Author's Note: This story is a fantasy story about a man getting locked in a chastity belt for many years.
My name is Charles, and I am from a non English speaking country and I hope you can forgive some mistakes in the English language.
It all started with a small advertisement in the local paper. It said: "Wanted: men/ women for testing long term chastity belt." All I could see was an address, nothing more. I was curious; I had as long as I could remember been fascinated of chastity belts. I had always thought that this was a thing just for women, dated back to the middle ages. I didn't know that there were such things for men. But after some surfing on the Internet I found out that here were several makers of different styles. I was amazed. Just think of it, to have something like that locked around your waist preventing you to touch your own cock, and not being able to have sex. And that you do not have access to the key. Just the very thought of it was just so exciting to me.
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I just had to see for myself what such a thing looked like I real life. The address was to a sex shop that I knew of from before, and was about half an hour by tram away.
Let me introduce myself; my name is Steve and I was, at this time, a 22 years old student at the university in this town, and I had 4 more years of study until I have my degree.
It was in the month of September when I saw the advertisement in the newspaper.
I lived by myself in a small 2 room flat that I rented not far from the university. My favorite place to study was in the university library which I had found to stimulating and were I had easy access to books that I needed for my studies. Of course I could find the same information on the internet, but I felt like the old fashion method suited me better and of course I always had my trusty laptop with me.
As a first year student I had heard of, and seen the party life that was going on almost every weekend among the students. I had been to some of these parties and met some lovely girls there, but I had been warned from my mother and father about making a girl pregnant. A thing like that could ruin both our studies and carrier, and I would have to marry her. So they told me to take it easy with sex and that the best thing I could do was to stay away from women during my time at the university. I would have plenty of time for sex after I had finished my studies.
It sounded like a sound advice at the time, so when I saw the small advertisement in the paper it seemed like a good idea to go to the shop and find out more. A chastity belt was perhaps a good idea to wear I thought to myself and smiled. Just thinking about it sends some butterflies to my stomach.
So I took the tram to the shop, not knowing what to expect. I had actually been there before a couple of times to rent a video, so I know the place a little.
In the back of the shop I could see a new counter that I had not seen before. It was made of glass, and there was a man behind it. When I approached the counter I could see some strange objects there. For the first time in my life I was looking at male and female chastity belts of different designs. I was amazed, they were all made of stainless steel, or something like that, and they were all gleaming like they were made of silver. The man behind the counter gave me a big smile, and started to pick up and demonstrate the various belts.
I was a little bit embarrassed, but after a couple of minutes I managed to relax, and asked him about the advertisement that I had seen in the paper. He responded by giving me a smile, and explained that it was a new maker of chastity belts, and they were looking for volunteers to test out their belts for a very long period of time. The volunteers would also be willing to give interviews, and display some photos of them self on a website. Letting the viewers to take part of how it is to be locked up in a chastity belt for a period of five years.
"Five years!! O'boy, that is a very long time to be locked in a belt." I said.
"Yes indeed, that is a long time" He agreed.
"Wow", I replied, "Are there others who have bought chastity belts of their own?
"Yes" he said with a grin, "There are quite a few who have bought their own CB:s "
"What do you need those test persons for?" I asked
"Well, the others have bought their belts from us and some of them have even left the key to us to keep them locked up for a period of time. There are actually some of them who have chosen a period of five years. Can you believe that? But they do not display themselves on the internet like the ones we are looking for.
"You mean that there are men and women who pay you for a CB and then ask you to keep them locked up?" I asked.
"Yes sir" he said. "That is what I mean. They buy their own belts and pay us to hold the key for them for a certain period of time. This period varies for person to person."
I now felt intrigued and I had to ask if there were many of these persons.
He said that there were not many but .......
"How much is a belt?" I asked.
"Well there are a few to choose among" and he showed me some of the belts and named the precise.
A little discouraged I said that I could never afford one.
"If you sign up to become a test person you will get the belt for free and you will even receive a monthly sum during the test period. All you have to do is to sign a contract"
"I have to think hard about being locked up for five whole years." I said with a grin and asked for the contract so I could bring it home, and read it more thorough, just for fun.
He did as I asked and handed me a copy of a contract. He explained to me that the contract needed three signatures from the volunteer, at three different occasions, with at least one week between two signatures. The reason for this is to make it legal, and stand up in court. That meant that when the last signature was made there would be no turning back. The belt was to stay on for the complete test period. After that the belt would belong to the wearer. The contract also stipulated that the wearer also had to appear in video on a website, and demonstrate the belt and talk about how he/she was coping.
The best thing was that the test person would receive some money every month, during the period. That would mean that this money could help to pay for my studies. There was a possibility to break the contract, but that meant that all the money that had been received so far by the test person, had to been returned, and he (she) also had to pay for the CB. As I did need money to pay rent and food and so on, a payback was not an option for me. So if I did sign on the third line that meant, at least for me, that I could not afford to break the contract.
He also told me, that if I wanted I could make the first signature on the contract right now. It would not mean anything more than to say that I was interested. The second signature would mean that I was to be measured for a chastity belt that would be custom made for me. And when the third and last signature was made, the belt was to be "installed" on my body, to remain there for five years.
The man behind the counter now handed me a folder, were it all was explained so I could read it all back at my home. Then he handed me a ball pen, and pointed out were to singe the first time. And once again explained to me that it only meant that I was interested, nothing more.
I actually scribbled my signature on the first line of three. Wow, this was exiting!
I went home, and studied the information that I had received at the sex shop. It was an intoxicating reading. I had a raging hard on every time I read it. Just the idea of being locked up for five years in a chastity belt was absolutely thrilling.
