Author's Note: Don't try this at home, it probably won't go well for you!
Part 1
Lisa loved her bed. Not in a weird way, just in that it has always been there in her life. She grew up in that bed, cried in that bed, laughed in that bed. She had her first kiss there, and her first orgasm. A large and ancient thing handed down from her late grandmother when Lisa was only tiny, it was built solid, with four thick wooden legs, each with a round bedknob on top. A steadfast companion throughout her life.
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Lisa herself was a pale, thin girl, with red hair and a smattering of freckles on her face and upper chest. She wasn't hugely confident in her appearance, but what teenager was? Standing at 5'8", with small, perky breasts and hips that had a decent sway as she walked, she'd still attracted a few boyfriends over the years. Nothing that you'd call a serious relationship. She still hadn't had sex yet, and had a feeling she was getting a reputation for being a prude.
"Although if they saw what I was into," Lisa thought, "I'd have a much different reputation..."
Just then, Lisa's mother knocked on the bedroom door.
"Are you decent?" She said.
"Yeah come in," replied Lisa, "When are you guys off?"
"In a minute. Your father and I are catching the train in about twenty minutes. We'll be back Sunday evening, there's plenty of food in the house. Don't forget to feed the cats. Have you got everything you need?"
"Yeah, it'll be fine, you're only gone two days."
"Okay then," said her mother, "we better go. No wild parties! You can have a friend over if you like."
"But no boys in the house while we're gone!" Lisa's father shouted, from downstairs. "I can sense them!"
Lisa rolled her eyes. She knew her dad didn't need to sense anything, as there were security cameras set up near the front door. He didn't have to worry anyway, she had a much different plan for this weekend.
"Ha ha," she said, dryly, "I'll be good, you have fun!"
"Bye sweetie! Phone us if there's a problem!" her mother shouted as they hurried out of the door.
Once the front door was closed, Lisa locked it behind them then scrambled back up to her room. Oh she had plans, all right. She pulled a trunk out from under her bed and unlocked it with a key she kept taped to the bottom of her desk. Inside was a whole host of BDSM and fetish equipment. Gags, rope, cuffs, blindfolds, clamps, little jiggly things, and a small collection of dildos and vibrators. Not to mention condoms and lube... just in case, she told herself.
She laid out a few choice items on the bed, ready for an afternoon of fun. Despite her nervousness stopping her from ever quite getting around to having sex, she was a proficient masturbator. Ever since she first slipped a hand down her pants as a curious pre-teen, she had become enamored with the act of self-love. Over the years this had crept into the world of self-bondage and masochistic tendencies. The internet had helped with that.
Lisa looked at the end of her bed and shivered. She had been psyching herself up for today for some time. For years, in fact. Many nights of solo passion she had fantasised about this. She had researched online for techniques, and bought larger and larger dildos in preparation. Her biggest one was a struggle, a 2.8 inch diameter 8 inch shaft made from soft rubber. She could manage it, just about, but today would be something different.
The house was warm, but she still had goosebumps as she stripped off her clothes. Her panties were already wet from anticipation, and she blushed hotly. What sort of reaction was that, she asked herself. Blushing while alone? For goodness sake. Never the most tidy person, the clothes ended up in a heap on the bed. She grabbed a few items from her prep, and headed into the bathroom.
As she sat on the toilet for a pee, she put on a dog collar. A lot of the toys she had were things she had found or made, although a few were bought specially from certain websites. This collar was wide and made of leather, with small studs all around. It was a proper dog collar, so she had punched extra holes into it to make it fit. It had a shiny tag on it with "LISA" engraved into the metal. Lisa's family didn't even have a dog, unbeknownst to the woman at the petshop who had sold her it.
A small padlock went through the buckle, stopping anyone from removing it without the key or destroying the collar. Next went on the ballgag. It was a full face harness one she had got online, and wasn't cheap. She had worn it plenty of times in the past, and it was her favourite. Lisa had managed to wear it for a good few hours before her jaw really ached, but once all the little straps and buckles were done up she was effectively muted. This one actually came with a series of small padlocks, and she locked each one in place.
