Author's Note: This is a continuation of Lost in Translation by SG I got to the 'end' of his story and was really inspired by the concept to continue on with Robin's adventures. I was able to get ahold of SG and he was gracious enough to not only grant permission to continue his story, but read several of my drafts giving suggestions to improve it/keep to the spirit of the original tale.
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Be sure to read Lost in Translation 1 or this second part will probably be confusing, and once you're done hit up the rest of SG's library, several of the scenes in LiT2 are inspired by/homages to some of his other stories.
Chapter 6
Left alone once more I spent a few minutes contemplating my latest state. Naked, bent over a chair and bound so as to put my ass on display. My mouth gagged with a large phallus, the condoms wreathing my head and bottom left no doubt as to the purpose of my position. What bothered me the most was that my previous visitor had left with the vibrator locked in my pussy disabled. Despite my predicament and the pain emanating from my stretched jaw and clamped and bound breasts I was disturbingly horny, my sex crazed mind would have almost preferred more stimulation rather than release.
Hearing a new movie starting I looked up to see what it was. The movement caused the shoelaces to tug on my breasts, the resulting swing of the still-buzzing nipple clamps making me moan slightly.
'Bad Girls Always Want a Good Spanking and Fucking 2' the placard read, I groaned in a mix of fear and derision at the lack of creativity in porn. As the screen went black and silent for an overly long transition into the first scene of the film I heard voices approaching the theatre.
"Look you've gotta step up your game, girls these days love the kinky stuff." The first voice said.
"I'm just not comfortable with this, and what would my girlfriend think? I shouldn't even be here." The second voice replied timidly.
"Relax man; you're doing this for her, right? 'you need to spice things up a bit,' wasn't that her words? Besides, you can't let a chick control you, it isn't natural. Don't matter what they do in the real world, bitches want a man who'll take control when it comes to the bedroo-."
I hear a gasp then both voices went silent; they must have spotted me spread out on display in the middle of the dim theatre. Unable to see what was going on I wiggled against my bonds, trying to communicate my frustration to my latest visitors.
"Woah, what's this?" I heard Mr. Confident say.
"I dunno, I think we should leave..." his timid friend replies.
"Why? Afraid she'll distract you from the film?" he barks in laughter and I hear footsteps approaching up the aisle to my left. "This is one hot, kinky chick" I hear Mr. Confident say coming closer. "You might want to take some notes, bend your lady over like this and see if she's asking for more spice."
"I really think we should go." His friend continues pleading "what if someone else walks in? This can't be allowed we should just tell the clerk and let him deal with it."
"Are you kidding? This is a GIFT." Standing next to me he must have noticed the dangling baggie of papers and batteries. "Look, there are some notes, let's check it out." Mr. Confident pulled out the stack of papers and began reading aloud. I tried to say "release me" but the twin gags mangled the words into indecipherable grunts.
"Easy there." Mr. Confident voice said soothingly, "We'll help you out, just reading so we're up to date."
Realizing what that could mean I stopped moving, afraid they might misinterpret my thrashing for encouragement. The cool air of the theatre brushing across my exposed rear hole reminded me of the stakes I was facing.
"Woah, this is like something out of a movie." I hear the timid guy state once his friend has finished reading the notes and dropped them back into the hanging sack with the spare batteries.
"Yea, this is one crazy broad, putting herself in this situation and then leaving instructions begging for more." His friend replies before addressing me directly. "I have to say, you're a pretty daring chick, but I think we can help you out, right?" his grin to his friend was almost audible and I tensed in apprehension.
"I don't think my girlfriend would be ok with this..." the timid guy replied.
"Forget your girlfriend, no way you can let an opportunity like this pass you by, besides, after all the trouble she went to setting things up, you don't want to be rude, do you?" I felt the vibrator within me swell with power, eliciting an unintended gasp from my mouth. "I thought you'd like that." He taunted as he stepped in front of me.
Shocked by the sudden return of vibrations I helplessly stare at the crotch occupying my full field of vision perfectly centered before my face. I felt a quick tug on my head as he tore off a condom and watched helplessly as his pants dropped to free his already stiffening member. Removing the penis gag gave me barely a moment's relief before he stuffed his newly-dressed cock past the ring gag into my mouth. "Clever use of gags." he congratulated me as his cherry-flavored penis brushed across my tongue. "If you're too wussy to take the other end, why don't you play with this" I hear the sound of plastic impacting flesh – he must have tossed the remote to his friend. "After all, you're just fiddling with a remote, girlfriend can't complain about that, right?"
Relieved that perhaps my anal virginity may be safe I try to ignore the fruit-flavored intruder in my mouth and concentrate on the vibration slowly building me towards orgasm.
Whether from shame or curiosity Mr. Timid started to fiddle with the speed of my vibrator. I tried to groan in encouragement. All I could think of was the next orgasm, I'd been on edge for too long.
"You like that?, you slut, I bet you're disappointed that my friend won't fuck that hot ass." I tried to shake my head but his hand on my head and cock in my throat kept me from moving. "Don't worry, this is just warm-up, I'll take care of you once I'm done giving you a taste of a real cock – that penis gag was much too small for a slut like you."
Desperate and with no other means of communication I decided to put my mouth to a non-vocal use; if I could get him off orally he wouldn't be able to do my ass. Plan made I committed to the blowjob with gusto. Using every trick I had ever known or heard of, my throat eagerly sucked while my tongue danced across the shaft thrusting into my mouth.
Quickly my efforts started to bear fruit as I felt him twitch "damn girl, you're amazing." he gasped while grabbing the back of my head and forcing his way in until the ring gag brushed the base of his cock. Not letting up despite the lack of air I rapidly swallowed so my throat muscles would continue to work him while I licked feverishly.
My vibrator kicking into high gear caused me to scream around his cock as he finally came and withdrew. "Damn girl, you get off on this shit like a freak! It's like that movie where the girls clit is in her throat. And you're still going!, dang!" he said pulling his penis free, wiping the line of drool off my chin before adding his inflated condom to the others adorning my hair.
Catching my breath from the experience I was surprised by a sudden impact on my ass.
"Getting into the spirit of things?" Mr. Confident said as I realized with the second slap that the timid guy was wielding the paddle.
"Well she's into it, and you said it didn't count, I mean spanking isn't sex, right?" the second guy replied, his tone still hesitant.
