Author's Note: [word by author: this is my longest story creation to date, some 80% was written in the 2003-2005 timeframe, then it stuttered or was overtaken by other stories.
The original spark of inspiration came from my wife, who asked for a story "with a bit more action this time, please". If this is not enough action, I don't know what is ;-).
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The reboot some 3 years ago got new steam when I "found the ancient civilisation" and why they made these toys. Overall I am quite pleased with the range of situations and encounters Burt gets to enjoy.
Acknowledgement: some elements in chapter 1, "The Ring finds me" have indeed been copied from "The Outfit" (found in '99), whose writer I am grateful for inspiring me.
Constructive suggestions are always welcome at wrapandstrap@gmail.com.
Chapter 1: The Ring Meets Me
I am about to tell you a story you may have dreamt of for yourself. This dream has happened to me and it has totally upturned my life, my sexual life, et al.
After several years of marriage, Sally and I had fallen into the trap of routine daily life. We had known each other for quite a few years before we tied the knot, so we had been sharing our life and beds for almost 10 years. You could say the candle seemed a bit at its end.
Fortunately, I realized ours was not a root-problem, we still liked each other.
I was thinking what I could get Sally for our upcoming anniversary, when I visited a friend at an archeological dig, Roger. My business took me near to where he had been working in ancient Peru. They had found artefacts of an ancient people, well before the Inca's had risen to fame.
"Hi Burt, good of you to come by, it's been ages since we spoke" he exclaimed when I got out of the car.
I'll spare you the chit-chat of friends catching up after many years. Suffice to say he proudly showed my some of the things they had found.
The civilization had died over 3000 years ago. They were a very exotic and erotic people. The artefacts that were discovered were incredible. A box with strange inscriptions was being studied, no, admired by an assistant, Lori. As Roger continued to show me some other erotic toys and clothes, I realized Lori had Sally's height and hair (about 1.55, black & short) but not quite her figure (sporty size, I reckoned, versus Sally's lovely "Rubens" body).
"Can you believe they had something like breast binders, torso-harnesses and chastity-belts with plugs? And I'm talking 3000 years ago, when you'd think they had to concentrate on basic survival, wild animals or diseases!"
This was obviously not your ordinary archaeological find.
"And feel this material! It's not leather, not latex (as if they could make this), no metal. Yet it feels like new, smooth, incredibly strong. And we still haven't found out how they made it, no seams, no welds, no stitches."
I had the impression the archaeologist in him was puzzled as if he had found unusual urns and plates, instead of sex-toys. The male in Roger hardly seemed to notice. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Lori very well realized the toys for what they were.
My eyes fell on something and I thought of the state of "our wedding candle".
When I thought Roger did not notice, I pocketed it. I could always return it tomorrow.
In my hotel room that night, I examined it. It seemed to resemble some sort of cock-n-ball strap. I had heard of such things. Perhaps it could be just the boost for Sally and me if my tool had some "booster". Indeed, the material was strange, yet magically attractive. The whole thing was made of extraordinary craftsmanship, excellent eye for detail. It seemed cast out of one piece, and like Roger said, I could see no stitches, welds or any other mark, apart for what seemed the locking buckle.
I took the plunge and decided to try it on (a few beers earlier lowered my hesitation). My first ever sex-toy, I was nervous as I took off my pants and underwear.
However, it seemed to fit perfectly: a heavy duty, metal-ish ring around my balls with noticeable weight, connected to another equally solid ring to fit around the base of my cock. The cock ring could open, with a small latch to open it.
It took a bit of effort to push my balls through the ring, I was a bit scared to hurt myself. When the second one flipped through, I could feel immediately the weight dragging them down a bit.
When I closed the second ring around the base of my cock however, something unusual happened. While putting everything on, my tool was already waking up with the unusual attention. When the buckle closed, the heavy duty rings seemed to come to life. They started to tighten around my balls until just the right tension to be exciting, while firmly holding my tool upwards at the same time.
I felt energy flowing into my loins like I never had before, and my tool rose to a respectable size, from tool to TOOL, so to speak. My body became charged with 20.000 volts of erotic energy, and I felt I could screw ten ladies in ten minutes.
Being in a small village just outside an archaeological camp, however, there were not that many ladies around. I realized how a Serengeti Lion must feel once his mating-hormones started flowing and no lioness around for 200 miles.
Thinking of Sally and our finest moments in bed, I masturbated, and again, and again, up to 5 times! After each climax, the Ring started shuddering as soon as I had stopped shuddering, and it seemed like it pulsed new sexual power into me.
I sat at my hotel bed, excited, wondering how I could tell Sally. This seemed to be the best thing ever for our bed-life.
A knock on my door awoke me from my dreams. I quickly pulled my pants and looked who it was.
It was Lori, with a strange look in her eyes. She looked at me and seemed to see a similar look in my eyes. "What have you taken from the camp? I saw you pocketing something".
Something in her voice told me she was not accusing, but curious. I looked at her long coat (strange for the time of day), which seemed hastily put on, fitting around her like a baggy tent.
I gambled. "I'll tell you, when you tell me what you nicked"
"Something magic, of course" she said and opened the coat. I gasped, she looked stunning in a fetish like outfit, as much 3000 years old as was my own little "outfit".
She was wearing a tightly strung corset, shiny black, no visible seams of buckles, of the same material my cock-ring was made of, giving her a wonderful hourglass figure, propping her breast up, about to pop out. Her arms were covered all their length, with gloves in the same shiny black stuff, while her legs were accented beautifully in high heeled thigh-high boots, all as tight as if it was second skin.
The whole thing looked like a harness, holding her, protecting her.
"This gives me rushing hormones like I never had before" she said with a look that proved it. I could not agree more, she looked absolutely fantastic.
In my vanilla sex-life up to now, I had never even seen a lady "live" in a corset. "And I'm starting to guess what kind of thing you have taken" she added, looking at the enormous bulge in my pants.
I nodded and took them off, exposing my Tool in his rings.
She gasped. "My god, is it always this ...alive?!"
Indeed, it was alive, throbbing, huge, it seemed as if a very strong bull was inside of it, who had just spotted a very juicy matador in bright red.
To cut a long story short, we were both highly charged by the ancient sex-toys or clothes. One more look and our lips met. I lifted her up as she kicked the door shut with her boot. Between the door and the bed, she tore off my shirt, without our lips & tongues parting, and then we fell backwards onto the bed. We hesitated briefly to catch some air.
"You horny?" she asked, breathing deeply, with crimson cheeks.
I nodded.
"Foreplay?" she added, though not all too serious.
I looked at her, and her outfit. "You nuts? Let's fuck, hard!".
That was all the academic conversation we could muster, with the bubbling hormones thundering through our veins
So we fucked, like students released at spring break.
And again.
And again.
In my case, the Ring pulsed new life into me, almost directly after I had climaxed. Her outfit, tight as it was, gave her air to scream and fly, when she was on top she rode me like a wild horse.
Her hands had an uncanny cool feeling with the gloves, as she slid her hands to various places where they tend to go when making love. Her legs felt equally electrifying, as they slid across my skin, as legs do when....well, you know.
We really, really screwed our brains out, we both had to catch up on some lost years.
In between takes (pardon the pun), I understood she had had some dry years as well.
I lost count how many times I took Lori in every possible opening and position, some 5 or even 7 times....and that was before we went to sleep. I took her on the bed, against the wall, in all her orifices. The excitement, the adrenalin and Lori's own fiery excitement, gave me unknown power to hold her up and take her standing, with her in my arms.
After we fell asleep exhausted, one of us would awake after some time and start screwing the still sleeping one again. When we decided we needed to get up, we screwed again in bed, under the shower (yes, with her complete outfit on, it looked terrific with drops all over it), in the bedroom and quickly before we had to say goodbye. Obviously, her outfit gave her as much energy as my Ring did with me. She did not feel the least bit out of breath, in spite of the corset tightness.
As we said goodbye, we exchanged telephone numbers, and vowed each of us would stay silent about the little thing we had taken out of the big find.
On my way home, I just had to keep the ring on. No question, it felt so good, I wanted to swell in the powerful glow it warmed my loins with.
I thought of my escapade with Lori. Somehow, it did not seem like betraying Sally, more like a trial run to make sure Sally would get her money's worth.
I don't know if I walked different, if a bulge in my pants was visible to others, or if the ring radiated some sort of sex-magnetic energy around me, but I felt a lot more attention from the ladies as I walked through the airport and sat in my seat.
The material was obviously not metallic, as airport security had not noticed. Pity, actually, there had been a nice lady security guard....and she had been watching me.
I still loved Sally, and was very grateful Lori had helped me over the initial shock. My mind was jumping from my time with Lori to what I was planning with Sally.
I was woken from my day-dreaming by the stewardess asking me something. "Excuse me sir, all you all right?" she asked, however her voice was not one of medical concern. I followed her gaze and saw my Tool showing its readiness by bulging my pants. He sure was on its way to meet the ladies, not waiting for me anyway.
"Eeeh, well, yes, I'm fine, extremely fine actually as you can see." I managed to muster.
"Perhaps I can help you?" she said with a clear hint in her face.
Was she thinking what I thought she was thinking, or really, what I hoped she was thinking?
"Err, are you thinking what I think you are thinking, or better yet, what I hope you are thinking?" I tried with a courage unknown to me before. I looked deep into her eyes, trying to guess her true thoughts.
Her eyes drifted from my eyes to my bulge and back, then quickly scanned if no-one could hear us.
"That may not be a topic here for the cabin, sir. Perhaps we can discuss our thoughts more discreetly in the back of the aircraft" she said....with a smile and a glimmer in her eyes. She walked away and after the briefest of moments I followed her. She took me to the rear of the cabin, to the kitchen area. She briefly looked over her shoulders if no-one saw us, then quickly unlocked the door to stairs down to the crew rest area, on the lower deck. She motioned me to go downstairs, then followed me after closing the door.
Moments later, I was in the lower-deck crew-rest area with her. I was a bit nervous, she also seemed a bit surprised at her own courage. "So, you are extremely fine, you said. Well, I can tell a gun in a man's pants when I see one, and you seem definitely happy to see somebody" she tried to joke Casablanca style.
"I can assure you, this is no gun" I said. "More like a secret weapon, perhaps" I said James-Bond style, and I showed her (again surprised at my own courage).
She swallowed when she saw the size of my throbbing Tool, the same reaction Lori had had the night before. "God, that is one heck of a cannon! I'm not sure if I can handle that"
My hands held her face and our eyes locked. "Why don't we just try?"
Without further ado, we quickly took off our clothes and without much words, I plunged my mighty Tool into her. She could handle me very well, indeed. Less than 5 hours after a great night with Lori, I screwed this lovely stewardess, whose name I didn't even know, 5 times within an hour. She was not one for the back entrance, but knew various great positions on using the front one which I had never thought of before. Once she really got started, she started coming more than I did, perhaps twice as often. She obviously had some neglect to catch up on too. I understood her husband was a pilot, she had a strong hunch that he was having good times while away. Apart from catching up, she was having her sweet revenge.
Another stewardess came down to look for "mine" and after recovering from her surprise to see us in full action, she said she'd say nothing if she got something as well, "if there is something left, of course".
"I'm sure there is something left in this guy, he is a superstud!" the first one said, gasping, with her hair in a mess. After making herself somehow presentable, she gave me a warm kiss, looked me in the eyes and said "Thank you Mr 6A, that was the best fuck I had in ages!" and went upstairs again.
The second stewardess looked at my Tool. "Hmmm, seems like there is indeed something left, just like Jenny said." and she pushed me onto my back. She simply raised her skirt, sat on my Tool and rode me. With the sound of the aircraft systems around us, we could make noise and no one would hear us.
By now, I was getting used to the power of The Ring around my Tool. I stopped questioning the how or why, just enjoyed the pure lust we were exchanging. Who cares why this lovely lady wanted to lapdance on a total stranger, she simply did and it was J U S T F*** G R E A T .
To satisfy the nagging little voice in my head, I mentally placed Sally's face onto the stewardess, as I screwed her a few times too, after which she gave me a wonderful blow-job as "thank you".
I returned to my seat just before landing, exhausted in body, but not in my loins.
By the time I turned my car onto our driveway, I had recovered a little, but not yet solved the question how to bring this to Sally.
Chapter 2: The Ring Meets Sally
In the end, it was quite simple. As I came into the kitchen, Sally was wearing a lovely summer dress, that showed off her lovely figure in the way I liked so much.
"Hi Honey, had a good trip?" she said, smiling.
"It was excellent" I said as I put down my stuff. "There is something I have to show you." and walked over to her at the table.
I kissed her, hugged her, raised her dress and lifted her onto the table, all in one fluid movement.
Her face went from curious to surprise to surprised excitement.
"Yo Burt, what's up? Too many espresso's down there in Peru?"
"No espresso's, but I did find this wonderful ring thing, I have a good feeling it will spice up our sex life" I answered, as I lowered my pants and showed my strapped Tool, throbbing and ready for action.
She gasped as she saw my Tool, much bigger then she was used to. "Burt, it looks ....magnificent, but are you sure that ring thing is not hurting you?"
"Hell, Sal, when I'm done, you will be the one who's hurting" and took her right there and then on the kitchen table. I pumped into her with a force I hadn't had for a long time with my Sally.
I could tell her surprise was quickly replaced with excitement, she obviously liked the new Me. Her buttocks had just the right padding for a good humping on a table, we sure made it squeak.
After the first time, I turned her over on her belly, legs hanging over the edge. Before she could recover, I took her up her butt and screwed her again with the same force with which I had taken her in front.
Sally and I had not done it on the kitchen table for ages, and I had not taken her from behind in ages as well, certainly the combination had never happened. And it felt absolutely great. I could see her body jolting as I moved in and out, I could hear her gasping, enjoying herself.
Apart from the force in my loins, my senses were much more sensitive, it seemed. I could actually hear myself going in and out of her cheeks, apart from that great feeling. In this position, I could see it doing well too, a sight good enough that you almost did not need the ring anymore. She started shuddering and screaming before I exploded into her, but she was still shuddering & screaming after I had collapsed.
Apart from my senses being more sensitive, my brains seemed clearer too. Well, a bit clearer, most of my mind was still going ape with lustful frenzy.
With Lori and the flight crew, my mind had been foggy, being totally overcome with the sensation that other women were attracted to me. Now, with my trusted Sally, I could actually feel the Ring massaging, squeezing and kneading my balls as I was pumping my Might Rod and an out. Heck, the Thing felt alive, and it felt intoxicatingly fantastic, like someone pushing me on. And on. And on.
With a 1000 Volts that the Ring would put into me, a collapse would not last long, and after a minute or so of panting, I turned Sally her around again, lifted her up and lowered her onto my Tool again.
"Burt, my God, what has happened to you? Whatever it is, please don't stop!...Stop, where are you going?" she said in between gasps and panting.
"Just hold on, Sal, enjoy the ride" I said as I walked her over to the stairs. I pushed her against the wall, and took her again, standing up, her legs strapped around my hips, her arms strapped around my chest, her lips strapped around my face, her tongue... well, you get the picture.
Some eternities later, our clothes lay strewn from kitchen to the bedroom, where we had finally collapsed, after another string of very close encounters. Sally liked blow-jobs, and she had given me three, gulping down the fluids my revitalized balls were producing. Apart from the power I now had, the taste had changed as well, she drank it eagerly.
We have always been open, Sally and I, and I told her the whole story. To my surprise, she took it well.
"I guess I should kick you and punch you and all, but if this is the state you were in after three ladies, I don't want to know how I would have suffered if you hadn't taken them" she said practically.
What a gal! And I had been feeling guilty.
I kissed her gently, and again. We fell asleep cuddled in each other's arms.
Chapter 3: The Ring In Our Lives
From that day on, our life got a new pace.
Our foreplay became brief, the main play long and intensive, whereas the padding, caressing, sweet words and so on became after play. Sally and I would screw, fuck and blow multiple times in the morning, briefly around lunch if we could meet, and multiple times in the evening and nights.
Sally lost some weight from all the work-outs we were doing together, but much more importantly, she got a whole new self-confidence. From a modest, grey mouse, she transformed into a self-confident woman, daring to wear powerful clothing that showed off her figure, shirt with deep cut-outs, tight pants, etc.
I also was fitter then I had been in ages, getting heavy work outs throughout the day. My physical condition was great, from lifting Sally in all sorts of positions, standing up and pump, etcetera.
Apart from general health from working out, a distinct body part changed too. Sally told me my Tool had been growing, both in limp state, as well in erect state. I never was displeased with my size, yet all the action (or the Ring-magic?) had grown my Soaring Soldier a few sizes. In "fully armoured position" it was a solid 6 to 7cm in diameter, and the full 27cm in length.
Yes, Sally measured it.
She also felt it, she said it filled her up like never before, as if the Ring wanted every last space in her fully filled.
Another change was in the skin of my Tool. Once we were up & running, it would give off a sweet, nectar-like spice taste, which Sally found most exciting. Literally exciting, it worked on her like an aphrodisiac. As if she needed one, by the way.
Somehow it helped her open up to my large cannon, too, as if it relaxed her skins & internal muscles. One day we tried the difference by using a condom, and she had a lot more difficulty in taking me in, and it felt a lot less exciting. As you can guess, that was the last of our condom experiments.
Whatever the sweaty fluid was, it also helped Sally relax her throat, and after a bit of practice, she could actually take on the full Soldier when she was orally pleasing me.
OMG, what a wonderful treat that was! Before Sally had never been able to do this, and it was a huge turn-on for our joy together. If we played orally several times in a row, her throat would actually remain stretched for a while afterwards, lowering her voice to a lovely female baritone. If she'd been a singer, she could have made good bucks with that voice.
She also loved my new taste, it was like a sparkling, juicy, spicy shot of Red Bull Caribbean cocktail, relaxing and pumping up your hormones at the same time. Whenever I came in her, she felt a wonderful glow spreading all over her, as if I had peppered her insides with juicy glowing fireworks. All in all, Sally was quite happy with the new me.
I changed to a new position in my company, to stop travelling and move to a more internal position. It was a bit of a pity, as I liked visiting customers, but now I was assured of being with Sally almost every day.
After a while, there was a noticeable change in Sally's body too.
Apparently being with a Ringed Man many times a day had effects for a woman: her breasts started to grow and became firm again, a youthful Cup C.
Yet the biggest surprise was that she would start lactating when she was fully aroused.
Imagine our surprise!
Yet I absolutely loved it.
We had never had children, had not planned for it and somehow the window of opportunity had passed. To both our surprise, we totally loved the sight, the smell and the feeling of nibbling & drinking from her wonderful breasts.
They already were lovely (I told her many times)(even without words), and now they had become magically magnificent.
Sometimes I considered taking off the ring, wondering if I was not doing something dangerous with a 3000 year old artefact I knew nothing about.
I called Roger. "Hi Rog, how's it going with that Peru stuff you recovered?"
"Well, we've been trying to analyse the material that everything we have found is made of, but haven't had any luck. It's completely indestructible. Even a plasma torch wouldn't do anything. If getting it the same temperature as the sun doesn't work, nothing will. I just wish I knew how they made it. All the stuff seems to be made of the same material, too. There's even a tarp of some kind that has the same characteristics, but it's flexible. I wonder how they did it? There is absolutely nothing that can damage it."
His voice was still the excited scientist, not trace of the male who was fiddling with sex clothes. I chuckled.
"That's interesting. I wouldn't mind having a few things made out of that material! ", I replied.
"Me, too. Everything would last forever, which explains why it's the only thing remaining of the people."
Did I finally hear a trace of the right excitement in the scientist voice?
I tried steering him elsewhere. "What about those inscriptions, on this box that lady was looking at, have you figured those out?"
"Oh, you mean Lori? Yeah, she sort of disappeared, was with us only briefly. Well we deciphered some text about being in total control, and something about "the Danger of Powerful Clothing". We're not quite sure where to fit it in. Perhaps you should not close the clothes, as you cannot tear them open."
I knew enough for now, though was not sure if I liked it. "Well, good luck with everything! I'll be keeping an eye on the media for the results of the find.", I said as I hung up.
Brooding over what Roger had told me, I realised the Ring had recently been alive in some other aspects as well. The part around my balls had grown a bit wider as my Tool had grown, yet it always kept the same strictness, always somewhere in the back of my mind. Yet recently, it had started to grow longer as well, slowly stretching my balls downwards. It was a steady pull, and it seemed it was allowing my skin and all the tubing inside to grow along slowly too. I had an eerie vision of one day my balls dangling against my knees, if I kept this infernal tool long enough. One morning I woke up to find a small strap which had formed from to back across my balls, effectively setting them slight apart. I had a hunch this would slowly grow further as time would go by.
