Author's Note: If this story is met with enthusiasm I will continue adding additional parts. In the future madison's descent into a world of bdsm and fetish will continue.
Part 1: Anniversary
Madison picked up her pace and smiled as she jogged around the final street corner on her way home. She couldn't help but anticipate her date tonight with Rob as she was sure it would be as amazing as every other waking moment she had spent with him.
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As her apartment came into view, she slowed her pace so that she could cool down. Glancing at her Nike SportWatch she realized she had really pushed herself on her run today and it was a new personal best. She stopped on the grass in front of her apartment and spent several minutes stretching. Once she was finished, she bounded up the steps to her apartment, eager for a shower.
Once inside Madison quickly shed her clothes in the bathroom. As she prepared to step into the shower, she glanced at herself in the mirror above the bathroom sink. The reflection showed an athletic young woman with a long braid of jet-black hair in a thick ponytail hanging between her shoulders. The young woman's face had flawless skin and a set of gleaming white teeth could be seen behind her full lips. The young woman's breasts were larger than average yet barely betrayed any sign of sagging with quarter-sized nipples topping them off. As Madison turned her rear was reflected in the mirror and anyone looking would have seen a very firm yet curvy rear that showed no sagging at all.
Madison thought how odd it was that since she had met Rob, she no longer avoided looking at herself in the mirror. Before she met Rob, she avoided looking at herself unless it was necessary for unavoidable tasks like brushing her teeth or applying makeup. She smiled as she hummed a few bars of "You're So Vain" and turned on the shower.
After finishing the shower, she quickly dried off and started to prepare for her date. As she prepared herself, she reflected on how her whirlwind romance with Rob had begun. She smiled because while it had seemed to happen so fast it had actually been two years as of today since they first met in her favorite coffee shop downtown. She forgot her wallet and he stepped up to pay for her coffee and bagel for her. (She would learn as she got to know Rob that he was always the chivalrous gentlemen and she loved that about him.) That chance meeting led to her buying him coffee the next time she saw him in the coffee shop, despite his protests. It was after that they started seeing each other and slowly evolved into becoming lovers about six months ago.
Madison was absolutely taken by Ron now although he was so hard to read at times and she could never tell exactly what he was thinking. She told herself he deeply cared for her because he certainly adored her but he was still a bit of a mystery to her. Of course, that was one of the things she absolutely loved about him, his never-ending ability to surprise her and amaze her. Madison had learned so much from Rob in just the few years they had been seeing each other and frankly she felt sick to her stomach trying to imagine life without him. Deep in her subconscious, she knew she wanted to be with Rob forever but this realization had failed to surface into her conscious although it was lurking just below the surface.
Madison focused on the present again and quickly but expertly finished applying her makeup. She stood and rubbed on some scented body lotion, a particular scent she knew drove Rob wild. As she rubbed the lotion on, she couldn't help but notice her long French manicured nails on her thighs. Yet another thing she had stumbled upon that she knew was something Rob appreciated...a lot. She had been having her nails manicured professionally for almost a year now and she had finally gotten used to the half-inch length.
After finishing in the bathroom, she went to her bedroom where she laid out three different outfits on her bed. She tried to weigh the pluses and minuses of each outfit but gave up and decided to go with the one she knew for sure would be a hit with Rob. Madison selected a black lace thong and a black lace garter belt. She quickly put them on and followed with a pair of black lace thigh stocking with a seam up the back complimented by a small red bow at the top of each seam. Madison topped her lingerie off with a matching black lace strapless bra with a small red bow between her breasts.
Madison was about to pick up her dress to put it on when she had an idea pop into her head. She went over to her jewelry case and removed an unopened package containing a delicate silver chain that had a pair of silver hearts dangling from the ends. Madison smiled impishly as she encircled her narrow waist with the chain and clipped the end to her silver navel ring. The two small hearts on the chain dangled about an inch below her navel and the chain around her waist was tight enough that it only slightly draped on her hips. Madison had long suspected Rob loved jewelry on women and tonight she was going to blow him away.
