Author's Note: My 1st story
Part One
Paul decided to get off from his cab in a location close to the neighborhood where he had decided to have the dinner. He had to walk for a few minutes to reach the place where the meeting would be held.
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Paul liked to walk around looking at the people and at the places around him with no clear destination. It was an old habit taken from his previous job where he has learned always to be careful and to have a strong awareness of what was happening around him.
Nowadays he has been retired for several years from the security job he had taken along for the first part of his life, nevertheless the old habits were difficult to relinquish, considering that some of these old habits have saved his life more than one time.
When he arrived at the place Paul looked at the bar from outside for a few minutes before deciding to enter inside. The place was a popular venue in that period of the season, or at least that was the information he has acquired browsing a couple of popular websites offering reviews of local public places.
Paul stepped the couple of stairs guiding to the entrance and pushed the glass door in front of him. When inside he was welcomed by a young woman standing on the back of a small podium located in the entrance.
-Good evening Sir, welcome in our place - do you have a reservation? asked the woman with a nice and warm smile.
Paul looked the woman for a second before replying. She was a brunette in her mid thirties wearing a nice sleeveless little black dress and high heels. Her eyes level were looking directly in Paul eyes and he judged she was at least 5'5 the high heels compensating the rest of the height to reach Paul level.
From the look of her face Paul guessed she was having some latin ancestry and the Monica name tag that she was sporting on the left strap was confirming his impression.
After Paul has given the name he has used for the reservation to the woman she quickly checked it on the tablet she had in the desk in front of her and satisfied from the result raised her eyes and gestured toward another young woman that was waiting on her side.
-Welcome again Mr. Weller - Monica here will escort you to your table, if you want to please follow her, have a nice evening
Paul gladly followed Monica along the corridor. She was a thin blonde and she was aslo wearing the little black dress and high heels that Paul understood were the uniform of the place. The slight hips waddle of the girl in from of him was a pleasurable view and Paul followed her until reaching his table.
As Paul has specified in the reservation his table was located in one of the corner of the large hall. Paul was seating on the seat with the back to the corner behind him, with an unobstructed view of all the place in front of him.
In a quick calculation Paul evaluated there were almost fifty tables nicely scattered in the large hall on the three sides of a large bar counter that was occupying all the right side of the place. Most of the tables were occupied confirming that the place was a popular venue at the cocktail hour.
Paul waited for a few minutes then the same blonde who has escorted him to the table started again to walk in his direction followed by a brunette, the woman she was waiting.
-Mr. Weller good evening. I am Ashley, we have spoken on the phone - Paul raised from his chair to shake the hand of his guest and waited until she seated before to seat again. They both ordered a drink and while waiting to be served they looked one at each other with interest.
Paul has noticed that the woman has been using her artist name introducing herself and he simply followed that direction. In seating she has taken off the large black glasses she had on when entering.
-Thank you for accepting to meet me Mrs Reneč - said Paul. First of all let me reassure you once again that everything we will share in our conversations, now and in the future, will be treated in strictest confidence -
Ashley nodded to Paul statement without replying.
Paul got his mobile phone from the pocket of his suit and laying it on the table in from of him switched it off, separating it also from the battery before putting it again on the suit pocket.
-Would you mind doing the same with your mobile Mrs. Reneč - asked Paul.
The woman hesitated only a second than got her mobile from her pursue and repeated the manouvre that Paul has just accomplished.
Before going ahead with the conversation Mrs Reneč took out from her purse a small device that scanned for transmissions, and keeping it covered with her had she waiwed it around the table, then satisfied he putted it back on her pursue.
-I hope you dont mind about my precautions - said the woman, - I have received several strange requests in my life and I like to be cautious
-No problem - replied Paul with a smile - a wise precaution considering the circumstances.
The conversation was stopped for a while by the arrival of her waitress with the drinks. The waitress was a young blonde girl, probably a student working part time, wearing a whěte shirt and a black miniskirt with high heels.
After Paul has tasted his drink he let the juice flow in his throat and looked at the woman seated on his side at the table.
Ashley was slim brunette with long black hair and that day was wearing a black dress that in someway reminded the one of the woman at the entrance, but for the short sleeves; the dress was modelling a pair of nice breasts and the high stilettos heels were complementing slender legs covered with black stockings.
She has black eyes and her make up was perfect even if it was almost not visible at all. She was looking like an attractive woman in her forties even if Paul knew very well she was above fifty.
Ashley aslo looked at Paul and from the look of her eyes she appraised the man in front of her. Paul was in his mid fifities, attractive, short gray hair, blue eyes, and he was wearing a well cut and expensive grey suit, and it was possible to gauge that the body underneath was toned even if not muscular.
-I would like to explain you the reason for my invitation - said Paul looking Ashley in her eyes-
His voice was clear with a tone not too high to avoid to be heard by the other patrons around them.
-It took me some efforts to convince you to listen to me and I am pleased that finally you have accepted to talk - said Paul
Ashley waited for some seconds before replying and in that time she sipped two times her drink with the straw.
-Mr. Weller you have to understand that a woman doing my ..... profession has to be very careful. I keep receiving continuously a large number of unsolicited and weird proposals, the majority of which are impossible even to consider.
-I clearly understand that - said Paul - This is exactly the reason why I have fixed several sessions at the "Club" to let you understand that my proposal are serious.
Ashley has been for more than twenty years one of the most prominent and famous fetish and BDSM model in the country, and she was one of the stars of the BDSM industry. Her personal websites was one of the most popularin the industry and recently she has started to work as professional guest submissive at the "Club" the most important fetish club of the area, providing personal submissive services to the clients of the club.
-In all our ....... meetings at the Club I have tried to explain my interests ............. - said Paul, .... and since you are here now I assume you have finally appreciated the seriousness of my intentions.
Ashley waited for some seconds before replying.
-Yes I have to admit that our....... meetings at the club has been different from the usual ones - said Ashley
-Probably you have been the customer who has been spending the most amount of money without even coming close to my body.
-As you can see now, I was only interested in talking with you. replied Paul - and coming to the club was the only way to contact you directly and to talk with you.
-I appreciated your consistency - said Ashley - At the very end I have decided that if someone was willing to pay the fees of several sessions just to talk with me, maybe the person was worth a short conversation at the end
-I appreciate your decision Ashley - said Paul with a smile
-I also allowed you to choose the place of the venue in a way you could feel confident and you have had time to make background checks on my person, said Paul - It looks the checks has been positive since you are here
Ashley smiled briefly before responding - A woman in my position needs be very careful ...... the chronicles are full of criminal offenses against women, and considering the nature of the ....... professional services I am offering I could not even consider having personal meetings with persons I don't know very well.
-This is why I work only at the club where the strict rules of the house and the controlled location offer the necessary security - continued Ashley
-I completely understand your position - replied Paul - everything we will share in our conversations, now and in the future, will ..................
-I am not worried about the confidenciality - said Ashley interrupting Paul - I am more than sure that your desire of confidenciality is even higher that mine.
-It is very well known who I am and which is my profession and I am very interested in the largest promotion and awareness of my services that I can get, but what I cant neglect is my security -
-It looks then that something in my attitude and my consistency.......... As you have called it finally has got your attention - replied Paul
-Yes you definitely have got my attention - replied Ashley - now maybe is the moment to explain in details what you have in mind .
For the next twenty minutes or so Paul explained briefly his story to Ashley. He told her about his education and about his past experiences in the security business and how he was now fully retired from that activity, and that his job was now much simpler in managing some investments using the savings he has accumulated over the years.
Paul was fifty four, single, with a stable income that allowed him a relaxed lifestyle without having the necessity to work for a living; he had a nice house and a confortable lifestyle withyout being wealthy, at least for the Los Angeles standards for being considered wealthy.
He explained to Ashley that over the years he has developed an interest in the BDSM lifestyle, with a strong dominating personality, and that he has had a small number of submissive partners over the years;
At that time Paul was dating two submissive women in a non exclusive arrangement. Both partners were someway attached and even if they were satisfied in the BDSM relationship with Paul, at the same time they were not available or interested in having a more stable relationship.
Paul shared with Helen the fetlife.com nicknames of his current partners and informed her that they were both available to be contacted in case she was looking for referrals about him.
-You really looks to be a peculiar person - said Ashley commenting the amount of information that Paul has shared with her.
-I have met persons who were active openly in the BDSM lifestyle- said Ashley - I have several friends in the lifestyle, but not many of them are willing to discuss so openly about the lifestyle like you do, or are available to share details of their current partners. That is impressing!
-I have learned over the years not to be ashamed of my desires or of my interest in this lifestyle replied Paul - From my mistakes I have learned that a relationship to be interesting for me need to include the BDSM part, I am not anymore interested in a vanilla relationship, I have failed too many times on that and I am not interested in repeating the same mistakes.
-What I have not understood is if you are looking for a personal bdsm relationship with me or what are you looking for from this meeting - asked Ashley with a smile looking at Paul
Paul waited for a few seconds looking at the woman seated on his side before replying. Ashley was having an easy going attitude in the conversation and the tension on her body has someway relaxed while seating on the chair, signaling that the tension of the beginning of the meeting has partially subsided.
She has nonchalantly crossed over her legs under the table and one of her elbows was resting slightly on the table in front of her signaling her interest in the conversation.
-That is an interesting question Ashley - replied Paul
-You know very well to be a very attractive woman, and probably the perfect submissive, so for me would be impossible not be interested and attracted by you, continued Paul - At the same time this is effectively the first time we meet each other and from my part it would be quite pretentious to consider having a relationship with you, of any time
-Why then you invested so many resources and time to meet me? asked Ashley
-I have a business proposal I would like to discuss with you - replied Paul. The proposal is articulated and it was necessary to meet you in person for doing that.
-And you are ready to talk with me about your proposal now? - asked Ashley
-Yes I am definitely ready to do that - replied Paul - if you are interested in listening to it and if you have some time for doing that
Ashley remained in silence for a few seconds before replying.
-Do you think one hour of time would be enough for you?
-One hour would be great - replied Paul with a smile - And if you agree on that Ashley we can move to a nearby restaurant so we can share some food during the conversation -
-Are you asking me for our first date - asked jokingly Ashley
-I would rather refer it as a business lunch - replied Paul cautiously - but I wont argue on that with you
-It's a deal then - said Ashley we will have a lunch together, but I will choose the restaurant if you don't mind, I like to continue to be a cautious lady for the time being -
-It is ok for me - said Paul - And if you prefer you can also ask to your bodyguard, the big black guy seated three tables on our right side, if we can use his car for going to the place. I hope he doesn't mind to be our driver.
Ashley smiled briefly before replying.
-You really looks an interesting person Paul, I think Malcom would not regret in being our driver, at least considering the price he is billing for his services for being my bodyguard for today .....
Part Two
The first part of the lunch with Ashley passed uneventful.
The woman has selected a fancy ethnical restaurant not far from the cocktail bar in which they were before. Malcom has driven them with his car to the place and now he was seated at a distance of two tables from the one occupied by Ashley and Paul, enough to keep Ashley under control and far enough to insure the required privacy to the conversation.
The restaurant was scarserly populated that day and that contributed to their privacy.
-Are you finally ready to discover your business proposal - asked Ashley when she has finished to taste small samples of the different types of food she has ordered. Paul has noticed that she had eaten very lightly, getting only a few bites of the food she has ordered. It was clear she was controlling her food as a contribute to keep her body in shape.
-Yes definitely I am - replied Paul with a warm smile
-My only request is that you keep all your questions for the end of the presentation - said Paul - so I can describe entirely the proposal. After that I will be ready to reply to all your enquiries.
Ashley nodded without replying signaling she was ready to listen to Paul
-First of all let me state upfront that the assumptions for my proposal are coming from my personal researches and therefore they might involve some miscalculations; the idea is that any mistake in measuring any of the assumptions can influence the magnitude of the output but not the validity of the proposal itself
Ashley nodded again. She was seated again like in the cocktail bar, she had crossed over her legs under the table signaling her interest in what she was listening.
-The first assumptions is that the financial stability of your personal business has been declining over the years, and that even if the situation is not yet critical, you will need soon a new business model to generate new sources of revenues that can compensate the diminution of the old ones.
Paul continued the pitch he has prepared without giving time to Ashley to interrupt him.
-The primary source of your incomes for many years have been the modelling fees and the incomes from your personal websites; both sources in the last few years has greatly diminished due to a couple of reasons; the entrance on the market of new models and their natural competition, and the shift of the market towards a different type of fetish entertainment that you have decided not to follow.
-The BDSM industry has evolved due to the strong influence of sites like Insex and his followers, and the others similar. You have decided not to accept the proposals you have received from them to model for this type of sites and you have remained loyal to your traditional style of modelling.
Ashely did not replied to the Paul statements and continued to look at him with an impassible face. The only sign of the of the discomfort she was feeling was that she has restricted slightly her eyes.
-The result of this change on the market has been that your independent modelling fees has been greatly reduced if not totally eliminated and that your websites has suffered a large drop in subscription, to a point where it had become a source of expenses instead of revenues.
-You have correctly recognized the loss of the revenues and you have activated the additional source of revenues coming from the offer of professional submissive services at the Club.
-As you have explained very well before the choice of using the club has been mostly for security reason but my extimation is that the monthly revenues you are getting from that arrangement are much lower than the ones you are needing and that you are not satisfied by this deal because the limitations imposed by the club for the security are also limiting the interested customer base.
-You looks to have done a lot of research about my person - replied Ashley - I don't know if I have to be flattered or scared by that
-I apologize if my words are disturbing you in any way Ashley - said Paul. But if you don't mind I would like to finish my explanation to give you the complete picture of my ideas.
Ashely nodded slightly signaling Paul he could continue to talk.
-My idea is that the strategies you have used until now are not enough to generate a real change of direction of your business, they are only slowing down the end, and you know that very well.
-I know you have identified the solution Ashley - said Paul - you know very well what to do, but you have been unprepared to take that last step!