Yet, the sex and intercourse was still intoxicating, and for sure clouding my judgement.
I called Lori to hear what had happened to her with the corset and boots and gloves.
She was excited, addicted even, she would wear it for days on end.
When I told her I had not taken my strap rings off at all, she was curious how Sally would look by now, with my new Power. "So far, amazingly well, it has done absolute wonders to our marital life." I told her, and explained about the changes in both our bodies, including the ball stretching and all.
She had had something comparable. Her body had adjusted to the corset, it was training her to be smaller by slowly tightening over time, keeping a constant pressure, while jutting up her breasts, which had been growing too. The heels of the boots were slowly growing, training her to walk ever higher, with ever more sway. If she took them off, she needed ever longer to get used to walk flat footed again, so in the end, she never took the boots off anymore. Her skin stayed clean and healthy and hair-free, no matter how long she wore the outfit, no matter how she sweated. In fact, she hardly ever sweated anymore.
She had become a huge men-magnet, she could have any man she wanted, they were drawn to her. And after the joyous moments of intimacy, they all sang songs of praise about how she tasted, how she felt, how she made them glow in their private parts.
Obviously, Lori was experiencing a female variant of my Ring, however it worked.
And she felt great with it too.
"Well, you take really good care. Sometimes I am almost afraid of the excitement I got myself into, but you seem really sucked & locked into something for the long run" she replied.
I paused for a second, thinking of my Tool ever since it had been grabbed and sealed by this Ring.
"Well, if it was dangerous, it sure as hell is a wonderful way of going with a bang, many bangs actually. I'd sign for that any time! You take care, Lori", I said and hung up.
Sometime after that, Sally said she was getting a bit worn out after weeks of 10 to 15 bangs a day.
"Don't get me wrong Burt, I really do love you and we have become really an excellent screw, yet with your ring thing, you are just too much for me. If only there was something comparable for women, so I could keep up with you."
I sat still, praying quietly she would not ask to take off the ring. I felt it throbbing, it was wondering too.
"You know, I've been seeing the looks you've been getting since your new power, I'm sure you're getting it in the office too. Perhaps....perhaps you should try to get your kicks with some other ladies as well, it would relieve me a little."
I sat silent, could not believe my ears. Sally, once a modest, grey mouse, was allowing me to go screw other women?
"I can see what you're thinking" she said, smiling. "Yes, I will allow you to share the joy that you can provide you, on the one condition it will be purely for lust, no pregnancies, no diseases or any relationship-shit. I will remain the prime woman of your life"
"Of course, my dear, didn't I vow so at our wedding?" I replied, and carried her over to the bedroom for some gentle caressing, for once.
And so, once I opened my mind to it, I started adventures with other women. Given the power of my rings and the radiance of My Tool, it was no problem.
I told you Sally had become quite more open to sex in general, and after a while, she even offered my strengths to friends who had a lack of action.
The magic in the Ring (whatever its force may be, I simply call it "magic") would sense my condition: it somehow always knew exactly how much I could take, and how much the ladies could take.
It also pushed my condition. When I had the time (it somehow always knew), it would "push" me one more time then I had anticipated, giving me excellent physical health over time.
In due time, I developed a small circle of familiar ladies who I could share my lusts with. They all knew it was purely for lust, and that I would never consider leaving my darling Sally for them. In some cases, they didn't even want to, as they were married themselves and simply wanted to be laid more often, or be laid at all.
As I said earlier, I had been with Sally for ages, I never really had gotten to know other women, and what moved them. The Ring changed all this too. I grew to love so many more physical variations of that miracle wonder creation of Nature: their shapes, their curves, their swaying hips. What made things even better, I now had a significant contribution in making them feel good, in helping them maintaining that hip sway, their confidence, their self-esteem ("Do I really make you get so hard, so excited? Really, my curves, my breasts?"). Of course the loved my Assistant, and gave it lots of nicknames: my Roaring Rod, Soaring Spear, Ravishing Rod, Soaring Soldier, Mighty Cannon, Might Mike, Thrusting Torpedo, ,etc.
My Tool became very sensitive, like a probe. I could feel every curve inside of them, adjust my thrusting movements to caress them on the inside. It's like I am both pumping my Mighty Warrior in and out with gusto, as well as gently massaging all their inner nerves, at the same time. They absolutely loved this, as much as the spicy juices I was giving off, the Power Nectar I was shooting into them.
Afterwards they were "deliriously devastated, wonderfully wasted, exquisitely exhausted", and other poetic descriptions.
I learned something interesting along the way. You may wonder why none of these ladies wanted romance, seduction and the like. Well, for starters, in virtually all these cases, there was no or little time or place for foreplay and seduction. Maximum lust with minimum fanfare, so to speak.
Much more importantly though, I learned most of this romantic desire is simply a cover of sophistication versus "those horny males", underneath which was a pool of Desire for Action, just like men have. Like a Chippendale is not expected or hired for his sensitive or intellectual conversation, I was their private wild stallion, and the regular partners could do the softer & romantic moments.
I raised this with Sally one night. Her reaction was fairly brief. "Heck, don't you dare get romantic & personal with any of these ladies! That is my privilege. All I share is that Power Rod of yours." she exclaimed.
All right, bye bye to romance, then. My encounters remained physical, and actively so!
Let me tell you an average week, to show you how and where I get my pleasures, and how I share and deliver pleasure and joy.
Because.....well because, this is not just about me. This is about many wonderful women, and how they enjoy the ecstasy given to them, the pleasure they receive, and enjoy.
Chapter 4: Last Monday - Sally, Stephanie, Sam, Svenia, Sally
Somewhere during the night I woke with a pole under the blankets, and I sleepily plopped into Sally with her still asleep at first. Sometimes I pull her on top of me, so she can continue sleeping while I enter her from below. Somewhere before climaxing she usually wakes up, just, so we can finish with a kiss, before falling to sleep again.
When our alarm rings, the first one to turn it off gets to be on top, and will be washed by the other. Today I won, and we lay side-by-side as my Tool slowly and lovingly opened the week in between us, through her legs. In the shower, she washed and rinsed me, and hand-jobbed me afterwards. I love playing under the shower, the wet feel and glistening bodies in dim light have something very sensual, even without my ring. The soapy hands caressing every part of your body are a great feeling.
Since we had my Power in our lives and Sally had her new self-confidence, she only wears strings as underwear. Under her dresses, this not only looks better, but allows easier quickies. This morning I took her in the kitchen, as she was making sandwiches for herself. I lifted her at her hips and took her pussy from behind, then I bobbed her up and down, while she balanced herself on the table. "Mmmh, Burt, I always love being manhandled like that, I am like butter in your hands" she moaned.
I know, that's why I like taking her this way. I noticed drops appearing up front and I eagerly drank my morning portion. I loved Sally being excited. God forbid I ever became lactose intolerant.
"Happy start of the week, my dear" I said in her ear as I got ready to go. I left her on the kitchen stool, about to do naughty things to herself with a cucumber while she winked me good-bye. Occasionally she likes it cold instead of hot.
In the office, there were the usual Monday morning staff meetings, planning for the week, planning for others, etc. I quickly got through most of it, as my job is not too challenging (for my head, that is) so I can concentrate on other things (for my loin, of course).
Around 10:30-ish, I walked over to my "secret room". The good thing about big office buildings with a long history and multiple companies, is that no-one really knows the whole building, or who is responsible for any one particular room.
Colleague Stephanie from Finance, with whom I had first been playing quick "hide and seek" games, had found it, and had arranged for spare keys. She had brought some old garden seat cushions, I had brought a decent table from somewhere in the building, and we had built a cosy love-nest, of actually, our In-House Fuck-Center. This was our code word, an email with "IHFC at 10:30?" would tell either one all what was needed.
Stef is among my first "office partners in crime", so to speak. She did ballet before growing too tall to 1m80 and too chesty with a cup B. Well, too chesty for ballet, that is. She has the sexy look, seductive walk and sporty figure of a blonde bomb-shell, and she knows it. She dresses sophisticated yet exciting, with those subtle highlights of her feminine curves that make clothes so expensive. You know, just that right V-cut or insight to promise a lot, but show nothing but a share of sun-tanned skin, just the right height of heels to get that seductive hip-sway. Think Victoria Beckham without being skinny or arrogant. She exhaled the kind of self-confidence, that I would not be surprised if she would show the latest clothing at a fetish fashion convention, and keep wearing it on the street to go shopping.
Not only did she look the part of a self-confident woman, she also was one. "I can do what I want, when I want it and how I want it." she once exclaimed. She also confided in me that, in her humble opinion, most men "were just sissies these days, trying to win you with being sensitive, intellectual or romantic".
I guess I had got through to her because I did neither of those. My intentions were purely loin-driven and I did not pretend otherwise. Of course most men are loin driven, but try to hide it or deny it. Of course Stef and I would discuss some personal things, work even, but always secondary to our IHFC meetings.
Thanks to her ballet-past and love of fitness, she still has a thin figure and can bend in all sorts of ways. She likes the more acrobatic positions. Sometimes we slowdance through the room, with Stef held in place by My Tool, her feet on my hips and Stef "frogging" up and down. Sounds strange, yes, but great fun actually. Only Stef can do this, of the ladies I know.
This morning, though, she had had a tough weekend, so she lay herself on the table, put her legs around me and said: "No ballet today, Burt, please pump me up for this week".
I happily obliged, as my weekend had been "normal". I teased her briefly by playing my Tool around her, while my fingers prepared her "her local appetite", up to the point she was about to say something, then suddenly I banged into her. She gulped and drew her breath, since my Tool is quite something to get penetrated by. I moved in and out with a slow rhythm at first, then upped my tempo, until I was banging my hips into hers, as deep as I could. I could feel her "waking up" as I pumped my energy into her via my "love sweat", it was almost like re-inflating a sagged air mattress. As I pumped away, I could feel her response getting more active. "Ah yes, Burt, keep pumping your energy into me, I feel the spice coming back to me" she said.
By the time we were close to climaxing, she was almost pumping me from underneath, instead of the other way around (I told you she was a fitness lady).
After I had recovered from exploding into her, I turned her on her belly on the floor, and humped her butt, twice. I just love "doing butts", the way they squeeze you on the way in or out, the padding of the buttocks, the way you can hold a lady by her hips when she is on all fours. Today Stef was not on all fours though, simply flat on her belly. This is probably the position where ladies have to do the least, "just lay there".
Now, before you think I'm a dirty bugger, I'll have you know I clean my Tool whenever I have been inside a lady's back end. In fact, I carry a set of cleaning tissues with me all the time, just like lube, my wallet and house keys. I may not always mention this detail as I describe my adventures, to keep the story flowing.
When I was done, she was ready to take over the initiative. "Thank you Burt, I feel much more awake now. You banged the weekend out of me. You also made me thirsty. Lie down while I get myself a drink.".
I lay on my back, the excitement of knowing what was to come helping the Ring, who was happily pulsing new life into my Tool once again. She caressed it gently, while I recharged itself to full position.
"Amazing, even after all the times we've played together, I still cannot understand how so much power can be out into so small a body part. Imagine if all this energy was in your head, used for creativity" she said.
I smiled. "Well, first of all my head would likely blow up with all that energy locked inside, secondly I do not know of ladies who like men to ejaculate large amount of fluids out of their ears, and finally the ring was rather hard to put around my head, last time I tried"
She giggled. "Shut up, you clown, or I shall sit on your face'.
I considered that for a moment, then chose to be quiet. I rather enjoy being on the receiving end of oral sex.
She went down on me and gave a wonderful blow-job. Stef's mouth must be very flexible, for my Tool disappeared whole in between her lips, with the back of her mouth being tantalisingly soft and ticklish. It was hard to hold out for long with Stef's blow-jobs. She knows very well how to drive a man wild, with a cunning combination of her lips at the long thin end, her hands with sharp nails at the soft round end.
When I could hold out no longer, I cried "Drinks a'coming!" before quenching her thirst with a good portion of my love-fluids. She didn't spill a drop.
I kissed her on the forehead went I left, I still had some work to do before lunch.
I aim to keep these get-togethers to some 30 minutes or max 1 hour, to keep up the appearance I am in a meeting. And of course to get some paying work done.
Somewhere after 12, I left for lunch. Mondays I go alone to Samantha's diner.
"Hi Burt, how are you today" she called out, as she rolled her wheelchair to the entrance. I kissed her on the cheek, smelled her curly brown hair. "Just fine, Sam. How are things, you doing allright with the diner?".
Sam (definitely not Sammy) was one of the very few people I got closer to, knowing Sally agreed. Stephanie no, Samantha yes (Sally does not think much of Stephanie).
We had known her a long time.
Samantha's wheelchair was the result of a car-crash that left her without her husband and the use of her legs. She pulled through well, like a cowboy can't mourn too long over a loss, the herd needs looking after. The diner was her rescue. As soon as she could leave the hospital, she set about making it wheel-chair friendly, kitchen, counter and all. She became a true example to all victims of misfortune on how to pick up your lives. She had "her herd to feed" after all. Thanks to her unbreakable spirit, she got her life back on track, doing as much as possible by herself....except a love life.
"Men don't fancy a cripple" she once said in a sombre mood. "It's as if my tits and ass have fallen off." I must say she dressed with care, still a full woman. "My legs may not work, but all of my feelings sure do."
When I got the power of the Ring, I was happy I could help Sam with that one part missing in her new life.
Typical for her character though, she would not accept my "help" at first, in spite of her need, even if I said Sally was OK with it. Not until Sally herself came to say I was too much for her and that she would be glad if "Burt's overflow" could enrich her life, would she "accept me".
"Diner's doing fine. Same procedure as last week, Burt?", she asked, looking up to me.
"Same procedure as every week, Sam", I smiled, referring to a table close to the door to her apartment, a quick and hearty bite and dessert in private.
"Ben, a 42, extra cheese, table 12" she called to the kitchen. "I'll be right with you, Burt" as she rolled to other customers, the coffeepot steady on the wider armrest.
What a gal, I thought every time I was there, perhaps 1m60 in body length but at least 2m in spirit.
I quickly ate, put my money on the table and waited for Samantha to be ready. Already my Tool was waking up, Samantha was among his favourite hosts.
"Ready Burt" she said a little later and rolled to the "Private" door. I knew better then to offer help, she got to her bed quick enough and got onto it with some handles. "Get my boots, will you please? I'm a bit stiff this morning" she said, as she was halfway taking of her jeans.
She looked at me as I dropped my pants. "My God, Burt, sometimes I still can't believe what you have down there." She made herself comfortable. "Make love to me Burt. Make me feel as if Bob is back."
She and Bob had had an active bed-life. Normally I don't like being compared to other partners, but Sam could.
She is the only lady I will spend some foreplay with. Not that I really needed to. All the energy she no longer needed for walking, seemed to have gone to her passion. No matter how I took her, her body would eat me like a hungry animal. It had taken some getting used to finding positions where her legs were not in the way, but of course we found some.
I spread her legs and climbed on top of her, and into her. Nothing wrong with her arms, she held me tight as I moved in and out of her. "Oh yes, put it deep, put it hard, as hard as you can, and again, put it deep" she whispered.
She came twice before me, her whole body shivering and shaking intensely. After a minute or so, she rolled over and I put her legs straight. Her lovely cheeks were waiting. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked to me over her shoulder. "Come again, Burt? We can't leave one opening feeling neglected, now can we?"
As if I needed a push, she was so lovingly inviting as she lay there, her cotton shirt still on (had to dress quickly afterwards), her cheeks twisting to call me.
"You know I never neglect an opening, Sam" and I went to work again.
Did I say already that I love banging on a good set of buns? Well, Sam had them, rounder then Stephanie, and fuller. Her ass squeezed me just the right way, as if it wanted to hold me in there, to drive my Tool and me wild. We both screamed as we both came.
"Mmmh, Burt, that was great, you can do that to me anytime" she mumbled after some moments of catching breath.
"Good, I'd like to show you something Sally likes too. Here, let me help you to the table" I said, and lifted her by her hips. She balanced herself with her arms on the table, as I lowered her tight little ass onto my tool again, then bobbed her up and down.
It took a few strokes for her to find her balance, but then she went for it. "Oh my God, this is really like being split apart! I can see why Sally likes this one. Ah yes, harder, into me, please!".
It was quite a work-out, as Sam took longer to explode this time, I guess she did it on purpose. Even though she was not too big, I still had to lift her full weight up and down. It was worth it, though, she seemed in heaven. After I too had exploded, I just managed to get her to her bed, unceremoniously dropping her like a brick, then myself next to her. We both lay panting for a while.
"Oh dear, look at the time, my customers are waiting" she moaned, and started to dress. She looked at me. "You almost look tired, Burt. And it's only Monday yet. Don't tell me your rod is empty now?"
"Don't you worry about my rod, Sam. It's the rest of me that does not have this charger."
"Yes, I can see the Rod waking up again" she said with a sly smile. "You just stay down and I'll be quick" she said, pulling her face to my Tool. She swallowed it whole, and gave me a wonderful blow-job. Her lips and mouth could do the same trick as her ass, a wonderful squeeze at just the right moment to drive you crazy. She drank all of my load when it came. "Hmm, such juicy taste you've got, I can fly all afternoon on that", she smiled and mumbled, licking her lips. "Thank you, Burt. I really gotta roll now. Will you show yourself out?".
I kissed her gently. "Of course, Sam. It was wonderful once again. See you next week."
She almost danced her way out, loaded and spiced with my juices.
I lay on my back for a few minutes, before I got up and dressed.
Work was waiting at the office. I was quickly engulfed in covering things that had gone wrong at customers last week, had not been tackled yet and needed answers this week.
I was glad I had moved "down the ladder" after I got the ring, I could do most of the work in half the time allocated for it.
As such, I got quite a lot done by approx. 3 o'clock before I had my meeting with Svenia.
We had claims to cover, and I had a tough and tense conference call with a customer and his lawyer, whereas I had Svenia on my side.
Svenia is our legal lady from Customer Support.
Pity it was no video call, as Svenia's appearance could freeze down any temper.
Built big & strong at 1.85m, blond hair tied tightly in a bun, ice cold blue eyes and a D-cup underneath a white blouse, she would have been many a boy's dream Viking Warrior, .....if it hadn't been for her icy appearance. She was usually dressed in a business-like "Do not come near me" style.
Where Stephanie was very self-assured, Svenia was the opposite, very unsecure about herself. As I had found out, she had had a dominating boyfriend in her teens, who often made her feel worthless, an effect she still suffered from. To avoid more such experiences, she had put up a glacier armour around herself and around her feelings towards men. Perhaps this is why she went into legal: no feelings, just cool and logical analysis.
Somehow Sandra of HR had gotten hold of Svenia and had recommended her some "Burt therapy"..... In order to let Svenia appreciate herself, and consider herself worthwhile, I was asked (well, tasked actually) to let Svenia orgasm as often as possible whenever I did my Ring-trick.
Naturally, it took some major thawing on Svenia's side for this to take place, Sandra & I actually had to show her in stark reality how much passionate pleasure I could give a woman by taking her along to our IHFC. Only after seeing Sandra walking off on Cloud Nine after our "sessions", would Svenia slowly and shyly give it a try. I needed all my skills and spicy juices to thaw through her ice caps.
And boy, did she release locked up passion when she finally let go.
When at work, she would still revert to her icy role, as this had brought her business success.
Today, we managed to close the conference call successfully, and quietly raised our thumbs when the fretty customer (sorry, some of them simply are) gave in.
"Well done, Svenia, nice touch of calling in the cancellation penalties to make him shut up" I said.
"Thanks, Burt, it wasn't that special", she replied with her business eyes. She filed her papers and looked at me with eyes only I knew: "However, since we have been successful once again, I guess this obviously needs to be completed in the IHFC, right?"
I looked at her and spread my legs, my Tool had already been anticipating this. Both our minds briefly wondered if the conference call room would suffice, but we knew it wouldn't. Another look and we both walked to the IHFC via different routes, both holding files to appear as if we were going to some meeting. In the IHFC, we wasted no words, as I knew what she wanted and she knew I knew.
Standing behind her, she raised her skirt while I let my fingers play with her up front, while the other hand stroked her breasts, pinching her nipples though her bra. While she held her skirt up by pressing her hips against me, she still managed to loosen my belt and drop my trousers. My Tool did the rest and pushed himself out. Slowly we collected steam, before I slowly entered her behind. My new "skin-juice" worked both as an exciter as well as lube, a great time saver.
