Author's Note: I am from a non english speaking country so please forgive some bad grammar and enjoy the story.
Hi dear readers. My mane is Leonard (called Leo by my friends) and I live in a town in the south of Sweden. So I hope that you will overlook my grammar.
When I grew up my family lived just 200 m from my parent's best friends, the Josefsson who have a doter named Veronica. She and I are born just one month from each other, me being the oldest.
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Our families got along great, and we did almost everything together; like Christmas, midsummer, and birthdays and so on. As far back as I can remember Veronica and I have always been together. We I even went to same class in school and later on we studied together.
Dear readers, I will not bore you with too many details and to make a long story short, this is what happened.
It was very clear to everybody that I and Veronica were meant to spend our lives together.
We were married when we were 22 years old and we moved to a flat of our own. It was a beautiful ceremony at the old local church that was build in 1740. The party after words was in Veronica's parent's back yard with all relatives from both families. The weather was perfect, and I and my wife were now looking forward to spend a long and happy life together. To Veronica and me it seemed like a confirmation of what was natural to us. We were meant for each other and we would spend the rest of our lives together.
Veronica was the most beautiful woman I could ever imagine and we were extremely happy. Finally we both gotten what we wanted, each other.
Both of us had great jobs and our future looked bright. And so it was the first ten years. We had in the beginning a great sex life. What happened was that Veronica had a miscarriage in her seventh month. We had longed so much to have a child for so long and we were both very disappointed.
To my despair, the sex life that we two had enjoyed so much now decreased and it was more seldom that we had sex. We did what we could to make Veronica pregnant again but it did not happen. I wanted us to look for a doctor or something that could help us and find out what was wrong. Eventually I understood that Veronica just did not want to have sex any more. I guess that something had happened due to the miscarriage that killed of her libido.
I did what I could to wake up her interest for sex again, like in bed I used to spoon her and slightly press my hard cock between her butt cheeks, as I simultaneously massed her breasts. However, most of the times she did not respond at all, she just waited for me to fall asleep.
Other than the sex life, or lack of it, we were the best of friends. We really enjoyed each other company. We did what other people do, like pick-nicks, going to the movie, eating in our favorite restaurant, and so on. Life was good and we really loved each other.
But as time went by I became desperate, for the first time in my life I went outside our marriage to find a sex partner. I found a great woman who like me just wanted to have sex without any commitments. During the time of 8 months we met at different hotels for a few times. We even never use our own names, just an alias. There were no strings attached and we were very discrete. I could take an extra half hour lunch and meet her in a nearby hotel. I did not like the bad conscience that I had afterwards, but I felt that it let me out of my sexual tensions, and it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Then it happened. One evening that I came through the door I heard loud sobbing from the bedroom. The thing that I had feared the most had happened, Veronica had found out about my affair. I could see in her swollen face that she had been crying for a long time. I hurried over to her and asked what the matter was. Of course I knew the answer; I had been unfaithful to her. I tried to comfort her the best way I knew how, by explaining to her that that woman meant nothing to me and that the great love of my life was my wife and so on and so forth.
To me seemed like hours before she finally was calming down. I asked her what I could do for her to regain her confidence. She looked surprised at me and dried some of her tears and said: "I don't think that I can ever trust you again" I could see on face that she was not through talking yet so I waited for the rest. After a few seconds she said with a low but surprisingly clear voice: "I want you to wear a chastity belt for me".
Dear readers, you can imagine how surprised I became. I had seen some of these things on the internet and I had found them quite interesting, but I did not know that Veronica knew about them, and that she even could suggest that I would wear one. I couldn't find any words for at least a minute, but during this minute many thoughts went through my head. I had to admit the logic of what she was suggesting. I was the one who had sex outside our marriage, how could I be trusted again? If I was wearing a chastity belt I would not be able to cheat on Veronica again. It made sense.
Veronica was now so upset that I was prepared to do anything and I mean anything to make her stop crying, and make her happy again. So I looked her in her eyes and said with a very serious voice: "My beloved Veronica, you know that I love you so much, and I would be devastated if something like this would ruin our marriage and friendship. I will do anything to make you trust me again and I think this could be a great way to accomplish that. I will wear a chastity belt all the time if that can help to mend our relationship." She looked at me and sobbed. It seemed like she was calming down now. I went to the kitchen and fetched a glass of water for her. She took it and drank some of it. She started to calm down, and return to herself again. I asked her were this idea came from, and she told me that she had gotten it from her friend Elisabeth, who was not unfamiliar with such things. I asked if she talked to her friend about her suspicion that I might have an affair with some other woman, and she confirmed. She had suspected it for a while now, and she had asked her friend what she would do if her suspicions were correct. Her friend had showed her a lot of different sites on the Internet, were one could by such things as a chastity belt.