-Let me guess Paul that you can't wait to tell me the solution to all my problems - commented coldly Ashley
Paul remained silent for a while before continuing looking at Ashely. Her posture on the chair has changed, her legs were not anymore crossed and she was now laying relaxed on the back of the chair while her hand was playing nervously with the pursue strap.
Ashley was trying to look relaxed even if her emotions were quite different, and the nervous movements of her hand was revealing her true state of mind.
-Considering your background, your experience and your personal attitude, from my point of view your best options Ashely ........................ would be doing some BDSM escorting.
-I want to apologize upfront if my words might sound offensive Ashely - continued Paul - I am not affirming you are a person who is willing to become an escort or that you should consider doing anything similar.
-My considerations are only expressed from the pure business point of view.
-Considering your notoriety on the BDSM scene continued Paul - you are even considered a fetish on fetlife.com, and the fact that for a longtime you have not partecipated in any porn production your value on the market would be extremely high
-A conservative evaluation is that a full day of your services can have a value of a few thousands dollars and a full weekend even more
Ashely remained in silence after the last affirmation. Paul could understand that mixed emotions were passing inside the woman.
-I would like to thank you for your proposal Paul - replied finally Ashley with a cold tone of voice.
-Now it is time for me to go back home, Malcom will take care of that, I will keep in touch in case I want to discuss more your proposal
Paul remained seated at the table while Ashley got her pursue and stood up for leaving the restaurant
-It has been a pleasure to meet you Paul - said Ashley before moving away walking in the restaurant lobby.
Paul remained to look Ashley while the woman was moving away and he could not stop to admire that her walking was indeed very sexy even if spotted only from behind. The slight trembling of her ankles walking on the high heels was very alluring and Ashley legs were looking very long even if Paul knew very well that she was only 5'5.
After having taken care of the bill Paul decided to walk for a while in the neighborhood instead of getting immediately a back cab.
While walking in the evening he reharsed mentally the pitch he has presented to Ashley and collected her reactions.
He considered his performance and his behavior during the entire meeting step by step, the first meeting, the drink, the introduction, the movement to the restaurant and finally his pitch.
He has always been his personal hasher critic and even employing the demanding metrics he used to make the accountability of all the steps he has been doing that night he was quite satisfied of his performance. His grade of his performance was a 8,5/9 on a ten scale and this was the maximum he could ask from himself on a difficult situation.
The hook had been thrown out, now it was only a matter of time to understand if the bait would have been bitten or passed out.
Part Three
Paul was relaxing in the Sunday afternoon on a flat bed in the garden of his house enjoying the cool winter sun when his mobile phone ringed. He looked at the number on the screen but he didn't recognized the calling ID that was not registered in the memory.
He decided to take the call anyway with some curiosity
-Hello, this is Paul, who's speaking?
-Hi Paul - replied a female voice - this is Ashley! -
The name Ashley flashed in the Paul brain while he struggled to recognize the voice. It was her, calling back finally
-Hi Ashley ...................... - replied Paul with some hesitation
-You sound surprised in hearing me - said Ashley with a joking tone on her voice - It looks like you were not expecting my call!
-I am very pleased in receiving your call - replied Paul - but since some time has passed since our last conversation I was not expecting your call at three pm on Saturday afternoon -
-I reeeeeeally have to apologize with you if I am disturbing - replied Ashley half joking - I had woke up quite late as always during the weekend, and I have just finished my brunch and I didn't realized that I am probably disturbing your afternoon nap -
-No need to apologize Ashley - said Paul I am in the garden relaxing with this lovely sun we have today, it is not common in the winter -
-You are right - said Ashley - outside looks a wonderful day and I wondering if later during the afternoon there is the possibility for a meeting for sharing a coffe and some talks -
-Yes - replied Paul . it is possible if we agree on the time and on the place, I have some errands to do and I can adjust my schedule for you -
The meeting was fixed at six at the same cocktail bar they have used for the first meeting.
When Paul arrived Ashley was already seated on a corner table and was sipping with a straw from a tall glass what looked like some sort of protein mix drink. Paul has browsed the bar when entering and it looks like that this time the woman was not escorted by the body guard.
He considered that a good sign of the fact that Ashley was becoming less intimidated by him and she was serious in listening his proposal.
-Nice to meet you Paul - said Ashley pushing forward her hand without standing up to cheer Paul
-Please take a seat and drink something with me. - Paul shacked her hand and seated at the table and ordered a coffe. He looked at Ashley while the order arrived. She was dressing a grey gym suit that was modelling her body in a nicely way and a sport jacket a couple of sizes larger than her needs and sport sneackers. Her hair was tied on a ponytail in the back and she had a large black glasses on the face.
-Please forgive me for my casual look - said Ashley smiling to Paul - after our conversation I am going to the gym.
-You don't have to apologize at all Ashley - replied Paul I also dress casual on the weekends. That day Paul was wearing black jeans and sweatshirt, a grey sport jacket and sports shoes.
Ashley looked at Paul for a while before continuing the conversation. Paul remained in silence respecting her times for not pushing her. It was clear that she has taken some time to reflect on Paul proposal and the last thing to do was to have her feel under pressure.
-You have to forgive me to have waited so long to contact you - said finally Ashley
-There is nothing to forgive - replied Paul - in our last meeting we have not agreed on a follow up conversation so you had all the time you wanted to consider my proposal -
-Our last meeting ended someway roughly .................. for my side - said Ashley
-I don't consider that in the same way - replied Paul - I had finished my explanation on that day and you were needing time to consider the implications of my proposal, and on top of that the personal implications of my proposition were not something you could settle in a short time.
-A personal strong reaction from your part is absolutely in line with my expectations
-You looks so nice with me that I am almost embarrassed of that - replied Ashley with a warm smile
-I am not trying to look nice - replied Paul - I am trying to be credible and affordable from a business point of view. We are having a business conversation that has also a personal involvement from your side, and for this reason is much more difficult for you to have this conversation than for me, and I am ready to accept that -
-I am giving you time to consider your options and I am ready to reply to your questions, I am sure you will have a large number -
-Yes I have some questions - replied Ashley who then sipped a while from her straw before continuing to talk -
-How you have guessed that I was considering to become a BDSM escort? - asked Ashley
Paul remained in silence for a while before replying. The rabbit was out of the hat and now he had to manage the conversation very carefully to avoid to frighten Ashley
-From the researches I had done on your business and from your choice to become a guest submissive at the club I considered that a logical deduction - replied Paul
-As I have said before the limits imposed by the security and the Club are excellent for your protection but at the same time they are greatly limiting the number of the potential clients you can have. On top of that the same club limitations on the activities that can be performed during the sessions are putting a cap on your revenues and you also have to share part of the revenues to cover the club expenses.
-Furthermore from the intelligence I have exploited around you are not accepting "private meetings" like many other submissive from the installment staff are doing.
-It looks you good at collecting info - replied Ashley
-I have learned that the one who has better information is always in the better position - replied Paul and I always try to do my homeworks.
-I know that several of the submissive staff and also of the so called switches staff of the Club regularly have private meetings with their loyal customers outside of the Club - said Ashley - but I have never accepted this type of meetings.
-The Club pretend not to know what is happening but I know they get a "referral fee" on the black from the clients - said Ashley
-They have subtely hinted me about that possibility but I have declined it, continued the woman - even if the money involved in the proposal looked interesting
-And why you have decided instead to listen my proposal? - asked Paul
-You looked ......... different replied Ashley - and the .............. magnitude of the compensation you have mentioned was completely different -
-I am pleased that I have been able to differentiate my proposal - said Paul - I am sure you have a lot of questions, so please feel free to fire them all ......................
After two hours of conversation Paul and Ashley were still seated at the table. The flows of the questions of the woman was endlessly and she has definitely skipped her gym class for that day.
During that time Paul had explained Ashley the cornerstones of his proposals. The basic idea was for her to become a BDSM escort devoted in catering only the wealthiest part of the clients. She would have provided a top class service to the clients and would have received a compensation for her services at the top scale of the possible range.
Paul has explained to Ashely that the range of the services she would been asked to provide could have been summarized in her being a complete sexual slave completely available to all the requests of the clients.
That would have included full sexual use of all available holes, including multiple penetrations, discipline, domination and control. She would have expected to be kept in a prolonged status of bondage and control including the use of chastity devices. Hard limits would have been agreed in advance on the level of punishment she would been willing and prepared to take.
To increase the value of her services Paul would have applied one of the basic marketing principle: the scarcity. Ashley would have been available only one night a week and one weekend a month; in the week including the weekend she would have not been available therefore she could be booked only four times in a month.
This booking schedule would guarantee that she could have prolonged rest periods between the various sessions and a lot of free time to live her life outside her profession, while enjoying an income located at the top level of the profession.
Making wise investments for retirement in a few years she would have been in the position to retire at any time she wanted if that would have been her desire.
-I don't think that what you are describing is possible - exclaimed Ashley after Paul have described her the basic items of his proposal
-Why you think so - replied Paul
-You are telling me that working only three nights and one weekend a month I would earn several K a month and that I would have the rest of the month free for myself!!
-Yes this is exactly what I am stating - replied Paul
-That would mean more than hundred thousands a year !! - exclaimed again Ashley
-I was supposing you would have been considering some periods of vacations on summer and at the year end - replied Paul - so my extimation of your revenues was effectively in the region of few hundred thousands a year.
Ashley remained speechless for a while considering the proposal before finding the willpower to make more questions
-I would never imagine such amount of money would be available - said finally Ashely
-The money is available because you have some peculiar assets Ashely - said Paul - and because I have the knowledge and the skill to market this assets in a way no one else is capable to do, bringing you to the most elite existing clients
-And how you will do that - asked Ashley
-Until you don't commit to my proposal I am not in the position to disclose the details of my project replied Paul -
-Generally speaking I will apply two other basic marketing principles: I will package your services in a way that has never been used before to create a unique and elite service and I will use a distribution system that in accordance with the scarcity principle that I have already described will fetch a premium price from the clients.
-What you will be your interest in doing this business venture with me? - asked Ashley
-I was waiting for you to make this question - replied Paul with a smile
-Will you charge a fee for your services that will reduce my earnings - asked Ashley
-I am sure this is what you were expecting for me to do - replied Paul - But that will not happen.
-The earnings I have described before, your earnings effectively, will be net earnings and there will not be a percentage for me - said Paul.
-I understand that the business model you have referred is the one that the Club was employing with you currently but I do not believe in the sustainability of it.
-I don't think you will all these efforts for nothing ! - exclaimed then Ashley
-Absolutely not - replied Paul - I have all the intentions to have my quota of the profits from the venture, I do not have the intention of working for free.
-If you will not get a percentage of my earnings how you will generate money for your part? - asked Ashley - Do you plan to ask a referral fee from the clients you will propose?
Paul waited some seconds before replying to make a correct choice of his words. He wanted to explain clearly his ideas without offending Ashley
-No Ashley, I will not ask a referral fee, as you have called it, first of all because this is an illegal practice and I do not want to indulge in any illegal activity, and on top of that, and probably more important, because I do not consider myself a protector but a businessman.
Paul intentionally used the word protector instead of pimp because that would not indicate the Ashely escorting services like a prostitution activity.
The woman remained in silence for several seconds before talking again. It was clear she was having mixed reactions to the Paul statetements but still wanted to understand more of what he have said.
-I still do not understand how you will generate an income for your involvement in the business - said Ashley finally
-My income, as you have correctly indicated, will come from different areas of earnings replied Paul.
-I have a facility, a small cottage conveniently placed in the countryside close to LA in a way that is easily accessible by road, that I have fully equipped for BDSM extended sessions. I will charge a rental fee for the use of that facility.
-On my experience several of the potential clients will have their own facility, often located in their house that they will want to use, but other clients will prefer a neutral location to be used in case the want to keep the sessions separated from the rest of their life, for whichever reason.
-As I have already explained I have been personally involved in the BDSM scene for quite a long time - continued Paul - and during this time I have developed a number of connections that I will use to promote our ventures and to get in contact with the initial clients -
-After we will have had an initial set of clients I am sure that the quality of the services that we will be providing will be more than enough to generate positive referrals that will fully book the service slots we will have available.
-The growth of the number of my contacts and the positive image in the BDSM community that I will generate is probably the most important compensation I will get from our venture - said Paul - I am sure in the longer term that will allow me to get in touch with the person I am looking for to be the companion of my life.
The conversations continued for some minutes more when both realized that it was almost nine o clock and that both needed to take care of other previous appointments.
They agreed that Ashley would have taken some days to consider Paul proposal and they fixed a follow up meeting on the same place to be held in one week time unless a different agreement would have been reached.
Part Four
The week after Paul was already at the restaurant when Ashley arrived. No contacts has been made during the week that has passed since their last conversation and both have assumed that the appointment was confirmed.
She was sharp for the meeting but as always Paul had arrived in advance. That day Paul was dressed more like a businessman with an expensive looking tailored shirt while his usual sign of casualness was having an open collar and no tie.
Ashley was wearing a simple little dark grey dress that was showing just enough cleavage to attract the looks of the people without seeming slutty. Black high pumps were framing her beautiful legs covered with black stockings and a light gray coat was casually draped on her shoulder with the waist belt left open. It was clear she took extra care with her makeup and she was really a stunning beauty dressed to kill.
Paul stood up from his chair to welcome the woman - Welcome Ashley, it is really a pleasure, you really look gorgeous today -
Ashley smiled without replying, shaked the hand Paul was offering her and seated in the chair that Paul has reserved for her dropping her coat and pursue on the spare chair located at the side of the table.
They exchanged some small talks while ordering for the meal, and continued the casual conversation while eating the food. As in previous meetings Paul noticed that Ashley was just cherry picking a few bites of her food.
-Let's go down to the business shall we - asked Paul when he judged that enough time has passed for Ashley to relax and start talking seriously about the reason of their meeting
- I think you are right - replied Ashley with a small sigh - even if is a regret to leave all that marvelous food apart to talk about mundane stuff
- Did you do your homework assignment - asked Paul referring to the legal document he has emailed to Ashley during the week to prepare the ground for a detailed discussion of his proposal.
- Yes I did - replied Ashley - even if I am not fond of legal papers and I found it quite boring to read. As you suggested I have forwarded it to my lawyer and he has not make any serious remark on it.
