I have to admit her plan was devious, well thought out, and brilliant. She is a smart woman.
I met her when I was only 24 years old. I was fresh out of college and trying to make my way in the world. I had almost nothing. My father left when I was 10 and my mom turned into a drug addict. She eventually died of an overdose. I hadn't seen my sister in 10 years. She was quite a bit older than me and also (I think) a drug addict. For all I know, she is dead too. I had some close friends from high school and college but they began to slip away with the passage of time...marriage and careers got in the way. I had huge college loans that I was barely paying back and I was forced to have a roommate to get by.
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A late bloomer, I suddenly grew up at about 22. I was still very thin, but my face cleared up and I began to build some muscle on my wiry frame. I was cut more than big, but for the first time in my life I was forming muscles. When I looked in the mirror I saw a half way decent looking guy and apparently the women thought the same thing because suddenly I found it easy to meet them.
It was after a two year string of great times with the ladies that I met her. She was easily the best looking woman I had ever met in person. Her body was unbelievable. Incredibly fit with curves. Her ass was a muscular bubble and her breasts were firm and large but not huge. Her face though was the best. It was hard to describe but her dark, silky hair and emerald green eyes were mesmerizing. Her look could be best described as hot, rich, bitch. She looked like she got whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. She dressed in revealing, expensive clothes and drove a red convertible. Her shoe collection alone had to have a value of more than a million dollars.
She was something to behold, but she was 36 years old...a full 12 years my senior. I never expected to meet an older woman, but she wasn't like anyone I've ever met. I hadn't met a girl near my age that was anywhere near as hot as her. Plus, there was something a little forbidden and hot about it, so I didn't care. I didn't plan on marrying her...at first...so the age thing didn't matter. She was cougar and fucked like one. I never had been with a woman who was as confident in bed as her. She was aggressive and got what she wanted and I rolled with it.
Her house was a Southern California mansion on the beach with ridiculous views. The house had to be worth 50 million. It was extremely private and when I was there, it felt like we didn't even have neighbors. She got tired of my old clunker immediately and bought a top-of-line Ranger Rover. I noticed that the car was in her name, but it was mine to use as I chose. I was a little miffed when I found out she took my car to the junk yard when the new car wasn't even in my name but I said nothing. The car was worth at least 2 grand but I figured my new benefits outweighed that loss.
Like the frog in the water that gradually boils I let things happen to me without giving them much thought. She asked me to quit my job because she got annoyed when I wasn't around to see her. She had me move in with her because my apartment was too far away and in an "icky" neighborhood...according to her. She didn't like my clothes, so she bought me new ones. Suddenly, I had literally nothing and was totally financially dependent on her. It didn't bother me at first, but it did cause a subtle change in our relationship. She had changed the power dynamic and although she didn't lord it over me, it was there. If I left her I would have no money and no where to go. We didn't discuss it, but we both knew it.
As time went by the power shifted her way more and more. She gave me a credit card and called it my allowance. The card was in my name, but the bill was paid by her and she was the primary on the account. I couldn't even call in with questions about the card without her. Just calling it my allowance made me feel "less" than her. She started referring to me as "my pet" or "my pretty boy" or "little baby." It caused a surge of humiliation to rush through me but at the same time she was put her hand on my cock or my ass, so the humiliation was immediately coupled with arousal.
One night I was out with friends until 1 AM and when I got home she looked pissed and said, "I'm going to need to give you a curfew."
I wasn't sure if she was kidding but the next morning at breakfast overlooking the Pacific Ocean she said, "I want you home by 11:00 for now on 'my pet'" as she rubbed my inner thigh and kissed my neck. "I don't like it when I you are out late."
It wasn't quite an order. More like a strong request, but then as I was about to head out to the beach to run, she said, "Let's make that a hard 11:00 for now on. Not a minute later." As I ran the order kept ringing through my head. I was 24 years old and I was just given a curfew like it was an order. It was humiliating and confusing and it made me mad, however I was a little afraid to do anything about it because I was totally reliant on her. I kept asking myself how I got in this position.
