Author's Note: Introduction.
This "story" is based upon a bondage script I made after reading the stories of Andrea and especially the "my games" story. If you didn't read those, I would recommend you to do it before reading mine. There are some details about the Sexscript and the USB switchbox that are required to use the script. Just so you know : the computer is connected to an Hitachi magic wand through the switchbox. The script will randomly turn the wand on and off to make your (self) bondage more thrilling. Since this is a description of a computer script, there are some details about stimulation time, break time etc... I tried to make them as understandable as possible. Sorry for those who do not like this kind of story.
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Second, English is not my first language (French is) so there might be some errors in my text. I do apologize in advance for those.
Third, I am a male interested in women. Therefore, I use the term Mistress. I made some dialogue options with the help of a free online text to speech device called vocalware. A lot of those dialogues are just verbal tease, such as "Mistress loves when her slave submits to her" or "Mistress knows you love your predicament. She is not done with you girl !". Each time Mistress speaks, a random picture of women in bondage will appear. That way, I know the script still goes on. And it's also quite thrilling to be teased verbally like that.
Now that this has been said, let's dive in.
Picture yourself in a room. You are all bound, gagged, helpless. In front of you there is a computer. A timer appears. Your hands are behind your back, your legs are spread and you're strapped to a Hitachi magic wand. You can't escape, you can't reach the computer nor the vibe. There are two keys for your release. One is trapped in the CD trays of the computer and will stay there until the script is over. The other is in a bottle of ice near you for safety. You can't reach it until the ice melt.
You are waiting for the script to start. A picture of your Mistress appears. She tells you there is no turning back and she wants to have fun with you. The vibe switch on for 20 seconds. Then it switches off for 90 seconds. Mistress tells you this is your warming round. You will be aroused but no too much. This is not going to last for long, between 5 to 20 minutes. Just enough to slowly increase your excitement.
After that, the real game will start.
Round 1
First, Mistress will roll a dice. There is a 1/4 chance that she will play the orgasm session.
If she chooses to play this session, she will immediately turn the vibe on to make you cum. Yes, it's soon: after only 10 minutes of bondage you are already having your first orgasm. But it's not your game. If Mistress wants to make you cum, she can do so. Now you are struggling in your bonds, you probably don't want to cum so early, knowing that the game will be harder to endure but you can't do much: moan, wriggle, and finally, submit to that orgasm. There are two kind of forced orgasm : one is when your body can't cum anymore and you are still forced to endure it ; the other is when you don't want to cum (too soon, too late, doesn't matter) but what you want is not relevant. This is that kind of orgasm : you don't want to spoil the pleasure so soon, yet you won't escape it. You are going for it.
But 3 times out of 4, Mistress won't play that game. She will then keep you on the edge, not letting you cum until the game is over. And this could last for quite a long time.
Mistress will then decide for how long she is going to keep you. She will choose the number of cycle/round (between 1 and 4). Each cycle will last between 30 to 70 minutes. Mistress may or may not tell you the number of cycle or the duration of each one.
After that, she will start her game. Mistress will choose one of the following session.
Session 1
This session is quite random. The vibe will switch on for 0 to 18 seconds and off for 30 to 60 seconds. The stimulation time is randomly decided by Mistress and will change every 3 minutes. So now think about it.
You are quite aroused, restrained, vulnerable. The vibe may go on for 10s, then off for 50s. Then on again for 10s, and off for 50s. Then the stimulation time change. The vibe goes on for, let's say, 5s and off for 40s. And so on and so on. This is completely unpredictable: you can be stimulated for 18s or 12, or 4, or 0s. You will soon be lost. And your body will start shaking, waiting for those small bursts of stimulation. And Mistress will tease you again and again, verbally too. Telling you that she has much fun playing with you.
Session 2
This session is not random. The vibe will go on for 5s then off for 10s. It will do so for 3 to 10 times. Then you will get a break of 45 to 60 seconds. And then it all start again: 5 on, 10 off, 3 to 10 times.
See the pattern? This session is quite thrilling and very very frustrating. Short burst of stimulation which are going to make you nuts. Because you will understand immediately that you won't be satisfied. You will be frustrated and you will struggle... helplessly. And Mistress knows it. She knows you can't do much but go through those small teases. Not what you wanted ? Oh, you don't enjoy this kind of tease ? But who said you had to enjoy it ? You are not in control, you are not the player, you are the one played with.
Session 3
A small variation : the vibe will go on for 20s, 10 off, 10 on, 5 off, 5 on and 5 off. Then there will be a break of 30 to 60 seconds. And so on for 30 to 70 minutes. This session is also thrilling because you know the stimulation time will decrease. Once the 20s are gone, you will know there is only 10s on, then 5s and then a break. And despite knowing this, you will be quivering each time the vibe goes on. This session will first be enjoyable and then frustrating. You will enjoy at first those 35 seconds, but soon you will realize they are not enough...
