The Gingerbread House
  • Author - Darkwolf
  • Rating -   
  • Site Rank - 186 of 2955
  • Story Codes - F-f, Other-f, consensual, armbinder, bondage, chastity, latex, public, sensorydep, teen, toys, voyeur
  • Post Date - 10/23/2019

Author's Note: This is the first multi-part story I've worked on in some time. Please read, enjoy and leave a comment.

Part 1

It was something of a truism that, if you dug deep enough every neighborhood, no matter how small, had its mysteries and a rare few of those were even actually mysteries. Famous crimes, strange disappearances, spooky occurrences and unexplained phenomenon, the kind of things that might even draw in tourists or a television crew if the neighborhood was insistent enough in promoting itself. Of course, most neighborhood mysteries were completely mundane. Little more than housewife gossip, the type passed around church pews and barbecues, or wildly exaggerated stories that became little more than urban legends, if they were interesting enough. Hickory Lane could not even claim that much. Oh, there was certainly plenty of gossip, that seemed to be something of a universal constant, but most of it was of an utterly mundane sort. The Emerson divorce had been the biggest news in a while, but that ended up being too painfully amicable to make for a good story. No, the real enduring mystery of the neighborhood was a house. Not a haunted house, nothing so interesting, just an old house. It was a nice house, most would agree, a small two-story affair at the far end of the block right next to a thicket of hickory trees that had given the development its name once upon a time enclosed by a wooden fence in the back. Now, who had built the house and when was something of a mystery. No one in the neighborhood was entirely certain just how long it had been there, though most agreed that it had to have been among the first homes built here and certainly the oldest still standing, but that was hardly the sort of mystery that got tongues wagging. Nor was the house some rundown and abandoned ruin of an earlier age. The building itself was clean and well kept, the shutters painted, the yard and the gardens in the back were neatly tended and the pool was cleaned regularly. That was no mystery either since the house was occupied and had been for years. No, as was also traditional the true mystery of 137 N. Hickory Lane was its residents.

Two young women were known to make that house their home and had for years, though again if pressed no one could say precisely when they had moved there. One of the residents, Sofia Petrovna was, in fact, quite well known. Though her slightly ageless features made it hard to tell just how old she actually was the blonde haired, blue eyed and quite friendly woman was something of a fixture in the community. Each morning, weather permitting, Sofia went jogging around the neighborhood, the sports bra and short shorts she wore showing off a toned and athletic frame. In the spring and summer she mowed the lawn, trimmed the trees, tended the garden and did work on the house while in the fall she raked leaves and the winter months saw her wielding a snow shovel. Indeed most assumed she was the house's caretaker since no one else was ever seen working on it and she seemed to have no other job. Despite that she was almost perpetually energetic and happy, always greeting passers-by with a wave and a smile, a faint Russian accent lending her an exotic air. She happily played with the neighborhood children, never refused to help her neighbors with their own yard work and it was something of a truth of the universe among the block's kids that come Halloween Sofia's house had the best candy. Friendly and beautiful she was also the object of more than a few teenage fantasies, and some of the neighborhood boys insisted that they'd seen her sunbathing topless by the pool. Of course, no one who claimed to have seen it could produce any proof though that certainly didn't stop the stories.

Sofia's housemate, on the other hand, was a bit of a mystery. Roxanna Kormou seemed to be something of a recluse. She was rarely seen outside of the house and even more rarely during the day. Appearing to be of a similar age to Sofia, Roxanna's dark hair and eyes, coupled with her name and light olive skin suggested a Mediterranean heritage and those who had heard her speak (which were not many) claimed she had a thick accent, though not an incomprehensible one. She was thin, but by no means athletic, preferred to cover herself with long sleeves and high collars even in summer, and moved with the sort of deliberate stiffness that suggested an old and poorly healed injury. At a glance most would assume that Sofia was her caretaker as well, that Roxanna had been in some sort of accident and a friend or perhaps even a distant relatively (as unlikely as that seemed) had moved in to care for her home and see to her needs. Of course, gossip being what it was more than a few hinted that the pair's relationship was a touch more intimate than that. Once upon a time someone had actually asked Sofia if the pair were lovers and, in her typically friendly fashion, she just smiled and said, "Of course I love her." While that didn't really answer the question, and most just shook their heads and assumed that, English not being her first language, Sofia hadn't fully understood the question, it nonetheless cemented the rumor in place as part of the block's folklore. Of course, in the twentieth century a lesbian couple living at the end of the block was hardly the sort of thing to get a neighborhood up in arms, although the number of teenage fantasies certainly saw an increase that day.

Still, despite all this Roxanna herself remained something of a mystery that gave rise to all sorts of stories. She clearly had money if she could afford to keep property without a visible job. Was she some sort of heiress? The relative of a celebrity? Perhaps a political refugee? That would certainly explain the mysterious injuries and accent. Others suggested the more mundane, and probably correct, explanation that she was either self-employed and had the sort of job that allowed one to work out of the home or had received an insurance settlement for her injuries but that was far too mundane for most. Whatever the case might be, though, no one really knew. Sofia always insisted it wasn't her place to say and Roxanna only offered an annoyed glare the few times anyone had tried to ask her. Most assumed it was either too personal or too painful and let it go. To all of this the neighborhood children had added their own, far more amusing stories. Given her reclusive nature and apparent hate of natural light the younger kids said she was obviously a vampire or a demon, maybe even a witch or some other kind of monster hiding in plain sight. Perhaps trying to sound more reasonable, older kids said she was a criminal who had been betrayed. That she had faked her death and was hiding out in this boring neighborhood to lie low and recover from the torture her rivals had subjected her to and that Sofia was the faithful bodyguard or loyal right hand that had rescued her. Edging back into the territory of fantasies some versions of this tale suggested that Sofia was actually her slave and such stories often included lurid speculation of the torments the sadistic crime boss subjected her blonde plaything to. No on had ever asked if either either Sofia or Roxanna had an opinion on these tales, though that was probably for the best.

Brianna Wilde knew all of these stories, of course. She liked to think she knew more about the two mysterious women than anyone else on the block having lived next door to them for most of her life. Her parents had moved to the neighborhood when she was young and for a long time she hadn't even known there had been rumors about her neighbors. As a child all she'd known was that the pretty blonde lady next door let her play in the yard, pick flowers in the garden and even swim in the pool. She'd always liked Sofia's accent and had even been inside the old house a time or two, a fact that had made her feel like the queen of the playground when her friends had found out. By contrast Roxanna could be a little scary, especially as she always seemed to be frowning when Sofia wasn't around, but she also always had cookies when Brianna came by and let her borrow books from the huge library in the den. Of course, in time the nature of her relationship to her neighbors had changed. She didn't play in the yard anymore, visited the house only rarely and hadn't swum in the pool for years. Now a days she really didn't even speak to them much save for a friendly hello now and then. Part of that was growing up, she was in her last year of high school now, but part of it was embarrassment. In her more honest moment Brianna could admit that she had become somewhat obsessed with the pair.

It had started innocently enough when she was fourteen. Unable to sleep, one morning she had gotten up extremely early and, glancing out the window of her room in the second story dormer, had seen Sofia returning from her early morning run. That was nothing new, she had seen Sofia in her exercise cloths before, but this morning her new found hormones decided to take notice. The woman's toned muscles were clearly visible beneath skin covered in a thin sheen of sweat, her ample breasts bounced tantalizingly with each step and an ass you bounce a quarter off of was neatly displayed by those tight shorts. She had been too young at the time to really understand, or at least admit to herself, why she started in rapt fascination but since then it had become a ritual for Brianna to wake up early every day to watch Sofia leave and then return from her morning run. It embarrassed her a little, but not enough to stop. About two years or so later the truth had smashed her in the face like a brick. It had been a Saturday afternoon and Brianna could remember coming up to her room to get something (though for the life of her she could not remember what) and had just happened to look out the window which offered a clear view over the fence of the small pool that dominated the yard next door. She had been in that yard many times but by luck or happenstance Brianna Wilde had looked out the window just in time to see Sofia walk out the back door wearing a bikini that redefined "barely there." Unable to tear her gaze away, she had stared, face blazing, as the statuesque blonde dove into the pool, swam a half dozen laps and climbed out to sun herself. It was the first time she had been able to confirm, after a fashion, one of the local rumors. Sofia did not sunbathe topless, rather she shed her entire suit before laying her nude frame out on a beach chair beneath the porch awning to enjoy the heat of the day. Indeed, Brianna had learned a lot of things that day, including more than a few things about herself.

That had become a new tradition in the summer months, finding an excuse in the early afternoon to retreat to her room and peak out the window, hoping to catch another glimpse. Unlike her running schedule Sofia did not seem to swim regularly, but over the years Brianna had caught the woman taking a dip in a number of scandalously scant swim suits before sunning herself nude on the back patio. After that sexual awakening she'd begun to fantasize about the blonde, especially as she touched herself, and had dreamed about her more than once, concocting any one of a thousand impossible scenarios about seducing the older woman, everything from bluntly confessing her feelings to arranging a "chance" encounter one afternoon during a sunbathing session, but of course she'd never dared act on any of it. She had no idea how to seduce anyone, and besides that she was still just a kid and even if she was sure Sofia would be kind about it she didn't want to hear the inevitable rejection and spoil the increasingly elaborate fantasies she was building. It was just a bit of harmless fun, she told herself, and it certainly wasn't hurting anyone.

The moment in which she had become truly obsessed, though, came one winter when she was seventeen and, quite by accident, confirmed a second rumor. By that time Brianna was more or less comfortable in her bisexuality and had come out to her parents, a nerve racking experience that proved to be extremely anticlimactic, not that she was bothered by that. She had even gone on a few dates with people her own age, though none of them had really lasted long. Perhaps subconsciously none of them could compare to her crush or maybe it was just high school. In any case, she remembered that evening clearly enough. She had already changed for bed and turned out the lights and was just finishing up by setting the alarm clock when she noticed something odd. Looking out her window she saw that the curtains of the neighbor's second story window across from hers were open and a light was on, showing off a small but well appointed bedroom. She had never been in the upstairs of the old house and as far as she knew the curtains had never been open. In fact it was something of a truism that the curtains were always drawn on the second story windows of 137 N. Hickory Lane. Still she hadn't really given it that much thought at the time and probably would have just as quickly forgotten the incident but then, as if summoned, a door opened and Roxanna stepped into the room completely naked.

The first thing Brianna had noted was that the olive-skinned woman was striking. While she lacked the toned and athletic build that Sofia cultivated her body had the sort of slender and graceful symmetry that many prized. The second thing she noticed were the woman's scars and there were certainly a lot of them. The long and vertical lines of slashes that had clearly cut deep, irregular puckered marks that suggested either stab wounds or broken bones that had burst through the skin, and large pale splashes that might have been burns of some type. They ran down her neck and onto her shoulders and arms, down her body and legs, sparse in some places and heavy in others. Her right side had been particularly savaged and the knot of angry scars over her hip certainly explained why she walked so stiffly. It also explained why Roxanna covered herself so thoroughly, even in summer months, and yet despite the clear evidence of the cruelty she had suffered (Brianna had trouble believing that such marks were the result of an accident) the woman still stood proudly, unbowed by the misfortunes that had marred her. It was no one thing that she could put her finger on, but in that moment Brianna thought the woman was fiercely beautiful.

The tableau was broken not a heartbeat later when Sofia emerged into the room, equally naked, and the small scowl that seemed permanently etched into Roxanna's face melted away into a gentle smile. The brunette said something then, but Brianna was much too far away to hear and had no idea how to read lips, though whatever it was Sofia laughed uproariously before she wrapped her arms around the other woman's waist and pulled her into a deep kiss. Brianna remembered her face flushing in embarrassment and excitement as proof positive was laid out right before her eyes that the two really were lovers. At least she was pretty sure they were, after all friends didn't usually engage in naked tongue kissing, even in Europe. Any remaining doubt was thoroughly shredded a moment later when the two tumbled into bed. Brianna had realized then, her breath quickening and her nipples hardening at the sight unfolding before her very eyes, that hidden in the shadows of her room as she was the pair could not see her even if they had been paying attention. She'd swallowed hard at the revelation and lowered herself into her desk chair, biting her lip and squeezing her thighs together as she watched, guilt and arousal warring within her.

She knew what sex was, having lost her own virginity recently, and anyone with Internet access and enough cleverness to get around parental controls had ready access to as much porn as they could stand but watching this felt different. This was real and it was really happening right in front of her, this was a pair of people she knew, this was a woman she had a crush on. Brianna knew that she should have looked away, but couldn't help herself and so, despite feeling very much like a pervert, she kept watching. She watched as the pair kissed and caressed each other. She watched as fingers and lips and tongues were used to tease out orgasm after orgasm, the lovers writhing and twisting and moaning as they pleasured each other. And she watched as they ground their bodies together, riding a wave of mutual ecstasy before collapsing together into a pile of limbs, embracing each other tightly as they kissed and, finally, drifted off to sleep in each others' arms. Compared to some of the pictures and videos she had seen it had been a rather vanilla performance all things told, but in that moment Brianna felt more turned on than she had ever had before. Once it was over and she was certain no one had noticed her she had practically dived into bed, a hand down her shorts and between her slick thighs before the blanket had even settled. She came fast and hard that night, the tableaux dancing in her mind, as she dreamed of being trapped between a blonde goddess and a scarred beauty as the pair ravished her helpless form.

In the months since that had become the third of her rituals, checking her window each night before bed to see if the curtains had been left open. They hadn't been so far, and she honestly wasn't certain if she was disappointed or relieved at that. She still watched Sofia exercise each morning, admiring her body and the way it moved as she jogged, and now that the heat seemed to be upon them again Sofia had re-opened the pool. She had taken her first swim last week, in fact, and Brianna had been lucky enough to see it and the show that followed. A part of her, the more honest part, knew that what she was doing was wrong, that these voyeuristic rituals of hers were a gross violation of privacy but she could not bring herself to stop. She could justify watching Sofia exercise, after all the woman had other admirers and she didn't seem to mind them, and she could almost justify watching her sunbathe since it was in public (although the presence of the fence suggested the woman might think it wasn't), but this? Checking the windows each night in hopes of catching her neighbors having sex? There was no justification for that.

As she prepared for bed, changing into a pair of shorts and a loose tank top, those thoughts bothered Brianna as they did most nights. Every day it seemed like she resolved not to look, but each night she did. She was eighteen now, would be graduating in just over a month and then heading off to collage in the fall and here she was still acting like a kid with a crush on an older woman. No, worse than that she was behaving like some kind of obsessed freak, the kind you saw on TV or in movies. Sighing, she straightened out her shirt, wincing a little as the cloth brushed against nipples still sensitive from being recently pierced, and pulled her brightly dyed hair into a tight ponytail before walking over to her desk to set the alarm. Almost unconsciously she looked up to glance out the window and scan the house next door as she had done hundreds of times. This time her breathe caught in her throat. The curtains were open. She spent a moment frozen in indecision, part of her screaming that she should just go to bed and forget about it but she could not bring herself to move. The decision was made a heartbeat later when the door across the way swung open and, in a slight panic, Brianna threw herself into into the shadows beside the window. Trembling slightly in a heady mix of anticipation and dread she leaned in to get a clear view.

As before, Roxanna stepped into the room first as naked as the day she was born, limping slightly but otherwise she seemed quite pleased with herself. Her long brown hair was loose and she seemed to be smiling slightly. Stopping in the middle of the room she paused to glance over her shoulder and said something, though again Brianna had no idea what it was. The girl gasped then in shock as Sofia appeared, equally naked and smiling widely, her hands on the shoulders of yet another woman whom she was guiding into the room. Brianna drank in the sight. This third woman, whomever she was, was bound tightly and cruelly. A catsuit of latex, translucent though slightly smoky in color, clung tightly to every curve of her body and showed off her short and thin form. It was hard to make out at this distance, but Brianna thought she could see the black lines of tattoos on the skin beneath but the only part of the woman's body left exposed were her small breasts while a currently closed zipper on her crotch granted access. Her arms were tightly pulled behind her back, a monoglove locking them together wrist to elbow which forced her shoulders back and made her breasts stand out even more. A shiny silver collar circled her throat and last, but not least, a hood of the same skin tight latex covered her head. The hood was pitch black, completely obscuring the woman's identity, while a tight blindfold covered her eyes, rendering her completely helpless. The only openings in the hood were a pair of small holes for the nostrils and a cutout around the mouth. And oh that mouth, wrenched wide open, lips forced into an 'O' of surprise by a ring gag that showed off a pierced tongue nestled within, cruel straps cutting into her cheeks to lock the thing in place.

Brianna felt her breathe quickening, nipples hard despite the lingering soreness of her piercings, and pussy clenched in anticipation at the unfolding sight. Roxanna then stepped up to the bound woman, a smile curving her lips as she set her hands on latex covered hips. The woman trembled at the contact, though out of anticipation or dread Brianna could not say, and seemed to jerk slightly in Sofia's grip as those hands ran up her sides to cup her small breasts. Roxanna played with those captive breasts for several moments, making the bound woman jerk in her grip, especially when slender fingers pinched her nipples. One of those hands then dropped down between the bound woman's thighs, a pair of fingers stroking her captive pussy with what looked like maddening softness. This time the bound woman jerked hard, thrusting her hips forward and throwing her head back in what looked like a moan as if desperate for more contact. Roxanna seemed pleased with this reaction, though she ended her ministrations in response, instead cupping the bound woman's cheeks and pressed a kiss to that helplessly gagged mouth.

Brianna licked her suddenly dry lips, hands rising to play with her own breasts as she squirmed in place, imagining for a moment what it would be like to be gag kissed like that. Across the way Roxanna broke the kiss then and whispered something to her plaything before she turned to walk toward the bed, the bound woman's pierced tongue still protruding from the gag as if she were begging for more. Sofia obliged, cupping the woman's chin and turning her head slightly to capture her in a second kiss, a kiss just as deep. Roxanna then climbed onto the bed, sitting upright with her back leaning against the headboard and legs spread wide. Taking that as a cue, Sofia broke the kiss and guided the bound woman to the bed and forced her to kneel on it. Somewhat awkwardly she was pushed into the center, still on her knees, before Roxanna grabbed her head and forced her to bend over until her shapely ass was pointed straight up in the air, head nestled between the scarred beauty's thighs. Almost immediately Roxanna's eyes closed as she leaned back, biting her lip, and it did not take a genius to figure out what was going on. As her lover was being eaten out, Sofia crossed to the dresser and produced a strap-on from the top drawer, slowly buckling the thing around her hips as she watched. Unable to help herself, Brianna began to stroke her own pussy through her shorts as she clenched her jaw in order to keep quiet. Finally, Sofia climbed onto the bed herself, gripping the bound woman about the waist and giving her latex clad posterior a few playful smacks before slowly opening the zipper between the legs. Brianna then watched, in rapt fascination, as the blonde pulled a sizable plug from the woman's ass and she could swear the bound woman was trembling as the strap-on slowly slid in to replace it.

Roxanna seemed unaware or uncaring of all this as she continued to hold that captive mouth against her pussy, moaning in pleasure under the ministrations of what was clearly a skilled tongue, as Sofia began to fuck the ass of their bound plaything. Brianna couldn't say how much time passed as the bound woman was held in place, bucking and squirming and straining against the monoglove as Sofia held her around the waist and took her with ever more frantic thrusts while she was forced to lick pussy. All she could say for certain, as she watched Roxanna cry out in pleasure again and again while Sofia shuddered in climax as she fucked the helpless woman, was that her own nipples were painfully hard, almost throbbing as they stood out proudly beneath her shirt, and her shorts were becoming soaked as she stroked herself with ever increasing intensity, thighs pressed tightly together as she desperately tried to hold back her own building orgasm.

Finally, the show did end, almost anticlimactically. At some unseen cue Sofia pulled out of the woman, making her shudder again, before replacing the butt plug and zipping her back up, which she seemed to protest most fiercely if her squirming hips were any indication, and Roxanna wrenched the helplessly gagged mouth away from her pussy, flushed and breathing heavily. The trio stayed like that for a handful of heartbeats before Sofia climbed off the bed and began to remove the strap-on, recovering a pair of pair of belts from the dresser as she did so. Still flushed, Roxanna turned the woman over and then forced her to lay down on her back before taking a cloth from the nightstand and using it to clean her latex encasement. As she worked, Sofia returned and used the belts to pin the woman's legs together tightly. As they prepared their companion for bed, Brianna noted that the woman was fidgeting and squirming in their grasp as well as shaking slightly, almost as if she was crying within. It was then that she realized, with a new flash of arousal that almost made her cum right then and there, that the bound woman had not been allowed to orgasm. In whatever it was that had just happened she had been nothing more than a toy, a thing to be used for the enjoyment of her mistresses, her own pleasure meaningless. Eventually they finished and Roxanna said something to her lover. Whatever it was, the pair smiled a bit at each other before leaning over the helpless form of their bound companion to kiss. They then snuggled up to either side of the bound woman's still squirming and latex encased form as Sofia turned off the light and the trio settled in for what would be, for one of them, a long and sleepless night.

Forcing her hands to still, and waiting a handful of moments to make sure she wouldn't be seen, Brianna made her way carefully to bed, wincing slightly as her clammy thighs rubbed together. As soon as the blanket covered her she shoved a hand down her soaked shorts and thrust her fingers into her equally soaked pussy, muscles clenching almost instantly around the intrusion. She bit down hard on the edge of her pillow to stifle her moans as her fingers began to thrust in and out. The scene ran through her head, over and over again, of the bound woman being teased and used and forced to eat pussy. She came almost immediately, her muffled cry filling the night air (or so it seemed), but she continued to thrust into herself desperately, arousal far from spent. Brianna had fantasized about her neighbors many times. Some times she had dreamed of being with Sofia, sometimes with Roxanna, but lately she often dreamed of being with both of them, of being trapped between them as they touched and kissed and fucked. Now those fantasies took on a darker turn as she imagined herself being tightly and cruelly bound, a ring gag shoved into her mouth as she was blindfolded and teased. Of being punished until she agreed to eat pussy, her own pussy teased as her arousal spiraled higher and higher, but was never allowed to break. Her quivering flesh being edged and tormented, the climax she so desperately needed denied again and again as her tormentors came and came, mocking her with their pleasure. And, at last, a sudden stop, her captors holding her tight, still teasing her helplessly bound body as her pussy throbbed and she begged for mercy as best she could around the gag. Mercy that would never come, much like her.

It was that which pushed her over the edge again and Brianna bit into her pillow a second time to stifle her scream as she came harder than she could ever remember cumming before. Spent and panting and sweaty she shivered a little as she pulled her fingers out of herself and lay quietly in the dark, waiting for her breath to slow. 'Guess I'm submissive then,' she thought, mind still scattered and body shivering, 'and bondage really does it for me. Good to know.' She could not help but giggle at that, still more than a little drunk on pleasure. But even as her heart slowed back down and she got her breathing under control, Brianna's mind continued to race. Who was that woman? As far as she knew no one had ever spoken of a third person living in the house and there did not seem to be any regular visitors from outside the neighborhood and few enough from within it. Obviously the hood made it impossible to identify who the bound woman might have been, but Brianna didn't think she matched the description of any of the local girls. It was probably just some stranger, maybe someone they met through the Internet or a pickup at a bar, who had agreed to a night of fun. She found herself giggling again as she imagined the gossip if the neighborhood had any idea just how freaky the local lesbian couple actually was. Eventually, as her thoughts stilled and she finally drifted off to deep sleep one thing dominated Brianna's mind.

If the pair were willing to do things like that then maybe, just maybe she had a chance after all.

Part 2

The problem, Brianna decided after weeks of thought and indecision was that something that made sense while half asleep often didn't hold up to scrutiny in the morning. The dream, the hope, of being with her neighbors, of becoming their lover, their plaything... It was a wonderful dream, long cherished and long dismissed as impossible but then there was her discovery, that discovery that had changed everything. Even now she could easily summon up the images when she closed her eyes, the incredible sight of the two women she had wanted for so long engaging in a BDSM threesome with an unknown woman in heavy bondage. Just the thought of it made her knees weak and lit a fire in her very core. The sight may well have been the most arousing thing she had ever seen and each night she replayed it in her mind over and over, fingers deep within herself as she fantasized about being in that woman's place, of being cruelly bound and gagged and used. Even just thinking about it now left her feeling a bit flushed and horny. Thankfully no one had noticed her little distracted daydreams, but the truth remained. And yet, for all that she hoped and dreamed and prayed that this discovery might mean she had a chance at making those fantasies, both old and new, come true Brianna still hesitated. Even if Sofia and Roxanna were in an open relationship, even if they were willing to indulge in a threesome on occasion (and the proof seemed fairly conclusive) what was she going to do? Knock on their door, mention she had been spying on their sex life and ask if there was room for one more? The very idea sounded ludicrous, even in her head. She wasn't exactly a blushing virgin but Brianna's romantic experience was still somewhat limited and while she couldn't say for sure, she had a feeling that was a less than ideal method.

And yet she could not simply bring herself to abandon those dreams either. Ever since that night her fantasies had begun to grow increasingly intense and elaborate. She's stolen a few bits of rope and a roll of duct tape from the garage, and picked up an old dog collar at a thrift store to begin experimenting with self bondage. It had been... awkward to say the least and the Internet had been both more and less help that she would have liked, but she had learned. She'd picked up a few knot tricks and learned how to tie her wrists together somewhat clumsily. Many nights she had put the collar around her neck and lain in the darkness on her bed, tying her wrists and ankles before stuffing her mouth with something and placing tape over her lips. On her most daring nights she stripped naked first, the thrill of potentially being caught somehow more intense than the bondage. On those nights, clumsily bound and gagged, she could close her eyes and imagine that it was Sofia and Roxanna who had bound her, that it was their hands that were touching and teasing and pleasuring her. Very early on she had come to appreciate being gagged, both for the fact that it thrilled her and that she tended to cum very loudly when masturbating like that. She'd even had thoughts of trying out some of those rope harnesses she'd seen pictures of and wearing that under her clothing sometime but she didn't think she had quite enough courage for that. Besides, the few times she had practiced tying herself that way the ropes had either been too loose or too tight or both at the same time somehow. She was still trying to puzzle that one out.

However, as much as she had enjoyed and continued to enjoy that self exploration the elephant in the room continued to taunt her. But today? Today was going to be different, or so she hoped. Like so much else in her life, or at least in her fantasy life, it seemed sheer happenstance had once again reared its head. It was another lazy Saturday, the school year was rapidly coming to a close and Brianna had retreated to her room after breakfast to... well, she wasn't really certain what she had been going to do. She was keenly aware of the summer's rapid approach and there was no doubt she would go off to university in the fall and be away from both her home and the objects of her desire for the first time. She would probably try to get some sort of job over the summer as well, but that was a somewhat distant thought compared to the rest. No, what weighed upon her was the realization that time was running out, that if she was going to act it would have to be soon. Lost in those thoughts she had happened to glance over at her desk and see the roll of tape sitting where she had casually tossed it the night before. Smiling slightly at the memories that evoked she had wandered over and picked the tape up, spinning it around her finger idly when a flash of movement through the window caught her eye. Looking up she caught sight of Sofia carrying a basket of tool out of the shed and toward the gardens. It wasn't a conscious decision, not exactly, but something about the sight of the woman hardened her resolve and in that instant Brianna decided that she had delayed and doubted enough. And so she had dropped the tape once again and begun tearing through her dresser and closet for something more appropriate to change into.

Which was how she found herself, some twenty minutes later, Brianna standing in front of an old, full length mirror that sat in the corner of her room and checking over her appearance. She honestly didn't know what she was going to do exactly, but putting her best face foreword seemed like a pretty good first step. And, as she studied herself, Brianna thought she had done a pretty good job of it. She would never have described herself as beautiful, certainly nothing compared to the striking women whose eyes she hoped to catch, but at the same time she thought she managed to look good. Placing a hand on her hip Brianna smiled a bit at her reflection. Perhaps her breasts were a bit on the small side and, perhaps, she was not as fit as she might have liked but she thought the outfit she had chosen flattered her figure. It was nothing fancy, just a simple sundress with an equally simple pattern, but it fit her well and the short skirt drew attention to her long legs. She also liked the way the dress left her arms bare while the neckline drew attention to what little cleavage she had. Under it she'd been certain to don some of her more risque underwear, just in case. Since neither Sofia nor Roxanna seemed to wear much makeup, she had been careful to apply only a bit in order to highlight her best features and had left her long, bright blue hair loose to fall over her shoulders. Some earrings, a simple necklace and a pair of sandals rounded it all out and, as Brianna smoothed out her dress and checked over everything one last time she could not help but smile. In her own humble opinion she thought she looked pretty good.

That smile became a touch brittle as she, once again, grappled with exactly what she was planning to do and all the ways it might go wrong. "Okay," she whispered to herself, taking several deep breaths to try and calm her nerves a bit and still the butterflies in her stomach, "you can do this."

Closing her eyes and taking another breath Brianna nodded firmly and, before her doubts could return, turned on heel to stalk out of her room. Slipping down the stairs and through the kitchen, careful to make sure no one could see her leave, Brianna headed out of the house and into the back yard. Doing her best to ignore that the butterflies had returned, and brought reinforcements, she forced herself to make a beeline for the old wooden gate that separated her own yard from that of her neighbors. With each step her nerves trembled all the more and, several times, she almost stopped and turned back but somehow managed to clamp down on the instinct and push ahead. She knew that if she stopped now she'd never find the courage to try again and, one way of another, this ended today. Almost without realizing it she found herself standing at the gate, hand on the latch. This was it, the point of no return. Clenching her free hand and closing her eyes Brianna opened the gate and stepped through barely hearing it creak closed behind her. Slowly opening her eyes again she blinked a few times against the bright sunlight and took in the sight. The yard beyond was immaculately kept, as it always was with the grass trimmed neatly and well kept beds of flowers laid out all along the old wooden fence.The pool, clear and inviting, dominated the center of the space butted up against the covered patio and its collection of chairs. The overwhelming scent of flowers filled the air and Brianna spared a moment to take it all in, smiling faintly at the nostalgia of it. It had been... a long time since she'd stood here.

Sparing only a moment to reminisce, she finally began to scan the green expanse and found what, or rather who, she was looking for. There, by the vegetable garden in the back, was Sofia Petrovna. Just as beautiful as ever the older woman was on her knees pulling weeds, her blonde hair tied up in a messy bun and dressed in a set of well worn jeans with a simple button-up shirt, seemingly lost in her own world. Blushing just slightly at the sight of that perfect ass perfectly framed in a pair of tight jeans, and fighting down yet another urge to flee, Brianna forced herself to walk forward and tried to focus on a plan. 'Just talk to her.' she thought, 'Be friendly, flirt a little and see how things go.' She almost laughed out loud at how ridiculously simple it all sounded. Heart pounding in her chest like a drum Brianna's thoughts stopped as she at last found herself standing not more than a few feet from the woman she desired so ardently. And yet, it seemed as if Sofia hadn't noticed her approach. Biting her lip in a moment of indecision, Brianna placed a hand on her hip and struck what she hoped was a sexy pose before clearing her throat.

The noise seemed to startle Sofia slightly, shaking her out of her focus, and the woman quickly glanced over her shoulder, a curious frown etched onto her features, "Brianna? Is that you?"

Brianna smiled back, trying her best to look confident, "Hi Sofia. It's me."

Sofia smiled broadly in return and stood in one smooth motion, dusting dirt and bits of grass from her jeans as she did so. "My word, with that dress and that hair I barely recognized you!" Sofia laughed gently and then seemed to look her up and down, "You've grown into a lovely young woman."

"Thank you." Brianna answered with a blush, hoping that was a good sign, "Sorry it's been so long I guess I've just been... I don't know. Busy with other things."

Sofia waved that concern away, "Think nothing of it, I understand how things are. So, what can I do for you? Come for a swim perhaps? The pool should be clean."

Brianna shook her head slightly, "Maybe later. It's... I was hoping that we could talk, maybe?"

"Is something wrong?" Sofia asked, a note of concern in her tone.

"No, no." Brianna assured, "Nothing like that. I was just, I had some things I was wondering about."

"Ah, I understand." Sofia said with a nod, pulling off her work gloves as she did so, "I'm sure I can take a short break." with that she waved vaguely in the direction of the patio, "Let us have a seat."

Brianna smiled and nodded back, slightly spellbound as she followed Sofia, trailing a few steps behind in order to enjoy the view. As soon as they were under the shade of the patio roof, as Sofia was tossing her gloves onto a nearby table and pulling up a pair of chairs, Brianna leaned against one of the posts and shifted her hips slightly, letting the hem of her skirt ride up just a little to expose more of her pale thighs. Subtle, but not too subtle.

"You know, I should be jealous." she said.

Sofia looked back at her (and Brianna thought it might be her imagination but she thought the woman's gaze dipped down to her legs for a moment), "Oh?"

"I mean, here you are wearing work cloths and weeding the garden but you still look ready to strut down the catwalk."

She chuckled at that, "You flatter an old woman."

"Hardly." Brianna returned with a smile of her own, "I'm flattering a beautiful woman."

An odd look came over Sofia then, her lips dropping into a frown as if confused for a fraction of a second before a strange glint seemed to enter her eye. Brianna found herself caught short by that look and felt her heart leap into her throat when Sofia smiled, smirked almost, and practically stalked foreword in two broad steps until the woman was standing almost uncomfortably close.

"Brianna Wilde." she said, purred really, "Are you trying to seduce me?"

Brianna jerked as if electrocuted at both the statement and how the woman's lilting accent seemed to caress her spine. She opened her mouth to try and reply but the words stuck in her throat, "I..."

"Bold." the athletic blonde continued, ignoring Brianna's sputtering and leaning in ever closer as she did, "Far bolder than any of the others."

"Others?" Brianna managed to squeak.

Sofia grinned, "I may be blonde, but I'm not blind. I know how half the boys in the neighborhood, and more than a few of the girls, look at me. You're subtler than most, but not that subtle."

Brianna found herself swallowing, face burning with embarrassment and keenly aware that she and the other woman were practically touching, while trying to think of something, anything to say.

Sofia didn't let up, however. She leaned in, even closer, and practically whispered in Brianna's ear, "And then of course there were the times I saw you behind the curtains."

Brianna practically jumped out of her skin, face suddenly going pale in mortification that one of her biggest secrets apparently wasn't so secret, "You... you saw me?"

The older woman leaned back slightly, grin both amused and almost predatory, "Did you enjoy the show?"

"You're not mad?" she managed in a weak voice.

"Mad? No, I am not mad. Curiosity is no sin, not to me anyway. And I am certainly not shy." Sofia purred, once again making the girl shiver, "Indeed, if not for all these silly taboos I suspect I'd be naked most of the time."

Brianna could feel her brain short circuiting at that statement, her imagination conjuring up any number of rather pleasant images. Her nipples harden involuntarily and she squeezed her legs together as her face went red. When had she lost control of this conversation and just who was seducing who now?

Giving her no time to recover Sofia continued, "In truth I found it rather flattering and honestly thought nothing of it. But here you are, bold as brass, trying to catch my eye. You are trying to catch my eye, yes?"

Swallowing hard Brianna could do naught but nod.

At that Sofia moved in for the kill, voice once again dropping to a husky whisper, "So tell me, Brianna Wilde," she shivered unconsciously at hearing her name pronounced like that, "what did you do as you watched me climb from the pool dripping wet and shed my cloths to lay out under the sun?"

Brianna tried to answer, she really did, but words seemed beyond her as the blonde shortened the distance between them until their bodies were practically touching.

"Did you touch yourself?" Sofia asked.

Brianna bit her lip, face blazing, and nodded.

Sofia leaned in until her lips were practically against the other girl's ear, her breath tickling her skin, "Did you cum?"

Self control failing her at last Brianna let out of a low moan, "Yes."

Looking rather pleased with herself Sofia grinned, "What a naughty girl you are. Perhaps I should punish you."

"Yes." Brianna whispered, clenching her eyes shut, trembling and afraid to move, "Punish me, please."

"And what sort of punishment do you think you deserve?" Sofia asked, "What do you want, Brianna Wilde?"

"I want you." Brianna breathed, surprising even herself with that admission, "I want you to bind my arms as tight as you can. I want you to touch me and tease me, to edge me until I beg you to let me cum."

"And do I?" Sofia wondered, voice husky.

"No." Brianna said, somehow unable to stop stalking, "You shove a ring gag in my mouth, force me down on my knees and make me eat you out."

"And then?" Sofia prompted.

Embarrassment fading as she lost herself in the fantasy, Brianna continued, "Then you fuck me, hard, in any and every way you want until my eyes roll back in my head and I can't take anymore."

Silence dominated for a moment after that, only the faint sound of the breeze and the pool pump filling the air. Breathing slightly heavily, thighs damp, Brianna opened her eyes to look upon Sofia again. A faint blush colored her cheeks and, glancing down briefly Brianna thought she could see that faint outlines of the other woman's nipples, and yet she felt herself swallow involuntarily at the intense look Sofia was giving her. For a brief moment she though the older woman might shove her down and take her right then, but she seemed to shake herself from whatever she was thinking.

"What an imagination you have." Sofia said at last, "But I already have a lover, you know."

"I want her too." Brianna admitted, softly.

"Do you now?" Sofia asked, pulling away slightly.

A small tendril of fear shot through Brianna as Sofia began to pull away from her, cutting through the lust like a knife, and the words suddenly rushed out in a torrent as she tried to explain, "I saw you!" Sofia's brow furled in confusion at that, but Brianna didn't stop, "Last month, I saw you. The curtains were open and I saw you and Roxanna with the woman bound in latex.And you..."

A finger suddenly pressed to her lips silenced her and Brianna watched, heart pounding as Sofia suddenly looked contemplative. "You saw that, then?" Brianna just nodded. Sofia actually smiled just slightly for a brief moment and withdrew her finger, "The curtains open? How careless of me. Hmm, perhaps..." she trailed off for a long moment, expression betraying nothing before nodding to herself, "Very well then, my dear. Take off your cloths."

Brianna just blinked in confusion at that, "What?"

"Your cloths," Sofia confirmed, "take them off."

"Here?" Brianna asked, shakily, "Outside?"

"Consider it a test of your resolve." Sofia offered, "Besides you've seen all of me, it seems only fair to return the favor."

Brianna felt herself turn bright red again as embarrassment flooded her and part of her wanted to refuse, to protest that someone might see, but the rest of her was so incredibly turned on. As... strange and sudden as all this was a voice screamed at her that she was on the verge of getting what she had so desperately wanted and so, with shaky fingers, she reached behind herself and slowly unzipped the back of her dress. Slipping the straps off of her shoulders she allowed the garment to fall away, pooling around her feet until she was left standing in only her underwear. Despite the heat of the day Brianna felt goosebumps rise on her skin and she had to resist the sudden urge to cross her arms and cover herself as the sheer material of her lacy black bra and matching panties did little to hide her pierced nipples or damp sex, shaved smooth in imitation of the two women she wanted so badly.

She started in surprise as one of Sofia's hands suddenly came to rest on her shoulders while the other fell on her hip, caressing the skin softly. "You have excellent taste in lingerie," she said while running a finger down one of the bra straps, "And you wear a thong well, but I believe I told you to take off your cloths. All of your cloths."

If anything Brianna's blush grew even more intense, but she managed to give a brief nod then reached up to undo the clasp between her breasts and shrugged off the bra before reaching down to slip her underwear over her hips letting the last of her clothing join her dress on the ground. Before she could say or do anything else Sofia suddenly pulled her close into a tight embrace and pressed their lips together. Brianna's eyes widened for a second before she allowed them to slip closed and moaned into the kiss, bringing her own arms up to wrap around Sofia's waist, keenly aware of the feeling of the taller woman's clothing brushing against her naked body. Returning the kiss eagerly she obediently parted her lips at Sofia's prompting and allowed the woman's tongue into her mouth. While it was certainly not her first kiss, as far as Brianna was concerned it was the best and most anticipated kiss she'd ever had.

After several long moments Sofia broke the kiss, making Brianna whimper slightly at the loss of contact, and gently loosened her embrace. "I'm going for a swim." she announced, suddenly, "Join me?"

"Wha...?" Brianna managed as her eyes fluttered open, squinting a bit at the light, only for her breath to catch in her throat as her vision cleared just in time to see Sofia casually throw off her shirt revealing her tanned and toned torso as well as the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra. As many times as she had seen Sofia naked, as many times as she had admired those firm breasts and athletic frame she could never get over just how stunning the woman was. Without pausing Sofia unbuttoned her jeans and slipped them down her legs, along with her own much plainer underwear, to leave herself standing completely naked as well. The older woman seemed well aware of the effect her body was having on her guest and she offered a sultry grin before practically sauntering to the edge of the pool and diving in.

Shaking herself out of her stupor, Brianna scrambled to follow, kicking off her sandals as she did so and jumping into the pool herself with a far less graceful cannonball. Clenching her eyes shut as she hit the surface Brianna struggled not to gasp as the cool water enveloped her, the sensation almost freezing against her heated skin. For a moment she floated in that cold embrace until she felt her toes touch the bottom. With a quick push she burst through the surface, almost gasping as she took a deep breath, and slicked her long hair out of her face. Before she could even open her eyes a familiar pair of arm embraced her and a pair of lips found her own again. She once again melted into the kiss, the sensation of Sofia's firm, warm body pressed against her own a pleasant contrast to the cold water. Still blind, she felt herself being pushed back until she was pressed against the pool's tiled wall, Sofia pinning her in place as the kiss deepened. Brianna found herself moaning at the feeling of Sofia's firm, full breasts pressed up against her own smaller ones to say nothing of the sensation of what felt likes miles of smooth, naked skin sliding against her own nude frame.

With an involuntary gasp Brianna broke the kiss when she felt a toned leg slip between her thighs and press firmly against her pussy. Sofia then shifted slightly to straddle one of Brianna's legs in turn before twisting her hips to grind against the other girl. Brianna threw her arms around Sofia's shoulders to steady herself and moaned loudly at the pleasurable sensations flooding her.

With a smile Sofia pulled her close until the younger girl's head was practically resting on her shoulder. "Don't make me do all the work." she whispered, "Move with me."

Wordlessly Brianna dropped her hands down to grip Sofia's firm and shapely ass and urged her foreword while thrusting her own hips as well. Part of Brianna could not help but marvel at the situation, and the sensation. That she was, at long last, able to touch the object of her desire, to be able to hold Sofia's beautiful body close and give her pleasure while receiving pleasure in turn. To say nothing of the sudden, unexpected exhibitionist thrill of doing such things here, out in the open, when anyone who looked might see their nude bodies writhing against each other in the water. Most of her, though, could only moan and whimper at the unexpected intensity of the contrasting sensations. The cool embrace of the water lapping against her skin, the warm body in her arms and the increasingly hard thrusts that not only ground wondrously against her heated sex but slammed her back against the smooth tiles of the wall behind her again and again. Practically panting she moaned like a bitch in heat and tightened her grip, urging Sofia to move faster. It was incredibly, so much better than touching herself or the few fumbling attempts at sex she'd tried before and then, of course, there was the trill of excitement she felt from how incredibly forbidden this all was. It was too much, it was all too much. All too soon she felt herself reach the peak and Brianna buried her face in the crook of Sofia's neck to stifle her cries of pleasure. Sofia just tightened her grip in turn, holding her close, and began to rock her hips even more vigorously until her own panting breath gave way to a gasp of shuddering release moments later.

"Sorry," Brianna gasped out, still panting and trembling and clinging to Sofia, "I'm not... I'm not usually that fast."

The blonde chuckled softly, "Fast can be good." She then planted a soft kiss on Brianna's temple and whispered in her ear making her shiver in a way that had nothing to do with the water, "Besides, I'm nowhere near done with you yet."

With a soft smile Sofia slowly began to untangle their bodies and pulled away, grasping Brianna's hand as she did so and gently pulling the other girl into the center of the pool. Smiling herself, Brianna squeezed the older woman's hand and allowed herself to be led out into the deeper water. It felt good, the cool water on her heated skin, even if it felt much colder now without Sofia's warmth grasped to her. For several lazy moments the pair just sort of floated there, enjoying the sun and the peace of the day, and Brianna closed her eyes and let out a contented sigh. A soft tug at her hand prompted her to open her eyes and Sofia tilted her head slightly to indicate the steps that led up to the patio. Nodding, Brianna followed as the pair emerged from the pool, water dripping from their bodies as they did so. A warm breeze was blowing but despite that Brianna shivered slightly as the wind blew across her naked skin. Sofia seemed to give no mind to the breeze however, and ignoring the pile of cloths they had left behind led Brianna to the large glass doors that separated the patio from the kitchen beyond. Sliding them open, and apparently heedless of the water they were trailing behind them and onto the floor, Sofia stepped inside the house.

If she had thought the breeze outside had been cold it was nothing compared to the arctic chill of conditioned air that seemed to pour through the doorway. Brianna instantly felt goosebumps rise on her skin and her hair felt like a cold mass pressed against her skull. In fact she had to struggle not to let her teeth chatter, though again Sofia seemed unaffected by it all. To distract herself Brianna took a moment to look around the room as they walked. It had been a long time since she had been inside 137 North Hickory Lane but despite that it seemed almost unchanged from her memories. The house felt old, antique even, the kitchen especially. Vintage appliances that stood in stark contrast to the shiny and new machines in her own home, counter tops and cabinets decorated with all manner of jars, bottles and other knickknacks that wouldn't have seemed out of place in an antique store only fed into that sense. Wordlessly, Sofia trudged on however, pulling Brianna along behind her as the pair made their way past the finely polished wooden table and ornate chairs that dominated the center of the kitchen and through a large archway into the living room beyond it.

Dark was the first impression that Brianna got as they crossed the threshold. The living room, a surprisingly small space dominated by a large couch and several chairs that shared the same antique look as the rest of the furniture, looked cluttered perhaps even cramped compared to the size of the house. There were paintings on the walls, a fireplace, a small bookshelf and several end tables but no television. A large bay window dominated the front wall, looking out onto the covered porch, but decorative wooden shutters on the inside had been pulled mostly closed letting only a trickle of light through. A single lamp was on, however, and sitting beneath it's pale light, curled up on the sofa with an old leather bound book in hand was Roxanna, barefoot and dressed in a plain long-sleeved shirt and slacks that covered most of her scars. Hearing them approach the olive-skinned woman set the book down in her lap and looked up, brow furling slightly in confusion as she took in the pair, rich brown eyes darting across their nude forms as if trying to parse what she was seeing. Despite the chill Brianna felt herself blushing bright red and had to fight the urge to hide behind Sofia.

Finally, the brunette's expression seemed to even out and she let out a soft, almost put upon sigh, "Dare I ask?"

"No need to be like that, dorogoy." Sofia said with a slight smile, "Miss Brianna and I were just... enjoying the pool."

Roxanna arched a single brow, "And I suppose you both forgot your swimsuits?" she glanced down at the floor with a small frown, "And towels too, it would seem."

At that Sofia grinned like the cat that had just eaten the canary and began to speak in a language that Brianna could not understand. It startled her, slightly. Of course she had known that English was not Sofia's first language, not Roxanna's either, but she had never heard either of them speak anything else. Still, even if she could not identify it the unfamiliar words (Russian perhaps, many said that Sofia was Russian) sounded beautiful. Still, whatever was being said it certainly seemed to get Roxanna's attention, the brunette following the conversation carefully and occasionally firing back questions in what, to Brianna's ears, sounded like yet another language before the pair seemed to reach some sort of understanding. Letting out another sigh, though this one sounded amused, Roxanna shook her head, set her book down on the coffee table and stood somewhat stiffly. She then limped over to the pair and once again Brianna had to fight the urge to hide, or to step back as Roxanna reached up and took her face between soft and delicate hands. Roxanna studied her for a moment, and Brianna found herself swallowing involuntarily, butterflies once again taking flight in her stomach under that intense scrutiny. Finally though Roxanna seemed to find what she was looking for and with a faint smile of her own, leaned in to kiss the younger woman softly.

The kiss was not deep or particularly passionate, though Roxanna's lips were as soft as Brianna had always dreamed and she tasted faintly of tea and spices, but she nonetheless started slightly at the unexpected contact. Once the kiss broke she found herself staring into Roxanna's bottomless eyes, "Does that mean...?" she trailed off.

Roxanna chuckled slightly and tilted her head slightly toward Sofia, "I may sometimes accuse this little vl�kas of thinking more with her vagina than her brain..."

"Hey!" Sofia protested, albeit playfully with a pout.

"But," Roxanna interjected to forestall further comment, "I trust her judgment. And so I welcome you into our home, and into our bed."

"Thank you." Brianna whispered, barely able to contain herself and partly unable to believe that all of this was happening.

"Do not thank me yet." Roxanna cautioned, "You may find that I can be... demanding of my lovers. And so, since Sofia has already sampled the goods as it were, it would now be my turn, yes?"

Unbidden Brianna nodded, "Yes, mistress." She could not say exactly what prompted her to say that, but it felt appropriate.

Roxanna smiled slightly, "Good girl." With that she took a step back and began to head for the stairs, "Now come along, both of you. The only thing worth interrupting a good book for is good sex." She glanced back over her shoulder, "Don't disappoint."

Still a little dazed Brianna just nodded and looked over at Sofia, who grinned and gave her hand, which she was still holding, a reassuring squeeze before leading her up the stairs as well. Once again Brianna allowed herself to be led, barely noting in the back of her mind that this was the first time she had actually been on the second floor of the house. However, by the time Sofia pulled her into the bedroom all rational thought was pushed from her mind at the sight of Roxanna shedding the last of her cloths. Brianna spared a moment to drink in the sight. Roxanna lacked the toned, firm curves of Sofia's athletic form, but she possessed all the slender curves of a classic beauty and there was something about her stance, the way she carried herself that made her seem almost regal in spite of the web of scars carved into her body.

The olive-skinned woman grinned at them and placed a hand on her hip, "Like what you see?"

Brianna could only nod dumbly at the sight, only barely aware of Sofia releasing her hand and stepping away, "Beautiful."

"A charmer this one." Roxanna mused as her smile turned sultry and she limped over to the younger girl and placed her hands on pale shoulders, gently caressing Brianna's collar bone before running a finger up her throat, making the girl shudder at the sensation, "But there's something else, isn't there? I can see it in your eyes, you want more than just sex. You want to be dominated."

Brianna let out a shuddering whisper, "Yes, mistress."

Roxanna nodded, "That can be arranged. But, before we begin I need you to pick a safeword. You know what that is, yes?" at Brianna's nod she continued, "If you become uncomfortable, if anything hurts or you need to stop for any reason say that word and everything stops. Do you understand?"

Brianna nodded again, "Say the safeword and everything stops."

"Good. Now, your word?"

After a moment of thought Brianna spoke, "Emerald."

"Emerald." Roxanna repeated, as if testing the word, "And what happens when you say that word?"

"Everything stops." Brianna answered.

"Correct, do not be afraid to use it."

No sooner had that been confirmed when Brianna felt a pair of calloused hands grab her from behind and pull her arms behind her back. A loud clicking noise followed a second later as something tightened about her wrists. 'Handcuffs.' she realized, a spike of arousal shooting through her body. Those hands then fell on her hips, ghosting up her sides and tickling her ribs before cupping her modest breasts and squeezing playfully. Brianna moaned at the sensation, then gasped again as Sofia's firm body seemed to mold itself against her, the woman's breasts pressed up against her back.

Watching the display Roxanna stepped even closer, placing her own hands on Brianna's hips, "You like to be touched, don't you?"

"Yes, mistress." she whispered.

"All in due time, my dear," Roxanna assured, "all in good time."

With that she began to explore Brianna's body more thoroughly, running her hands up the girl's side before gliding splayed fingers across her stomach, making her squirm and giggle when she found a sensitive spot, before tracing down her legs and up her inner thighs slowly, oh so slowly. Brianna moaned and opened her legs in silent invitation, thrusting her hips foreword as if begging the olive-skinned woman to touch her aching core but, for the moment, Roxanna refused. Letting out a low whine deep in her throat, Brianna felt Sofia place her chin on her right shoulder and plant a series of kisses on her neck as she continued to massage her breasts. Tilting her head to the side to grant the other woman better access Brianna moaned even more loudly when Sofia began to nibble on her ear and tease her pierced nipples.

The blonde chuckled a bit at the reactions they were getting out of the younger woman before addressing her lover, "It is more than that I think, dorogoy. She does not like to be touched, she loves to be touched." she twisted her head slightly to whisper in Brianna's ear, "Don't you?"

"Oh yes, mistress." Brianna managed, voice rough with need, "Please, please touch me more."

Trembling, Brianna bit her lip then as Roxanna's hands ghosted up her thighs with a spider light touch before a pair of fingers brushed against her pussy, exploring her damp folds and aching clit with maddening softness. She moaned again, loudly, and tried to thrust her hips against the source of her pleasure, but each time she did Roxanna eased back just enough to make sure she could get no further sensation from it. It was maddening, the feeling of Sofia's body pressed against her, grinding against her ass and playing with her sensitive breasts, while Roxanna's hands explored her skin and teased her sex with such gentle, cruel playfulness. It was everything she had ever wanted, ever dreamed of, and she never wanted it to end. For a moment she wondered if this was what it had been like for the woman bound in latex. It was impossible to tell how long she remained suspended on the edge like that, a growing orgasm building within her and yet always denied just on the peak, leaving her moaning and writhing and straining against her cuffs, reduced to a wet and begging mess.

"Please mistress, please!" she forced out, "Please let me cum!"

As if waiting for that cue, Sofia's hands suddenly left her breasts and a moment later Brianna felt something jammed into her mouth, behind her teeth, making her squawk in surprise as a pair of straps were pulled tight against her cheeks. Using her tongue to trace the edge of the steel ring wrenching her mouth open Brianna felt her pussy clench, a blush spreading down her face and onto her chest as she realized she'd been ring gagged and what that probably meant.

Still behind her Sofia leaned in and kissed her on the check, "A wonderful look for her, wouldn't you agree."

"She wears a gag beautifully." Roxanna agreed, her left hand gently rubbing Brianna's hip while she brought her right hand between the girl's legs, making her gasp as a finger slipped inside of her, "And she must like it, she's soaking wet now."

Brianna could only look down, blush intensifying as Roxanna withdrew her fingers and Sofia gripped her shoulders softly. A gentle, but firm, pressure prompted her to drop down to her knees. Roxanna then cupped her cheek and forced the younger girl to look up at her granting both a magnificent view of her body from this angle but also forcing their eyes to lock.

"Tell me," Roxanna prompted, "have you ever gone down on a woman?"

Brianna hadn't thought her blush could get anymore intense, but it seemed her body was intent on proving her wrong. Still, she managed a nod.

"Then let us see if your previous lovers taught you anything of value." Roxanna mused, "For you see, kor�tsi, if you wish to cum, you must to earn it."

The meaning was clear enough as Brianna felt Roxanna's hands tangle in her still damp hair and draw her gagged lips to the other woman's sex. While she hadn't lied about having experience with this sort of thing, she and her first (and to date only) girlfriend had gone down on each other, the world "fumbling" was a pretty accurate description of the experience. And she had certainly never worn a ring gag before. Still she tried to recall as much as she could about that night as well as the pictures and videos she had seen and began to stroke the soft flesh before her with her tongue.

"Easy now." Roxanna instructed, "Slow down and take your time, it isn't a race. Explore your lover, find her sensitive spots," a soft gasp made Brianna think she'd found one of those spots, "then use the tip of your tongue to tease them."

Taking the advice to heart, Brianna did as she was instructed. She explored, running her tongue up and down Roxanna's pussy, tracing the folds of her labia and lapping at her clit, noting each time the woman gasped or twitched or gave some indication that a particular spot felt good. Using that rough map she was building, Brianna then returned to those spots, brushing and swirling the tip of her tongue across them. A deep moan and hands tightening in her hair gave every indication that she was doing a good job.

Panting a bit Roxanna let out another moan before continuing her instruction, "You learn quickly, kor�tsi. Now," another gasp, "put your tongue inside of me."

Brianna hesitated for a split second before doing as she was told, snaking her tongue into the woman, marveling slightly at the silky heat she found there, a wave of arousal washing over her as Roxanna tightened around the intrusion.

"Good girl." Roxanna gasped out, "Now go as deep as you can, keep exploring with the tip of your tongue, until..." Whatever else she was going to say was cut off by a long, loud moan, "Oh, just like that, just like that! Don't stop!"

Apparently having found the right spot, Brianna used the tip of her tongue in a somewhat awkward motion to lap at that spot repeatedly. Roxanna's hands tightened again, mashing their bodies together as she moaned and trembled with pleasure. A moment, perhaps two passed but then, just when it seemed as if Roxanna was on the verge of orgasm Sofia stepped foreword and embraced her lover, capturing the woman's slightly parted lips in a deep kiss and sandwiching Brianna's kneeling form between them. Caught between a deep kiss exploring her mouth and an insistent tongue worshiping her pussy Roxanna came, hard, Sofia swallowing her cry of pleasure as Brianna continued to obediently lap up her fluids. Sofia broke the kiss then and Roxanna, taking a moment to get her breathing under control, loosened her grip and gently pulled Brianna's mouth away from her. Tongue still sticking out from between the gag, Brianna looked up at her mistresses and took in Roxanna's flushed face and Sofia's wide grin.

"That certainly looked fun." Sofia commented while idly stroking Roxanna's hips.

"She has talent." Roxanna agreed, "Lacks experience, but quite enthusiastic."

"Don't be greedy, dorogoy." Sofia returned, leaning in for another, much softer, kiss, "Is it not polite to share your toys?"

"Get on the bed." Roxanna commanded, "And spread your legs."

With another sultry grin Sofia did as she was told, climbing onto the mattress on all fours before twisting to lay her body down languidly, taking a moment to make herself comfortable before spreading her legs wide, demonstrating her flexibility. "Like this?" the woman asked in a sultry tone.

Ignoring the blonde's comment, Roxanna released her grip on Brianna's hair, taking a moment to card her fingers through damp locks before stepping behind the girl and gripping her under the arms in order to help her to her feet. Standing a little unsteadily after kneeling on the hard floor Brianna moaned again as she felt Roxanna press her body against her back and loosely wrap her arms around her waist, "A beautiful sight, yes?"

Brianna could only nod as she took in Sofia's prone body, toned thighs spread wide to put her glistening sex on full display.

"Would you like to taste her?" Roxanna asked.

Brianna could not help herself, she moaned softly around the gag at the thought as another wave of arousal shot through her.

Roxanna chuckled a bit and glanced over to Sofia, "I think that was a yes."

"One way to find out." Sofia agreed.

With gentle pressure on her sides, Brianna was guided to the bed and, given that her arms were bound, climbed onto it with some difficulty. Roxanna hands steadying her, the girl was forced to lay on her stomach with her head between Sofia's thighs. Grinning at her, eyes alight with lust, the blonde reached down and stroked her cheeks softly for a moment before Brianna felt her gagged mouth being guided onto Sofia's pussy, their lips embracing in a soft kiss. Immediately she began to lick and explore the blonde's most intimate places when she felt Roxanna's hands on her thighs, pulling them apart.

"Open your legs kor�tsi, I want to see you."

Blushing fiercely, but not breaking rhythm, Brianna did as she was told, spreading her legs as wide as she could to put her own aching pussy on display. Caught between Sofia's hands stroking her scalp and playing with her hair, while Roxanna massaged her thighs and ass, Brianna could not help but squirm as she worked Sofia ever closer to orgasm, the blonde letting out the occasional contented sigh, soft moan or involuntary twitch to mark her growing pleasure. Brianna took note of Roxanna's hands leaving her skin for a moment, but gave it no mind until those hands gripped her firmly about the waist and pulled her hips up into the air, forcing her somewhat awkwardly onto her knees with her legs still spread, and something firm and slightly cool pressed against her sex. No more than a second later Brianna gasped as she felt the length of a dildo slide into her without resistance, her muscles gripping the intruder tightly. As horny and desperate as she was Brianna could not help but arch her head back, breaking contact with Sofia's body, and moan loudly through her gag.

Instantly a hand grabbed her by the hair and yanked her head back harshly enough to cut through the pleasure. "You were not told to stop." Roxanna said, sternly, "You cum when she cums kor�tsi."

Nodding as much she could with her hair held tightly, Brianna tried to answer around the gag, "I'nh houuy! I'nh houuy!"

Seemingly satisfied with her apology, the hand released her hair and Brianna leaned back down to continue her work, clenching her eyes shut and moaning again as she felt Roxanna's hips press against her ass and begin to work her with the double dildo. It was hard, so very hard, but Brianna managed to focus through the haze of pleasure as Roxanna began to fuck her slowly, oh so very slowly. With her tongue trembling she began to lick Sofia again, the blonde sighing appreciatively at her efforts, as Roxanna thrust into her at first shallowly then deeply, fast then slow in a maddening pattern that left her just this side of orgasm. Whimpering a little, and silently begging Roxanna to speed up, Brianna redoubled her efforts, exploring and teasing Sofia's curves and folds and worshiping her clit in a desperate effort to bring the woman off as quickly as possible. The intensity of Sofia's moans, and the occasional gasp that almost sounded like a growl, as well as the way her hips began to rock certainly spoke of her success, but the blonde stubbornly refused to cum. Brianna tried to thrust her own hips to get that last little bit of sensation that she needed to push herself over the edge, but Roxanna's grip around her waist was surprisingly firm, holding her still. Finally, in desperation, Brianna thrust her tongue into Sofia's pussy as deeply as she could, groping blindly in hopes of finding the spot that would finally push her over the edge. The blonde suddenly moaned, loudly, fingers tightening like claws in Brianna's hair and back arching as she began to grind her hips against the bound girl's face. Spurred on by this, she worked at Sofia's sensitive inner walls until the panting woman practically howled as she came.

That apparently was the signal for Roxanna to begin thrusting into her harder and faster and Brianna found herself whimpering and moaning, muffled as she was by both the gag she was wearing and Sofia's flesh still pressed tightly to her. Eyes closed and practically hyper-ventilating now, Sofia's scent overwhelming in her nose, Brianna was lost in ecstasy as Roxanna fucked her in earnest. Already on edge it did not take more than a minute before her pussy seemed to explode in orgasm, a shock-wave of pleasure rocketing through her body as she screamed in blessed release. It seemed, however, that Roxanna was not satisfied with that as she continued to thrust into Brianna's trembling flesh, increasing her pace as she did so and pushing the overstimulated girl to a second orgasm and then a third. Lost in a sea of overwhelming pleasure, the shocks of her multiple orgasms shooting through her, Brianna could do nothing but moan and scream and squirm until it was over. After what felt like an eternity Roxanna finally stopped, Brianna letting out a shuddering whimper as the dildo was pulled from her and she collapsed in a boneless heap, spent and sated, Sofia stroking her hair softly with a gentle and reassuring touch.

Flushed, sweaty and still trying to catch her breath Brianna just lay limply as Sofia disentangled their bodies, effortlessly taking the bound girl in her arms and laying her head down on the pillow before pulling the gag from her mouth. Although Brianna was glad to be able to work her jaw and ease the soreness that was starting to build there she was also somewhat disappointed at its loss. Shifting slightly so that she was partly on her side to avoid laying on the handcuffs Brianna cuddled up against Sofia's form as Roxanna joined them on the bed and curled up against her back.

Sofia began to play one of her hands over Brianna's body in seemingly random patterns while Roxanna laid an arm over her shoulders. "Was it everything you dreamed of?" the blonde asked after a long moment.

"It was incredible." Brianna said with a contented sigh, "I almost can't believe that I'm not dreaming." In response Roxanna reached down and gave her left nipple a firm pinch. Brianna practically yelped in response, "Hey!"

"There." Roxanna said, "Now you know you're not dreaming."

Brianna could not help but giggle a little at that before, in a combination of the absurdity of it all and still being high on adrenaline and endorphins, she broke out into a full blown laugh. Her... her lovers joined in after a few heartbeats and embraced her, leaving the trio laying contently in pile of tangled limbs and warm, naked skin.

After a long, lazy moment of silence Roxanna finally spoke, "Would you like me to take the cuffs off?"

"No!" Brianna blurted out, then blushed a little in embarrassment at her outburst, "I mean, no thank you. I'd just... I'd just like to lay like this, for a little longer."

Sofia grinned at her reaction, "Well, I certainly have no objection."

As they settled into a comfortable silence Brianna let her thoughts wander. Thinking back on where she was, on what had just happened, she could not deny that it had been an incredible experience, everything she had dreamed of except better. She felt both exhausted and energized, as if she could both run a marathon and sleep for a week. Yet part of her could not help but wonder why these two incredible, beautiful women had agreed to all this and that conversation downstairs, what had they been talking about? Had all of this just been a whim, a chance to have a little fun? Not that she wasn't grateful, but at the same time it made her a little sad to think that might be all this was. Now that she had tasted the forbidden fruit she found herself wanting more.

"Is something wrong?" Sofia asked suddenly, drawing her from her thoughts.

"No." Brianna said after a moment, "Not really. You were amazing, both of you, and I can't tell you how happy I am but, I guess, I'm just a little sad that it's over."

"Who said anything about this being over?" Roxanna asked from behind her.

Brianna shifted a little to look over her shoulder at the olive-skinned woman, "What?"

"Who said anything about this being over?' Roxanna repeated, "I mean, if you are happy to walk away having your fantasy fulfilled then I am glad to have helped, but this need not be the end. You certainly need a lot of training," she emphasized the word in such a way that it made a shiver run down Brianna's spine, "but as I'm sure you can guess Sofia and I are rather... dominant people and having a pretty, and better yet willing, submissive to play our games with is certainly a delight."

Brianna gaped like a fish out of water, wondering if she had heard correctly, "Are you serious?"