Later that night we were lying in bed after sex with the sound of the waves crashing coming through the master bedroom's open windows and I suddenly got a hankering for ice cream. "Why don't I grab us some ice cream and we can sit on the balcony and enjoy it?"
"It's after 11:00" she said flatly. "You aren't allowed out after 11."
I laughed out loud. "I'm not a child." I said perhaps a little harshly.
Her look was withering. "I wasn't kidding." she said firmly. "I don't like you out late. I know that it might be a little hard for you to have restrictions, but I think it will be good for you."
There was no other explanation. She expected me home by 11 and to stay home after 11.
I didn't push it but I was angry and hurt. I looked out at the moonlight over the pacific ocean and I knew for certain that I never wanted to go back to a shitty little apartment again. I bit my lip and decided that she was doing it because she cared about me and wanted me around and not because she was on a power trip.
About a month later I was out in the evening doing errands and hit some really bad LA traffic. I thought I had plenty of time to get home, but the freeway was barely moving. I called Susan and told her the situation. She said nothing and hung up on me. Sighing I just waited stopped in traffic as the time went by. Finally, things loosened up and I got home around 11:17. She was waiting at the door in the dark when I got in. It startled me.
"Give me your keys." she said coldly. I walked behind her as she entered her office and opened the safe. (I did not have the combination) She threw the keys inside and turned around. "You have lost the right to use your vehicle for one week."
I was angry. "I am not a child! There was traffic! How am I supposed to get around."
"That won't matter." she continued coldly. "You are also grounded for one week too."
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." I exclaimed and I reacted impulsively. Before I knew it, I was walking down the street with nothing but the clothes on my back, my wallet and my cell phone. As I stormed down the street I took out my cell phone to get an Uber and I was shocked that she had already shut off my service. When I got down to the bottom of the hill and made it to a mini-mart, I found that my Amex card had been shut off as well.
I was fucked. I had nothing but $5 cash and the clothes on my back. It was at that moment that I realized just how trapped she had made me. The anger was subsiding but I had too much pride to walk right back. I walked deep in thought. Most of the time she was a pretty great girlfriend and the perks were amazing. Only a handful of people lived like I did now. Everything was top of the line...clothes, food, cars, vacations, the palace we lived in, and I could go on and on. I didn't have to clean or do my own laundry...a service did that. Best of all, though, I had the most beautiful woman I had ever met fucking me every night. I lived in a fantasy world and going back to my old life would be a shock to the system at this point.
Still, though, I wasn't sure. Things were getting weird. I found an all night diner and used my last $5 to order a coffee. The place had WiFi so I could use the phone. I immediately thought about applying for some credit cards, but I remembered my credit wasn't perfect so I did a free credit check online to see if things had changed. She had paid off everything including my horrible student loans, so maybe that would help. What I saw though almost sent me into hysterics. According to the report, she had paid off absolutely nothing! My student loans and my credit cards were in severe default. My credit score was about as low as it could get. Nothing had been sent to me in the mail, but as I thought about it, she always handed me my mail.
Did she do this on purpose? She must have I thought. I realized she wanted to trap me...everything she had done at this point was with the purpose of making me completely reliant on her. I had no chance of getting approved for any credit. I had a terrible credit score and no job.
I thought about going to friends but my pride got in the way. I hadn't kept in very good touch with my friends...she hated it when I left to see them. On the night I had stayed out until 1:00 AM I had felt a disconnect from the few friends I still had. I felt like an outsider. I had stayed out late to try to reconnect, but instead it just felt uncomfortable. I didn't feel like I go to to them for help without a lot of embarrassment. Plus, none of them were wealthy. They were just getting by like I had been.
I finally walked home at 5:00 AM. I was dejected and humiliated, but I didn't feel like I had a choice. I vowed to squirrel away money so if this ever happened again, I would have a safety net. To my surprise she was sitting in a chair by the door when I walked in. She stood up and stood in front of me.