The document that Paul has sent to Ashley was a four page non disclosure agreement that at a first sight was looking quite daunting but it was effectively well conceived by an expert law firm.
-I assume you have read it and understood the NDA - said Paul looking Ashley directly in the eyes. She nodded without replying.
-The document essence is that you are not allowed to discuss with anyone the nature of our relationship with me - continued Paul. All that you are allowed to say is that I am a consultant of yours, and if someone is really nosey you will say I am giving you consulting about your online business development.
-If you break the NDA you are liable for a 10.000 $ fine for occurrence, it is that clear?
Once again Ashley nodded slightly to confirm her acceptance of the agreement.
-The reason for the NDA - continued Paul - is that I serve as consultant for several financial institutions, and that the peculiar nature of my relationship with you is to never become of public knowledge -
-If you then agree to be bound by the NDA please sign it and we can discuss all the other aspect of our business venture.
Paul gave Ashley a small wink at the last comment. She glanced over the pages, and nothing seemed different from the draft she has had her lawyer to examine, so Paul handed her a pen and she signed and dated two copies of the document where indicated than handed back to him both copies.
Paul signed and dated for his part a copy of the document and handed back to Ashley her copy of it.
-Now is the time that you explain me your proposal - said Ashley after having folded and put on her purse her copy of the document -
-How you are planning to manage my escorting to get the type of revenues you have described? asked Ashley
-I will do that using some of the features that you already have Ashely, just to mention a few of them your beauty, your notoriety as fetish model, your inner submissiveness and I will combine them with some new innovative features that will transform you in the most sought after sexual slave available on the market.
-Every single people involved in the BDSM scene - continued Paul - initially in LA, but later in all the country and also internationally will want to book your elite services and will not spare money to do that.
-You look very confident on the fact that you can do what you are proposing - replied Ashley with a questioning tone on her voice- but what if your plans do will not have success or will have only a limited success?
-Our joint venture is a business agreement - replied Paul in a sharp tone - One of the conditions that I will ask you is the exclusivity of your services. I will be the only one to have the possibility to market your services.
-On the other side if you will not be satisfied on the returns you will be getting for your services - continued Paul - you will have the possibility to pull out from our agreement at any time with no penalty and no notice period.
-Effectively the possibility to pull out from the agreement exists for both parties - continued Paul - I also can do the same in case you are not fulfilling your part of obligations.
Ashley remained in silence for a while reflecting on Paul words before continuing with more questions.
-Can you explain better which are the innovative features about my person you are suggesting- asked finally
-Yes I can - said Paul - You already are a gorgeous woman and a very desirable submissive Ashley, but there is always the possibility to make improvements.
-You are referring of making improvements to my body................ demanded Ashley?
-Yes I am referring to your body - replied Paul - but also to your attitude.
-Looking at you I see in front of me a woman who is in great shape - said Paul - your body looks toned and lovely to look at, in a short way you look gorgeous -
-I am pleased you appreciate me - replied Ashley with a soft smile.
-At the same time for the premium service we want to propose we have to be sure you can do even more than just be gorgeous - said Paul . For instance we have to take into consideration that one of our basic proposal will be for a full weekend, from friday night to monday morning during which you will serve as a full time slave and that will required an extended endurance from your part.
-That time will involve a considerable amount of bondage, control, domination and sexual activity - said Paul. And we want to be sure that you will capable of sustaining this level of activity for the full time considering also the possibility of having more than one dominating person with you.
Ashley considered for a while before replying - And how you are suggesting to ............improve my .......... endurance?
-I assume you already are involved in a physical training program - asked Paul -
-Yes I do - replied Ashley
-May you give me more details about that.
-I train regularly three times a week in aerobic classes and kick boxing - replied Ashley - and regular massages for the body and the legs
-How many weekly hours of training?
-About six hours - replied Ashley.
Paul reflected for a while before making his further comment.
-My idea is that it will be necessary to increase that at least to twelve- sixteen hours - said Paul - and possibly to twenty a week.
-You re suggesting to put me trough a boot camp! - replied Ashley smiling
-I am suggesting the type of training of a professional athlete - replied Paul. This is what is necessary that you will become Ashley, the best professional submissive available.
-And what about the enhancements you want to make on my body - asked Asley.
-I was considering piercings - replied Paul
-Piercings ! - exclaimed Ashley - are you really suggesting to put piercings on my body?
-Yes I do replied Paul.
-I don't like piercings - said Ashley, I had never had one on my body and I don't want to begin now!
-Nevertheless you should consider it Ashley - replied Paul with a very calm tone of his voice -
-The piercings would be adding a lot of charm to your person and a lot of possibilities to your submission appeal.
Ashley stared at Paul, eyes wide opened while he continued to explain his reasons for suggesting the piercings.
-Piercings are almost always adorning submissive and slavegirls body and you should not neglect this opportunity to enhance your appeal.
-A recent survey made by a fetish magazine shows that the acceptance of piercings for submissive females is of the highest of the entire poll.
-Which piercings are you thinking about - asked Ashley after some minutes of silence.
She was seated with the back erect on her chair and she was playing furiously with a side strand of her hair, demonstrating in that wat that she was not at ease with that part of the conversation.
-I was considering nipple and labia rings and a tongue button - replied Paul
-You want to pierce me like a cow! - replied coldly Ashley
-I don't want my body modified in a way that could not be eliminated in the future if you decided you don't want these piercings anymore
-I am sure you have made the experience with the earrings - replied Paul. If you stop wearing an earring for some time the hole starts to close down and in a few weeks it is closed completely.
-The same would happen with the new piercings you will be adding -
-The tongue button piercing is known to be very painful to install - replied Ashley - and even if taken away will require a longue time for the tongue to heal completely -
-I will have all the piercings done by a professional firm that I have already used in the past - said Paul. They will employ the highest standards of hygiene and all the installments will be done using local anesthetics to be sure you suffer the least amount of discomfort.
-I have been told that the maximum level of pain that you will feel will be less than the one you experience monthly during the period time - said Paul
-On top of that they provide a service that is covered by a complete anonymity. I will take care of all the expenses and of the paperwork required. You will only have to show up at their premises at the stated time.
-I have been explained that they have provided similar services also to famous Hollywood stars and that often the person involved has been wearing a mask or even a hood on the face to protect the identity up to the maximum level.
-It looks you have a reply for any question I can put forward - replied Ashley
-I have already demonstrated of having made extensive researches regarding our business venture before approaching you Ashley - said Paul - The piercings were just one of the large number of items I have planned and I was prepared in handling the logical questions from your part related to the topic.
-Ashley here is the draft copy of your contract - said Paul when it was looking that the flows of the questions from Asley had temporary stopped.
In doing that he handed Ashley a folder containing two printed copy of the service contract that would have regulated their business agreement.
Ashley looked at the folder and stowed it into her pursue - I will have a look at it later -
-I don't want to go now into all the details of the contract - said Paul - at the same time I would like to highlight shortly the main topics contained on it, so we are sure that we have a common understanding of it.
Ashley nodded slightly without replying, while shifting a little her position on chair to signal that she was ready to listen even if the legal issues very clearly not her favorite topics to address.
In the following few minutes Paul quickly covered the contract main topics including the fact that Ashley would have received the compensations detailed in Annex1 above and beyond the cost of any items, expense, gifts, travel costs and any other cost associated with the business agreement described on articles two, three and four.
The contract stated that both parties were bound to follow the scene agreement described on the same articles quoted above, and that both parties had the right to revise it by mutual consent every three months. It also states the amount of time in which Ashley would have to be available, one entire day a week indicatively from seven PM to twelve AM, for not less than fourteen consecutive hours, and one weekend a month for a period of time not shorter than thirty six consecutive hours.
During the two periods of times indicated above, referred as service periods, she would have been completely available for all the activities that has been mutually agreed and that were detailed in Annex 2. The contract states also that during the service periods Ashley would have been required to follow all Paul commands and indications with no hesitations pending that the required activities were included among the ones detailed in Annex 2. Her period time of the month was excluded from the service periods.
The contract required also that Ashley would have to be willing to conduct an healthy lifestyle when not engaged on the service periods, including a regular physical training program, and an equilibrated food program, there was the absolute prohibition of abuse of alcohol, any type of drugs or any other substance that can affect her health and her behavior.
In the document it was indicated also that Ashley would have been completely transparent in communicating her feedbacks and emotions for all the activities that will be performed and how she would feel mentally, physically and emotionally. It was indicated that there would have been debriefing sessions after each week to discuss the activities of the week and to agree the necessary changes.
The contract also reported on Annex2 a separate provision that would require Ashley to be available, on demand, to attend refreshing training periods in the case the clients reporting indicates that some part of her attitude during the service period required a reinforcement or a modification of some type.
-My suggestion is that you have your lawyer to review the contract - said Paul finally - and email me the eventual requests of modifications
-I assume you understand that for my part it is not so easy to send a copy of this contract to my lawyer - replied Ashley.
-I do not want to declare so openly that I am on the verge of starting a BDSM escorting venture!!
-I clearly understand your position replied Paul and I agree that probably is not ........... wise to disclose the entire contract to your lawyer.
-My suggestions is that you keep reserved the Annexes, that contains the compensation and the list of the activities to be performed - said Paul
-I understand that these Annexes could effectively create embarrassment for your part. Taking away the Annexes from the review you can share the body of the contract with your lawyer, the same person that revised the NDA can surely do the job quickly and efficiently without having any clue of the contains of the Annexes and giving you a consulting on the contract body.
Part Five
Four weeks has passed since the last meeting with Ashley and even if the time has been passing quickly Paul was satisfied of the amount of the activities that have been completed during that period of time.
The contract with Ashley has finally been signed by both parties and Paul original copy was safely stored on a protected location, while a working copy was in the office of his home.
Paul was satisfied on the fact that Ashley lawyer has required only minor changes on the legal wording and that the Annexes had been agreed and signed in the original form.
Ashley has not commented in any way about the part of the Annex2 referring to the eventual refreshing training periods to be carried over and Paul was wondering if she has understood the real meaning of that provision.
In the weeks after the contract signing and after a prolonged courtship from Paul Ashley has finally decided to attend the piercing session that has been booked for her. Paul has been reported from the piercing clinic staff that she was very scared and nervous on the day of the session but that finally everything has been performed as on the plans.
Ashley body was now adorned with nipple rings, three rings on each labia, a ring on the clit hood and a tongue button. She has observed a healing period of two weeks after the piercing session and now was ready to come back to a normal sexual life.
Paul has booked Ashely for an introduction weekend and on Friday evening she was waiting Ashley to join him for dinner at his house.
In booking the weekend Paul has clearly explained Ashley that the weekend was intended as the formal start of their business venture and she would be expected to perform as a fully submissive slavegirl for the weekend and that she would be entitled for her full compensation for that period as indicated in the contract.
Ashely on the phone reacted in a quite surprised way at the request from Paul to be available for him for that weekend but after the reassurances she had received from Paul about her compensation she accepted to be available as detailed in their agreement.
At the stated hour Ashely arrived at Paul house. As instructed she used an Uber car booked by Paul to arrive since she would not be needing her car for the weekend.
During the car ride Ashley has observed the area where Paul house was located. It was one of the most beautiful areas of LA and she has rarely had the possibility to enter in some of the residences of that area.
The car has passed a security gate on the entrance of the area where some private security guard has checked her name and destination before allowing the entrance. The road that ran along was climbing in one of the hills that constituted the wealthiest part of Beverly Hills and Ashley realized that they were not fare from the houses of some of the Hollywood most famous stars. Paul address turned out to be one of the last gates to arrive on a closed crescent.
The car stopped at the entrance gate and after another check she was granted the access in the driveway. The car entered in the circular drive and Ashley was quite impressed by the house she was heading too. Even if the surrounding houses were not clearly visible because of the luxurious vegetation and the large number of trees surrounding the properties the house in front of her was looking surprisingly modest if compared to the short views she has had of the other houses in the area.
It was looking smaller, at least from the outside, if compared to many of the other houses she has spotted in the neighborhood and had a look quite different from the others. It was a two story brick house surrounded by large gardens perfectly groomed with a decorative big wooden door in the front covered by a brick terrace with four columns making for a covered car entrance. From a large bay window it was possible to spot the inside that was looking a richly appointed reception hall.
Ashley got out from the car that has stopped under the covered entrance and struggled to walk in the cobblestone pavement with her six inches heels. She arrived to the door and pushed the bell button located on the side of the door.
After a short wait the door opened and Paul was in front of her.
-Welcome to my house Ashley, please come inside - said Paul
Ashley almost gasped in entering. The entryway was made with some type of mahogany hardwood pavement and cream colored curtains were adorning the high white walls. She could spot down the hallway in front of her and she could see that it was leading to the large reception hall she has spotted from the window.
Paul closed the heavy wooden door behind her with no effort as a testimony of the perfect balancing of the door itself and Ashley realized that the house was quite warm and how good it smelled, the scent of a burning fireplace located somewhere in the house was spreading around the air an exotic spice smell that she could not identify but that she loved.
Ashley looked that Paul was casually dressed with black jeans and sweatshirt and a pair of the snickers he often was using.
-Please give me your bag - said Paul offering to get the small bag Ashley had with her
-I see you have packed light - observed Paul putting aside the bag on a small closet located in the side of the entrance
-You have told me that during the weekend I would not have had the necessity to wear many dresses replied Ashley with a small smile.
Paul looked at the woman in front of him. As instructed she was dressed very simply with a pair of jeans, white shirt and the same light gray coat she was wearing in their previous meeting. Her hairs and make up were perfect and the six inches high heels were giving her body a lovely slender look.
-Do you want to give me your coat? - asked Paul.
Ashley unbelted the coat waist belt and the two buttons in front and draping the garment from her shoulder passed it to Paul who hanged it to a nearby coat rack in the same closet used for the bag.
