Author's Note: Trying my hand at a little sci-fi. Let me know what you think!
Chapter 1
"So much for the exciting life of a Starship Captain!" Elana muttered to herself. Six months into her nine month trip in the cargo ship Nuevo Mundo to the Kepler system to resupply the two colonies there and then transport their Mithril ore to Trappist 1 for processing. That cargo of refined Mithrium will bring her back to the manufacturing plants on Mars. Six months off then do it all again. It takes a special person to stand the solitude of a three year trip, even with the newest version Brain/Computer Interface Virtual Reality pod and virtual reality "books" to occupy her leisure time.
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And plenty of leisure time was available. Her ship's computer navigated the wormholes needed to get to her destination, maintained the ship and avoided trouble. The human component was just there as a safety in case of an "emergency", as required by the pilot's union contract.
The small control room was attached to Elana's crew compartment, about the size of a one-bedroom apartment. Behind that was a storage hold with Elana's supplies for the trip. It was connected by a spider web of girders to the cargo pods; five hundred 8,000 cubic meter containers filled with cargo. Behind that was the fusion drive module. Instant death greeted anyone curious enough to get within a hundred meters of the engines while underway but the cargo pods shielded the crew compartment well enough.
She was settling her slim 1.6 meter body back into her VR pod after fixing today's emergency. The computer determined an approaching object was on a collision course and roused Elana just minutes after she started her rest cycle. The object turned out to be an old ejected garbage pod which caused no damage as it bumped the hull near the airlock as it passed by. A greasy smudge was all the evidence of the encounter. The computer recorded the pod number as it went by and would report the violation of the "Clean Space" directives. It didn't notice the smudge start slowly moving toward the airlock door.
After slipping her naked body back into the pod, Elana turned her VR on, to live the rest of the trip as the heroine in this hottest new discovery from a hidden cache of ancient literature from the late 20th century called "Slave Girl of Gor". The interface let her live the adventure without chance of permanent injury. But the book was a little tame for the highly sexed and masochistic pilot.
Most books from that time were destroyed when the Evangelical Movement revolted and took power after the assassination of Saint Donald. Rallying behind Emperor Osteen, American "Christian Destiny" became their motto and the rest of the world crumbled to their power. Muslim capitals were nuked. North Korea, Russia and China were attacked with biblical diseases cooked up in government bio-labs, killing billions. Books were burned, alcohol forbidden, drug users and homosexuals executed.
Religious madness ruled the planet for a hundred years, but finally the "Second Dark Ages" ended when many people realized their religious leaders were corrupt, closet homosexuals, child molesters, drunks and drug addicts. They had ignored human accelerated climate change and the earth was unable to feed humanity and millions starved. Those few people left alive made quick scientific progress out of necessity and humans finally made it back into space and eventually interacted peacefully with alien races. People of most systems were now freely encouraged to fuck what or who they wished. The recent discovery in California of a hidden library vault full of what was called "bondage porn" had started the S&M craze currently sweeping humanity.
Elana had finished the vid and replayed the "good" scenes several times by arrival at her destination and in spite of the VR's realism, was hot for something real to fuck. Kepler's two worlds were served by a station in orbit between them and after docking; the Nuevo Mundo crews quickly started stripping her of cargo containers and restocked with ore containers.
Elana was dressed in the fashion trend sweeping Mars when she left; a white see-through blouse with plaid tie, matching plaid skirt, white above the knee stockings and black high-heeled shoes and waist length black hair in a pony tail. She quickly found a bar on the station and set about finding a suitable partner for the stopover.
She quickly dismissed the rent-boys lining the bar and set her sights on a Cetian sharing a drink with a human. Elana knew from experience that Cetians were very good fucks, with lots of stamina, and having two ejaculatory organs, could either take turns with them or use both at the same time. Their ejaculate had an electrical charge that would generate a shock to the recipient at orgasm and also contained a neuro-stimulator that would cause orgasms to last from 5 minutes to two hours. There was even an "old wives tale" of humans being driven insane by Cetian cum.
She walked up to the couple and grabbed the Cetian's ear, rubbing the lobe in what she knew was a very sexual greeting for them. He turned and smiled at the slim, short girl with long black pony tail that had interrupted his drink.
"Sorry, girly. My buddy and I are a team and we'd break a little thing like you!"
Elana replied, "I'm tougher than I look. I bet a cube of Mithrium I can take whatever you two can dish out!"
