Author's Note: I have been reading hear for a while. This is the first submittal for me. Aside from that, be careful what you hope for, so easily the trap is set. This is chapter 1 and it sets the stage with two more chapters ready to submit.
Chapter 1 - The Vow
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Before I talk about what went down today, let me share some back story to help you understand how I ended up in this dog house. Just a short time ago, I thought I was truly living a life that exceeded my most ambitious dreams. Hey, I'm a simple and pretty much average guy (5ft 8 in, brown hair, hazel eyes, 145 lbs) who never imagined I would share such a great life with a beautiful, generous, and tantalizingly wonderful lover. Jean and I found each other a few years back following my return from a military tour of duty in Thailand. I served my time and had begun the process of adapting to a 'normal' lifestyle stateside. Not that I had objected to the lifestyle I'd become accustomed to back in my Southeast Asian bungalow. A perk of the assignment was inexpensive living quarters off base that came with a live-in maid. We didn't speak the same language except for some very limited broken English on her part but she managed to always know what I needed and the small paycheck that she received kept her happily employed. I sure miss being waited on now that I'm back in the states.
You would think that I'd look for a girlfriend who has similar tendencies, but I guess Jean swept me off my feet and she doesn't appear to have those homemaker tendencies at all. Instead, I found myself doing anything to keep her happy and her request for things like cooking dinner because she's just too tired became more and more frequent. But again, her smile, her kisses, her warm touch, the way she loved my body, the way I loved her body back make it all worthwhile.
We met at a somewhat seedy rundown, uptown bar which, I know, is not necessarily the best place to find your soulmate. Still, she didn't appear to be on the hunt and we just fell into easy conversation around the pool table. Talk led to more talk at my apartment. Jean presented herself as mostly content in her life but a bit lonely. She has brunette hair. She's a petite and trim lady with a body and fitness routine that a college gymnast would be proud of. Jean is a college grad and a successful single career woman with a local manufacturing company. She has expressed no interest in children during our times together, but I hold to my belief that I can change her mind about kids in due time.
Four months after we met, I was so smitten that I couldn't wait to propose on one knee during a fancy dinner date. Jean's eyes lit up and a quick marriage by the local magistrate ensued. While I didn't nervously await a first night in bed together with my bride (far from it as our sex life was great), I was anxious about finally seeing Jean's home. You see, Jean owns her own home and had made it clear early on that we would only be together in her home if/when we became husband and wife. Jean wanted our life together to begin in her home as a fresh slate and on perfect terms. I found this a little strange but since I don't have a home of my own, I was OK with Jean calling the shots on this topic.
Jean may not have wanted a big wedding, but she certainly wanted a honeymoon and she assured me that when I look back, I'll be so glad to have had the opportunity to travel without limits at least this one time. I agreed and we took off for a Hawaiian Island adventure. I'll not bore you with the wonderfully romantic details of our trip and will instead get on with describing my current circumstances.
We took the red eye back from Kauai to begin our new post-honeymoon life. We ate a quick breakfast right after leaving the airport and arrived at Jean's neighborhood at about 9am in the morning. The entry gate was my first indication that something's different about this neighborhood. It was taller than I had seen in a residential neighborhood before and looked very solid and secure. A high fence extended from the front gate in both directions and the homes were out of sight behind this imposing fence. Jean touched a fob on her visor as we approached and the powered gate opened up to an otherwise normal looking and inviting neighborhood. Jean chatted about what great security we have at this neighborhood and how she feels so secure here. The next thing I noticed as we drove down the center street is that every house also has a similar tall privacy fence surrounding the back yard and tying to the main fence a hundred feet or so back. Jean explained that this is a very pet friendly neighborhood and people enjoyed their privacy in their own yard with their animals. Thankfully, she said, the dogs do not bark endlessly at every car that they would otherwise see going by because they don't see them at all. All the houses appeared to front a center street that lead to a large green space at the end of the long block. Nice that they also have such a big green space for the dogs to run in considering every house has a great back yard for running as well.
We pulled into the garage. I quickly jumped out and walked around to open Jean's door. I planned to carry her over the threshold of our home so we could have a romantic start to the life that I had imagined we would have together in this house. As we were approaching the door, Jean stepped in front of me and placed her hand on my chest to get me to pause. I gave her a quizzical look and she gave me one of her most beautiful happy smiles and said that we need to talk. It turns out that Jean has some very specific ideas about what our life will be like now that are very different from what I had imagined up to this point. She laid out a few points that she held as non-negotiable. Points that she said I should naturally understand and agree to if I loved her truly. I did believe, in that moment, and do still believe that I love Jean deeply so what could I do but say yes? Yes, to what, I imagine you might ask with some trepidation. And justifiably so. But you see, I thought these initial requests did not seem too bad or too demanding on my part and might even make our life fun and interesting.
First non-negotiable is that I strip and agree to never wear clothes in the house. I asked, "What about when we have guest? This is fine for the two of use but what about company?" Jean's response was that we probably won't have company very often and she agreed that we'll cross that bridge when the time comes. So OK, what else?
Second non-negotiable, is that Jean never cooks or cleans house. A bit of a surprise since she had cooked some meals at my apartment. I'm a nice guy and thought this was just drama so I said sure, I'll cook and clean up when I'm home.