Her skirt had been raised well over her hips, and she used her arms to lean against the wall, slightly bent over. Svenia was a tall woman with wonderful long legs, and I had no problem moving in and out in that familiar rhythm while standing up myself. We took it nice and slow, I knew she still needed time to let herself go, in spite of my many "therapy sessions". Once she had come, I let myself go and blew into her.
She turned around and leaned against the wall, her legs slightly spread. I sat down and slowly ate her to another climax, a shuddering one this time. Her legs gave way and slowly she sank onto the cushions next to me. I kissed her gently, while she played with her nails around my cock.
"Hmm, so much power, I'm going to miss these" she said, with a sadness in her voice.
Even if my Tool had been raising again, I was surprised. "What do you mean, miss it? Are you leaving?"
"Well, I was going to tell you afterwards, but I have been dating someone lately, very carefully, and this weekend we actually clicked" she said with a growing glow on her face. "We even landed in bed and he was ever so sweet. Even though I know what we do is purely for therapy" (this she said with a evil grin), "I can't bear the thought he might think I was cheating on him. So I'll have to pause on our sessions, I'm afraid. I really hope Ken can screw my brains out like you can." she said with a hopeful smile.
I looked at her, thinking at the change I had seen in this lovely woman. During the many orgasms I had managed to give her, she had slowly melted her armour, to the point she could actually trust another man again. I should be happy, and yet I was also a bit said I was going to lose my exclusivity on her.
It must have shown on my face, for she lifted my chin and held her face close to mine. "Hey, don't be sad, I owe you my life, well, my sexual life for sure. And I wouldn't have been open to Ken if it hadn't been for your lovely TOOL, as you call it. I am very grateful to you, and to Sally, for sharing you with me. And who knows, should my relationship with Ken fall flat, I will need your therapy even more then I used to! Let's close our therapy for now with a sweet & gently ride!". Her eyes smiled at me while she softly said this, and she climbed on top of me.
Slowly she rode both of us to another climax, smearing her squirting juices all over my chest.
While I was trying to clean myself somehow (didn't want to smell too much like women), she proceeded to squeeze & tickle & scratch my balls for another ride, which she took up her behind again. This time she banged herself up and down, as if she wanted to feel my pole as deep inside her back-end as possible, for memories sake. She fingered herself while she did so, and managed to come together with me, once more.
I was proud of her, this Scandinavian Iceberg had found her inner passions and knew how to unleash them.
I kissed her as we dressed. "Good luck, Svenia, take of yourself. I know we'll see each other in the office, but alas, no more here in the IHFC. Just say the word if you feel the need....".
She smiled but said nothing, just raised her eyebrows in a 'who knows?" motion.
With a daze in my head I completed my work and sort of went home, where Sally had already done the shopping.
Fortunately the ride home had given me some new energy, and while I cooked, Sally was sitting on her knees in front of me, drinking my juices.
While she made the salad, I took her from behind.
Never a dull moment in our house, as I said earlier! Of course I had milk for dessert, lovely warm milk.
We discussed the day with me on the couch watching the news, Sally on top of me with my throbbing Tool up her behind once more.
By the time we went to bed, I had actually had enough of penetrating women.
Well, for today, that is.
Chapter 5: Last Tuesday - Sally, Sandra, Sheila, Selena, S'Boka, Sally
I woke up again before the alarm, and felt for Sally. She was on her side, still asleep. I stroked her curves and positioned myself. Slowly I penetrated her from behind this time, and in a gentle rhythm I moved in and out, slowly waking her up. When my explosion rocked her hips, she must have realised she had lost our "morning race", again.
I leaned back in the shower as she soaped and rinsed me, playfully squeezing my nether regions and pushing a finger or two into my back opening.
"Just to keep you all ready for Shannon, my dear", she said with a grin, while her other hand delicately worked my Tool. I closed my eyes and let her hands take me to heaven. As a thank you, I dried her off, caressing her lovely curves, caressing that lovely woman I am proud to call my wife. I knew she enjoyed it if I dried her like that, it made her feel special.
By the time we got to the kitchen for breakfast, I had to have another go at her.
We have built up a routine for mornings. If she would sit down on the table, or lie down on the couch, we would always run late. So we had settled on standing up against the counter, while I lowered her jeans (no dress today) to enter her from behind.
I could pump in and out of her, while she made her lunch sandwiches.
Yes, you heard me right, she made sandwiches while being pumped up the ass.
Sally could make them just in time for her body to respond too strongly to my stimulations from behind, and from the clit-rubbing bulb I had installed on the kitchen counter. We often made a small contest, if I could let her come before she was finished, and she would try to hold back her orgasm until she had finished the last sandwich.
I must have been in good shape today, for she spilled quite some mayonaise all over the counter while I did my trick, yet we also managed to come at the same time.
She looked over her shoulder, a teasing look in her eyes.
"Oh Burt, will you please hold back a little whenever I get the mayo, it's always such a darn job to clean up this mess".
"I know, that's why I love doing it. I can feel you fighting your feelings and composure, and I am proud to say I can still make your emotions win" I smiled triumphantly.
I gave her a kiss and went to get my jacket, as I had heard the honk outside.
I drove to the office with Simone, my car-pool partner. She lives two streets away and works two buildings down the road, so it made sense to car pool ever since I quit the travelling function. Sure enough, Simone became a partner in crime in my favourite hobby before long, even if the timing was usually short to do something in the morning rides.
Simone is the kind of lady you would normally not notice. She dresses in jeans, white T-shirt and strong boots for a firm no-nonsense pace. She's approximately 1.65 and has firm, medium sized breasts, her hair cut practically short.
Her secret is hidden underneath though. She has some wild tattoos on her body: a wild, red dragon all over her back, with his feet firmly on her butt cheeks, two fierce lions on her chest (one on each breast) and a fiery volcano down below around her front entry, "the portal to flaming Hell", so to speak.
The same entry has a string of rings pierced through her labia on either side, so she can "lock herself" with a small chain through all the rings, if she'd want to. As you can guess, she and her friend had an active and kinky love life, to put it mildly.
Today she picked me up, dressed in jeans & shirt as usual. She looked quizzingly as I got in.
It was her "Well, did Sally got her portion all right?" look. Simone wanted regular reassurance Sally was well looked after by me, to avoid jealousy or other bad feelings if she toyed with me.
I simply nodded with a smile and we drove off.
She had an early appointment, traffic was busy so we had no time for a stop. Not even a blow-job while at a traffic light.
We agreed to meet each other for lunch soon, and plan some time to catch up.
When 10:00 arrived, I had done some office work and went to my meeting with Sandra, our Head of HR. Yes, an actual work related meeting, I do have them.
We had some staffing issues to go through, as some experienced people were going to retire in a few years and we had to decide who of the current staff would be taking over their experience in the next few years, and which of the younger staff would be moving up in turn. Sandra was in on my scheme, and because she often had to do confidential meetings about personal affairs of people, she had a sound proofed office. Whenever we had gone through our actual work, we could do Ring-work in her office, saving time to walk to the IHFC room.
There are women who look better with age, and Sandra was definitely one of those. She had a Kylie Minogue figure, very sensual and feminine, clearly present in spite of her petite size at 1.50. Auburn hair in a long pony tail, a warm coloured Mediterranean skin, round glasses with small rim. She was the artistic type, lots of rings, bracelets, necklaces on her, to accentuate her dresses. Whenever we had a quick one, she would be tinkling all over as I took her strongly. It was the kind of background music you enjoy, like a squeaking bed underneath you when you're in action.
I believe Sandra was getting close to 50 (I never dared to ask), and life had given her a husband, 2 children whom she loved, a divorce and by now an active social life on her own, as the kids had moved out. Sandra lived by the motto "one life, live it!". She was active in yoga, theatre and activities with people.
This morning we discussed who would be asked to move where, as we had to start handing over experience. Knowing our staff well enough, we were actually done quite quickly, so we could proceed to do some Ring Work.
"We can't make it too long today, Burt", she said, as she lifted her dress and sat on the table. I have a meeting with the Big Boss at 10:30 and need some time to get there. So I won't undress this time."
I smiled, as I caressed her curves through the dress.
"No problem, Sandra, I'll pay tribute to your lovely breasts the next time. Now let's make some music, shall we?"
Sandra being small, she was also light, lighter then Sally. I could easily lift her and I did, lowering her onto my Tool. I walked us over to the window (we were safely on the 24th floor, no one to see us) and we enjoyed the wonderful view while I bobbed her up and down, slowly at first, speeding up as we got "warm". My spicy juices worked away her stress like a Caribbean anti-stress drink. Sandra became all mellow as I worked her, especially once I blew a charged load of stimulant into her when I came.
Nonetheless, man-handling her was quite a work out for me, and I panted after she had come too. I sat us down on the sofa in her office with our loins still joined.
"Oh Burt, that is so lovely, it's moments like this I just love being the size I am." She said slowly after a while.
"Why don't you hold still now and let me do some of the work."
She turned around, kept her dress up and lowered her two lovely cheeks onto me again, slowly taking my recharged Tool into her back opening. She carefully rode up and down my shaft, it seemed she was trying to feel every throbbing vein as it moved in and out of her. Her back opening was tight, and it was a wonderful squeeze. She played with herself with one hand while the other held up her dress, all the movements being accompanied by the tinkling of her bracelets, necklaces and earrings. It was a wonderful sight: a pretty woman making music while she rode me, the sun shining into the office and my Tool being treated to a wonderful ride. I took the time to hold back a little, I wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. Sandra had seen life, and knew how to please a man.
I must have shot violently into her, as it almost seemed she was launched upwards by my thrust. She giggled as she landed on my lap again, and looked over her shoulder.
"My oh my, you are active today, you havent't thrown me up like that for a while"
"Trust me Sandra, your cute little ass is such a great treat, it always excites my Soaring Soldier to do his best and fire the cannon." I joked.
"And speaking of soldiers, let me show a new trick my spear has thought of. Another good reason to be light as you are."
I took a drink of water while The Ring recharged my Soaring Soldier with new ammunition. I guided her to the table and placed her arms on them. I then raised her dress, lifted her up by the hips and lowered her ass once again onto my spear, like I had done the other day with Sally.
"You balance yourself now, while I move you up and down. Sally loved it the other day, and I think so will you." I said, and started pumping away again, moving her lovely hips up and down.
It took Sandra a bit of effort to find her balance, but soon enough she enjoyed this position, just like Sally had. She spread her legs around my hips, so I could hold her easier.
"Oh my god, have you done this to poor Sally!? You are splitting me apart, yet it feels great! Geez, I won't be able to sit for the rest of the day, you bastard. Keep going, keep going, tear me up and fill my ass!!"
Of course she didn't say it so fluently, I've spared you the gasping, the panting, the pausing for air and the tinkling of the jewellery.
The waves of excitement that her body was sending throughout her limbs were making it difficult for her to keep balance, I could see she was struggling. In fact when the eruption exploded from her loins to the outer limits of her nimble body, she did collapse. Fortunately I was able to catch her and lay her down softly on the table, while I pumped my last movement before exploding once more.
We sank down to the floor, our loins still joined, the sounds of our panting echoing in close harmony.
After a few minutes Sandra looked at her watch and jumped up.
"Oh my god, 20 past, got to go. Thank you Burt! My ass hurts and I love it!"
She was getting her stuff together, while I quickly stuffed a paper towel in between her butt cheeks.
She looked at me quizzingly.
"Well, you don't want any leaking marks on the CEO's seats, do you?", I explained.
She smiled, blew me a kiss and flew off, her jewellery tinkling along the way
I walked past my desk to pick up my sandwiches for a walking lunch. I was on my way to my doctor for the "once a month check-up for my chronic back pain, an old sports injury" .... Oh well, the stories we make up sometimes.
As you might have guessed, when this whole Ring-circus started performing, I had some worries what it might do to my health, having some ancient magical artefact-thing fused around my genitals and squirting endless energy into my loins.
My doctor was Selena, once-upon-a-lifetime ago my class mate in elementary school, and now my physician, two blocks from my office. Selena is a prototype scientist, rational type of medium build at 1.75m, dark blind hair and B-cup ("statistically average build" she would probably say herself). She could have worked in Quality Assurance, as she is very firm in adhering to procedures. Of course she was intrigued big time in my Tool 2.0 when I first came in for a check-up, and wasted no time in in-depth checking & measuring precisely what it did. As there was no scientific explanation how it worked, she was determined to do thorough research, well, as thorough as I would allow her. AS the ring seemed to have an awareness to stimulate me in different situations, she wanted to try different situations and measure what it did.
The massaging of my balls when in action, and the slow stretching and spreading over the weeks, fascinated her. "I never knew I liked stretched balls so much, I may just put my husband on a nice stretching regime too!" she exclaimed, when the stretch passed 2cm. And I am quite sure she did, too.
Today was no different. After the usual undressing, weighing and blood-pressure check, for both of us, I was told to go to work. Selena herself was in her own inspection chair with her legs up, measuring my effort.
Imagine hearing the following, while I was doing my performance.
"OK, Burt, you are doing well, your poking speed is 22 thumps a minute, up 12% from last month in this position, your thrusting force however seems a bit down, I'd say 15%. Keep this tempo and I will come in.... 47 seconds, some 7 thumps later than usual. ... keep the rhythm steady... steady...ah-ah-aah., yes that was mine, at thump 42... keep steady now, I can see your eyes making their movement, steady ....yes, there you are, time 12:17 and 35 seconds. Well done Burt. Have a drink while I make notes. You seem a bit slower on Tuesdays, compared to the Thursday Morning check-ups."
Keep in mind she has heart rate sensors and blood pressure sensors on me while we do this. Funny enough, the cold, sterile setting is more stimulating then I had thought, perhaps the Ring likes its performance measured as well.
To keep the data statistically correct, my activities had to rotate her openings in a strict order, to balance out any statistical effects. Sometimes she would stop me going to a certain opening.
"No anal for the 3rd shot today, Burt, that is due next time"
And of course she measured & counted her own responses as well, by counting her own timings, speed of increased excitement versus my rate & thrust of poking her, all in her head. I asked earlier in our testing program, and she said she actually enjoyed her orgasms, they simply do not show that much. Her range of emotions reminded me time and time again of Captain Holt of "Brooklyn 99".
Today I had to take her in the same opening ("3 times a #1, Burt", she had said), while she had different positions. We had done this before, in winter time, now she measured the same thing in summer time. First time was the classic pose, then she turned over for a doggie run, and the 3rd "run" she was on her back again with her legs on my shoulders, "for a deep poke" as she said.
My results showed which ones I liked. I love the bumpy feeling when bouncing off the rear hams, even more so if I can hold the hips. Or, in Selena's words: "Position #2 won again today, Burt. Thumping force and time-to-come were 20% ahead of #3, and even 32% on #1. We will keep #1 position in though, for good comparison, and because it gives the best responses in me. I came quickest in #1, by 15%, and mightier too, by 20% over #3. Next visit we will need new oral data, for proper seasonal comparisons. Could we perhaps plan a check-up in between the monthly ones? Due to the holidays, we have a gap in the anal sampling, and you know I like a regular stream of measurements."
I smiled, still amazed, and intrigued, at her scientific approach to all this. "Of course, Selena, anything for science. You know how I love the anal sampling, I'll make sure you won't be able to take notes."
She frowned at that. "Good point, you do tend to rattle the room when we do anal, my notes go all over the paper. I'd better make sure to be wearing a mike, so I can dictate my findings" she said dryly.
Quietly I wondered how on earth she measured her own orgasm intensity. Counting breaths per minute? Whatever the position and no matter how I tried, the variation in her visible responses always seemed within 1% .... Very steady. I often wondered what her husband must be like.
Keeping an eye on time, her assistant Shelia had come in during my 3rd "run" after closing the practice doors. Selena wants to measure my performance with "different specimens", i.e. herself and Sheila, for comparison. Sometimes we switch, "to neutralise any fatiguing effects of the first specimen when starting on the second specimen".
Sheila is a totally different specimen indeed.
Imagine Dolly Parton as a spiritual hippie in her late 20s, at a light 1.50m high and whopping yet proud E-cup. Sheila is totally different in her sexuality then Selena, she screams and moans and cries and rocks, which turns me on even more. And she has a lovely body to move along with my movements, or should I say her body rollercoasts the waves I thrust into her? Sheila is by far not as devoted to science as Selena, yet she loves a great ride, and allows her boss to take notes and measurements as we have a great time.
This time I had to take Sheila in the same way as I did Selena, "3 times #1", while she changed position each time like Selena did. Given her fire, she came almost 2 times for every time I did, producing ample decibels to tell the world that she did. Playing with Sheila was a party and a delight.
When we were done and the screams had subsided, Selena looked more than satisfied, while Sheila lay panting on the table. "Well done Burt, you kept a very steady pace with each of us, your variation was within 10%. Your thumping force was stronger with Sheila as usual, and a lot more in this warm weather then we had in winter time. I guess it helps that Sheila was already warm."
Believe it or not, Selena has done our "performance tests" with her office at 15 degrees, 20 degrees and one day even at 30 degrees.
While Selena went through the test results with me, Sheila had turned around and tickled/teased/squeezed me back to attention down below. "Burt, now that the tests are done, can we please do one more, for fun? My #2 is jealous and wants some attention too. Please, please, pretty please?" she said, all smiles and wobbly figure.
And of course I did. The way she responds, one would not need a ring to get excited for Sheila.
Back in the office I did quite some actual work, being all fired up. Lots of reports coming in from the foreign offices, and lots of requests for info from them as well on new developments.
At 3 o'clock or so, Sandra came by for a short debrief on her meeting with her boss had gone. "Good thing you stuffed me, Burt", she smiled, "it would have stained his sofa. How did things go at the doctors?" I told her, and could see in her eyes she wouldn't mind being measured. We both glanced a quick look at the clock, each other, our planning and we hopped off to the IHFC for a 10 minute run. I believe kept a steady pace, just l managed with Selena, eventhough Sandra responds more like Sheila.
When I drove home with Simone, we had seriously bad traffic, apparently a truck had turned over and blocked a complete highway. Needless to say that all alternative roads were quickly flooded and crawling. This gave Simone a good chance to catch up on the morning ride, as she gave me several blowjobs when we were stuck. It was eerily comfortable to lean back in a car seat and being treated like that. I had the most wonderful visions as my eyes misted over each time. I'd loved to have taken Simone in her "portal of Hell" s well, as her labia rings gave an extra feeling, yet this had to wait for another time.
When I came home, I found Sally had taken her friend S'Boka home with her.
S'Boka is a sport-friend of Sally, who came from Africa to study and never left. She is a very athletic and powerful lady, built like a Zulu warrior, at least 1.90 tall, with a proud face, shimmering black skin, and luscious full lips. I am sure she would have been a fiercely Brienne of Tarth in Game of Throne, she had sure the build for it. She works as armed security, and I'm sure some tough guys would not mind being arrested by her, with her strong legs jutting from under the uniform shorts.
However, privately S'Boka has had trouble with men. Because of her powerful appearance, men were afraid of her, thinking she would be powerful in everything, or simply could not bear a woman being taller. In fact, as Sally had found out, S'Boka really wanted softness and tenderness, to relax those powerful muscles. One night, Sally had offered to massage her shoulders, and perhaps it was Sally's own new energy and View of Marital life, but somehow she had touched a sweet spot with S'Boka.
When I came home one evening, I found Sally (remember, once a grey mouse?) and S'Boka being most lovingly entwined. I sat down and looked at the delicious sight they were: my soft and cuddly pale-skinned Sally, caressing and stroking a powerful black woman who was drinking meekly from her breasts. When they saw I was there, S'Boka looked caught at first, Sally only briefly. "Hi Burt, didn't know you'd come early...as you can see...... S'Boka and I...well,... I started to massage her shoulders as she was really tense, and somehow we sort of got lost from there." They looked at each other. "Well, I suppose I do have a right to try elsewhere too, don't I?" she said.
I looked at them both, then kissed Sally on her forehead. "With S'Boka, you most certainly can, my dear. It looked beautiful. In fact, I would really love to join you...if I may, with two such lovely ladies already being busy".
S'Boka looked at Sally, and me, surprise in her eyes. "It's OK, S'Boka, Burt and I have an open agreement. Just wait till you see what he can do."
She saw (hey, you can imagine by now, can't you?), and from that day on, we regularly had romantic evenings with the three of us.
Yes, you heard me, romantic. Sometimes I too liked an evening with some more personal touch, and with Sally being there, it was OK.
Basically, S'Boka was her friend, I merely joined. Occasionally, Sally and S'Boka would meet with just the two of them, if Sally wanted to have a rest, and both of them wanted an evening with softer, more feminine eroticism. S'Boka adored nibbling and drinking from Sally's breasts, with Sally's arms around her.