"Of course." Roxanna confirmed, "But you are young yet, soon enough a bright girl like yourself will go off to college and meet people your own age. You may find someone you want far more than us, but who knows what the future holds? In any case we have the summer in front of us and I see no reason we cannot enjoy ourselves in the meantime."

Brianna felt her eyes begin to water slightly, "Thank you." she whispered, "Thank you so much, both of you."

Sofia tightened her embrace and gave her a soft kiss on the forehead, "You're very welcome."

Brianna smiled, "Of course, I'll need some sort of excuse to start suddenly start spending so much time here. The truth might be a little awkward."

"Yes," Roxanna said, dryly, "I imagine your parents would be less than pleased to discover you visiting the neighbors for kinky lesbian sex."

Brianna grinned but said nothing.

"I may have an idea." Sofia ventured, "The house needs painted this summer. I could certainly use someone to help take care of things inside while I work outside. It is good for a young student to have a summer job, is it not?"

Brianna couldn't help but wrinkle her nose playfully, "Here I thought I was bargaining for sex and you want to put me to work?" she joked.

"I'm certain we can find some way to, as they say, make if worth your while." Roxanna responded.

Brianna nodded, "What sort of things would I need to do?"

Sofia shrugged, "Some cooking and cleaning, laundry perhaps, and sometimes run to the grocery store. That sort of thing."

"Like a maid?"

"Something like that." Sofia agreed.

"Can I wear a uniform?" Brianna asked, the idea suddenly popping into her head and yet another faint blush coloring her cheeks.

Roxanna laughed under her breath, "I'm certain something could be worked out."

"Then, when do I start, mistress?"

The pair just smiled at her enthusiasm but didn't bother to answer, not that she had expected them to. The details could wait because right now only one thing dominated Brianna's mind. This had really happened, was really happening. There were still so many details to work out and some part of her doubted that she could truly appreciate the full implication of what she was doing, but at the moment she couldn't bring herself to care. Still, as amazing as this had been, as much as she wanted nothing more than to curl up with these two beautiful women and sleep the sleep of the well and gloriously fucked she really needed to leave, gather her cloths and head back home before anyone noticed that she was missing. Yes, she really should do that. But, all the same, Brianna couldn't bring herself to move right now. At the moment all she really wanted was to revel in the warmth of her lovers, of her mistresses as the memory of their passion burned in her chest. Apparently agreeing with her, the two made no move to loosen their embrace and Brianna felt herself smile as her eyes began to drift closed for a short nap. She had never really imagined that her dreams might come true but she certainly wasn't complaining.

The future? The future was certainly looking up.

Part 3 (added: 2020/01/06)

As much as it was a clich�, Brianna definitely felt a smile on her lips and a song in her heart as she made the familiar trek down the sidewalk to 137 North Hickory Lane. Despite having made this trip nearly every day for weeks now she felt a strong sense of anticipation building within her. It was strange, in a way. The trip itself had become almost routine, setting off after breakfast for her neighbors' house wearing simple and loose clothing, ostensibly to do various bits of housework while Sofia spent her summer painting shutters, trimming hedges and doing any one of the thousand little things she did to keep the house in shape and the yard in its usual pristine condition. Glancing at the colorful flower beds and recently cut grass it certainly looked like Sofia was doing her usual, marvelous job which was increasingly impressive with the heat of summer now upon them. Brianna could not help but shake her head at that. She certainly didn't envy the woman her labors under this sun. Of course, in reality while Brianna did help out around the house her days at 137 North Hickory Lane generally included a great deal more sex and bondage than one might expect, hence the reason for her anticipation. The experience so far had been incredible. On the surface the deal they had worked out was quite simple. Roxanna and Sofia were now her mistresses and she, in turn, was their slave, sworn to serve and obey them. In practice it was far more complicated with dozens of details that had needed to be worked out, in everything from the daily schedule they would keep to what Brianna's limits were and, of course, exactly what everyone expected out of this. Some of that was still being worked out. Brianna really hadn't known what her limits were, still didn't completely, and so much of the last month had been dedicated to finding out. Grinning, and blushing, just a little at that Brianna could not help but think back to the training she had undergone so far. Testing the limits of her flexibility and endurance, and enhancing both; being tied in dozens of different ways with rope, leather and steel; learning how large of a gag she could fit in her mouth (much larger than she would have expected); and experiencing a seemingly endless series of toys, devices and bondage gear. But all of that paled in comparison to the changes she could feel in herself as she began to truly understand what it meant to submit and how much she enjoyed being under the power of her lovers. If nothing else the experience had certainly been educational and Brianna could claim with certainty that she had learned a great deal about herself.

Finally at the porch, Brianna climbed the steps two at a time with the clump of sneakers on wood, the sense of anticipation and excitement nearly overwhelmed her as she did. Looking back on it, it was almost hard to believe that it had been nearly two months since this had all begun. In some ways it felt like so much longer, while in others it was as if her adventure had barely begun. Natural in a way, to the point where it would be strange to stop now. In fact, Brianna couldn't imagine stopping. It wasn't the sex that made things so incredible, well it wasn't just the sex, but rather the sense of achievement and discovery. Of exploring herself and her desires, finding her limits, and learning how to surpass them. Perhaps this had all started as a way to, as Roxanna had said all those weeks ago, enjoy themselves but Brianna felt that it was growing into something more. Or at least she hoped it was. Shaking herself loose from those thoughts, Brianna paused to adjust the duffle bag slung over her shoulder then rung the doorbell. It didn't take more than a moment before the door swung open to reveal Sofia herself standing there dressed in her usual work ensemble of faded jeans and button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, hair braided today and a steaming cup of coffee in hand.

The blonde immediately smiled at her and stepped aside slightly as she motioned for the girl to come inside, "Good morning! Come in, come in!"

Brianna returned the smile as she stepped through the doorway, "Thank you, mistress."

Sofia leaned over to plant a kiss on her cheek, "We're just finishing up breakfast. Your things are in the bathroom, change quickly there is much to do today."

It was testament to how well her training was coming along that Brianna immediately bowed her head, "Right away, mistress."

Sofia offered no further comment, just giving a small nod and an encouraging smile before turning and heading back toward the kitchen. As much as Brianna would have loved to watch her go and steal yet another gaze of the woman's perfect body she had been given her instructions. Quickly making her way down the hallway she stepped into the master bathroom and closed the door behind her. As promised, sitting on the counter top was a neatly folded bundle of black cloth and a pair of highly polished stiletto heels. Her uniform. In truth Brianna had been half joking when she'd asked for a uniform but, lo and behold, when she'd shown up for the first time the pair had somehow dug up a rather stereotypical sexy French maid outfit for her. She still didn't know where it had come form, or how they had known her sizes, but she didn't question it, stranger things had already happened. And, truth be told, she rather liked wearing it.

Smirking just a bit at that thought, Brianna slipped the duffle bag from her shoulder and placed it down on the counter as well before unzipping it. She quickly kicked off her shoes and placed them inside the bag, followed by the t-shirt and shorts she was wearing and then her underwear. On the surface the simple ensemble she wore would be perfect for someone expected to do housework all day, but the truth was her mistresses had been quite insistent that she only wear what they provided for her while in the house and so she needed to be able to dress and undress quickly depending on circumstances. Once she was completely nude, Brianna zipped the bag up again and placed it on the floor, sliding it out of the way with her foot, before picking through the cloths that had been left for her. Besides the dress itself there was a pair of stocking and a garter belt. No bra of course, though that was typical, but there was a pair of underwear today the sight of which, little more than a patch of cloth and some string, made Brianna's face heat up in a combination of embarrassment and excitement.

Sighing to herself, but with a smile on her face, Brianna slipped the g-string on before fastening the garter belt around her waist. The sheer black stockings followed, Brianna taking her time to make sure the seams were lined up perfectly before clipping them to her garters. By now she was getting pretty good at it but it had taken more than a little practice, and she could not help but chuckle softly at the memory of her first few fumbling attempts. Picking up the dress at last, Brianna stepped into it and pulled it up her body, slipping her arms through the short sleeves and seating the straps on her shoulders before reaching behind herself and zipping the garment up. Rounding it all out she tied a lacy white apron around her waist, placed the hat (she was not actually sure what it was called and had never thought to ask) on her head and, finally, strapped the stilettos onto her feet. Last but almost certainly not least she picked up a collar made of black leather and fastened it around her throat. It was a simple thing, if much finer than the dog collar she played around with at home, but both the collar and the symbolism of placing it on herself made the transformation complete. She was no longer Brianna Wilde but an obedient servant, a slave to the will of her mistresses ready to obey their every order and sate their every desire.

She shivered unconsciously at that thought as she reached up to touch the cool leather, relishing the feeling of the material against her skin.

Taking a final moment to straighten out her skirt and make sure the cloth fell in place evenly Brianna looked into the mirror to make sure everything was perfect. Even though she had worn this dress many times the sight of herself in it always took her breath away. The cut seemed to perfectly flatter her figure while the sinfully short skirt barely covered her ass and the low cut of the neckline not only showed off more cleavage than anything else she owned but also made her glad for her modest bust. After all, were her breasts any bigger she's likely be in danger of popping out whenever she moved. And though it had taken a lot of practice given her limited experience with high heels, and was a little uncomfortable, the stilettos made her long legs look amazing. All in all wearing this made her feel incredibly sexy, even if she'd have been mortally embarrassed if anyone other than her mistresses saw her in it, but when combined with the collar? That made her feel incredibly submissive as well. She smiled brightly at her reflection. All in all the final effect was stunning and it certainly put on a hell of a show. Although, as she smoothed down the front of the dress and straightened her cap Brianna considered that putting on a show seemed to be a pretty big part of her training.

Early on in their relationship she had confessed her experiments in self-bondage to her lovers and what had inspired her to do so. Unsurprisingly they had been quite supportive, enthusiastically so, and encouraged her to continue, even giving her a few things to help out. Well hidden under Brianna's bed was a small wooden box, locked with the key equally well hidden away. Inside were some leather cuffs, a few padlocks and a small ball gag. Rather plain considering some of the things she had been introduced to since, but cherished regardless. Of course, there was a small price tag to this generosity. At times she was expected to put on a show for her mistresses, to allow a peak into her intimate life just as she had been granted an unintended view of theirs. On those nights she stood in front of her window to wait for a signal to begin, usually when Sofia or Roxanna opened the curtains to their own bedroom. At that signal, Brianna slowly stripped, baring every inch of her body to her lovers as they watched. Sometimes they added to the performance and gave instructions via text message. Messages that Brianna was very careful to delete as she had no desire for anyone else to find them. The specifics varied but followed a simple pattern, to touch and tease herself, to play with her breasts and sex, to collar and gag herself, to cuff her wrists all the while under the eager gaze of her mistresses. Finally, after what felt like hours of maddening exploration of her own body the faithful order always came: to masturbate but not to cum without permission. At that point Sofia and Roxanna often made love, she in turn allowed to watch them as she stood, fingers deep within herself, silently begging for release but knowing that permission would not come until they had finished and sometimes not even then. Those nights when she slipped into bed, still bound and gagged and screaming for release were the worst and the best. Even the memory of it turned her on so much.

With a gasp Brianna's eyes shot open as she realized that her hands had unconsciously slipped between her thighs as she had become lost in the memory. Blushing a little in embarrassment, and bringing her hands back to her sides, she gave herself one last look in the mirror and turned for the door. Sofia had told her to be quick after all and it would not do to disobey instructions this early in the day.

Taking one last moment to center herself, Brianna opened the door and with hard earned grace walked back down the hallway on her precariously high heels and entered the kitchen. As she arrived Sofia was just setting the dishes in the sink while Roxanna, surprisingly dressed in a silk blouse and skirt today, sat comfortably at the table sipping a cup of tea and reading the newspaper. Hearing the click of her heels upon the floor, both women stopped what they were doing and looked over at the entryway. Once Brianna likely would have frozen under the scrutiny of the pair but now she felt herself grin slightly as she curtsied, likely flashing both of them as she did so.

"Mistress Roxanna, Mistress Sofia." she said softly as she held the curtsy, "How may I serve you this day?"

It was Sofia who responded first, "Beautiful and eager, I approve."

"Thank you, Mistress Sofia." Brianna returned before standing straight with as much poise as she could manage.

A grin suddenly curled the blonde's lips before she glanced in Roxanna's direction, "Polite too. Don't you agree, dorogoy?"

"Indeed." Roxanna answered simply before setting her tea down and pulling a small box out from under the table and setting it down in plain sight, "Come here, kor�tsi."

At that command Brianna silently crossed the room until she stood at Roxanna's side, clasping her hands behind her back and looking down submissively, keenly aware of Sofia walking over to join them and gaze drawn to the box and the mysteries it held. Much like her uniform this was another of the rituals that had come to define her daily routine here. Once she had changed and presented herself to her mistresses for inspection each one would then add one or two toys or pieces of bondage to her uniform. Part of her ongoing training, but also a way to set the tone for whatever games would be played later on. Roxanna seemed to savor the anticipation and let it build slowly before finally opening the box, though careful to keep the lid angled in such a way that Brianna could not see inside, not yet anyway. Heart pounding in her chest the whole time, Brianna gasped when, suddenly she felt Roxanna's soft hand on her thigh. Fingers brushed along her skin slowly and she had to fight down the urge to fidget under the attention before Roxanna at last lifted her short skirt out of the way. Her breathe caught in her throat then as she watched the olive-skinned woman's free hand reach into the box and slowly pull out a pair of ben wa balls with a wicked grin. Brianna had to bite her lip to stifle a moan as the woman pulled her g-string aside and slowly inserted the orbs into her heated core, the cool metal making her shiver slightly.

"To keep you company during the day." Roxanna commented, clearly enjoying the girl's reactions as she smoothed her clothing back into place.

"Thank you, Mistress Roxanna." she manged to gasp.

Any further words were cut off when Sofia cupped her chin gently and forced her to look up. Silently the blonde ran her thumb over Brianna's lips before gently pressing on the cleft of her chin to prompted her to open her mouth. As soon as she did so Sofia presented a modestly sized ball gag, bright red in color, and slipped it behind her teeth with a soft pop before buckling it snugly in place. Probing the rubber ball with her tongue, Brianna bit down gently to test its size and firmness. She had been slowly working up to wearing larger and larger gags over the summer as well as training to wear them for longer and longer periods of time. While not the largest gag she had ever managed, a gag of this size she could easily wear for hours, if not the most comfortable of hours, and she had a feeling that today might push her limits. Something that, in all honesty, she was always eager to do. Her mistresses, it should be noted, were equally eager in that regard.

"You can be rather... loud when we tease you." Sofia offered by way of explanation before pressing a soft kiss to the gag.

Brianna blushed just slightly at both that comment and the gag kiss but remained obediently silent, even if she mentally rolled her eyes a little. Sofia was one to talk about being loud, when the woman let loose she was a real screamer. Still, Brianna could not help but wonder what other surprises the day might hold. She did not have to wonder long as Roxanna ran a finger down her sternum and hooked the neckline of her dress before pulling down sharply to bare her breasts to the world. Brianna has to stifle a moan as felt the brunette tug on her piercings playfully before gently pinching and teasing her nipples to hardness. A process which did not take long given both how aroused she already was and the feeling of the toys fillings her vagina. That moan became a wince a moment later as a pair of clamps bit down on her sensitive nubs, the swaying weight of the chain connecting them tugging on her flesh in a way she found both pleasant and painful.

Finished with her work Roxanna stood and whispered in Brianna's ear, "A little pain to go with the pleasure, kor�tsi."

"PHhnnh mnn, mnphphrmphph." Brianna managed around the gag.

Giving her a slight smile Roxanna nodded, "I will be busy most of the morning, but I will be in the den if you need anything."

"Mmph, mnphphrmphph." Brianna answered.

"Good girl." Roxanna said as, with a playful squeeze of her ass, which made Brianna jump a bit in surprise, she took her leave.

Sofia chuckled softly at her reaction and suddenly placed a hand on Brianna's shoulder drawing her attention away, "There is a list of chores on the counter for you." the woman suddenly smiled slyly, "And if you happen to get everything done before I return? I think that a small... reward might be in order."

Eyes lighting up at that statement Brianna nodded enthusiastically, "Mmph, mnphphrmphph!"

The blonde laughed and gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze before heading out the patio door leaving Brianna alone in the kitchen. Taking a moment to reign in her excitement, Brianna made her way carefully to the counter mindful now not only of the high heels she was perched upon but also the toys filling her, muscles clenched to hold them in place. An interesting, if unconventional exercise routine to be sure. Worse still with each step the weighted orbs seemed to shift and move inside of her driving her to distraction and making her moan into the gag. Part of Brianna was still a surprised at how sensitive she was and how little it took to drive her to the edge, the rest of her just enjoyed the experience. One thing that she had learned, over and over again, was that her mistresses had an unhealthy obsession with edging and orgasm denial and rarely did one of their games not involve such things. Not that she was complaining of course, in fact Brianna had discovered that she rather enjoyed the experience and the sheer intensity of the release that followed. Moaning again, keenly aware of the ben wa balls filling her and how they were teasing her, Brianna grabbed the edge of the counter to let it support her weight as she tried to focus. She might enjoy it, and might have a lot of practice but that didn't make it any easier either.

An inane thought suddenly popped into her head and Brianna could not help but grin slightly around her gag, 'I wonder what people would think if I told them I let a pretty girl get balls deep inside of me?'

A muffled laugh suddenly filled the air and Brianna had to take a moment to catch her breath. Still chuckling a bit she shook her head and finally turned her attention to the first and most difficult duty of the day: reading Sofia's handwriting. It was actually kind of amazing, and another example of how different the two women were. Where Roxanna's writing was fluid and graceful, like someone trained in calligraphy, Sofia wrote in an almost frenzied chicken scratch though one that Brianna was more or less used to deciphering. Mirroring the somewhat blunt style of the woman herself the list was short and to the point. Clean the dishes and tidy up the kitchen, dust the living room and vacuum the rugs. Nothing too terribly difficult, but in truth Brianna was rarely called upon to do any serious house cleaning for the simple fact that the ensemble she wore, while looking amazing, wasn't really well suited to serious physical labor. No, mostly her job was to handle minor chores to ease Sofia's workload as well as to keep herself... available for anything her mistresses might need. That made her grin again, 'Not that I'm complaining, but I suppose I wasn't hired for my skill with a feather duster.'

Knowing that she was wasting time, and lamenting that the house did not have a dishwasher, Brianna got to work. She knew it was an old house and Roxanna seemed to love the antique theme they had going, but the only concession to modernity in the kitchen seemed to be a new-ish refrigerator, even the stove looked to be older than her own house for crying out loud! Letting out a sharp sigh, Brianna turned on the water and carefully began to rinse and scrub the plates. Normally such tasks, while time consuming, were relatively easy to focus on, even strangely relaxing in their monotony but today was different. Today Brianna could not help but be keenly aware of the orbs filling her, orbs that seemed to dance and shift with even the lightest twitch of her muscles. It wasn't so bad while working at the sink but as she moved about the room to clear the table, clean the stove and sweep the floor the sensation grew and grew. A sense of pleasure, of pure need, radiating from her sex combined with the sting of the nipple clamps as they swayed with each step. A combination of pleasure and pain that she was intimately familiar with, and one that never failed to drive her wild, but today seemed so much more intense than usual. She tried to focus but it was increasingly hard. By the time she moved to the living room, leaning and stretching and bending over to dust the shelves and polish the tables, her thighs felt clammy and her underwear was soaked. Some time later, as she began the long trek to the hall closet to retrieve the vacuum cleaner, it was overwhelming. Stumbling into the closet door, gripping the doorknob to steady herself, Brianna found herself panting softly, cheeks flushed and legs shaky at the sheer intensity of the sensations flooding her. She could not help but moan through her gag and clench her eyes shut as she fought down the urge to masturbate right then and there. Part of her couldn't believe how intense this felt and reasoned that these ben wa ball must be some new type of toy. She was certainly no stranger to being teased, and it was far from uncommon for her to wear toys of various types while going about her duties, but this was ridiculous!

Brianna didn't really know how long she spent leaning there, breathing deeply through her nose as she tried to get control of herself, but she eventually managed it enough to open the door and drag the vacuum cleaner out into the living room. Focusing on her breathing, and on taking small, controllable steps to try and minimize the sensations Brianna managed to get back to work. Fortunately, like washing the dishes, there was a certain calming monotony in the repetitive actions of vacuuming the large rugs thrown over the living room floor. Unfortunately, so focused was she on that task and trying to control her reactions that she did not notice Roxanna walk down the hallway until, as she was bending over to vacuum under a table, the woman spoke.

"A fine view, kor�tsi. Perhaps I should watch you work more often."

Yelping in surprise, and face reddening as she realized exactly what the woman was talking about, Brianna whirled around and quickly curtsied, eyes immediately widening as she had to bite back a moan. The ben wa balls had just shifted in a very interesting manner.

If Roxanna noticed her reaction, the woman didn't comment. "I'm going to make some tea." she announced, "But I find it is better when shared. Join me?"

Though it was framed as a question, Brianna well knew that it was an order and nodded her agreement. Not that she would have ever turned down an opportunity to spend time with one of her mistresses. With a smile Roxanna walked into the kitchen to put on a kettle as Brianna quickly finished with her vacuuming. A few minutes later the woman emerged again carrying one of the many teapots she owned, along with a matching cup, and headed back down the hallway. Shutting off the vacuum cleaner, Brianna followed along as best she could with an increasingly awkward gait. Their destination, the den, was dark though that was more an effect of the rich hardwood paneling that covered the walls and the thick red carpet than anything else. Ornate bookshelves built into the walls dominated the room, stuffed full with everything from ancient looking leather bound volumes to oft-read paperbacks, while what little free space was left was filled with paintings ranging from classical to the wildly abstract and taxidermied animals. An ancient looking oaken desk was pushed up under the room's largest window decorated with fossilized shells, polished rocks and few random odds and ends like a pendulum and a radiometer. Right in the center of it, on top of a large green blotter, was an honest to goodness manual typewriter, a silent testament to Roxanna's old fashioned ways. Though she thought it a little silly, the woman most certainly was not that old, Brianna wondered at times if she'd find quill and ink if she looked hard enough. But the overall effect was interesting. On the whole the den managed to be both the creepiest and most interesting room in the house and, when she was younger, Brianna had always had the strangest sense, as if she were entering into the lair of a wizard. Yet she could not deny that the space suited Roxanna. Sitting at that old desk the olive-skinned woman looked very much at home.

Without comment Roxanna crossed the room, moving aside a stack of papers and several open books on the desk before setting down the teapot and lowering herself into the wooden chair, the antique thing creaking under her weight as she did so. Smiling to herself the woman filled her cup and took a deep breath of the steam rising up from it, sighing softly in contentment as she did so. Although she was not nearly enough of a connoisseur to identify the blend, Brianna could admit that the tea's rich aroma did smell good.

After a moment Roxanna glanced back at her and then motioned to the floor right next to the chair, "Sit."

Brianna obeyed the command silently, lowering herself onto the surprisingly soft carpet with as much grace as she could manage before carefully smoothing her skirt out over her legs and folding her hands in her lap. Roxanna studied her for a moment before taking a sip of her tea and then reached down with her free hand to unbuckle the gag and pull it from Brianna's mouth. She then offered the cup and Brianna dutifully took a sip of her own.

"Thank you, Mistress Roxanna."

"I have heard it said that sharing a cup is like an indirect kiss." Roxanna said, smiling slightly, "What do you think?"

"It seems a bit silly, mistress." Brianna admitted.

The woman surprised her by laughing, "It does, doesn't it? And besides that, you and I have done far more than kiss."

Brianna blushed a little, but nodded.

"Still," Roxanna continued, a strange nostalgic tone overcoming her, "I find something about it sweetly romantic."

Not sure what to say Brianna just remained silent.

"You know," Roxanna mused, "Sofia and I first met over a cup of tea."

That caught Brianna's attention, her mistresses had never really talked much about themselves and had never mentioned how their relationship had started. Looking up curiously at the woman she shook her head slightly.

A small smile curled Roxanna's lips then and her voice took on a softer tone, "I remember it like it was yesterday. I was at a small cafe in Serres when a striking blonde woman suddenly sat down at my table, picked up my cup, made a face and asked what sort of aristocratic snob still drank tea when coffee was clearly far superior." Brianna blinked at that, not sure if she had heard correctly. "To which I responded that, of course a provincial barbarian would prefer such a thoroughly American drink."

"You didn't." Brianna whispered, fighting down laughter. That certainly sounded like something Sofia would do, the blonde could be surprisingly mischievous when she put her mind to it, but she had never imagined a meeting like that between the two.

"I did." Roxanna responded, still smiling softly, "Let that be a lesson to you, kor�tsi. Romance? It is not like in films, it tends to find us where we least expect it." her smile suddenly morphed into a tiny smirk, "Such as a determined young woman showing up naked in your living room."

Brianna blushed more deeply at that reminder.

"I apologize if I embarrass you." Roxanna said, "In truth your resolve was impressive. I admit I had wondered if you truly understood what you wanted, if you were truly prepared for what it means to be a submissive, but..." She trailed off with a smile and reached down to cup Brianna's cheek, "It seems I underestimated you, kor�tsi. You have made truly wondrous progress."

Face now flushed for a different reason, Brianna still managed a smile of her own and resisted the urge to rub against that hand like a cat, "Thank you, mistress."

Roxanna withdrew her hand, "No need to thank me, it is simply the truth." Leaning back and crossing her legs, the woman took another sip of her tea, "I trust you are satisfied with your... education thus far?"

"Oh, yes mistress!" Brianna answered, enthusiastically, "It's been incredible and I can't wait to see what's next."

"Ah, an eager student, much like an eager lover, is always a joy." Roxanna responded before filling up the teacup again and handing it to the girl kneeling beside her. "Still, sit with me for awhile. You looked as if you could use a break earlier."

Brianna nodded, "Thank you, mistress."

"I trust your... friends aren't giving you any trouble?" Roxanna asked.

Quickly realizing that the woman was referring to the ben wa ball she was wearing Brianna shook her head, even though she felt very much on edge, "No, mistress. It's intense, but I can handle it."

Roxanna shot her a doubtful look but accepted that response, "Very well. Let me know if anything changes." And with that she turned her chair and began to type at the typewriter again.

With that the room was engulfed in a comfortable silent save for the rhythmic clack of the old typewriter's keys, a sound that Brianna found strangely relaxing. An explanation, perhaps, for why Roxanna insisted on such archaic methods. Looking down at the cup in her hands, and feeling its warmth leech into her hands, Brianna took another long drink of the tea. It was strange. She had never really considered herself a tea drinker before this summer, finding most brews she had tried far too bitter to be enjoyable but her mistress had a deft hand when it came to brewing a pot. Not for the first time she wondered exactly what sort of tea this was with its mild flavor and faint aftertaste of fruit and spices. Unsurprisingly it reminded her very much of Roxanna's kisses. 'Or perhaps I'm becoming one of those aristocratic snobs Sofia was talking about?' That thought made her smile, thinking back on the odd little anecdote she had been told. It was certainly a strange story, perhaps not the strangest she had ever heard of two people meeting, but still not what she would have expected. Any yet she could somehow imagine her mistresses, years in the past, sitting at some cafe in some exotic and far aware place bickering playfully, Sofia's mischievous wit and Roxanna's dry humor sparring as they flirted in that strange way of theirs.

A sudden pause in the typing interrupted her thoughts and prompted Brianna to look up to see Roxanna with a pensive expression on her face. "Is something the matter, mistress?" she asked, curiosity filling her voice.

Roxanna glanced down, "Hmm? Oh, not really. I simply find myself unsure of how to proceed."

"May I ask what you're working on?" Brianna wondered.

"Nothing significant." Roxanna said, "I received a correspondence from Kiera Brennan, an old... colleague of mine. She wished my opinion on a text she found. It has proven to be more frustrating than I anticipated."

Brianna perked up slightly at that. It was a subject she had never really cared about, or even really considered before, but this was the first hint she'd had of whatever Roxanna's career might actually be. Some kind of academic work it seemed, though that really just raised more questions. "I see."

Roxanna sighed, "Kiera is certainly one of the more, ah, difficult individuals I have every worked with. And this text? Ridiculously obscure, it's going to be..." she trailed off and then shook her head, "Forgive me. This means nothing to you and here I am rambling on."

As much as Brianna wanted to press on and gain a deeper window into Roxanna's life, a wicked and, in her mind, far better idea occurred to her. So instead she straightened her posture and put on the sultriest tone she could manage, "Perhaps I may be of service in easing your troubled mind, Mistress Roxanna?"

Roxanna's lips quirked into a slight grin, almost a smirk really, as she weighed the idea. Taking the meaning easily enough, she twisted her chair slightly before parting her knees, revealing both the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear and probably one of the reason why she was wearing a skirt today. Easing out of her slippers, Roxanna slowly slid her foot between Brianna's leg, making the girl gasp when she felt a toe softy graze her heated sex, "Perhaps you can at that."

With that clear invitation Brianna clasped her hands behind her back and leaned foreword to place her head between Roxanna's thighs and capture her nether lips in an intimate kiss. The woman moaned softly at the contact and leaned back even further until she was almost slouching in her chair to grant better access. Over the course of the summer Brianna liked to think she had gained a fairly comprehensive understanding of her mistresses and both how to pleasure them and what they liked. Roxanna preferred things to be slow and methodical, drawn out just enough to enjoy even the lightest of touches to the fullest. Guided by the woman's low moans Brianna lapped at her most delicate flesh, teasing her curves and folds before driving her tongue within that silky heat to tease the sensitive nerves within. A loud creak filled the air as Roxanna's fingers gripped the armrest of her chair tightly, it's antique frame protesting the abuse, the woman oblivious to the sound lost as she was in pleasure. Her toes continued to stroke at Brianna's pussy and she had fight down the urge to rock her hips and grind against them, having not been given permission to cum yet. It was so hard though, the way the gentle touch made her twitch involuntarily and those twitches made the ben wa balls dance within her driving her to distraction.

Finally, after what felt like hours of marvelous torture, Roxanna's thighs clamped onto her head, locking her in place, an unconscious signal that she knew meant that her mistress was ready to cum. Using a technique that she rarely employed, since it could not be done while wearing a ring gag and that was the usual means her mistresses employed when using her mouth, Brianna withdrew her tongue and locked her lips around Roxanna's throbbing clit. The olive-skinned woman gasped suddenly, sharply, the muscles in her legs and abdomen tightening as Brianna began to suck on that nub of flesh, flicking it with the tip of her tongue repeatedly as she did so. Within seconds Roxanna threw back her head in a cry of pleasure, her body practically spasming and her hips lifting off the chair for a moment at the intensity of the orgasm. As she licked the panting woman clean Brianna could not help a slightly smug smile from forming, pleased to know that all of her hard work and training was clearly paying off. Now, if only Roxanna would be so kind as to return the favor.

After a long moment to get her breath under control, Roxanna gentle nudged Brianna to lean back, breaking contact between them. Eyes still alight with pleasure the olive-skinned woman smiled slightly as she straightened up in her chair, withdrawing her foot much to Brianna's annoyance, then bent over to capture the girl's mouth in a deep kiss. Surprised for a moment, Brianna returned the kiss, closing her eyes and allowing her mistress to explore her mouth, a moan deep in her throat. The kiss did not last long, leaving Brianna to whimper a little when those soft lips left her own, only for her to practically squawk in surprise, eyes shooting open as the gag she was wearing earlier was jammed back into her mouth. After securing the gag snugly Roxanna stood, gripping Brianna by the arms and helping her to her feet in the process, the younger woman wobbling slightly on legs stiff from sitting for so long. No sooner had she caught her balance, Roxanna's hands lingering on her arms to keep her steady, the woman opened one of the desk drawers and pulled out a pair of handcuffs, quickly securing Brianna's wrists behind her back before offering the girl another smile.

"Such an eager servant deserves a reward, yes?" the woman asked.

Eyes lighting up as all the possibilities danced in her head, keenly aware of the heat between her legs, Brianna nodded.

Roxanna seemed to ponder for a moment, "We should fetch Sofia. We had been considering something special and I think you deserve to be spoiled, just a little."

Brianna smiled around her gag in response and, with that, the woman looped a finger around the chain connecting her nipple clamps and gave a playful tug before leading her out of the room. Brianna scrambled behind, struggling to keep her balance on her high heels while also keeping the pressure off of her nipples to say nothing of the toys rattling around inside of her with the remarkably quick pace that Roxanna was setting despite her limp. Still, after a short walk they emerged out of the darkness of the hallway into the relatively bright light of the kitchen only to find Sofia unexpectedly there, the blonde looking slightly disheveled and sitting at the table drinking a glass of water. Watching their approach with keen blue eyes, an almost vulpine grin twisted the woman's lips as she took in the sight of Brianna's bound and gagged form, face flushed and still damp with Roxanna's fluids, being led by her clamps.

"I was going to chastise you for leaving the vacuum out," Sofia began, "but I see that you have been busy with... other duties."

"She was helping me with a small problem." Roxanna supplied.

Sofia laughed softly, even as she stood from the table, "I suppose stress relief is an important part of work. In fact, I believe I have told you this many times, dorogoy. It is good to know that you are taking my advice in this."

"But of course, erast�s." Roxanna assured, "Miss Brianna has become quite talented in that regard and I think she deserves something special for all her hard work."

Eyes lighting up Sofia smiled widely at Brianna, the girl returning the gesture as well she could around her gag, suddenly and inexplicable nervous, "You are going to enjoy this, devushka, I promise."

With another tug at her nipples clamps, Roxanna still using the chain as a leash, Brianna found herself being led the staircase. Legs still a bit shaky and without her arms to balance her Brianna struggled up the steps until Sofia grabbed her hips to steady her. She glanced back over her shoulder and smiled softy at the woman in thanks as they slowly but surely she made their way up the stairs. Guided by the insistent tug upon her nipples, biting into her gag to suppress a moan as, with each step, the ben wa balls made their presence felt, Brianna could not help but wonder what exactly was waiting for her. Roxanna had promised something special and her mind spun with possibilities, imagination running wild. Suppressing another moan, and clenching her muscles even more tightly to try and hold the toys within her in place, to little real avail, Brianna tried to focus on just walking, but it was difficult. Ever since Sofia's kiss this morning she had wondered what sort of reward might be in store for her but, after between Roxanna's husky promises and the positively wicked grin that Sofia had given her just now, it was hard to focus on anything else.

When they finally reached the upstairs hallway Brianna was slightly surprised that Roxanna led her right past the door to the master bedroom. That was where the three of them usually played their games. Instead she was guided all the way to the guest room at the end of the hall, a room she could not remember ever entering before. As they reached the door Roxanna paused a moment to glance back over her shoulder and offer Brianna a sultry smile before opening it and pulling her inside. Brianna's first impression upon entering the room was that it was strangely dark for this time of day. It was also a strangely spartan space with plain off-white walls lacking any manner of pictures or paintings save for an old clock. An antique looking brass bed and a small wooden dresser made up the only furniture while thick curtains pulled over the windows diffused the light to almost nothing. Everything was painted in stark tones by a plain glass light fixture hanging overhead that made the shadowed hallway seem positively bright by comparison. Any yet, as her eyes adjusted, Brianna was only vaguely aware of these details as every ounce of her attention was focused on the bed and the achingly familiar figure tied to it.

As the young woman stood, rooted in place, Roxanna let go of the clamps, slowly walked over to the bed and lowered herself down upon it. "I believe you are familiar with our guest, yes?" Even had she not been gagged Brianna did not think she could have replied. "You called her the bound woman, I believe? An apt description." She ran her hand down the woman's stomach, making her squirm a little in her bonds, "This is Claudia, an... intimate acquaintance of ours."

Even with that confirmation Brianna had a hard time believing her eyes. Was this truly the woman she had seen all those weeks ago? The one whose very presence had started it all, so to speak? The thin but still clearly feminine figure certainly looked the same. Leather cuffs circled her wrists and ankles, held in place with small padlocks, that stretched her out into a tight spread-eagle on the mattress, but that was only the beginning. A hauntingly familiar catsuit made of smokey-gray translucent latex clung to every curve of her body like a second skin, a zipper (currently closed) granting access to her crotch and a pair of openings on her chest left her small a-cup breasts exposed. An opaque black hood of equally skintight latex covered her head, a blindfold pulled tight over her eyes leaving her completely helpless while a panel gag strapped harshly over her mouth silenced her. Indeed, the only visible opening in the hood was a pair of small holes for the nostrils rendering the woman squirming in both her restraints and under Roxanna's touch completely featureless. Brianna did not know how long she just stood there, staring at the incredible sight before her, but it felt like hours. She had never really asked about this woman, this Claudia, and neither of her mistresses had ever brought it up, but the woman was always there in back of Brianna's mind, the image of her bound and helpless form seared into her memories. In her wilder and darker fantasies she'd imagined that the woman was a prisoner, a bound and helpless captive that Sofia and Roxanna kept stashed away in a closet or locked in their basement, taken out and used like any other sex toy. A blush crept up her face as she remembered masturbating to such fantasies, or the thought that her mistresses might one day seal her away in tight, confining bondage as nothing more than helpless sex slave. Those were always intense nights.

Brianna felt herself jerked out of her thoughts and half remembered fantasies as Sofia's hands found her hips again and the blonde whispered in her ear, "Why don't you take a closer look? In her current state Claudia certainly doesn't bite."

At that prompting Brianna began to walk foreword slowly. This close, despite the distortion of the latex, she could make out the woman's features more clearly. Claudia wasn't just slender, she was almost bony in places with her ribs and hip bones clearly visible with the way she was stretched out. Despite that she still had curves in the right places and Brianna could make out the faint ridges of muscles on her stomach and the wiry, well toned shape of her arms and legs. What stood out most were the tattoos, confirming what Brianna had thought she had seen all those nights ago. A series of black bands of various thickness ran up Claudia's left arm at random intervals while an intricate and abstract series of geometric shapes, all fitted together like a puzzle, covered her right arm down to the back of her hand. On her left side, covering the lowest ribs, were a set of words in three lines that Brianna could just make out. 'In the silken grasp, Of the veil of night, I lay down my limbs for you.' It sounded like a quote, though Brianna could not place it. Her gaze drawn to where Roxanna's hand was beginning to dip between the woman's legs she found a final tattoo on Claudia's pubic arch, scroll work that looked like vines angling down from her hip bones terminating in a pair of six-petaled flowers just above her sex. That caught her attention, being so different from the others but she did not have time to ponder the mystery for long.

"We thought you might like to meet," Sofia said as she rested her head on Brianna's shoulder, "all things considered. We also thought you might like to play with her."

That statement seemed to explode in her mind and Brianna suddenly felt her knees go weak and her mouth go dry at the thought. Swallowing around her gag she was unprepared for the sudden bloom of heat between her legs, more than a little surprised at just how much that idea turned her on.

"I am certain Claudia would appreciate it." Roxanna offered, brushing a finger along the zipper over the woman's crotch, making her squirm, "Like you she has some friends keeping her company." Brianna quickly realized what that meant, still very much aware of the toys within her, "Unlike you, they've been keeping her warm all night."

Brianna felt her eyes go wide at that as Claudia seemed to moan pitifully into her gag, thrusting her hips in a desperate attempt to gain some relief, though Roxanna's fingers danced out of the way. There was no way that could be true, could it? That this woman had been lain out like this, bound and gagged and edged since last night? No, no that wasn't possible but Brianna could not deny that the idea, the fantasy of it was intoxicating. And given the way she was reacting it was clear that Claudia had been like this for at least some time making Brianna shiver at the thought. She knew well what it was like to be teased until you could think of nothing but the raw, clawing need for relief. Her morning had been a little like that, but how much more intense might it be, to be edged so relentlessly while rendered so helpless? To be unable to move, or see, or speak with nothing to focus on but sensation and need? Brianna wanted so desperately right now to be free of her handcuffs, to be able to touch this woman, to know that she was real, to feel the heat of her skin and the twitch of her muscles.

Roxanna slowly stood from the bed and walked back to her, reaching out to casually remove the nipple clamps that had been swaying from Brianna's breasts all morning. She could not help but wince, taking in a harsh breath through her nose as sensation rushed back in to her stinging flesh. Roxanna then reached up and pulled the gag from Brianna's mouth. "What do you say, kor�tsi? Would you like to play with her?"

Brianna worker her jaw a few times, then swallowed, "Yes, mistress."

A tiny smile curled the edges of the olive-skinned woman's lips, "Would you like to be bound like her?"

Brianna bit her lip, but nodded, "Please, mistress."

With that, Sofia's hands withdrew from her hips and removed her handcuffs, "Get undressed and leave your cloths on the dresser. Neatly."

Brianna nodded again and, under the silent gaze of her mistresses, undressed as quickly as she could. Removing the cap from her head, she placed it down on the dresser before unzipping her dress and slipping the garment off her body. Bending down to pick it up, both moaning at the sensation of the toys shifting and blushing at being watched, she folded the dress carefully and placed the bundle of black cloth down next to the cap before stepping out of her shoes. It took a moment to unclasp her garters and work her stockings off but once she did so Brianna slipped the g-string down over her hips and let it drop to the floor before adding it, and her shoes, to the growing pile of clothing. Naked now, and carefully keeping her muscles tight to hold the ben wa balls within herself as she had not been instructed to remove them, Brianna clasped her hands behind her back and waited.

At some point during the striptease Sofia had moved over to the room's small closet and pulled out an object that made Brianna's breath catch in her throat. With a grin the blonde held up another catsuit, this one solid black and completely opaque but otherwise very similar to the one Claudia wore save that there were no openings in the suit save for the zipper at the crotch. Without a word the woman opened up the zipper in the back of the suit and handed it to Brianna, who took it with slightly shaking fingers. It had to have been made for her and she did not want to even think of what it might have cost but here it was, another incredible gift from her mistresses.

"Do you like it?" Sofia prompted.

"Oh, yes mistress!" she exclaimed, unable to keep the excitement out of her voice.

"Then let us help you try it on." Roxanna practically purred, startling Brianna slightly as she had not noticed the woman sneaking up on her.

It proved to be a surprisingly complex procedure once they got down to it, making Brianna glad for the help rather than trying to puzzle it out for herself. First applying a lotion to her skin, a task that her mistresses undertook with thorough dedication making the girl moan a number of times as their hands lingered on her breasts and ass and between her legs. Then the difficult task of squeezing herself into a rubber suit that was meant to be tight while making sure that all of the seams lined up and nothing wrinkled. Still, as Roxanna zipped her up, Brianna looked down at the shiny black surface that was her body, running her hands curiously over the layer of latex now encasing her, marveling at the smoothness and the way the suit highlighted her every curve. It looked incredible and the feeling, the constricting smoothness that seemed to squeeze every bit of her in its inescapable embrace, cool at first but rapidly warming upon contact with her skin, was something else. But they were not done yet.

Sliding open the top drawer of the dresser, Sofia pulled out a hood made of the same black latex. Brianna bowed slightly to allow the other woman to remove her collar and pull the hood over her head, grimacing a little at the way it seemed to tug at her hair, but it fell into place quickly enough, the same tight slickness covering her face as well. Finished with that task Sofia replaced her collar and then reached down to brandish a hand mirror. As she looked into it Brianna felt herself gasp, eyes wide, at the alien looking creature that stared back at her. Only her eyes and mouth, and the tiny breathing holes for her nostrils, were exposed the rest of her was one shiny mass of black rubber polished to a mirror sheen. She had to fight down the urge to reach out and touch the mirror, wondering for just a moment if it was truly her in the reflection that she was seeing.

"Marvelous." Sofia announced, "We had to guess at some of your sizes, but it seems to fit you perfectly." She lowered the mirror, "And you wear it well."

"Thank you, mistress." Brianna responded, smiling softly.

"You are most welcome." Roxanna said, "But we are not finished yet, kor�tsi. Hands behind your back."

Obediently Brianna did as she was told, once again clasping her hands behind her back as Roxanna pulled an armbinder from the dresser. She bit her lip, eyes closed as the monoglove slid up her arms and the straps were tightened over her shoulders and across her chest to make sure she could not wiggle out of it. A low moan followed as the straps were tightened and her elbows pulled together until they almost touched. Truth be told, through long practice, Brianna had developed the flexibility to allow her elbows to touch but she could only endure that for a relatively short period of time. Given that Roxanna was not pushing those limits it seemed she might be bound like this for awhile. That sent her imagination soaring once again and, not for the first time, Brianna wondered just what was in store for her. A quick glance at the bed and Claudia's still struggling form only heightened that sense.

No sooner were her arms bound than Sofia griped her under the chin firmly and, with a slight pressure, prompting her to open her mouth. Brianna watched then as Sofia held up a device of some sort, a metal ring made of two halves held together by adjustment screws. As the ring was tucked firmly behind her teeth and the screws adjusted to wrench her mouth open even wider Brianna realized it was some sort of compact jaw spreader, a strapless ring gag in essence. Swallowing as best she could, and curiously exploring the device with her tongue, Brianna was given no time to adapt as Sofia slipped a panel gag over her lips, an attached plug sliding firmly into her mouth, and buckled it tightly into place making the gag blend almost seamlessly with the hood itself. It was not a large plug thankfully, as Brianna had little enough experience with that sort of thing, but still extremely effective at pinning her tongue in place and reducing her to only the tiniest of moans and whimpers.

Roxanna circled her bound and gagged form, gently running her fingertips along the latex clad skin of her torso before opening the zipper at her crotch. Brianna moaned then, the sound little more than a whisper, as Roxanna's fingers plunged slowly, oh so slowly, into her wet and aching sex. With a surprisingly loud pop, followed by a second a heartbeat later, the ben wa balls slid from her, a mixed sense of relief and disappointment flooding Brianna as the toys were removed. Her mistress had one final addition to make, however. Reaching into the drawer Roxanna held up a stainless steel anal plug triumphantly, a wicked grin on her lips and Brianna felt her eyes go wide at the sight. Oh she'd had anal sex and worn toys before, in fact those were both firsts she had given to her mistresses but she still found the experience to be mildly uncomfortable. Not enough to signal for them to stop, though. Indeed, Brianna moaned again as the cool metal of the plug was pressed against her pussy as Roxanna lubricated it with her own fluids before she forced herself to relax as the plug was gently, but firmly, inserted into her ass. The sudden sense of fullness was almost overwhelming, and incredibly arousing despite the discomfort or, perhaps, because of it.

Closing the zipper partially to seal the plug in place but leave the girl's pussy exposed Roxanna stepped back, "There, you look absolutely beautiful, kor�tsi."

Brianna felt herself blush at that compliment, though she doubted anyone could tell at the moment.

"The rules of this game are simple." Sofia said as she placed her hands on Brianna's shoulders and guided her toward the bed, "Claudia has been a very bad girl, and so we have had to punish her. She wants to cum very badly," she glanced down at the bed and the woman shackled to it, "don't you Claudia?"

The captive woman moaned and nodded almost frantically.

"But of course, kor�tsi," Roxanna picked up, "you know that orgasms must be earned. But this time, you will decide if Claudia has learned her lesson."

With that Roxanna reached down and removed Claudia's gag, revealing both a much larger plug than the one Brianna was wearing and that the woman also had a jaw spreader holding her mouth open. With both Roxanna and Sofia holding her arms, Brianna was prompted to climb onto the bed until she found herself straddling the bound woman, looking down at her latex covered face. Down at pale pink lips wrenched into an 'o' of surprise by the jaw spreader, her teeth prominent around the ring, and a captive tongue that revealed not one but two small piercings side by side. Brianna shivered in anticipation. It was quite common for her to perform oral sex on her mistresses, indeed at times she thought the two women might be addicted to such pleasures, but receiving those pleasures in turn? That was a rare treat, a reward reserved for special occasions. As she lowered her hips, slowly pressing her bare sex to Claudia's captive mouth her whole body felt as if it were on fire, as if every nerve sang with anticipation, her aching core practically throbbing.

All thought abandoned her in that instant as Claudia's tongue struck like a viper and Brianna could do nothing but throw back her head and moan helplessly at the sensation. It was very clear that Claudia knew what she was doing as she licked and teased and explored, the contrast between her soft tongue and the hard metal of her piercings driving Brianna to distraction. Unable to help herself she began to rock her hips, grinding her pussy against the helpless mouth caught between her thighs, desperately seeking more sensation. Panting harshly through her nose Brianna strained against her armbinder, breath hitching as she felt Claudia's tongue plunge into her, piercings scraping against frazzled nerves and driving her over the edge. Eye clenched and screaming into her gag Brianna finally, finally had the orgasm she had been craving for so long, an explosion of pleasure searing through her veins. Pressing down harder she began to thrust her hips even more vigorously. She wanted more, and it seemed that Claudia was more than willing to provide. Withdrawing her tongue from the woman straddling her, Claudia immediate began to lap at Brianna's throbbing clit, trapping the nub of flesh between her two tongue studs as she did so to stimulate it from all sides. Having never felt anything like this before Brianna came again almost immediately, so hard she felt every muscle in her body tense, and bit down on her gag to try and stifle her scream. Claudia still wasn't done though as she continued to obediently lap at the pussy pressed to her lips, dutifully drinking the fluids of the woman she was pleasuring as she came again and again.

At some point Brianna could have sworn that she passed out from sheer orgasmic overload and only came back to herself when she felt hands gently grip her and pull her away from Claudia's head until she was sitting between the girl's legs. Her face, what little of it could be seen, flushed and panting Brianna blinked away tears, whimpering a little as aftershocks continued to assault her body. Despite it all she could not help but laugh into her gag, still a little high on pleasure as she struggled to come back down. That had been incredible, truly and completely incredible. Looking to her left and right she could see her mistresses, who had both stripped as well at some point, giving her concerned looks even as they gently stroked her shoulders and hips as if calming down a wild animal. Brianna found herself chuckling again at the description, finding it incredibly apt somehow even as she reveled in the touch.

It was Sofia's voice that reached her first, "Are you alright?"

Brianna nodded, still breathing a little heavily.

"Good, good." The blonde smiled at her, "So then, did she earn a reward?"

A more vigorous nod followed.

Roxanna leaned over to stroke Claudia's forehead, "It seems you are in luck today, Brianna is in a generous mood. You should thank her."

"GHhanch, oou!" Claudia managed around the jaw spreader.

With a wicked smile Roxanna ran her hand down Claudia's body before opening the zipper between her legs to expose her own wet and throbbing pussy, a faint silvery flash revealing that Claudia was also wearing an anal plug. Reaching into the girl, making her groan at the sensation, the olive-skinned woman withdrew a vibrator that had been buried deep within her. At the same time Brianna could feel Sofia unfastening her gag, pulling the panel away from her lips and the plug out of her mouth. The two women then forced her to lay down between Claudia's legs, drawing her ankles up and cuffing them to a ring at the base of her armbinder, leaving her helplessly hogtied. Once she was in position Brianna felt herself being pushed foreword until the scent of Claudia's musk was heavy in her nose and her wrenched open mouth was pressed against the poor girl's aching sex, the unexpected contact making her jump slightly in her bonds.

With that Brianna got to work, gratefully giving back the pleasure she had just been given. It surprised her, though, just how little it took to bring the girl to orgasm. Almost as soon as she began to probe and explore the woman's delicate flesh with her tongue Claudia seemed to jerk in her bonds, arching her back in a way that looked terribly painful even as she screamed out in ecstasy. As much as Brianna was proud of the skills she had developed, to say nothing of the techniques that her mistresses had taught her, she certainly didn't think she was that good. Just how horny was this poor girl? Feeling a hand on the back of her head holding her mouth in place, a clear signal that she was not done yet, Brianna put those thoughts from her mind as she continued to lap at Claudia's quivering sex, alternating between short, fast licks and long, even strokes as she worshiped the girl's pussy and probed deep inside of her. Muscles as tense as spun steel Claudia continued to thrash and buck in her bonds, throwing her head side to side as she moaned and screamed and came. Brianna could not say exactly how long they spent like that but at some point Claudia seemed to collapse, pushed to her limit and beyond, body relaxing as she went completely limp, moaning softly in abject relief through her gag even as small tremors continued to assault her thin frame.

At some point Brianna felt her ankles being released, her body uncoiling itself from the hogtied she had been confined to, even as hands gripped her about the waist and slid her back across the mattress. Somewhat awkwardly she was lifted over the foot of the bed, feet spread wide on the floor even as she was bent over the mattress. Looking up at Claudia's prone body Brianna watched as Roxanna climbed onto the bed herself, her scarred back blocking the view as she slid the end of a double dildo into Claudia's still quivering body before impaling herself upon it as well. Claudia moaned again at that point as Roxanna began to work her hips, fucking the girl in earnest while running her hands up the latex encased form and teasing her bare breasts. Brianna had little enough time to appreciate the sight before she found herself moaning as well as a dildo slowly slide into her own body, Sofia's strong hands settling about her waist while the woman's hips pressed against her ass. Normally Sofia preferred to be a little rough during sex but right now she was taking her time, working her plaything slowly and deliberately. Brianna felt herself moan again, eyes drifting closed, as the fires within her were slowly stoked, Sofia carefully increasing her pace bit by bit to shepherd those flames. Lost after what felt like an eternity of moaning and writhing in that wondrous haze of sensation Brianna felt herself go tense, straining against her armbinder and crying out loudly as overstimulated flesh was pushed across the peak of a truly monstrous orgasm. Increasing her pace, Sofia continued to thrust into her quaking form until the blonde crossed the threshold herself, hands tightening on Brianna's waist as she rode out her own climax.

After what seemed like an endless moment riding that wave of pure sensation Brianna shivered as the dildo was pulled from her overstimulated sex. Blinking several times to clear her vision, still panting to try and catch her breath, she could see Roxanna's now still form, breathing heavily and hair splayed wildly across her back, as she loomed over Claudia's bound and moaning body. A moment later Sofia leaned over her to wrap her arms around Roxanna's waist. The olive-skinned woman turned slightly in that embrace, their lips meeting in a tender kiss that lasted several long minutes.

"Our girls seem to get along quite well." Sofia noted, the first to break the silence.

"Indeed." Roxanna agreed, her smile widening slightly, "I think, perhaps, they would still enjoy getting to know each other a little better."

Sofia's face lit up then, "I might have an idea." she said before leaning in and whispering something in Roxanna's ear.

The woman perked up instantly, "How marvelously devious."

With that Sofia helped her lover climb off the bed, once again granting Brianna a clear view of Claudia's shivering body. The pair then began to release the woman from her bonds, untying her from the tight spread-eagle she had been trapped in and pulling her mostly limp form to her feet. Brianna could do nothing but watch as they then proceeded to lock Claudia's ankles together before slipping an armbinder onto her own arms, tightening the monoglove until her elbows touched without resistance. Brianna found herself marveling at that seemingly effortless flexibility, and admiring the way the tight elbow bondage made her small breasts stand out in a rather flattering fashion. Still not finished, however, she continued to watch as Roxanna plunged a double dildo back into Claudia's pussy, zipping up her catsuit as far as she could to hold it in place while Sofia slid yet another double dildo into the girl's mouth. But that toy was a bit different, however, with a hole drilled through the mid point to accommodate a pair of thin leather straps, one of which Sofia tightened around the woman's head effectively gagging her. Seeing that Brianna began to have an inkling of what her mistresses had planned and felt herself squirm a little as the muscles in her sex clenched slightly, embers of arousal beginning to glow within her again. Seemingly satisfied with that preparation both of the women then grabbed her under the arms and Brianna felt herself lifted to her feet and guided her over to Claudia's bound form and latex encased form.

Roxanna gave her a slight, questioning look, silently asking for permission to continue and Brianna found herself nodding. With that she found herself pressed up against Claudia's thin frame, their stomachs and breasts touching even as she felt the first dildo guided into her own pussy while the second slid effortlessly between the jaw spreader she was wearing. The second strap on the dildo gag was fastened around her own head, locking her lips together with Claudia's into the strangest but most arousing kiss she had ever had. Their collars and ankle cuffs were then clasped together with padlocks, trapping them in that strange embrace before Roxanna dumped a truly ludicrous amount of electrical tape on the bed. Trembling in excitement Brianna watched silently as the two woman took the tape and spent several long moments mummifying the two latex clad figures into a tight and seamless cocoon that went from their ankles to their shoulders. The last thing Brianna felt before Sofia half drug and half carried them to the bed and laid them down on their sides, was a tight blindfold covering her own eyes that trapped her in total darkness and a soft kiss on her temple.

"Pleasant dreams," Roxanna said in the darkness, "and rest well. We'll untie you when lunch is ready."

She heard footsteps on the hardwood floor then as well as the creaking sound of the door closing, though Brianna was fairly certain that at least one of her mistresses was still here keeping careful watch. Still as she lay in the darkness, her body pressed against Claudia's thin form and trapped in an incredible tight embrace, the only sounds the hiss of breath through her nose and her heart hammering in her chest, Brianna could easily imagine the two of them were alone. In her mind's eye the fantasy unfolded, the pair of them together in cruel bondage, gagged tightly and unable to murmur even the slightest hints of comfort to each other, nothing but two helpless sex slaves waiting for the return of their captors. Brianna felt her nipples harden and her sex clench around the dildo filling it as her arousal grew again, but her thoughts were cut short when Claudia began to squirm in their cocoon, grinding their bodies together. There wasn't much room but leveraging what little slack their was in the tape the woman eventually found a way to rock her hips against Brianna's own in a way that made the dildo connecting them squirm in a fascinating way. Brianna gasped at the sudden sensation, then moaned, but Claudia only began to rock her hips more aggressively and made a soft noise that sounded like annoyance. Taking the hint quickly enough, Brianna began to rock her own hips as well, copying Claudia's motions and gratified to hear the woman moan softly in turn. It felt like it took forever as they rocked and twisted and ground their bodies together, their latex encasement becoming almost uncomfortably hot as the motion of the two girls became even more vigorous. Mewling into their gags, louder and louder as the tension built, eventually the pair were able to squirm their way to a mutual orgasm, thrashing against each other inside their cocoon as they did so. But even as Brianna moaned loudly into the gag and felt her muscles go slack in satisfaction Claudia only redoubled her efforts. Part of her was taken aback, almost marveling at the fact that the woman was apparently still horny, but somehow Brianna found herself grinning around the gag at her enthusiasm and responded in kind. Perhaps there was some truth to the idea that the woman had been edged all night long?

Whatever the case she had a feeling there wasn't going to be much rest going on this afternoon but, as she began to rock her own hips again, Brianna was certain that both of them would be quite relaxed by the time it was over.

Part 4 (added: 2020/04/13)

Brianna found herself floating in darkness, her mind strangely quiet while her body was distant and relaxed. She thought she could feel something warm and pleasant pressed tightly against herself and there was a faint sense of pressure, almost like being wrapped up in a blanket on a lazy afternoon, but it was vague at best. It was nice though. All that she really, truly felt was a sense of contentment and an all consuming weariness that felt right and comfortable somehow. Time was impossible to tell as she drifted through the darkness, somewhere between sleep and wakefulness, until a new and foreign sensation reached her. It was slight at first, distant, like something pressed against her shoulder, but it slowly grew, demanding more and more attention from her consciousness. It felt almost as if someone was shaking her arm. There was a sound as well, one growing louder and louder as it echoed in the darkness. Curious, she focused on the sound, trying to puzzle out why it was so familiar to her drifting thoughts. Eventually the sound resolved itself into a voice, though the identity of the speaker danced just outside of her perceptions.

"Brianna?" the voice asked, softly, "Brianna, dear, wake up."

In that moment, as if called by the voice, Brianna jerked awake and, for a split second, panic filled her. Try as she might she could not move as a tight, almost claustrophobic pressure encased her body and pulled her arms sharply behind her back. She tried to cry out but something was stretching her jaws wide and filled her mouth, rendering her mute and helpless. Heart hammering in her chest she tried to open her eyes, to see what was happening, but the blackness did not fade. 'A blindfold.' she realized, 'I've been blindfolded.' Her consciousness roused by growing panic she suddenly became aware of numerous aches and pains radiating from her shoulders and jaw as well as a dull and steady ache from between her legs. She tried to squirm free of whatever it was that had trapped her but the encasement held firm and a weight pinned to her chest anchored her in place.

"It's okay, it's okay," the voice suddenly returned, accompanied by the sensation of a hand gripping her shoulder gently, "Wake up dear, it's okay."

The soothing sounds of that achingly familiar voice as well as the soft touch helped a great deal and Brianna relaxed a little, the ball of fear in her gut loosening as she did so. As the panic faded, and her thoughts became more clear Brianna's mind finally managed to throw off the last lingering wisps of sleep and catch up with events. More fully awake now she recognized Sofia's voice cutting through the darkness and remembered just where she was and what was happening. She was at her lovers' house, in the guest bedroom upstairs, bound tightly to the mysterious Claudia after a rather intense session of bondage and lovemaking. Exhausted by Claudia's passion, as well as the woman's seemingly inexhaustible appetite, she must have drifted off the sleep or something like it. Feeling her breath calm and her heart slow down, as well as Claudia moan softly and squirm against her having been awakened by her partner's thrashing, Brianna was at last able to relax. Slightly embarrassed at her panic she blushed, glad that within her encasement no one could see.

"Are you alright?" Sofia's familiar voice asked and Brianna managed to moan out a reply. The blonde then began to stroke her head gently, "Stay still, I'll get you loose."

Nodding as best she could and doing as she was instructed, not that there was much else she could do, Brianna felt deft fingers unbuckle the gag that she was wearing before a pair of scissors began to slowly cut away the cocoon of tape that held her tight. As the last of the tape snapped loose Brianna heard the shackles unlock and felt herself roll to the side, the dildos pulling themselves free from her body as she landed on her back, somewhat uncomfortably pinning her bound arms behind her. A moment later fingers entered her mouth and popped the jaw spreader closed before pulling it free. Groaning slightly in relief Brianna licked her lips and worked her jaws as best she could to try and chase away the stiffness. In that same instant the blindfold vanished and, even in the dark bedroom she was laying in, Brianna had to squint against the sudden influx of light. As her vision began to clear Brianna looked up into the face of her mistress, the blonde grinning at her.

"Comfy?" Sofia asked.

Feeling her own lips twitch into a smile in response, Brianna nodded, "Yes, mistress."

Smirking at her again the blonde gently grabbed her shoulders before slowly lifting her up until Brianna found herself sitting on the edge of the bed, facing the heavily curtained window. In near silence, interrupted only by the faint creak of leather and the protests of the bed springs, Sofia went about her work. A few moments later Brianna found herself free of her collar and cuffs before a strap was loosened and the monoglove binding her arms went slack, freeing her from the tight elbow bondage she had been confined in. Moaning in relief as the pressure on her shoulders released itself, Brianna was only vaguely aware of the various other straps being removed and the armbinder joining the slowly growing pile of bondage gear on the mattress. Stretching her neck and rolling her shoulders Brianna let out an involuntary sigh of relief as she was at last able to begin working the dull and throbbing cramps that had been building in her muscles. As she was enjoying this newfound freedom Sofia suddenly pulled the hood off of her head and undid the zipper at her back. Taking her hands gently, Sofia prompted her to stand and Brianna closed her eyes as the blonde began the slow process of pealing the catsuit from her body.

Nude now, with matted blue hair clinging to her scalp and feeling suddenly cold from the faint rush of conditioned air over sweat covered skin Brianna shivered slightly. Sofia, whom she now noted was still naked herself, gripped her gently around the waist and pulled her into a soft embrace.

As much as the welcomed the touch Brianna found herself squirming slightly in that embrace, "Please don't mistress, I'm a mess."

Sofia gripped her chin gently and pressed a soft kiss to her lips, "You are beautiful, devushka." the woman insisted before sniffing dramatically, "Though you could use a shower." Brianna pouted playfully at that before a sudden pinch to her rear made her yelp in surprise and Sofia leaned in to whisper in her ear, "It will make you feel better."

Nodding her agreement, Brianna felt Sofia's arms slowly loosen and fall away but she still hesitated for a moment. Twisting slightly, she looked down at the bed again, down at Claudia's prone form still encased in latex, slim frame squirming and moaning in its tight leather bondage, while a pair of dildos protruding awkwardly from her body. Inexplicable Brianna found herself biting her lip as she studied the woman whose face she had still not yet seen.

"What about..." she began.

"Do not worry, devushka." Sofia interrupted, "I will take care of her. Go. Clean up and get something to eat. We will join you soon enough."

Taking one last look at her mistress' gorgeously nude body, and Claudia's enchantingly bound form, and feeling her face flush for entirely different reasons, Brianna nodded and slowly began to make her way to the bathroom. Legs a bit shaky from a combination of her extended encasement and a lingering soreness between her legs, mute testament to just how wildly she and Claudia had thrashed against each other in their passion, Brianna had to grip the railing tightly as she practically limped down the staircase. Still, despite the lingering aches and pains, pleasant though they were, she found herself smiling for entirely different reasons as she ducked into the master bathroom and locked the door behind her. If nothing else Brianna could say with certainty that the day's events had caught her off guard in a most unexpectedly pleasant way. Of all the thoughts and fantasies she had contemplated while walking to "work" this morning she had certainly never dreamed that she would meet Claudia, the infamous bound woman, in person much less get an opportunity to... well, to do all the things they had done together. A reward, Roxanna had called it. More like a long cherished fantasy come to life with an intensity that put even her darkest dreams to shame.