I swallowed my pride and spoke first. "I'm sorry I left like that Susan." I said softly as I looked at the floor. I felt utterly pathetic.
"Hmmm." she said staring directly at me with complete confidence. "As you can imagine, I am not very happy with you right now, but I'm glad you came back."
I felt some relief that I could stay at least for awhile and build a safety net of funds.
"I'm going to ground you for 2 weeks. That means no car, no wallet, no phone and you are not to leave the grounds of my house. Give me your wallet and keys."
I gave her both and she turned and briskly walked to put them in her safe. When she returned she confidently looked me in the eye and said, "Take off your clothes."
I was surprised, but I thought, maybe some sex should smooth things over. I felt like a punished child, but at least she still wanted to treat me like a man and have sex.
I took off my clothes, but to my surprise she just watched me until I was completely naked and she still was clothed.
"Walk" she said simply and I walked up the stairs to the bedroom buck naked while she walked behind me. Once we reached the bedroom I started to go to the bed but she said "Stop. Come here." She was sitting in the middle of a couch that was in our bedroom. She was wearing small running shorts and a t-shirt without a bra. I could see her perfect tits through the shirt and her thighs looked amazing.
"Stand in front of me." I followed her order wondering what the fuck was going on. "I hate petulant, temper tantrums more than anything in the world." She said coldly staring me directly in the eyes. "They are what spoiled children do, not a grown man. For now on when you behave like a spoiled child, you will be punished like one. Lay across my lap."
At first it didn't compute, but then I realized that she intended to spank me. I was shocked. This was too much. "Susan, I..." I began sounding far more shakey than I intended."
"Now!" she interrupted me.
For some reason I was rock hard. Humiliated, yet extremely aroused. I found myself following her order when I really wanted to disobey it.
She adjusted me so my hips were directly over her lap. I felt my rock hard cock slide between her very smooth thighs.
"Both wrists behind your back." she ordered. Feeling almost light headed I complied and immediately felt the cold steel of shackles as they snapped around my wrists.
She took her time and rubbed my ass like she owned me and at that moment I realized that she kind of did own me. The spanking was painful. I was surprised how much power she could generate. I received 20 spanks per cheek and it was hell not to squirm or scream out, but that would have been more humiliating. Unfortunately, something worse happened though. About half way through I came. It was one of the hardest cums of my life and it was like a freight train coming that could be derailed no matter what I tried. I was mortified and it made the whole experience more confusing than ever.
The next two weeks things went back to normal, expect that I didn't leave the house because I was grounded like a child. The first couple of days I was so mortified that I could hardly look at her. She never failed to grab my ass whenever it was within reach and sometimes even playfully spank it. Every time she did I relived the humiliating emasculation she had put me though. For some reason, though, I felt the blood rush to my penis every time. When the two weeks were up, she gave me back the car keys, my wallet and my phone and things felt like they were before.
Finally, after about a month, I asked her about why my student loans and credit cards weren't paid off like she had told me.
"You are kidding?" she said with obvious mock surprise. "I'll have to talk to Lilly about that." Lilly was her personal assistant who only came to the house a couple times a week and mostly worked from home. I never heard another word about it.
After three months, things changed again. At dinner overlooking the ocean she asked me to marry her. I was a little embarrassed that she had asked and not me but that seemed to be par for the course with our relationship. I said yes immediately. The thought of the spanking and being grounded still stung me, but nothing had happened since. I never was out past 11 and I found myself following her wishes so things went smoothly. Generally, what she wanted suited me anyway. Plus, in most ways I lived like a king in a 50 million dollar beach side mansion, so that massaged my ego a bit.
We had great sex that night and the next day she sent me to her lawyer. I suppose I should have known there would be a prenuptial agreement, but it stung a little bit. The agreement gave me 1 million dollars for each year of marriage completed before a divorce. I knew she must have a billion dollars. I had read up on her family and although their net worth was only estimated, it was into the billions. However, I didn't earn it or inherit it, so I signed the agreement without hesitation.