This evening, I found them both exhausted on the sofa, too tired from work to make food or action. I was OK still, so I offered to rub their shoulders a bit. Sally nudged ahead. "Mine first please, we had some real shitty meetings today." S'Boka had an idea. "Can I lay down below with Sally on top of me? I love the feeling of her softness, and we can sweet talk while you do her back"
We all agreed this sounded great. They looked a lovely B&W combination, small Sally on this powerful black mattress. I started doing her shoulders and back, but of course I could not entirely hold myself. With a "Pardon me, ladies" I positioned my Tool in between her cheeks and slow-paced in and out of her, while my hands continued.
It surprised them, yet they both liked it. Sally liked being rubbed back & forth across S'Boka's body and my hands at her back, S'Boka liked the sight of "her" Sally being gently taken and caressed at the same time, plus the feeling of Sally going back and forth over her own body. In fact, we all liked it so much, we gathered pace and all came, a pile of bodies in close formation.
I told both of them not to move, and after new energy had pulsed from the Ring, I repositioned to enter Sally's front entrance. And so we continued the same slow pace back and forth, with S'Boka's hands also caressing and stroking Sally, their lips caressing each other as well.
I managed to hold out exceptionally long, well after they had come. "Oh my darlings, that is sooo good. Please stay as you are, I want to enjoy this sight a bit longer still."
There was no protest, though both of them were dozily holding each other. I repositioned myself a bit lower, not only to rub Sally's lower back and buttocks, but also to enter S'Boka this time.
Now it was Sally who could enjoy feeling my movements into the other, my stomach bumped her forward just enough for their breasts to rub each other.
When we were finally done, we were all starving, as we hadn't had dinner yet.
When she was about to leave, S'Boka thanked me with a big kiss.
"Thank you Burt. You always know how to strike the softer side in me. I still can't believe you are sharing your lovely Sally with me". I smiled, and put my arm around both of them. "My pleasure, S'Boka. I love my little Sally too! And the pair of you is such a great looking combination."
When S'Boka had gone home, Sally and I finished massaging where we had left off, with some nice smelling oil this time. She sat on top of me while doing my chest and arms, slowly pacing her hips back and forth. It felt like heaven.
When she was done. she turned around and oiled my legs, while I could caress her back. She still paced her hips, except her other opening was the anchor now. Again, it felt heavenly.
We ended the evening in each other's arms, my arms around her, her sleepy head on my chest.
Chapter 6: Last Wednesday - Sally, Shannon, Sakumi, Sue, Sally
This morning Sally woke up earlier, and had climbed on top of me while I was still assessing where I was, having come from a deep sleep.
I tell you, the ring may give my tool its TOOL-power, but my body was usually pretty exhausted after so much intercourse, let alone my poor head which had to process all the visions, images and smells and sounds of naked women and the waves of excitement of numerous orgasms. Some mornings the alarm had to drag me from a very deep sleep indeed.
Lucky for me, Sally often had to come from afar as well, otherwise she would win every day.
She cuddled her body over mine, slowly moved her belly over mine, slowly rubbed her chest over mine, while she also moved her loins over mine. When I woke up, she proceeded to move her lips over mine, and move her tongue ...yep, you guessed right.
In the shower, I duly washed her, and went down on her too, to get my breakfast juices. We had breakfast at the kitchen counter like the other day, except I made sure to rejuvenate my little soldier a bit quicker. Just before Sally had to leave for work (Simone had not yet arrived to pick me up), I grabbed her again, lifted her dress and quickly did my thing to shoot a load up her behind.
By now she was running late and she faced driving to work with my load inside, threatening to stain her dress or the car seats. She looked at me with brief annoyance (although I knew she liked such games), and then surprised me by grabbing the wine cork from last night and simply plugging her ass.
"Smart recycling, don't you think?" she smiled triumphantly as she zoomed out the door.
I stared at the closed door, still trying to convince myself I had really seen Sally putting a cork up her ass to keep things in.
And just when I thought I had figured out how her mind worked....she still surprised me.
"Drive carefully dear, be a true tight ass this time! Yesterday I sent Sue on her way like this and I believe she liked it" I texted to her.
Some minutes later (I was in Simone's car by then) I got her reply. "Stuck in traffic, stuck on cork. Next time give Sue the juice if she likes it so much. Beware of my pending revenge, buster! ;-P"
In the car Simon was pleased to hear Sally had found a friend in S'Boka. She knew her, and was impressed that Sally "had conquered her". Her boyfriend had left early that morning, so Simone was not truly awake yet. "I need at least one orgasm to get the day going" she had once explained. No wonder her boyfriend was relieved when my services were discovered. Simone knew a secluded parking space in the woods, and jumped on me quickly, as if my Soldier was her long awaited breakfast.
With a mighty grin on her face, we re-joined traffic. "Thank you Burt, that woke me, your cucumber is like a perfect espresso. Don't pack it up yet, we have traffic lights ahead and I'm still thirsty".
I didn't pack up, and she was not thirsty anymore when she dropped me off some 20 minutes later.
My office was quiet, and I got quite a lot done by approx. 10 o'clock before I had my meeting with Shannon, a secretary from the other company we share the building with.
Shannon started life as Shane, and a few years ago had finally taken the physical step she had felt inside of her for so many years. She was really a woman at heart, unfortunately born in the wrong body.
As Shannon, she still had Shane's length' of 1.80m, but with a feminine touch and almost C-size breasts.
Even as Shane, she had been a motor bike type, wearing leather jackets & boots, outspoken tattoo's with skulls, you know the type.
Unfortunately for her, after her operations, Shane's old biking buddies could not adjust to Shannon. They still knew her as Shane, she still had the full wave, curly red hair as he did, she still had the Tool up front as he did.
Shannon preferred men, but the men she had known before couldn't make the mental click of seeing a woman's body behind the penis they once knew, and the men she met after her operation often couldn't accept the lady they had dated to be equipped differently either.
Sadly for her, she was often rejected at the moment things were getting intimate.
As we lived in a conservative region, she had to be careful who she could trust with her truth. Sally and I knew, obviously.
To me, she was not a man with breasts, but a feminine woman with a specialty, and I liked it.
She had gotten into my club some time ago, and she was the only lady who could penetrate me from behind like I did with the ladies. An earlier club member had once played with toys up my behind, but "live meat" sure was different. It also made me appreciate the ladies much more whose asses I could invade with my own Tool at full size.
It put a large grin on Sally's face when I had told her about my first encounter with Shannon.
"Does it hurt you so long as well?" I had asked, still shifting about uneasily in my chair.
Sally had beamed. "You'll get used to it, my dear, that muscle down there will eventually get used to being passed by. Mind you, women are mentally better adjusted anyway to having a piece of meat invading us" she had grinned from ear to ear.
The first few times Shannon took me it hurt, but she had the feminine touch to sense this, and adjust her stroke for me. After a while, being taken by Shannon was like being blow jobbed by Stephanie or Sam: simply a delicious experience.
Today in the IHFC, I could see Shannon had had a bad weekend, her eyes were piercing flames underneath her flaming hair. I hugged her as she ventilated her frustration on "what's his name" from her last date.
"Damn those idiots, why do I even bother! I am a full woman in every aspect, except for that thing which I do not want to miss. Sometimes I wonder if I should have done that final operation. Get down Burt, today it might hurt a little!"
And it did, although soon enough her stroking hands across my back soothed the pain.
After we had changed position, I was also stroking her back, trying to ease the strain from her shoulders.
"Relax, Shannon, Rome wasn't build in a day either. There is somebody for you out there, and until then, I sure appreciate you for who you are , a lovely lady, with lovely shapes, breasts, luscious lips, your tool and all"
I thought of something. "Didn't you once tell me that as Shane you played around with women?"
She nodded in between moans, as I was still pumping in and out of her as we spoke.
"There is someone in my club who really appreciates a good piece of loin-meat, so to speak, and who is open minded enough to play with you. You'd have somebody accepting you as you are, eagerly using your tool, without the fear of commitment. She is married like most of my club members, but simply needs much more lust & play then her husband can provide. Shall I introduce you two?".
Shannon considered this in between groans. She is one of the very few people I can discuss things with during intercourse, perhaps a remnant of her male past.... You know, guys thinking of the soccer game while in bed?
The thought must have excited her, for she upped her tempo and squeezed her ass to make me come.
"Yes Burt, please do. I'm not only into men, especially since they let me down so many times. Hopefully a woman can do better and make me feel confident again".
We agreed I'd introduce her and sealed the promise with another round.
I did the work I had to do and collected some stuff for my presentation later.
I left the office punctually at 11:30 and ate a sandwich along the way, as my lunch-appointment lady did not appreciate people being late.
Sakumi is the chief procurement lady of one of our major customers. She is known among their suppliers as "The Bitch". She may be small & petite, 1m50 and cup A-, but she knows how to make tough sales guys squeal, sweat and shiver, leaving the meeting room smaller then she is. Her shiny black hair, powerful black eyes with an icy stare, confident appearance and silky white skin combine to make a powerful tool to put the squeeze on prices.
Except me, of course. I happen to have found her secret entry hole. She'll make me sweat as well, but in a different manner. The spice in my juices needed all their strength to melt her solid armour. And self repairing armour it was too, forcing me to keep visiting her. What a burden!
Today, I was to present the final bid for a major project, for which we had had many meetings. I was in the meeting room on the 47th floor, getting the beamer & laptop ready for the presentation, and was all set at precisely 12:00.
Not that she came in at 12:00 of course, she had some calls to finish.
"Hi Burt, glad you're here. You have something exciting to show me?" she said when she came in.
"Yes I do, Sakumi. How would you like me to present to you, the presentation first?"
"No, I'll have the summary first, at the window as you know, then you can give me the presentation, with prices as last" she said, as she walked over to the window, unbuttoning her skirt.
As usual she wasted no words.
She neatly folded her skirt over a chair and leaned against the window, facing out, her hands spread wide.
"Talk business to me, Burt"
She once said she always enjoyed the magnificent view from the 47th floor, no one to see her, while she could see many others. It was almost as if this was the only safe place where she could let down her guard, even if only briefly. Perhaps she simply could never ever let down her guard, for whatever reason. I had the strong feeling she had no private partner, either.
I approached her from behind and slowly entered her, holding her hips.
Imagine the following lines said while I was pumping in and out, slowly of course, how she wanted it.
"We ...have put in ....our best effort, ...and the result ...is a project accounting system, ....which combines finance, ...planning, budget control, ...document tracking, ....people planning. You...will have ....constant control....over every step of every project.".
This went on for the executive summary. I had to hold out until the end, Lady Sakumi did not want me to finish before my story did.
Man, I tell ya: you would not believe how hard it is to concentrate both on your well-rehearsed business story and on poking a lady at the same time. One of each was bound to go wrong.
With my senses trained as they were by now, I am sure she climaxed at least once while I spoke, but she would not give any clear sign. She would never show her face during the intimate moments of such meetings. She must have enjoyed the combination of being taken like a woman, while at the same time being presented a powerful tool to control others.
When I was done, she turned around and walked to the table. I quickly took some gulps of water, as I had more talking to do.
She leaned over the table, propped up on her elbows, her legs hanging over the side.
"I presume I'd better click this PowerPoint story forward, shall I?" she said casually, and clicked to slide 2.
"Yes, I have concentrated myself here on the highlights, basically the visuals to support what I just told you. You can read the entire story at your leisure, or forward it internally." I replied. A quick drink and I entered her lovely cheeks and asshole once again.
"What you see... here is the main schedule.....of the software.....It is an open...architecture, so we can accomodate....future needs. We have ...discussed this ....with various departments ....of your project groups ...and virtually off all of their wishes ....have been implemented." Etcetera.
When I was finished (with my story, not the humping) at slide 23 (minus some blocked ones, of course), she asked me what this was going to cost them.
"Please Sakumi, ....you know ...I don't discuss prices ....during my climaxes. ....I'll tell you ....during yours".
I could feel she was getting close, but then again, so was I.
When I blew once more, I managed to keep moving in and out, before telling her the price. I knew it was where she liked it to be and I was proud of myself when she actually did shudder noticeably this time. It was her turn to pause for breath in between words, for a change.
"Oh, Burt, ...you have ...really outdone yourself ....in satisfying our needs. ...I guess we have ...a deal."
I kept pumping, feeling another one coming from the magic pulses of the Ring. "Thank you, Sakumi, .... I've always known we were on the right frequency". And with a mighty bang, I had my version of sealing the deal.
I could not believe it. A multi-million dollar deal and multi-year project, and she decides face-down at the table while being ass-pumped by the supplier.
Or actually, she had her face up to the beamer and my final slide, the corporate slogan: "Our primary aim is to satisfy our customers".
Satisfy indeed.
Her composure was down only briefly, naturally.
"I know I'm known to screw my suppliers, that's my job, but you are the only one I screw physically, Burt", she said when buttoning her skirt again. Her blouse had hardly been crumpled, I always wondered how she did that.
I smiled. "And you are the only customer I consciously screw, but with good customer satisfaction, I would say."
She thought for a moment, as she flattened some invisible crumples in her blouse. "Yes, you are definitely a good product, but we can never trust the other products you guys deliver to be 100% OK. 97-98 perhaps, but often a few percent left to improve."
I could not believe it, hardly dressed again and she was already back at work.
I made sure to get her signature on the proposal and went back to the office on Cloud Nine.
"What, she bought it without further discount!?" the Controller said as I gave him the purchase order. "Gosh, how on earth do you do that, none of the previous sales guys ever got through to her without deep discounts"
I smiled. "Let's just say I know which button to touch."
It's deals like this that give me the credit to choose my own working hours.
I had some details to work out on the Sakumi deal, including getting compliments from the director. His secretary, Sue, took notes and made sure to congratulate me with a brief kiss.
While she did, she whispered in my ear "Celebrate 1500, IHFC!"
I took some time to eat and drink, while doing some work at the same time. Yeah, I know, you should give attention to your food and eat slow, but with my physical schedule throughout the day, I hardly have time to do my normal work for which my boss pays me.
However, I got most things out of the way by about 15:00 and headed to our IHFC room. Sue was already eagerly waiting, "dressed in some Chanel no 5" as they say.
Sue is of British origin, she came over when her husband got a job in our area. Not one to be sitting at home, she found a job with us. In case you haven't heard of British women, just go and visit a pub on a winter evening. You'll find many of them dressed for summer (i.e. lots of flesh showing) "because the pub is always so hot inside".
Yeah, sure.
They also seem to believe every skin contact must lead to sex, "as touching each others' skin is something sexual". Obviously a hug has a different meaning in those places.
Anyway, bubbly, outgoing and self confident Sue had dedicated herself to enjoy as much sex as she could, "I am always erotically hungry" she explained to me earlier.
The Psycho-analytical view might be she is seeking confirmation by men, ever since her father left the house while she was very young. Well, most men don't really care about this, they simply see a lovely lady who wants a lot of action from them.
She's very self confident, in spite of having "a bit of bacon everywhere", as she said herself. Her "bacon" extends up front too, as her 1.80m figure is gifted with a firm pair of D-boobs, "Harry & William". In true Victorian fashion, her skin is milky pale, which show her tattoos wonderfully. In her wild days, she had her body decorated with a huge rose bush, with twigs starting from her ankles, circling her lovely white thighs and belly, with roses on each "back-bacon" and on each "front bacon". The artist had been very good, the roses were wonderfully round and lush on her pale breasts, with bright colours. Funny to hear Sue describing the tattoos as "something from my wild days", considering she is in her late twenties.
As you can guess, Sue very much appreciated my Ring & the power it gave to my Tool. Instead of multiple bang sessions, Sue and I would sometimes have 1 minute quickies in silent corners, knowing we could be caught. Weather allowing she'll wear strings only like Sally, so I can quickly by-pass whatever little cloth guards her entries. She'll fire me up with small gestures and that look in her eyes, so we can get straight to the point (pardon the pun) when we reach our quiet corner. Our record is 20 seconds, when I had been truly fired up before and she only had to raise her dress for me to enter her. Stephanie must have told her about me early, because she was my second confidante in our IHFC secret. Or actually, she discovered me before I discovered her.
Currently Sue was pregnant, but that did not stop her from being physically active. "Hormones & horny both start with h-o-r", she once told me while I was pumping up her behind and she was resting her belly on a cushion, her breasts dangling ever so wonderfully back and forth. Since there was no danger of becoming pregnant, she had been on a course of "anything goes" whenever we were together. At every session she insisted I visited every opening thoroughly, at least once, preferably twice if she had her way. I wondered what the baby would think of all this sexual energy from my juices flowing around him or her. How active would it be after growing up? I sometimes wondered (only briefly of course) what her husband would be going through in the evenings, as I was quite sure Sue would not be worn out by me during the day.
In spite of her extra weight, Sue jumped on me when I entered, grabbed me and pushed me onto the pillows.
"Oh Burt, I love success, and that deal with Sakumi's company is just what we needed for good reports to HQ." she said with a smile as she expertly undid my pants. "Let me guess, you took her on the table during the presentations?".
She was already horny before I got in and in between words she sat on my Tool and immediately began riding me.
I smiled at her, caressing "her blossoming roses". "Well, not quite. I had to warm her up while standing at the window on the 47th floor. It's a wonderful view, looking out from the top floor and straight into a women's behind. Tough work to concentrate on your presentation, though."
"Well, you relax then, I'll do the work for now" she grinned and geared up another notch in riding & squeezing & puffing, I believe coming twice before she squeezed a wonderful explosion out of me.
As soon as she had sort of recovered, she grabbed me down below and tickled-squeezed-scratched my Tool to hurry up. "Come on, Johnny Boy, mummy is still hungry" she said, and turned herself, on her knees, bent over, offering her butt-roses to me. Sue being Sue, she never let go of my Tool while she moved into her new position and in one swift movement she pulled me to her and pulled me inside.
"Ride me, Burt, ride me hard! Brian has been tired for two evenings, and I need you to catch up! Let's see if that Ring-Beast has a limit to its condition..." she gasped in between taking her breath.
Her fingers and her zest had done their job almost as good as the Ring could, and soon enough I was pumping away hard, slamming my hips against her butt-cheeks. The lovely thing about Sue's "bacon" was that every time I slammed into her, I could see impact ripples rolling across her lovely white back with the tattooed coloured twigs, while I knew her "front-roses" would be juggling too.
I had a brief image of those breasts giving milk to me, while I was pumping my own juices in to her, in a few months. I quietly prayed the baby would leave her enough energy for our lovely encounters. Sue had become one of my favourites in my ladies-scheme, since she had almost the same energy as I had, except that she had no Ring to pulse new energy into her.
The image of breast milk squirting into my mouth was still with me when I exploded violently into her, and we took a bit of time to recover.
"Sue, I know you're quite hungry for sex most of the time, but are you hungry for a man with a tool, or is it the tool you want with a man attached?" I asked.
She looked at me puzzled. "Gee, never thought of it that way. Why do you ask?"
"Well, it's like this, you see. There is lovely lady in my Ring Club, who used to be a man. Unfortunately for her, most men can't accept a woman with a willie, no matter how hot her seduction was. It is really frustrating her. So I thought to introduce her to you. I figured you appreciate a good piece of meat, no matter the gender it is attached to...."
My voice trailed away as my words sank in. Sue looked at me, her big belly heaving up & down.
"You know, funny you mention it", she said after a while. "Sometimes I am so fed up with these guys, how they treat you as a piece of meat with a hole in it. Not you of course. Actually, in my wild days I have tried a threesome once, but with two guys. This would be nicely 50/50, one and a half man with a half woman. Does she pack a good bang, this lady of yours?
I grinned painfully. "She sure does. The first few times I had trouble sitting for a few hours."
She looked at me with a huge grin and smiling eyes. "Aha, so she has taken you too? So now you know how that feels. Well well Burt, this Ring is really bringing you into new experiences, isn't it?"
I nodded.
"Yes, it sure does. Some time ago another lady had played at my back entry with toys, but that didn't work for me. To my own very surprise, "live meat" is so much different, I guess it's the personal touch of the body behind it. Mind you, it only works with Shannon, I'm purely women oriented. No blokes for me. So, shall I introduce you to each other?"
She needed only a second to respond.
"Oh yes, please do. You have made me hungry, you know I like a good piece of meat! And I'd like to hear from her what's it's like to be taking you, instead of being taken...... Is she far away?"
"Actually, you may have seen her already. She works in this very building, in the company below the IHFC floor"
"She does? Oh darn you Burt, now I'll be gazing at all the ladies in the elevator, guessing if she's been a guy before and if she'll playing with my front porch sometime soon!"