And yet, all that may just be the beginning of your torments.
Once the first round is over, if Mistress is playing the orgasm session, she will turn the vibe on for 3 minutes to make you cum again. That's your second orgasm at least. You may enjoy it. But somehow, you know it's not going to last...
If she is not playing the orgasm session, well it depends from the number of cycles decided earlier. If there was one cycle, Mistress will just turn the vibe on to give you your orgasm. And then, she will let you go.
If, however, there was more than one, Mistress will taunt you. She will ask you if you enjoy her game. And since you are still gagged, she will decide for you and go on. But Mistress is also nice, she will grant you a little break of 10 minutes with no stimulation at all, just so you can rest before the next round.
Round 2
Mistress may tell you how many rounds are left (here between 1 and 3)... or not. Then she will choose the duration of the round : 30 to 70 minutes. She may or may not tell you how long the round will last. Then, she will choose one of the following session.
Session 1 / Session 2
This session is the same as the session 1 and 3 of the first round. Random stimulation time between 0 and 18 seconds or decreasing stimulation time (20s on, 10 off, 10s on, 5s off, 5s on, break of 30 to 60 seconds). Not really original right ? But remember that you've been stimulated for at least 40 minutes. So, this session is now quite hard to endure. Your body wants more, your mind slowly turn off. Soon, the only thing you hope is those few seconds of stimulation. This is the way of submission : you don't want out anymore, you don't want to escape your bonds, you just want more. And Mistress knows that.
Session 3
Now this one is different. The vibe will switch on for 5s and off for 30s. But, slowly, the stimulation time will increase. Every 2 or 3 minutes, you will gain + 1 s of stimulation. Don't worry, Mistress will tell you. And so slowly, the stimulation time will increase : 5s, 6s, 7s and so on but the rest time will also increase : 31s, 32s, 33s etc... Each time Mistress adds that precious second, you will feel relieved. At some point, you will be hers completely. And yet, there is a price : only one second. Which means that there is a strong chance you will not get to cum during this session. If, for example, Mistress decides that the round last only 40 minutes, then you will only be (at best) at 25s on and 55s off. Not enough for an orgasm but enough to be really tantalized and aroused. Believe me : you will want more and more, you will want Mistress to keep going until you get your orgasm. But who said Mistress had to give you what you want ? And so this session will lead you into submission : because at some point, your mind will stop functioning, and all you will beg to be kept in bondage for a few more minutes.
Also, this session may produce something really mean : ruined orgasm. Yes, there is a chance, if the session last, that you will not endure it anymore. You will crave for that orgasm and you will move, squirm and struggle against the vibe. And maybe you will get to cum but probably you will just have a ruined orgasm.
Still here ? It's only be 2 rounds. But you may have lost the track of time. Some of you will already be in the mists. Others just on the edge. Mistress now may or may not let you cum. Same as before : if she plays the orgasm session, she will make you cum again. Third orgasm... or maybe more. If not, it depends from the number of cycles : if it was 2, then the game is over with 2 rounds. Mistress will turn the vibe on to release you from your arousal. You will cum. Maybe some post orgasm torture also. But after that, Mistress will open the CD trays and stop her games.
But... if the number of cycle was more than 2 (3 or 4) then the game will go on. Mistress will tease you by letting you believe it's over : the vibe will go on ... for 20 seconds only. Just enough to drive you silly because you will believe it's your time. And, yet it isn't. Mistress will let you 10 minutes to rest.
Round 3
This time Mistress won't tell you how many rounds are left or how long they will last.
This round has only one session but with small variations. The session is the same as n°3 from round 2. Slowly increasing stimulation time. The vibe begins at 5s on / 30 off. Mistress has three options to increase the time.
She may add, just like before, one second every 2 or 3 minutes.
She may add 2 seconds every 2 or 3 minutes. This will probably lead to an orgasm.
Or the stimulation time may increase very slowly (square root, so just to give you an idea around 0,2s every 2 or 3 minutes).
Now picture yourself bound on that chair. This is the third round, you've been here for at least 90 minutes (or at maximum 3 hours), stimulated and probably denied. And now, the stimulation time increase but you don't know how much and you don't know if this session will last enough for you to get an orgasm. You are lost in the mists. Believe me when I tell you : you won't be able to count the seconds. You will try, each time the vibe goes on, you will count 1, 2, 3 ... seconds. But it will not be accurate. Try now, try to count to 10 seconds without getting wrong. Now imagine if you're trying the same thing aroused, vibed, moaning and squirming.
