Author's Note: I am experimenting again. Sorry, usual slow stuff I'm afraid. This time trying a two-part tale using some characters from my 'Such a nice kind lady' story. Sort of a carry on from that but as a stand-alone tale. Starts with an abbreviated clip from that story for main characters descriptions.
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Part one.
'Sonia was that sort of person. Always the driver never a passenger. Tall, muscular, blond crop headed and not noticeably very feminine. Dressed as usual in scuffed cowboy boots, faded jeans and a lumberjack style shirt with the sleeves rolled up. She gave the casual greeting without removing the gum that she chewed incessantly. Sonia jumped down from the van and walked around to the rear. Her partner in crime, Tracey exited the other door and joined her. Tracy was the exact opposite of her driver. A head shorter, long dark wavy hair, pretty face and a ready smile, fashionable ultra-tight ripped jeans and a short-sleeved crop top that revealed she must work out a lot judging by her arm muscles.'
It wasn't raining but it was damp, grey, slightly misty and evening was fast closing in. The light was starting to fade as it always did so much earlier up there at this time of the year. The dirty white van bounced and rolled along a narrow country lane littered with potholes as it wound in and out of the rocks and heather, heading south mission its accomplished.
They were driving back from the North of Scotland, and it had been a long, long trip! The fact the roads they'd had to use towards the end of the journey were single track, decidedly bumpy and with only the odd passing place hadn't made the trip any easier nor their temperament. Not that the infrequent 'passing places' had been needed. They hadn't seen another vehicle for the last twenty odd miles of their journey, in or out. They seemed to have driven for miles through the wild open scenery which had made little impression to the pair in the front of the van. Tourists they were not, both were definitely city gals!
"Why the fuck would anyone wanna live this close to the North fucking Pole" Tracy grumbled moving the heater control up a couple of notches. "Only fucking Reindeer and Eskimos' this far North".
"Don't think they have them in Scotland" her partner in crime replied. "Deer maybe and the odd butch bearded Highland Woossey in his fancy pleated clan skirt but no Eskimos".
"They call them kilts sweetie! Anyway, why the hell would anyone wanna live out here? God, its gonna be half a week before we see civilisation again and can stop for the night and I'm effing knackered, not to mention bloody horny!"
Sonia shifted her chewing gum around in her mouth before replying. "Your always horny bitch after a delivery. They live out here cos a) the can afford to, an b) cos they got that whacking great white chopper parked on the lawn so's they can pop out to the nearest MacDonald's for a Big Mac or whatever stead of roughing it on these fucking cart tracks and c) cos they can play whatever nasty games they want without the slightest possibility of anyone getting near enough to be curious. That's why here, sweetie."
"Well you get randy too, or do I get a night off this time and you go down first?"
"In your dreams kid, you don't want me to teach you who's top gal again, do ya" Sonia laughed.
Tracy joined in. "Mmmm, only if I'm in that sort of mood. Anyway, you smacked far too hard last time; my damn butt was sore for a week!"
Sonia chuckled. "Better a week than a month like poor Cutiepie, eh?"
Tracy shrugged. "Bitch pissed me off; I don't think she'll get stroppy again anytime soon, not unless she wants her ass cooked again!"
"Fucking sure she sure she won't and that my sadistic little companion in crime is why these folk's live way out here and why we done a good half dozen or so deliveries up to this friggin wilderness in the past couple of years!"
"Wilderness is bloody right on!"
"Well just to remind you in case that big dumb empty void behind your pretty face has forgotten! We bought our lil' pad off of that fucked up rock star freak for one hell of a price t'other year an how long did it take to find summit good, eh? Him what freaked out thinking about World War Three and London being the first target and his little bit of it being top of the Kremlin's nooooklear hit list cos of all his 'High Up' neighbours and the like.
"Tis pretty cool."
"Yup baby, we got us the safest most secure spot in London probably bar a few Government bigwig places. Couple of extra levels below the basement with all the mod-cons you could ever need and no one, I mean no one can hear you scream down there an all because we make these sorta bloody wilderness trips regular like for a nice fat payoff."
"C'ept the bloody tube trains. Hate those fucking noisy things rattling away when I'm down there. Always think one of the fuckers is gonna come through the wall."
"The line's far enough away even if we do get a few rattles. Anyway, damn noise they make no passengers ever gonna hear you playing with Cutiepie!"
They drove on in silence for ten minutes, or so then they slowed by an isolated road sign that leaned somewhat to one side. Tracy read the directions and distance to the nearest 'big' town and scowled muttering under her breath.
"Maybe we should get one of those camper vans, least we could pull over and relax a while in comfort and enjoy the view when there ain't nowhere else available. All we got in the back of this heap is that filthy old mattress."
"What view, it's getting dark. Anyway, too many tell-tale windows, Honeybuns and who the hell pays any attention to a dirty white van like this? Gotta be a zillion of them on the roads" Sonia patted the dashboard in front of her. "Anyway, nothing wrong with this old heap served us well and 100 per cent legit, which reminds me...."
Tracy laughed. "Shit, you gotta be joking Big Lady, you really gonna change the plates over out here, out here where the buffalo or whatever roam, not even a bloody tree in sight let alone a house. Who the fuck are we likely to snatch around here, Eskimo bloody Nell?" She laughed again.
"You never know kiddo, be prepared like the boy sprouts say! Outbound with the goods in the back we're one hundred per cent legit, no collection this trip so nothing in the back for the pigs to poke their nasty inquisitive snouts into going home if they did happen to check the plates'n'pull us over. Less, of course, we gets lucky."
"Lucky, up here, lucky!" Tracy exclaimed incredulously. "I'm not taking any bloody Eskimos home, I've seen them on the telly, short, squat and fucking ugly, and I bet they all stink of fish or summit!"
Sonia smiled, pointed to a sign saying half a mile and a few minutes later pulled into the gravelled spaced allocated for vehicles to pass each other and avoid the prospect of trying to do so on the unstable peaty surface of the surrounding terrain.
"You know what to do sweetie; I'll just sit here with the heater on and keep my seat warm for little old me."
"Bastard". Tracy zipped her coat up, pulled the hood over her head and angrily exited the passenger seat slamming the door closed behind her. Still muttering curses under her breath, she opened the back doors of the van and lifted the cover of the compartment that housed the spare wheel.
She swore again as she barked her knuckles on the inside of the compartment trying to pull open the narrow rectangular door to a small concealed locker. There was one either side of the wheel compartment and a larger one at the back. Here they kept various items that they would prefer not to have discovered should anyone decide to take a closer look into their vehicle.
It would be a different matter of course when they had one or more of the 'special deliveries or collections' in the back. All the hidden compartments in the world wouldn't have helped them then. Maybe they should spend a bit of the dosh they accumulated on something a bit more secure with like a couple of much bigger hiding places. Then again perhaps not, as Sonia said, the old van was just so, so fucking ordinary!
She took out a screwdriver and a bundle of fake number plates. Selected two and returned the others to the compartment. "Fucking bossy bitch" she muttered. "If I break a nail again...."
Sonia tossed away her second cigarette butt as she heard the rear doors bang and a moment later Tracy climbed in still scowling and blowing vigorously on her cold hands. As she steered the vehicle back into the narrow lane that she heard some muttered comment about 'bloody Polar bears'! She was about to say probably sheep, then decided against it. Trace was not in the best of tempers now, and she wanted her and especially her tongue in a nice compliant mood when they finally stopped somewhere for the night, not in one of her bitchy uncooperative sulky ones.
They drove on into the descending darkness. Tracy's good humour returning as civilisation became ever nearer with the prospect of booze, bun, bed and fun becoming more likely. Sonia was right; you never knew when a suitable opportunity might arise, so there was no harm in being prepared. They didn't come along very often. They were primarily paid to deliver, not acquire which was a far more specialised job. She pushed the heater knob up to maximum and settled back into a comfortable semi-doze recalling pleasant memories of the last such opportunity.
Despite keeping her attention firmly on the narrow winding Road, Sonia was also reminiscing about poor little Aubree. Such a cute name. Someone somewhere should be dammed for all eternity for letting that tasty bit of fluff go off on her own she thought. Poor Aubree, so delightfully innocent till they'd got their wicked hands on her.
