Author's Note: Wrote this because of a conversation I had with someone who messaged me about a previous story, talking about it really got me back into writing, so if anyone else wants to have a chat about this story or anything else I'd love that so drop me an email
Hope to write more parts to this at some point, Enjoy!!
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Part One
Something had to change.
The reports of rapes at the university were at an all time high. Too much alcohol, drugs or a combination of both created large amounts of vulnerable students, both men and women being raped, beaten and generally abused. So, the board came up with the P.S.P, the Public Slut Programme. The idea being volunteers would be available to sate the carnal desires of students. With the recent financial crisis, the incentive of having all student loans paid for by the university was seen as a worthy incentive. And it was enough to perk the interest of Rachel, she had been trying to save for her degree for three years but no matter how hard she worked or how frugal she as the money always seemed to find a way to slip away. She had always enjoyed sex more than her friends and often found herself out to the late hours of the morning wearing something slutty looking for someone to keep her entertained for a few hours. She realised that her classmates would probably not like her and call her a whore but she knew it would be worth it, it's the only way she was going to get her degree. She thought about the idea of having sex with strangers and was surprised how eager she actually was. So, she decided it was a win win, she'd get her degree setting herself up for the rest of her life and she'd get to indulge her increasingly large sexual appetite.
As she sat in the admissions office these thoughts bounced around her head, she had to tell herself off and listen to the admissions officer who was explaining the rules of the P.S.P. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were her days for her studies and lectures. Friday, Saturday and the first half of Sunday she was the Public Slut for her whole year. Over those four days she must attend any party being held large or small who booked her, and she must commit any sexual act asked of her for anyone who asked. She was not allowed to say no. If it was reported she had refused anyone she would not only be expelled from the University but would also have to pay all her Student Loans herself. The officer explained that since this programme was designed for two purposes firstly to decrease the chance of rape occurring, to do this she must make herself as easily available as possible. The logic being why drug someone or drag a drunk student around the corner when it was easier to have her. And the second purpose was to allow those who had sexual desires that were different to the norm someone to experiment on. The hope from this is that students would leave the university not only intellectually educated but be aware of themselves on an intimate level as well. Making years of repression less likely too occur. She went on to explain that in the introduction handbook the P.S.P would be explained to the new students, what she was there for, when she was available and what was allowed. It seemed to Ella that everything was allowed, when she raised this with the officer it was pointed out to her that nothing permanent was allowed and nothing that would hospitalise her was allowed either. Also if anyone tried to use her on her study days or broke the previous mentioned rules they would be expelled, sued and legally charged. These seemed like very wide parameters to Ella but she knew in all likelihood she would just spend a lot of her time sucking drunk guys dicks and getting fucked when they weren't too drunk to get it up. Maybe now and again one of them would be good enough that she would enjoy it too. Anyway, all of it was worth it she told herself, and she signed the dotted line.
Two months later a fortnight before admission she received an email telling her that money had been deposited into her bank to allow her to purchase 'appropriate wardrobe'. She was also to report to the Universities medical centre to have an internal device fitted that would apparently stop 100% of STIs and worked as contraception, it was something experimental that would be hitting the shelves soon. The university had twisted some rules to be allowed to use it on her, she was technically an advanced human trial. The university didn't want her to be put out of action after the first weekend to some infection. So, she popped into the centre and got it fitted then she went into town and spent her money. She was never what you would call a conservative dresser but she outdid herself on this occasion. The longest of the dresses only just covered her arse, then there were lots of short shorts, tight tops and a PVC French maid outfit she figured would be useful for when Halloween rolled around.
The first day was here. Pure excitement coursed through her as she collected her keys, signed up for her courses and walked around campus. The P.S.P had completely left her mind, she was finally here!! After a few hours of wondering around she noticed that she seemed to be attracting looks everywhere she went, an odd mix of staring, glaring and leering, she shook it off and carried on. Eventually she arrived at her room, on the bed was a booklet with welcome written on the front in large letters. She sat an began to read it, it was generally what she expected, maps, information contact details. Then she turned the page and saw her face, the words 'Public Slut' written above, she froze for a second then read on. The booklet explained what had been explained to her that she would be available on set days, what the rules were and why the P.S.P had been instituted. She realised then that there were no other pictures on the page, she was the only one who had signed up, she was the slut for her whole year... hundreds of them. Her brain panicked but she quickly brought herself back under control, what did it matter how the year had been told and even if ten or twenty girls had singed up she doubted she would be any less busy. Nothing has changed, it will be worth it she told herself. Her phone buzzed.
