Author's Note: Including an edited chapter one. This story is fiction. Attempting to recreate play based on the story could cause personal injury and should not be attempted. This read may not be for everyone, but I do hope if it's your cup of tea that you enjoy reading it.
This story is dedicated to K.M.M. and J.A.B. for giving me the inspiration to look past the darkness and rediscover my inner light.
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Chapter 1 - Awakenings
A faint sound began to become clearer as the fog from her mind began to dissipate. Initially it was distant but it began to gain sharpness and clarity. She blinked her eyes and was in a stupor, she fought to come to full consciousness as the medicated stupor, clinically referred to as Chemical Restraint, was slowly wearing off. "Can you hear me, Marie?" The therapist was working to awaken her latest patient, and was satisfied to see her eyes had began to blink.
Marie attempted to wipe her eyes with her right hand only to feel some resistance on, or specifically encircling her wrist. This startled her and she attempted to sit up in the bed only to find her body was unable to do so. "Wait, what, what's going on?" Marie said as she began to struggle against the Segufix medical restraints. The Therapist, a young athletic type with pale white skin, petite frame, roughly 5'10 in height with blue eyes and blondish brown hair that reached her lower back, stood at the right side of Marie at her waist part of the bed. "Hi Marie, I'm Kathleen, and I've been assigned to be your therapist during your stay here. "Here?" Marie chimed in. "Let me up right now!" She demanded her release as she continued to struggle against the restraints. Her face was a shade of dark crimson and her breathing had become erratic and on the point of hyperventilation.
"I'm sorry Marie, but I'm unable to do that at this time. Now if you can regain your composure and just focus on your breathing we can have a conversation. I'm sure you have questions." Marie processed what she had heard the therapist say and figured it might be a good idea to settle down. After all, she couldn't remember the time or events that led her to being admitted into what she had assumed to be a psychiatric hospital. "I'm so thirsty, and I have this crud in my eyes". Marie stated in a much calmer and somewhat resigned voice. She let her muscles relax as she stopped the struggling, and felt the softness of the bed against her body. "Okay," Kathleen replied, and then pressed the nurse call button which was attached to a point just above where Marie's right hand was positioned.
"While we are waiting for the nurse, I would like you to close your eyes and relax for me." Marie complied, and as her eyes had finished closing, Kathleen began to lead Marie in a guided breathing exercise. This was to facilitate incorporating a healthy amount of oxygen to her bloodstream and to focus her thoughts back to her breathing in order to calm her.
The nurse knocked on the door and announced herself as per hospital protocol. "Hello", she stated to both Kathleen and Marie as she entered the room. "What can I do for you, Marie?" The nurse asked with a smile and pleasant and fairly quiet voice. "I'm thirsty, and can you wipe this crud from my eyes?" "Absolutely", she replied. First she put on sterile disposable gloves and dampened a paper towel at the room sink, then returned to Marie and gently wiped her eyes clean. Marie felt the wetness of the wet paper towel brush her eyes and the relief at opening them to a clear field of vision. "I'll be back soon with some water, would you like crushed ice in it?" Marie looked up and nodded to the nurse. The nurse promptly left. Marie and Kathleen waited for the nurse to return. Marie's throat and mouth were parched. Kathleen figured she was experiencing dry mouth as a side effect of the chemical restraint medication.
The nurse returned with the much anticipated iced water. She sat the cup down on the mobile bed table and placed her foot on a pedal under the bed. This operated an electric motor that raised the bed from the waist portion up at a forty five degree angle. She then picked up the cup and maneuvered the straw into Marie's mouth. The water felt cold and refreshing flooding Marie's mouth and throat. With her vision cleared, Marie did a visual scan of her body to examine what exactly was holding her to the bed.
Her ankles each had a restraint cuff, white in color, roughly three inches in width, and about a half inch in thickness due to the padded lining. The cuffs were attached to the sides of the bed frame, and a strap was also secured from cuff to cuff ensuring that her feet could not move in any direction. Her feet were encased in fabric safety boots which ensured no kicking would be possible, and if so any kicks would be well insulated behind soft padding. Similar cuffs were attached just above her calves, around her thighs, above her elbows, and her wrists. A hip restraint belt four inches wide held her hips in place. A waist belt six inches wide secured her waist so that she was unable to roll on either side. She also noticed just how tight the belt felt on her natural waist as she preferred to wear her clothing around her hips. This belt was actually fastened all the way around her, (it resembled the shape of a corset), then tethers on each side were locked via Segufix locks in the corresponding grommets at the bed frame. Another two belts four inches wide were fastened under her bust, and one just above her bust and both straps went under her arms respectively. Two straps two inches wide ran from the center of her waist belt, in an X pattern over her shoulders, and attached to the head part of the bed frame, securing her shoulders. Her hands were covered in leather safety mitts that kept her hands in a flat position and made it impossible for her to make a fist, or bend her fingers at all. She noticed the off white plastic underwear with the puffy bulge underneath and the horror sank in that she was wearing an adult diaper with waterproof plastic underwear over them.The realization of that made her think of emptying her bowels and bladder.
"I really need to go to the bathroom", Marie stated in a calm voice. "No problem". Replied Kathleen. "We can talk while you go. My name is Kathleen, but you may call me Katie for short. Marie nodded in acknowledgment.I'll summon the nurse to clean you up and change you into a fresh diaper once you're finished." 'What?" exclaimed Marie. I'm not a baby, I can use a toilet ya know!" "I understand", replied the therapist, " However you are under physicians orders for a period of restraint for two hours once you awake. You will be reevaluated in about 90 minutes." Marie was exasperated, "You mean I have to go in this diaper?" "Afraid so", was Kathleen's reply. The feeling of being so vulnerable and humiliated sank in and Marie didn't quite know how to accept it. She didn't have to ponder the situation very long as her thoughts were interrupted by a set of strong stomach cramps and audible grumbling from her abdominal area. Kathleen heard the grumbling and commented, " You were given an intravenous injection of two 500 ml saline bags to replenish your fluids. Upon your arrival and admission to the ward you were quite dehydrated. The first bag was just saline solution, the second bag of saline was laced with 200 ml's of a medical grade high potency laxative. That was about six hours ago, so I imagine it's making it's way through your system now."
Marie began to feel the intensity of the abdominal cramps. Her brow began developing droplets of perspiration and she flexed her cramping abdominal muscles in a futile effort to hold back the building pressure in her bowels. The restraints denied her the ability to roll into the fetal position and kept her on her back.Heavy breathing, sweat drenching her face, it was all out combat on her part to not abase herself in front of this young looking millennial, who appeared to be much younger than herself. Kathleen gently took hold of her right gloved hand and looked innocently at Marie. "It's not going to do any good to fight the laxative. The sooner you let go, the quicker we can get you cleaned up and changed."
At first, she thought she might be able to pass some gas to relieve the abdominal pain while holding everything else back. She was wrong. As she attempted to pass gas, she felt an intense abdominal cramp that overwhelmed her and in that moment lost control of her bowel and bladder. She closed her eyes and made a futile attempt to stop the flow, but the floodgates were activated and she realized she was too late. The cramps forced contractions in her abdomen that ensured she emptied her bladder and bowels into the Albena L-4 super absorbency brief meant to be used for heavy incontinence. The flow from her into the diaper seemed to go on and on. She decided to give into the cramps and empty whatever was left inside of her. From her seat, Katie could see a very distinct filling out of the shape under the plastic diaper cover. It was quite obvious that Marie delivered the proverbial "pant load" into the diaper. Katie's olfactory lobes also detected the smell of fresh feces in the air. She removed a can of air freshener from the service counter and sprayed it lightly directly onto the front of the plastic diaper cover to alleviate the unpleasant odor.
"Now see, feels better doesn't it?" Marie looked at her with tears streamed down her cheeks in utter humiliation. "Can you call the Nurse now?", she asked with a quivering voice."We'll get to that in a bit. Regulations here require diaper changes every two hours. You're next change actually coincides with the restraint order reevaluation. It may be possible for you to be let up from the bed and go to the restroom yourself to clean up." Marie became wide eyed. "But you said you would call right away!" Katie interjected, "I apologize, but I needed you to relieve yourself so we can focus on talking before your restraint reevaluation." Marie was aghast, she couldn't fathom lying in her own mess for another hour and a half. She felt it all around her front and back. She could see the bulkiness of the plastic diaper cover and wondered to herself just how in the hell could any diaper hold so much.