The Cetian laughed in their way, huffing three times. His friend just smiled and said, "Come along, you have a bet! We can use one of the house cubicles. I'll even pay for it and we'll even carry you back to your ship when we're done! I know you won't be able to do walk on your own!"
He grabbed Elana by the pony tail and started marching her toward the lift, his Cetian friend following along behind.
The cubicle was outfitted as a typical 21st century household dungeon (as best as the archeologists could decipher from the ancient texts) and the two quickly had Elana lying on a table, ass and head hanging off each end. Her arms were pulled down and tied to the table legs and her ankles cuffed and pulled wide to the ceiling. A rope around her pony tail pulled her head down.
"Let's warm up a little." The Cetian said, picking a small flogger off the wall as his companion tore open Elana's blouse revealing small firm breasts topped by little cherry colored nipples pierced by small gold rings. He started twirling her nipples; getting harder each time. Looking down at her bare pussy, the Cetian said; "A couple of hundred should start the party going, don't you think girly?"
Elana squirmed a little, but stayed silent.
The first stroke surprised her with the intensity and she gasped as the sting of a dozen hornets burned her pussy. "He must have it turned up to 10!"
"Oops! Sorry girly. Let me turn this down a little. Say a 7? Can you take a hundred wasp stings to your pussy?" Without waiting for an answer, he proceeded to whip her ass and pussy with enthusiasm. Each impact from the neural enhanced whip getting louder and louder screams from Elana. After several minutes, the Cetian stopped and told his friend, "You're turn. Those tits are all yours while I plow these holes."
Both men dropped their coveralls and as the "human" came into her view, Elana realized her mistake. He wasn't a man, he Proximan! While appearing completely human, the Proxima males' penis was 35 centimeters long and 2 centimeters in diameter. And the normal mating ritual for them was similar to what humans call "oral". As he slid into her throat and down into her lungs, Elana knew she was NOT going to enjoy this face fuck! While the Proximan penis provided their mate with oxygen during mating, Elana still had the feeling of choking and suffocation. Proximan male sex organs moved on their own, so he just stood at her head, letting his penis accordion in her throat and lungs while Elana choked on his dick and felt like she was suffocating.
Elana had gotten warmed up by the whipping and the sexual choking had her close to orgasm, but she needed something in her! The Cetian, sensing this was the time, slipped both his sex organs into Elana's pussy and ass at the same time. Elana came as soon as he bottomed out. He continued to plow her holes vigorously, giving Elana more orgasms, when the Proximan revealed a twist. He reached down and grabbed her breasts in both hands which were clad in needle gloves. This caused Elana's body to stiffen as her breasts were electrocuted by dozens of needles and she came again.
The two kept fucking Elana, her pussy and ass burning from the equivalent of a hundred wasp stings, her breasts stabbed with electric needles, choking on a dick that wiggled around inside her of its own accord. She was on the verge of another orgasm when the Cetian stroked down hard and his electric cum shocked her ass and pussy, then the euphoria from his sperm hit.
Elana had been coming for eight minutes when the Proximan came. Her lungs filled with his cum and she continued to orgasm until she passed out. Unlike human sperm, his was packed with oxygen and Elana was able to breathe it, albeit with fluid filled lungs, she still felt like she was drowning.
When Elana awoke, she was hanging upside down naked, with her arms tied to the back of her neck in a reverse prayer pose. A ring gag held her mouth open and a puddle of the purple Proximan cum was under her face. She coughed up another glob.
"We figured this was the best way to drain you out." She heard a voice say. "Are you ready for round two girly?"
Elana felt her ass being covered with a liquid. As she felt her skin start to get warm, she realized; "Fire paint! The paint would slowly warm until it felt like her skin was being burned, but left no damage. The Cetian came around and painted her pussy, lower belly and breasts too. Then he scooted a chair up to Elana's head and sat down with his dicks in her face. He removed the ring gag.
"Now here's the deal. You suck off both my organs and I spray the antidote. But in the meantime, you burn!" Elana began to suck the upper organ for all she was worth, while her skin started to get warm. As she used her abdominal muscles to move her head up and down his shaft, the paint had started to become a bad sunburn sting. Just as the Cetian reached down and pinched both nipples hard, he came, the electric jolt going straight to Elana's burning clit and starting a ten minute orgasm.
While Elana jerked and rocked to what seemed a never-ending orgasm, the Cetian was kind enough to switch his sexual organs, so the hard one was in Elana's mouth and her convulsions worked him toward his goal. As Elana finally came down from her orgasms, it was just in time to realize her skin was being roasted over a low fire, her breasts and clit throbbing and the Cetian still working his still hard organ in her mouth, while his flaccid one rested on her chin.