Once done, she stood up and looked in the mirror above the sink. Her wide eyes, framed by the face harness, stared back at the strange young thing in the mirror. Pale and freckled, with reddening cheeks, her face was a picture. Her pink lips were stretched obscenely around the red ball in her mouth. Said ball had a small hole right through the middle of it, to aid breathing and presumably insert any liquid into the slaves mouth through a tube if desired. Lisa had once drank a coke through a straw with it... difficult, but possible!
Drool ran down her chin in a steady stream. It always happened in this gag, and made her feel a little embarrassed. As it dripped onto her freckled chest, she pulled her hair back into a short ponytail, and then headed back to the bedroom to continue where she left off.
Lisa had a set of leather cuffs, a pair for the wrists and for the ankles. She buckled and locked these on too, but did not connect them to each other. She had read stories of self-bondage going wrong, and the horror of her private life being discovered, or even worse, filled her stomach with vomiting butterflies. She would be careful this time, this would be tricky enough as it was. Same went for the nipple clamps. Even though her arms would be free to remove them, she felt the extra sting of biting clamps might be a bit much.
Taking a deep breath, she took a condom off of the bed. It was from the biggest ones she could find, and Lisa was extremely glad she ordered them online so as not having to deal with the leers and winks of an... unprofessional shopkeeper at the pharmacists. Removing it from the package, she felt a familiar tingle in her pussy. Then taking the bottle of lube and the condom, she stood at the end of the bed.
The thick, wooden bedknob stood in front of her, taunting her with its girth. Ever since she had started exploring her body as a girl, she had wondered what it would feel like inside her. It was made from polished wood, with ridges and curves all down its length, topped with a slightly elongated knob rather than the classic wooden ball. It was probably 3 inches across at its widest point, and stood almost 3 feet tall from the floor. In fact, if Lisa managed to mount it as she planned, her feet would struggle to touch the floor. She had stacked some thick books below the corner of her bed for her to stand on, to avoid jumping in too deep, so to speak.
As the trailing drool dripped off her pert nipples and onto the floor, Lisa carefully rolled the condom down the wooden bedpost. She then lubed it up, and rubbed the remaining sticky gel into and around her pussy. Shuddering with excitement, she almost came right then, but decided to hold off her first orgasm of the day until she was skewered properly.
Lisa climbed up onto the stack of books, a small pile for each foot, and shuffled her cute behind over the intimidating pole. She moved her hand down past the small patch of soft, red pubic hair and spread her lips with her fingers. Lisa gasped as she squatted down gently onto the thick bedpost, and grunted as it slowly entered her sex. Wincing a little she pushed on, the drool from her gag running down her chin and belly as she stared down at her splayed pussy. The bedknob itself wasn't too bad, and she settled down over it, moaning softly.
Now for the next part, she thought to herself. She wiped her chin of drool absent mindedly, and lowered herself towards the widest part of the post. Grunting, she braced herself and pushed against the wood, feeling herself stretch around it. It was painful, but felt so good to be so full, and soon the worst was over. The rest of the post was pretty easy once she was past that challenge, and she could now slide up and down with relative ease.
Lisa closed her eyes as she fucked herself on her bedpost and rubbed her clit. She wished she had a big mirror in here to see it, see the humiliated slave girl skewered on a fat, wooden pole. She imagined someone finding her, the shock and disgust they would have, the shame she would feel. Maybe she should film it next time on her phone... Her cheeked flushed red as she continued to hump the unforgiving pole, she could feel the orgasm building.
Then it all became too much for her. Lisa felt the waves of delight wash over her as she came, her fingers moving furiously over her clit. She gasped under the gag and threw her head back as her hips twitched around the unmovable invader. Unfortunately for Lisa, while fucking the post she had not noticed the books slipping under her left foot. As she thrashed about, the top book finally slipped and her left leg kicked up in a panicked reponse. Eyes wide now, still dazed from the orgasm, she tried to right herself but knocked away the books on her right side too. As the surprised teen dropped down the length of the pole, she grunted in pain as the bedknob bumped into her cervix, triggering another orgasm.