Her thoughts were interrupted by Katie. "Marie, do you know why you are here?" Marie closed her eyes and tried to remember the events leading up to this moment. She remembered the panic attack overwhelming her, and the subsequent fight or flight mode she went into. She was at her mental health outpatient appointment at the Veteran's Affairs hospital in Palo Alto, California. Marie had become increasingly frustrated at the egregious levels of absolute incompetence displayed by several staff she had interacted with. It was as if a volcano inside of her erupted with the veracity of Mt. Vesuvius destroying the city of Pompeii.
She remembered the smart-assed comment made by the mental health case manager. That was the last straw, and that acted like the firing pin going off in a fully loaded M-60 machine gun. Marie remembered her left fist connecting with that case manager's jawline. She remembered throwing an office chair at one of the VA police officers who had been reaching his right hand down to unholster a taser. She remembered taking the night stick from his duty belt and beating several more officers and mental health staff to the floor. She remembered running to the parking lot and getting into her car, and driving out of the parking lot onto Miranda Avenue. She remembered a loud sound, then darkness. After sharing this with Katie, she looked over at the therapist and said that was all she remembered.
"Well, that's a starting point, Marie. Do you know what the loud sound was?" Marie thought back and was not able to place the sound. "No, I don't know what it was", she replied to Katie. A knock interrupted them. "Hello everyone, I'm Dr. Kelly". Katie stood up and the two shook hands. "I'm Katie, I've been assigned as Marie's therapist while she is here". "Great", Dr. Kelly replied.
Looking down at Marie, he stated, "I'm a staff psychiatrist." I'm here to conduct your safety evaluation for removal or continued restraints. Marie if you will excuse us, I need to confer with your therapist in the hallway in order to make my assessment." Katie looked down at Marie, "I'll be back in two days to meet with you again, Marie." She smiled, and gently touched Marie's right gloved hand, then followed the doctor into the hallway. The door to her room was closed.
Marie looked around the room. It fit the bill of a standard hospital room. There were, however, no windows or television in her room. The walls were a dull off white color and there were florescent ceiling lights for illumination. There were two padded chairs in her room, a sink with a service counter, and the standard small table on wheels which could be positioned over her while in bed for her meal tray to rest on. Aside from the low humming of the lights above, the room was very quiet. There were no clocks or calendars anywhere in the room, so Marie had no sense of time. Her thoughts returned to her stomach as a few cramps returned.She decided to just expel whatever she could in an attempt to alleviate the cramping. Surprisingly, a large volume of solid material was released from her bowels this time. The plastic pant took on an unsightly bulging like that of an overinflated basketball. Marie didn't care, it felt so good to let it all out and relieve the cramping. Once the cramping stopped, she relaxed her body and tried to ignore the fresh beads of perspiration coating her face and neck. It felt like an eternity waiting for the doctor to finish his conversation with her therapist and return to her.
Chapter 2 - Commitment
She heard a knock again, and Dr. Kelly announced himself before entering the room. Per hospital policy he was accompanied by the same nurse who Marie had met earlier. Upon entering the room he observed the smell radiating from Marie's diaper. "Mind if we sit down, Marie?" She looked up at him, in utter humiliation, and quietly said, "no, please do". Dr. Kelly was holding her medial chart in his lap as he sat on the chair on her right side, her nurse taking the chair on her left side of the bed.
"I understand you've had quite an eventful experience in the last day or so. I want you to know that my staff and I are here to help you in any way we can in making a recovery from what has happened." He continued on, "I have been advised by local law enforcement that no charges are being brought against you as the authorities feel this is a mental health matter and not a criminal one." Marie felt relief at that statement, but also wondered what it all meant.
Dr. Kelly continued on, "However, Marie, the court system has issued a lawful order for your involuntary commitment to this facility for treatment. The normal course of inpatient treatment is typically one to two weeks. I have conferred with your care team at the VA, and they have informed me that you have an aggressive form of mental illness that has not successfully been treated with medications or outpatient therapy. I also understand you have had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations in the past. Based on that criteria, the court system has issued an indefinite and open commitment order. Additionally, we have an open ended authorization to utilize restraints for the duration at our discretion. At this time it is felt that you pose a great danger to not only yourself, but to others." Marie was terrified, her heart sank and she felt confused by it all.
"I know that there is a lot to process right now, and that you may be feeling overwhelmed. I think it would be best to have nurse Johnson here get you cleaned up, fed, and situated for the afternoon. Let's gt you rested up and we can continue our work tomorrow." He looked at Marie, "Will you cooperate with the staff and be on your best behavior tonight?" She nodded in response. "Does this mean I don't have to be restrained anymore, Dr. Kelly?" He looked down into her chart for a moment, and then fixed his gaze back to Marie. "According to your chart you currently have a 48 hour restraint order with two hour checks for toileting and subsequent meal periods." Marie knew there was no point in arguing, so she just nodded in resignation. Dr. Kelly said goodbye for the day and left the room.
The rest of the afternoon was fairly uneventful for Marie. Nurse Johnson changed her diaper and tended to her hygiene. She was hand fed her lunch meal by the nurse. All seemed calm for the most part. Marie felt refreshed by the food in her belly. One thing though, she definitely felt the pressure around her waist from the tight abdominal belt and the expansion of her belly from the meal.Exhausted on all accounts, she told the nurse that she felt wiped out. Nurse Johnson asked if she would like to wear some noise canceling headphones with something soothing to listen to through them. Marie replied yes, and thanked the nurse for offering. Too exhausted to fully comprehend what was happening today, Marie welcomed the thought of being lulled into a peaceful slumber.
Nurse Johnson returned to the room with a pair of large padded noise canceling headphones and a tablet style computer. She opened the YouTube app on the tablet and recalled a well known guided meditation for sleep video. It was an A.S.M.R., (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response), style whispering video with soft binaural music in the background. Within several minutes of the video, Marie was fast asleep.
It was a scheduled after lunch meeting between Dr. Kelly and Marie's therapist. As one pm. approached, Katie knocked on his office door. "Hi Doc, ready for our meeting?" "Of course, please come in", he replied. As she sat down across from his desk, she heard him begin the meeting. "We've really got our hands full with this one, don't we?" She nodded back in reply. "Indeed, and it seems like conventional treatment is not working." "Suggestions", he asked while thumbing through Marie's chart and medical notes.
Katie took a moment to digest the question, then replied. "I think a permanent involuntary order is warranted, Dr. Kelly. I really don't see any real recovery which would make her safe as an outpatient." Dr. Kelly thought about her words and sat back into his ergonomically friendly, high backed leather chair. He took a moment to interlock his tired fingers then inverted them to crack his knuckles. "I agree, thank you for your feedback Katie. I'll get the paperwork started, and meet with our treatment committee to determine the appropriate course of inpatient treatment. I am assigning you as her primary therapist. I think meeting with her once a week will be sufficient, if you agree." Katie nodded in agreement. "I'll be back in two days, that's Friday. I'm typically at this facility every Friday so seeing her every week is not any concern to me. I may need to adjust my times seeing her based on my schedule at times." Dr. Kelly nodded, "Of course, we will schedule her with you every Friday, time of sessions will be left to your discretion and availability." Katie nodded in approval. "Sounds fine by me, Dr. Kelly. I'll pencil her in for this Friday at....oh I'm pretty packed this Friday. Hmm, well I can come in late, say 8:00 p.m.?" Dr. Kelly replied, "That will be fine, we can work together and make the scheduling work for you. After all, Marie isn't going anywhere for the foreseeable future."
Chapter 3 - Boredom
It was around five that evening when the nurse walked into Marie's room. Marie was still in a peaceful slumber, the nurse noticed. She gently removed the headphones from Marie. "Marie", she said as she had gently touched Marie's right shoulder. Marie opened her eyes to see the nurse standing at her right side mid bed. "It's time for your dinner." There was a dinner tray on her table, and it was a standard bland hospital meal. Unseasoned baked skinless chicken thigh, brown rice, and steamed broccoli. Desert was a bowl of green jello, and there was a carton of two percent white milk and a cup of water next to the jello.
