Amanda and I have been seeing each other pretty steadily for at least eighteen months. We have never formally moved in together, but we have spent a lot of time at each others' places - usually mine, since I have a house that has a lot more space and privacy than Amanda's tiny apartment.
At first the relationship was really good. Physically, she's a knockout - petite, with shoulder-length chestnut hair, a trim body with breasts just big enough to make an inviting handful but not big enough to have any droop. We have tastes - in music, in films, in outdoor activities -- that overlap enough to make our lives compatible without being so much the same that it would be boring. She seemed to enjoy my company, my conversation, our shared activities, and most of all, our sex life. She loved fucking me, and could come three or four times in a row seemingly without effort. She could always nudge me into some of the best orgasms I've ever had.
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She was especially good at deep throating me. She had long ago learned to control her gag reflex so that she could take me balls-deep down her throat without gagging, and we had quickly learned just the right rhythm - thrust, breathe, thrust, breathe - that meant I could face-fuck her seemingly for hours without her gagging. She liked to lie on her back with her head hanging over the edge of the bed, aligning her mouth and throat to make it easier to take me all the way down and milk my cock to ecstasy with her throat muscles. From time to time, she would even do some do some light bondage - nothing too serious, but sometimes getting fucked in handcuffs seemed to turn her on. The bondage was my favourite, although I sometimes yearned for something just a little heavier.
About the only thing she refused to do was anal - she said that she had tried it once and found it so repulsive and painful that she would never let anyone fuck her in the ass again. Oh well, two out of three holes can't be a bad thing.
But then, over the last six months or so, everything started gradually to change. She never seemed to want to do anything I wanted to do - not just sometimes, but all the time. We still had sex, but she gradually started treating it more like a chore than a source of enjoyment. Deep-throating became a thing of the past - a few superficial sucks on the end of my cock and then over.
Worse than what she did, or didn't do, was her attitude. Nothing I did seemed to be good enough for her. I couldn't load the dishwasher right. A towel on the floor, even in my own house, became a national incident. If I chose a movie, she didn't just disagree, she couldn't believe how anyone could have such lousy taste as to make that choice. She belittled me at every turn, not just disagreeing with my way of doing things but telling me that I was lazy, stupid, a loser. In short, she had become what people in the seventeenth century aptly called a "scold."
Most people would have just decided to call it a day, explain that they were no longer interested in being around her, and continue with their lives. But I had made the mistake of letting this all go on far too long. I had developed a deep-seated resentment of her constant belittling and carping. I developed a smouldering hatred for this twenty-first century scold that called for a much more spectacular breakup that would quench my desire for revenge. And I knew what people in the seventeenth century did with scolds.
They gagged them.
I decided that if I was going to break up with Amanda, I would do it with a bang. I wanted to spend a night when I could release the pent-up frustration and anger that had been building up over the past six months all at once. I didn't want to really hurt her. I'm really not into torture porn, and whenever a porn video gets to the part where the fake whips come out, I usually fast forward to the fucking that interests me more. But I wanted to be extremely creative in the ways I taught her a lesson.
I spent some weeks researching and ordering equipment on line, most of which fit nicely in a big satchel I had bought for the purpose. I made some modifications to the bedroom in the basement, a nice large room with no windows and not much furniture, since I didn't use it as a bedroom. I even made some modifications to some of the equipment I had bought.
At last I was ready. I had even made sure to jerk off the night before so I would be able to restrain myself until I was good and ready.
We had arranged to go out to dinner and a show, and miraculously I had found both a restaurant and a show that suited her increasingly exacting taste. Amanda swept in the front door, kicked off her shoes and tossed off her long beige overcoat, revealing white shorts and a blue sleeveless top that hugged her curves beautifully. She was late, as usual, but I didn't care. I had cancelled the dinner reservations days ago, having entirely different plans for the evening.
I said what I knew would be calculated to trigger one of her rages. "I'm kind of tired tonight, honey," I said, putting my feet up on the couch. "I've decided to just stay in, order a pizza, and watch the game."
That certainly did the job. Her eyes widened, then narrowed. "You asshole," she spat at me. "I should have known I could never depend on you for anything. You are totally unreliable and so obsessed with yourself that you treat me like shit. Well, enjoy your fucking game by yourself. Maybe you'd like to jerk yourself off when you're done, because you certainly won't be fucking me any time soon." And she turned around and headed for the door.