They'd been coming back from Wales of all places. They only trip they'd ever made in that direction, and that hadn't been the best of trips. Another of those way off the beaten track locations so beloved by the affluent perverts there employer dealt with. Another cold, wet, windy, miserable day, driving home after a less than satisfactory night spent in a dubious roadside pub Bed & Breakfast. The bar meal had been lukewarm and inedible, the beer piss poor, the beds lumpy and the bugs had bitten! They were sure from the many red marks on their legs next morning that the latter had found them both much more edible than they had found the pub food the previous evening!
Consequently, after a row with the surly landlord, they skipped breakfast and made an early start. About halfway home bowling along an underused A road having had the foresight to avoid the motorway due to a reported accident, it was Tracy who'd suddenly bawled "Stop. Stop!"
Sonia concentrating purely on the road hadn't even spotted the diminutive drenched figure standing forlornly by the roadside with its thumb out. She braked and pulled in to the kerb. "S'up?"
"Dunno, maybe something interesting, hitch-hiker, let's check it out, might even be a keeper if we're lucky."
Sonia looked around and then toward the figure hurrying towards them via the passenger side mirror. "K, no harm, nobody much on the road and with all this foul muck coming down, hard to see anything anyway."
It would be by no means the first time they'd offered the hospitality of the third 'in-between' seat in the cab to a stranger. Usually, they'd had a better chance to see who and what they were getting. The subsequent conversation would then decide whether that person 'stayed' with them right till the end of their journey to enjoy some 'additional long-term hospitality' or was dropped off en-route. In almost all cases such passengers went on their way a short while later blissfully ignorant that fate had spared them, occasionally one less lucky hadn't been!
Aubree was French, petite, shapely, elfin pretty and had only turned eighteen a few months before. This was one time when Tracey and Sonia didn't even need to bother to look at each other. Bingo! Two greedy pussies still on a high from the 'more entertaining' part of the night before in an ancient double bed and the lingering effects that every delivery or collection stimulated in them, immediately went into reheat!
Poor Aubree, all the Kings horses and all the Kings men probably couldn't have helped her at that moment, and none were in sight anyway. Nothing was in view other than gloomy empty road and heavy, persistent drizzle. Just a van that wasn't quite as old as it looked and a couple of very predatory, sadistic lesbians!
Aubree was extremely pretty, vivacious and far too talkative which was unfortunate for her. Far better had she been less chatty, less garrulous, much tighter lipped with the two strangers and not been so forthcoming about herself. Well maybe not. Her doom was sealed from the moment her two new found friends got a good look at her. Their rapacious interest grew by the second as she unwrapped the various wet layers of outer clothing in the dry warmth of the cab of the van.
Her English was good, good but not excellent she told them but oui, yes, she must practise to get better, no? She was on a six-month exchange course at university. No, she was there by herself, the only one, two of her friends had gone to one in London. She had a room she shared with another girl on the campus, but the other girl had gone home last week with flu, bad flu she thought, maybe not to be back for another week.
Yes, she missed her parents, family, friends, boyfriend and her cat. The cat possibly more than the boyfriend she confided to them with a few giggles. He becomes, how you say, a bit heavy and kept talking of amour, love, but she thought his interpretation of the subject was not the same as hers. I think he wants only to go inside my pants as you say over here.
It had been a spur of the moment decision. A concert she'd decided to attend. Yes, she could have gone by train or maybe bus, but the English pounds were a bit low. Papa was sending a cheque, OK but not so good for now so she'd decided to hitch-hike. She often did back home in her small village to get a ride to town. Oui, yes, they said dangerous, but she was careful. She would not have got in had they been men, of course not, she was not stupid!
Sonia and Tracy had smiled, nodded and mostly listened. They looked at her, mentally licked their lips and looked again then finally shared a glance over her head. Neither needed to speak, nod, wink or perform any other gesture. Both minds were as one, and nothing else was needed.
"Over there" Tracey had said pointing ahead ten minutes or so later. She smiled at the smaller girl beside her. "Bathroom break, there isn't a decent place for miles yet on this road, and I need to spend a penny urgently behind a tree or a bush" She winked at the girl.
Sonia carefully steered the van fifty yards or so up the bumpy dirt track that ran into the small wooded area. Tracey opened the glove compartment and took out a small brown tinted glass bottle and a folded white hand towel. The Cork stopper came loose with a slight 'pop'; then she liberally poured some of the contents onto the towel before carefully standing the bottle on the dashboard. A sudden sickly-sweet odour filled the cab that just as quickly turned to a more putrid one.
Aubree had immediately made a face at the smell her pretty nose wrinkling in sudden disgust. Perhaps then for the first time, she had a premonition or maybe some other primitive instinct kicked in with a warning that all was not well.
It wasn't. Sonia unbuckled her seat belt then twisted sideways to grab Aubree, quickly pinning her arms to her sides and held her in a tight iron grip while Tracey clamped the foul-smelling cloth over their victims horrified face. "Relax baby" Sonia whispered softly and gave her a quick kiss on the back of her neck.
Aubree struggled vainly and tried not to inhale but had no option but to take a few breaths; it only needed four of five before she began to go limp. Sonia maintained her grip while Tracey refreshed her cloth and applied a second dose. All resistance ceased. Tracey checked the girl's heartbeat, and her breathing then disposed of the cloth in a plastic bag, placing that and the bottle back in the glove compartment.
They both got out of their respective doors and took a good long look around, both going a little way into the wood before returning to the van. Tracy opened the rear doors, and a moment later they'd hauled the unconscious figure out of the cab and secured her onto the old mattress in the rear.
Not even ten minutes later and they were back on the road heading for their pad and to what they both knew was going to be a far more pleasurable evening than the previous one. A long evening and night with all the time in the world and all the necessary wicked little toys available to entertain themselves with this soft sexy plaything they'd just acquired. They knew she was soft and sexy; eager hands and fingers had stayed into lots of areas as they utilised the contents from one of their secret stash's to gag and bind her for the remainder of the journey.
Oh yes, Sonia remembered, Aubree had undoubtedly been a lot of fun, that had been a wild three weeks of virtually 24/7 lust and sheer wanton debauchery with a generous measure of erotic sadism thrown in. Big decision, in the end, well one of several they'd had to make. She'd been a virgin, all holes and never had her cute little talkative tongue anywhere near a hungry dripping lezzi clit either. They'd both wanted to bust her of course, Sonia laying claim to the front door and Tracey the back but in the end, financial common sense had precluded that. They'd got the one bitch already, and they still owed a bundle for her and on their exclusive nuke proof pad.
So, they settled for training her unwilling little tongue to become so obliging and cooperative. They'd had a great three weeks and then sold her to the organisation that employed them for the special deliveries and collections and other occasional more interesting jobs. Big, big money. That little deal they'd cut for Cutiepie had cost them, and she'd been a forty-year-old reject not a pretty eighteen-year-old, with an intact hymen and virgin asshole to boot!
Naturally, they would have got even more for her if they hadn't taken those first few little bites themselves. They'd got their fervent hands on a tasty little cake but rationed themselves to a slice or two. Hell though, they might leave the juicy cherry on top untouched, but that didn't mean that they couldn't lick a bit of the cream off or have a few nibbles did it?
Tracey opened her eyes, blinked a couple of times, yawned and sat up a bit straighter in her seat. Where are we?"
"Christ knows, a bit bloody further on in the wilderness than the last time you asked. Bout five miles further I reckon to the main road, and I can see lights over there, must be the town we passed earlier."
"Roll on; I am famished, dry and fucking randy in that order!"
"Well another ten minutes and we can start looking for somewhere suitable. Who knows, once we get clear of the wilds, we might even have find us another little Aubree all alone and lost. Damn weathers about to go bad on us again. Just been thinking about her"
"Fat chance. Wonder how she's getting on over there with Miss Teeny-bopper, Pop Princess cutie. Miss tiny tits with her fucking gleaming white teeth, skirts up to her navel and hair down to her kneecaps. Not so cute with the bitches she keeps locked up down on that private ranch of hers or so I've heard."