It said that after installing the belt on my body, (just using the word "installing" made me shiver) I was to return to the shop every Wednesday for the first three weeks, to be inspected and cleaned. The next three visits after that would be with 3 weeks apart. The next three visits after that would be with 6 weeks apart. And after that it would be 12 weeks apart, for next 3 visits. This would make a complete year. And after that it would be just one visit per year, until the period of five years was completed. During this time I would receive visits of different people, who were representing the maker, and they would interview me and videotape me for the website.
Wow, this was amazing, just to think of it, to be locked up for years at a time! Without being able to touch my own dick, not being able to come and of course not being able to have sex. It was just mind boggling.
Ever since I had discovered the art of masturbation I had done this almost every night, and some times during the day too. I detested that habit but I was unable to break it. I had tried several times, but too often when I lay in bed and was about to fall asleep the urge came over me again; I just had to do it again. I have had various fantasies, but I never had it been as powerful as the last few days, when I was thinking of how it would be to be locked in a chastity belt. This was the best fantasy I had had. It was almost like my dick really wanted to be locked in. But my mind did not, because this would mean stop masturbating! What a dilemma!
As the days past I made up my mind to go back to the shop, and have another look at those chastity belts again. I just had to do it; they were such fantastic things. And perhaps sign a second time on the contract, just to feel how it would be like to be measured for belt of my own. Just the thought of it was thrilling. It was clearly explained in the contract that I could sign a second time, and be measured and have a belt made for me, and then just walk away and never sign a third time and I wouldn't be charged for anything.
So, a week after my first visit I was back at the sex shop again. The man behind the counter shook my hand, and said that his name was Bill, and that he was very pleased to see me again. I told him that I wanted to look at the various types of belts again.
After a while of looking at the belts, I decided for a sturdy type with a tube which would enable me to have an almost 50 % erection, and also contained the balls in a compartment on both sides of the tube. The lock on this belt was very ingenious; it reminded of a hinge, and the locking part was like the sprint that holds the two parts together, and it was placed on the front plate. That made the lock and the front of the belt very flat, and would be concealed under the clothes.
The waist band was locked at the front, and the part that was coming from the left was welded to the front plate, where the locking mechanism was. The part of the waist band coming from the right was attached to the front plate with the lock. The butt strap was a wire attached to the waist band in the back, and going between the legs, and attached to the tube, which was coming down from the front plate, and curved in a 90 degree angle. It also had an ingenuous built in system for keeping the belt clean, without having to remove it from the body. This was one of the tests that the test person would test for a long period.
Bill explained to me that the lock could not be picked because it was equipped with a satanic spring safety mechanism, that would be released and destroy the lock in such a way that it could not be opened again. The only thing that was allowed into the lock was the key. The material was some kind of an alloy, and stronger than stainless steel. One other thing to remember was the economic side. If the wearer destroyed the belt he / she would have to pay back the money so far received. And he / she would also have to pay for the belt too. If this would happen after, say a year, it would mean a considerable cost. In my case I would not be able to afford it. So destroying the belt would not be an option.
At this moment I was so worked up that I just had to make the second signature and have me measured for a chastity belt of my own.
Bill put the contract in front of me, and I signed it on the second line. He then guided me to a back room which was a workshop where I met two men in white coats. They looked like two doctors. We shook hands and I was told to strip and pose naked in front of them so they could measure me.
But before they got started they told me that I had to get rid of all my pubic hair. So they gave me a bottle of some hair removal cream, and showed me into a bathroom. The cream was very effective, and soon I was cleaned from pubic hair as the day I was born.
When I got out of the bathroom, I was given a special ointment to put on the cleaned aria, to prevent rash and such. I would now have to wait for two weeks before the belt was ready.
I was also offered to loan a special flash light lamp devise, which together with some more ointments would remove the hair forever. I accepted and borrowed it.
After that they went to work. They were very thorough, and made many measurements more than once.
When the two "doctors" were finished I was told to get dressed, and that the belt was to be ready for me in two weeks.
When I came home I was so horny of the experience that I had to jerk of a.s.a.p., and it did not take long for me to cum.
During the following two weeks I had to decide if I should go through with this, or just stop here.
I also started to use the flash lamp, and according to the manual my pubic hair had to be removed, and after just a few sessions with the lamp it would never grown back again. Now I must confess that I never have liked body hair, including pubic hair. I had on a couple of occasions seen in a magazine seen these bodybuilders, and they had never had any body hair, so I figured that if they don't have any, why should I? So, I took the opportunity to use the lamp over my whole body, and soon I was hairless from the neck down.
In the meantime I was trying to come to a decision if I should write my name on that third line or not. Finally I decided that it would be the best to stop here, and go no further.
On Wednesday two weeks later, I went over to the sex shop with the full intention to tell Bill that I would stop here, and that I would not sign the contract a third time, and return the flash lamp.
What happened next has been bothering me ever since. It was like my mind stopped working and my dick took the command of the thinking. The moment after I came through the door of the shop, my own will was somehow overcome by the will of my dick. I just walked over to Bill, who when he saw me, produced the contract, and put it on the counter along with a pen. I saw how my own hand was taking a firm grip of the pen. My mind went into a state of panic and I screamed to myself inside my head:"What the hell are you doing?! You are not supposed to do this!!" Yet I saw my hand moving the pen toward the third line, and scribbling my signature on it!! I could not believe that I really had done this. In a state of panic I put down the pen, and reached for the contract to rip it apart. But Bill was too fast for me, and retrieved the contract. It was now too late. The contract was signed and there was nothing that I could do about it. I was now to be locked in a chastity belt, for a period of five long years. The worst of all in all of this was that I had a hard on.
