Author's Note: This is my first story ever, actually my first ever creative writing project. Any feedback would be appreciated.
It was a dark and stormy afternoon. I was home sitting on my computer lazily browsing the web looking at some bondage videos before my roommate/girlfriend Ashley got home from work for the weekend. Ashley was amazing, 5'8", Blonde, and a toned athletic body. She was also all business, driven both personally as evidenced by her 6-day-a-week workout schedule, and professionally. When we met in college she was always an A+ student, and now she was working in some tech firm in charge of some project she was not allowed to talk about due to an NDA.
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She was also really into bondage, which I loved. We often tie each other up, but especially lately Ashley has been doing more of the rigging role, often wrestling me into my bondage. I mean, she really has the advantage, I am all of 5'2" and 100lbs soaking-wet. I am also a lot "softer" my only real exercise being some yoga I do a couple times a week, you know, because it's good to be flexible when you have the extra-circulars that I do.
Lightning flashes outside my window and I divert my attention there, watching the rain slide down the window while I hear thunder roll in the distance. I kina space out for a bit watching the rain and the lightning, and all of the sudden there is a bright flash and a boom!
"Holy Fuck!" I screamed as lightning struck the utility pole on our street that has the transformer, sending sparks everywhere and sending the whole neighborhood into darkness.
I looked back at my computer, it was dead as a doornail and all of the lights snapped off. "Well I guess I won't be looking at anymore internet ladies!" I said to no one. "But, maybe real is better anyway!" A big smile grew across my face as I formed a plan in my mind. I was going to get Ashley back for the other night, when she hog-tied me and teased me most of the night, not allowing me to cum. I would have my revenge!
I opened the closet where we keep the bondage gear, threw some stuff on the bed and took a pair of handcuffs and a pink ball gag with me and headed downstairs. There was a perfect spot where I could ambush Ashley from right as she came around the corner, she would never see me! I took up my position with the cuffs in one hand and ball-gag with strap tucked into the elastic of the skirt I was wearing. And I waited. And waited. And waited. And...
Where was Ashley? She should be home by now, I thought to myself. None of the clocks were working and I left my phone upstairs so I had no idea what time it actually was, but I was getting thirsty. "Well might as well get something to drink." I said to myself as I headed down to the kitchen.
I grabbed a cup and headed to the fridge to fill it up, as the water in the line should still be cold. As I took a drink something grabbed both my arms, just above the elbow. As my arms were pulled behind my back I felt myself losing my balance and I was taken to the ground, losing my grip on the cup I was drinking from, good thing it was plastic. I could do nothing but let out a surprise shriek and in an instant I was laying on my belly, Ashley sitting on my butt with both my wrists in her hands and my arms pushed up to be nearly ninety degrees from my body.
"Get off me!" I growled. I tried kicking at Ashley but from the position I was in I could only land the softest of blows from my tights-covered feet against her butt.
"So I have had a rough week at work." Ashley said, completely ignoring me while wrestling the hand-cuffs from my grip. "I just wanted to come home, relax, watch a movie" She ratcheted the cuff around my left wrist. "And what do I see when I come home? My Girlfriend! 'Liv!" she said cheerily before switching to a more ominous tone and ratcheting the other cuff around my right wrist. "Hiding behind a corner waiting to ambush me!"
"Yeah, fuck is right 'Liv, I could see you in the mirror. What do you think you were doing?"
"I was going to get you back!"
"Get me back? For what?"
"Last night!"
"I don't know if you know this 'Liv but," Ashley leaned on top of me pressing her weight on my back before whispering into my ear: "you fuckin' love this stuff". She sat back up still keeping her weight on my butt.
"So, how were you going to get back at," Ashley stopped and grabbed the pink ball gag out of my waistband. "Never-mind!" she quipped as she shoved the ball into my mouth and strapped it perhaps just a little too tight. "Let's go find out!" she cheerily exclaimed while helping me to my feet and marching me through the dark house up to the bedroom/dungeon.
Our bedroom was not too small, but it was dominated by our large four-poster bed in the middle of the room. Buying it had proven itself to be a good purchase, and Ashley now saw what I had earlier threw on it.
"So let's see what you were up to!" Ashley said as we entered into the bedroom. "Cling-wrap, 3-inch electrical tape, looks like some microfoam tape." She spun me around to face her. "And it's Pink! You really do love me don't you?" Pink was her favorite color, and she was not shy about it. Despite being a natural red-head myself, my hair is currently a very bright shade of pink. She 'insisted'. I nodded shyly to her question and lowered my gaze. Ashley took her finger and lifted my chin and stared into my eyes before kissing my nose gently. "Good" she said but with be biggest smile, "now were you going to mummify me with all that?" Again I nodded.