She surprised me by greeting me in the lawyer's lobby and said, "Are you ready?"
"Ready for what?" I asked curiously.
"Ready to get married."
"Yes, now, silly. Why would we wait? I don't want some ridiculous wedding. I just want you to be my husband."
And so we went to the courthouse and got married. We both were very happy. Even if I had to feel the humiliation of her control sometimes, I felt like it was worth it. I had the golden ticket. She paid for a honeymoon immediately and we rented a private jet for a tour of the world. After 2 months, we finally felt like going home. We stayed in 27 different 5 star hotels and ate at restaurants that had food that defied imagination. It was a fantasy world, but it was my world now.
When we returned, though, is when my life started to take a turn towards the worse. I should have taken the grounding and spanking as a big hint, but I didn't see the torpedo coming at me until it was too late. About 2 weeks after we returned I woke up feeling very strange. It was like all strength was sapped from my body and I couldn't keep a coherent thought for more than 2 seconds. At first I thought I might have had a stroke and so did she. She took me to the ER but they ended up referring me to a brain doctor for further tests. That started a month of hell. She took me to 4 brain doctors and then to psychiatrist after psychiatrist. She even had me stay overnight at three of them to be screened for a longer period of time.
Through the whole ordeal, I was in a haze. I knew what was happening, but I could barely express myself at all. It was horrifying. After that month, she woke me up early one morning and said, "Sweetie, we have another appointment today." I sighed and she helped me out of bed and into my clothes. I felt terrible but she got me to her car and then we left the palatial mansion for yet another doctor...or so I thought. I was surprised when she pulled into the LA County Courthouse parking garage.
I had never even been to a court and suddenly I was in one to decide my own fate. We sat down in the front and she had to assist me to my seat...I was so weak physically and mentally. Then, I had to watch in shock as a court proceeding about my life went on in front of me and I had no control to stop it. I was fully aware what was happening, but I could put together my thoughts verbally to object.
In 30 minutes, my wife had taken legal guardianship of me. I no longer had any control of my own life. She presented multiple psychiatrist reports that said I was permanently mentally incapacitated and I no longer had the ability to make decisions for myself and that I never would. I was a danger to my own safety. My status, Susan stated with a tear, was permanent and that she would need to be my legal guardian for the rest of my life. The judge commended her on her selflessness. "You are very lucky man to have such a wonderful wife." the judge said to me before she declared the case closed.
When we got to the car, she kissed me on my forehead and said "I'm going to take very good care of you. You are my good little baby aren't you." She had an outrageously condescending tone to her voice. "We have one little stop to make and then we can head home."
We stopped at a nondescript warehouse and she led me into an office where a man was waiting for us. "Is it ready" she said with excitement.
"Yes, custom made." said the man proudly. I would have yelled if I had been able. The man was holding a collar. He showed her a 7 number combination lock on the back before snapping it around my neck. It was very snug and when I heard the lock engage I began to feel panicked. "As I told you on the phone, it is completely secure. It would take some very powerful tools to remove it and it would be very dangerous. Only the person with the combination can remove it."
"Excellent!" she exclaimed.
"As we discussed on the phone it has 10 levels of electric shock. You can control them with the remote and with the "nubs" that you can place around your property like an invisible fence for a dog."
She left the collar on me as we left and to my extreme embarrassment put me on a leash. "This is just for your protection. I don't want you wandering into traffic or anything."
I tried to talk when we got back to the car, but she just said "Relax pet." as she put my seat belt on.
When we arrived back at the mansion, she removed my clothing and smiled widely. "I'm going to take care of you, baby. The shock collar is only so you don't get into trouble and get hurt. Don't worry."
Once I was naked, she helped me lay back on the bed and then I was surprised for the 20th time that day. She powdered my butt and privates and began to put a diaper on me. I tried to resist but she said "Relax honey. I have to run some errands so I won't be able to help you to the potty for awhile." The diaper had pink trim and had a picture of Belle from Beauty and the Beast on it. "I'm sorry honey, this the only one they had in your size." Once I was diapered, she attached the hand loop at the other end of the leash to the head post of the bed and snapped a padlock through it to secure it to the post.