Bill came around the counter, and took me by the arm and led me to the work shop. The two "doctors" along with a camera man welcomed me and told me to undress.
I was surprised to see the camera man there. Obviously he had expected this, so he was prepared. I did as I was told and got undressed. All will of my own seem to have disappeared. I was just doing what I was told. When I stood there, covering my vitals with my hands, in the middle of the room, with a flaccid dick. (Thank god)
I looked around the room and I saw a small table with a towel covering something. I could only guess what it was.
My guess was correct, one of the "doctors", a woman (!) with a smile on face she removed the towel from the table, and for the first time I could see the chastity belt, which was custom made for me. It was beautiful and very scary at the same time.
It did not look the same as the one I had chosen before. This was much nicer, it looked like a silver copy of my own genitals, the cock resting on the ball sac, it was amazing, and it looked like it was made of silver.
Now I was in a real state of panic, and I thought to myself:
This is not happening.
Oh, no. Oh shit.
She is coming with the belt to me.
Just run away. But I am naked! I can't run away naked!
I have signed the contract!!
Is there no turning back??!!
Panic, panic!!
Stay calm! Stay calm! Stay calm!!
The "doctor" picked up the belt, and placed it on the floor in front of me, and she told me to step into it.
I did as I was told, and felt how she moved the belt up my legs to my crotch. Now I felt how the two "doctors" maneuvered the belt into position, and with my help we moved everything to its correct positions.
Then I felt the waist band tightening, and I was told to lock the lock myself in front of the camera, and with trembling hands I locked it with a "click". I removed the key, and handed it over to one of the "doctors".
The two "doctors" made sure that everything was alright, took a step back to admire their handy work. I could hardly believe that I now was securely locked in a chastity belt, and was to remain so for the next FIVE years.
It was mind bobbling!
I was told to dress, and be back in a week. I dressed, and went home.
Being outside for the first time locked in a chastity belt, I felt like everybody could see what had happened to me, what I was wearing, and that they were all staring at me. But as I looked at the people I met, I saw that nobody seemed to be looking at me in any strange way.
I started to relax, and came to my senses, and realized that it was all in my imagination. Nobody saw that I in fact was wearing metal under wear.
In the tram my mind was almost boiling. The belt was hugging my waist, and I could feel my dick filling up the tube, but in the tube it had no were to go.
When I came home I immediately got undressed and stood in front of my hall mirror looking at myself and my chastity belt, for a really long time. It was like my genitals were made of silver. I was actually admiring it. There were some small holes to which I could attach a hose to flood water and antiseptic fluid so I could clean up what was inside. This was one of the things I was supposed to test.
I had a hard time to get it into my mind what I had done, and that this was reality.
I tried to push the belt down over my hips, but no way would this happen. The belt was locked on me and it was there to stay!
The first time I was in the bathroom it was with a sort of desperation. It took forever to do my business. But eventually I learned to relax, and after the first times I had no problems with that. I just had to get used to be sitting down.
I had been told that I was to expect some inconvenience for a few days, perhaps weeks, and that I would eventually get used to be wearing the CB.
The first days it felt very hard to be wearing the CB. Eventually I pulled through, and slowly I started to get used to having this thing around my waist. The hardest time was at night, of course.
The first nights went quite well, and I was thinking that it was not so many days before my first cleaning, and I would have the opportunity to touch my dick then.
My first weekly visit to the two "doctors" and the cameraman went well. I had no sores, and the belt went right back after the cleaning. To my disappointment I had no time to feel any relief.
I was told that I was one of the lucky once who had no major problems, and was coping very well. I was also videotaped the whole time.
After that I was interviewed by Bill and videotaped. The interview went well and I was surprised that my dick filled up tube almost the whole time. One question that came up more than once was: Do you want to quit, and rather pay for the belt or proceed as planned. My answer was that I wanted to proceed as planned. I actually had no choice; I could not afford to pay for the belt.
Now it had been over a week, as the horniness really kicked in
I spent what seemed like hours trying to jerk of. Scratching against the tube with my finger nails, squeezing it, trying everything that I could think of, in an attempt to get some stimuli to my poor cock, but no way. All that my fingers met was the hard unyielding steel tube. I tried many times desperately to push the belt down my hips, but no way.
I hated it. No; I did not hate it. The strangest thing was that I loved it.
When it really kicked in, it was it was a strangely stimulating sense to be that horny and frustrated and not being able to do anything about it. I don't know how to explain it, but it was like having sex without having sex??? It was an amazing feeling, and I felt somehow alive when that happened. Luckily it happened mostly during nights, but it did sometimes happened during the day too.
As the weeks went by my horniness went up and down. There were days that went by when I was relaxed, and almost not being aware of the CB. It was almost like wearing normal under wear. And there were days, sometimes weeks, when I was so horny that it almost came out of my ears, and I had to force myself to relax and concentrate on my studies.
There were nights when I rolled around in my bed with both my hands over my crotch,1 struggling with tears in my eyes trying to jerk of, but always unsuccessful. The belt was doing its job. Eventually I fell asleep of exhaustion.
During the first three weeks it was a comforting thought that I was to visit the two "doctors" once a week. But after that it would be three weeks between cleaning session. And after three of these it would be three months, for the next three sessions.
Every visit was like a smoker that just had quit smoking and was allowed one cigarette per session. It was the same feeling for me. Just having the belt removed from my body, even if it was just for cleaning 5 - 10 minutes it felt sooo good.