After walking around to admire how her lingerie and jewelry looked, she went back to her bed where she slipped into a strapless red and black silk dress that ended at her knees. Madison zipped the dress up behind her back and felt it hug her figure as the zipper reached the top. Madison carefully adjusted her breasts in the dress as she turned to her full-length mirror. The lower portion of the dress below her breasts was a vibrant shimmery red while the bustier portion was a slippery looking black, outlined with a small line of red between and along the top of the bustier. As she surveyed herself, she broke into a wide grin and resisted the urge to dance. Rob was going to absolutely love this and they were going to have incredible sex, she could hardly wait.
Madison made one more quick trip into the bathroom to check her makeup and hair. Her makeup was a mix of blacks and dark grays for her eyes and "Lotus Red" for her lips. She had brushed her hair out after her shower and then lightly curled it. Her hair now cascaded down between her shoulders in vibrant, black waves. "Oh my god, Rob is going to ravish you tonight!" she murmured to herself in delight as her emerald green eyes twinkled in the mirror.
She hurried back to her bedroom where she selected a small matching black and chrome handbag in which she placed her wallet and a few other personal items. Once her handbag was ready, she went to her shoe closet where she removed a pair of black Louboutin spike-heeled pumps. The shoes had been an unbelievable gift from Rob this year and she really loved them. The top of the shoes consisted of a series of thin feminine laces crisscrossing the top of her foot and ending in a single ankle strap. Madison bent down and adjusted the shoes as she fastened the ankle straps. Once she was satisfied they were adjusted she walked into her living room carrying her handbag.
Madison picked up her smartphone and noticed she had several texts waiting. The first was simply a picture of a glass vase holding a breathtaking bouquet of flowers and a simple yet elegant card propped up against the vase with the words "Happy Anniversary" written on it. The second text was another picture but this one was of a crystal glass filled with red wine sitting on a white draped dinner table. The number "5" was superimposed over the image with a less than symbol in front of the number. Madison smiled as Rob had played around with texting, images, messages, and cryptic puzzles since early on in their relationship. She had tried to match his cleverness but he was clearly a master.
Madison took her phone and took a picture of her nails drumming on the dinner table. It was mere seconds after she sent the picture when she received a reply. This time it was of a speedometer showing the needle clearly at 100 m.p.h. with a number "2" superimposed over the image and the same less than symbol in front of it. Madison laughed and hurried to the front door with her handbag, phone, and house keys.
Part 2: The Ride
Madison had just finished locking her apartment door when she heard a finely tuned sports car screech to a halt on the street. She broke into a smile as she turned to see Rob stepping out of the driver's side of the polished silver BMW. Rob looked amazing in a perfectly fitted black Brioni tuxedo. He bounded around the car as she walked down the sidewalk in front of her apartment.
As they approached Rob spoke first, "Excuse me mademoiselle but have you seen the beautiful woman that lives in the apartment here?"
Madison played along with Rob and replied, "No but I did hear she was planning to run off with a handsome young playboy to some exotic location."
Rob's grin turned to a frown as he placed his hand under his chin, "That is a tragedy but since I do have reservations at a ridiculously expensive restaurant, I suppose you will do."
Madison let out a gasp and lightly punched Rob in the shoulder.
Rob smiled and exclaimed, "Feisty, I like that. It seems this evening is looking better already."
They both laughed and Rob leaned forward to embrace her in a firm hug. Rob gave her a brief but passionate kiss on the lips then took her arm as he led her to the car. As Madison sat in the luxurious leather seat Rob reached across and gently put her seat belt on before giving her another kiss, this one a bit more passionate. Madison felt her breath drawn out of her and the magic of Rob touched her once again.
Rob smiled at her, his eyes full of vigor as he huskily said, "You do look incredible Mattie."
"Thank you and you don't look too bad yourself," Madison replied as she congratulated herself on the positive affect her appearance was having on Rob. She continued smiling as Rob slipped back into the car and pulled away from the curb. Once they were underway Rob reached over and took her hand in his, giving it a gentle squeeze. What a wonderful start to a great evening she thought.