By this time it was very late and I managed to convince her that we better go to bed, and continue this conversation in the morning.
Well, dear readers, during the night I hardly got any sleep. I was tossing and turning while Veronica was fast asleep thanks to a sleeping pill that I made her eat.
The thoughts that went through my mind were: How did this happen? How did she find out? Was she serious about the chastity belt? And many other questions.
Finally I managed to get a few hours of sleep.
I woke up first, and decided to call in sick at work. This was more important. I made Veronica a breakfast tray, and served her in bed when she woke up. I even had a slim vase with a rose in on the tray.
I lay on my side of the bed watching her eat. When she was finished she did her morning shores and on my request, called in sick. Now we had the whole day to ourselves.
We got dressed and Veronica started up the computer, and to my fear started to explore the net for a suitable chastity belt for me. I just sat beside her and made some comments. Her mind was set on a belt that went around the waste and had a sturdy lock, not a padlock, a tamper proof lock.
I was in the meantime getting more and more nervous. Veronica was obviously very serious about the whole idea of keeping me locked in a CB. Finally she found the Carrara heavy Security belt. Just the name sent shivers down my spine, heavy Security belt!
As Carrara is situated in Antwerp we thought it would be a good idea to make him a visit and look at his work together. So we called Walter and made an appointment with him. We were in luck and he could see us next weekend.
After a short flight we rented a car and there we were. It was amazing to see his workshop and all the interesting things there. But I am not going to write about that. We chose the type of CB and Walter made some measurements. And we went home again. Now it was only to wait for the belt to arrive. It was a hard wait because Veronica had a very watchful eye on me so I had no chance to see my sex-friend again. If I did she would kick me out and this was a freighting thought. It would mean to me that I would be totally alone, without Veronica, rootless, afraid in the world, and that was not an option for me. Veronica was like a personal prison guard, watching me all the time.
Well as you, dear readers can guess, I did nothing foolish, and one day the box from Antwerp was on the kitchen table. To say the least I had butterflies in my stomach. We had chosen the waist band with hinges for more comfort and it looked awesome. Walter had made the measurements himself, and after some adjustments it fitted right away. As he also had been told that this was not to be used as just a sex toy, it was for longtime use, he had told us that the belt needs a break in period of at least a month or more before it could be used for a longer period.
So now was the big moment to try it on for the first time. At first I took a firm grip around the penis tube and guided my penis into the tube. Then I brought the waist band around my waste, and I guided the waist band ends into the locking mechanism and locked it.
I felt for the first time the weight of the belt on my body. I looked at myself in a full length mirror, and saw an amazing sight. I now realized that this was not a toy. The only way to get it off of me was with the key. Wow. Suddenly I could feel my dick filling up the tube. It was an awesome feeling, and It did not show, for obvious reasons. Veronica told me to get dressed, and keep the belt on for a couple of hours. So I did, I had no choice in the matter. For starters it was hard to learn how to sit. The tube ended just behind my balls, and it was a bit hard to get used to.
As the days passed my training period got longer and longer, and after some weeks or so I could wear the belt for an entire weekend.
As Veronica wanted me to wear the CB also during the night I was a little confused. I could not cheat on her during the night so why would I have to wear it in bed?
Veronica answered that I had made her the promise that I would wear the chastity belt all the time, and that meant all the time, also during the night! The CB would also prevent me to force myself on her. She was right; I had tried to force myself onto her against her will. I had to admit that I had on a couple of occasions had actually tried to rape her. Something that I very ashamed of.
Veronica knew that I could get horny a lot! And she was afraid that it might happen that I would try to have sex with her without her consent. She had a point there, and I had to agree to wear the chastity belt all the time, even in bed.
Soon I could wear the CB for a whole week, and Veronica was very satisfied. I was hornier than I ever could imagine in my wildest fantasies, and this was just the beginning. So far I had had the opportunity to jerk of when I was home alone, but under these circumstances this way of satisfying myself was now taken away from me.
I begged Veronica to let me out and let me cum, but she just kissed my lips, and said that I had to wait some more.