During all the five years, it happened at many occasions that the doorbell rang, and the visitor was a representative from the CB-maker. Sometimes it was a woman, and other times a man, sometimes in the company of a camera man. In some of these occasions I had to undress, be examined and interviewed, and videotaped. And other times just interviewed. This was for the maker to know how his product and test person were coping, for the website. I also learned that I had many fans on the Internet, and they were cheering for me!
After a couple of times it seemed like the same questions were put to me again and again.
I will never forget one particular occasion, it was just before Christmas. It had now gone more than three months after that dreadful day that I signed the contract. It had been a week that I had very little sleep because my dick had kept me awake by trying to break through its prison time and time again during the nights; I had no idea that I could be that horny.
I remember it so well, it was a female interviewer, and she was alone. She was just stunning, long curly blond hair. She must have been 25 years old, dressed in a pair of skintight high heeled boots, a black leather pleated skirt that went down to her knees and a white blouse. She was the sexiest woman I have ever seen. She sat down on the couch, and I sat down in the chair, opposite her. She started by asking me some questions with a dark sexy voice. My tube was immediately filled up. After a couple of minutes she told me to stand in front of her, and take of my clothes so she could inspect the belt.
I did as she asked, and soon I was standing there dressed in only the CB. She told me to come closer, she spread her legs so I came to stand there between her knees, and my crotch was now right in front of her face. She stretched out her hands, and with them began to examine my chastity belt and the skin under it for any damage. The whole ting was just amazing!
Then she started to move her hands to other parts of my body, up my chest and down my legs. She told me to turn around so I had my back at her. She said that she loved that I did not have any body hair.
She stood up from the couch and pressed herself gently towards my back. I will never forget the feeling when she pressed her beautiful breasts onto my back. I now realized that she didn't wear a bra. Then she started to move her hands up and down my body, first over my chest, and then down over my crotch and chastity belt, and further down over my thighs. I put my hands over hers, and slowly moved them over the tube with my poor penis throbbing inside. It was all so amazing!
I turned around and I could see on her smile and that she really loved this job. By that time I was so turned on that I put my arms around her and kissed her, and she kissed me back. All I wanted to do now was to fuck her brains out, chastity belt or not! Then I took her by the hand, and started slowly to guide her over to my bed. She just followed my lead without any protest. Now I sat down on the bed, and she was standing between my knees. I started to unbutton her blouse. She just stood there and let it happen. The blouse fell to the floor, and she took my head and moved my face to her chest, kissing her wonderful breasts. I was in heaven and started to undo her skirt. By then I noticed that she was a little nervous. Why? I wondered, I can do no harm to her, like rape her.
When her skirt fell to the floor I understood why she was nervous. Under her panties I could now see that she was also locked in a chastity belt. I removed her panties, and kissed her right in the front of her belt. She threw her head back, she really enjoyed this. Then she lay down on the bed with me beside her. Then we started a long session were we kissed and explored each other's bodies, with our tongues and hands. We did everything we could to satisfy each other. We giggled a little when the two belts met with a metallic "clink". Finally after two hours we were exhausted and gave up. The chastity belts had done their jobs, and prevented both of us from cuming.
I got up and made us a cup of coffee, still wearing nothing, but the C.B. We got dressed again. I told her that this had been the most exciting thing that I had done in my entire life. She agreed. I asked her why she was wearing a C.B. She told me that she had met Bill, first in the shop, and that they had visited a bar, and he had recruited her to make interviews with some of the test persons in the program, she had herself become interested and wanted to try a chastity belt of her own. She had bought her own belt and signed a contract to wear the CB for one year. She had now six months left. She told me that she had never cum during this time, and that today had been absolutely amazing. I told her that it had been so for me too.
Before she left, I asked her if she would come back and visit me some other time. But she did not answer, she just gave me strange look, kissed me on the cheek and left. I never saw her again, and I never found out her name.
But her visit came with a punishment. Every time I thought of her and of what we had done, I got very horny, and I have been thinking of her many, many times during the years. It has many times almost been like a torture just thinking of the event. It even went so far that I woke up during the night with a pain in my groin; it was the same feeling as when I was just going to cum and the pumping was just starting. Normally this feeling lasts for one maybe two or three seconds and the whole body get tens and the pumping starts. But not this time the feeling remained for more than a minute or even more, the pumping never starts and the feeling just subsides and fades away.
I also started to look at women in a new perspective. They were all sexier than before. Just taking a walk or riding the bus and seeing some beautiful girls wearing a nice outfit very often made my dick grow. But nobody could see it as it was inside the tube. I couldn't help myself but I enjoyed it almost every time it happened.
As the months passed I got more and more used to wearing the belt. I got used to and even liked the hugging feeling around my waist of the waist band. It was also a good feeling of being secure and protected by my steel underwear. Most of the time, despite of everything, I loved having this chastity belt locked on me.
I just had to concentrate on my studies and hope that this would take my mind of the belt. It worked and my grades were well above average. Most of my studies were made in the library, and there I had my favorite table. I really liked the atmosphere there and was inspired of it.
Mostly I was alone there but in the beginning of the second semester there was this girl who sat at the next table on the opposite side almost every day. She was not much of a beauty, she had big glasses that didn't fit her, and she wore sweaters that were too big. Her brown hair was in a kind of a lump in the back of her head and she wore no makeup.
It actually took a couple of weeks before we started to talk. Eventually she introduced herself as Mary and asked me if I would like to have a coffee in cafeteria with her. I gladly accepted. It had been quite a lonely time for me so I was glad to get some company.
We found out that some topics we were studying were the same for both of us. So it was a good idea to work together when we could. And together we made good progress.