Lisa tried to stop squirming around and stood on her tiptoes to avoid resting her weight on the post itself. Her hands struggled to find purchase on the slippery pole in an attempt to pull herself off it, but to no avail. She grunted with exertion as spittle frothed around the wide ball in her mouth.
"Oh god!" thought Lisa, "Oh I'm so full, and I don't know if I can get off it!"
Her legs were already starting to ache and her toes hurt. The dog tag jingled on her collar as she looked wildly around the room for something that could help. She couldn't stay like this until her parents got home in two days time, her life would be over! She regained a little composure, it didn't feel too painful at least. In fact, it felt really good. Releasing her grip around the pole, she got her balance and touched her clit gently. It only took a few seconds for her to come again, any discomfort forgotten for a few fleeting moments.
"Ohh it feels so good," thought Lisa, as she attempted to regain her balance, "but I really think I'm stuck."
Even the thought of being impaled here for real, helpless and humiliated, made her shiver. She looked down at her body, her little breasts covered in saliva, nipples standing straight out. She could see the bulge in her usually flat belly where the intruder filled her. Lisa couldn't resist rubbing another orgasm out as she stared at herself. Imagine if someone broke into the house to find this, they wouldn't really provide the help she needs... but would possibly give her the attention she wants.
Snapping out of her reverie, Lisa glanced over her shoulder at the bedside clock. Almost 4pm, she had been here just over 40 minutes. Every little movement was setting her body off, but she could not stay here forever. Straining and grunting, quite unladylike, she reached for her phone sitting on the desk. Her fingertips touched the edge, and she winced in a mixture of pleasure and pain as she leaned over and attempted to coax the phone closer.
Lisa came again during this struggle, and had a near miss where she almost dropped the phone to the floor, but she managed to get it in hand before standing upright again.
"Phew," she thought, "I can't keep coming like this, I can hardly concentrate. Now who can I call..?"
Who indeed. She thought about calling the police, they could break in and save her certainly, even if she just grunts and squeals down the phone. They could track the signal or something, right? She thought about the mess and the trouble and the embarrassment she would be in though... it's not like she could hide it from her parents with that damn door camera.
Who else? Who could she stand to let see her like this? Family was out of the question, it wouldn't stay secret. Maybe an ex-boyfriend, Lisa had always kept quite genial with most of her ex's after they split up. Well some of them. They have seen her mostly naked before, too. It wouldn't be TOO much of a shock.
She looked down at herself, there was a puddle of drool and who knows what other fluids on the carpet by her feet.
"Yeah, right." she thought, "Plus dad said no boys, he'll be sure to ask questions if he sees one coming into the house."
That left her friends, who could possibly be trusted to keep it to themselves, but the whole experience would no doubt sour their relationship. It would be too weird, she thought. Plus how would any of these people get into a locked house??
Then it hit her. The girl who lived a couple of doors down, Evie right? Her mother was a friend of Lisa's mother, and Lisa used to play with the girl when they were young. She was a little younger than Lisa, so they were never really friends at school. Lisa still had Evie's number in her phone though, from years ago when they occasionally talked. They used to swap secrets all the time, maybe she could keep another??
"Who else is there?" thought Lisa, "Her mother has a spare key to our house, she could let herself in. I guess I have no choice..."
Lisa's faced flushed again with embarrassment, along with exertion. She was already covered in a thin layer of sweat from thrashing around, and her calves were complaining loudly now. She tapped out a text message to Evie.
[Hi evie its lisa from number 45. I hope your still on this number. Could you come over to my place please? I need to ask you something important. Let yourself in with the spare key and come up to the room at the top of the stairs, just come in thanks its important -Lisa xx]
Lisa hovered her finger over the send button for a good sixty seconds, before finally pressing it as a drop of her drool splashed onto the phone screen. She leaned over to gather up a bedsheet, and wrapped herself in it, to hide her modesty. What little modesty there was left, anyway. Hot thoughts burned through her mind as she waited. This could ruin her life. What if Evie told everyone? They hadn't said more than two words to each other in like five years, why would she drop everything and come over? What if she wasn't on that number anymore?