"Totally, besides, I bet it feels good to punish her. This is what all chicks want, a good strong man to keep them in line." Kneeling in front of me he takes my chin in one hand and looks me in the eye. "Isn't that right my dear?" he chuckles as he forces me to nod in agreement, his free hand flicking my nipple clamps causing twin bursts of pain to shoot out to meet the rising throbbing emanating from my rapidly-reddening ass.
"This chick is amazing though, you've gotta try her mouth. I don't know who was getting off more, me or her!" My heart leapt at his words - my plan was working! As humiliating and painful as getting face-fucked and spanked was it still sounded better than having some stranger do me in the ass.
"I told you, my girlfriend would be upset." Mr. Timid replied, well-engrossed in my spanking by this point.
"Looks like our bound slut isn't the only one here who's whipped." His friend doesn't respond to the taunt except by raining blows on my ass even faster and harder.
The spanking continues for another several minutes as I watch a similar scene play out on the screen in front of me, a girl is bent over, positioned as if in a stockade to suck off one man while another paddles her hard.
The film scene shifts as the spanking stops for the man wielding the paddle to step forward and begin ass-fucking the lady. Emboldened by the movie my spanking stops and Mr. Timid begins grinding against my bare ass.
"You'd like to be in here position, wouldn't you?" he snarls at me, each thrust of his hips punctuated by a burst from the vibrator. My ass sensitive and red from the spanking I feel the rough texture of his pants rubbing against me, his firm member pressing through the material.
"I bet if you weren't gagged you'd be begging us to fuck your ass." His friend adds. A particularly hard thrust causes the vibrator to shift within me and I let out a slight gasp.
"That's right," Mr. No-Longer-So-Timid continues "too bad you don't deserve it, you can wiggle your slut ass as much as you like but you don't get to decide, you're just here to be used and punished." He finishes his diatribe off with a final smack of the paddle that almost echoes in the theatre as the movie falls silent for a scene transition.
"Wow, I said you needed to release some tension but... you ok dude?" Mr. Confident asks as I suck air through the ring-gag, my ass on fire from the impacts.
"Yea..." his friend replied "I dunno I was just watching the film and thinking about things and... I guess I'm more frustrated with my girlfriend than I let on."
"Yea... no kidding. Well if you want to take some real revenge on your ball and chain, and maybe give our playmate a little reward, why don't you use one of her holes? I'll be back in a minute, I've got an idea."
Worried to be left alone with the guy who had made my ass throb I was surprised he turned apologetic as he walked around in front of me.
"I'm sorry if I hurt you" he said, "I just got upset, you seem like a nice girl. I dunno about anal but I can do your mouth if you want."
I nodded eagerly, anything to protect my tender ass.
"You really love this." He said with an almost tender stroke of my head, stepping in front of me and threading his cock through the ring-gag. I had a feeling his mood swings were a side effect from drinking, even with my nose buried in his crotch I could smell the tinge of alcohol on his breath.
Looking up Brandon sees one of the frat boys coming out of the theatre. Approaching the counter the guy asks "you know about..."
"...The girl in the theatre?" Brandon asks "yea, she doing alright?"
"Yea, that chick is insatiable, but I wanted to maybe get something to thank her, y'know?"
"Well anything you buy for her is at a discount," Brandon replies; wondering what Robin asked for this time.
"Cool." The guy replies quickly locating the item he had in mind. Checking out he asks Brandon a final question "could I get a pen and paper too?"
"Sure." Brandon replies finishing the transaction and watching intrigued at the note being written.
Brandon looks up from the note to see another customer in the check-out line reading along. As the frat boy heads back to the theatre with his purchase the man asks Brandon what's going on.
"Oh, there's a girl playing in theatre six."
"Playing? I didn't think you allowed that sort of thing?" the man replies with slight surprise.
Looking at the couple more closely Brandon spots the steel collar around the woman's neck and the obvious sub/dom body language of the pair. "Normally no, but she's a friend so I'm letting her have some fun so long as nobody complains." Wondering if anything could win Jason the bet he tosses out an invitation to the couple "you can check her out if you like."
The girl looking up eagerly at her Master and he nods to the clerk "sure, add a pair of tickets to our bill."
Brandon quickly finishes ringing them up and the couple walks towards the theatre, exchanging a knowing glance as they pass the two frat boys heading out.
Tired from my ordeal I do my best to give a quality blow-job, still worried that he could change his mind about not using my ass. After a few moments he starts fiddling with my vibrators again and I return the favor by pushing myself harder to encourage more stimulation. The weakened batteries prove insufficient to get me off before he explodes. Pulling out trailing drool he clumsily added the condom to the collection in my hair.
Replacing the penis gag he cleans me up a bit then sits down to idly fondles my breasts while waiting for his friend to return. As I teeter on the edge orgasm he notices the nipple clamps had stopped buzzing and replaced all of my batteries - of all the times for me to get a psychic command through, why couldn't I have been thinking about the other sort of release? Unfortunately even orgasm remains out of reach as he turns the power down, the low buzzing insufficient to push me over the top and I whimper in sadness, the complaint drowned out by the film.
After a short wait I hear someone walking into the theatre and recognize the voice of the other half of the frat boy pair.
"Well I found what I was looking for." I hear him say, dropping something to the ground behind me.
"Wow, those are pretty hot." Mr. Timid says, seemingly back in subservient mode he walks around behind me to stand with his friend.
"Yup, grab the key and give me a hand with her leg."
My heart leaps at the mention of a key - maybe they'll free me enough so I can communicate my desire for release, I curse myself for losing the remote to signal Jason.
Unfortunately this "release" is the most controlled yet, they uncuff just one leg before carefully slipping my foot into a towering heeled boot. My other leg quickly follows and I hear the snap of a cell-phone camera behind me.
"The way you are positioned and how you were pointing your toes I thought you would look just smashing in these." he explains. He holds up his phone to show me the picture as his friend adds something to my ziplock bag of notes and batteries.
The sight of my exposed, still-red and puckered ass is somewhat embarrassing, made even more so by the boots. Made of shiny black patent leather they arched my feet steeply on thick platforms before continuing hooker-like all the way up to my thighs. I sigh; as if I wasn't slutting it up enough already.
"I'm glad you approve" he replies, snapping his cell phone shut. "I hope you enjoyed yourself, I know we did." the pair laugh, giving me a final playful slap on my ass, I wonder idly how Mr. Timid and his girlfriend's next visit will turn out.
