again. "Do you want to stop?" she asks, her tone more serious with a hint of concern in her voice.
Although in pain I'm stubbornly determined to stick it out, I feel like i'm getting a little numb anyway. I gasp out "gag Mistress" and she obliges, shoving a bright red ball gag into my mouth and buckling it tight.
Gag in place I bite down hard. I find it partially hollow which makes breathing easier and makes me whistle slightly when I gasp at a particularly hard smack. When I felt like I just couldn't take it anymore the impacts stop to be replaced by hands once more rubbing my tender bum to sooth the pain. Much to my surprise I remain hard through the whole experience, bulging against the sculpted steel imprisoning my cock.
A few minutes after the spanking stops I heard the clik of high heels and raise my head to try to look up at Judith standing in front of me. Still bound to the spanking bench I can't see much higher than her waist as she talked to me. "I'm going to walk around for a bit, you'll be fine until I return, right?"
I'm not sure what I think about the idea, but I figure being left alone for a bit in this situation will definitely impress Robin. The pain of the spanking is already fading, and in hindsight it hadn't been that bad really, so I wasn't too worried.
Chapter 9
I've been in the club for about twenty minutes when Ashley shows up. She's wearing a tight red catsuit under a little black dress, all in latex of course, and it's as kinky as it is hot. Like me she's sporting a steel collar for the evening although while I wear your standard wide metal circle hers is more necklace-like with a plunging chevron front. Adding to her "jewelry" are matching steel wrist and ankle cuffs that gleam whenever they catch the light. Her boots are knee-high stilettos with tall heels and thick platforms that she nonetheless walked in effortlessly. Topping it off she wears a red hood to match the catsuit, her eyes concealed behind almost invisibly perforated rubber leaving just her mouth as her only visible flesh, sporting fuck-me red lipstick . Her long red hair is pulled through twin holes to stick out in horn-like bunches that making her look like some sort of fetish demoness. Sitting down at a table with a clear view of the door we chat casually while watching for Jason and Judith to arrive.
We don't have long to wait, even if Caroline hadn't turned my twin intruders up to low I would have gotten immediately wet seeing Jason walking behind Judith. His ass had never looked hotter than they did in those tight leather pants. Judith led him on a slow winding trip through the club talking to others, I watched as they looped around towards us. While they're still a bit away, and with Jason looking away Caroline pulls out a large ring gag and walks behind me.
"Don't want you tipping him off accidently, so open wide my dear." I immediately do as she asks letting the padded ring spread my mouth wide. With practiced efficiency she has the straps buckled tight, in full trainer style they wrap my head making sure there's no way I can spit it out. Now gagged I'm unable to object as she removes the leather shields covering my nipples. "We don't want him recognizing that hot breast harness from last weekend." She explains when I squeal in protest. Thinking about it I guess she's right - after the trick I pulled with Ashley Jason might expect to see me here, but with my new nipple rings should throw off any chance of him guessing my identity.
The three of us stand as Judith and Jason approach and Ashley seriptitiously reaches down to turn my twin companions just past medium, I quiver atop my heels, not sure how long I can hold out like this, especially with Jason looking so hot and submissive nearby. With my hands restrained there's not much I can do but watch and nod as Judith introduces herself and her "slave" and chats for awhile.
Jason stares at me quite a bit as the other three talk and I can tell he's impressed and turned on, I avoid eye contact just in case but there isn't a hint of recognition.
When the two of them finally head out again I leave Ashley and Caroline at the table to tail Jason as he and his "Mistress" head across the room towards the play area. As he's chained to the bench I remember how it felt when Judith paddled me a week ago, I hope Jason learns to enjoy both giving and receiving spankings as much as I have.
I smile when Jason asks for the gag and slowly edge closer to his bench, carefull to stay behind him and out of his line of sight. Just before Judith finishes she unhooks my wrist chain to let me take a turn with the paddle, after a few swats have refreshed the pleasantly pink palor of his bum she whispers in my ear an instruction to rub and soothe my boyfriends battered rump. I almost come running my gloved fingers over his tight leather ass, my muscles clenching down on their twin intruders as she turns them up yet another notch. At this point the slightest additional stimulation could send me off and I kneed his ass in concentration. Signaling me to stop Judith has me step back while she talks to Jason and walks off. She re-chains my hands, leaving me gagged alone with my boyfriend and two buzzing plugs.
As much as I want to flip him over, rip off our belts and screw him right there on the bench I hold back, although the chain crows fiddle may have more to do with my "restraint" than any of my own willpower. Either way I'm still not that interested in non-forced exhibitionism and the plan is to keep observing Jason anonymously for awhile longer. I lean against a nearby pole and watch as someone occasionally comes by and spanks or flogs my boyfriend, my thoughts constantly turning towards either taking another turn myself or daydreaming about our positions being reversed and the feel of his hand slapping against my naked ass. We tried spanking a couple times but never anything too hard and that's what I want now - a hard spanking followed by being taken from behind. Futily I try to reach down and adjust my vibrators - whether I want them higher or lower I can't say but the chains keet me helpless, of course the gag and steel slave collar will warn anyone off from "assisting" me.
Trying to distract myself I look out across the other patrons standing around the club. I'm drooling around the gag at the sight of so much rubber, leather and flesh on display when I spot the Master/slave pair who played with me in the theater. I glance back at Jason - he's being teased and tormented by a pair of identically-dressed women as their Master watched, I figured they'd be busy for awhile so I decide to pop over and visit the couple, skirting the edge of the dance floor to walk over.
