Author's Note: First of many chapters about real life play.
Chapter 1
My weekend as a sex slave.
The thick, heavy, lightly brushed steel cuff slowly closed around my right wrist. The internal locking mechanism clicking closed, sounding the end of the steels journey. I loved the look of the 3 inch steel cuff.
It's weight, it's feel, the way it rested on my wrist. How it was so seamless, the joints so closely machined. It looked so solid, so permanent. It also signified that start of another weekend of bondage.
Kelly smiled as the removable o-ring clinked against the metal as I lowered my right wrist followed by the raising of my bare left wrist. She did enjoy taking charge, of having her way with me, sometimes I think more then she liked it when it was my turn to have her as my sex slave for the weekend.
The steel closed on my left wrist and she quickly turn me around and snapped a double ended clip to both o-rings effectively making me helpless with my hands held be hind my back.
God I did like this. My cock coming to life, straining against it's steel prison. The feeling of my arms useless, that my plea's were of no use, that she was now in charge. That as of getting home from work on Friday until she released me Monday morning that I was her's. That it was her weekend to dominate, to tease, torture, to play with me and that I was helpless to stop it.
How I loved that feeling, how I hated that feeling. To give myself to someone, to give up all control. It was such a roller coaster of emotion. To love the feeling of the steel, of being helpless followed instantly with the feeling of frustration, of not being in control.
Next were my ankles. The steel ankle cuffs, like my steel chastity cage had been on since Monday. She so liked to make sure I was ready for her weekend. No cheating in the shower with the hidden steel a constant reminder of my pending weekend.
She used the special allen key to open the cuff to slip on the o-ring attachment and the click it closed once again. This was followed by the short length of chain that she used a quick release clip to each o-ring, effective making me hers, unable to even dress without her allowing it.
Standing, feeling my stride reduced, the chain clinking. My cock again straining against it's prison. How I had wanted this all week, to be her's, to be helpless, to see her smile, to see her becoming aroused. Standing before her, the cuffs pulling on my wrists, my ankles clinking with every half step, her hand playing with my caged cock. The thrill was so enjoyable, so exciting, so helpless.
We had started playing some time ago, both taking turns dominating each other. Sex and our relationship had grown from the usual take about "how was your day dear" to visiting sex stores and learning sexual technics off porn sites. It's amazing just how much good fun sex can add to a relationship.
For her I bought two Cartier love bracelets, one for each wrist. They are to reminder every day that she belongs to me. That only I could remove them. That she was forced to wear them 24/7.
For me, she had bought an Axsmar steel bracelet. It's 15mm wide and is secured around my wrist by a unique allen key. I was banded two years ago, just after I had done the same to her and other when she opened it to add the o-ring for our play sessions it has never come off.
I watched as she went to the closet and new what was coming next. She did know how to start the weekend off with a bang, or should I say a whip.
Feeling my arms held up and out from body, the uncomfortable spread of my legs, my cock swelling against its steel bars. Minutes into my weekend and she already had me scream internally for release that was days away.
The sound of the riding crop, the sting on my ass, the useless pulling for escape, wanting more, wanting it to stop. Again and again, the heat spreading, her verbally teasing me. The taunts of her wanting pay pack form two weekends ago.
Then the blind fold and I'm alone with my bondage as she leaves me. My mind switching between what I had done to her and what she was going to do to me. Oh how I loved this. Knowing she was making herself so horny, so happy to have me helpless before her.
Then her hands on my, playing with her fingers, dancing over my body, the twist of my nipples, the related threats of piercing them, my cage to be left on for months, that I was hers to do as she wanted.
Yes she was good at this, my hips thrusting telling her I was just as horny. The pressure of the cage increasing as I grew, the result only adding to my need for release.
Finished she released me from the ropes only to have my wrist locked behind me, my stride again limited to 8 inches. Kneeling before her. Her legs spread, her lips swollen as she sat on the edge of the bed. She looked so good, my tongue beginning what would be a seemingly never ending journey of making her cum.
Feeling the steel around my wrists, the chain holding them, so wanting to use them to play with her, to touch her, to play with her clit, to push deep inside her. Her breathing quickening, her call outs, her hand pushing my head hard against her.
Her first of many orgasms, the taste of her that would take until Wednesday to eliminate. Yes, I was hers and she was mine and we could not be any happier.
We had come so far, finding each other, trusting each other to play like this. To enjoy each other in such away that our love making lasted not just 2 minutes but went on and on. That every time we looked at our wrists or caught someone with the questioning look as they stared at our bracelets that we had something more. That we were living life together and god did that ever make us happy.