Chapter 7
"At least the boots aren't really adding any more pain or stimulation beyond a general feeling of tightness" I thought to myself as the two frat boys leave. I had no time for additional thoughts before sensing someone else entering the theatre.
"Well what do we have here my pet?" a commanding male voice said.
Straining my neck to look around I catch a glimpse of the screen showing yet another scene of debauchery, but am unable to catch sight of my new guests.
"I don't know" a female voice replies with feigned innocence. "But it looks like she left us some instructions."
I lie tense as the female reads aloud the notes in order, finishing with a new one that must have been written by the confident frat boy.
I'm finally starting to have some fun, but I can get bored easily. Maybe I'm just not dressed for the occasion? I know I'm mostly naked but maybe you can think of something to help me out? Just remember; the more severe the better and I will be sure to enjoy our time playing together!
Eagerly yours,
A totally horny, super kinky girl
Well that explains the boots, I thought to myself. I shiver atwhat the next addition to my outfit might me.
"Hmm, getting a little cold there?" the male voice queries, "let's see what we can do to warm you up. Slave- go to work."
His final words spoken as a command and I am puzzled for a moment before a tender tongue laps around and then pierces my ass. The oral attentions are soon joined by a slow increase to my vibrators intensity followed by the stinging impact of a flogger across my back and the outer cheeks of my ass.
The mix of sensations soon has me writhing. Each is intense but the tongue eagerly teasing my rear hole is by far the most prominent. I still didn't think I wanted a penis up there but this was quite pleasurable, I had no idea that something could feel so good in that hole and I began to slightly revise my "no anal" policy. Jason is going to owe me big for winning this dare I thought...
Just after I moan through an orgasm the stimulation stops, "good job my pet" I hear the male voice instruct "but from what you read I think she is looking for a bit of a different sort of play. Go get the new toy."
I wonder what they could be talking about as he walks in front of me and plucks a condom from my mane.
Finally able to view my latest guest - at least from the waist down - I gaze upon a pair of tight leather pants and heavy, buckled boots. The pants were obviously designed with this sort of activity in mind as he unzipped a convenient front panel and his manhood burst forth. Slipping the condom on and removing my outer gag he wasted no time in thrusting deep into my throat. Unlike the frat boys he seemed less concerned with my participation as with fucking my face, his thick member forcing me to gasp between thrusts.
Distracted by this attention I forgot about the woman until I felt her tongue return, tenderly licking around my hole while two delicate rubber-gloved hands squeezed and fondled my bare butt.
Immersed in the pleasurable sensations, even enjoying the rough mouth-fucking I was startled when something hard and narrow slipped into my slowly relaxing hole. A cool squirt of thick liquid was a new, internal sensation that somehow spurred a small orgasm. Slippery fingers continue to massage around my hole, ripples of warmth causing me to further relax my muscles. Rubber hands firmly grasping my hips are followed by a pressure against my sphincter.
The well-lubed the intruder slips into my easily and I am surprised at the lack of pain heralded by its entrance. I am momentarily puzzled at what is happening before I remember a scene from one of the earlier films and I recognize the strapon. As her hips press against mine I moan around the cock in my mouth. Oral, anal and the locked-in vaginal insert have me feeling more full and wanton than ever in my life.
Pounded from both ends they guide me through two more orgasms before he finally finishes and she withdraws. In a daze from a combination of overstimulation and slight oxygen deprivation due to the face-fucking I am surprised at my feelings. While my rear felt well-stretch and tired there had been surprisingly little pain. Perhaps I had misjudged anal, or perhaps I was just too immersed in the evening's debauchery.
I hear the click of heels and finally behold the other half of the partnership that had impaled me as if on a spit. Dressed in black latex leggings, gloves, hot pants and a rubber sports bra the steel collar gleaming at her throat trailing a leash confirmed my suspicion as to the pairs relationship. My eyes swell as I spot the dildo she used on me. Made of shiny black silicone dripping with lube it sprouts larger than the penis' of most guys I'd been with. Even larger than the dildo locked in my front hole I can't believe that I was able to accept it painlessly, to say nothing of the orgasms it helped induce.
Ignoring my shock they further confirm my assessment of their relationship as she kneels before him, tenderly kissing his penis before removing the condom and sucking it dry. Licking him clean she re-zips his pants, adding the inflated condom to my collection.
"Good slave" he congratulates her before looking back at me and handing her the penis gag "why don't you take care of this while I get our new friend a gift."
She nods, remaining kneeling until he departs. "Thank you for the use of your body." she says to me softly "from your predicament it looks like you're a sub as well, it must have taken a lot of courage to set all of this up."
Stripping the condom from her dong she adds it to my hair before removing the harness and sticking the penis of the gag into her moist vaginal cavity. As she removed the harness I note an internal portion that must have filled her and helped root the device in place. The sight sparks a vulgar fantasy as to what it would feel like to be the fucker rather than the fuckee and once more my thoughts turn to my revenge-dare for Jason.
Before I can think any further she presses the now-moist plug back into my mouth, her juices salty-sweet against my tongue. I'd been with girls before but there was something about this whole experience that made her taste divine and I blushed.
"I hope you find a Master of your own someday." she says encouragingly, "you would make someone a wonderful slave."
"I'll make someone anything if they'd just let me out" I think in frustration, but my imploring gaze just makes her smile and give me a tender kiss on the forehead.
Hearing her Master return I brace myself for the next addition to my ensemble. A blur of leather passes my face before I feel him gently lift my chin and slip something around my neck.
Panicking for a moment as it tightens I relax once it stops short of constricting my airflow. With this latest contraption in place I find myself unable to move my head at all. Rigidly contained from chin to shoulders my neck is craned backwards forcing me to look upwards. Thanks to the rest of my bondage this leaves me unable to do anything but stare at the screen.
"It looked like you were having trouble watching the film." he explains "so I thought a nice posture collar would help. After all, what's the point of going to the theatre if you aren't going to see the show?"
His slave giggles at the joke before asking him innocently "may I?"
With the couple outside my fixed field of view I don't know what she's asking about until she leans down and removes her leash only to clip it to a ring at the front of my new collar. "I hope your Master comes to lead you away soon." she says with a smile and a kiss before they depart.
Looking up as the Master and slave walk back into the shop Brandon is unsurprised that Robin has remained behind in the theatre once again.