-Please come with me - said Paul guiding her into the reception hall
He signaled her with the hand to seat in one of the sofa located on the side of the hall close to the fireplace and he seated in a nearby armchair
-I would like to thank you for accepting my invitation for this introduction weekend said Paul
-I have had the impression that my presence was linked to the obligations of our contract - replied Ashley
-This is correct - confirmed Paul nodding slightly - This is the first weekend of service our business venture and as indicated in our contract you are entitled for the full compensation due for your time
-The compensation will be consigned you cash every time at the end of the evening or the weekend of service in the form of an envelope containing the right number of fifty used dollar bills. In case you would not like to have this amount of cash to carry directly with you the same envelope can be consigned the day after by courier in any location you will specify Ashley
Ashley nodded to Paul without replying.
The payment methods have been agreed in advance and they were clearly indicated in the contract; she appreciated the possibility of receiving the money immediately after the end of each service period and will have considered the Paul offer about the next day courier delivery.
-If you don't have any more questions we can start - said Paul
-I am ready - replied Ashley - before starting I do have a question, how I have to address you .....using your name, Master, .............
-You can addreess me as Sir - replied Paul - I am not your Master and therefore I am not entitledto that title. In public using the Sir title can be misleading, and you can call me Paul
-Yes Sir - replied Ashley
-From my part I will address you with your name - said Paul
-Yes Sir - replied again Ashley
Paul observed for a few seconds Ashley before starting the session. The woman was doing her best to look relaxed even if it was clear she was quite anxious due to the uncertainity of what was ahead of her during the weekend
-Please Ashley stand up
-Yes Sir - replied Ashley standing up from the sofa
-Come close to me, and please when following my indication unless you are required to speak is not necessary that you repeat yes Sir any time
Ashley came in front to the armchair where Paul was seated where he gestured her to stop.
-Please unbutton your shirt -
Ashley did as instructed unbuttoning her white shirt buttons while also taking out the shirt from her jeans. Under the shirt she was wearing a black half cutted lace bra with no shoulder strap. All her lingerie has been delivered by a courier in the afternoon at her place courtesy of Paul.
The half cutted bra cups were showing clearly the nipple rings recently installed.
-Please kneel in front of me, come closer and hand me your breasts I want to examine your piercings.
Ashley obediently kneeled in front of Paul and came closer to him touching his legs with her body; then she bent over slightly and putting her hands on the side of her breasts pushed slightly forward her breasts until the top of them were resting on Paul knees.
Paul bended over slightly and with his fingers started to play with Ashley ringed nipples.
Due to the piercings Ashley nipples was very sensitive to the touch of Paul fingers and immediately she felt her nipples hardening and a flow of heat radiating into her breasts. While Paul continued to play with her nipples Ashley felt her breathing pace to increase and a familiar tingle of excitement started to be felt between the legs on her sex.
She understood that her submissive nature was taking over her and that her sexual excitement was growing rapidly
Paul continued for a while to play with her rings, also pulling the rings slightly on all sides and was amazed by the Ashley reaction. She was kneeling in front of him bended over and offering her pierced nipples to be used at Paul pleasure. She has closed her eyes and her breathing has clearly accelerated
Paul moved one hand and circled Ashley slender throat lightly, in a sign that was meant to show the power she had on her.
-It looks your pierced nipples did became more sensitive - said Paul
Ashley nodded slightly without replying
-The choice of having the piercings installed looks to be a good one at the end.
-Yes ...... Sir - replied Ashley - She was well aware that her breathing pace has increased and her excitement was building quickly inside her.
-Open your mouth please Ashley and push out your tongue - said Paul
Ashley compelled with no hesitation understanding that Paul wanted to check the tongue button that has been installed there.
Paul pushed two of his fingers inside her mouth and gently pushed the jaws opened; in doing that the Ashley head was slightly pushed back.
Paul slowly examined the tongue piercing that has been installed and when satisfied retrieved his fingers well wet of Ashley saliva
-Lick my fingers clean.
Ashely immediately executed the order closing her mouth and licking tenderly Paul fingers wiping away any sign of her saliva
Paul was amazed by the reaction of the woman. She was kneeling in front of him bended over and offering her pierced nipples and her mouth to be used at Paul pleasure with no hesitation
-Now please stand up - said Paul. Keep your shirt opened
Ashley stood up in front of Paul balancing carefully on the high heels waiting for more orders
-Unbotton your jean and push them down on your thighs over the knees - ordered Paul
Ashley unbuckled the small waist leather strap closing her jeans and unbuttoned the jeans pushing them down over her thighs. In doing that she showed the black lace thong she has on and the top of the black stockings she had on her legs.
Paul grabbed one hand of Ashley and slowly turned her until her body she was staying at ninety degrees in front of him and only the side of her right leg was touching his legs
-Pull down the pants and bend over the armrest keeping your legs straight - ordered Paul
Ashley quickly followed the order understanding that Paul wanted to inspect her sex piercings. She moved in way in which her body was completely bended over the armrest with her face dangling close to the floor, her legs were kept straight and only the tip of her shoes was touching the floor behind her.
-Spread your legs and cross your arms behind your back - ordered Paul
Ashely obeyed as best as she could understanding that Paul as quickly taking a complete control on her. She felt the level of excitement growing inside her body and the wetness of her sex was now well completed.
Paul slowly and methodically started to examine the rings that were adorning Ashley sex. He was pleased to notice the wetness of her pussy as a clear sign of the woman excitement.
Paul fingers explored and pulled one by one the rings on each labia of Ashley pussy and also the ring on the clit hood. The more the fingers were navigating inside her sex the more Ashley excitement was increasing. She was feeling her pleasure moist covering completely Paul fingers and could not avoid moaning slightly.
Her breathing pace has strongly increased and was clearly audible in the room
-It looks you like to be touched by me Ashley - said Paul
-Yes .............. yes Sir - replied Ashley speaking with difficulty . She was feeling than the pleasure was increasing inside her body and she was fighting to avoid to orgasm so quickly.
-These rings are really complementing your sex in a nice way - said Paul - I am sure the clients will like to play extensively with them.
The sexual stimulation continued for several minutes and Ashley was on the verge of exploding in her first orgasm when Paul all in a sudden stopped to manipulate her sex.
Paul moved his finger close to the Ashley mouth
-Lick my fingers.
Ashely immediately executed the order closing her mouth and sucking at her best Paul fingers wiping away any sign of her pleasure juice. When the fingers of the first hand were clean she repeated the process with the other hand.
-Good girl . said Paul - stay in the position you are I will be back soon.
While Paul raised from the armchair Ashley remained bent over the armrest, legs spread out wrists crossed behind back. She realized that she has entered once again in her subspace, the space of submission that she knew very well. When she was in that situation she became completely submissive and anything could be done to her without any resistance from her mind or her body.
All in a sudden she felt Paul again close to her. Ashley felt a strap was pulled tight to bind her crossed wrists behind back, in a few seconds she was tied and even more helpless than before.
-Is the moment to complement your body with another piece of sexual garments said Paul.
Paul slided down completely her lace thong over her legs and one leg at time he pulled it off from Ashley body.
Ashely remained puzzled while she felt some cold metal band encircling her waist and being locked and her brain understood all in a way that Paul was putting on her a chastity belt. She could feel that the waist band was tight on her waist and that the construction of the belt was very of heavy duty but also very sleek.
Bent over she could not look behind her but understood that Paul after having locked the waist belt was working on the crotch strap that would have covered her sex. Ashley was feeling that two plugs were installed on the crotch belt and had not troubles in understanding the purpose of the plugs.
Paul started to push the crotch strap on her body and Ashley felt the front dildo entering in her pussy. She realized the dildo was rubber made and fat with several side studs and that due to her pleasure juices was easily penetrating in her. She closed her eyes not needing to look around to know what was coming.
Truthfully she didn't want to see. Ashley felt the cold, lubricated tip of a butt plug part her butt cheeks. She tried to relax as best I could as the tip of the plug penetrated her. Once the tip was in, Paul wasted no time burying the rest of it in her. The plug quickly seated into place as the widest part slipped in leaving Ashely sphincter clenched around the narrow neck at the base of the plug. Her ass felt very full with the plug in place.
Ashley felt invaded by the rear plug and even if the pleasure of the front plug was radiating in her body she realized that the rear plug was completely inside her when her sphincter muscles relaxed around the base of the plug. At that moment she realized that the rear plug was conical made and that the larger part of it was already inside her
A few moments later Ashely realized that the chastity belt was locked on her and that the crotch steel strap was pushing deep inside her the two plugs. She was now locked double plugged until the belt would have not been removed from her.
Ashley felt Paul hands releasing the straps around her wrists
-Now you can stand up said Paul.
-With cautious movements Ashley firstly bended her legs one by one kneeling on the floor close to the armchair and then slowly stood up.
-Take a look Ashley said Paul waiving to a mirror. He gave an unsettling smirk. - It suits you.
With the belt and the plugs in place Ashely balanced on her high heels and made a few step around in the room getting used to the bizarre sensations of the plugs moving inside her. She think it has ever felt so good to be stuffed with plugs . Of course she have never done it before in public.
She looked down. She could see now that the metal belt was covered with some kind of black padding, probably rubber. It looked as tight fit as it felt, maybe even tighter.
Attached to it at the front was a metal strip that got broader as it descended towards her pubis, narrowing only to pass between her legs, where she guessed it somehow linked to the two straps now cutting into her bum and joining back onto the belt at the back.
There was a single narrow slot in the front plate, which was also rubber covered. Her soft flesh pressed through the slot, just a little. She couldn't see, but she could imagine her outer lips poking slightly through it. Not very sexy. There was a circular, wider spot in the slot, just above her pubis.
It all fell into place. Ashley had seen a belt like this before in pictures from the bondage sites.
She looked at the front of the belt and realized that the locking mechanism was a large circle about two inches in diameter located at the front of the device. Moving her fingers on the belt she realized that there were hinges on the sides of the waistband and at the bottom of the crotch strap to put on and off the belt
She tested the opening mechanism a couple of times before realizing that it was activated by some sort of remote control that she did not had. She also realized that the front plug was locked in place permanently until the belt was not removed while the rear plug could be hinged out of the way in the back to allow bodily functions.
In the bondage stories, people in belts like this went crazy with frustrated lust. They'd do anything for release, slaves to the key-holder, the only one who could allow them to cum; desperately obedient in the hope of receiving that reward.
Ashley understood that this was his way of controlling her.. From now on her only hope was to make Paul and the clients happy. Was this what it was like to be born a hundred ... two-hundred years ago? Back in the days when women were property for every practical purpose and everyone thought it was ok.
-Put back your clothes on - said Paul - I'll take you out for dinner
In a few minutes Ashely raised her jeans, fitted back the shirt and the small waist belt and putted on again her coat
She realized quickly that every time she moved the plugs would move inside of her.
Her concentration was so distracted that she barely realized that Paul was waiting for her at the entrance door. In addition to the stimulation of the plugs inside her she found as she walked that the plugs were moving up un down following her walking pace and it was like she was double fucked at every step she took.
An Uber car was waiting for them and Paul kindly kept the back door opened for Ashley to sit down. When he put his hand on her arm to push her gently into the car It felt like he was gripping her entire body; such a weird sensation. The belt had control of her body from the ground-floor up. Her whole being pivoted on it.
While seating Ashley forgot the plugs inside her body with the result that her own weigh pushed the butt plug full inside her body up to a point that she almost fainted feeling an anal penetration so deep that she has never experienced before.
-You will have to learn to sit down carefully - said Paul when he was seated on Ashley side noticing the suffering expression on her face
-It will take some time to adjust to it but you will find out is not difficult - said Paul - it will only requires some concentration.
Ashely did not reply to Paul since she was fully engaged to regain a normal breathing pace and to distract her mind from the hard plug penetration, so she concentrated her attention to the neighborhood they were crossing with the car.
After a short ride the car stopped in front of a fence of what revealed to be a private country club of which Ashley haven't heard the name before. After the check from the security guards their car was allowed to enter the property.
The property looked quite large and the car travelled several minutes before reaching the clubhouse. Paul came to open the door for Ashley who stepped up cautiously from the car, putting one step at time on the floor. Even with all the cautiousness she could not avoid to feel the plugs moving inside her while she raised exiting from the car.
Paul guided her inside the entrance of the clubhouse and after a quick step at the wardrobe counter to leave her coat he invited her to follow him into the restaurant. They walked together inside a large hall with several tables scattered around and a large counter at one side that looked the bar of the installments. Several of the tables were occupied by people enjoying their time with a drink.
Paul moved quickly in that hall replying with short head movements to the regards received from some of the people. Ashley followed Paul well aware that several of the people were looking at her while she walked. She was confident of her look and of her dressing but also quite scared in walking plugged.
Even if she knew very well that no-one could spot the chastity belt under her jeans anyway she could not refrain from the feeling that all the people in the room were aware of her being restrained and plugged under her jeans.
In walking after Paul Ashely was very conscious of the plugs continuous up and down movement inside her body and she could not avoid to feel the pressure building inside her and the excitement increasing.
Her breathing pace has already started to increase and the sexual pleasure was radiating inside all her body up to the point she could feel her nipples hardening until the rings piercing the nipples were brushing at every step with the fabric of her shirt increasing even more her sexual excitement,
Ashley at 5'5 was a tiny woman and for this reason she was always wearing high heels; she loved the increased height and the slender look the high heels were giving to her legs and to her body. Today the six inches pumps she was wearing were complementing ideally her jeans but at the same time she realized that the high heels were increasing the plugs penetration while she was walking.
With the high heels on her pelvis was effectively pushed forward during the walking and while this in normal circumstances was only increasing the slenderness of her body, this effect combined with the presence of the plugs and of the chastity belt was having the effect that at every step she was double fucking herself.
The restaurant was inside an hall even larger than the previous one and while a waitress escorted them to their table Ashley continued her struggle. The sexual excitement inside her body was continuing to grow and if she could not stop walking quite soon she would have ended up orgasming in front of everybody.
Arrived at the table Paul waited until she seated and then seated at her side
Ashley this time managed to seat carefully avoiding the violent push of the plugs she has experienced while seating in the car.