Suddenly wincing as a hand unconsciously drifted between her legs, the sore flesh of her sex protesting the touch, Brianna shook her head to try and focus. Leaning into the tub she turned the shower on full blast and stepped back to let the water warm. Still though, she could not help but think back on the last hours and smile at the memory of how Claudia's firm body had felt pressed up against her own, to say nothing of the way the petite woman had twisted and writhed and bucked against her in their encasement as if possessed, driving the pair of them to orgasm after orgasm. She could still feel the ghostly sensation on her skin and deep within herself. Brianna honestly wasn't sure how long they had lain like that, tired and sore and mummified together in mutual afterglow, a moment that seemed to last both an eternity and an instant, and a sensation that seemed to exhaust and invigorate her all at once. Even though she had never seen the other woman's face, or heard her voice, there was an undeniable... something about Claudia that drew her in. Shaking her head again, if still smiling like a fool, Brianna took a deep breath of the steam that was beginning to fill the air and stepped into the tub, shutting the curtain behind her.

Closing her eyes she ducked under the shower head, letting out a contented sigh as a curtain of warm water sluiced over her body. For a long moment she just stood like that, luxuriating in the sensation of blessed heat suffusing her form, chasing away aches in sore muscles and loosening tension she hadn't even been aware of. Sighing in relief she tossed her head back, slicking long blue hair away from her face as she did so, and stretched her arms as far as she could until her fingers almost touched the ceiling and she felt her spine pop. Moaning in relief, Brianna placed her own hands on her shoulders and began to massage away the cramps that still lingered there. As much fun as it had been to spend the afternoon encased in latex bondage and sealed in a tight cocoon with Claudia she was glad to be able to stretch her limbs and ease sore jaws. Not that she regretted the experience, as extreme as it had been. Honestly part of her wondered when, or if, she would get to do something like that again, even now almost surprised by how much the thought turned her on. Closing her eyes once more and ducking back under the spray of water to clear her head, Brianna groped blindly for the body wash and began to scrub the scent of sex, sweat and rubber from her skin almost mechanically. As she finished cleaning her body and began to wash her hair Brianna found her thoughts wandering to just what other surprises the day might hold. That brought a smile to her lips as vague fantasies began to swirl behind her eyes.

Rinsing the last of the soap from her hair, and spending more than a few minutes simply enjoying the feeling of hot water pouring over her body, Brianna at last turned the shower off and stepped out of the tub, soaking wet. Pulling a wonderfully fluffy towel off a nearby rack she quickly dried herself before stepping up to the sink and using the towel to wipe the steam from the mirror. Although her skin was flushed from the shower, her hair bedraggled and her face sans makeup Brianna could not help but smile at her reflection. Even showered she had what Sofia referred to as that freshly fucked glow about her and, if she looked closely, she could see faint lines on her skin where the seams of the catsuit and hood had pressed into her. Bolder lines across her cheeks and down her chest betrayed where the straps of the armbinder and gag had bit in through the latex. Honestly she looked a bit of a mess but, even as she began to quickly finger comb her hair into a rough state of order, Brianna gently traced the marks of bondage upon her skin and felt more than a bit giddy. She knew from long experience that they would fade quickly enough but at the moment she was proud to wear these "war wounds" as she had come to jokingly call them.

Appearance loosely back in order Brianna stepped away from the mirror and carefully hung the towel back on the rack to let it dry before casting an eye about the room curiously. One thing was conspicuous in it's absence: a change of clothing. There was nothing on the counter or in the towel closet and her maid uniform was still folded up in the guest room. Except for the duffle bag with her street clothes still sitting on the floor she had nothing to wear. Her mistresses' instructions on this were quite clear, she was not allowed to wear anything within the house that they did not provide and as she looked around the bathroom again it was quite clear to Brianna that, right now, they had provided nothing. It wasn't exactly unheard of for any or all of them to wander around the house naked but Brianna felt her face heat up again at the thought and wondered if she would be the only one nude this afternoon. She certainly hoped not. After glancing at her reflection one last time Brianna quickly crossed the room and opened the bathroom door, steeling herself against the rush of cool air that greeted her, and slowly made her way to the kitchen on bare feet.

Accompanied by the faint clink of dishes Brianna stepped into the kitchen to find Roxanna already there, standing at the counter and humming softly to herself as she assembled sandwiches. The olive-skinned woman was wearing nothing but a soft robe that barely reached mid-thigh, the thin material rendered almost translucent by the glow of the afternoon sun pouring in through the window and perfectly highlighting her slender form. Struck by the sight, Brianna paused at the entryway and took a moment to admire her lover, greedily running her eyes up and down that enticing silhouette. Noting that the woman seemed totally absorbed in her task and oblivious to her own presence, Brianna stepped onto the tile as softly as she could and carefully crept up behind her. Feeling a smile grace her lips, Brianna reached out and pounced, wrapping the older woman in a tight embrace. Roxanna started slightly and let out a gasp of surprise at the unexpected contact, but seemed to relax as the arms encircling her waist pulled her close to a warm and familiar body.

Turning her head to look over her shoulder, Roxanna smirked slightly as she caught sight of Brianna's visage, "Someone is feeling affectionate, I see. I trust you enjoyed your morning, kor�tsi?"

Brianna tightened her grip a little more, "It was incredible, mistress. Thank you. Thank you so much. I never even dreamed of... of..." she trailed off, not entirely certain how to put all the things she wanted to say into words.

"You are most welcome." Roxanna assured as she went back to preparing lunch, though she made no move to break the embrace she was caught within.

"It's kind of strange though." Brianna admitted idly as she began to stroke the soft material of the robe under her fingertips, captivated (and secretly proud) by the way the body beneath seemed to shiver at her touch. "I just had the most incredible sex with a woman whose face I've never seen, who I've never even spoken to. It feels... weird. Good, but weird."

"Do not fret, kor�tsi." Roxanna assured, "You will get the opportunity to see Claudia for yourself soon enough, and speak to your heart's content."

Burying her face in Roxanna's shoulder Brianna found herself asking the question that had been rattling around in her head since she had been untied, "I never really thought to ask before, I mean it never really came up but Claudia kind of starting this whole thing. If I'd never seen the three of your together I probably never would have..." she trailed off again for a moment, blush returning as she very much remembered what she had done and all that it had led to in the end, "What I mean is, it was always in the back of my mind but I never asked. Who is Claudia?"

Roxanna hmmed in consideration, "It is no great secret, I suppose. Claudia was a student of mine, once upon a time."

"Student?" Brianna asked, curiosity piqued, "You were a teacher?"

Any nascent thoughts of seduction and tawdry, forbidden romance died quickly when the olive-skinned woman shook her head, "Nothing so formal as that, no. I was... more of a tutor, I suppose you could say. In the course of her studies we grew close and, in time, our relationship became more intimate." Roxanna smiled at that, "Claudia was a poor student in truth, but she discovered a great talent for, ah, submission under our instruction."

Brianna bit her lip and remained silent as she considered that, a trill of excitement running down her spine at the thought. She could imagine it easily, a spark of arousal igniting as she envisioned the scenario and idly wondered if Claudia's education in the finer arts of BDSM had been anything like her own? From personal experience she could certainly attest that her mistresses had a great talent in teaching that particular subject.

Oblivious to her thoughts, Roxanna playfully batted her hands away, "Now sit." she ordered, "I imagine you could use a bite to eat after the morning you've had."

Smiling, Brianna obediently loosened her arms and stepped back, holding up her hands in mock surrender as she pulled out a chair and sat down, "Yes, mistress."

Roxanna's smirk returned as she set down a plate with a plain looking sandwich on it, but any further comment was cut off by Sofia's sudden entrance. The blonde strode toward the table confidently, her tanned and toned body covered only by the work shirt she had been wearing early, hastily thrown back on and partially buttoned up to show off both a generous amount of cleavage and reveal that she wore nothing underneath it. But that was not what truly caught Brianna's attention or made her breath catch in her throat. Trailing submissively a few steps behind the blonde was Claudia. Now free of her latex imprisonment Brianna could make out the details of her rail-thin body more clearly. Skin nearly as pale as Brianna's own, well toned legs that led up to the slight but still feminine curves of her hips and the faint ridges of muscle along her stomach. More than that, for the first time Brianna could look upon the woman's uncovered face and take in her thin lips and almost delicate features along with deep brown eyes and equally brown hair, still damp from a recent shower and reaching the nape of her neck in wild waves. But even that paled in comparison to the bondage gear that clung to her body. A shiny steel collar circled Claudia's neck while a bright red ball gag, easily more than two inches in diameter, filled her mouth though she seemed to wear it easily. In truth Brianna found herself a little impressed that such a small woman could tolerate such a large gag. Beyond that an item she instantly recognized from pictures as a bolero straitjacket made of skintight black leather pinned her arms into a helpless self embrace and left her small breasts on full display, but the thing that truly caught Brianna's attention was a chastity belt of polished steel that circled Claudia's hips and imprisoned her sex.

For a brief moment Brianna could not breathe and her face turned a hot pink as she took in the sight, feeling herself grow wet both at the tableaux before her and the thought of what it must be like to wear a chastity belt, especially given her mistresses penchant for teasing. She knew she was staring but she simply could not help it as Claudia was maneuvered into the chair right next to her, so close that their shoulders were practically touching, before Sofia sat at the end of the table grinning at the scene like the proverbial fox in the hen house. From where she sat Claudia tentatively glanced up at her, almost as if she were shy, before her own cheeks colored in a blush and she quickly looked down at her lap. Brianna felt like she should say something, anything, and could feel her mouth open but no words came out. She just stared, almost stupidly, at the woman next to her and tried very hard not to think about the fact that, naught but an hour ago, the pair of them had been wildly fucking. It didn't really work and Brianna could feel her face heating up even more. The awkwardness of the moment was mercifully broken a heartbeat later when Roxanna set more plates down in front of them and then took her own seat at the other end of the table.

Eventually, her amusement having run its course, Sofia looked over her, "I believe Claudia could use some assistance. If you would be so kind, devushka?"

Almost jumping in her seat Brianna quickly nodded. "Yes, mistress!"

She could feel herself wince slightly at that answer, delivered perhaps a bit more forcefully than necessary, but nonetheless dutifully began to unfasten Claudia's gag. This close, as she pulled the leather straps loose, she could see deep red lines pressed into the other girl's cheeks, a testament to how tightly the gag had been buckled, and was surprised by the amount of force needed to dislodge the ball from her mouth, which finally came loose with a loud pop. Holding it in her hand now Brianna actually marveled at how massive the gag looked, honestly wondering how Claudia had even managed to get it in her mouth. The girl must be tough as nails, or at least have a jaw of iron.

Now free of her gag Claudia licked her lips and looked up at Brianna again, brown eyes meeting hazel, and gave her a faint smile, "Thank you."

The voice surprised Brianna for a moment. It was deeper than she had expected, almost smokey, but pleasant all the same. She returned the smile, "You're welcome."

The silence returned then, interrupted only by the faint clink of dishes as the four of them ate. Or, more accurately, as three of them ate and Brianna found herself feeding the bound girl sitting next to her. It was interesting. More than once Brianna had been bound at the dinner table and fed by one of her mistresses, but she had never been on the other side of the equation before. But sitting here now she found the experience to be both sweet and faintly erotic, and she could certainly see the appeal. Mentally, however, Brianna was kicking herself. There were so many things she had wanted to say, to ask, about this situation and about Claudia now that she actually had the chance. Both mundane questions, like where she had gotten her tattoos or what subject Roxanna had been tutoring her on, as well as more intimate things, like thanking her for the amazing experience earlier or asking if her own performance had been equally enjoyable, or even to know if she actually had been bound and teased all night long. That thought brought Brianna's blush back, though no one commented. Even just the chance to talk to a fellow submissive, to compare notes on their experiences as it were, was something she had never really had a chance to do before. But every time she tried she felt the words die in her throat, oddly embarrassed to speak. It was honestly strange, Brianna realized, how easily she could sit naked at the kitchen table and eat lunch with three other women, all of whom she'd had sex with, but still found herself too embarrassed start a conversation.

With no distractions the meal was finished in short order and Claudia suddenly licked her lips again, her eyes darting to Sofia for a moment, "May I please have dessert, mistress?" she asked, softly.

Sofia grinned at her. "I don't see why not." she answered after a moment, then glanced at Roxanna, "What do you think, dorogoy?"

The olive-skinned woman seemed to consider that request for a moment and then nodded her agreement.

Brianna felt Sofia's arctic blue gaze lock with her own, "And what of you, my dear? Would you also like dessert?"

Brianna licked her own lips involuntarily, knowing well from previous experiences that it wasn't food that anyone was talking about eating, and nodded, "Please, mistress."

Sofia smiled at her, "Then do come over here, devushka." her eyes flickered over to Claudia again, "Be a dear and see to Roxanna, won't you?"

Without comment Claudia immediately slipped under the table in an impressive display of dexterity given that she did not have use of her arms. A heartbeat later Brianna scrambled along after her, crawling on the cool tile floor until she reached Sofia, who eagerly opened her legs in silent invitation. As she crawled into position Brianna could hear a low moan behind her that she instantly recognized as Roxanna's, but she put that out of her mind as she gently kissed Sofia's bare sex, grinning a bit despite herself as the woman's calloused hands wove through her still damp hair and pulled her in closer. Roxanna might like having her pleasure drawn out but Sofia most definitely did not. She much preferred things to be hard and fast and intense, and often a bit rough, as if testing her own endurance and how much she could take. With months of practice under her belt (or was that under her tongue?) Brianna knew exactly what the older woman liked and immediately began to lap at her sex, plunging her tongue deep inside Sofia's warm flesh until she arched her back and moaned. Once again taking advantage of the fact that she wasn't gagged Brianna immediately changed tactics and locked her lips around Sofia's hard and eager clit, sucking almost desperately while she swirled the tip of her tongue around that sensitive nub. Sofia's thighs tightened around her head and Brianna could feel the fingers in her hair clench almost instantly, a much louder moan filling the air as the woman's hips twitched beneath the pleasurable assault.

Brianna could not help but grin at the reaction and redoubled her efforts. It would take more than that to push Sofia over the edge, but even if it did take a fair amount of effort to push her to the peak she could also stay there for an impressive amount of time. With muscular thighs pressing on her skull almost like a vice and fingers both stroking and pulling her hair, Brianna continued to lick and suck as Sofia's moans grew louder and louder until every muscle in her body seemed to go taut as steel and she screamed as she came. Brianna did not let up, sucking more intensely as the blonde goddess she was currently worshiping began to babble something in Russian even as she howled in ecstasy at the string of orgasms being torn from her. Sofia could be quite loud unless she was trying to control herself, and right now it seemed she saw no reason to try. Brianna found herself quite thankful that the fence kept most people out of the back yard, for anyone that close would almost certainly hear everything that was happening. For a moment she tried to imagine the scene that anyone looking through the patio doors would see, a pair of half naked woman sitting at the kitchen table eagerly receiving oral sex from a pair of girls, one bound tightly and the other completely nude. The thought turned her on immensely and she could feel her pussy clench in sympathy. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the tension suddenly faded and Sofia's body went slack, slumping in her chair even as Brianna felt strong fingers pull her mouth away from her lover's glistening sex. Tongue still sticking out of her mouth, Brianna looked up as Sofia, face flushed and breath heavy, pushed the chair back and drew her up into a kiss. Closing her eyes, Brianna moaned into that kiss as she felt a warm and insistent tongue enter her mouth.

She could not say how long the kiss lingered, but when it broke Brianna slowly opened her eyes to see Sofia's smiling face looking back down at her. Silently her mistress stood and held out a hand, which she took without invitation, and the older woman helped pull her to her feet. As she stood, Brianna turned slightly to see Roxanna in the process of helping Claudia to her feet as well. The olive-skinned woman smiled at her then glanced at Sofia before saying something. Brianna found herself frowning softly as the two carried on a short conversation in their native tongues, wondering what they were talking about. But, given the way Sofia's expression morphed from slightly puzzled to extremely eager in the space of a heartbeat she had a feeling it was going to be... interesting. And while interesting was usually good in this house, it was also usually intense.

Still, whatever had been decided Sofia suddenly stepped over to Claudia's bound form, scooping up the ball gag from the table as she did and presented it. The brunette obediently opened her mouth and, once again, Brianna found herself marveling at how effortlessly the gag slid into place and how easy Claudia made it look. Truth be told she was a bit jealous.

Sofia then took the bound girl by the shoulder and began to guide her from the room, "Come along, kotenok, I believe you could use a nap."

Claudia just nodded and allowed herself to be led away but Brianna's attention was distracted as Roxanna's voice suddenly called out to her, "Would you be so kind as to help me with the dishes, kor�tsi?"

"Yes, mistress." she answered instantly, just a bit startled by the request, but immediately began to help the olive-skinned woman pick up the plates.

It took no more than a minute to gather what few dishes their were into the sink, but as they began to wash them a pensive look overtook Roxanna's features. "I have been thinking..." the woman said suddenly, "Well I have been thinking of a great many things of late. The end of the summer is almost upon us."

Brianna opened her mouth to deny it, to point out that there was nearly a month left but she stopped herself as soon as she was about to say it. That really wasn't that much time, she realized, and it would certainly go quickly. Taking a breath, she nodded, "Yes, mistress."

The olive-skinned woman continued, "When this began I said that we would have to see where things took us," she cocked her head to the side and grinned, "and they have certainly taken us to some interesting places, yes?"

Brianna found herself smiling softly, "Very much, mistress."

Roxanna paused then, as if carefully deciding on her next words, "My dear, I want you to understand that I ask this not as your mistress, but just as Roxanna. Are you happy with the way things have turned out so far?"

A little concerned at the tone, and unsure of the direction this conversation was taking, Brianna nodded slowly, "I am." A sudden, ugly thought occurred to her and Brianna found her voice dropping to a whisper, "Are you not happy?"

Roxanna immediately turned to her, "Oh no, please do not think that." she reached down and grabbed Brianna's hand, "Having you here has been wonderful."

"Then, what...?" Brianna trailed off.

"I have been thinking about the future." Roxanna admitted, "And the truth is that, very soon, the point of decision will be upon us and we will have to decide what all of this means, and where it is going."

Brianna nodded slowly once again, understanding exactly what her lover was saying. Truth be told it was something that she had been grappling with for some time, and at the same time trying very hard to ignore. The summer had been almost like a dream so far, a wonderful fairy tale and as much as it pained to admit it, even to herself, Brianna knew it couldn't last forever. At least, not as it was now. Eventually, like it or not, reality would intrude on this wonderful little bubble she had managed to live in.

"I've been thinking about it too." Brianna said, softly, "And I know things will have to change, sooner than I'd like and I don't know what will happen. But I do know that I don't want to lose you, either of you."

Roxanna hmmed softly, "You are a treasure, kor�tsi, truly. Sofia and I have spoken of this at length as well. When we first invited you into our bed, I counseled you to think carefully, that you were young yet and had all the time in the world to decide what you truly wanted." she smiled ruefully then, "It seems I am not capable of following my own advice. Forgive an old woman for being selfish, but having you here these months has been incredible and I must confess that we miss you terribly when you are gone. Indeed, it is... difficult to think of a future where you are not here."

Brianna felt her heart leap into her throat, "I know that I'm supposed to go back to school soon, but part of me doesn't want to if it means I have to leave you, both of you, behind." Then there was the new issue of Claudia and if... whatever it was that had happened today was a one time thing or, potentially, the start of something else.

Roxanna smiled at her, "You should go, I would hate for your to sacrifice your education for us, as flattering as that is." Brianna opened her mouth to reply, but Roxanna continued, "But that does not mean you must leave us behind. You are moving down the road, not across the world. There will be considerably less sex, of course, and that will be a shame, but you know what they say about too much of a good thing."

After a long moment of consideration Brianna conceded the point, "That is true. And I suppose it won't be forever. It's just..."

"This is new, and fun, and exciting." Roxanna supplied, "I understand, I was your age once upon a time myself you know."

"You are not old." Brianna returned, rolling her eyes a little at that old joke.

Roxanna just offered an enigmatic smile and went back to washing dishes, "There is another matter to be addressed though."

Brianna looked at her curiously, "Oh?"

"This is not, and will not be, the most conventional of relationships." Roxanna warned, "But if we go forward, if we choose to make this more than just a casual assignation things will change. Perhaps for the better, but also perhaps for the worse. There will be difficulties."

"I don't care." Brianna said, firmly.

"Do not answer so quickly." Roxanna responded, "We can leave things as they are and enjoy the summer we have left. You do not have to, ah, follow the rabbit hole deeper as they say. Think very carefully."

Brianna felt herself freeze in place as she considered that. Part of her, a larger part than she liked to admit, wanted to play it safe, to enjoy a sure thing, as short as it may be, rather than risk the unknown. But another voice, soft but insistent, told her that she would never have gotten this far if she'd played it safe and so far that voice had not steered her wrong. Eventually, she took a deep breath and tried to put everything into words, "Ever since the night I saw the two of you with Claudia I couldn't get the thought out of my head. What it would be like to be encased like that, bound and faceless and voiceless, to be totally powerless, to submit so utterly to someone else, to trust someone that much. You've given me that chance, you've given me so much and I trust you, both of you, but..." Brianna felt her voice hitch in her throat, "I want more."

Roxanna's gaze was still pensive, "Are you absolutely sure?"

Brianna squared her shoulders and gave her lover, her mistress, a reassuring smile, "I'm sure. At first, I don't know, maybe it was lust or some childish crush that drew me to you. And I know our relationship has been largely sexual, but I feel that it's become more than that. I really do want to be with the two of you even if you never tie me up or have sex with me ever again." She could not help but blush and look down a little, "Although, um, for the record? I really want to keep doing those things."

Roxanna laughed uproariously at that in a way that Brianna had never heard the usually reserved woman laugh before, startling her slightly, "Truly a treasure, and I assure you there will be no lack of either." Roxanna sighed again, and shook her head slightly, "Sofia told me that would be your answer, but I was unsure." the woman chuckled softly, "She is going to be insufferable about this now."

"I'm sure it will be alright, mistress." Brianna said, smiling widely and feeling as if her heart was about to burst in her chest.

"Perhaps." the woman conceded with a smile, "So, shall we venture down the rabbit hole together?"

"I don't feel like an Alice," Brianna answered, "but I want to see Wonderland."

With a nod Roxanna set the last of the dishes in the drying rack and held out her hand, "Then come with me."

Brianna took the offered hand without hesitation and silently followed her mistress out of the kitchen and back up the stairs as they slowly made their way to the master bedroom that she had become so intimately familiar with in the past months. As they stepped inside the room was she not surprised to see Sofia waiting for them, the blonde casually lounging on the bed with the hastily donned work shirt still just barely covering her nudity. She looked up at the pair of them with bright blue eyes as she twisted and practically rolled off the bed and onto her feet. It seemed that she could read their mood clearly because, before either of them could say a word, a wide grin split Sofia's her face as she stood.

"What did I tell you, dorogoy?" Sofia said, slyly, as she stalked toward the pair, "You should know by now to trust my judgment. I have good instincts about this sort of thing."

Roxanna let out a put upon sigh, but even so her lips quirked into a slight smile, "Yes, yes str�ngla, I should never have doubted you."

Brianna felt those familiar calloused hands grab her gently by the arms, thumbs idly stroking her skin, "And you my dear, any second thoughts before we begin?"

Although she wasn't exactly sure what was about to happen, Brianna knew there was no turning back now. She was practically bursting from anticipation and a whole swarm of butterflies had landed in her stomach. She just shook her head, "No mistress. Please, make me yours."

Sofia leaned in then for a kiss, softer than the hungry one that had branded her lips down in the kitchen, but one that felt much more meaningful for all of that. The blonde then leaned back and stroked her cheek affectionately, "With pleasure."

With that Sofia turned and crossed to the nightstand in two long strides and picked up an object that Brianna had not noticed sitting there earlier. Even so the sight of it made her breath hitch and her excitement grow. It was clearly a collar, but not the leather collar she usually wore, but rather one of solid steel polished to a shiny chrome finish. It was not a simple metal band like the one that Claudia had been wearing, but more resembled a thick wire or rod that had been bent into a circle, a hasp at the back allowing it to be locked in place while a much smaller ring dangled from the front. An attachment point for a leash or some other form of bondage. The symbolism of it was not lost on Brianna. A permanent collar, one that she could not remove on her own without utterly destroying it.

"Lovely, don't you think?" Sofia asked and Brianna could only nod in response, "Also subtle enough to be passed off as jewelry to the uninitiated. Useful, no?" She could only nod again. Holding it up in the light, Sofia studied the collar for a moment before locking her arctic gaze with Brianna's own hazel one, "Do you accept this, devushka?"

Brianna licked her suddenly dry lips then nodded slowly while bowing her head submissively, hands reaching up to lift her long blue hair out of the way, "Yes mistress. I accept your gift, and everything that comes with it."

Without further comment the blonde stepped forward and slipped the collar around Brianna's neck, fastening the hasp and sealing it with a small brass padlock, the faint *click* of the thing practically thundering in her ears. Twisting the collar to let the small ring sit at the hollow of her throat, Sofia stepped back to admire her work. As she did, Brianna let her hair back down and raised her head, unable to resist touching the collar, as if to confirm for herself that it was real. A smile suddenly bloomed on her lips, one mirrored on both Sofia and Roxanna's faces.

"It suits you, kor�tsi." Roxanna offered.

Brianna nodded at that and bit her lip, well aware of the various levels of meaning that statement implied, and offered a reply in kind, "Thank you mistress, both of you, for this wonderful gift."

What happened next was a blur, but somehow the three of them made it to the bed, tumbling onto the mattress in a tangled pile of limbs. At some point her mistresses had shed what little clothing they were wearing and all Brianna was aware of was warmth and softness, of hands stroking her body, lips branding her skin, and sweet flesh writhing and shuddering beneath her own touch. There were no restraints, no gags, no toys, nothing but the three of them as they made love with reckless abandon, affirming a new stage of their relationship in the best way they knew how. She could not say how long it lasted or how many orgasms she had, Brianna's whole world had been reduced to nothing but pure sensation, of hands caressing her breasts, fingers thrusting into her sex, lips on her aching clit, and the taste of her mistresses on her tongue again and again as she worshiped them. At some point the flesh met its match, no matter how willing the spirit remained, and the three of them collapsed into an exhausted but immensely satisfied pile. For a long, long moment they just lay there, panting and sore, sweat soaked skin slowly drying beneath the deepening afternoon sun as they reveled in the afterglow, no one quite willing to break the comfortable silence that had descended.

Eventually, from her position sandwiched between her two lovers, Brianna found her voice, "I have some questions."

"I suspected that you might." Sofia returned, "Though right now is perhaps an odd time to ask them."

Brianna shrugged, "I always seem to do my best thinking when I'm relaxed, and nothing relaxes quite like good sex."

Sofia chuckled at that and began to idly stroke her thigh, making the girl shiver a little, "Reasonable. Ask, we will answer as best we can."

Brianna bit her lip to stifle a moan as Sofia's fingers continued to trace idly patterns on her skin, "I guess I just want to know more about the two of you. I mean, we've shared a lot but there's a lot I still don't know and if we're going to be more than just, I don't know, friends with benefits, I'd like to hear your stories."

The brief silence that followed made Brianna fear that maybe she had crossed some sort of unspoken line with that question, but then Roxanna spoke, "That is fair, I suppose. Please understand that we have not hidden things from you out of mistrust or malice, and you have been kind enough not to pry, but it is... hard for me. I was hurt very badly by someone I trusted a great deal. I will not share the details, I do not like to remember, but my skin speaks them more clearly than I ever could."

Brianna could feel the woman shudder slightly as she spoke and instinctively tightened her grip as best she could, pulling her close. A pain grew in her chest at the thought, at the confirmation that Roxanna's scars were the work of deliberate cruelty, "I'm sorry. You don't have to..."

Roxanna flashed a brief smile of thanks before cutting her off, "It is alright, kor�tsi.It took a long time to recover, physically at least. But it was Sophia that saved me. Not my life, not exactly, but my sanity certainly, my soul perhaps. I hated what I saw in the mirror and grew distant, convinced that no one could love the damaged thing I had become."

Sofia cut in, shifting her body and wrapping an arm around both of them, "You are beautiful, dorogoy. Anyone who disagrees is a fool."

Brianna just nodded and embraced the olive-skinned woman tighter.

Roxanna blinked away tears and nestled tighter into the embrace, "Thank you both. When I first met Sofia I found her incredibly annoying. Part of me thought she was mocking me, but she persisted and burrowed through my walls with single-minded determination."

"No need to be so fancy, dorogoy." Sofia interrupted, "You mean to say that I shamelessly flirted until you agreed to go to bed with me."

Roxanna scowled playfully, "You ruin the mood, str�ngla."

"Let us not dwell on sad things," the blonde countered, "this is a happy day."

The olive-skinned woman hmmed again and gave Brianna a quick kiss on the cheek, "I cannot disagree with that."

Brianna blushed softly, but smiled, "Thank you, for trusting me. I can't... I can't imagine how hard that was."

Roxanna shook her head, "You have been brave enough to share all of yourself with us. I can do no less than return the favor."

Silence fell again, but after a moment Sofia spoke, "Well, if we are sharing I suppose I might as well, though my story is not so interesting. I was born in a small, rural town where the most exciting thing to happen was a tractor being stolen. So one day I decided I wanted more and left to see the world. Hitchhiking from town to town, working odd jobs to survive. A dangerous life, but an exciting one. And then one day I saw the most beautiful woman in the world, sitting at a cafe and drinking tea like a snob, and knew that my wandering days were done."

Roxanna actually snorted as she tried to swallow a laugh, and Brianna found herself biting her lip to stifle her giggles. "You have such a ways with words." the olive-skinned woman remarked, sarcasm thick in her tone.

"And you love me for it." Sofia said confidently.

"I love something about that smart mouth of yours." Roxanna shot back.

Sofia grinned, but did not say anything else.

"So, what about Claudia?" Brianna finally asked.

"What about her?" Roxanna prompted.

"I mean, you told me she was your student sort of, but I guess I'm just curious about her too."

"Perhaps you should ask her yourself, devushka." Sofia commented, "Someone should check up on her, it might as well be you."

Before she could answer, Roxanna cut in, "Sofia, did you leave her tied up in the guest room?"

"Maaaaybe." was Sofia's only answer, though the way she playfully drew out the word, to say nothing of the smile etched onto her lips, said it all.

Roxanna sighed, and glanced over at Brianna, "If you would be so kind?"

Brianna gave a nod, honestly curious about getting a chance to speak with Claudia alone, and began to disentangle herself, "Of course."

Sofia helped by rolling out of bed herself, "Before you go, there is one more thing. We have another present for you."

"Oh yes." Roxanna said in response, honestly surprised, "I had almost forgotten."

Frowning curiously Brianna scooted to the edge of the bed and swung her legs down on the floor, watching silently as Sofia stretching her arms, which did marvelous things for her chest, and padded silently over to the closet. A moment later she emerged with a cardboard box and, grinning ear to ear, the blonde walked back and the set it down on the mattress right next to where Brianna was sitting. At that silent prompting she reached over and opened the box slowly, an expression of curiosity morphing into a gasp of surprise at the collection of metal bands she found inside.

"A chastity belt?" she asked, almost in shock.

"Surprise." Sofia offered, playfully.

Reaching in with almost shaky hands Brianna retrieved the device and held it in her lap, studying it. Like her collar the stainless steel bands had been polished to a mirror sheen and she could not help but run her hands along the waistband and trace the outline of the front shield, dragging a finger along the slot cut within it before examining the rear cable that transformed the whole thing into a steel thong. Tentatively she touched the rubber-like liner, the material a bright blue that matched the shade of her hair, marveling at its softness. Earlier she had found the chastity belt that Claudia was wearing fascinating, and had idly wondered what it would be like to wear such a device, and here she was.

She glanced over at Roxanna who explained, "A new game of sorts. We are well aware of how much you adore being teased, after all. And tomorrow? Tomorrow we must leave on business and will be away from the house for a week." she smiled then, "Consider it a test of your resolve."

"Besides, you do belong to us now." Sofia continued, though her tone remained playful, "And one should always keep their treasures under lock and key."

That sounded... daunting to tell the truth, but at the same time she didn't exactly hate the idea. In fact, the idea of being held in bondage by her mistresses constantly even though they would be miles away was actually incredibly arousing. To spend an entire week helpless and horny, unable to touch herself to gain even the tiniest bit of relief no matter how much she tried, how much she begged and pleaded...

'That idea should not turn me on as much as it does.' Brianna thought, a deep blush spreading across her face, 'I am such a submissive whore.' Eventually she managed a nod, swallowing hard, "Yes, mistress. Please lock me up."

Clearly quite pleased with the result, Sofia silently took the belt and helped her to her feet. Brianna closed her eyes and spread her legs as she felt the cool steel being applied to her body and reveled in the sensation. The way the waistband tightened around, just above her hips, the way the cable settled between her cheeks, and the way the primary shield pressed snugly to her sex, the lips of her labia protruding through the slot. With a loud *click* a small padlock sealed the bands together at her waist before the secondary shield, a small strip of metal drilled through with hundreds of tiny holes, was clipped in place over the access slot to ensure she could not stimulate herself in the slightest and locked there by a second padlock. When the procedure was finally over, Brianna opened her eyes and looked down at the belt now imprisoning her loins. Slowly, as if disbelieving what she was seeing, she reached out to touch the belt, running her fingers along it again, as if to prove to herself that it was real. Tentatively she twisted in place, testing the range of her movement. It felt... strange, but not bad, certainly not painful. Glancing up into the mirror over the dresser she caught sight of her pale, nearly nude frame with the belt locked around her hips and twisted again to get a better look, to view it from all angles. One thing was certain, Brianna could not deny that she looked, and felt incredibly sexy.

"Beautiful." Roxanna commented at the show, "Don't you agree?"

Sofia nodded, "Very much so."

Brianna blushed again, "Thank you, Mistress Roxanna, Mistress Sofia."

"Try it out for a few hours." Roxanna instructed, "We will check before you go home to make sure there are no problems, but let us know if there is any pain."

"Yes, mistress." Brianna answered, bowing her head.

Taking her by the shoulders again Sofia graced her with another soft kiss, "Now, I believe you had something to do?"

"Of course, mistress." Brianna responded, "May I take my leave?"

At Sofia's nod Brianna bent down in the approximation of a curtsy, even though she was naked, and had to bite her life to stifle a gasp, her eyes going wide as the metal of the chastity belt brushed against her sex in an interesting way. Her mistresses did not seem to notice, or at least they did not comment, and Brianna quickly made her way for the door and down the hallway. Walking was surprisingly awkward at first with the way the belt constricted the movement of her waist, to say nothing of the way the stiffness of the rear cable made it absolutely nothing like any thong she had ever worn before, but by the time she reached the guest room Brianna had mostly adapted. Opening the door slowly to avoid the hinges creaking she glanced in to find the room much as she had left it. Same dim lights, same closed curtains, same plain walls and lack of furniture, and Claudia laying on the bed once again, seemingly asleep this time. Although this time she was also not tied to it and her gag had been removed, but she still wore both her own collar and chastity belt and the straitjacket still held her arms tightly. Slipping into the room as quietly as she could, Brianna closed the door behind her only to see the girl's eyes fluttered open.

Claudia glanced over at the door, smiling slightly, "Hey."

Brianna found herself returning the smile, "Hey."

The girl's brown eyes raked up and down her body, "Looks like you got some new toys. They look good on you."

"Thanks." Brianna said, a little shyly, "I guess they're not new toys, but you look pretty good in yours too."

"Thanks yourself." Claudia returned, smiling a little wider.

"So anyway," Brianna continued, "I'm supposed to check up on you, make sure you're okay. Do you need anything?"

Claudia shifted her weight to partially roll onto her side, "Help me up, please?"

Nodding quickly, Brianna crossed the room in three quick steps and leaned over the mattress. Taking Claudia by the shoulders and helping her up into a sitting position, she got a brief glance at another tattoo on her back, what looked like a column of twisting and intersecting lines that ran all the way down her spine, before the girl leaned back against the wall. Taking a seat next to her, Brianna asked, "Anything else?"

Claudia shook her head and rolled her shoulders as best she could, "I'm good."

A heartbeat passed, and then two before Brianna spoke again, "Thanks, by the way."

Claudia looked at her curiously, frowning slightly in confusion.

"For earlier," Brianna clarified, "when we were wrapped up together." she felt her blush return even as she smiled, "I don't think I've ever had sex that wild before."

"I should be thanking you." Claudia said with a smirk then leaned over to give Brianna a kiss, startling her slightly, "Seriously, I was so horny I thought I was gonna explode. Then in the darkness along came the lips of an angel." This time it was Claudia's turn to blush, "You're pretty good at that, by the way. If I didn't have this damn belt on I'd be begging you to lick my pussy again."

"Thanks, I guess?" Feeling her face darken even more, Brianna quickly looked away, "You're pretty good yourself. I've never had the pierced tongue experience before. Makes me think that maybe I should get one."

Claudia grinned and stuck out her tongue playfully in response, showing off the two studs sitting side by side in pink flesh. "Nobody's ever complained."

"Did they," Brianna started, "did they really have you like that all night long?"

"Not exactly." Claudia said, "They told me about this little surprise they were planning last night, and I was all for it, but they just teased and teased and teased me before locking me up in this belt. Then this morning they tied my down all spread-eagle with that vibrating egg and, well... Just, again, thanks. You could have left me like that and I really appreciate that you didn't."

Brianna nodded, "Trust me, I understand."

"I imagine you do if you've spent more than five minutes with that pair." Claudia agreed, "So, I don't think we've been formally introduced yet. Claudia Reed, at your service."

"Brianna Wilde." she returned with a smile, "I'd offer to shake your hand, but..."

Claudia laughed and tugged at her straitjacket, "Yeah, kind of tricky right now.

"So I guess there's no easy way to start this," Brianna said, "but, how much do you know about me?"

Claudia shrugged, "Not a lot. You caught the three of in en flagrante or something and I guess that started this whole thing. Which is kind of neat, I don't think I've ever been somebody's sexual awakening before."

Brianna found herself blushing again, "Not exactly. It was more of my submissive awakening." she paused, frowning, "Is that a term?"

"Makes sense," Claudia said with a shrug, "so why not?"

Brianna nodded, "Right then. Anyway, my sexual awakening was some years earlier. Have you ever seen those bikinis that Sofia wears?"

"Oh my God, yes." Claudia exclaimed, "She is so fucking hot in those."

"I know." Brianna exclaimed in turn, finding the awkwardness draining from the conversation the more they opened up, "I can't tell if she has no idea and is just that uninhibited, or if she damn well knows and just loves showing off. I mean there are some asses that are so perfect that when you look at them? You instantly know what the inventor of the thong was thinking."

Claudia smirked and made a show of checking Brianna out, "I don't know, I'd say you look pretty good in that thing yourself."

"Thanks." Brianna managed, a touch of that blush returning, "It's a good feeling, you know?"

"That first time you look in the mirror and realize you've got the ass to pull that look off?" Claudia asked, "That is a good feeling."

"Do you mind if I ask you some personal questions?" Brianna wondered.

"We've had sex." Claudia responded in a matter of fact tone, "I'm pretty sure that skips us ahead to the 'can ask personal questions' phase."

Brianna found herself smiling faintly at that blunt answer, and leaned back against the wall, "Where did you get your tattoos?"

"That's your question?" Claudia said, a little surprised, "And here I was expecting something hard. Why, you thinking of getting one yourself?"

"I've been thinking about it." Brianna admitted, "And now that I've gotten a closer look at yours I kind of wondered if they mean anything special, or..." she trailed off.

"No big deal," Claudia assured, "and I can take you to my artist if you like. As for meaning... Well, the ones on my arms and back are just patterns I thought looked cool. The ribs are a jumbled paraphrase of poetry I read once upon a time. As for the flowers, though... tell me, do you know any flower language?"

"A little." Brianna said.

"The ones on my pelvis are rainflowers." Claudia explained.

Brianna wracked her brain for moment, "I don't think I know those."

"Kind of obscure." Claudia admitted, "They have a double meaning, both 'I love you' and 'I must atone.' Seemed appropriate for a sub like myself who likes her bondage tight and spends a lot of time on her knees."

"You're very blunt." was the only thing Brianna could think to say.

"One of my many character flaws." Claudia agreed with another shrug, "So, question of my own. What kind of ink are thinking of getting?"

"Flowers, ironically enough." Brianna answered, "That's why I was looking into flower language. I liked the idea of getting some blue roses since they mean 'love at first sight' and 'achieving the impossible.' Like you said, it seemed appropriate."

"That is so sappy." Claudia said, though she also smiled encouragingly.

"Yeah." Brianna admitted, a little sheepishly, "I wasn't sure at first, but now that this thing with Sofia and Roxanna is getting more serious I started thinking about it again. And I really like the way your flowers look."

"Hey, I'm a big believer in following your heart and doing what you like." Claudia encouraged, "If you want a tattoo, especially one to commemorate an important event in your life, then I say you should go for it."

"Thanks." Brianna said, "I appreciate the advice."

"And you are very welcome." Claudia answered, "So anything else? That can't be the only thing you want to ask me."

"Roxanna told me that you were her student, or that she tutored you or something and that's how you met." Brianna began, "I guess I'm just curious about you, what your relationship with them is, and what your experiences have been like." she paused for a moment, trying to explain, "It's just, I've never really had the chance to talk to another submissive face to face before."

Claudia seemed to consider that for a moment then shrugged again, "No sweat, I don't really mind talking about it. I was never a very good student honestly, but a friend of a friend recommended Roxanna as a tutor. I don't know all the details, but I guess they worked together on some freelance project or another. I was a little intimidated at first, Roxanna can be a very stern figure when she wants to be and."

Brianna nodded, that was true enough.

"But despite my continued failings as a student she was surprisingly patient with me and we started to open up to each other." Claudia continued, "I guess I started to develop a little bit of a crush, but I'd also seen her kiss Sofia more than once and so I just ignored it at first." Brianna nodded again, she could definitely understand that, "But even so I started to idly fantasize about her and honestly? I got a little jealous of what they had. One night, after a particular intense dream about both of them, I realized things were getting out of hand."

"What did you do?" Brianna asked softly, practically holding her breath.

Claudia sighed, "I went in the next day and I told her everything, and then I apologized and said that I understood if she didn't want to instruct me anymore." She leaned a little closer and smiled slyly, "And do you know what happened?"

Brianna just shook her head, though she had some pretty good guesses.

"She just kind of smirked at me, amused, and said that I wasn't nearly as subtle as I thought I was." Claudia said, "And that she was wondering if I was ever actually going to say anything or not, but that she appreciated the courage it took to come clean. You can guess the rest, but it was one hell of an afternoon, I can tell you."

Feeling a fresh flash of arousal as her imagination went a little wild, Brianna looked down and clasped her hands in her lap, "I can imagine."

"Yeah." Claudia replied, somewhat wistfully. "I mean it wasn't my first submissive relationship and I certainly wasn't a bondage virgin, but it was different, you know? I'd never been tied up by professionals before, okay not professionals exactly but you know what I mean, and I'd certainly never been dominated like that. They did things to me that I'd never even dreamed of and I discovered that I liked it. Hell, the first time they cranked my elbows together I damn near came."

"It's addictive." Brianna offered, idly, "They push you a little further each time, and every time you think you've hit your limit but you find out that you're nowhere close. And you want more, you want to know, no you need to know, just how much further can I go?"

"That's... yeah." Claudia agreed after a moment, "That's exactly what it's like. Guess I shouldn't be surprised that you of all people get it."

"How serious is it?" Brianna wondered, eyes widening a second later as she realized what she'd asked, "Sorry! I didn't mean to..."

"It's fine." Claudia interrupted, "Really. And honestly? We've never felt the need to define it. I mean, I'm not exactly the gimp living in their closet," she leaned over to bump Brianna's shoulder with her own, "not that I haven't had that fantasy."

Brianna just smiled a little, so had she.

"But I do wear this collar," Claudia continued, craning her neck slightly, "and I always seem to come back to them in the end."

"Thank you, for telling me." Brianna said and then, with a sigh, leaned back against the wall herself, "And I just realized how incredibly insensitive that was. I never even thought to ask you is you were okay with me pursuing them. I just, I didn't see you again after that one night, not until today, it just never occurred to me, and I'm sorry if..."

"Hey now," Claudia interrupted again, "it's okay, really. It's not like they didn't talk to me about this and I don't mind, promise. Besides that I'm the last person to give you grief over something like that, I mean we're not exactly exclusive." She suddenly grinned, "And truth be told? It's a lot of work satisfying those two so having someone to share that load with is greatly appreciated. And if that someone is a cute girl with the lips of an angel, the tongue of a devil and fucks like a wildcat? All the better."

Despite her bush returning with a vengeance, Brianna found herself smiled as she laughed out loud in a combination of humor and relief before wrapping the other girl a one armed embrace, "Thank you."

"Hey, life is too damned short for regrets." Claudia said as she leaned over to rest her head on Brianna's shoulder, "Trust your heart and if you find something that makes you happy, go for it."

A long moment of comfortable silence passed, the two girls leaning on each other, before Brianna finally spoke, "So, I imagine we're going to be seeing a lot more of each other in the future. Do you think that we'll get to, ah, do more of the things we did today?"

Claudia leaned in to give her kiss on the cheek and whispered in her ear, "I certainly hope so."

Brianna found herself shivering a little at that husky tone, thick with promise and pleasure, but she smiled nonetheless and could not help but agree. "Can I ask you another question?"


"What's the longest time you've ever worn a chastity belt?" Brianna wondered.

"Six months." Claudia answered without hesitation.

Brianna felt her eyes go wide, "Six months!?"

"You get used to it." Claudia said, nonchalantly, then grinned again, "How long they got you locked up for?"

"A week." Brianna answered, feeling a little silly to say it now.

"Ah that's nothing." Claudia said, "You'll be fine. Besides, absence may make the heart grow fonder, but chastity? Chastity makes the orgasms so much more intense."

"I... I guess." Brianna conceded.

Claudia gave her another kiss on the cheek, "Welcome to Wonderland, Alice. Enjoy your stay."

Part 5 (added: 2020/06/30)

It had been 7 days, or 168 hours, or 10,080 minutes since Brianna Wilde had found herself first locked in a chastity belt. It seemed like a lot longer than it actually was when she thought about it like that but while objectively speaking she knew that her experience had been relatively short there were moments when it had felt like an eternity. If nothing else she had gained a new appreciation for how cavalierly Claudia had spoken of wearing her belt for months on end and, once again, she could not help but be impressed. Part of her wondered if she could manage such a feat herself, while another part wondered if she might get the chance to try. A daunting, but exciting prospect that she still wasn't certain she relished or feared. When this had started she honestly hadn't known what to expect and over the course of the week it had actually surprised her just how often her thoughts were drawn to the bands of steel imprisoning her loins, its familiar pressure a constant companion. The belt itself wasn't painful, not truly, and she had more or less gotten used to wearing it, mastering the surprising number of techniques it took to walk and sit and move normally in the thing even if wearing a steel thong was still awkward at times. Truth be told there were actually moments when she had almost forgotten about it, a testament to how accustomed to the device's presence on her body she had grown. But such moments never lasted long. Always, always she would suddenly shift in a chair or stand up too quickly or try and twist at the waist and the metal bands would either press into her skin or brush against her imprisoned sex in a way that was still surprisingly pleasant. At first such instances had been a shock, often accompanied by a hiss or a wide-eyed gasp of surprise but thankfully she was getting better at controlling her reactions. Honestly, in those first days that had been her biggest fear, that some awkward movement or involuntary reaction on her part might give the game away even if some part of her was secretly turned on by the idea.

Luckily enough that had not happened and Brianna was actually a little shocked at just how readily she had been able to adapt to the presence of the chastity belt. Now she moved easily and smoothly, even when exercising or practicing her stretching, and the metal made not even the faintest sound as she did so. More than that she honestly marveled at just how unobtrusive the belt was and how readily she had been able to hide it under her clothing, barely a hint of its existence visible and then only if you knew what to look for. And if anyone had noticed that she had taken to wearing shorts and skirts more often? Well, that was just what people did in the summer. Truth be told wearing a chastity belt was an odd experience, at once impacting seemingly every aspect of her life and daily routine while at the same time being a non issue for the most part once she had gotten used to it.

That was not to say that everything had been smooth sailing, of course. There were times when the belt was uncomfortable to wear and moments when she did not think she could stand it for even a second longer. But those moments too had passed and she could not deny that it had been a challenge. For example Brianna had quickly learned not to lay on her side for any length of time and her posture had certainly improved as slouching was... inadvisable. The rigid waistband made sure of that. And then there were the nights where she found herself shocked awake by some unconscious movement in her sleep making the steel dig into her flesh. Perhaps worse, on other nights she had gasped awake instead, hot and horny and aching with need, lost in the throws of a fading sex dream, hands groping between her legs only to find unyielding metal separating her aching pussy and desperate fingers. It was certainly ironic that, having been rendered unable to have sex, she found herself thinking about it quite often. Honestly these last few days she'd had sex on the brain, though perhaps that was just a result of going from having lots of it on a daily basis to having none at all. Or maybe that was just a natural consequence of wearing a chastity belt, a wanting what you can't have sort of thing. Something she'd have to ask Claudia about the next time they had a chance to speak. Whatever the case however, the inability to sate her surprisingly intense sex drive had been the hardest thing to get used to. It wasn't just the inability to masturbate, though she did miss that very much, but rather how strange it felt to be without the daily routine of work, sex and bondage she had grown accustomed to.

Which perhaps came back to the true issue. Brianna found herself keenly missing Roxanna and Sofia's presence, to say nothing of their touch or their passion.Of course, that was not to say that the pair had been completely incommunicado. Phones did exist after all and she'd spoken to them on a near daily basis but it just wasn't the same, though part of her thought that it was a good foretaste of things to come when the summer ended. Roxanna had been remarkably tight lipped about what she was actually doing on her trip, Brianna gathered it had something to do with the translation project she had been working on but that was about it, but both of her mistresses had been eager to share other details of their journey. And then there were the photos, a seemingly endless stream of pictures of busy streets, green parks, beautiful libraries and nice restaurants that added life to the descriptions and stories she'd been given. And then there were the... other photos of a far more racy nature. A shot of Sofia standing nude on their hotel balcony, her beauty framed by the cityscape beyond; or a candid photo of Roxanna just out of the shower, skin and hair still damp, body barely covered by a towel and clearly surprised to be photographed; or a shot of the two of them cuddled up together in bed, the disheveled nature of their hair suggesting that had just made love. Keenly wishing that she was there with them Brianna had felt the urge to respond in kind and had replied with some photos of her own such as shots of herself handcuffed and gagged or posing in front of her window in just the chastity belt while backlit by the sun or struggling on her bed in self bondage. While certainly enjoyable, given her currently raging libido Brianna sometimes wondered if such games were a reward or a punishment and exactly what it said about her given how eagerly she participated despite that.

Regardless, all of that combined with the awkwardness of using the bathroom and the daily chore of keeping herself and her belt clean had made the last 7 days or 168 hours or 10,080 minutes challenging. And yet... and yet, for all of the awkwardness and difficulty, for all of the discomfort and frustration, for all that Brianna feared that she might explode if she didn't cum soon she could not say she hadn't enjoyed the experience. The submissive part of herself, the part that had grown so much over the course of the summer, reveled in the experience of surrendering control of the most intimate parts of her body, of having her pleasure literally under lock and key. More than that she loved the essentially continuous bondage the chastity belt represented. While she had certainly continued to practice self bondage, as much to stay in practice as anything else, it just wasn't the same. When she tied herself up, no matter how elaborate or tight the bondage, she knew that she could get out whenever she wanted. There was no challenge to it, not really, and while she was proud of her growing skills and happy to share the results with her lovers, it just wasn't the same. Some of the thrill had gone out of it. In contrast, the knowledge that she would remain locked in this belt until her mistresses chose to release her, that there was nothing she could do about it save beg... It was, ironically enough, an incredibly arousing experience. She was so turned on by it all, so incredibly horny and yet with no means to relieve those frustrations, at once the perfect paradox. And beyond that one of the greatest joys she had found in submission was testing her limits and learning how to surpass them. If nothing else the last week had certainly tested her limits in new and interesting ways and Brianna liked to think that she had risen to the challenge admirably. And as much as she had missed her mistresses during their absence being away from them did not feel quite so daunting now. Part of her even idly fantasized about being locked away in chastity when she went away to college. After all, there would be all sorts of temptations and, as Sofia had said, one should keep their treasures under lock and key.

But those thoughts were distant now for her patience and endurance were soon to be rewarded, or so Brianna hoped. Late last night she had been jarred awake from a pleasant dream by the insistent buzzing of her phone. After a moment of tired confusion understanding had dawned in a flash of excitement and she'd lunged for the device, practically bursting with anticipation as she read the message she had been waiting 7 days, or 168 hours or 10,080 minutes for. It had been a simple note, Roxanna announcing their return and asking her to stop by in the morning to resume her "duties" if able, but it had still made her giddy. Sleep had been all but forgotten then as Brianna had lain down, still clutching the phone to her chest, and tried to get some rest but visions of what the morrow might bring refused to let her. Still, despite feeling tired and sore, Brianna had dutifully drug herself out of bed at first light, dressed and rushed over, unable to wait even a moment longer. Which was how she found herself here, once again on the familiar front porch of 137 North Hickory Lane with a duffle bag thrown over her shoulder, body practically buzzing with excitement and dark circles under her eyes. Biting her lip, and resisting the urge to tap her foot, she reached out and rang the doorbell.

It couldn't' have been more than a minute before the sound of soft footsteps reached her ears and the old deadbolt clicked open, but wound as tightly as she was it still felt like an eternity. As the heavy wooden door swung open to reveal Sofia's familiar figure standing there, dressed simply in a blouse and jeans, Brianna felt herself smile at her mistress, the woman being very much a sight for sore eyes. She had barely begun to open her mouth to say hello before the blonde, apparently equally enthusiastic about the reunion, grabbed her by the hips and pulled her inside in one sharp motion. Caught off guard Brianna could not even utter a word of protest as she stumbled forward before strong arms enfolded her in a tight embrace and a pair of lips found her own, kissing her intensely. Closing her eyes and moaning in delight she threw her arms around Sofia's toned form and returned the kiss just as intensely, parting her lips to allow the older woman to explore her mouth. They stayed like that for nearly a minute before Sofia finally broke the kiss in order to let them both breath but she did not loosen her grip in the slightest. Brianna was certainly in no mood to protest as she let her eyes flutter open again, a silly but satisfied grin plastered on her face as she leaned against the taller woman's body.

"Welcome home, mistress." she said at last, "Did you miss me?"

Sofia grinned, "Very much so devushka, though you are a bit earlier than usual." Loosening her grip she broke the embrace and then frowned slightly as she took in the dark circles under Brianna's bloodshot eyes, gently cupping her cheek, "Brianna dear, are you alright? You don't look well."

Smiling a little sheepishly Brianna nodded as best she could, "Yes mistress. I'm just tired." she bit her lip then, a touch embarrassed, "I was too excited to sleep."

Sofia laughed softly, looking both touched and amused by the sentiment, and withdrew her hand, "I see. You can take a nap if you like, I'll make up the bed for you."

"No!" Brianna responded, more forcefully than she had intended, shocking herself a bit before looking down with another faint blush, "I mean, no thank you mistress. I'm fine."

Sofia smirked for a brief instant before shaking her head fondly, "Very well devushka, I shall take your word for it. I suppose I should be impressed by such devotion, but I imagine instead that you wish to reap the rewards of your fortitude, yes?" she emphasized the question by reaching down and placing a hand on Brianna's hip, brushing her fingers along the edges of the chastity belt's waistband as she did so.

Although still a little embarrassed, both by her outburst and by being so transparent, Brianna nodded nevertheless, "Yes, mistress."

Sofia just smiled again, "You will be amply rewarded, I assure you, but a new challenge completed requires a special reward, and a special reward requires a special game." she leaned in to kiss the girl on the cheek before whispering in her ear, "You know what to do."

Blushing fiercely, and shivering slightly at that familiar, husky tone Brianna nodded again, "Yes mistress, thank you."

With that Sofia withdrew and began to drift toward the kitchen, "I'll get some coffee while you get dressed."

Nodding again Brianna made the familiar trek to the bathroom far more quickly than usual, already stripping off her t-shirt before the door had even closed. Her skirt and sandals followed right after, each article of clothing being unceremoniously stuffed into her duffle bag as she went. It was only as she pulled off her bra that Brianna noticed that something was amiss. There was clothing waiting for her on the counter top as their usually was, but it was far less than expected, just a familiar pair of stilettos with some stockings and the cap from her maid uniform, nothing else. A quick check under the sink and in the towel closet confirmed it and, biting her lip again, Brianna could only wonder. A special game, Sofia had said. One that apparently required her to be mostly naked. Wetting her lips, Brianna picked up the stockings and, with practiced ease, slipped them on one at a time, carefully straightening the seams before buckling the shoes onto her feet, pleased with how much more comfortable she was on high heels now. Twisting her long blue hair up into a loose bun she carefully set the cap on her head and almost instinctively moved to collar herself before pausing. The leather collar she had worn for weeks now was gone, no longer necessary with its new steel replacement locked around her neck. It was ironic that, preoccupied as she was by the chastity belt, Brianna had almost forgotten about the second, far more significant gift she had also been given. Touching the metal ring circling her throat Brianna smiled at its presence, at the symbol of the new life she had chosen for herself. Checking herself over in the mirror she had to gasp at her own reflection. Naked save for the chastity belt locked around her hips, its polished steel and blue liner standing out against her pale skin, the device seemed to emphasize her hips and the stilettos certainly made her long legs stand out. Beyond that the collar drew attention to her throat and chest as well as her bare breasts, her pierced nipples standing out proudly. When combined with the maid's cap on her head and the dark stockings sheathing her legs Brianna thought she looked like she'd just stepped out of the pages of a fetish magazine. God but did she feel sexy right now. Taking a moment to admire the image, and clasping her hands behind her back to strike a submissive pose, Brianna felt herself flush again.

She was ready, she was definitely ready.

Despite how short of a walk it was to the kitchen Brianna felt her anticipation rise with each step to the point that when she finally entered the room, her heels clacking on the tile, she could barely contain herself. As was usually the case her mistresses were there, waiting for her. Roxanna, clad in a simple dress with her hair loose, was leaning surprisingly casually against the counter drinking tea while chatting about something with Sofia, the blonde in turn stirring a cup of coffee as she listened.

Clearing her throat to draw attention to herself and bending her knees in the imitation of a curtsy Brianna bowed her head and repeated the now familiar phrase, "Mistress Roxanna, Mistress Sofia, how may I serve you this morning?"

Roxanna reacted first, twisting slightly to look at her, brown eyes raking up and down her nearly naked form and Brianna felt herself blush again under that hungry gaze. The woman clearly liked what she saw and smiled under the rim of her teacup, "And a good morning to you, kor�tsi. I trust you enjoyed your time off?"

"It was uneventful, mistress." she answered.

"No difficulties?" the olive-skinned woman prompted as she set her cup down.

Realizing easily enough what she was truly asking Brianna just shook her head, "Nothing I couldn't deal with mistress."

"Good, good." the older woman commented as she pushed off the counter and closed the distance between them, "Sofia said you looked tired, and I have to agree. Are you absolutely certain you're feeling alright?"

Brianna nodded, "Yes mistress, I..." she bit her lip, hesitating for a second, "I've missed you."

Roxanna smiled softly and cupped her cheek making Brianna smile a bit herself as she leaned into the touch, "And we have missed you as well." she assured before planting a gentle kiss on the girl's lips, eliciting a slight blush, and slowly circling behind her. As if responding to some unspoken cue Sofia, who had been strangely silent until now, began to approach the pair coffee cup in one hand and a bundle of black leather in the other. Roxanna wordlessly accepted the bundle before continuing, "A week in chastity is certainly an achievement for a beginner, but I think you would agree that simply letting you out would be no fun. Hands behind your back if you please, kor�tsi."

Brianna swallowed then nodded, placing her hands behind her back like she had been told and waited for the games to begin. She wasn't exactly surprised by the sentiment, especially given how much the pair enjoyed teasing her, and she could hardly say she was disappointed but part of her had still hoped to be allowed some relief first. As she felt the familiar sensation of smooth, cool leather being drawn up her arms Sofia offered a small grin of encouragement before lifting the cup to her lips. Brianna smiled back and gratefully accepted, relishing the bitter warmth of the coffee. The armbinder suddenly cinched tight and Brianna gasped, and then moaned in a combination of pleasure and pain as her elbows were forced to touch. It seemed that today was going to be an intense day and the thought made her heart beat faster in a way that had nothing to do with caffeine. And yet she could not help but notice that this armbinder was different than the one she usually wore. The end was open leaving her hands free, though the way it pinioned her arms behind her back left her just as helpless. Curious. She had no more time to contemplate that as Sofia set the cup down and presented a ball gag. Like the lining of her chastity belt and her hair it was bright blue, it was also quite large, easily two inches in diameter marking it as one of the bigger gags she had ever worn. Today was definitely going to be intense then, but Brianna had never been one to back down from a challenge. With slightly shaky lips she opened her mouth as wide as she could but even then it took some work to seat the gag properly behind her teeth, stretching her lips wide around it, before the straps could be tightened. Almost immediately Brianna could feel a faint tinge of discomfort as her jaws were wrenched open but despite that, or perhaps because of it, her pussy clenched in sympathy as arousal shot through her. It really had been far too long since she had been properly bound and gagged.

Finished with their work her mistresses switched places, Sofia slowly circling her, the woman's calloused hands resting on Brianna's hips to hold her in place gently while Roxanna stepped in front of her and ran soft fingers up her stomach and chest before lifting her chin to lock their gazes. She could not help but shiver at the touch, eyes sharply focused on the woman's deep brown gaze.

"Today's game is simple enough," the olive-skinned woman announced, "We have a few chores for you to complete. Being bound as you are they may prove challenging, but we have full faith in your abilities. After all, kor�tsi, you have much experience in being bound, and your hands are free. But when you have finished?" she prompted with a pause, continuing a moment later with a sharp smile full of promise, "Then you will receive a thorough reward."

Brianna felt herself flush again at the way Roxanna has emphasized the word, possibilities dancing in her mind's eye as she wondered exactly what her mistresses would do to her, but she managed to nod nonetheless. Simple enough so far.

"There shall be two caveats, however." Roxanna continued, "First, you may request an orgasm from either of us at any time and we will grant it, but for each orgasm you take before completing your duties, you must accept a punishment. Understood?"

Brianna nodded again, grateful but curious. Punishment aside that was an unusually generous offer and it made her wonder what the catch was.

Roxanna smiled, "As for the second... A chastity belt is an interesting toy not only because of the belt itself, but because it can serve as a... framework I suppose you might say for other toys." the woman's smile became almost mischievous, "In time we look foreword to familiarizing you will all of them but for today we have a very specific toy in mind, but I suppose it is easier to show rather than tell."

Sofia, who had remained silent the entire time thus far, responded in an amused tone, "Very much so, dorogoy."

With that Roxanna held up a tiny object for the younger woman to see. Brianna felt her brow furrow slightly as she took the device in, utterly failing to recognize it or divine its purpose. It looked for all the world like a small piece of wire bent into a U shape with small prongs on the ends and the majority of its length covered in what looked like soft rubber. Without explanation Roxanna took a key and bent down to open one of the locks on Brianna's chastity belt. Surprised, the girl dropped her gaze to watch and felt herself shiver slightly as the secondary shield was removed and cool air brushed over her heated sex. That shiver became a gasp of pleasure as she felt one of Roxanna's fingers brush against her labia, still protruding from the slot in the belt's primary shield. That gasp became a moan, her hips twitching involuntary, held in place only by Sofia's grip, as Roxanna brushed her clitoral hood out of the way and slipped the wire around her aching clit, slotting the prongs into a pair of small holes in the belt to lock it in place, leaving the tiny nub of flesh to ride in the device like a stirrup. Feeling the gentle but insistent pressure of the clip and the sensation of the soft rubber brushing against her most sensitive flesh Brianna's eyes went wide as she suddenly realized exactly what the toy was for. The belt shifted and moved naturally as she did and, connected as it was, the tiny clip would tease her with even the slightest movement. When combined with its constant, stimulating pressure the devious thing would edge her continuously even if she was standing still. In her current state Brianna could not think of a more perfect torture.

Seeing her mistress begin to lock the secondary shield back on, Brianna shook her head, "Pmmnphm, mnphphrmphph!" she forced out around the gag as best she could, "Pmmnphm mmnnph!"

Roxanna did indeed pause, "Is something the matter, kor�tsi?"

Brianna nodded and tried to make herself understood around the massive gag filling her mouth, "N nmmn phn cnm, pmmnphm. Pmmnphm, mmph mm cnm fnrphph!"

The woman seemed a little surprised but also seemed to understand, "Oh I see. You want an orgasm now, before we begin."

Brianna nodded again, more vigorously this time, "Pmmnphm!"

Sofia chuckled, "You did say any time, dorogoy."

"I suppose I did." Roxanna agreed with a tiny smile, "Oh very well kor�tsi, I'll spoil you. But this does mean you agree to take the punishment, yes?"

Sagging slightly in relief Brianna nodded once more, "Mmph mnphphrmphph, phhnnh mnn mnphphrmphph."

"You are welcome."