Ashley let out a big sigh. "On the bed! Lay on your belly!" I was not really in much of a position to argue, so I turned and made my way to the bed, and apparently earned a slap on the ass as Ashley made her way to the closet, and came to the bed with a couple more pair of handcuffs and a blindfold.
"Now," Ashley said as she sat on the bed next to me "I am just getting home." She clicked a pair of handcuffs around my ankles. "It's raining cats and dogs outside and I am SOAKED." She clicked a cuff around the chain between the cuffs on my wrists. "I need a moment, maybe take a shower, clean up that mess you made in the kitchen..." She folded my legs at the knee and sat on them. "So, you are going to wait here a little bit while I unwind a bit." Now, Ashley could have taken the cuffs clipped to the chain between my wrists and just clipped the other cuff to the chain between my ankles to put me into a hog-cuff. But that would not be Ashley. If she could make something just that little bit tighter, she would. I both loved that and hated that about her. So of course, she threaded the handcuff chain between my ankles and clipped it back to the chain between my wrists, basically jamming my hands against my ankles.
Ashley got up, grabbing the blindfold. As she came around to use it I stared daggers at her. "Aw," she said condescendingly, "you're so cute when you're mad!" She proceeded to tighten down the blindfold and slapped my ass again as she made her way back to the closet. I heard her rummage around for a bit, and then wished me luck as she closed the bedroom door behind her and I can hear the shower turn on.
I fuckin' hate handcuffs. I am an escaper. I love making my rigger work for it, and many, many times I have managed to squirm my way out of Ashley's ropes when she thought that escape would be impossible. Lately though, I have not escaped much. I guess I have just been training her to be a better rigger. It's probably also why she always went that extra step to make everything just that little bit tighter. But that's why I hate handcuffs. Handcuffs are for cheaters! They take no skill! They aren't pretty! Ashley can do some beautiful rope work.
I hear the shower turn off. I squirm a little bit, not because I think I can get out, I am just uncomfortable and the cuffs on my wrists are digging into me. Bondage is significantly less fun without someone to play with you while you are helpless. About 10 minutes of on and off squirming later I hear Ashely open the door.
"Oh! Right where I left you! Good girl!"
I growled back at her from behind my gag.
"Don't be like that, I was not gone THAT long. Here, let me help you out with that" she said as she unbuckled the gag and threw it across the room.
"C'mon let me out"
"Nope!" she said as she poked my nose. "Besides YOU'RE the one who wanted to play tonight!" Ashley pulled the blindfold from my eyes. She was leaning right in my face grinning from ear to ear and just begging me to stare at her cleavage. I tried to look her in the eye, but I did not have the willpower. "Oh, you like?" she said with faux-innocence as she stood upright revealing the tightest black latex dress I had ever seen and giving me a twirl. On her worst days, Ashley could make a garbage bag look like high fashion, but this was something else, the way it hugged her every curve made it look like she was wearing a corset, and I could tell there was nothing underneath.
"Well?" she prodded.
"Fuck you, you're beautiful"
"That's the plan! C'mon let's get you into something a little less comfortable!"
"Less comfortable than this?" I said as I arched my hogtie a couple times for emphasis.
"Well I seem to remember that you were going to mummify me, and guess what?" she said as she grabbed the handcuff key. "Turn-a-bout is fair play!" she said in a sing-song. I groaned as she unlocked the handcuffs attaching my wrists and ankles and then the cuffs on my ankles. "I think you are a little over-dressed for the occasion don't you?"
"Maybe..." I replied
Ashley grabbed my skirt, pantyhose and panties and, in one fell swoop, parted all of them from my body and tossed the mass into the corner of the room. "Top-half now!" Ashley sang-song to herself as she slipped my t-shirt and bra over my head revealing my pierced B cups and passed the mass down to my handcuffs. Again, she rolled my on to my belly and sat on my bum while grabbing a new set of hand cuffs, of course the hinge-style to cuff my elbows together behind my back. Once secure, she unlocked the cuffs on my wrists and tossed the clothes with the rest.
"There isn't that better?" she asked.
"if you say so" I grumbled back.