Third non-negotiable is that I agree to wear a special cock ring as a more enduring symbol of our marriage. So OK, I wear a piece of kinky gear on my cock, big deal.
I tossed my clothes in a pile and slipped my shoes back on my feet. Jean looked at my feet and back up at my eyes. She was still blocking my path to the door and I'd gone too far now to pick a fight over shoes, so I kicked them off into my pile of clothes and smiled back. "Are you going to strip?" I asked. "Not right now." She said. "Maybe later". I may have frowned just a bit at that response but then reached for Jean to cradle her in my arms as we crossed the threshold.
I'm finally in Jean's mystery home that I had certainly speculated about many times over the last few months. From what I saw in the entry foyer, it looked to be a very typical suburban ranch home. Thank goodness for no stairs, I thought, not realizing what a big deal this would turn out to be later, but I digress. Jean immediately points to the living room couch and suggest that I go sit down while she retrieves the cock ring. I'm very curious about this device and Jean is clearly set on me wearing it right away, so I agree. She disappears down the hall while I settle onto the couch. Jean had used her cellphone to dial down the AC while we drove home from the airport, so I was quickly getting chilly and losing any heat that this special moment might have generated. Patiently I sit and wait for her to return.
A door handle clicks down the hall and I look up to see Jean approaching. She looks every bit like an angel in a white lacy teddy with a matching white lacy thong along with red stiletto high heel shoes. Her long brunette hair is falling over her shoulders and causing her ample breast to be partially hidden from view. The look on Jean's face is one of pure radiance. As I sit on the couch in my birthday suit watching her approach, it is clear to me that she is very happy and that I at least had some part in creating her happiness. Jean steps in front of me and pauses while I gaze up at her face. She doesn't speak but instead sets the small bag she is toting on the couch and inches closer. With my focus now straight in front, I see that there is a large damp spot on her lacy panties. I inhale her lovely aroma as her panties and my lips meet. My tongue quickly finds its way underneath her panties while my hands slips under them from behind and cups her firm cheeks. Moments later, the panties are on the floor and my lips and hands are trying to devour her sex. Jean starts to sway and presses into me as my tongue and lips work her pussy lips and clit for all I'm worth. She may have been a little wet before I started but she is flowing a river of juices now that I lap up as quickly as I can. As suddenly as this passionate exchange started it stops. Jean steps back and kneels on her knees in front of me. Her hands are now holding and gently fondling my engorged penis. I start to rise up so I can take her right there in the living room, but Jean firmly pushes me back onto the couch and continues to softly stroke my manhood. I'm surprised by this shift in control, not having ever having experience it during our time together, during sex or otherwise. I conclude that this is Jean's scene. That it's best for me to let the situation be and just go with the flow. I lean my head back, close my eyes and allow myself to just feel her presence and what she is doing to me. After another minute or so, I feel Jean's warm lips kissing the head of my penis and then slowly taking me into her mouth. I look down to see her sparking green eyes fixed on my face while she takes me into her mouth. I roll my head back and claw the couch with both hands as I feel Jean taking me fully and deeply. She steadily picks up the rhythm and builds me up to a pending orgasm. Just before I would have cum, everything stops again.
I raise my head and look down to see Jean looking into my eyes one again.
"Honey, why did you stop? That felt sooo wonderful and you look so beautiful. I feel like I'm in heaven."
Jean smiles and just looks at me for a moment or too without responding and then plucks the cock ring from the tote bag and holds it up for me to see.
"Poochie (Jean's pet name for me. She claims it fits me because I have lazy hound dog eyes.) it's time to get truly and properly married to one another with a commitment that is endless and enduring. Are you ready to wear this ring for me?"
"Of course honey, I told you I would and I will but could this not have waited just a few more minutes?"
A big frown appeared on Jean's face. "You clearly don't understand the importance that this symbol of our marriage and commitment holds for me Poochie."
"I'm sorry love. Give it to me and I'll put it on." My penis had softened considerably during this discussion while Jean appears to be getting even more excited by the minute, as indicated by the way her nipples are pushing to get out of her teddy.
"It doesn't work like that Poochie". "Just lean back and relax while I do this. First, I want you to repeat your vows to me. No witnesses here but it will mean the world to me."
"Which part love?"
"This will be a new and more sincere version Poochie. Repeat after me: I'm yours, to have, to hold, and to do with as you please from now till death do us part."
Me: "I'm yours to have, to hold, and to do with as you please from now till death do us part." It doesn't sound very different to me and I'm not sure what the big deal is, but hey, if it make's Jean happy and we can get back to what we were doing just now, so be it.
"Perfect Poochie. You did well and I could just hear the commitment in your voice. By the way, I've recorded this conversation in case you want to listen to it again later. I know I will." Jean reached into her tote bag and I heard a click as she turns the recorder off.
"Now bend forward, put your head between your knees and your hands behind your back for me Poochie."
"What for Jean? What are you doing now?"
"Poochie, do you still remember the vow you just made? Say it again for me, only say it slowly this time and ponder each word."
"I'm yours to have, to hold, and to do with as you please until death do us part". Jean said the words "do with as you please until death do us part" along with me, substituting "I" for "You", and suddenly the slight difference in the vow and its meaning became clear.