She glanced down at her phone again. Typical. She only had about 9% battery left, it probably wouldn't last an hour even on standby. Her dad was always telling her to keep it charged. Lisa turned the phone off in the vain hope that she could at least use it later to call someone else if Evie didn't show.
It was twenty minutes later. Lisa's jaw was starting to ache, her legs were shivering, and she had had three more orgasms without hardly trying. She could feel the hot fluid running down her inner thighs. It stinks of sex in this room, she thought to herself absently, when she heard keys at the front door. Was it Evie?? Lisa quickly wrapped herself up in the blanket, taking care to cover her gagged mouth. There wasn't much point at the face harness was still visible, but then she wasn't really thinking too straight right now.
Breathing in short, panicky breaths, Lisa heard the stairs creak, and stared wide-eyed at her door. There were two soft knocks, and Evie asked to come in. Lisa let out a grunt, and the door creaked open.
"Sorry I took so long," said Evie, "I sent you a message saying so but you didn't respond and-"
Evie stopped when she saw Lisa, shrouded in a bedsheet, standing awkwardly by her bed. Lisa's eyes were wide and she had strands of her red hair plastered to her face with sweat. Evie was a little shorter than Lisa, with a little more weight too. Not overweight, but curvy with a large bust. She had olive skin, long, dark hair, and currently wore a confused expression. Lisa's cheeks had gone beet red, as the tight straps of her gag dug into them.
"What uh, what have you got on your head?" exclaimed Evie, "and what did you want to tell me?"
Lisa closed her eyes, and opened the bedsheet to display her naked, impaled form to the girl. She heard Evie gasp out loud, she made quite a sight. Still on her tiptoes, with the thick wooden pole shoved deep into her sex. The dog collar jingled softly, and the harsh ballgag kept her groans of embarrassment to a soft mewling.
"Lisa!" cried Evie, "what th-, I mean, oh my god! I mean, do you know what you look like??"
Lisa's eyes snapped open to give a sarcastic glare, but Evie was grinning from ear to ear. She stepped in for a closer look, taking in the scene before her. Taking the dog tag in her fingers, she looked up at Lisa.
"Did you do this to yourself?" asked Evie.
Lisa hesitated for a moment, then nodded her head. She could feel herself blushing again as another long strand of drool stringed its way from her stretched lips.
"Eww, Lisa!" Evie said, moving back to avoid the saliva, "and I hate to say it, but it smells in here. Of that."
Evie pointed at Lisa's straining pussy. The lips were quite puffy and red now, and her clit was engorged with all this attention. Lisa had to stop herself from going at it right now, this was so humiliating. Evie looked over at the opposite bedpost.
"THAT is inside you?" Evie asked, and Lisa nodded and groaned under the gag, before pointing at the padlocks on it and gesturing to the bedside table.
"Sheesh," said Evie, "you locked it on? Can't you say anything? It's a good thing you had your phone!"
Lisa mumbled a few unintelligible words, releasing a small flood of saliva that splattered onto her tits. Evie giggled at this, and went to find the keys. What she found first was almost as surprising as finding Lisa in the first place. It was Lisa's stash of toys and accessories.
"Are your parents out at the moment?" asked Evie, still rooting through the trunk. Lisa craned around to see what the girl was doing, and mumbled an affirmative.
"Are they back soon?" This got a head shake from Lisa.
"Gone all day? Okay then..." said Evie, and Lisa could hear her moving around on the bed behind her.
Lisa couldn't turn around, but felt Evie directly behind her on the bed. She is probably going to unlock my gag, thought Lisa, but quick as a flash Evie pulled away the blanket and yanked Lisa's arms behind her back. There was a quick click and Lisa found her wrist cuffs locked together.
"Mmph! Mmuh mh mphm!" exclaimed Lisa, as she twisted and turned to see the girl behind her. Unfortunately this led to another orgasm, and she convulsed on her pole as Evie walked back into view.
"Did you just come??" laughed Evie, "Right in front of me, oh my god. You must really like it there!"
Lisa shot her daggers and grunted a warning, but Evie just held up a memory stick.