Sofia's grip tightened then as the woman molded herself to Brianna's back, holding her firmly in place as Roxanna's fingers began to stroke the girl's captive pussy. She moaned deep in her throat, eyes fluttering closed as those delicate and talented fingers teased the lips of her labia with deliberate softness. Finally, after what felt like an eternity of torment under that feather-light touch she felt the tip of a finger press against her eager clit. Her knees went weak at the sensation, prompting Sofia to shift her stance until the entirety of her weight supported by the strong arms encircling her as Roxanna began to slowly but insistently rub the tender flesh in a vaguely circular motion. Biting into her gag and breathing heavily through her nose Brianna moaned again, much more loudly this time as the combination of sensations overwhelmed her. Caught between the sweet torment of Roxanna's fingers pleasuring her and the added stimulation of her clit being made to rub up against the wire holding it she strained against the armbinder and tried to work her hips to enhance the sensation, but Sofia's grip held fast leaving her to squirm helplessly in the other woman's arms. Even so it did not take long for a week's worth of delayed desires, captive fantasies and throbbing need to force it's way to the surface. No more than a moment or two after it began Brianna seemed to spasm in her mistress's grip, throwing her head back and screaming into the gag as the blessed relief of an orgasm washed over her in a wave of ecstacy. Still breathing harshly, moaning and twitching as aftershocks assaulted her body, she barely noticed as Roxanna locked the secondary shield back on and gave her a small kiss on the cheek.

She could not say how long she spent lost in that sea of pleasure, her body distant and yet heavy at the same time, but the one thing she did know for sure was that Claudia had been right, chastity did indeed seem to make the orgasms more intense. She wanted to laugh out loud at the revelation, giddy as she often was in those first few glorious moments after sex. As she came back to herself, eyes focusing and aware now of her body still being held gently but firmly in Sofia's arms, the blonde whispering soothing sounds into her ear as if she was some spooked animal, Brianna wanted to laugh again. Instead she just gathered her legs back under herself to support her own weight again.

Sensing the shift Sofia loosened her embrace slightly, "Better?"

Still flushed, Brianna nodded almost tiredly, "Mmph, mnphphrmphph."

"Very good devushka." the blonde commented, "Are you ready for your first task?"

She nodded again, "Mmph, mnphphrmphph."

With that Roxanna, who had walked across the room to the small broom closet in the hallway, returned holding a simple dust mop, "The kitchen floor could use a cleaning. Do be thorough, kor�tsi, and fetch one of us when you are finished. Understand?"

She held out the mop and Brianna had to turn slightly to take it. While her hands were free, allowing her to grip the mop with her fingers, it was still somewhat awkward given how tightly her arms were bound. After taking a moment to make sure her grip was secure she bowed her head, "N nnnmrphphnnn, mnphphrmphph."

"Good." Roxanna said with a nod, "I will be doing some reading, you know where to find me should you need anything."

"And I suppose I should finish the wash." Sofia added with a smile and another kiss on the cheek, "Good luck, devushka."

As she watched Roxanna limp down the hall and Sophia slip into the basement, flush fading and knees still a bit shaky, Brianna glanced around the room. Truth be told the floor seemed fairly clean already, Sofia was nothing if not thorough after all, but many of the tasks she was given were like that, more about the challenge or the thrill of doing housework as a sexy bondage maid rather than real necessities. Not that she was complaining of course. Still, her mistresses had told her to be thorough but as Brianna began to move toward the edge of the room to get started she instantly regretted it. Eyes widening a little, a soft gasp escaping her tight gag in the process, she froze in place as the sensation of the clit clip rubbing against her struck like a hammer blow. As much as Brianna had desperately wanted an orgasm, and as relieved as she was to have received one, she had not counted on how hyper-sensitive the aftermath would leave her. While the sensation of the clip might not have been nearly as intense as some of the other toys she had experienced in the past months, a combination of the lingering effects of last week's chastity as well as her current sensitivity rendered the innocuous little thing into a devious tool of torment. It certainly helped to explain why her mistresses had been so cavalier about offering her pleasure whenever she wanted it. It was the perfect trap, one that punished her with her own desires, leaving her torn between the choice of suppressing her raging libido and waiting for the promised rewards or accepting additional orgasms to ease the strain at the cost of enduring the torment of their aftermath. Sofia had promised a special game and Brianna could not deny that this certainly qualified, once again marveling at their devious imagination as a fresh wave of arousal washed over her.

Closing her eyes and biting down on her gag to focus, Brianna drew a breath to steady herself and took another step, if a much smaller and more cautious one this time. Again a shock of pleasure ran up her spine, but this time she expected it which helped somewhat. Glancing around at the size of the floor she was supposed to mop, and considering for a moment how many other tasks might be waiting after that, Brianna whimpered a little. This... this might be more daunting than she had imagined. Still, there was nothing much to be gained by waiting either. She would never get done if she kept delaying and even standing still the clip edged her faintly. The longer she waited, the longer she would have to endure this torment. Moaning just a little and bracing herself as best she could Brianna shuffled awkwardly, both from a combination of the high heels and trying to minimize her movement, as she began to clean the floor. Even as cursory as it was, the task proved to be surprisingly difficult. Under normal circumstances a simple dusting like this would have taken no more than ten minutes or so but now? Now the task had been reduced to an ordeal by the ungainliness of trying to hold the mop with her arms tightly bound and unable to see her hands. On top of that the awkward grip forced her to move backwards as she worked, each step made shaky by the tall stilettos she was wearing to say nothing of the continued waves of sensation that radiated out from her aching sex as the clip continued its devious work. Every few minutes she had to stop and collect herself, often clenching her eyes shut and whimpering into her gag as she did so. Even worse in some places, such as when trying to clean under the table or around the stove, she was forced to bend over or twist sharply to get the mop into place and each time she did so the clip teasing her throbbing clit shifted sharply leaving her wet and on edge.

She honestly could not say how long she spent in that strange dance, face and chest painted crimson by a growing blush, as she struggled to finish her appointed task accompanied only by the clack of heels on tile and her own ragged breathing. Still she pushed on, almost robotically, trying to focus on anything but the raw need building within her but by the time the end finally seemed in sight it felt like hours had passed though that was probably just a trick of the mind. Eventually, at long last, she reached the other side of the room and with a sob of relief almost staggered into the wall as she slumped against it for support, dust mop clattering against the cabinets as she bit into her gag again and tried to bring her breathing under control as she waited for another pang of arousal to pass, her nipples almost painfully hard and her pussy begging to be touched. Despite that she could not help but be amazed. Of all the toys she had experienced thus far, of all the ways she had been bound and teased and driven wild with desire Brianna could not help but marvel with a certain wry amusement that all it took to reduce her to this was a little piece of wire. And apparently the clip was only the first of many toys that could be used in conjunction with her chastity belt, the first of many toys Roxanna had promised she would be introduced to and no doubt become intimately familiar with in time. She almost shuddered at the thought, torn between fear and intense excitement.

The sudden sound of a door opening drew her out of those swirling thoughts and rising fantasies and, glancing over her shoulder, she saw Sofia emerge from the basement, a basket full of laundry in hand. Part of Brianna marveled. Had she really been cleaning the floor for that long? Humming softly to herself the Sofia seemed oblivious as she artfully balanced the laundry basket on one hip and closed the door behind her, making her way for the stairs.

Pushing off against the wall and quickly turning toward the blonde, wincing slightly as the sudden movement shifted the clip against her, Brianna called out as best she could, "Mnphphrmphph!"

Freezing instantly, Sofia glanced in her direction at the sound but then smiled at the bound girl before making her way into the kitchen and setting the basket down on the table, "Finished, devushka?"

Brianna nodded, "Mmph, mnphphrmphph."

Stepping closer the blonde's expression softened before she took Brianna by the hips and pulled her into a gentle embrace, holding her close. Slumping into that embrace Brianna sighed softly as she pillowed her head against the taller woman's breasts. "Do you need to stop?" she asked softly.

"Nn, mnphphrmphph." Brianna mumbled. Yes, she was desperately horny and both her shoulders and jaw had begun to throb dully from the intensity of her bondage but she definitely did not want to stop. Honestly she reveled in the experience, part of her almost shocked by how much she enjoyed being bound and gagged so tightly and teased so insistently. Absence, it seemed, truly did make the heart grow fonder. Although the reminder that all of this was ultimately a game, a game that she could end at any time, certainly helped as much as it fueled her desire to rise to this challenge as she had the others.

Sofia hmmed thoughtfully at that, "I see. You are ready for your next task then?"

Brianna nodded as best she could, but then her blush intensified just a bit, "Mnm N cnm pmmnphm fnrphph, mnphphrmphph?"

Sofia chuckled a bit, understanding her easily enough, amused but not surprised by the request, "Another orgasm already devushka?"

Blush growing even deeper Brianna nodded again, "Pmmnphm, mnphphrmphph?"

"I never was very good at denying you it seems." Sofia mused, a soft smile painted on her lips, "Ah well, we did promise, did we not?"

Brianna's face lit up at that pronouncement but before she could even mumble her thanks she found herself gently turned around until Sofia was embracing her from behind. Firm body pressed against her back and strong arms encircling her at the waist once again, Brianna could not help but shiver as calloused fingers stroked the bare skin of her stomach. That shiver became a moan as those hands began to roam slowly up her body until they cupped her breasts, kneading and massaging gently for several long moments. Eyes fluttering closed Brianna moaned again in pleasure under her mistress' insistent touch before Sofia switched tactics, pinching her nipples sharply. The sudden pain made Brianna gasp into her gag even as her pussy clenched in sympathy.

"So sensitive." the blonde mused with a devious grin as she continued to tease the moaning and squirming captive in her grasp.

Whatever response she may have offered was lost then as Brianna felt her knees go weak and her eyes flutter closed as Sofia's hands suddenly abandoned her tits and trailed down her sides and hips before running up the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. A deep, almost desperate groan escaped her throat, her hips jerking involuntarily as Sofia's cruel fingers began to trace along the edges of her chastity belt's primary shield. The desperately horny girl could do nothing but squirm helplessly, moaning into her her gag and tugging against her armbinder in a futile attempt to do... something, all too aware of how maddeningly close those fingers were to her aching core and equally aware of the steel bands sealing her throbbing clit away. It was torture, pure and unadulterated torture to be held in Sofia's arms like this and teased so cruelly. She never wanted it to end even as she begged for exactly that. Perhaps amused by the display Sofia's chest rumbled with soft laughter as she playfully nipped at Brianna's ear, making the girl moan even louder.

"You are at your most beautiful when you are like this, devushka." the blonde whispered, eliciting a whimper, "Stripped bare and aching with need, so desperate to cum and yet so helpless to do anything about it."

"Pmmnphm," Brianna begged through the gag, "pmmnphm mnphphrmphph..."

"And you truly are helpless," she continued, ignoring the plea as she continued to idly stroke the girl's sensitive skin, "completely under my power. I could do anything to you, anything at all, and you could not stop me."

"Pmmnphm." Brianna whispered desperately though the gag, unsure exactly what she was begging for even as she felt herself become somehow, impossibly even more aroused.

"It is remarkable," Sofia mused as she continued to trace the edges of Brianna's chastity belt, fingers suddenly dipping between the bound girl's legs to find a particularly sensitive spot, "how you come alive when we dominate you. To be bound and gagged and controlled... you need it, don't you?"

Brianna jerked suddenly at that touch and moaned loudly even as she frantically nodded her head in agreement. It was the truth, after all, something that the two remarkable women who had accepted her into their lives had helped her to understand. And it was that knowledge of herself that she had gained, perhaps more than anything else, that explained why she loved them so much.

Regardless, Sofia said nothing as she trailed kisses across Brianna's neck and shoulder before withdrawing one of her hands and slipping it into a pocket to retrieve a small key. Still caught between ecstasy, desperation and raw need Brianna did not notice this movement at first until a familiar *click* reached her ears as the secondary shield of her chastity belt came away once again to expose the soaking flesh of her nether lips. Shivering for reasons that had nothing to do with the cool air now flowing over her all thought fled Brianna's mind as Sofia's talented fingers began to stroke and tease her throbbing clit. Almost immediately, a testament to both just how far gone she really was and how direct Sofia preferred to be when she got down to business, Brianna felt herself go tense as an orgasm tore itself free from her overstimulated body. Sofia did not stop, however. Almost instantly, before she had could even begin to recover from her first climax, a second followed. She screamed into her gag so loudly that her throat felt sore afterwords, her bound form bucking hard in Sofia's grasp as pleasure wracked her frame. Eyes clenched shut and tears pouring down her cheeks she spent what felt like an eternity lost in a sea of sensation, the clit clip teasing a seemingly endless stream of aftershocks out of her. Panting and exhausted, legs reduced to jelly leaving her slumped in Sofia's strong arms, Brianna opened her eyes while the blonde held her tightly and whispered into her ear.

"That's right devushka," the older woman soothed, "just ride it out."

Breathing harshly through her nose eventually Brianna managed to focus enough to thank her mistress as best she could, "Phhnnh mnn, phhnnh mnn mnphphrmphph."

"Shhh." Sofia soothed, "It's alright devushka, no need to thank me. Just relax, I've got you."

As those words washed over her, Brianna did feel herself begin to relax, leaning her weight against Sofia's strength until her body calmed and her pulse slowed, warm and content in that embrace as the embers of pleasure slowly cooled within her. In fact, for a moment she felt as if she might nod off in Sofia's arms as a wave of exhaustion seemed to overcome her, the aftereffects of those intense orgasms and her sleepless night combining like an inexorable wave. Perhaps she did nod off as, an instant later, she jerked back to awareness as she felt herself begin to fall, twisting slightly in surprise in Sofia's arms until she realized that the woman was slowly lowering them both to the floor. Kneeling down on the tile, Sofia pulled the bound girl into her lap, arms still loosely draped about her waist. Glancing over her shoulder, Brianna saw the blonde smiling at her gently before brushing a few strands of bright blue hair from her face where they had come lose from her bun.

"I love the sounds you make." Sofia announced suddenly, "There is just something about making a gagged woman cum that..." her smile turned mischievous, "Well, I can not really explain it, but it certainly does it for me."

Brianna felt herself blush a little as the older woman's fingers brushed her lips before trailing across the rubber ball wedged between them.

"And you do look so incredibly beautiful like this." Sofia continued, making Brianna's blush deepen, "Some mouths are made for wearing gags devushka. Yours is certainly one of them."

All of a suddenly Sofia's hands reached behind her head and Brianna felt the leather strap holding the gag in place come loose and, with a soft *pop*, the ball was pulled from her mouth. Before she could even think of responding Sofia's hands cupped her face and their lips met in a hard kiss. Despite the awkward position of it Brianna felt herself melt into that kiss, eyes closed as she eagerly welcomed that questing tongue into her mouth as her mistress claimed her once again.

After a long moment Sofia broke the kiss, but continued to cup the bound girl's face, her voice a husky whisper, "But right now, devushka? Right now I need your mouth on me."

Brianna could do nothing but nod numbly, still a little dazed from the kiss as she was guided to her knees. Sofia's hands drifted to her shoulders as the blonde stood in one swift motion, deftly unbuttoning her jeans as she did so. Somewhat unceremoniously the woman shoved her pants down to reveal that she had neglected to wear underwear this morning and Brianna bit her lip as she took in the familiar sight, somewhat marveling at how wet Sofia was as the heady sent of arousal assaulted her. It occurred to her in that moment, as Sofia's fingers twined in her hair, further ruining her bun and drawing her mouth closer, that her mistresses had missed her, had longed for her, as much as she had for them. The thought made her smile even as she eagerly kissed Sofia's pussy, licking and teasing and sucking in all of the ways that she knew the beautiful blonde loved. Sofia certainly seemed to appreciate the effort, throwing her head back with a moan of pleasure even as her hips twitched and she began to grind her sex against her slave's eager mouth. Spurred on by that, Brianna only redoubled her efforts, sucking on her blonde's eager clit even as she lashed the sensitive nub with her tongue, drawing out an orgasm with all the skill she could muster even as she felt her own arousal bloom once again in response. For once, however, Sofia seemed to be trying to restrain herself, the woman's muscles tense as she bit her lip to try and stifle her cries and moans.

Such self control did not last long, however, and within moments the blonde jerked hard, letting out a strangled gasp as she tried to quiet her own scream of pleasure with some degree of success even as she ripped Brianna's eager mouth from her. Lips still parted slightly, and hands still holding her head tightly, Brianna just looked on silently at Sofia's flushed and panting face as the woman slowly came down from the peak, a certain sense of smug satisfaction building within her at the reaffirmation that, as easily as her mistresses could reduce her to a quivering pile of pure need, she was just as capable of returning the favor.

After what felt like an eternity Sofia's eyes fluttered open and her grip loosened as she somewhat awkwardly pulled up her jeans with one hand, not bothering to tuck her shirt in, as she continued to stroke Brianna's hair with the other. Suddenly falling to her knees again Sofia crushed their lips together in a bruising kiss, hands once more twining through the bound girl's hair as she explored her slave's mouth, tasting herself there. Brianna returned the kiss with as much ardor as she could, arms straining against the monoglove as she longed to embrace her mistress in turn. When the kiss finally ended, leaving her breathless, Brianna could not help but smile with swollen lips as they rested against each other, Sofia's fingers still tangled in her hair holding them together, foreheads touching.

"I missed you." Sofia said softly.

"I missed you too." Brianna answered, just as softly.

They stayed in that strange embrace for several more comfortable moments until Sofia finally leaned back, the blonde's expression fond yet strangely somber as she gently cupped Brianna's cheek and brushed a thumb across the dark circles still visible under her eyes. Brianna leaned into the touch with a sigh and watched silently, wondering just what the blonde was thinking as she gazed into those stormy blue eyes.

Sofia's expression suddenly shifted as she reached some sort of decision, "No more games, that is not what any of us need right now."

Blinking in surprise at that statement, Brianna opened her mouth to ask her mistress what was going on when, without explanation, Sofia suddenly stood and Brianna let out a squeal of surprise as she was lifted off the floor into a bridal carry. Rendered temporarily speechless she could only marvel at that casual feat of strength. While there was no doubt that Sofia was in excellent shape, as her lean and muscular figure clearly showed, and Brianna herself was hardly a large woman, the ease with which her mistress lifted her was a little astonishing. Clearly the woman was stronger than she looked. Not that the position wasn't enjoyable and Brianna felt her cheeks color again a little at how much she enjoyed being manhandled like this.

"Mistress?" she asked as Sofia began to carry her down the hallway, "What's going on?"

"You are exhausted, devushka." she explained with another soft smile, "You are clearly not used to being teased so aggressively, and to do it after your first week in chastity... We were lost in the excitement of the moment, too ambitious. I am sorry, it was cruel of us."

Brianna blinked in surprise at that, "It's fine, mistress. You don't need to apologize."

"My dear, brave girl." Sofia returned before leaning in to kiss her forehead softly, "That is kind of you to say, but you know what I say is true, you could barely walk earlier."

As much as she was a little relieved to know that her current torment, even if she had sort of liked it, would soon be over a part of Brianna could not help but be disappointed in herself. She had never backed down from any of the challenges her mistresses had placed before her and yet she could not deny that Sofia had a point. Perhaps in her current state she simple wasn't fit to be pushing herself so hard. With a little sigh Brianna nodded her head in consent and rested her head against Sofia's shoulder, nestling against the woman's chest as they continued their journey toward the den at the end of the dark hall. Without pause, and without announcing herself, Sofia nudged the door open with her foot to reveal Roxanna sitting comfortably in the heart of her web of books, rich brown hair practically set aglow by the muted sunlight fading in through the curtains. In her element like this, idly scribbling down notes as she thumbed through a leather-bound volume of some sort, Brianna could not help but think she looked incredibly beautiful, though she would be the first to admit that her opinion on the matter was hardly impartial.

Pausing in her note taking to glance over her shoulder at their entrance Roxanna certainly looked surprised to see them. Or perhaps it was the method of their arrival that was surprising. In any case the olive-skinned woman set her pen down and took in the scene before her, eyes darting across the pair as a small, worried frown formed, "Is something wrong?"

"Not wrong exactly dorogoy," Sofia assured, still balancing Brianna's weight without apparent difficulty, "but the poor girl is exhausted, though she is too stubborn to admit it." Sofia smiled fondly at that and Brianna buried her face a little deeper into the crook of the woman's neck as her blush intensified. "Besides that I think we have pushed her too far, too quickly. Now is perhaps not the best time for such games."

One of Roxanna's elegant brows raised slightly at that and, not for the first time, Brianna sensed some sort of silent communication pass between the two women. A testament to the years they had spent together. Tentatively she looked up at her mistress and as she did Roxanna's deep brown eyes locked onto her own. Like so many other times she felt paralyzed by that gaze wondering what, if anything, she should say. It didn't seem to matter, whatever Roxanna saw seemed to convince her as the olive-skinned woman's expression softened a little and her lips twisted into a wan smile.

"Perhaps we were overly eager." she agreed after a moment of contemplation, "Take her up to the bedroom, str�ngla. I shall meet you there."

A tiny smirk twisted Sofia's lips, "Such a slave driver."

But even as Roxanna scoffed playfully the blonde had already turned on heel and began her way back down the hall, Brianna's bound form still perched in her arms.

"What now, mistress?" Brianna wondered softly as she was carried up the stairs.

"Now?" Sofia answered, "Now you get some rest, devushka."

"Oh." Brianna said, deflating a little in disappointment.

"Of course, we will likely need to help you," Sofia continued, lips quirked into a playful smile even as her tone turned sultry, "But I am certain we can find some way to make you relax."

Brianna felt her smile return, a familiar shiver of anticipation running up her spine, "Yes, mistress. Thank you, mistress."

No more words were spoken for the rest of the short trip as Brianna was carried into her mistresses' familiar bedroom, a room that she had missed almost as much as the women who slept there. It felt strange to be nostalgic for something she had only spent a week away from, but this was the place where so many good memories had been formed and not just the sex and bondage. This was the place where the three of them had forged, and affirmed the odd relationship they had found themselves in. Where they had laughed and cried and held each other as they slept, comforted by the warmth of familiar bodies. As the comfortable silence stretched on Sofia set her down on the bed before kneeling down and carefully removing her stilettos one at a time. Stretching her feet gratefully, Brianna wiggled her toes and idly made a note to paint her nails again soon. She had forgotten how hard these shoes were on the finish, though that was a small price to pay for how amazing they made her legs look. Climbing onto the bed herself, Sofia settled in behind her and Brianna felt fingers begin to loosen the straps on her armbinder. Not enough to remove it, but enough to let her out of the tight elbow bondage she had been in. Closing her eyes the girl let out a sigh of relief and worked her shoulders as best she could. While she was getting used to having her arms bound so tightly, and she very much liked the way a tight armbinder made her breasts stand out, Brianna could admit that she still had a long way to go before she could do as Claudia did and have her elbows touching for hours without difficulty.

Opening her eyes again Brianna looked up and froze in place as she saw Roxanna striding through the doorway. Lost in contemplation and contentment she had not heard the woman enter. Eyes smoldering, her limp not at all diminishing the grace of her steps, Roxanna reached behind herself and unzipped her dress allowing it to fall from her shoulders and pool on the floor as she walked revealing her slender from perfectly displayed by a set of lacy black underwear. Feeling her mouth go dry at the tableau, Brianna could only watch as Roxanna's smile turned sultry, the woman slowly closing the distance between them as she reached up to unclasp her bra, the garment fluttering to the ground as unceremoniously as the dress. With deliberate slowness Roxanna then slid her hands down her sides, hooking fingers in the waistband of her thong before pushing it down over her hips as she took one last step until she was so close that Brianna could have reached out and touched that glorious and tantalizing body had her arms not been bound. The leather holding her creaked as she involuntarily tried regardless.

"Like what you see, kor�tsi?"

Brianna nodded a bit dumbly, "I... uuhagh!"

Whatever she had been about to say was cut off as Sofia took the opportunity to jam a ring gag into her mouth the moment it opened. Pulling the straps tight to secure the gag in place the blonde chuckled a little at the indignant squawk Brianna made, but even as she tried to turn her head to shoot the woman a playful glare one of Roxanna's hands suddenly cupped her cheek, freezing her in place, while deft fingers untied her bun letting long blue hair cascade down her back. Smiling fondly the olive-skinned woman spent a moment carding her fingers through Brianna's hair before taking hold of a handful of it and pressing their mouths together. Closing her eyes again Brianna moaned into the kiss, helpless to stop the older woman from plundering her mouth, not that she would have tried in any case. Brianna loved to be gag kissed, something about it was an incredible turn on, but this? This was something else. Being locked into a French kiss while ring gagged was by far her favorite, a combination of helplessness and openness that just spoke to her on some deeper level and made her feel oh so very submissive. Especially when her arms were bound and her hair was being pulled.

At some point during the kiss Sofia had returned to working on her bonds though her mind only barely registered it when the binder slid loose, freeing her arms. Letting the kiss linger for another few heartbeats longer Roxanna pulled back slightly and then gently took her by the left hand while Sofia took the right. Still a little dazed from the intensity of the kiss Brianna offered no resistance as the two women guided her to lie down and fixed leather cuffs around her wrists before locking them to the bedposts. Leaning back Sofia then began to unbutton her shirt before throwing it off to bare her naked torso to the world while Roxanna began to fiddle with the chastity belt. The clit clip came away first, Brianna letting out an involuntary sigh of relief as the maddening pressure on her aching flesh was removed, before the waistband was unlocked and opened. It was awkward work in her current position, laying down with her hands pinned, but Brianna managed to lift her hips enough for Roxanna to work the belt off, exposing her wet and aching pussy at long last. Free from her steel thong for the first time in 7 days, or 168 hours or 10,080 minutes Brianna lifted her head slightly from the pillow to look, taking in the faint red lines around her waist and between her legs where the steel had pressed in and was pleased to note that her body seemed none the worse for wear. Chastity belts could apparently leave some impressive marks if the fit was improper, she'd seen pictures. She also noted that her skin was still smooth and stubble free despite a week without shaving. The depilatory cream that her mistresses had recommended apparently worked like a charm. While she inspected herself, Roxanna set the belt on the floor and gently traced those lines, rubbing softly at the bound girl's skin as she inspected for injury. While she had always been sensitive, in that moment Brianna felt hyper-aware of her mistress' touch and could not help but moan, wiggling in place even as she silently begged them to touch more intimate places. Clearly amused by her antics, and finished with the inspection, Sofia and Roxanna moved to fix leather cuffs to her ankles and pinned them to the footboard, leaving her stretched out helplessly across the bed in a full spread-eagle.

Sofia stood then to begin removing her jeans but Brianna's view of the show was blocked almost immediately when Roxanna moved to straddle her chest. The bound girl's gaze was instantly locked onto that slender and graceful body dominating her view, drinking in the familiar sight of soft olive skin marred by numerous scars, every inch of which she kissed and touched and worshiped. Grinning wickedly, Roxanna leaned down to grant her captive a better view of her firm and perfect breasts even as she stroked Brianna's neck and shoulders with long fingers before trailing then down her sternum with a spider light touch. Whimpering at the touch Brianna craned her neck back to grant better access even as she tried to thrust her chest foreword, silently begging her mistress to touch her more.

"It is time for your reward, kor�tsi." Roxanna mused as her hands wandered back to Brianna's throat, one of her thumbs tracing the girl's gagged lips as she did so, "The rules are simple. You will use that marvelously skilled tongue on me and while you do Sofia shall... well, I will not spoil the surprise, but you will enjoy it, I promise. In any case, as long as you keep licking me she will keep fucking you and when you stop, she stops. Simply, yes?"

Brianna nodded as best she could, "Yeh, nhihghuehh."

Although her reply was garbled by the gag, the intent was clear enough and Roxanna smiled down at her as she removed her hands and shifted her hips foreword, gripping the headboard as she did so to steady herself. Brianna wasted no time, immediately plunging her tongue into the silky heat of her mistress' sex and relishing the familiar taste. Although something of a joke, at least Sofia found it highly amusing, Brianna had always sworn that Roxanna tasted just a little bit like tea and she had playfully mused that it explained her new attraction to the beverage. Intimately familiar with both of her mistresses' bodies by now, and well aware of where and how they both liked to be touched, it did not take long for Roxanna's back to arch and her hips to press down as she moaned long and low. As she began to lap at the olive-skinned woman's clit Brianna felt her own body spasm is surprise, hips bucking as the unexpected sensation of a dildo sliding into her struck. It took every ounce of self control she possessed to continue licking as the dildo began to vibrate but even then she moaned deep in her throat, though gagged much more thoroughly by Roxanna's flesh the sound was reduced to little more than a faint whimper.

The bed shifted then as Brianna felt the familiar weight of Sofia's body settle onto her hips, the curious but pleasant sensation of the dildo shifting inside of her indicating that the device was double ended as the free side slid into the Sofia's own body. Brianna moaned again, much more loudly this time, fingers and toes curling as she pulled against her bonds when the smooth, hard plastic of another vibrator pressed tightly against her clit. Almost immediately Sofia's hips began to grind against her in a faintly circular motion that made the dildo connecting them practically dance as they rode the vibrator together. Tears in her eyes Brianna felt pleasure explode across her body at the intensity of the sensation, arms and legs pulling hard against her bonds as she thrashed against the weight holding her down. More on instinct than anything else she kept licking Roxanna's flesh with a shaky tongue, feeling more than hearing her shudder in a climax of her own. As she worked Roxanna's quivering body she saw Sofia's free arm slid around the other woman's middle, pulling her back somewhat awkwardly and freeing up Brianna's vision enough for her to watch the two kiss intensely. She could feel Roxanna's sex tighten around her tongue as the kiss deepened and she probed the woman's deepest and most sensitive spots, another orgasm rocking her body even as her cries of ecstasy were swallowed by Sofia's lips, the blonde's own hips jerking foreword sharply to signal her own climax which managed to push Brianna ever the edge for a second time. Still, nowhere near sated, Brianna's body demanded more even as her mind reeled from the hammer blows of pleasure that seemed to echo up her spine making her thrash wildly against her mistresses which only seemed to intensify the sensation of the vibrators on and within her. It was so hard to focus, but a single thought crystallized in her mind kept her going, that all of this would stop if she did.

She did not want it to stop.

The world seemed to shrink in on itself, as if nothing else outside of this room, outside of this bed, existed, everything reduced to sense and sensation. The wet and eager pussy ridding her helplessly gagged mouth, the strong hips thrusting and grinding against her own, and the weight pinning her in place as the vibrators did their work. It was all too good. As time passed the three of them seemed to blend together, just sensation and touch and flesh. Brianna could not hope to keep track of how many times she came, didn't even try, but at some point it was hard to know just who was cumming, whether it was herself or Roxanna or Sofia or all three of them together. Their pleasure seemed to echo each other, to wash over them all and merge together into one great wave of ecstacy. It was bliss, pure and absolute bliss. But, all good things must come to an end. After who knew how long Brianna finally reached her limit, the fires of her libido guttering as something seemed to break loose within her. Gasping, and tongue stilling for the first time, Brianna felt her body go tense, every muscle straining as she fought against her bonds with all her might, fingers and toes curling into claws as she tried, desperately to reach for something, anything, to steady herself. Unable to contain herself any longer she threw her head back and screamed. It was, perhaps, the most intense and overwhelming orgasm Brianna could ever remember having and for a brief wonderful, terrible moment she thought she might pass out from the sheer magnitude of her climax but the storm passed and she felt her body go slack all at once, collapsing back into the bed a panting and sweaty mess, utterly spent.

She barely felt her mistresses move off of her but the sensation of the ring gag being pulled from her mouth shocked Brianna back to awareness and she looked up to see Roxanna's face, also flushed and sweaty, smiling down at her.

"Thank you, mistress." Brianna croaked out, throat sore, as she blinked tears from her eyes, "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you..."

"Shh," Roxanna soothed as she gently brushed damp hair from the girl's brow, "it's alright kor�tsi, it's alright. Rest now."

Brianna nodded, relaxing beneath that gentle tone and soothing touch, suddenly immensely tired and unable to form a reply as she felt fatigue pull her eyelids down, the exhaustion of a sleepless night combined with the afterglow of their lovemaking finally allowing her to sleep. In the last moments before she drifted off, however, Brianna could swear she felt the touch of a pair of lips on her brow in a gentle kiss and Roxanna's soft and accented voice whisper in her ear.

"Sleep well, kor�tsi. We love you."

She felt herself smile at that as consciousness finally faded and she slipped into a deep and pleasant sleep and in that state she dreamed of an olive-skinned beauty and a blonde goddess who owned her mind, body and soul.But, no good thing lasts forever and eventually wakefulness returned. Slowly, Brianna's eyes fluttered open to look out at a very familiar room painted in brilliant shades of red by the sun, the fading remnants of pleasant dreams leaving a lingering warmth in her chest and deep sense of contentment. Smiling at that as well as the lingering soreness in her body, well remembering the cause, she tried to stretch out the kinks in her muscles feeling rested and relaxed and very much like herself again only to find that she could not move. Once that would have caused her to panic, and occasionally still did, but she was getting more and more used to the experience of waking up to find herself restrained. A quick glance at her arms, followed by lifting her head to check her feet, confirmed that she was still bound spread-eagle to the mattress though a quilt had been drawn over her naked body at some point.

Seemingly prompted by her movement a voice called out from her left, "Welcome back to the world, devushka."

Turning her head to the side Brianna could see Sofia's familiar form leaning back in a chair, still completely naked, a sight which brought some color back to her cheeks. Still a little groggy, and her throat a touch sore, she managed to ask, "How long...?"

"About seven hours."

Brianna blinked at that in disbelief, "Seven hours?"

"You were clearly more tired than you thought." Sofia answered simply, a tiny smile on her lips.

"Yeah." Brianna mused softly, still a little surprised, "I guess I was." She certainly felt a great deal better than she had this morning, like she had just gotten a good night's sleep (which she sort of had honestly), though at least some of that was the result of relieving the tensions of the last week as it were, but she certainly hadn't expected to nap that long. Hell, could you even call it a nap anymore?

"Yes, the day is practically gone, though it was certainly a good morning." Sofia returned, flashing a wicked grin that deepened Brianna's blush as she lifted herself slowly out of the chair and crossed back to the bed. Stroking the bound girl's hair, eliciting a small smile in return, she continued, "If you are feeling up to it devuhska, it is time to get cleaned up. And I'm certain Roxanna would be willing to fix something for you to eat, you must be hungry."

Brianna's stomach chose that moment to growl, making her blush in embarrassment this time, and she nodded quickly, "Yes, mistress."

Chuckling a little, Sofia quickly moved to unbuckle the cuffs holding her wrists and ankles, leaning over Brianna's prone body as she did so, granting the girl a much closer view of her firm abs and shapely breasts. It was a sight that Brianna decided she would never get tired of, no matter how many times she saw it. Taking her by the now free hands Sofia practically pulled her out of the bed in another display of the impressive strength contained within her athletic frame. With a final kiss to the temple the taller woman wrapped an arm around her waist to steady her before guiding her to the stairs. Brianna didn't really need the help to stay steady, but as she leaned into that half embrace she certainly wasn't complaining. However, when they reached the master bathroom things took a slightly different turn. Rather than leaving her to her own devices to shower and change, Sofia accompanied her into the bathroom, arm still wrapped around her waist, before closing and locking the door behind them.

The taller woman grinned at her confused look, "Since things did not go quite to plan today, I thought perhaps one small game to finish things. What do you think, devushka? One more for the road as they say?"

Still confused, but intensely curious now, Brianna nodded, "Yes, mistress."

Sofia's smile just widened in response as she reached over and pulled the shower curtain aside to reveal a familiar tub with one small change. Namely a pair of handcuffs dangling from an eye bolt in the ceiling. Brianna goggled at that. Had that always been there? Not the cuffs, obviously, she liked to think she would have noticed those, but had the shower always been rigged for bondage? She couldn't say, though at the same time also knew that she'd not really had much reason to look up while showering before, but she could not help but be disappointed at the thought of all those missed opportunities. She also knew she was going to be checking every shower she got into now, just in case.

At Sofia's silently prompting Brianna followed her into the tub and obediently allowed her wrists to be cuffed to the ceiling, standing on her tiptoes to make the task easier until she was left dangling there, arms pinned over her head. Standing to the side slightly Sofia then turned on the faucet making Brianna shriek in surprise as a spray of cold water struck her head on, though the blonde did not seem at all bothered by the temperature. Twisting in her bonds to try and get out of the way Brianna could only really squirm in place, unable to really go anywhere, though she still tried until Sofia took her by the hips and pressed their bodies together softly to hold her in place, clearly amused by her reactions. Pouting slightly, though glad for the warmth of the body pressed against her now, Brianna was left with no choice but to endure the arctic chill until the temperature adjusted. Offering a brief kiss as an apology, and perhaps wisely saying nothing at the glare Brianna offered, Sofia took the soap and began to slowly and sensuously wash the bound girl's body with her bare hands. Annoyance at the cold forgotten, Brianna bit her lip and closed her eyes as she sighed in contentment. They... they had never done anything like this before and the familiar yet somehow strange intimacy of Sofia's hands running over her body made her blush darkly even as she relaxed into that touch. It was a little ridiculous given all the other things they had done, all the ways they had already shared each other, but at the same time this was new and different and both a little exciting and a little arousing as a result. All of a sudden Brianna had to bite her lip to stifle a moan as Sofia's strong hands began to scrub her breasts and between her legs perhaps a bit more thoroughly than needed. Scratch that previous thought, it was a lot arousing and a lot exciting.

Putting on an innocent tone that was not at all convincing Sofia wondered, "My my devushka, you cannot possibly still be horny, can you?"

Having to catch her breath after she bit back another moan, Brianna forced out, "If you're going to keep touching me like that mistress, I'll have to ask you to kindly take responsibility."

Sofia laughed, "How bold." She then leaned to whisper in her ear. "But, like I said before, it seems I am not very good at denying you."

Whatever response Brianna might have had was lost as she moaned, loudly, her knees going a bit weak as she felt Sofia hand slide between her legs and a pair of fingers slip inside of her, body clenching around them reflexively. Sofia's other hand pressed against the small of her back, teasing a sensitive spot there as she pulled their bodies together until their breasts touched. Without comment or ceremony the blonde began to thrust her fingers into Brianna's tight and eager pussy with increasing vigor and speed. She moaned again at that, writhing in her bonds as Sofia's fingers twisted and shifted within her, hitting all the right spots with each thrust, while the woman's thumb brushed against her throbbing clit again and again. Although still a little sore from her earlier exertions Brianna found that she did not care, spreading her legs as best she could to encourage her mistress to go deeper and faster, moaning and groaning and whimpering with each thrust. Caught between Sofia's firm and wet body pressed against her, insistent fingers plunging into her again and again and the woman's free hand wandered down to cup her ass Brianna didn't stand a chance. With more of a shuddered moan than a scream she came, her body seemingly collapsing as all strength fled her and her legs turned to jello, held upright only by the cuffs supporting her. Panting to catch her breath, she let out another whimpering cry of pleasure as Sofia's fingers slid free. A cry that her mistress instantly silenced with another kiss.

For a handful of heartbeats she just hung there, dangling by her arms as warm water poured over them both, Sofia's hand still cupping her ass, their lips locked together. Slowly she regained control of herself however and with Sofia's help was able to steady herself and straighten her knees, taking the pressure off of her wrists. Standing there in warm silence, Brianna kept her eyes closed and just felt as Sofia pulled away and gave her a final once over before washing her face and rinsing off her hair. The water suddenly stopped then, but Brianna remained silent and kept her eyes still closed as she heard the shower curtain open, the rush of cool air making her shiver for a moment before a large fluffy towel was wrapped around her body and Sofia began to dry her off. When her mistress finished drying her hair, a somewhat awkward prospect, she finally she opened her eyes, blinking a few times to clear her vision.

Smiling almost shyly at her mistress, Brianna said, "Thank you, mistress."

"You are very welcome, devushka." Sofia answered with a smile of her own. "But there is one more thing." she said as she pulled the towel away and stepped out of the tub.

Brianna cocked her head to the side, "One more thing, mistress?" she echoed.

"Indeed." Sofia confirmed, "We may have ended the game early, but we still played. You agreed to take a punishment for every orgasm you received this morning. If memory serves, you received three."

"I only asked for two!" Brianna protested, feeling a little ridiculous to be arguing the point, especially when she was still naked with her arms pinioned above her head and cuffed to the ceiling.

"Perhaps, devushka." Sofia conceded, before her grin once again turned wicked, "But you took three in any case and so you agree to accept three punishments. Rules are rules."

Brianna almost laughed at that, honestly amused, but instead she just shook her head a little, not really minding all that much, and let out a fond sigh, "Yes mistress, I accept three punishments."

At that Sofia then opened up the towel closet and pulled out, of all things, Brianna's chastity belt. Ignoring the confused look she received Sofia stepped back into the tub with the device. "Roxanna washed it while you were asleep. You did excellent work keeping it clean, devushka, but a truly thorough cleaning requires removal every so often."

A little stunned by the unexpected sight of the thing, eyes flickering back and forth between her mistress and the belt, Brianna did not think to comment or question until Sofia began to lock the stainless steel thong back onto her body. Starting a little at the sudden feel of cool metal on heated skin, she let out a simple, "Mistress?"

Taking a moment to finish locking the belt and sealing the secondary shield in place before answering, Sofia reached up to stroke her cheek fondly, "Your punishment is simple, devushka. For each orgasm you accepted today, you owe us one additional week in chastity." her grin turned mischievous, "But as we are generous mistresses, similar rules will apply. You may ask for orgasms, but each orgasm will extend your sentence by one additional week."

Brianna gaped at that, quickly doing the math in her head, "But... three weeks is the rest of the summer!"

Sofia seemed to ponder that in mock seriousness, a playful look in her eyes, "Ah, so it is. Well then, I suppose you shall have to pick which option you prefer. To spend the remainder of your time here chaste, or to keep wearing your belt to university."

'At least she didn't put the clit clip back on.' Brianna thought as she digested that sentence, trying to find some silver lining even if part of her was actually kind of disappointed by the toy's absence. But no matter how she sliced it, the reality was staring her straight in the face. Three weeks chaste. She knew that she'd never make it because even if she wasn't having sex, they certainly would be. Being subject to her mistresses continuing bondage games, being made to serve and pleasure them while denied such release herself... She'd never be able to resist asking for orgasms, not for three whole weeks. The only question was how many more weeks of chastity she'd earn before the summer ended. She honestly couldn't say, and if she factored in the occasional weekend home or holiday after that... It might be months, maybe years. Over the week she'd sometimes fantasized about what it might be like to be locked in extended chastity and now... Well, it brought to mind the old saying about being careful what you wished for. A familiar bloom of heat in her loins struck Brianna and she felt her face flush in response to just how turned on she was by the thought, 'I really am such a submissive whore. What did I do to deserve finding these two and how am I so lucky to have them in my life?'

She did not voice any of those thoughts, however. Instead all she did was bow her head submissively while trying her best to fight the broad smile that threatened to split her lips but unable to completely suppress the tinge of excitement in her voice, "Yes mistress, I understand and accept this punishment."

As Sofia then proceeded to release her from the cuffs Brianna allowed her mind to wander. The summer was definitely going to end with a bang, metaphorically speaking of course, and after that... God, and here she'd thought school would be boring.

Part 6 (added: 2020/07/21)

The heat of the summer had finally faded as August bled into September and began to turn cold as the days of October slowly passed. Brianna was honestly of two minds about that. On the one hand she certainly didn't miss the heavy and often oppressive heat, to say nothing of how easily her pale skin burned in the sun, but on the other hand she couldn't deny that after this last summer? It had certainly become her favorite season and she was sad to see it go. Even thinking back on it now brought a smile to her face and a shiver up her spine. Of taking that desperate plunge and admitting her desires, finding them returned and experiencing a whole new world of sex and bondage, pleasure and self discovery as she submitted to her mistresses and their relationship slowly formed as they spent more time together. The memories of it were never far from her mind and even now it all mingling together to create a warm and nostalgic feeling in her chest. Of course time had moved on, as it always did, and the day that Brianna had dreaded came at last. The summer ended and she packed her bags to continue her education. It had been a tearful departure but Roxanna and Sofia had never been anything other then encouraging and, as with so many other things in life, the anticipation had proven far worse than the actual event. Even so as the weeks passed she found herself thinking about it more and more often, the memories lingering in the back of her mind and the ghostly sensations she could still feel on her skin combining in a way that was both pleasant and distracting. Truth be told she'd caught herself daydreaming about it more than once, to say nothing of her actual dreams about all the things they had done. Some so intense that she still woke up sweaty and panting and, for that brief instant between wakefulness and sleep, thinking she was still there in their bed and in their arms.

But it was on this particular Friday that that the realization hit her hard. On the surface there was nothing special about the day, no reason it should stand out in her mind. Like many other Fridays it saw her lazily making her way back to the dorms, the familiar weight of a backpack dangling from her shoulders and bundled up in a hoodie against the approaching winter's chill. It was still early in the afternoon, her classes done of the day, for the week, and the sun was still bright in the sky as she moved among the hordes of students shuffling to and fro. Fridays usually saw the Quad packed as it bustled with people returning from morning classes or heading in to begin their afternoon schedules while others lingered in scattered groups taking advantage of any and all available surfaces to sit. It was quite the cross-section of humanity and despite becoming familiar with it Brianna still found the disparate groups fascinating. Some studied, others tossed balls or frisbees, but most socialized. Fridays usually meant plans for the weekend, an intangible sense of excitement in the air as gossip spread about dates being planned and parties being thrown. Nothing she hadn't seen before, but on this day, as she made her way down the press of humanity along the sidewalks, the very familiarity of the scene struck her. For all that college had seemed an almost frightening prospect from the outside it had now become almost mundane, a comfortable routine and that realization struck her hard. That it had been more than two months since that first, difficult day. That thought brought her up short. Had it truly been so long?

Brianna would never have called herself the best student, far from the worst of course and she had never hated school like some did, but she had never loved it either and the challenge of returning after such a carefree summer had been one of her biggest fears. And it had certainly taken some getting used to, adjusting to an all new academic environment that somehow felt both more relaxed and more strict at the same time while also coping with being away from home and on her own. To say nothing of the somewhat unique challenge of being away from her mistresses with no definitive schedule of when she would be able to see them again, save for the end of the semester which had seemed so very far away and still did when she thought of it. But she had adapted, it was something Brianna had discovered she had a talent for, even if she had faced some altogether different challenges than most. Her collar had been the first such challenge, or rather keeping its presence hidden in some manner. Of course the metal around her throat was certainly noticeable unless she was wearing a high-necked shirt, which she rarely did, but few had commented on it so far and none had divined its true nature. Most likely assumed it was a necklace of some sort, just as Sofia had claimed when locking it on for the first time, and a few had even complimented her on it. Brianna had always been unable to suppress a wry smile when that happened. Her chastity belt on the other hand... that was an entirely different beast all together.

There was no mistaking the stainless steel thong locked around her hips for anything other than what it was. The prospect of wearing the thing to college, her mistresses still holding the keys, had figured prominently in her fantasies when first wearing the thing but when the reality of it approached it had weighed on her in the last weeks of summer. She had honestly been torn between being incredibly aroused at the thought, a part of her reveling in the idea of her body being so completely under her mistresses' control, and fear of potentially months without even being able to touch herself. She had tried, valiantly, to resist her body's desires and spend those weeks chaste, to complete her "punishment" but it had been in vain, as she knew it would be. Bondage simply turned her on too much and the frustration of pleasuring her mistresses while being denied relief herself had been the final straw. She'd barely lasted a week before breaking down and begging for an orgasm, which Sofia and Roxanna had been more than happy to provide. And they'd kept providing, carefully tallying her climaxes one by one and dutifully adding weeks to her sentence. Brianna honestly preferred not to think about just how many more weeks she'd added in those 14 days. Oh, she knew it was just another game of course and they would not have truly pushed the issue had she objected or asked them not to but the fantasy of it had enthralled her, still did, and she had dutifully accepted the unspoken challenge. It was kind of funny in a way. Among the many rumors and stories she'd encountered about chastity belts one that seemed to come up again and again was of girls being forced to wear them to college by fearful or conservative parents. She doubted the truth of most such stories, though it was a big world some of them were probably true, but she had to smile a little at the parallels and just how different, and yet similar, her own situation was.

That was not to say that she hadn't enjoyed the experience, even if it had been far different than what she had expected. The physical challenges of wearing the belt were honestly second nature by now as was the task of keeping it clean even if she had to be extra careful in the communal showers, usually choosing to use them late at night or early in the morning just in case. She had also gotten a lot better at hiding its presence under her clothing and, as far as she knew, no one was any the wiser for its presence. No the actual challenge had been the way her body itself had adapted and reacted to the belt. There had been hints of this in her first week of chastity, the way she had become so desperate and horny but part of her had thought it was just the shock of sudden denial, that as time went on she'd learn how to manage. That had not been the case, at all. Again, during her research into long term chastity she'd also come across various accounts of the effect being belted had upon the sex drive. Some women who had experienced this sort of thing reported a general decline of the libido with a few truly long-term wearers describing a sort of near asexuality as the final result. Brianna's experience had been almost the complete opposite. Each day she remained belted seemed to make her hornier and hornier to the point where, at times, she was almost afraid she was becoming a nymphomaniac. Well, not really but she could not deny feeling incredibly aroused most of the time and she'd spent many nights under the covers playing with her own breasts or trying in vain to touch her aching pussy to no avail. It didn't help matters that there had been damnably few opportunities for any kind of relief. Other than Labor Day weekend, when she'd managed to slip home for a few days and squeeze in a few sessions with her mistresses (and add a few more weeks to her sentence) Brianna had simply found herself too busy with everything to manage another trip. Even her self bondage had fallen mostly to the wayside from a lack of both privacy and free time, though she managed to stay in practice in little ways.

And the truth was, Brianna realized somewhat glumly as she readjusted her backpack, that situation was not likely to change anytime soon. It was not like she was out of touch with her mistresses, of course. They still called one and other, still shared texts and pictures, but adjusting to her new schedule and the pressure of coursework had taken up so much of her time. Even now, as she looked out at hordes of students planning their weekend, her mind was occupied with reading assignments and the looming deadlines of research papers. No one ever said academia was easy, but she hoped that in time she'd get a better handle on things for the sake of her own sanity at least. Letting out a sigh and lost in such thoughts Brianna did not immediately notice when a figure slipped behind her to lean in close, but she did freeze in her tracks when a smokey and achingly familiar voice practically whisper in her ear.


Jolted into action at that simple word Brianna spun around quickly to find Claudia's wiry form standing right behind her, so close they were almost touching. The other girl's thin lips were twisted into a smile and those familiar brown eyes danced with amusement as the wind tussled her already wild hair. Brain still a few steps behind Brianna opened her mouth to reply but no words came out even as her eyes darted to the familiar steel band around the woman's neck, just visible above the collar of the old army jacket she was wearing, confirming that this was in fact Claudia. Visibly amused, the slightly smaller girl certainly had no compunction about taking advantage of this and wrapped her arms around Brianna's waist before capturing her gaping mouth in a kiss.

As soon as those lips touched her own instinct kicked in and Brianna threw her arms around Claudia, pulling her close even as she kissed back, deftly ignoring the handful of cat calls the pair of them elicited. They were hardly the first couple to make out on the Quad, probably not even the first today, and right now Brianna definitely had more important things on her mind. It was interesting, some part of her noticed in an almost detached manner as the rest of her focused on the slim body in her arms, how different kissing Claudia was when compared to kissing Sofia or Roxanna. With her mistresses Brianna always felt as if she was submitting to their kisses, gladly ceding control to them and eagerly letting them take charge as if possessing her with their lips. Not so with Claudia, with Claudia it felt more like a struggle, if in a playful way. The two of them not exactly fighting for dominance, but more like competing, kissing each other like a pair of equals testing their partner. It certainly felt that way as they remained locked in that kiss for what seemed like a very long time, tongues dueling as their lips pressed together, until Claudia at last gained the upper hand by slipping her hands down Brianna's spine and into the back pockets of her jeans to squeeze her ass. Brianna started at that, surprised by the sudden sensation and sensing an opportunity Claudia pressed her advantage, driving her tongue deep into the taller girl's mouth. Almost grinning into the kiss Brianna did not try to fight back, ceding control to Claudia and enjoying the sensation of strong hands massaging her ass and a pierced tongue practically down her throat.

When the kiss did finally end though, a bit breathless and lips tingling, she could not help but whisper, "Cheater."

"All's fair in love and war." Claudia quipped back, her smile returning.

Brianna smiled back, but as much as she had enjoyed the kiss and the feeling of Claudia's body pressed up against her she could not help but wonder, "What are you doing here?"

"What?" Claudia asked, tone playful, "I can't just stop by to say hi to my girlfriend?"

That word seemed to lodge in Brianna's ear and linger there. Girlfriends. Was that what they were? In truth, much like Claudia's relationship with their mistresses, they'd never really felt the need to define it. They were fellow submissives who shared similar interests and experiences, who had been intimate, and who deeply loved the same beautiful, wonderful women. She wasn't sure girlfriends was quite the right word, but then again she supposed there wasn't really a word for what they were and it made her smile all the same. Girlfriends, it was as good a word as any.

"Well," she managed at last, "if that's how you say hello, we need to do it more often."

Claudia chuckled at that, but then leaned in to kiss her on the cheek and whisper in her ear, "We've missed you too."

That brought a small blush to Brianna's cheeks but she said nothing. Finally at some point they broke their embrace, but Claudia kept an arm firmly wrapped around the small of her back, hand resting on her hip as she began to guide Brianna in the opposite direction, away from the crowds.

"I really am glad to see you," Brianna said after a moment, "but I can't believe you came all the way out here for a kiss."

"Well," Claudia began with a sly smile, "you are a pretty good kisser, even if its not my lips I wish you were kissing." She laughed as Brianna's blush returned and pulled the girl closer, "But it's been months since the last time we saw you and, like I said, we missed you. It also seemed like you might be a little overwhelmed with everything and we were worried, but Roxanna couldn't get away and Sofia is definitely glued to her hip so I took it upon myself to come check on you."

Brianna felt a warmth in her chest even as she smiled, "Thank you I appreciate it, I really do, but I'm fine. You didn't need go to all that trouble."

"You're certainly no trouble." Claudia countered.

"That... thank you." Brianna said at last, feeling a pleasant warmth bloom in her chest, "But I really am fine. It been a challenge to adjust to a new schedule and a new environment, and... other things, but I'm getting used to it. Really."

Claudia shot her a sidelong look that said she didn't completely believe that, but didn't press. Instead she patted Brianna's hip, or more specifically the waistband of the chastity belt that ran just above her hip bone, "And speaking of other things, you're well on your way to beating my record. Worthy of celebrating, don't you think?"

That almost brought Brianna up short but she kept walking, instead turning her head slightly to glance as Claudia, "Where are we going?"

"The parking lot."


The woman relented, though her grin threatened to split her face, "It's simple. We're young, we're hot, its a Friday night and Halloween is just around the corner. We're going back to my place to get ready, and then we're going out."

Going out, like a date. It struck Brianna then that she had never gone on an actual date when any of the women she was currently involved with. That probably would have struck most people as odd, it would have struck her as odd once upon a time, if perhaps the least odd thing about the direction her love life had taken, but there had never really been the time or opportunity with everything that had been going on. Just being together had been enough. But now that she thought about it she certainly wasn't opposed to the idea though at the same time wondered what the other girl had in mind. She had not spent that much time with Claudia in comparison to their mistresses and, as she thought about it, Brianna realized that she was not really sure what the sometimes quite blunt woman did for fun. She could not help but feel a keen sense of curiosity and a touch of nervousness.

Of course, there were more practical considerations, the big one that Claudia lived in another town, one much closer to home, and Brianna had to reluctantly shake her head, "That sounds fun but, I mean, I have homework to do and a paper to work on..."

"How fortunate for you," Claudia interrupted, "that you just happen to be sleeping with one of the smartest women I have ever met." her grin turned wicked for an instant, "I'm sure that if you get down on your knees, and ask real nicely, she'll help you out."

"I..." Brianna stuttered, not sure how to respond, face once again blazing at that not so subtle innuendo even as her eyes darted about to make sure no one was in earshot.

"Please?" Claudia asked, eyes suddenly earnest, "You need a break, I can tell, so let me help you. You'll have fun, I promise."

Letting out a breath and feeling herself relax a little, Brianna nodded and answered softly, "Okay."

Claudia smiled back just as softly, "Okay."

They continued on in a comfortable silence after that, Claudia's arm still threaded around Brianna's waist in a way she found rather pleasant as they made their way across campus, the crowds progressively thinning until the well manicured lawns and towering brick buildings gave way to the asphalt expanse of a public parking lot. Meandering their way through the myriad parked cars gleaming under the sun Claudia only pulled away from her companion when they walked up to an old blue Chevy, it's paint liberally strewn with scratches and dings. As she watched the slender girl fish keys out of her pocket Brianna could not help but raise a brow in surprise. There was nothing particularly wrong with the car, though it had certainly seen a great deal of use, but at the same time... Honestly she wasn't sure exactly what she had been expecting but this? This most certainly was not it.

Claudia seemed to notice as she unlocked the doors, "What?"

Brianna bit her lip for a second even as she opened one of the rear doors to throw her backpack inside, "I don't know, I just... I just always imagined you riding a motorcycle for some reason."

Claudia snorted, "I wish, but as much fun as the thought of you clinging tightly to me while we speed down the road is, it's not really practical." she patted the roof of the old car almost affectionately before opening the driver's door to get in, "She might not be much to look at, but she'll get you where you're going."

Brianna nodded then hurriedly followed, almost scrambling into the passenger's seat and barely managing to get her seat-belt buckled before Claudia started the engine. With a small *thud* the transmission engaged and the car began rolling. At that moment Brianna glanced out the window, watching the campus recede as Claudia drove through the artificial maze of parked cars before pulling out into traffic, weaving her way through the crowded streets toward the highway. In the weeks she had spent here Brianna had slowly begun to explore the city, cautiously wandering further and further from campus to visit the various shops and restaurants that catered to students. As time went on some of the new friends she had made in class and in the dorms had even introduced her to the clubs that didn't check ID's that closely but despite her wanderings she still felt very much like a stranger in some ways. That would probably fade with time, after all the campus itself had felt strange at first too and now it felt a little like home, but Brianna could not fully shake the feeling. While she hadn't exactly grown up in the middle of nowhere the quiet little suburb where she had spent most of her life was a very different beast and, sometimes, when she gazed out at the seemingly endless blocks of buildings and the skyscrapers rising up in the distance it was almost uncanny how alien everything seemed. Lost in thought, staring out the window to watch the traffic and the pedestrians and the slowly lengthening shadows of the fading afternoon was almost hypnotic. Brianna could not say exactly how much time had passed before the silence was broken.

"We're going to need to make some small talk," Claudia said suddenly with an amused grin, "or this is going to be a long trip."

"Sorry," Brianna apologized, reflexively, suddenly jostled back to the present and turning away from the window, "just lost in thought, I guess."

"Must be deep thoughts." Claudia mused, "So, how's the college life treating you?"

"It's fine." she answered, "Took a little getting used to, especially dorm life, but I really like some of the classes and I've made a few friends."

"What are you studying?" Claudia wondered, sounding actually interested.

To that Brianna just sighed a little, "I don't know. I mean, I'm just doing introductory courses now and I've been thinking about it a lot, but I can't seem to make up my mind. Nothing really stands out, you know?" at Claudia's nod she continued, "I feel kind of stupid actually. First semester is half over and I still have no idea what I want to major in."

"Well," Claudia began in a teasing tone, "I suppose if push comes to shove you do have two sugar mommas to fall back on."

Brianna felt her face heat up and she hugged herself instinctively, the thought making her smile regardless, "Live in bondage maid and sex slave, I don't think there's a degree for that though."

"Not from any accredited university anyway." Claudia agreed playfully.

"The worst part is," Brianna continued, tone turning a bit more serious, "that I think they would be willing. And I would be lying if I said the idea of being their plaything all the time wasn't appealing, but I also don't want to be be a kept woman. I want to stand on my own, you know?"

"I understand." Claudia turned her attention back to the road and took a few long seconds before continuing, "Look I don't really know, but I think it's like that for a lot of people and there's nothing wrong with taking some time to figure out what you're interested in and what you're good at. Maybe that's why so many people end up changing majors, they rush in thinking they have to pick."

Brianna found herself nodding absently, "Was it like that for you?"

"Kind of." Claudia admitted, "I mean I hated school and was generally bad at it, it just never really clicked, but I went to college because that's what was expected. I had a hell of a time with it, frustrated me to no end and I was miserable. Of course, if not for all of that I never would have met our mistresses so I guess it all evens out."

Brianna smiled a little at that, "So what did you major in?"

Claudia just shook her head, "Nothing, I ended up dropping out."

Brianna actually started at that, a little surprised by the answer and it suddenly dawned on her that she really didn't know that much about Claudia's life beyond their shared intimacies. She found herself surprised by how much that bothered her.

"Sorry." she said, voice soft, a bit worried she might have embarrassed the girl.

If Claudia was phased she didn't show it, just made a dismissive gesture with her hand, "No need. College just wasn't for me, some people are like that too. I won't say it was easy to come to terms with though. I struggled with that decision, thought I'd be letting everyone down if I didn't finish, but Roxanna and Sofia helped me understand there was no shame in it and that I had to live my life for myself and not for other people. Or at least, if I do live for other people it's because I want to." she smiled softly then, "I'll always be grateful to them for that."

Brianna shifted in her seat to get a better look at the girl, taking a moment to find a comfortable position that accommodated her chastity belt, "You know, I don't think we've every actually just talked about ourselves. I don't even know what you do for a living."

Claudia just shrugged, "Well, when we're together we're usually gagged, or," she grinned wickedly at her passenger, "our tongues are otherwise occupied so not much time for conversation." Brianna blushed at that, which only made Claudia's grin widen, "As for what I do?" she dramatically pressed a hand to her chest, "I'm professionally sexy."

Brianna tried to shoot Claudia a glare, but it failed almost instantly when she could not help but burst out laughing. That was a very definitely a Claudia answer. The other girl joined in laughing soon after. "Seriously?" Brianna managed to force out between laughs, "That's what you're going with?"

"What?" Claudia asked, a mock wounded tone in her voice, "You don't think I'm sexy enough for it?"

"I think you're incredibly sexy." Brianna answered matter of fact, noting just a touch of color rising on Claudia's cheeks and pleased to have the upper hand for once. "But not a lot of jobs pay for something like that. And if you are a stripper or something? I am incredibly disappointed you didn't tell me because I would love to go watch you."

Claudia cleared her throat, clearly not expecting that and trying to regain her footing, "No, nothing like that. I work in a small shop, not exciting but it pays the bills."

Given how often her lovers had enjoyed making her blush Brianna found herself enjoying having the shoe on the other foot and wasn't quite ready to let it go just yet, "Pity, I was really looking forward to getting a lap dance."

Claudia remained studiously focused on the road after that, just a tiny hint of a blush still on her cheekbones and the scene made Brianna smile, just a little. It felt surprisingly good to be the one doing the embarrassing for a change, especially given Claudia's enthusiastic greeting earlier, but she chose to let it go, letting a moment of silence pass before mercifully switching back to more mundane topics. For the rest of the drive the two made inane small talk. Brianna talked about her classes and shared some of the more humorous anecdotes of dorm life, especially how someone had apparently managed to break one of the elevator doors clean off. That provoked a disbelieving stare and another bout of laughter. Claudia in turn described the resale shop she worked in and the increasingly bizarre things that turned up on the shelves as well as ranting about some of the more colorful customers that walked through the door. It was utterly mundane, and not unlike a hundred other conversations she'd had, but Brianna found herself enjoying it nonetheless. This simple sharing, this window into each other's lives took on a whole new dimension in light of the intimacy of their relationship and somehow made the connection between them feel more substantial, more real. However, the time flew as the conversation did and before she knew it the sun was low in the sky, casting the world in brilliant shades of red, as Claudia pulled into a small apartment complex and parked amid the handful of other cars there. Truth be told Brianna hadn't really been paying attention to exactly where they were going, but a quick glance at the clock revealed they had been driving for nearly two hours. That caught her by surprise, it certainly hadn't felt that long.

Letting out a little sigh as she turned the engine off, Claudia glanced at her, "Be it ever so humble."

Gazing out at the collection of two-story brick buildings Brianna nodded, "Nice place."

"Nice enough." Claudia said with a shrug before unbuckling her seat-belt and opening the door, "Come on."

Brianna moved to follow, taking a moment to grab her backpack out of the back seat before climbing out of the car. It was a short walk across a small grass courtyard and up a set of wooden stairs with wrought iron railing to reach the second story. Glancing around the place honestly reminded Brianna of an old motel she had stayed at when on vacation as a child and left a strange sense of almost deja vu. After a few short minutes of navigating the second story walkways Claudia stopped in front a green painted door with old brass numbers reading 236 tacked to it. Fumbling with her keys for a second, the shorter girl opened the door, reaching in to flip on the lights before entering. Brianna followed close behind. The living room was simple enough, plain white walls and ceiling, a coat closet near the front door and a couch set again the far wall while a television perched across from it on an old cabinet with an antique looking coffee table in the center of the room atop a colorful rug. Numerous pictures hung from the walls while a bizarre collection of knickknacks were scattered about. It was chaotic but well kept and it gave off a vibe not unlike their mistresses' home. Whatever the case something about it just seemed right to Brianna and she felt herself smile.

Oblivious to her musings, Claudia opened up the closet and shucked off her coat, revealing a simple black t-shirt underneath, before hanging it up and turning back to Brianna, "You can keep your backpack in here if you like."

"Sure, thanks." Brianna answered somewhat absently as she closed the front door behind her, handing the pack over without a second thought.

Tossing it inside and slamming the closet shut, the door stuck apparently, Claudia smiled at her again, "Well, I can give the ten cent tour if you like, but there's not much to see."

Brianna just shook her head, "It's fine, much nicer than the dorms."

"Uh." Claudia groaned, "Dorm life, a first hand experience in what being a sardine feels like."

Brianna had to suppress a giggle at that, though her lips still twitched into a smile of her own, "It's not so bad. So, going to tell me where we going and what we have to do to get ready? I didn't really bring a change of clothing."

