Author's Note: Total fiction of course......and I have left out some detail to keep the narrative flowing but I hope that doesn't spoil the effect of the story for you.
This is the tale of a man who has spent years keeping his selfbondage secret from everyone.....even his girlfriend with whom he plays kinky games in a basement dungeon at her house. Then one day, she comes home early amd catches him in the act...
"Ah, so here you are, my pathetic little slave boy. And may I ask what the FUCK you are doing playing without ME?! Struggle all you want you little bitch you're too good at self bondage to get out without your release, and I've already taken your keys. I am so ANGRY, is my bondage not good enough for you?
I can't hear you, what does mumf mumf mean? If you won't have a serious conversation about this then shut up, I'm talking. So here I find you. Hogtied in leather and steel on our basement dungeon floor; you thought I was away for the weekend, but I've come back two days early as my trip was cancelled at the last minute. Youre gagged, looks like an inflatable bulb gag, and you're tightly hooded.....yep I see the gag padlocked on under the hood, and youve locked the hood straps too. Wow those elbows look tightly strapped together, a very creative use of ratchet straps, very clever. And I see youve arched yourself up using the same method, ankles to the back of your chest harness, head pulled back towards your toes. My my, I'm getting soaked just looking at you.
So you're just in contact with the ground at your belly amd thighs....crushing your cock and balls with every rock back and forth or side to side. Your cock looks to be very hard, ok you used the long ass plug modelled on my former lovers 8 inch dick. God, how I loved that dick fucking my arse, and cumming all over me...
You are a filthy pervert.
You're in SO much trouble now. Clearly this is what you like scared of me? YOU FUCKING SHOULD BE IVE HAD IT WITH YOU!!! Right if this is what you want, you can have a whole lot more, starting right now. Im taking off your hood for a short time. There.
Oh you DO look scared. Good. You're fucking right to be scared are no longer my boyfriend, who gets to hold hands with me, have dinnet, watch films, fuck me amd sleep in my bed, and woth whom I play kinky games as a loving but strict femdom. Why didn't you open up and tell me I wasn't enough for you? Well too late now. Time for YOU to find out what I REALLY like.
See this?
*she opens a secret trapdoor in the floor revealing a cement lined pit about 3 feet deep 2 feet wide and 4 feet long
You like this position better than anything I do to you? You think you can bind yourself better than I can bind you? You can fucking stay that way. If you dont want this tell me now.
"MMMMMF MMMMMMMMF NNNNOOO" I said, shaking my head and thrashing around in my bonds...
Hmmmm, odd, your eyes look like theyre pleading with me but I cant understand a word, so be it you little fuck, in you go.
*I get lowered into the hole by a suspension winch after she reapplies my hood, snicking 4 padlocks into the buckles.
So, thats it then. You better hope I miss having you around in time and come back for you. As things stand you can fucking stay in there and enjoy the bondage and isolation you seem to desire so much. I know your cock is still rock hard even though you may never get out of there again. Might call my ex over for an angry fuck. You should know by the way, once this trapdoor shuts, its flush with the floor, and has a multi point locking system thats top of the line secure. Without the keys there is no way out. I might just give them to my ex.....and tell him EXACTLY what theyre for. He hates that I took you as my lover instead of submitting myself to him, so this may not go well for you.
If you hear a snapping sound it may be the key in the lock... he was a kinky bitch too....but WAY more of a sadist, which was kinda why I let him go. But in this case I might find use for his dark side in deciding what your fate will be.
2 weeks later....
Welll, my little bitch, it seems you got way more than you bargained for when I caught you in selfbondage 2 weeks ago. Unfortunately for you my ex has got back under my skin, I did always enjoy his huge dick...and now I have commited myself to him as HIS slave. my property has become his, and, that includes you.
I had been keeping you a secret as I was scared what he might do to you if he found I had a little bitch boy locked in a secret cellar...but he knew something was up and now Ive told him everything, including all your darkest, filthiest, fantasies.
You know the ones.
The permanent bondage ones, that climax with you, being sealed up forever in tight bondage...
Well, be careful what you wish for, as they say. I had to give you up to save myself from an extra week in his chastity belt...I couldn't go without his cock any longer..... and Im here now so you're not surprised when the concrete delivery comes.
Thats right, you're about to be sealed tight in your little prison, set in concrete, and forgotten about.
Well......I wont forget you, I'll keep you fed and watered via your tubes and enjoy the odd wank over your predicament. maybe even get fucked by my lover's 8 inch dick over your concrete cube.
Bet you regret being quite so good at self bondage now huh? well, I'll keep the microphones on so you can hear what we get up to through your hood earbuds. You will hear me getting tied, punished, forced to pleasure him with my mouth, pussy and arse, or begging to be let out of chastity for a fuck. And i am going to love every second of it. I'm even starting to get into your kinky, dark, fantasies myself.
Who knows, maybe I'll end up in a similar position to you? I could be right next to you, all snugged up in tight leather, unable to do a thing about you, and you unable to do a thing to save me...
The End
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