The couple winds their way up to the counter to talk to him "Could you change what's showing in the theatre? The girl looked like she was getting a bit bored of what's been playing." The man asks.
"She could move to theatre six if she wants more intense bdsm stuff." Brandon replies, wondering if the gay guys should have put her there in the first place.
"Well she seems pretty comfortably situated where she is, could you just swap the tapes to something a bit less vanilla?"
Brandon shrugs – only a BDSM couple would refer to group sex/spanking videos as vanilla, "I guess, did you have something particular in mind?"
The man walks over to the DVD section, returning after a short hunt to hand Brandon three DVD's.
Flipping through causes Brandon to grin slightly and he nods "Ok, I'll throw that on for her."
"Thanks." the man replies on his way out of the store.
Queuing up the player system Brandon starts the new cycle, muttering to himself "I wonder if Jason had any idea how his plans were going to turn out." shrugging, he hits play.
Chapter 8
Alone once more I was surprised to see the video suddenly change. I was watching a scene of a buxom brunette barista getting spanked and fucked over the counter in punishment for forgetting cream in a latte when the screen went black and started in with a new video. I started getting apprehensive when the title screen appeared with the words "Training Tina." As the film proper started my fears were confirmed - it cold opened on a naked girl being flogged whilst suspended in intricate rope bondage.
Alone in the theatre my bonds and collar forced me to watch as a voice-over narration from the bound girl kicked off a cheesy shimmer-fade flashback to her initial enslavement.
I was surprised at the quality of the acting (well, by porn standards) as the titular star was convinced to submit herself to a slave training school and the successive "lessons" she was then forced to endure. Lacking anything else to pay attention to I was so engrossed – and I'll be honest, turned on by - the film that I didn't notice a lone woman enter the theatre and start reading my ever-growing collection of notes.
"Wow" I heard her say; almost jumping in surprise that the girl had sat down next to me without my even noticing her enter the hteatre. "You really did all of this to yourself?"
I tried to shake my head against the severe posture collar.
"Oh, that's right; you aren't 'in control'" she teased so hard I could hear the air quotes."I have to say, I'm impressed, I've had fantasies like this but I'd never have the courage to go through with anything even close to this intense, or public."
"Still" she says walking around to face me, her auburn hair framing a cute college-aged face and her eyes tinged with mischief "I think I can help out some, ok?"
I shook my head again trying to communicate with my eyes - "no, the only help I want is help out!"
Smiling back obliviously she taunts me "oh, that's right, that isn't how your fantasy works." Glancing back at the still-running movie showing a scene of a girl in arm binder, corset and ballet boots being forced through posture and gait training she turns back to me with a haughty, controlling expression. "I am going to play with you, and you are going to enjoy it."
Despite myself I let out a tiny groan of fear.
"Mmmm, that's good" she says, "Let's start with getting you back up to speed."
She darts away and I feel the impact of the paddle on my ass before she systematically replaces the batteries in all of my vibrators. I hadn't noticed how run down they were until each roars back to life, my tender nipples shooting with pain only to be met by waves of pleasure spreading outwards from my front hole.
"Much better" she states, tweaking the power levels back down to a moderate hum. It's enough to keep me very engaged and sensitive, but not enough to allow me to orgasm any time soon and I moan in frustration.
Fondling my engorged, sensitive breasts she frowns as the shoelaces loosen slightly, the slight rush of blood causing me to gasp in pain.
"Hmm, you need something more secure, and I've got a few more ideas. I'll be right back." Dashing away she calls back tauntingly "don't go anywhere!"
"I wish I could" I try to shout back. While I secretly had to admit I had gotten a fair bit of enjoyment out of the evening I was approaching the point of exhaustion.
Seeing the girl skip gleefully out of the theatre Brandon pre-empts her query. "Yes, I know about the girl in the theatre. It's ok, and if you want to buy anything for her it'll be at a discount."
"Great!" the girl replies, darting into the stalls. Only a few minutes pass before she returns with a handful of items. Brandon raises an eyebrow but rings them up without comment.
"Have fun." he tells her as she eagerly runs back towards the theatre.
"Oh we will!" she shouts back.
Left alone with the film I watch the posture scene fade into a packaging scene that has Tina placed in a crate for shipment - the devious encasement complete with gag, and a fully-constraining bondage harness holding her atop a pair of fucking machines to keep her 'entertained' during the journey.
Keeping an ear cocked for my guests return I don't have long to wait, she drops a package on the seat next to me before going to work.
"First off we need to do something about your breasts, I'm sure they're a bit tender so I'll try to be gently."
I was elated - finally I was going to be getting OUT of bondage, even if she didn't free me completely having the buzzing nipple clamps and shoestring breast bondage removed would be a welcome relief.
She quickly begins unlacing my right breast, the flush of blood causing me to moan in pain. "I know it hurts" she says comfortingly as she massages my sore breast "but it will be better soon."
I do my best to grunt thanks as she moves to the other breast. As she massages my boobs I am puzzled at the nipple clamps still remaining in place, buzzing away. Ultimately I have good reason to be concerned, as no sooner have my breasts begun to relax when I feel leather belts being cinched tight around them. Working quickly the woman soon has the "bra" buckled in place, the thick leather bands securely encircling the base of my breasts leaving me in a worse state than before.
I whimper quietly.
"Oh, don't worry, I have some new things for you as well, I just wanted to get that out of the way first."
Walking behind me she begins massaging my exposed ass while talking comfortingly "I know I can't do you like a boy, but I thought we could play for a bit before I make my addition to your outfit." Lost in the soothing sensation combined with her steadily increasing the power to my internal vibe I don't process her words fast enough to respond before a small, well-lubed plug pops into my ass.
"I know you're probably used to larger things in there." she continues, sitting down next to me. "But that's the beauty of these."
She holds two more plugs in front of me, a pair of thin rubber hoses leading from their base. Initially scared that she intends to replace my penis plug I'm relieved when it disappears out of my field of view and she explains. "I thought we could have some fun together, that's one-" she gasps slightly "and two in me now. With that harness locked in place you can only have one."
"They're inflatable" she continues, pressing a egg-sized bulb into my right hand "and I've got them hooked together, either of us can squeeze" she holds her hand in front of me to display a bulb like I've seen used for blood pressure cuffs "and we'll both get a little fuller" stating this she squeezes in demonstration and I feel the slight swelling behind.