She had just enough time to catch her breath when he swung a cane down onto her clit and came again, driving her over the edge with the pain, her roasting skin and the euphoria caused by his cum. Fifteen minutes into this orgasm, Elana's mind went numb and she was just a semi-conscious mass, hanging there quivering.
When Elana woke, she was in her ship's VR pod and deep in space again. Checking the clock, she had been in space 22 hours! Her skin felt sunburned, her pussy, asshole and throat hurt, fluid was dripping out of her holes, cum was all over her face and she could barely move. A "Message Waiting" light flashed on her comm console.
It was the Cetian; "Hey girly! You weren't awake to pay up, so we rented your unconscious cunt to the dock workers until your ship was ready to sail." The video cut to Elana being carried over his shoulder naked through the station, then slumped face first over a storage drum, two men plowed into her mouth and cunt and a long line waiting behind them. "We real-vid recorded the whole thing and left you a copy to relive in your VR pod. It will start automatically as soon as this vid ends.
"We didn't know your regular rate, so we charged a 10th of a cube each. We kept the first twenty to pay off your bet, and you'll find the rest in your ass."
Wiggling her butt, Elana realized there was a full feeling there and reaching around, found the strings to her coin purse hanging out. Pulling it free hurt! And resulted in a voluminous amount of multi-colored cum leaking out her asshole, but there was enough tenths in there to make at least 2 more cubes.
"Look us up your next trip!"
With his sign off, her VR pod started and Elana relived her gang rape for the next 10 hours. Best station stopover ever!
Once the vid ended, Elana dragged herself to the sanitation cubicle and programmed a long shower, douche and enema. She drank two quarts of electrolyte while the machine cleaned her up. A quick check on the ship and ten hours of sleep was what she needed. She'd have to wait a day or so to relive her gang rape in the VR pod again! In between another vid she wanted to live, called "The Story of O", she relived the gang rape event several times on the next leg of her trip.
Neither Elana, nor anyone at her last stop realized that a grease smudge had moved into the airlock while the Nuevo Mundo was docked and was now making slow progress toward the crew compartment.
Chapter 2 (added: 2020/10/04)
Elana Garcia, Captain and sole crew of the cargo ship Nuevo Mundo, was really in a fix this time. She was living a new VR video from the ancient porn archive that was all the rage and right now was tied down over an ant's nest. Honey poured on her pussy was attracting the little devils and she was about to lose her mind from the dozens of stinging bites.
She had made a sport parachute jump that went awry, missed her drop zone and ended up the captive of a perverse recluse in a remote mountain cabin. She had no idea where she was, had no clothes and with mountains in all directions, had no choice but to stay with this sadistic man for safety.
He was constantly giving her difficult choices; fuck a tree limb carved into a dildo or tied hanging by her arms in the sun. Take that limb in the ass or spend an afternoon on the ant hill. Most of the time she was ignored or given small tasks to accomplish then suddenly was forced to choose between two unpleasant or painful sexual alternatives. And no matter the choice, the alternative eventually seemed better and the whole thing made her so horny she wished he would just fuck her and get it over with!
Just as the stinging around her clit was about to drive the frustrated woman to orgasm, the video shut off and Elana was aware of an alarm going off in the ship. Jumping up, Elana ran naked for the control room, long black hair flowing behind her and shut the alarm off.
The alarm was announcing her arrival at Trappist 1's processing station. No chance of shore leave and a good fuck here. Trappist's original settlers were remnants of an extreme religious cult and allowed no "vices" so common on other stations and their strict laws made it safer for women to stay on their ship. Elana got dressed before contacting the station, covering her head and face with a scarf to comply with local law for women's dress and got a berth for the ship. For the next couple of days, her ship was relieved of its ore laden cargo pods and identical pods of refined metal ingots loaded back.
Elana had to sit in her cabin and listen to their "required" propaganda feed. No other electronic entertainment allowed on Trappist! Finally the ship was loaded and she was relieved to finally be headed on her last leg toward home.
Over the last several months the oily smudge left from her contact with the garbage pod had moved slowly along. Reaching the airlock during her visit to Keppler Station, it had crept inside and slipped into the ship's access corridor, inching slowly toward the crew pod. It was waiting for Elana in her sleep pod. As the ship left the Trappist system, Elana slipped into the pod and dozed off.