"Look what I found! I wonder what's on this?" she cooed, while grinning, and slotted it into Lisa's laptop. It took all of thirty seconds to realise the stick contained gigabytes of BDSM porn. Videos, photos, stories, drawings. All sorts of stuff, from soft bondage to some pretty extreme torture. As an aghast Evie clicked through the files, Lisa moaned in dread. This was worse than she'd hoped, why didn't she put the damn trunk away first? In fact, why didn't she NOT get into this situation in the first place!
"Oh my god, this one has a woman hanging from her tied boobs! Ow!" Evie said, while glancing over at Lisa. "I don't think yours are big enough for that, Lise. Oh but this one is your sort of thing, she is chained up and is having a pole pushed up her. Is that a broom handle? Sheesh!"
Lisa cringed as Evie kept browsing her secret stash of porn, and commenting on it as she went. That stuff was just masturbation fuel. She never wanted to do any of it. Well, maybe a bit.
"And this girl has been made into a dog. Is that where you got the collar idea from? Oh my god, her arms and legs are strapped up so she has to walk around on stumps!"
Lisa could see Evie had one hand on the mouse, and the other between her legs. Was she getting off on this? She grunted another muffled protest at Evie in response.
"Oh what do we have here!" Evie said, with unconcealed glee, "Is this you?"
Evie had found a folder with a few pictures and half a dozen videos in. It was certainly the same girl in every one, although the face had been cropped out through the use of clever camera angles. The freckles along the shoulders and chest were a dead giveaway though. Some photos were just sexy nudes, perhaps to be sent to a boyfriend, but some showed large dildo insertions, nipple clamps, and body writing. "SLUT", "SEXTOY", "PETGIRL", and other things written in black ink across the pale skin of the subject. Evie then burst out laughing.
"I see what you write these things with!" Evie said, pointing to a photo of a stretched, pink anus rammed with ten Sharpies. "Remind me to never borrow your pens!"
Lisa groaned. This girl was a maniac, she thought, as she attempted to remove the wrist cuffs, to no avail. Just then, Evie opened up a text file she found in the 'Lisa' folder. It was a list of URLs.
"What are these?" she asked, while opening one up in the browser, "Oh my god, you uploaded yourself to a porno site for everyone to see?? The comments are quite complementary, at least. This one of you riding that big dildo has over a million views! Everyone asks to see your face, though..."
Evie stopped for a moment, and quickly got up to stand before the struggling Lisa. Then she whipped her phone out, and started snapping shots of the helpless girl. Lisa squealed in protest, although she was running out of energy now. She had come once again while Evie was browsing and it was starting to get painfully sensitive down there. Evie started taking close ups of her pussy and the bulge in her abdomen, then showed them to the horrifed Lisa.
"See this? Look how swollen you are!" squeaked Evie in excitement, "and I have plenty of shots with your face in them, see?"
Lisa looked through bleary eyes at the phone. There were images of some sort of degraded slut on it. She was thin and pale, like a prisoner, and impaled on a wooden post like a kind of medieval torture victim. Hands cuffed, face gagged, and collared like an animal. She looked tired and defeated. It was so hot.
Evie grinned, and then reached her hand between Lisa's legs. Lisa gasped and stared in amazement, but Evie just looked down at the damp pussy and rubbed it expertly. Of course, it wasn't long before Lisa came again.. and again! She hung her head and twitched, as Evie eventually pulled her hand away and wiped it on Lisa's gagged face.
"Enjoy that? I hope you don't mind..." said Evie, somewhat shyly, "I've always had a bit of a crush on you, ever since we were kids. I wasn't brave enough to say anything then, plus you were into boys, I didn't know how you'd react or what you would say."
She looked down at the floor as Lisa stared mutely at her, then up again brightly.
"Of course, you can't say anything now!" said Evie, winking. "Now, I wonder what else we can do to you?"
As Evie rooted around looking for more toys, Lisa was dumbstruck. More so than she already was. She had never suspected, and while she wouldn't really consider herself gay, she wasnt against what just happened. Far from it. Evie was quite cute as well.
"Look what I found!" exclaimed Evie, holding up a broom from Lisa's closet, "and I know just where to put it, too!"
She was also a crazy sadist, it seemed.