- Author - Wrulf
- Rating -
 [ 1.91 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2731 of 2955
- Story Codes - M-f, consensual, humiliation
- Post Date - 2/14/2021
Author's Note: Charlotte, a widow, is abused by her sons
The white, 21-y/o Jason and his 23-y/o brother, Toby, might've inherited their extremely sexist attitude from their father who'd died in an industrial accident 6 years before a certain event.
They lusted for their submissive, 42-y/o mother, Charlotte, with her brown hair, large, firm udders, fine legs and round haunches.
And it excited her when guys said she was 'a hot meat-slab.'
But Toby and Jason weren't aware she was a promiscuous widow, partly because Lew, her dominant husband, had expected her to engage in massive infidelity prior to his death.
She couldn't count the guys with whom she copulated as an adulteress, and fondly remembered her wedding day 21 years earlier when he'd commanded her to orally service 3 strangers in her bridal gown.
That'd astonished them, though the honeymoon had been a wild orgy involving Lew and 10 white friends.
Oh, she'd relished them hammering her for hours until she was exhausted!
Nonetheless, Lew wasn't finished.
The following night, he'd transformed her into a first-time prostitute, something she'd found debasing. Mostly, she was a 'gift' he offered to any man he wished.
Charlotte had a wonderful life and experienced overwhelming grief when Lew's fatal accident occurred.
Nonetheless, she couldn't stifle her carnal desires which the white, 37-y/o Neal encouraged after he started 'dating' her.
On a July, Saturday night, however, Jason and Toby went to The Crescent Moon Tavern and since she never patronized such places, they were surprised to see her and Neal sitting at a corner table while she was wearing high heels and short dress barely covering her snatch.
'What are you doing, mom?' Jason asked.
'Charlotte and harlot rhyme, don't they?' Neal grinned.
'Are you saying she's a hooker?' Toby inquired.
'She turns cheap tricks occasionally,' Neal said.
'Is that right, mom?' Toby questioned her.
'Actually, I'm a slut,' she informed him.
'Seriously?' Toby answered.
'She's very serious,' Neal replied, then: - 'She's into foul language and it's impossible to insult her too much.'
'You're an insult to decency!' Jason snickered.
'Yeah, you are!' his brother agreed.
'Your sons don't respect you, do they?' Neal asked.
'They shouldn't!' she moaned.
'You're honest, if not honorable!' Neal said.
'Yeah, since you obviously desecrated your marriage vows, right, mom?' Toby said.
'Yes, son,' Charlotte admitted.
'That's no wonder considering your immoral behavior,' Neal smirked, then: - 'She's trash, the reason we're going to haul her to the city dump.
He then paid for his beer.
Next, he led her, Jason and Toby out to his car, opened its rear passenger's door and pushed her into back seat between her sons, then got in the front one and starting driving.
'Molest her!' he laughed, followed by Jason pulling her dress-top below her tits and slapping them while Toby directed saliva across her lovely face.
'Aaah!' she gasped.
'Shut up, you dirty whore!' he snarled.
Upon arrival at the dump, Charlotte, Jason and Toby disembarked Neal's vehicle.
'Undress,' he ordered.
She obeyed, before Neal said, 'Your mother's obscenely beautiful, isn't she, boys?'
'About as beautiful as mud!' Jason sneered.
'Forget mud! These things are cow-pies!' Toby labeled her boobs.
'Are you a turd?' Jason asked.
'Oh, my god!' she whispered while Toby, Neal and Jason removed their clothes.
'My cock's big enough to rip you apart, bitch!' Jason referred to his 12-inched pecker.
'Mine's a battering-ram!' Toby told her while massaging his 11-inched penis, though Charlotte was amazed by Neal's brutally fat, 10-inched rod as he shoved her to all-4's and buried it in her throat.
'Suck my dick, you vile woman of ill repute!' he growled.
'Take my cock in your stinking ass!' Jason yelled as he forced it into her bowels.
'How's mom for a gut-fuck?' Toby asked.
'Not bad,' Jason replied.
Soon, though, Neal ejaculated in Charlotte's mouth, after which Toby steered his prick into her vag.
'You slimy cunt!' he scoffed.
Aroused, the tart then masturbated to a orgasm.
A few minutes later, Toby spilled his seed into her rectum and Jason her dripping cooze.
'Do you love her?' Neal inquired.
'Love a worthless animal?' Jason crowed.
'Drag her into pigsty!' Neal suggested.
'That's where you belong!' Jason had scarcely said before he bent over, ground his butt-crack against her lips and farted.
'You smell downright evil!' he declared.
'I hope that's the cruelest insult you've ever heard!' Neal snorted.
'Yes, sir!' Charlotte exclaimed.
'We're ornery bastards!' Toby said.
Next, the men stroked their cocks into new erections.
'Please fuck me again!' she begged.
'Should we oblige her?' Neal inquired.
'Nope, she's too desperate!' Jason responded as he jacked-off into the dirt.
'Desperation equals frustration!' Toby jeered while following Jason's example.
Rather than do like-wise, however, Neal aimed his wad into Charlotte's hair.
'You're a kind brother,' Jason noted regarding Neal's 'shampoo.'
'Thanks, although I have to use the toilet,' the latter said.
'Toilet? Whatever do you mean?' Jason acted as though he didn't understand.
'Watch,' Neal once more grinned as he pissed into Charlotte's mouth.
'I've always wanted to get you drunk, mom!' Toby said as he relieved his bladder in the same orifice.
'Me, too,' Jason added while urinating into her oral potty.
'Alright, the plumbing works!' he gloated.
'We roto-rooted it!' Toby said.
'And you did a great job, although your mom inspired you as the planet's filthiest harlot!' Neal intoned.
'Amen!' Toby confirmed her status.
However, Charlotte's couldn't believe Neal depositing her in his car-trunk and closing its lid.
'Nice brothel - huh?' he smiled before he, Toby and Jason took her to her house.
'Did you have fun?' Toby asked.
'Yes, I did,' she responded,
'You don't mind us not loving you?' Jason inquired.
'Whores are to be abused, not loved,' she murmured,
'That's right,' Toby said, with him and Jason becoming her pimps often charging 50 cents for her body.
Needless to mention, though, Charlotte more than proved her value...
... while her sons contradicted that by calling her a 'worthless animal!'
The End
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