"Poochie, did you mean your vows when you said them, at the magistrate and again now?"
"Yes, honey, I love you very much and want to do whatever makes you happy. I want to provide for you and care for you."
"Poochie, you are the love of my life and you will always be my protector and provide for me in very special ways. Now do as you were instructed. I'm beyond excited to complete our exchange of vows with this ring that you will wear for me for the rest of your life."
I'm now more than a little unsure what I've gotten myself into but love can both bind and blind us. I lean forward and put my hands behind my back.
"No more words Poochie. Just be quiet until I tell you it's OK to speak."
I hold my tongue and hear Jean remove something from the tote back. She slips a blindfold over my eyes that secures with a buckle behind my head. Her hand slips back into the tote and I hear the rattling of something metal, then feel the cold bite of handcuffs as she smoothly clips both sides on my wrist in a single fluid motion. I think to myself that she's done this before but keep my thoughts to myself.
"Poochie, lean back and rest your head against the back of the couch." I comply. "Now open your mouth". Based on what's happened so far, I can guess what's coming before the gag slips into my mouth. As my tough makes room and quickly feels out the intruder, I realize it's a phallic type gag. It is secured to the same buckle strap as the blindfold and I realize neither is coming off by my hand. "Don't worry Poochie. This is just a 4 inch oral dildo, as a starter. We'll build up slowly until you can hold a much larger one." I'm shocked by what Jean is doing and saying. She never talked this way or did anything like this on any of our dates or during our honeymoon. I thought I knew her so well. We seemed to talk so freely and openly before. But we never talked about kinky sex. If we had, I would have played along gladly with a sexy lady that I trust as much as I trust Jean. I still believe that she's doing this for our mutual pleasure.
"Poochie dear, you are now ready to receive your second wedding band. Since you can't see what I'm doing, I'll tell you what's happening. This cock ring comes in two halves and is secured in place by a combination of glue and screws. First, I'll slip the bottom halve under the base of your cock. I'm glad to see that I took the measurement correctly and it fits just right. Snug but not tight. Now I'll place a few drops of this epoxy in the little cavity on each site of the horseshoe. The top has male nipples that pop very tightly into these female cavities as I press it on. It's a very tight fit and I'm trying not to hurt you or pinch your skin as I force it on. There, did you hear it click in place? Perfect fit. Did that hurt? Shake your head for yes or no. No, that's good Poochie. Now I'll put another drop of epoxy in each screw hole and use an allen wrench to tighten the screws. Just so you know these materials are designed to become a single unit as the epoxy welds them together. It's already too late to remove this cock ring by anything other than extreme and very dangerous methods. You might not be a man anymore before you're done so don't try."
Holy shit!! I don't have words to put together rational thoughts for the shock that I'm feeling right now. But OK, it's just a cock ring and maybe it will make our sex even better so what's to be upset about, really? I calm myself down quickly and convince myself that this is all OK. Unexpected but OK.
"Poochie, I'm going to take your blindfold off now so you can see our new wedding band. You know a silly ring on your finger that you can slip off when I'm not around is OK for most folks but I just wanted something that represented a deeper commitment. Don't you agree?"
By now the blindfold is off and I look down. The cock ring isn't so scary to look at. It's a blended greenish gray in color with a solid black circle in the center. "Let me show you what that center circle is for Poochie." Jean places her finger on the circle and after a second or two, several tiny green lights appear along the center-line of the cock ring.
My eyes bulge with the surprising discovery that this isn't just a simple metal cock ring.
"Your ring is now installed and activated Poochie. It is programmed for my right thumb print and voice. I'm the only person that can turn it off or give it commands now that it's activated. Let me take your gag off. I'm sure you have a question or two."
"Why does it have lights and what, if anything can it do? What do you mean when you say commands?"
"Certainly understandable questions Poochie. This cock ring does a number of things and has to be kept charged up so it works to maximum performance. Keeping it charged will be your job. And BTW, the ring will make sure that you do a good job!"
"How will it do that and what if I don't want to charge it till I know exactly what it does."
"Allow me to demonstrate honey. Will you walk with me to the bedroom?"
It's about time we made tracks toward the master bedroom but the reason for going there is quite different from what I'd expected and dreamed about.
"Lie down on the bed and allow me to adjust these handcuffs Poochie." Jean unlocks one wrist and quickly secures it to the headboard. She then places a second handcuff onto the freed wrist and secures it to the other side of the headboard. Next, the same is done to both feet.
"Poochie you are still holding your tongue quite well and Madame Jean is pleased. Yes, that is the way you will address me from now on. Do you understand?"
"Yes Madame Jean, but really, isn't that a bit overly theatrical?"
"Obviously we need to get on with the demo. Are you ready?"
"Yes, Madame Jean. Do I really have a choice anymore Honey?"
"Unacceptable Poochie." With that, Jean says "Punishment Level 1" which causes a very sharp pain throughout my penis and surrounding area, including my balls. I try to roll into a fetal position but can't due to the cuffs.
"Punishment STOP". Madame Jean has a oversized grin on, "Poochie, I did enjoy seeing your face when you experienced the ring's punishment feature for the first time. Do you get the idea now? Are there any more questions you want to ask of your Madame Jean while you still can? Be careful that you address me correctly Poochie."