Something was wrong. Elana realized she couldn't move, see or hear. She felt like she was tightly wrapped like a mummy! And to make the situation even weirder, she felt a tickle on her clit, like someone was waving a feather across it. Just enough pressure to her clit to start getting her excited. The tension of her immovable body, the sensory deprivation and the stimulation was driving her toward an orgasm.
Was she in a vid? She didn't remember starting one. After two days of drivel from the Trappist propaganda broadcast she had been mentally exhausted and only wanted to sleep. Elana felt her body move, but not of her own volition. She was walking toward the command center. That was when she realized what had happened.
"Zombie nanites!" That was the common name given to the microscopic machines used for surgery and even some elective body modifications that had been adapted for sexual play and could be used for controlling your sexual partner, making them move or not as the controller wished. They were the ultimate restraint! The nanites could be purchased for multiple uses, but by law had to have a short lifespan built into their software. Elana guessed that she had somehow been infected and now was in the control of them.
As she sat in the control chair, she felt her hands reprogram the ship's course. "I'm being hijacked!" Elana realized. "These little bastards are stealing my ship! And me with it!"
As Elana was held immobile in the chair, she lost track of time. Once the adrenaline rush of her kidnapping was over, the sexual stimulation returned. The light feather-like touch on her clit, continued and she could feel a slight suction on her nipples. Eventually, two intruders entered her ass and pussy and pulsed in and out. Another penetrated her mouth, reaching almost to her throat each time it stroked inward.
Elana got lost in the never ending micro-computer controlled sexual stimulation and lost complete track of time. Unable to move, sexually stimulated and fucked in all three holes continually, she was deep into sub-space and lost track of the orgasms she had. She almost didn't realize when it stopped.
Elana felt a sudden jolt; as if she had been hit by lightning. It ruined the orgasm she was about to have, but that was quickly forgotten as she realized she could see, could hear and was in control of her body! Out her view screen she could see another ship, then two Federal warships appeared firing at the first.
Her comm squawked and a Federal Commander appeared on screen. "Are you alright Captain?"
Elana, confused by the circumstance, stuttered, "Eh, I, uh, think so. What happened?"
"With your permission, I'll come over with my medic and explain it all to you while you get checked out."
"Uh, okay I guess. Come on over."
While she was waiting, Elana looked herself over. She was covered head to toe in a skin tight nanite suit. It was shiny black and covered her all over except for her head. Her nipple piercings showed through, but she could not see any skin around them. Her pussy slit was slick as a doll and while she could feel her ass crack, there didn't seem to be an opening for her asshole. Touching the suit felt like touching her own skin. Elana then ran a computer check of the ship, got a fix on her location and realized she had been captive of the nanites for two months! And she was eight months from Mars!
Her airlock alarm chimed and Elana okayed it to cycle, allowing the two Federal officers aboard. She met them at the lock.
"What the fuck is going on? Who was that and what am I doing here? Who are you?" Elana spouted out to the good looking Commander and his very attractive female medic.
"Please calm down, Captain. I am Commander Rourke of the Federal Authority. This is Chief Hollis, one of our Medics. I'll explain after she checks you out." He then led Elana back to her living area and sat her down in a chair for the medic to examine.
"There have been several ships hijacked enroute from Trappist to Mars in the past few months. The ships, stripped of their cargo and useful parts were found abandoned not far from here. All the pilots were missing. We suspected Orvinian pirates. They are reprogramming common sexual nanites to capture the pilot and steer the ships to a rendezvous where they were stripped, the pilot enslaved and then the ship abandoned. We decided to set a trap and you were the next ship due."
"When you hit that garbage pod a few months ago, the nanites attached to your ship and worked their way into your quarters. Once you left Trappist with your cargo, you were captured by the nanites and used to steer the ship to a meet with the pirates. We were following you ready to capture them. Once the pirates appeared, a reprogram signal we built into your command chair neutralized the nanites and returned control of the ship to you. Your company gave their permission to use you as bait and has promised you will receive a handsome reward for helping capture the pirates."
"You're fine physically." The medic told Elana after finishing her physical. "The nanites did an excellent job keeping you healthy and will continue to do so. You now possess several hundred thousand credits worth of nanites and I've reprogrammed them to respond to only you. All you have to do is visualize what you want them to do and they will. Think "nanites clear."
Elana did and suddenly was naked. "Wow! That's pretty cool! Nanites purple!" and suddenly she appeared to be wearing a purple skintight latex suit. "What about the lack of openings? I don't appear to have a pussy or asshole."