Motioning for her to follow, Claudia set off down the narrow hallway that ran from the corner of the front room along the entire length of the apartment, past a small kitchenette and the bathroom, before terminating in a bedroom at the back, "There's a club not too far from here, Delirium. Pretentious name, but I know the owner so getting in won't be a problem. Place is a little wild, especially in October, but it's always a good time. As for not being dressed for it? Don't worry, where we're going we won't need cloths."

Brianna stopped dead in her tracks at that, "Claudia..." she said in a warning tone.

"I'm kidding." Claudia assured, "Sort of. The dress code is pretty lax."

Truth be told Brianna did not exactly have a lot of experience with the "club scene" beyond some stories and rumors and so was not quite sure what to make of that. Still, she could make a few guesses, "What, is this some kind of fetish club?"

Claudia's smile grew impish, "Maaybe."

Her imagination went a little wild with that admission and Brianna felt a heady mix of mortification and arousal washed over her. Stumbling over her words she hesitated, "I..."

Claudia stepped closer and took her hands gently, "Hey, if you don't want to go we don't have to, but I really do think you'll have fun." she smiled a bit playfully, tone shifting, "Besides, you can't tell me you don't have a bit of an exhibitionist streak."

Brianna felt her face head up at that, unable to deny the observation. She bit her lip for a moment and, voice barely a whisper, asked, "What if someone recognizes me?"

"Well, if anyone does I think they'll also have a lot of explaining to do," Claudia assured, "but if it worries you we can hide your face."

For a slip second Brianna was still torn, indecision wracking her, but she also could not deny that the idea fascinated her. What would such a place be like? What would she see there? What would they do there? The mind boggled at all the possibilities. Once again, as she had so many times recently, Brianna decided to take the plunge, "Okay."

Smiling brightly, Claudia leaned forward and kissed her softly on the lips, "I promise you won't regret it."

Grinning playfully Claudia stepped backwards into the bedroom, still holding her hands tightly and tugged Brianna in after her. She barely had time to take in the furniture scatted around, a desk and a dressed with a bookshelf pushed into the corner, before Claudia pulled her onto the single bed. Almost as soon as she hit the mattress Brianna felt the smaller girl's weight atop her, long fingers weaving themselves into her hair as Claudia's thin lips found her own in a much more intense kiss. Kissing back, Brianna reached up and grabbed Claudia's ass, pulling her slender frame closer. Lost in the kiss, tongues dueling, Brianna began to squirm a little in her position, pinned between Claudia's firm body and the soft mattress, nipples hard and pussy aching to be touched. Claudia was a wonderful kisser, perhaps not as good as their mistresses but still talented, and it had been so long. At some point, Claudia's fingers disentangled themselves from Brianna's long blue hair and settled on her waist before grabbing the edges of her hoodie. Breaking the kiss, face flushed with desire and eyes alight, Claudia pulled back slightly and tugged the shirt up, Brianna arching her back to help.

However, when the shirt was almost half off Claudia suddenly stopped at what she discovered. Instead of a bra Brianna had a length of rope tied around her chest and over her shoulders in a snug harness around her breasts. Pausing to run her fingers over the rope, testing the knots and the way they bit in to the pale skin beneath, she smirked, "Naughty girl."

Brianna bit her lip, "I like to keep in practice, and my tits are small enough that no one really notices as long as I have a heavy shirt on."

Claudia, who was definitely flat-chested in comparison, stroked the side of her face softly, "Your tits are perfect."

Shifting in position, and reluctantly taking her hands off Claudia's firm ass, Brianna wiggled a little to change position and took the hem of her hoodie in hand. With some awkwardness, and more than a little help, she managed to pull it off, tossing the garment aside casually before collapsing back onto the bed, arching her back a little in silent invitation. Now naked from the waist up, Claudia ran her hands over the milky smooth expanse of Brianna's stomach and cupped her breasts, massaging the mounds softly and making the blue-haired girl moan under the attention. She bent down, her short brown hair tickling sensitive skin as she took one of the girl's nipples into her mouth, sucking softly and transforming a moan of pleasure into a deep groan of pure need. Smirking again at that reaction, Claudia ran her hands down Brianna's sides, tickling her ribs and making her squirm. As she reached lower Claudia's suddenly started and stopped what she was doing, as if surprised when her hands brushed up against the waistband of the girl's chastity belt.

Sitting up quickly, though still straddling Brianna's legs, she looked apologetic, "Sorry, got a little carried away there. Forgot in the moment that you can't really..."

Disappointed that the touching had stopped, and finding the apology strangely endearing Brianna smiled and noted both Claudia's flushed face and the way her nipples poked proudly through her t-shirt, "That's okay, I like being teased and I love being touched. But I don't mind helping you out if you're a little too worked up."

Claudia shook her head and lifted her shirt just a bit to show that she was belted as well, "No can do. I uh... I asked our mistresses to keep me locked up too. Didn't seem right to cum when you couldn't." she glanced to the side, "I just really wanted to make out with you and got a little too into it."

That was sweet, in a decidedly kinky way, and Brianna could not help but smile, "I really wanted to make out with you too." Claudia returned the smile and Brianna propped herself up with her hands, "So, what are we wearing to this club of yours? Or I guess not wearing."

Carefully climbing off of the bed, Claudia went over to the closet and pulled a suitcase out before turning and setting it down on the bed so Brianna could see. "I didn't think anything of mine would fit, so I may have borrowed a few things."

Sitting up on the mattress and scooting herself to the edge of the bed to see more clearly, Brianna watched curiously as the case opened and Claudia pulled out a handful of items and laid them out for inspection. A corset with deep blue inserts, a familiar set of stiletto heels, a black leather armbinder and a familiar blue ball gag. Shifting herself even closer, Brianna reached out tentatively and ran her hands over the corset to feel the touch of the cool leather on her fingertips. It was definitely a scant outfit and just the thought of wearing it in public (sort of) was tantalizing. Without a word she looked up at Claudia's grinning visage and decided that she just couldn't say no to that face. Standing up, she kicked off her sneaker and began to unbutton her pants, tossing the old jeans aside to join her hoodie on the floor. Almost completely naked now, Claudia stepped over to help untie the rope bra, massaging the faint red marks left behind, much to Brianna's delight and frustration. Finishing with that task, she reached down to pick up the corset, holding it up for Brianna's inspection. Wordlessly, she lifted her arms over her head, gasping a little at the slight chill of cool leather being pressed against her skin before biting her lip as the garment was tightened around her body.

"Too tight?" Claudia asked as she adjusted the laces.

Brianna just shook her head, "Tighter please."

With an amused chuckle Claudia complied, pulling the laced tighter before tying them down. Brianna actually moaned at the sensation, the feeling almost reminding her of leather or ropes binding her body, while the steel boning of the garment held her rigidly in nearly perfect posture. Taking a shallow breath to center herself, Brianna gently ran her hands up and down the corset's smooth surface, tracing the clasps and decorating patterns and marveling at the way it forced her body into a lovely hourglass figure to say nothing of how it emphasized her bust while also leaving her breasts bare.

"Like it?" Claudia asked as she stepped back to admire her work.

Brianna smiled broadly, "I love it."

"Marvelous." she patted the mattress, "Now sit down, I'll help you with your shoes."

"Do you have any stockings?" Brianna wondered as she carefully lowered herself back onto the bed, "I really love the way those look on me."

Claudia pursed her lips in thought, "I think I have some fishnets."

Brianna pondered that for a heartbeat. She had never actually worn fishnets before and could not help but wonder what that would look like. "Yes please."

Nodding wordlessly, Claudia slipped past her and around the bed before kneeling down to dig through her dresser. After a few minutes of searching she found what she was looking for and tossed a wadded up pair of fishnets to Brianna. After fumbling the catch once or twice, Brianna bend down with some difficulty thanks to the stiffness of the corset and began to pull the stockings onto her legs as Claudia returned and picked up the shoes from besides the suitcase. After a few awkward minutes Brianna finally managed to pull the thigh-highs into place, struggling to center the seams before Claudia bent down to buckle the shiny patent leather stilettos onto her feet. Holding out her hands to silently ask for assistance, Claudia took them equally silently and Brianna felt herself being pulled her to her feet.

Taking a moment to steady herself again Brianna felt her face and shoulders heat up again as Claudia's eyes raked up and down her body, taking in every detail of the scant outfit she was wearing. Fidgeting a little and unsure what to do with her hands, Brianna finally asked, "So, how do I look?"

"You look great." Claudia assured, gazing appreciatively at her body again as if to make sure, "Blue really is your color."

Though still blushing Brianna smiled at that, "Thank you. Now, where's the top to this outfit?"

"There isn't one." Claudia answered matter of factly, as if it wasn't a big deal.

Brianna's eyes went wide at that revelation, mouth dropping open in surprise, and felt the slightly irrational urge to cover her chest even though she and Claudia had seen each other naked more than once. "I can't go out like this!" she blurted.

Claudia chuckled a little, clearly amused by the outburst, but tried to reassure her, "Don't worry, I've got a solution." With that she reached into suitcase and held up a roll of electrical tape. Without comment she quickly tore off several pieces and stuck them to Brianna's breasts, covering her nipples with a pair of black Xs. "There we are."

Looking down at her barely covered breasts Brianna almost protested but as she looked up happened to catch a glimpse in the mirror over Claudia's dresser. The sight of herself clad in nothing but a corset, fishnets sheathing her long legs with only her chastity belt and some tape preserving her modesty made her gasp. She almost couldn't believe her eyes. Was the devastatingly sexy woman in that reflection really her?

Claudia gently embraced her from behind and whispered in her ear, "You look absolutely amazing."

"Yeah." Brianna whispered back almost absently, still entranced by the tableaux in front of her.

Claudia loosened her grip and leaned around to give her a kiss on the cheek, "Help me get changed?"

Brianna nodded but did not otherwise answer, still starting at her own reflection for a moment before finally tearing herself away and turning back toward the bed. Claudia had already pulled her t-shirt off, revealing that she was also not wearing a bra, and was working on her jeans by the time Brianna reached her.Looking down into the suitcase at the remaining gear revealed a collection of metal cuffs of various size, numerous locks, lengths of chain, and a device she recognized as a chastity bra, all lined in black to match Claudia's own chastity belt. At the smaller girl's prompting Brianna began to pull the items out one at a time and hand them over. Wordlessly, Claudia locked a set of cuffs around her wrists before lifting her feet onto the mattress one at a time to lock a matching set of cuffs around her ankles. The stainless steel bra followed next, a set of chains crossing over her shoulders while a thin steel band wrapped around her back. Holding the metal cups in place over her small breasts, Claudia lined up the locking stud, prompting Brianna to fasten a small brass padlock to lock the device in place around her chest.

As she was helping fit the chastity bra Brianna felt the urge to fill the silence, "So, you said you know the owner of this club? How did that happen?"

"Funny story." Claudia answered as she picked up several pieces of chain and began to lock them in place on both her chastity bra and the waistband of her belt, "Kind of a 'friend of a friend' situation. My tattoo artist, who I still need to introduce you to by the way, maybe for Christmas?" not waiting for an answer, she continued, "Anyway, I was in the shop one day when she came in to get a tattoo herself and I got introduced. I later learned she's also involved with one of Roxanna's colleagues so small world I guess."

"Really?" Brianna wondered, a bit surprised both at that coincidence and not having expected one of the people that Roxanna corresponded with to be involved with a fetish club owner, but then again she wasn't exactly in a position to throw stones herself, "Takes all kinds I guess."

"The world would be pretty boring otherwise." Claudia agreed as the ran the chains connected to her bra across her body and fastened them to the waistband of her belt before using the pair of chains dangling from the waistband as metallic garters to hold a pair of stainless steel bands in place around her thighs. "I've got a pair of silver heels in the closet, could you get them for me?"

Brianna nodded, "Sure."

Her inability to bend over at the waist thanks to the corset made the task more awkward than it needed to be, but by dropping down to her knees Brianna was able to find the shoes in question without too much difficulty, a modest set of open-toed high heels that were indeed a bright shiny silver in color. Turning around, shoes in hand, Brianna watched as Claudia finished locking the metal onto her body and carefully lowered herself down onto the edge of the bed.

"I'll put them on for you." Brianna offered.

"I appreciate it." Claudia responded, holding up one foot and then the other as Brianna buckled the heels in place.

Finally dressed, Claudia set her feet firmly on the floor and pushed herself back up before crossing over to the dresser to inspect her own 'outfit' in the mirror. Twisting back and forth to check from every angle and make sure all of the locks and chains were in place and sized correctly Brianna was given a front row seat to Claudia's slender, tattooed frame locked in so much shiny steel, her shapely ass perfectly displayed the rear band of the chastity belt she was wearing.

Noting the rapt expression on Brianna's face Claudia glanced over her shoulder with a satisfied smirk, "So, what do you think?"

Not sure exactly what to say, Brianna just blurted out the first thing that came to mind, "You look like a heavy metal goddess."

Claudia laughed at that, clearly amused. "That's a new one." she mused while striking an overly dramatic pose, "I like it."

Grinning a little, and a little embarrassed by her response, Brianna didn't say anything.

Placing a hand on her hip, Claudia turned to her, "Come here, we need to put on the finishing touches and get moving. The night's not getting any younger."

Glancing out the bedroom window and surprised to note that the sun had indeed set, Brianna just nodded and walked over to the dresser. At Claudia's prompting she closed her eyes while the other girl touched up her makeup and set her long blue hair into a bun. Claudia then gently grabbed her arms and urged her to place her hands behind her back. Wordlessly complying, Brianna bit her lip as she felt the familiar sensation of an armbinder sliding over her skin. She took a breath and braced herself as the monoglove began to tighten, slowly pulling her arms closer and closer together, tight enough to thrust her modest bust out even further and almost make her elbows touch, but not so tight as to be painful. Opened her eyes again to see Claudia smiling encouragingly at her, Brianna opened her mouth obediently when the familiar blue ball gag was presented. Feeling a tingle of excitement about being properly bound after so long without, she moaned in sheer delight as the gag popped into place with some effort, forcing her jaws open before the familiar pressure of the leather strap tightening over her cheeks pulled the gag deeper into her mouth, stretching her lips into an 'O' of surprise. The sight of her bound and gagged visage staring back at her from the mirror almost took her breath away, or perhaps that was the corset.

"Damn," Claudia muttered as she stepped back, "normally you have to pay money to see something this sexy. I'm not sure who everyone is going to be more jealous of. You, for being so drop dead gorgeous, or me for walking in with you."

Brianna blushed a little but could not help but smile around her gag at that compliment.

"One last finishing touch." Claudia announced as she opened up one of the top drawers of her dresser and fished out a simple black domino mask, carefully placing the mask over Brianna's eyes to make sure she could see properly, "There we are."

It was a little bit silly, but as she studied her masked reflection Brianna thought she looked like an attendee at a fantasy fetish masquerade. Then again, for all she knew, that's exactly what she was. And yet... and yet the woman who looked back at her in the mirror was so sexy, so exotic, so confident, so different from her normal, ordinary self that she could easily believe that no one would recognize her.

'This.' she thought, a little awed, 'This is the real me.'

It was only when Claudia clipped a leash to her collar that Brianna snapped back to the present, the brunette giving her an almost amused smile, "Time to go."

Bound, gagged and leashed as she was Brianna had no choice but to follow as Claudia led her back out into the front room, pausing at the coat closet. As she waited, she watched Claudia dig out a small, fashionable purse into which she tossed her keys and both their wallets. Next she pulled on a fine black leather jacket that fell to mid thigh, zipping it up tight to cover most of the metal fetish gear locked onto her body. For a brief second Brianna feared that Claudia might parade her around like this, even if that thought brought with it an unexpectedly intense wave of arousal, but a second later the woman pulled an honest to God cloak out of the depths of the closet.

Gagged as she was, Brianna just lifted a curious brow.

Claudia shrugged, "I bought it on a whim and it turned out to be surprisingly handy. I like to wear it when I go out on one of my winter bondage walks."

Although immensely curious about what exactly that entailed, Brianna really had no choice but to hold her tongue as Claudia wrapped the piece of soft black cloth around her body, pinning it in place at the shoulder to conceal everything but her gag.

Slamming the closet door shut for the second time, Claudia made one final check of her purse before slinging it over her shoulder, pulling the front door open and stepping out into the night. Trailing along behind Brianna felt a strange sense of nervous excitement. Despite the cloak the cool night air still made her shiver a little and it hammered home the fact that beneath it she was practically naked. More than that she was clearly gagged and being led on a leash. She felt her nipples harden even more at the thought. Was there anyone wandering around the property, or looking out through their windows? Could they see what was happening and, given Claudia's predilections, was it something they had seen before? The other girl seemed completely unconcerned but was that confidence that they would remain unseen or indifference to the fact? With those thoughts swimming through her mind the short walk down the stairs and out to the parking lot seemed to take forever. With each step Brianna could feel her heart pound in her chest, hazel eyes constantly darting about until they finally reached the car with a practically palpable sense of relief. Giving her a reassuring smile, Claudia opened the passenger door and helped her inside, buckling Brianna's bound form in place before walking around the car and settling into the driver's seat herself.

Unlike the trip out here, it was a short drive into the more commercial section of town where rows of shops, bars, and restaurants clustered together hoping to lure in late night customers, the dark streets painted in garish shades by bright neon signs and flickering street lights. The thought of discovery still echoing in her mind, each car they pulled alongside and each group of pedestrians they passed made Brianna's heart leap into her throat, wondering if they had seen, if they knew. She knew it was unlikely given how dark it was inside, to say nothing of how the light reflected off the windows in strange ways making it almost impossible to see through them clearly from the outside, but the thought would not leave her alone. What surprised her was how little the thought actually bothered her once she had calmed down. Ever since that first day when Sofia had commanded her to strip down on the back porch and the pair had swum nude together before having sex in the pool Brianna had suspected that she was more than a bit of an exhibitionist but she had never really dwelt on it. Now? Now she could think of nothing else. Soon she was going to step out of this car and be led on a leash into a nightclub. Once inside she was certain the cloak would be shed and she would parade around in front of who knew how many people with her tits and ass hanging out, wrapped up in leather and bondage gear. She could not help but squirm in her seat in excitement, moaning a little into her gag at the thought and how much a part of her wanted it.

'I just keep learning things about myself today.' Brianna mused as she tried to focus on the drive, watching as the crowds thickened and the traffic became more dense.

Finally, after perhaps twenty minutes of winding their way through busy streets, Brianna could clearly see a large red neon sign just head that read 'Delirium' in large, simple letters. Glancing over at the driver's seat Claudia just gave a little nod of confirmation before changing lances and turning into the entrance of parking lot just up the street from the club, pausing only to take a ticket from the machine before pulling into the rows of vehicles to find a spot. Despite how crowded it seemed the search took no more than a few minutes. Shifting into park and turning off the engine, Claudia spent a few minutes checking everything over, making sure the headlights were off, and shoved the parking pass into her purse before stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut. Alone with her thoughts as she watched Claudia circle to the passenger side Brianna realized this was her last chance to pull the plug, the last chance to object or say no to whatever adventure Claudia had planned. It was then that she decided, despite her earlier misgivings and the butterflies still circling her stomach, that she was very much looking forward to whatever might lay ahead.

Opening up the passenger door and leaning in to unfasten the seat belt, Claudia looked her in the eye, "Ready?"

Without hesitation Brianna gave a firm not and the other girl smiled warmly at that, taking her firmly by the shoulders and helping her bound companion out of the car. Locking the doors and putting away her keys, she took Brianna's leash firmly in hand and began walking back toward the street. Standing tall, as if she owned the world, Claudia swept onto the sidewalk and into the stream of pedestrians traveling along it. Despite their coverings, heads turned at their passage and Brianna could hear mutterings of surprise and at least one low whistle of appreciation.Claudia ignored them and pushed on, Brianna struggling to keep pace behind her and careful to keep her eyes firmly forward and fixed on Claudia's back even as she felt her face heat up in a heady mix of arousal and embarrassment. Stepping up to the corner, they paused only long enough to wait for the lights to change, before sweeping past the small group of people waiting there and stepping onto the crosswalk. More stares and whispers followed their passage but soon faded into the background noise of traffic. Once across the street they did not move to what looked like the front entrance where Brianna could already see a line of people waiting bundled up in coats and jackets, but instead Claudia took a sharp turn to circle the building, continuing on down the street to a smaller door in the club's side. Without pause or hesitation Claudia opened it and stepped inside, pulling Brianna along behind her. Beyond was a small, poorly lit room with deep red carpet covering the floors. An ornate set of double doors was set into the far wall and surrounded by elaborate wooden paneling with the words 'VIP Entrance' painted above the frame in brilliant gold letters. That surprised Brianna a little, but on reflection she supposed it made sense if Claudia knew the owner of the place.

Next to the doors was what looked like a service booth built into the wall, brightly illuminated by a series of lights within in stark contrast to the dim room. Standing there in the opening, smiling serenely at them, was a well dressed young man with pitch black hair and brilliant blue eyes. He did not visibly react to their presence and Claudia walked up without hesitation.

The young man stepped up to the counter to greet her, "Ms. Reid, welcome. I'd heard you might be joining us this evening."

"Johnathan." she returned with a nod of familiarity as she stepped up to the counter, pulling a blushing Brianna with her, "How's things?"

He shrugged, "Well enough I suppose, too early in the evening for any of the real excitement to have started yet. We are nearly packed though, so hopefully no one gets too rowdy. Shall I take you and your companion's coats?"

Claudia nodded with a playful smile, "Why, thank you."

"No trouble at all." the man, Johnathan, assured.

Without the slightest bit of unease Claudia then unzipped her jacket and shrugged it of to expose the collection of bands, chains and metal plates that covered her nearly naked body. After handing the coat over Claudia then turned to face Brianna. She found herself standing stock still, face blazing, as the other woman reached out to unpin the cloak was was wearing, unwrapping it slowly as if savoring the moment, to expose her own bound and barely decent form to this total stranger. For a brief moment Johnathan's eyes raked over them both and his smile widened just a tiny fraction, but he quickly mastered himself, eyes shooting back to Claudia's face as he took the cloak without comment. Brianna found herself extremely grateful for that, though it was probably nothing he hadn't seen before.

Disappearing for a moment with their coats, Johnathan re-emerged from the back and handed Claudia a ticket, "I hope you and your lovely companion enjoy your evening."

"Oh I'm certain we will." Claudia returned with a laugh.

Without further ado the brunette turned and pushed open the double doors. The first thing Brianna noticed as they walked through the entrance was the heat, a rush of warm air that was shocking and almost oppressive compared to the chill outside. Next was the sound, the dull throb of music and hundreds of overlapping conversations combining into a nearly indecipherable cacophony that seemed to fill the space utterly. Then there was the smell, a heady mix of alcohol and smoke and sweat combined with dozens of different types of perfume and cologne with just a hint of something else underneath it all. It should have been overwhelming, but somehow all of it fit together in a way that seemed natural. Finally was the sight. The club was kept dimly lit, subdued lighting set into the ceiling combined with a snake pit of neon tubes that created an almost otherworldly atmosphere. The center of the room was dominated by a dance floor made of what looked like thick, frosted glass with pulsating lights set beneath it, its surface packed by a figurative sea of humanity thrashing about to the beat to form a great writhing mass of bodies. Perhaps three or four feet higher than the dance floor, almost like a catwalk sectioned off by railing, was the main floor, clusters of tables set along the railings to provide an overview of the dance floor while larger booths lined the shadowed walls offering privacy. It was equally packed, groups of people filling the tables or standing around in clusters while others milled about like schools of fish. As Claudia began to lead her through the crowd, navigating the place as if she was quite familiar with it, Brianna could not help but look around in awe. She had thought her college was a cross-section of humanity, but it was nothing in comparison to this place. The customers varied widely in appearance from suits and gowns to chic Rave wear composed mostly of fishnet, leathers ranging from skintight to biker chic, and a seemingly endless array of fetish gear. It honestly surprised Brianna how well the two of them fit in and, compared to some, how conservatively they were dressed! Just at a glance she spotted at least a dozen topless women and more pieces of bondage gear than she could count.

As such few paid them any mind, but Claudia smiled and waved at a few people as they passed, whether out of recognition or politeness Brianna could not say, and more than a few complimenting her on her "lovely slave." Brianna blushed a little deeper at that, even as she unconsciously straightened her posture and swayed her hips, preening just a bit beneath the praise.

Finally they broke through the crowd to reveal a large bar set at the back of the building, a long strip of mirror polished hardwood that took up over half the wall. A huge collection of bottles back lit by soft lights sat behind it and clusters of patrons pressed in around it, sitting on bar stools or standing in place as they ordered drinks. Circling around them at a leisurely pace, and walking over to the far end of the bar, Claudia slipped into an empty spot and waited. She did not have to wait long. Within perhaps thirty seconds a woman, presumably one of the bartenders, walked up to them and as her eyes fell upon this woman Brianna thought that she perfectly encapsulated everything she had seen here this night. She was slender and graceful in the same way Roxanna was with long limbs, shapely hips and small but firm breasts. She moved with an effortless, almost regal grace and yet in sharp contrast wore next to nothing, little more than a slender thong to preserve what passed for modesty. Despite that she seemed so incredibly nonchalant, as if parading around topless was so completely natural that it did not even warrant mention. The result left huge swaths of almost unnaturally porcelain pale skin, so pale in fact that Brianna was sure she was wearing makeup, exposed. In stark contrast to that pale flesh were a pair of piercing green eyes and bright red hair, loosely pulled back in thick, messy curls that gave way to dreadlocks as it tumbled past her shoulders and down her back. She was, in a word, striking and Brianna found that she could not turn her eyes away.

"My, my, my." the woman began as she reached their corner, leaning down on the bar to offer both a better view of her bare breasts as well as revealing a tattoo on her left shoulder, a stylized rose wrapped around what looked like a nail. Grinning widely she looked Claudia up and down "Look what the cat dragged in. And here you are holding the leash this time, has kitten finally grown some claws?"

Claudia grinned at that and instead turned to her companion, "Brianna, this is Murial, Murial, Brianna."

The redhead straightened up, a slight smile on her lips, "Ah, I see. So this is your new friend," Brianna felt her blush return as the woman looked her up and down, "and what a lovely specimen she is. Murial du Sang, owner and proprietor of this little slice of marvelous madness, at your service."

Although it surprised her a little that this was the owner of the place, having not expected her to be working the bar topless, at the same time it somehow seemed to fit as well. There was something about the woman. Her stance, her tone, the look in her bright green eyes that clearly said that she was in charge. At her greeting Brianna reflexively bow her head and bent her knees, offing this woman, this Murial, a mock curtsy as she often did to her mistresses.

"So well trained." Murial mused, glancing back as Claudia as she spoke.

"Behave." Claudia admonished with a tone that spoke of familiarity, "She's new so go easy on her."

Murial chuckled, eyes flashing with amusement, "A virgin then? How delightful."

Brianna had not thought she could blush any deeper, but once again was proven wrong. Claudia, who for her part seemed amused as well, had the good grace not to laugh and changed the subject, "So, how's business?"

Placing a hand on her hip, Murial gestured toward the dance floor like a queen overseeing her court, "Two things will always sell my dear, sex and debauchery. How fortunate we've managed to combine both. Speaking of, can I get you anything?"

Claudia shook her head, "Nothing right now, it wouldn't be fair since my companion can't partake herself."

"It would require removing that gag, which would be a shame." Murial agreed.

"Are you alone tonight?" Claudia asked, "Or is Kiera skulking about somewhere."

"She'd be very cross to hear you accuse her of skulking." Murial replied with a chuckle then gestured to the dance floor again, "She's somewhere out there, no doubt looking for something tasty to bring home."

"Ah," Claudia said, nodding a little, "out hunting then."

"She's quite the animal." Murial agreed with a fond smile.

Brianna, who had been following the conversation silently, frowned a little in confusion around her gag. That name, it sounded familiar. Wait, Claudia had said that this Murial was involved with one of Roxanna's associates and... of course! Months ago now Roxanna had mentioned corresponding with a woman named Kiera and had even described her as frustrating. She only really remembered because that was the same day she and her mistresses had made their relationship more official, not to mention meeting Claudia face to face for the first time, and every detail of that day was etched into her memory. Either it was one hell of a coincidence, or it really was a small world. Then again, going back to before last summer and all of her discoveries since then, coincidence seemed to be playing an increasingly large roll in her life of late. She'd have to remember to ask about this when she got the chance.

"So," Claudia began after a short lull in the conversation, "I know this is kind of big thing, but I was wondering if I could ask for a favor."

"You can always ask." Murial quipped with a wan smile, "Whether or not I'll agree is another matter entirely."

Claudia actually rolled her eyes, "I was wondering if we could use one of the back rooms later? I have," she glanced over at Brianna with an almost seductive grin that made the girl swallow nervously, "a little surprise for my friend here."

Murial tapped her chin and seemed to consider that request before shrugging, "Oh I suppose. It's early yet and there are a few free, so I can't see any harm in it." And with that she reached under the counter and slide a key across the bar.

Claudia took the key, "Thank you." she said, gratefully, "I really appreciate it."

"What are friends for?" Murial asked airily then shooed them away with her fingers, "Now run along and have fun you two. And be sure to tell me all about it later."

Claudia nodded with a wicked grin, "We will, and I'll think about it."

"One last thing," the redhead commented as Claudia began to turn away, "You might want to check out the theater now that you're here. There's quite the crowd already, and I'd hate for you to miss anything."

Claudia gave the redhead a playful salute, before giving Brianna's leash a faint tug, prompt the bound girl to follow her as she set off back into the crowd. As they disappeared into the masses of people she pulled pulled Brianna closer in order for her voice to be heard over the noise, "She's something, isn't she?"

Brianna could only nod at that. Something was an understatement.

"Would you believe that she's actually submissive?" Claudia added.

Brianna did a double take at that, brow furrowed in confusion, certain that she must have misheard. There was no way that woman with her regal stance and piercing eyes, whose very posture seemed to radiate authority was submissive. It just didn't' seem possible.

At her confused look Claudia chuckled, "Hard to believe I know, but it's true. She puts on a good show for the customers, but behind closed doors? She prefers to be the one wearing the ropes." she shrugged, "Takes all kinds, right?"

Still a little surprised Brianna just nodded again. She supposed that, more than most, she should know better than to judge a book by its cover, but it was still hard to wrap her mind around that revelation.While still pondering that curious encounter Claudia continued to weave through the crowd until they came to another set of intricate wooden doors directly across from the entrance they had used, a man in an immaculate suit and tie standing next to it. Wordlessly the doorman nodded to Claudia, who nodded back, and opened the door to reveal a much smaller and much quieter space, the noise of the dance floor behind them cutting off almost instantly as soon as the door closed again. A large stage with several brass poles, set slightly above floor level, dominated the space, starting at the curtain covered back wall and extending to nearly the mid point. Small circular tables were clustered around the stage with booths against the outer walls. Although certainly not as full as the main floor, there was still a large number of people either sitting at the various tables, standing in small groups or, she noted out of the corner of her eye, in the balconies that formed the room's second story.

More subdued music played here with only a hint of quiet conversation as all eyes were directed to the stage itself, brightly illuminated by overhead lights in stark contrast to the general dimness of the rest of the room. Twirling around one of the poles in an elaborate costume of leather and lace was a buxom, dusky skinned woman with a mysterious yet clearly pleased smile on her face. Her inky black hair, done up in an elaborate set of braids, seemed to shimmer under the lights, and she moved with a smooth and easy grace despite the extremely high heels she was wearing, testament to long familiarity with them and plenty of practice. Although she had never seen one in person before, Brianna knew enough to recognize this as a burlesque show and found herself entranced by the performance. The woman was pretty enough to be sure, but the way she moved was incredible, her body twisting and bending and swaying effortlessly in time with the music. She was honestly not certain how long she spent staring before an insistent tug on her collar drew Brianna out of her trance. Shaking herself, and a little embarrassed, she carefully followed Claudia deeper into the room, moving steadily along the outer perimeter between the tables and booths past numerous other patrons who paid them virtually no mind as they passed.

As they walked further into the dim recesses of the theater, moving toward some unknown goal, Brianna noticed two patrons standing near an empty booth just in front of them, their backs facing the pair as they watched the stage themselves. The first, a blonde woman, had her hair done up in a French braid and wore a tight vest of black leather that showed off strong arms and shoulders, equally tight pants framing a truly perfect ass while sandals with modest heals were strapped to her feet. Her right arm rested comfortably on her companion's hip, another woman with rich mahogany hair that seemed almost black in the shadows. A long dress of deepest burgundy clung to her slender frame so tightly that it was clear she wore nothing underneath it, its backless and arm-less cut leaving huge swaths of olive skin exposed while a slanted hem left her right leg bare to the hip. For a brief instant Brianna thought her eyes were playing tricks on her in the shadows, that this pair couldn't possible be who she thought it was, but as they drew closer she could clearly see the snake-pit of scars etched into the woman's olive skin, leaving absolutely no doubt as their identity. Her heart leaped into her throat in excitement and sheer joy at the realization as the blonde turned her head slightly to reveal glittering blue eyes and a familiar, vulpine grin. Instinctively she looked at Claudia, wide-eyed, but the other girl just smiled at her.

"Surprise." she whispered.

Without further explanation Claudia bowed her head and silently offered the leash to Sofia who removed her hand from Roxanna's hip and took it without comment. Alerted by the hand being moved Roxanna also turned to face them and Sofia passed the leash on to her before leaning in to give Claudia a kiss on the cheek and whisper something in her hear. Whatever it was Claudia seemed pleased, nodding her head and smiling before opening her mouth to reply. Whatever was said Brianna didn't hear, however, as Roxanna stepped closer and the olive-skinned woman's body suddenly captured the entirety of her attention.

"You look incredible, kor�tsi." the woman practically purred as she slowly ran her eyes over Brianna's bound form, paying special attention to her nearly bare breasts.

Brianna blushed a little and smiled around her gag as best she could at that compliment, a little elated to once again have it reaffirmed that her mistresses, so striking and exotically beautiful in their own ways, found her attractive. She also found herself silently thanking Claudia for convincing her to come here and wear this daring outfit. Despite all of that she could not help but stare at Roxanna's bare arms and shoulders, to say nothing of the way the plunging neckline of her dress showed off an incredible amount of cleavage. She had never, in all the time they had known each other, seen the woman wear anything so revealing outside of the bedroom. And yet here she was, baring her scars to the world, seemingly without a care.

Roxanna seemed to notice and smiled softly at her, gently brushing her fingers across Brianna's cheek, "Tonight, kor�tsi? Tonight we do not hide who we are."

Something about that touched Brianna's heart and she felt her eyes soften as she realized what it meant. Roxanna was sensitive about her scars and rarely showed them to those she did not trust and had confided that they had once bothered her greatly until Sofia had helped her to love herself again. It had to have been incredibly hard for her to do this and yet she had, perhaps in some small way to make Brianna herself more comfortable in showing off her own body in a way she never had before. In that instant the mask she was wearing felt incredibly uncomfortable and a bit cowardly.

Drawing comfort from the warmth of the soft fingers brushing against her cheek Brianna swallowed and tried to speak as best she could, emphasizing her words in hopes that her mistress would understand them, "Mnphphrmphph, pmmnphm phnhm nff mm mnphh?"

It never ceased to amaze how readily both of her mistresses could understand her gag-muffled speech, but once again Roxanna seemed to divine her meaning without difficulty. Offering an encouraging smile she reached up with both hands and Brianna closed her eyes as the domino mask was gently pulled away. As she opened them again Roxanna, still smiling, smoothed her hair back down before cupping her face and pressing a soft kiss to the rubber ball wedged between her lips. Brianna could not help but moan, practically melting. As always, being gag kissed was such an incredible turn on.

"There's that beautiful face." Roxanna whispered, still smiling herself.

The intimacy of the moment was broken a second later when she felt arms encircle her. Brianna squawked in surprise as Sofia swept her up into tight embrace, hands squeezing her ass playfully while her face was pleasantly buried in the ample cleavage the taller woman's vest left exposed. "So wonderful to see you again, devushka." the blonde greeted, "And dressed so stunningly."

As Sofia loosened her grip Brianna, face now flushed, took a breath and glanced over her mistress' shoulder to see Claudia standing a few paces behind, her hands now cuffed behind her back and a large ball gag, bright red in color, filling her mouth. Looking back at Sofia she smiled as best she could. The blond returned it and bent down to kiss both of her cheeks before mirroring Roxanna and pressing a kiss to her gag. With that, the now bound pair was led to the empty booth and Brianna was slightly surprised when she found herself suddenly pulled into Sofia's lap, the blonde's arms gently wrapped around her waist. Not that she minded the position in the least. With far more grace Roxanna sat down next to her and demurely crossed her legs, leaning happily against Sofia's shoulder. In contrast, Claudia submissively sat on the floor next to the olive-skinned woman. Not a word was spoken then as the four of them returned to watching the performance continue.

Once again Brianna found herself entranced as the woman on stage continue to twirl and sway to the music, moving between the poles and spinning around them with incredible flexibility and poise. It was honestly one of the most impressive things she had ever seen. It was hard to say just how long the dance continued but eventually the woman slowed and finally stopped as she took a deep bow to the audience. Applause erupted immediately, both Sofia and Roxanna joining in, and Brianna very much wished she could add her own approval. But the show was not over just yet. As the applause began to die down, the bright crimson curtains at the back of the stage parted enough for another woman to appear. This woman, close-cropped hair dyed a bright neon pink and skin covered in tattoos, wearing nothing but a tiny g-string, crossed the stage her hands held behind her back. The dancer immediately turned to face her, hand on her hip as if waiting for something. The new woman suddenly fell to her knees, head down, and held up a thick bundle of rope as if offering tribute to a goddess. Perhaps she was, for the dancer took the rope, nodded once, and with a sharp gesture of her free hand commanded the nearly naked woman to stand. The dancer turned dominatrix then began to bind the other woman, first tying a snug harness around her breasts and then the rest of her body, pulling a crotch rope tightly between her legs, strategically placed knots digging in to her barely covered sex. The woman being bound bit her lip, the expression on her face revealing just how tight the ropes were, and just how much she enjoyed it. The woman's arms were then pulled behind her back and tied into a reverse prayer, the ropes wrenched brutally until her elbows actually touched in a display of incredible, almost unbelievable, flexibility. In response the pink-haired woman actually threw back her head and moaned loudly in a way that sounded practically orgasmic.

Seemingly satisfied the dominatrix then forced the bound girl to her knees before taking a handful of her short hair and shoving her down onto her stomach. Her legs were then bound, calf to thigh, before her ankles were secured to her wrists in a hogtie so severe it actually forced her back to arch. As this was happening a chain with a large ring on the end lowered from the ceiling, appearing out of the shadows to stop a few feet above the prone body laying bound upon the stage. Taking the last of the ropes the dominatrix secured her victim to the ring and, rising to her feet, made a careless, upward motion with her hand. In response the chain began to rise again, pulling the ropes taut and lifting the pink-haired woman with it until she was suspended perhaps six feet above the stage, the lights glimmering off the thin sheen of sweat covering her skin and revealing a look of pure ecstasy on her face. As if triggered by some silent cue the curtains at the back of the stage parted again and another woman appeared carrying a large metal box. In contrast to the first woman this girl had bright green hair with severe bangs that fell straight past her shoulders, though her skin was equally adorned with tattoos and piercings, and she wore only a leather harness that left her breasts exposed and barely covered her shaved sex. Like before she approached the dominatrix slowly, almost reverently, before dropping to her knees, setting the box down and prostrating herself before the goddess in leather and lace before her.

Staring imperiously down at the green-haired girl the dominatrix reached out with a foot and tapped the woman, prompting her to look up. She pointed at the box and the prostrate woman immediately scrambled back to her knees and opened it. Reaching in she grabbed something and held up the offering in cupped hands. The goddess seemed pleased and took the items, a pair of nipple clamps with lead weights dangling from them, and stalked back to the suspended woman. She played with her captive's breasts for a moment, squeezing and tugging on her nipples, making the woman gasp and moan in her suspension, before snapping the clamps into them one at a time eliciting a hiss heavy with pleasure and pain. Smiling now the dominatrix batted at the clamps for a moment, making them sway back and forth, before placing a hand on the bound woman's thigh and gently setting her to spin slowly in her confinement for all the audience to see. Stalking back she slowly circled the kneeling woman, the girl's chest rapidly rising and falling in some combination of nervousness and excitement as a hand gripped her hair and forced her to look down. Once again the dominatrix pointed at the box and the kneeling woman quickly began to pull more objects out of it, this time a collection of leather cuffs and straps, and hand them off the woman standing behind her. Another sharp gesture prompted the green-haired girl to climb to her feet and the dominatrix began to bind her as well. Leather cuffs secured her wrists behind her back before a leather belt was tightened around her arms to make her elbows touch. Another set of cuffs pinned her ankles while a second belt fastened above the knees locked her legs together. Finally a leather collar was secured around her throat, the dominatrix weaving a finger through the metal ring set into the front of it to pull the bound girl close before pressing a kiss to her ruby red lips.

Stroking her face gently with long red nails, the dominatrix then forced the girl back down to her knees before using a padlock to secure her wrists and ankles together, pinning her there. Circling around her plaything one last time, she knelt down in front of the box herself and retrieved a second pair of nipple clamps, this set connected together by a chain, and began to toy with her captive's breasts, making the girl bound in leather moan at her touch before the clamps snapped into place, eliciting a hissing gasp from the woman. Stroking her face gently, as if to calm her, the dominatrix reached back and produced a black leather blindfold, setting it in place before she took the girl by the collar again and pressed another kiss to her lips. As she pulled away, the bound girl's mouth still parted slightly as if sad for the kiss to end, a cruel smile twisted the dominatrix's lips as she pulled one last item from the case and held it up for the crowd to see. A panel gag connected to a web of straps with a sizable dildo attached to it, one that seemed far too large to fit in the poor girl's mouth. As the audience watched with bated breath, the dominatrix took her captive by the hair again and shoved the dildo between the woman's parted lips, holding her in place so she could not get away and forcing her to take the entire length before strapping it in place tightly. The green haired girl seemed to spasm at the intrusion, twisting and writhing in her bonds, fighting to escape and moaning helplessly as she shook her head back and forth in a vain attempt to free herself from the gag.

"Enjoying the show, devushka?"

Despite being spoken in a whisper, the sudden sound struck like a gunshot and Brianna found herself jumping in surprise, so focused had she been on the performance in front of her. Twisting slightly she looked back to see Sofia's face, the blonde grinning ear to ear and her eyes dancing with amusement. In that instant Brianna realized she had been squirming in Sofia's lap, her body practically throbbing with arousal. She felt her blush return full force and looked down in embarrassment but still managed a small, shaky nod.

Sofia planted a kiss on her cheek, "I must admit it is a... fascinating performance." she chuckled softly, as if at some private joke, "But I think I have a better idea. Come with me, devushka."

It was a command, not a request, and Sofia's grip tightened around Brianna's waist, lifting the bound girl back to her feet as she stood. Taking the leash back in hand, Sofia pulled her deeper into the theater without any further explanation. Within a moment they reached several smaller doors cut into the side wall, the dark wood almost lost in the shadows, set between the booths at seemingly random intervals. Opening one of them, Sofia pulled her into a narrow but well lit hallway beyond. At a guess the hall seemed to run the entire length of the theater with perhaps a dozen doors set into the opposite side, each one numbered with a Roman numeral. Fishing a key out of her pocket, a key that Brianna recognized as the one Claudia had been given earlier, her mistress opened the door marked VIII and walked inside. The small room they found themselves in was well kept but also plain, though it sported the same rich red carpet as the rest of the club and had wooden paneled walls. However, as she ran her hazel eyes over it Brianna noted a number of details that hinted at the room's purpose. A padded bench sat next to the door, offering a commanding view of the entire suite, while a set of huge sliding doors covered the far walls. A brass pole ran floor to ceiling in the center of the room and all across the walls and the ceiling were numerous rings and anchors where a person could be restrained.

As Brianna took in these sights, Claudia's earlier words when receiving the key of having a little surprise echoed through her mind. It seemed she'd had some sort of private show planned and passed that along to their mistresses. She followed silently as Sofia grabbed a sturdy looking wooden chair from the corner and set it down in front of the brass pole. Wordlessly her mistress guided her to sit, her helplessly bound arms hanging over the chair's low back, before removing her leash. Heart pounding she waited for several agonizing seconds, resisting the urge to turn around and look as she heard the sliding door behind her open. Another moment of silence followed before the whisper soft sound of sandals on carpet announced Sofia's return before the blonde stepped back into view holding a coil of rope. Still silent, Sofia began to bind her slave to the chair, securing her arms in place before wrapping a loop of rope around her waist and just under her breasts to hold her in place. Finally she prompted Brianna to open her legs before binding her knees and ankles to the chair's own legs, locking her in that position. Face as red as a beat and breathing heavily, both in anticipation of what might follow and from the lewd position she was bound in, Brianna could do nothing but wait, anticipation pricking at her skin, as Sofia stepped back to admire her helpless form but gave no further hint of what was to follow.

A few moments later the door opened again and Roxanna's elegant form appeared but Brianna barely noticed that, for the olive-skinned woman had her hand on Claudia's shoulder, guiding her into the room. The girl's gag and chastity gear had been removed, leaving her completely naked save for her collar and cuffs, faint red lines on her torso and cheeks all that remained of their presence. Once they entered Roxanna removed her hand, shutting and locking the door behind her, before walking up to Sofia and wrapping the blonde in an embrace and pulling her into a kiss. Sofia returned the gesture, holding the other woman close, and the two remained like that for several long heartbeats before they silently moved apart, smiling at each other, and made their way to the bench. As their mistresses settled in Roxanna gave a nod to Claudia who returned it and suddenly moved forward, a smile on her lips. She paused with a hand on her hip perhaps two paces from Brianna, the bound girl staring in wonder and shivering in anticipation barely able to contain herself and yet forced by her bonds to do just that.

"You said you wanted a lap dance." Claudia announced, her smoky voice practically caressing Brianna's ears, making her shiver. "You also said you liked being teased, and loved being touched." Brianna involuntarily swallowed, hard, "So, the rules are simple. I can touch you as much as I want, but you can't touch me."

Brianna actually whimpered at that, straining against the ropes as Claudia crouched down slowly, spreading her knees wide to keep her entire body visible while she did so, before leaning forward and crawling that last few feet. She ran her hands up Brianna's legs, caressing the girl softly, and smiling at the way her muscles clenched, before leaning in and kissing up and down the sensitive skin of her inner thighs and running her tongue along the edges of her chastity belt. Brianna mewled helplessly into her gag at the sensation, squirming and fighting her bonds in helpless desperation but to no avail. The ropes holding her may as well have been made of iron for all the progress she made. With one final kiss to Brianna's hip, Claudia lifted herself up and settled into the bound girl's lap, pressing their bodies together gently before gripping her shoulders and arching back to show off her small breasts. Still squirming helplessly, Brianna could do nothing but watch as Claudia began to grind her hips against the captive ones beneath her in a vaguely circular motion, moaning in agonized ecstasy as Claudia's body rubbed sensually against her own. Across the room, just past the girl sitting in her lap, Brianna could see her mistresses watching, arm in arm and eyes glued to the spectacle before them. She felt her pussy clench and nipples throb even more at the thought of those eyes upon her.

Oblivious to being watched, and seemingly finished humping her lap, Claudia stilled and opened her eyes again. Smiling with soft cruelty she bent forward and wove her fingers into Brianna's hair, gently holding the girl's head in place as she pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and then to her gag, eliciting another soft moan. Slowly beginning to grind her hips again she kissed the girl's brow before sliding her hands downward to cup Brianna's breasts, brushing her fingertips over sensitive skin, and kneading those soft mounds with increased intensity. Brianna groaned pitifully at the touch, biting into her gag and closing her eyes as she tried to shift her own hips or shake her chest, anything to enhance the wonderful sensations filling her but again the ropes held her fast. With a truly wicked grin Claudia then began to slowly peel the tape from Brianna's chest, one piece at a time, until her aching nipples were exposed, the studs piercing through them glinting in the half light. Still grinning Claudia slid back just a little and bent down to take one of those nipples between her lips and suck. Brianna seemed to spasm in place, fighting her bonds with almost desperate intensity as Claudia worshiped her chest. It felt so wonderful but it was too much. She was so wet, so horny, so desperate, she needed to cum, she needed to cum so badly it was driving her insane. She tried to plead, tried to beg, but it was impossible to form coherent thoughts much less words as those soft lips and pierced tongue teased her relentlessly, reducing her to nothing but a puddle of frustrated arousal and aching need.

"Stop." it was Sofia's voice.

Although not loud, the word seemed to shatter the spell and, as suddenly as it began, the sensations stopped as Claudia pulled away and sat up. Brianna went slack in her bonds, still panting and moaning and not sure if she was grateful or disappointed. Opening her eyes, and blinking away tears, she looked up to see Sofia looking at them intensely while Roxanna seemed to be whispering in her ear

"Mistress?" Claudia asked as she twisted in place to look back at them.

"I believe that Brianna would very much like to cum." the blonde stated simply, "Isn't that right, devushka?"

She nodded, almost frantically.

"And you are willing to pay the consequences?"

Without hesitation she nodded again. Another week, another month, another year, she didn't care, she needed to cum right now. Nodding back Sofia stood and approached them, Claudia climbing down and kneeling on the floor between Brianna's legs as she did so. Gently taking Brianna by the chin and offering an encouraging smile, Sofia pressed a soft another kiss to her brow before reaching down and unlocking the secondary shield on her belt, exposing her soaking labia and throbbing clit.

Straightening back up Sofia glanced down briefly, "Claudia."

Understanding the command well enough, she nodded, "Yes, mistress."

All other thought left Brianna's mind at that moment and she became unaware of anything except for her own body and the truly marvelous sensation of Claudia's skilled lips on her most sensitive flesh. When that wicked, pierced tongue began to swirl around her clit, the paradoxical sensation of soft flesh and hard metal shooting up her spine Brianna knew she was lost, thrashing against her bonds and throwing back her head to scream into her gag as a truly monstrous orgasm tore its way free of her. Afterwords she could have sworn she passed out for a second or two because when she came back to herself, breath short and tears running down her face, Sofia was pulling the gag from her mouth. Licking her lips, she tried to form some sort of reply but words seemed beyond her at the moment.

Cupping her face gently and kissing her softly, Sofia just shook her head, "No need for words, devushka. Just rest."

She nodded at that and went slack in her bonds as she slowly regained control of herself. That had been intense, truly, insanely and wonderfully intense. After a long moment Sofia pulled her hand away and reached down to help Claudia to her feet. As soon as she did so, she locked the girl's hands behind her back again and gave her a kiss as well. She then began to slowly untie Brianna from the chair and guided the girl down onto her knees. Staring up at Claudia's naked body she had a feeling she knew where this was going.

"It is only fair to return the favor, yes?" Sofia asked, rhetorically.

With a nod, Brianna leaned forward to capture the girl's nether lips in a kiss of her own, elated by the soft hiss of pleasure her touch elicited. Taking a few long moments to lick and tease, Brianna finally dove in and took the poor girl's clit between her lips and began to suck and lap at the sensitive flesh. It seemed that Claudia was just as turned on by this little game as she had been because it did not take more than a few minutes before before her own hips bucked, muscles tense as she cried out loudly in pleasure. A tug at her hair prompted Brianna to pull away as Claudia's shaking body was guided back down to its knees and, leashing them both, Sofia led the pair somewhat awkwardly over to the bench where Roxanna was still sitting, her striking brown eyes alight with desire. Reaching into her purse to produce a pair of ring gags, Roxanna leaned over to gag them both.

"You two owe each other some thanks." the olive-skinned woman announced, "A kiss would be appropriate, yes?"

Without hesitation the two of them turned toward each other and leaned in to obey, pressing their lips together. It was certainly a strange sort of kiss with both their mouths wrenched open by gags but, as they played with each other's tongues, tasting themselves in each other's mouths, Brianna could not deny that the concept of a double gag kiss was definitely an exciting one. A heartbeat later a soft tug at their collars prompted both girls to break the kiss, their faces flushed, and a pair of soft hands cupped Brianna's cheeks, thumbs caressing her cheekbones and forcing her to look up.

"I believe it is my turn now." Roxanna announced, voice husky, as she opened her legs revealing both that the high cut of her dress allowed for easy access and confirming that Brianna's suspicion was correct, she was not wearing anything underneath it.

Wetting her lips again Brianna leaned forward obediently, burying her face between the woman's scarred thighs to get to work, Sofia's throaty moan indicating that Claudia was already hard at it next to her. As she began to lap at her mistress' sex, teasing and licking and kissing in all the ways she knew that the woman liked, fingers tightening in her hair to hold her in place, only one thought dominated Brianna's mind.

Whatever misgivings she might have had, she was so, so glad she had agreed to come here tonight.

Part 7 (added: 2020/07/30)

The storm had blown in shortly after sunset and had been raging for hours. Thankfully the fierce winds had died down somewhat but the snow still fell in heavy flakes and showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. As she trudged through the thick sheet of white that blanketed the ground, hugging herself tightly against the cold, Brianna Wilde had the thought that this might not have been her best idea. Despite two layers of clothing and a heavy coat over that the chill wind still seemed to bite into her, making her shiver uncontrollably. More than that, the snow clinging to her hair and clothing was slowly being melted by her body heat letting freezing cold water soak her to the bone. She honestly could not remember ever being so cold in her entire life and it felt as if her entire body was on the verge of freezing. Maybe worse the cold seemed to make time stretch on, as if she had been walking for hours even though she knew there was no way that could be true. By this point her toes were nearly numb and, despite thick gloves and tucking her hands under her arms, her fingers were quickly following. The pack on her back felt uncomfortably heavy and her shoulders ached from the strain, compounded by the tenseness of her muscles, as if her entire body was instinctively trying to curl up on itself against the relentless cold. And yet Brianna trudged on, squinting against the wind and steadily placing one foot in front of the other, the trail of footprints behind her being quickly swallowed by the relentless snow as she passed. It wasn't as if she really had any other choice, but she took hope as well. Even in the darkness of a winter's night, the only illumination cast by the orange glow of street lamps, she had begun to recognize the landmarks. Hickory Lane was close, she just had to keep going a bit longer.

It had sounded like such a simple plan on the surface of things. The fall semester was finally winding down to a close and all of her hard work at last seemed to be paying off. Final exams had come, leading to a frantic week of activity and last minute studying among the student population, with the promise of a long break afterwords. In the midst of her own preparations Brianna had received some good news. Her last exam, which had been scheduled on Friday annoyingly enough, was canceled. Or rather, students with a high enough grade in the course were given the option of opting out and, much to her delight, she had made the cut. That had immediately gotten the wheels spinning in her head. Her original plan had been to catch a bus home on the following Monday to spend the holidays with her parents. It would be nice to see the extended family again. Being an only child it was always an interesting experience to be surrounded by aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents, even if it was not an experience she cared to have too often. And on top of that she was honestly looking forward to seeing her parents again, having been a bit surprised at how much she honestly missed them over the last months.Of course, she also could not deny that the thought of seeing her mistresses again would make a fine Christmas present on top of everything. It really had been too long and she ached for their presence, especially since that amazing night in October was the last chance she'd really had to spend any time with them. Claudia had managed to venture out to visit a time or two since then, for which she was greatly appreciative, but it just wasn't the same. However, she had also know that while winter break beckoned with the promise of returning to Hickory Lane and the opportunities it would present, it still would have been difficult to spend more than a few stolen hours with them. Of course she would have been grateful for any length of time, but it was still disappointing. However, an extra day off was a golden opportunity and it had struck her that she could slip away early and spend the weekend with her lovers before showing up at home on Monday. A special Christmas surprise for the women she loved. She'd jumped without hesitation.

The practical problem was that Brianna had already bought a ticket nearly a week in advance and trying to change it to an earlier time at the last minute had been difficult. She'd managed, but only by accepting passage on one of the last buses to run tonight. That hadn't seemed like much of a problem at the time, a bit annoying perhaps but manageable, then the storm had blown in. In truth Brianna could admit that even if she had bothered to check the weather report in advance that probably wouldn't have been enough to stop her, but she was honestly lucky that the trip hadn't been canceled with how bad the roads were getting. The second problem, one which she could only blame herself for, was that the bus didn't actually go to Hickory Lane, but to a nearby stop that, on paper, didn't seem too far away, a long walk but certainly nothing unmanageable. What she had not counted on was making the walk in a blizzard, which made it feel more like a Marathon. Still, it was too late to turn back now.

As she continued on down the street Brianna could just see a heavy thicket of trees ahead, the dull gray bark of the hickories blending in with the snow while thousands of gnarled branches reached up, as if clawing for the sky. In the dark the sight almost looked sinister, but even so it brought a smile to her face. Adjusting her pack and curling her toes to try and preserve some heat, Brianna picked up the pace as best she could. Just a little further now. Still, that last little jog still felt like an eternity before the cluster of hickory trees finally gave way to the wide open spaces of the housing development beyond them, the familiar rows of homes bringing a pang to her heart. Instinctively her eyes fell on one particular house, the first house on the block next to the copse of trees, an achingly familiar two-story structure in which so many good memories resided. The shutters were closed tight and the roof was heavy with snow, a curl of smoke just visible from the chimney, but faint golden light seeped out of the large bay windows of the living room and the porch light was on. Brianna felt her heart swell at the sight and despite chattering teeth and an uncontrollable shiver warmth blossomed in her chest as she raced up the path, trudging through the snow drifts and up icy stairs onto that oh so familiar porch. Feebly brushing some of the snow from her pants she rang the doorbell and the chime seeming to thunder in the night. A long moment passed, then a second before a frown etched its way onto Brianna's face. Were they not home, or had they already gone to bed for the night? She had not actually thought to call ahead, wanting her visit to be a surprise and Brianna had the sudden, sinking feeling that this might have been her third mistake. Still, if push came to shove she could just walk next door to her parent's house though that would be disappointing. She rang the bell again, determined to wait a bit longer just in case.

Finally, just audible over the howl of the wind, Brianna could hear the loud footsteps of someone approaching and, all of a sudden, the door flew open with more force than she had expected, actually making her jump. Stranding there in the doorway, barefoot and clad in nothing but a tank top and shorts, as if totally indifferent to the cold, was Sofia. A slightly annoyed expression was painted on the blonde's lovely face and just behind her Brianna could see Roxanna's form perched on the couch hastily closing her robe over a rumbled nightgown. It was almost painfully obvious that she had interrupted something and despite being freezing she could feel her face heat up.

For a split second no one spoke, Sofia's expression of annoyance melting into one of confusion, as if she could not believe her eyes, "Brianna?"

A sheepish smile on her face Brianna nodded, "Surprise?"

As if finally noticing that the girl standing on her doorstep was covered in snow and visibly shivering Sofia grabbed her by the hands and pulled Brianna inside, practically slamming the door shut behind her, sealing away the cold. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkened living room, only faintly lit by the fairy lights of a Christmas tree in the corner and the flickering orange glow of the fireplace, the faint scent of pine and the pleasant crackling of burning wood adding to the warm ambiance. The familiarity of it made her smile and as she was led over to the fire Brianna could not help but let out a deep sigh of relief as blessed warmth washed over her, a sigh that grew into a moan as the backpack was eased off her sore shoulders, allowing her muscles to finally relax.

Glancing back at the couch, a worried expression on her face as she set the backpack down Sofia asked, "If you would fetch some tea, dorogoy?"

Without comment Roxanna nodded and stood up from the couch, wrapping a quilt around herself like a cloak as she did so, and padded off into the kitchen.

"What are you doing here, devushka?" Sofia asked softly as pulled the cap from Brianna's head and helped her slip off her coat, frowning a little at how soaked she was with melted snow.

"I managed to slip away early from finals." Brianna answered, teeth still chattering a little, "I got the idea to start winter break early and spend the weekend with you, so I caught the bus and, well, here I am, mistress." she looked down, "I wanted it to be a surprise."

Sofia's frown deepened, "The bus stop is over a kilometer from here. You walked all that way, in this weather?"

"Not my best idea." Brianna admitted, softly.

She shook her head, frown fading, replaced with a sort of fond amusement at how hard headed this lovely young woman could be, "No matter, as long as you are alright. But we have to get you out of these wet cloths."

"That's a really cheesy pickup line, mistress." Brianna managed to joke, even as she rubbed her hands together and fought to get her shivering under control.

Sofia laughed at that, shaking her head again, but did not otherwise respond as she grabbed the hem of Brianna's shirt. The girl dutifully lifted her arms over her head as Sofia pulled off her sweater and t-shirt, the sodden garments landing on the floor heavily. She tried to unbutton her jeans but had trouble gaining purchase with still numb fingers and Sofia had to help with that as well, somewhat embarrassingly. The blonde had dropped down to a crouch, granting both a fine view of both her perfect ass and the cleavage displayed by her low cut of her shirt as she pulled the boots off Brianna's feet and helped her to ease the wet denim off her legs. Stripped down to just her bra and chastity belt in a matter of moments Brianna could much more readily feel the heat of the fire on her skin and began to relax. Standing back up, and frowning a little at the goosebumps that seemed to cover Brianna's pale skin from head to toe, Sofia stepped closer and began to gently rub her calloused hands up and down the girl's arms to chase away some of the chill. Almost purring at that touch Brianna did not notice Roxanna's return until the olive-skinned woman pressed a mug of steaming liquid into her hands.

"Drink." she instructed, "It will make you feel better."

With a grateful smile Brianna took the cup in both hands, relishing the feeling of warmth seeping into cold fingers, and took a deep drink. The bitter taste and floral notes were heavenly and achingly familiar, but it was the wonderful sensation of heat blooming in her chest and spreading throughout her body that made her sigh in contentment, "Thank you, mistress."

"It is no trouble, kor�tsi." Roxanna assured as she opened her arms and enveloped the girl in a hug, cocooning them both together within the quilt, wincing at how cold Brianna's skin was to the touch, "You're freezing." she muttered as she hugged the girl tighter, "Are you alright?"

"Yes, mistress." Brianna answered, "I... I'm sorry to have worried you."

"Do not concern yourself with us." Roxanna insisted, "Come and sit with me and warm yourself."

As Roxanna was leading their guest over to the couch, Sofia began to gather up the wet cloths, "I'll put these in the drier."

Roxanna nodded her acknowledgment and settled back down onto the couch, folding her legs under herself and practically pulling Brianna into her lap, still holding the half naked girl tightly and gently rubbing her arms. Relaxing into the embrace for a moment Brianna closed her eyes and let out another contented sigh as she leaned her head down on Roxanna's shoulder, the older woman shifting her body to allow better access.

"I really am sorry." Brianna continued, unprompted, "I just... I just missed the both of you so much, and I know I should have called or something, but I wanted it to be a surprise and..."

Roxanna cut off the rambling apology with a soft kiss, little more than pressing their lips together briefly, but it was enough, "Shhh, it's alright kor�tsi. No one is angry and it is wonderful to see you again, we were simply concerned. But you are safe, and you are here, and that is all that matters."

Brianna snuggled more tightly into the embrace, "Thank you, mistress."

They pair stayed that way for a few more moments, embracing each other beneath the blankets in a comfortable silence until Sofia returned. Beckoning her over with the wave of a slender hand, Roxanna opened the quilt and the blonde, somewhat awkwardly, joined them in the cocoon, wrapping the both of them up in her strong arms. Sandwiched between her lovers, their hands upon her bare skin in a heavenly embrace, Brianna smiled widely as a combination of the heat of the fire and the heat of their bodies finally managing to drive the chill from her bones. For a moment she thought she could easily and comfortably fall asleep in this perfect embrace, caught between heavenly warmth and silky soft skin, without a care in the world. That thought made her purse her lips as she suddenly realized something.

Noting her change of expression Sofia asked, "Is something the matter, devushka?"

Brianna shook her head, "No mistress, I just... I just realized that I've never actually spent the night here before."

"That is true." Roxanna commented before an almost devilish smile touched her lips, "And now we have you all to ourselves for the entire weekend."

"Indeed, a most wonderful holiday gift." Sofia continued, voice low as she leaned over to kiss Brianna deeply, "I would offer you the guest room, but I have a feeling you would much prefer to share our bed this evening."

"They say," Brianna began as soon as the kiss ended, trying to make a joke even as she shuddered at Sofia's husky tone and the memory of those soft lips, "that you should share body heat during a snowstorm."

"Wise words." Roxanna murmured, gently taking Brianna by the chin and bringing their lips together, making the girl moan under the kiss and nipping at her lower lip as she pulled back, "I always do hate to sleep alone on a cold night."

"How fortunate for us." Sofia whispered as she allowed her hand to roam over Briana's stomach and up her ribs, tickling sensitive skin and making the girl squirm even more in their grasp, "I think tonight calls for something special, however."

"What..." Brianna managed, finding it difficult to form words as she moaned again under the onslaught, "What did you have in mind?"

"I have some ideas." Roxanna mused as her fingers traced the sensitive skin around Brianna's chastity belt, "But, you have been such a good girl. So, simply ask of us anything you would like."

"Yes," Sofia practically breathed into her ear, "what do you want?"

Brianna's breath hitched in her throat, inhaling sharply at the feeling of those fingers teasing her while another shiver race up her spin as Sofia's voice caressed her ear. It was so hard to think clearly right now while being touched and teased and kissed. Moreover the enormity of the question weighed on her. Anything she'd like, anything at all? How could she even begin to answer that? She had already experienced so much, learned so much about herself and what she liked, to say nothing of the dozens of fantasies her sex starved brain had dreamed up in the past months. It was impossible to choose.

"I..." she manged, struggling for words.

"Take your time, kor�tsi." Roxanna soothed, pressed another soft kiss to her lips as she did so, "We have all the time in the world."