Sitting back she runs one hand tenderly down my back and continues "I thought we could make a game of it, I'll do my best to tease you without letting you cum. If you can't take it anymore and need release you let me know by giving your bulb a squeeze. I'll kick things up until you give another squeeze to tell me you're over the top. Each minute you can hold out I'll give us both a squeeze to raise the stakes."
Kicking things off my front vibrator roars to life. Trying to stay calm out of fear of my intruder growing I focus on breathing, my eyes squeezed shut in concentration.
All of my focus is shattered when my rear plug begins vibrating as well and I reflexively clench down on the bulb in my hand. "I should have known that would do it. Sorry I forgot to mention it, but the plugs vibrate too. One minute mark." Combined with the almost maxed-out vibrations my intruder swelling once more only prolongs my orgasm. Even after coming down it takes me a few moments to remember how to signal for her to back off, reluctantly squeezing my plug grows once more.
"Grrr" I hear her grunt as the buzzing within me declines slightly, "I forgot our plugs are on the same channel for vibrations too, I was sooo close." tugging on one of my vibrating nipple clamps her voice takes on a diabolic edge "I guess we just need to get you back up there too." he finishes ramping up all of my stimulators.
As she expertly teases me I reluctantly give another squeeze and gasp at the strong orgasm it unleashes. We go back and forth until the end of the film, leaving me thinking a bowling ball must have grown inside of me. The thin membrane between my rear and front plugs is pressed together causing the dual vibrators to fight, the battle only increasing their effective stimulation.
My companion finally falls back into her seat with a loud yelp, her satisfied moan met by my vibrators all descending to a low ebb.
"That was FANTASTIC" she says between pants. A thin hiss ensues as she allows the plugs to deflate slightly. "That was so intense." she tells me thankfully as she takes a moment to recover.
Several minutes pass in silence as she recovers and the next film comes on. The posture collar still unyieldingly keeping me faced forwards and I read the title card "Training Tina II."
My companion recovering slightly I hear her stand and stretch. "Well I guess it's time for the next addition to your outfit." At the reminder I whimper slightly; damn the bet I just want out!
"Don't worry" she speaks comfortingly fiddling with the system of tubes leading between our plugs "judging by what you're wearing already you'll really like it."
Finished with whatever she was doing she plucks the pump from my hand "games over now, so no more control for you!" she gives me a quick two squeezes, my plug grows much faster than and I surmise we must no longer be hooked together.
She drops the bulb behind me, the pendulum force of it swinging between my legs only further teasing my well-used rear hole. To think earlier today I had been convinced that anal was dirty, painful and something I would never try.
Resigned to my fate I feel her lean over me from behind and swing something under and up around my waist. "When I saw that posture collar I just knew you needed the matching corset" she explains as she begins lacing it up. "The combined look is fantastic but I'm sure you'll love it just for the added constriction."
I groan as she carefully slides the garment under my 'chastity harness' before beginning to lace it down. Feeling it slowly compress me from the bust down I start to breath shallower, finally shouting "no more" as it reaches a staggering level of tightness.
"Tighter?" she asks, either ignoring or misinterpreting my gag-distorted request. "I'm almost done, just another inch to go, I hope that's enough for you."
Panting as she closes the gap my body gradually adjusts to the rigid garment as she attaches the corset to the collar - joined the full ensemble serves to hold my spine in perfectly rigid formal posture from tailbone to skull. Finishing off she carefully threads a pair of shoulder straps past my engorged breasts, tightened in place they force my shoulders down and back to complete the torso encasement.
"You look amazing!" she says stepping back "I wish I had a camera or something to show you."
Thrashing around I try to get her attention "let me out!" I scream mentally, "then I could see!"
"Hmm" she says, "it looks like your bindings are a bit loose."
Before I can react she crouches down and uncuffs my right ankle. Bending my knee into a frogtie she lashes it to my thigh with one of the shoelaces. Following up with the left leg and tying them spread she steps back to admire her handiwork. "Perfect, well I'll leave you to your film and your next playmate." Kissing me on the cheek she starts to leave. "By the way, if you ever want to play again, I tucked a note with my number under the corset. So whenever you decide to get out you can unwrap a little bonus gift!" Giving my bulb a parting squeeze she walks out of the theatre "I hope I hear from you soon!, Maybe I can join you on your next adventure."
Alone once more I stare helplessly ahead at the screen.
Looking up to see the giddy girl skipping out of the theatre Brandon thinks he spots a pair of bulbed, rubber tails swinging beneath her skirt. "The other girl take over?" he asks her as she passes.
"What other girl?, I left your friend happily tied up."
"A girl in a motorcycle outfit; looked like she brought a whole bag of toys with her. I thought she went into theatre seven, guess not."
"Well I hope your friend gets a new playmate soon either way. I did my best but she seems pretty insatiable, and it sounds like she gets bored when she's left alone."
"Yea, so I've heard" Brandon wryly replies as the girl skips out of the shop, twin tails bouncing jauntily.
Chapter 9
In the theatre I was watching a scene of Tina going through a 'reward' session that sees her suspended cross-legged in a sensory deprivation hood while dual fucking machines alternate plunging deep into each of her holes. Only half paying attention to the film I tried to listen for my next visitor.
My attention split between the movie and listening to the entranceway I was surprised when I dark figure appeared in front of me. Looking at her (and the tight leather clothing left no doubt that it was a her) up and down I was puzzled at why she was wearing a motorcycle helmet in-doors.
The tinted visor of the helmet kept me from seeing her face so I gave her ensemble a further inspection. If it wasn't already so savagely stretched by a gag my jaw would have dropped as I took in the details.
At first glance I just saw a leather-clad motorcycle rider, the black outfit allowing her to blend into the shadows of the theatre. Looking closer at the skin-tight, neck to toe outfit revealed that what I had initially thought were silver accents were actually a series of locks. Despite her mobility my new visitor was in some ways even more a prisoner than I was. The point was driven even further home when I saw the words 'Bondage Slut' printed across the front of what had to be a posture collar.
As she gave me a final view of her outfit I realized that her elegantly slender waist must be shaped by a corset not unlike my own. Turning slowly to allow my gaze to trace over her fully she finally reached up and removed her helmet - only to reveal beneath not just a latex hood but a large red ball gag spreading her lips. Reaching behind her head she unbuckled the gag, looking her over I guessed it to be the only restraint not locked in place. Smiling pleasantly she spoke with a friendly but lusty voice. "Sorry if I startled you but I was at a party when I heard about some lusty little minx playing in a theatre and I just had to check it out."