Chief Hollis explained that Elana could control those as well. The nanites would handle her body's waste if she wished. Her nanite skin could be hardened to withstand blows without injury, would repair injuries quickly and could be retracted or expanded to uncover or cover any parts of her body. "What about the "sexual" portion of their programming?" Elana asked.
"I left that part of the programming active but only as a temporary control as is legally mandated. You can give control to another being or program the nanites to control you themselves. But that control will automatically stop after 4 hours. That's the legally mandated maximum period for common sex nanites."
Commander Rourke added, "You've been given a very valuable gift by those pirates. It will take some time to get a handle on them, but by the time you reach Mars, it should be second nature. Now, we have one more favor to ask of you. Chief Hollis is scheduled to rotate back to Earth. We already cleared it with your ship's owners, but would you mind if she caught a ride back with you? We are heading back out to patrol and it would save her a lot of travel time."
Elana looked over at the medic and thought to herself, "This could be fun" Lieutenant Holis was a tall, busty blonde with luscious legs that ended in an outstanding ass that even the shapeless uniform coverall couldn't hide.
"I think that would be okay. We'll need provisions for her and another sleep pod. The Lieutenant can have one of the store rooms. And she can help me learn about the nanites on the way!"
Stores were transferred and a sleep pod installed in a store room. Chief Hollis boarded and the two women said farewell to the warships. Elana approved the ship's programmed course back to Mars and their trip was started.
Chief Hollis, Jenna to her friends, was eager to dominate her diminutive companion. She was a natural Dom, and Elana an eager Sub, so their appetites meshed well. They spent several evenings with Elana's nanites in Jenna's control.
On the morning of the third day of their trip, Elana woke up and the nanites were in control of her body again. She heard Jenna's voice in her head say, "Good morning sleepy head. I guess you now realize I control your nanites again." She continued, "The Feds are out of range, and now we can continue our trip to Orvin. You see, I'm on the pirate's payroll and warned them of the warships waiting for them. The ship that was destroyed was a decoy and now we'll complete our trip without interference. It will be months before they realize they were tricked. By then we'll have your cargo and you'll be a slave to my Orvinian pirate king. In the meantime, you and I have plenty of time to get acquainted!"
Elana was in shock. Enslaved (again!), her cargo stolen and no chance of escape. The nanites that inhabited her body ensured her compliance. But the Captain didn't give up. She knew there was a chance. She just needed to figure it out.
Elana spent the next several months of the trip amusing the tall blonde captor. And Jenna had a vivid imagination and a voracious sexual appetite! Her favorite scenario was with Elana on her knees at Jenna's feet. The nanites formed a replica of 21st century bondage fetish gear; black leather knee high boots, vibrating panties with a built in butt plug and leather under bust corset that presented Elana's breasts for abuse. Her eyes were blinded and her mouth gagged. Jenna sat in a chair with her legs spread and programmed the nanites to form a double dildo gag. As she guided her captives head by her hair, the dildoes simultaneous worked into her pussy and Elana's mouth. The nanites controlled her vibrators so they were guaranteed simultaneous orgasms; over and over.
When not needed to amuse Jenna, Elana was relegated to her VR pod to be "entertained" by her sadistic books.
The day finally came when Elana's voyage to slavery finally came to an end. The Orvinian pirate's secret planetary headquarters came into view. Elana's blood ran cold as, under the nanites control, she piloted the ship toward the heavily armed orbital dock.
She felt a sudden, familiar jolt. She was free of the nanites control again! Elana locked the control room door to keep Jenna out of her hair and quickly steered her ship past the dock, applying as much thrust as her engines could muster. She had to get out of this system before she was captured again! She would deal with Chief Hollis when she was safe.
As she headed back into space, dozens of Federal warships appear. Most of the ships passed Elana and raced toward the planet and a familiar face appeared on her screen. "Good morning Captain! Please stop your ship's engines." Commander Rourke said. "I hope you are okay. We are sending a boarding party over to take Chief Hollis into custody. We owe you a great debt. I'll be over to explain all of this to you."
A few minutes later, Elana heard Commander Rourke's voice through her intercom. "You may unlock the door Captain. We have the traitor in custody."
A confused Elana opened the door and saw her captor wearing the restraints for once. Two burly Marines held the struggling woman by the arms. Commander Rourke filled in the details. "We knew the Chief was a pirate spy and let her lead our fleet to the Orvinian stronghold. As we speak, the pirates are being captured. Thanks to you, the threat of piracy in this sector has ended. We do apologize for the subterfuge, and as I mentioned before, you will be amply rewarded for your assistance. The nanites are truly under your control now and please continue your journey to Mars. We will beat you there by several months, but when you arrive, I would like to thank you personally. Maybe dinner? And then maybe I could show you my collection of Gord books?"