Brianna managed to nod at that and tried to calm her racing thoughts. It wasn't like there was a wrong answer to this question, but she recognized that her mistresses were offering something special and she wanted it to be special. An idea occurred to her then. There was one thing, something that had been floating around in the back of her mind for a long time now, a fantasy that she had never brought up before for a variety of reasons but here and now? Perhaps this was her chance.

"Back in May." she began, clearly getting both of their attention with that, "Back in May, when I saw you with Claudia for the first time. You had her wrapped up in latex, bound and gagged so helplessly as you used her. I want..." she could not stop a blush from coloring her already rosy cheeks, "I want you to do that to me."

"Are you certain?" Sofia asked.

"Please?" Brianna almost pleaded as she looked down, "Please use me, mistress."

A smile bloomed on Roxanna's lips as she disentangled her hands and cupped Brianna's face softly, forcing their eyes to meet. Lost in those deep brown orbs Brianna could do nothing, frozen in place like a deer in headlights, heart racing as Roxanna bent down and captured her lips in a deep kiss, tongue probing her mouth. Brianna moaned into that kiss as her eyes slid closed, flushed and breathy, enjoying every second of being dominated by such a simple and familiar gesture. Roxanna broke the kiss after a moment, Brianna's mouth still hanging open slightly, and whispered, "Your wish is our command."

The trio slowly began to make their way toward the bedroom, Brianna being drug along as much as anything as her mistresses stole kisses and touches along the way. As they went clothing was shed a piece at a time as eager hands roamed. The quilt was the first to go, awkwardly dropped to the floor and sprawled halfway across the couch before they even made it out of the living room with Roxanna's robe not far behind. The climb up the stairs was made more difficult than it needed to be since all of them were far too distracted, and none of them wished to stop touching each other, but at some point Brianna felt her bra fall away and she managed to slip Sofia's short down over her hips. As they finally stepped into that achingly familiar bedroom and reluctantly pulled away from each other Brianna felt as if her skin was on fire as a blush seemed to paint every inch of her red. Blood pounded in her ears, her nipples achingly hard and her pussy throbbing in anticipation of what was to come. Behind her Sofia stripped off her shirt, tossing it aside casually to leave herself totally naked while Roxanna offered one last kiss, soft and full of promise, before slowly padding over to her jewelry box to retrieve a small key. Breath shaky, every single ounce of Brianna's focus was on that key as the olive-skinned woman returned and, with a sound that was so sweet to the ears, unlocked her chastity belt. As the bands of metal were pulled away Brianna bit her lip, suppressing a gasp at the feeling of cool air on wet and heated skin, and resisting the urge to touch herself even as hands slowly caressed her waist.

At some point a familiar catsuit made of shiny black latex was pulled out of the closet and Brianna's mind immediately went back to the first time she had worn it, months ago now. The same day she and Claudia had met, and fucked, for the first time as well. The same day she had been gifted her collar and chastity belt. A smile graced her lips at the memory. Taking it in hand, and opening the zipper at the back, she struggled to pull the suit on, the skin tight material clinging to her like a glove. Still, between the three of them they managed to make short work of it and as she felt the zipper close slowly, Brianna glanced at her reflection in the mirror. Just like she remembered the catsuit emphasizing every curve of her body, the slick material practically gleaming in the soft light of the bedside lamp. With another kiss Roxanna reached up to fix her hair up in a tight bun, Brianna standing very still as she did so, before sliding a hood of the same shiny black rubber over her head. While the hood was being pulled into place Brianna could feel Sofia take her by the wrists and pull her arms behind her back to being binding them. The achingly familiar sensation of a monoglove being laced up made Brianna smile, only for her to bite her lip with another moan as the straps were crossed over her shoulders, then slowly tightened to pull her elbows together. Lost in the heady mix of pleasure and pain that came from being bound so tightly, to say nothing of the sheer excitement of being under her mistresses control again, Brianna could do nothing but open her mouth obediently when Roxanna presented a large ring gag and set it behind her teeth before fastening it firmly into place.

Utterly and completely helpless now, Brianna moaned softly as Roxanna shot her a coy look and slid the straps of her nightgown down her shoulders just enough to expose her breasts, the hardness of her nipples betrayed just how excited the woman was. Attention locked onto that beautiful sight she jumped a little in surprise as Sofia's hands fell upon her hips, gently caressing her for a moment or two before her grip tightened, pinning Brianna in place. She moaned again, much more loudly this time, as Roxanna then ran a hand down her stomach, the touch feather light through the latex, and slowly opened the zipper between her legs to expose her aching pussy to the world.

With deliberate and almost cruel slowness, Roxanna moved closer and closer until Brianna could feel the woman's breasts pressed up against her own. She leaned in then to capture her slave's helplessly gagged mouth in a kiss, probing deeply with her tongue and eliciting another moan. Sofia's grip tightened just a little then and she could feel the blonde's hip press tightly against her ass before Roxanna reached between her legs and began to slowly tease her labia with long, delicate fingers while deftly and deliberately avoiding her clit. Brianna groaned into the kiss and squirmed in her bonds, desperately trying to rock her hips. She was close, so wonderfully, awfully close but it was not to be. Sofia held her firm and, after several long, slow moments of that sensuous torture the kiss, the touch, all of it stopped with Roxanna withdrawing, a cruel smile now curling her lips. Brianna whimpered but could do nothing as the olive-skinned woman turned and began to walk toward the bed. As she watched that lovely sight Sofia's hands left her hips and she gasped in surprise around her gag as a blindfold suddenly covered her eyes, plunging her into total darkness.

Completely blind now, reduced to nothing but touch, Brianna began to breathe heavily as Sofia's hands returned to her hips and began to trace up the sides of her body and over her ribs before cupping her breasts, squeezing softly for a brief moment. She moaned at the sensation, every nerve in her skin tingling as if being blind and helpless supercharged her sense of touch. After a few tantalizing seconds of having her breasts teased Sofia suddenly pinched her nipples firmly, making her gasp before her head was turned sharply to the side and a pair of lips crashed into her helpless mouth once again. Sofia kissed her deeply, possessively, plundering her mouth eagerly and leaving her dazed and aching for more, a soft groan escaping her gagged lips as she was awkwardly guided toward the bed herself, having no choice but to trust her mistress in her utterly helpless state. Eventually, after a few shaky steps, Sofia's arms around her waist holding her firmly, Brianna felt her knees hit the edge of the mattress and her body was half lowered, half carried onto the bed until she was practically sprawled across it.

Roxanna's familiar hands then grabbed her under the arms and Brianna felt herself being pulled forward, the slick material of the catsuit allowing her to practically glide over the sheets. She was vaguely aware of a cloth falling over the back of her head, but it was not until she felt Roxanna's shapely thighs close around her face and her gagged lips gently kiss the woman's damp sex that she realized it was the hem of her nightgown. Without prompting she began to lap at the delicate flesh before her, a low and deep moan from above sending another shot of arousal through her as those same delicate hands gripped her tightly and held her in place. Once, Roxanna would have needed to guide and instruct her but that was no longer necessary. Now, after months of eager practice Brianna knew her mistresses and their bodies as well as she knew her own, knew all the right spots to lick and tease to drive the older woman wild with desire. As she traced up and down Roxanna's curves and folds, the woman practicality panting and muttering something in her native tongue, Brianna made sure to pay special attention to her clit and occasionally dip her tongue into the silken heat within to tease all of her mistress' most delicate and sensitive spots. With deliberate care she probed the woman's delicate inner walls before lapping at just the right spot... Almost instantly she felt the woman stiffen, her vaginal muscles tightening around the tongue penetrating her as she came with a loud cry, arching her back and pulling Brianna's helpless body even tighter against her own. Brianna did not stop, eagerly lapping up Roxanna's fluids, the woman's scent filling her nostrils, as she once again teased her throbbing sex toward another climax.

As she worked a sudden weight on the bed announced Sofia's return. Strong hands cupped and squeezed and caressed Brianna's ass, making her squirm in appreciation, shaking her hips in encouragement, before the zipper between her legs was opened further. As a second orgasm thundered through Roxanna's frame, the woman's hips jerking as she cried out in ecstasy, Brianna gasped loudly and, for a split second, lost her concentration as she felt the length of a dildo slowly being inserted into her ass. While not her favorite way to make love Brianna certainly did not hate it and Sofia was more than skilled, it simply frustrated her no end that it was enough to drive her mad but rarely enough to make her orgasm. She moaned, almost pitifully at the nearly overwhelming sense of fullness as Sofia forced her to take the entire length before fucking her in earnest. Normally Sofia preferred to be a bit rough and, in general, Brianna had discovered that she rather liked things that way, but right now she was immensely grateful that her mistress chose to take things slowly, thrusting in and out of her at a steady pace. Moaning as Sofia thrust particularly deep, and frustrated by the way it made her pussy ache even more to be touched, Brianna felt the fingers holding her head in place tighten, a silent rebuke to get back to work. Dutifully she began to lap at the soft flesh beneath her again. Trapped as she was between her mistresses, Roxanna practically mewling in pleasure while Sofia held her hips firmly and fucked her with increased vigor, the woman's breath growing labored as she worked herself closer to the edge, Brianna felt as if her entire body was burning with desire. The sensation was indescribable. Blind and bound and helpless, Brianna had been reduced to an object, a toy to be used for her mistresses' pleasure and nothing else, exactly as she had begged to be. She loved every moment of it.

Trapped in the darkness an eternity seemed to pass, her tongue tired, her ass sore and her clit throbbing so hard she thought it might explode. She could not say how many times she had brought Roxanna to climax, or how many times Sofia had brought herself off. It all blended together in a grand melange, their cries of pleasure a symphony that mocked her desperate horniness. All she knew was that, almost as suddenly as it had begun, it stopped. After one last cry, her body practically shaking, Roxanna wrenched Brianna's eager tongue away from her, breath heavy as she fought to regain control of herself. At the same time Sofia pumped into her two or three more times before thrusting deep with a shuddering moan making Brianna arch her own back in response. For a brief moment they stayed like that, held almost in suspension, before Brianna let out a gasping breath as she felt the dildo being pulled from her body. A moment later she moaned, loudly, as the familiar cool mass of a butt plug slide in to replace it, her catsuit being zipped up just enough to seal the plug in place while still leaving her pussy exposed. Disentangling themselves, Brianna felt strong hands on her hips and delicate ones on her shoulders as her mistresses carefully flipped her over until she was laying on her back again. Brianna could do nothing but squirm a little, silently begging to be touched, pleading for an orgasm as she felt several belts being tightened around her legs, pinning them together. Once she was secure her gag was removed, surprised her for a split second, but almost immediately a new gag replaced it, a tight leather panel sealed across her lips and a smaller and much more comfortable ball in her mouth, silencing her utterly. A small tube through the gag allowed her to breath easily and Brianna knew she could wear it for hours, which was almost certainly the point. As she tested her new bonds Brianna felt a pair of warm bodies curl up on either side of her, hands roaming over her latex encased form as her mistresses settled into comfortable positions. Unbidden it brought back a memory of the first time she had ever slept in this bed, sandwiched between her mistresses as they rested after making love for the very first time and planned their summer. The thought made her smile, despite her frustration.

Suddenly, in the darkness, she heard Sofia's voice whisper in her ear, "Sleep well, devushka."

"Mmhnph?" Brianna managed.

"Have you forgotten?" the blonde teased, "On that long ago night, we did not allow Claudia to cum."

Brianna froze, realizing in the moment that, in the excitement of her fantasies she had indeed forgotten that part. And she had asked them to do to her exactly what they had done to Claudia... A sinking feeling suddenly grew in her chest.

"Indeed." Roxanna noted, whispering in her other ear in an amused tone, "Perhaps I should also mention that we did not leave her bound all night long."

"Rmnmmm?" Brianna wondered, though thinking back on it she supposed she had only seen a brief slice of that evening.

"Indeed not," Roxanna continued, "in fact we kept her bound for several days."

"Nnmph?!" Brianna gasped, going stiff as a board.

"Oh yes, kor�tsi." Roxanna answered, the devilish smile on her face clearly evident in her tone, "Days. And we do have you all to ourselves this weekend..."

"Pleasant dreams, devuhska." Sofia teased, tone amused, "Perhaps if you are a good girl, we may take pity on you."

Brianna could only groan, torn between immense frustration and incredible arousal as she collapsed back onto the mattress, pinned there by her mistresses as they encircled her with their arms. They wouldn't really keep her like this all weekend, would they? She knew that they liked to tease her, and Brianna readily admitted that she liked being teased, but nothing like this. Even the most intense edging sessions, such as the ben wa ball or the clit clip, had been no more than a few hours at most and those had nearly driven her mad with need. To spend forty eight or more hours being bound and teased and denied... She didn't think she'd ever been more turned on in her entire life. For a brief moment her safeword was on the tip of her tongue, even gagged Brianna knew from experience that if she shouted her mistresses would understand her, but she stopped herself. It was a challenge, perhaps one of the most intense she had ever faced, and if there was one thing Brianna had discovered she enjoyed it was a challenge. To be bound and helpless and horny for an entire weekend, even the thought of it made her shiver in delight. Despite that resolve, between her bondage and the throbbing in her loins sleep did not come easily. Trapped in the darkness of her blindfold and utterly helpless to do anything about it Brianna could only lay still and wait. She drifted off a time or two, could even vaguely remember dreaming, but each time a sudden twinge, or the feeling of one of her mistresses shifting in their sleep snapped her awake, groggy and disoriented. Once she even woke to find herself thrashing against her bonds, only for soft murmured words and a gentle touch to lull her into a calm sleep once again.

After what felt like hours it was the sensation of the blindfold being removed that at last pulled Brianna out of the half asleep, half awake state she had been trapped in. Rapidly blinking against the sudden influx of brightness, the bedside lamp and the soft light of an early winter's morning streaming in through the curtains stabbed into her bloodshot eyes. Slowly, as her eyes adjusted, a familiar room came into focus and she found herself exactly where she remembered being, laying on Sofia and Roxanna's bed bound up in leather and latex with a gag in her mouth, a plug up her ass and a desperate need to cum. The gag was pulled away next and she glanced over to see Roxanna, still clad in her nightgown, smiling gently at her.

"Good morning, kor�tsi." the woman greeted, "How are you feeling?"

Stretching her mouth to work out the cramps in her jaw and rolling her shoulders as best she could Brianna took stock of herself. Besides the jaw cramps her arms were definitely sore from being bound so tightly and she felt both hot and sweaty from being encased in latex all night but all in all she didn't feel too bad. She had, in fact, experimented with sleeping while bound before, though never something as intense as this and was pleased to find herself none the worse for wear. Honestly she felt pretty good about that, even the soreness was a welcome sensation, a familiar friend that she had long missed. Though her very full bladder did represent a small problem.

"I really need to pee." she finally said, somewhat sheepishly.

Nodding in understanding Roxanna reached down to begin unfastening the straps holding her legs together but paused as soon as she touched the first buckle, "Perhaps you might be willing to try something new?"

"Mistress?" she asked, frowning in confusion.

"I can take you to the bathroom if you wish." Roxanna assured, "But, if you are willing, I can insert a catheter instead."

Brianna felt her eyes go wide, having certainly not expected to hear that of all things. She was vaguely aware of medical themed bondage but it had certainly never been a part of her relationship with her mistresses and it had honestly never been something she really considered. Then again, the submissive part of herself was a little intrigued by the idea of surrendering even more control of her body.

"It is perfectly safe." Roxanna continued, perhaps mistaking Brianna's confusion for concern, "During my recovery I became intimately familiar with the procedure."

Squirming a little in her bonds Brianna bit her lip, more turned on that she liked to admit by the idea, then asked in a soft voice, "Will it hurt?"

"It will feel strange." Roxanna answered with a soft smile, then reached down to gentle stroke Brianna's forehead, "And it can be uncomfortable, but not unpleasant if done properly. And I promise I will be gentle, kor�tsi."

Closing her eyes for a moment to mull over the thought Brianna at last nodded slightly, voice still soft, "Okay."

With a small nod of her own Roxanna stood and left the room at a sedate pace. Completely alone now and still bound helplessly Brianna could do little but stare at the ceiling and wonder about what she had just agreed to. Nervousness tinged with excitement stirred in her stomach. She was usually willing, often eager, to experience new things and had rarely been steered wrong by that instinct but even so the thought of being penetrated in some new way was daunting. She was still lost in those thoughts some minutes later when Roxanna returned carrying a package and knelt down on the edge of the bed. Unable to help herself, Brianna swallowed, a bit intimidated as she watched her mistress pull on a pair of surgical gloves and take the tube that would soon be inside of her out of the package. She almost called out for the woman to stop, but bit her lip, determined to at least try.

Perhaps sensing her distress, Roxanna put on a reassuring smile, "Please do not be worried, kor�tsi. I have done this to Claudia more than once."

"Really?" Brianna asked, somehow both surprised and not by that revelation.

"Oh yes." Roxanna answered, "Perhaps next time you speak, you might ask about a particularly eventful vacation she spent with us."

Brianna felt her lips twitch into a grin, imagination already running wild with possibilities. She wanted to ask more, but also knew that was as much as her mistress was willing to reveal at the moment.

Face turning a bit more serious, Roxanna looked her in the eye, "Take a deep breath and try to relax. If anything hurts, tell me immediately."

Nodding once Brianna did as she was instructed, letting her muscles go slack and taking a deep breath only for it to catch in her throat with a gasp as she felt a strange sensation. She fought down the urge to tense up and slowly let out the breath she was holding, trembling a little as the tube gradually slid into her. It was honestly like nothing she had ever felt before, cold and mildly uncomfortable but also strangely pleasant in a way she could not describe. She almost moaned at the feeling, surprising herself a little, and had to force herself to lie still. After what felt like an eternity she could swear that she felt a faint *pop* as the catheter seated itself deep inside of her, the pressure on her bladder growing almost unbearable for a split second as Roxanna inflated the tip to lock it in place before releasing almost immediately. She actually did moan in relief at that, blushing a little at the tiny grin Roxanna gave her.

Casually stripping the gloves from her hands Roxanna gather up her things, "There, not so bad."

"No mistress," Brianna agreed, "not so bad."

Leaning over to give her a kiss on the forehead, and granting another glorious look at those lovely breasts, Roxanna patted her on the shoulder, "I will get you something to eat."

Smiling her thanks, Brianna watched her mistress leave for a second time, eyes glued to the way the silken material of the nightgown barely covered her ass, before letting out a sigh and trying to find a comfortable position. After a moment or two, growing a bit bored and distracted by the new sensations she was feeling, Brianna lifted her head up from the pillow as best she could to gaze over the shiny expanse of her helplessly bound body. It was oddly fascinating to see the rubber tube snaking from between her legs to connect to what looked like an over-sized hot water bottle sitting on her bound thighs. She could feel the thing inside of her, her muscles tight around it, and the odd warm sensation of fluid being drained from her bladder into the slowly filling reservoir, warmth settling onto her legs as it did so. Perhaps the strangest part, though was the fact that she had absolutely no control over the process, could not stop it now even if she wanted to. All she could do was watch, effectively helpless as she was basically being siphoned. It was weirdly a turn on, not the sensations exactly though those weren't exactly unpleasant, but rather that this most basic function of her body was now completely out of her control. Perhaps they really could keep her bound up like this for days if they so wanted. Letting her head fall back down to the pillow again, Brianna closed her eyes and bit her lip. Maybe it was just because she was so worked up already, but the feeling of pressure slowly being drained from her was almost heavenly. Squirming a little more she could not help but moan as the catheter shifted inside of her in interesting ways. Closing her eyes and biting her lip, she squirmed again, eliciting another moan.

As she was still exploring these curious new sensations an amused voice called out from the door, making her freeze in place, "Enjoying ourselves I see."

Quickly looking to the side revealed Sofia standing in the doorway, once again dressed in the simple shorts and tank top she had worn last night, holding a tray with an amused expression on her face. Brianna felt her face heat up, thankful that the hood she was wearing covered the reaction, "Mistress, I..."

A soft laugh cut her off as Sofia padded across the room, settling into a chair next to the bed and setting the tray in her lap, "I do not mean to embarrass you, devushka. I simply volunteered to bring you breakfast while Roxanna showered. Hungry?"

Brianna nodded, thankful for the change in conversation, "Yes mistress, thank you."

Taking a steaming bowl of oatmeal and a spoon in hand, Sofia began to feed the helplessly bound girl. For her part Brianna devoured the food ravenously, surprisingly hungry after last night's exertions, to say nothing of her long walk through the snow. Although clearly amused, Sofia refrained from comment until the bowl was empty. Setting it down again she carefully picked up a glass of orange juice, positioning it so that Brianna could drink through the straw, "Was last night everything you hoped for devushka?"

Taking another deep drink, and relishing the cool tartness of the juice, Brianna nodded with a fond smile, "Yes mistress, it was... it was incredible. I just..."

Setting the cup down, Sofia mirrored her smile, "Yes? Is something the matter?"

"It's just..." Brianna began, "Please mistress, please please may I cum?"

Expression unreadable for a moment Sofia set the tray aside on the nightstand and leaned over with one knee on the bed, gently stroking Brianna's forehead for a moment before a small smile bloomed on her face, "Perhaps we can work something out, devushka. I need to go shovel the walk, and could use something to keep me warm in the cold."

Without further comment Sofia tugged her shorts off, leaving herself naked from the waist down, and moved to straddle Brianna's bound form until she was riding the girl's face. Brianna took a deep breath of that familiar scent and without prompting kissed the woman's nether lips gently. Thrusting her tongue into Sofia's eager sex, relishing the soft, warm heat within Brianna probed and teased and swirled her tongue until Sofia moaned, closing her eyes and clenching her mouth shut to try and stay quite while gripping the headboard tightly and grinding her hips against the captive mouth beneath her. Amused, aroused and frustrated by how much work it always took to get Sofia off, Brianna continued to tease the soft flesh of her inner walls, plunging her tongue in as deeply as she could until she felt the woman above her twitch ever so slightly. Spurred on by that silent signal, one of Sofia's tells that she had learned to recognize early on, Brianna withdrew her tongue and latched her lips onto the woman's throbbing clit, sucking as hard as she could. It did not take long then, Sofia's body practically quaked under the intensity of her orgasm, making the bed rock as her hips jerked, a throaty scream filling the air despite her best efforts.

Panting hard, the woman slowly sat back until she was straddling Brianna's waist, taking a moment to compose herself before climbing off the bed and retrieving her discarded shorts. Before Brianna could even think to say a work Sofia's mouth was on her, tongue deep in her mouth as her mistress branded her with a kiss. She moaned into that kiss, eagerly allowing her mistress to take from her whatever she wanted. When those marvelous lips left hers Brianna groaned a little in disappointment, craning her neck as if begging for another kiss, only to squawk in surprise, eyes shooting open, as she felt the panel gag slam back into place.

Sofia smirked a little at her as she finished tightening it, "You have earned your orgasm, devushka." she assured, "But you need to be quiet, let us keep this between us, yes?"

Nodding eagerly Brianna moaned into the gag, every muscle in her body going taut as one of Sofia's hands trailed between her legs, familiar calloused fingers brushing against her eager sex. There were no games, no teasing, no tricks, just pleasure as Sofia fingered her roughly, rubbing her aching clit with ever increasing intensity. Even muffled as they were Brianna's eager moans still filled the air as she twisted and bucked, arching her back and thrusting her hips against Sofia's fingers as best she could. As worked up as she was it did not take long before an orgasm erupted from within her, the first she'd had in over two months, and Brianna screamed into her gag in blessed relief, eyes clenched shut as her body spasmed and tears ran down her cheeks. Sofia was not done. Instead she only increased her pace, continuing to finger the bound and helpless body beside her. Trembling as aftershocks from that first, glorious climax continued to rock her body Brianna screamed again as another orgasm tore its way loose. It was overwhelming, like lightning shooting through her veins and for a moment Brianna thought she might have blacked out.

As she came back to herself, shivering and trembling, mewling softly into her gag as small jolts of pleasure continued to assault her, Sofia withdrew her fingers and gently stroked Brianna's face, whispering softly in her ear, "It's alright, devushka. I've got you, just ride it out."

As she finally began to relax Brianna felt the tension leave her body all at once and she collapsed back onto the mattress in a boneless heap, spent and sweaty and gloriously sated. Although it was difficult given how hard she was breathing, she tried to speak, to express her appreciation, "Phhnnh mnn, phhnnh mnn mnphphrmphph."

"Shhh." Sofia soothed, "It was my pleasure. Now rest, devushka. You've had a long night and the day is just beginning."

She vaguely remembered nodding at that as well as watching Sofia plant another kiss on her brow before setting off to shovel snow, but it was all hazy. As she lay there in silence, the hiss of her breath and the faint creak of leather the only sounds to be heard, Brianna wanted to smile. Between the pleasant tingling in her body and the wonderful sensation of being embraced tightly by her bonds she felt warm and safe and content. Reveling in these wonderful sensations Brianna felt her eyes grow heavy and she slowly nodded off as her breathing stilled and her body calmed. Not sleep, not exactly, but the rest her exhausted form needed. Brianna rarely remembered her dreams, save for the most vague impressions, but right now in that partially asleep state her thoughts ran wild with anticipation of what else the day, the weekend, might hold. Sofia's words echoed in her ears, that the occasion called for something special, and while being bound tightly and used roughly certainly counted she did not think that would be the end of it.

At some point the faint creak of old hinges, the sound of the door opening, drew Brianna back to full awareness in time to see Roxanna slip back into the room, the woman's hair now in a thick braid and dressed in a long cardigan and a pair of tights. Noting that she was awake, Roxanna smiled at the bound girl and limped over to the bed before leaning over and gently stroking her cheek. Brianna practically purred at the soft touch, smiling a little around her gag as she did so.

"I see that Sofia tucked you in for a nap, kor�tsi."

Brianna nodded a little, "Mmph, mnphphrmphph."

At that Roxanna slowly unbuckled the gag and pulled it loose from her mouth before cupping her cheek again, "As much fun as it would be to keep you like this all day, I do not think you are quite ready for that."

"Yes, mistress." Brianna agreed, a little disappointed but she could not exactly disagree, her arms were starting to hurt.

With a brief smile and another pat on the cheek, Roxanna set to work freeing her, loosening the belts holding her legs together before carefully removing the catheter, Brianna wincing a little at the strange combination of pleasure and pain. Roxanna took her by the shoulders then and helped her to sit up before releasing the buckles and loosening the laces trapping her within the tight armbinder. At that Brianna could not help but let out a low moan of relief as the pressure on her shoulders was finally relaxed and she could begin to work the kinks out of her muscles. Finally, taking Roxanna's hands in her own, Brianna managed to stand and the pair of them began the somewhat difficult procedure of pealing the layers of sweat-soaked latex from her body, Brianna wincing again in discomfort as the hood pulled on her hair and the catsuit stubbornly stuck to her skin. Still it did not take too long before she was free and Brianna found herself standing naked, skin wet and clammy, shivering a little in the cool morning air. A hand on her shoulder, steadying her, Brianna moaned one final time as the butt plug she had been wearing was pulled free, leaving her to blush a little in embarrassment.

"Go take a shower while I clean up, kor�tsi." Roxanna instructed, "You will feel better. I did not have time to get any of your things, but I left my bathrobe there, you may use it."

"Yes, mistress." Brianna acknowledged, softly as she made her way out into the hallway and down the stairs, legs a little stiff from lying still for so long.

A few moments later she walked into the master bathroom and locked the door behind her, taking a moment to let her hair out of the bun it had been twisted into last night, before turning on the shower. Having been used recently it took almost no time for the water to heat up and Brianna gratefully stepped under the steaming hot spray. A hot shower after an intense bondage session was one of her favorite little pleasure. Washing away the sweat and sex was nice, it left her feeling clean and refreshed, but even better was the way the heat chased away the last of the tension in her body and the stinging spray of the water seemed to massage her sore muscles. After slicking back her hair and taking a few moments to simply enjoy the water sluicing over her naked frame Brianna began to process of cleaning herself, washing and conditioning her hair as well as scrubbing her skin with scented body wash. As she washed between her legs Brianna bit her lip at the lingering soreness there as well as the trill of pleasure she felt. Almost unbidden temptation rose within her. It had been over five months since she'd last been able to masturbate and she hadn't exactly been forbidden from doing so...

Perhaps it was no surprise that temptation carried the day and Brianna moaned low in her throat as she slid a pair of fingers into herself. Hugging herself with her free hand as she began to thrust her fingers in and out Brianna moaned again, louder this time. She had missed this so much, had nearly forgotten how good it felt to touch herself like this. Introducing a third finger and increasing her pace Brianna groaned loudly, cupping her right breast with her fee hand as she threw her head back, catching sight of a familiar eye-bolt set into the ceiling as she did so. The memory of being cuffed to it while Sofia teased and pleasured her body rose within her and Brianna felt her vaginal muscles tighten around her fingers, making her gasp. She redoubled her efforts, thrusting harder into herself as she remembered that long ago day, the day her odyssey in chastity had truly begun. Part of her wished that Sofia was here right now. No, as the fantasy unfolded she wished that both of her mistresses were here. Clenching her eyes shut Brianna again could imagine it, herself helplessly dangling from the ceiling, Sofia behind her and Roxanna in front. Both of them running their hands over her, kissing and teasing her body as she moaned and begged and pleaded before they finally took her. Sofia pounding her ass relentlessly while Roxanna worked her pussy with slow and deliberate cruelty, reducing her to a panting and helpless mess as she begged even more pitifully until, at long last, they finally allowed their pet to cum.

The last shreds of Brianna's self control failed her at that point and she doubled over, free hand quickly clamping itself over her mouth to stifle the scream that ripped its way out of her throat at the unexpectedly intense orgasm that washed over her. Leaning against the cool tile wall, panting and trembling, Brianna whimpered as she slowly drew her fingers and closed her eyes, struggling to catch her breath as the water continued to pour over her. She had not expected it to be that intense. Eventually as her breathing evened out Brianna straightened up, blush still painting her features as she filled away that fantasy for future reference. Maybe one day she'd bring up the possibility of a threesome in the shower with her mistresses, when she'd earned another reward. Shaking her head and realizing that she had already taken up too much time Brianna spent a few minutes quickly shaving, marveling a little that the hair removal cream her mistresses recommended she use left her skin silky smooth and had barely allowed stubble to grow under her belt where she hadn't been able to properly groom in some time, and rinsed herself off. Turning off the water and climbing out of the shower she dried off with one of the wonderfully fluffy towels hanging from the rack and took a few more minutes to brush and dry her hair, having always hated the feeling of wet hair in the winter, before finding the bathrobe Roxanna had left for her in the closet. Slipping the delightfully warm garment around her body and trying the sash tightly, Brianna stepped back out into the hall.

Not exactly sure where to go next, Brianna slowly made her way back to the living room to find Roxanna waiting there for her, sitting casually on the couch reading a book. The olive-skinned woman looked up at her as soon as she entered and smiled softly. Brianna smiled back and carefully walked over to her, watching the woman put her book aside and stand up stiffly as she did so.

"You look much better, kor�tsi." the woman commented.

"I feel much better." Brianna answered, "Thank you, mistress."

Stepping closer, Roxanna ran her fingers down the hem of the bathrobe that Brianna was wearing before slowly and deliberately untying the sash holding it closed. Brianna felt her breath hitch just a little as the robe was opened slightly, the tingle of cool air on her skin warring with excitement as she wondered what her mistress was planning. Carefully setting her hands on Brianna hips, Roxanna then slowly brushed up her sides and teased the edges of her breasts, eliciting a soft moan from the blue-haired girl before slipping the robe off of her shoulders, allowing it to pool at her feet. Naked now, and trembling in anticipation Brianna bit her lip, lost in the deep brown depths of Roxanna's eyes. Taking a moment to gently caress the girl's shoulders, Roxanna removed her hands and reached down for the coffee table. Brianna's gaze followed and she started a little to find a folded up bundle of black leather sitting there, nearly blending in with the deep brown stain of the table's wooden surface. As Roxanna picked up the garment, little more than a collection of straps and a pair of sleeves, Brianna recognized the device as a Bolero straitjacket, a type that she had seen Claudia wear before. Some part of her idly wondered if it was the same one.

Holding up the restraints, Roxanna smiled thinly, "Turn around, kor�tsi."

"Yes, mistress." Brianna answered, almost reflexive as she moved to obey.

With the ease born of much practice, Roxanna slipped the garment onto her slave and began to wind and buckle the straps around her body until the smaller girl was trapped in a helpless self-embrace. Brianna moaned a little as the straitjacket tightened on her body, surprised at both how little it allowed her to move and how comfortable it actually was. Taking her by the shoulders and turning her around again, Roxanna's lips found her own in a deep kiss before Brianna could even think to respond. Instead she simply closed her eyes and opened her mouth, eagerly inviting her mistress' tongue as slender arms circled her waist and pulled her close, the material of Roxanna's cardigan pleasantly soft on her bare skin. Eyes glazed and a smile on her face Brianna continued to say nothing as the kiss broke and she was led over to the couch. As she settled back down Roxanna practically pulled the bound girl into her lap and pulled her close. Still holding her tightly with one hand, Roxanna wrapped them both up in a quilt again, much as she had done last night. Resting her head on the bound girl's shoulder Roxanna then retrieved her book and laid it down in Brianna's own lap, open to the page she had been reading.

"Sofia should be finished soon." Roxanna whispered into her ear, "And I am certain she would dearly love for us to warm her up again. Sit with me while we wait?"

A little distracted by Roxanna's slender body pressed against her back, to say nothing of the hand gently caressing the bare skin of her stomach, Brianna managed to nod, not that it had really been a request, "Yes, mistress."

Smiling a little, Roxanna said nothing but simply held up the old book with her free hand to begin reading again. Bound and warm and content, bundled up in Roxanna's grasp, Brianna smiled to herself. Although incredibly mundane compared to some of the things they had done together, even some of the things they had already done today, as she snuggled a little deeper into Roxanna's lap Brianna realized that she didn't care. She would have been content to spent the rest of the day just like this, happy to be in the presence of the woman that she loved. Of course, she had no doubt that a soon as Sofia returned the day would grow exciting again, it always took a lot of work to keep her lovers satisfied after all, and the back of her mind whirled with anticipation, but right now? Right now this was more than enough.

Part 8 (added: 2020/10/07)

It was almost hypnotic, the way the flames seemed to leap and dance over the logs in the fireplace, crackling all the while as sparks floated lazily up the chimney in a steady stream. Having not grown up in a house with a fireplace Brianna could admit that she found the experience strangely fascinating, almost relaxing, and for the first time could understand the appeal of sitting around the fire in the dead of winter. There was something warm and almost nostalgic about the experience even if, in her case, that wasn't really true. Still, as she watched the fire from her supremely comfortable position Brianna felt her eyes grow heavy, almost as if the display might lull her back to sleep again. Or perhaps that had more to do with the gentle warmth of the quilt enveloping her or the softness of Roxanna's body pressed up against her as she sat contentedly on the woman's lap. Smiling a little at that she closed her eyes she took a deep breath, the faint pine scent from the fire combining with the lavender of Roxanna's shampoo in a way that somehow felt like home. Snuggling a little deeper into that glorious embrace, relishing the feel of the woman's breasts against her back and the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath, Brianna decided that taking a little nap like this wouldn't be bad at all though, in truth, it was more a supreme sense of relaxation rather than any real tiredness that gripped her at the moment.

As she sat, eyes closed and drifting in the darkness, the comfortable silence that had settled over the pair as they sat together quietly seemed to stretch on forever, interrupted only by the soft rustle of turning pages as Roxanna continued to read and the beating of the woman's heart. It was perfect, it was absolutely perfect. Eventually, however, as Brianna cuddled up to her lover while holding herself tightly in a straitjacketed embrace, an arm lazily wrapped around her waist and floating in that sea of wonderful sensations she could feel Roxanna's body begin to shift under her ever so slightly. Prompted by that, Brianna opened her eyes slowly, blinking a few times to readjust to the cool morning light, and glanced to her left to see Roxanna's face still perched over her shoulder, a fond smile on the woman's lips even as her deep brown eyes danced with amusement.

"Am I boring you, kor�tsi?" she asked, voice light.

Brianna shook her her softly with a smile of her own, "Never mistress. I was just... enjoying the moment. You're very comfy." As if to emphasize the point she leaned back a little more.

"What a strange compliment." Roxanna mused with a soft laugh as she closed her book and set it aside again before slipping her free hand under the covers to snake both of her arms around Brianna's waist to hold her close.

Closing her eyes again Brianna sighed a little in contentment as she reveled in the feel of the older woman's slender hands on the bare skin of her stomach and the sensation of being encircled by the wondrously soft cardigan she was wearing. Roxanna kissed her cheek but said nothing, allowing that familiar and comfortable silence to descend upon them again, the soft glow of the fire and the faint lights of the Christmas tree painting the scene like some sort of kinky holiday card. That almost made her laugh. After a moment or two Brianna felt her mind begin to wander again in the way that one often did while supremely comfortable and she could not say why, exactly, but as she relaxed in her mistress' embrace a thought suddenly occurred to her, prompting her to break the silence.

"Mistress?" she wondered softly.

"Yes, kor�tsi?" Roxanna replied, equally softly.

Brianna bit her lip, unsure for a moment, "I was wondering...?"

"Yes?" Roxanna prompted, "Do you need something?"

Brianna quickly shook her head, "No, no," she assured, "It's just... there's something I've been meaning to ask and I guess it just never really came up and right now it just sort of popped into my head."

"Something weighing on you then?" Roxanna asked as she tightened her grip a little, encouraging her lover to go on.

"Not weighing exactly." Brianna said before taking a breath and plunging ahead, "That night we went to Delirium..."

"A very fine night indeed." Roxanna interrupted with a fond smile.

Brianna could not help but return that smile, "Yeah."

"Go on, kor�tsi." Roxanna prompted, "Did something happen that night?"

"Sort of." Brianna answered, "I met the owner that night. Claudia introduced us."

"Did she now?" Roxanna mused, nodding in understanding, "Murial is certainly an... interesting sort."

Brianna could only nod herself at that, "Yeah. But, Claudia mentioned that she was involved with one of your colleagues, one of the reasons they knew each other, and I remember when they were talking the name Kiera came up. It just sort of hit me then that, back in August, you mentioned corresponding with a Kiera and I was wondering..."

"If they were the same person?" Roxanna finished.

Brianna nodded again, rambling a little as she tried to explain, "It just sort of stuck in my head, but with everything that happened it kind slipped my mind that night and I wanted to ask in person, so..."

Roxanna cut her off again, with a kiss this time, "You have a good memory, kor�tsi. And it is certainly no great secret. To answer your question, yes. Kiera, or rather Kiera Brennan, the woman I was working with is indeed the same woman Ms. du Sang is... Well, let us not put too fine a point on it. Kiera is the woman she is sleeping with."

"Thank you, mistress." she responded, almost instinctively, to the compliment as she pondered that information, "I thought I was imagining things, or that it was a coincidence or something."

"Oh?" Roxanna wondered, "And why would you think that, kor�tsi?"

Brianna pursed her lips slightly, "I don't know. I suppose I envisioned anyone you were translating a book for as one of those staid, academic types and I guess that's just not the sort of person I would have expected to be in a place like that." Or to be with a woman like Murial, but that thought remained unsaid.

Roxanna chuckled a little and kissed her on the cheek again, "To be perfectly fair, kor�tsi, were we not intimate I suspect you would not have expected to find me in a place like that either."

Brianna looked down, a slight blush coloring her cheeks, "I... I suppose not, mistress."

"And perhaps, you would not have envisioned me as the dominatrix type either." Roxanna continued, clearly teasing at this point.

Although her blush darkened, Brianna could not help but smile, "I don't know about that, mistress. You always had a very... commanding presence."

"My, my kor�tsi." Roxanna mused as she leaned in to whisper in the girl's ear, making her shiver ever so slightly, "Flattery will get you everywhere." Another kiss followed before Roxanna pulled away slightly, "Besides that I believe that if you were ever to meet, Kiera might surprise you. 'Staid' is certainly not a word I would ever use to describe her."

"Will I?" Brianna asked, perking up a little, "Get to meet her, I mean."

Roxanna just shrugged, "Perhaps. I would not say that we are close but we do stay in contact from time to time."

Brianna nodded, eyes slightly far away as she mulled that over. Ever since meeting Murial and her rather commanding presence she could admit to being curious about the woman, but more so curious about whoever it was she submitted to, part of her still wondering if Claudia wasn't having fun at her expense. That train of thought derailed almost instantly as Brianna felt her mistress' soft fingers begin to trace nonsense patterns over the skin of her stomach, somewhere between a caress and a tickle. Gasping at the sensation, Brianna bit her lip as she felt those fingers begin to wander lower in lazy circles threatening to dip between her legs but never quite managing it. Feeling a fire light up in her core again, she squirmed in Roxanna's grasp, shaking her hips and silently begging her mistress to touch her more.

"All this talk of other women when you belong to us." Roxanna whispered, voice husky, "Such a naughty girl."

"Yes, mistress." Brianna gasped back, not really even certain what she was agreeing with, all of her focus on the fingers trailing over her skin and how much she wanted, needed them to go lower.

With painful slowness Roxanna's fingers did begin to drift as she spoke, "And you do belong to us, don't you kor�tsi?"

"Yes!" Brianna cried out, desire and frustration warring within her, "Yes mistress! I'm yours, all yours! Anything you want!"

"Anything?" Roxanna asked, practically breathing in the girl's ear as she did so.

Brianna nodded, almost desperately, "Anything!"

Without reply Roxanna's arm suddenly tightened around Brianna's waist, pinning her tightly in place on the older woman's lap as her fingers finally dipped between the desperate girl's legs. Brianna clenched her eyes shut and moaned, throwing her head back as she felt those soft fingers begin to gently brush against her sex. It was wonderful, electrifying as her mistress touched her in all the right places, skilled fingers sending trills of pleasure up her spine as she squirmed in the firm grasp holding her. Yet, as she felt Roxanna stroke her labia with maddening softness and trace along the edges of her clit it became quickly apparent that her mistress had no intention of letting her cum so easily and every intention of teasing her ruthlessly. Groaning in frustration Brianna bit her lip again and thrust her hips forward as best she could, silently begging her mistress for more. If anything Roxanna seemed amused by the reaction and her ministrations seemed to slow even more.

"Anything I want, yes kor�tsi?" the woman asked, tone amused and just a touch cruel as she kissed the curl of Brianna's ear, "Right now? Right now I want to punish you for being such a naughty girl."

"Please mistress." Brianna begged, almost desperately, "Please!"

For a brief instant Roxanna seemed moved by the plea, her pace quickening as she teased and pleasured the bound girl in her lap with practiced ease. Brianna's breath quickened, practically panting as she felt an orgasm slowly rise up within her as her mistress worked her body with all the skill of a maestro directing an orchestra. But just when she felt herself reach the peak Roxanna stopped just as suddenly, refusing to allow her to crest and Brianna could do nothing but cry out in frustration, practically whimpering as her mistress left her high and not so dry. A half dozen heartbeats passed before Roxanna's fingers dipped between her legs to begin the long and painfully slow process of winding her up again. Brianna could not say how long this torturous pleasure lasted as she whimpered and pleaded and fought against the grip holding her, struggling desperately against the straitjacket binding her arms as her mistress edged her again and again with cruel precision.

Faced flushed and whine deep in her throat she could do nothing but beg, "Please! Please mistress!"

"Sofia is right." Roxanna mused, smiling at the display, "You do make the most wonderful noises, kor�tsi."

Practically sobbing now Brianna pulled hard against her straitjacket until the leather actually creaked as she fought to touch her mistress, herself, anything to relieve the torment, "Please."

Roxanna gently took the bound girl's earlobe between her teeth, nipping her slightly and eliciting a gasp, before whispering, "Do you want to cum, kor�tsi?"

"Yes!" Brianna forced out, "Please mistress!"

"Hmm." Roxanna pondered, "But do you deserve it?"

She could only whimper in response and for a brief, agonizing moment Brianna feared that her mistress might deny her but all of a sudden the quilt fell away, letting a gust of cool air wash over her nearly naked body as the arm holding her around the waist loosened.

"But perhaps, if you are willing to pay for it later..." her mistress teased.

Brianna nodded, "Yes mistress, anything!"

Roxanna chuckled softly at that, "So careless."

Before she could even think to comment Brianna felt the hand teasing her stomach reach up and clamp over her mouth, silencing her as Roxanna began to finger her more aggressively. Clenching her eyes shut, honest tears of relief pouring down her cheeks and a muffled cry of thanks escaped her throat, Brianna began to rock her hips as best she could, moaning in delight and ecstasy at the touch of those wondrously skilled fingers. Despite the lingering soreness of her early morning adventures and explorations in the shower it didn't take long before Brianna's pussy clenched around the fingers thrusting deep into her and a toe-curling orgasm rocked her frame making her body spasm in her mistress' lap as she went stiff. A scream of absolute ecstasy managed to escape her gagged mouth, so loud that her throat felt sore in the aftermath, as she rode the wave of pleasure to its crest before collapsing like a puppet with its string cut. Eyes still clenched shut and breathing harshly through her nose Brianna fell into a boneless heap in Roxanna's lap, whimpered again as aftershocks assaulted her body. As she slowly came down from that wonderful high she could not help but gasp and jerk slightly as those fingers slid free from her and brushed against her overstimulated sex one final time before retreating from between her legs. At the same time Roxanna began to pepper her neck and jaw with gentle kisses, the soft sensations of her lips a wonderful contrast to the waves of pleasure still echoing within her, making Brianna mewl with delight. After a few long moments, once her breathing had finally normalized, the hand fall away from her mouth letting her speak once more.

"Thank you, mistress." she gasped out as soon as she could.

"It's alright, kor�tsi." Roxanna assured, "Winding you up would be no fun if I did not let you go, eventually."

Brianna's lips twitched into a grin at that as she slowly opened her eyes, a response ready on her tongue before she froze in place. As the room came back into focus she could only stare, wide eyed and mouth gaping at the sight of Sofia standing in front of the door, slowly unbuttoning a woolen coat and grinning at the scene. Having been lost in the pleasure of Roxanna's touch she hadn't even heard the door open. But Sofia's return had been expected, what really caught her attention and left her stunned was a familiar figure in an equally familiar Army jacket just behind the taller woman, hands clasped behind her back, brown eyes dancing with amusement and more than a bit of lust.

"Please don't stop on our account, devushka." Sofia commented all of a sudden, breaking the tension like a hammer blow.

Jerking upright Brianna's arms tugged at the straitjacket holding her, unconsciously trying to cover herself as she blushed down to the roots of her hair at the realization of the show she'd just put on, and how much the thought of Sofia and Claudia watching her bound and helpless body being teased to orgasm turned her on.

"Welcome back, str�ngla." Roxanna replied, voice amused while she patted Brianna's hip reassuringly, "And I see that you found another guest."

Slipping off her coat and hanging it up, revealing a flannel shirt underneath, Sofia laughed and put her arm around Claudia's shoulders, pulling the smaller girl close, "Indeed, dorogoy. Two surprises in as many days. How fortunate."

"Fortunate indeed." Roxanna agreed though her expression suggested that she had been expecting this.

Taking off Claudia's coat and hanging it up beside her own, Sofia's smile widened, "We will be with you in a moment, but I must help our new guest... settle in first. Come along, kotenok, don't want to keep the others waiting."

Claudia smiled as well, her eyes never leaving Brianna's blushing and nearly naked body, as she allowed herself to be led away, "Yes, mistress."

Both mortified and aroused, Brianna watched the pair disappear up the stairs before turning her head to glance at Roxanna. To the unspoken question in the girl's hazel eyes Roxanna just shrugged, "I may have called Claudia early this morning before you woke and asked her to stop by. You should spend the holidays with the ones you love, yes?"

Brianna could not help but smile broadly at that, nodding firmly as a warm feeling grew in her chest, incredibly happy that all four of them could be together like this. It was the best present she could have imagined. Never had she wanted to hug her mistress more. "Thank you, mistress. Thank you so much."

"No need for that." Roxanna assured, gently caressing her hip again before planting a brief kiss to her lips to silence her, "Now, let us get you ready."

Before she could even think to ask what her mistress meant, Roxanna's hands gripped her waist gently and Brianna felt herself being slid off the woman's lap and onto the couch's soft cushions. Standing then, Roxanna stretched, moaning in delight as her spine popped before taking Brianna by the shoulders and guiding her down onto the floor and onto her knees. Kneeling down beside her Roxanna then began to unbuckle some of the straps of her straitjacket, releasing Brianna's arms from the self-embrace they had been trapped in. She had no chance to enjoy this newfound freedom, however, as Roxanna quickly pulled her arms behind her back and tightened the straps down again, leaving her bound in a firm box tie that pulled her shoulders back slightly. Testing the new position, a bit surprised that the straitjacket could be reconfigured like this, Brianna grinned in anticipation. But she had little time to consider, however, for as soon as she was finished re-binding her slave, Roxanna stood a bit stiffly and, in one smooth motion, pulled off her cardigan to bare her torso and a familiar black lace bra to the world. Brianna found herself captivated by the woman's body, as she usually did, and a beautifully seductive smile etched onto Roxanna's face as she began to work off her tights to reveal a matching thong that just barely preserved her modesty, such as it was.

Reaching up to unclasp her bra, but not removing it just yet, her smile widened ever so slightly, "Like what you see, kor�tsi?"

Brianna nodded, almost numbly, "Yes, mistress."

Seemingly pleased with the answer Roxanna allowed her bra to fall away, joining the rest of her clothing on the rug before slowly pushing her underwear down past her hips to leaver her scarred body on full display in the cool winter light. Drinking in the olive-skinned woman's curves, her nipples hard and shaved sex glistening with want, Brianna unconsciously licked her lips, eager to kiss and touch and taste every inch of her as she had done so many times before. Footsteps from across the room broke the spell for a moment as Roxanna glanced to her left, Brianna's gaze following to see Sofia walk back down the stairs. The blonde was as naked as her lover, her tan having faded a bit in the winter months but her body as toned and perfect as it always was. Claudia trailed a step or two behind equally naked save for the collar around her throat, faint red lines across her waist and between her legs betraying where her chastity belt had just been removed. To complete the picture a monoglove of shiny black leather imprisoned her arms tightly behind her back and forced her elbows to touch both making her small breasts stand out as well as emphasizing her narrow waist and the faint ridges of muscle across her stomach. If the sight of Roxanna's nude form had been captivating all three of them together was practically magnetic. Brianna found her eyes glued to the sight as they roamed over the trio almost unable to believe she was lucky enough to be in this room and to call all three of these amazing women her lovers.

Smiling much more softly, Roxanna turned away and began to limp across the room to meet the pair half way. As soon as she did the olive-skinned woman wrapped her arms around Sofia's waist and pulled the blonde close to bring their lips together in a deep yet gentle kiss, a kiss that spoke of long years of affection and intimate knowledge of each other.

"You are freezing." Roxanna murmured as the kiss broke.

"It is winter." Sofia returned, her smile amused and a touch wicked, "But I am certain we can find some way to warm up."

"Hmm." Roxanna mock pondered with a smile of her own, "An idea or two occurs to me."

With another brief kiss the pair separated and Roxanna made her way lazily back to the couch, lowering herself down upon it with an almost imperceptible wince. Sofia followed on her heels, Claudia still trailing behind her obediently. Placing a hand on the bound girl's shoulder Sofia guided her down onto the floor until she was kneeling next to Brianna who glanced over almost shyly before offering a small smile, one Claudia returned. Stepped around the kneeling pair, Sofia sat down on the couch herself with a soft sigh and much less grace eliciting a fond, if somewhat put upon shake of the head from Roxanna. Wasting no more time, and with an almost hungry expression on her face Sofia spread her legs and reaching out to take Claudia's face in her hands before twining her fingers into the girl's messy brown hair and pulling her close. Almost immediately the blonde closed her eyes and leaned back against the couch, arching her back and moaning in abject pleasure.

Feeling the fire in her core blaze even higher at the display Brianna squirmed a little before she felt her long blue hair being roughly pulled back into a ponytail, a hand gripping it firmly like a handle. Looking up she barely had a chance to catch Roxanna's own hungry expression before her face was pulled between the woman's scarred thighs. Roxanna's achingly familiar scent was almost overwhelming as Brianna took a breath, a new spike of arousal shooting through her body at this proof of how much her mistress wanted her. Not wishing to disappoint she kissed the olive-skinned woman's sex, eagerly exploring her curves and folds, eliciting soft gasps and moans that were music to her ears. Teasing her gently, in all the ways she had learned that the woman liked, Brianna slowly worked her mistress to the edge before swirling her tongue softly, almost delicately around Roxanna's throbbing clit. The hand holding her hair tightened and Brianna could hear a deep moan from above, a sound that brought a brief smile to her face before she dove in for the kill. Withdrawing her tongue she latching her lips around that delicate nub of flesh and sucked with all her might, stroking with her tongue as she did so. Roxanna's body jerked slightly at her touch, the woman's hips briefly lifting off the couch as she cried out in pleasure. Taking that as good sign, Brianna redoubled her efforts only to feel her hair pulled even tighter and strong thighs clamp around her head.

It didn't take more than a few minutes of this assault before Roxanna screamed, her muscles going stiff as she came, hard, practically grinding Brianna's eager mouth against her to try and enhance the sensation.

Though throaty and raw and panting her voice was still clear as she spoke, "Don't stop. Don't you dare stop, kor�tsi."

Ever obedient Brianna did as she was told, gladly and reverently worshiping the goddess she was kneeling in front of, drawing orgasm after orgasm from her quaking body as she licked and sucked. Her own body throbbed in sympathy, a heady mix of lust and need thrumming through her veins as Roxanna's screams and cries of pleasure washed over her. Beside her Sofia howled in delight as Claudia worked her own magic, adding to the symphony. Finally, after reducing her mistress to a quivering mass of pleasure, and more than a little proud of herself for that, the woman muttering something in her native tongue even as her hips bucked and her grip grew even tighter, Brianna went in for the kill. Opening her mouth she thrust her tongue as deep into Roxanna's pussy as she could manage, swirling it against the silken heat within. Roxanna tensed up instantly, her body tightening around the intrusion as she threw her head back and screamed. Almost immediately Brianna felt the insistent tug on her hair pull her head back to reveal Roxanna's flushed face, eyes clenched shut and lost in ecstasy.

She had to fight down the urge to smirk at that when Roxanna's eyes suddenly snapped open and locked onto her own hazel ones, freezing her in place. The woman leaned forward then and for a moment Brianna thought they would kiss when the hands holding onto her hair let go and took her by the shoulders before Roxanna practically lunged forward. A cry of surprise escaped Brianna's throat then when those hands roughly pushed her back and turned her around before she found herself unceremoniously bent over the low coffee table. Before she could even catch her bearings a pressure against her lips prompted Brianna to open her mouth as a sizable ball gag was thrust into place and secured tightly, silencing her. A slight shaking of the table and a soft noise to the right prompted her to glance over only to see Claudia now laying next to her gagged as well. Thought abandoned her then, a low moan deep in her throat as Brianna felt a dildo slide into her wet and eager pussy. Roxanna's soft hands gripped her about the waist and she was lost when she felt her mistress' hips thrust against her own driving the dildo in deeper. With deliberate skill Roxanna then began to slowly work her toward the peak but not quite enough to let her crest, stopping just long enough to let her tumble back down the hill before pushing her upwards again.

It was incredible, it was overwhelming, it was torture. She loved every minute of it.

Mewling into her gag, practically begging, Brianna wiggled her own hips as best she could, "Pmmnphm! Pmmnphm fnch mm hnrnmr mnphphrmphph!"

Perhaps that was enough because Roxanna seemed to take pity on her and after being pushed to the edge perhaps a half dozen times Brianna moaned in relief as her mistress began to pick up the pace, thrusting harder and harder. Even so it was still a surprise, part of her having expected to be let down again, when Brianna felt her body go stiff as she was finally allowed to climax, cries of relief muffled by the gag filling her mouth. She had long ago discovered that bondage seemed to make sex so much more intense, or at least it did for her, but one thing Brianna had learned that she absolutely loved was cumming while gagged. She couldn't really explain it, but somehow her orgasms where just so much more... so much more when her mouth was stuffed. Roxanna was not satisfied with pushing her plaything to a single orgasm however. As soon as the bound girl came she paused for only the briefest of moments before thrusting her hips again, slowly at first but steadily building up speed as she worked the girl's overstimulated body to a second climax. It did not take long. But, as Brianna howled in delight as another orgasm washed over her, the waves of pleasure intermingling with the lingering traces of the first in a way that felt oh so incredible her mistress was already pushing her toward a third. Glancing to her right again Brianna could see Claudia, the girl's eyes clenched shut and her face flushed, her whole body shaking as Sofia thrust into her with ever increasing intensity. Each of her lovers had a very different style when it came to sex. Sofia was rough and a little untamed while Roxanna preferred to be deliberate and methodical and, the few times they had made love, Claudia was simply wild and passionate. Truth be told Brianna could not say that she preferred any of them, rather that she preferred all of them. Variety was the spice of life after all, especially one's sex life.

Minutes that felt like hours passed as the pair of them were fucked senseless on the coffee table. After the third or fourth orgasm Brianna honestly wasn't aware of anything but sense and sensation, so deep in subspace that she couldn't even form a coherent thought much less say anything but helpless cries of pleasure and murmured pleading for more. The thing that finally signaled it was over was the sensation of the dildo being withdrawn from her almost hypersensitive sex and a pair of arms lifting up her trembling body into a tight embrace. A gentle kiss touched her brow as her body slowly calmed and Brianna was vaguely aware of being carried up to the couch again and the gag being pulled from her mouth. Still flying high she could not have commented even if she had wanted to as she slouched into the sinfully soft cushions beneath her, sated and exhausted and oh so satisfied. At some point the feeling of a presence beside her prompted the girl to open her eyes again and Brianna could see Claudia, flushed and looking equally sated, sitting next to her. The girl smiled widely at her and she smiled back, words still beyond her.

Sofia suddenly crouched down into their line of sight, a gentle and reassuring smile on her face, "Feeling better?"

"Yes, mistress." Claudia answered with a tired but pleased voice.

Brianna just managed a nod.

"We are going to go make some lunch." Sofia announced, "I imagine we could all use something to eat after that. Shout if you need anything, and be certain to behave."

Despite her exhaustion a mischievous smile seemed to curl Claudia's lips, "Oh, we will mistress."

Sofia chuckled at that, clearly not quite believing her but choosing to say nothing. Standing, she casually hugged Roxanna around the waist, snuggling up against her lover as the pair made their way to the kitchen.

Letting out a sigh before collapsing as if spent, Claudia muttered, "Oh lord, I needed that."

"Yeah." Brianna managed, at last able to form words, "Me too."

Humming softly in response Claudia slumped over and laid her head down on Brianna's shoulder, closing her eyes and sighing comfortably.

Frowning slightly Brianna gently tried to shove her away, "Get off."

"Already did," Claudia answered with a tiny smirk, "and I'm basking in the afterglow."

Although she could not help but smile at that, somewhat fondly exasperated, Brianna rolled her eyes and pushed Claudia away again a bit more insistently this time. The girl obliged with a frown and without waiting for a response Brianna immediately shifted her weight and let her body slide to left to collapse down onto the couch, twisting her hips as she did so to lay flat and lifting her legs up to stretch them across Claudia's lap.

The brunette raised an eyebrow at that, "Hey! If I can't lay on you then get yours legs off me."

Squirming a little to find a comfortable position for her bound arms Brianna chose to ignore that and closed her eyes, "I'm just gonna take a little nap now."

Not exactly one to back down from a challenge, Claudia responded by shifting her own body as well, squirming out from under Brianna's legs, a task made considerable more difficult by her tightly bound arms. Still, she managed it and, wiggled up beside Brianna like an overly eager puppy, Claudia then rolled over to lay her slender form atop Brianna's own, pillowing her head onto the slightly taller girl's breasts with a satisfied smirk.

Wincing a little as the hard edges of Claudia's hips and ribs dug in as she squirmed into place, Brianna protested, albeit with a playful edge to her voice, "Move your bony ass."

Claudia lifted her head and stuck out her tongue, "My bony ass is happy where it is, thank you very much. You make a great pillow. And besides that, you love my ass." As if to emphasize her point she shook her hips playfully.

Brianna bit her lip to stifle a laugh, before letting out a fond sigh, "Yeah I do." a heartbeat later she continued, "I really am happy to see you. I didn't expect that."

"I guess Christmas came early." Claudia replied playfully, "Or was that us?"

Brianna did laugh at that, wishing that she could hug the girl laying on top of her as she shifted her hips again a little to try and find a more comfortable position. After a few long moments of enjoying the quiet company and the amazing sensation of Claudia's soft skin rubbing up against her own, the warmth of their bodies a pleasant contrast to the cool air of the house, Brianna slowly lifted her head.

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"You just did, but sure." Claudia answered with a grin.

Rolling her eyes again Brianna continued, "It was something Roxanna mentioned, said I should ask you. A particularly eventful vacation I think she called it?"

Claudia's expression was a blank, "You're gonna need to be just a tiny bit more specific than that."

Brianna flushed again as she laid her head back down and glanced up at the ceiling, voice soft, "It may have er... involved a, um, a catheter."

Claudia's expression shift to confused for a moment, "How in the world did that come up?" but almost as soon as she spoke her her expression morphed again into one of understanding and a sly grin twisted her lips, "Oh I see, did you get...?"

Biting her lip Brianna just nodded.

"So?" Claudia prodded, "What did you think?"

"It was weird," Brianna admitted, cheeks a bit warm, but she could not help but smile a little, "but I can't say I disliked it."

"You kinky little thing you." Claudia teased.

Brianna twisted her head sharply to smack the other girl with her hair, eliciting a soft protest, and tried to shoot her a glare, "Pot. Kettle."

"Okay, that's fair." Claudia conceded as she shifted positions to free herself from the strands of long blue hair tickling her face, "And anyway, the vacation in question was a few years back, before higher education and I decided to, uh, part ways."

"What happened?" Brianna asked.

Claudia shrugged as best she could, "Spring Break was coming up and I had a crazy idea. What if I spent the whole week in bondage? And I don't mean spend the whole week playing bondage games, I mean spend 7 days, all 168 hours, tied up without a break."

Brianna blinked, "That's..."

"Crazy?" Claudia prompted.

"I was going to say hot." Brianna admitted, "But crazy works too."

"Our mistresses were skeptical, but I was insistent." Claudia admitted, "Honestly I was kind of a brat about it."

"I can't imagine." Brianna teased, tone mildly sarcastic.

In response Claudia stuck out her tongue again and dropped her head back down onto the girl's chest somewhat forcefully.

Brianna let out a surprised 'oof' and lifted her head to look at the brunette incredulously, "Did you just headbutt my boobs?"

Choosing not to dignify that with a response Claudia continued her story, "They eventually agreed, wrapped me up in bandages from ankles to shoulders like a mummy and while my arms were pinned Roxanna stuck a catheter in me."

"And you spent a whole week like that?" Brianna wondered, a little amazed.

"Yep." Claudia answered, "But they also kind of wanted to teach me a lesson and make sure I got exactly what I asked for. As she was wrapping my legs up Sofia inserted a vibrator, one turned down real low to make sure I couldn't cum, and they didn't turn it off."

"No." Brianna gasped, incredulously.

"After the first couple of days I was out of my mind horny." Claudia continued, "I was begging for an orgasm so they gagged me for the rest of the week, used one of those panel gags with a breathing tube through it so they could feed me with a funnel. By day seven I honestly thought I was gonna explode."

For a moment Brianna was speechless. She'd had a hard time wrapping her mind around what her mistresses had insinuated last night, keeping her bound and teased for a day or two, but this? This was almost unbelievable. "And you didn't use your safeword?"

"Nope." Claudia responded, sounding proud of that fact, "As crazy and frustrating and difficult as it was I kind of wanted to see if I could do it. Though I came close the first time they decided to make love on the bed next to me."

Brianna bit her lip at that admission, face heating up, the thought of her mistresses having sex next to her bound and helpless body was incredibly hot, but she shook her head to clear it, "I don't think I could ever do something like that."

"Never say never." Claudia said, "I never would have thought I could do that either, but here we are. And I can't say it wasn't worth it. When they finally let me cum I legitimately passed out from sensory overload. I also discovered an interesting fact."

Brianna at last looked up again, curiosity written on her face, "What's that?"

"That a strong enough vibration will travel up a catheter and that feels really, really good." she said, simply.

"I'll, uh... I'll keep that in mind." Brianna answered, blush returning.

Claudia smiled slightly, nestling a little deeper into Brianna's cleavage before continuing on in a soft voice, "But anyway, 'particularly eventful vacation' sums it up pretty well."

Brianna remained silent for a moment, thinking that 'particularly eventful vacation' actually undersold it a great deal, but when she lifted her head again Claudia's eyes were closed and, given the peaceful expression on her face, it looked as if the girl had drifted to sleep. Understandable given both how vigorous Sofia tended to be and how intense the first orgasms after months in chastity were. Smiling a little at the sight Brianna carefully laid back and closed her eyes but despite everything she found herself unable to sleep. Claudia's story keep circling in her head and she simply could not let it go. The thought of being bound so helplessly, completely under the control of another and endlessly teased for days upon days, reduced to a toy and not even a toy to be used but one to be tormented until she could not stand it any longer and when she finally reached her limit? To be gagged and teased even more. Even the idea of it made her shiver with a strange sort of terrified delight, and part of her could not help but wonder what it would be like to experience such a thing herself. Perhaps not an entire week, that... that would be a bit much, but to spend a few days helplessly bound and gagged, under the complete control of her mistresses... Brianna smiled at the thought. Spring Break would be coming up in a few months and, well, who knew what opportunities might arise? Something to keep in mind at least.