They both laughed. Poor little Aubree. That was one delivery they hadn't been called upon to do. Boxed up and shipped via private jet to the USA courtesy of some back-door customs agreement with a Caribbean island tax haven and no doubt a few well-greased palms on both sides.
Sonia sighed. "Well, she wasn't a bad little clit licker after you'd warmed her ass a few times. Bet she's a whole lot better now, pity I couldn't have popped her tight little cherry though."
"Sadist. Probably just as well. Sheesh, you can still make Cutiepie scream when you bone her, and she'd had twenty odd years of practise with poor old hubby most likely before you started dicking her"
Sonia gave an evil laugh. "Size counts baby; you should know that by now. Better take care of me real good tonight, or maybe I'll give you a taster of what Cutiepie soooo loves when we get home. The big Black knobbly one maybe?"
A few minutes later they turned onto the smooth tarmac of the main road and soon saw a green information sign: petrol filling station, basic chain motel and a burger bar one mile.
Two hours later they lay side by side on the surprisingly comfortable king-sized double bed, disinterestedly watching a late-night movie and sipping beer from a couple of the cans the filling station convenience shop had provided. The detritus from several take out fast food meals lay partly in and mostly scattered around the waste bin near the bathroom door.
Sonia took a long gulp then looked at the can she was holding. "Not bad, never seen this one before".
"Made by the local bloody Eskimo's I expect".
Neither of them cared anyway. They were full, they weren't fussy, burgers and fries with extras just as good as a five-star restaurant meal when your belly was empty. Probably way better, much more bang for a hell of a lot less buck.
The beer was OK and the chocolate bars. They'd just spent the better part of an hour screwing each other and, in a few minutes, they'd kill the crappy movie, finish the beers and enjoy some 'seconds' They were replete, almost and all was well with their world, almost...
"I still want one" Tracy announced suddenly.
"Want one what Baby?"
"A fucking dog slave that's what. I seem to be sucking on a hind tit most of the time with Cutiepie the way you keep dragging the bitch off to play with your plastic dick collection. I want something screaming down in the playroom 24/7 not waiting on your sloppy seconds."
"You get to play as well, join in sometimes"
"Yeah, sometimes, and sometimes no times. I want my own toy. Time, we expanded anyway. We got the room and an ace pad. Shit, look at some of the places we done deliveries too. Damn cupboards some of them compared to our little bit of nuke proof heaven, we got what, just the one and how many have we seen in some of the other places?
Sonia laughed. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say cupboards baby."
"You know what I mean" Tracey replied sulkily. "Us just having the one tired old bitch is a bit of a waste, much more fun when we don't have to share all the time."
Sonia thought about it as she felt her bed-mates hand reach out and start to stroke her belly, slowly ever so slowly moving downwards. "Maybe, gotta think about things long time you know, a dog just ain't for Christmas and the odd bit of fun you know, gotta think long time baby."
Tracey finished the last of her beer then tossed the empty can over towards the waste bin. It almost made it, just caught the rim, bounced off and rolled across the carpet.
"Fuck, nearly". She rolled over and began to kiss and lick at the area her fingers had just been gently massaging. "We got the gear or can get it." She said in between long hard licks. "How long did we leave our old slag last summer....no big deal was it. Anyway, we got contacts; sure, we can find a suitable kennel for a week or two as ness?"
Sonia repeated Tracy's action with her empty beer can with even less success then lay back with a contented sigh and folded her long legs around her lover pulling her closer. Her mind drifting back some months.
True, they had left the resident bitch entirely on her own for a fortnight while they jetted off to blue sky, warm sea and all the comforts of a very upmarket and highly expensive luxury Mexican resort. In contrast, Cutiepie had spent the period locked in the big basement cage complete with camping chemical toilet (a big one), a large stack of bottled water and a generous two weeks supply of healthy dry food and fresh fruit, even a rare treat in the shape of a couple of chocolate bars. Hell, the bitch had even put on a bit of weight while they were away.
Bet the old slag enjoyed her little break. They'd kindly left her with the small portable TV, even a few books. OK so the books were all of a kinky lezdom theme but what the hell. Bit of job research wouldn't hurt her, would it? All that and not a single household chore to perform plus two whole weeks without a hungry clit to lick out. Two full weeks of complete abstinence for her ass and cunt before she got dicked or flogged again. What more could she have wanted?
Sonia sighed contentedly and moved into a slightly more comfortable position as she let Tracey continue her ministrations. Maybe they should expand a bit.
"Tally ho, bandits at eleven o'clock" Tracey yelped and pointed ahead.
"Jeez, no way you gotta be joking" Sonia growled looking at the all the traffic ahead of them, in the lanes coming the other way and at what she could see coming up behind in her mirror. "Looks like friggin rush hour for half the damn county, this ain't no damp misty empty country road baby!
"Stop, stop, anyway, that way, pull over before we miss it." Her finger still pointed to the fast-approaching layby and the solitary car with the bonnet open into which a figure was bent over.
Sonia swore under her breath, flicked the left side indicator, slowed and pulled off the main highway and down what had many years before been part of the original main road and into the part that was now a little used parking area. "Probably wouldn't hurt to look and anything for a quiet life" she muttered.
The drove slowly past the broken-down car, a small blue hatchback and pulled up a few yards further on. Two people. A young guy was poking tentatively about under the bonnet, and a tiny stylishly dressed blonde girl was sitting in the passenger seat who looked as though she was trying to swat flies with her cell phone.
"False plates and a dirty white van just like a zillion others, your words not mine" Tracy reminded her companion. "C'mon let's go play peek-a-boo" She jumped down, rummaged around under her seat and emerged clutching a couple of empty soda cans and the greasy wrapped remnants of a long-deceased takeaway.
"Problems," she asked nonchalantly after depositing the trash in a nearby waste container.
"Didn't sound right, sort of a knocking sound started so I pulled in here" the guy said backing away and standing upright. "Now it won't start at all. All I did was switch the engine off then try it again. Dead. Totally dead, just the starter motor turning over but zilch happening, not a peep!".
Tracey and Sonia both obligingly peered into the engine compartment of the elderly little vehicle. "Cute was the word that was going through Tracey's mind. "He was cute, sorta innocent looking, clean shaven, fresh-faced, crisp shirt and jeans with a crease in them. Sheesh, jeans with a crease! Taller than her but not by much, short hair, nary a tat or piercing in sight. Just so...so cute with a capital Ceeee!"
Sonia knew precisely what was going on in her smaller lover's mind. There were times, and she knew that this was going to be one when there was a definite, well not a leadership challenge, but a temporary role reversal. It invariably happened when Trace was about to embark on some nasty little piece of devilry. Well, as Trace had pointed out, she was the one who'd wanted the false plates on the van so.... anyways what about the little bitch in the front. She felt a stirring in her crotch. Like Trace said, no harm in having a peek-a-boo. Guys just left her cold unless she had a whip in her hand, and they were screaming. Pussy on the hand was a much more exciting proposition especially if it was fresh!
"This is just so inconvenient" Chelsea fumed yet again as the four of them all stood by the still open bonnet, introductions having been made. "I told mummy we wouldn't be late and now this...this catastrophe." She angrily waved her cell phone around again in a vain attempt to connect. "You'd think by now they'd have got the whole country covered, but no, damn lazy politicians or whoever! She stamped one dainty foot in irritation.
This time it was Sonia's turn as she cast frequent sideways glances at the exasperated little blonde. Well if Trace has got her evil eye on a prospective puppy dog, my evil eye and a certain other spot are telling me that I'm getting the hots for this expensively dressed hoity-toity little dolly. How do we play it though? She cast a quick glance at the traffic thundering past on the main road now some distance away and then at her partner.
Chelsea was just starting the tirade about stupid old cars and certain people not having the sense to get them serviced, and they should have hired one for the second time when Tracey intervened.