As they drove to what would surely be a lovely dinner destination, she glanced over at Rob. She knew Rob was nearly forty but he looked more like he was approaching thirty. His face could best be described as "handsome" and she thought of famous people like Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt, Ben Affleck, or Mel Gibson. Then there was his incredible body which was not heavily muscled but was just incredibly fit. Rob was built more like a soccer player than a football player. He moved so easily despite his 6'4" frame and wow could he run. She prided herself on her running ability but he moved like an Olympian. Madison turned her attention back to Rob's face and the black, so black it was almost blue, hair that perfectly covered his head in a dashing outdoorsman style. She couldn't see them but she knew Rob's incredible dark blue eyes were there as well, the eyes she knew were always filled with life and passion.
"You shouldn't stare, it is not nice." Rob chided.
Madison quickly replied, "You can stare at me later if you let me stare at you now."
Rob instantly responded with a barely suppressed laugh. "Deal."
Part 3: Celebration and Choice
Rob pushed in the chair for Madison and then took a seat next to her. Their destination had been one of the most expensive restaurants in town and the view of the city was incredible. The table had a beautiful bouquet of flowers waiting for her and they were her favorite lilies. She smiled and kissed Rob.
"Geez, save your appetite for dinner." Rob scolded.
Madison came back with, "Maybe I just want to go straight to dessert."
They both laughed as the waiter arrived with wine Rob had apparently selected before their arrival. As the wine was poured, they settled in the always comfortable talk that always happened when they were together now.
While they were waiting for their food, they recalled highlights of their relationship and laughed a great deal. As they held hands and talked Rob grew uncharacteristically quiet. Madison looked at him quizzically and asked if everything was okay. Rob turned to her with a serious look on his face.
"Mattie, I know we have only been together a short time but I think we are at a critical point in our relationship," Rob stated matter-of-factly.
Madison felt her breathing stop and her heart pound in her chest. Was he going to ask her to marry him? God, she prayed he would. She found it difficult to breathe as she realized he could also be ending their relationship. She felt sick to her stomach now and she could feel herself becoming lightheaded. She forced herself to breathe enough to keep herself from passing out.
Ron continued in a serious tone, "I think you know how I feel about you now. I want to continue having a relationship with you no matter what you decide."
Madison exhaled shakily and praised the gods that he wasn't breaking up with her. She doubted she could survive such heartache.
"One path is not a lot different than what we have now and that is okay with me, really it is. The other path is the path to something deeper than what we have now and I feel will result in something that is so much more. I have dreamed of this all of my adult life." Rob paused to take a sip of his wine.
She took advantage of Rob's pause to ask, "Something you have dreamed of, can I ask what it is?"
Rob exhaled as if trying to think of how to respond to her question. This was something Madison rarely witnessed, Rob at a loss for words.
Finally, Rob stated, "If I told you what the final dream is now it would ruin the journey. It is the type of thing if I tell you now then it will never be the same for either of us again. I will tell you that the deeper path will mean some pretty dramatic changes early on with many more to follow but at a more relaxed pace."
Madison's curiosity was killing her. This was Rob's biggest riddle ever. "Can I ask any questions about the deeper path though?"
Rob smiled, "I love your curiosity, I truly do. I know if I allow you to use that brilliant mind without restraint you will chip away at the final destination until it is still somehow ruined. So, I will let you ask five questions and only five questions about the deep path."
Madison thought carefully before asking, "Will the deeper path change me?"
Rob's seemed to be suppressing a chuckle as he replied, "Absolutely."
She asked, "Have other women gone down this path with you?" As soon as she said it, she regretted it because there was a flash of pain in his eyes.
Rob sighed as he replied, "One other woman tried to go down the path years before I met you but she couldn't do it so she stepped off the path."
Madison didn't want to think about other women being with Rob so she quickly followed with, "What happens if I don't want to follow the path at some point?"
"That is always your choice but if that truly is your choice then sadly our relationship would come to an end." Rob looked very sad at the thought which gave Madison very mixed emotions.
"I am not sure if I can ask this because it might give away the ending too much but could the end of the journey result in a more permanent bond between us?" Madison asked, unconsciously holding her breath as she waited for the answer.
Rob smiled, seeming to be a bit cheerier, "If what you are trying to ask is could you completing the journey result in us becoming married in some sort of a barbaric ritual the answer would be a resounding yes." Rob chuckled aloud as he finished answering.