We smiled and agreed I 'd set up a meeting as soon as possible. The thought of being taken by a lady had excited Sue once again and I had to bring her to a climax, so she could let off some steam.
"You know, that ancient culture had made this Ring to give men endless energy, but I wonder what they had made for the women?" I asked her after a while.
Sue pondered that for a minute. "Well, perhaps they didn't need to, if their women were horny & hungry like... well, like me. But if there was something I'd have to invent, it would perhaps be some kind of clit-enhancer, perhaps a mini-ring around it?"
She thought again.
"Hmmm, perhaps what I'd like too, would be some sort of hollow dildo, which would give me stimulation by moving in & out while it worked my clit, yet allow a man to enter me too on the inside, so if the dildo wasn't working, I would feel the man working me."
I tried to visualise Sue in such a state.... She'd be horny all day long. 'In your case, you'd need two such things, as you like the back entry being taken just as much as your front entry" I replied.
"Hmm, constant penetration & stimulation all day long? Sounds great!" she said with a wide grin. "And I suppose a third one for my mouth? You know that opening likes being visited too!", while she started to move that very opening to my recovering Tool for Round #3.
"Nah, your mouth will have to find its stimulation some other way, my darling Sue. I'd hate to lose hearing that lovely accent of yours if you were to have a dildo in your mouth all day long." I said with a smile as I held her head bobbing up and down my loins.
I felt her smile before she continued to suck me dry.
As a goodbye gift and as a tease, I quickly pumped & filled her butt-cheeks once more after we had dressed, by lifting her dress just before she left. I knew she had a meeting directly after this, so now she had to somehow hold my shot inside her during that entire meeting, while her ass muscle had been weakened. She gave me a seemingly angry look once she realised what I had done to her, yet we both knew she relished such challenges.
On my way home, I got a text message from her she had managed to hold it all in throughout the meeting... just.
"Well, perhaps next time take one of those latex panties with you, should be leak proof...." I texted back.
A few minutes later I texted a PS: "and they come with double plugs too!"
Her reply came soon enough: "Great! Get me one for my birthday! "
I was really glad once again I had moved to a lower job after I got the Ring, I could still get my work done in time in spite of having been with Sue.
On my way to the door, I had one more quickie with Stephanie to make sure she got her portion of the day, before literally rushing to meet Simone and her car for the traffic jam back home, leaving Stephanie still panting with her skirt up.
Traffic was the usual, and Simone took a small detour that featured a secluded parking spot, where she could drag me into the back of her van. Her van has dark windows and no seats in the back, so a lot space to play in, and a stack of garden seat cushions on the floor. Guess how we waited for the traffic to start moving again? Simone takes no breaks or pauses....
Man, what a life!
When I came home, Sally was tired too, she had had a long day too. She had taken Asian take away food with her, and we ate it in the hammock in our garden, as we both recounted our day. It was a warm and cosy evening, and we cuddled in the hammock, and played slowly in it, swinging back and forth. It was so nice and warm, that we actually fell asleep in the hammock, in each other's arms, Sally on top of me.
Chapter 7: Last Thursday - Sally, Sue & Shannon, Simone, Sarah & Stella, Susan, Sally
Sally woke up first, perhaps because of the early morning wind chill on her back as she lay on top of me still. Anyhow, I made sure to warm her up again in the shower, washing her, pleasing her, nibbling her all over. Even after the shower she made sure I did my thing, as she would be out later that evening. Suffice to say the kitchen table was well tested for strength, again.
In the car to work, I could smile to Simone when I entered, she did not have to ask. Unfortunately for her though, traffic was so smooth, we had no time for pause or stop. That was OK, as we had agreed to share lunch, later that day, in her van.
At work I was texting back and forth to Sue and Shannon, and as luck would have it, they could both slip away this very morning. I then had to text to Stephanie, as I had originally agreed to see her at 10.
I briefly wondered if I could squeeze them all in to the morning. Fortunately, Steph was not as addicted as Sue was.
Finally 10 o'clock came and I brought Shannon to the IHFC room. She was nervous, and I could tell so was Sue.
Shannon had been surprised to see Sue was pregnant and had looked at me quizzingly. Before I could reply, Sue broke the ice, with her lovely UK accent.
"Don't you worry about that, luv. Growing a baby inside brings out all sorts of hormones I had never heard of, or better, had never felt before. And hormones make me darn horny! Thank god Burt is around, my husband would have been dead by now with all the action I need!"
Shannon looked at me, and I nodded. "Yep, Sue has been hard work, even for me"
This broke the tension a little, and Shannon turned to Sue once again. Both seemed unsure how to proceed.
Well, only briefly of course. Sue never needs long to get to business.
"Tell you what, my dear. We're both nervous. So why don't we just get started? Sure enough the excitement will get flowing as soon as we get going. Burt, you strip and get down on your back. I'll have you behind me at first, so I can see this lovely lady and her curves coming to me."
She had already dropped her dress and was releasing her bra. Shannon was still a bit hesitant after she had taken off her blouse.
Sue stepped up to her, almost naked in front of a woman she only just knew.
"Tell you what, luv, in case you are wondering how to get started, don't you worry now about caresses, sweet talk or anything like foreplay. I can get that with my husband. Here, in Burt's Club, we just rock & roll. Are you ready to rock?"
With this, she grabbed Shannon in between her legs and squeezed.
Her eyes lit up. So did Shannon's.
"I knew it!! No Willie can resist the sight of a willing woman, no matter what body it's stuck to. You undress dear, while I get into position on Burt."
Indeed it took a bit of positioning to get Sue on top of me, all poled up onto my Tool.
She had gained quite some weight over the past few months, though she was still surprisingly agile.
Meanwhile Shannon had bared herself too and was getting on her knees, admiring Sue's tattoos. Her loins were ready for battle, that much I could see from underneath.
Sue smiled, and returned the looks when she saw Shannon's skull tattoos..
"Stop gazing, dear, get that Soldier of yours into my HeadQuarters pronto, and you can feast your eyes on my flowers here from very close."
Without further ado, Sue grabbed Shannon by her pole and pulled her in.
Soon enough, Shannon was doing the oldest movement in mankind's history, and she was obviously enjoying it.
I was pushing Sue up from below, and Sue obviously liked being sandwiched.
"Oh my god, this is great! Shannon, love, you have a great bang, Burt should have introduced us much earlier. I love those two poles in me. Keep 'm coming , you two!"
I wrote it here in one line, but of course Sue needed much more air and time to say this while panting and gasping. The way she moved up and down, Shannon and I had trouble staying inside, sometimes our eyes met as we both worked to tame this flaming lady in between us. Shannon had it harder, for she had to coordinate her moves with Sue's belly going about.
I think Sue came three times by the time Shannon and me shot inside of her.
Shannon collapsed on top of Sue, both their weights on top of me. I groaned under the weight, wonderful as they were, crushing nonetheless.
After a few moments, I rolled over, dropping two panting ladies on the mattress besides me. They held each other, breasts pressed against breasts, I think Shannon was still inside Sue.
I let them in their embrace, as I moved around and tickled my Tool back into shape. I lay down behind Shannon and entered her, caressing both the girl's hips, stroking their skins, fondling their breasts.
I could feel Shannon fully relaxed under my arms, under my strokes and under Sue's breath.
This time I took a bit more time to let my Tool work its job into Shannon, as I watched the two ladies exchanging caresses, kisses, and some sweet words were going back and forth.
When they sensed I was picking up pace, Shannon moved her hand down between Sue's legs and played her to another orgasm, while Sue had rolled onto her back, caressing her own breasts.
We came almost the same moment.
After a while Sue turned to me with a radiant smile on her face.
"Oh god, Burt, thank you ever so much. You made me realise something about myself I had never known. Yes, I love a good pecker, but it doesn't have to be a man attached to it. Shannon is such a great revelation, so sweet and tender with the bang of her meat!"
We all laughed at her choice of words, and circle kissed to seal the experience.
To show their gratitude, Sue gave me a blowjob, while Shannon simultaneously devoted her second "showing" to my rear entry. This time it was me experiencing two services at the same time, and I have to say it was wonderful. Two lovely ladies, loyal true members of my Ring-Club, doing their best on me. I believe I squeezed Shannon empty with my back-muscle from the tension when my Tool blew into Sue, but I can't be sure.... I was dizzy from the excitement.
Later, when I was already back at work, I got a text message from Shannon that she too, had truly enjoyed the experience, not realising she liked the personality before the body it was in.
Back at the office, I stopped by Stephanie and we managed to score a quickie in a quiet corner. I felt guilty for moving her back for Sue and Shannon, though when I told her how things had gone she understood. In fact, she was very happy for both of them.
"Sounds like two people who may need you a little bit less..." she smiled.
When lunchtime came, I walked over to the parking garage, to finally have a lunch appointment with Simone.
Well, "lunch" ... I had eaten my sandwiches at my desk to recover from the two ladies, and would have another one upon return, for I knew Simone would leave me little time to eat anything else but her.
Her van was parked on the roof of the garage where no else would park, so we had no one to see or hear us, while we had a great view through the shaded windows.
Thinking of Sue that morning and of Simone's tattoos, I sometimes wondered if I could schedule Sue and Simone together, a tattoo-match. Sue was decorated with sweet, natural & friendly tattoos, while Simone was more the hard rock motor cycle lady.
Before I could tap on the car, Simone already opened the door, she was in her underwear already. She pulled me inside, shut the door and flung off the remaining cloth almost in one smooth motion.
"Burt, what took you? I'm hungry! Get moving!" she said, while she grabbed her Quick Start Tool.
Simone can be quite the volcano when she is under steam, but she needs some ignition. If she took her ignition tool (a big vibrator on a large gym-ball), I knew I was meant to take her ass first, while she sat on the ball.
One of my hands was to work her front button, while the other "worked the lions". As I did my handiwork and TOOL-work, she'd ride the ball in a steady rhythm. This way she'd have maximum stimulation in all openings. For security, she would stretch her arms wide & high into two wrist-bands mounted to the roof of the van. Thus she would be securely fastened & positioned, while being visited actively in all the right openings.
Today was no exception. Soon enough, as my Tool, my hands and her vibrator had been doing their thing, she began shuddering and shaking and screaming, spasms coming from her loins, the dragon and the lions equally alive on her skin.
She exploded violently, once, twice, heck, three times today, before I managed to come deep inside her ass.
She hung limp from her wrists, sitting dozily on the vibrator ball, while I caught my breath after riding this wild bronco lady, waiting for the familiar shuddering from the Ring into my Loins once again.
I lifted her from the ball and put the vibrator into her back opening, while I occupied the fiery cave up front . I used my hands on her hips to bounce her up & down the ball, making it do the work.
Soon enough she came to life again and I had to hold one for dear life as she rocked the van and all inside with her violent spasms. Again she came three times, pushing her lips around mine in between.
When she was able to move by herself again, she smiled at me, as I lay recovering on the floor of the van.
"Thanks Burt, that was excellent! I know your body is more exhausted then your Willy-Boy from riding me, let me balance it out" she said, as she released herself from the wrist cuffs and lay beside me.
I did not have to say or move anything, as she blow jobbed me casually, twice.
"Christ, Simone, how does your husband ever survive your storms?" I asked after we had cooled down a bit.
"I'm not sure he does, he seems to think it's a great way to die, being screwed to death by a lioness & dragon lady. We had several neighbours already move out because of our noise" she smiled deviously.
Back at my desk, I took care of my emails and wrote some instructions for the guys in the field. Since I had so many busy "appointments", I had changed to a short and to-the-point form of writing, a fact which worked quite well with most colleagues. I got a lot done when I picked up my coat for an external meeting.
I was on my way to meet Sarah, a lovely fine petite lady of some 1.60 in her early 20s, with short black hair and enormous brown eyes, the kind of eyes that take multiple seconds to fully open up wide.
Allow me some background, Sarah is worth it.
She worked in Samantha's diner and had been eager to learn what sex was like, wanted her first time to be special. However, she had learned from her girlfriends that most "men" her age were still boys between the sheets, just as inexperienced as the girls were. So Sarah wanted someone older for her first time, someone with experience to show her the secrets of making love, instead of just "simple humping".
When working for Sam, she overheard our conversations and put 2 & 2 together. She knew I could do what I do with Sally's approval.
To cut a long story short, Sarah asked me to be her first time lover. I was honoured to be asked such an honour, yet I was also very nervous, as I could not remember my first time (with Sally, actually), and knew that Sarah's expectations were high. All my play ladies from the Club were well experienced.
I had asked several of my play ladies how they would have liked their first time, and for most, it was quite some time ago too. Much to their delight, they liked seeing me nervous, and teased me and telling me plenty of bogus before they got serious and told me what a woman could want her first time.
One day Sarah's parents were away for the weekend and I came over shortly after lunch. We cuddled, caressed, and played slowly, both nervous, both being strangers to one another, about 20 years apart. Quickly enough there was no hiding the huge bulge in my pants, and Sarah's eyes got wider still. Once we had gotten used to one another, we undressed, and took it to the next level. Sarah took her time to take off her bra, slowly revealing her prized assets. And wonderful they were. I took my time to massage her, kiss her all over, caress and fondle her in all the right places, until I started narrowing my movements towards the favourite zones.... you know which ones.
By that time, the once shy Sarah had thawed, and began to change into a fox which had been hibernating underneath, a fiery volcano to be more precise. At first she was scared to the size of my Cannon. "Oh my god, are all men this big? Is that supposed to go inside of me?" Well, it did go inside, slowly yet steadily, filling her up in slow movements, guiding her discovery of being filled by a man's tool. Of course the fluid on my tool help her in exciting her, as well as relaxing her insides.
Once she was relaxed in the right places, she took me in whole, absorbed me, pulled me in and held me tight.
By the time Sarah was fully "in heat" (pardon my word), she didn't simply moan, she screamed and yelled in ecstasy, like a wailing siren of joy. At first I was surprised, then it got me going. I was poking into her with more gusto, powering the siren underneath me as if she was a ship's horn. She was surprised as well, she had never known she had such power in her.
Pretty soon, we tried other positions, she wanted me in front, in the back, and after some initial gulping, orally too. Sarah was experiencing a first time she surely would never forget.
The neighbours were not so pleased with her performance. As you can imagine, we did not play just one time, but many, many times. Pretty soon we had left the bedroom and were playing in the kitchen, the living room, etc., until..... the doorbell rang, followed by a loud knocking. "Open up, Police!"
The volcanoes quickly flamed out, we grabbed a few towels laying nearby and answered the door. Turned out the neighbours had called in the police because of Sarah's loud screaming and wailing. Since it was quite obvious what we had been doing (police had actually been knocking for some time before we noticed), one of the female Police officers was studying a blushing Sarah, while the other female officer was looking at me. I had a towel wrapped around me, which absolutely failed to hide my fully charged Tool.
Since Sarah was a bit taken aback with police at her doorstep, I took the lead. "Hello officers, what seems to be the problem?".
The officer looking at me looked up to my face and asked "The neighbours have been complaining about noise coming from this house for hours. Is there anyone else in the house?'
We shook our heads, "No, it's just us" Sarah mumbled.
"Just the two of you.....for hours?" the other officer answered, with clear disbelief in her eyes. Her eyes went from Sarah to me. "Could you please tell me, what did you eat? How do you do that?". Her body language clearly said "Please please pretty please, can I please join?" .
This got her a stern look from her colleague, yet I kept looking at her, a confidence I had gotten since the Ring had taken over my life.
"Sorry, m'am, secret of many years. My wife allows me to share it with wonderful ladies like this jewel here. I'd have to ask her permission to share it with you too" I joked. "But all right, officers, we'll try to be quiet. I'll see if I can find a muffle for this fine young lady".
Both officers were clearly quite jealous, jealous to me for having such fun with a delicious young Sarah, jealous to Sarah for being laid so long. We got off with a warning.
We took a break, a bite to give the neighbours the illusion we had stopped. Then sweet young and (until recently quite so innocent) Sarah muffled herself with cloth in her mouth tied in place with a scarf, and jumped on me for another round.
It had been truly an afternoon to remember, and I had gained a fan for life.
Thus Sarah had opened up her sexuality with a bang (literally), yet still found the boys & men in her life could not please her, they were too much loin-driven.
It took some time for her to realise she had more affection to Sapphic love, especially once she got to know Stella. Stella was one of the two police officers who had been at our door and the one who had been eying Sarah all along. Physically, Stella is almost the opposite of Sara: 1.85m, strongly built with a no-nonsense attitude, perhaps a few pounds extra but all muscle, a matching C cup to her features. Stella had managed to touch other hidden buttons in Sarah, the way only women can. They became a couple, and a beautiful one at that. In spite of my life being so dominated by my blasting Cannon, I always had a soft spot for love play between ladies (hence my affection for Sally & S'Boka).
As it turned out, Stella managed to play and tune Sarah's screaming and yelling as if she was a delicate instrument, a temperamentful violin, if you like. One day she asked Sarah to let go of her rationale and let her deepest animalistic instincts take over once Stella got playing her love buttons. And indeed, Sarah began to sing in ecstasy, loudly still, yet wonderful aria's and sort of opera. Sarah had moved in with Stella, who had no neighbours around.
It was beautiful to hear, still loud, but wonderful.
In spite of Stella being a great lover for Sarah, and a master in the use of toys & strap-ons, Sarah occasionally longed for some live meat throbbing inside of her, stretching her up, still remembering her first day.
She suggested Stella playing with me too, but unsurprisingly, Stella was note so easily convinced. We had to bring in Sally and Samantha to convince Stella that I had permission to play with others, and that I was purely in it to bring joy. Stella had nothing to be jealous about.
We had another "first time experience" in which I played with Sarah and Stella. Only Sarah, as it turned out, Stella was exclusive to women. She loved Sarah so much, she allowed me in the wonderful joint pleasing of our little vixen. As it happened, Stella and I were on the same frequency to please Sarah, working in sync to bring this fine young lady to even greater levels of ecstasy, and musical performance.
Afterwards, I had the honour to observe the two lovebirds making love to each other, embracing each other, caressing each other, like only ladies can. Having done my bit, it was like a beautiful dessert to a great meal, watching a gorgeous sunset after a great day.
As I said, Sarah and Stella truly made a lovely couple, and listening to Sarah singing and chanting while she was carried to high levels of ecstasy was a feast to the ears.
This particular afternoon, we had a meeting to satisfy Sarah's "need for meat" as they called it. We met in a hotel room nearby, where Stella had brought in some audio recording equipment. As Stella had explained to me earlier when we set the meeting, she intended to record the singing & chanting of Sarah. Stella's sister worked in studio and had heard about Sarah's musical pleasure. Ever the entrepreneur, said sister had suggested to mix Sarah's love sounds with music, as alternative "love music".
Stella took me aside for instructions, so Sarah would be unaware of our next ves & actions. "Once we are playing Sarah, we can't speak, Burt, with the recording, so I will be gesturing you to speed up, keep it steady or slow down. I have a composition in my head on how I will lead Sarah slowly to a high, then recover with her in a heightened trance of excitement, then build up to a new high where you and I will really make her explode. After that, I will gently coast her back to earth". The way she described it, Stella sounded both as a orchestra director as well as a flight instructor of aerobatic jets. She sure had my full attention.
As she spoke, I had some brief glimpses of the recording being successful, and us having to perform on stage, for a large audience.... The things a man thinks of...
As we did not have a lot of time, we went about with gusto and undressed quickly. No need to say that the Ring had been looking forward to this experiment in advance. We started with me on my back and Sarah straddling me, with her back to my face. I could thus freely enter her up front, while Stella still had access to all the love-points and "instrument keys" she knew to play on Sara. Stella used her tongue, her hands, her strap-ons with dazzling experience to perform a wonderfully orchestrated symphony... and Sarah just followed our inputs.
Soon Sarah was singing in her trance, at first slowly chanting, then picking up the pace as Stella and I shifted gears towards a quick paced aria. Soon enough, Sarah shifted her other portal to ride me with, and lay down on me, allowing my hands to complement those of Stella. I was now utterly close to observe the mastery of Stella's love play. In musical terms, my pounding and thumping provided the rhythm section, while Stella played the solo's and guitar on Sarah, so to speak. Once we were up-tempo, imagine the thump of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love", with Sarah singing all instruments.
It was beautiful, the moaning/panting/screaming/singing music coming out of Sarah went up and down with her arousal, excitement, her exploding volcanoes, her orgasms, her winding down and winding up again.