I waited for her to get up some momentum, then came up behind her and tripped he to the floor. She landed hard, with a big "oomph" that showed that the breath was knocked out of her for a minute, as I had intended. This was my chance to attack by surprise.
I reached under a couch cushion and pulled out two pairs of leather cuffs. One cuff went around her left wrist and the other end of the pair around her right elbow behind her back. Then again with her right wrist secured to her left elbow, before she had gotten her wind back and gathered her senses to realize what was happening. The cuffs had big Velcro fasteners that did up quickly, without having to fumble with straps and buckles, a delay that would have given her time to fight back.
I could never figure out why porn videos so seldom used this simple bondage position. It totally immobilized her arms while keeping them tucked up neatly, not blocking her ass or any other part that I might be interested in dealing with.
For a few seconds she lay on her face, stunned and not really taking in what had happened. Then she realized what was going on and began to struggle viciously. I was glad I had paid premium dollar for those cuffs, because she fought against them like a tiger, thrashing around on the floor and yanking on them with a strength that probably would have broken the fasteners on a cheaper set of restraints. They held, and she resorted to her mouth. "You son of a bitch, what the fuck are you trying to do to me! Get me out of this right this instant or I'm going to make you sorry you were ever born. You fucking idiot, want makes you think I'll go through with a bondage scene on a fucking stupid evening like this?"
This was the perfect opportunity to go on to part two of my little bondage act. I had bought myself the nicest gag you've ever seen. It was basically a big ball gag, but the ball was integrated into a wide leather strap that would cover most of the lower part of her face and stifle most of the sound that got past the ball gag part. That's another thing I think porn videos never get right. Much of the time, the victim just has a ball gag in her mouth and seems to be totally silenced, but it's not hard to talk around a ball gag, even if it comes out slurred, and it certainly isn't hard to scream just as loudly as if the gag were not even there. Not so with this device.
She was still more or less face down, so she didn't see it coming. I whipped it over her head and had the ball shoved deep in her mouth before she knew what was happening. Like the cuffs, it secured quickly but solidly with Velcro fasteners so I didn't have to fumble around. "You big lump of shit, just who do you think you are, you worthless - mmmph!"
She rolled over and sat up, staring at me and glaring daggers over the top of the gag. She tried desperately to keep cursing me, but not much came out around the very satisfying device I had shoved in her mouth. I could just barely make out a few obscenities, but almost everything that came out of her mouth was totally stifled. After months of listening to her complain and scold, this moment was as immensely satisfying as I had pictured it being.
After a minute or so of ineffectual mmmph-ing, she started trying to struggle to her feet. I figure that her next move was going to be to try to kick me in the balls, but I was ready for that too. I pushed her back to the floor from her half-stand, which wasn't hard since she couldn't use her arms for balance. I had a long strip of duct tape already cut and stuck loosely behind the door frame. A few turns around the ankles, and she was totally helpless.
The tape was pretty crude compared to the other restraints I had used, but it was purely temporary. I had more elaborate designs for the rest of her body once I got her downstairs where I wanted her. I enjoyed watching her for another few minutes as she fought futilely against the cuffs and the tape, still trying to curse me through the gag. Then I picked up her squirming body, threw her over my shoulder, and headed down the stairs.
I set her down on the carpet in the downstairs bedroom. A big spreader bar with two ankle cuffs was neatly laid out and waiting for her. I fastened one ankle into a cuff, cut the tape with a pair of scissors, forced her legs far apart, and cuffed the other ankle.
I had selected a spreader specially made for suspension, with a stout construction that would take the full weight of a human body and extra-wide padded cuffs that wouldn't cut off circulation or cause nerve damage. I had rigged a pulley system to a beam in the bedroom ceiling. The spreader had a ring in the center, and I snapped a hook to it. Then I started pulling on the pulley rope.
I had threaded the rope around a couple of sets of pulleys, so I had a lot of mechanical advantage as her weight started to come up off the floor. It wasn't much effort to raise her until, upside down, her face was neatly level with my crotch. Then I tied the rope off to a handily placed davit and stood back again to admire my handiwork.