Madison's mind kicked into overdrive as she had been having incredible dreams of being married to Rob this past year and she could hardly believe it could become real.
Rob squeezed her hand gently to shake her from her daydream. "Do you have another question for me Mattie?"
Madison thought for a moment before telling Rob, "I would like to save it until later."
Rob smiled at Madison's ability to think despite the enormous pressure she must be feeling. He loved how incredibly beautiful, intelligent, witty, and downright fun she was. "Okay I will let you mull your final question over during dinner but I fear I must have your answer before dessert."
Madison responded, "Fair enough then."
Rob opened a small gift bag he had been hiding. He removed three boxes and placed them on the table in front of Madison. One box was small and white-colored. The biggest box was about the size of a three-ring binder and colored black. The final box was red and was very small like a jewelry box. Rob placed the red box on top of the black box without saying a word.
Madison was staring at the boxes trying to imagine what could possibly be in them. Her curiosity had never been higher and she was absolutely dying. She glanced at Rob and he was clearly enjoying her mental anguish immensely.
Finally, she asked Rob if she could ask about the boxes without using her last question.
Rob replied, "Absolutely but I will not tell you what is in them."
Madison was exasperated as she asked, "Well what can you tell me about them then?"
"I can tell you the black and red boxes are yours if you choose the deeper path and the white one is if you choose the other path. You could always just choose and find out what is in one or two of them now." Rob tempted.
Madison smirked, "You almost had me but you should know by now I am not that easy."
Rob laughed, "I would expect nothing less of you Mattie."
Dinner came and it was as incredible as the rest of the night. Madison ate only a few bites though as the torment of the mystery boxes lay before her. She had never felt so torn by which decision to make. She knew no matter what she chose it would be life-altering in some fashion. What could Rob possibly be talking about with this "deeper path" nonsense? She also recalled with a twinge of jealousy that one woman had already failed to "walk the path" as she believed Rob had put it. If she tried would she also fail she wondered?
Rob had been watching Madison who was frantically mentally working through her dilemma. He was about to say something to lighten her mood when she suddenly turned to him and asked, "Okay final question. What choice do you want me to make?"
Madison felt triumphant as she could now clearly see that Rob was struggling with the answer. Madison had come to realize she loved Rob like nobody she had ever known and if she needed to follow some silly "path" to prove it she certainly would then. Let Rob reveal the path he wanted her to follow. Madison felt as if she had finally beaten Rob at his own game and she smiled her best victory smile.
Rob appeared to be truly at a loss but then Madison saw a grin erupt as if a trap had been sprung. Rob laughed as he announced, "You really thought you had me didn't you but think about it, Mattie. How could I and more importantly why would I not want you to pick the path that could fulfill my dreams? So, I think I have your answer, my love. By the way, you can still choose either path of course."
Madison's smile faded as she realized she had been tricked, okay maybe not tricked but outsmarted just when she thought she finally had Rob. It was nice of Rob to still offer her a choice but she would never give him the satisfaction of backing down to what she resigned herself was going to be her little personal challenge. Madison would have the last laugh because she was going to accept his "deep path" and kick its ass!
Madison reached her hand forward before she could talk herself out of it and touched the red and black boxes. "This is my choice and there will be no convincing me otherwise with your trickery." Madison sounded far braver than she felt but she knew by uttering the words she was now truly committed to the "deep path."
Part 4: A Path Is Chosen
Rob placed his hand over hers and as she looked at him, he bent forward and kissed her passionately on the lips. Madison closed her eyes and soaked up his wonderful affection, gaining strength from their bond.
"I love you Mattie and I will be here for you every step of the way on your path." Rob looked at her lovingly with a touch of excitement flashing in his incredible blue eyes.
"I am glad you are going with me," Madison didn't say anything else because she really didn't know what else to say. Instead, she turned her attention to the black box and opened it.
Inside the box was a beautifully crafted solid silver necklace with a small feminine cursive "m" attached to the front. Madison was surprised, a nice necklace, okay maybe she was just building this whole path thing up too much in her mind. She picked the necklace up and was surprised at the weight of it. It was about a half-inch wide and a quarter-inch thick composed of brilliantly polished silver. Picking it up Madison could see that the "m" on the front was composed of diamonds. Madison noticed Rob watching her reaction intently out of the corner of her eye. "Can I put it on now," she asked?