And so you will submit : you will stop counting. You will just go with everything Mistress throws at you. And her verbal tease will go on ! She will ask you what you would do to cum ? And you will moan and try to say : anything ! She will ask you if you want her hands to caress your body (of course you will !), if you would lick her feet and toes in exchange for you to cum (and you will want to !) and so on. Small tease but effective that adds to the feeling of helplessness. Because you are helpless. You can't fight the arousal, not anymore, you can't cum when you want, you can't go out if you did cum.
And so on for 30 to 70 minutes. Believe me, you will look at the second key, the one in the ice, and you will try to pull it out of the ice...
Remember that if Mistress did not choose the orgasm game, you will probably be still denied !
Now, the third-round ends. Do you want more ? Did you get your orgasm ? Or are you just so silly you can't even think anymore ? Well it may not be over.
If it is over, Mistress might let you cum. She will turn the vibe on for 30s then 30s off, 60s on, 60s off and, finally, 90s on ,90 off. This will probably make you cum if you did not already. But maybe not. Mistress does not care : she just want you to squirm and moan. After that, Mistress will let you go. She will open the CD trays and switch the vibe on just so you struggle to escape...
But, maybe Mistress is not done with you. Maybe she wants to play more. And there is no limit to what Mistress could do to you. So, she will give you a way out. She will ask if you want out. If so, you will have to click on the "yes" button within 60 seconds. But you won't be able to. Aren't you bound, gagged and helpless ? You can't escape. You can't reach the mouse or the keyboard. You will try though. But in vain. And Mistress loves that. She loves to see you struggling, she loves that look in your eyes, to see you desperately trying to get free. And she will tease you, switch the vibe on while you try to get out. But it won't last. Since you can't press the button to stop, that must mean you want more. More arousal, more stimulation, more tease. Mistress will agree (of course !) to that and tell you to get ready for another round.
And you will get so desperate and you will moan and drool and squirm. And Mistress will enjoy every sound you make : that's why gag were created, so that a scream becomes nothing more than a sensual moaning. Mistress will then let you 10 minutes to recover. But it may not be enough...
Bonus Round
So, there is a small chance that, after 3 round, Mistress still wants to play. The session will be the same as the other : small increasing stimulation time. It's been at least 2 hours, at worst 4h and you still are not free. Worst, you may not have cum at all ! Still denied, still tied up. You can't take it anymore, yet there is no way out. You are going for more. Mistress will play until the end. Now this is the ultimate submission : because you hope it's over but it's not. And Mistress knows exactly how to make you hope. She will tell you she has changed her mind, maybe she will stop her game now. And indeed, there is a 1/10 chance she will stop and no go through a 4th round. 1/10 is not much, but it's enough to hope. And hope is what kills you. Because 9 times out of 10, Mistress will go on. So here you go again : same as round 3. But worst for you since you are exhausted. And Mistress won't tell you how long you will go on.
Finally, if you had to go through 4 rounds (lucky you ;), Mistress will release you. She will turn the vibe on and allow you to cum. And if you did not get your orgasm until then, you will feel quite relieved. Pleasure will go through every inch of your body. You will shake and moan. You will submit completely to those vibrations, enjoying every second of it toward what may become your best orgasm. Your body will be out of control, waves of arousal giving you spasms of pleasure. This is the final ride...
After that, Mistress will release you... but she may decide to keep you restrained for 15 minutes with no stimulation. Just so you remember that bondage does not end with your orgasm. Bondage ends when Mistress wants to. Those 15 minutes are not much, but you will want out. You will feel exhausted by the last ride and you will want to get out of your bonds, to stretch your legs and arms, to remove that gag, to lie down and just rest. But you won't. Not before Mistress says so. After those 15 minutes, Mistress will open the CD trays and let you go free. She may or not turn the vibe on just to make your escape more thrilling. The game ends there. But you may want to play again...
Ending Thoughts
Well here we are folks, I hope you enjoyed this description of my script. It took me a few months to complete it and make sure everything worked. If you want to build your own script, you will have to understand a few basics of java (a few lines like if(condition 1){then...}, while (condition 2){then...} etc...). It's not really hard : i learned in a few weeks just by looking at the scripts I could find on sexscript.deviatenow and i never studied programming before.
Also, it requires to taste both sides of bondage : when you write it, you are on the top side but when you go through it, well... you submit. But I do enjoy both : making the scenario, I picture a nice (female) submissive bound and gagged and going through it ; or, if I use the script for myself, I imagine Mistress playing and having her ways with me... Maybe you will find some ideas, some new ways of having fun, alone or with a partner. If you play alone, remember to stay safe and have some emergency release.
Finally, I would like to thanks Andrea so Danke schön ! I hope you will find some ideas and some new ways of having fun !