Behind her gag, her face was so red with rage that I thought she might be going to have a stroke. She fought against the cuffs and spreader and squirmed in her restraints as though she was going insane. All this did was make her spin and sway sickeningly, so it didn't take her long to figure out that this was a bad idea. She stopped fighting and just hung there upside-down, her chestnut hair now swept down and away from her face.
I stooped down and picked up the scissors again. "This is certainly a glorious sight, honey. No more name-calling, no more resisting every single thing I want to do, no more putdowns. Nothing to do but to submit to absolutely everything I've got in mind.
"But there's just one problem. You're wearing too many clothes."
I had selected a high-end pair of surgical-quality scissors so there would be no messing around with equipment that wouldn't do the job. When I started at the neckline of her blue top, the scissors sliced through the fabric as though it was hardly there. "Here's a really good time to just relax and hang there quietly, sweetie. You don't want to throw off my aim and hurt yourself on these."
I came to the bottom seam, and with a final snip, let the fabric fall away to reveal a fetching lacey bra that nicely accented her handsome breasts. I snipped the fabric at the shoulders so I could pull it right off. With her arms pinned behind her back, I obviously couldn't get the bra all the way off either, so I snipped one strap, then the other, and slid the scissors against her skin between her breasts to cut the rest of it off. As the cold steel touched her bare skin, she flinched a little, and I said, "Now is the time to be very, very still!"
With a final snip, the bra came away and her ripe round breasts tumbled out. I stood back to admire the way their usual pear shape was inverted as she hung upside down, a sight I found surprisingly arousing. I came behind her and reached around for a double handful of soft roundness, and noticed that her large nipples were rock hard. I knew it was from rage and perhaps fear, not from sexual arousal, but I didn't care. A hard nipple is a hard nipple, and it only added to the increasing pleasure of the moment.
Her nipples weren't the only things that were rock hard. My cock was becoming really uncomfortable in my pants, so I pulled off my shirt, shucked my jeans down and followed with my shorts. My cock sprang out of its confinement with what would have been a contented sign if a cock could sigh. I held it an inch from her face, stroking it lightly. I was sure glad of last night's jerkoff, or I probably would have blown my load right there and then. Instead I just purred, "We'll take care of this in a little while, shall we?"
The shorts were a tougher cut than the top, but I had anticipated this when I paid top dollar for the scissors. A long cut down the outside of each leg and the shorts slid off, revealing skimpy panties that barely covered her snatch. Her struggles had made them ride up high into her pussy, giving her a wonderful cameltoe that I admitted for a moment before I cut them off and revealed her last piece of skin - a smooth and well waxed pussy that simply begged to have something stuffed into it.
I was more than happy to oblige. Out of my satchel I produced two big metal dildoes and a bottle of lube. I lubed up one and slid it into her pussy. It went in easily. I knew the other one would be a bit more of a challenge, so I started by taking a big glob of lube on my finger and forcing it into her asshole.
She wasn't kidding - it was a pretty tight fit, and she was doing nothing to help it go in by relaxing her sphincter. But I slowly worked it in, and rubbed the lube around the rim and inside of her asshole. Then I lubed the dildo generously and started to work it in. It took quite a bit of pressure. And for the first time she screamed rather than just trying to swear at me from behind the gag, but once it was past her anal ring, I was able to shove it in to its full six inch length. I buckled a belt around her waist, from which hung a narrow leather strap. I had drilled a hole through each of the didoes near the base, and I threaded the strap through the holes and fastened it to a D-ring on the back side of the belt, pulling it snug, nearly disappearing between her pussy lips. Now there was absolutely no way those dildoes were coming out until I wanted them to.
I looked her in the face and said, "Now, honey, although I love seeing you in that gag with your filthy mouth completely controlled, there's one thing you're going to do for me that you can't do wearing it." I reached around behind her head, unfastened the gag, and pulled the ball out of her mouth.
She panted for a minute and worked her jaw, doubtless sore from being stretched all that time. Then she spat, "You fucking stupid idiot. If you shove your cock in my mouth, you'd better believe that the first thing I'll do is bite it off and spit it in your face!"