Nothing has changed, it will be worth it, she repeated to herself. Those eight words circled round her head as she walked towards the large house in front of her. The text had given her an address and told her to arrive promptly at 9pm and that would be the beginning of her duties. It was Saturday so at least she had a smaller chunk of time to adjust to what was going on. As she got closer to the house the music got louder and louder, the lights from the windows flashed over her. It showed her tight red dress, she had decided not to bother fighting it, she knew what she was and so did everyone else. She wore a tight low-cut red dress made from a stretchy material that left nothing to the imagination and stopped just below her arse. She couldn't tell if she was nervous or excited or both, she checked the time 9:00. She paused for a second at the door then opened it and walked in confidently.
She closed the door behind her, the music blared around her. She could smell that mix of scents familiar to her and anyone else who's spent time partying. Booze, smoke and sweat. No one looked at her as she entered, everyone was dancing around each other focused on their own fun. She pushed round the edge of the corridor into the larger room at the end. She noticed the bar at the end of the room and decided a drink could do nothing but help the situation. She continued to edge around corners and squeeze between people till she reached the bar. As she bent over to reach for a drink from the cooler, she felt a hand squeeze her arse. She went to stand up quickly and turn around ready to slap who's ever hand it was then she remembered what she was and why she was here. The hand continued to squeeze and fondle her arse and she stayed bent over, unsure of what to do, she looked over her shoulder and saw the face the hand was connected too. He was clearly drunk, his glazed eyes focused exclusively on her arse while his hand worked away squeezing and pinching. As far as he was aware her arse may as well have been floating unattached to a person, she realised then that for all intense and purpose she was just a floating arse and if he wanted to play with her tits then she would become a floating pair of tits to him. This is what she had signed up for. She waited patiently bent at the waist while he continued his one handled fumbling, after another thirty seconds he placed his beer on her back so he could use both hands too explore her. Of all the scenarios Rachel had run through her head this one had not occurred to her. She had pictured herself being fucked, sucking dicks, maybe even licking some pussy. But right now she was bent at the waist being used as a beer table while a drunk stranger just played with her arse. The red fabric stretched over her arse so tightly it made her arse look like it was going to pop out. He could have pulled the fabric up and found her cunt so easily, but he didn't. As she became more humiliated by her new use as a fondleable beer table Rachel felt herself warm between her legs. She found herself wishing the stranger would pull her dress up and continue his exploration and find that new and surprising warmth she was experiencing. But he didn't, all her wanted from her was her arse so that's all he took, and she just had to endure.