Thinking back I realized she must have come from the same party the Mistress was heading to. The thought filled me with a mix of excitement and apprehension. The Mistress had been friendly and kind but had taken my confidences and led me down a far more harrowing road.
"Of course once I tried to leave everyone insisted I stay dressed for the occasion and thus... this. I read about something like it in a story once and it's even more fun in real life. And yes, I'm locked full as well, they only let me leave the gag unlocked so I could explain myself and answer any questions. Although I guess with that nice gag of yours questions aren't too likely." I mew in hopes she might remove the gag, but she either doesn't notice or ignores the muffled plea. "Do you mind if I read your notes? It looks like you've gotten a few more since my friend helped you out."
I try to wiggle and grunt for her to release me, but I succeed only in causing my nipple clamps and the inflation tube for my plug to swing wildly.
"I'm sorry; I guess you'd like some more stimulation. My friend mentioned how impatient you were, you really are incredible. I bet you'd love competing in a nice bondage scavenger hunt."
Confused and frustrated at her remark I was distracted as my two lower companions roared into high gear; made all the more intense as she idly squeezed my tail while reading through the notes.
"It sounds like you've had a FULL evening" she remarks, punctuating the statement with a final swell of my rear intruder. Letting my tail drop the jolt as the bulb falls is the final stimulation that kicks me over into a strong orgasm. I groan into the gag, at this point pain and pleasure are nigh indistinguishable.
Waiting for me to calm down she continues "I don't want to leave without doing my part, but I figure my friend should be leaving the party and heading over soon and she said she wanted some time alone with you."
Walking back in front of me she drops a large bag and begins rummaging through it "everyone at the party had their own idea of what would help you out, but looking at you now I think I know exactly what you need."
Pulling out a small bundle of leather she approaches me. "I saw how anxiously you were watching the scene in the film with the sensory deprivation hood, so how about one of your own?"
The device she bears now identifiable I try to shake my head but the action is soundly thwarted by the combined posture collar-corset.
"Don't worry." she says soothingly, "I won't put the blindfold and earmuffs in place until after I show you my other gift."
Removing the penis gag she slips the hood over my head. Smoothing the tight leather over my face she carefully tightens the back lacings. The work is slowed since there are two columns of lacing separated by a wide tongue; the design allows my gaudy, balloon-covered pigtails to poke through. "I know you get bored easily but I think that paradoxically having your senses restricted will allow you to focus more on just enjoying yourself." Finishing off she buckles the penis-gag back in place over top of the hood and threads the condom-strips that had hung from my gag through the front strap of my "chastity" harness, if I stood up I'd have a strap skirt of condom packages all the way 'round.
Stepping back she slips the penis bag back in place and double checks that the nose and mouth holes are lined up for me to breathe properly, "Now for my favorite piece" she says pulling a collection of thick leather straps from the bag.
Holding the harness in my narrow field of vision she explains. "While your harness design is great for your purposes, I prefer this style for keeping something in, or everything out, of both holes at once."
She walks around behind and I feel her wrap the belt around my corset-tightened waist before pulling the crotch strap through. "I especially like the feeling when it's nice and tight, it gives a nice spread feeling that I'm sure you're familiar with as well as keeping whatever you're using nice and deep inside." As she talks I feel her fiddle with my 'tail' "I'm going to have to deflate you for a moment so I can thread the tube through the belt, but don't worry, I'll have you filled up again in no time."
The sudden emptiness makes me gasp but good to her word she quickly pumps me back up. I guess through a gag "stop" sounds a lot like "more" though with my outfit and the notes I can't really blame her for interpreting the latter. Still, my rear intruder...companion? It is amazing how my opinion of anal has changed in one evening. Whatever it is it swells large but ends up slightly smaller than its peak. As a final step before tightening the strap she replaces the batteries in both of my plugs, tuning them to a dull, alternating rhythm.
Pulling the strap tight I felt like she was going to split me in half, the strap further splitting my ass cheeks and pressing both plugs even deeper inside of me.
I feel her playing with my leg-ties for a moment and she replaces the well-used shoestring with a set of leather cuffs. Ankle and thigh bound together with a spreader bar holding my knees wide she finally steps away from me.
"Wow." she says, "I wish our roles were reversed right now - that looks really hot. Maybe next time?"
"Maybe now?" I try to signal with my eyes only for them to roll back into my head as she jumps the power on my vibrators.
"Well you keep enjoying yourself; my friend should be back soon." She buckles two pads across my eyes plunging me into darkness. "Of course with this hood it can be pretty easy to lose track of time, so I'd suggest you just relax and enjoy the wait however long it lasts."
The second ear-pad in place leaves me good and deaf. Before she left she set my vibrators to some sort of random pattern and I quickly lose track of anything but the next orgasm - the dual lovers alternating pounding pressure that has me moaning in pleasure with taunting bursts that keep me on edge until I'm screaming into the gag for relief.
"You were in theatre seven, right?" Brandon asks as the biker chick walks out. With her helmet off he thinks he recognizes the face as a fairly frequent customer.
"Yea, just dropping in to entertain another bondage slut" she replies, proudly displaying her collar.
"Ok, I swore I saw you walk in, but the girl before you said she didn't see you."
"Yea, she was having so much fun I didn't want to intrude. I hope my new friend will share her number tho, I bet the three of us could have a real wild time."
"I bet you could" Brandon flirts "setup a stage and you'd have a live show that'd blow the top off anything you were watching in the theatre."
She laughs "speaking of which" she says grabbing a cheap lock from beside the register "I forgot to bring a lock for my gag. I don't suppose you could hold onto the key for my friend, the Mistress that was here earlier?"
"Sure," Brandon says, "and you can have the lock for free" even with all the discounts he'd pulled in a lot of sales today and the thought of her leaving with the gag locked in place was exciting.
"Thanks" she says, lovingly taking the massive red gag between her teeth and pulling it tightly in place before locking it. She tosses him the keys and puts her helmet back on, giving him a playful wave and a little show as her tightly-leathered ass swings out the door.
Looking down at the keys Brandon is dumbstruck for a moment "damn Jason, glad you talked me into helping setup this bet."
Lost inside the hood I felt like I was floating inside myself, nothing mattered but the three plugs and the two clamps. I tasted fruit for a moment, as if someone had removed the penis gag to use my mouth-hole with one of the flavored condoms. The wealth of sensations was such that I may have just dreamed it.