Their backs to me as I approache the Master - he's dressed in a pair of leather pants and man-buckled black motorcycle boots similar to when we met. Topped off he has an ankle-length sleeveless coat opened at the front to show off his oiled chest and arms. Nonchalantly he holds a leash in one hand that dips down to his slave's neck. She's kneeling politely beside him wearing nothing but a heavy steel collar, black vinyl pants, low-heeled knee-boots and a chain between two clover-style nipple clamps. Edging around into their field of view I grunt through the gag, they looked so hot and natural together that I'm a little intimidated. I also come to the sudden realization that with the gag in I have no idea how to communicate, I was so excited to see them I just rushed over.
"Yes?" he says turning towards me, a quick glance up and down my body tells him everything about my current situation; I melt slightly under his dominant gaze.
"Hmm!" I say through the gag, gesturing between the three of us trying to pantomime that we've met before. I've always been terrible at charades and he lets me flail around for a bit before chuckling.
"Don't worry, I know who you are, we're friends of Judiths." I sigh in relief, I'm still embarrased about coming up on them without a plan but at least they won't think I'm totally nuts.
He continues "she let me know you might be coming by later, I'm allowed to remove your gag while we talk, would you like that?"
I quickly nod my ascent and he reaches around my head to unbuckle the straps. The large ball trails drool as he removes it from my mouth and I burst into speech. "Thank you!, I don't know how much Judith told you but I'm so thankful for what both of you did for me last week."
"It was our pleasure" he replies before looking down and handing the gag to his pet. "Why don't you put this to use while I chat with our new friend."
"Yes Master!" she says happily, opening her mouth wide to accept the still-moist sphere and cooing as he buckles it tight.
Turning back to me his tone becomes more sombre. "I know you've explained this to Judith several times but the two of us do want to appologize for taking advantage of you, even though it all worked out that's no excuse for not getting enthusiastic consent beforehand."
"Thank you, both for the appology, but even more for what you exposed me to that you're 'appologizing' for."
"You do seem to be loving it." he says with a smile, "other than that warning Judith has been tight-lipped about what else happened, insisting that it was your story to tell."
My fingertips brush the collar around my neck... it already it feels so natural to be there. "Well if my Mistress thought I should tell you..." I smile bashfully "I guess I should give you the story, although I have one more confession to make first."
"Oh?" he replies cocking an eyebrow.
I look down at his slave kneeling patiently on the floor. "I want to thank you, you're the first person to ever do me in the rear. I was scared but you were so gentle and loving that it was a wonderful experience, I only wish I had tried anal sooner, it feels like I've been missing out on so much."
She blushes deeply at the compliment and her Master speaks for her "we had no idea, but we are both honored that she could be your first. Although speaking of missing out... you seem to be doing your best to catch up." He motions towards my 'chastity belt' "why don't you keep our new friend entertained while we chat?"
"Yes Master" she grunts through the gag and I'm impressed at how lucid she can be through the mouth-stretching device. Kneeling between myself and her Master she unzips his pants to allow his penis to burst free. Instantly pushing it past the gag deep into her throat she quietly sucks while her hands fiddle with the controls for my twin intruders. I have no idea how she manages without looking at me but she expertly works the controls to keep me breathlessly on the edge of an orgasm as I describe the other events of the previous Friday and talk about my plans for Jason tonight.
I'm sp distracted by the twin warring vibrations in my loins I barely notice when he comes, her cheeks swelling as she gulps it down before licking him clean and re-zipping his pants. I'm going mad with a need for orgasm but she just turned my plugs to their lowest setting and returns to her position kneeling beside her Master.
"Please" I whimpered at the almost imperceptible vibrations within me, "I'm so close." Helplessly my arms reached towards the controls but the chains draw them up short.
"If you want an orgasm you'll have to get permission from your Mistress, all she told us we could do was temporarily remove your gag to talk and tease you."
I glance around but don't see Judith, off in the play area I see another woman administering a spanking to Jason while a cute pink-frilled slave looks on. Frowning I decide to stay put, as excited as I was I'd probably fall trying to walk in these heels.
We chat about various things before the discussion turns to the club itself. I learnthat the two of them are partial owners of the place and he begins gushing about his latest acquisitions.
"It's a genuine Creature-style harness system, made by JG-Leathers himself." He states proudly. Unfortunately I can only look back blankly until he explains.
"Based on an original model deemed 'The Creature' it's a system of restraints that combines to form a full-body suspension harness, complete with electrics at rear, front and breasts, plus suction. Switching attachments makes it suitable for use with either gender and it's typically used in concert with a gas mask, shoes and heavy rubber to enhance the feeling of detachment and confinement." He gestures up at the ceiling to some winches barely visible in the shadows "we've got it set up so that it whoevers in it can be suspended over the dance-floor for all to see. This little sex-kitten tried it out yesterday but I instructed her that tonight it was for customers only."
She nuzzles his leg playfully before looking up at me, blinking innocently for a moment before smiling enticingly around the gag.
Even with the brief description the idea fascinates me, but I figure I should stay close to Jason. Looking over to check on him I'm surprised to see him gone from the spanking bench. Trying to spot where he's escaped to I finally spot Judith chatting with Ashley and Caroline and wave them over.
"This is my friend Ashley who I met last week." I explain and she curtsey's politly. "And these are the couple that introduced me to D/s."
"So nice to meet you, sir." Ashley says. "I'd be happy to let you me give a more... in-person demonstration of what you did with my friend last week."
"I'm sure, the two of you are on the road to be as good a submissive for someone as Caroline and my slave here are." He replies, "although I would expect as much from making friends with such an accomplished dominatrix."
"I wouldn't sell yourself short in that regard," Judith returns, "and I think Robin here might have a bit of a dominant streak of her own, the way she plotted things out for her boyfriend I think we may be looking at a voracious switch."
I blush beneath my hood at the compliment. "Changing topics" I say turning towards Judith "what did you do with Jason?"
"I left you watching him." She replies glancing over at the play area to notice he is gone. "Hmm, he'll be safe as long as he's in the club but I'll try to find him, slut? Go search."
