My name is Charles and I have always been fascinated of chastity belts. I live in a non English speaking country in Europe, and I hope you will enjoy this story and forgive my poor grammar.
Ever since I first heard of that thing called a chastity belt on the schoolyard when I was 15 years old I have been fascinated of it. It was a boy one class over me that told a group of us that the knights during the dark ages had their wife locked in a chastity belt while they were away in a war somewhere. This would prevent the wife from having sex with some else. At first I did not believe him, but the others confirmed that it was true. I found this scenario very exciting, and we discussed it for the rest of the lunch break.
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As I grew older I learned that there was some truth in what the stories foretold. However I could never imagine that there was a chastity belt for men as well. And as I am a man I would never have the opportunity to experience how it would feel to be locked in such a thing, but that didn't stop me from fantasizing about it. I actually did some attempts to make a chastity belt of my own in leather, but it was never any success, but it was fun. During these years I also explored my own body and became a master of masturbating. I did it almost every night before I went to sleep. I was actually ashamed of this disgusting habit, but I could not break the habit. One of the most frequent fantasies was when I was locked up for a very long time in a chastity belt.
My best friend in school was Peter and he had a sister named Mary, which I fancied very much, she was one year younger than him. After school I often visit him in his house; which was not more than 1 km from where I lived, hoping to meet his sister. As time passed Peter's parents realized that it was not Peter I was there for, but for Mary, and they didn't mind. I took her out to the cinemas and school dance and so on, needless to say that I was in love with her.
To make a long story short, Mary and I got married when I was 22. It was a nice family wedding with many relatives present. That same evening we, for the first time, slept in our new apartment that we rented. It was not the first time we had sex, by the way. But it was the best, so far.
Six years later it was the year 2003 and we got a thing called the internet installed in our home. I was very excited as I had heard what wonderful things there was to be found in the cyberspace.
When I had all the hard ware up and running and everything was working I sat down in front of my computer and thought to myself; what do I do now, what will I search for? As I was home alone that evening I typed in "Chastity belt" on Google. I actually didn't think I would get one hit, but boy was I wrong. There were over 100 000 hits. There were stories and different makers, I was overwhelmed, and there were actually other people who were into this, out there. One thing that surprised me a lot was that male belts were common. I had always thought that it could not be done, but I was so glad to be wrong.
I started to read stories on different sites the whole evening, until I heard the front door open. I hastily turned off the computer and met Mary in the hallway; she had been at the cinema with a friend.
From now on, and as soon as I had a chance, I sat down in front of the computer, reading story after story, looking at the different maker's web sites. My favorite story site was altairboy. The favorite stories were when the hero was locked in for a very long time and reading about his frustration.
I really wanted a belt of my own, but not just any device; I wanted a belt that was locked around the waist with a sturdy lock. But how could I persuade Mary to have me locked in a chastity belt? I could not even bring myself to ask her, if I had she would probably call me a pervert and kick me out. So I just kept on reading the stories, over and over again.
And so it happened, one Friday evening in November. It was dark cold, and the rain whipping against the window. We had enjoyed an extra good meal and some excellent wine, when Mary asked in a casual voice: "Charles you are really enjoying reading all these stories on your computer? There are some of them that you have read many times."
I could feel my blood rushing to my face, but I tried to compose myself saying: "What stories do you refer to, dear?"
She giggled and said:"You know, on altairboy website, the one with all the chastity belt stories."
I didn't know what to say so I took a sip of wine to win some time and collect my thoughts. I looked into the glass as if I could find something interesting there, then I drew a deep sigh and started to tell her that I had for many years been fascinated by chastity belts. I also told her how my interest began.
Coming so far she asked me if I was interested of a belt for me or for her.
"For me "I said, "If you have read some of the stories you can clearly see that."
She calm me down and said that she had herself read some the stories with a growing interest. She told me that often when she was out to the cinema with her friend, she had had some worries about what I was doing those evenings. So she had followed up the history in the web browser in my computer for some time, just to see if I was surfing on porn sites and such.
I looked at her and tried to look angry and said:" are you spying on me?"