"Madame Jean, was that the highest setting? It was extremely painful."
"No Poochie. Not at all. That was the lowest setting. So here are a few more things you now need to know. The ring has two control circuits. One that I activate with my voice or my cell phone. Another that is always on and is activated by the main and yard fence perimeter monitoring. Now that the ring is on, even I cannot turn off the fence monitoring. If you get too close to the neighborhood or yard fence, you will be hit by a much higher punishment setting. A setting that you don't want to experience. When you approach the fence, the ring will beep to warn you. Be sure you heed it's warning. As I said before you made your vow, this is a permanent and enduring commitment. Also, the lights will change to yellow when the ring needs to be charged. If you don't plug the charger in before the lights become red, the ring will start punishing you at a low setting that steadily increases until the charger is plugged in. As I said, the ring will make sure you keep it charged.
Now enough talk, Poochie finish what you started earlier. I need an orgasm or two followed by some wine. We should celebrate our marriage now that your vow to me is truly a permanent vow that we both know you will never break."
With that, Madame Jean, this new wife that I realize I don't know at all but will come to know well, straddles me and lowers her pussy onto my face to be kissed and tongued to multiple orgasms.
Chapter 2 - A Dog's Life (added: 2020/04/13)
Once Madame Jean's desires were sufficiently sated, she rolled off the bed and went to the bathroom. When she returned from the bathroom, she took what looked to be a dog collar out of a dresser drawer and brought it over to the bed. I was wide eyed and watching while still being very quiet to try and stay out of trouble. Anything I'd had to say since coming into Madame Jean's house had not gone over well.
"Do you see the name on your collar Poochie?" She holds it up and I see the words "SISSY POOCHIE" in large pink letters on a very wide and thick black leather collar.
"Madame Jean, why pink?" I ask. You would think that the idea of wearing such a collar would be my primary concern, but the pink letters just really took me back.
"Because I knew you would just love the look Poochie and because I think it's the perfect look for my sissy puppy."
"I'm no sissy and definitely not a pup either", I retort. I immediately recognize this is a bad move. Madame Jean's smile becomes a deep frown. I know before Madame Jean speaks that this is going to be painful.
"Poochie, I though you understood how things are going to be between us from now on. Looks like I have to make it clearer for you and make some adjustments as well." Madame calls out "Punishment level 2 start" and I again immediately attempt to roll into a ball but can't while fighting hard to hold back a scream that would just double up on the punishment. This second round of punishment is both more painful and longer. When Madame Jean finally calls out "stop", I'm fighting to hold back tears.
"Now Poochie, do you understand that you only speak when asked a question and that you only speak in a humble and respectful way to your Madame?
"Yes, Madame Jean."
"Very good. Then this next talk should be easy with me talking and you listening and speaking only when and how you are directed. I guess it's time for me to introduce the next feature of your cock ring. To begin, I need for you to bark like a dog for me after I say 'record bark'. Madame says the command, but I hesitate to comply by barking. Madame calls out "punishment level 1 start". I respond with a bark that is more like a deep growl. It probably reveals too many of my true feelings at that moment. Madame shakes her head and calls out "stop". "No Poochie. That's not the bark I was looking for. Give me something more suitable for a sissy puppy. Something more like a whimper." Madame repeats the command and I manage a whinny little bark that a small dog might make.
"Very good Poochie. Now, whenever you make that same whinny bark again, I'll know that you need my attention. All the same, I don't want to hear any unnecessary barking. A noisy dog is a bad dog. If you make any other sound, say normal speech in English or any other language that you might try, or even nonsensical sounds that are not your whinny little bark, you will be punished by your cock ring. The more sound you make and the louder the sounds, the more severe the punishment. If you understand, give me your whinny bark to be sure it's working and that we can communicate without any unnecessary punishment being doled out." I comply with the same small whinny little bark and thankfully I'm not punished.
"Perfect. Now that I know I won't have to listen to any smart remarks, complaining, or grossing from my sissy puppy, I find this situation to be much more agreeable, don't you Poochie." Madame looks at my eyes and I know instinctively that I better respond with my bark or else, so I do.
Madame straddles me on the bed and proceeds to put the collar on and lock it in place. It again fits snuggly but not excessively tight. Before she places it on, she shows me that the ends have a male metal clip and female receiver extending from under the leather on each end. Once they are pushed together, they will latch together with no obvious way to unlatch them. It won't be easily removed by normal means. It has rings in the front and at the sides. Madame clips a leash on the front ring, releases the cuffs from my hands and pulls my face up into her breast. I gladly begin to kiss and suck on her enlarged nipples while my already firm dick gets even harder. Even with all that has transpired, I do still believe that Madame Jean is going to end this scene when she is satisfied that she's given me the biggest scare of my life. Adrenaline shock is supposed to be a good thing, right?