Paul for a while studied the menu in front of him giving Ashley some time to recover some form of self control. Ashley felt that her breathing pace was slowing down a little and realized that she has successfully pushed back the orgasm that was building inside her body
-They serve some fine food here - said Paul after a few more minutes of reading - If you need some more time to recover your breath I can order for you
-Just let me know if there is any type of food you don't like or if I can order following my tastes
-I am ok with your ordering. Whichever it is - replied Ashely
Paul ordered a mixture of cooked vegetables that were served in small earthenware bins and a collection of roasted beef, chicken, sauseges and lamb served in a big plate and adorned with steamed rice
Ashley followed Paul example in mixing different types of vegetables and meats with the rice as complement. She found out that the food was tasty and the bottle of red wine Paul has ordered was complementing the food in a nice way
For the time of the dinner Ashley has relaxed and she has exchanged some small chats with Paul around mundane arguments like the weather or the food taste.
Ashley has not forgot the plugs impaled on her body; she tried to keep seating as still as possible even if her body weight was pressing on the plugs and every small movement of her body war translated on the plugs
She has found out that the best way to reduce at minimum the plugs movement was to remain as still as possible and she followed that pattern the best she could .
-I hope you have you enjoyed your dinner - asked Paul
-Sure I did - replied Ashley
-You always eat so little quantities - said Paul - that it looks like you don not appreciate the food
-The food was great very well cooked and the presentation is cool- replied the woman - I keep low on my calories, this way is easier to keep in shape considering the boot camp like training program you have prepared for me
-The physical training program has been designed to keep your conditioning at the best possible level - replied Paul - I have already explained that part to you, is good for the business.
-Everything you do looks business oriented - replied Ashley smiling - even if I do not understand so much the use of the plugged chastity belt you have putted on me today.
-The chastity belt is a training for your submissive attitude - replied Paul - and on top of that most of the clients has requested that you wear a plugged chastity belt during the service periods and also during the rest periods.
-During the rest periods? - asked Ashley with some surprise - Does it mean you will want to keep me belted and plugged full time when I am not on duty?
-This is not part of our contract ! exclaimed Ashley
-I have not said that - replied Paul
-We have several requests for you to use the chastity belt outside of the service periods and some additional compensation will be linked to that if you will agree.
Ashley remained silently to the last comment for Paul
-I have a favor to ask you - said Paul after some minutes
-Yes ............................. replied Ashley
-It would be possible to you to go to the restroom and to come back after a few minutes, you can refresh your makeup if you feel the opportunity for that
Ashley accepted the request from the man even if she did not had the necessity to make a visit to the restroom. She stood up and started walking to the side of the hall where the restroom was located and after a few minutes she returned back to the dinner table.
The walk has started again the fucking effect of the plugs but the distance to be walked was not so long and Ashley managed to contain the level of excitement inside her body
-Welcome back - said Paul
-I hope the people in the room has appreciated the show - replied Ashley
-We have several potential customers in the hall and I am sure they have been very well impressed, you looks gorgeous and your walking pace is very sexual - said Paul
-I was supposing the food was not the only reason you had chosen this place - commented Ashley
-You are a smart lady - replied Paul
-I have one more thing I want you to do for me - said Paul - it will require some commitment from your part and I hope you will demonstrate to be ready for that.
-I am listening - replied Ashley.
-Please rest your pursue on the side chair -asked Paul
Ashely did what Paul asked her to do and waited for the next request.
-Now Ashley please I want you to move a little forward on your chair, seating on the edge of the chair.
Again Ashley followed the request from Paul. In doing that she noticed that sitting on the edge of the chair had the effect of moving both plugs inside her body.
-Ashely please now I want to move back on your chair seating all the way down on it.
Ashley followed again the Paul request without commenting. With all the weight of her body putted on the back of the chair again she felt the two plugs pushed deeper and deeper inside her.
-Now come forward again on the chair edge - asked Paul after thirty seconds of time
After that Ashley has completed the requested move Paul waited thirty more seconds before giving the next order
-And now back as before please
-I think by now that you have understood what I want from you Ashley - said Paul, simply keep doing that regularly.
Ashley followed the instructions received from Paul alternating the back and forth movement on the chair and quite soon she realized that Paul was playing with her body and he has conceived a simple but diabolical way of manipulating her without even touching her body.
Ashley breathing pace quite soon started to increase and the level of excitement in her body rapidly starting to climb. She was feeling the sexual pleasure radiating inside her body and the continuous back and forth movement was slowly pushing her toward an orgasm
-How are you feeling Ashley - asked Paul
-I am .............ok
-Don't forget to address me as Sir - ordered Paul
-I am ........... ok ............ Sir.
-Do you know what are you doing for me Ashley ?
-- Y...Yes I know Sir - replied Ashley - she had difficulties in following the conversation because all her energies were concentrated in trying to control the sexual pleasure burning inside her.
-Would like to explain me clearly what are you doing for me Ashley - asked again Paul.
-I am following your orders.............. Sir -
-Yes Ashely this is correct, you are following my orders and in fulfilling my orders what are you doing to your body?
-I .............. am self fucking my body for you in front of all the persons of this hall - replied Ashely with a defeated tone in her voice.
-Yes Ashley this is what you are doing for me. And it looks you like in doing that, is that correct?
-Yes.............. Sir , I love fucking myself for you!!
-Why you like it?
-I ................ I like it because it giving me sexual pleasure.
-Would you like to come Ashley - asked Paul.
-Yes ............... Sir ........... I am very close to cum ............and I would like to do that -
-You have not asked permission to cum - said Paul
-May I have the permission to cum please, Sir.
-No - Ashley you don't have yet the permission to cum.
-If .......... if I don't stop moving on this chair I will not be able to avoid to cum !! exclaimed Ashley
-Ok then you can stop, seat down and relax on your chair - said Paul.
Ashely did what Paul has just told and tried to relax. She tried to relax with long and regular breaths and in doing that she grabbed with her hands the edge of the table in front of her.
Paul give Ashley some minutes to regain the control of her body and some composture before taking care of the bill and moving to make some small talks with persons at other table.
During that period Ashley managed to come back to a semi normal condition and while waiting for Paul to come back kept browsing on her smartphone.
-Are you ready to go - asked Paul coming back to the table
-Yes I am................ Sir - replied Ashley.
Paul offered his hand to help Ashley to stand up from her chair and then helped her to put on her short coat, then with nonchalance crossed his arm under Ashley arm guiding her into the hall.
-Keep smiling while you talk with me in walking - said Paul - our exit has to be memorable!
Into the car going back home Ashely was finally trying to relax when the plugs inside her body started to vibrate. The vibrations started very slowly, and it was barely possible to feel the plugs vibrations, but very soon they strength increased a lot. Ashley started to move unconfortable on the seat shifting the position of her body in the failed attempt to find some relieve from the vibrations inside her
-Please ................ Sir .............. stop this ................... vibrations - asked Ashely with a hoarsely voice.
Paul do not replied to the Ashley request.
After a while the pace of the subtle vibrations started to increase . These were full blown buzzing, vibrating the Ashley entire stomach. She could actually hear the sound of the toys trapped inside of her and looked to the driver in the front worried that the person could feel the vibrations .
She was again feeling the sexual pleasure build inside her in a way she could not control when the toys died just as suddenly as it had started.
Ashely turned on the left looking at Paul who was showing the remote control in one hand and the biggest smile Ashley has seen all the day across his lips. He immediately smiled over to Ashely and putted the remote on the suit pocket.
Paul played with the plugs in Ashely pussy and ass constantly over the drive but chose to turn to an higher frequence the one in her rear more often than the one in front. When ever Paul was sensing Ashley approaching the orgasms he would play with the vibe in her ass pushing the intensity up.
While the climax grew up to the point of non return, right Ashley would get close of orgasming he would turn the vibe back down to low. She was left exposed and frustrated every time. When the car arrived back at Paul home Ashley cheeks were completely flushed but she had not had the possibility to finally cum.
Inside home Paul guided Ashley into the large reception hall and pointed to a side door
-You would probably want to use the restroom - said Paul
-I would like to do that - replied Ashley taking off her short coat- but I feel it is quite difficult with this belt and the plugs locked on me
-Get off your jeans - replied Paul - you can seat there - said indicated one of the armchair of the hall
Ashley seated cautiously on the armchair indicated by Paul, unlocked the ankle strap of her high heels and the standing up again he unbuttoned the woman thin waist belt , opened the waist button and slided her jeans until they were on the floor near the heels.
Paul used the remote on his pocket and Ashely felt the front of the chastity belt to unlock with a slight clicking sound
-You have ten minutes to finish said Paul -
In the restroom Ashely took off the chastity belt cautiously sliding the plugs from her body, expecially the back one, then relived herself and made ample use of the restroom hot water, soap and towels to clean and dry her body.
When finished she came back in the hall with the chastity belt on hand.
-Where is your bag for the weekend - asked Paul
-I left it in the closet on arrival - replied Ashley
-Take off the shirt and the bra - ordered Paul - keep on only the stockings and the heels and leave the belt on the armrest.
Ashely followed Paul orders taking off the shirt and the bra and putting on again the heels locking the ankles straps. She was naked but for the self up black stockings and the high heels
-Bend over on this armchair - ordered Paul pointing to the armchair where Ashley has just seated
Ashely followed the order bending over on the back of the armchair in a way her butt was up in the air and her head was down on the armchair structure
-Put your wrists behind your back, hand palm to palm and spread your legs -
Ashley followed the orders without hesitation. She understood that Paul was testing her attitude. She had agreed to that initial weekend of training and it was not the moment to demonstrate hesitations.
She felt that some leather was circled around her wrists and then tied up. Ashley felt a buckle being closed and she understood that a pair of leather cuffs has been locked around her wrists. She tested the strap and realized that ii was quite tight, her wrists were tightly pressed one on the other and that she would never been able to free herself without Paul removing the cuffs
After some seconds she felt another leather strap circling her elbows, Paul started pulling the strap until her elbows arrived to touch each other and then again bucked the strap up. The tie was quite tight and Ashley was feeling her shoulders pushed back from the strap and her breasts pushed forward. In a few seconds Paul has rendered her completely helpless.
Ashley could not see behind her but realized that Paul has picked up again the chastity belt. The fat dildo was the first to be pushed again inside her pussy where it slided in easily due to the natural lubrication of her sex. The reaction of her body while being putted in bondage was almost immediate and Paul was taking advantage of that.
Paul slided two fingers into her pussy and used her juices to lubricate her back hole and then pushed the conical butt plug inside her back passage. Ashely tried to relax her body knowing very well that any resistance was useless and that would only have increased her pain. The conical butt plug entered fully inside her butt and her sphincter clenched to keep it locked in around the narrow part that was close to the tapered end.
Paul moved his finger close to the Ashley mouth
-Lick my fingers.
Ashely immediately executed the order closing her mouth and sucking at her best Paul fingers wiping away any sign of her pleasure juice.
-Stand up - ordered Paul dragging Ashley up with a hand on her shoulder.
Ashely followed the command without resistance and raised her torso remaining close to the armchair with her legs well spread. She felt Paul hands closing the waist and the crotch strap of the belt and then he used again the remote to lock it again on her. The same clicking sound as before confirmed that she was again chastised and plugged.
Ashley felt Paul hand on her head and realized that he was braiding her hair in a ponytail and then a small closure was fixed to keep the tail well fixed. Ashley realized quite soon the reason for the ponytail when Paul started to slide a leather hood on her head.
Ashley was relived to feel that the leather of the hood was quite soft and thin and she realized that it was a simple leather hood destined to make impossible her sight and hearing and not a punishment one.
While Paul was adjusting the hood on her Ashley realized it had not eyes opening and then instead a soft leather addition on the inside of the hood at the eye level was effectively functioning as blindfold, and other padded additions on the side at the ear level were reducing her capacity to listen what was happening around her.
The hood had instead a mouth opening that was surrounded by a ring gag that Paul pushed until it was well behind her teeth. The ring was not extremely large but it was wide enough to keep Ashley mouth well opened and to silence her
-Raise your head - ordered Paul and look straight in front of you
Ashley followed the command and felt some more leather circling her neck and understood Paul was putting a collar on her. Quite soon she realized it was not a normal leather collar but it was more a wide posture collar, contoured on front and back, that was forcing her chin up and her head to remain still and making impossible for her to turn her head
Ashely felt that Paul was pulling tight the collar around her neck and he was locking it behind her back with a buckle. Ashely knew very well that the collar and the hood would have been stayed on her until Paul would have not decided to remove them.
-Are you able to breathe normally - asked Paul - or the collar is giving you issues?
-Ashley nodded slightly as reply, she tried also to talk but only a strange - eyYeeahhh sound was the only thing that escaped from the gag
-Good girl - replied Paul
-Stay still while I buckle a garment on your body -
Ashely felt a leather corset lightly buckled around her waist. The corset was made of black leather and was boned on the sides and on the back and cutted low leaving her pierced nipples exposed. Paul buckled initially only the waist belt and then started to buckle the other two belts adorning the corset.
One of the belt was passing just below Ashley breasts; when buckled tight the effect was to press her breasts forward further and up increasing the position of her torso already forced by the elbow strap. The other belt were resting just below the chastity belt waist steel belt and again it was buckled very tightly on her abdomen. When finished Paul closed the corset waist belt notching one more hole on the buckle to be sure the corset was tight
The corset was very tight on her body and Ashley realized that it would have been difficult for her to bend at waist level. At every piece of bondage that Paul was adding, her helplessness was becoming more severe. Her waist was severely compressed and she was sure that the waist line had been reduced by at least a couple of inches from the normal size .
The combined effect of the corset of the collar and of the hood was taking a toll on her senses and Ashley realized that on a longer term she would have had issue in breathing. She was already feeling someway dazed and realized that her breathing pace has increased to cope with the necessity of more air, but also that despite all her efforts she has issues in contracting normally the diaphragm for breathing. Her nostrils were free to breath trough two small holes strategically positioned in the front of the hood and she started also to breath trough the ring gag to help her breathing.
-Close your legs - ordered Paul and quickly Ashley executed the last command
Ashley felt another leather strap circling her ankles and quite soon another buckle was tied, quickly followed by another one tying her thighs just above the knees.