Given that I had to get back to the office too, we "recorded two songs" only. Yet is was so much fun, we agreed this definitely needed more "jamming sessions". I was wondering what kind of music Stella's sister would put underneath: laid back jazz, thumping rock, or. ....?. When I left, they were cuddling in each other's arms, Sarah still humming somewhere on Cloud Nine.
I knew Sarah would have to be carried home, spent as she was. Stella would pick her up... literally
Back in the office, I was positively humming with the music from Sarah, and got through my paper work in great speed. Colleagues asked me what kind of music I was humming they noticed it cheered me up even more then I usually am.
[Note: a few weeks after the "recording sessions", the album with "love songs" came out, becoming an instant hit. Stella's sister had made several compositions, a jazzy, lazy, feel good with passionate lyrics (think the 1970s French "Je t'aime" song), as well as a thumping beat which became a massive hit at festivals and parties, resulting in lots of physical love action among the audience.
Sarah and Stella had chosen to remain anonymous, which added to the mystery of the music, and of course to the sales. Royalties were a nice bonus to their income, and Stella was soon enough "composing" new songs. Naturally, I will not have my big concert on stage with the ladies, although the thought of it immediately stirs my Ring. As of course it would.]
I drove home with Simone, and in spite of our lunch meeting, she was still hungry. When we were stuck in traffic, she blow-jobbed me twice, while I operated the remote control for the buzzer she had put in her pants.
We got home safely, don't worry. Simone is good at that.
I had made sure I was home in time that day. Sally had told me she had another friend for me with "marital problems", which I was familiar with, but tonight one with "problems in a way I would like". That always got me interested.
When I came home, Sally was alone, though.
"Has she cancelled, this friend of yours?" I asked.
"No, Susan is upstairs, my dear, patiently waiting for you", Sally said with a mysterious grin.
"Aha. Anything special I should know?" I added, trying to guess Sally's mischievous look.
"Mmm, no, simply do whatever you like to do, and do it strongly, please. Susan can tell what she wants all day long, manager position, you know. For a change, she'd like you to do what you want, pay no attention whatsoever to her needs. She'll adjust
I'll be off to the Soccer club commission meeting", Sally said, and would not say anything more.
She gave me dinner with a kiss. "You eat well now, my dear" and left.
A bit puzzled, I quickly ate dinner (no good banging on an empty stomach) and went upstairs to change into casual wear.
When I opened our bedroom door, I was pleasantly surprised.
Indeed Susan was patiently waiting for me, dressed in nothing much more than a satin black corset, a purple leather strap bra, a matching leather hood with snap-on blind-fold and a ring-gag, her hands demurely folded in her lap.
In front of her, on the bed, lay some other bondage gear and a note.
"You do not have to speak to me if you do not want.
Tonight, I am your personal Fuck 'n Suck Toy,
completely at your service.
Render me helpless, for example by binding my arms, any way you like".
I looked at her closely. She must have sensed my coming in and looking at her, as her breathing changed. She had a masculine figure, strong and fit, radiating power. I could imagine her in an army uniform, shouting commands. Yet at 1.55 and a cup D, she was a very buxom, vixen appearance. The heavy-duty strap bra held her melons firmly, and proudly presented them forwards.
In front of her were hand-cuffs, a belt with arm-binders, some leather straps and red PVC tape. I had never played with bondage yet, but the sight of this busomous lady asking to be bound was exciting indeed. I admired her figure at length and pondered what would look best on this lovely lady.
"I don't know if you can hear me, but you really look lovely already. I'll try to make you even look better" I said, having decided to tape her wrists behind her, after which I taped her arms together. She was athletic, her elbows almost touched. To top it off, I strapped the bound arms around her torso with the belts, just above and below her mighty breasts. She took it all without the faintest sign of protest.
She obviously wanted someone other than herself in charge tonight.
I stood her up and took time to admire her, turned her around and around, she looked gorgeous. I let my hands caress her breasts, her back, her buns, all smooth soft skin. She got goose-bumps all over as my hands wandered over her body, she was sensitive to the unknown fingers she couldn't see coming. I tickled a bit around her nipples, they got excited. I kissed her shoulders, kneaded her lovely breasts a bit more. I spend some time caressing her, trying to excite her as much as me. My fingers briefly came by her front door a few times, to scare her, to make her wonder what I was going to do.
It was getting time for action, my hormones took hold of me and I pushed her face-first onto the bed. Before she had finished the bounce, I had dropped my pants, applied oil where it needed to be applied and plunged into her butt, slapping into her buttocks.
Susan may not have expected to be anally taken (perhaps she never had been), as I think I heard something of a scream through the ring-gag, but it quickly went away as I plunged and pumped and worked in & out of her lovely butt. I could see her breasts were cushioning my weight, on either side of her. I looked sideways into the mirror, and she looked marvellous with her arms at her back, helplessly at the mercy of my Tool poking into her. I never knew I fancied a helpless woman, obviously something to discover a bit more.
After I had turned her on her back for the second round with my big Rod, I put her legs over my shoulders, allowing me my deepest poke. I could feel she liked this position, her love-cave would have swallowed my Tool if it could. Apparently she hadn't been taken for some time.
When I was done again, I sat on the bed, and sat her on her knees in front of me. I had never had a blow-job with a ring-gag, and I was curious. I did not need to explain much, she instinctively knew what was up. My Tool just fit into the ring-gag, and, holding her by the hood, I shoved deep into her. Amazingly enough, she swallowed me whole. Of course her lips could not do much, but the rest of her mouth surely made up for it. I had rarely "fucked a head" with so much intensity and the climax was great.
This was going to be more fun than I had expected.
I gave Susan something to drink through the ring-gag, then carried her over my shoulder down the stairs. Tonight was an important ball-game, and I liked the opportunity to both help Sally's friend and do something else for myself.
Fortunately the room was warm enough. I told her to keep standing next to the sofa, while I got some beers and chips. She could no doubt hear the sounds of the game and my munching of chips, so she knew she really got the treatment of being just there as a Fuck-toy.
On her knees, she blow-jobbed me during the first commercial (didn't want to miss anything on screen, of course), after which I turned her around and on the table with a cushion underneath her. Her buttocks were lovingly exposed to me. Looking from my seat, I saw the game, her bound arms and her exposed entry-points. I got on my knees too, plunged my Tool into her pussy and fired away. After as many strokes as I could hold out (the match on screen was a good distraction to keep me from blowing too early!), I waited for The Ring to pulse new life into me and drank some beer. Then I plunged into her butt and fired away here as well. This evening was getting ever better, no protests or requests!
In between pausing for the game, I tried several positions. I sat her on my lap, facing me, so I could kiss her wonderful big breasts as I peeked over her shoulders to the game; then change around & sat her butt on me, fondle her bound breasts and still watch game. A true man's dream!
When I did not need her, I stood her beside the sofa and told her to be quiet (as if she could speak). Hey, she wanted to be taken with no conversation, she got taken with no conversation...
I was really enjoying myself, unexpectedly so, as I thought I was not one for domination and stuff.
Unfortunately, the game turned bad and my team lost in the last few minutes.
"Damn! How can they blow that! Idiots!" I yelled, as I switched off and threw down the remote. In pure frustration, I slapped her butt cheeks, rather hard. For the first time that evening, she made a sound. Not a yell or something, but more a "mmmh", as if she enjoyed it. Without thinking, I slapped her again. "What, do you enjoy my team losing?"
She mmm'd again.
Before I knew what I was doing, I had put her over my knees and was spanking her buttocks, left and right, with flat hands, until both of them were a crimsom red. "There, that'll teach you. No sitting tomorrow without remembering this night"
"Well my oh my, Burt. That sure is quite a different side of you then the soft one I saw yesterday" I heard Sally behind me.
She had a twinkle in her eyes as she put down her coat.
"How long have you been standing there?" I asked, after I had set Susan next to the sofa again.
"Oh, just a few minutes, just enough to see you enjoying yourself in a new way. And I thought you had tried all variations."
I chose to stay in the game. "I'm not sure I like you sneaking up on me like that. Perhaps I should teach you a lesson as well".
I grabbed her, laid her over my knees, raised her skirt and spanked her lilly white buttocks too. Susan must have heard, I briefly wondered what she thought.
When Sally got up, she apparently was in the mood as well. "I really am sorry, Sir. I deserve punishment. Please make sure I cannot do any more naughty things".
I smiled. Grimly. "Be careful what you wish for my, dear, you may just get it. Now strip!"
She did, in a flash.
With the remaining tape from Susan's supply, I taped her breasts, then her arms like I had done with Susan. With the last bit, I blind folded her. On a hunch, I took off the trainer ring-gag of Susan and put it on Sally. It actually suited her surprisingly well. While taping her, I thought the red buttocks looked good on her too. We should do this more often.
"Now then, which of you ladies think they deserve a piece of me still?"
Sally mmm'd through her gag, Susan simply said "please".
How could I resist? I took them both, spanked them both and had another beer in between while I watched the other games.
By now it was really getting late.
I brought Susan to our guest room and untied her arms, leaving her by herself to unwind herself, unpack herself and dress herself. Meanwhile I spoke sweet words into Sally's ear, how lovely she looked all helpless and bound. More of a monologue of course, she could only "mmmh" through the ring gag. When I thought Susan would be ready, I released Sally's mouth and eyes, but nothing else. "I guess you want to show your friend out" and patted her on her way. She had no hesitation to walk over to her friend with her own arms tied up and otherwise naked. I realized I had never seen Susans' face, I would not recognize her if we were to bump into each other. Well, her buxom vixen figure was a help, perhaps.
After some minutes, Sally came back. She seemed to feel all comfortable being taped and all. She sat on my lap.
"Burt, apparently you have excelled yourself again. Susan has not had such a great night for ages. She was exhausted, but exhilarated. This was just what she wanted. She never knew she liked spanking, it was only a desire for bondage so far. How did you find out?"
"Well, bad luck, really. My team lost, I was pissed off and took it out on the first thing nearby, which were her cheeks." I paused, and looked at her, her shiny eyes. She was totally comfortable once again. "Besides, I did not know you liked this game. Since when are you into spanking?" I asked her.
"Well, since about 30 minutes. Apparently there are still unknown desires I never knew I had. Susan thought I should try this new side as well, so she left her corset and other gear here. Next time she'll need it will be here anyway." she stated matter of factly.
"Well, I never knew I liked it either, but I sure don't mind exploring a bit more. And here's a bit for you" I replied, as I put the ring-gag back into her mouth and strapped it around her head.
Gently I carried her upstairs to our bedroom and put us through some bathroom rituals her, taking turns in gently caressing or slapping her buttocks. I brushed her teeth through the ring-gag, which we both thought was fun, and then carried her to the bed.
I lay on my back, she straddled me and rode my Tool slowly, lovingly, without words, only the noiseless sound of my hands caressing her left or right butt.
Before we went to sleep, I untied her arms for the night, but she wanted the tape to stay around her breasts. When I had taken off the head trainer, she surprised me yet again.
"Actually, that feels quite nice, you know. Being all helpless yet safe in your arms. Can you please put it back on? And my eyes too, please."
I raised my eyebrows, but happily obliged. With the tape from her arms I blindfolded her, with many windings around her head. I put the head trainer back on, with the ring in her mouth and the straps around her head.
Somehow she managed to kiss me (well, sort off), mumbled something which must have been a "good night honey" and cuddled into my arms.
I lay awake long after she had fallen asleep, wondering about the ever surprising mysterious depths of women psyche, and how lucky I was I could explore them.
Chapter 8: Last Friday - Sally, Sue & Stephanie, Sylvie, Sandra, Sally
Sally held out quite well with her gear on. It must have been late in the night when she nudged me to it take off. She eagerly drank some water and rolled back to sleep. The blindfold stayed until the morning, however.
I am not really sure who won the morning competition, yet somehow we found ourselves showering together and caressing each other, with a trail of pieces of tape between our bed and the bathroom.
No one complained, it was a new morning ritual.
As I got into the car, I noticed Simone wriggling in her seat. Upon my raised eyebrows, she replied matter of factly: "Can't take you today, Burt. My husband and I have a bet who can take more, so I have a vibrator up front and a butt plug up the back all day."
My eyebrows went up another notch, as she continued.
"He closed me up front with a stainless steel luggage lock through my labia piercings, plus a locked on leather crotch strap for the rear one"
I opened my mouth for an obvious question, but she beat me to it, as she drove onto the highway.
"Yes, I can open it if I must, or for any medical emergency. But then I lose the bet. Oh yes, he has a butt plug and vibrating cock cage locked away too, same rules"
I sat quietly.
"So no pleasure today, is that it?" I asked after few moments.
"Hell yes, just no penetration" she smiled deviously, as she grabbed across and grabbed my Soaring Soldier.
"Hold a sec" she said, as she came to sudden stop along the road. With a quick move, as I had come to expect from her, she blow jobbed me with one hand on the steering wheel, with the engine still running and in gear.
Before anyone could wonder why we had stopped, she had us on our way again, wiping her smiling mouth in the same movement as she switched gears.
We had two more stops before we reached the garage.
I kissed her goodbye as I had to leave.
"Pity you can't stay, perhaps I can hump the ball in back before I go into the office, see if it will push those plugs in and out of me" she said, and moved back.
Before I had reached the stairs, I could see the van moving.
Of course I would have loved to stay, but had an appointment with Sue and Stephanie this morning.
Now before you think I had not seen Stephanie since Monday morning (for the observing readers among you), I'll have you know we had a few brief meetings in quiet corners I may not have mentioned yet.
I did mention them? Oh well, so sue me for getting all my encounters a little mixed up.
Stephanie was not my first "Club member for nothing. She knows where to find me when she needs me, and believe me, when she wants something, she'll come and get it.
Today I met her at the IHFC room where we had agreed to meet, and surprisingly enough (well was it really?), Sue was there too.
If Sue was bubbly by nature, she was almost jumping up and down this morning, with Stephanie smiling in the background. She knew Sue as well, but had not seen her like this before either.
"Oh Burt, yesterday with Shannon was so great and eye opening, we immediately made a next appointment in the afternoon. She showed my some tips on the internet and took me to this absolutely wonderful fetish & toy shop. Look what I bought, thanks to her! ".
She held out a toy, as a kid would show its newest toy car.
It seemed a complex dildo, with three ends.
Before I could even ask, she already answered. "It's a "triple whammy" strap-on which Shannon helped me find, so I can experience what it's like to take someone, to poke someone. "Triple whammy" means it starts with a sizable plug at the back opening, running via a solid connection to the front dildo to squeeze tightly, and a third pole going forward. I already tried it on Shannon, and it's great! Now I understand why you guys have so much fun poking us with your peckers!"
I smiled at Sue, she was so absolutely adorable in her enthusiasm. God help us if she had a toy like the Ring, she would be unstoppable.
"Don't you go anywhere, I'll be trying this on you next! Now that I know now Shannon is allowed do this, I want to have a go at the cute ass of yours!"
She was putting the triple whammy in its places as she spoke, until she suddenly stopped.
"Hang on, I almost forgot. We got you something as well. It's not like you are not satisfying or something like that, we just thought it'd be fun to see you with this."
As she was standing there with a dildo sticking out in front of her, she showed me another tool.
"Here, this is a male strap-on. This gives you a second Willie, so you can poke a lady in both openings at the same time. Shannon has one, and I already know it works great!
She showed me a sizable silicone dildo with some straps, which apparently I should mount as well. IT was simple enough, actually. The main rubber ring went around the base of your tool, with a smaller ring around the balls. This way, the live Soldier could enter one opening, while the assistant cannon could enter the other opening beneath. When moving in and out, the tension would pull or squeeze the balls
"Believe me, Burt, it feels so good to be taken in both doors by one and the same person. Please please, try it! Steph, lay down and let Burt have a go!"
Given that I already had two rings in place and real estate is limited in the loins, it was a bit of a squeeze & struggle to fit a second ring, yet we managed to give me a second Cannon to support my Soaring Soldier. That felt weird and it looked weird, yet the ladies liked it.
Stephanie had not said much, but was on her back to take me in, while Sue pushed me into position, eager as she was to poke me while I took Stephanie.
We had fun like teenagers who discover a new game. Sue had most fun, she was pleased in two orifices while still actively poking me, I could feel her belly pressing on my back as I had my joy with Stephanie.
No one could remain cold or indifferent when Sue got going, and we all had a great time.
Later I took off my "addition", so Sue and I could please Stephanie together, with Sue in front, admiring Stephanie's agile body.
Before we left (we had run out of time)(I wonder how that could have happened??), Stephanie thanked me orally for once again giving her such a great experience. Sue had already left, late to collect stuff for a meeting we were both to attend, exclaiming her Brian was in for a treat that weekend!
Boy, was he ever.
I kissed Stephanie and we parted ways.
For now.
After doing some work at my desk, I moved on to my next meeting.
We had a lunch meeting with our boss, Larry. Sue was supposed to take notes, Sandra and me were the topic (career planning among my people, future replacement or whatever).
Larry is a real career man, doing the usual long hours, always at just the right meeting where the Senior VP is around, you know the stuff. All this made him a good position and salary, he was just not home very often. His wife, Sylvie, was not always happy about this, but the status and good money made up for quite a lot. I had met her at a staff Christmas party. Sally had noticed Sylvie quickly, with her sharp, lawyer-type face, brown, half-long hair. Despite her length of 1.60 and A cup, she somehow had the air and flair of an ancient "French aristocrat". Like Larry, she was in her late forties, and one of those rare people who look better with age. She had lines in her face, but you could tell they were lines from enjoying life, like skiing, sailing in exotic places with good food and wines. She had raised her children, but that did not stop her from enojoying life..... alas, not always with Larry, due to his career activities.
"Burt, customer for you?" Sally had suggested, as her female antennae had sensed the loneliness in Sylvie, underneath the self confident outer facade.
Sally, being the great warm hearted person she is, started talking with Sylvie, and before the evening was over, had determined, and arranged, Sylvie would be well off with my services. The how and where were rather sensitive, of course.
This is where the hidden cunning of Sylvie came out from under her aristocrat appearance. She was the one who came up with her Friday Lunch Meeting plot, her own sweet revenge on Larry's working hours.
Larry would always sit at the head of a large meeting table, coming in last, as he "obviously" had to do some urgent last calls. With help by either me, or Sue (or whoever of my secret band was to take part that day), Sylvie would be smuggled into the building and hidden under the table.
As soon as Larry opened the meeting, Sylvie opened my fly. As he started to read minutes or some document, she started sucking my Tool with her delicious lips, giving me intense pleasure, yet agony as well, as I could not show anything. I needed all my will power to show a blank face above the table, while being driven to ecstasy and back below the table. Actually, I do not know if Larry would have noticed if I had grimaced during a treat, but I did not want to push my luck.
Sylvie does an excellent job with her lips, her mouth, her tongue her nails, and she really knows how to drive a guy wild. She will run you steeply up the Mountain of Pleasure, and just before you go over the top, she will take a break, letting you slide down on the wrong side. Once safely down, she'll run you up again, gently scratching your tool with her nails, holding & squeezing your balls, etc. Every third second of being deliciously served by Sylvie, I would declare Larry an utter idiot for neglecting this hot lady, and every 4th second I would silenty thank him for neglecting her so she had time for us. The other seconds I was enjoying myself of course.
After a few times "up & down the hill" and making me really squirm in my seat, Sylvie would show mercy and let me go over the top, taking the tensed up flow from my entire body.
With my Tool being My Tool, I would explode a big wad into her, and praise to her petite figure and small mouth, for I have never seen a drop spilled. I would slump in my seat, spent, empty, Larry's droning a mile away.
After serving me, Sylvie crawled over to Sue, with an active lips & tongue, to go at work under Sue's skirt. I understood she knows how to use her fingers very well too. I wondered how Sue could still be reached with her pregnant belly, but somehow they managed, as I could tell Sue's subtle signs of being excited.
We all had great fun to guess who Sylvie was working at any one time, since all of us had to keep a straight face towards Larry, even react to whatever he was saying. Knowing the facial signals by now, I could tell Sue was given a great time today. I wish I could have peeked under the table.
Sensing Sue was about to reach her climax, Sandra took the cue and asked Larry something which required a long reply, so he would not notice Sue shuddering. Afterward, the same thing happened "in reverse". Sue asked for something just as Sandra was eaten to a climax by Sylvie's tongue. This completed the circle and Sylvie came to me again. In between "work", we passed a glass of water under the table to her.
Larry was a fan of long meetings, and as you can imagine, so were we. We were the most loyal audience of all his groups, he must have been so pleased that we never made a sign we wanted to leave.
When he was done this Friday, Sylvie had made two tours under the table. We measure Larry's meetings in number of "Sylvie tours". Usually, his meetings last 2 to 3 tours, his record is 5 (or is that her record?).