Caroline nods and skips off, balancing gracefully in her towering heels as she strides across the dance floor.
"I'll look too" Ashley says before heading off in a different direction, the club is filling up and it's hard to see very far through the crowd.
Struck by an idea I blurt it out before I fully thinking it through. "Could I try out 'The Creature' Mistress?, I was just hearing about it and it sounds really fun, plus I'd be able to help look for Jason from an elevated position."
"You'll have a tough time concentrating on anything beyond your self." The Master chuckles as Judith looks at me intently.
"You're really interested in trying it?" she asks, "I've heard it's incredibly intense." The slave nods in agreement from her position on the floor, cooing as if in pleasure.
"Yes," I reply immediately. Perhaps my hightened arousal was clouding my judgment but the idea of The Creature fascinated me more than anything right then.
"Very well," Judith states, "you have my permission." She turns to the Master "would you take care of her? I need to track down her boyfriend."
"Sure" he replies with a grin before clipping a leash to my collar and leading me away. His slave crawls at his heels as he marches us to a small closet adjacent to the play area.
Chapter 10
I'm not sure which was worse; the shock of the first strike when someone new came up to spank or flog me, or the dull ache that accrued as the beatings continued. I had doubts I'd be able to sit for a week the way things were going and I was starting to wonder if this had all been an elaborate trick to punish me. Suddenly an even sharper pain hits me as something thin smacks into my bottom. I scream into the gag but it's muffled into a low whistle.
"You don't like the cane?" a female voice asks before landing another, even more painful, strike to my rear.
I shake my head desperately, I thought the spanking had hurt but the cane is ten times worse.
"Hmm, well I guess it's too bad that I do." *smack* "of course another thing I like is playing dress-up," *smack* "would you rather do that?" *smack*
I nod desperately, I don't know what dress-up means but at this juncture it doesn't matter, anything would be better than another slap of the cane.
"Aww, that was too easy, I thought from your collar you'd be sturdier for sure." Her statement puzzles me but I ignored it as two pairs of hands quickly detach me from the bench and help me to my feet. Standing I look at my two 'rescuers' - the one talking to me is a tall woman dressed in a latex school-matron inspired dress. On my other side is an even taller girl dressed in one of the sissiest outfits I'd ever seen. From her candy heels to the hot pink hood and blond wig over her head her outfit has enough frills and lace to make her look like a puffy flower sprouting from twin slender stocking-clad legs. Even the ring-adorned steel collar around her neck is done in hot pink.
Following the matron as she leads me into a small playroom I suddenly come to a realization - the towering pink 'sissy' isn't a girl but a boy dressed in the most feminizing outfit imaginable. With this recognition I suddenly understand what 'dress-up' means but a fearful glance at the crop that the matron still weilds makes me decide that it was preferable. Changing clothes can't be that bad, besides, I think as she closes the door of the small room; it looks like it's just going to be a private show.
After the door closes and before I can have any second thoughts she orders me to strip. Not wanting to give her any reason to use the crop again I quickly do as instructed, removing my boots, pants and catsuit to display the chastity belt. She smiles at the sight of the device and I blush, reaching up to unbuckle the straps to my gag so I can explain things.
I freeze when she taps my wrist with the cane "you can leave that in place, I like my men better when they can't talk back. Isn't that right?" The sissified man standing near the door nods in agreement. Looking at him closer I realize that what I thought was a pair of luscious red lips peeking out from the pink hood are actually the disguised front of a panel gag. Now that I've recognized the gag I realize his glazed eyes are the only part of him visible amidst the mix of latex, lace and satin, the flowing gold locks of the hair framing his face obviously a wig.
"Mmm, best way to keep a man behaved, don't you agree?" she says running the cane along the belt and I nod, wondering for a moment how this scene will stack up against what Robin did.
"Do you have the key?" she asks and I nod again, pointing towards my pile of clothes. She rifles the pockets quickly to pull out first my ID and then the key with a satisfied smile. "Excellent we wouldn't want this getting misplaced. I'll keep it safe for now." With a flourish she tucks the key between the expansive cleavage provided by her low-cut blouse. Next she glances at my id before putting it back with my pants "Jason? That won't do, I see you as maybe a Jasmine, ok?"
I start to shake my head but she brandishes the cane ones more and I quickly not in assent.
"Great! I doubt you'll be doing much talking but my name is Matron Sharon and that cute little thing over there is called Cindy." The pink creature by the door curtsey's politly. "Now to get my sweet little Jasmine presentable." Sharon says with a grin. Her pink-clad partner walks over and they begin to swiftly pull and tug a dizzying array of ultra-feminine apparel onto me.
By the time they have finished I am in a similar (if not worse) situation to Cindy. Even my gag has been replaced with a more feminine (albeit massive) pink ball-gag, a dash of lipstick highlighting my lips stretched around its girth. Moving me in front of a mirror so I can see the full picture Sharon smiles broadly at me as I gave myself a once over. Covered in feminine frills, a corset and a pair of bulging fake breasts reshaped the profile of my torso to almost completely disguise my gender. My head and face shrouded by a pink latex hood complete with a blonde wig tied up in playful pigtails makes me not recognize myself at all. Of course masked and sculpted as I am perhapse that's the point - to turn me into Jasmine rather than Jason. Standing next to me the Matron smiles until her eyes drift to the spiked black leather collar, the sight causing her lips to turn sharply downward.
"Almost perfect, but that collar... it just doesn't belong, wouldn't you prefer one like this?" she holds forth a 3" tall pink collar. Steeper than the collar I had been given upon entering the club it trades the harsh spikes for a trio of evenly spaced D+O ring attachments points. Its edges are rounded and frilled so as to be both more comfortable and more sissified and there was no doubt that my current collar clashed badly with the rest of my outfit.