At some point during these pleasant musings the soft sound of bare feet across hardwood floor prompted Brianna to open her eyes to see Sofia crouched down next to her. She smiled at the sight, a smile her mistress returned, even as she allowed her eyes to roam over that gloriously naked form.

Reaching out to stroke her hair Sofia spoke softly, "You look comfy, devushka."

Glancing down at Claudia's still sleeping form sprawled across her own she smiled again, "Yes mistress."

Sofia reached out ran her fingers through Claudia's messy hair before gently prodding her shoulder, "Wake up, kotenok. The day is young yet."

It took a moment, and several more prompts, before Claudia jerked awake, taking a deep breath and jumping up slightly as if confused about where she was. Blinking rapidly as she regained her bearings she glanced up at Brianna's face, a small grin on the girl's lips, before looking over at Sofia, "Mistress?"

"Time to get up my dears." Sofia supplied, "Lunch is ready." she smirked slightly then, "I did not think I wore you out quite so much."

Claudia actually blushed, very faintly, at that and looked a bit bashfully at Brianna, "Sorry."

For her part Brianna just shrugged as best she could, "It's fine."

Smiling fondly at them both Sofia reached out and gently took Claudia by the shoulders, helping her sit up and disentangle herself from Brianna's bound form before helping the blue-haired girl in turn. Quickly and efficiently she loosened the bonds holding them, releasing Claudia from the tight monoglove that imprisoned her arms before untangling the web of straps keeping Brianna trapped in her straitjacket. As their bonds came free the two girls spared a moment to stretch and massage lingering cramps from their muscles before Sofia took them each by the hand and helped pull them to their feet. Still holding their hands Sofia smiled again and began to escort the pair into the kitchen. Roxanna was already there, waiting for them, the olive-skinned woman standing at the stove stirring a pot wearing an apron and nothing else. Brianna felt her eyes glued to the sight as she was led to the table. It was such a clich�, something seen in hundreds, perhaps thousands of pictures and cheap novels but she could not deny how enticing and arousing the sight of Roxanna's graceful form both barely covered and completely exposed was. It was a clich� for a reason it seemed. In fact, her eyes were still glued to the sight as she and Claudia took their seats and Sofia crossed over to the stove herself to help her lover carry bowls of soup over to the table.

As the pair took their own seats Brianna glanced down at the bowl of steaming broth in front of her, taking a deep breath of the unfamiliar scent, "Mistress? What is this?"

"Solyanka." Sofia provided, a fond, almost nostalgic smile on her face, "The next best thing for warming up on a cold day."

Nodding, but still having no idea what that was, Brianna picked up her spoon and tentatively tasted the soup. It was a bit saltier than she normally liked and the taste was a bit strange, like nothing she had ever had before but it was good all the same. She had been introduced to a wide variety of foreign foods since entering into a relationship with her mistresses, a fringe benefit as it were, and some small part of her thought that these culinary experiences were an interesting metaphor for the relationship as a whole. Trying a wide array of new and strange things only to develop a taste for them.

"Do you like it?" Sofia prompted.

Smiling a little Brianna nodded, "Yes mistress." she then glanced at Roxanna, "Thank you, mistress."

Roxanna accepted the thanks with a small nod, "You are very welcome."

Save for the soft clink of silverware against porcelain silence descended on the room as the four of them ate. Claudia in particular seemed ravenous and Brianna had to fight down a smile at the sight, steeling glances here and there as she ate, while their mistresses were far more restrained though Sofia's enthusiasm certainly stood in contrast to Roxanna's more elegant manners. And yet... She could not quite put her finger on it at first, but something about the scene struck Brianna. It was far from the first meal that she had enjoyed in the nude, an experience that was still a little incongruous if quite enjoyable, but it was exceedingly rare for the four of them to be together like this. Glancing at her mistresses to either side and Claudia across from her, all of them sitting comfortably and casually as if the situation did not even bare commenting on, it made her smile. There was something warm and pleasant about it, spending the day with this strange little family she had been fortunate enough to become a part of. It dawned on her then that yes, she very much did consider these women her family and Brianna felt herself freeze at the realization. It was an astonishing thought, one that felt so good to say even in the confines of her own mind, and for a moment her lips unconsciously twitched into a smile and her eyes almost welled up with tears. It was almost overwhelming to consider but so incredible at the same time.

She was spared further introspection when Claudia suddenly broke the silence, "Mistress Roxana, Mistress Sofia? I have a request."

"Yes, my dear?" Roxanna asked.

"I have a present for Brianna." the brunette said, simply.

Upon hearing that Brianna looked up, still a little distracted by the emotional gut punch she had just experienced, and felt a stab of surprise. A gift? They had never really talked about giving gifts, the thought had never even crossed her mind. She had honestly considered Claudia's presence quite a gift in and of itself, but to hear that the girl apparently had something else specifically for her? It certainly made her curious, but at the same time Brianna also felt a little bad that she could not reciprocate.

"That was thoughtful." Roxanna continued with a slight smile, "But your request...?"

"Apologies, mistress." Claudia said, "I don't want to spoil the surprise, but I'd like to take Brianna to go and get it."

Roxanna pondered that for a moment, glancing over at Sofia who shrugged with a smile of her own, "Will you be gone long?"

"Probably most of the rest of the day, mistress." Claudia admitted.

"Hmm, I find myself wondering what sort of present this is." Roxanna mused, "Ah well, I do not wish to spoil the surprise either. Very well, do be safe."

"Thank you mistress." Claudia said with a bright smile before turning her attention to Brianna, "Ready?"

Although still a little off guard about what was going on, not to mention suffered a touch of emotional whiplash, Brianna glanced down at her mostly finished soup and then nodded, "Uh, yeah, sure."

Claudia smiled at her and then immediately pushed her chair back and stood up from the table, "Go get dressed, I'll meet you in the living room. Oh, and don't wear underwear."

"Now I find myself very curious about this mysterious present." Sofia interjected with a delighted laugh and a teasing tone before turning her attention to Brianna, "I left your things in the master bath, devushka."

Brianna blushed at that, even if she very much agreed with the sentiment, and quickly stood from her own chair, "Thank you, mistress."

As she began to move around the table Sofia's hand shot out and caught her arm gently, stopping her, "A kiss for the road, devushka?"

With a smile Brianna leaned down and kissed the woman softly, "Of course, mistress."

With a playful grin Sofia let go, "Have fun."

Brianna nodded then jumped with a gasp of surprise as she turned to walk away and felt a hand playfully smack her on the ass. Turning back quickly, a slight blush on her cheeks, Brianna was greeted by the sight of Sofia giving her an innocent look that was not convincing in the slightest and Roxanna biting her lip to hold back laughter. Smiling almost fondly at the scene, and rubbing the red spot her mistress had left behind, Brianna just shook her head and continued on her way. By the time she made it to the bathroom Claudia was nowhere to be seen and, realizing that she had already wasted enough time, quickly stepped inside and closed the door behind her. A quick scan of the room revealed her pack leaning up against the vanity, as promised. Pulling the bag up onto the counter Brianna opened it began to digging for something to wear. Remembering her instructions to 'not wear underwear,' and blushing a little as she again wondered exactly what this present was and why that would be necessary, she settled on a simple long-sleeved dress with a shirt skirt and a pair of tights. That should be comfortable enough given the circumstances. Dressing quickly she spared a few moments to wash up and brush her teeth before combing her long blue hair into some kind of order. Checking her appearance in the mirror Brianna hesitated for a moment, biting her lip in indecision, before deciding to apply makeup. She honestly didn't know what was coming and wanted to look her best, just in case.

By the time she finished up and headed back out again Claudia was waiting for her in the living room, dressed once again in a simple shirt and jeans, taking her coat off the wall. Walking over to the door quickly Brianna hunted down her shoes before taking her own coat from the wall and slipping it on

Glancing at her as she approached Claudia offered a smile as she finished buttoning up her jacket before reaching out and offering hand, "Shall we?"

Brianna nodded and took the hand with a smile of her own, "Yeah."

With that Claudia practically drug her out the front door and onto the porch, quickly climbing down the stairs and through the paths that Sofia had shoveled earlier to the driveway where her car sat patiently. Although the speed caught her by surprise Claudia's obvious, eager enthusiasm brought a smile to Brianna's face almost as if she could not contain her excitement. That in and of itself only fueled the speculation in her mind of exactly what was waiting for her but her companion was still silent about that fact. Letting go of Claudia's hand and walking around the car to climb into a familiar passenger seat Brianna was once against caught by surprise when Claudia began to pull out of the drive before she had even finished buckling herself in. Fasting her seat belt with a frown, but saying nothing, Brianna leaned back and just enjoyed the scenery for a moment. Despite the familiarity of it, the old neighborhood still felt new after being away for so long. More than that the snowy world looked so much brighter, and so much less sinister under the light of day. In fact it was almost picturesque, the sight of snow covered roofs and trees, curls of smoke drifting lazily from chimneys into the gray skies, and the scattered Christmas decorations put up by the more dedicated home owners painted a picture practically right out of a movie. Beyond that there were also plenty of signs of activity, from shoveled sidewalks and drives to the armies of snowmen that neighborhood children had left in their wake. Again a familiar wave of nostalgia washed over her and Brianna closed her eyes, lost for a moment in memories of winters past and her own adventures in the snow.

After a few moments of silent introspection she opened her eyes again and glanced at Claudia before finally deciding to ask, "Do I even get a hint of where we're going?"

Claudia grinned for a second before shaking her head, "Nope."

"You know, you didn't have to get me anything." Brianna said, looking down at her lap, "I mean, just you being here is the best present I could have asked for."

"Careful girl," Claudia warned playfully, "you'll rot your teeth if you keep being that sweet."

Although that made her smile Brianna quickly grew serious again, "I mean it Claudia. You didn't have to do anything special for me and I feel kind of bad that I didn't think to do anything for you."

Tearing her eyes away from the road, a soft expression on her face, Claudia reached out to take Brianna's hand again, "Hey now, none of that. I'm not doing this because I expect anything in return, I'm doing this because I want to. And look, I still don't want to spoil the surprise, but it will make sense when we get there. Trust me."

Squeezing the hand holding hers Brianna smiled a little, "I do trust you, although you are infuriating when you get all mysterious like this and I'm still trying to figure out why I'm not wearing underwear."

"Because it's hot." Claudia quipped, prompting Brianna to smack her playfully, "I kid, I kid! There's a reason, and not just 'cause I wanted to see if you would, trust me."

Rolling her eyes a little, but feeling better, Brianna nodded, "Okay."

With that settled Claudia offered once final squeeze of the hand before turning her attention back to the road. After a moment of silence Brianna tried to turn on the radio, but other than a few weather reports and some holiday music, which neither of them were really in the mood for, she switched it off and went back to watching the scenery. As they drove the open fields, parks and cookie-cutter housing of the suburbs slowly gave way to the more built up regions of town dominated by small businesses, shopping centers, fast food restaurants and office parks. Despite the cold and the recent storm traffic was heavy and a surprising number of pedestrians trudged along the sidewalks and through parking lots, bundled up against the weather as they rushed from place to place. Finally, after perhaps a half an hour of driving deeper and deeper into the heart of the snowy urban jungle Claudia pulled off the main road and into the parking lot of a strip mall, the cedar shingled shop fronts belying just how old this development was. Brianna frowned just slightly as she glanced over the nondescript storefronts, wondering if this was truly their final destination. Were they here to buy something, pick something up? So many questions and still no answers. However, as Claudia pulled into an empty spot in front of one store in particular, its glass front covered by semi-transparent screens that granted privacy to those within, Brianna glanced up at the small but highly stylized sign over its door, 'Bound by Design: Tattooing and Piercing.'

For a split second Brianna was frozen in place before it finally clicked in her mind and she quickly looked over at Claudia, speechless. They had talked about her desire to get a tattoo a number of times, discussed ideas and made tentative plans. Claudia had promised to set something up months ago, around Christmas she had said, but that was the last Brianna had heard of it and she'd mostly put it out of her mind, too focused on other things. But here they were. Honestly? This was the absolute last thing she had been expecting.

Smiling broadly as she turned off the engine Claudia winked at her, "Surprise."

With a squeal of delight that would probably have embarrassed her under different circumstances Brianna lunged across the center console and enveloped Claudia in a hug, "How in the world did you set this up?"

Claudia returned the embrace and just patted her on the back, "Don't you worry your pretty little head about it. Now, what do you say we go inside?"

Brianna hugged her a little tighter, "I can't thank you enough for this."

A tiny smirk graced Claudia's lips, "Well, if you need ideas I'll gladly accept payment in orgasms."

Although Brianna did feel her face heat up at that she managed to lower her voice into an imitation of Sofia's sexy purr and whispered in the girl's ear, "Be careful what you wish for."

It was Claudia's turn to blush as she pulled away from the embrace, "Come on, this might take awhile."

Nodding in agreement Brianna unfastened her seat belt and opened the door, so excited that she barely noticed the rush of cold air that washed over her as she climbed out of the car. Waiting a moment for Claudia to join her she followed the slightly shorter girl across the parking lot and up to the store front, heart pounding in her ears. As they stepped up onto the curb and under the awning Brianna frowned as she saw a much smaller sign hanging on the door that simply read 'closed.'

Catching the frown out of the corner of her eye Claudia just patted her on the shoulder and simply said, "Don't worry." before reaching up and knocking on the glass, tapping out a rhythm with her knuckles.

Perhaps another minute passed before the door suddenly swung open and Claudia stepped inside, seemingly without a care in the world, with Brianna hot on her heels. Although she had never actually been in a tattoo shop before Brianna could admit that she'd had certain preconceived notions but, as she looked around, the place seemed fairly ordinary. The front area was clearly a waiting room of some type with plastic chairs scattered around with low tables between them piled with newspapers and magazines, while a familiar counter and cash register separated the space from the rest of the shop while some curtains behind it provided more privacy. The only real hint as to its real purpose were rows upon rows of artwork along the walls. As she was finishing her inspection Brianna glanced back toward the door and finally happened to see the woman who had opened it. She was of a height with the two of them with thick black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail and muddy brown eyes that seemed almost black when coupled with the dark makeup she was wearing around them. Full lips painted ruby red, in stark contrast to her fair skin, made the silver ring through her lower lip stand out and, although she was wearing long sleeves appropriate for the weather Brianna could just make out the black lines of tattoos at her wrists and along the neckline of her shirt. The thing, or perhaps things, she truly noticed however, which brought a blush back to her cheeks, was the woman's narrow waist, curvy hips and impressively large bust which, she was certain, was a testament to the woman's surgeon.

Already opening her coat Claudia smiled easily at the woman, "Sup bitch."

The woman snorted with laughter, "Charming as ever."

"Aw, Zoe, you know you love me." Claudia teased.

The woman, Zoe, rolled her eyes a little, "You owe me for this one Claudia." her demeanor changed, a friendly smile gracing her lips when her attention shifted to Brianna, "And you must be Brianna, my new customer." she offered her hand, "Name's Zoe, nice to meet you."

Brianna took the offered hand, "Hello, that's me. I mean, yes I'm Brianna." her blush deepened, sure she was making a fool of herself, "Sorry, I'm a little nervous."

If anything Zoe seemed amused and shook her hand firmly, "Don't worry about it, perfectly normal for a first timer."

With that she released Brianna's hand and walked behind the counter, disappearing behind it for a moment as she bent down to retrieve something from a lower shelf. For a moment Brianna stood in place, unsure of what to do with herself, until she felt a hand gentle press to the small of her back. Startled at the unexpected sensation she glanced to her side to see Claudia give her a reassuring smile, one she returned gratefully, before the girl gently guided her to walk over to the counter herself. As she stepped up to the Formica surface Zoe re-appeared with a binder in hand. Setting the book down on the counter top she opened it and began to flip through the pages, as if looking for something.

"Normally this kind of thing would involve a lot more personal consultation." Zoe explained as she continued to flip through pages, "But based on the pictures your girlfriend here gave me I made a few sketches. See if you like any of them. If not we can discuss details."

Once again Brianna felt herself smile, ever so briefly, at being called Claudia's girlfriend and part of her wondered just how much this woman actually knew of their relationship. Shaking her head Briana put that thought aside, now was not the time, and reached out to take the binder, sliding it close to herself. Scattered on both of the open pages were a handful of drawings, all of blue roses in different configurations, each one she recognized as an idea she or Claudia had tossed about in the last months. However, as she scanned the page a single image stood out to her, a pair of roses next to each other set at a slight angle, their short stems curling out to either side in an elegant swirl. It was perfect.

Brianna's finger immediately slid across the page, "That one."

Leaning over the counter, which did marvelous things for her chest, Zoe noted which of the images that Brianna had selected and nodded, "Yeah that's one of my favorites, glad you like it. You still want it on the pelvis, just below the waistline, right?"

Brianna nodded.

"Alright, I'll take a few measurements and make a stencil." Zoe explained, then glanced over at Claudia, "Once I'm finished you can take her back to one of the tables."

Claudia offered a mock salute, "Aye, aye captain."

Zoe just smirked ever so slightly before shaking her head with fond sort of exasperation and pulled a measuring tape from her pocket as she circled back around the counter. Brianna said nothing, just stood stock still as the woman took a few measurements then disappeared into a side room. As soon as she did Claudia took her by the hand and Brianna found herself taken back behind the curtain into the shop itself. Brightly lit, the main area was far more utilitarian with shelves covered in various tools and devices that she did not recognize along the walls as well as a few mirrors scattered about. And then there were the tables that Zoe had mentioned, black vinyl affairs that reminded Brianna of something she would see in a doctors office. Leading her over to one of them at random Claudia helped her climb onto the thing. Finding it surprisingly comfortable Brianna leaned back, taking a deep breath to calm her nerves and wrinkling her nose slightly at the strong scent of disinfectant that greeted her.

Siting down on a convenient stool next to the table Claudia put on a reassuring smile, "Nervous?"

"A little bit." Brianna admitted.

"It'll be fine," Claudia assured, "I've done this a bunch of times, it's not so bad."

Although Brianna nodded at that, appreciating the encouragement, it didn't do much to settle the butterflies in her stomach.

Claudia's smile suddenly grew just a touch mischievous, "Well, I do have an idea for something that might relax you."

Curious, but also not liking that smile, Brianna frowned, "What?"

Reaching down to open a pack that she had not realized the girl was carrying Claudia held up a pair of handcuffs.

Brianna just stared, "Seriously?"

Claudia just shrugged, "If there's one thing that I've learned over the years it's this: bondage makes just about everything better."

Brianna snorted at that, it was half a joke but only half, "So what? Are you saying you get tattooed in bondage?"

Claudia's grin just widened, "Now, now a girl's got to have some secrets."

Brianna's cheek lit up as she imagined Claudia stretched out and bound tightly as her skin was being worked on, although in her mind's eye the girl was also gagged and naked and... She clamped down on that thought as hard as she could, feeling herself grow damp at the unexpectedly hot fantasy. Shaking her head to clear it she took a breath, "Okay."

Grinning at the display, and seemingly pleased with the response, Claudia wasted no time, taking Brianna's hands and pinning them above her head before somehow cuffing them to the table itself. Feeling the cuffs close around her wrists Brianna closed her eyes and tested her bondage, finding it as inescapable as ever.

"I have a gag too, if you want." Claudia commented.

Before she could even think to answer that Zoe returned from the front, a rolled up paper in hand, and paused for a moment as she took in the scene before her, looking more curious than anything else to see her new client tied up. Brianna felt her face light up under the scrutiny but she could not say she didn't like it.

Zoe just raised a single brow in response, "I'm not even going to ask, though now I know why you wanted me to come in on my day off. Wish you'd told me though, I might have complained a lot less." Claudia said nothing, looking far too pleased with herself, and Brianna honestly did not think she could have responded even if she wanted too. With a shrug Zoe crossed the room and pulled up another stool, pulling on a pair of latex gloves as if this was business as usual, "Before we get started do you have any medical conditions I should be aware of? Are you taking any medication? Scared of needles?"

Curious about that reaction, but not certain how to respond, Brianna just shook her head then frowned, "Wait, why would someone afraid of needles get a tattoo?"

Zoe shrugged, "You'd be surprised. Alright, so just lay back and breathe and try to relax. It won't cause any problems if you tense up, but it will hurt more. Got it?"

Brianna nodded again and, with that, Zoe gently lifted her skirt and pulled her tights down just enough to expose the area she would be working on. Brianna could not help but gasp in shock at the sudden sensation of cold as her skin was carefully shaved to remove any trace of hair and the area was disinfected. Pressure across her waist signified the stencil being applied and once it was peeled away Zoe stood and went over to one of the counters to prepare her tools and mix ink. Feeling her nervousness grow as the second ticked up Claudia took one of her bound hands and squeezed reassuringly. Grateful for the contact Brianna smiled thankfully at her. A few minutes later the woman returned and Brianna did as instructed, laying back on the surprisingly comfortable table and taking deep breaths through her nose as she tried to relax, fighting the urge to flinch as she felt the woman's hands on her waist and heard the mechanical buzz of the tattoo gun fill the air. When the needles at last touched her skin Brianna was proud of herself for not reacting. It was painful, a stinging sensation not quite like anything she had ever felt before, but not as bad as she had feared either. Still, the prospect of potentially hours of this was still daunting.

Clenching her free hand into a fist she looked over at Claudia, "I'd like that gag now, please."

"Really?" Claudia asked softly.

She nodded without comment, just opened her mouth and closed her eyes. It too some doing given her current position, but Claudia was anything if not determined and soon enough managed to work a modest ball gag into Brianna's mouth and fasten it in place. Eyes still closed Brianna bit down on the gag, testing it, and felt some of the tension leave her body. As she had hoped having something to bite on helped. It felt like hours passed as she remained like that, focusing on her breathing and lying as still as possible aware of little else save the sting of the needle running across her skin and the much more pleasant sensation of Claudia holding her hand and stroking her brow and hair. A few times she heard a voice quietly ask if she was alright but each time she nodded, refusing to open her eyes. While she had always been impressed with Claudia's ability to endure tight bondage Brianna felt a new wave of admiration for her endurance now given the sheer number of tattoos the girl sported.

At some point, she could not say when or how long, the sensation of the needle stopped, much to her relief, but it was the feeling of the gag being pulled from her mouth that signaled to Brianna that it was all over. Opening her eyes, and having to squint against the harsh lights of the shop, she looked up to see Claudia giving her an encouraging grin. Smiling back, she turned her head to look at Zoe, who had put her tools aside and was taking off her gloves.

"All done, kid." the woman said, "Want to have a look?"

Brianna nodded and at that prompt Claudia removed her handcuffs so she could prop herself up on her hands. Looking down the expanse of her body, to the somewhat red and angry strip of exposed skin between her dress and tights, Brianna could clearly see a set of blue roses etched into her body. The design was elegant, the work incredibly lifelike. Just the sight of it made her smile and made all the discomfort worth it.

Looking up at Zoe again Brianna offered her a much wider smile, "Thank you. It's... just, thank you."

"It's what I do." the woman offered casually, though she certainly seemed to appreciate the thanks and the implied compliement.

Taking some antibiotic gel off the counter Zoe began to clean and bandage the fresh tattoo, "Keep it clean and covered for a few days. It'll take a little while to heal but you should be good to go, unless there's anything else?"

Pursing her lips in thought Brianna considered that for a moment before glancing over at Claudia, "Could you give us a moment?"

Although caught by surprise by that Claudia nodded and gathered up her pack, "Sure, I'll just wait out front."

Curious now Zoe asked, "Something wrong?"

Brianna shook her head, "No, I was just wondering if you could do something else for me."

Zoe shrugged, "Maybe, what's on your mind?"

In response Brianna held up her left hand and pointed to the base of her ring finger, "Can you put a small heart here? Not filled in or anything, just an outline in the same blue."

"Yeah, sure." Zoe answered quickly, "That's easy, can probably even freehand it. But that's just skin on bone, it's going to hurt a lot more."

After a moment of consideration Brianna nodded, "That's fine."

Zoe just shrugged again and reached for a new pair of gloves, "Suit yourself."

Unlike the hours it had taken for her first tattoo, Brianna's second only took a few minutes, but Zoe had been correct, it hurt a lot more. Still, Brianna gritted her teeth and dug the fingers of her free hand into her thigh, determined not to stop. It might have been silly, but with all of the emotional revelations of the day, the sudden understanding of just how much she cared for her new family and how much being a part of their lives meant to her, to say nothing of the significant of the roses now tattooed into her skin and how they symbolized... well, everything, Brianna wanted something else, a token to serve as a constant reminder of everything she had gained and everything she had promised. An indelible mark to prove her dedication.

Not more than ten minutes later Zoe leaned back and put the tattoo gun aside for the second time, "There you go."

Looking down at her hand, and the tiny heart on her ring finger, Brianna smiled again, "Thank you for everything. I know Claudia can be kind of a pain sometimes, and you said this was your day off, but I really do appreciate you doing this for me."

Zoe's expression softened as she pulled off her gloves, "Ah, don't worry about it. 'Tis the season, yeah? Besides that, Claudia's been a pretty good customer and I get the feeling you'll be back sooner or later."

"You know what? I think I just might." Brianna answered.

Nodding toward the front of the shop, Zoe shooed her away, "Now get out of here, your girl's waiting."

Taking a moment to fix her cloths, and allowing Zoe to wrap a band-aid around her finger, Brianna offered one last smile of thanks before making her way through the curtain into the front of the shop, both surprised and not to see that darkness had fallen at some point. She put that out of her mind though. As promised Claudia was there waiting for her, slouched in one of the chairs and reading a magazine.

Looking up as soon as she heard footsteps, she set the magazine down, "So what was that all about?"

Brianna just smiled mysteriously, "A girl's got to have her secrets."

Tossing the magazine aside and standing in one smooth motion Claudia actually chuckled to hear her own line thrown back at her, "You little tease."

Not commenting on that Brianna quickly stepped forward and wrapped Claudia up in a hug, "I know I said it before but thank you so, so much."

Returning the hug Claudia just answered, softly, "You're very welcome. Now, what do you say we go home and show off your new artwork to our mistresses? Besides that, you won't be able to wear a chastity belt for a few days, best to take advantage of that while you can."

Strangely enough Brianna actually felt a little disappointed that she would be parted from her belt for a time, though Claudia was right, it would be shame to waste the opportunity. A thought occurred to her, "Did they know about this?"

"They may have helped to pay for it." Claudia admitted.

"You three didn't have to do that." Brianna protested.

"We wanted to." Claudia insisted.

"You're too good to me." Brianna whispered, softly, "Alright, new plan. We go home, show off your friend's excellent work and then, if our mistresses agree, I thank all three of you properly for everything."

Pulling back slightly Claudia grinned, "Oh? And what do you have in mind?"

Doing her best to mirror the expression, Brianna simply said, "It's been awhile since I've eaten you out properly so I suppose we can start there, and then maybe afterwords we can break in another table. After that, I've dreamed about being mummified with you again like we did our first time together, maybe this time we can try for all night long."

Claudia leaned forward and kissed her then, "I think that we've created a monster." she grinned widely then, "And I think I like it."

Part 9 (added: 2020/11/09)

Ever since stepping out of the shop, into the ever darkening night it had surprised Brianna just how busy the city was even now. Despite the darkness and the cold the town seemed to have come alive, the roads heavy with traffic, even if the pedestrians had mostly vanished, and storefronts blazing with lights. Combined with the passing headlights of other cars and the ubiquitous blinking lights of holiday decorations it felt like passing through a hive of activity, so different than the fierce storm that she had trudged through just a day earlier. Even so, as the car sped on down the streets on their long journey back out into the suburbs Brianna was only vaguely aware of it all, her thoughts drifting in all directions. Honestly it was hard to focus on anything. She felt strangely energized, barely able to contain herself and completely unable to sit still, fidgeting in her seat or bouncing her leg to some non-existent beat. At some point Claudia had turned the radio on in an attempt to fill the silence, neither of them much in the mood to talk it seemed, but even that seemed faint and unimportant, mere background noise to her spinning thoughts. In all honesty Brianna could not say why she felt so energized, almost manic in fact, but the feeling persisted. Perhaps it was the lingering endorphins of her recent brush with the tattoo needle, perhaps it was eagerness to show off her new tattoo to her mistresses, or maybe it was just the same sort of keen anticipation that often filled her when dreaming of games soon to be played. Perhaps it was some heady mix of all three lifting her up into a bundle of twitching energy just waiting to be unleashed. That thought made her smile just a little bit, almost in awe of how much her life had changed in such a short time.

But the one thing that her mind kept returning too, time and time again, was the fresh ink now hidden beneath layers of cloths and bandages. A hot tingling in her skin and a lingering soreness underlined the presence of the tattoo, of course, but it was more than that. Brianna felt good, almost incredibly so, despite the lingering pain. It may have been a minor thing in some ways but finally, after months of thought and consideration and anticipation she had finally taken the step, finally marked herself indelibly not with simple art but with meaningful symbols that she had so painstakingly selected. Symbols that represented everything she had gained and everything she had learned about herself in this crazy journey that felt more like a lifetime than a mere six months. Had it really only been six months? Part of her still could not believe it. And perhaps that also helped to explain her anticipation, her eagerness to share. She hoped her mistresses would understand what she had done and why she had done it, grasped the symbolism she had chosen and why and some part of her trusted that they would, but the waiting was nearly unbearable though she knew from experience that anticipation only made the eventually rewards all the sweeter. And, if nothing else, if there was one thing she had learned it was at least a degree of patience. Glancing over at Claudia, perched behind the steering wheel as she navigated the icy streets, another smile graced her lips. As important as her mistresses were to her Claudia truly was the fulcrum on which so many events in her life seemed to turn, this event in particular, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Despite her efforts Brianna knew she could never fully express the depths of her gratitude to the woman but she would most definitely try.

"So," she said at last, both eager to finally break the odd silence that had fallen since their embrace in the waiting room and honestly curious, "is there some sort of story about Zoe?"

A bit started by the sudden question, Claudia glanced over at her, "What do you mean?"

Brianna shrugged a little, "I mean, I know you haven't introduced me to a lot of people, but so far they've all had some weird, kinky connection to somebody else I sort of know. I just find myself wondering."

Claudia grinned a little at that, but shook her head, "Nothing so interesting, I'm afraid. I wanted a tattoo and her shop had good reviews. It's just, you spend as many hours as I have on one of those tables you get to know the person repeatedly stabbing you with a needle." she laughed a little, as if at some private joke, before turning her eyes back to the road, "Zoe's cool, we've become friends and I guess we have shared a lot of stories but it's not like we're super close or anything."

Brianna found that she could not help herself, "So she doesn't moonlight as a dominatrix or dance at Delirium or anything like that?"

Claudia actually laughed out loud, delighted by that and taking a moment to regain control of herself before answering, "It's never come up, but I guess I could ask next time we talk because that would be pretty awesome."

Brianna ginned a little herself, easily able to imagine Claudia asking a question like that, "She's definitely an interesting person. Talented too."

"In more ways than one." Claudia added with a waggle of the eyebrows while suggestively cupping a hand against her chest.

Feeling her cheeks heat up slightly, and well remembering getting a very good look at Zoe's tattooed cleavage, Brianna felt her lips quirk into a slight smile, "I mean, I guess, if you're in to the top heavy goth types."

"Who isn't?" Claudia asked, her question playfully rhetorical.

Equally playfully Brianna smacked her on the shoulder, though part of her could not help but agree that if Zoe had been asking she probably wouldn't have said no. Part of her also wondered exactly what that said about her. Still it was more than just the woman's, admittedly impressive, physique. "It's hard to put into words but, I don't know, I just felt weirdly comfortable there. Zoe, she just has some kind of aura about her, made me relax despite, well, everything. Not bad, just unexpected."

Claudia nodded, "Yeah, she's definitely good at making people feel comfortable. Honestly not sure how she does it, but probably a good draw in a business like that."

"You know," Brianna added, "at the time I thought it was weird that she didn't even react when she walked in on me cuffed to the table, but now that I think about it I suppose that's not even close to the strangest thing she's ever seen."

Claudia chuckled again, "Not even by half."

Brianna waited a moment before speaking again, certain that there had to be more than that, "What, not going to share?"

"Maybe later." Claudia responded, tone teasing, "If you're a good girl."

Brianna rolled her eyes but, despite that, smiled, "You are such a brat."

"Guilty." Claudia quipped, clearly not at all ashamed.

Brianna felt her smile widen but chose not to comment, just turning her head slightly to look out the window again as the two of them allowed the silence to return. By now the center of town was behind them, the buildings fading into sparse patches separated by vast empty expanses of parks and barren farm fields as the old Chevy began to snake its way back out into the suburbs. At some point in the day the thick gray clouds that had blanketed the sky had parted to reveal a beautiful panorama of twinkling stars and the bright sliver of a waning moon against the endless black of the night sky. The pale light seemed to paint the world in stark monochrome shades, the seemingly endless waves of snow drifts sparkling like some alien landscape broken up by the spindly forms of barren trees and the much more steady light of the occasional house or tower in the distance. It never ceased to amaze Brianna just how different the world looked at night, especially in the winter and somehow it brought to mind a dozen different ghost stories, an ambiance that the almost unnatural lighting and the distant howl of arctic winds only added to. Shaking aside such random thoughts she just continued to watch silently as the world moved by, stealing occasional glances at Claudia as familiar terrain once again began to slowly reveal itself. The tense energy of anticipation returned with a vengeance when Brianna caught sight of that oh so familiar copse of trees that had always announced home since she was a child, even if she had found that her definition of "home" had changed slightly. By the time Claudia turned into an almost painfully familiar driveway, the snow-clad bulk of 137 North Hickory Lane almost looming before them, she felt as if she might explode from sheer nervous energy.

Claudia wasted no time in throwing the car into park before she practically threw herself out the door, clearly just as excited. Brianna followed, fumbling with the seat belt a time or two with nervous fingers before she managed to release herself from the car's grip and step back out into the cold. Truth be told she barely felt the chill air as the pair made their way over the shoveled walk and up the steps to the porch. Not even bothering to knock, as soon as she walked up to the front door Claudia simply opened it and barged inside, Brianna hot on her heels, a theme with them now that she thought about it which brought a faintly amused smile to her lips. Like earlier in the day the living room was only dimly lit, though now with the sun down the faint light of the Christmas tree and the handful of dim lamps scattered about lent the room a warm and cozy glow, a look that just felt so very appropriate for the old fashioned feel of the house. Not that Brianna spared much time to consider the aesthetics of it as all of her attention was focused on the sole occupant of the room. Bent down to feed the fire merrily burning away, once again wearing a warm and soft looking flannel shirt, was Sofia. Ever alert the woman had already turned her head toward the door as soon as it opened, favoring the pair with a smile as she began to stand.

"Welcome back, my dears." she greeted, warmly as she absently brushed her hands clean on her pants.

"Thank you, mistress." Brianna returned, smiling almost shyly in response as Claudia took her coat.

"I trust everything went well?" the blonde asked.

Claudia answered for them as she hung their coats up, "Yes mistress, everything went perfectly."

"Wonderful." Sofia answered, her smile widening, before she turned slightly to shout down the hall, "Dorogoy? The girls are back!"

In her heart of hearts it amused Brianna just a bit the way Sofia acted sometimes, never able to pin down exactly if she just enjoyed messing with people's expectations or if, on some level, she had just refused to grow up completely. Then again, she supposed that knowing the answer to a mystery made it just a little less special and if there was one thing Brianna knew in her heart of hearts it was that her mistresses were special, in different and similar ways, and she loved them both for it. Glancing at Claudia her smile brightened just a bit, Claudia... Claudia was special too, if in a very different way, and there were moments still when Brianna could not believe how incredibly fortunate she was to have met and be loved by such amazing people. As much as it warmed her heart, Brianna's introspection was cut short by the sound of someone making their way down the hall, the slightly irregular footfalls a signature of Roxanna's stiff steps. A moment later the woman herself emerged, having donned her cloths from earlier as well, hair still confined in its thick braid.

The olive-skinned woman smiled softly at the pair as soon as she rounded the corner, though for a split second she shot Sofia a look before shaking her head slightly. Sofia in turn simply smiled back at her innocently and Brianna could swear that she saw Roxanna's lips twitch just a bit. Shifting her attention back to the pair of girls standing in the entryway she slowly approached but remained silent, as if weighing her words carefully. Finally, as she stood no more than few steps away from Brianna she spoke, "It is good to have you home, kor�tsi. I trust you enjoyed your day?"

Brianna nodded with perhaps a bit more enthusiasm than she intended. She wanted to reach out and hug this woman, to confess that she knew the part they had played in the day's events, to express how truly grateful she was, but in the end all she could manage was a simple, "Yes, mistress. Thank you, thank you so much."

Roxanna certainly seemed to understand the unspoken words reflected in the blue-haired girl's eyes and reached out to cup her face, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before continuing, "You are most welcome. But perhaps you might finally enlighten us as to this mysterious present of yours?"

At first she thought the woman was just playing along, but it occurred to Brianna that even though both she and Sofia knew in broad terms what had transpired Claudia might not have shared all the details. Briefly glancing at the other girl, who just nodded encouragingly, she smiled, "Of course, mistress."

Grabbing the hem of her dress to pull it up Brianna felt herself freeze as Sofia's voice suddenly cut in, though it was clear she was speaking to Roxanna, "It would be simpler to just take everything off, wouldn't you agree, dorogoy?"

"A marvelous suggestion." Roxanna agreed, even as her smile grew just a touch wicked, "Please undress, kor�tsi. In the interests of getting a clear view, of course."

Brianna felt herself blush at the idea, not out of embarrassment, not exactly, being nude in front of her lovers was not exactly a new experience, but rather from excitement. The decision was solidified a moment later when Claudia stepped up behind her and she could feel the other girl's hands on her shoulders.

As they did a familiar, smokey voice whispered in her ear and sent shivers up her spine, "I'll help."

Nodding her agreement Brianna began to awkwardly kick off her boots, casually tossing them aside with flick of the toes as Claudia slowly unzipped the back of her dress. Working one of her arms out of the sleeve Brianna was about to let the garment fall to the floor when she stopped, an idea suddenly occurring to her. If her mistresses were so eager for a show, then why not give them a show? Pressing her free hand to her chest to hold the dress in place, Brianna let a smile curl her lips, doing her best to imitate the seductive grins that Sofia and Roxanna often favored her with, smiles full of promise and hints of deeper things. She doubted that she completely succeeded, lacking the seemingly effortless sensuality the older women possessed, but given how intently they watched her it seemed to be working regardless. Working her other arm free Brianna slowly lowered the dress, exposing her bare breasts and hard nipples, her piercings glinting in the firelight. Bending over slightly she worked the dress lower, down past her rib cage and over her abdomen before bending over even further, shaking her ass just a bit playfully as she slipped the garment past her waist and finally allowed it to fall to the floor leaving her clad in nothing but a set of tights pulled sheer in places around her curves. Even though she could feel her face and chest grow warm with a spreading blush, and it was a little awkward to work her tights down her legs, the looks of appreciation and even open lust she was receiving made it all worth while.

At last naked in the firelight, Brianna straightened back up, running her hands up her body and splaying her fingers through her hair before raising her arms over her head and stretching, carefully arching her back to thrust her breasts foreword. Closing her eyes and twisting her hips, holding that pose for a just a moment, Brianna slowly crossed her arms and brought her hands down onto her shoulders, sliding them down her chest and cupping her breasts for a brief instant before running her fingers back down her body again and at last pulling away the piece of gauze covered her new tattoo. As she did, shivering a little as cool air rushed over tender skin, she opened her eyes to find her captive audience entranced. In that instant, under those eyes that looked at her as if she were the sexiest creature in the world, Brianna Wilde felt incredible.

Just as quickly the spell broke as Roxanna took a slow, almost hesitant step forward. Reaching out tentatively, as if afraid she might be burned, the older woman gently touched Brianna's hip before running the tips of her fingers over the ink etched into her skin with infinite softness.

"Beautiful." the olive-skinned woman whispered, though whether she was referring to the tattoo or the woman bearing it neither could say.

Suddenly shy all over again after her previous boldness, Brianna smiled, "Thank you, mistress."

Sofia agreed as she stepped up beside her lover, "Beautiful indeed." she shifted her gaze to Claudia, "Your friend is most talented."

"I'm sure she will appreciate that, mistress." Claudia commented.

Still gently exploring the intricate lines of ink that made up the blue roses Roxanna smiled softly, "Love at first sight, eh kor�tsi?"

Returning the smile, feeling her heart melt just a little that her mistress understood the symbolism and the message that she wanted to convey, Brianna nodded, "Yes, mistress." she hesitated for a brief instant, biting her lip in a moment of indecision before resolving to push forward, "There is something else, though."

"Oh?" Roxanna wondered, removing her hand.

Carefully peeling the band-aid off her finger Brianna held out her left hand, clearly displaying the small heart tattooed on her ring finger. Perhaps it was a trick of the light but Roxanna's eyes seemed to grow watery, her expression just a touch stunned at the sight. With hands practically shaking Roxanna reached out and took Brianna's hand in her own, holding her fingers tightly as she stared at the tattoo before looking up at Brianna's face. It was the first time she had ever seen her mistress at a loss for words.

Smiling at her, Brianna just nodded, "I'm yours, for as long as you want me."

Without comment Roxanna brought the captive hand to her lips and kissed the small heart before enveloping the smaller girl in an almost painfully tight embrace. Sofia joined in a moment later, wrapping her arms around both of them and Brianna could feel Claudia's slim form press up against her back turning it into a true group hug. Being at the center of so much warmth, so much love, was incredible and Brianna just closed her eyes, reveling in the sensation and returning their embrace as best she could.

"Truly a treasure." Sofia whispered as she nuzzled Brianna's cheek, the girl just blushing a little deeper at that honest display of affection.

After what felt like an eternity of floating in pure bliss, none of them willing to part from each other, Brianna spoke from within the center of the hug, "Mistress Roxanna, Mistress Sofia? I have a request."

"And what might that be, devushka?" Sofia whispered into her ear.

"I wish to express my appreciation properly to both of you, and to Claudia." she said, blushing despite herself, "May I please lick her pussy?"

At that Sofia did loosen her grip just a little to catch Claudia's eye, "I suppose you do deserve a present of your own, kotenok." she glanced over at Roxanna, "What say you, dorogoy?"

Roxanna just smiled indulgently, "I suppose a light snack will not spoil your dinner too much. Very well."

Although still blushing fiercely Brianna could not help but grin, "Thank you, mistress."

At that the four finally disentangled themselves and Sofia took Claudia by the hand, practically dragging her up the stairs in her eagerness. Roxanna lingered for just a moment, giving Brianna one last look thick with emotions before taking her newly tattooed hand again and following the pair. However, while Sofia led her charge down the upstairs hall and into the guest room Brianna found herself pulled into the familiar master bedroom instead.

Leading her to the center of the room Roxanna finally released her hand, "Wait here a moment, kor�tsi."

Brianna just nodded, silently watching as Roxanna limped over to the closet and pulled out a bundle of rope. Smiling wickedly the woman held up her prize and stalked back toward Brianna's naked form. Feeling herself grow warm once again in a way that had nothing to do with embarrassment Brianna just stood stock still, silent and obedient, as Roxanna slowly walked behind her and began to wrap the ropes around her body. She began with the torso, encircling Brianna's chest and shoulders, binding the base of the girl's modest breasts in a snug harness, squeezing them just enough to make the delicate mounds perk up. The pressure of the ropes made Brianna shiver a little as she took a deep breath, the cords tightening around her rib cage in a delightful way as her lungs expanded. A moment later she felt Roxanna take her wrists and gently pull them behind her back. Obediently the girl went limp, allowing her arms to be folded into a firm reverse prayer position and bound in place tightly before her wrists were secured to the breast harness, rendering her completely helpless. Testing the knots in a few place and apparently satisfied Roxanna circled her bound captive again and cupped Brianna's chin before kissing her softly.

Roxanna parted her lips and for a brief instant it looked like her mistress wanted to say something but seemed to think better of it, simply closing her mouth and looping a finger through the d-ring in Brianna's collar to lead her bound companion back out into the hall and down the way slowly. Her heart pounding in anticipation, wondering just what they would find, Brianna was not disappointed when they crossed the threshold into the equally familiar guest room. Sofia had clearly been busy. Claudia had been stripped naked and stretched out spread-eagle on the bed, ropes circling her wrists and ankles and binding her limbs tightly to the four bedposts, her pale tattooed skin on full display and her toned muscles highlighted by the tension pulling her slender frame taut. A large, cherry red ball gag was stuffed deep into her mouth to silence her, the straps cutting into her cheeks in a way that looked painfully and made it impossible to work loose without help. Sofia, who was practically looming over the helpless girl and stroking her hair softly, glanced over at the door and let her arctic blue eyes run over Brianna's own nude and bound form, making the girl blush a little more at the appreciative grin she received from the beautiful blonde.

Without a word Roxanna guiding her over to the bed and motioned for Sofia to help, the blonde standing and crossing over to them equally silently. Brianna then felt her mistresses gently set her on the bed between Claudia's widely spread legs and begin binding her own legs with more ropes, above and below the knees and at the ankles, before she was folded into a hogtie, wrists and ankles bound together to hold her in place, the ropes tightened enough that she was forced to arch her back to accommodate the pressure. At the familiar bite of the ropes Brianna felt her pussy clench in sympathy as she moaned in delight, reveling in the pressure of her bonds and the feeling of utter helplessness that washed over her. Looking up she could see Claudia had awkwardly lifted her head off the pillow to watch, grinning around the gag as best she could. Feeling her face heat up again, Brianna looked down at the lovely view of Claudia's cleanly shaved pussy and the delicate white flowers tattooed just above her pubic arch. Not exactly a mirror image of her own, brand new ink but the inspiration for the flowers that she now bore and a symbol just the same.

Satisfied that she was now secure Brianna felt Roxanna's familiar, slender hand run through her hair as Sofia playfully smacked her hip before speaking, "We will go prepare a light meal. Enjoy your appetizer, devushka."

With the next best thing to an engraved invitation Brianna did not waste any time and dove in, locking Claudia's eager pussy in a soft kiss, running her tongue over that delicate flesh as she did do. It had been so, so long since she'd last had the chance to do this and took her time, savoring the taste of her fellow slave. For her part Claudia moaned loudly through her gag at the feel of that delicate tongue running over her sensitive skin, throwing her head back and thrusting her hips forward as best she could in her tight bondage as she silently begged Brianna for more. Brianna was more than happy to comply, nipping and kissing and teasing the other girl's labia for several long moments before lapping at the heat within and wrapping her lips around Claudia's aching clit. As soon as those lips were on her Claudia seemed to spasm, moaning even louder as she strained against her bonds and squirmed with all her might as Brianna's tongue began to swirl around her clit, pausing in her ministrations only long enough to suck on that tender flesh eagerly. It did not take long for what little resolve Claudia had left to shatter and her body seemed to tense, her toned muscles tightening like steel wire beneath her skin as she came, screaming into her gag in blessed relief. However, as she began to lick the other girl clean Brianna decided that she was not done yet, not by a long shot. Partially out of a desire to make the experience last, since both of them were likely to go back into chastity belts soon, partly out of a desire to truly test Claudia's impressive stamina, and partly to make good on her earlier promise she dove back in, shoving her tongue deep into Claudia's body and lapping at her most sensitive flesh, making the shuddering girl tighten about her even as she could feel the quivers of aftershocks shoot through her body. With Claudia's gagged moans music to her ears Brianna licked and lapped eagerly, swirling her tongue in all the ways that had never failed to drive her lovers wild, pushing the toned and slender girl over the peak to a second orgasm in minutes.

With an almost cruel smile Brianna withdrew her tongue and latched onto Claudia's throbbing clit again and sucking for all she was worth even as the other girl was still writhing in pleasure from her recent climax. Shocked at the sudden sensation against her already hyper-stimulated sex Claudia sucked in a deep breath through her nose and arched her back, almost as if trying to get away, before she moaned again, wrenching her eyes shut and tensing for a brief instant before screaming in ecstasy. Keeping her lips firmly in place even as the bound girl bucked and writhed wildly beneath her, Brianna continued to kiss and lick and tease as she delicately, almost playfully drew orgasms from Claudia's increasingly frazzled body. Time honestly seemed to pause, her nipples almost painfully hard and her own throbbing pussy wet and eager, the world reduced to nothing but Claudia's overwhelming scent and her increasingly frantic thrashing and cries of painful pleasure. Or was it pleasurable pain?

Body flushed and tattooed skin covered in sweat Claudia could do nothing but mewl pitifully, her breath reduced to a ragged pant as she whipped her head from side to side, eyes clenched shut and tears streaming down her cheeks, lost in the overwhelming sensation of Brianna's eagerly skilled mouth and not sure if she was begging for it to stop or continue. Neither of them could remember how many time she had cum and at this point neither cared, but eventually even Claudia's impressive endurance reached its limits. In an instant everything changed and something seemed to break within her. Claudia's entire body went stiff, her eyes shooting open as she arched her back and sucked in another deep breath, suspended on the precipice for the briefest instant before she clenched her eyes shut and screamed, screamed so loudly that even through the gag it shocked Brianna out of her rhythm as a truly monstrous orgasm tore its way free from the poor girl's body, Claudia's taut form spasming so hard it actually shook the bed frame she was tied to. And, just like that it was over, the slender girl collapsing back onto the mattress like a puppet with her strings cut, her breath evening out as the tension in her muscles finally let loose.

Shocked, and a little concerned that perhaps she had pushed the girl too far, Brianna tentatively lifted her head, rocking back on her hips to get a better look at Claudia's face. Eyes closed and head slumped to the side she looked almost peaceful as she lay there, mouth stuffed full and limbs splayed out wildly. Had she actually passed out? Part of Brianna couldn't believe it. She'd head stories that it was possible to push someone so far into orgasmic overload that they simply blacked out, and Claudia had hinted that after her week long edging adventure something similar had happened, but part of her hadn't actually believed it. But here they were. Had she actually done that, actually made Claudia cum so hard and so much that she lost consciousness? Truth be told Brianna didn't know whether to be concerned or impressed with herself.

Wetting her lips she tentatively called out, "Claudia? Are you okay?" There was no immediate response and Brianna actually began to grow alarmed, wondering if she should call for her mistresses, fearful that something might actually be wrong, "Claudia? Talk to me, please! Are you alright?"

Whether that got through to her or she simply roused on her own, Claudia twitched slightly, waking with a jerk as her eyes opened. Blinking a few times to clear her sight and moaning in a combination of satisfaction and exhaustion she rolled her head to the side and, frazzled hair plastered to her sweaty scalp and clinging to her face, Claudia managed to quirk the corners of her lips up into the imitation of a smile around her gag. Dropping her head back down to the pillow she then moaned again before closing her eyes.

Relieved, but also a little smug, Brianna rested her own head on the girl's thigh, "You're welcome."

That elicited a brief chuckle but no other response as Claudia continued to lay still, recovering from the sensory overload still wracking her body. They both rested in companionable silence after that, the only real sound Claudia's still labored breathing, and Brianna was glad she had been able to repay, in some small way, the kindness that the other girl had shown her. Still, as she squirmed in her own bonds and tried her best to ignore the throbbing heat between her legs she found herself wishing that she too had been able to cum. But there was nothing for it now, given how tightly bound the pair of them were, except to wait for their mistresses to return and hope. Although she was more than happy to simply enjoy Claudia's company without a clock anywhere visible it was impossible to say how long they laid there, enjoying their bondage. At some point Claudia drifted off to sleep, more than a little exhausted by the experience, and for a moment Brianna thought she might drift off as well when the door suddenly opened with a soft creak before Sofia stepped inside.

Grinning at the pair as she took note of Claudia's disheveled state, the blonde stalked over to the bed and sat down on the edge of the mattress. Running her fingers through Brianna's long, blue hair, the girl practically purring under the ministrations, Sofia spoke, "I trust you managed to repay your debt, devushka?"

Blushing again Brianna nodded as best she could, "Yes, mistress."

"Good girl." Sofia said simply before withdrawing her hand.

Slowly and with great care her mistress began to loosen the knots holding her wrists and ankles together, releasing Brianna from the tight hogtie. Stretched back out again Sofia then slowly removed the ropes binding her knees and ankles, freeing her legs, but Brianna noted that her mistress very deliberately left her arms firmly bound in place. With that the lovely blonde carefully helped her sit up on the edge of the bed. With a brief peck on the cheek, which made Brianna smile at her, Sofia then shifted to the front of the bed and gently brushed some stray hair from Claudia's forehead, rousing the girl from her light nap before pulling the gag from her mouth.

"Perhaps we will have to consider more extreme gags in the future if you can still be that loud, kotenok." Sofia teased.

Working her jaw for a moment and wetting her lips Claudia nodded, a faint blush on her cheeks, clearly liking the suggestion, "Yes, mistress."

With a chuckle Sofia got to work untying Claudia, freeing her wrists and ankles to reveal darkening bruises and rope burns where she had thrashed against her bondage in orgasmic overload. Brianna felt a little guilty about that but neither Claudia not Sofia commented, as if not surprised to find such marks or at least not finding them noteworthy. As soon as she was free, Claudia propped herself up on her arms and pulled her legs under her until she was sitting up on the bed. Suddenly she grinned and, before anyone could think to stop her, she darted forward and took Brianna's face in her hands before mashing their lips together. For a moment Brianna just sat there, wide-eyed and stunned at the sudden development before she returned the kiss, eagerly dueling the pierced tongue invading her mouth.

When she finally pulled back Claudia was still grinning like a madwoman, "Damn, I don't know who taught you how to do that but please tell me you'll do it to me again sometime?"

Although still a little stunned by the sudden kiss Brianna managed a grin of her own, "I'll think about it."

"Brat." Claudia shot back, her smile growing playful.

"Guilty." Brianna returned, mirroring their conversation from earlier.

Sliding up behind the pair with a chuckle and gently taking Claudia's arms before pulling them behind her back, Sofia cut in, "That is enough of that, my dears. There will be time to play later, yes?"

"Yes, mistress." Brianna answered, still smiling

Claudia nodded her agreement and bit her lip, "Yes, mistress."

Smiling softly at them again Sofia then bound Claudia's arms with a pair of soft leather cuffs, in deference to the marks on her wrists, and helped the girl to her feet, legs still a bit shaky after her earlier experience. A moment later she gently slid her hands under Brianna arms and helped her to rise as well, a task made much easier by the fact that the securely bound girl felt as if she was bursting with energy. Pulling the both of them to her sides, and throwing an arm over their shoulders, Sofia gave each of them a kiss on the cheek, playfully nipping at Brianna's ear as she did so.

"Despite your snack, I am certain both you girls managed to work up quite the appetite by the sound of things." Sofia announced and both of them blushed, "Shall we depart?"

They nodded again and, with that, the beautiful blonde led her two firmly bound companions back down the stairs and into the kitchen once more, moving slowly in deference to Claudia's trembling muscles, though by the time they reached their destination the tattooed girl seemed to have found her bearings again. And once more Roxanna was waiting for them, busily setting the table, though unfortunately this time the olive-skinned woman was not just wearing an apron much to Brianna's silent disappointment. It honestly surprised her a little, on reflection, just how much she wanted to see that again and for a brief instant the blue-haired girl wondered if she'd discovered a new fetish. Something to consider for the future. The pressure of Sofia's arm across her shoulders as the blonde carefully steered her charges to the table shook Brianna out of her thoughts and she smiled thankfully as Sofia pulled out a chair and helped her sit down before repeating the process for Claudia on the other side of the table.

"I do apologize for the poor spread." Roxanna said as she once again set down bowls of steaming soup, a familiar scent filling the air, "We were not expecting guests so soon." Brianna had the sense to look a bit sheepish at that, admittedly playful, admonition but Roxanna just smiled, "So I heated up the soup from lunch, I do hope there are no objections?"

"No, mistress." Brianna answered with a shake of the head.

"Not at all." Claudia agreed.

Of course, unlike lunch earlier neither she nor Claudia could actually feed themselves right now with their arms bound and so, as soon as she finished setting the table, Roxanna pulled one of the remaining chairs over to Claudia and sat down next to her. At that same time Sofia took the remaining chair and slid it next to Brianna, sitting down close enough to bump her hip playfully. Still brimming with energy and feeling playful Brianna bumped back, eliciting an amused smile. Sofia began to stir the soup gently before lifting a steaming spoonful up and Brianna obediently opened her mouth, allowing herself to be fed, enjoying the strange but pleasant taste of the soup before Sofia took a bite of her own, the same expression of bliss crossing the blonde's face that she had seen earlier in the day. Glancing across the table she could see Roxanna and Claudia mirrored the actions. It was nothing new of course, being fed while in bondage, in fact Brianna had found herself on both sides of this game at one time or another, but the wonderful sense of helplessness combined with the feeling of being taken care of never failed to turn her on something fierce. The intensity of her arousal at the moment did surprise her just a bit, although that might have had more to do with the lingering excitement of feeling Claudia thrash and cum beneath her ministrations earlier. Even just thinking about it brought a rush of blood to her face and a new ache between her legs.

After a moment or two of eating in near silence Roxanna spoke up, "I must apologize for not saying this earlier, kor�tsi. I was too overcome. Never think that we do not want you, and know that you will always have a place here as long as you wish it."

Although she had, on some level, known that, guessed as much from the expression on Roxanna and Sofia's faces earlier, hearing the words was an entirely different matter. Brianna felt more than a little overcome herself. Eyes glistening she smiled shakily, "Thank... thank you, mistress. I love you, I love all of you."

As tears actually began to run down her cheek Sofia reached over and embraced her in a somewhat awkward side-along hug, "Do not cry, devushka. We love you as well."

"Always." Roxanna confirmed with a gentle smile of her own.

Claudia nodded, "People who can put up with me are rare, I'm definitely not going anywhere."

That heartfelt, but irreverent comment made Brianna chuckle within her mistress' embrace, breaking the tension just a bit, "Thank you." she said, voice cracking just a bit.

Sofia just tightened her embrace and held the smaller girl.

After a long moment Brianna was able to get her emotions under control again. Glancing down at the mostly empty soup bowl she whispered, "Mistress? I don't think I'm hungry anymore."

Sensing the change in mood Sofia grinned just a little, but did not loosen her embrace, "Oh?" her voice dropped low and husky, "A pity that. We had a very special dessert prepared for the both of you."

Brianna bit her lip, "Well, maybe I have a little room left."

No sooner had she said then when Brianna felt the arms that had been holding her pull away and a large gag press against her lips. Surprised by the suddenness of it she instinctively opened her mouth and the large rubber ball was pushed past her teeth, stretching her jaws to the limit. Leather straps pulled tight, forcing the ball in deeper and she moaned at the familiar feeling of fullness as the gag was locked in place. Hands gripped her around the waist then and half pulled, half guided her out of the chair and bent her over the table. Looking up awkwardly she saw that Claudia had been forced into a similar position, once again grinning in delight around her gag. Brianna returned the smile, a familiar feeling of anticipation growing in her chest as her mistresses cleared the dishes from the table. A moment passed, then two, the tension growing as she wondered what was happening behind her. All off a sudden she felt familiar, calloused hands grip her around the waist and a knee force itself between her legs, gently prodding her feet apart.

"Claudia mentioned earlier that you said something about, how did she put it?" Sofia mused and she slowly slid her hands up Brianna's body, "Oh yes, you wished to 'break in' the kitchen table I believe."

Blushing fiercely, and fiercely excited, her body tingling in anticipation, Brianna answered as best she could, "Mmph, mnphphrmphph."

One of Sofia's hands suddenly gripped her shoulder, pressing her down against the table while the other took a fistful of her hair, tugging slightly and making the bound girl moan as her head was pulled back, "An amusing idea."

Sofia thrust her hips forward then cutting off any possible reply and making Brianna moan even louder as a dildo was slowly pushed into her wet and eager body. As soon as she had been forced to take the entire length Sofia grip tightened just a little and the older woman pulled back slightly to thrust hard into her helplessly bound lover. Groaning around her gag in absolute ecstasy Brianna thrust her own hips back to meet her as Sofia began to fuck her in earnest, slowly building up a rhythm as she thrust harder and harder. Vaguely she could make out Claudia's own moans as Roxanna pleasured her, but that was very much a secondary concern as the entirely of Brianna's attention was focused on the ropes binding her, the toy filling her and the steady slap of flesh on flesh as Sofia pounded her with ever increasing intensity. Skin flushed with pleasure and the table literally shaking in time with each hard thrust into her eager pussy she could only moan and struggle against the hands holding her down and pulling her hair as she bucked her own hips as much as she could to enhance the sensation. Sofia's technique was fairly simply, but when combined with her impressive strength and stamina it was effective and while Brianna always appreciated Roxanna's tricks and skills as well as her slow and sensuous approach, right now? As tightly wound as she was, right now Brianna didn't want tricks. She wanted to cum, she needed to cum.

Clenching her eyes shut, feeling the orgasm she had been craving building within her, Brianna was lost. 'Please, mistress, please fuck me!' she thought, 'Use me, fuck me, make me yours! Please mistress, please make your slave cum!'

Impossibly, almost as if the beautiful blonde could read her mind, Sofia increased her pace even more, thrusting so hard that Brianna could practically feel her body lift up off the table as her mistress took her, so hard that she thought they might actually break the antique piece of furniture. Those thoughts left her mind almost as quickly as they arrived as a dam within her seemed to break and Brianna felt herself spasm as she came, screaming in delight into her gag and she fought against the ropes binding her arms so tightly and pushed back against the hands holding her down, shaking her hips side to side wildly. Sofia's own, nearly animalistic cry of pleasure followed a heartbeat later but the woman did not seem satisfied with that. Maintaining her rhythm even as they both came, Brianna's eyes practically rolled into the back of her head as her mistress forced a second orgasm out of her and then a third and a fourth. Sweating, trembling, panting and screaming in absolute delight as her mistress pushed her so far over the edge that she was barely aware of anything except the overwhelming sensation of the dildo thrusting into her trembling body and the shattering pulse of climax after climax washing over her, some small part of Brianna's mind wondered if this was payback for her "torment" of Claudia earlier. Another part of her made a note to torment the other girl more often if this would be the result.

Lost in overwhelming pleasure Brianna was barely aware of it when Sofia finally slowed, teasing one final orgasm from her trembling body with long, slow strokes before finally stopping and pulling out of her. Shivering a little she could do nothing but lay there, sated and exhausted, the entirely of her weight resting on the table as she did not think her legs, muscles reduced to trembling Jello, could actually support her any longer. Moaning into her gag, mumbling thanks to whoever might be listened as she lay still, Brianna could do little but pant through her nose and slowly come back down to earth. Eventually she calmed down enough to open her eyes, lifting her head up enough to look across the table at Claudia's equally flushed and disheveled figure, the utter relaxation of her body radiating complete contentment. The other girl grinned around her own gag, eyes twinkling with a touch of amusement to see Brianna in a state not unlike the one she had found herself in not so long ago, and winked. For her part Brianna looked a bit sheepish but managed to return the grin. Just then she felt Sofia's hands take her gently by the shoulders as the blonde woman helped her stand up on wobbly legs. Before she could even get her bearings Brianna cried out in surprise, which came out as little more than a muffled yelp, as the older woman picked her up and slung her body into a bridal carry.

"You have had a most eventful day, devushka." Sofia mused as she cradled the bound woman's form to her chest, "If we are going to make the most of tomorrow then we all will need some rest."

Reveling in the soft, warm feeling of Sofia's skin against her own Brianna just laid her head down on the woman's shoulder, practically snuggling into her, and mumbled a response, "Mmph, mnphphrmphph."

With seemingly little effort Sofia carried her out of the kitchen and back up the stairs, into their bedroom and gently set her down on the sinfully soft bed. With deft fingers the blonde untied the knots holding her and Brianna felt her arms practically spring loose from the reverse prayer position they had been confined to and the pressure around her chest abate. Casually tossing the rope aside Sofia then carefully pulled the gag from her mouth. As she stretched her jaw wide to work out the cramps that had just started developing there Brianna started in surprise as Sofia darted in and caught her parted lips in a kiss. Almost instantly she relaxed into that kiss, moaning in delight as she threw her arms around the older woman even as the blonde's own strong arms encircle her as well, gleefully surrendering to the familiar tongue probing her mouth.

No words were spoken as the kiss broke and, smiling softly at her, Sofia gentle placed her hands on Brianna's shoulders, taking a moment to massage sore muscles and elicit a sigh of relief before gently guiding her down onto the bed. Sighing again at the wondrous softness of the mattress beneath her Brianna practically collapsed, her muscles going slack in a state of absolute relaxation. Sofia leaned in one last time to place a kiss on her forehead and stroke her hair. Smiling at that, Brianna practically purred under the touch.

"We will join you soon, devushka." Sofia promised, "Don't go anywhere."

Fighting the urge to roll her eyes at that command, in her current state she had no plans to get up anytime soon, Brianna just nodded, "Yes, mistress."

Even so, as her mistress departed Brianna turned her head to the side to watch Sofia's nude frame gracefully stalk from the room, eyes roaming appreciatively over the toned muscles of her back and that glorious ass. Biting her lip at the sight, Brianna followed Sofia's every movement, especially the way her muscles moved her her skin and the sway of her hips, until the older woman disappeared through the door. Turning her attention back to the ceiling Brianna idly she lifted one of her arms, stretching out her fingers as if trying to touch the sky and studied the faint ropes marks pressed into her skin. Smiling at the familiar "war wounds" Brianna closed her eyes and let her arm collapse back to her side. Today? Today had been a very good day. She lay still on the bed for a few moments, breathing softly and just listening to the beat of her heart before the sound of footsteps prompted her to open her eyes again and glance over at the door. Sofia returned, Claudia's slender and now unbound form slung in her arms, with Roxanna, just as naked as her lover, trailing a few steps behind and smiling faintly. Brianna smiled back but said nothing as Sofia crossed the room and gently set Claudia down next to her. Turning her head to favor the slightly smaller girl with another smile, Brianna reached out and softly brushed her fingers against Claudia's own hand. Returning the smile Claudia took her hand and squeezed it, but offered no further comment as the both of them turned their attention to their mistresses.