After a few more minutes a name was called, evidently it was the arse fondler's name because his head turned at the sound of it. He gave a particularly hard pinch to the floating arse that he had enjoyed so much and walked away. Leaving, Rachel realised blushing, his beer still placed in the small of her back. The fact that he had forgot she wasn't a table was infinitely more humiliating than having her arse played with for a few minutes. She tried to slowly reach around herself to grab the beer, desperately staying as still as possible, she didn't want to spill beer all over this dress. 'In a spot of bother there?' A soft teasing voice said, 'need a bit of help?'. 'Yes please' Rachel responded 'This is a new dress I don't want to spill beer all over it'. A pair of legs appeared in front of her, bare and smooth, she tried to look up but couldn't get the angle right to see anything but the legs. 'Please' she whined, feeling increasingly pathetic. Rachel felt the can lift from her back, she finally stood up straight and raised her arms stretching herself out. She turned to see a blonde girl a little bit taller than her but not massively so, holding the can with a coy smile on her face. Rachel looked her up and down, she was wearing a tight shiny dress but not as revealing in its tightness as hers, also hers went down just her mid-thigh. Her long blonde hair was done straight all falling down one side of her neck clashing beautifully with the dark of her clothes. While Rachel had gone full slutty this girl had played the middle ground, she definitely had a body to lust over but had gone just classy enough to make herself seem above it all. 'So, you're the slut?' the blonde asked before Rachel could consider anything else. Having it said to her so bluntly stunned Rachel into silence for a second, but seeing the blonde waiting for a reply she answered. 'Yeah, I am. My name's Ra..' Before she could finish her sentence, the blonde girl interrupted 'Open your mouth', a milliseconds confusion flew through Rachel but she obeyed and opened her mouth for this new stranger. The blonde leaned in close to Rachel looking her right in the eyes, then without warning she spat in the open mouth in front of her. Rachel didn't move, she didn't react in anyway, shock had frozen her. She couldn't believe someone had just spat in her mouth, why would she do that. She looked at the blonde again, she saw the flush on her neck, her hand resting on her thigh and the look of nervous excitement in her eyes. Rachel realised what had just happened, she was being experimented on. This little blonde girl must have some kind of kinky mind she wanted to explore. Rachel's experience with this stuff was very small but if it was for a sexual purpose it was fair game, she was fair game. So, she didn't move she stood there with her mouth open, feeling the hot spit on her tongue and the inside of her cheeks. Her face burned an impossible red as a small bit leaked over her lip and slid down her face. She didn't think she would have missed being a beer table so quickly! The blonde leaned in and Rachel braced herself for more spit, but instead she felt breath at her neck, the blonde kissed her softly behind her ear while her hand slid up the inside of her thigh. Teeth gripped her ear while fingers found her cunt, as she bit down hard the fingers slowly slid across her. Rachel's breathing stopped as she pushed her hips forwards desperately towards the blonde's fingers, she heard the whisper in her ear, 'Swallow and thank me', Rachel obeyed swallowing quickly and whispering 'Thank you' slowly. The blonde stepped away and gave Rachel a look of arousal and amusement. 'I'll see you around slut' she popped the finger that had been teasing Rachel's horny cunt in her mouth and sucked it clean as she walked away.
Rachel took a step back, and walked into a corner. She had already lost all concept of time, had she been here ten minutes or an hour she couldn't tell, either way in a short time she had been a table, had her arse kneaded like dough, swallowed a stranger's spit and been so close to having something inside her. She couldn't believe that this odd sequence of events had left her as aroused as they had but she couldn't deny it either. So, she decided to find a room or hell even a cupboard and deal with this arousal herself before she spent the whole night being teased. She turned to walk towards the stairs but before she could someone walked into her way. The tall man had dark brown eyes they had that slight fuzzed unfocusedness of a person about 50% of the way through their drink but only 25% of the way through the night. 'HEY LOOK IT'S THE SLUT GIRL' he bellowed, once again Rachel turned a deep red to match her dress. Luckily the loud music dulled the reach of the yell but the closest twenty to thirty people heard and turned to see what the yell as about. 'Show us your tits then slut girl!' brown eyes bellowed. Rachel reached up and pulled the fabric of her dress down her arms till it was around her waist, with practised ease she slipped of her bra and looked at brown eyes. Rachel had always considered herself lucky with her breasts, they were large enough to attract the wondering eye but not too big that she would ever need to deal with bring issues of back pain and the like. She almost laughed at the look on brown eye's face. She stood in front of him nearly a foot shorter with her tits out as ordered waiting to see what his brain would come up with next. He just stood there in shock, 'wait the book is serious, you will actually do this?' he questioned, Rachel nodded. Someone else chimed in, 'so you'll just do anything?', 'Pretty much, as long as it doesn't cause any permanent damage' She replied slowly 'I'm... well I'm the Public Slut'. Rachel was pretty her last blush had never really faded but none the less naming herself like that brought on another one.