That was how the next forty eight hours went. Feeding of meals, diaper changes, blood circulation checks and ensuring the inflating massage pads encircling her calves were working, as to prevent DVT, (Deep Vein Thrombosis), or more commonly referred to as blood clots), restraint lock checks, bed baths, sleep, boredom, and a general state of uncertainty in her mind. Marie's normal psych medications were augmented now with the additional Haldol, administered several times daily to keep her mildly sedated, and in an overall state of lucidness. She decided at the next dosage, to hide the Haldol pill under her tongue. She wanted her mental and physical faculties back. She needed to think of a way to get out of the bed, then ultimately out of this hospital.
It was Friday morning when she was awakened by her nurse. First was her diaper change and hygiene, bed bath, breakfast, and a check in with Dr. Kelly. He knocked on her door as the nurse was adjusting her restraints and performing her limb circulation checks. "Hi Marie", he stated as he walked in and seated himself in the right side chair. "How are you feeling today?" "I'm feeling okay", she replied. "I have a treatment plan prepared and am ready to go over it with you. I have confirmed with my staff and the Judge who issued your commitment order. We have agreed that it will be best for you to remain here indefinitely while we provide you with new cutting edge treatment options to help you." Over my dead body, Marie thought with a solid poker face."Okay", she said calmly. Can I be let up from this bed now?" Dr. Kelly thought about her question. He looked over her chart and notes, seeing there were no recorded instances of unruly conduct on her part. "Yes, Marie, I think we can remove the restraints and show you to your new room. Luckily you will be provided your own room and we will strive to make your stay as comfortable as possible while you're here."
"That's good news, Dr., Thank you", she replied. "I'll have a few of the staff come in and we can get you moved to your room and go over your daily schedule, including your individual and group therapy schedules as well as the recreational activities on the ward. Your behavior will influence the course of treatment you receive." Marie nodded in acknowledgment. Dr. Kelly removed a circular magnetic Segufix key from the right pocket of his white lab coat and began removing the restraints. It took about ten minutes before Marie was able to stand. She sat up slowly with the assistance of her nurse.
Unbeknownst to the staff, Marie had foregone her last six Haldol dosages and was more alert and oriented than she let on to them. About that time two more female nurses entered the room. Dr. Kelly excused himself and left promptly onto see his next patient. The lead nurse, Gloria Thompson, introduced herself and the other nurse, Candace, to Marie. As she began to tell Marie the plan to get set up in her new room, Marie made her move. She dropped to the floor and executed a leg sweep on Gloria with her left leg. Gloria went down instantly. While still down, Marie brought up her left heel and connected it to Gloria's nose, rendering the nurse unconscious. Marie rolled over between Candace's legs and brought her left fist up and hit Candace behind her right knee effectively throwing the nurse off balance. Candace lost her footing and fell forward. Her chin connected onto the bed's metal bars as she went down, turning her lights off. The third nurse ran out of the room to summon help.
Marie expedited her departure from the room, and made her way to the nursing station where she proceed to hand down one of the most epic ass beatings that the members of that nursing staff ever experienced. Grabbing a key chain off one of the incapacitated charge nurses, she made her way to the door to make her escape. As she was maneuvering the keys and trying to locate the one which corresponded with the door's deadbolt lock, she felt something sharp pierce through her shirt and stab her in the back, like a needle during an injection. The next sensation she felt was a large surge of electricity that sent waves of excruciating pain through her body and making her lose control of her balance. The key chain and keys hit the cold tiled over concrete floor about the same time as she did. Everything went dark for Marie at that point. The hospital security officer approached her first. After assessing her condition and applying a set of leather medical wrist cuffs behind her back, he gave the other staff the all clear as he removed the tip of the taser from Marie's mid back.
Chapter 4 - Change of Treatment
Dr. Kelly had just hung up the phone when he heard a knock outside his office door. "Come in", he replied to the knock. The entering person was Brenda Lawson, the executive director of the hospital's psychiatric department. "Dr. Kelly", she said as she took her seat. "We have had a disturbance on the ward. A patient attempted to escape, injuring several staff members. The escape was stopped when a security officer tased the patient before she could elope the ward." "Who was the patient?" After asking her the question, Dr. Kelly took up his coffee cup and sipped the hot and rancid brewed coffee as he was feeling the post lunch sleepiness, and regretting eating the heavy pasta meal thirty minutes ago.
"It was Marie, our newest admission. We were warned that she is a military veteran and could be dangerous. I want to reevaluate the treatment program and discuss a clandestine experimental program that only a few staff are involved with. The program deals with the patients who are identified as permanently hospitalized with the most aggressive forms of severe mental illnesses. I will need you for the rest of today, to familiarize you with the program and staff, if you're interested." This peaked his interest, and Dr. Kelly picked up the receiver to the phone and called his secretary. "Ms. Davidson, this is Dr. Kelley. Please hold all calls, visitors, and clear my appointment calendar for the remainder of today."
The psych ward has several wings, one of which was out of eye shot to everyone except those who were a part of the special treatment program, and the few patients restricted there. The program was made possible by the generous liberal citizens of California who happily voted "yes" on ballot measures that placed taxes of luxury items that in turn financially supported this research treatment program. Many citizens gleefully supported the idea that every person deserves the best care, especially the mentally ill. Little did those voters know that much of that money was going into experimental research for this particular program. Several designated hospitals in the state were participating.
As Mrs. Lawson and Dr. Kelly approached the entry to the ward, a security officer stationed at the entrance checked their photo identifications then preceded to open the door, and close and lock it behind them while remaining outside at his post. "What you're about to see is strictly classified by both the hospital, as well as the state board of behavioral health, and the few companies which are developing products for this research program." Dr. Kelly nodded in acknowledgment as they continued walking to the charge nurse station in the center of the ward. Introductions were made and Dr. Kelly was given a tour of the ward, and information as to how several of the current patients were being treated by the experimental treatment approaches. "Dr. Kelly, would you be willing to sign the treatment order to place Marie in this program?" Without so much as a seconds hesitation, he gave Mrs. Lawson the answer that she was looking for.
Marie awoke in another Haldol stupor. Her vision was slowly defogging as she began to orientate herself, She was sitting in a wheelchair inside of a heavily padded room. She was wearing thick padded booties which were locked onto her at the ankles with heavy duty keyed locks. Her ankles were in restraints (on the outside of the heavy canvas pant legs), which were attached to the side bar holding the foot rest pedals. There was a thick four inch wide leather restraint belt tightly holding her hips down to the chair. A similar belt was tightly fastened around her waist and locked together behind the wheelchair's back rest and over the top of her straight jacket. Her arms were tightly hugging her under the pressure and weight of the heavy duty canvas straight jacket. Another wide belt ran over her chest and under her arms to the back of the chair. Her outfit was meant as a punishment garment. She had on another thick adult diaper, this one including several soaker panels inside of it, covered in thick latex plastic pants that resembled a high waisted, long leg girdle. It had solid metal boning running up and down the waist panel to reinforce the body's natural hourglass. It was a very thick garment that cinched her waist so tightly that Marie had to focus on her breathing in order to not hyperventilate under the garments pressure loads on her highly compressed waist. The garment fit like a second skin and she could feel the sweat collecting around her waist and thighs. The canvas pants were triple layered, and had steel stays running down the inside and outside of the leg portions. There were adjustment knobs at the knees which, when adjusted, could lock the pants into a sitting or standing position leaving the wearer unable to bend their legs. The knees were locked as so Marie could not straighten her legs, forcing her to remain seated even without the restraints across her body.
The waist portion of the pants had wide belt loops, of which were definitely put to use with Marie. There was a three inch wide, one inch thick brown leather belt threaded through the belt loops. The belt had been fastened tightly with the buckle at the center of her her back, and positioned around her natural waist. Earlier while Marie was sedated and asleep, two very strong orderlies had positioned her on her stomach on the the floor and drew the belt as tightly as they could, forcing her waist down from a natural 42 inches to a 38 inch measurement. (Marie had been diagnosed as being overweight by Dr. Kelly, so a plan was in place to reduce the waistline and her overall size). Once the belt was buckled behind her, a nurse placed a padlock through a built in locking loop and locked the belt into place. There was no way Marie could get to the belt, especially once the straight jacket was applied over the pants. The straight jacket had six buckles in the rear, and all six buckles were secured with a small padlock. Marie was effectively restrained, and her poor waist was begging to be released from it's tight confinements. Her canvas covered body was soaked in heavy perspiration.