Still I hesitate, even if I'm not sure of its significance I selected my current collar and it felt like abandoning it would be sacrificing a final bit of control, and given the visual transformation I'd just undergone, almost the last bouy of a more masculine identity. Sensing my hesitation her hand burrows through my skirts to stroke my chastity belt. "I really think you'll like this collar Jasmine. If you let me put it on I'll let you out - I bet your penis is yearning for some freedom and release." Seductively reaching between her breasts she brandished the key, slowly running it up my stocking-clad thigh. "Wouldn't you like that, to having your manhood bouncing around in a sea of frills?"
My knees quivering I nod, watching passively as she removes the old collar and carefully buckles the new one in its place. My chin forced upwards I find myself unable to look down as she continues to run her fingers beneath my skirts.
"Now to reward my good sissy" she says softly as the key twists in the lock allowing the chastity belt to fall to the ground. My penis springs forth almost embarrassingly hard; however much I was blushing beneath my mask 'he' was certainly up and ready to go.
Between my enforced neck position and quivering under her gentlest touch I fail to notice as her servant kneels before me. His gag must have been removed because the next thing I know soft lips are slipping around my cock and a tongue laps the tip. I'm so in need of release I don't even care that it's actually a guy; I face-fuck him as best I can while his expert tongue runs across my shaft. Barely a minute passes before I explode, my full load swallowed without a drop being spilled.
As I start to fully realize what just happened he stands up allowing me to watch a plug be inserted past the now-visible ring gag (possibly even larger than the one the girl I saw earlier wore) holding his mouth open. A moment later and it was as if nothing had happened, the puffy false lips once more decorating his pink-latex face.
"Good job, both of you." The matron states encouragingly, "remember Jasmine that I always reward good behavior."
I stand confused, I have only ever fantasized about women but even without a massive hard-on distracting me what just happened wasn't a turn-off. My cock brushing against the satin folds of my skirt I can even feel myself stiffening once more.
"Now that we're all ready, let's go for a walk, no sense getting dressed up and not showing off, right girls?"
My eyes swell large as saucers - being dressed like this was bad enough but to be paraded around... I was left little choice however as the Matron clipped pink leashes to each of our collars and starts walking out the door. A passing glance at the cane reminds me that there are worse things than embarrassment. Head down as best I can against the collar I focus on putting one foot in front of the other in the unfamiliarly steep heels.
My anticipation level rises with each step as I dutifilly follow the Master and slave. We stop next to a large pillar that marked one corner of the slowly-filling dance floor and he opens a hidden door to wheel out a luggage cart stacked with restraints and from which hangs a complex leather harness.
"First you're going to need to remove your bra and chastity belt." He explains after unchaining my wrists. With a bit of reluctance I reach down and unbuckle the belt. He comforts me as he readies the restraints "don't worry, you won't be empty for long."
His slave silently helps me remove the belt and I gasp as the plugs pop free; the batteries a bit run down but they still buzzing slowly, each drenched in lube and my own juices. Removing the bra to allow my tits to hang free I waited impatiently as he finishes readying the harness.
They guide me to put on the harness then I stand impatiently as its many straps arepulled tight. Looking around I notice we are attracting a bit of an audience and I suddenly realizing how on display I'll be, especially as apparently one of the first public victims of the device. A shiver of embarrasment goes up my spine, which only makes me more excited.
The full-torso harness finally cinched in place steel cuffs are locked onto my ankles and waist to match the ones already on my wrists. A spreader bar is added to hold my ankles about a yard apart. The slave presents me with a pair of lubed phallii attached to a crotch piece. A couple cheers and wolf-whistles encourage me as I slid the dongs into place and buckled it to the harness. I'm was surprised at the next item to be added - a long rod is screwed into the base of the crotch piece. I look questioningly at the Master and he explains and then demonstrates that the so-called 'inhibitor bar' will accentuate any motion and channel it directly to my inner core.
Caught up in the moment I wiggle my ass at the crowd as breast cups are put in place and buckled down. The motion shifts both plugs inside me, combined with everythign else and the lusty heat of all the eyes on me I almost come on the spot. I momentarily have second thoughts about how intense this is going to become but before I can say anything a phallic breather gag is presented and I instantly open wide to accept it, smiling as the long phallus slides past my lips.
All three holes finally I heard a winch and looked up to see a system of springs being lowered from the ceiling. My harness and each of my cuffed limbs are clipped the springs and I'm soon suspended in a forward-leaning position. The springs are strong enough to hold me securely and pull me back into position when I try to move but they also allow me to bounce gently, the slightest motion magnified through the inhibitor bar.
The Master double checks all the connections. Somewhere along the line his slave has removed the gag and she asks me a final time if I'm ready. I nod eagerly and she slides a gas mask over my head. A few moments later my air-hose is hooked up and the electrics embracing my most sensitive bits go live.
A release switch is taped into my right hand - one press will pause the stimulation for a minute, three presses in quick succession signals that I am ready to be released. They make me triple click to show I understand before continuing with the final steps of my encasement.
Finalizing my encloser a partial hood is pulled over the back of my head. heavy pads pressing against my ears to render me deaf. Finally there is a brief shudder and I start to slowly rise into the air. After six feet my ascent pauses for a moment, I feel someone playing with the inhibitor bar and I look down to see that a small disco ball has been attached - they hadn't been kidding when they talked about being the centerpiece of the club. The disco ball attached and slowly rotating I am lifted the rest of the way, finally hanging above the center of the dance floor. Staring down at the club I behold a sea of expressions varying from lust to shock to envy but every un-blindfolded face is definitely turned upwards to check me out.