She gave me a smile and patted softly my cheek and said: "Well, not exactly, but for my own sake I wanted to be sure that you were not cheating on me, so yes I guess I was spying. But I must tell you that I also found these stories fascinating." I just couldn't believe that she said that. She had just told me that she was fascinated of chastity belts. This meant that there was a chance for me to get a belt of my own. Amazing!
As I, in those days was a computer illiterate, didn't know that one could follow up the history like that. I thought that when I closed the computer all traces were gone.
Mary said that she had had some help to do that from her friend who had a husband who worked with computers.
"O.k. I understand" I said with the feeling that I had been caught with my hands in the cookie jar.
By then I realized that she had said that she was reading these stories with a growing interest. I asked her what she meant by that.
She said that at first she had thought that the whole idea of being locked in such a thing was really sick. But as she kept on reading she kind of liked the whole thing more and more, and that some of the stories even turned her on.
Coming so far none of us said a word for several minutes; at least it felt like several minutes. Finally I took a deep sip from the wine glass to get some courage, and asked her "what do you think about me buying such a belt?" I held my breath waiting for her answer.
"Well" she said, after many seconds "I kind of like the thought of keeping you locked in such a belt, at least when you are out without me, for example when you are to the movies or the pub. It would keep you out of any one night stand with some hot chick."
Now I started to breathe again, this was almost too good to be true. Mary, my beautiful wife had said that I was allowed to buy myself a chastity belt and that she approved of the whole concept. I was so happy; this meant that my dreams and fantasies actually could come true.
That night, after having great sex, I found it hard to sleep, I was so excited.
At breakfast the morning after, Mary asked me if I knew where I could buy a chastity belt, and if it was expensive. I could hardly believe that she had brought up the subject, but I was so glad that she had. I answered that I had a pretty good idea what type I wanted, and I would show it her later.
She gave me a smile a kissed my cheek and said "I can hardly wait."
Later that same day, in front of the computer, I presented some of the different makers for Mary and explained why. To begin with I wanted a belt that went around the waist. There were two main reasons; the first was that I always had pictured in my mind, that this is what a chastity belt looks like. And the second was that, when I was flaccid, my cock could shrink to almost nothing. If I put my finger on the top of it and press down it will almost completely disappear into my body. This meant it would be very easy to pull it out of the tube, if it was a device that is just locked around my balls. Mary just smiled and nodded, and said nothing.
There were one more criteria, and that was the lock, a padlock was not good enough. A padlock of this small size is very easy to break, just a blow or two with hammer and it is open. Now I showed her the two belts that I had picked out. It was the Carrara high security belt, and other was the Tollyboy.
Mary said:"It is you who are going to wear it, so it will be your choice."
"Yes of course, you're quite right, " I said and added "well as Carrara is in Belgium let's see if we can visit them and them take all the measurements there."
Mary said: "That's a great idea why don't you call them and arrange a meeting, and we can spend the weekend in Antwerp I have never been in Antwerp before."
I found an e-mail address and sent a request for a meeting. I was in luck and I was booked for next Friday.
The fitting was more complicated than we had thought so I was glad that we had made the trip. The delivery time would be three months or so, so now it was to go home again and wait for the shipment to arrive. We had a great weekend exploring Antwerp.
The three months went by slowly as a fly on a tar stick. But finally, one day, there it was on the kitchen table. Accompanied by Mary, with trembling hands I opened the box and picked it up. To see the chastity belt, that was made especially for me, for the first time was almost mind-blowing. If everything was going to plan this thing would soon be securely locked around my crotch. After having a proper look at it I tried the key to see if it was working in the lock, it was. After reading some instructions I brought the belt to the bedroom, stripped and for the first time I tried it on. I had to lie on my back on the bed to make it fast. When I stood up I felt the hug and the weight around my hips. It felt more real and scary than I had imagined. I cupped my hand over the tube which now contained my cock. It felt very strange not being able to touch it. The cock was now being filled up and reached the bottom of the tube and tried to get larger, the feeling was amazing.
Mary who had with increasing interest been following the whole process came up to me, kneeled down and let hands and eyes examine the belt. I could see it her face that she was exited. At last my dream from so many years was coming true, I could hardly believe it.