When satisfied, Madame pulls away and releases my leg cuffs as well. "Onto your hands and knees Poochie." I comply quickly to avoid any consequences. "Slide off the bed onto the floor and stay in your puppy crouch." I slip down on my hands/knees again and look up to Madame Jean for the next instruction. "Sit Poochie." I sit on my bottom with my legs folded under while continuing to look up. Madame Jean is holding my leash taunt to keep my head pointed up. "Good boy, now lie down Poochie." I drop onto my belly with my hands forward and at each side of my face which is planted on the carpet. "Good boy again, now roll over Poochie." I roll onto my back with my arms at my sides and my legs straight out. "No Poochie, raise your arms and bend your elbows so that your hands are palms up in the air." I comply. "Now bend your legs at the knees and spread your feet apart." Again, I comply. "Good puppy." These are the positions that you are to take whenever the command is given, no matter who in this neighborhood gives the command, do you understand Poochie?" I give my whinny bark in response although I don't care much for the extra twist involving other people in the neighborhood, really?!
"Very Good, now I'm ready for my wine and you are ready to be my sissy puppy. How great is that! Let's make our way to the kitchen Poochie." Madame Jean begins walking toward the door at a brisk pace and I scramble to keep up while on my hands and knees. I instinctively know that standing up is not an option that can be exercised without painful results.
"Stand up now that we're in the Kitchen Poochie. As my sissy housemaid, you can stand whenever you are actively performing chores. When your chore is accomplished, it's back to your hands and knees, do you understand me Poochie?"
I bark for yes as I stand, glad to give my elbows and knees a break.
"Pour a glass of wine then Poochie", Madame says as she makes her way onto one of the barstools.
I look around and see there is a well-stocked wine rack at the end of the kitchen cabinets just prior to the living room entrance. I pick out a good cabernet and rummage through a few drawers until I find the corkscrew. Madame waits silently, not giving me any help at all. Just smiling as she watches me find my way round the kitchen. "You'll know where everything is in a jiffy Poochie" she volunteers as the cork pops out of the wine bottle. I poor two generous pours into nice cab glasses and take them over to the bar, handing one glass to Madame. We raise our glasses and Madame Jean provides the toast: "Here's to dreams coming true." I take a sip of wine while wondering who's dream she's referring to. I don't think it's mine. As I mull this over, Madame suddenly calls out "punishment level 2" and I drop my hands onto the bar edge almost spilling my wine. We lock eyes and Madame tips her head down and up. I get the inference and drop down onto my hands and knees. My knees were getting wobbly by this point anyway. As soon as I hit the floor, Madame gives the stop command and I can breathe again.
"Poochie, did you forget the instructions I gave you when we got to the kitchen?"
"No Madame Jean."
"Well perhaps you just didn't understand fully. Do you get my drift now Poochie? If you're not actively performing a chore for Madame, then you're in puppy position. When you're done, you drop! Do you understand now Poochie?"
"Yes Madame Jean."
"And you should always be sitting, lying, or kneeling by Madame's feet unless instructed otherwise."
"Yes Madame." I respond then crawl around to Madame's barstool."
"Sit Poochie." I drop my butt to the floor and look around at the living spaces. I was so focused on my newlywed wife earlier that I didn't take in much of the details of my bride's living spaces.
"Look at me Poochie. Your eyes should always be on Madame's face and hands. That's where a dog's next command comes from. Do you understand?" I look at Madame, cock my head to the side and respond with my whinny little bark. At least it doesn't sound like I'm happy about it.
"Very good Poochie. You are such a natural and such a quick learner. I just knew you would be perfect from the very first time we met at that bar. I guess you could call it puppy love at first sight. Don't you agree Poochie."
Oh my gosh, Madame planned this from the very start! Of course she did. Not good for me. I better start thinking up an escape plan, if it's not too late. While my inner thoughts are a mashup of fear, panic and nearly hopeless thoughts of possible escape plans, I keep eye contact with Madame's face as she finishes her glass of wine, set's it aside and picks up mine.
"Thanks for pouring me two glasses Poochie. I don't mind the extra dish since I don't do the washing anyway. You didn't think you would be having a glass too, did you? How silly! Dogs don't drink wine, especially not sissy puppy dogs in training. Now be a good pup and get dinner started."
Madame lets the end of my leash drop to the floor and I stand to walk back into the kitchen.
"Let's keep it simple today Poochie. Grab one of the single serving frozen pizzas and throw it in the oven on the pizza stone. I want to have plenty of time to show you the rest of your home and neighborhood after we eat. We will need to get you settled before dark. Is something wrong Poochie? I can see by that look on your face that you were hoping for a pizza to. Don't be silly, a dog doesn't get a whole pizza all to its self. Maybe a few pizza bones if I'm not terribly hungry. It's good to have a dog to feed the leftovers to again. And if the pizza bones aren't enough, I've got dog food for you. You'll be surprised at the good stuff that's in dog food these days."
Holy shit. This is still getting worse by the minute. I won't panic. I'll just hold my breath and see how this goes. I pop the pizza into the oven and then return to Madame's chair to sit and wait for the timer to go off. I guess I am a quick study. Madame just smiles down at me while continuing to nurse her wine.
"Poochie, go get me a tennis ball from the hall closet." I start to stand. "No, Poochie, you can fetch a ball without standing." I crawl over to the closet and find a set of rackets along with a few cans of balls. I pull one out of the open can, pop it in my mouth so my hands will be free, and crawl back to Madame's side.