Today, it was me who smuggled Sylvie out when the meeting was finally over and Sandra had guided Larry to his office for copies of some document.
"Thank you, Sylvie, you were excellent today. You really have the most wonderful lips, I am always delighted to feel them again." I said to her at the door, with a small kiss and an embrace.
"You know, if you want a little more action then only under the table, I know this lovely quiet place here in the building."
She looked up into my eyes as she held me.
"I know, Burt, Sandra has told me about that. Perhaps some other time. You are all such dears to work with. I get so wonderfully excited, even up to orgasms, to please you all in secret with Larry's voice in the background. These meetings make me all fired up for the gardener when I come home."
"The gardener?" I asked. "Do you still play with Larry at all?"
"Oh yes, occasionally, when he is around. He is not bad in bed, he is just too often away or too tired, so I have to get my quotum elsewhere. It's so much easier with the children out of the house, it was quite difficult to plan nice get-togethers when they were younger. And our current gardener is quite young, he enjoys experienced women,. Which I believe I am by now. Well, got to run, see ya all next week, same time, same place!" she said and went off.
Of course I had some real work to do as well, with a meeting scheduled with Sandra, to finalize the actions from Larry's meeting. We walked over to her office, me a few steps behind her to admire her lovely sensual pace, her feminine radiance and figure. In the end, we simply compared the notes she had managed to take, with the few ones I had made in between being sucked by Sylvie and watching Sue or Sandra getting a treatment.
"Hmmm, Burt, I love Sylvie's Lip treatment, but it makes me all wet and hungry for some real meat." She sighed. "How's your meat?" and she sat on the table.
"As ready as it can be, of course. Are we done with our action items, then?"
"Of course. We'll fire Ted, Richard gets a promotion and Dave gets transferred to replace Ted. I don't need Larry's silly meeting for that.
She smiled deviously. "Now screw me, Tiger, and screw me hard! I'll have to last a whole weekend on it. Take me like you did last Tuesday, split me up and make me sore, please" she exclaimed, her legs spread open.
I locked the door of her office and did as requested, thoroughly shagging her on the desk, with her legs on my shoulders. I like the feeling of utter penetration in this position, there is no way she can hold back my Mighty Tool.
After shooting my load into her and after the shudder in my knees had gone, I turned her around, spanked her buttocks and lifted her by her hips onto my Tool, taking her up her butt.
As I may have said before , the good thing about petites as Sandra, is that I can lift them easily. All she had to do was balance herself on the table with her hands, and I bobbed her once again up and down on my tool, penetrate her hard like she requested. She loved this position, it really made her feel "split by a long pole", as she had said the first time. I did not always do it this way, to keep it special. It wasn't easy to hold her as I climaxed, or when she shuddered. The great thing was that all her chains, bracelets and rings tinkled as I moved her about, especially the nipple bells she had put on today. I tried to get a certain musical rhythm as I pumped her from behind, and she enjoyed it too. Alas, my arms became tired before we made actual music.
As a thank you, she put me down in her seat (after we had recovered a bit, of course), ruffle and comb my hair, and slowly give me a long, superb blow-job. I am able to compare, and Sandra knows her stuff. I wondered where she had learned so well? When asked, she told me she had taken quite a few tantra courses.
Back at my desk, I believe I sort of cleared up and summarized the week, for the little time left at my desk that day. Before I left, I got a message from Simone, asking me to download the App for her two vibrators. I have given up trying to follow the mind of Simone and her boyfriend, and did as she asked.
When I entered her car for the evening ride home, she was grinning all over. "I'll be beating Luke today. I've been playing with his remote vibrator settings all day, and I know just how to drive him wild. I am quite positive he will have taken his stuff off before we get home, so if I keep them on, I win. And he will be mine for the weekend!"
I smiled, and looked with admiration at the fire in her eyes. I felt both happy, and sorry, for Luke. With Simone's energy he might indeed die early in bed as she once said, with a great smile on his face.
"Sounds great, I love your games, and will make very sure never ever to tell Sally. So what's up with the control app?"
"While we drive, please buzz it up and down in intensity and program, both of them. Luke has been playing to get me crazy, of course, yet he just can not read me when we not together. You can, next to me, and when we add the taste of your sausage, I will no doubt be shaking the car before we get home."
Fortunately, traffic provided slow traffic to play with Simone, and enjoy her pit-stop visits on me.
At home, Sally and I had a salad while on the couch, exchanging the work week between us. We had a nice and slow cuddle & play on the couch, before we went to bed. It had been a good week, and the weekend was well planned too. We fell asleep with Sally on top of me, having ridden me slowly and dreamily.
Chapter 9: Last Saturday - Sally, the Vixen Team, Anne, Akira, Abby, Angelina, Annabelle, Sally
Saturday mornings were special: I was ordered not to have any action, as I needed my strength later in the day. And every Saturday morning, the Soldier was confused, ready for action and no battle came. It was hard, and itching, and throbbing all morning, yet Sally held firm.
Of course my brain understood, yet my hormones and instincts did not. Not by a long shot.
After breakfast and the quick Saturday shopping, I drove Sally to her sports club. She is in a soccer-team who plays every Saturday. I have a special role. I am not merely a fan, I am one of the secret weapons of her team.
Once the visitors' team has arrived, someone from the club who is into our secret, brings me to the visitor's team dressing room.
Of course, the ladies are surprised that a man is brought to their changing room. The club-host introduces me as a local Welcome Gift, a specialty of the club to all visiting teams.
I don't have to say much, just take off my shirt and wait, my Tool easily showing its presence underneath my jogging pants.
There is always one horny lady (a frustrated house-wife, if you like) who will come over to me and ask our hostess something like: "Is he the kind of welcome gift I think he looks like?"
Our hostess, who should have been an actress, has a great way of saying nothing, but somehow to nod, nudge and wink with body language, then quietly disappear, leaving me alone in a room with 15 women (11 players, 3 reserves and trainer) in various stages of undressing & changing.
The horny lady will closely look at me, put her hands over my Soldier and say something like: "Well, what can you do?". All the others are undoubtedly watching her every move, and mine.
I usually whisper in her ear, so the others can't hear: "I can give you a really great screw, to get you going for the game" and wink.
I don't know if it's the magic power of my ring, my physique or her sexual desperation (or all of the above) that make her do it, but after some very short seconds of "Shall I,....shall I not....oh, what the heck," she'll challenge me, for example by taking off her shirt, exposing her breasts.
With a courtly "Very well, my lady" I pick her up and carry her to the nearest table (by some "strange" coincidence our visitor's team dressing room has tables in it) and put her on it.
The other ladies "oohooh" in surprise, part envious of the daring woman who went first, a bit blushed yet curious of what they sense is coming.
Slowly I take off her other clothes, then my pants, exposing my firmly ready Tool. The sight of my Tool at full readiness, and the metal-like ring around it, always makes them gasp, a moment I use to put her legs over my shoulders and enter her.
Without further ado, I start screwing her, right there in the middle of the changing room, with everyone watching. I do my best to make the first show a good one to make sure all the others will want in it too, and I usually manage to make her come before me.
I may have said "to get you going for the game" but of course I'm on a mission to wear them out. By the time I'm done with Lady #1, she has sore hips, but is too hyped to realize it yet.
When I turn around, all the other ladies can see my Tool standing again, and I say: "Right then, who's next?" before they recover from their surprise.
None of them can believe I will actually be able to take all of them, so there is always a rush to get at me quickly.
For such occasions, I secretly add some extra spicy lube, to make sure they feel a lasting burning pepper tingle throughout the game.
Needless to say (as you will know by now), I screw the whole team, including reserves, into a fit before the game starts. I try to spot the goalie and goal-getter, to wear them out even more than the rest. For example by taking them strongly up their rear-entry. If they are new to this, they won't walk well for an hour or two ... just long enough.
As I believe I have mentioned some pages ago, the Ring senses my "need", so on such occasions with many women to be served, it keeps on pulsing energy & fluids into my trusted Tool.
Oh sorry lad, my TOOL, of course.
When I'm done and the changing room is filled with sweat, come, sex, panting ladies lying about on the seats, I dress and say "Thank you ever so much for visiting us, my ladies. I do hope you have a nice game."
When the teams come onto the field, Sally looks for me and raises an eyebrow. All I have to do is give her a thumbs-up and she'll know.
As you can imagine, Sally's team are somehow always a bit fresher and sharper once they get on the field then the visitor's team, and with support from My Tool, they have clenched a number of critical matches already this way. Mind you, it's not only me, as I cannot do this on away-matches and they'll have to win on their own merit.
Of course, we don't have an endless supply of visiting teams, and regularly we have a team visiting again. Yet they never mind losing one game (hey, what's one game in a whole season?) in exchange for a good, screw in advance. Some of the teams ask me to come over as well when the game is in their town.
Once Sally's team has won (giving me almost 2 hours to recover by the sidelines), I can celebrate with them under the showers....and yes, another team gets a great fuck.
Sally has become ever so great about sharing me with others. You could even say she is cunningly exploiting my hormones for her own good. Her standing within the team has sure gone up.
I'm sure they all have their own private reasons, but most of the team ladies love being fired up again after the game, to be ready for Saturday night out with their partners. With some I'd wish I could secretly see them with their partners in the evenings.
I can tell you, there is nothing as beautiful as a bunch of well trained, fit, sporty ladies with a sweat under the shower. It's a beautiful sight, and I am in between 15 of them.
I wouldn't say the office ladies are unfit (their attractiveness lies in the forbidden nature, the chance of being caught), but a sports team has a special attraction, which gives me just that extra puff to really go at them.
Of course, I get to take Sally first, and the one with the most goals gets me twice. Sally has not only gotten used to me doing it with others, or even seeing me doing so, she no longer has a problem screwing with me with others around, seeing us in action. Mind you, with all the exercise we have, we can put up quite a show, as Sally has become quite agile.
One day, Anne, who plays mid-field, said panting to Sally while collapsed on the wet floor after I was done with her, her long black hair in wet strands over her face: "My God, Sal, your Burt is such a great fuck, I still thank the day on my knees when you chose to share him with us!"
She paused for breath. "How on earth did you survive all this when you had to handle this by yourself?"
You have to picture Anne to understand this better. She has a sporty, strong figure, like a farmers daughter, a 1m85 Amazon, so to speak. With her strong legs, she could have been defensive player in football, not to be moved aside easily. Fortunately for us, she preferred playing mid-field, her C-cup preventing her from long sprints. She thought physical contact a normal thing and I guess she got through a few boys on a Saturday night when she was a teenager. In all, she was not used to being spent easily, and I managed to do so with her, and the others.
Sally just smiled and said nothing, enjoying the shower, the sight of me partying with her team, savouring another victory.
This weekend, though, it went a bit different than the usual plot I just described.
Sally kissed me on the cheek as she went to her changing room: "Good luck dear, go get 'em!".
"Yep, the cuntdown has begon" I smiled and went to the other changing room.
Today I had brought Shannon's strap-on dildo, an extra-large portion of my spicy lube, as I prepared to whack all the ladies in all their openings.
I was brought into the visitor's changing room all right, and soon enough I was humping the first lady, a nice, fine built brunette with a lovely ass. I did my utmost best to screw all their brains out, but for all I was worth, they just did not seem to get tired of it.
At least 4 of the ladies were vicious vixens who could have taken a male soccer team by themselves, it seemed. When I had to go (the game was about to start and most were still undressed), a number of them were jumping around the room like a boxer ready for the fight, and those were the ones I had screwed front and back twice!
I felt I had been unleashing a horde of nymphomaniacs.
I had a dark feeling on what was going to happen when they ran onto the field.
And indeed, once on the field, this team beat Sally's team left, right and centre, by an impressive 12-1, the biggest loss in the club's history.
When they victoriously walked off the field, their captain saw me and walked over.
"Thank you ever so much, honey", she said, "some of us really get really fired up by a good screw before the game. You made us fly today. Perhaps you should join our medical staff?"
She gave me a fleeting kiss and went back, but I could see Sally had seen it. She was angry and looked questioningly. I shrugged a "Hell-I-don't-know" shrug and went inside with them.
In the changing room, the mood was bad.
"Hell, Burt, what have you shot inside them? Did your dick spray pepper today or what?" Akira the goalie asked.
"Heck no, just the normal whacking I always do to the visitors, even in both openings" I said in defence, showing the strap-on.
"This vixen team seems to get all high on it and it made them fly."
Anne got up and came over to me. "Well, in that case, give me such a double-ended Get-High-screw, so I can forget about this lousy game." She grabbed me by my Tool and tagged me along with her. "I'll have you on the table, please" and walked over to one.
I felt guilty for making them loose the game, so did my extra best for all of them to whack the lost game out of them with a smacking orgasm in both openings.
True enough, they felt re-energized afterwards.
By 14-1 vote, goalie Akira was not to be screwed, as she had let so many balls through. Instead she had to blow me, as a punishment, twice.
As you can guess from the name, Akira is from Asian background, with a fine figure (1.60 I guess), yet with a big bosom, cup D at least. This is why she is goalie, she can't run long stretches with the weight in front. She has her hair bleached white, which has a very special effect. It makes her look like a fierce, white tiger, which is what she is as goalie....except for today that is.
Today, under the shower, I discover she has great lips and lovely soft tongue. That certainly raised my spirits, as I had had my eye on Akira's lovely mouth for quite some time. Somehow I hoped she would loose some other time again soon.
The team's "southern belle" Annebelle, who had made the teams' only goal, could have a go twice on me as well, as a reward. She chose to have my live Soldier up her ass the second time, to feel me deeper.
Again, I was glad to oblige.
Of course, my opinion was never asked, but I could see Sally being proud of me. I could tell, because I could take her between her buttocks under the shower as well (without the strap-on), which she rarely allows me to do in public.
Her breasts wobble so lovingly back and forth when I take her standing in the shower, it adds more pepper to my bang then I already have.
She knew I had tried real hard with the visitor's already, and knew I had to work hard again on her team to brighter the spirits.
When we finally walked to the car, we bumped into the visiting captain. When she saw me with Sally, she understood, and smiled.
"Hey, great defensive player you got there" she said to Sally with a grin. "Can our team loan him if you're not playing?"
"Sorry, he's got an exclusive contract!" Sally replied with a devilish grin as we got in the car.
"For trainings, then? We'll pay for the gas to get there!" she still tried, but Sally closed the door.
"Hey, she is very fit looking lady, I wouldn't mind training them occasionally" I tried, but Sally's look told me the answer.
Without words, it was clear Sally would drive, in spite of the game. I felt real empty for a change, though elated I managed to send her team home in good spirits again.
We looked at each other, then burst our laughing. "A team of nympho-vixens, eh? Shit, just our luck!" she said in between laughs.
"Yeah, I'll bet each one of them is the secret weapon to their husband teams" I replied.
"Hmm, perhaps you can challenge them to duel of some sort, to compare secret weapons. Well, you certainly seem to have had your sports for today." Sally said, as she started the car and drove us home.
Back home, Sally made a copious dinner with steak and salad, and lots to drink. "You need to replenish your minerals & fluids, my dear".
After dinner, Sally kept the initiative. I let her, it seemed she was up to something, which I rarely regretted. She led me upstairs, with a glint in her eyes.
When we were in our bedroom, she said clearly "I may let you satisfy other ladies because I can't always do it all by myself, but that don't mean I don't want to be exhausted sometimes. Let's see what's left in you today. Now strip....please".
Of course I did.
From behind she put on a hood with blindfold. When I opened my mouth in surprise, she put in a ring gag and buckled it behind my head onto the hood, which she then laced tight. "Yes, dear, it's Susan's stuff, and I must say, it doesn't look bad on you. Now let me see how this looks."
With that, she proceeded to oil up my torso, including a generous amount of handiwork round my loins. I moaned in delight and despair, as my Tool was aching by now for work again.
"Not so fast dear, just you wait", she said when she must have noticed his eagerness, spanking my buttocks firmly left and right. Suddenly she firmly pushed in what must have been a dildo or plug into my back entrance. "Homework for tonight: do not let this pop out without my permission" and spanked my buttocks again.
In the past, I had not been too fond of back-end toys, unless it was live stuff, like Shannon. However, the last few days with Shannon & Sue, and Sue's love for toys, had changed my attitude about the rear entry. Perhaps the Ring's energy was affecting my back-end too.
Anything to please the ladies, right?
I was not used to Sally taking this much lead, but she was doing well, and to my own surprise I was liking it very much. Never knew I had a submissive side in me....or that Sally had a dominant one in her, for that matter.
Meanwhile she had proceeded to tie my hands behind my back, including some rope between my elbows and around my torso, so I really could not do much.
Briefly she left me to fetch something, and then appeared again in front of me. She was fumbling around my balls, muttering to herself as she pulled them down further then the ring did. It seemed she was attaching something. When her hands left my balls briefly, I felt something dangling, a distinct weight. When her hands returned, she felt more comfortable, and did the same thing again, although she needed a bit more pull.
"Right, they're on, and the right size too!" she exclaimed triumphantly. "Any idea what this is, my dear?"
I stood there blindfolded, with my hands tied behind me. One of her hands swayed my balls back and forth, while the other tickled and caressed my Tool, just enough to drive it absolutely bonkers.
"Another ring?", I guessed.
"Close. Two rings, in fact, of 15mm steel. For a 3cm stretch, just a bit more than your Peruvian Assistant has achieved so far", she said, again triumphantly. "Remember you said some time ago the Ring was slowly stretching you balls? Well, I did some research on that, and it appears to be quite a hobby to many people. Lots of stretching rings and weights on the market. Sway your hips a bit, dear, and feel the weight of almost a pound of steel seeking gravity"
I did, and it was an eerie feeling, having my balls sway back and forth with what indeed felt like a pound of steel around it.
What was it about toys this week? It seemed everybody wanted to put things into me or onto me.
"Oh my god, this looks so very great and sexy. I will just follow the Ring, dear, no, I'll be helping it. According to the website, we can probably add another ring every two months or so. No, do not worry, I will stop eventually." she said with a devious tone in her voice.
While she spoke, I felt her leading me towards the bed and although I knew what was next, she surprised me nonetheless. I had to kneel down on my knees (she put a pillow under my knees, the dear) and wait.
I heard some ruffling on the bed, some undressing sounds and something else I could not place, then I felt her positioning herself in front of me. Her hands pulled my head in between her thighs and I heard her say "You haven't had dessert, have you honey? What about some honey dew from you-know-where?" and pushed my mouth to you-know-where.
When I started to eat "my dessert" with my tongue through the ring-gag, I heard her click on the TV with the one Saturday evening show she knew I did not like.
I must have moaned the wrong way, for she said "don't fret and keep eating, you are not in a position to protest. If you do it well. I'll drown out the noise."
I thought about that for a moment and gave it my best try. Indeed, I managed to have Sally make enough noise over numerous orgasms not to hear that dreaded programme. The hood helped too.
I believe I surprised Sally what I could do without my tool, just by using my tongue. I guess my saliva had been altered to be exciting too, just like my other love juices.
My Tool was in agony though, so much playful air & smells around him and no action. I had to concentrate on my back too, as my wriggling sometimes relaxed that one muscle I had to keep tight to keep the homework in. Somehow I managed, and it was delicious torture, if there ever was something like that.
After an eternity or so, my tongue was exhausted, yet Sally seemed just warmed up. She helped me stand up and gave me a drink through the gag, then kissed me with her tongue coming in for a change.
"Hmmm, that was delicious my dear, you did very well and made me come many times. Now it's time you had a rest" She re-tied my arms to be stuck beside me, then pushed me to make me fall backwards onto the bed. She made me sit up and wrestled me to the middle of the bed. I was told to lay down, and felt her tie my feet slightly apart.
Here I was, hooded, gagged, plugged, weights to my balls, tied, with my Pole standing up screaming and yearning for relief.
"Yes, you have waited quite well, my Big Friend," I heard her say and tickling Him left and right, "and you deserve your reward."
With that, she climbed on top of me and lowered herself over Him. You know Sally by know, and yes, she rode me bronco style to a shuddering climax.....and again....and again.
It was deliriously fantastic. I could do nothing but enjoy the sensations from my loins. All my senses focussed on those throbbing signals, as my arms, legs, eyes or any other sense were useless. It made the explosions even more ecstatic, and I must have thrusted her upwards more than normally.
She fell over me and rested on my heaving chest, gave me a gentle kiss, and purred. "Hmm, Burt, you are so lovely to use as a machine for a change. I have a feeling you like it too, don't you?".
I nodded.
"Let's take it slow for a bit then, to wind you down from a busy day" she said and got off me. I heard her ruffling once again (a drink?) only to feel her straddle me, the other way around this time.