"Dear, you think so little of me. Don't you think I would have thought of that?" I clamped a big alligator clip to the protruding end of each of the two metal dildoes. The wires ran to a box that was plugged into the wall, and a third wire led to a plunger switch that I held in my hand. I pressed the plunger to demonstrate.
I had carefully researched just the right amount of voltage to produce lots of pain without physical damage. Her body jerked wildly, and the blood-curdling shriek that resulted was almost worth all the abuse I had put up with. I meant the electricity as an insurance policy for myself, not as torture for its own sake, so I only gave her a couple of seconds, but it definitely proved my point.
When I let the plunger up, she gasped for air for a few seconds, recovering from the shriek, then hung still, a bit of drool escaping from one corner of her mouth. "So, you see, when I slide my cock all the way down your throat just like I used to, you're going to take it just like you used to, keeping your teeth to yourself and massaging my cock to perfection as I face-fuck you with it. You're even in a version of your favourite position. Your mouth and your throat will be perfectly aligned with my cock as it points up into your face. And I will be holding the plunger the whole time."
She just looked hatred at me, her teeth tightly clenched. I pushed the plunger again, just for a half-second. She yelped, then reluctantly held her mouth open to receive me.
I locked my fingers together behind her head to steady her, somewhat awkwardly while still holding the plunger, and slid my cock into her waiting mouth. I started slow, just sliding it back and forth across her tongue, which she instinctively started using to massage it. Then gradually deeper into her mouth, right to the back and then slowly down her throat. Thrust, breathe, thrust, breathe, just like the old days, with the added excitement of knowing that this time she was doing it because she was totally at my mercy. My face was level with the dildoes shoved into her cunt and ass and secured with the leather strap, and my thrill at seeing her so helplessly plugged made my cock throb more painfully than it had for too many months. I held back as long as I could, but my orgasm grew and grew until I had to let it come bursting out.
I desperately wanted to come with it all the way down her throat, but I didn't want to choke her to death. I had no wish to explain to the police why I had an asphyxiated woman hanging upside down in my basement. So I pulled out of her throat and erupted into her mouth. Because she had no choice if she didn't want cum running all up her face and into her eyes and nose, she managed to swallow almost all of it, although a little bit still dribbled up her face.
We both panted for a few minutes, I from the shattering orgasm I had just had and she from having her airway alternately blocked and released while I fucked it. Then I decided that her mouth had done its job for now and could be returned to the state I had chosen for of it. I wiped most of the goo off with the remains of her shirt, and cleaned off my cock as well, then reached down for the gag.
She was ready for me this time, and clamped her teeth tight as I approached her with it. I still had the plunger in my hand, but I decided on a more basic method of getting her to open up. I grabbed her right nipple and gave it a sudden hard twist. She opened her mouth to yelp, I stuffed in the gag and locked it behind her head, and she was back to the way I most enjoyed seeing her.
The dildoes had done their job, so I unfastened the strap, slid them out, and took off the belt. But I had really enjoyed seeing her asshole so nicely plugged, so I picked a big buttplug out of the bag, lubed it up, and shoved it where the dildo had been. By this time she was getting nicely stretched out, so it wasn't hard to work it in past the point where it narrowed to a neck that her sphincter involuntarily clamped down on, just before it flared out again to a flange that prevented it from disappearing all the way in. It was a shape designed specifically to make the plug nearly impossible to force out without using hands.
I decided that she had had enough hanging upside down for one evening, so I undid the pulley rope and let her down so that she was lying on her back on the carpet. She laid there for a few minutes, sizing up the situation while I relaxed in a chair watching her and idly playing with my mostly-limp cock. After a while she started squirming and bent her legs under her. I could tell that she was trying to shift her weight forward so she could stand up, and that it wouldn't take long for her to manage it. I had no idea what she thought she would accomplish, since she was still locked in the cuffs and spreader, but since I preferred her to stay lying on her back, I was equipped to deal with that too.
Leaning in a corner was a pole with a dildo on one end and a clamp on the other, made to slide up and down the pole until it was clamped tight. I put my foot on the spreader bar to hold her still and pushed the dildo firmly into her cunt. I adjusted the clamp so that I could lock it to the middle of the spreader with the pole at just the right length to keep the dildo forced into her body and her legs held perfectly straight. Now there was no chance of her getting to her feet and even trying to go anywhere.