"Perfect Poochie." Madame picks up the end of my leash and walks to the back door. "Let's step out into the backyard Poochie." Madame opens the door and holds it open for me to crawl through. There is a set of three steps down to a paver patio. I negotiate the steps OK only to find that the pavers are pretty rough on my hands and knees. Madame doesn't seem concerned about this at all as she drops my leash and tosses the ball out into the middle of the yard. "Fetch Poochie." Madame calls out and I start making my way toward the ball before Madame does anything to motivate me along. The going is slow and I can see Madame is frowning as I return with my chewy and not very tasty prey. "Way to slow Poochie, we're going to have to practice until you can run a lot better or you'll never stand a chance with the other dogs. Let's go back in now though, before my Pizza burns and you get in trouble."
Two minutes left on the timer. That was close since I was going to be the one to pay the price if we'd been too late. Madame drops the leash at the kitchen door. I go to sit in front of the oven and wait for the timer to beep.
"I'm so proud of you Poochie. I think you're going to be a keeper. That's a really good thing since you're here for keeps. Whether you remain number 1 dog remains to be seen."
I look at Madame and give her my whinny bark just as the timer goes off. While I rise to retrieve Madame's pizza, she explains. "Poochie, I picked you as my partner for life. A good dog by my side is all I require to be happy. As long as you please me, you will be my number 1 and only dog. I don't plan to have another. But, should your behavior fall short of my expectations, you could fall on harder times and I might have to train a new puppy. Remember your vow from this morning always. You made that vow of your own free will. Never forget."
How can this get any worse? Well I guess Madame just planted a vison of one answer to that question in my mind to torture me. Sometimes the most effective form of obedience training is a threat that is capable of being carried out along with the absolute belief that the threat is real. My confidence that this is just a short bondage scene that will end soon is quickly waning. I'm starting to think that I have no choice but to kiss Madame's ass and do everything she demands of me until I find a way to escape and exact revenge. I just pray it's not too late and that there will be a way out for me.
After Madame finishes eating, having shared a few pizza bones with yours truly while I lay at her feet, she announced that its time for me to be introduced to my dog bowl and have my own dinner. The leash goes back on and we walk to the end of the center hall. There I see a food and water bowl. There are spicket's above each and a bed sits in the corner as well. "Poochie, there's a button beside the food bowl, there to the left. Go ahead and push that button with your nose or paw to fill the bowl." I push it with my paw/hand and a generous portion of dry dog food flows out into the bowl. "You may want to get a drink before starting into your meal Poochie. The water nozzle is set to suck. Wrap your lips around the spicket, slide them up to the rubber ring you see there and suck hard to get a drink of water." Unfortunately, I'm really thirsty so I feel compelled to do as instructed, no matter how embarrassing this is. The first suck provides no liquid relief, so I suck harder, and harder again until I begin to get flow. I keep at it for a bit before I get enough water to fill refreshed. I stop and look up to see Madame smiling down at me with a hugh grin. Fuck! Shit! and other much nastier real words come to mind, but I just sit back on my hunches and wait. "Get on with eating your dinner Poochie." Madame demands and I give it a sniff. It doesn't smell bad. "It's actually a very good blend of what you need to remain healthy Poochie." Don't be so turned off by what it looks like. It's not the same dog food you buy at the grocery for just any pooch. Now eat up till it's all gone. I won't ask again. Once warned, I get at it and find that it's a bit bland but otherwise doesn't taste too bad. I feel better knowing it's not standard run of the meal dog food. But at this point, there is a nagging doubt in the back of my mine as to whether that's the whole truth. Once I've finished cleaning out the food bowl, Madame pats me on the head and tells me what a good poochie I am.
"It's time to see the neighborhood Sissy Poochie. But first we'll need to get you dressed." We walk back to the bedroom and Madame pulls some sections of brown leather out of a dresser drawer. "Lay down and roll over Sissy Poochie". Madame commanded. I do and she proceeded to bend my right arm back until the elbow is fully bent and then slips a leather sleeve over the folded arm. The sleeve has leather laces that she tightens and ties off below the back of my hand. Madame then proceeded to do the same with the left arm. I notice that the sleeves have a thick padded surface below the bent elbow. Next comes the legs which are folded up till my heals are firmly pressed into the back of my upper leg and secured in a similar pair of sleeves. They also have thick padding under the knees.
"On your feet Sissy Poochie." Madame commands. I rolled over and tried to balance on my now restricted arms and legs. With the padding, I find that I can steady myself fairly well. As soon as I do Madame starts walking towards the door with leash in hand. The walking is stiff and awkward. I'm quickly being nearly dragged by my leash. "Come on Sissy Poochie. Get with it. The other dog's do it so it can't be that hard." Holy shit, there are other's in this crazy situation! Madame doesn't relent and we make our way to the front door with my steps getting only slightly quicker as we go. Before we step out, Madame puts the gag back in my mouth and pulls it extra tight before buckling in place. "I don't want you to slip up and try to speak out of turn while we're out on the neighborhood streets Sissy Poochie. I know this is all new to you right now."
Once outside, I quickly look around with planning to break out being my only concern. We turn right at the sidewalk and I see that we're walking toward the front gate. Good, I need to see what opportunities there are at the entrance. After all, the gate must open for people to come and go.