She looked around the room. A small window in the front door at about chest level meant she could not see outside. She felt helpless and terrified that her escape attempt failed. She figured that she would be in for some bad ju ju at this point. Her thoughts were interrupted by cramping in her stomach. She decided this time to just try to go to the bathroom. Resignation turned to fear when she realized that something was up inside her backside. She tried to adjust herself in the chair and as she made a slight movement with her bottom and she felt it again. It felt like a large object was inside her. She strained to expel the contents of her bowels to relieve the cramping. To her horror the large rubber butt plug was not coming out of her, neither was anything else. The cramps in her abdomen intensified, and were aggravated more by the relentless compression around her poor belly. Marie tried to summon anyone, however, the four inch inflatable penis gag filling her mouth and throat prevented any such verbal requests from being heard. All she could do was wait, in silent agony.
Chapter 5 - Transfer and New Beginnings
Nightfall was quickly approaching on this Friday evening. As Katie entered the administrative office to meet with Dr, Kelly she was informed of the change of treatment plans. "I would like for you to accompany me to the ward she is at, but I must demand you keep this all confidential. Tonight she will be prepared for bed, and I would like you to see what that involves. You can resume therapy with her next week." Katie smiled, then enthusiastically nodded in agreement. "Okay then, Shall we?", Dr. Kelly led Katie down the corridor to the adjacent ward where they would see Marie. As they walked the corridor, Dr. Kelly brought her up to speed on the events leading to Marie being placed in this program.
Two well built orderlies entered the room and looked down sternly at Marie. She was unsure what to expect, but hoping they would at least unbuckle the harness around her head and remove the offending gag from her mouth. No such luck would happen. Instead, one orderly held the door open while the other one wheeled Marie out of the room and down the hallway to what would be her permanent room. As the wheelchair turned and was pushed inside the room, Marie saw several people seated and standing in the room. She recognized only Dr. Kelly and Katie. The others were new faces.
The room itself was much larger than she expected to see. It was at least the size of three standard hospital rooms. There were pieces of specialized furniture and other apparatuses in the room that she was unfamiliar with. There were no windows, and the walls and inside door were completely white in color. There were various fixtures and rings mounted at places on the walls which made no sense to Marie. The floor was a gray colored concrete, as was the ceiling. She noticed what appeared to be a wench style apparatus mounted into the center ceiling in between the florescent light panels.
Her attention to the room's details was interrupted. "Marie, I'm Mrs. Lawson". I'm the director of the psychiatric unit and am here to explain what is going to be your life from now on. I have in my hand here, a court order that states that you are to be permanently confined to this hospital. Furthermore, since you pose a significant threat to yourself and to the safety of others, and seem resistant to current treatments types, we have received court approval to place you in a new research treatment program. This program allows the staff to utilize necessary means to permanently and effectively restrict your ability to harm yourself or others anymore".
Marie was dumbfounded. She looked around at the faces examining hers. Mrs. Lawson signaled three nearby nurses who were rather built in stature. Her Haldol stupor, and the stringent restraints she had been placed into prevented her from fighting, so she realized her surrender was attained by them. "Now Marie, this is Jenna, Alexis,and Suzanne. They will be assisting with your nightly bedtime routine. Be advised that Jenna was an all star wrestler in high school and college, and Suzanne holds a black belt in Aikido. It is now seven pm, and this will be the time we begin to prepare you for bed. This court order stipulates that during the hours of nine pm to seven am you must be locked to your bed in restraints". This evening ten hour restraint period will be enforced every evening from now on, and for the rest of your life".
"We first need to get you into your sleep attire before we get you to bed". She nodded to the nurses who began removing her restraints from the wheelchair. Marie was stood up and the wheelchair was moved to a corner of the room. Two nurses held her at her sides while Alexis removed her straight jacket, pants, latex underwear and the diaper. Next, Marie was taken to an adjacent corner where a standard sized toilet was positioned. Alexis removed the butt plug then quickly had the other two nurses sit her down on the toilet. Marie looked back at the room full of people who all had eyes on her. She felt so vulnerable and humiliated. Her bowels were not shy as they released the previously trapped contents in a violent series of evacuations. While she was seated the booties were removed from her feet. The only item left on her body was the obscenely penis shaped dildo gag in her throat. "Marie", Jenna spoke, 'If we remove the gag will you behave?" Marie nodded in resignation, and still feeling lucid from the Haldol running through her system. Jenna unlocked, then removed the gag. Marie gagged as the phallus left her mouth, and took a deep series of breaths.
After emptying her bowels, she was stood up by Alexis and Jenna, while Suzanne used a few wet wipes to cleanse her bottom. There was a small shower in one corner of the room. Marie was permitted to take a brief hot shower and soap herself down. The shower curtain was clear and see through. She felt many eyes upon her while cleaning up. After stepping out of he shower, Jenna and Alexis dried her off while Suzanne ran a blow dryer through her red hair. Next Jenna applied a non talcum based baby powder under the folds of Marie's breasts, her belly fold, and in her crotch area.
The three nurses led Marie to the center of the room while everyone else watched on. Jenna applied thick leather restraint cuffs to Marie's ankles while Alexis applied similar ones to Marie's wrists. Suzanne was holding a metal box roughly the size of a small tablet. It was a controller to the ceiling wench. She lowered the cable holding a long bar, three feet in length, with D rings at each end.
Next Jenna and Alexis each took one of Marie's wrists. They each took a padlock and locked the cuffs to the corresponding D rings. This put Marie's arms at a spread eagle position. The bar was then raised by Suzanne to the point Marie's arms were overhead and held so she was unable to bend her elbows.
Jenna continued on. "Okay, now we will be installing a lockable type belt". "The locks are internal and spring loaded". The only way this belt can be both put on or removed is with this machine, and a special key". She pointed to a small mechanical driven device meant to be worn over the belt during it's installation or removal. The belt was a very formidable looking device. It's interior was lined with neoprene rubber, then a layer of stainless steel formed the exterior, and the integrated locks sat inside the steel's construction. It was three inches tall, and it would centered directly over Marie's belly button when worn. There was no way to access the locks, except for a special key that had to be inserted into the back of the belt as the machine put pressure on the belt to take the tension off of the locks. It was a two person operation for sure. "This belt is meant for continuous wear. It has special adapters that allow soapy water, warm air, and powder to be blown inside it to maintain Marie's skin underneath". We have a supply of these on hand, and can quickly customize the size per patient. Earlier, we adjusted this belt for Marie's specifications". She continued on, "Her natural waist is forty two inches, and she is significantly overweight". This particular belt is designed to be tightened down to a waist reduction of thirty two inches. Once Marie loses some weight, and we are able to close this belt, we will replace it with another that will reduce her down to twenty two inches. Our long term goal is to reduce Marie's waist down to eighteen inches. Once we attain that measurement, most likely between three to five years from now, we will keep her waist locked at eighteen inches for the remainder of her life. This restraint will help with weight loss and also assist in permanently restricting her ability to move quickly".
With that said, Alexis placed the open belt on the floor and instructed Marie to place her feet inside of it. The belt had no buckles to open it by. The internal locking mechanisms were fully opened to a circumference just slightly larger than Marie's hips. Once she stepped inside of it, Jenna and Alexis pulled the belt up around her waist. Then on cue Suzanne placed the belt apparatus over the belt and began the tightening sequence. The motor turning the tightening wench was slightly loud, Once enough slack was removed for the belt to sit comfortably around Marie's natural waist, Jenna and Alexis stepped back to give the group a better view. Suzanne began tightening the belt again. A tape measure was produced and Jenna took a measurement around Marie's waist. There had been a one inch reduction.