-Now follow the lead of my hands - said Paul - and kneel down on the floor
Ashley felt one of the Paul hands on her shoulder pushing her down and the other one gripping her waist to help her to keep her balance without falling on the ground while kneeling. In a few seconds she was kneeling as indicated by Paul seating with her butt on the back of her heels.
Paul started passing an additional thin leather rope under her bended legs at the ankles level; the strap then was raised over her thighs, bucked up and then tensed a notch after another until her legs were almost welded together with the thighs and no slack at all was left.
Ashely realized that with the addition of the last leather strap she was now immobilized in the kneeling position.
She was wondering about the Paul intentions when she felt that he was kneeling in her side and his hands were mauling her right breast. Ashely felt that Paul was looping a very thin rope around the base of her breast while sustaining the breast with the other hand. After the initial coils the rope started to become more tight and quite soon the base of her breast was tightly compressed with the rest of the breast bulging out like a pumped up balloon . The same process was repeated on the other breast until it was tied in the same way.
Ashley could not see herself in a mirror but she could easily imagine that her breasts quite soon would have started to become blue and swollen due to the reduce blood flow and very sensitive at any touch due the bondage.
After some seconds of absence Ashley felt that Paul was again on her side.
-Raise your head straight - ordered Paul
Ashley felt an hand of Paul on the back of her head and the tip of a rubber penis being passed inside the entrance of the ring gag. She tested the rubber penis with her tongue and she realized that the plug was quite thick and had small ribs on the side like a real penis. Paul pushed slowly but steadily the plug inside her mouth until Ashley felt the tip of the plug touching the base of her throat.
Ashley tried to resist the gag reflex while Paul continued to push the plug until it was completely inside her mouth and throat. Ashley felt that the strap of the penis gag was tightly buckled behind her head and realized that the gag was there to stay.
Ashley has been gagged before with a penis gag but never before with a penis gag so thick and so long; the plug was filling completely her mouth and part of her throat and quite soon she realized that the natural reflex was to keep sucking on the penis in her mouth.
Ashley realized that Paul has transformed her in an involuntary sucking machine!! She could not distract her mind from the presence of the penis in her mouth and she could not stop the natural reflex of sucking it.
With the penis gag on breathing from the mouth become much more difficult than before and Ashley stopped to breathe from the mouth concentrating all her efforts in breathing trough the nose.
-Please bend over your torso, head down - said Paul
Ashley hesitated for a second before following the command than her brain realized that the only way she could bend over was to lower her head towards her tied thighs. She started to bend and soon realized that it was not easy due to the tightness of the boned corset that was restraining her movements
She felt Paul hands close to the front ring of her collar and she realized that he was sliding a rope under the ring. Soon Ashley felt the rope pulled down forcing her head to move down and her torso to bend at waist level.
Paul looped the rope from the collar ring gag under the strap tying Ashley thighs and started pulling the rope with a straight movement until Ashley hood covered face arrived to touch her knees. Paul made two further pulls on the rope as additional measure to be sure that no slack was remaining on the rope-
Ashley felt her face tightly pressed on the thighs and her lungs pressed down on the thighs due to the severity of the bondage. The corset was squeezing relentlessly her waist and abdomen and the combination of the two effect was really causing difficulties on the breathing.
For a few seconds Ashley mind panicked and she tried instinctively to struggle to change her position but the bondage tying up her body was too tight to allow any movement and the only effect she managed to obtain was some minor movement of her muscles with no real movement of her body
-Relax your body - said Paul laying gently a hand on Ashley back - The bondage is not different from the ones you have done so many times. You need only to find out your breathing pace
Ashly tried to relax down and to concentrate her mind on the breathing to find a way to sustain the bondage Paul has putted her in. She felt Paul pushing slightly her body until she moved from the kneeling position and layed down on the floor resting on one side.
Ashley felt Paul looping a rope around the leather strap tying her wrists behind her back and then that rope was guided along the her back passing inside her butt crack until reaching the strap tying her ankles. Paul pulled tightly the rope pulling her tied wrists as tightly as possible in the direction of the tied ankles, in this way eliminating any possible slack in her position and then tied the rope with a square knot.
Ashley realized that Paul has just finished to put her into a very tight balltie position and she wondered if she has even been tied more stringently in the past. Her body was completely immobilized, she could not move any part of her body and she could only wiggle a little her fingers. The rope linking her collar to the thighs strap was pushing her face over her thighs so tightly that her lower back was starting to ache.
Ashley felt Paul arms sliding under her body grabbing with one hand the front of her tied legs and with the other her armpit and slowly she felt that he was shifting and moving her body. She grunted to signal her unhappiness about the way she was handled but there was no response from Paul.
Ashely felt the edge of some thick material on her side bending under her weight, and little by little her body was rolled passing over that edge until resting again on a side. She was feeling that her heels were touching some hard layer and the same was happening to the top of her head. Paul pushed her head slightly to fit inside another edge. After that she felt that some clothes were putted on her side an she recognized the fabric of her jeans against her back
Ashley felt a belt that was pulled tight over her body diagonally and then buckled up and then a second strap on the other direction fixing her body. Then she felt that a closure was folded over the other side of her body and then a sound of zipping up.
All in a sudden she realized that Paul has putted her inside a trolley bag and that he just had fixed her tied body with the belts to the trolley frame and that he has closed her inside the trolley pulling the side zips closed.
To confirm the feeling she felt that the trolley was raised laterally and in a second her position changed: she was not more laying on a side but was again in a kneeling position. She shouted and yelled all her desperation and fear but the only sound that managed to escape her gag and hood was a barely audible moan.
Ashely then felt that the trolley started to move rolling on its small wheels, Paul was moving her around like a baggage. She felt the trolley rolling for a while changing direction a couple of times and then a slightly bump when it passed over some hard edge.
After that Ashley felt that the trolley was rolling over a different pavement and she sensed a change of temperature and she understood that they were outside the Paul home; then the trolley stopped in the vertical position and she heard Paul steps moving on the side of the bag.
After some seconds Ashley felt that the trolley was raised from the floor and for a few seconds she had the sensation like of flying on the air. The trolley with her body inside was then layed down laterally on a hard surface and then pushed forward until to a stop. Her body was again laying on a side. The zipping sound repeated itself and she understood that Paul has opened the trolley side zips. Immediately she felt some fresh air entering the trolley and was relived to understand that Paul has opened the zips to allow her more air to breathe.
From her cramped position Ashley felt that a door was closed and then started feeling the vibrations of a car radiating around her. In that moment she understood that Paul has loaded the trolley with her body tied inside in the back trunk of a car and that he was preparing to move.
-I want to inform you that in a while we will be doing a ride in the country - said Paul.
His voice was barely audible from inside the trolley and the leather hood but in someway Ashley managed to understand the message he was delivering
-I apologize for the fact that you are closed in the trunk and then you will not have the possibility to enjoy the landscape - said Paul
-At the same time I will do my best to insure that you will have a safe ride and that you will have some form of entertainment to keep you good company
-Enjoy the ride!!
Shortly after Ashley sensed that the car was moving; her body was tightly cramped inside the trolley and she realized that the trolley itself was not moving inside the trunk and therefore Paul has fixed it in some way in that space.
Ashley sensed the car changing speed and direction several times and slowly tried to relax the sensations she was feeling inside her body and her mind. Her position was very tight and confined but at the very end she realized that Paul had no intention to harm her and that she was not in any form of peril.
Ashley forced herself to be calm and not panic. She tried to breathe as deeply and slowly as the hood, and the bondage allowed. She tried to ignore the pain in her shoulders and the cramp in her legs. Most of all she tried to ignore the fire in her loins which was being steadily stoked by the pocket rocket between the top of her thighs.
Laying on one side eased in some way the breathing issues and after some time her breathing pace had stabilized. She was on the verge or reconcile herself when she felt the two plugs inside her body starting to vibrate. The vibrations were at different paces, with an alternating rhythm, in a moment was the front plug to vibrate more intensely, than after a short period of time that one slowed down and the back one increased its pace.
Then the situation changed and it was the back plug to vibrate more intensively and the front one to slow down. Quite soon the double stimulation started to ignite the sexual pleasure on Ashley body and she felt the excitement radiating inside her. She felt her nipples hardening and the breathing pace to increase again.
Her breathing was constricted by the tight corset and the thick and long penis gag that she was forced to suck increased again the pace to get enough air and soon she was almost painting to keep cope with the air necessity. For some time the alternating vibrations of the plugs continued their up and down providing a sexual stimulation that was enough to excite her body but not enough to bring her to the orgasm.
Ashley understood that Paul was diabolically playing with her body like with a music instrument keeping her on the edge of the pleasure but not allowing her to reach it. In the meantime she was sucking furiously on the penis gag filling her mouth and throat trying to get from that the extra excitement she needed to cum.
Quite soon Ashley loosed the sense of time and of the direction. She was feeling that the car was continuing to move but she was experiencing a total sensory deprivation she has never experienced before. She has lost completely the feeling about the time and the space and in the cramped position she was forced in all her senses were focused on the two plugs vibrating inside her and on the penis gag filling her mouth and throat.
Her body has been transformed on a pleasure machine and she could not do anything to reverse what was being done to her. After some time she felt that the plugs vibrations has increased to a full speed. Almost immediately Ashley begun to pant through her nose as the stimulation increased exponentially. What had been a modest brush fire was now an out of control inferno.
She quickly orgasmed despite the pain she was feeling all over her body. Which was when the true nature of her predicament hit home - this was not going to stop - rather her body had merely taken a brief jog down the mountain of pleasure to a high base camp and was even now charging back to the summit. Her last coherent thought before she entered a vividly coloured multi-orgasmic state was that Paul has been using her as a pleasure toy.
When the pleasure tides subsided Ashley was capable of recovering some conscience. She realized that the plugs has stopped to vibrate and her breathing pace has slowed down a while. Some movements confirmed her that the car was still going.
In her Ashley-land only a few minutes or several hours could have passed from the beginning of the journey and her mind was not capable of catalogating what happening; she has been capable to register at least a dozen orgasms, which toward the end became a seemingly endless orgasmic explosion.
When the plugs started again to vibrate the pleasure and the pain started again started to radiate inside her body when finally Ashley fell into a merciful black void.
Part Six
When Ashley regained consciousness the first sensation she had was of a pleasurable heat all over her body. She could move freely her limbs so she was not tied anymore. She felt her body floating like on the air and a pleasurable aroma reached her brain trough her nostrils.
She realized that she was in a bathtub filled with hot water and the aroma was coming from the bath soap fragrance radiating all around.
Ashley opened slowly her eyes and she could see that she was laying down inside a large bathtub, the surface of the water line was covered with soap bubbles and that she was in an even larger bathroom and a dim light was coming from one side of the room
Everything inside the room and in the placement was designed to relax her body and and mind and the result of all the efforts were producing the desired outcome; Ashley was feeling almost in heaven and was enjoying every moment of the time she was passing into the bathtub
She layed down in the water for a period of time that she could not define savoring every moment of time when the Paul voice recalled he to the reality
-Hello Ashley, are you back on earth? It is time to exit from the water
Ashly moved her head on the side to follow the voice and Paul was standing on the side of the bathtub holding a large white bathrobe opened for her. Ashley slowly climbed from the water putting one leg on the floor where a pair of soft slipper were ready for her feet. Paul helped her to wear the bathrobe and while she was closing the wait belt, gently wrapped a towel around her wet hair
-The breakfast will be ready in a few minutes - said Paul with a smile - I will come back to pick you up
Ashley dried her body and used the phone and the brush on her hairs and had almost finished when Paul came back.
He handed her a pair of black stockings and the black high stiletto with a 6" heels and ankle strap
Ashely without replying took off the bathrobe and slided the black stockings on her thigs and putted on the shoes locking the straps around her ankles. She realized that standing on the high heels she was considerably taller only a few inches shorter than Paul.
-Put your wrists behind your back, hand palm to palm, and turn your back toward me - ordered Paul
Ashley obediently followed the commands and felt a leather strap encircling her wrists until they were well tied together. Paul was skilled in bondage and it was not necessary for Ashely to test her bindings to understand that it was secure and helpless.
Then she felt Paul sliding a leather collar around her neck bucking the strap behind her head. The collar was a normal leather collar and not the posture collar he has used on her for the transportation. Paul fixed a leash on the ring on the font of the collar and pulling the leash guided Ashley in another room.
The walked in a short corridor until reaching the room where the breakfast has been prepared. Paul guided her pulling the leash without talking to her and Ashley followed the lead of his hand without hesitation. She found out that being used as a slave was normal for her and that she was not feeling any problem in following Paul commands
Paul seated on a chair in front of a table that was completely filled up with any type of food that could be imagined for a breakfast and gently guided Ashley to seat on his lap.
-You want to start with something bitter or sweet or just a coffe to begin with?
For the next thirty minutes Paul fed Ashely with any type of food or drink that she was asking him. He gently brought the food to her mouth either with the fork or the spoon or with his hands when it was necessary. He also helped Ashley to drink from the glass or from any cup was necessary to use.
Ashley relaxed completely on Paul lap and let him to feed her with no resistance. She was feeling hungry and enjoyed the food and the drinks even if as usual controlled the quantities she was eating.
-Do you want any more coffee? - asked Paul raising the coffee cup from the table .
-No thanks you............ Sir - replied Ashley, I have had more than enough.
-How are you feeling Ashley - asked Paul - after the transportations you have slept for many hours it looks you were quite tired
-Yes Sir, I was very tired - replied Ashley - the bondage you putted me in was quite tight and the ...... overall situation was very stressful for me - replied Ashely
-Tell me more on that - asked Paul
-Yes Sir ........... - said Ashley - I was in in a very tight bondage...... on a cramped position.....plugged on all three holes. Quite soon I started experiencing a complete sensorial deprivation, with difficulties to breath normally, and when.........when you started the plugs ............ I went completely nut
-Quite soon I have loss the count of the orgasms I have had................ until I finally collapsed completely
-You have never before experienced a situation like the one of the transport? - asked Paul
-No .............. no Sir, not with that level of intensity ............ not - replied Ashley
-First of all I want to reassure you that you were completely under safe conditions at any time of the transportation - said Paul - Inside the collar you had on there were a series of sensors transmitting in real time you vital parameters: blood pressure, heart rate, breathing pace, blood oxygenation and many more.