"Sissy Poochie, I've brought you out into the neighborhood so you can see that this is a very well secured neighborhood for dogs. Stray dogs can't get in and our precious dogs can't get out so you are safe and secure inside our fence. If you look at the fence, it's quite high and very smooth so there's nothing for you to grab onto, as if you could with your outside arm and leg wraps on. Also note that there is a loop of razor wire hanging just inside the top of the fence. Nasty stuff to try to cross if any dog ever got up that high. The gate has a large inverted wedge at the top that would be very difficult to climb over, but no dog would ever get close to the fence or gate anyway. Your cock ring will make sure that's you don't. If we walk just a few steps further, your ring will start beeping. The beep is a warning that you're getting too close to the fence. Do you hear it yet Sissy Poochie?" The beeping starts just then, and I nod my head in affirmation for Madame. "Very good. Let's keep walking." I start to pull back on the leash knowing that I don't want to feel what's coming if we go too far. Madame just pulls harder on the leash. "Oh no Sissy Poochie, I want you to experience this just once, so you'll know that you don't ever want to try to make a run for the fence or gate. Do you think you could make it to the gate if it is opened?" Madame looks at me as she asks this and I nod no in response. It doesn't matter anyway as I hit the first limit, maybe 30 ft out and a sharp pain begins to radiate through my groin, legs and back. I drop onto my belly and Madame continues to slide me forward for a short distance. It's enough for me to feel the pain continuing to increase as we go. She then drops the leash and I jump up onto my elbows and knees and run back toward the house much more quickly than I had thought possible. I don't stop until I'm in front of Madame's house. She makes her way back and stoops down to pet and sooth me. Of course, that doesn't help at all. "Do you think you could ever make it to the gate Sissy Poochie?" I shake my head no and Madame seems satisfied. "Good Sissy Poochie. I don't think you will. Just know that the fence in our backyard has a 10 ft no-go zone with a 5 ft warning zone. Give the fence wide berth to avoid the same punishment. Understood?" I nod yes and Madame reaches down to remove the gag.
Back in the house, Madame walks me down the hall to where my bed and bowls are. She then commands me to turn around, face out towards the hall and sit. Once I do, she clips a very short chain to a ring set in the wall. The ring aligns with my head when seated on my hunches. Madame then fastens the other end to the ring on the back of my collar. "Poochie, stay in that position with your head up and facing down the hall." Madame commands while putting a blindfold on me.
"Sissy Poochie, it's time for you to meet one of the other dogs in the neighborhood. There will be some different rules and behavioral expectations when you are around other dogs. Here's what's required of you. When you are in close contact with another neighborhood dog and after I've given the 'Dog Talk' command, you can talk to the dog and carry on a conversation with the dog. You do not ever use words to talk to any of the dog owners, including me. Any such conversation will result is severe punishment. Understood?"
"Yes, Madame Jean."
"When you are with other dogs, it's up to you to fit in with the dogs. Us owners shouldn't have to constantly oversee or interfere with whatever you dogs choose to do when you are set free to run loose. That's what freedom is, you know. Also, as I'm sure you recognize when you think it through, dogs will be dogs and you will have to assert yourself in the pack if you don't want to be at the bottom of the pecking order, or in other words, at the mercy of the other dogs. That may be really tough for a Sissy Poochie like you, but I know you'll manage just fine. Understood?"
"Yes, Madame Jean." I respond as required but I feel a powerful sense of trepidation about how I might fit, or not fit in with the other "dogs" in this neighborhood. Are they real dogs or are they other people just like me? And which would be worse? I have no good answers and fear that I'll find out soon enough.
"You are blindfolded because I want you to first get to learn to recognize the other dog by smell like any good dog would Sissy Poochie. Ah, there's the doorbell, I think your visitor has arrived. Remember to smell the dog over good so you can recognize both the dog and the dog's markings when they're in your territory Poochie. That's what dogs do."
Madame Jean headed off down the hall and I sit in dreaded anticipation of what will happen. I hear the door open and greetings being exchanged along with a deep bark from the "dog". The owner has clearly let it off it's leash as I hear it bounding down the hall toward me. It skids to a halt just as it's face touches mine. It's another person like me and it's sniffing all over my face and quickly moves to stick it's nose up under my hunches and smell/lick my penis. Really! Is this what I'm supposed to do? I attempt to sniff him up as well but he has free movement and I'm constrained to a sitting position. I, thankfully, couldn't get to his penis to taste/smell it if I wanted to, which I don't.
"Dog Talk" is called out by Madame and by the other visitor who brought this dog into my new home.
Visiting dog, "Sissy Poochie. Well that's an interesting name. You are pretty scrawny and wimpy looking as well. I'll have no trouble turning you into my sissy yard dog."
Sissy Poochie, "Not happening wise guy. You can have your yard dog life and find someone else to play with."
Visiting dog, "Look dumbass, you don't know who you're talking to or what you've gotten yourself into. I'm Duke and I'm the lead dog around here. You do what I say, when I say it, understood?"
Sissy Poochie, "Kiss my ass." I respond and I give out my low and whinny bark in the hopes that Madame will see/hear my distress and come to my aide. I then hear the visiting dog bark at his Master as well.