"Not much either of us can do” she informed the crestfallen pair. "We drive em, but us gals just about knows where the 'go juice' goes in but nothing else." She paused in apparent thought then gestured down the road with one finger. "If memory serves me right" she lied. "a couple of miles down that away there's a big filling station. Bound to be able to get a signal there or be a public phone or better still maybe a tow truck or summit. Problem is we haven't got anything to tow with."
"I think there is an emergency kit with a rope in the boot," James said and made to go fetch it.
"No good" Tracey shook her head. "Nowhere to fix it on our old van. There was one place - but it broke off the other year when we tried to help pull that families caravan out of a ditch, remember Son?"
Sonia nodded obligingly; she kinda knew where Tracey was heading. She gave Chelsea another surreptitious sideways glance and realised that she'd just involuntarily licked her lips, couldn't help herself. Yup, that scrumptious little doll was worth any sort of risk almost. She herself stood six one in her bare feet, and she'd always had a thing about much smaller girls. Tracey was smaller but this one, this one she could pick her up, tuck her under one arm and then carry her upstairs to bed with ease. She'd fantasised for years about having her own real live kicking (and screaming) little dolly, and maybe she'd just found it.
Behind them, the traffic still roared along the dual carriageway, but it was a good hundred yards away from where they stood. Sonia glanced round. Jeez, Trace must have brilliant eyesight to have spotted this breakdown. The remnant of old Road had probably served as a truck pull in at some point, further down there were a few discarded oversized tyres and a rusted, boarded-up old caravan that had clearly once served burgers and the like.
"The best thing I think," said Tracey thoughtfully as if she hadn't known what she had in mind all along. "Only got three seats in the front, if we take Chelsea with us, we can drop her at the filling station, think there's a café there, she can phone for assistance...."
"I'm not going anywhere without James" Chelsea interrupted quickly. "why can't we both go, we can get a taxi or something and get from this beastly godforsaken place it's not as if this...this stupid wreck of his is worth anything. Good riddance if anyone steals it, I say."
James opened his mouth as if to protest about this casual dismissal of his pride and joy but wisely decided against it after a glance at his prim little partner's livid expression.
Sonia intervened. Her cue she instinctively knew. She shook her head. "No can do I'm afraid. Only three seats and three seat belts in the cab, I know its only a couple of miles but if the cops see us cramming four up, well if I get any more penalty points on my licence?" She blew a long raspberry.
"He," said Chelsea firmly and pointing to her boyfriend. "He can ride in the back if you have room, you said only a few miles. We can put the suitcases in there as well; he can sit on them or something."
Bingo, Sonia gave a very quick wink to her partner. Sod the busy traffic, the pull-in had been a part of the original main road, now re-routed slightly with the modern dual carriageway and was set a good bit back. Too far back for any distant dashcam to capture much and closer the angles would be all wrong for them to be in shot. Ultra-common dirty white van, false number plates equalled a big Black Hole about to swallow up two people's private little galaxy. Mmmm, little Chelsea looked a very nice package, and underneath all, that expensive looking wrapping mummy and daddy had no doubt provided...? Mmmm finger twitching, clit itching time for sure!
"Why are we stopping here? Chelsea queried a bit peevishly fifteen minutes or so later.
"This is why," Sonia told her. It was a repeat of the little Aubree scenario except this time Sonia used one hand to smother the girl's mouth for a few seconds before Tracey applied her pad. Didn't want lover boy in the back to hear anything did they. One at a time. One down or rapidly going down, one to go.
"Sleeping Beauty," Tracey said a moment later. "How we gonna play it with lover boy back there?" She gestured behind her toward the rear of the van with her head.
"Don't ask me Numero Uno, is clever little Miss Blowfield's criminal mastermind brain fresh out of ideas, shame on you pet!"
"Ha bloody ha, well I just got you a nice new toy so how about a bit of help Ms Sarky Double Oh Seven with mine then?"
Sonia grinned at her. "Got plenty of that nighty night juice left? Good. When in doubt do it the simple way. Watch and learn baby, watch and learn....and be ready with that stuff, c'mon"
De ja vu. They were back in a wooded area. Forestry Commission land, acres of tall pine trees divided by long fire breaks and the odd track. It was up one of these Sonia had steered the van until the main road was well out of sight and little Chelsea had begun to get a bit, a bit awkward!"
Nothing to see but precisely laid out rows of tall pine trees and virtually no ground cover. You could easily see every which way and not a soul in sight. Almost too easy Sonia thought. She knew of other more complicated operations. Ones where the desired and designated targets were observed for weeks even months at a time and then often highly complicated but realistic 'accidents' arranged to cover their abductions.
The wrecked and burnt out car complete with the unrecognisable charred corpse of some poor homeless person, the private plane that disappeared, the kidnap where the ransom was never collected, cold feet it was assumed on the part of the criminals, but the abductee was never returned either and so on. Of course, the advent of DNA techniques had meant that even more care had to be taken.
In this instance, Sonia proposed to apply a much less sophisticated solution to the present problem as the pair gathered by the rear doors.
"You sure you'll be OK?"
Sonia raised an eyebrow as she looked down at her smaller partner then raised her hand to the top of her head as if measuring herself then moved it to over Tracey's head. "I'm six feet plus in my bare feet, six four and a bit in these heels. You are five five. My new little midget dolly in the front I bet can't even hit four foot seven and lover boy in the back here I noticed barely topped you. Watch and learn kiddo. You soak your cloth when I open the doors. "Ready?"
Sonia rapped on the doors with her knuckles then opened it. James has been seated on an expensive suitcase at the far end; he looked a bit wild-eyed and dishevelled. On hearing the knock and seeing the doors open, he hastened forward.
"What's happened? Are we there?" He stopped at the threshold. "I hurt my right arm; I fell over you went way too fast" he accused petulantly. He paused then to look rather bemusedly at all the trees.
"Tough titty dogmeat" Sonia snarled as she grabbed a handful of crisp fresh ironed shirt and yanked him forward.
"Wha.... ohhhh" He cried as he plunged forward out of the van looking for a brief moment as though he was going to fall smack on his face but somehow recovered and landed awkwardly but off balance on both feet with a bewildered expression on his face.
Sonia had let go after the initial pull to take a step backwards. She remained exactly where she was looking perfectly calm and composed, but her booted right foot swung forward in a vicious high kick. The bewildered look was replaced by one of anguish as James doubled up clutching at his groin making a loud anguished but entirely unintelligible noise.
Sonia reached down to grasp his neck firmly with one hand and a handful of hair with the other. Tracey rushed forward cloth and bottle to hand to quickly apply the coup de grâce.
The van slowly ate up the miles as it sped Southwards. They still had a long drive ahead of them, but they weren't bothered. They'd need to stop a time two to check on their passengers' condition, bindings and gags, maybe when they paused for a coffee and a bite to eat, one of them could quickly slip into the back, but they were in no real rush. Anticipation is always a major part of any treat, and they were both quite content to use their imagination to play many wicked little scenarios of the forthcoming fun in their minds to pass the time.
"Pity about their car" Tracey said suddenly. "Cops are bound to find it."
"Yeah, but that's all: no fingerprints or anything from us. We looked, but we didn't touch. Ground was bone dry so no tracks. Best they can get is maybe a couple of vague descriptions of us and a dirty white van. Everything was tanking past at speed both ways. Even if someone got us on dashcam it wouldn't do them any good, false plates and we won't be using them again, and we kept our backs to the road. Plus, most of those dashcams are real cheapo Chinky junk with plastic lenses only good for a dozen yards straight ahead!".
"Yup, pretty neat snatch methinks" Tracey noted and then they both fell silent for several miles.
"So, what ya going to call him, it I mean?" Sonia broke the long silence as she reached for a fresh stick of gum having just lowered her side window to dispose of its predecessor.
"No idea, early days, no rush. Haven't even got a collar on it yet. What about yours?"
"Same, not Chelsea though. Way too posh sounding for a jumped-up little clit licking dolly slave like her. Something much more demeaning and juvenile I think".
"Put her in a kiddie dress with pink ribbons and bunches in her hair, Mary Jane shoes; she'd look adorable like that."
"Something in that. You notice the designer labels and the killer heels I took off, prissy little bitch trying to elevate herself in the world!"