Mary and I met almost every day in library, but only there, we didn't go out together or anything. We were just studying together. Once in wile we had a cup of coffee, or even lunch together, but that was all.
One Friday in the end of April was a beautiful spring day when all that changed. The temperature was over 20 ̊ C and sky was blue. Mary and I had been working really hard the last few weeks and had just taken some major exams.
It was about 11 AM when Mary laid down her books and said with a firm voice: "Steve, we have for months worked very hard, and we have made some good results, but now both of us need a break. It is a nice day and I want to take you for a picnic. I have already borrowed a car and I won't take no for an answer."
I answered that I would be happy to join her for a picnic. We both packed our tings and walked to the car. We just had to swing around her place to pick up some things.
I waited in the car. I was nervous. I mean it was just a picnic, wasn't it? We are just heading for a nice spot in the park with people around us, having something to eat and then back again. What harm could come of that?
After 10 minutes I saw this beautiful girl coming out from Mary's house. She had a yellow summer skirt almost down to the knees and a sleeveless top in the same color leavening a gap between the top and the skirt showing of some her belly. Her hair was falling down on her shoulders and she wore a pair of white 3" high heels. She was gorgeous and I could not take my eyes from her. I also saw that I was not the only one admiring her. There were at least two other guys turning their heads looking at her. To my surprise she came right up to the car. When she came closer I saw that it was in fact Mary. She looked so different that I did not recognize her at first. She opened the trunk and placed a picnic there and got behind the wheel. She looked at me with a big smile and told me that she had put in her contacts instead of wearing the glasses. So that was why I hadn't recognized her. She looked like a whole different person and soo hot!
Mary drove, not to the park, but out of the town, after 45 minutes she turned off the main road into a small dusty road for couple of km. and pulled over and parked. She turned to me and explained that this is her favorite picnic place and that she had been here a few times before.
I took the basket and we climbed over a fence, and there it was. It had a spectacular view. First it was a large field with some cheeps and beyond that a lake. It was so peaceful it was only us there. I understood why Mary loved this place.
We found a perfect spot under a tree and spread out a blanket to sit on. Mary took out some chicken legs, bread, vegetables and a small bottle of wine for me. She had some non-alcoholic for herself as she was driving. It all tasted fantastic and I really enjoyed myself. It was the best picnic I ever had had. We really enjoyed each other's company. It was nice to get to know the Mary that was outside of the library. And I really liked what I saw.
After the meal she told me to take off my shirt and just lie back on the blanket and try to catch some rays and relax. It had been a long winter and she said that we both needed to be out in the sun more. Without thinking, I guess that the wine had helped me to relax; I did as she suggested and took off my shirt. I laid back and just enjoyed the sun. I held my hands so they covered my hips so the belt wouldn't show. Normally my pants went so high up that they covered the waist band, but I didn't want to take the risk.
I had my eyes half closed watching Mary cleaning up. It was a lovely sight. She was kneeling on the blanket with her skirt dropping down around her. Her hair was hanging down around her face. She was so sexy. I really enjoyed the sight.
It did not take Mary long to clean up after our meal and came over to and lay down beside me. She took hold of my left arm and put it under her head, and rested her head on my shoulder placing her left hand on my chest. I turned my head and looked her in the eyes.
Suddenly she asked: "Steve; are you gay?"
I was very surprised and said: "What? No I'm not gay, why do you ask?"
"Well" she said "the gossip in the campus say that you have never dated a girl, and that the few parties you have been too you have always gone home early and alone, and now I just wanted to know why."
All I could say was " ehr... hrm... aahh...I...I...I guess I'm shy."
She giggled, climbed up and straddled me over my belly.
She bent over and kissed me. Then she sat straight up and started to play with my nipples. Suddenly she started to take off her top. She had no bra and her breasts were perfect just how I love them, not too big and not too small with a nice round shape. She took hold of my hands and put them over her breasts and leaned forward into them. She leaned ever more forward until our lips met in a kiss. She said with a low voice: "I want to fuck you now Steve."
I tried to speak but at first no words came out of my mouth.
Finally I managed to say: "I... I... I can't....."
"You can't, what do you mean: you can't??" she said, and tilted her head looking at me with a smile.
I tried again but all that came out was "I just can't"
She looked at me with a puzzled look in her face and said:"Is it something wrong with you, are you married or something??"
"No, no" I said "it's nothing wrong with me and I am not married. I... I... I am wearing.....I am wearing a ......" I couldn't finish the sentence.
"You are wearing what?" And without waiting for an answer she moved down to my knees, and started to unbutton my jeans and pulled them down. I saw her eyes widen when she saw my metal underwear. I helped her to take off my jeans. She started to examine what I was wearing around my crotch.
"Is that a chastity belt?? And it is made of steel. Why are you wearing this?"
I started to explain that it all had started over half a year ago when I saw a small advertisement in the local paper and.............
During my explanation she didn't say a word, she just looked at me and the belt and she was examining the belt the whole time, especially the lock.
When I was finished she said the most amazing thing: "This is the hottest thing I ever have seen. I just love it, it's just sooo darn sexy. And I just love the thought of that you are locked in this thing for almost five more years!"
Then she moved her hips up to my hips so sat right over the belt and started to rock back and forth, first slow and then faster and faster. I realized that she had no panties on. She was still wearing her skirt. At first I didn't understand what she was doing, but then I got it, and played along; I rocked my hips in her rhythm and it didn't take many minutes before she actually came. It was incredible; here I was locked in a chastity belt and with a beautiful woman who actually loved it. Could it be any better? I was starting to fall in love with her.
When she was finished she lay down beside me on the blanket on her side with her left hand exploring my chest and CB. I was in heaven.