Madame Jean, "Sissy Poochie, this is Duke. He's the lead dog in this neighborhood. You would do well to find a way to be friends. We'll leave you dogs to sort this out and retire to the back porch." Madame reaches down and removes my blind fold before she walks away along with her guest. Her guest is a tall middle aged man and they are engaged in what appears to be pleasant conversation as they walk away.
I bring my focus back to Duke and see that he is rather imposing in stature. He's easily 100 lb heavier than I am, he's muscular and he's unrestrained, with the exception of his arm and leg binders. As the door to the back-deck clicks shut, my fear level rises significantly.
Duke, "My master is also the master of this neighborhood and he'll back me on whatever I do Sissy." Where do you think that leaves you?"
Sissy Poochie, "Madame Jean loves me and she isn't going to let you run all over me."
Duke, "You really are a dumbass. She just left you with me for me to do as I please." Now get on your knees", he says as he advances and forces me against the wall. I block him with my forearms and do not drop as instructed.
Duke, "Dog Talk STOP, Punishment 3 START".
My eyes bulg and my mind goes blank with shock as I realize that Duke has access to my cock ring controls. The pain starts and I collapse onto the floor and curl up as he allows the punishment to continue.
Duke, "Punishment 3 STOP and get on your knees quickly Sissy".
I recover as quickly as I can and struggle to get onto my unsteady knees.
Duke, "It falls to me as lead dog to train you to be a proper dog, I will have to live with the fact that you are also a sissy and adapt. I believe your instructions were to get to know the visiting dog through the usual dog ways. I suggest you get to it."
Duke presses into me and firmly forces my head down into his pelvis such that I find his already hard penis ready and waiting. This is not something that I ever imagined myself doing. Definitely not on my bucket list, but again, I find myself without any other options. It's funny how fleeting free choice can be. I gingerly touch the head of his dick with my lips. Duke is not interested in gentle and promptly shoves himself into my mouth.
Duke, "Sissy, this is just the beginning of your training. It's been a while since I last had the opportunity to break in a new dog, so I'm really going to enjoy this. You get busy finding out how to use your lips, tongue and lungs to give me a good blow and I'll explain how things are going to work."
Duke begins to thrust his dick in and out of my mouth in steadily longer strokes as he talks. While not something that I want to do, I resign myself to the task and begin to wrap my tongue around his shaft and stroke it in rhythm with his efforts. I find a breathing pattern that keeps me from gagging (so far) and pray that he doesn't push me past my limits.
Duke, "I guess you're wondering how I obtained access to your cock ring commands. I don't owe you any explanation but perhaps, if I explain, it will help you to understand your status around here. My master is also the Director of Manufacturing at the factory where your Madame Jean works. He got her the job there. So, when he saw that she had ordered a cock ring, he had a good idea what she would use it for and, while he didn't know who the new dog would be, Master did know that he would want his lead dog to have the upper hand whenever Miss Jean's new dog is in the yard or otherwise outside Miss Jean's control. He made sure we programmed the ring for both his voice and mine before it was delivered to Madame Jean. She has no idea and had better not ever find out. Sissy, I know this comes as a shock but don't stop what you're doing there. I don't want to be at this all day, and I don't think you want to be punished for a lousy blow. Anyway, I'm going to teach you to be a Sissy Pooch that all the pack will appreciate and take advantage of."
Duke's thrust became quicker and deeper. I'm just praying that I don't gag all over both of us while I continue to focus on the task to take my mind off other possibilities. His talking has stopped and he's starts to tense up as I feel his dick get even harder. Suddenly Duke pulls me hard into him and presses down deeply into my throat with my neck bent back and my eyes looking straight up into his as he grins a hugh ugly grin and begins to unload into me throat. When his orgasm starts in earnest, he pulls out slowly while filling my mouth with his cum till I do start to gag for real.
Duke, "How does that taste Sissy." Wasn't the objective for you to smell and taste me? Don't you dare spill one drop onto the carpet or you will pay."
Once I've choked his cum down and his dick is clean, Duke pulls away, drops to all fours and turns his butt to me. "Now lick my ass Sissy. That's what dogs do after all. Get a good taste so you'll always recognize my mark."
I comply while continuing to force myself to not gag.
Duke turns back to face me. "Now I need to be sure you and I have a good and complete understanding of things Sissy. What just happened is Lead Dog and Pack Dog business only. When allowed to talk to dogs, you will address me as Master Duke. Do you understand Sissy? Dog Talk On"
What can I do? "Yes, Master Duke."
Duke, "Sissy, you must now swear to me that you will never reveal how I control you. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Master Duke."
Duke, "Not good enough this time Sissy." Tell me exactly what you swear to never reveal to anyone."
"Master Duke, I swear that I will never reveal that you have access to my cock ring commands or how you obtained access."
Duke, "Sissy, at least you are a good listener. Your first blow wasn't a barn burner but it was decent and you are correct, if you ever reveal that I have access to your cock ring commands or how I came about this access to anyone, including Madame Jean, your life will become a much worse hell than it is right now. I see that look of skepticism on your face. I can see why you might think that things can't be much worse, but you are wrong! If you compromise me or my Master, we will be unmerciful in our retribution. Understood?"
"Yes, Master, Duke."
"Good. So let's go out onto the back deck and show our Masters what chummy friends we've become."