The small group gathered around her mumbled and stared at her with her dress pulled down to her waist and her tits on show. They seemed unsure of what to do, till someone yelled 'lose the dress'. Rachel slid the rest of the dress off and tucked it with her bra into a small bag which she then tossed under a distinctive yellow chair she knew she could find later. Now she stood naked in front of the group. Her hands by her sides not attempting to block anything from view, she breathed slow deep breathes keeping her nerves under control. This is what she knew was going to happen. A man stepped forward, more sober then anyone else who had interacted with her yet. He looked at her questioningly, unsure. Rachel knew what she needed to do, she needed to initiate something. She reached forward and placed her hand on the front of his shorts feeling his hardness underneath grow. 'Can I?' she asked looking at him, nervous still he nodded and she slid her hand down the front of his shorts and found the cock waiting for her. She pulled it out and began to stroke, that was enough for everyone else. Two more walked forwards and took her tits in their hands and started to play with her nipples. She heard the voice of a women say 'no, but you can watch' the she saw a girl walk straight towards her, she was tall and had dyed green hair cut short on one side. She walked towards Rachel with an unflinching cool and the next thing she new she was kissing her. She glanced over her shoulder and saw a crowd watching them. Some curious, others aroused and some turning away, uninterested. The girls tongue danced inside her mouth while her hand gently played between her legs. She had hoped one of the guys would go there first, they were more likely to go all out and push her over the edge, but this girl like most girls knew the best way to slowly build the warmth and the energy. The girl was attractive but the green hair was not really her thing, so Rachel closed her eyes and without intending so found her thoughts slipping towards the memory of the Blonde who had used her earlier. A moan slipped from her lips, 'wow, you really are a slut aren't you' the girl kissing her whispered too her in between kissing her lips and neck while her fingers still danced around on Rachel's cunt. Her right hand still stroked that first cock and now she felt her other hand being pulled, she followed the pulling even though she couldn't even see who had her hand. She closed her fingers around another cock, this one smaller but thicker than the first. Stroking away at both cocks without even knowing who they belonged too while this talented green haired girl played her cunt and mouth like an instrument. A finger pushed deep inside her as it did, she moaned into the mouth of the girl and squeezed the cocks in her hands, she felt the one of the right spasm and something splashed onto her wrist. Next second her hand was empty, she went to wrap it around the body of the green haired girl but before she could it was filled with another cock. She began to stroke this new cock and realised she wouldn't be going anywhere for a while. She felt the green haired girl pull away from her, she opened her eyes to see her kissing the man she had been speaking too before she had begun to use her. She waited, the cock in her left hand was replaced with a new one without her seeing the face of the new or old. She carried on with her wrist motions staring at the green haired girl, the man was kissing her neck and she was looking over his shoulder right into Rachel's eyes with an interested gaze. Transfixed by her sight Rachel failed to notice the presence behind her, the first she knew about it was when two thick hands grabbed her hips pulling her backwards, at the same time a foot kicked her ankles wide apart. She shifted into her new pose still maintaining the eye contact, her exposed cunt burning hot, without a question from its owner a cock slid inside her. She gasps deeply squeezing the cocks in her hand tightly as it forced its way inside her. It travelled deeper and deeper filing her more than she thought she could take, just when a twinge of pain began it withdrew, finally she released the long intake of air, slowly at first but then all at once as the cock slammed back inside her. The combination of depth and speed was nothing she had experienced before, his hands gripped her hips like a vice, moving her back and forth as much as he was. She heard a yell from her left, realising she had squeezed too tightly on that cock she broke the eye contact with the green haired girl. She looked over to her left, the student looked at her angrily, she glanced between his cock and his eyes, then settling on his eyes she slowly opened her mouth wide, bent at the waist and waited. It didn't take long. He took a step-in front of her and she latched her mouth around him. Her mouth felt every outline of the cock it now held, she attempted to suck but before she could she felt the hands around her hips loosen. Before she even knew what had changed the pace of the man behind her increased, but now he held her more loosely. Then she realised why the change had occurred, she was now effectively being bounced off the two men. The first would push and she'd slide forwards till his dick stuffed her mouth totally and touched the back of her throat. Before her brain could even decide if she should gag though the second would push and she'd slide off the cock in her mouth like a wrapper off a chocolate bar, simultaneously the cock behind her would bury itself deep in her filling her other end just as effectively as he first in her mouth. They bounced her back and forth at a consistent fast and hard pace, her brain couldn't keep up with all the input, the pleasure of her cunt, the pain of being filled, the flashes of nearly gagging the humiliation when she occasionally caught a glance of all those around her. Her brain was flooded, pain, pleasure, shame all of it storming around her head until it condensed into a bolt of energy most intense than anything she had ever experienced, this bolt blasted from inside her cunt just as the rear cock reached its deepest inside her. It burned forth from there, she tensed around the cock tighter than she knew she could her arms flew around crazily and she howled around the cock in her throat like a desperate animal. The energy flooded into every part of her, like waves crashing front her cunt through her right to her finger tips, bouncing off her edges and rolling back around inside her, a hurricane of energy clashing and growing inside her. It might have been a second- or five-minutes Rachel had no clue but the next thing she noticed was the warm feeling of her insides being painted in cum, first her cunt then quickly after her mouth. Both cocks pushed in at the same time as deep as they could, they lifted her off her feet. She dangled between them, her orgasms had destroyed her, she had no energy to try and find the floor. She just dangled between them as they pumped her full. Then they let her drop, crumpled and used onto the floor.