Next, Jenna picked up the control box to the overhead wench. She began raising Marie until her feet were off the floor with only her toes touching. "This will stretch Marie's spine out and also exhaust her abdominal wall muscles. By fatiguing her abdominal muscles to the point of muscle failure we can be assured that Marie will have no ability to flex her abs, thus she will be unable to resist the tightening procedure. Suzanne ran padlocks from Marie's ankle cuffs to an adjustable spreader bar. Next Suzanne adjusted the spreader bar so that Marie's feet were spread out at shoulders length. This caused her toes to lose contact with the ground. Next Alexis applied a chest harness to Marie which attached to the overhead bar. She took up the slack, thus putting Marie's body weight on her upper chest harness and taking the strain of her weight away from her wrists.
"We will let her be for about twenty minutes while her abdominal muscles go into muscle failure. Then we can adjust the belt without any resistance from her", Jenna commented to the group. The group stepped out for a twenty minute break. After all, Marie was not going anywhere. As the group left she began to notice how her back was stretching and it actually felt good getting the pressure off of her bulging disks. Her attention was redirected to Katie, who remained in the room. She took a seat in a chair facing Marie. "Hello, Marie, since were alone I thought we might talk for a few moments. I apologize for your therapy session being canceled tonight. It was brought to my attention about your attempt to leave earlier and your admission to this treatment program. I am still planning on providing you therapy on Fridays. We have a few minutes alone, would you like to talk?"
Marie looked over toward her, "Okay, but I'm not too sure what to talk about. To be honest, being nude in front of all of you is making me feel so vulnerable and quite humiliated." "I understand what you're saying", Katie replied, "and you should know that we are all professionals. We will not judge or ridicule you, that's not in our roles here."Marie began to feel the muscles along her abdominal wall begin to stretch. She began flexing her stomach muscles in hopes of alleviating the pulling sensations on her abdominal wall. Soon after that, she began breathing heavily and droplets of perspiration began to form on her brow. "I'm not sure I can have a conversation like this, my stomach muscles are getting really sore and it's getting harder for me to talk." "I understand, Marie." Katie stood up and walked over to her. "I'm going to take a break myself, but I'll be back with the others soon." With that, she left Marie alone in the room.
Minutes seemed to drag on as Marie struggled in her bonds. Her body was coated in perspiration and her stomach muscles were completely exhausted. The group finally returned after what seemed like an eternity to Marie. "Please", she gasped in short breaths, Please let me down now." Jenna walked up to her while Alexis and Suzanne followed. The others took a seat or stood along the rear wall facing out toward Marie. Jenna was holding a two inch ball gag which she quickly applied to Marie. The ball filled Marie's mouth and held her jaws wide open. Turning to face the group she starting speaking. "Okay, so Suzanne is going to continue tightening Marie's belt. Dr. Kelly, I believe you ordered a six inch reduction to start, correct?" A nod came from the back of the room from the doctor. "Okay then, well we have taken her in by one inch already, and without her having any ability to flex her abdominal muscles we will be able to proceed unimpeded. The gag is for all your benefit as to not hear her expected protests to the tightening process." Jenna nodded toward Suzanne, and she resumed the belt tightening process.
Marie didn't notice the compression much at first. It was the metallic clicks from inside the belt that grabbed her attention, and she remembered what was said about the belt not being taken off without the equipment and staff. Her stomach sank, and the reality of her predicament set in. She attempted a futile attempt at a struggle, but her abdominal muscles quickly faded out and she was forced to hang limply as her waist continued to shrink before her eyes. Jenna signaled Suzanne to stop. She then stepped forward with the sewing tape to take a measurement. Three and a half inches were taken in. "Okay Marie, were a little over halfway there." Marie continued grunting through the gag. Suzanne again resumed the tightening device and the compression continued. The pressure began to feel unbearable to her, yet it was not painful. She gasped in short breaths more in fear than anything else. She could feel the neoprene lining getting warm and incredibly tight as her belly fat being was being pushed above and below the belt as it continued it's relentless compression encircling her waist.
At the point she thought she could take no more, Jenna had Suzanne stop the machine so she could take another measurement. "We're at four and three quarter inches." Marie couldn't believe that they were not done. She closed her eyes and tried to flex her abdominal muscles to make it all stop. There was no response with her muscles, and Marie knew at that moment she was truly helpless and unable to beg them to stop. Jenna stopped the tightening process to again check the measurement around Marie's waist. "Dr. Kelly, were at 35.5 inches. That puts us at a half inch tighter than the six inches you ordered. Should we reverse the process or just stop here?" Dr. Kelly walked across the room and looked at Marie. He looked back at Jenna. "Marie has a considerable amount of belly fat, so a half inch really won't matter that much. Let's keep her at this measurement for tonight." Jenna nodded at him in acknowledgment.
The time was now seven forty five pm, and the crew had an hour and fifteen minutes to finish Marie's preparations for bed. Marie was lowered to the floor and the ankle and wrist cuffs, along with the chest harness, and ball gag were removed. Next, Jenna stepped forward with an adult diaper not sen before by Marie. She turned to everyone else, holding out the unfolded diaper and said, "This adult diaper is an experimental model that we are testing for a company specializing in geriatric incontinence products. " It's exterior was a light pink in color, with a white decorative belt, more about that later. "It is designed to be worn for as long as eight hours before needing to be changed". Jenna walked over to the counter adjacent to the sink and picked up a standard overnight protection diaper to show them a comparison between the two. The experimental diaper looked like it could hold the material of at least four of the other standard diapers. It held eight inches of absorbent material inside, and contained a watertight exterior that could be used with or without a pair of diaper cover panties. "We are going to conduct long term testing with Marie with this experimental diaper to test it's effectiveness, and test it's design limits, in order to make suggestions or give feedback to the company that designed them. In exchange, the company has provided a non expiry contract for their diapers".
With that said, Jenna turned back to Marie and placed the diaper between her legs, then pulling up the front and back panels up over her tummy and lower back. The bulk of the diaper pushed Marie's legs apart and had her standing in a bull legged fashion. She would not be able to walk, but rather waddle in these. Alexis stepped over to assist in holding the diaper against Marie's body. The diaper did not have the traditional side fastening pull tabs one would associate with a diaper. Instead, Jenna produced a small bottle of a plastic friendly adhesive and began coating the outside portion of the side front panel with it using a disposable foam brush. Another property of the adhesive is that it created a watertight seal. It is non toxic if applied to the skin, and can only be be safely removed with a special solution. Next, Alexis took the corresponding rear panel and folded it over the front panel and smoothed out the two. This adhesive worked quickly and the same step was performed on Marie's other side.
The diaper was held firmly to her body, even while she was in a standing position. Thanks to the newly formed waistline, the diaper had a figure it could grip and adhere to. The waistband ended in a circumference about an inch and a half above Marie's belt. These diapers were belted, and a one inch plastic decorative disposable belt was fastened.Jenna then took the disposable one inch foam brush and soaked it in the adhesive. She flipped the top of the waist band down on all sides of the diaper, and applied a generous coat of the adhesive on the inside of the waistband before flipping the material back over and smoothing it out against Marie's skin. This made a complete watertight seal at the top portion of her diaper. It also concealed Marie's belt from her. Jenna repeated the same step with the insides of the leg bands. This effectively sealed off the diaper from any leaks from Marie. For good measure, a heavy grade pair of rubber girdle underwear similar to the pair she wore earlier was put on over the diaper. The rubber girdle legs went to Marie's lower thighs ending just above her knee. The waist band was reinforced with the steel stays, and the garment was a waist size of 34 inches, creating a very tight fit. The waist itself had a three inch pipe stem shape formed from the steel waist stays so it would fit snugly over Marie's compressed waist. The same adhesive was used to seal this garment over her diaper at the top and the legs in a similar manner as her diaper was sealed to her. There was a very significant waist reduction, and the very bulky diaper was held firmly in place, and completely watertight.
As she was performing the task, Jenna was explaining the steps and purpose of the adhesive to the group. Katie chimed in to ask Jenna a question. "So, does the adhesive make it totally waterproof, and tamper proof"? Jenna gave her an affirming nod as she looked over her work one more time before continuing on to the next step. "Well what about the belt underneath it? I mean, it'll get covered in her waste won't it?" Jenna looked over to Katie, "The belt is made of stainless steel and neoprene rubber, both are easily cleanable and the steel is rust resistant." Katie nodded at Jenna and gave a playful thumbs up gesture.