Then she asked "there is a hole in the front of the belt, what is that for?"
"I guess it is for attaching a dildo. "
"Do you have any?"
"No, but I guess that they have one at sex shop"
Just then a cloud covered the sun and it became a little chilly. We decided that it was time to head for home. So we got dressed and went to the car and Mary drove me to my place. Before I left the car I asked her up for a cup of coffee and she gladly accepted my invitation.
She found my place very neat and clean. At moments of sexual frustration I had cleaned my apartment over and over again just to keep myself occupied.
We sat on the couch and enjoyed the coffee when suddenly Mary started to unbutton my shirt. It did not take long until we were on the bed. Once again she straddled me. I did what I could to help and I counted to two orgasms. Incredible, this woman really loved to have me locked in a CB. I considered myself lucky to have met her.
Mary stayed the night and the next morning she took the car, run some errands, returned the car, and in the evening she came back to my place with some Chinese takeout and a bottle of wine.
Once again it did not take long before we were in the bed. But this time she had a surprise for me. It was a dildo that she had bought in the sex shop. After she had it screwed on to the belt it started to vibrate! O my god, it was incredible to see her riding the dildo and feeling its vibrations in my dick. This time it felt like I was really going to cum. Finally after all these months I was going to cum. But sadly no, it felt like my cock was going to break through the tube, but of course it never happened, the belt had once again done its job. And this time it did what it was supposed to do, to prevent intercourse. When Mary was satisfied and lied down beside me she saw that I had tears in my eyes. It was from frustration of not being able to cum. I was so horny. She kissed my tears away and comforted me. In this moment I really hated the belt.
After this we became a couple. As she had a bigger flat than mine and a couple of months I moved in with her. The time passed and Mary and I were deeply in love. We could not imagine a life without each other.
We spent all the time together, like studying and going on holidays, visiting each other's parents, and so on.
We went to parties and Mary liked it because she knew that she could always trust me, and there were many girls who came on to me, but they always got a "no" from me. I didn't matter how much they tried. Mary saw their attempt and she didn't like it, but she knew that they didn't have a chance so she tried to just laugh at it but the laugh was not real, I understood that she was actually a very jealous woman and she wanted me for herself.
Concerning the bed time activities, Mary had bought a couple of different dildos for different moods. I really loved thrusting the dildo into her and hearing her moan. My favorite was when she was riding me, especially when she was using that vibrating dildo. Lying on my back having Mary's head on my chest, and her hands were stroking over my stomach, thighs and chastity belt. Just the feel of her hand moving of over my trapped, hard, throbbing dick was incredible. It was just fantastic those times when she fell asleep and her hand was still firmly around the tube. I never grew tired of that, and I was longing for the moment when I would be able to fuck her with my own cock.
One thing that the "doctors" at the sex shop, or the maker had not told me came as a tremendous surprise for me. It had now been two years since I was first fitted in the CB and I was in for a cleaning session, the first one in a whole year! Instead of letting me put on the belt at once, I was allowed one hour by myself in a small room with a bed! I was allowed to cum for the first time in two years. This was really a big surprise. It was amazing and it did not take me long to do my business. The orgasm was so powerful that I almost lost contentiousness. I actually managed to achieve more than one orgasm in that hour.
The next time I was allowed to cum was after another year. It was, I think, on some doctor's recommendation. So, in all I was allowed to cum three times in five years.
After the three more years the studying was over we both got jobs, but at different firms. We started to make money and bought a house in a suburb.
The money that came from the CB-maker had helped our economy a little during these years and was still welcome. The interviews from the CB Company still happened and I was told that I still had many fans still cheering me on, especially after the recent events.
We got married. It was a simple ceremony with just our parents and some friends.
It was now 6 months till my five years in the belt was over. I was now so used to it that I did not think so much of it. Of course I was still horny most of the time and Mary and I had fun in bed. She was satisfied with the situation and when I had to work late, which happened from time to time, she was 100 % sure that I did not fool around with some girl in the office.
We had a great time, and the time past quickly.
The summer was now coming to an end and it was only weeks to my "unbelting". I started to feel that I was now on the "home stretch" as the five years were coming to an end. I was now really looking forward to the moment that I would thrust my penis deep into her and release my load in her warm gentle pussy. That thought was almost overwhelming and I was really looking forward to that day.
Now I noticed that Mary was worried about something. When I asked her what it was she said "it's nothing".
When a woman say "it's nothing" to you, you should beware! As I persisted I finally got the answer that she was worried that I was going to fool around with other women when I finally was free from the belt. There were so many temptations out there. I had already told her about the girls at the firm where I work and that it had happened at more than one occasion that one them had tried to come on to me. I had also sometimes spent some evenings "out with the boys". It was some of the guys in the neighborhood and me who met in the local pub for some beers, mostly at Friday nights. Such an evening could very well end up in someone else's bed. To summarize what was said during our quarrel in the next half hour or so was when I asked her: "would you prefer that I stay locked in this chastity belt forever? Are you really that jealous??!" I had by now discovered that Mary could become very jealous.
She answered: "Well, if you put it that way...well...yes I would, and yes I am."
I said: "Now you are unfair, I will never cheat on you, I love you."
She said: "I'm just afraid of losing you. You are the best thing that happened to me. And if I hear that you have cheated on me I will divorce you, no matter how happy we are"
A chill went down my spine when I heard how determent she was.
I said: "I can understand that and I promise you that you can trust me. But don't you want to have sex with the real me?"
She said: "Of course I do. But..... that dildo is just fantastic, and for me, it's almost better than the real thing." She made a pause and continued: "You know, I wasn't a virgin the first time we met. But I have never had multiple orgasms with anyone before I met you, my darling".