That first day I managed to keep the belt on for a few hours. When I finally took off I was really horny and we had some great sex that night.
Walter at Carrara had told us that I would need several weeks to slowly get used to wearing the belt, perhaps even months, and that I would probably need to bend and tweak it. He was right and after a lot of work it finally fit rather well. Mary did in fact encourage me, which surprised me, and made it a lot more exiting. After this try out period I could at last be able to wear it for longer and longer periods, up to as much as a week, but so far I didn't dare to wear it outside of my home, so I put it on when I came home in the evening and took it off when I left the house for work. I also wore it most of the time during the weekends. I wasn't yet brave enough to wear it at work.
So far I had control of the key, but during one weekend Mary had to go out of town to visit her father who needed her help with something. She would leave on Friday and be back again on Sunday evening. But on Thursday evening, just before bedtime she told me to give her the key. I was really surprised; Mary wanted me to be locked in the belt for more than three days, not being able to take it off. "Come on Charles" she said "you know that you can do this, it will be challenge for you." She said with a sly smile. She was right so gave her the key. This weekend was the first time that I was locked in the chastity belt and not being in control of the key. This was the first time I felt how it was to not being able to jerk off, it just actually exiting.
That Friday I had to wear the belt to my work for the first time. I was very nervous that someone would notice what I was wearing as underwear, but to my big relief nobody noticed anything unusual. I work in a lab and we are supposed to wear these white lab coats over our normal clothes all day, so there was no real chance for anyone to see anything out of the ordinary.
When Saturday evening came I just felt restless and alone and I felt that I just had to do something, I had to go out somewhere. So I went to local pup to have a beer or two or.... more. I felt very nervous; everybody must see that I was wearing steel underwear. But nobody seemed to notice anything different with me. I found some of my friends and joined them in a booth, and ordered a large beer. When I finally came home I was pretty drunk and horny. There had been some hot ladies at the bar and now I was horny and wanted to jerk of, but how??
That night I learned how it feels to be horny and not being able to do anything about it, it was amazing. When I went to bed I got a raging hard on and all I could do was to squeeze the tube with my poor throbbing cock inside, trying to stimulate it, but no way. This was the first time I really experienced that feeling to be that horny and not being able to do some about it. This was what I all this time wanted to live through, and in some twisted way I loved it.
When Mary came home that Sunday evening she was tired from the long drive from her father and didn't want to unlock the belt. I guess that she knew that I was horny and she did not feel like having sex right then. She promised to give me the key the morning after. I did not object much, though I was damned horny and really needed to cum, but this was actually fulfilling my dream from so many years, being locked in a chastity belt and someone else is denying me access to my own cock. Wow, it was really happening.
The morning after, at breakfast, she gave me the key so I could let myself out, if I wanted to, but I told her to hold on to the key until tonight. It was not hard to convince her, she gave me smile and put the key in her purse and left for work.
After that Mary took control of the key and I liked it. Finally I had lost control of the key and Mary was the one who decided when I could have sex. But If I begged her enough she would let me out she was just too soft.
Now Mary wanted more. On the following Sunday evening, after dinner she proclaimed that it was now time for the next step. I was from now on going to be locked up for 24/7 for weeks, that meant that I had to go to work wearing the belt, wearing the belt all the time at home, also in bed of course, with the possible exception of when Mary wanted to have sex with me. I tried to protest, but Mary was firm, and reminded me that this was my idea from the beginning, and this was me living my dream since many years. Mary had by now taught me how to use my tongue and she really loved to sit on my face. I loved it too. As time went by my skills in this improved and Mary more seldom found the need to unlock the belt to let me penetrate her.
All I could do was to agree, and I felt that Mary was the most marvelous woman on the planet. I love her so much. She was helping me to live out my dream. Whenever she let me out to have sex it was amazing. I did my very best to hold back so I didn't have premature ejaculation, but when I finally came it was so powerful, more than ever before.