Tracey laughed "Well she ain't gonna be using that 'oh I am so superior, plum in her mouth mummy says so' tone any longer. You want me to blister the little bitches ass for you?"
"Umm, maybe, gotta think about it. Bet you anything that this ones also got a nice fresh untouched virgin pussy and if it's not then her ass hole will be. I know the type. No naughty nooky before we're married James" Sonia mimicked. "Plus, we ain't-a gonna sell these two. No need after what we got for our little French friend".
"Yeah, well be careful darling, don't get over enthusiastic she won't have been well used like Cutiepie, so you try using Big Blackie on that little bit of fluff and she'll end up deep throating it...and not via the mouth if you get my meaning. Bloody things almost as big as she is!"
"One step at a time kiddo, I got the time and the toys. Plenty of time to stretch the little bitch till she graduates to the big buggers. Talking about big, you remember the other year when they had us ride shotgun on those special packages they sent to Texas?"
"Yeah great trip, and not just the luxury private jet, tequila, weather and the cowboy scenery. No old van on that trip". Tracy laughed. "Still can't believe that last night. Never seen the like. Señora Fernandez and her ponies, both types!"
Sonia laughed as well. "Yeah, the two-legged ones and the four-legged ones. Remember the look on the faces of the packages when they saw the sort of things that tiny Mexican Dame was into?"
They both laughed again.
"No way that little piece in the back could cope with anything that sorta size. Maybe my new doggie could mount her just for fun occasionally?"
"Nope," Sonia shook her head. "No way," she said firmly. "I'm gonna be the one to bust that little dolly and the only cock she gets from now on will have me on the other end of it period!"
"Pig pen ahead" Tracey warned.
The two bored police officers in the parked patrol car were drinking coffee from a thermos flask, plastic lunch boxes open on their laps. A dirty white van drove past. Neither of them gave it a second glance, it wasn't speeding and there were a zillion like it on the roads. Two people in the front continued to enjoy their pleasant anticipatory daydreams while for the two in the back only unimagined nightmares awaited!
Part 2(added: 2019/08/25)
The rather mundane dirty white van was on the road once more carrying yet another cargo of captive misery in the back. Up forward in the cab, Tracey was in the driving seat for once rather than Sonia. This time it would only be a relatively short journey as their destination wasn't too far from London. Not one of those interminable off the map trips delivering to some sadistic deviants private little incarceration facility hidden from curious eyes deep in the unpopulated wilds!
From time to time, Tracey took her eyes off the road to take a quick peek and scowl at the action going on beside her. It was a Sunday, so there wasn't a great deal of traffic about anyway and certainly not this early in the day nor was she going particularly fast. They never did when they were carrying their human consignments. Anonymity was their watchword. Actually, on this occasion that was a bit of a joke considering what was going on in the other passenger seats never mind the unhappy occupant in the crate a few feet behind the cab partition.
Sonia had insisted on bringing little 'Twinkle' with them. Jesus, the lanky butch dyke couldn't keep her paws off that prissy pocket-sized miss for even a short trip. You'd have thought that after the past week she might be able to go at least a couple of hours without mauling the little bitch?
Tracey was surprised Sonia had wanted to come along at all given her overwhelming obsession with the tiny doll-like girl they'd acquired along with her beau now securely fastened within the crate in the back. Tracey sneaked another sideways look and shook her head. Sheesh, she got very randy regularly but Sonia, hell, she must have had wet panties for the last seven days or assuming she even bothered wearing them in between bouts of incessant lustful action with baby barbie doll there!
Christ, they didn't even have tinted windows, just plain (if a little dirty) standard toughened safety glass. If the cops overtook them? Well, she thought, if the pigs did come cruising past at least they would be seated lower down and on her side to boot, nor was she wasn't about to let any other fucking male prick in a van or truck overtake her. No way. Still? All that shit over the years from Son about security and now she's too fucking randy to give a damn!
Twinkle was being somewhat noisy again. She'd been making a lot of noise non-stop for a week now ever since she'd awoken laying face up on Sonia's big king-sized bed to find her captor slowly stripping away her clothing with the aid of a fearsome looking knife. OK, so the noise was muted by the small pink rubber ball gag in her mouth. Small a) because it was more discrete and less evident to a quick glance with her teeth able to almost close over it and b) given her diminutive size anything more substantial would have required breaking her dainty jaw to get it in!
Even with the gag, she was noisy. She was grunting and squeaking. Fuck, Tracey thought, she might be a titch, but she couldn't half turn the volume up, and so far all the bitch had received on her rump were a few hand spanks and a couple of piss-all light dustings with a paddle. Sheesh, better get some earplugs in when she feels the cane for the first time across that cute little ass of hers!
A little earlier the pair of them had dragged 'Dobby' up from the deep basement and out to the van and fastened him securely in the transportation crate. Sonia had casually tossed the keys at her saying "You can drive, bout time you did some't useful pal, I'll go lock up". She'd climbed into the driving seat and spent the usual few minutes raising the seat and moving it way-way forward, God, Sonia had such long legs! Then the bitch herself had appeared carrying her damned dolly, a kicking and struggling cuffed, mutely squealing dolly to boot!
"What the fuck!" Tracey exclaimed her jaw dropping open as Sonia opened the passenger door and thrust Twinkle into the cab. "Are you crazy? You can't bring that midget bitch with you! Not in the fucking cab."
"Can so" Sonia replied tartly pushing the struggling girl toward the middle cab seat and climbing in herself. "Sides, Twinks here might get lonely without me now we are such good friends, eh Twinky?" She addressed the latter remark to the tiny girl as she pulled the middle seat belt from its roller and fastened her in place. It was as good as a bondage chair given that the small girl had her hands cuffed behind her back and thus unable to hit the release button. She shrieked into her gag as Sonia took her time making sure the chest strap was nice and tight, her hands running over far more than just the belt. She kissed two fingers and tapped her toy on the nose gently. "There there baby doll, all nice and secure for our little trip."
Sonia checked the door was secure and fastened her own belt then flashed a leery smile at her partner. "Anyway, maybe she might like to say goodbye to her boyfriend".
"Goodbye? The fucker is coming back, you know!"
"Yup, but not like he was. It's life Jim but not as we know it, or she knew it" Sonia quipped with a nasty laugh.
Tracey started the engine. "You're a fucking mad bitch!" she snorted, "Whoops..."
"Bumps a daisy" Sonia chuckled as the van lurched forward and suddenly stalled. "Steady now gal, don't want you making little Twinks here sick. You don't want to feel all sicky do you pumpkin not with that nice gag your sucking on. Nope, 'upchucking our breakfast' going bump bump bumpety bump is not what we want?" She crooned, looking down at her tiny captive and patting her on the head.
Tracey swore again under her breath, swallowed an angry retort by counting five and re-started the engine then smoothly pulled out and onto the road. "Wish the little bit of fluff would throw up and all-over big Son. Serve her right!" She thought to herself. "Pity she got that gag in her pretty little gob. Although, on second thoughts, maybe just as well, God that little madam can make a shit load of noise when she wants!"
Twinkle, Twinks, Twinky, not so long ago known as Miss Chelsea Mainwaring-Bracebridge, threw her head frantically from side to side several times and struggled against the gentle pull of the seat belt. Her wild eyes flicking from one side window to the other and then back to the windscreen view. Her lips twitched as attempted screams and shouts died into muffled squeaks into the hard-pink rubber gag. "Surely, surely to God someone would see her, someone would help, someone would rescue her from these crazy perverted lesbian bitches. Oh God, someone, please, please help me!"
The vehicle swung out of the side street and accelerated onto the major road picking up speed as Tracey judged and got the green lights just right. There were a few pedestrians out, walking their dogs or maybe heading out to buy a Sunday newspaper. Not a single one bothered to spare a glance at the van, which in any case was going too fast for anyone to notice anything amiss within the cab. The vehicle did stop at a couple of sets of lights and even one pedestrian crossing. Each time Chelsea renewed her limited efforts to attract attention but to no avail. She stared in helpless frustration as the woman with the three kids plus a little dog on a long leash slowly pushed the buggy with a fourth child in it to the far side of the road. The smaller of her two tormentors even giving them an encouraging wave from the driving seat.