During the first months Veronica let me out for cleaning every Saturday. It felt soooo good just being able to touch my penis for just a minute or so. According to an advice from Elisabeth, I had also shaved off my pubic hair and Veronica thought it would be a good idea to have a laser cure to remove it permanently. So she borrowed such equipment from Elisabeth.
Veronica came up with the idea that as we had the equipment why not use it on the rest my body hair as well?
So after some treatment I was totally clean of body hair from the neck down. I had to admit that it felt actually nice and clean, and I kind of liked it.
As I now was deprived of all my body hair, it also meant that the period between cleaning sessions could be prolonged. I just had to spend some more time in the bathroom, and be more careful with my personal hygiene. At one time it was three months between removing the CB for cleaning, and I had been so horny. It had been many nights that I woke by my dick that had filled up the tube and was trying to break it. But of course that never happened. I was clutching the tube with both my hands tossing and turning in the bed, doing everything to stimulate my poor dick so I would cum. But it was always in vain. The belt was doing its job. To my surprise it was actually an awesome feeling being that horny and not being able to cum. Some days all I could think about was to get out the belt, and masturbate as hell. But of course that never happened. Many times I tried to convince Veronica to let me out of the belt and let me cum, but the more I whined the more persistent she became.
When I finally was let out after three months, Veronica let me use the bedroom for myself the better part of the day. Finally, I was allowed to cum, it was mind blowing, I almost lost consciousness.
This went in for a year, tree months between cleaning sessions, and after each time I was let alone in the bedroom for some hours, and then the CB was locked back again.
As I was so horny almost all of the time that I almost every night when we went to bed begged Veronica that she would let me free for just a few minutes. But she just smiled and said nothing.
I can understand if you, my readers, are wondering if Veronica didn't want to have sex with me during this time. Sadly the answer is no. Her libido was now totally gone, and she had the opinion that I shouldn't have any sex drive too. So for her the CB solved a problem for her, and she was hoping that my libido also eventually would decrees, and I would become impotent and without any wish for sex. I suppose that that can happen to some men, but it did not for me. I was horny, frustrated and miserable, and I could only blame myself, as I was the one who had been unfaithful to begin with. I should not have been cheating on her, and not tried to force myself upon her against her will, and that was the end of that. But still, being that frustrated and horny was actually an amazing feeling, and being denied sex in any form was a tremendous sexual ting by itself. This is a contradiction in itself, and I cannot explain it but despite of everything I, to my own surprise, began to enjoy my predicament.
At one afternoon I had taken some hours off to make some errands to the bank and so on, when I suddenly saw my sex friend. She came up to me gave me hug and quick kiss on the cheek. I hugged her back; it felt so good to see her again. She asked me if I had some time for a cup of coffee, or something else as she glanced on nearby hotel. I said I gladly would have a cup of coffee, but I also let her know that I could not have sex with her any more. "Won't, or can't" she asked sparingly. I answered truthfully that I cannot have sex any more. She looked surprised and tried to persuade me come with her into the hotel. Finally I told her that how much I like that idea and that I really would like to, I just cannot have sex now. She looked at me and cracked a joke; "it seems like you are wearing a chastity belt", she said with a laugh. I just looked down at the table and said nothing. Then she said "oh, my god you are, aren't you, I was only joking."
I felt that I just had to let her know that this was not a joke.
She just looked at me and put her hand on my arm and said that she felt so sorry for me. We sat there quiet for a minute or two when she said that she wanted to see it. I almost dropped the coffee mug and looked at her. I thought to myself; why not?
"O.k" I said "meet me on the second floor in 15 minutes."
I was in luck and got a room on the second floor. We had hardly entered the room before she was removing all her clothes. I just stood there and watched her for a while before I started to do the same. After a minute or so, she was sitting on the bed with me standing between her knees, while she, with fascination, was examining the chastity belt.
"I am impressed" She said, "and there is no way to take it off without the key?"
"That's correct, I can't take it off."
After some seconds she looked into my eyes and said "well let us do the best of the situation", and with that she pulled me into the bed and begun to make love to me. I did the best I could and the belt did what it was supposed to do.
When I left the hotel I felt happy, though I hadn't cum I felt a sexual relief anyhow, it felt good.
My only worry was that Veronica would find out, but she never did.
However I still kept on whining almost every evening, but with no result. All I could look forward to was when I every third month was let out for a few hours.
Well, all my whining paid off, but not the way I was hoping for.
So, this, my dear readers, is what happened.