Elana was flustered with the sudden turn of events, but as the Marines turned to lead her captor off the ship, Elana stepped in front of the tall woman and punched her in the face. "Get this trash off my ship!" As the two men dragged the dazed woman away, she turned to Commander Rourke and replied, "Dinner and Gord sounds like fun."
Chapter 3
Returning from her last trip, Elana had unwittingly been used by her company and the Federal Authority as bait for pirates and had spent months as a slave to one of their moles in the Federal forces. So as soon as she got within range of Mars, she got a message to her union rep and had them waiting for her at the docking port. She handed over a complete recording of events that transpired along with her statement. The union lawyers had a field day with the shipping company and the government. Elana walked away with a huge settlement from both.
The first thing she had done was buy her own apartment; no more sleeping in the crew barracks at the space port. It even had a patio! Elana started a garden and was growing her own fresh vegetables; a luxury she had never imagined being able to afford! And she got a pet; a Shibari Worm. They were rainbow colored, soft, furry, extremely flexible creature about 8 mm in diameter and were recently discovered on a newly explored planet. They would hold whatever shape you stretched them into and required little upkeep since they lived off the oils and salts on the human skin. They were also scarce and expensive and it was a huge luxury, but she could take it with her on the ship and it made a great companion. Elana wore it around her neck like a choker and it purred when it felt she was happy. The money that left was invested; she bought a share of the ship she captained. She was comfortable financially and would be able to retire in a few more years!
Elana had managed to learn to control the nanites her pirate kidnappers had given her most of the time. There were some mishaps, such as when she was window shopping (her new nanites abilities could mimic any clothing, so why buy?) and she accidentally grew a quite large penis when admiring the outfit worn by a young lady in the shopping district!
The handsome Commander (now Captain) Pablo Rourke had arrived back on Mars a couple of months before Elana and she spent a lot of her leave time with him. In spite of intentionally aiding in the enslavement of the unaware cargo ship captain, the successful destruction of a dangerous band of pirates gave his career a big boost. The trials for the pirates that survived his raid on their base were held on Mars and he was available to see Elana on a regular basis. Elana had some "Continuing Education" classes to stay up to date on new tech incorporated into her ship, but otherwise had a lot of free time.
Their first "date" was in her new apartment one Friday night and after a dinner of grilled vegetables; radishes, potato, carrot and Brussels sprouts and some wine, she and Pablo looked through the Gord books and videos he had brought (digital reproductions obviously. The only authentic ones were in the Smithsonian). Elana demonstrated her abilities with her nanites to copy some of the ways women in the books were dressed and bound.
After playing around with some of the possibilities, Elana gave Pablo control of her nanites and she was soon dressed head to toe in black latex, then bound; arms in a reverse prayer with palms together and elbows touching. She was bent double, crossed ankles behind her head tied to her wrists, hanging from her hair. A hood covered her head, leaving just a hole for her ring gagged mouth and hair. Electronic dildos filled her pussy and ass, exciting and shocking her at random intervals. Pablo used a crop to whip her pussy, thighs and ass getting Elana warmed up and then took out an impressive cock. Holding it to her mouth, Elana sucked it down like the accomplished suck slut she was. Her nanites eliminated any gag reflex or the need to breath for several minutes and the handsome Captain was soon pressing his balls against her chin. Swallowing produced a series of squeezes to his cock and he came fairly quickly to her disappointment.
Wiping his cock off on her face, Pablo backed off trying to catch his breath. He was quickly back into action and he reclined under Elana, pulled the dildo from her pussy and lowered her onto his cock. As he reached the limits of her hole, Elana gave a moan and shuddered; having a mini-orgasm. Then Pablo began stroking in and out, while spinning the petite girl around. The bondage, the cock buried in her and the friction of being swung back and forth soon overcame her again and Elana came. Her moans and cries lasted for several minutes as she used her muscles to try to stroke him in and out. Just as she was almost done, Pablo reached in and pinched her clit as hard as he could. The cry of pain and ecstasy she made was cut off as Pablo ordered the nanites to silence her to keep the neighbors from calling the Patrol because someone was being murdered!
Elana hung there for several minutes, shuddering and moaning quietly as she continued to have short orgasms as Pablo stroked in and out while pinching her clit and nipples, setting her off again. He was reaching his own orgasm and grabbed both breasts for leverage. Gripping tightly, he stroked hard and emptied himself into the hanging woman.