This was a major step, this meant that the only time the belt was unlocked was when Mary wanted to have sex with me. Well that was not completely true, she had bought a dildo that could be screwed onto the hole on the front plate of the belt. This meant she could have sex, but not I, in that sentence that I could not cum. But it was very clear to me that Mary liked to have me this way. She had many times more than one orgasm, fucking me this way. She never had done that before. When I complained too much that I wanted to cum too, she just once again reminded me that this was my idea from the beginning, and she was just helping out. After that she often added that if I complain too much she might fill the lock with epoxy glue and that would be the end of that.
Well, now I have to explain that sometimes we joked about filling the key hole with epoxy and make it permanent, but it was only a joke to spice up the whole thing. It could be like when we were in bed she was resting her head on my chest, looking down at the belt and playing with it with her hand, stroking the curve with my cock inside saying: "you poor cock being locked up like that, what would happen if I filled up the lock with epoxy glue and let you be locked in there forever?" Then giggling look at me. And I answer laughing: "I dare you to do that." This joke came up in many different ways and it always sent butterflies into my stomach. We never grew tired of that joke.
I have now learned that a man locked in chastity belt gets hornier and hornier, as the days passes. His balls get tender as they fill up with cum that is supposed to be relieved from time to time. This usually starts in just a few days from his last ejaculation. It comes a peak usually after 8 days or so, after that it comes and goes in waves. After three months there is normally another great peak which can be very hard for the man if he is not allowed to ejaculate. If he is not allowed to cum for several months after that he might very well become impotent, and lose his desire for sex. But this is, as always among the human raise, depending on the specific individual.
I felt so horny and frustrated but I actually enjoyed it, of course it was not like that all the time, it comes in waves, and can be triggered very easily. In the low periods life goes on like usual.
By now I had gotten used to having the belt around my waist, hugging it and covering my genitals. It felt more like a part of my body and didn't bother me much. It had now gone so far that I rather had the belt on then go without it, I just loved it.
As I mentioned it didn't take much to make my cock to fill up the tube in an instant, just getting a glimpse of something sexy, and it could happen anywhere. Many things that I earlier did not consider sexy can now be very sexy. I love when this happens. Of course no one can see when it happens because my cock is confined inside the tube.
By this time it had been a year since the belt arrived and it has now been locked for many weeks in a row. Except for times when Mary wanted to have real sex with me, and if I begged hard enough, she could be persuaded to let me out and fuck her, but it was not easy, and most of the times she said; no. Every time she let me out I had the most powerful orgasm, I almost lost my conscience, and it was just amazing.
The hygiene is maintained by frequent showers and also me sinking my body into the bathtub. This makes me stay clean.
In bed I often slept on my side and when I pull up knees the wire I the back of the belt is forced up between my but-cheeks, which makes me feel helpless and even hornier.
The biggest problem is when I have to go to the toilet. I am by now used to sit down to pee, but number two is still hard to do. But in spite of that, I have to admit that I like it, to live out the dream.
During all this time I had a spare key in my desk in the lab at work, just for safety. I mean sometimes we have to visit the company doctor and make a physical check. I was terrified that she would find out about my under-wear. I had never used it and almost forgotten about it.
But this one time I was working late and Diana, oh; lovely Diana came on to me. She is a very attractive woman, and she knows it. She uses to wear these short miniskirts or tight leather pants with high heels showing off her beautiful body. Teasing the men at the water cooler or flirting during the coffee breaks. There was not a straight guy there who did not dream of fucking her, me included, and I guess that many of them had. This evening she came into my lab, and it was very clear to me what she wanted. I could not resist, I told her meeting me in ten minutes in the corridor. I got the spare key to my belt and went to the bathroom, and took the belt off. After that it did not take long before Diana and I had a "quality time" in one of the store rooms. It was heavenly; it had been many weeks since I last came. This was the only time that I used that spare key and it was the first and only time I cheated on Mary in my whole life, and afterwards I felt so ashamed that I actually destroyed the spare key. Now it was all for real and it felt good not to have that way out. All I could hope for when there was a physical was that I would know about it a day or so in advance, so I could that day come to work in normal underwear. But I have to admit that so far I have never been asked to remove all of my clothes during these examinations.