"Don't be such a sourpuss 'Liv"
Ashley got up and rumbled in the closet of toys, returning with my favorite vibrator with attached clit stimulator and remote control. "I think I can help." Ashley laid down beside me, being the big spoon to my little, turned on the vibrator and dragged it lightly across my pussy lips. Despite my protestations, I was already turned on. It was a game we played many times, Ashley pretended to torment me, and I pretended to not like it. But from the moment Ashley laid down next to me and I felt the warmth of her embrace, and the smell of her perfume and latex mixed together I almost came then. And now she was playing my pussy like the fiddle of a god-damn Julliard graduate. I was losing myself as she worked the toy further and further inside of me. And then she stopped, turned it off and stopped. SHE FUCKIN STOPPED!
"Fuck!" I yelled "let me cum!
"Don't move my pet" Ashley replied, clearly ignoring me.
She grabbed a pair of pink latex panties and slid them up my legs and over my hips, trapping the vibrator inside of me with the clit stimulator perfectly positioned. Like a fiddle.
"I think it's about time to get this whole mummification show on the road, don't you?" Ashley asked rhetorically as she rolled me back on to my tummy and grabbed a roll of the pink wrap I had prepared earlier.
"I am not in much of a position to argue, am I?" I answered anyway.
"Nope!" came the reply as Ashley pounced on top of me bouncing clearly more than she needed to. She slipped her finger under the edge of the wrap and unwrapped a bit to the sound of "BBRRRT". "Ooh, this is not normal wrap is it?" Ashley exclaimed.
I didn't answer, because of course it wasn't. It was not normal kitchen wrap, it was pallet wrap. For those not in the know, pallet wrap is like normal everyday kitchen wrap, except stronger, more elastic so that it can be stretched and compress what it is wrapped around, and slightly tacky on one side so that it sticks to itself much better than the kitchen stuff. Normally it comes in a clear variety on giant 18 inch rolls, but I had found a supplier from whom I could buy a box of 12 inch rolls and a couple 4 inch rolls.
After playing with the wrap for a second, Ashley of course figured all this out, she was like a frickin' bondage-savant. "I think I am going to like this stuff, good find 'Liv" Ashley jumped up grabbed our safety scissors and jumped back up on the bed straddling me again. "This stuff is so thick I don't think it will tear easily." Again talking to herself. She started in on my forearms, wrapping each separately.
Setting aside the wrap for a second, Ashley grabbed the electrical tape and cut off a long strip. "Make a fist, please" she said as she picked up my right hand. I decided to go along, and made a fist for her as she taped down my forearm, down my hand over my fingers and back up my forearm. She did this a couple times and then wrapped around my hand and up over my wrist, trapping my hand into a useless fist. Of course she repeated with my left hand.
"Secret of mummification number 1:" Ashley exclaimed. Oh, god not her stupid secrets. "If your victim can poke a finger through, they can get their whole body through!" Yep, I was fucked, no fingers.
"Let's finish those arms, shall we?" Ashley gathered my arms and the pallet wrap and began wrapping them together as tightly as she could. Each wrap, she pulled, stretched, and wrapped, sealing in more and more compression each turn. After a few rounds of this that absolutely jammed my forearms together Ashley unlocked the cuffs on my elbows and continued up my arms as far as she could muster.
"Hey Ash, this is really tight!"
"Well yeah, that's kina the point! Do you need to safeword?"
I thought about it for a second and wiggled my arms for a couple seconds. It was tight, but I was flexible and, due to all of our previous sessions, I knew I could survive an elbow-tie for several hours pretty easily.
"No." I replied.
"Well then, don't be a pussy, you can handle it!" That's when she flipped me over onto my back and straddled me again. She put her hands on my shoulder and pressed me into the bed while making direct eye contact. "I love you 'Liv, I'd never hurt you! Any time you want out just safeword."
I closed my eyes and took a breath. "Alright, what else you got?"
A big smile crept across Ashley's face. "Alright, get up! I have barely started!" She leapt off the bed to go fetch some rope, I kina had to roll over and bounce my way to the edge of the bed to make my way to my feet. She had me kneel while she tied the rope into my hair. She then threw the rope through the anchor we had installed in our ceiling for suspensions, back through a loop near my hair. And after having me stand back up, Ashley removed all slack making sure I would stay standing. She grabbed another rope, gave my wrists a couple quick loops, tossed the trailing end over the railing that went from one post to the other on our bed and hoisted my arms up into a strappado, basically 90 degrees away from my body.
"Is this really necessary?" I asked.
"Well I gotta wrap everything separately! The strappado keeps those pesky arms out of the way"
"The Hair?"