Rachel lay on the floor splayed out like a dropped doll, gasping, breathing deeper than she ever had in her life. Whether it was from the lack of air from the deepthroating or the orgasms she couldn't have guessed even if she had her normal level of brain power. Before she could even think of what she should do next she was pulled up by her hair. A hand wrapped her hair around itself and pulled impatiently. Without time to stand Rachel found herself crawling along the floor, her own hair being used as a lead. Glancing around her she saw all the students dancing, most didn't even know she was there. The few that did notice her, laughed or reached down to smack her arse. After a few moments the hand stopped and pulled her hair up till she was on her knees. She went to look up but before she could the hand forced her forwards. Another hard cock pushed at her lips, it forced her mouth open and delved all the way to the back of her throat. With her face buried into another strangers' genitals she could see nothing, she just felt the balls on her chin and the cock in her throat. She concentrated on not gagging, waiting to be allowed her air. But none came. Five seconds... Ten ... Twenty. She tried to pull back but the hand holding her hair had no give. She moaned deeply, signalling she needed air. Forty. She reached up to push him back, as soon as her hand touched him he grabbed it. Fifty. She reached up with her other hand, that one joined the first. His hand was large enough to hold both of her wrists together. Now we even more leverage she had no chance of releasing herself from this. Seventy-Five. Her throat tightened as her chest pulled for more air. Tighter and tighter her throat gripped the cock that was depriving her, just as she got ready to pull away with all of her might she felt her head yanked backwards. The cock slid out of her throat and air poured in. Just as quick as the air hit her lungs his cum hit her face. Still holding her hands above her she went limp and dangled pulling in as much air as she could. 'I've always wanted to do that' she heard a voice say above her. She tried to reply but no words came, only the need for more air. He let her hands go and she just about managed to stay upright, then she felt his hands in her hair again. 'More, Really' Rachel thought, but he didn't pull her again. He fumbled with her hair for a while, pulling it this way and that. The she felt something scratching over forehead, she managed to open her eyes and saw the end of a pen moving above her. Before she could find out who he was or what he had done he walked away.
Rachel was happy to stay where she was for a while and regain her breath, she looked around after a while. It took her a minute to work out her bearings, after a moment she figured it out. She was back in the bar she had tried to head for when she first arrived at the party. She must be pretty close to the fridge she had been bent over at when this all started. She turned her head to look for the fridge, but she felt a sharp tug, she tried to turn her head again and again the same tug. She reached up behind her and felt her hair. The man who had cum on her face had tied her to a handle by her own hair, she ran her fingers over the messy knot wondering what she was going to do next when she caught her reflection in the silver of another fridge. She saw writing on her forehead, it took her a while to read it from the reversed reflection. After a while she saw it... SUCK DOLL ... in big letters written across her forehead. A pair of legs walked past her and reached into a fridge for a drink, she prepared herself for the next cock, instead she felt the bottle on her head. Then some pressure and a cap fell down and landed at her knees. Then the legs walked away. Rachel tried to process what was happening, it seems there was plenty of people who were interested in using her sexually, but those who weren't were still happy to use her as an object. Was that sexual, did that fall into her remit as the public slut? She wasn't gratifying anyone as an object, she was just being used, used, used. The word bounced around her head, she didn't even notice her hand had made its way between her legs. She found herself incredibly wet, the word used still bouncing around her mind. She looked at her reflection reading SUCK DOLL and saying it with used in her head over and over again. She felt the tension building inside herself again, she leaned her head back and closed her eyes basking in that feeling. She moaned as she got closer, the next moan came louder, the one after that however was cut short by a cock being stuffed into her mouth. Without even thinking her head began to bob furiously as her hand continued to work on herself. As he exploded, so did she.