As they lay there the two older woman busied themselves gathering various supplies, Sofia stretched up on her tip toes to raid the closet while Roxanna was pulling items out of the top drawer of the dresser and setting them in a small basket. Neither of the girls could see exactly what their mistresses were collecting but an almost electric sense of anticipation built within them. Finally, finished with their task, the two women drifted back over to the bed. Roxanna arrived first, setting her basket down on the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed next to Brianna's prone form. Sofia followed a heartbeat later, grinning wickedly and carrying what looked like an armload of black tape which she carelessly allowed to spill onto the mattress between the two girls in a messy pile.

"Claudia shared a number of things while I was... preparing her earlier." Sofia began, suddenly, "Including a desire for the two of you to be mummified together."

Brianna blushed a little, remembering her whispered ideas after the pair of them had kissed at the tattoo shop, but nodded, "Yes, mistress."

Claudia's own excited grin was answer enough.

"We rather liked the idea." Roxanna continued, "So, close your eyes and we can get started."

Brianna obediently did as she was told and bit her lip when she felt soft fingers trails down her breastbone and over her stomach. With a spider-light touch those fingers grazed over her sex and she could not help but moan a little, shifting her hips unconsciously. Her moan became a gasp when something smooth and cool and hard pressed against her, which in turn became an even deeper moan as the toy slid into her wet and eager sex. A brief pause followed and in the darkness Brianna thought she could hear the muffled sound of movement and what might have been tape being unwound next to her before a hand touching her thigh made her twitch in surprise. Those same wonderful, cruel fingers from earlier began to trace nonsense patterns on her skin, slowly following the curve of her sensitive inner thigh before an insistent pressure prompted her to part her legs just a bit. Trembling in anticipation Brianna gasped again, tensing instinctively for a second before before forcing herself to relax as a sizable butt plug was gently but insistently pressed into her ass. Those hands left her again and Brianna had to fight the urge to open her eyes and see what was happening, especially at the continued sounds of movement coming from her right. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Roxanna cupped her cheeks, stroking her face with her thumbs and tracing her lips before gently pressing on the cleft of her chin, silently commanding Brianna to open her mouth. Once again the girl obeyed and was not surprised to feel a gag pressed back into her mouth, the same panel gag she had worn the previous evening. As it was strapped in place she took a deep breath, testing the breathing tube and giving a slight not to signal that everything was fine. Caressing her cheek one final time and brushing a curl of hair behind her ear, Roxanna pulled away and a slight shift in the mattress signaled that the woman had stood up again.

Eyes still closed, as she had not been commanded to open them again, but intensely curious Brianna strained her ears to listen. A few soft moans and gasps from Claudia, as well as the waves radiating through the bed as the girl shifted around indicated that something was happened but she could not tell what. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity the sound and movement next to her stopped and the soft padding of feet on carpet followed her mistresses as they circled around the bed.

"You may open your eyes now, devushka." Sofia announced, voice surprisingly soft and husky as well as clearly pleased with herself.

Obeying instantly, and blinking a few times to adjust to the light again, Brianna immediately turned her head to the side and froze at what she saw. Claudia slim form had been completely encased from head to toe in shiny black tape pulled seamlessly taut over her thin frame, legs locked together and arms pinned to her side. Save for the tip of her nose, and her own gag's breathing tube, not a single opening revealed itself. Other than the faint rise and fall of her chest the girl could barely move and Brianna felt her nipples harden and her face grow warm at just how snugly, securely and inescapably bound the other girl was. Unable to speak she simple looked at her mistresses, a silent question and an equally silent plea both written in her wide eyes.

"But of course you will get to join her, kor�tsi." Roxanna assured.

Nodding happily in acknowledgment Brianna allowed herself to go limp, offering not even the slightest resistance as her mistresses began to wrap her up with the remaining tape. Paradoxically the process felt as if it took forever, but also seemed to fly by in an instant as row after row, band after band of tape slowly wound its way around her body. At last the process came to an end and she lay completely encased next to her fellow slave, every bit of her covered just like Claudia save for one tiny detail, her eyes. Leaning in Roxanna pressed one final soft kiss to her forehead before the olive-skinned woman's fingers gently brushed her eyelids closed. Sucking in a deep breath through her gag Brianna just waited with eager anticipation as the last wraps of tape circle her head, finally trapping her in complete darkness. Silence returned then as Brianna simple lay still, helplessly mummified next to Claudia's own equally helpless form, completely unable to move save for the tiniest of squirms, delicious pressure squeezing every inch of her body. She anticipated being wrapped up with Claudia next, their mummified forms cocooned together as they had been months previously, but it seemed that this night their mistresses had slightly different ideas.

Finally, after an eternity of waiting in the darkness the bed shifted as Sofia lay down on the far side of the bed next to Claudia. Rolling onto her side the blonde sighed softly in contentment as she spooned with Claudia's encased form, strong arms holding the slim girl in place against her chest. A second later a faint, almost imperceptible buzzing sounded and Claudia moaned into her gag, suddenly wiggling fiercely in her mistress' grasp. It did not take Brianna long to realize what was happening and felt her heart sink just a bit, hoping she was wrong. Soon enough Roxanna joined them, laying down next to Brianna's mummified body, casually throwing an arm and a leg over her in a sensual half embrace and resting her head on the girl's chest. Although a little amused to be used as a living body pillow Brianna had to admit that having her mistress' form sprawled across her, arms and legs around her felt nice, especially when she was bound and gagged as tightly as she was. But then, just as soon as Roxanna had settled in to place and made herself comfortable the toy buried within Brianna's own sex sprung to life, humming away with a faint but insistent vibration. It was Brianna's turn to moan and squirm against her bondage then, painfully aware from long experience that such faint vibrations would drive her wild but never actually allow her to cum.

"None of that now, kor�tsi." Roxanna admonished, softly, as she tightened her grip, "Behave yourself and we might let you cum in the morning."

Although she let out one last groan, one mirrored by Claudia, Brianna acknowledged the command as best she could, "Mmh, mnhhrmhh."

Bound tightly, held in Roxanna's warm embrace and teased endlessly just inches away from Claudia's own helpless and tormented body Brianna tried her best to relax but she knew it would be impossible. Sleep would be a distant and most likely absent companion tonight. In fact, it promised to be a long, frustrating, sleepless night for the both of them, but truth be told? Truth be told Brianna wouldn't have it any other way.

Part 10 (added: 2021/01/25)

The late afternoon sun was just starting to dip into the western sky, though its rays still painted the world in bright shades and it would be hours yet before darkness truly started to fall. From her position lounging somewhat uncomfortably in the passenger seat of their car after what felt like hours of driving, Roxanna took a deep breath and closed her eyes, sighing in contentment at the warmth that seemed to seep into her very bones. Heat always seemed to bring her to life and chase away aches she had long ago learned to live with. After sparing a moment to relish the feeling of the sun's rays playing across her face Roxanna opened her eyes again with a faint smile to gaze upon the scenery. The tall grasses lining either side of the winding road swayed in the wind, the flowers interspersed within seeming to dance in time with some unknown rhythm, and the green trees in the distance painted the horizon in brilliant shades. All of it combined with the ever lengthening days was a sure sign that spring was finally here. And for that Roxanna Kormou was extremely grateful because spring, in her not so humble opinion, was the best season by far. For the most part Roxanna would say that she very much enjoyed the life that she and Sofia had built for themselves, unexpected surprises very much included, but one thing she did not think she would ever truly get used to was the cold. No matter how long she lived, no matter how many winters she managed to weather, that one fact would never change. As beautiful as she could admit the freshly fallen snows were (and how she had stared in wonder upon seeing the land blanketed in white for the first time), she was not sad to see them gone. Although, she supposed, winter did have its advantages, like sharing a blanket with someone you loved or sipping hot cider in front of the fireplace. Or enthusiastic young lovers showing up at your door in the middle of a storm as a holiday gift. Her smile turned a bit rueful at that and she shook her head.

Speaking of loved ones she glanced to her side at the driver's seat where Sofia almost casually lounged, one hand upon the steering wheel and the other resting on the stick shift as she navigated the country highway. Unlike her own rather plain attire, a comfortable white blouse unbuttoned over a tank top and a pair of khaki capris, the statuesque blonde wore nothing but a bikini top and a pair of shorts, dark sunglasses perched upon her nose to shield her eyes from the glare and hair casually twisted into a bun as if she could not be bothered to spend and more time on it. Roxanna felt her smile widen just a little more as she allowed her eyes to roam over her lover's body, not even trying to hide her attention. The somewhat daring outfit certainly drew attention to Sofia's strong arms and shoulders as well as displaying her toned torso and legs beautifully, to say nothing of the way the top struggled to contain her marvelous breasts. While the blonde certainly had no qualms about showing off her body Roxanna knew that was only half the reason she was wearing so little, merely a pleasant side effect. In some ways Sofia was her opposite and one of the most obvious of those ways was her own dislike of the heat. Cold did not much bother Sofia, she practically delighted in the snow and had no trouble answering the door barefoot, but the heat? She very much did not like the heat save for stretching out under the sun after a nice cool swim. She had learned to endure it, of course, much as Roxanna head learned to live with the cold but that did not change her opinion on the matter. Case in point, as far as Roxanna was concerned today was a gloriously beautiful day, pleasant and even slightly cool, but Sofia had chosen to wear as little as possible using the heat and the fact that they were going on vacation so she might as well dress the part to justify her decision. Of course, given her penchant for swimming nude, Sofia didn't need much excuse to start taking her cloths off and while she certainly found it amusing Roxanna equally certainly had no objections either.

After an indeterminate amount of time studying that perfectly sculpted form, Sofia very much acting as if she didn't notice all the while shifting her body just slightly to give a better view, Roxanna at last tore her gaze reluctantly away and cast it back out the front windshield to the world beyond. Truth be told it felt glorious to be out of the house, riding the roads to locations unknown (well not exactly unknown of course, but it still felt that way) with no responsibilities or schedules to keep. It really had been too long since she'd taken a true vacation and not some sort of business trip. It truly felt wonderful and despite her stiff joints and aching muscles from being cooped up in the car for hours Roxanna found that she could not contain a growing sense of excitement as she watched the scenery roll by. And now, after winding their way south for most of the day, she could already spot palmetto trees in the distance and, even though she was certain it was just her imagination, the gentle warm breeze seemed to carry just a hint of salt. The ocean was close, she knew it in her bones. Squirming just a little in her seat, stiff muscles protesting the action, Roxanna took a deep breath, savoring the scent and felt her smile return. It was a faint thing, a distant memory, but the warmth and the sun and the salt all combined in a way that made her think of distant Mediterranean shores and a misspent youth wandering the beaches and overlooking the endless blue sea from atop rocky cliffs. Good memories, if bittersweet.

It was Sofia's voice that cut through the daydreams and drew her back to the here and now, "Thinking deep thoughts, dorogoy?"

Glancing to her left Roxanna shrugged with one shoulder, "Just thinking how wonderful it is to be out of the house."

Sofia chuckled, "I tell you these things, dorogoy. A vacation will do you some good after a winter stuck inside."

Roxanna could only nod absently, "I can smell the salt in the air, feel the heat on my skin, I... It is had been far too long since I have seen the ocean, I had not realized how much I had missed it." she reached out and placed a hand on Sofia's, "Thank you, str�ngla."

Lifting her hand up from the stick shift, taking Roxanna's with it, Sofia kissed her knuckles gently, "It has been my pleasure, dorogoy."

Roxanna smiled softly and squeezed Sofia's fingers, "You are too good to me."

"Nonsense." Sofia protested with a smile of her own, "But I do hope that the girls will appreciate our surprise as well."

With a nod Roxanna withdrew her hand gently. Now that was the questions, wasn't it? Ever since Christmas the two of them had been trying to think of something special to do for Brianna, a way to show how much they appreciated her. Even now Roxanna could see it in her mind's eye, the way that beautiful and bold and yet in some ways still shy young woman had stripped down, swaying and twisting her body in ways designed to catch the eye, to show off her new tattoos, seeking the approval of the one's she loved. The flowers had not exactly been a surprise, but Roxanna had been touched by the symbolism. She did know flower language, or at least enough of it to recognize what blue roses symbolized: love at first sight and achieving the impossible. To her eyes the message had been clear, not just a simple declaration of love but rather a thank you, a deep and heartfelt thanks for accepting her and her love, for welcoming her and loving her in turn. She could not help but be touched by that. But then Brianna had held up her hand, showed off the tiny heart on her ring finger and Roxanna did not ever think she would forget how it had taken her breath away. To bear a symbol like that on the finger that traditionally held a wedding ring, in the same blue as the roses... Well, it did not take a genius to understand the declaration being made there, though with a trembling smile the girl had vocalized it anyway. Promising to be theirs forever, and silently begging them to accept. In the face of such earnestness, such love, how could they not?

Truth be told it still surprised Roxanna, and warmed her heart just a little, at how quickly and how easily Brianna had become a part of their lives, and now natural it felt to hold and kiss and love the girl. She also could not deny that Brianna's incredible submissiveness and her eagerness to try new things was an immense turn on in and of itself. Case in point, as a Christmas gift Sofia had told the girl that the debt of her punishment had been paid, that she was no longer required to be locked in chastity, and while Brianna had certainly been grateful at the time on the last day of vacation she had come over and practically begged to be belted again. It hadn't exactly been a surprise, both she and Sofia had assumed that their chastity games would continue in some form, after all in the months they had been together it was no great secret that Brianna loved to be bound and craved being controlled, but they had apparently underestimated the intensity of that desire. Another wonderful discovery about the equally wonderful young woman they were privileged to love. Of course they had happily complied with that request, carefully locking their slave away once again and, as a test of resolve, had not allowed Brianna to cum since but if the girl in any way regretted her decision she had shown no signs of it.

And to think, if that amazing young woman had not marshaled the courage to walk into their backyard and attempt a clumsy seduction of Sofia, awkwardly but honestly confessing her feeling when called up on it, none of this would have happened. It truly was funny the way the world worked sometimes. Glancing over at Sofia again she felt herself smile at that thought, well aware that it wasn't the first time the world had surprised her and that, at the time, she never could have guessed that her first meeting with the beautiful blonde would blossom into all the wonderful things it had become.

Realizing that she had not yet answered Sofia's implicit question Roxanna shook her head slightly to clear it, "I do not think there is any danger of that, str�ngla. It will be a wonderful week, you and I will make certain of that."

Sofia's grin grew just a touch mischievous at that declaration and she gave firm nod before turning her attention back to the road. Truth be told it had actually been Brianna's idea to take this trip, though she did not actually know that and, thus far, they had decided not to share that particular tidbit. It had been in innocuous thing, a casual comment during one of the many phone calls they had shared over the last few months that Spring Break was coming up and that she would like to visit during her time off from school. They had agreed of course, more than delighted to see Brianna again and get a chance to spend some quality time together after months apart, but that comment had also planted the seed of an idea. Between the pair neither Sofia nor Roxanna had really ever given much thought to Spring Break. Sofia herself had never attended university and Roxanna's school days were well behind her, moreover the little corner of the world they had made their own was hardly a tourist hot spot and so the event generally passed them by quietly. But both were well aware of that particular right of passage among students and not long after that phone call the metaphorical light bulb had gone off. Brianna had been so kind as to surprise them by making a trip to their home for Christmas so why not return the favor after a fashion? And so they had scrambled to make plans to take a true vacation, to surprise Brianna with a trip, not to some crowded beach or tourist trap but to someplace quiet, someplace away from the world where they could truly be alone and be themselves, together. It hadn't been easy, of course, but both Sofia and herself were determined people and it was good to have friends. And that hard work had paid off. They had managed to find a location and make arrangements for lodgings despite the difficulties, but the excitement in Brianna's voice when they'd sprung that particular surprise, especially when they had made it known that Claudia had managed to secure enough time off to join them as well? That had made it all more than worthwhile.

Closing her eyes, Roxanna allowed herself to drift. In her mind's eye she could see their destination, even if all she had to go on were pictures, a quaint cabin tucked into a hillside overlooking an isolated little stretch of beach too far away from any major cities or important locations to be widely known. A place just for the four of them, at least for the next few days. She made a mental note to thank Kiera again for her assistance, marveling a little at how she'd found this place, and wondering where she'd heard of it from. Ah, no matter. That was a thought for the future. Right now she simply allowed herself to daydream, smiling as she imagined all the games they could play without prying eyes to worry about and wondering at the possibilities that a private beach and kilometers of wilderness in every direction might provide. The mind boggled, but Roxanna liked to think of herself as a creative soul and was certain that she could rise to the challenge.

At some point daydreams became true dreams when Roxanna managed to nod off despite the discomfort of the passenger seat, dreaming of things to come. She could not say exactly when she fell asleep, or for how long, but the next thing she knew Roxanna felt a hand gently shaking her shoulder. Starting awake and sitting bolt upright, she instinctive looked to her left to see Sofia's amused face, hand still on her shoulder, the blonde's sunglasses pushed up onto her head and the world painted in the brilliant red shades that only late afternoon or early morning could bring.

"Welcome back to the world, dorogoy." Sofia teased gently, "We have arrived. Perhaps you would like to stretch your legs?"

Wincing slightly at the kink in her neck and reaching up to rub sore muscles with her hand, Roxanna returned the smile and glanced out the window at the cabin they were parked in front of. The place certainly did not disappoint and as she ran her eyes over the squat building made of knotty pine tucked away amid the brush and trees, her smiled widened. It was like something out of a book, with real ceder shingles covering the roof while a low, wide porch enclosed with spindly railings of the same gnarled pine loomed open and inviting. Thin white curtains covered the large windows while numerous bushes, flowers and vines planted along the foundation crawled up the sides and helped to make the place look like a part of nature that had been here forever. It was perfect.

"Marvelous" she whispered, not aware she had spoken aloud at first.

"Indeed." Sofia agreed, "Your friend did not disappoint. I will start to bring the luggage inside if you would check the trunk?"

Roxanna just nodded, reaching up to pat the hand still resting on her shoulder, before opening the door to stiffly climb outside. Sofia climbed out a moment later and as the blonde opened the back door to begin pulling suitcases and packs from the back seat, Roxanna pressed her hands against the small of her back and spared a moment to pop her spine even as she took another deep breath. The smell of trees and flowers and the much stronger scent of salt washed over her, chasing away any lingering traces of tiredness. Closing her eyes for a moment to relish the sensation she strained her ears and was certain she could hear the gentle lap of waves upon the shore. Reluctantly opening her eyes again Roxanna adjusted her shirt, watching Sofia work out of the corner of her eye and admiring the way toned muscles moved under her skin, as she slowly limped around the back of the car. Hearing the latch pop as she approached, and nodding her thanks to Sofia who just grinned and got back to work, Roxanna carefully lifted up the trunk's hatch and smiled down at the precious cargo within.

"Enjoy the trip, my dears?" she asked, loudly enough to catch the attention of their passengers.

At the sound of her voice both Brianna and Claudia, curled up together in tight bondage, began to squirm and moan into their gags. For a moment Roxanna just stood there and watched, letting her eyes run over the sight before her. The trunk had been carefully lined with folded up blankets to ensure it was suitably padded and the cargo within protected, though Sofia had also taken care to drive slowly and take back roads when possible, which was one of the reasons the trip had taken as long as it had. As well, they had taken care this morning to hide ice packs under the blankets to make certain that the girls would not overheat, an important concern given the increasingly warm weather and how thoroughly they were bound. Mirroring the last time the four of them had been together both Brianna and Claudia had been encased in latex catsuits, their faces hidden beneath hoods before being cocooned in tape to render every centimeter of their bodies, save their breasts, completely covered. Blindfolds and heavy panel gags finished the encasement, rendering them helpless and unable to do much of anything except wriggle in their mummification. To add to the experience, and to prevent them from becoming bored, each girl had a small battery pack taped to their hip with thin wires disappearing under the suits to power vibrators that were teasing the both of them relentlessly, carefully calibrated to keep them on the edge. Small openings in their gags ensured they could breath no matter what, and also allowed them to take fluids throughout the day as they'd stopped periodically to make certain their passengers were, well not exactly comfortable, but at least safe as well as check the tightness of their bondage and the charge of their batteries. Finally, for convenience, both of them had been fitted with catheters, the slender rubber tubes snaking from between their legs to reservoirs taped in place on their thighs, ensuring that they did not need to be unbound for a good long while.

At some point the two had nuzzled together, pressing their tightly encased bodies against each other as they fought their bonds, Claudia resting her head on her slightly taller companion's shoulder. Whether it was out of a desire for companionship and comfort, or just a concession to the somewhat small space they had been confined in, Roxanna found the sight both adorable and arousing. Even now as the two girls tried to look up at her, blind and faceless behind the tight rubber hoods covering their heads, they continued to squirm and writhe in frustration, the soft buzzing of their vibrators surprisingly loud though perhaps that was just her imagination. As they twisted against each other Roxanna could see their pinned arms straining as they fought against the bondage, though whether it was to try and escape or to try and get their hands between their legs to relieve the frustration pulsing within them she could not say. Not that it mattered, as tightly wrapped as they were they had no hope of either. Roxanna felt her smile grow just a touch wicked as she imagined just how desperately horny the pair had to be at this point. While they had been driving all day both Brianna and Claudia had been sealed up early last night, nearly twenty hours ago now after an evening of slow and sensuous lovemaking, a final gift before the true games began. While both of the girls had known that an extended period of encasement was coming up, Brianna had tentatively broached the subject weeks before and Claudia, sensation junkie that she was, was willing to endure alongside her for moral support, neither of them had expected it to start so soon. Even now Roxanna could feel a heat grow between her own legs as she remembered helping to carry the squirming bundles to the car this morning, both girls moaning and writhing desperately. There were times when she wondered about herself, and how much pleasure she drew from teasing and edging her lovers only to deny them at the last moment but, having been blessed with two willing and eager submissives who seemed to enjoy it just as much as she did (even if they tended to complain at the time) she did not linger on the matter.

After a few moments of simply watching the beautiful sight Roxanna carefully reached down and stroked the shiny black rubber that covered Brianna's hair. Almost instantly the girl stilled at her touch, "Easy now, kor�tsi. We have finally arrived. Sofia and I will help you inside shortly. Please stay still, we would hate to drop you."

Brianna twisted her head slightly, pressing herself more firmly against the hand still petting her brow, "Mmh, mnhhrmhh."

"Good girl." Roxanna offered before turning her attention to Claudia, "And you, my dear? I trust you will also behave yourself?"

Claudia seemed to groan, arching her back as she tried one last time to move her arms before collapsing and nodding her head, "Mmh, mnhhrmhh."

"Excellent." withdrawing her hand Roxanna could not help herself, "Don't go anywhere, my dears. We will be right with you."

Gagged as they were she was not certain if they groaned or chuckled at the, admitted poor, joke but as she straightened up Roxanna caught sight of Sofia striding out the front door and back over to the car. As she circled around to the open trunk the blonde wrapped an arm around Roxanna's waist, pulling her closer and planting a kiss on her cheek before smiling down at their bound companions.

"I trust everything is well, dorogoy?" she asked.

"It would seem that our passengers survived." Roxanna returned, a playful hint to her voice as she allowed herself to lean into that embrace, "Though I suspect they might appreciate being made a bit more comfortable."

Sofia's grin widened and she chuckled a bit, "You may be right."

Dropping the embrace Sofia reached into the trunk with a great deal of care and took Claudia by the shoulders, gently lifting her upright. Roxanna moved to the side and took the girl's feet and the two carefully lifted her out of the car together and began to carry her into the house. As they walked, carefully watching their step as they navigated the porch stairs, Roxanna had to fight down a smirk at the thought of what they must look like had anyone actually been watching the display. Probably like the introduction of a particularly salacious porno, or a very kinky kidnapping, which wasn't necessarily wrong, but did it still count as kidnapping if your victims were both eager and willing participants? As the pair passed through the front door and began to move toward the back house, Claudia's prone form still slung between them, Roxanna spared a moment to look around. The cabin was much smaller than their own home, which was to be expected, but it somehow felt bigger despite that. The front room, kitchen and hall all flowed together to form one large space while tall vaulted ceilings towered overhead. Every surface from the floors to the walls to the ceiling were paneled in clear varnished wood, exposed roof beams and wrought iron fittings lending it all a very rustic feel. Rugs were scattered about the space and a pair of couches facing a fireplace made of smooth river stone, flanked on either side by small tables, filled the living room making it seem warm and comfortable. The kitchen beyond was brightly lit, stainless steel appliances and polished stone counter tops crammed into the space along with ornately trimmed cabinets. It was beautiful, different from what she was used to and not how she would personally decorate a house, but still lovely and a nice change of pace for a few days.

Noticing her wandering eye Sofia grinned, "Kiera certainly has good taste."

"She has her moments." Roxanna conceded, though her lips quirked into a slight smile even as she did.

Carrying their gift wrapped captive down the wood-paneled hallway Sofia steered the way into small but well appointed bedroom. A dresser and nightstand next to a wide wood-framed bed filling the space while a large curtained window flooded the room with afternoon light. Carefully laying Claudia down on one side of the bed, Sofia leaned over and gently stroked the girl's cheek while Roxanna carefully checked to make sure none of the wires or tubes had come loose. Satisfied with their inspection the pair made their way back outside and repeated the process with Brianna's equally helpless form, carrying her down the hallway and setting her down right next to Claudia.

"Dorogoy?" Sofia asked suddenly, breaking the silence that had thus far been filled only by footsteps and the soft buzz of vibrators, "Would you be so kind as to grab the last bags while I start unpacking? We should leave the girls to enjoy themselves."

Roxanna bit her lip to hide a grin as she watched the two bound forms settle into place, pressing their bodies together again, clearly glad to be laying down on the soft mattress but also squirming in frustration. Still, she nodded at the request, "Of course, str�ngla."

Sofia smiled at her, "I will be in the master bedroom, it is at the end of the hall."

Making her way out of the room and limping down the hall, the sore muscles in her back and legs finally working themselves loose, Roxanna passed back out through the living room, gently trailing her fingers along the back of one of the couches, admiring its plush texture before walking back out onto the porch. Once there she paused, sparing a moment once again to appreciate the impressive vista they had been blessed with. Surrounded by wilderness on all sides, the call of birds and the distant crash of waves filling the air, for a brief instant Roxanna could imagine that they were the only people on earth. No responsibilities, no schedules, no work, nothing but each other and all the time in the world to enjoy themselves. It was a heady feeling. Sighing contentedly she slowly made her way back down the steps and onto the gravel drive. Crossing over to the car she closed the trunk before slowly circling the vehicle, checking each of the doors and that neither of them had left anything behind on the dash before reaching into the back seat and pulling out a pair of duffle bags. Slinging the bags over her shoulders she checked the back one last time before shutting the door and heading inside. Closing and locking the cabin's front door behind her Roxanna made her way back down the hall looking for the master bedroom, although she paused for a heartbeat at the guest room's doorway to watch the moaning and squirming bundles on the bed as Brianna and Claudia desperately tried in vain to find some relief.

Smiling a little at the display, Roxanna reluctantly tore her attention away and continued to limp down the hallway. Just as Sofia had promised the master bedroom was set at the very end and, for the most part, it looked much like the guest room she had just left behind. A little larger and with more windows, as well as an attached half-bath, but cozy and comfortable all the same. At the moment their suitcases were spread out wide open on the bed while Sofia busied herself tucking cloths and other knickknacks into the dresser. Setting the bags down besides the open cases Roxanna crept around the bed to embrace Sofia from behind, relishing the feel of the blonde's muscled torso and smooth skin under her touch. Pausing what she was doing Sofia placed gently placed her calloused hands on top of Roxanna's own soft ones, swaying her hips slightly before twisting her head to glance over her shoulder. Roxanna meet her half way and their lips met in a soft kiss.

"Feeling affectionate, dorogoy?"

Roxanna hmmed softly, "To spend all day unable to touch you, unable kiss you, while you are dressed like this? You should appreciate my self control in not simply ripping your cloths off right now."

Sofia smirked at that, "My, my dorogoy, if you wished to see me naked you had only to ask and I would have gladly put on a show."

"What?" Roxanna asked, playfully, "While driving, str�ngla?"

"If you were willing to make it worth my while." Sofia returned, equally playfully.

Roxanna actually snorted as she suppressed a laugh, "Perhaps on the way back Brianna or Claudia would be willing to go down on you while driving, they are both young and flexible after all, but that would be murder on my spine."

Turning gently in her grasp Sofia kissed her again, a wicked smile on her lips, "I would hate to do anything that would injure your flexibility, dorogoy."

"Enough talk." Roxanna whispered, harshly, "I need you, right now."

Sofia wet her lips, "We still need to unpack..."

Roxanna leaned forward and kissed her again, harder this time, "You could have me, right here and now, and you would prefer to work? I do not believe you, str�ngla."

That seemed to do the trick and as the last of Sofia's self control fell away Roxanna felt herself swept up in a tight embrace, lips upon her own in a fierce kiss as she was pushed back toward the bed. As they practically stumbled backwards Sofia's hands clumsily slid her blouse off of her shoulders and Roxanna could feel hands reach down to cup her ass playfully before sliding up her back and under her shirt, pulling it up to reveal that she had neglected to wear a bra today. With a sweeping gesture their mostly empty suitcases crashed to the floor and they fell back onto the mattress. As they did Roxanna managed to run her hands up Sofia's sculpted torso and practically ripped the bikini top from her chest to expose her perfect breasts, kneading those soft mounts with her fingers and teasing the woman's hard nipples, eliciting a moan as she worked the blonde's sensitive spots. Straddling her now Sofia reached down and finished tugging off her lover's tank top before Roxanna placed her hands on the woman's back and played her fingers down her spine, making the blonde shiver in pleasure, before slipping her shorts down her hips. With fingers made clumsy by excitement Sofia struggled to unbutton Roxanna's pants and eventually she reached down to help, wiggling her hips to work the capris off, kicking away the garment to leave her body clad only in a simple black thong.

Sofia leaned down to kiss her again and Roxanna closed her eyes, kissing her back as she felt a hand tangle in her hair and another gently caress her side, playing along her ribcage and down onto her hip. The heat of Sofia's body looming above her and those soft lips on her own were heavenly and Roxanna felt herself moan even as she pulled the blonde's hair out of its bun and carded her fingers through those locks as they curtained around them both, massaging the sensitive spots along Sofia's scalp as she did so. The other woman practically purred into the kiss at her touch and Roxanna smiled a bit at the reaction. While it was true that both she and Sofia were very dominant people when the two of them were together that didn't seem to matter. It honestly amused her, just a bit, the few time she had watched Claudia and Brianna together, the way the two submissives playfully fought to dominate each other, but when she was alone with Sofia there was none of that. Perhaps it was a result of the years they had spent together, perhaps it was because of the special place each had in the other's heart, or maybe they just got it all out of their systems playing with Brianna and Claudia, but whatever the case when they made love it was simply a meeting of two people, each earnestly seeking to give the other pleasure.

Roxanna's introspection was cut short when Sofia's lips suddenly left her own and she found her hands tightening their hold on the blonde's shoulders as the other woman began to kiss along the edge of her jaw and neck, teeth scrapping sensitive flesh. Sofia's lips suddenly locked onto her throat, sucking hard in a way guaranteed to leave a mark, and Roxanna gasped at the sensation only to bite her lip to suppress another moan as she felt her underwear being pushed aside and a pair of strong fingers slide into her wet and eager pussy. Her body clenched around the intrusion as Sofia began to thrust into her, her fingertips exploring the velvet heat within to touch all the right spots. Roxanna gasped at the sensation, only to arch her back with a loud moan as she felt a calloused thumb reach up to brush against her aching clit in a vaguely circular motion. One of the things Roxanna had hated most, after her injuries, was the way that most people seemed to treat her like she was made of glass but Sofia had been the first to truly understand that just because she was scarred she was not going to break. As the fingers within her began to thrust fasterer and faster, the thumb on her clit pressing down harder and harder, Roxanna moaned even louder and ran her hands down onto Sofia's strong back, pulling the other woman's body down on top of her own, forcing their breasts to touch and reveling in the feel of all that soft, warm skin against her own. Eyes clenched shut, Roxanna squirmed and writhed and moaned as Sofia's pace quickened and then quickened again until the dam within her burst and the olive-skinned woman threw back her head and screamed, body quaking as an orgasm washed over her, muscles tightening hard around Sofia's fingers as she did. Sofia instantly slowed her pace as soon as her lover came, but did not stop completely, thrusting into her two or three more times as Roxanna rode the wave of aftershocks.

Almost whimpering as she felt those talented fingers slip from her body Roxanna spent a moment just clinging to Sofia, breathing hard as she slowly came down. When she finally opened her eyes, blinking away faint tears, she looked up to see Sofia smirking down at her, clearly pleased with the results of her performance. Smiling slyly at her lover Roxanna took her by the shoulders again and, in an unexpected move, flipped them both over until she was the one straddling the blonde's shapely body, confusion written on Sofia's face at the sudden change of position. Smile widening, and not giving her a chance to recover, Roxanna tangled her fingers in Sofia's hair and leaned down to kiss her, hard, doing her best to pour all of her love, all of her thanks, into that kiss. The message seemed to be received as, when she pulled back again, Sofia was smiling and a bit flushed. Kissing the woman on the cheek, then along her jaw and throat Roxanna began to work her way down the perfect body stretched out beneath her. The blonde squirmed a little at the feel of those lips, moaning softly at the sensation as feather light kisses trailed along her collarbone and then down her sternum. Removing her hands from the woman's hair, Roxanna cupped both of her lover's breasts, squeezing gently before taking a nipple between her teeth and biting softly before sucking with her lips. Sofia did moan at that, arching her back and thrusting out her chest as she own hands played down Roxanna's spine to cup her ass and massage her shapely figure. Switching breasts, Roxanna spent a few more moments worshiping her lover's chest before resuming her journey, running her tongue along Sofia's ribcage before branding her stomach with a series of kisses, working ever lower until finally reaching her destination.

With but the slightest touch Sofia eagerly spread her toned legs to display her cleanly shaved sex. Pausing a heartbeat to admire her lover's body Roxanna gently brushed her fingers over Sofia's damp sex, exploring her curves and folds and drawing forth the most delightful little moans of pleasure and anticipation. Eventually, deciding she had teased the woman enough, Roxanna brushed back her long mahogany hair and bent down to capture Sofia's pussy in a kiss. The blonde actually jumped slightly at that, perhaps not expecting Roxanna to go down on her, but quickly moaned in delight, clenching fistfuls of blanket in her hands as the olive-skinned woman licked and teased her labia before that soft and skillful tongue began to gently swirl around her throbbing clit. Roxanna spent several agonizing moments teasing and exploring her lover before finally taking Sofia's clit between her lips and sucking while at the same time sliding her own fingers into the woman. Sofia cried out, moaning in delight at the sensation and grinding her hips as she silently begged her lover for more. Roxanna was happy to oblige, using her tongue to enhance the performance even as she curled her fingers slightly to reach just the right spot, pleased at the way Sofia's strong muscles clenched around her as she did. Normally it took a great deal of effort to bring Sofia to climax, the blonde's impressive physical stamina translating to that department as well, but it was a testament to both how worked up she was, as well as the skills that Roxanna had earned through long practice, that within moments the beautiful blonde's hips bucked hard and her back arched in a way that looked almost painful as she howled in ecstasy.

Smiling, perhaps a bit smugly as Sofia collapsed in a boneless heap, Roxanna spared a moment to lick her lover clean, enjoying the familiar taste of the other woman's body before crawling over her prone form to cup her cheek in one hand and bent down for another kiss. Although still spent Sofia returned the kiss eagerly, smiling widely as Roxanna settled down next to her, laying at her side and throwing an arm over her body in a soft, half-embrace. For several timeless moments the two just lay there, basking in the warmth of each other and the lingering afterglow. Smiling softly, Roxanna closed her eyes and sighed as she felt Sofia's arm curl around her body and a hand settle onto her right hip, fingers gently caressing her skin and absently tracing the scars found there. It was something that Sofia did often, probably almost unconsciously now, tracing her scars. Once upon a time Roxanna could not fathom that anyone would want to even look at her much less touch her but with each gentle caress, each tracing of the marks that ran across her body, Sofia reaffirmed something she had told Roxanna again and again until the olive-skinned woman had finally believed it, that she was beautiful regardless of the marks she carried. As frustrating and borderline childish as she could be at times Sofia was still perhaps the most amazing person Roxanna had ever met and she owed the woman more than she could ever possibly repay for her kindness and her love. In silent thanks Roxanna tightened her grip and snuggled deeper into Sofia's shoulder and, in turn, the blonde held her equally tightly in silent acknowledgment.

After a long moment Sofia finally caught enough breath to speak, "Feeling better, dorogoy?"

"Much better now, str�ngla." Roxanna replied, lazily, before kissing Sofia on the cheek, "I love you."

"I know." Sofia answered, smiling a little at the pout that Roxanna gave her, "And I love you."

Roxanna hummed softly and lazily traced her fingers over Sofia's skin, "Do you think the girls heard that?"

Sofia chuckled, "Dorogoy, I think everyone back home heard that."

"You are rather loud." Roxanna agreed with a smirk.

Sofia seemed to accept that, not in the least embarrassed, but her own smirk clearly communicated that she was not the only one. Even so, she changed the subject, "Speaking of the girls, how much longer do you think we leave them as they are?"

Roxanna half shrugged as best she could in her current position, "At least one more day, more if they misbehave." she smiled thinly, "Brianna needs to learn to be careful what she wishes for, yes?"

"So cruel." Sofia mused playfully, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"You cannot say that it does not turn you on." Roxanna returned.

"I did not say that." Sofia agreed, "But I must ask, have you any plans?"

"Not really." Roxanna admitted, "I thought it best if we simply see where the weekend takes us. There are plenty of trails, perhaps a nice long bondage walk and picnic."

"That will be tricky." Sofia warned, concern written on her face, "I know it is difficult for you to walk long distances."

"I will be fine." Roxanna assured, "As long as I stretch properly and take plenty of breaks." she smiled then, "And I am certain there will be enough landmarks and trees to play a few games here and there while we wait."

Sofia nodded in agreement, "We should go down to the beach at some point as well."

"We should." Roxanna said with a much brighter smile, "To lay on the beach or swim in the ocean... It has been far too long. Though as pale as Brianna and Claudia are we will need to be careful."

"True enough." Sofia agreed, "Plenty of sunscreen and an umbrella I should think. We would not want to leave, ah, difficult to explain tan lines."

Roxanna laughed softly, "Indeed not. If I had my way they would not be unbound for a moment longer than necessary."

"I have no objections to that." Sofia interjected.

Letting the conversation drop Roxanna laid her head down on Sofia's shoulder with a contented sigh, "I think I could very comfortably never move from this spot."

"I have no objections to that either." Sofia teased, "But I think it would grow awkward eventually. Despite your, very convincing, arguments I do need to finish unpacking and, I do not know about you dorogoy, but I am starving."

"It has been a long day and we have just expended a great deal of energy." Roxanna mused and then reluctantly began to pull away, "I will go make you something to eat then, it is the least I can do. Any requests?"

Still stretched out lazily on the bed Sofia just shook her head, "Surprise me, dorogoy, I have yet to be disappointed by your prowess in the kitchen."

Roxanna smirked as she sat up and stretched her shoulders, "My mother did always say I would make a fine wife one day."

Sofia chuckled at that and shook her head again, this time in amusement, "One thing though, dorogoy. Would you be so kind as to check on the girl's before you get started?"

"Of course, str�ngla." Roxanna agreed as she stood up, glancing back to admire Sofia's nude form, "It is no trouble."

Stretching again Roxanna took a moment to slip off her now damp underwear, making sure to bend over suggestively as she did in order to put on a show, smiling to herself as she watched Sofia's gaze follow her out of the corner of her eye. Pausing only long enough to scoop up one of the satchels that had been shoved to the floor in their haste, she slung the bag over her shoulder and stalked from the room, stopping at the door in order to blow Sofia a kiss, which the woman caught somewhat dramatically with a grin. Smiling back she turned away and limped the short distance down the hallway to the guest room. Reaching her destination at last, Roxanna slipped in through the door frame, flipping on the lights as she did since by now the sun had set enough to cover the room in long shadows. Not that the two occupants could tell, blindfolded as they were. Much as she had left them earlier both Claudia and Brianna were snuggled up together on the bed, squirming as they fought their bondage though some combination of exhaustion, acceptance or perhaps the comfort of the mattress had reduced their struggles to a fraction of what they had been. Then again the two had to be nearing exhaustion at this point. Quickly crossing the room Roxanna carefully set the bag she was carrying on the nightstand then planted on knee on the bed in order to lean over both of the tightly bound girls. The pressure of her leg pressing down on the mattress at last alerted them to her presence and both Brianna and Claudia shifted positions to face her as best they could, moaning to try and get her attention, unsure of exactly who it was that had joined them.

Smiling softly at the sight Roxanna reached out and gently cupped Brianan cheek with one hand and stroked Claudia's brow with the other, "No need to worry, my dears, it is just me. I trust you are enjoying your accommodations?"

Claudia just groaned at that question but Brianna began to struggle more fiercely, practically mewling into her gag, "Hrmrhm mnhhrmhh, N nmmn hr crm! Hrmrhm rmh mm crm!"

Though a great deal of practice Roxanna was quite adept at translating gag-speak and as she watched her poor slave beg her smile sharpened even as she began to caress Brianna's face, "I know, kor�tsi, I know. You wish to cum so badly, but do not forget, you cum when we say, not a moment before. Understood?"

Brianna groaned loudly but nodded nonetheless, "Mmh, mnhhrmhh."

"Good girl." Roxanna praised, "Now, would either of you like some water?"

Claudia, perhaps resigned to her fate or perhaps simply having a better understanding of what she was in for, simply nodded. Brianna, on the other hand, struggled a bit more, her body writhing on the mattress until she finally collapsed in defeat and nodded in turn. Patting them both playfully on the head Roxanna leaned back off the bed and opened the pack she had brought with her. Digging through the tools and toys she had brought for a few moments before she finally found what she was looking for and brandished a small funnel and a bottle of water. Unscrewing the cap she set the bottle aside on the table for a moment before carefully leaning over the bed again. The gags that Claudia and Brianna were wearing had been chosen for a number of reasons such as their secure fit and relatively small size that would allow them to be worn for extended periods of time without too much discomfort, but perhaps most important was the tube that ran through them. While doubling as an emergency measure to ensure that both girl could breath easily, the primary purpose of that tube was demonstrated now as Roxanna fitted the funnel into place on Brianna gag and carefully gave her a measure of water, pouring slowly and taking frequent break to make sure she could swallow without issue. After a few moments she switched over to Claudia and repeated the process. It took a fair amount of time, perhaps twenty minutes in all, but eventually, after moving back and forth several times, both girls had been sufficiently watered and Roxanna put the funnel away, setting the now empty water bottle aside as she did.

Climbing fully onto the bed now Roxanna began to inspect her slaves' bondage but at the same time decided to have a little fun with it. Exploring Brianna's body first she ran her hands over the rows and rows of tape that formed a flexible yet inescapable cocoon binding the girl, its smooth surface warm beneath her touch. The girl squirmed under her fingers as Roxanna applied a bit more pressure and ran them over her shoulders and down her sides, teasing the edges of her ribcage and down the curve of her hips and thighs. Brianna moaned and tried to thrust her hips forward, silently pleading with her mistress to touch her more but Roxanna had other ideas in mind. Sliding her hands up the girl's hip and onto her waist, steadfastly ignoring her pussy in the process, she began to tickle the girl's sensitive stomach as she worked her way back up, eliciting a strangely muffled giggle from behind the gag. Smirking just slightly at the faint vibrations she could feel through that quaking flesh Roxanna at last homed in on her target. Brianna and Claudia both had been bound in such a way as to leave their breasts bare, the only part of their bodies save the tips of their noses not to be covered, and as she cupped those delicate mounds Brianna stiffened in her bonds and moaned at the touch. Kneading her slave's breasts, making the girl squirm and moan even louder as she arched her back and pressed into that touch, clearly enjoying the sensation of her mistress' delicate hands teasing her sensitive skin, Roxanna playfully pinched the girl's rock hard nipples and tugged gently on her piercings making her moan even louder. While it was true that Brianna liked being touched in just about every way she had always been particularly susceptible to having her boobs played with. Very much enjoying the reactions she was eliciting Roxanna spent several long minutes teasing and exploring Brianna's breasts, winding the poor girl up even tighter until she was practically panting and begging again.

"Hrmrhm mnhhrmhh, hrmrhm, hrmrhm!"

Smiling almost cruelly Roxanna withdrew her touch almost as suddenly as she had offered it, leaning down to kiss the girl's forehead, but offered nothing else. Brianna threw her head back into the pillow with a frustrated groan but in her current position there was nothing she could do. Switching to the other side of the mattress Roxanna inspected Claudia's own bindings in turn, again spending several long moments checking the wrappings around her shoulders and chest, before teasing her sides and running her hands along those hips before teasing the slightly smaller girl's thighs. Wriggling a little under her ministrations Roxanna worked her ways back up and traced the faint edges of Claudia's abdominal muscles before shifting attention to her breasts as well. Much as Brianna had done Claudia moaned under the touch, thrusting her chest forward as Roxanna squeezed and kneaded and caresses her small breasts but her reaction was more subdued overall, squirming just a little as her mistress touched and teased her but staying relatively quiet and holding herself as still as possible. Part of Roxanna wondered if that was just because Claudia was less sensitive, or if she hoped that good behavior might earn a reward sooner and the thought made her smile. Clever girl. Unlikely, but still clever.

Finished with her inspection and somewhat reluctantly climbing off the bed again Roxanna moved to check their battery packs. At first she was a little surprised to see the status lights flashing red, indicating that the batteries were almost out of charge, but in retrospect she supposed it made sense. The vibrators had been running non-stop for almost twenty-four hours now. Digging a pack of fresh batteries out of her bag Roxanna pulled off the tape holding the power packs in place and opened them in order to remove the old batteries. Both girls stiffened slightly in surprise and moaned questioningly as the relentless vibrations within them suddenly ceased for the first time since their encasement had begun. But, if they were expecting some type of reprieve they would be sorely disappointed. Smiling wickedly to herself at what was about to happen Roxanna slipped fresh batteries in and the vibrators roared to life again, much louder. Both girls moaned loudly at the sudden sensation, arching their backs against the vibrations as they resumed their earlier struggles, squirming and moaning and fighting their bonds. It seemed they still had plenty of energy, good to know. As she carefully taped the packs back in place Roxanna had to suppress a chuckle. That certainly explained why the pair had seemed so subdued upon her entry, the sensations must have tapered off as the batteries ran down. Shaking her head, and having only one thing left to do, Roxanna circled to the foot of the bed to check the girls' catheters. The tubes themselves seemed fine, no signs of leaks or obstructions, but she did note that the reservoirs were nearly full. Putting on a pair of rubber gloves she retrieved a fresh set from her pack and carefully made sure all the valves were shut before disconnecting the old bags and peeling away the tape holding them in place before plugging a fresh set in and securing them.

At last finished with her work she circled back around the bed and stowed all of her supplies, packing away the water bottle to refill later and leaning in once again to give each of the squirming, moaning bundles a kiss on the gag, "I need to start making diner now, my dears. I will bring you something to eat soon, you must be famished."

Barely listening as the pair moaned and begged Roxanna padded from the room toward the kitchen, making a brief detour into the bathroom to empty the reservoirs before throwing them, along with her rubber gloves, into the trash. Pausing only long enough to wash her hands she slipped back out into the hallway and rounded the corning into the kitchen. The feeling of cool tile was pleasant on her bare feet, though it took a moment or two for Roxanna's eyes to adjust to the bright lights, and she had to smile again as she noted that an apron had been left on the counter. Picking up the garment she slipped it over her hand and tied it in place around her waist, barely covering her naked body, before digging through the cabinets for pots and pans and utensils. A moment later she found herself before the open refrigerator, surveying the various groceries that Sofia had put away earlier and pondering over what to make. It was getting late and while late dinners were not unusual for them she was not in the mood for anything too complex but at the same time she wanted to properly inaugurate their first day of vacation with something a little special. After what felt like an eternity of indecision she at last gathered various odds and ends and sat them on the counter to get to work. As she began to chop ingredients and heat up the oven Roxanna felt herself relax a little more. Much like reading, or typing, there was something about cooking that she had always found soothing. The combination of rote and creativity giving rise to unique creations had always been a fascinating process to her and it also always brought back warm memories of learning at her grandmother's elbow years ago.

Perhaps twenty minutes later, as marvelous smells began to fill the room and the skillet sizzled away, Roxanna felt a pair of strong arms encircle her from behind and a familiar body mold itself to her back. Closing her eyes and biting her lip, tilting her head just slightly to allow Sofia to kiss her neck, Roxanna sighed in contentment.

"You should be careful not to startle the cook." she teased, softly, "Especially when she is working with hot oil."

"My apologies." Sofia whispered, "But you look so beautiful standing here, dorogoy. What am I to do?"

"Flatterer." she whispered with a smile.

Sofia just kissed her neck again, and then her cheek, "Perhaps. That smells lovely. What are you making?"

Opening her eyes again Roxanna turned her attention back to the stove as she answered, "Spanikopita and tomato fritters."

She could practically feel Sofia's grin at that announcement, "Now who is spoiling who, dorogoy?"

"I suppose that would be me." Roxanna admitted, "But you are just so cute, how can I help myself?"

"Just cute?" Sofia asked, slipping her hands under the apron as her voice became low and breathy, "And not devastatingly sexy?"

Roxanna bit her lip again at the feel of those hands teasing her stomach, "Go set the table str�ngla, I am almost finished."

With a final kiss to the cheek Sofia disentangled herself and as she continued to cook Roxanna could hear the sound of drawers being opened and the clink of dishes and silverware being set down. Perhaps fifteen minutes later she flipped the last of the fritters out of the olive oil and onto a platter before grabbing a towel and pulling the spinach pie out of the oven. Taking a deep breath of the heavenly scent Roxanna carefully carried the food over to the small kitchen table, curious to see that Sofia was nowhere in sight and wondering where she had gone. Shrugging, the blonde would turn up eventually, she set the food down on hot pads before removing her apron and pulling out a chair. No soon had she she finished sitting down when Sofia emerged carrying a pair of wine glasses and a bottle.

Placing the glasses on the table she handed over the bottle with a grin, "A little present for you, dorogoy."

Frowning slightly in confusion Roxanna reached out and took it, "I am certainly thankful, str�ngla, but what is the occasion?" Before Sofia could answer Roxanna's eyes went a little wide when she read the label, "A real Cretan retsina! Where did you find this?"

With a smile that screamed 'pleased with herself' Sofia pulled out a chair of her own and sat down across from her lover, "I have my ways."

"You shouldn't have." Roxanna said even as she got up to fetch a corkscrew.

"I like to do things for you, dorogoy." Sofia answered simply, warmth in her eyes, before smirking ever so slightly, "And to you."

Honestly blushing, Roxanna chose to stay silent as she uncorked the bottle, letting it breath for a moment before carrying it back to the table and filling both glasses. As she sat down again and took her glass in hand, Sofia mirroring the gesture, she looked over at the smiling blonde, "What shall we drink to?"

Sofia pondered that for a moment, "To life, to love, and to the kinky young women we are fortune enough to have in our lives."

Roxann chuckled, "I'll drink to that." she said before raising her glass in a toast, "Eviva."

"Vashe zdorov'ye." Sofia mirrored.

As she raised the glass to her lips Roxanna closed her eyes and relished the taste of the wine, the faint tang of pine resin standing in stark, but pleasant, contrast to the underlying sweetness. It was an odd flavor, an old flavor, but somewhat like cooking it was a taste that brought back pleasant memories. Setting the glass down with a soft sigh, and gracing Sofia with another smile of thanks which the woman returned, Roxanna proceeded to cut the pie and serve up wedges though Sofia herself wasted no time in snatching up one of the fritters like a kid in a candy shop. Roxanna made it a point not to fry things too often, but on special occasions like this she would indulge with some tomatokeftedes and it still made her smile to see how eagerly Sofia seemed to enjoy them. Early on in their relationship one of the greatest joys they'd had, other than exploring each other physically and emotionally, had been the sharing of cultures as they both broadened their horizons and deepened their bond. And while it was old hat now Roxanna still got a little thrill out of the way Sofia's face lit up just a bit at the sight of her favorite foods and how her lips curled into a delighted smile at taking the first bite. An experience she was equally glad to be able to share with Claudia and then Brianna now. It was partly because of this that Roxanna had taken it upon herself to do most of the cooking around the house, sharing the foods she had grown up with and putting effort into learning how to make the things Sofia had shared with her, figuring it was the least she could do for the woman who already worked so hard and did so much for her.

Smiling herself and picking up a fork Roxanna chose not to comment as she started eating as well, though she did offer a playful wink after spearing a fritter just as Sofia was reaching for it. Both of them ended up sharing a laugh at that, but as they were already exhausted from the long trip (what was it about riding in a car that sapped one's energy?) and the late hour, to say nothing of their spontaneous lovemaking earlier, there was little said as they relished the spanikopita and washed it down with sips of wine. Gazing past the counter as the hour grew later and the food slowly vanished, the fading sunset gradually disappearing through the large windows of the living room, Roxanna felt her smile grow. Such a simple thing, really, but it truly was the perfect ending to a perfect day. Still, the moment ended eventually and after they had both eaten their fill Roxanna stood to begin clearing the table, Sofia quietly helping her put away the leftovers before they moved the plates and pans and silverware into the sink. Standing side by side as they shared the task of washing and drying the dishes, a task they often shared in the late hours of the evening, Sofia suddenly spoke.

"That was wonderful, dorogoy. Thank you."

Quickly giving the other woman a kiss on the cheek, Roxanna casually brushed her hair back, "No need to thank me. How did you put it? I enjoy doing things for you, and to you."

Sofia laughed and hugged her briefly, pressing their naked bodies together, "This was a wonderful idea, dorogoy. It feels good to be away."

"It does." Roxanna agreed, "We should be certain to thank Brianna properly for the inspiration."

Sofia nodded, "I am certain that we can come up with something, though at the moment I am certain I know what she would want."

"True." Roxanna conceded with a sly smile and, after luxuriating in that embrace for what felt like a long time, she gradually loosened her grip, "Speaking of, I promised the girls dinner as well. There is some soup in the refrigerator, would you be so kind as to heat it up while I finish the dishes?"

"But of course." Sofia said with a smile of her own as she withdrew her arms and stepped out of the embrace.

For another moment Roxanna allowed herself the luxury of watching Sofia's nude form as she dug through the refrigerator, the cool air raising goosebumps on her skin while the back light almost seemed to make her glow. Finally, reluctantly, she tore her eyes away from that lovely sight and returned to the more mundane task of rinsing and drying the last of the plates, not that there were many left. Humming to herself as she worked, by the time Roxanna finished setting the last plate in the rack to dry Sofia had found what she was looking for and was leaning against the counter as she watched the microwave, the container of soup spinning inside as it re-heated. Drying off her hands an idea suddenly occurred to her and Roxanna quietly crossed the distance to embrace her lover again, reversing their earlier positions by pressing herself against the woman's toned back. As she felt arms encircle her once again Sofia immediately turned in that embrace only to find herself caught in a deep kiss, a kiss she returned gladly as both eagerly lost themselves in the sensation. Tongues eagerly probing as they playfully explored each other's mouths time simply seemed to slip away until the loud *ding* of the microwave seemed to startle them both back to their senses.

Blushing a bit from the intensity of the kiss Roxanna smiled softly but did not let go, "I am certain that both Brianna and Claudia must be quite hungry. We really should see to them."

"We should." Sofia agreed, though at the same time made no move to actually remove herself from Roxanna's embrace.

Biting her lip for a moment Roxanna finally darted in for a quick, and must softer, kiss before she stepped back with a sigh to fetch some spoons. When she returned Sofia had already poured the soup, a simple broth with filled with very finely diced vegetables, into a large ceramic bowl and set it on a tray. As she walked back over the blonde offered a quick kiss of her own, darting in and grinning widely at Roxanna's surprised reaction before picking up the tray and carrying it from the room. Shaking her head at bit, though smiling as well, Roxanna trailed along behind her out of the kitchen and into the hall, careful to turn off the lights behind them. In start contrast to the darkened hallway light still poured out of the doorway to the guest room and, as they entered, the bright light from the ceiling fixture made both Brianna and Claudia's encasement shine like polished stone, strange patterns of glare and shadow playing off the tape as they writhed and squirmed. Walking over to the moaning pair without hesitation, Sofia set the tray down and spent a moment simply admiring the sight, eyes roaming over the two tightly bound young women wriggled helplessly in their bondage.

Limping up beside her, Roxanna once again threw and arm around Sofia's waist and leaned into her, "A beautiful sight, yes str�ngla?"

Sofia nodded while slowly snaking her own arm around Roxanna's waist in turn and resting a hand on her hip, "Beautiful indeed, dorogoy. I must confess, that seeing them like this? I never want to let them go."

Both of the bound forms began to squirm even more vigorously, clearly protesting that statement, and Roxanna laughed softly, "That would indeed be something. Not possible, I am afraid, but what a thought."

Sofia looked her in the eye, still grinning, and she nodded at the silent question, stepping away from her lover and circling over to the other side of the bed. Leaning over she quietly stroked Claudia's face before carefully unbuckling the panel gag covering her lips and pulling it from her mouth. Across from her Sofia was repeating the process with Brianna, though the blonde also seemed to be thoroughly enjoying the opportunity to grope the girl's captive breasts, making poor Brianna squirm even more. The girl had always had very sensitive breasts and very much enjoyed having them played with but, after riding the ragged edge of an orgasm for more than a day Roxanna suspected that, at this point, it was as much a punishment as anything else. Though she could admit that the noises the bound girl made were certainly captivating. Shaking her head again Roxanna set Claudia's gag aside and looking down at the mummified girl beneath her, her slender form lying mostly still though the occasional twitch betrayed the ongoing work of the vibrator within her, and reached down to stroke her face again. The black latex hood she was wearing covered her face completely but now that the gag was removed the cutout for her mouth was revealed, her thin lips stretched into a small 'o' of surprise by the small stainless steel jaw spreader she was wearing, a precaution to ensure that she would remain somewhat gagged no matter what, her white teeth standing in stark contrast to the glossy black encasement that covered almost every centimeter of her. Still gently stroking the girl's face, as if to calm her, Roxanna looked up to see that Sofia had mostly finished playing with her own captive and carefully set the tray of soup down between them. Nodding again, Roxanna took one of the spoons and began the somewhat delicate process of feeding a woman wearing the equivalent of a ring gag.

Neither spoke as they worked, too focused on making certain not to make a mess as well as moving slowly to ensure that neither girl had a problem swallowing. Thankfully both Claudia and Brianna were both familiar with the procedure, even if Claudia had far more experience naturally, and so it went relatively smoothly. Both girls ate eagerly, clearly quite hungry after the day's adventures, and after perhaps thirty minutes of carefully feeding them the bowl was empty. As Sofia moved the tray off the bed Roxanna picked up the gag again but as she was about to fit it back into Claudia's mouth a voice stopped her.

"Do not be so hasty, dorogoy." Sofia said as she moved to straddle Brianna's prone form, "I think the girls would appreciate some dessert, wouldn't you agree?"

Glancing down at Claudia's helplessly wrenched open mouth and then over at Sofia's position it was not difficult to guess what the woman meant. A smile twisted her lips, "Why str�ngla, I believe you might be right." Carefully maneuvering herself onto the bed, wincing a bit as she strained her hip, Roxanna moved to straddle Claudia's body in turn and gently took the girl's face in her hands, "Would you like some dessert, my dear?"

The bound girl nodded as best she could, "Yeh, nhihghuehh!" she forced out around the jaw spreader. So beautiful, so submissive, so eager to please.

"Good girl." Roxanna whispered as she shifted forward to press her wet and eager pussy against the helpless mouth below her.

Almost instantly Claudia's tongue was on her and Roxanna was lost, closing her eyes and throwing back her head with a moan. From years of practice Claudia was quite adept at performing oral sex and when that experience and enthusiasm was combined with her twin tongue studs? Roxanna was a big believer in the idea that there was no one 'correct' way to make love, when it came to pleasure variety was very much the spice of life, but as much as she enjoyed Sofia and Brianna's attentions she had never experienced anything else quite like this. The way the girl's soft, warm tongue traced the curves and folds of her sex, the way she teased by running the lips of her mistress' labia and her aching clit between those studs as she licked, it was quite simply out of this world. Roxanna eagerly gave herself over to the sensation, arching her back slightly to press down against Claudia's face even as she cupped her own breasts, teasing and kneading and fondling herself as her slave worked her ever closer to orgasm. She was vaguely aware of Sofia's own cries of pleasure, the blonde bent over with one hand braced on the mattress and the other gripping the headboard tightly as Brianna serviced her, but that was at best a minor concern compared to the incredible sensations washing over her as Claudia worked. Finally, after what felt like hours of that wonderful tongue teasing and working and pushing her ever close to the edge Roxanna felt herself gasp and her muscles tighten as Claudia pushed inside of her, those studs scraping her g spot with all the talent and precision of someone who knew her body intimately. Arching her back a little more and grinding her hips unconsciously, Roxanna squeezed her own breasts and bit her lip to stifle her moans as she felt an orgasm build within her.

All of a sudden, her eyes snapped open in surprise as she felt hands grip her firmly only to see Sofia, her face flushed and her eyes wild, suddenly lean in and capture her lips in a kiss. Twisted somewhat awkwardly to face her lover she threw her arms around Sofia's toned form as the blonde's tongue entered her mouth. Returning that kiss, and eagerly dueling that tongue even as Claudia's own tongue continued to work her, she felt herself tense and her arms tighten as whatever restraint she'd had left failed and she came. Sofia only kissed her harder in response, swallowing her screams of pleasure and tightening her grip to hold her lover's quaking body still as an orgasm rocked her in turn. Ever obedient Claudia continued to pleasure her mistress, wrenching a string of orgasms from Roxanna's body as the olive-skinned woman clung to Sofia's form and kissed her, almost desperately as she rode the waves of pleasure that seemed to make up her whole world.

After the fact Roxanna could not say when it stopped, her mind honestly seemed to go blank, but when she became aware again she found herself straddling Claudia's waist again, Sofia's strong arms around her, rubbing her back gently, as she rested her head against the blonde's soft bosom. Slowly raising her head she looked up at Sofia's face, the woman's skin still sweaty and tinted pink from a lingering flush, and smiled at her. They lips met again, much more softly this time, before Roxanna rested her head on the woman's shoulder.

"It is interesting, is it not, dorogoy?" Sofia asked softly after a moment.

"Hmm?" Roxanna asked in turn, finding her voice, "What do you mean?"

"These two lovely young women," Sofia began, "the hornier they are the more... talented their tongues seem to become."

Roxanna felt herself smile a little at that, true though it was, "You are right, str�ngla, that is interesting. And worthy of study. Perhaps we should tease them all week to test it?"

Sofia smirked a little at that, but before she could say anything Brianna, still trapped between the blonde's legs, began to buck even more fiercely against her encasement, shaking her head and trying to speak around the jaw spreader, clearly not liking the idea one bit. She could sympathize, before this had all begun they had decided on a few days at most and as much as Brianna liked being teased there were limits. Of course, for all of her protests the bound girl had yet to use her safe word and by this point Roxanna was certain that both of their playthings understood when their mistresses were kidding.

"Ah, devushka." Sofia said with a chuckle as she slowly disentangled herself from the embrace to gag the girl again, "You will cum when we decide, not a moment before. But, be a good girl and we might reward you. Understood?"

Shifting her shoulders a few more times and arching her back as she strained against the tape, Brianna finally fell still and nodded, reluctantly, "Mmh, mnhhrmhh. N rnnmrhhrnn."

Watching the display with silent amusement, Roxanna bent down to give Claudia a brief kiss of thanks for her performance, gently exploring the helpless girl's mouth and tasting herself on those lips, before securing her gag back in place as well. With that she slowly lowered herself down onto the mattress until she was laying down between the two girls. Sofia, at this point having climbed off the bed shot her a curious look

Roxanna just smiled, "I am far too exhausted to move, str�ngla. Perhaps I will join you in bed when my legs work properly again."

Sofia laughed softly in turn, "It will be a challenge to sleep alone, but take your time. And I suppose someone should spend the night here." she leaned over the bed to kiss her, Roxanna's hands combing through her hair as she did, "Pleasant dreams, dorogoy."

"Pleasant dreams." she whispered back softly as the kiss ended.

With another quick kiss Sofia picked up the tray with the empty bowl on it and slowly walked out of the room, turning the lights off behind her as she went, plunging the room into darkness. Sighing softly Roxanna settled in between the bound pair, reaching up to gently stoke Claudia's face even as she twisted her head to give Brianna a kiss on the temple, "Sleep well, my dears."

As she leaned back with another contented sigh Roxanna barely heard their muffled replies as the two squirmed in place to press their thoroughly mummified bodies up against her own naked one. Luxuriating in the warmth and smiling at that display of affection, dreaming of what the morrow might bring, Roxanna felt her eyes drift closed almost instantly, the soft moans and tiny twitches of her bound companions lulling her into a deep and happy sleep.

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