Chapter 10
It is nearly closing when the Mistress sashayed into the shop.
"I was worried you weren't going to make it." Brandon says, "Your friend left you this key."
Taking it in her latex gloved hands she nods "did she say what it was to?"
"Her gag, said she forgot a lock for it."
"Ah, good girl, I guess I won't have to punisher her after all. How about my other friend, in the theatre, how has she been?"
"A real blast, I've been stuck at the counter all night but it sounds like things really picked up for her after your visit."
"Good, could I buy a ticket to check up on her?"
"Just go ahead, there isn't enough time for another show and I doubt you plan to do much watching anyway."
"Thanks." she replies striding across the shop to the theatre.
I was in the midst of what I think was my twelfth orgasm since the earmuffs went on when everything went still, not even the teasing low-speed stimulation I had come to curse. Letting out a depressed moan I felt one of the earmuffs removed and heard a familiar voice.
"So it looks like things worked out for you after all." says the Mistress "I'm going to remove the blinders now, it's pretty dark in here but your eyes will still need to adjust."
Blinking as the pads are removed I was surprised at how bright the theatre is, the screen an idle grey.
"It's almost closing time so I have to let you out. Before I do I'd love to get a few more pictures, I think a pair of gloves would really complete your outfit."
I nod weakly; focusing only on the words "let you out."
The Mistress worked quickly, rolling latex gloves all the way up my arms before finishing off with locking cuffs to match the ones at my ankle and thigh. I didn't see the point of the cuffs with my handcuffs still in place, but the tight feeling of the latex was nice. By this point almost my whole body compressed, filled or stretched. Were it not for my displayed breasts I could be "covered" in the normal sense of the word, but my outfit was arguably more vulgar and sexual than unblemished nudity.
"Stunning" she says after taking a few pictures "I'll start letting you out now, just be carefully, you may be a bit cramped from staying so long in one position."
She released my leg spreader and frog-tie allowing my heel-extended feet to brush the floor. Next she unlocked one side of the handcuffs holding my wrists to the armrest in front of me, the open link dangling free. My corset-stiffened torso balanced on the seat-back I teeter on rubber legs until she caught me from behind and guided me back into a chair. Sitting jarred the plugs inside me and my eyes swelled at the shift in sensation. Leaning against the row of seats in front of me she looked down at my exhausted form.
"I'll take off the hood now so I can remove the gags then we can chat about how your evening went - from reading the notes it sounds like you finally got what you were looking for after I left."
Trying to get feeling back into my limbs I try to stretch, looking forward to finally being able to talk again. Pushing my arms out to the sides I run into a kink in my elbow causing me to let out a yelp just as she unbuckles the penis gag.
"Oh, I'm sorry I forgot about your bet. I guess you want to show everything off to your boyfriend first?" I try to scream no but she just pulls the fake cock back into its prior position deep in my throat. "I hope he rewards you well for winning your bet. Although I guess you've had a pretty good time anyway."
Frantically I flail my arms up and try to tell her to finish releasing me, my exhausted, slightly-numb fingers fumbling at the buckle for the gag.
"Oh, I get it; you're upset about not being tied up anymore. I'm sorry but the place is closing and you need to head out." Taking firm hold of my wrists she waits until I give up and stop struggling. "Tell you what, I'll just lock everything on for you - my friend said you were pretty fascinated by her outfit so this will let you have something similar."
Before I can protest I hear the click of a lock sealing the gag - and thus the hood beneath - in place. She follows up by locking all of my cuffs on and even adds a final pair of cuffs just above my elbows.
Standing in front of me once more she twirls the spreader bar that earlier held my legs apart. "I don't think you could walk with this in your current state but I'm sure you've missed it so I have another idea." She pulled my elbows back and linked them to the bar. I felt like a t. rex with my arms pulled back leaving my hands stuntedly reaching forward.
"I'll just leave the key with your friend the clerk." I felt her slip something under the tightly-buckled and locked rear-panel of my outer harness to lie against my spread ass. "You can keep the gags since you like them so much, I just gave you a card with my number, give me a call sometime. I'd LOVE to hear your more about your day, and I'm already coming up with plans for all the fun we could have if I had TWO bondage sluts at my disposal."
I shivered at the prospect in a mix of fear and excitement. Of course by now it felt like everything excited me. I guess that's what happens when you spend that many hours with a vibrator locked in your pussy, to say nothing of the rest of the garb I had accumulated.
Replacing the ear-muffs to my hood plunged me back into silence and she pressed the ziplock bag of notes and batteries into my right hand before gibing my dangling nipple clamps a final flick. Finally alone I sat for a moment trying to catch my breath. Less helpless than I had been since the early evening I was exhausted and still far from free.
"I let her out." the Mistress told Brandon as he was adding up the last receipts and getting ready to lock up. "Well, partially." she continued, handing him a key "this will unlock the rest of her binds; she should be out in a few minutes."
"Ok" Brandon replies "I'm surprised she's still going at it after this long."
"I am too; she was even complaining as I untied her and asking for me to restrain her again in new ways."
"Wow" is all Brandon can say as the Mistress strides out of the shop.
Chapter 11
Despite my outfit I was so tired I almost drifted to sleep. Fumbling for the remotes I gave myself a sharp burst of vibration before turning my two lower companions down to a dull throb. Enough to keep me aware and concentrating I figured it wouldn't be enough to come close to an orgasm. I wanted to deflate my rear plug, at least a little, but the corset conspired with my armbinder to keep my tail out of reach. Resigned that my only choice was to get back to Jason I steeled myself for the journey. After a couple awkward attempts to stand I pulled together enough to walk out of the theatre. Each step wiggled the twin plugs inside me, combined with the tug of the swaying nipple clamps it was all I could do to put one foot in front of the other and remain balanced on the precarious heels.
Stepping out of the theatre for what felt like the first time in days I squinted at the brighter lights of the shop proper. I gave a brief thought to trying to find the remote rather than risk walking out of the store to Jason but discarded the idea. My current predicament left me almost helpless with the collar and hood greatly constricting my vision the chances of finding something in the dark theatre were low. Plus after all I had endured I deserved to win the bet, no way was I going to let Jason win on the final lap. Carefully making my way across the shop I was stopped by the chance to finally gaze at myself as I passed a full-length mirror.