-I had all the parameters on an app on my smartphone to keep you constantly under control. Even when you passed out, collapsed as you have said, you were continuously monitored and controlled, and in any moment you don't have had any risk for your health.,
-I assume you believe me on what I'm saying and if you had any doubt on that please consider that I I would never make anything to jeopardize our business relationship - said Paul
-Yes .... Sir I believe in what you are saying - replied Ashley
-That said I understand you have experienced a challenging experience, but the purpose of the tied transportation was exactly the one I have obtained
-You have to be prepared because this is a type of .... activity for which you will receive requests from our clients, and you have to be prepared to cope with it
-I understand Sir - replied Ashley - I will be ready
-Is the moment now you show me that you know how to serve a Dom and that the deep throat training you have experienced during the transportation has succeded - said Paul
Ashely looked Paul for a few seconds in his eyes. The command just received was not one that could be misunderstood and she knew very well what was expected from her.
She raised from Paul lap and slowly kneeled in front of Paul who remained seated in his chair. Paul that morning was wearing a light blouse with long sleeves and pajama trousers. Ashley moved her knees coming closer to Paul until her head was resting on his lap. She could feel Paul cock under his check even if it was not yet fully erect.
-Can you please help Sir me to lay down your trousers - said Ashley
Paul did not answered but raised slightly his back from the chair and with layed down partially his trousers exposing his cock for Ashley and then seated back on the chair
Ashley understood that Paul was leaving the entire task to her and lowered down his head, turned laterally his neck partially and with his lips captured the tip of Paul cock, Then step by step sucked into her mouth the entire length of the cock with all the sucking strength she could apply.
Paul cock started quickly to react to the sexual stimulation while his blood started flowing inside of it and quickly it become more rigid easing Ashley sucking. Ashley head started bobbling up and down Paul now fully erect shaft while his tongue was circling and stimulating the tip and the glans.
Ashley was satisfied of the Paul reaction, she always has liked giving head and kneeling in a submissive position in front of a man while serving him with her mouth was one of deepest sexual turn on. She immediately felt her nipples hardening and her pussy starting to moisturize.
While the blow job was continuing Ashley realized that Paul cock was continuing to grow inside her mouth up to a point in which she could not accept the entire length only in her mouth and she was forced to push it in her throat to get it completely. She had done deep throat before and she knew very well how to do it.
Ashley straighten her neck to ease the penetration and felt a large portion of Paul cock sliding down on her throat. In the meantime she increased the breathing trough her nostrils to get enough air to her lungs. Step by step Ashley continued to increase the pace of her sucking and the up and down movement of her head along Paul shaft.
After some time Paul grabbed Ashley head putting his hand on the back of her hair and started to guide the blowjob pace. It was him pushing in and out his cock from Ashley mouth and throat and Ashley realized that it was not anymore her to suck Paul cock but it was him to face fucking her mouth and throat
Paul pushed his cock completely inside Ashley mouth and throat until she was forced to fight against the gag reflex and to breath only from her nostrils
-Hold it an look at me with your eyes - said Paul when his cock was completely inside Helen up to the point that and her lips were touching Paul balls, and then he started to count slowly from one to ten.
When Paul reached the end of her throat he retreated completely his cock from Helen mouth with a flow of saliva dripping from the woman mouth. Then he pushed again his cock completely down her throat and kept it again for ten more seconds.
Ashley was struggling to accept the brutal deepthroat but did her best to accept the cock as deep as possible inside her in order to satisfy Paul.
-Hold it - said again Paul
Ashley did her best to keep the cock deep buried into her throat fighting the gag reflex. Paul hands were still pushing hard on the back of her head and she had no choice that to fulfill the brutal penetration.
The same process was repeated several times more and soon Ashley lost the count of the times in which Paul has brutally deepthroated her and forced her to keep his cock buried completely inside her for some endless seconds
Her neck was aching and also her jaws were full of pain to the brutality of the use she was subjected to. She has almost fainted a couple of times when the lack of oxygen has started dozing her mind when she felt another deep trust from Paul cock and his hands pushing even tighter Ashley head down over his cock and she felt that Paul was cumming in her throat
When the liquid hit her throat she sputtered but Paul continued to push her head down she was forced to swallow all the load . She coughed but he continues merciless to push her head down. Ashely did her best to swallow all the cum load and only a few drops spitted out. When the flow cum was finished Ashley continued to suck up and down Paul cock that has reduced in dimension but was still hard
She licked all the few cum dropped put and with her lips sucked and kissed it for a long time always keeping an eye contact with Paul.
Part Seven
A few months has passed since the introduction weekend as Paul has called it and both of them went back to their normal life, if Ashley life could in any way be deemed normal.
The escorting activity was progressing exactly as Paul has programmed when he has initially approached her to present the concept.
She was having three service periods a month, one full weekend, from friday to sunday night included and two full days.
The incomes Ashley was getting from the activity were even higher than the ones Paul has forecasted and in all the months since the beginning of the venture she has easily passed the forecasted monthly figure.
The periods of time not passed serving wealthy patroons were providing Ashley with enough time and space to relax completely and the quality of her life has definitely improved over the previous period.
Ashley has been quite skeptical from the beginning about the Paul proposal, since she could not believe so much money could be available for her, but quite soon she has been forced to reconsider her doubts and to accept the reality.
Most of the times during her service periods she has been used by more than one dominant person, either men and women, and quite soot it became evident to Ashley that Paul forecast about the income were not exaggerated.
As promised Paul was making all the arrangements for all her bookings and transportations and he was also taking care of the payments. The Paul countryside cottage has been used for several of the service periods while the majority of Ashley meetings has been managed at the patroons locations.
Every time Ashley was back home from one of her assignement a large envelope was waiting for her with the sum in cash she was due.
Several times the amount of money has been even higher than the one agreed in advance because the patroon has been particularly satisfied by her services and has decided to add a bonus to the agreed compensation.
Ashley had realized that what has really changed in her life has been the use of the time.
With her new profession she had a lot of free time for herself to enjoy. Apart from the service periods and the gym training period she was free of commitments and the new financial freedom deriving from her profession has allowed her to reduce commitments that previously were producing a strong workload.
She was not anymore modelling regularly for photo sessions and she has decided to keep alive her personal website, under suggestions from Paul, not for the revenues she was getting from it - the site was effectively barely breaking even - but as a form of promotion of the Ashley brand online.
Following another suggestion from Paul she has instructed her webmaster to increase tenfold the posting of her BDSM free pictures on all possible type of social media, bulletin boards, and whichever online resourcewho can create brand awareness for herself.
This type of posting has created a renewed interest on her person and the goal of the brand awareness has been fully obtained.
The invitation received from Paul tom join him at his place has arrived the day before and Ashley has gladly accepted it. As usual Ashley used an Uber car booked by Paul to arrive at his place.
Ashley was dressed very simply with a pair of jeans, white shirt and the same light gray coat she was wearing in the first meeting with Paul. Her hairs and make up were perfect and the six inches black high heels were giving her body a lovely slender look.
She has become accustomed to Paul desires about women dressing and that day she has carefully selected the type of dressing she was sure he would have liked the most. For Paul simple and sexy dressing was the name of the game.
Ashley used her best efforts to walk in the cobblestone pavement with her six inches heels and managed that task much better than in the previous visits.
After a short wait the door opened and Paul was in front of her.
-Welcome Ashley, I am very happy to see you again please come inside - said Paul . He hugged Ashley with a friendly welcome and helped her to get off her light coat.
Paul closed the heavy wooden door behind her with no effort and once again Asley admired the perfect balancing. As usual Paul house was quite warm and with a good smell around.
Paul was casually dressed with black jeans and sweatshirt and a pair of black snickers.
-I am very pleased you have accepted my invitation - said Paul
-I have taken the habit to consider your desires as orders - replied Ashley with a small smile
- You don't have to !! - replied Paul with an even larger smile
-You are probably wondering why I have asked you to join me - asked Paul while both were seated on a couple of armchairs in his living room
-I was sure you would have told me at the right moment - replied Ashley
-Are you satisfied with your job - asked Paul
-Yes I am - replied Ashley after a short wait - You have fulfilled all the promises you made to me and the money is great and also the quality of my life has improved.
-I am pleased to hear that - said Paul
-I was sure from the beginning of the potentialities of our venture and I am pleased you have proved to have the attitude that was necessary to insure the success of our project.
-Now is the moment of making a step further - continued Paul
-Which one - asked Ashley
-One that will insure that your value on your profession will increase even more- replied Paul. Let me show it to you.
Ashley followed Paul in a nearby room with a large table on one side with a PC on top. Ashley realized it was his personal office. Paul stopped in front of a small closet located on the side of the table, opened it with a key and got an item inside covered with a black wooden cover.
Paul unfolded the cover showing a steel tool to Ashley. For her was easy to recognize the item as a chastity belt.
-This belt has been designed exactly on your body measures Ashley - said Paul
-Take off your jeans
Ashley had only a fraction of a second hesitation before fulfilling the order. She unbuttoned her jeans button and slided it on her legs until it was on the floor. As usual she was not wearing panties and the piercings on her sex were glistening freely.
-Open your legs put your hands behind your back and bend over - ordered Paul
Ashley obediently executed the commands bending at waist level.
The woman felt Paul moving behind her and soon some k-jelly was smeared on her back hole followed immediately by a metallic probe penetrating her asshole. The probe was cold at the touch and of generous dimension and Paul had to push it deep down until the largest part of the plug was inside Ashely body; the tapered end was directly connected to the belt crotch shield.
Ashely was shocked by the velocity of the penetration. Exploiting her submissiveness in a few seconds Paul has once again got complete control of her body and she was feeling that the plug thickness was stretching fully her sphincter and that the plug length was much longer of previous plugs she has experienced.
She was feeling filled in a way she has not experienced before and the sensation of the plug filling up inside her body was completely new for her.
Before Ashley could organize her feelings she felt Paul wrapping the belt waist part around her body and locking it with the waist lock.
Paul guided Ashely in front of a mirror on a nearby closet so she could look at herself.
Looking at her image in the mirror Ashely noticed that the belt waist and crotch straps were made of stainless steel and were looking quite thin compared to other belts she has used in the past and that they were following exactly her body shape.
The waist strap was less than one inch thick and the front and rear part of the crotch strap were made of black steel thick cables that were completely adherent to her skin in the front of her body and along the back cheeks slit.
The belt framed her body in a sexy way and its black and steel colors were matching nicely the black stockings and high heels she was wearing.
The belt pussy shield was larger and made up by a different type of metal and it was shaped like a half seashell that covered completely her sex with many small holes and slits on it that Ashely guessed was for urine.
Ashely explored the belt with her fingers and quite soon realized that the waist band on the back was slightly thicker than in the front.
-The thickness in the back is made by the back plug folding mechanism - explained Paul
He guided Asley fingers on it and explained her how to unlock the folding mechanism. Ashely followed his instructions pressing on the small button located on the waist back band and suddenly felt the plug filling her ass loosening up.
Ashely followed Paul instructions and with her fingers gripped the waist part of the belt that had become loose and pulling it she extracted bit by bit the butt plug from her asshole until the tip of it was completely outside her body.
When Ashley felt the plug completely outside her body sighed in relief.
-This belt is a permanent one - explained Paul. - That means that you will wear the belt fulltime in your life, at home and outside.
Ashley was speechless to Paul speech and could not articulate a word while he continued the description of the belt use.
-As you have seen the back part of the belt, the one containing the butt plug, can be folded up to take out the plug from your back hole. This is for allowing you to use the bathroom and to rest your body during the night
-And for ......... peeing? - asked Ashley still quite shocked.
-The pussy front shield has holes and slit on it that allows that easily - replied Paul - You will only have to take care of the hygiene performing regularly washing and cleaning of the shield and of your body using hot water and a normal vaginal detergent.
-You will have to wear the butt plug with the belt locked on every time you will be outside home and for some periods at home - said Paul. At home on day and during the night you will keep the back part opened and the plug outside your body for resting and sleeping.
Ashley was still astonished and had difficulties in thinking to any meaningful question for Paul.
-You will also have to observe strictly the dress code - continued Paul - the usual feminine dressing you have been using as standard lately complemented with high heels and stockings.
-Walking plugged with high heels on will generate a strong sexual stimulation on my body, how will I manage that? - asked Ashley
-In the same way you have done in the past - replied Paul - I have given you indications on how to behave in public
Ashley remembered very well the instructions Paul had given her on how to manage an orgasm in public, on how looking for a secluded space, or coughing or faking to pass out.
-Yes you had - said Ashley - But in the past I have been wearing the plugged belt for shorter periods of time, while from now on it will be ....... fulltime when outside home. I will have....... orgasms in public!
-This is exactly the purpose of the belt - said Paul - to insure a continuous control on you, sexually, emotionally and physically
-How I will manage my ....... service periods? - asked Ashley
-I will take care of that don't worry in a similar way I have done in the past with the transportations and the other stuff related to the service periods
-How....... how I will manage my ............. sexual life.......... with the belt locked on?
-You will not - replied Paul - I will do that for you. You will address to me any request related to that topic and I will manage it according to your service periods.
-And for the gym training sessions ? asked Ashley.
-You will continue the usual program - replied Paul - The belt is quite slender and it is easy to conceal under a pair of sport shorts not too tight.
-You have been performing very well during your professional activity - continued Paul - anyway it has been decided that keeping you belted you will going to have an added incentive for performing during your service periods, and that will surely have a positive effect on you grades with the clients and will be also reflected in your wages.
-An increase of your compensation is forecasted due to that - said Paul
-The full time belt was not mentioned in our Contract - said Ashley
-If you check Section 5.12 you will find the reference to it - replied Paul. I am ready to explain it in details if you want it.