After letting Elana down, the two rested on her couch; Pablo wearing a short robe, and Elana in the skin tight latex suit. From the ballet boots to her collared neck, Elana was held tightly with arms, elbows touching, behind her back and only her face visible. They sipped some wine Pablo had brought and snuggled for a while. His control of the nanites had timed out by the time they went to bed, but Elana gave him permission to use them again, so she slept in a tight reverse prayer hog tie, each elbow tied to the opposite ankle, blind and deaf with his cock in her mouth. Twice during the night Elana managed to get him erect again and suck him off.
Elana told her nanites to maintain the bondage Pablo had put her in, so when they woke the next morning, she was still lying there, tightly bound with his cock in her mouth, sucking for all her worth.
Having come in her mouth and cunt, Pablo decided to complete the trifecta, so Elana once again gave him control and soon found herself lying on her back naked on the bed, arms still bound behind her and legs pulled up to the headboard. Just for fun, Pablo increased the size of Elana's boobs, making them look ridiculous on her petite body and then strapped the base of both with rope, turning them purple and making them very sensitive. A vibrating clamp was placed on her clit and as she was getting warmed up, his dick slid into her asshole.
Using her breasts for leverage, he grabbed hold tightly, squeezing the flesh through his fingers and plowed her ass hard. Just as they were both about to come, he pushed both tits together and bit down on her nipples hard. Elana clenched and came, followed quickly by Pablo.
Leaving her breasts inflated, Pablo put the naked Elana in a tight corset, then arms in a reverse prayer, he put her ankles behind her head and tied them to a collar and her wrists. Carrying her into the kitchen, he dropped her onto a dildo in the chair with a view of the room and proceeded to cook pancakes.
Pancakes done, Pablo fed them to Elana, with a little syrup, by placing a piece of pancake on his again erect cock and letting her lick it off. Getting ready to come again, he placed himself over what was left of her pancakes and covered them with cum. He fed Elana the remainder of her cum covered pancakes, and then released her so they could shower.
They spent the morning strolling the city, enjoying the sunlight. As spacers, they never got enough sun and it was a treat. For fun, Pablo had put a butt plug and remote vibrating dildo in Elana and played with the intensity. She had reduced her breasts some, but left them at a quite impressive size which was accentuated by the corset she wore. She wore a silk blouse under the corset and a leather mini skirt and thigh high, high heel boots to match. By the time they got to a sidewalk café for lunch, she was squirming in her seat and had trouble concentrating on her sandwich.
They toured the city park and ducked into one of the shrub covered spots designed for surreptitious meetings. Pablo removed the butt plug and Elana bent over and grabbed her widespread ankles while he plowed her asshole until they both came.
The rest of the afternoon, the two very spent spacefarers went to a gallery opening showing a recently restored collection of art work from the late 20th Century. The photos all were of the same model, known as "Simone Devon" who was quite pretty and limber. Pablo mentioned that Elana's body was very similar to the subject of the show. After studying the photos for a few minutes, Elana told him, "Wait until after dinner. You'll get to fuck a diva from the golden age of bondage art!"
Pablo replied, "I've got something else in mind for tonight. We'll save that for another time."
With that cryptic statement, he led Elana out to the nearest train station and dinner.
After a quick dinner, Pablo led Elana back to his place. "I have a little more equipment for good bondage fun and I want you to meet my pussy cat."
Just before opening the door to his apartment Pablo asked and received permission to command Elana's nanites. As he led Elana into his apartment he called: "Pussy! Come here Pussy!"
Elana heard the tinkle of bells and a striking woman ran into the room. Her legs ended at the knee and her hands were missing the fingers and little bells dangled from nipple and clit rings. A tail stuck straight up in the air from just above her ass and around her neck a pink collar was embroidered "Pussy". Cat fur, ears and whiskers completed her conversion to a cat. She looked like a huge Siamese cat!
"Elana, this is Pussy, my wife. Pussy, this is Elana. I think you two will enjoy each other's company." Pussy rubbed against Elana's legs and purred. Pablo commanded Elana's nanites to convert her to a smaller, dark haired version of Pussy. "I think I'll call you Kitten. Is that all right?" Elana, purred and the two "cats" rubbed each other and sniffed each other's butt.
"You two get acquainted and I'll be right back. I want to change into something a little more comfortable."