"Mommy will be back in a few hours, baby. Try to relax."
I sat there on the bed in a little girl's diaper, with a shock collar locked on my neck and my leash padlocked to the bed. It was hard to think clearly with my thoughts bouncing wildly around my head, but my overwhelming feeling was shame and humiliation. How did it come to this point and what the hell was wrong with me?
I tried to detach the leash from my collar but that was padlocked on too. I wasn't going anywhere. After about 10 minutes I fell asleep and slept for what felt like a really long time. When I woke up, my head felt clearer than it had in a month, but my body was still very weak. When I looked down and saw the diaper, I immediately pulled it off and threw it across the room. She might have me in a terrible spot but there is no way I was going to wear a girls, Disney diaper.
Time went very slow. I couldn't move more than a few feet with the leash. I couldn't even reach the TV remote. As the hours passed, my mind became clearer and I began to suspect that she had drugged me for an entire month to make it look like I had lost my mind. With every minute my rage grew. Even with the drugs she would have needed help. All of the doctors and the maybe even the judge must be her friends or paid off or they would have figured out the drugs were causing my condition. At least I assumed that was the case. How many wives drugged their new husband to make him look mentally deficient?
After awhile I began to get worried. I had to go to the bathroom really bad. I tried to reach for the diaper so I could pee into it but I had thrown it too far away. Finally after what had to have been 5 hours I involuntarily peed into the bed. Even my bladder seemed weak. As I finished urinating, I suddenly realized I was going to lose control of my bowels too. It was so humiliating but in my weakened state I couldn't help it. It went everywhere and now I was forced to sit in a bed where piss and shit were just a few feet away. It smelled awful.
About 30 minutes later the door opened and there she was looking tan, gorgeous and healthy. To my horror, she had someone with her. A very cute young girl who couldn't be older than 21. She had blonde hair in a high pony tail, and a chubby but gorgeous face. Her breasts were quite large and filled out her fitted t-shirt. She wore a tiny pair of shorts and her ass and thighs filled them out to the extreme. I covered up my cock and balls mortified that another person was seeing me like this.
Susan's face immediately went very dark. She saw the diaper in the corner and the bed covered with human waste and she was seething with anger. "Why is your diaper empty and in the corner?"
I said nothing. She unlocked the leash from my collar and grabbed my ear painfully. She pulled me from the bed and I stumbled behind her with my chest bent forward to lessen the pressure on my ear. The young girl stood with her arms crossed and a smirk on her face. Susan led me into the bathroom and helped me into the bath, then proceeded to wash me clean like I was a toddler. The young girl stood at the door with her smirk enjoying the show.
When she was done helped me out of the tub, she dried me with a towel and grabbed my ear again pulling me forward until she sat on the couch and pulled me over her lap. The young girl followed and stood where she could see everything. I tried to move away, but she grabbed my left wrist and pulled my arm painfully behind my back and up toward my shoulder blades. I stopped struggling to reduce the pressure on my arm and shoulder. With her right hand she gave me a spanking for the second time. Like the first spanking, she struck each cheek 20x. The spanks echoed around the room and I resisted the urge to cry from the shame and the pain. Unlike the first time, there was absolutely nothing I could have done to stop her.
She laid me back on the couch and retrieved the diaper and put it on me right there in front of the girl. I dared not resist because I was too weak to stop any punishment she want to inflict. She left for a second and I caught the young girl's look. Her smirk was extremely condescending. Susan returned with a bag.
"I didn't want to resort to this, but since you removed your diaper which you obviously need, you gave me no choice."
She pulled out a pair of pink, leather bondage mittens. At the time I had no idea what they were. They looked a little like boxing gloves. When she put them on, my hand was forced into a fist and once they were locked, my hand was no more than a round nub at the end of my arm. I wouldn't be able to do much with my hands now.