-My suggestion is that you keep the belt on for some time and if after that time you will decide it is not tolerable, you will come back to me and we will modify our agreement accordingly.
Part 8
Ashley was late for the gym. She picked up her bag on the car trunk and hurried for the entrance. She was wearing her usual gym attire with black leggings and a pair of cute yellow snickers.
Climbing the gym stairs she was very well aware of the butt plug bouncing up and down on her ass. Almost a month has passed from the day in which Paul has locked the chastity belt on her and even if she was becoming accustomed in wearing the belt she still was shocked by the power of the sexual stimulation the device was forcing on her body and mind.
Female chastity has always has been one of her main fetishes even if she has never been ready to admit it. She has flirted and played a lot with several types chastity belts along her modelling career but it has always has been a paly not something real.
Now the situation was completely different.
She had come to the terms with her psychology admitting with herself that there was nothing that pushed her into a complete submissive mindset quicker than being locked in a chastity belt unable to touch herself. Wearing the belt was making her to feel helpless, look sad and maybe even look a little guilty since it's clear that she cannot be trusted to stop playing with her sex for any reasonable length of time.
When the belt was locked on, there was an adjustment period and Ashley spent some time fidgeting with the thick metal, and looking uncomfortable while she was trying to reconcile her slutty thoughts with the knowledge that an orgasm was no longer an option. After a while, it sinks in that her body was the property of her owners and that her pleasure is at his mercy if not completely ignored.
At that point, she easily accepts that his owner needs come first, and he becomes the focus of her existence for whatever length of time he desires.
She has been thinking a lot of that lately and a few days ago she realized in anguish that she has effectively became a Paul property, even if a formal relationship has not been formalized between them.
To sum it up, being denied the pleasure she so desperately was craving was giving her motivation to eagerly serve Paul and all the patroons with a hopeful attitude that if she behave perfectly and keep them pleased, maybe she will be released.
She was continuously experiencing the fear of being belted again after the patroons had done using her, so it's in her best interest to keep them happy so the act of locking again her belt when they had done with her do not became an issue.
The steel belt she had on was one of her favorite belt for many reasons. She liked the classic style metal waist band because it was giving her that inescapable bondage feeling that she loved, and craved, and it was sitting on her waist at the perfect spot.
The belt has been designed exactly on her body measures and it was really tight on her waist. She liked the way it exaggerates her hip bones and the fact that it cannot come off for any reason. The waist belt is made of thick steel, but bends enough to fit around her waist for a tight fit. The edges are slightly rounded for allowing an extended use.
That morning she was planning to attend the usual kick box workout even if she was well aware that the plug sexual stimulation on her body would have been increased by the workout requirements.
She has already tried a few times the same training since the belt has been locked on her and all the times she has been forced to take a break during the workout to avoid to orgasm in front of everybody. That morning she went tough the usual training and that time she managed to prolong her resistance to the pleasure to a longer time.
She was feeling on the verge of cumming when finally the trainer finished the training routine and she tried to regain some composture. Looking around her Ashley was happy to see that the other women attending the class were sweating and painting in a way quite similar to her own and looking at her image on the wall mirrors she could see nothing strange in her appearance.
Like many of the women in the gym class Ashley has started wearing a sport short over her training legging and that short was more than enough to conceal entirely the chastity belt she was wearing. She was quite sure that no one could have spotted the chastity belt and she was feeling pleased in having found out a way of continuing her gym routine with the belt on.
The though that she was becoming accustomed in being belted full time flashed on her mind and being disturbed by that reflection she pushed the thought deep in her mind and tried to concentrate on something else.
Back at home in the bathroom Ashley was drying her body after the shower. She has devoted a lot of attention to pushing the hot soaped water under the crotch shield to be sure to be fully cleaned and she had opened up the belt back hinge to take out the butt plug from her back and clean out with attention that area.
With the belt opened she was feeling the weird presence of the butt plug sticking out from the back shield and tipping on her cheeks. Over the weeks she has found out that the possibility to open the belt back hinge and to take out the plugs was essential for going to the loo and for giving rest time to her asshole that was well fucked out with the belt locked on.
She was very pleased in having at home the possibility to open up the belt but was also pissed of by the sensation of having the butt plug dangling out close to her body. She had found out that with belt opened on back she could not seat comfortably but for a short time and that the only good resting position was laying down on a side on the bed or on the couch.
That was also the sleeping position she was using on the night and she had needed some time to find out a sleeping routine since she could not anymore move around on the bed due to the plug presence. In the first weeks of her chastity she struggled to have a complete sleep period since the movements during the night were forcing the plug to push on her body awakening her several times a night.
Ashley has also developed and increased sexual excitement from being plugged full time and had found out that she could orgasm just from the anal penetration much more easily than in the past. It was like that her body was reacting to the impossibility to have vaginal orgasm when belted pushing her psychology and her body to take full advantage of the butt plug penetration.
The combination of the awkwardness of having the butt plug sticking out from the opened belt and the possibility of having anal orgasms has effectively pushed Ashley to reduce the duration of the periods of time in which she was not plugged.
She has started to keep the belt locked and her body plugged also at home and sometimes also during the night reducing the relaxing periods only to cater for the phisyological necessities and for easing the asshole soreness when needed.
Ashley had found that wearing the high heels also at home, like she was forced to do outside home, was increasing considerably her possibilities to orgasms almost on demand when she was needing sexual relief.
It was enough for her to walk out for a while at home belted and wearing high heels to reach the desired sexual pleasure.
Walking up and down on a stairway while belted and wearing high heels was definitely the easiest way to orgasm. She had found out that climbing up a stairway she was able to reach the orgasm in a very short time, normally less than three levels of a stairway were enough for that.
To keep some form of sexual pleasure Ashley was forced to keep the belt locked on for longer periods than necessary and she was scared on becoming addicted to the belt presence. Paul has cleverly designed a pervert mechanism that was pushing her down the submissive side every day more than the previous one.
Ashley was feeling the psychological toll of being kept belted full time by Paul. Her submissive side was loving that type domination and control, that was exactly the type and the level of control she has been looking for a long time. For the first time in her life she was feeling complete and fulfilled in her deepest desires and necessities.
At the same time the rational part of her mind was realising that she was she was on a sliding pattern and that Paul step by step was getting more and more control on her and that he was pushing her towards a form of servitude that was dangerously similar in becoming a full time slave, and that though was at the same time very fulfilling and frightening.
Part 9
Paul was waiting at home when Ashley arrived. She was sharp and since Ashley has asked for the meeting by the phone the day before it was clear she wanted to discuss some topics.
Ashley was simply dressed with jeans, white shirt and a light gray coat. That style of dressing was well suited to her and she had become accustomed to Paul desires about women dressing and she has carefully selected the type of dressing she was sure he would have liked the most.
The meeting was important for her and she had decided to trying to please Paul with her look; her hairs and make up were perfect and the six inches black high heels were giving her body a lovely slender look. It was clear she took extra care with her makeup and she was really a stunning beauty dressed to kill.
Paul was casually dressed as usual at home with black jeans and sweatshirt.
-Welcome Ashley, it is really a pleasure, you really look lovely today - Paul stood up in the house entrance to welcome the woman.
Ashley smiled without replying and seated in the armchair that Paul has gestured for her in his private office dropping her coat and pursue on the armchair located at the side of his business table.
Paul noticed she seated carefully not to stimulate any added penetration from the butt plug inside the belt she was wearing under the jeans.
They exchanged some small talks while Paul prepared a couple of drinks, and continued the casual conversation while drinking.
-Let's go down to our talk - said Paul when he judged that enough time has passed for Ashley to relax and start talking seriously about the reason of their meeting.
-You asked for this encounter - continued Paul
-Yes I did! - replied Ashley - I wanted to talk with you about our relationship.
-I am ready to listen, please go ahead - said Paul
-Our business venture is pretty successful - said Ashley - and I am satisfied by the work we are doing together, but despite that I have some points I would like to ....... modify.
Paul nodded without replying inviting Ashley to continue
-I am becoming concerned about the control you are practicing on my life, and I am feeling ....... pushed on that side in a way in which I am not comfortable with.
-Can you be more specific? - asked Paul
-The chastity belt you have putted on me is driving my crazy, I don't have anymore control on my sexuality, and I don't like that! - exclaimed Ashley
-I understand your position - replied Paul - and I regret for your dissatisfaction, anyway the belt was indicated in our contract and I do not believe it can be taken out from our agreement without changing completely the nature of it.
Ashley was impressed by the statement delivered by Paul. As usual for him he had spoken in a polite way, with a nice tone on his voice and a relaxed attitude of his face, but the reality of his words was very clear and could not be ignorated.
-I don't want to renegotiate our agreement - replied Ashley
-At the same time I want to explain you that I consider the use of the belt on me as ....... exaggerated - continued Ashley - since I have demonstrated that my attitude during the service periods has always been the requested one and I have never had a complaint from a customer for a lack of focus or a wrong attitude.
-The chastity belt is not to correct you attitude Ashley - said Paul - I don't have issues with your attitude.
-The purpose of the belt is to extend the control on you and to increase your submission level.
-I am already fully submissive to all your requests - replied Ashley - and you have a complete control over me
-The control can always be increased Ashley, and you know that very well. Consider for a moment the level of control at the beginning of our venture and the current level of it.
-The level of control you are reached with the use of the belt is too much for me! - exclaimed Ashley
-I can understand your reaction - said Paul - you have to became accustomed that, is just a matter of time
-I don't think the time will change my feelings - commented Ashley
-The same thing has happened with the piercings - said Paul - you were strongly against it at the beginning and now after some time you are used to It .
-The belt is completely different - replied Ashley - it is controlling my life in a completely different way than the piercings.
-Every aspect of my life is completely under your control ......... I cant do anything on my own ..... you are transforming me in your slave! Exclaimed Ashley.
Paul waited a few seconds before replying. From a closet of his desk he took out a flat square box and he handed it over to Ashley.
-I was waiting for the right moment to give that present to you................ and I feel this is the right moment for that.
Ashley looked the box that was similar to the ones used in the jewelries to contain a necklace. He opened the box and for a few seconds remained speechless.
Inside the box there was a sleek steel collar adorned with a ring.
The steel collar was pretty slender with a circular section of less than one centimeter and had a well polished look. If not for the ring it could look for a normal necklace. The ring was locked on the collar trough another smaller ring so it can slide along the collar for all it length.
-This is my present for you - said Paul - I will wait for you to come back next week the same hour as today.
-If you will not arrive wearing the collar, I will take out your belt and we will stop our business venture.
Part 10
Her ankles trembled as Ashley walked the length of the house. Her feet were used to high heels, but this time Paul had strapped twelve inches ballet boots on her as soon after finishing to lock the corset on her. Made of heavy black vinyl the corset trimmed several inches from her waist, and it was securely locked, with a zippered cover over the laces.
-There my darling, once I lock your collar you can begin your walk in the house.
As she passed the mirror in the master bathroom Ashley looked at herself. She was five feet but with the high heels on she looked taller, c-cups, though the corset made them swell much larger, and with good curves. She had every right to be proud of her body considering her age.
Her eyes traveled up looking at the collar she was wearing. The steel collar was looking slender with a circular section of less than half centimeter and Ashley was well aware that it was now permanently locked on her.
The collar was not restricting any movement of her head but what attracted her attention in the mirror was the silver tag in the front that Paul has attached to the front ring. SLAVE. A long penis gagged was locked on her and she could not make any noise but for light moans.
Though her thoughts were silent, the wetness that had been growing inside her became more noticeable. The chain between her ankle cuffs dragged across the expensive marble floor as she moved in the house. She knew Paul was pleased in making her wander about the house in one of her bondage outfits.
Paul was a bit of a sadist in that regard, never letting Ashley have any freedom that she didn't pay for dearly. She found Paul seated in the living room lounging reading a book seated closed to one of the fireplace, though no fire was lit.
Smiling up at her Paul said - Need some help my pretty slave?
Ashely squirmed and Paul noticed her hips waiving around due to the plugs buried inside her locked on the chastity belt. Paul showed her the remote control -
-This is a new remote, the further you get from me, the more it vibrates. Later on I will reverse it, so it vibrates more when I am close. After opening the glass door of the room Paul sent her out into the yard and locked it behind her.
After a while Ashley's ankles ached from walking in the extreme spiked heels. She thought that she'd been walking around for over an hour, and the armbinder was killing her arms in a way that was bothering her.
She hasn't spotted anyone while walking in the house and after some time walking around was becoming a lot harder for her because of the increasing intensity of the plugs that were locked inside her. Depending on the moment one or both of the plugs were vibrating pushing her close to the edge of cumming.
She could tell that Paul had gone to the other end of the house. The plugs had begun to dance within her, leaving her knees weak with the lustful feelings it gave her. She could feel her wetness inside her body.
The first orgasm put her on her knees right in the middle of the main living room. She gasped and shook with the surprising intensity. The second one left her panting near the car garage. She had fallen to her knees and then shamelessly, unable to stop herself, had turned over and humped the ground, desperate for just a little more sensation.
While she rested there she saw the sunlinght going down and realized the time has passed bye. Now all she had to do was return to Paul, and hope he would release her. As she walked to the other part of the house the vibes had begun to slow down its torment, but Paul was looking at her in the upstairs balcony and suddenly it was buzzing like a demonic bee in her pussy and ass.
She could feel Paul looking at her as she once again dropped to her knees in the carpet, the orgasm taking her breath away and making all of her bondage feel so much tighter. Her eyes hazed over as she struggled and fought her restraints, helpless to stop her body from reaching climax yet again.
Once she managed to regain some composture, Paul came close to her.
-At the beginning of our relationship you have asked me why I was devoting so many efforts to build up your career - said Paul.
-Ashley nodded in response to Paul while no offer was made to stop the incessant buzzing that was still making her juices flowing.
-At that time I have told you that I was not interested in the money and instead I was looking to meet the right person for being the right companion for my life.
Ashley stood still while Paul was talking trying to control the burning sensation inside her body.
-I am very pleased you had finally accepted to wear my slave collar and the plugged belt on a full time basis.
-Welcome home slave Ashely.