"As I wrap you, you are not going to be able to keep balance very well, I don't want you falling and smacking your face on the ground."
"But it's really pulling my hair."
"Oh is it, let me fix that" Ashley came over and started to adjust the rope attaching my hair to the ceiling, but instead of loosening it she tightened it causing me to stand on my toes. "Better?"
"Any more complaints?"
"Perfect! Now shush, I got some mummifying to do!"
Ashley grabbed the roll and started in on my left thigh, right below my crotch. After a couple establishing wraps, she started working up a rhythm. Unroll, stretch, wrap. Unroll, stretch, wrap. She went all the way down my left leg to my ankle, and back up, keeping every wrap tight and smooth. When she finished with my left leg, she crossed over and worked down and then back up my right. When both of my legs were wrapped, she continued up my body. The first few wraps almost gave me a little mini-skirt and each wrap gained me a couple more inches of coverage. As she reached my midriff, Ashley seemed to make the wrap even tighter than normal almost giving me a pallet-wrap corset and in short order she had reached my chest, and after passing over my breasts a few times she cut the roll and stepped back.
"It's like a dress!" Ashley said with glee. "What'dya say we skip this whole mummifying you thing and go out for a night on the town?"
"I think that might be a bad idea, its see-through!"
"What if I just let you down from that strappado... opened the front door... and just pushed you out?"
"I mean, it's not like you could open the door with your arms like that..."
"So you'd rather be mummified?"
"I don't know, you don't sound very sure."
"Yes, please mummify me, don't make me go outside like this!"
"You sure?"
"Yes, please!"
"Well, since you asked so nicely!"
Ashley untied the rope holding my arms in a strappado and grabbed the pallet wrap again. This time she started in on my shoulders, wrapping in an X pattern. Over one shoulder, around the torso, then over the other shoulder. Once she was satisfied, she continued down my torso, but this time she was trapping my arms against my back hard. Around and around she went, each wrap compressing me tighter and tighter. Down past my naval, past my butt, down my legs. As she reached my Knees she paused for a second. Held up a finger like she just had an idea, and rushed out of the room.
"BE BACK IN A SECOND!" came the reply. I heard some banging of kitchen cabinets, and then the drumming of her feet against the floor as she ran back to the bedroom. And she appeared with a new pack of kitchen sponges in hand.
"What are those for?"
"Your knees and ankles! I can shove some of these between them, should make you a bit more comfortable."
In no time at all, Ashley matched word to deed, shoving sponges where the joints lined up and finished wrapping me all the way down to my ankles. Shortly after, I was let down from the hair-tie and shoved and maneuvered onto the bed.
"Phew!" Ashley exclaimed as she exaggeratedly wiped her brow. "All done!"
Ashley jumped up on the bed and straddled me just as the lights flickered on.
"So, how'd I do? Can you get out?"
"I don't think so."
Nothing moved, I could not slide either arm up or down, my arms were pressed so hard into my back that I could barely even try to sit up, and If Ashely were not sitting on my I might be able to kick my legs uselessly.
"That's all I got"
"No, no. Like, try like I am some murder-person come to stab you!" Ashley said as she mimed stabbing the air with an invisible knife.
"I am!"
Ashley leaned down and rested her forearms across my collar bone, pressing me into the bed. Her face was inches from mine, and she stared directly into my eyes.
"So, you're trapped?"
"Can't go anywhere?"
"I can't"
"Good. Tell me. Why were you mad at me?"
"Tell me!"
"Last time me played, you never got me off."
"I am sorry I thought you did! I didn't mean to just tease you all night! If we are going to keep playing, communication is key!"
"I am sorry, I jusmmmmppp!!" I didn't even see it coming when Ashley shoved a sponge in my mouth, quickly followed by a second, and a hand over my mouth to keep them there.
"Shhhh, no more talkie-talkie."
"RRRRRRMMMPH" I growled back.
Ashley grabbed the roll of microfoam tape, and used it to circumnavigate my head several times, trapping those sponges in my mouth. And then she jumped up off the bed.
"I was going to watch a movie tonight. Now that the power is back on, I think I still will. Maybe some Lord of the Rings?"
"Oh don't worry, I have not forgotten about your 'entertainment' for the night" Ashley grabbed the remote for the vibrator lodged in my pussy and flicked it on. "That should have several hours' worth of battery in it, plenty of time for you to finish. Maybe I will even catch a double feature! Alright, have fun!"
With that Ashley clicked off the lights to the room and closed the door. It was going to be a long night.