She pulled me up into a sitting position. "Sweetie, this is Miss Ashley. She is a fully accredited child care worker. As you know, I am very busy with my charities and the club, so I need someone I can trust to babysit you when I'm gone. She will be able to change your diaper and look after you when I can't be here."
My eyes must have been as big as saucers. "Susan, I really don't think that's necessary." I said able to speak coherently for the first time in a month.
"Not necessary?" she said laughing. "Did you look at what you did to the bed today? You are in no state to be by yourself and you are far too weak to change your own diaper. Honey, you are mentally disabled. It's a sad but true fact. You were at the court proceeding. I cry about it every day but you are no longer a man. You are basically a young child now. Your brain doesn't have ability to produce rational thought. You are a danger to yourself. "
I saw a fake tear forming in her eye and her face had the same smirk as Ashley's.
"Don't worry, though, baby. Your condition is permanent but I will never leave you. I'll be here to take care of you the rest of your life. And we have Miss Ashley to help now too. Miss Ashley is a very smart girl. Unlike you, she has full mental capacity. When I'm not here, she will be in my role. She will make the decisions for you so you don't have to worry your pretty little head. If you pull a little stunt like you did this afternoon and make a mess of things, then Miss Ashley has full authority to spank your little bottom. I wouldn't put Miss Ashley in charge of you unless I totally trusted her, so I have already told her she can discipline you whenever it is needed. Just remember, it's for your own good to keep you safe."
It was surreal. I couldn't believe this was happening to me. I wanted to stop her but I was too weak to resist. The thought of a cute 21 year old girl spanking me and changing my diaper was about the most humiliating thing imaginable. Susan pulled a syringe out of her purse. Time for your evening medicine she said cheerfully and emptied the contents into my upper arm.
Susan leashed me and helped me off the couch. "Let's go downstairs and get you something to eat, honey." Both Susan and Ashley helped me down the stairs and at the bottom I felt extremely weak. "Why don't you crawl the rest of the way sweetie. It's ok. I'll hold your leash so you don't get off track."
As I got on my knees and then on all fours I started to cry compounding my humiliation. I felt so pathetic. I was a grown man wearing a little girl's Disney diaper and nothing else crawling while on a leash with two beautiful women watching me. Whenever I wasn't going exactly the way she wanted, she would pull sharply on the leash to get me back on track.
"Doesn't he look cute crawling along in his diaper, Ashley?"
"Adorable." said Ashley enthusiastically.
The only thing I could think is that Ashley was an emotional sadist like Susan seemed to be. I wondered if they somehow knew each other before this.
They helped me into a chair and then I noticed that the chair had leather restraints for my ankles and then my wrists behind me on the back of the chair. As she put them on she explained that they were just so I wouldn't fall off.
"You have been so weak lately that I have had to puree your food, but when I was at the store today, I thought, why do all that work when I can just buy baby food for you. Ashley, would you do the honors?"
"I would be happy to." said Ashley and took a couple of jars out of a bag on the table and Susan handed her a rubber spoon.
"Susan, baby food isn't really necessary. I think I can eat regular food now." I finally spoke up.
"Nonsense!" she said sharply. "I have been the one taking care of you the last month and I know what you are capable of eating."
Ashley put a pink bib on me and began and opened a jar and proceeded to feed me like I was a 1 year old. The food kept dribbling down my chin. I was sure she was deliberately putting too much on the spoon and spilling it on purpose, but when Susan came over she said, "See, you can barely get baby food in your mouth and you wanted me to feed you like an adult." she laughed and shook her head.
Ashley took the bib and wiped my mouth. The look in her eyes was one of pure delight. It confirmed everything. This was planned. They wanted to destroy my ego and turn me into a freak. I had to find a way out of this. Somehow I had to stop the shots so I could get my strength back.
The baby food was awful but I chocked it down the best I could. Susan left and went up upstairs and I was left with Ashley. She smiled at me when the feeding is done. "So how are you doing down there?" she said looking at the diaper. "Are you still dry."