Jenna informed the group that Marie would wear this type of diaper every night, for the rest of her life.As no changes were warranted through the night, it would provide a significant cost savings for the hospital, and make her court ordered eight hour sleep restraint period possible to be uninterrupted due to not needing to change a diaper. It also made possible the permanent belt restraint application.
The realization of that churned the contents of Marie's tummy. All at once her abdomen contracted and she abruptly emptied the contents of her stomach out of her mouth and onto the floor below. She began sobbing and asking to be let out of the belt and diaper. As a custodial engineer was summoned to mop up the mess, the nurses took sides around Marie. The spoke softly to her and Alexis walked behind her then put her arms snugly around the front of Marie's tummy to give her a calming hug while Jenna and Suzanne spoke softly to her offering assurances the she was safe now. The hug definitely worked, and soon after Marie regained her composure. Suzanne offered Marie a drink of water, guiding the straw into her mouth as to rid the vomit taste from it.
Turning to the group, Jenna announced that it was time to finish dressing Marie and get her into her bed restraint system. A pair of light pink cotton pants were pulled up to her waist. The waistline was a draw string closure. Next, a long sleeved white cotton shirt was put on, and tucked into the waistband of the pants before the drawstring was tied off. Marie was then led to the hospital bed.Jenna ensured the wheels of the bed were locked while Suzanne and Alexis lowered the bed's side rails. Alexis then held Marie's left arm as Marie sat down on the bed, then bringing her legs up and lying back on the bed. Jenna placed the open palm of her hand on Marie's forehead and looked down to her. "It's alright Marie, You're safe now and soon you'll get some sleep."
The three worked in tandem to get Marie restrained for the night as the group watched silently. Suzanne wheeled a cart over from one side of the room which contained the restraints needed. First, a pair of cotton safety boots were put on Marie's feet. There were small padlocks that secured the ankle straps. The padlocks, however had no keys. They were digital time release locks. Jenna instructed the others to ensure that all the locks were set for seven am. Next Alexis and Suzanne retrieved two large stainless steel balls the size of large basketballs. Jenna and Alexis unfastened the cuff apparatus on each ball to revel that they separated into two pieces. Inside each half was a mold of the safety boots Marie was wearing. A hinge was attached inside the ball at the opposite end of the ankle entry made it easier to open and close. The two took their halves and joined them together over Marie's left foot. Her booted foot fit snugly inside the hollowed foam meant to accommodate and secure her booted foot. Which was now secured inside the steel ball. The opening fit over her ankle, and secured there by a pair of time release locks that fit over the attaching pieces. The same process was repeated on her right foot. Jenna faced the group and told them that the balls over the safety boots would prevent Marie from standing on her own, thus preventing her from walking, or running at all. The time release locks ensure there can be no early release. Leather ankle restraints, four inches wide, brown in color with a white cotton lining inside them, were then fastened on Marie and secured with the timed release locks.
Her ankle restraints were secured to the sides of the bed frame, and then a strap was connected to each of the ankle restraints. This prevented her from moving her ankles in any direction. Next similar inflating massage cuffs were placed around her calves to prevent the onset of DVT. Above those, another set of restraints were attached to her thighs, and affixed similarly as the ankle restraints. This ensured her thighs stayed in their current position. The hip restraint belt came next. It was a eight inch wide padded leather belt that secured her hips and prevented her from raising them off the bed.
Next, a small rolled towel was placed in the small of Marie's back, to support her constricted waist and her back. Then, a waist belt, four inches in width was passed through slits made in the bed. These slits were placed within one inch of each other and were positioned at Marie's waist and the slits ran parallel along her spine at the waist level. The slits made it possible to cinch the waist belt directly around her waist and to the bed frame support bar running under the center of the bed frame. This prevented any rolling from side to side. She would be held rigidly on her back, and locked directly to the bed frame. The two belt ends were fed into the slots from the top of the bed. The belts ends were worked through the bed and passed through where they hung under the bed. Jenna grabbed a ratcheting device from the table of equipment and climbed under the bed. She took the two ends of the belt and fed them into the device. She began ratcheting the ends together until the belt was snug over Marie's already compressed waist. The alignment for the locking holes were off by a half inch. Jenna grimaced at remembering the half inch over tightening of Marie's belt.
"Dr. Kelly, we will need to loosen her belt, or tighten it under this one in order to align the locking grommets." Dr. Kelly instructed Jenna to go ahead and tighten another half inch. She began cranking on the ratcheting device, and everyone including Marie could hear the internal locks clicking on the internal belt mechanism. It took Jenna a short time to get the half inch she needed to secure the belt's ends under the bed frame. She applied four time release locks at aligning grommet points under the bed then climbed out from under it. Marie was visibly not happy with the seven inch reduction on her waist but could do nothing about it.
The nurses applied another four inch wide belt just below Marie's jutting breasts, and under her arms to the bed frame. Her breasts were heaving up and down by her labored breathing. Then two, two inch shoulder belts were attached to a grommet on the top of her waist restraint and crisscrossed over her shoulders in an X configuration and the ends secured to the head frame of her bed. Her wrists were restrained in the same leather style mitts as she had worn earlier. To her shock, Jenna and Suzanne produced steel globes similar to the ones on her feet and applied them in the same manner over her gloved hands. All the restraints were required to have a minimum of two time release locks per restraint, except the waist restraint, which required a minimum of four. From her feet to her neck, Marie was unable to move even in the slightest.
Alexis smiled at Jenna and asked if she could prepare Marie's gag. She received a nod and a giggle from Jenna. The group watched as Alexis picked up what looked like a dildo shaped like a male penis. It was nine inches long, and had a circumference of an inch. It was flesh colored, and even had simulated testicles at the end of it. There was a harness of some type attached to it. Alexis put on some latex gloves and proceeded to clean the dildo gag with a cloth and toy cleaner. Then as she proceeded to put lubrication on the shaft. Jenna grabbed a spray bottle from the table and instructed Marie to open her mouth wide. She began spraying a clear mist into Marie's mouth until it coated her throat and mouth thoroughly. Jenna asked the group to come over in a school circle and watch closely. The group did so and spread themselves around Marie's bed.
Marie began to feel a tingling in the back of her throat. That sensation was followed by a numbness in her mouth and throat. Jenna held up the spray bottle for the group to see then explained that it was a fast acting and long lasting medical grade numbing agent. She explained that it inhibits the gag reflex when something like a breathing tube is inserted. She looked down into Marie's eyes and saw the fear in them. Marie looked into Jenna's eyes and knew she now had the upper hand. Jenna signaled Alexis to begin inserting the lubricated shaft into Marie's throat. Looking down at her, Alexis asked her to open her mouth wide. Then in one slow fell swoop she inserted the entire length of the dildo into her mouth, and down into Marie's throat. The dildo had a hollowed out center so Marie could breathe through it, as well as her unobstructed nose. Once the simulated testicles were resting firmly against her lower lip and chin, Alexis began buckling all the straps encircling Marie's head. The harness ensured that there was absolutely no way Marie could spit up the gag or even move it at all with her teeth. Next, Suzanne used several 2x4 gauze squares to dry the areas under Marie's lips and cheeks. Once the gauze was removed and the inside of Marie's lips were dry, the same adhesive used to seal her diaper was also brushed across and under her lips where they met the dildo ensuring her mouth stayed closed and her lips stayed pressed around the shaft filling her throat. She was instructed by Suzanne to wrap her lips tightly around the shaft and suck as hard as she could while the adhesive dried. This completely sealed off her mouth. It also prevented Marie from speaking or making any recognizable sounds. To everyone watching, Her mouth looked like it was naturally sucking on the dildo.
Jenna spoke to the group and explained the importance of keeping the patients in this particular ward quiet at night. There were no nurses on the ward overnight, and the patients are monitored by closed circuit monitors. Jenna pointed to the upper corners of the room as each had a camera pointed facing the center of the room, which is where Marie's bed was positioned. Jenna placed a small camera on Marie's headboard.The Velcro on the bottom of the camera attached to the Velcro on the headboard. and adjusted it so it was pointed at her face. This would give a very clear and close up view of her face to the nurses in the monitoring station. She also placed a speaker unit at the head of the bed for the nurses at the monitoring station to hear Marie and also speak to her if need be.