A week later, after a nice Friday meal with an excellent red wine, Mary wanted to have a serious talk about how I wanted to proceed with the chastity belt. I asked her what she meant, and she explained that she wanted to see if I can cope for a six months period, without any "time out" at all. I thought about it for a minute, this was a challenge, to be forced to wear it for such a long time and no chance of sex for six months. I gave it a thought for some seconds and finally said "no problem, that I can do standing on my head". I just had to be so macho about it.
"Good "she said with a grin:"then it's on, six months it is. Tomorrow I will go to the bank and place the key in our safe deposit box. You know Charles; you have become so much more loving and attentive and sweet during this last year and I love how well you behave, so I think that this will be good for both of us."
I took a big sip of wine to give the butterflies in my stomach a rest. Six months and no key at home, this was by far the longest period I had done. I had fantasized about it, but never dared to actually do it, this was almost like being permanently locked in the chastity belt.
It was hard, much harder than I had imagined, being so horny and Mary really teasing me by wearing the sexiest little outfits I ever had seen. In bed she screwed on a dildo to the front shield, she now had many to choose among. I pleased her with my tongue. Many, many times, when Mary had gone to sleep, I was rolling back and forth in my bed squeezing the tube trying to stimulate my poor cock that was trying to break through the tube. But the belt was doing its job. But deep inside me were those voices letting me know how much I loved my situation, and that I didn't want to have it any other way. This was what I had been dreaming about, to be so utterly horny and frustrated, and not being able to anything about it, and I actually loved it.
At last the six months had passed and I was let free, I had really made it. I was so proud of myself. I had during all these months never asked to be let out, not once. It had been much more challenging than I had ever imagined. Some times during the night I had tears rolling down my cheeks in frustration as I tried to find some way to stimulate my poor throbbing cock inside the tube. But no way, the belt did what it was supposed to do. At some times I thought I was going to beat the belt, and cum at last, but sadly it never happened.
Mary had now promised me that I now would enjoy one week of freedom before I was locked in the belt again. During this week of freedom we had the most incredible sex. We went on like rabbits. I felt like I was in heaven.
We also talked of how we felt about proceeding with a new term, and Mary told me that she really enjoyed having me locked up in that belt and having the key in the bank vault. She also said that she loved to see my frustrations and seeing how I desperately was tossing and turning in my bed trying to relieve myself, and always failing. Obviously she had some mean streak that I hadn't noticed before. I had told her that the stories I liked the best were those were the poor man was locked up for a very long time. I also told her that I didn't want to know when this next period would end. It was more exiting not knowing.
On the last day of my freedom we were out walking, I told Mary that I missed having the belt around my waist, and that I felt somehow unprotected, and that I was looking forward to resume being locked up in the chastity belt again for a period of her choosing. She gave me a wicked grin and said that the next period would be much longer. When I asked her what she meant by that, she just gave me a mysterious smile, and said nothing. She was obviously planning for a year or more. I wasn't sure that I could take that, I mean a whole year is a very long time.
The final day of my week of my freedom came to an end, and it was time to put the chastity belt back on. Mary still hadn't told me what she was planning, and I was fine with that. As I lay on the bed locking the belt back on she told me to stay there and relax. Now I was confused, this was something new. She brought a small table to side of the bed. It was covered by a towel so I couldn't see what was on the table. I saw her pick up four pieces of short rope and started to tie my right wrist to the bed post. I was surprised but played along as she tied my left wrist to the other bed post. Then she tied both of my ankles in the same way, leaving my feet spread wide apart. This was new experience to me, we had never done this before and I was very curious and exited to what this was leading up to. I was now totally immobilized and totally in her hands.
She then placed herself on the bed with her knees between my knees, and looked me deep into my eyes and said, "You know Charles, I have really enjoyed having you locked up in this chastity belt, I really have, and I know you have too, so I have decided that it is time to bring this game to a whole new level".
I tried to ask her what she meant, but she just put her finger over my lips to silence me.