As Pablo left the room, Pussy knocked Elana over and dove between her legs. Elana was soon breathing hard and wishing Pussy would turn around so she could reciprocate, but the larger woman had her pinned and Elana spent the next half hour being licked and nibbled by the cat woman. Her tongue, rough like a cat's was driving Elana crazy! Just as she was about to come after being teased almost to orgasm multiple times, Pussy bit down hard on her clit and Elana screamed in frustration. Her thrashing managed to dislodge the larger woman and she rolled over to catch her breath.
"She's a bit of a sadist, isn't she? Part of being a cat I think. Come here and sit with me for a bit and then we'll see if we can relieve your frustration."
Elana crawled up beside Pablo on the couch and Pussy curled up on his other side, purring and washing her face.
"This isn't role play for her." Pablo told Elana. "Her name was Julia. She is my wife and was assigned to my ship and piloted a scout looking for the pirates. Her ship disappeared on a mission last year and she was rescued when we raided their base; thanks to your help. She was converted to the "Pussy" you see by the pirate that held her and we don't know how much she knows or remembers. Her brain is locked into this cat fantasy that was forced onto her and any attempt to change her behavior causes her physical distress. The doctors have worked with her without success and now we just take her in for a checkup every few months so they can try some new therapy. In the meantime, she is happy to be a cat and only wants food, naps and sex. I frequently have to lock her in her kennel at night so I can sleep!"
Pussy meanwhile, had pulled Pablo's cock from his robe and was licking it, causing it to stiffen and the more it grew, the louder she purred.
"I think Pussy is ready for more. Get on the floor and she'll finish you off this time!"
They spent the rest of the evening licking, sucking, screwing and coming until the two women were semi-conscious and Pablo unable to get erect again. Elana and Pablo snuggled in his bed while Pussy slept in her kennel.
Elana and Pablo spent the next couple of months screwing their brains out, often at Pablo's apartment where they could use his collection of bondage equipment to restrain and torture the starship captain. He particularly enjoyed binding her in a restrictive position and leaving her to Pussy's mercies and Pussy was quite good at edging the captive. Pablo thought it was the innate sadistic streak in her cat persona; she was "toying" with a mouse, so to speak. All Elana knew was she was bound tightly and kept on the edge of orgasm for hours at a time! Her only release came when Pablo tired of torturing her helpless body and used one of her holes to relieve himself and sometimes he would take Pussy in front of Elana, stretching her torture out longer.
In between their bondage, torture and sex threesomes, Pablo had to go to court for trials. When the turncoat Jenna Hollis was tried, Elana had to testify. With her statements, those of Pablo and other members of his crew, Jenna was quickly convicted and sentenced to ten years at hard labor on the mining colony on Ganymede. Elana almost felt sorry for her because inmate women on mining colonies spent more time "working" with their mouth, cunt and ass than with their hands.
But the tall blonde was a stunning woman and would probably get assigned to the staff at the facility and not general population. As long as she behaved, she would only get fucked a few times a day instead of having to entertain 20 or 30 miners every night.
Pablo's ship left orbit soon after the trials were over and Elana spent a few weeks alone missing him and Pussy, but she visited a couple of new clubs and trying the newest hot fetish: gang bangs and bukkake, both of which she enjoyed quite a bit.
The usual routine involved going to the club in the hottest outfit she could imagine; her nanites helped there! Then after a few hours of drinks and dancing, the DJ would call out the ten women that got voted the "hottest" of the night. Those women were taken backstage and after stripping, were attached to a bondage rack in various poses. Some were lying on their backs, legs held up and apart with a form fitting bowl around their face. Men could fuck them while others jerked off into the bowl, covering her face and forcing the "victim" to swallow the come to be able to breathe.
Others were bent over at the waist and nose hooks held their faces up so they could suck off men while getting fucked. The aim there was to cover her face instead of letting her swallow.
Another popular pose was bound kneeling on a vibrating dildo while random men jerked off in her face, let her suck them off, or for a few lucky women, suck off them.
Thanks to Elana's nanites, she frequently was picked after she boosted her breast size and had the nanites emulate the hottest fashion of the day. She would spend the rest of the evening bound while getting fucked and swallowing sperm and the occasional piss. If her performance was appreciated, sometimes she was offered free shots while some random guy screwed her ass.
But, work finally interfered with Elana's sex life and she was scheduled back into space. Her ship had gotten some upgrades; a new engine that almost doubled the ship's speed, a new control room chair that also doubled as a vid couch and improved security systems. With the faster speed, Elana got a longer route, adding two stops at a couple of outposts she had never been to; a colony of females that banned men and a jungle planet that she had never heard of. It should be an interesting trip!