"I thought you would never ask," Rob replied sounding truly excited as he carefully took the necklace from her as she moved to lift her thick hair away from her neck.
She watched as Rob swung the necklace open on a cleverly hidden hinge concealed behind the "m." Madison then felt the cold metal touch the front of her throat and then the sides as it was closed behind her neck with a muted clicking sound. She released her hair and turned to face Rob. "Well, what do you think?"
Rob's eyes were filled with excitement and something she now recognized as desire. "It is beyond all I had imagined."
Madison smiled, feeling ecstatic about Rob's reaction. Perhaps this choice was the best choice for her as well because it certainly appeared to be awakening something in Rob. She felt excitement as she reached for the small red box. Before she could open it though Rob's hand covered hers as he told her that box would come later.
She smiled and gave Rob a quick kiss on his lips which only served to please him all the more. Dinner was followed by an incredible dessert and some more of the wonderful wine. The conversation was great but a bit awkward because Madison's head was filled with so many questions about what was next.
After dinner Rob paid, leaving an incredibly generous tip. Rob handed her the red box and told her she better hang on to it. As they were waiting for the valet to bring their car around, Rob reached behind her and gave her ass a playful squeeze. Madison looked up at Rob with a knowing smile and she knew her eyes were filled with desire as well.
Part 5: The Necklace
Madison woke in the warm silk sheets of the king-size bed. Rob had apparently already gotten up as he was nowhere to be seen. Madison turned onto her back to see the white curtains flapping gently in the breeze coming through the open bedroom window. Madison could see that the sky outside was a brilliant blue and with the burning sun already approaching its apex in the sky. Madison closed her eyes and thought of last night after dinner. Rob had truly ravished her when they got back to his place. He had always been great in bed but this time he was better than great. Rob had seemed insatiable and he wore her out until she could barely keep her eyes open. God, it had been the best sex ever and Rob made some comment about it only being the beginning. How much better could it get she wondered?
She slipped out of bed and as she stood and took her first steps, she realized she was going to be sore in her most intimate place today. As she continued walking to the master bathroom the soreness gave her a certain sense of satisfaction. She felt she had given as good as she had gotten and she hoped Rob was a bit sore as well.
Madison turned to the giant tile shower that was large enough for three or four people and started one of the showerheads. As she tested the water with her hand, she remembered her new necklace. Madison left the water running and turned to the large double vanity in the bathroom which had a mirror running all the way along the backsplash. Madison reached up and felt along the back of the necklace with her fingers but she felt no obvious clasp. She frowned and kept feeling around the necklace but there seemed to be no discernible means of opening the necklace. She mover her fingers around to the "m" on the front and felt around the letter, thinking maybe something might be there. Again, she felt nothing but the smooth edges of the letter.
She really wanted to get in the shower but she didn't want to take a chance on ruining the necklace. She resigned herself to finding Rob so that she could get the necklace off. Madison grabbed her red silk robe from beside the shower as she turned and walked out of the bathroom.
Madison found Rob preparing some fruit in the massive kitchen. Rob instantly broke into a smile and stopped what he was doing to give her a big hug and passionate kiss.
"Well good morning sleepyhead," he chimed. "I trust you slept well."
Madison stifled a yawn, "I would have slept great except for some sex-crazed maniac seemed to be sharing the bed with me."
Rob continued grinning as he responded, "What a lucky sex-crazed maniac he was to share a bed with someone as hot as you!"
Madison suppressed a laugh as she asked, "How do I get my necklace off?"
"Well my love, you do not get it off."
Madison's brow wrinkled, "My ears must not be awake yet, I thought you just said I can't take the necklace off."
Rob went back to preparing the fruit as he replied, "Your beautiful ears are fine, that is exactly what I said."
"Okay, so are you like saying I can never take it off then?"
Rob shook his head, "Kind of yes."
"Can you explain that a little better to me, please," Madison asked trying to keep the frustration out of her voice.
"You cannot take the necklace off yourself, only I can remove it from you. Oh, and technically it is not a necklace, it is a collar." Rob finished cutting the fruit and was now arranging it on a plate.