Another click and I heard the TV again.
Darn, my wife had me tied up like a live sex machine and rode me with her hips moving forwards and backwards, while watching TV!
And so another TV show passed, but this time I could lie down and relax, she was slowly riding me. She changed entry opening a few times, but other than that, she seemed to squeeze the evening to her very best.
The way she had me down, the plug was driven into me as she rode me, so I was reminded of that toy as well.
After the TV show, she rode herself to her umpteenth climax of that evening, then she lay down beside me, half over me.
She removed the ring gag, but nothing else. "Have a drink my dear, you did great"
I was too thirsty to comment or say anything.
Not that I got a lot of chance, for she put in a rubber penis gag and clicked it to the hood. "You may not like this shape, but it will help you appreciate what we ladies do for you. Why don't you contemplate for a while my dear, with your senses all to yourself. Good night."
I too was too exhausted to really protest. Even though this gag was uncomfortable, yet it gave me a feeling I had my mouth closed. I felt Sally cuddle up beside and half over me, already in sleeping mode. I gave in to my situation and settled for a night of sleep in bondage, after a day with two soccer teams and a wife hungry all evening.
What a Saturday!
Chapter 10: Last Sunday - Sally, Annie, Sabrina, numerous anonymous, Sally
When I woke up for the umpteenth time, I nudged Sally awake. Being unused to log term bondage and toys, I was stiff, thirsty and my ass hurt. Sally was ever so sweet, as she took it all off and gave me to drink. We spent the morning in the bedroom and bathroom, cuddling, caressing, playing. When I was freed of all the stuff, Sally massaged my back, and after showering, she made sure I was well lotioned or padded on body cream. As you do on Sunday's, we had a late breakfast and we played slowly.
Around lunchtime, Sabrina showed up, another friend of Sally's school days. She had spoken to Sally about her marriage, and her problems with her husband.
In her case, it was not that her husband was not active in bed, quite the contrary. It was his religious background that allowed him only one position for intercourse, the classic one.
Sabrina was of more liberal background and had learned to enjoy other positions and actions as well. To cut a long story short, she loved to do blow-jobs, to feel the energy of a man as he juggled under her tongue, to feel the trembling as the volcano was about to erupt.
She had no religious problems whatsoever to do this, yet unfortunately, her husband did.
When we came to the topic, I declared her husband an idiot, for I was looking at a very feminine and sensual woman, with a classic beauty in her face and figure. You could easily see her play the violin. She was relatively tall for a woman, I guessed 1.80m and normal cup. Yet she moved with a feline grace, like a cat would walk when he'd just conquered a mouse in the cream.
After hearing her story, my Tool had already fired up underneath my casual pants, and Sally was direct enough to point this out.
"As I told you, Sabrina, Burt here has conquered some old mystic power, which allows him to do "the act" endlessly. And when I mean, "endless", I really mean endlessly. He can do it at least three times more often then I ever could even hope to absorb, so I have allowed him to service other people who are "short on erotic supply", shall we say."
She smiled as she saw Sabrina's eyes fixed on my bulge.
"Go ahead, use him, he can take it more than you can. And yes, I won't mind. In fact, I'm grateful for all the woman helping me out with his prowess".
Sabrina looked eager and happy, yet somehow she hesitated.
"OK, great, ..., ahum, I do happen to be married to Jack, and as much as I'd like to give blowjobs, it is rather new to have people watching," she said after a while.
Still, she never took her eyes of my throbbing bulge.
Sally pondered this for a moment, then came with a practical suggestion.
"I see. Good for you, it shows you are still in love with Jack. Tell you what, I'll go to the next room and do something useful until you are done. I'll blindfold Burt, so he can honestly say he never saw you doing what you do. Heck, you can put on a blindfold too if you want, so you can honestly claim you never saw the person you serviced. How's that sound?"
It sounded great, and both Sabrina and I were soon blindfolded. Sally was thoughtful enough to let me undo my pants afterwards, so her friend did not have to see that either.
I frowned... as if my Mighty Tool was something people shouldn't see, ... s if loads of other people had not already seen it.
Sally hushed me and eyed me to sit down.
Which I did of course.
I had been eying Sabrina's lips as soon as her story broke, and was eagerly awaiting her skills. Sabrina had wonderful lips, just as feminine as her movements and her body.
Not long after that, I was leaning back and enjoying a series of wonderful blowjobs. Not only did Sabrina have some catching up to do, but The Ring seemed to judge this was like another soccer team, and he kept on pulsing new life into my TOOL.
By the time the fireworks started to appear in my eyes, it seemed she had been sucking me continuously, and swallowing continuously too.
At one point I slumped in my seat, and rolled onto my back.
"Sabrina, you have been so great, can I please reward you? You deserve a reward for all the work your wonderful lips did to me" I said softly, as my had searched her legs and slipped underneath her dress.
She understood without words and climbed on top of me, after she had taken off her panties.
And so we 69'd for another few rounds.
She had a wonderful taste, true honeydew.
My tongue was still well practiced from last night with Sally, but then again, Sabrina had been working up some energy already anyway. Before long, I felt her shuddering for a change, and again.
At one point, my blindfold slid off, and I twisted my face to look at this wonderful lady straddling me. I saw her blindfold was gone as well.
She saw I noticed and grimaced.
"To hell with "I truly didn't see what I was doing". With a Tool like yours, I want to see it, and want to see it up close & personal!".
I couldn't disagree with that, she was a wonderful sight as well.
All in all I guess I came over 6 times in between her lovely lips, and she must have come well over 4 times as well.
When she was spent, her face was gleaming, her movements resembled the cat who had taken the cream and saw another fat mouse. She thanked me extensively, and Sally of course, and humbly asked if she could come back some other time. She had some other desires her husband would not do, and "perhaps if I could ..... well, you know ....."
We smiled & nodded, and bade her goodbye.
By the time Sabrina was gone, I was quite exhausted, for she had used energy in me which the Ring did not account for.
Sally and I lay down on the sun-baked terrace, until a grumbling stomach woke me up.
I was in dire need of drinks and food. Fortunately we had been invited to the BBQ at Annie, our neighbour.
When we showed up, we saw that half Sally's soccer team was there as well, Akira, Anne, Annabelle, Abby, Angelina.
After brief greetings to all, I headed straight for the drinks and bites, almost the first one in line for some steaks.
Annie looked at Sally knowingly. "Burt looks tired. Been active? Or another one of your friends?".
Sally smiled. "Both, that's why he needs some energy."
Annie looked quizzingly and Sally nodded. I had seen their conversation and could guess what was coming.
And indeed, after I had finished two plates, Annie came up to me.
"Burt, my Jack is on a conference once again and I miss him. Do you think you can help me, after you're done?".
I smiled and nodded. Annie is a wonderfully cosy woman, a Rubens figure, full of life and warmth.
"Give me some time, Annie, and I should be fine again. Guest room?"
She nodded. "15 minutes?"
In fact it took some 20 minutes later to find myself undressed again, taking Annie on the guest bed. She is a wonderful lady, she reminds me of Samantha and her energy.
After we were done, she asked me to stay, and put a blindfold on me.
Man, it was a day of blindfolds. I woke up with one, I had another one on with Sabrina and now with Annie.
"Annie, what's up? We've seen each other before, no need to hide"..
"Shhh. I am not the only one who was hungry today. Before I came, I asked some other ladies who I know are underserved by their husbands."
Om my God, word really gets around, if I am being discussed by people I don't even know.
"Some are new to this, and like to remain anonymous. So after you're blindfolded, I'll send some in, and you can do your gift to them, without knowing who is who. Hey, I'll ask Sally if she wants to try and see if you can recognise her" she said, and I could hear her grin.
Playing with ladies I could not see? Before I could decide, the Ring had already decided for me, and pulsed new energy into my Soldier.
I laid back and smiled. "Great. Should I ever meet their husbands, I can honestly say that I never knew it was their wife. And you can bet your booty that I'll recognise my Sally!".
For the rest of the BBQ, I was confined to the guest room, with a range of ladies unknown to me (or did I know them?) came by and used my services. By scent and rhythm (or moaning, in some cases) I thought I recognised Akira and Anne for sure, I though Angelina too.
They all commented on the ball stretching rings, it looked "adorable". And it sure felt great to feel the pound of steel smacking into them below where I was pumping in and out. For them, as well as for me. When I took them in the rear opening, it 'strongly rang the front doorbell' as one lady put it. Another coup for Sally, that was.
Some were kind enough to bring me food & drink. I felt like the house dog, being rewarded for bringing in the paper. But then again, they were kind enough to offer me their bodies, and I could enjoy various openings and positions.
I must say, with all the experience I had, it was actually quite exciting not to know who I was taking.
My Soldier fired his cannon many times, eagerly.
When we came home, I was quite knackered, and there was another week coming. Sally was all sweet, and very proud of me. She guided me upstairs, even brushed my teeth like I was a child and led me to bed with lots of sweet nothings in my ear, sweet kisses on my lips and sweet touches everywhere else. Somehow I made it to the bed and sort of recall she was on top of me, slowly riding me as I drifted off into a blissful sleep.
Chapter 11: Final Pieces Of The Puzzle, By Roger
If you are still with me as reader, you can probably imagine how my life is dominated by this ancient artefact which I spontaneously grabbed some eons ago. You might not believe it, but every single encounter still gives me great pleasure, even with the number of "encounters" I get to enjoy. I am making people happy, providing them with blissful emotion and total bliss, every time again.
I feel super fit, and am over the moon to have Sally with me in this rollercoaster ride into an unknown future.
Thinking of future, I wondered if the past had given any more clues. After our morning rituals one Sunday morning, I decided to call Roger again, my archaeological friend who uncovered the culture in Peru who had made my Ring so many centuries ago.
He was very both excited as well as devastated when he answered the phone.
There had been a fire in the laboratory, all evidence and notes were destroyed. All Roger had left, were some copies or early scribbles back home, but gone was all the scientific research to support his claims with. It took a while to get through the whole story of course, the text below is my summary.
When, at one point, I asked how the research had gone, Roger's desolate mood jumped up and became excited again. He explained from memory.
"Burt, you would not believe it, we had just cracked the language!!" he exclaimed. "Even though we only have snippets and fragments, we finally can make out what these people were about, and why they lived like they did.".
I voiced my praise, yet Roger hardly heard it.
"As it turns out, their queen was a shrewd lady. She and her king decreed that jealousy was a national problem which troubled the development of the country, yet that could be solved. Her solution was simple: all the citizens of her empire had to fornicate as often as possible, with as many people as possible. Couples had to start and end the day loving each other. During the day at regular intervals everybody had to make love to the person next to you.
Restaurant meals were tipped with a quickie. Papers acquired at city hall were literally orally paid for under the table, or physically on the table. The jobs of civil servants were well sought after, you can imagine.
A business deal concluded was to be sealed by a guest blow job by the wives of the business men involved. Can you imagine? A whole nation with constant intercourse and copulation, because the queen and religion told them too!!"
Roger sounded amazed, obviously he had been trying to picture it.
"Apparently it worked quite well. Because all citizens got plenty of sex, even the quiet ones or the unattractive ones, there was no reason to be jealous anymore.
Interestingly enough, one fragment we found at the palace described a secret objective of the queen. With all the citizens constantly exhausted from orgasms, they wouldn't have much time left for rebellion. Quite smart, eh? Imagine our president ordering all of us to fornicate all day long!" Roger exclaimed.
"Sounds great, but what about pregnancies? So much action must have given huge amounts of babies?" I asked.
"Good question, we were puzzling on that one too." Roger replied. "It appears the scientists of her majesty had a good way of birth control. Women would only get pregnant when they were planned to be. Yes, I said "planned to be".
They were a very planned and organised culture, so much was certain. The state would decide for you when to have babies.
We think it even was their downfall, in the end. They fucked so much, so constantly, that not enough work got done in working the fields, building the bridges and dams, in growing the economy, making enough babies, and so on, that their country fell back behind the other countries. We do not know what was their final downfall, being conquered or some natural disaster. Yet, eventually, you could say they fucked themselves into oblivion."
In spite of his agony over the lost laboratory, I could hear him chuckle. He obviously liked the comparison. I guess Roger would not mind doing the same.
Talking about the discoveries seemed to have lightened his mind a bit about the fire, so I tried to keep it positive and light.
"Wow, Roger, that sounds fantastic. Not just having discovered all this, but also the descriptions. This would have absolutely made your career and establish your reputation. Man, I can hardly believe it, such a well organised society, planned and all, thousands of years ago. This will give the alien conspiracy folks a whole new support. And should make a great Indiana Jones or Lara Croft film too." I joked.
I could hear Roger take that one in, and starting a reply.
As I had a more pressing link with his ancient culture, I pressed on before he could. "But what about those clothes and toys you found, the one of the magic materials? Any news on that?"
I could almost hear him smirk again on the phone.
"I thought you would mention those, they really got your attention, didn't they?"
If only he knew how much the ring "had gotten my attention", I thought.
"Well, we still do not know how they did it, yet given the indestructible nature of the stuff, I have little doubt that soon the military would have given funds to do more research.
We have found descriptions of the toys and clothes, though. They were the tools of the trade of erotic priests, so to say. To spread the message of constant intercourse, and even better, to demonstrate it in practice, the queen had men, and women by the way, carefully selected and prepared to be some kind of super studs. They had to roam the country to ....poke and play for the queen, shall we say, with all people who did not get enough action, or who did not want to participate.
It was a highly sought after mission, a very honourable one, and the selection process was quite strict. One writer expressed the rumour that the Queen took the exams personally.
It was a mission for life, almost like becoming a non or monk who devotes his life to spreading the Word. These people had to Spread the Sperm, so to say. Or whatever you'd call the female variant.
Loosely translated, these people were the Priests of POI, Pleasure, Orgasm and Intercourse. You can imagine we had quite some fun in translating this."
Suddenly a cold chill ran down my spine. He had gotten me with "mission for life".
Undeterred, Roger continued his lecture. "We have not figured out how it works, yet somehow the clothes and toys gave the wearer enormous prowess. The men would be stimulated and charged to please ladies almost continuously. However they did it, it was like being on constant Viagra and 40Volts."
This sounded familiar. Although in reality 4,000 Volts with Chili Pepper was more like it.
"Yet this is not the end of it. The queen must have had amazing scientists and biological engineers. If the descriptions are to be believed, the people who wore these clothes and toys, were actually physically altered, modified!
Apart from endless power, the men got thicker and longer penises to fill the women completely when playing, to stretch them in advance of having babies. Their penis skins would secrete some kind of fluid, a juicy and spicy sweat we would call it, that would excite the ladies, turn them on. "Make them in more heat" the texts said. The fluid would help them achieve multiple orgasms. The same fluid would relax their orifice muscles (whichever orifice), so the ladies could take the man in any opening with ease, with gusto and of course with pleasure.
Essentially, once modified, these priests were sweating the mightiest aphrodisiac we can possibly imagine! And for life, too!"
Roger paused, I took a deep breath. A whole stack of puzzle pieces suddenly fell into place.
No wonder the ladies were so pleased with my performance, so eager to drink my juices. With every poke, I smeared and dosed their most sensitive areas with High Octane Red Bull pepper Viagra!
Heck, no wonder they came back.
"Holy cow, Roger. Forget the Nobel prize for discovering this culture. If you could make that fluid and sell it, you'd be the richest man alive in no time!" I tried to joke.
Inside my head was spinning.
"Yeah, well, we'd have to change it a bit before we could sell it ", he replied. "There were some side effects not everyone would possibly like."
"Side effect? What kind of side effects?" I tried to sound normal, while another cold chill ran along my spine.
"Well, for one thing, the priests would become infertile. Their mission was to spread the Decrees of the queen, not to litter the country with off-spring. Women were supposed to serve the country with work, not be out of work being pregnant. So the priests' sperm was altered to be a sparkling Juice of Joy, not a Liquid of Life. Their mission was to spread the Juice of Joy as widely as possible, to support the Message of Joy and Sex.
We have not yet found the description how they did this for the female priests. They must have been infertile too. We think they were modified to be squirters in their orgasms, to spray they magic love juice to their play partners."
Suddenly I had a brief vision of Roger and his team of scientists in white coats, debating and technically sketching how a woman could become a sex machine.
Must have been interesting meetings.
"And another side effect which would hamper sales of a love fluid: any lady who gets too much love juice, becomes infertile too, just like the priest who visits her too often. Her breasts will become modified by the juice, they will swell up to the approx. C-Cup size the Queen had dictated to be appropriate (imagine that!) and begin to lactate whenever she is aroused. Some priests had regular consorts, who would breast feed the Priests, apparently again a high honour for to serve & feed those who were serving the Mission of POI for life.
Apparently the queen's scientists had not planned this, but could not get it out either. The queen was not pleased."
So here was that piece of the puzzle with Sally.
We had played so much, so often, it had changed her body too. Sally had become my lactating consort, on my Mission of Life to Spread the Joy.
Actually, I was happy with this side effect. After the initial surprise, I had grown really very fond of nibbling and sipping from Sally's lovely breasts, and she had grown very fond of giving milk too.
We had already passed the point of having children, and had accepted it too. It was good to know I would not be "littering" my circle of friend with off-spring.
Roger elaborated a lot more, but I'll spare you that.
Chapter 12: Epilogue
Slowly but surely I realised I was wearing the only evidence left, that I was the lone "Delivery of Delight". Well, apart from Lori, she was doing her own deliveries with her boots, corset and all. Two priests providing pleasure, on orders of an ancient queen, I thought.
So, I truly was destined for a mission for life, and I had my fantastic Sally by my side. I loved her more than I ever had before, and I knew she loved me more than she ever had before.
I told her Roger's latest news, and we both pondered quietly for a few moments.
Then we looked in each other's eyes, and without words, we both knew that we would take on this mission, for life, together. Of course, we celebrated this moment in the way we have been doing since my return from Peru.
By spreading this Great Pumping Power to as many ladies as possible, it had already bonded us together like the Ring was bonded to my genitals. She had made great new friends, intimate friends, she had grown a whole new confidence, she was comfortable with seeing me with other women, being proud even that her Burt was spreading so much joy.
What's more, Sally had become quite the scheming little vixen too.
Remember Sue's enthusiasm for poking toys? Well, turns out it had been contagious. Somehow Sue and Sally had been exchanging stories & experiences, probably when we visited Sue for her newborn and happened to be there with Shannon too. Anyhow, one fine evening Sally had acquired a triple whammy toy as well, and put it to good use. It was her zest, zeal and enthusiasm that made me like it as well, if only because I could be the passive one for a moment. Soon enough, she had a larger one for me ("Let's work up to something of your own size, shall we?"), a nice one for her and S'Boka and believe it or not, one for the Saturday team showers. Sally would actively support me in pleasing her team.
And while I'm on the subject of Sally's new "hobbies", remember how I described earlier how she got me into ball stretching rings? Well, this story did not write itself in a day, and this morning she announced she will soon be adding the 4th ring for permanent wear, "for a lovely 6cm stretch, my dear. With the added weight of 2 pounds of steel, you have such a lovely sway in your pants, for those who know what to look for". She has adapted my wardrobe to have more space around the hips, to allow a free swing all day long, gravity doing its work whenever I walk. As she said herself about her sudden zest for metal: "I have this secret fantasy that one day, you will have a stack of 6 to 8 rings to poke me with, with your balls as a soft tip."
Well, actually, both Sally's' steel rings and the ancient Ring were slowly stretching my scrotum, yet at the same time, the Ring had been separating my balls too, if you remember. Over the past few months, the skin between them had grown over the constant subtle stretching, and the strap between them was well over 2cm. It looked like Sally's' future steel poker would have two tips, not one.
And that too excited her, she loved playing with my squeezed balls whenever we showered or played.
So how is that for the once grey mouse of the first chapters?
A worthy Priest Assistant indeed.
So there you have it.
With the ancient cock ring permanently fused around my indeed mighty manhood, I was destined to be a Messenger of POI, Pleasure, Orgasm and Intercourse, for the rest of my life.
And we loved it, we both loved it every minute, and with every pore of our bodies.
Sally urged me to write my story down, for prosperity, for ... well, for anyone who would love to hear about ancient erotic artefacts. After all, my Rod was and is the living proof that they exist.
And so I did, and you have just read all of it.
In tribute to the Spirit of the ring, Sally is sitting in my lap, riding me, squeezing me as she knows so deviously well, serving me, pleasing me as I write these last words. She had promised to do so, to coax me into writing this, so this story can really end with, gosh, I feel it coming, ending the story with .....a ..... oh yeah.......a bang.