I said: "Well, there are still three weeks left to discuss this. But you can be sure that you are also the best thing that has happened to me and I don't want to lose you either, but I have been wearing this belt for five long years and I really want to fuck you".
During the remaining three weeks we often discussed if I should stay on belted or not. I did definitely not want to go on wearing the c.b. I had done my five years and now I felt that I deserved my freedom.
One thing that came up was that Mary wanted to have children, but not yet. Things at her job were rather hectic and she felt that her carrier was already taking off. She also had this thing against "taking the pill" and we had heard about women being pregnant despite of the use of a condom, so she did not trust that either.
So this is what happened.
On the final day of my five years when I walked into the sex store and into the workshop where the two "doctors" (not the same two as five years ago) were to unlock the CB for the last time when I asked them to lock me up again, after the cleaning. Just like the other times.
I explained that Mary wanted to unlock me herself, later on the night. Like a ceremony. The two "doctors" gave me a big smile and said that I was a very lucky man to have found such an extraordinary woman, and they granted me my wish. But during that process they explained to me, once again, that the type of lock that my CB was equipped with was fragile and that this type had gone out of production. The key had to be inserted in the keyhole in the exact correct position or there was a risk that the safety springs would be set off and had me locked up for good. They also told me that if that happened they would be unable to help me.
That evening during dinner I handed the key over to Mary. I did it like I once had given her a ring when I proposed to marry her, me on one knee in front of her. I also got nearly the same reaction from her. But this time she didn't put it on her finger. She took the key and put it in a small wooden box for safe keeping.
Later that same night, in the bedroom I was waiting with much anticipating for her to unlock the chastity belt and let me really fuck her for the first time since me met.
Finally she came into the room with the box with the key in her hand. She sat on the bed and I was standing in front of her, and she started to open the lock. It was an amazing feeling when belt opened and was lowered it down my legs.
Mary lay on her back and we had an amazing sex. It was fantastic and it did not take me many minutes before I came. It was, to say the least, a powerful feeling.
Mary was a little disappointed that I had cum so quickly, but she understood very well why.
I had done my very best to hold back, but the lust was just too great.
During the following weeks we were at it as rabbits. But I noticed that Mary did not have so many orgasms as when she was riding the dildo. I did what I could to improve my art of lovemaking, but she never had a multiple orgasm with me.
After a couple of months I noticed that Mary was not anymore that happy person that she used to be, especially those evenings that I had to work late. At these occasions I found it hard to reach her and she went to bed before I did, and pretended to sleep when I went to bed. It was like she was constantly angry with me. When I asked her what was the matter she just answered "nothing". So there we were again.
To get an end of this I finally offered to wear to the chastity belt again and that she would be in control of the key. I was hoping that she would dismiss the idea, and believe me when I promised her that I never would cheat on her. But her reaction surprised me, she immediately through herself on me and hugged and kissed me like a teenager who had become a Ferrari on her 18: th birthday and promised to take good care of the key.
So once again I found myself locked in the chastity belt again. And this time I had no idea when I would be released. According to Mary's reaction I suspected that I would have to wait for a very long time.
From time to time Mary let me out of the belt and we had a great time in bed, and as soon as she could she had me locked up again. But as time passed the "time outs" became more and more scares. It was clear to me that Mary loved to have me locked in the belt, 24/7 365. Even if it meant that I was not allowed to cum.
When I asked her to let me out of the CB she very often answered that she was afraid that the lock would be worn out and when that happened it would break and it would not be possible to open it again. So, she reasoned that it was better not to open it too often.
In some small way I had to agree. If the lock broke in that way I would never be able to take off the CB. And I also had the scaring feeling that if she could have her way she would destroy the lock and leave me permanently locked up.
One positive thing that came out of all this was that Mary came back to her old happy Mary again. And that meant that I too was happy again. Well, I would have been happier if I didn't have wear the CB all the time, but I played along like a good husband, hoping that she would finally trust me and let me out of the belt.
On one occasion after we had had a very loud quarrel about me being locked up in the CB I found a hammer and a spike on her nightstand. The spike had the same measurements as the key. That made me terrified, would she really drive the spike down the lock and destroy it? Was she going to do that while I was sleeping?
The following morning I found that the hammer and spike were gone and the lock was still intact. The whole incident made me sweat and I had to promise myself to take it easier in the future.
So one Friday morning in April she said: "Do you remember that I'm going this afternoon I to visit my mom on her birthday? And that I won't be back until late Monday."
"Yes I do remember" I said "and I suppose that you will take the key to the CB with you?" with some hope that I'd be wrong.
She said:"of course I am, silly. I don't want you to do anything foolish while I'm gone." and kissed me on the cheek.
"O.k" I said "will you please let me out for a while when you come home? I am so horny"
"Well, perhaps." was her answer. "But I rather like the idea of having you locked up." Then she said:"why don't you go to the pub tonight with some of your friends? Make the most of it now when I am away. It's been a while since you did that."
I had a great weekend. I visited the pub and spent some very good hours there with some of my friends who had nicknamed me "old faithful" because if never cheated on my wife. If they only know why!
When Monday evening finally came and Mary came through the door I greeted her with a big welcome home hug and a kiss. I asked her how her mom was and so on. I really tried to be the perfect husband hoping that she would produce the key really soon. But she avoided the subject as soon as I brought it up. Finally when we went to bed she told me what had happened.