Embarrased by all the attention I blush beneath my layers of rubber and leather. A moment later the suit goes live and I lose attention on anything outside my body. Both plugs begin vibrating and shocking joined by a clit stimulator that I hadn't even known was there. My breasts are suddenly hyper-sensitive as the air around them is sucked away, jolts of electricity coursing through my nipple rings as well. Even my breathing becomes more labored, both from the plug in my mouth swelling and relaxing rhythmically and from air itself coming slightly more difficult. Looking out of the corner of my eye I see the input tubes for my mask leading to a pair of bubbler bottles. One green the other blue they hang in front of spotlights, my every breath causing a bubbly pattern to shimmer across the dance floor.
The pent-up desire that has been building since I locked Jason into the chastity belt finally has a release. Completely contained I can do nothing but revel in the stimulation overload, my first orgasm of the evening stretching over several minutes to the amusement of those below. Panting hard I am surprised the faceplate of the gas mask hasn't completely fogged up. When a second mind-blowing orgasm hits I'm forced to click the switch to get relief from the constant stimulation.
Temporarily out of breath I hang limp, I think about ending it there but I'm still incredibly horny and I doubt Judith would be liable to allow me relief if I decided to get out of The Creature so soon after asking to try it. Looking down across the club I watched patrons slowly returning to 'normal' activities. I try to spot Jason but am not having much luck. I'm still looking for my boyfriend and trying to spot my other friends when the suit re-activates and my eyes roll back in distraction.
It's immediately clear that the suit has multiple modes; where my initial stint had been pure sensation overload this time was more random. One breast would get sucked on, then a shock would nail me in the clit, then my gag would swell while the plug in my pussy buzzed. Seemingly endless combinations of stimulation kept me confused and building towards a sexual high. Shot with the occasional quick orgasm when multiple parts activated at once they were more tantalizing than satisfying and I am left twisting against my binds desperate for more sustained stimulation.
Frustrated and ready to accept no stimulation over tortuous randomness I hit the switch again. Looking down at the club I realize a fair bit of time must have passed. I'm no longer the center of attention as most eyes have turned to three women parading around the dance floor.
One woman is clearly a Dominatrix - clad in a severe rubber matron uniform she leads the other two girls around on leashs, occasionally passing a leash off to another patron to dance with one of her slaves. Her tall, buxom slaves on the other hand are twin pictures of pink sissiness.
The girls tower atop pink, strappy platform heels, creamy white stockings accentuated long legs. Their skirts, while consisting of multiple bouncy layers of glass silk, barely extended as far as the garters; had I been at ground level I would have been presented with many unobstructed sights beneath as they frequently bowed or leaned over. Hot pink latex petticoats turn the frilled "innocence" in a very kinky direction. The tight latex pinches in around mildly-corseted waists before straining to contain their massive breasts. Laced, poofy shoulder pads extend downward into pink-gloved arms, frilled pink leather bracelt-cuffs locked around each wrist. Steep pink collars encircling their necks, I think back to what the coat check girl said about what the color and triple dangling O-rings signified. Crowning it all their heads are encased in skintight pink latexhoods, fake wigs styled in flowing blonde curls on one girl, and a pair of full pigtails on the other. While one girl remains stoic with a fixed red-puckered expression her pigtailed companion sports a massive pink ball. The sphere's large girth reminds me of the currently fully-swelled size of my current gag and my tongue unconsciously laps against the oral intruder.
Watching the display I note that the pigtail girl seems to be getting more attention from the crowd, slightly unsteady she looks unused to walking in such steep heels. Stumbling occasionally her dance partners seem eager to catch her from falling, groping her only a bit more than necessary in the process before she is moving and stumbling once more. I'm wondering how much of her performance is an act when the power to my suit returns and I am pulled back into my rubber-circumscribed world.
Chapter 11
Teetering on my heels I try to ignore the stares as me and my 'sister slave' are led out into the club. I am mortified as we are led past the play area to the very center of the dance floor, I catch a glimpse of a girl clad in latex suspended high above us but most attention seems to be on us as we halt center stage.
"I know many of you look forward to playing with my dolls" the Matron starts off. "Well I have a delightful pair tonight. They're both eager to serve but I think they need some time to dance and get to know everyone before they're ready to be used."
What being used might imply scares me but I don't have any time to think about it before my leash is handed to a woman in a clinging rubber nun's habit forcing me to concentrate even harder on staying balanced atop the steep heels.
The heels soon have my feet aching but each time I stumble one of my many partners catches me and I am forced to continue 'dancing' - more of a teetering gyration really but nobody complains. I spot the Mistress who brought me to the club but all my attempts at signaling accomplishes is for her to send her red latex covered friend/slave girl to dance with me. She pushes me hard, not shy of grabbing my ass or junk as she grinds against me and uses my body for a pole dance. The crowd loves it and cheers as she finishes off by pulling me to my knees and pressing my gagged mouth into her crotch.
Trying to stand after she walks away I slump backwards onto my back, my hard cock bouncing between the layers of skirts. This entertains the crowd all the more and the cheer as Matron Sharon 'helps' me by adding a cock-ring and ball-stretcher to my naked member. When I finally stand it is to look down at my sister slave on hands and knees provocatively presenting 'her' ass, the pale white flesh surrounded by a halo of pink frills.
I freeze and the Matron cuddles up behind me to whisper in my ear as she slides a condom onto my hard cock. "After all the help she gave you, don't you want to return the favor? Don't be fooled by how easy she acts, I make sure all my slaves remain skilled, tight fucks."
Before I can think of an escape from my predicament my hands are on my 'sister's' hips and the Matron is guiding my lubed penis into the ready hole. I close my eyes and try to forget that I'm fucking a dude but it only takes two guided thrusts before I'm rutting passionately of my own volition. Our testicles slamming into each other the cock-ring draws it out but I soon explode, collapsing on top of my partner to form a bouncy pile of pink.