I sat and watched her with immense satisfaction for five minutes or so, then I stood up again. "I hope you enjoyed part one of your re-education training, honey. Now you just wait here while I go upstairs, have a shower and a beer, and plan part two."
I did just that, drinking my beer slowly and savouring the memory of what I had just put her through. I knew I would never have this chance again, so I wanted to make sure that the lesson was thorough and that I took full advantage of what I could do to her.
I played idly with my cock until I could tell that it was ready to get hard and capable of enjoying some more action. Then I went downstairs to view my prize.
She was still lying on her back in the middle of the floor - what choice did she have? - but she had managed to squirm some distance from where I had last left her. I had no idea what she expected to accomplish by this - maybe it just helped her pass the time and feel that she was doing something, anything, to regain a bit of control. But I didn't care.
For what I had in mind next, I needed her in a different position. I unclamped the dildo pole and slid it out of her cunt. This time, the "mmmph" from behind the gag sounded a bit like a sigh of relief, which wasn't surprising. It must have been pretty uncomfortable having that pole shoved so tightly all the way up her cunt for that long.
I took hold of the ends of the spreader and twisted, forcing her from her back onto her belly. I wanted her folded up on her knees with her ass in the air. I could have unfastened the cuffs and refastened her wrists to two more D-rings thoughtfully placed part way along the spreader bar, but I was reluctant to free her arms even for an instant. I knew how unutterably pissed she was, and didn't relish a drawn-out battle to get them fastened up again. But I knew it could get the same result by passing a long leather strap around behind her neck - not in front, a definite bondage no-no - and pulling it down in front of her to the spreader bar.
She knew exactly what I was trying to do, and instead of trying to bend her legs as she had earlier, she held them rigid so I couldn't fold her into the kneeling position I wanted. That wasn't hard to deal with. I grabbed her by her pinioned arms and pulled her upper body half off the floor. Then I used my foot to push firmly behind one knee, then the other, and she folded up like a camp table. I pulled the strap as tight as I needed to get her into the right position and buckled it around the spreader.
Now she was lying with her face pushed into the carpet and her ass invitingly thrust high in the air, the end of the buttplug still protruding from her asshole. I paused a minute to admire the view, enjoying immensely the sight of her so helpless and exposed, waiting for me to do absolutely anything I wanted. It was such a wonderful change from the way our lives had been recently, when I had to do absolutely anything she wanted, whether I wanted it or not.
Then I walked over and slowly eased out the buttplug, leaving her asshole still gaping partly open. Here was my chance to do what she had refused me all that time. I had fantasized a lot about fucking a woman in the ass, and when I chose porn videos to watch, either alone or with Amanda, I often selected ones that featured some good, rough anal along with bondage. But to tell the truth, I had never actually had the opportunity to do it, not just with Amanda but with any woman. So I didn't know exactly what to expect, but I was certainly looking forward to finding out.
I got on my knees behind her, rubbed some extra lube around her asshole and onto my cock, and pressed its head against her sphincter. She was already pretty loosened up from the dildo and then the buttplug, but it still took quite a bit of pressure to get past her anal ring, accompanied by some anguished noises from behind the gag. But once I got past, it slid in pretty easily all the way until my balls were against her backside.
It was kind of a weird sensation. The tight grip of her sphincter on my cock was sheer heaven, but the rest of her rectum didn't feel much like anything at all - kind of loose, with no Kegel muscles to give it a grip. Not surprising, really, since fucking wasn't the job it was designed for, but it still felt wonderful to be doing something vaguely illicit, especially when I knew it was something she didn't like.
After experimenting a bit, I figured out that the best way to get sensation was to pull almost all the way out so that her sphincter had a firm grip on the tip of my cock, then slide back in so the grip slid all the way down my shaft. I got a rhythm going, pausing for a second at the end of each in-stroke to savour the feeling of being balls-deep in her asshole, and then again at the almost-out stage to feel the grip of her anal ring.