She and her mother had visited the bank where she lives, to have a look on some items in her mother's safe deposit box. She uses to do that on her birthday and Mary use to accompany her. In the deposit box, were among other things, a small box with some stuff that Mary's father, dead since a couple of years now, had placed there. Inside were some cuff links an old watch and some other stuff. It was actually nothing of value inside, but it was of sentimental value for mom so she had kept them.
Then Mary had her inspiration of the moment, she had hidden the key to my chastity belt inside the box with her father's things and when she and her mother left the bank that key was safely locked away in that bank! Her mom did not notice this, of course.
"What!" I cried out loud. "Is the key locked in that bank and for how long do you intend to keep it there??"
"Well" she answered very calmly. She had obviously expected my reaction to be like this. "I use to visit mom at least once every six months so in October perhaps."
"You mean that I will be locked into this belt for another six months?" I shouted.
"Yes!!" she said "and do not raise your voice to me or I will destroy the key and never let you out!"
All I could do was to grind my teeth and wait the six months.
It was hard, but I did not hate the belt, strangely enough I still loved it.
When the six months were gone and Mary went to visit her mom again I had made sure that Mary really would bring the key back with her. I had now been locked up for many months and I was really desperate to cum.
When she came through the door I was waiting for her, eager to receive the key and with or without Mary's help free myself from the CB.
But one look on her face told me that something was wrong, very wrong.
"What has happened?" I asked "Is your mom alright?"
She answered "nothing is wrong with my mom she is fine. But you have to sit down on the couch."
This was not good, not good at all, what in the world had happened?
I sat down and asked"What happened?"
Then she told me. She had asked her mom if they could go to the bank as usual, to have another look at the stuff in the deposit box. Her mom told her the a couple of months ago she had received a letter from the bank telling her that the bank was closing down and that she two months to clear out the box.
She had gone to the bank and she had thrown most of the stuff in a bin at the bank. Among the items she had thrown away was the box with Mary's father's things.
My face went totally white. The only key to my chastity belt was in that box and it was now lost forever. That meant that I was now locked up permanently. I felt sick and poured myself a large whiskey and drunk it all in one swallow.
When I looked at Mary I saw that her face was wet with tears. She said "Oh Steve, I am so sorry. I did not mean this to happen. What are we going to do?"
"I do not know Mary, my love. But I am sure that we will find some way to remove this thing from my body"
Next Wednesday Mary and I went to the sex shop to see if they could help me. At first the claimed that there was nothing they could do but when they learned that Mary was my wife they asked us to go out and come back again in half an hour. We did so and had a cup of coffee in a nearby bar. We were now getting a small hope that there was something they could do.
We were correct, when we came back to the shop we were told that in the factory there was a strongbox in which there were some keys to the type of belt that I was wearing. They were almost forgotten but an old employee had remembered it. So if we were lucky the spare key to my belt was there. The "doctors" had a closer look at the serial number of my belt and called the factory again.
All we could do now was to wait for the telephone to ring. After some very long minutes the call came with the news that I was an extremely lucky guy. The key was there. Now I had two choices, either come to the factory or they could send it by mail to us. The factory was a two days drive from us so we decided that they would send it by mail, but in the type of letter that was ensured and with a special delivery so it wouldn't get lost. The price for all this was a lot but it was, to me, worth a lot more.
Four days later it was a ring on the door bell and there was a delivery man with an envelope with the key inside. Now it was just the question, was it going to work in the lock? If it didn't it would mean that the spring mechanism would destroy the lock. But what choice did we have? So very nervously it was time to test it, and it worked! The belt fell to the floor, I was free.
I looked at Mary and I could see that she was relieved as well.
She said: "Oh, Steve I really do love you so very much" And gave me a deep kiss and we made love.
The belt was now put on a shelf in our bedroom, for a month or so. But again I could see that Mary was not happy about that it was not in use anymore. I could see her jealous streak was coming back to her.
One evening I happened to stumble on her sitting on the bed with the belt in her hands, with a sad look on her face. When she saw that I was standing there she looked guilty and put it back on the shelf again. I sat down on the bed beside her, put my arm around her and asked her if she really wanted me to wear the belt again?
She put her head on my shoulder and after a few seconds I could feel her nodding her head slowly, and saying very quiet: "hm... well.. I .... think I would like that very much".
"Are you still jealous?" I asked.
With tears in her eyes she looked me straight into my eyes and said "I can't help it Steve, I am so sorry, but I just loved it when you were wearing it. I loved it the first time I saw it and I still do, it makes me feel so secure that you never will cheat on me."
"Is it really that bad?" I asked.
She just nodded.
I said "Tell you what, I will wear it for you, and you will hold the key like before but don't you dare to lose it again. We were extremely lucky to find a second key and this is the last key and don't you forget that."
She looked at me almost surprised and said "After all that has happened will you really do that for me Steve?"
"Yes I do, and I love you very much." was all I said.
She hugged me we made love right there right then.
The next morning after the shower I put the chastity belt back on again and gave Mary the key. I told her that she again was the one who would deice for how long and so on.
Mary was so happy and said that this time she would store the key in the safest place that she knew of. And that was in the deposit box in the bank. We already had a box in our local bank so there it would be safe, despite of what happened in her mother's bank.
I agreed and that is where the key ended up 3 months ago and I haven't seen it since. I have asked Mary many times to pick it up so I could make love to her but she has always forgotten it, or she came there after closing hours, or other excuses.
It is still after all this time sometimes very hard and frustrating, but Mary is happy and so I am happy. I just bide my time hoping that it soon will be me lucky night.
Mary and I still love to make love with the help of a dildo that is screwed on the front of the belt, and she really loves the sense of power she has over me.
So, do I hate the chastity belt? No, after all that has happened and after all this time I still love it.