The woman in question was more intent in shepherding her brood over the crossing and never even turned in their direction. Even if she had, what would she have seen? Three women patiently waiting for her to cross. One big, one small and the middle one hardly visible over the dashboard. She would have had to stop and stare hard for little Chelsea's animated antics to register and maybe if she had been particularly eagle-eyed, might even have caught a glimpse of that pink ball gag buried in her mouth and the thin straps securing it. However, no one ever does pause on a black and white unlighted crossing of course, not unless you want an angry horn blasting out and embarrassing you!
Once they'd left suburbia behind and hit the duel-carriageway Sonia's itchy fingers could wait no longer and once again she was possessively mauling her little 'living dolly'. A screaming, struggling, kicking very much alive dolly. A dolly that despite having a posh double-barrelled name plus undoubtedly a refined upper-class upbringing could swear like a drunken sailor being denied one more glass on his run ashore! Worse still she possessed a penetrating screech like a deranged parrot trying to imitate a runaway railway locomotive horn!
"Don't you dare take that fucking gag out" Tracey cautioned her partner. "I can't drive with my fingers in my ears, and I don't want to spend the whole fucking day with a bloody headache and chewing on aspirin cos of that noisy little shit."
Sonia grinned and stuck her tongue out at her partner, revealing the ever-present piece of chewing gum. "Just shadup'n drive honey afore I gets pissed off at you an tells you to take us home instead of going on to puppy training school. I could be laying on my nice big bed now having soooo much fun with prissy missy here you know".
"Well just don't ask her if she wants any gum?" Tracey snapped back irritably, pulling a face. "Fuck", she uttered to herself, "fucking filthy trick to pull anyway!" Sonia had the revolting habit of passing her well-chewed gum over, and into the mouth, she was raping with her tongue. So far she'd made Twinkle throw up on at least four of the occasions when she'd done it! The last thing they needed was a cab full of vomit plus when that little bit of fluff heaved and contrary to her size, it came out like she'd got a belly on reheat!
Sonia giggled and turned her full attention back to her unwilling toy stroking the girls fringe gently away from her eyes and then giving her a quick kiss on the tip of the nose. "Oh baby, baby, I know how badly you want mummy, but you'll just have to be super patient for a bit. I promise as soon as we get back it'll be straight upstairs for some playtime" She licked the tip of that cute little nose a couple of times and started fondling one small but beautifully firm perky breast through the girls dress.
Chelsea screamed into her gag and tried to twist her head away around towards Tracey. A long skein of drool emerged and ran down her chin to settle on her pink gingham dress. It was a pretty short-sleeved dress with a scalloped edge collar, pleated skirt, white buttons and a large bow to the front. It wasn't even the largest size in the kiddie department! It was going to be so much fun choosing which outfits to buy for her Sonia thought. She was just so adorable in her dress, white ankle socks and black Mary Jane strap shoes.
Usually, her tastes ran to a touch of silk or nylon on her girls. Except for Trace of course who'd told her what she could fucking well do with that crap when she suggested it early in their relationship! Pity, running a hand up a stocking clad leg and then the exciting transition to smooth warm thigh at the top was a huge turn on for her. Soft bodies in silks and satin likewise spike heels. She liked a little eye candy dressing on her meat to titillate her, but it would be different for this little minx. No big girl clothes for her ever. She might be nineteen going on twenty, but the only adult aspect of her life from now on would revolve around the action in or on Sonia's bed. That was her life from now on, and she's better get used to it or else - the three B's. Bed, bathroom and basement and she'd soon learn that enthusiastic compliance in the first would be infinitely preferable to a trip down to the third!
"Naughty naughty" Sonia chided reaching across her plaything with her left hand till it found and grasped a handful of blonde hair under one of the pink ribbons that divided Twinkles long honey blonde hair into two bunches. She firmly pulled the girls head around through a hundred and eighty degrees, smiled into the horrified, angry blue eyes and then shifting a wad of gum into her cheek began to lick the girls face.
So utterly cute, tiny and helpless. Did they make bunny suits in her size Sonia wondered as she licked and kissed, now that would be adorable, wouldn't it?
It was dark in the crate and hot. If it hadn't been for the generous air holes in the lid and sides, he would almost certainly have suffocated. Would that have been such a bad thing he thought to himself? He yelped silently into his gag as his head banged against the lid scant centimetres above him. Christ, how many more bumps were they going to hit and how long would this awful journey take, he wondered?
Then again, did he want it to end given his experiences to date? That was another question, and he was reasonably sure he would neither like nor enjoy the answer whatever it might be once they arrived at their destination. "Ough!" another blasted pothole.
That bitch Tracey had dragged him up from the basement, a journey that seemed to involve an endless series of staircases, how deep was that bloody set of dungeon-like rooms? He'd stumbled as quickly as he could manage after her. Not easy with his arms cuffed behind his back and that short hobble chain between his ankles. He'd fallen over a couple of times and barked his skin. No clothing for protection, naked as the day he'd been born just as he'd found himself when he'd woken in that small cage she'd kept him in.
The bitch had neither mercy nor patience. His ribs hurt where she'd kicked him before dragging him upright each time by the leash fastened to his heavy leather collar. "C'mon you lazy mutt, up, a few scrapes on your fucking hide won't kill you, up boy. You've felt far worse on it recently haven't you?"
That was true; he had felt far worse and was still suffering from them. His bottom and thighs felt red raw from the numerous savage beatings the bitch had given him. Every day and often twice a day or so it seemed he'd been dragged out of that low confining cage of steel and mesh. There was no clock, no window, so he'd no idea of time or even what day it was.
His whole body hurt, and it wasn't just those parts that the awful whips and canes had touched. He was chained hand and foot, arms behind his back and legs manacled together. He had awoken like that to this nightmare. Awoken to find himself in a cramped cage unable to stand upright or even stretch out and forced to remain in an uncomfortable crouched or curled up posture that was playing hell with his back and legs - awoken in a bewildered daze with a blinding headache and a dry throat that felt like he'd just spent a week without water in a desert.
Awoken to see that evil bitch gloating over him like some prized possession. He'd shouted at her, screamed at her, sworn at her, but all she'd done was laugh. Then she left and came back a few minutes later with a cup of coffee or something and casually placed a chair near the wretched cage and sat there calmly drinking it and watching him while he ranted till he ran out of breath. Then he tried being rational, talking, questioning, pleading, trying to get some sort of an answer, just a response even.
He recognised her of course. She was the smaller of the two women who'd stopped to help them when he couldn't get the engine to re-start. She was the smaller of the two, the one who'd seemed to be in charge and made the suggestions about what to do. She wasn't the tall butch blonde one who'd kicked him in the groin. God, that kick, he could still feel it. Agony for a second, then, and then nothing....?
Ultimately he'd got his response, and it wasn't one he wanted or liked. He didn't like anything about it. Half of the rubbish she'd told him hadn't even registered at the time, but odd bits kept coming back to him later. Ominous weird and frightening bits. At the time all he'd wanted was out of that bloody uncomfortable cage, and that wish had been promptly granted. She'd opened a door in the low front, reached in and snapped a dog leash onto the thick heavy leather collar around his neck. That was another thing he'd shouted about. A bloody collar who the hell did she think she was. The wretched thing was uncomfortable. It wasn't tight, but it was heavy and wide he could not lower his head properly without it cutting into his neck.
She'd finished her drink, got up and moved the chair away and disappeared only to reappear a few moments later swinging something in her hand. That's when she bent down and flicked a catch on the cage, reached in and grabbed him by the hair brutally yanking him forward. He yelled and swore, but she just clipped a dog leash a damn dog leash on to his collar and started to drag him out. His initial instinct had been to resist much as he wanted out of that cage. When he thought about it later, he realised that some survival instinct must have sub-consciously kicked in because a part of him deep down sensed that staying in the cage might prove to be the safer option.