"Yes." I responded softly, avoiding her stare. She put her hand into the back of my diaper anyway, feeling my ass.
"Such a cute little butt." she commented and her hand lingered longer than it should have. As she wiped my mouth clean with a wet towel Susan returned.
"I have an event this evening, baby, but that's why Ashley is here. Be a good boy and listen to her. Remember, she is the boss." She kissed me on the forehead and wiggled her butt out the door.
Ashley sat beside me and stared confidently into my eyes. "You seem like a sweet boy, but I want to go over the ground rules. I am not a babysitter who will be taken advantage of."
I figited...too humiliated to look her in the eye.
"I expect to be called Miss Ashley. Never just Ashley. If I ask you a question, you are to answer 'yes, Miss Ashley or no, Miss Ashley.' If I do something nice for you, you are to say 'thank you, Miss Ashley.' Do you understand?"
"Yes." I said softly.
"Yes, what?" she said curtly.
"Yes, Miss Ashley." I choked out.
She undid my restraints and helped me to the floor. "I want you crawling only. You are far too weak to walk on your own and I don't want you falling on my watch."
So I crawled along the floor on the leash. She led me into the TV room and had me sit on the carpet at her feet.
"I brought you a toy to play with while I watch TV." she said and handed me a fucking Barbie doll. "You seem like the type of boy that would play with a girl's doll." I had no intention of playing with a Barbie doll. When this was all over and I had escaped, I was going to take great pleasure in watching these two go to prison. I deliberately didn't answer and before I could react she had reached over and grabbed my ear. I screamed as she yanked me up on the couch beside her and pulled me over her lap
To my mortification, my cock was partially erect and growing. She positioned me over her lap and pulled the diaper off. With ease she pulled one wrist and then the other behind my back and then attached the two pink bondage mittens together. I stopped struggling.
"Your poor little butt. Susan really spanked you hard didn't she." She positioned her thighs apart for a second and my now extremely hard cock slid between her two legs. Her skin was so soft that my cock got even harder. She began to softly rub my ass. "What did I say you should say when I did something nice for you."
"Thank you, Miss Ashley." I said with my voice cracking.
"So why didn't you say it?"
"I forgot."
"So you are going to lie to me now?" she asked. "I think it's because you didn't want to play with a girl's doll."
"No, Miss Ashley."
"Now, that's two lies in a row. I think you are stuck in the world of foolish gender stereotypes. You are a sissy deep inside. No real man would allow himself to wear a little girl diaper and crawl on a leash."
"I'm not, Miss Ashley. Please let me go. I won't say anything about you to the police."
She laughed for a good 30 seconds. "Police? You do realize that Susan is a billionaire and that you are legally her ward now, right? She is your legal guardian just like your mom. If you somehow escaped, the police would return you here and wouldn't listen to anything you said. You have been declared mentally incapable of caring yourself by at least 10 doctors. This is America, sweetie. Billionaires are a different place of people. They get what they want."
She kept rubbing my ass and I started crying.
"You poor baby." she said with her voice more condescending than ever. "It must be tough. You just let her do this to you and now you are stuck." Her fingers began to explore in between my ass cheeks. "Don't worry, Miss Ashley, will take really good care of baby sissy."
I felt the freight train of an orgasm building deep inside me and I fought with everything I had mentally to stop it. But her thighs were just too soft and she kept rubbing my ass. I wanted to die as I felt my cock throbbing and emptying itself in between her legs.
"Bad sissy." she said. "You had a little accident didn't you?"
"Yes, Miss Ashley." I said with my voice cracking.
She let me off her lap and onto the floor and gave me the Barbie doll again with several sets of clothes. "Now I want you to play with the doll and practice accessorizing outfits, so you know how to do it when you are a big girl."
"Yes, Miss Ashley."
"Good sissy." she said patting me on the head. "Let me know when you fill your diaper and Miss Ashley will change it for you."
I cried softly as I changed the outfits on the Barbie doll.