Over the next few hours she lost count of the cocks that filled her mouth, she swallowed more cum than she would have drank beer, and half that again ran down her face and tits. For every ten cocks she would get a pussy, the savoured these. They took longer but she enjoyed them even more. She would take a glance at a person when they first started using her but after that she would usually just close her eyes. Once she opened her eyes to look for the next cock or pussy, but instead she saw an arse. This was a new one for her but she took to the arsehole with as much enthusiasm as all the others, she reached her hands up and played with the cunt beneath the arsehole, feeling its wetness. She managed to glance over the women's back, she was bent at a ninety degree angle her head bobbing at the crotch of a man, only then did she notice the familiar green hair of the girl. She worked her tongue inside the women's arse and her fingers inside her pussy. As she played faster and faster, she saw the green haired women's head bob faster and faster. She felt the cunt tense and grip around her fingers when she came, at the same time she heard the man moan loudly. Green hair stood up and turned around, she slowly dressed herself not saying a word. Then she bent over grabbed Rachel's face, forcing her to open her mouth and with a smile spat her mouthful of cum into Rachels open mouth. Green Hair gave her a quick pat on the head then walked off with the man who just painted the inside of her mouth.
After Green Hair there was a long gap, Rachel for the first time in hours actually took stock of her surroundings, the clamour of voices had gone, the music had stopped. She twisted her head as much as she could and saw a window, the first orange rays were beginning to creep up. When no on else came to her again she reached behind herself and began to unpick her hair. It took a while but she managed to free herself. Without even moving from the puddle of cum around her she just laid down and fell straight to sleep.
When she woke light was shining through the room showing the debris from the night before, bottles and cans everywhere. A few people still passed out drunk, a clock on the wall showed it was 11:42, twelve more minutes she thought. She looked around and saw no one conscious, she doubted anyone would even be able to talk to her let alone use her. She walked around for a bit till she spotted the yellow chair, her bag was still near. She retrieved her stuff and got dressed. As she neared the front door though a voice called out to her. 'Where are you going slut? You've still got three minutes left' Rachel turned, standing in the hall was the blonde girl, somehow still looking as perfect as she had hours ago. 'Come here', Rachel walked towards her, drinking her in. She had cum more times that night than in that last year, from others and herself and for so many of them the blonde girl had been in her head. 'Kneel' Rachel fell to her knees easily without hesitation, 'What's your name' Rachel asked, 'What's yours?' the Blonde asked with a cheeky smile, 'Slut' Rachel replied with the same smile, 'Well I guess my name is Princess then' the Blonde replied, 'that okay with you Slut?', 'Yes Princess' Rachel replied. 'Close your eyes' Princess told Rachel, 'You managed to keep that dress clean then' Princess questioned. Before Rachel could reply she felt her head pushed into a pussy, she devoured it with a carnal passion she didn't know she could feel. 'ninety-seconds' Rachel sped up, determined to reach her goal by the time limit, 'sixty' Princess said with short breaths, she was close. Rachel reached round and grabbed Princess' arse, pushing face deeper, her tongue dancing across this women's clit. 'Thir...Thir' but before she could say thirty, she grabbed Rachels head tightly and moaned loudly. 'YES, good Slut!!' The Princess relaxed and released Rachel, Princess looked down at her, 'such a clean dress' she said as she reached behind Rachel and then poured a can of drink over her. Rachel tasted beer across her lips and it ran through her hair and all down her body, and worked its way into her dress. '3...2...1, see you later Slut' Rachel watched as the Princess walked away.
One day down, Rachel thought.