By the time I take a break again the scene below has changed - one of the two pink girls has mounted the other and they are vigorously going at it, skirts pressing together with each powerful thrust. I only catch the tail end of the scene and it already has me milking all three of my intruders in anticipation of my next session. The contrast of the ultra-cute outfits and their animalistic rutting is one of the most intently erotic things I've ever seen.
As they separate I am shocked when I see under the 'bottom' ones skirt and realize that it's a boy. Looking at the height and build of the pigtailed 'top' I have a feeling they both are, and somehow this fact makes the scene even more of a turn-on.
In the final moments before stimulation slams into me again I watch the two 'girls' helped up by several members of the crowd to be led over to a pair of cunningly designed stocks. I try to stay focused on them through the slowly-ramping power of my stimulants as the pair are strapped down in side by side bent over to leave them open for access from either end. The long-haired 'bottom' is the first in place and immediately goes to work serving a cock in both ends. I cum at the sight, wondering how much I'll get to see before the latest flood of sensation overtakes me.
Differing from the previous rhythms this round seems to be all about growing intensity. Starting from a dead stop every few seconds one of my attachments increases in power just a hair. By the time I lose focus on the scene below I am being shocked, buzzed, sucked and filled everywhere at once with everything still increasing.
Building and building each sucessive orgasm just makes me hornier than the last. Even the gut-wrenching shocks coursing through my tits, clit, cunt and ass do nothing but egg me on. Thrashing against my binds I cum and cum, screaming into the gag, gasping for breath. With the last of my strength I click the control three times at the same time I pass out. Gently swaying as I am lowered back to earth I drift back to consciousness, feeling numb and yet still flushed with lust.
Pulled back to my feet I teeter unsteadily I can't believe how hard I've just cum, and with another man... I was going to have to rethink where I fell on the Kinsey scale. Trying to figure out what this all meant I distractedly followed along as I was helped up and guided off the dance floor.
Lying forward on a sloped bench of some kind I only have a moment to relax before stocks close around my neck and wrists and straps buckle me down. A chain is attached from the crown of my head to the stocks to pull my face up and my legs are cuffed spread and I realize how totally vulnerable I am. I try to struggle but it is too late, the bonds hold me tight.
Looking to my side I see my 'sister' gleefully being fucked from both ends by two muscle-bound men. Looking forward my vision is filled with a hiked skirt above a dripping snatch. My gag is removed but before I can speak talk the lips in front of my are pressed against my own I begin to lick reflexively. I had always enjoyed servicing Robin orally amd the thought of Robin brings me back to what had gotten me into this situation in the first place.
Thinking about my exposed rear I remember a conversation Robin and I once hadwhen I proposed anal. To reinforce her opinion of it sounding painful and dirty she had thrown in that it didn't seem fair for her to take it unless I accepted in kind. That cherry having been definitely popped the previous week my thoughts drifted back to my prior theory of revenge.
Thinking about anal made me remember the enthusiasm that my 'sister' had showed with me. Looking at the blissful look on 'her' face now... maybe it wouldn't be so bad. As I lick and nibble the pussy before me and think of Robin I realize how much I love her and realized that if she wants me to bend over for her... I was more than willing to try.
"You're a good cunt-licker" I hear the Matron say from above, her voice bringing my thoughts back to the present. "That's good, you've been fairly selfish so far tonight and it's time for you to pay that back. Are you ready to serve?" she asks, separating my face from the cunt before me and pulling my head even further back to look into my eyes.
Looking up all I can think about is Robin and how much I want to be with her, if this kinky stuff is what she wants... "Yes Mistress." I reply, my voice husky.
"Good." She replies, burying my face back in her snatch as I feel something wet and thick slide into my ass before spurting some sort of lube deep within.
Pressing her lips into mine stifles my scream as I receive my first anal penetration. While it's momentarily painful the lube soon has the warm, thick cock gliding smoothly within me. Much gentler than I had been whoever is doing me takes their time. Slow thrusts soon have me hard and I feel lips close around my cock as whoever is in my ass steadily increases speed and depth.
By the time testicles are brushing my taint I'm past ready to cum, whoever is on my cock however is an expert, mixing a tug on my testicles and the occasional ass-pinch to keep me on edge just shy of cumming. Just when I think I can't take it anymore the Matron steps away to be replaced by a cock sliding over my still-lapping tongue into my throat. Closing my mouth I think of the joy my 'sister' expressed in this situation and I finally shudder in release. My orgasm sparks a domino effect and I feel the cocks at either end quiver as they spray their payloads into condoms before withdrawing from my holes.
Panting for air I only have to wait a few moments before another woman presses herself against my mouth and a new cock slides into my now stretched and lubed hole.
Chapter 12
Returning to earth in more ways than one I stand wobbly atop the steep heels. Ashley , Caroline and the other slave helpfully hold me up as I am disengaged from the springs and suspension chains while several onlockers congratulate me on my "performance."
Detached from everything the gas mask and hood are removed and the slave of us share a kiss "welcome to the sisterhood of Creature victims, I hope you enjoyed yourself."
Returning the kiss my tired tongue played with hers for a moment before I pull back, my jaw sore from the gag and my lips trailing drool. "I did, that was amazing."
She smiles widely and Ashley and Caroline whisper their own congratulations - Caroline had already scheduled a session the following week (pushed back from her original plans of tonight due to helping me), while Ashley is clearly fascinated, rambling on about whether it can be used with inflatable plugs rather than merely the electric ones I had used.
"To show off what you've done you're allowed to wear the harness for the rest of the night." the Master informs me, "congratulations, bet you didn't think a simple drunken bet would lead you here a week later?" he says with a smile.
"Nope!" I say with a laugh, looking between the four of them and spotting Judith looking on. I smile "but I'm sure glad I am!"
His comment reminds me of Jason and I ask Judith if she's found him.
"We still haven't found him," she informs me "but I checked with the bouncers and he hasn't left. Safe words are sacrosanct here so he should be alright. He's probably hiding in one of the private rooms or something; I thought he overreached selecting that spiked collar but if he hasn't safeworded out..."