Madison digested the information before speaking again. "So, it is a collar, like a pet collar then?" Before Rob could answer, she asked, "So how do you get it off then if I can't?
"I have the special magnetic key required to open the collar and you are far more than a pet to me." He glanced at her and she could see he was being serious.
"Okay...so I am going to have to wear this collar forever then?"
"I don't know about forever but certainly until I take it off. If it makes you feel any better, I will tell you now that there will be times when I remove it. Of course, it will always go back on eventually." He picked up the plates of fruit and walked away. Before he was out of sight he called out, "Don't worry about getting it wet, it is completely waterproof."
Madison stood by herself now, trying to absorb the strange conversation they just had. She shook her head in wonder and walked back to the master bathroom. As she walked, she couldn't help but reach up and touch the cool metal collar locked around her neck. During her shower, she puzzled a great deal over the idea Rob had locked a collar around her neck. What could it mean? There were so many things but ultimately she settled on the most likely reason and that was Rob loved her so much he wanted it to be a symbol of that bond they shared. If that was the case then she could live with it, after all. she did want to be with him forever.
Part 6: Ground Rules
Madison had dressed in a pair of white lace thong panties and a simple yellow sundress after finishing her shower. She went to find Rob and she soon found him seated on the huge patio overlooking the ocean. He was at the round breakfast table and as she approached, he stood up and pulled out her chair. Once they were seated again, he removed the napkin that had been covering her breakfast plate.
"I hope you have an appetite as I made you some Moroccan baked eggs with spinach in addition to your usual fruit plate."
Rob was an excellent cook and she loved to see the enthusiasm he displayed as he moved about the kitchen creating his latest delicacy. The food looked delicious and she realized she was really hungry. She dug into the food with gusto and Rob watched her intently, pleased with her appetite.
Madison took a drink from her glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice before asking, "Last night you mentioned some quick changes or something like that with the choice I made. What do you mean by that?"
Rob wiped his mouth and finished chewing his food before answering. "I am glad you asked because there is quite a lot to do. The sooner we get started the sooner we can slow down a bit and relax."
Madison kept eating but was feeling anxious with all the talk of rapid change and such.
Rob continued, "The first thing is you will be moving here to my guest house."
"What? I didn't even know you had a guest house. Where is it? What about my apartment?" Madison forced herself to remain calm. Rob had said some rapid changes but this wasn't anything she had imagined.
"The guest house is down the driveway to the right and you haven't seen it because you did not need to see anything other than my bedroom." Rob grinned and winked before continuing. "You don't need to worry about your apartment as I will have all of your things moved and I will take care of the default on your lease as well."
Madison chewed a piece of mango and swallowed slowly before asking, "Why can't I stay at my apartment anymore?"
"I want you close to me as you explore your chosen path. I mean after all the point of this whole thing is to bring us closer and to a point, we have never been before, right?"
Madison nodded because Rob was right. She signed onto this crazy train because she hoped it would bring them closer with dreams of marriage at the end, at least in her fairy tale dream. Of course, none of the fairy tales she read ever had the princess wearing a collar she mused.
Rob held up a finger as he finished swallowing his milk. "This is a good time to explain to you how your escape plan works. You know, if you decide at some point you simply do not want to continue on the path. Obviously, I pray you never use it but should you need to leave the path you must simply say the words 'paradise lost' to me and it will be over."
"The words are 'paradise lost,' don't you think that is a bit overdramatic?" Madison asked, half-serious.
"I thought it was appropriate given what would happen should they be used."
Madison nodded, committing the words to memory while hoping she would never have to use them. "What now?"
Rob leaned back enjoying the view of Madison with the ocean in the background. "Once you finish breakfast, I can take you home to grab what you might need until I can have the movers over to grab the rest of your things."
"What happens after that?"
Rob smiled, "Wow someone is eager this morning. Let's start with getting you moved and then I will show you to your new place." As he finished talking, he stood, "I have to use the little boys' room."
Madison watched him walk back into the house with all the grace and confidence of a lion. God how she loved him but what had she gotten herself into? She told herself to just relax and allow it to play out. After all, she knew she was in good hands, very good hands she thought as she recalled the previous night in his bed.