My swollen breasts stuck out like pink torpedoes; the twin globes practically my only visible flesh, drawing attention from the sea of fetish clothing encasing the rest of my body. Covered in a mix of shiny black latex and leather garnished with the glimmering steel of locks and attachment points I couldn't help but feel like an avatar of sex, every bit of me felt stressed and stimulated in some way. The corset sculpted my waist into a stunning hourglass shape, combined with the posture collar my torso was at a rigid attention that belied my exhaustion. The harnesses above and below the corset were a sharp contrast to the elegantly antiquarian profile but the uniform style of leather studded with D ring attachment points matched perfectly. The leash dangled between my engorged breasts, practically begging someone to lead me away.
The boots were impressive as well; their thick platform and tall heel pushed me up to stand at least six foot while making my legs appear to go on forever. If I hadn't known where it led to the dangling bulb of my tail swinging between my knees might have looked almost cute as it hung down from my tightly buckled and locked leather underwear.
My head didn't slouch in crowning the outfit turning me into a faceless sex slave. I imagined the flat panel of my gag to scream 'fuck me' louder than my mouth ever could, the tight leather hugging my face might have managed a sort of kinky elegance if it wasn't for my hair.
I was amazed at the number of condom balloons bumping around behind my head; even if my skirt of unused wrappers looked full enough for a whole lot more play. Realizing I had better get moving if I ever wanted to get free I started walking towards the register once more. I was beginning to regret the level I had tuned the vibrators to – combined with shift from each step and the tugging swing of the inflation bulb I was building towards an orgasm. Scared that if I stopped to try to adjust anything I would collapse in a sex-addled heap I focused on putting one foot in front of the other, Brandon staring at me dumbfounded the whole way.
Even having sold most of the objects Brandon saw on Robin he was amazed at the overall look. "I guess Jason lost the bet?" he said as an entry for understatement of the year. Momentarily surprised when Robin ignores him he quickly notes the ear-pieces keeping her deaf, causing him to let loose an impressed whistle.
Finally reaching the counter I lean against it to rest and reach for a writing implement. Elbows held behind my back and my upper body held rigid by the corset I couldn't quite get far enough but fortunately Brandon figured out what I was going for and handed me a pen and paper.
Having come this far I decided to just meet Jason like this to really rub his nose in my victory. Any thoughts as to the risk of walking over to the diner like this were blotted out by the long hours of porn and play.
Writing as best I could, considering the posture collar prevented me from even seeing the paper, I jotted out a short note and tried to put it in the zip-lock, the gloves causing me to fumble ineffectively.
Coming to my 'rescue' once more Brandon taped a key to the paper and slipped it into the bag. Making sure the final note was readable through the plastic he hung the bag aside my leash from the dangling O ring at the front of my posture collar.
Turning towards the door I stretched my arms down a final time as I psyched myself up for the trek across the street. Spotting Jason at a booth it looked like he had dozed off waiting for me and I smiled around my gag at the look of surprise he'd have on his face when I showed up. Underneath my hood my own expression turned to surprise as Brandon cuffed my wrists together.
Brandon watched as Robin scrawled out the note to Jason and helped arrange the bag in position. Rather than heading out she turned and put her arms down behind her back, so he helpfully re-closed the handcuffs around her wrists.
Starting to turn to turn off the lights and grab the keys to lockup he was surprised to see Robin start kicking and wiggling. Puzzled for a moment he finally realized what was going on and grabbed two short lengths of chain. With her thigh and ankle cuffs now linked together in a short hobble she finally calmed down. Brandon shook his head once more in amazement before holding the door open for Robin to teeter out of the store.
Frustrated at this final set of restriction I resign myself to it and hobble out the door. The street was dark and empty and I made my way across unnoticed. Shouldering my way through the partially-open door of the restaurant I headed towards Jason's booth, all the staff in back left me alone and unnoticed.
Chapter 12
Hours of waiting had left Jason tired and bored. He'd long ago given up on winning the bet, first he had wondered why Robin hadn't escaped yet and now he had just settled in to wait to take her home. Sitting in the booth drinking endless cups of coffee had failed to counteract the dullness and he had begun to drift to sleep.
Hearing the click of heels approaching Jason groggily motioned to wave the waitress off, only to be surprised when the clicks continued and someone sat down across the table from him. Glancing at his visitor the sight rocketed him back to consciousness.
Sharing the booth with my boyfriend the look he gave me made it clear I was one of the kinkiest sights he'd ever seen. Decked from toe to crown in fetish attire the corset and cuffs forced me to sit on the edge of the seat. I wiggled my chest at him, causing the bag to swing and drawing his eye to the badly-scrawled words - "I win" facing outwards.
The note combined with looking in my eyes make him realize who he was looking at and he began talking, of course thanks the hood I couldn't hear any of it.
"You really did." Jason says in response to the note as he looked Robin over "damn did you win."
Puzzled at her remaining motionlessly staring forward save for the swap of the bag and nipple clamps he examines the outfit closer, noticing the ear pads in place as well as the eye-patches snapped back.
"Wow, you really went all out to show me up, I guess I'm going to need to try to catch up."
Standing up and walking around his eyes devour the sight of her boots, her cuffed arms and the flush-laced back of the corset. Detaching the bag of notes and batteries to fully unveil her breasts he flicks through the notes, darting glances towards his girlfriend as he reads of each new extreme. Idly playing with the remote as he reads he slowly raises the power to her vibrators, leaving her quivering within the tight bonds.
Unbuckling one earmuff he talks to her. She clings to the sound of his voice to hold off the growing tide stirred by the vibrators within.
"I guess it's up to me to finish off this experience then?" he asks me fingering the keys to my restraints.
I nod with my whole body in a clumsy bow. Sucking and moaning into the penis gag I beg for release.
"Well I don't know what you're going to want as I prize for your victory, but let me start off by finishing your day right." His voice falling silent all other sound disappears as well as he re-applies the earmuff, following up by closing the eye-patches and plunging me into total darkness.
Desperate to get home and out of everything I meekly follow as he takes hold of my leash and gives a quick tug. Thinking back on my experience I remembered the girl wishing that I would find a Master of my own. While Jason and I had played around with power exchange before it had always been fairly brief and light, after the intensity of today's experiences though...
As he helped me into the car and cranked my stimulations to full for the drive home my last thoughts were to think of what dare I could give him that could possibly compare to my experiences - and would he even be willing to try?