The news is dissapointing but I nod, if Judith says he's ok I trust her. Tired, I decide to forgo the breast cups and crotch panel for the remainder of the night to leave myself exposed, bare flesh even more striking in contrast to the leather and steel restraints crisscrossing my catsuit. Walking will be hard enough without the inhibitor bar and my breasts are very tender from the suction, shocks, and the tight 'bra' I wore for most of the evening.
Looking around I spot a line of people waiting to use the two sissies in the play area and I decide to wander over for a look. I'm able to walk under my own power but Ashley and Caroline remain close.
Not interested in waiting in line I walk up to watch the twin sissies being used, one is being pegged by a leather-clad Mistress while he deep throats what I guess from the leash running back to her hand to be the Mistress' slave. The pigtailed sissy-slut meanwhile is taking a seemingly endless series of cocks in her ass, a trashcan filling with used condoms reminds me of my hair-trophies at the theater
Walking around to the front of the pigtailed girl the next person up pauses to let me cut in, several people congratulating me on 'conquering the creature.' I nod politely and look down as the pink hooded slut stops licking to looks up at me, its mouth held open by a ring gag giving 'her' a permanent expression of surprise.
Locking eyes sparks an instanttaneous recognition. Just like in the diner Jason's eyes go wide, but it's nothing compared to my own shock. Quickly I start releasing him, rumbles of complaint coming from those in line to use his holes silenced by a glare from Judith.
My sissy-dressed boyfriend finally detached from the fucking bench the first thing he does is hug me. I return the embrace eagerly, surprised to feel his cock still hard through the many layers of skirts.
Separating slightly he gag kisses me before looking me up and down. A strange look comes over his face before he lowers himself to the ground and gets on all fours. Turning around he thrusts his ass in the air as if in presentation. I am momentarily puzzled when the woman I recognize as the 'Matron' of the two sissies comes up next to me.
"I believe he wishes you to use him, I've kept him on a steady stream of authentic cock so you will be the first woman to use that hole tonight."
I nod reflexively and a moment later Caroline and the slave are buckling a strap-on in place. Feeling part of it slide into me I look down to recognize the same design the slave used to take my own anal virginity.
I kneel down as a hush falls over the crowd, whispers of explanation circling as I line up the thick dong. His hole already filled with lube I glide in smoothly. Struggling against the thick collar he looks back at me with bliss-filled eyes, a moan of pleasure escaping his gag-stretched mouth. Despite my own exhaustion the sensation in my vagina from the other end of the dong is intense, even better than I imagin a week ago when I first considered the idea.
As I slowly begin to stroke within him someone come up behind with that large gag ring-gag I wore earlier. Without a though I open my mouth in acceptance, it seems only right that I should match my boyfriend, my pussy clenching all the harder on its end of the dildo, the device perfectly curved to rub my g-spot.
Things are starting to blur as I service what seems like an endless series of cocks from either direction. After the second blowjob someone forces a ring gag into my mouth but I don't care, I am drifting in sensation, ready to suck or lick whatever appears in front of me.
Suddenly the procession in front of me stops as a pair of vaguely familiar boots appear front of me I look up their latex-clad owner to see what was going on, why the obviously-moist snatch in front of me isn't pressed insto my face. Locking eyes with the woman before me the recognition is instantaneous. From what I can make out of her expression Robin is as surprised to see me and I wonder where HER dare had gone off the rails.
The moment she recognized me she cupped my face tenderly. She started releasing me from the bench and the cock in my ass withdrew. Other hands assisted and I felt the straps and stock release, detaching me from the bench. My clothes remained in place however; I was still fully feminized, with a line of drool hanging from my mouth and a trail of lube sliding down my leg.
Noticing that I was free I rose to my feet and hugged Robin desperately. I held her tightly, so happy to feel her in my arms, and afraid that if I let go I would collapse. After a long embrace we separated and looked into eachother's rubber-masked faces. I kissed her sloppily through the gag then slowly lower myself to the ground.
Turning I present my ass to Robin. Whether this was what she intended or not, I want nothing more right now than for her to take me from behind. I hear the Matron speak but it seems as if from a great distance and I can't understand the words. I merely nod encouragingly and coo through the gag, hoping Robin will understand.
Fortunately she does and a moment later feel a pressure against my hungry rosebud and do what I can to relax and allow her entry. Looking back I see her behind me, hands on my hips pulling her way into my ass. I moan in pleasure at the sensation of her spreading me wishing we'd tried this sooner.
I feet her bottom out, her leather and latex clad hips sandwitching the copious skirts around my bare ass. I feel full and happy, grinding my hips and pushing back against her eagerly. My ass pre-stretched and full of lube she slides back and forth easily, swaying slowly with short strokes. She is making love to my ass and as my stretched testicles sway slightly it feels wonderful.
Finally I hear her moan, instantly recognizing the sound of her cuming even though it sounds muffled though a gag. I arch my back for more but she withdraws, leaving me empty once more. I remain prostrate for a few moments hoping for her to re-enter me but instead an anonymous hand helps me to sit up and I look back to see Robin lying on her back, the strap-on removed and her hips raised in invitation.
My dick remains rock-hard despite my many prior orgasms and her invitation is irresistible. Crawling over I get into position only for her to reach down and redirect me into her ass. I smile around my gag, sliding into her easily. Looking down I watch her eyes roll back in pleasure as she gasps around the gag that has appeared to fill her mouth. The gag in place I suddenly recognize the bashful submissive I met with Judith and I wonder how much of the evening she's spent watching me. She feels so warm and tight I almost come on the first stroke, concentrating to hold off I rock slowly the slightest motion an explosion of pleasure. Savoring her tightness it is all I can do to control myself as we smile at each other around our gags. Building to a crescendo I give a final thrust, the full length of my engorged cock sucked deep into her ass and we exploded together in a massive shared orgasm. We both scream into our gags before collapsing together, the crowd applauding loudly as we cuddle on the floor, our gags pressed together as our tongues entwine.