Well that instinct hadn't wrong, hadn't it? Unfortunately, the bitch was a lot stronger than she appeared to be and dragged him out and onto the rough concrete floor with no apparent effort. He'd made to try and stand up, but her booted foot lashed out and caught him where he was already sore and tender. He'd screamed and collapsed writhing on the floor doubled in agony for a second time.
"Naughty dog" she seemed to say as she stood looking down on him, hands on hips the leash around her right wrist. "From now on boy, you sure had better get used to the view of the world from down there cos you ain't gonna get any other perspective period!"
"Chelsea" he'd croaked when he'd recovered enough to speak. "My fiancée, Chelsea, where is she? What have you done to her?"
The bitch, Tracey her name, was had just shrugged her shoulders. "Not my concern, boy. Last I saw of little miss prissy pants my pal Sonia was carrying her upstairs under one arm toward her bedroom" She smirked and then chuckled. "Don't need much imagination to work out what that big blonde dyke wants her in the bedroom for does it, boy?"
He'd gasped. "She's not like that!" he'd protested in horror. "She's not like that at all; she hates the gay scene and all that rainbow pride nonsense. It makes her feel sick!"
Tracey had laughed aloud at that. "That'll truly make Son's day then. Maybe I should take a mop and a couple of buckets up for her" she chuckled before going silent as she regarded him coldly. "But then again, why should I waste time. She's got her dolly to undress, and I got my pet to start housebreaking. Can you bark boy?"
Tracey had laughed again. "Never mind boy, let's start with the simple stuff first, eh. Let's see how well you can howl for me. C'mon mutt, move your butt" She'd kicked him in the ribs and started dragging him into the adjoining room toward a low padded leather bench covered with straps. He noted with horror that the walls were covered with whips and belts and all sorts of horrible looking things. Somehow up to now, he'd thought this was all some sort of horrible perverse game they'd got mixed up in by accident. As he looked around in growing terror, he realised it was perverse, very perverse but also that it was no game.
Tracy steered the van into the kerb just past the entrance and selected reverse gear not without some difficulty. "Fuck" she muttered, struggling to shift the lever into the gate, she always struggled with reverse for some reason. "Shut it!" she snarled at her grinning partner "and watch the bloody gate post on your side".
"Wouldn't dream of saying anything seeing as how you're having soooo much fun making graunching noises with the gearbox" Sonia laughed and wound down her window to see a little better. "OK, plenty of room my side" she added as Tracey backed the van through the entrance and then slowly up the driveway.
"Not too bad" Sonia admitted as her partner angrily yanked the hand brake and switched the ignition off. "Least you didn't scrape the bloody paintwork!".
"Yeah, well of course when you drive there are no distractions, no fucking dyke sat next to you groping her titchy femme all through the trip is there. Maybe next time I'll bring my dog!"
Sonia laughed as she opened the passenger door, paused to give Twinkle a big kiss on her forehead and fasten some of the buttons on the front of her dress then jumped down to join Tracey at the rear of the van.
Mrs Mason was already talking to Tracey by the open hatch doors to her cellar training facilities. Who did she remind her of? That woman in the Harry Potter books and films, the one who was briefly headmistress, the squat toad-like smarmy one with all the pictures of kittens and fluffy things. What was her name? Can't remember but so sickly sweet on the outside and so fucking evil on the inside, that was Mrs M to a tee.
"So nice to see you again, dear."
Yup Sonia thought. The gentle, sweet smile was masking the evil within. She shivered - poor old Dobson. Littler Twinkie might be disgusted at what was happening to her and would be happening to her for a long time to come, and so far they'd barely started on the fun and games that were in store for her. Disgusted and repulsed as she was her life would be a hundred no a thousand per cent better than that of her ex-beau poor wretch.
Ah, what the hell. Sonia shrugged it off. He was only a wanking bloody guy, so why give a fuck. Not her concern and if it kept Trace happy.....Anyway, the creep had intended to stick his fucking weeny dick into her little Twinkie hadn't he once the pair were spliced, or before more likely! Fucking pissers could never keep their dicks in their pants, could they? Well, he'd missed that particular boat. Her probing fingers had found that Madam's love gate was still intact and so she would be the one to burst that dam.
"You can count it if you want, I did twice."
Sonia shook herself, and brought her thoughts back to the present, delightful as the mental image of little Twinkie recoiling in horror from her owner's huge strap-on was she owed Tracey this one, didn't she? If it hadn't been for her sharp eyes, she wouldn't even have the little bitch to bust would she?
"Thank you dear" Mrs Mason said, taking the proffered brown envelope. "I trust you" She suddenly giggled and added. "Now I feel like one of those bad politicians you sometimes read about in the papers. I don't normally deal in cash, you know."
"You all set up and ready?" Sonia asked.
"Quite ready dear, my last guests, the pair you brought are coming along very well. Very well indeed so I now have surplus time to devote to what you want. Speaking of which have you decided? You were not sure when we spoke last"
Tracey laughed. "Sort of but let's get it downstairs and penned up first. I have an idea I wanna try just to make things interesting for it" She grinned broadly as the other two looked at her curiously.
"Big Ethel been busy again I see," Sonia remarked, looking over at the two creatures stalled side by side in the pony area. "That's gonna take some time" she observed nodding at the two partly tattooed ponies. Mrs Mason joined her.
"Yes, they will be here longer than originally envisaged, quite a lot longer in fact".
"That's gotta be bloody expensive Tracy" observed joining them. "Painful too I expect."
The three of them gazed at the two human ponies undergoing a harsh transformation from human being to animal under the less than tender conversion process Mrs Mason specialised in. These two, a young man and women harnessed, bridled, hoof booted with semi-shaved heads and Mohican centre cuts were also part way through a full body tattooing treatment. Large black and white patches were being applied via a tattooist's needle. Neither colour though hid the many whip marks that covered both helpless creatures.
"A pair of black and white pinto's "Mrs Mason commented. "The new owners are a French couple, actually came over to visit and see them. The first time that's ever happened to me, but this was an exception. I gather they will be contacting your boss for a few more additions, they plan on having a big stable eventually."
"Oh well, more work for us, I expect," Sonia said. "Another day another dollar and a trip to France would be very enjoyable."
"Isn't it harder these days with all the fuss over immigration?"
"S'not too bad," Sonia told her. "Easier going out of course than coming in but there are ways and means, way and means" She gave the squat woman a big wink.
Mrs Mason nodded then frowned and reached for a long-handled training whip. "Stand straight ponies. Stand tall, stand proud for me wretched animals unless you want me to skin your hides later" She barked and both ponies jumped and yelled into their bits as the end of the whip expertly flicked out to catch their rumps. They did, however, adjust their postures.
"These creatures were not all that well behaved when their new owners came to see them either. Not that it mattered. Madam....Madam H spent an enjoyable hour or so down here imposing her authority on them. I don't think they will give her too much trouble". Mrs Mason nodded towards the female whose breasts prominently jutting through her leather harness chest piece were covered in vicious raised whip weal's. "I am not quite...quite so enthusiastic and a lot more careful" she noted.
"They are going to be very pretty when they both get finished" Tracey observed.
"My two visitors certainly thought so. I showed them a painting I'd done a few years ago of one of my other projects. They liked that particular colourful filly. They decided on the spot to go down the same route and choose this colour scheme. Of course, it costs a lot more, and Ethel can only do so much at a time, but as you say, they will look so beautiful when finished."
"How much more would it cost?" Tracy asked thoughtfully and looked back to the pen they'd just put the terrified Dobby in.
Mrs Mason and Sonia also looked back. "Depends on what sort of scheme and how much work is involved," Mrs Mason told her. "I've told Ethel about the shiny black nose you wanted. No charge for that like I told you, she will do it while giving these two a bit of a breather. Would like me to get her to quote a few prices for you, spots, dalmatian, and so forth?
"Uh hu might as well go the whole hog while we're at it"'
"It can add considerably to the animal's value dear" Mrs Mason prompted her.
Sonia coughed politely. This was all very well, but little Twinkie was probably feeling lonely out in the van and looking at those poor dumb ponies had stirred her up. Yup, time to hit the road and head home so's she could give that reluctant little bitch another long tutorial in the glorious art of pussy licking!