Suzanne began the process of running the IV into Marie's left elbow. A Velcro opening ran up and down the length of the elbows in the sleeves of her shirt. Once the IV was in place, Suzanne turned her attention to the IV bags suspended from a multiple IV bag holder. There were eight, one gallon bags of saline solution fortified with electrolytes hanging next to each other in a line. The bags were connected to the same hose that feed the IV port. There were timing mechanisms that controlled the release of the fluid to one bag per hour. This would keep Marie properly hydrated as the care team knew she would be losing a lot of sweat in her sleep.
Jenna placed a pillow under Marie's head and Alexis placed a heavy wool blanket over her.She then summoned Suzanne to help her with the weighted blanket It was constructed of a similar type of rubber used in farm tractor tires, but was softer rubber. The blanket covered her ankles and stopped at her balled feet, it ran up to her neck and the excess was folded neatly back over Marie''s chest. Her body from ankles to neck was completely covered by the thick wool and rubber blankets. The rubber blanket weighed thirty five pounds, and was two inches thick. The nurses applied belts over Marie's ankles over the blanket, and belts over her waist and chest, securing the blankets in place atop Marie's body. The nurses were sure to also lock them with the time release locks set for seven am.. Dr. Kelly has ordered the blanket combination as a means to induce sweating to bolster the weight loss target goal. Jenna was explaining the process as the nurses were working.
Marie was constricted, gagged, and strapped completely immobile. Jenna and the other two nurses double checked the timed locks to ensure that the were set, and also the ensure the time of seven am was accurately entered, which it was. After the final confirmation, Jenna looked at her watch.It was eight thirty five.. They had twenty five minutes to spare minutes for the nine pm deadline. She looked up at the group and said that they were finished for the night. The group members all said goodnight to Marie as they headed out of the room.
With that set, the nurses gave hi-fives to each other on a job well done and for getting Marie secured before her nine pm time. With that they each said good night to their one and only patient. Alexis and Suzanne left the room, Leaving Jenna alone with Marie. Jenna stood at Marie's right side at her chest level and looked down at her. Marie's eyes were wide and pleading to Jenna. She leaned down next to Marie's face and their eyes were only about a foot apart. In a soft voice Jenna spoke. "Marie, I want you to know that my team is committed to give you the best care possible while keeping you safe. But please be advised that if you get out of line we will ensure we do whatever is necessary to keep you and those around you safe. This place is like no hospital you've ever been to as you can tell. We have a lot more leeway to enforce safety and discipline than any hospital you've ever been to before. I want you to know that you're dressed lightly tonight as it's your first night. Starting tomorrow you will be restrained in ways you cannot imagine and your body will be wearing much more both day and night." She turned off the speaker and webcam. The overhead cams did not tun on until the last nurse out flipped a switch on the wall next to the door.
Jenna walked over to the door and looked into the hallway. Seeing no one there she returned into the room, locked the door and drew the shade over the window to ensure complete privacy. She walked back over to Marie and leaned in to kiss her forehead. Jenna then gently ran her tongue over Marie's exposed lips which were surrounding the dildo in her mouth. Marie winced, then in a move that surprised and pleased Jenna, She closed her eyes and let out a slow moan. Jenna barely heard the moan, but it was enough for her to know she had Marie in the palm of her hands. "Did you like that, Sweetie?" Marie nodded while looking into Jenna's eyes. "Well then, I suppose if you behave yourself, I can find ways to reward you." Marie nodded again, and Jenna kissed her forehead one last time. As she stood up, she looked at Marie and said, 'This is our little secret. If you ever mention this I will deny everything and I will be the one believed. If that happens I promise your life will become quite miserable. Are we clear on that?" Marie nodded and winked her right eye at Jenna. "That's my good girl." Jenna winked and smiled back at Marie. "Okay, I'm off for the night. I'll see you tomorrow when my shift begins at one pm",
With that said, Jenna turned on the speaker and webcam back on. As she looked back at Marie she began to notice the beads of sweat forming on her brow. Jenna shivered visibly at the thought of the heat and restraint her patient was living at this moment. She envied Marie, and the submissive in her longed for the kind of treatment patients like Marie were receiving. All Jenna had at home was her cat, and an otherwise empty bed at night. She turned away from Marie and made her way to the door. She raised the blinds, unlocked the door and before leaving, turned off the room light and flipped the switch to the CCTV camera control room thus activating all four overhead cameras. She closed the door behind her, then twisted the key into the deadbolt to ensure the door was indeed locked. Satisfied that it was, Jenna proceeded down the hallway. Marie didn't know that the first bag of saline was laced with her evening Haldol dosage and well as her other psych medications. Exhausted, she was fast asleep in a matter of minutes.
Chapter 7
The weekend was slow for Marie. She was still in shock from the stringent bondage both day and night, the forced feeding, the constant feel of the enormously thick diapers against her and losing her dignity to toilet herself, as well as the general uncertainty and fear of being so relentlessly controlled by others. Her mind kept wandering back to the last interaction she had with Jenna. As she sat strapped to her wheelchair during the day Saturday and Sunday, her mind kept drifting into fantasies of her body being violated and controlled by her evening therapist and caregiver. Her crotch was drenched from the juices her thoughts had provoked her body into producing. She knew it was not a one sided feeling based on the Friday night interaction. Time passed slowly, and she had longed for Monday afternoon to arrive.
It was Sunday evening at Dr. Kelly's residence. In his private office he had been engaged in several phone calls. The first was to Jenna. Dr. Kelly Informed her that her colleague Alexis needed to go on a period of emergency leave indefinitely due to a family emergency over the weekend. "Jenna, I have spoken to her primary day therapist. You remember meeting Katie last Friday, right?" Jenna acknowledged that she did. "Well" he continued on, "She is willing to help you while Alexis is out with Marie on Wednesday, and Thursdays if you don't mind working solo on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays." It was music to her ears, and her heart was palpitating at the thought of having solo shifts with her latest charge.
"It's no problem, Dr. Kelly. Going forward I think I can handle Marie unassisted. She is on the Haldol, and mood stabilizers, and as long as she is restrained in her wheelchair at afternoon shift change, she shouldn't pose any risk to me. I'm confident that I can handle her alone. You can let Katie know that I appreciate her offer. With your permission Dr. Kelley, I think we can assign me to to the Monday through Friday evening shift, and have two nurses with her on the weekends. When Alexis gets back, she could return to her charge nurse duties and leave Marie to me and the weekend staff."
I concur, Jenna, and thank you for taking the initiative on this one. I really appreciate it as I'm sure Alexis will as well." "Dr. Kelly, quick question", she asked. "Of course, go ahead", he replied. Will Marie still have her Friday therapy sessions with Katie?" "Yes", he replied, "I will let Katie know we spoke and just have her resume the Marie's therapy on Fridays."
She put the receiver back on the cordless phone stand. Her mind was aflutter in ideas and thoughts. The urge was too great for her to resist and she retreated to her bedroom to grab her vibrating wand and pleasure her already dripping womanhood. A cold shower, a light snack and then it was off to bed. She was looking forward to her new work situation.
Meanwhile, across town Marie was being prepared for bed. Her inner waist belt had not been tightened since Saturday morning due to an oversight in her charts by the weekend staff. She took her bed restraint procedure without any struggle, and was grateful that the belt was feeling slightly loose. It was just her luck that just after the lights went off in her room that the laxatives that laced her fiber heavy liquid lunch kicked in causing her to have a large bowel movement of fibrous material that felt heavy and hot as it was pressed to her skin. The nurses all began coating her diaper covered skin in petroleum jelly at each diaper change to aid in preventing skin rashes or infections, but she felt the bulk and heat of her waste through the jelly. Her weekend nurses left, and the oncoming overnight CCTV crew settled in for another expected slow and quiet night on the isolated ward. Marie hoped her IV fed sleeping meds and Haldol would take effect soon.