The two lovers cuddle together on the floor for several minutes before friends help them to their feet. Gags removed they kiss passionately before staggering towards the front door of the club. Walking tightly hugged together they are surrounded by thunderous applause from everyone in the club. With their friends trailing behind it is reminiscent of a wedding, the (cat)-suited bride and her femininely dressed groom walking down a makeshift aisle as friends and well-wishers cheer.
Outside they are helped into the back seat of Judith's SUV; neither is in any condition to drive. Cuddled together, his sea of pink skirts presses against her stark black leather and latex and they hug each other in silence for the whole drive home. Frequent glances communicate a world of rekindled love and lust. Who has 'won' the bet no longer matters; together they have gained something far more - in friends, in experience, and in mutual passion, lust and love.
Coda - 51 weeks and a day later
What a difference a year can make I think glancing over at Jason. Outwardly I look the same as a year ago when we made this very same drive together - down to my wearing the same tennis shoes, button up shirt, tear away pants and sexy bra. Even the chastity belt and dong are the same save than missing the locks - as much fun as locking a plug inside me was I was looking to have more than just a single dildo in me tonight. Wearing the simple leather chastity belt itself feels a little odd - these days I usually use a custom-made metal device that keeps me filled both front and back with clit-nubs but I have dusted off the original one for tonight, leaving my rear open and unoccupied... for now at least. Also unlike last time Jason is dressed in an outfit to match my own - tennis shoes and rip away pants with a tight shirt that nicely highlightes his muscular arms and chest. Also like myself he is of course wearing an unlocked chastity belt - the first one I gave him, as outdated as mine but perhaps even more sentimentally significant since whilst we had used the leather belt before the night at the theater his first night belted was the one that marked our shared exultation into what has become our new life.
While outside we may look the same as a year ago inside we are worlds different. After our ecstatic evening together we had a long, long talk about all our experiences and thoughts. At the conclusion of which we found ourselves in complete agreement - even if both of our dares had spun out of control it had ended up being the two most erotic nights either of us had experienced... at least up to that point.
Most of all our shared conclusion was that we wanted more. We dove into the scene together, discovering that we were both almost perfect switches, taking delight from both sides of the equation. After three months we were having so much fun (and had collected so much stuff) we renovated our basement to be a dungeon, after another three months we started doing modeling on the side. Three months after that we were doing so well we quit our jobs to do it professionally.
Now, a year after our initial introduction to the "scene" we were returning to the theater where it all began to shoot our most ambitious video yet. Not only would we be re-envisioning that first night, this would be the first time we would appear on camera as ourselves - all our work thus far we had been keep anonymous by way of hoods or camera angles.
Arriving at the porn store we exchange a final kiss before walking inside. Like before Brandon greets us, but instead of buying a ticket he waves us through with a smile and a thumbs up - arrangements having been made to rent the entire theater. Stepping into the theater is different as well - instead of being empty there are at least a dozen of our friends from the club, Judith, Ashley, Caroline, the Master and his slave, Sharon and her sissy and many more that we've met and played with since seeing us come through the door they greet us with festive applause.
"Thank you" Jason said, "it's thanks to all of you that this past year has been so amazing for Robin and me, and I hope we've returned the favor at least in part. Now just a reminder that you need to stay out of the marked areas if you don't want to appear on camera. Otherwise, lets get started! Thanks for coming and I hope you all have as much fun tonight as we expect to!"
A final cheer goes up as we almost sprint to the center of the theater. Several seats have been temporarily removed from the theater to give more room for play and allow space for the cameras. At the center of it all is our destination, a simple pair of empty theatre seats. Smiling at our friends we stand in front of the chairs and give a smile and a final glance at each other. "I love you" we mouth in unison before facing the cameras and the show is on.
In sync we handcuff our ankles to the legs of our chairs, then tie plastic bags with twined handwritten notes around our necks. "Sealing our fates" twin pairs of handcuffs click closed around on our wrists locked behind our backs.
Sitting back in the chair gives the camera a clear view of the notes and we smile - the one departure from the original bet - "please play with me and keep me bound" each note says - let the games begin!
The feed from the cameras goes straight up to the big screen before us and we watch as Ashley and Caroline walk up dressed like a pair of loose sorority girls. Since being brought together by me the two of them have become the best of friends, almost like sisters. Well... sisters who delight in dressing each other in fetish attire, and then fucking, whipping or binding each other up. And the only thing they like more than THAT is doing all of the above under orders of their beloved Mistress Judith. Yes the three of them have become quite the group, also becoming some of Jason and my best friends. We have dominated or submitted to one another on more occasions than I can count, each time as fun and erotic as the last.
My thoughts turn back to the present and I watch the screen as they ham it up acting surprised at their "discovery." Out of the corner of my eye and out of frame I catch a glimpse of the restraints, toys and discipline devices standing ready for use, to say nothing of the huge porn store just outside the theater door. I almost pur in anticipatory delight, however "innocently" things are beginning as the two ladies start to tease my boyfriend and myself I know will be heating up soon.
In perhaps the biggest departure from the first time what I wanted most of all right now (well, other than the simple thing of orgasms and lots of them) was for my other two holes to be filled - taking it up the rear was no longer something dirty or painful but an act I typically insist upon at least once a day - and that didn't count hours spent with "training" plugs locked in place. As for the gag... last time had been a succession of misunderstandings but even ignoring the cadre of friends watching over us tonight; even through a properly silencing, jaw-stretching gag; how could I be misinterpreted when the only words I want to say is to beg for more, more, more?