"You know that we have often joked about having the lock of your belt filled with epoxy and make it permanent" she said, and smiled in anticipation. After a few seconds she continued "I am going to do that now." I had heard this joke so many times and it has always exited me, so I assumed that this was one of those times, so I laughed and told her:" Go ahead and do it if you dare."
She looked at me in an odd way but said nothing. The next thing she did was to remove the towel from the table; there I could see a pair of epoxy glue tubes already attached to a mixing tube that ended in small hose. I was still convinced that it was still a joke so I just lay there. She picked up the epoxy tubes and forced the small hose into the lock, now I was getting scared and tried to protest, but it was too late, I saw her depressing the plunges, thus mixing the epoxy and forcing it into the lock. I still could not believe what she was doing. After a few seconds she removed the tubes, gave me a smile that I never have seen before. I looked into her eyes but they were misty, like she was very drunk. Then she again put the mixer tube to various holes in the belt and filled them too with epoxy.
Then she picked up a nail and forced it into the key hole, thus sealing the lock for ever, she was now done. Mary, my beautiful wife that I love more than anything in this world, had just sealed the lock of my chastity belt, and made it forever truly permanently locked onto my body. There was no way for me to take it off again.
During this whole process I had felt like paralyzed, and I had just let it all happen not believing my own eyes. My heart was now raising and I tried to take it all in, while Mary calmly put the epoxy tubes back on the table. She looked at me and then at my chastity belt, she bent forward and begun to caress my balls and the tube of my belt, she bends even more and starts kissing the tube, containing my throbbing cock, which I never will see again. She caresses my thighs, my belly and the belt, kisses me also on my thighs, belly and belt again. After a while she again looked me in the eyes and said: "Now it is done, both our dreams have come true, and now this cannot be undone. You are now truly and permanently locked in a very secure chastity belt, my love, like all the heroes in the stories you've read so much. There are men who cheat on their wife, but not you, not after tonight, and especially not with that bitch Diana at your work. Yes, I know what you did, and about that extra key you had in your lab, but don't worry, I have forgiven you."
With that she removed her panties and straddled my face. Her juices poured over my face like never before and my tongue was almost sore when she finally lay down beside me, and untied the ropes.
My head was now spinning and I just had to lay there letting the latest events to sink in. I felt with my fingers for the key hole in the lock, but all I could feel was a smooth surface without any key hole. The epoxy glue had hardened by now. She had really done what she had said; I was now really and truly permanently locked in my chastity belt.
Was I mad at her? Perhaps a little at first, but she had done to me what I had read about in so many of my favorite stories, wasn't this what I had wished for? My cock was again trying to break through the tube, but in vain.
We did not have any more sex that night, we just hugged and caressed for an hour or so, until we both fell asleep.
I now had to get used to the reality that I was locked in this belt forever, and that it was no use complaining over my situation. Even as time passes I still like it, and still after two years my cock is trying to get erect whenever I see a hot woman or something else that look sexy to me. Like my wife, who loves to tease me with dresses and sexy outfits and I do love it so.
Do I think of destroying the belt? Well, sometimes, but then I think of my dream since many years and how it has become true. Mary loves to see me getting undressed, knowing that the belt can't be removed. It happens that when I come of the bathroom naked, (well almost) ready for bed, that Mary puts down the book she is reading, and looks at me in my belt, with a content smile and says: "I do love to see you in that chastity belt, and I do love that it is there forever, and cannot be removed." Then she sits on the bed and I come to her so my groin is in front her face and she strokes the belt, my balls, and my hips with her fingers and smiles happily. Every time when this happens I repulse the urge to go to the hardware store and by the tools I need to take the belt off.
I fuck her with the dildo she has chosen for that evening. She often gets two or even three orgasms the same night, something that never happened when she was fucked with my own cock. I also service her with my tongue, which she can't get enough off.
What about me then? Well, I love being this incredible horny, and I have not yet given up hope that I one day will find a way to cum.
Now for the question, how did Mary find out about me and Diana and the extra key? Well, the truth is that I had been talking in my sleep. I didn't know I was doing that, and Mary told me that that was the only time I had done that, so I must have had a very bad conscience. Well, I have promised her to never cheat on her again, and you know what? She believes me.