She didn't make any more pain noises, just a grunt at the end of each stroke as my balls slammed her asscrack. She certainly wasn't making any pleasure noises either, which wasn't surprising. I imagine that guys who like anal, whether they're gay or just straight guys who like a good pegging once in a while, enjoy it because it gives them a good prostate massage. (Note to self - I really should try that myself some day.) Lacking such a handy body part, most women, or so I understand it, don't get much for themselves out of anal and do it just as a favour to their men. But right then I couldn't possibly care less. It was good for once not to have to think of Amanda's pleasure, or wishes, or anything else but me. This was just for me. Just. For. Me.
Being the second one of the day, my orgasm built more slowly this time, and I let it, enjoying the slow build as I stroked slowly in and almost out of Amanda's tight little asshole. Gradually my cock started to throb more and more urgently, and I sped up my thrusts. Eventually I let myself climax, shooting a stream of warm cum deep into Amanda's helpless body. As I pulled out, a coffee-coloured mixture of cum and shit started to ooze out of her asshole. I kind of enjoyed the thought of having it stay in there for a little while, so I pushed the plug back in, none too gently, and lay back to recover from my exertions.
I considered how I was going to leave her this time while I went upstairs to clean up and plan my next moves. I strongly considered leaving her folded into her ass-up position, her face pressed into the carpet, but decided that that would be a bit too over the top even for this scene. So I unbuckled the neck strap and let her stretch out her legs, then grabbed the spreader and rolled her over onto her back. The dildo pole went back up her cunt and I clamped it to the spreader again, keeping her legs nicely forced straight and spread wide.
Her lessons in behaviour seemed to be having an effect. She had given up struggling, ineffectually trying to swear at me through the gag, or even glaring at me above it. She just looked resigned, as if wondering how long this would go on before I got tired of it and let her go. I sat in the armchair, marvelling at the sight of my demeaning, ball-breaking Amanda spread out on the floor, every hole firmly plugged and waiting for my next move. Then I went upstairs to relax and think about exactly what it would be.
Now I'm sitting at my desk writing up this evening so far. I'm pretty sure that my cock has at least one more fuck left in it if I give it a bit more time to recharge, and by happy co-incidence Amanda has one more hole that I haven't sampled yet tonight. So far, I'd say that her asshole has been my favourite, mostly because it was something I know that she had no desire to give me but also because, once I mastered the right technique, it felt so tight and hot. But there's also something to be said for good old cock-pussy vanilla sex - if you can use the word "vanilla" to describe fucking a woman who is gagged, cuffed, assplugged and locked in a spreader bar.
As I consider my options, I think I'll put the spreader to good use, hooking my feet over it so I can use it as an anchor to give my self extra thrusting power, allowing me to change up cock-pussy sex by giving her the hardest, most forceful nailing she's ever felt from me.
Then, after a last fond gaze of her with her hands and feet secured and her nasty mouth plugged, I'll give her an injection of a date rape drug a friend gave me. It's especially useful in cases like this because it can wipe memory after the fact. She'll pass out, and I'll unfasten all the bondage gear, pack her upstairs, and throw her on the couch under a blanket. She'll sleep solidly for eight to ten hours, and wake up with a headache, a sore jaw, pussy and asshole, and no memory of the past twelve hours or so beyond perhaps some very disturbing dreams. I'll tell her that she staggered in last night totally drunk and stoned, wearing nothing but her coat and shoes and with another man's cum still drying on her thighs. I'll put on a great show of this being the final straw, hand her he shoes, coat and purse, and kick her out the door, telling her that I never, ever want to see her again.
I've been considering whether to pull out the butt plug, but I think I'll leave it in. She'll discover it when she wakes up, and if I'm lucky I'll see her face when she pulls it out and finds more cum oozing out of her asshole. It should add a nice touch to the confusion and humiliation of the whole affair when I demand to know how it got there and she is totally unable to think what to tell me.
In one way, I'm sorry that she won't remember the lessons I've taught her. It might help her be a little nicer to the next poor bastard she hooks up with. But I have no desire to spend the next ten years or so in prison, so I'll be content with my memories of my all-night re-education session. Plus, I have the whole thing on video, from several different camera angles. No, I don't intend to post it on the internet - see above about ten years or so in prison. It's staying on a powerfully encrypted USB stick in the back of my sock drawer, to be viewed every so often when my spirits need a little pick-me-up.
Now that's the way to break up a bad relationship!