"Well now Tracey, have you must make your decision before leaving," Mrs Mason told her as the three of them stood around the low cage looking down at the terrified youth cowering within. His horrified gaze was alternating between them, his surroundings and the two wretched creatures they'd just been looking at. Nor had he missed anything that was being discussed and with each word his terror had quickly mounted.
Tracy chuckled wickedly. "Not going to be up to me, ladies. This piece of excrement once went by the name Dobson, you know. Mister James Michael Winston Dobson but now, of course, it'll just have Dobby engraved on its collar tag and feeding bowls. You tell him, Mrs M, tell him what you told me. The dumb mutt can make his own choice" She laughed.
Mrs Mason stared at her for a moment then she too laughed. Sonia looked a little non-plussed from one to the other which added to Tracey's amusement.
"Alright, James" Mrs Mason said sweetly to the trapped youth. "Your owner here is being very nice to you, oh and by the way, that was the last time anyone will call you James as from now on you will be known as Dobbie. Dobbie the doggie how very appropriate" she paused and waved one hand towards a nearby wall covered with a variety of whips, crops, paddles, canes and sundry other unpleasant items.
"By now Dobbie boy I am sure you have had a good look at some of the tools of my trade, and soon you will be getting much better acquainted with them. I see from your hide that you already know how they bite. Well, believe me, I can make them bite far harder and more painfully than anything you have experienced to date, and what's more" she paused briefly for effect and to bend forward a little smiling cruelly. "I know how to achieve the maximum effect for the minimum damage so that you get to feel the effect every day. You are going to howl for me dog like you can not even begin to imagine."
Sonia laughed loudly and pointed "Look at the wimp, shaking already!"
Mrs Mason nodded approvingly. "Good, so, the wretch should and by tomorrow night I guarantee he will be shaking a lot more than that and merely at the thought of me entering this room never mind when I do come in. Now then Hobby...whoops I mean Dobby listen to me very carefully."
"Do as she tells you dog" Tracey growled.
"When your owner here spoke to me about your conversion, I gave her two basic choices. My job indeed my speciality is to take a useless piece of shit like you and methodically beat the humanity out of you. I will dehumanise you just as I have done with those two over there. I will turn you into an animal for your owners' pleasure and entertainment. That pair were two innocent backpackers on holiday. Now they are a matched pair of ponies shortly to enter a stable belonging to a very affluent couple in France. They will spend their lives living like the beasts they now are in bleak stalls, naked, harnessed, bitted, shitting where they stand, eating mush, and their only relief from absolute endless boredom will be the privilege of hauling their owner's carriage around the estate and feeling the whip kiss their helpless bodies! They, however, will at least remain upright on two feet whereas a dog like you..."
She paused for effect nodding as her victim shrank back to the rear of the cage just as all these foolish creatures did. Well, it would soon learn that there was no escape, not from the cage, from her or her domain nor from its future.
"Two choices" She affirmed. "I will turn you into an obedient dog, a big puppy dog that will do anything its owner commands without a second thought merely at the snap of her fingers. Anything. If she so much as points to a dog turd in the street you will sniff at it and then if she desires, gobble it down as though it were the best thing you have ever tasted" She paused to laugh. "It might even be the best thing you will have tasted for a while. I will bind you into a dog suit or other suitable restraints, and you will learn to walk on your knees and elbows, you will bark and whine and howl, but never again will you speak like a human. You will eat dog food from a bowl and lap water. You will cock your leg against a tree or similar to void and then only once a day when permitted. You will beg, roll over, fetch and chase sticks. You will sleep in a basket curled up. You will also learn to lick. To lick hard for that's the only human contact you will have from now on when you deep tongue your owner's cunt and ass or anything else she wishes to see you use your doggie tongue on. Your dick will be locked away. Maybe if you are a really good boy, you may be allowed to hump her leg or a cushion on rare occasions - or maybe if you piss her off she'll have you neutered!"
She stopped to look at Tracy. "That is always an option as well, you know. The procedure is not actually all that complicated".
Tracy shrugged. "Maybe, depends I suppose on how well it behaves. I think I'll pass on that for now, but I'll keep it in mind" She smiled evilly at the cowering youth.
"So, Dobbie like I said there are two ways I can do this. One I will do everything I have said, and I will change you but and it's a big but, I won't mess too much with your mind. You will be a dog in all but form, but a part of your mind will still be human, I will leave a small part of Mister James Michael Winston Dobson resident inside your head, but I warn you now if I do that you will suffer a lifetime of mental torment and anguish. Don't imagine for one moment that I am not capable of doing what I said! "
She paused again to allow her words to sink in. James Dobson stared at her in horror then from this frightening woman to the other two, but he saw no sympathy nothing but cruel amusement on Tracey's face, and bored indifference on her companions face, he turned back as Mrs Mason finished off.
"Choice two, which in many ways is the kinder. I will do everything I have promised, but in addition I will break your mind as well. It will be painful, much more painful than the first choice not that there won't be a great deal of pain with that choice as well. I will shatter your mind, and when I am finished, I will hand Tracey here a complete dog, a dog with no mind of its own, a dog no longer capable of independent rational thought outside of its bestial existence. I will make you into the complete animal, albeit probably a happier one."
"Kinder?" Sonia queried.
"Of course, kinder. Would you want to spend a lifetime grovelling down there in a puppy suit or in a stable like those two miserable creatures over there? They will go mad with boredom and misery long before old age starts to take its toll. Well dog, time to make that choice. Is it to be a softer introduction but a lifetime of conscious living hell or a vastly more painful introduction but then the bliss of just living a mindless day to day existence, living merely to please and enjoying all the little rewards that come your way? Time to choose boy, time to decide.
The van was well into the return trip. Tracey still in the driving seat and Sonia getting more and worked up as she mauled her reluctant little doll. Tracey was feeling the hots as well now thinking about what would be happening back at the house they'd just left now that the crate in the back was empty. No good looking to Sonia for some fun, she'd be out of the van with that squirming little bundle under one arm and up to her bedroom before she'd even got the fucking handbrake fully on.
Oh well, there was still Cutiepie to play with. Maybe she'd take the old bitch down to the playroom and give her a good dusting. Mmmm, when she thought about it, the bitch hadn't had a good thrashing for a while, and she had got a tad uppity of late. Nothing you could put a handle on but just a certain attitude that she didn't like. Yeah, a good beating that would get her juices flowing and then the bitch could stem the flood as she'd been trained to. Yeah.
Sonia broke off. She was getting way too hot and needed to cool it otherwise she'd spoil it for later. Anyway, if the little bitch thrashed about anymore, she might strain something, and that would be bad news for both of them. She lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply then turned to blow a cloud of smoke at her pet. Sheesh, the little madam hated that almost as much as the chewing gum. Now that was a new idea, take a deep drag and then clamp her mouth on those cute cupid lips and transfer the smoke. Now there was another humiliating little titbit to help break the little bitch in.
"Big Ethel's gonna charge you an arm and a leg you know?" Sonia observed blowing a long stream of smoke out through her nose.
"Yup, hope she's gonna charge for both arms and legs and all the other bits" Tracey laughed. "But he's gonna be so darn cute; I'm gonna have the biggest spotty dog in the whole fucking world!"
"Well, at least you'll save a bit on the dog suit. You made a good call the other week, worked out pretty damn well for both of us. You get your big spotty doggie, and I have my sexy little doll."
"Yup, not far now, bout another thirty minutes. Wanna stop and pick up a burger or a chinky takeaway or summit?"
Sonia considered. "Nah, I got an urge for something even tastier" she laughed "A very urgent hunger, maybe a sandwich later, much later" she added winking at the girl beside her. So why do you think he chose that one then?"
Tracy laughed "No idea, not much of a choice overall was it. Still, I was fair; it was his decision, not mine. "
Sonia nodded. "Yup, you were perfectly fair. Dobson's choice. Two choices but no choice at all. Yup, a real Hobson's choice! Oh, for fuck's sake put your foot down a bit gal."