Her latest blood work in the lab showed she was deficient in several vitamins and despite her weight she was showing some signs of recent nourishment, likely due to a recent bout of being homeless and limited food intake. A note was added to her chart to add a fourth meal overnight until further ordered. The fourth meal was also heavy in bulky fiber and a mild laxative to keep things moving along. Tonight it had been a one gallon bag, which was fed to Marie over the period of two hours. It was decided earlier that afternoon to include laxatives in all of her meals to aid the research on the diaper data and feedback.
The clock on the wall showed it was four thirty. Marie awoke feeling awake, rested and as okay as her situation permitted. Then the cramps hit. She felt an incredibly tight feeling with her belt and her stomach felt distended. She hadn't known that the evening dietary manager and a nurse supervisor gave her a feeding in her sleep. When she began to empty her bowels, the diaper began swelling beyond what she had previously felt. Marie began to feel back pressure from all the material in her diaper against the material she was excreting. Her mind could not process how her body could hold so much waste. When she was finished, she felt it all around her diaper and wanted to get out and clean. She looked back at the clock, it was four forty three am.
Six am rolled around as Marie was still awake. Her stomach began cramping. How the hell can I have anything left in me, she wondered as she began to feel herself pushing out the effluent in a large evacuation. Marie was absolutely uncomfortable at this point. At six fifty five her day nurses arrived. It was the morning routine and the nurses were rather surprised at the volume held in Marie's diaper. It was weighed, picture taken, observations recorded for data to be recorded for the diaper research. Her five minute shower was a welcome reprieve, although she knew she would soon be in another diaper which she would ultimately mess as well.
Her somewhat relaxed (Loosely used term), came to an abrupt end with the return of Monday and the weekday nurses. As usual she showered, and her waist was measured with the tape measure. The nurses were surprised to see the belt at a six inch reduction instead of the seven. They would read later in Marie's chart that the weekend nurses made the adjustment per Dr. Kelly over the weekend. Today had a change to her morning routine. An ultrasound technician wheeled in a portable ultrasound and surveyed Marie's internal structures to give the medical team an idea of what kind of tightening could be safely performed without damaging her organs or ribs.
Upon completing the survey, the technician recorded her observations in the report filed with radiology as well as a copy going to Dr. Kelly. The decision was made for the day shift to keep her belt at the same six inch reduction until the afternoon shift took over. With that, the nurses had her dressed, then it was breakfast, lunch, and on to the afternoon nurse shift change. Marie knew Jenna would be there soon and her pulse was aflutter in anticipation of what Jenna had in store for her. She wondered what she could do with a second nurse present. She was unaware of the fact the Jenna was now working solo with her from now on.
It was twelve-forty five in the afternoon when the day nurses handed Marie off to Jenna. With her belly full from lunch still, and rigidly strapped inter her wheelchair she looked more like a rubber doll than a life form. Jenna turned her gaze back to Marie as the other two had left and shut the room door behind them. "Hello Marie, I hope you had a good weekend. Mine was rather stimulating." More than once Jenna thought inwardly with a smile.
"There are going to be some changes to your routine this week." Looking up from her chart back to Marie, she continued. "So it looks like we are going to reduce your waist down eight inches for starters." It was coming up on Marie's afternoon diaper change so Jenna worked to get Marie out of her wheelchair restraints, nude, and trussed up to the suspension bar. There was no resistance from Marie. Once her diaper was off, the weight, volume, and other data was recorded and the diaper discarded. Next came the tightening of the belt. Marie took the constriction in silence. Marie was expecting her diaper next per usual but that didn't happen. Instead she was put into a latex catsuit that had a three way zipper which ran from her mid back to her neck. Over that, a thick latex corset was tightened down, to a point that Marie was taking shorter breaths. Jenna placed a two inch wide belt around Marie's waist. The buckle was behind Marie. A pair of thigh high ballet booths with eight inch heels were worked up Marie next.
After Jenna was satisfied with the boots, she turned her attention to a leather single glove which she placed over Marie's arms. Once this was completed, Jenna attached a two way clip to the ring located at the end of the glove. She then lowered the ceiling wench cable and clipped it to the other end of the two way clip. She then slowly raised the cable causing Marie's single gloved hands to start rising. This forced Marie to bend over in a strappado position. Her body from the hips up was parallel with the floor. She tottered about with her body pushing down on her feet which were trapped in an en pointe position inside the boots.
What surprised her was that Jenna returned with a large wall mirror. "I want you to see this, Marie." She placed the mirror against the wall facing them, then stepped behind Marie and went to the service counter. What Marie saw in the mirror surprised her. This tall, fit, and and very beautiful woman was hiking up a strapon harness with a rather large looking realistic dildo jutting out from it. "This, Marie is my favorite girl cock for anal play. It has thirteen inches of insertable length and it's just slightly smaller than a soda can in diameter. You might like the feel of the realistic veins", Jenna giggled as she playfully tapped the head of the dildo. "Please", Marie nearly whispered, "I can't take all of that." "Tsk, tsk, now", Jenna told her as she placed the ball gag in Marie's mouth and buckled it into place.
Jenna then grabbed the zipper that was positioned at Marie's lower back just below the bottom band of her corset, and gently opened it and stopped the zipper just bast Marie's now exposed labia. Marie had felt the cool air against her the exposed skin of her ass and now swollen pussy. She moaned slightly into her gag.
Taking a pair of latex gloves and putting them on, Jenna grabbed a smaller dildo from the counter. She lubed it generously with jelly lubricant and gently eased the tip into Marie's ass. When the tip of the dildo pushed into Marie, Jenna smiled, and slowly pulled it out. This repetition happened and worked to both stretch and lubricate Marie's back love tunnel. Jenna could hear the grunts from Marie, and she observed that Marie was not struggling to get away.
"Well then, since you're lubed up and stretched let's try mine out" Marie felt Jenna stand up. She walked over to set the smaller dildo on the counter and returned to Marie. Returning to Marie, she was pleased to see that she didn't have to bend her knees much as her girl cock was nearly level to Marie's ass. With her right hand, Jenna brought the tip of the jutting dildo up to Marie's love tunnel entrance. No words were said, but Marie looked into the mirror and had seen the ear to ear smile looking back at her. She felt the tip of the cock against her and the pressure building. Marie tried to relax, and let the dildo slide in. She felt the tremendous stretching, and the length as the cock was spreading inside her rectal walls.
Jenna pumped slowly at first. She was compassionate in allowing Marie's ass too be stretched and lubricated by the enormously large girl cock jutting from her. As her pumping began to drive her girl cock deeper into Marie, she took the disposable gloves off her hands and tossed them aside. Next she reached forward and grabbed Marie's corset laces and used them to help thrust herself into Marie.
Marie squirted from her already soaked vagina as the pressure on her ass began to excite her womanhood. She tried as best as she could to push her hips back into Jenna and Jenna noticed. Jenna matched Marie's movements and as Marie thrusted her hips back, Jenna pulled hard on her corset laces while thrusting forward into Marie. Marie was gasping and grunting into the thick rubber ball which was strapped into her mouth. Seeing this very sexy woman in the mirror owning her ass had become intensely hot for her. Marie had given in and gave her submission in full to her now obvious Mistress.
What Marie had not seen earlier was that Jenna's leather strap on harness had two internal dildos along the strap that ran from the back belt, under her crotch, to the front belt. The anal dildo was a vibrating and inflatable butt plug, and the vaginal dildo was six inches long with an internal vibrator. A few moments into the fucking, Jenna paused to reach for the hand pump for the butt plug. She squeezed the attached bulb until she felt the pressure on the inside of her rectal walls. She then turned on the vibrating feature to half speed, and the vaginal dildo on a quarter speed. Happy with the sensations she resumed pumping Marie's ass and felt her excitement rising as she in full swing in transforming Marie from just her patient to both her patient and personal bitch.
It was Marie who orgasmed first. Jenna knew it happened when Marie's body first tensed up, then gave in to what was happening as her body slackened up as much as her bonds allowed. Jenna felt the vibrations and stretching in both her ass and now dripping pussy as she began pumping Marie in a crazed frenzy. She then shuddered and slammed her jutting cock hard into Marie's ass at the moment of her own orgasm.