One night about two years after the CB had arrived, when I was whining as usual she said to me to shut up and listen to what she had decided. "Leo" she said, "I cannot trust you without you being locked up in the chastity belt, so you just have to find yourself in your destiny. Almost every night you have been bothering me with your whining that you have to cum. I have tried to ignore this but my patients is now gone. So this is what is going to happen, whether you like it or not. The three keys to your chastity belt are now locked in a bank deposit box and I cannot get to them when the bank is closed". My eyes opened in horror, but she just smiled at me and said "I am not finished yet. You can whenever you want to, tell me to go and fetch one key, and let you out, and let you do that disgusting thing you are doing to yourself in the bedroom. After that I will lock you up, and destroy that key. When all the keys are destroyed I will fill the key hole of the chastity belt with epoxy glue, and there will be no idea of you whining over how horny you are. You will be permanently locked in. Do you understand??
All I could do was to nod, and go to bed. This was a really hard judgment.
So dear readers, now I had to come up with a really cunning plan to make her change her mind and not lock me up permanently.
After almost a year of suffering I had come up with an idea, and I was convinced it should make her change her mind and feel sorry for me. She would again let me have an hour or two for myself in the bedroom, before I was locked in that damned belt again. I also had to promise her that all my whining would stop.
I was now down to the last key. If I told her to fetch the last key and so on, I would be locked in the CB forever.
This was my plan.
One evening I went down on my knees in front of her in the couch and spoke: "Dear Veronica you know that I love you more than anything in this world, and I cannot imagine a world without you, but please do not lock me up forever in this chastity belt, please listen to me please. I will rather be castrated instead." Here I looked up in her face to see if there was any response. But her face was just a blank mask with no expression. So I decided to fire away the rest of my ammo. "Yes, I can have my balls, and also my penis removed by operation in an institute in Thailand". I looked at her face again, but still I saw nothing there so I desperately fired the last round. "I will be totally sexless. I can have my nipples and bellybutton removed too, if you want. Just do not make me wear this chastity belt forever." Now I had nothing left, and looked at her face again. Now I could see a smile slowly spreading over face. And she stood up and pulled me up and hugged me very hard. She said "will you really do this for me Leo? Oh thank you so very much I am so happy that I don't have to lock you up in that chastity belt forever."
This was not exactly what I had hoped for.
O'boy, I did not expect that reaction either. My plan was that she would keep me in the CB, and let me out of the belt from time to time more often than she had done during the last years.
I did not want to be castrated. My goal had been that she would realize that she was demanding too much of me, having me locked up permanently in that CB. Well I had taken a gamble, and it did not go the way I had hoped for. But in the end I thought it was better to be castrated, than being locked permanently in that chastity belt any way.
The next day Veronica fetched the last key from bank, and let me out for a while in the bedroom. She did not destroy the key. After being locked in the CB again we sat down in front of the computer, searching for an institute that made these operations.
It did not take long to find one, and three months later I was in an airplane on my way to Thailand. I was now free from the CB for the first time for..... Well I can't remember.
A few hours later in the afternoon we checked in to the hotel, which was in walking distance from the institute. I felt tired and sad. It was now less than 18 hours to my operation, and this last evening as a man we went out to find a nice restaurant. As my stomach had to be empty before the operation all I was allowed to eat was a small salad. I was not hungry anyway. Veronica just smiled at me when she saw me looking at the very hot girls there. She knew that soon I wouldn't have the equipment to be able to cheat on her anyway, so this evening she let me watch as much as I liked.
The next morning we walked over to the institute and we met the doctor, who was to perform the operation on me. We had some forms to fill in. I say "we", it was supposed to be me but my wife did all the talking. I just sat on a chair sulking. This was my last hours as a man, and I was not looking forward to lose my balls and dick. I had put myself in this situation, and now I could do nothing about it. So I let Veronica take care of the paper work. I just signed the papers she handed to me. After that we were guided over to a room with a bed to be prepared for the coming operation. I got undressed, and got between the sheets. Veronica was there all the time, and I really needed her moral support. After a while a nurse came to my bed carrying some shaving gears. I let her lift up my bed sheets to have a look and I saw a smile on her face when saw that her job already was done.
Then I was transported over to the operating room and was given a shot in the arm, and I had a good sleep.
I woke up in the recovery room, and the first one I saw was my wife smiling at me. How are you? She asked. I was feeling just fine. There are some people who are feeling very sick when they have been sedated, but not me, I felt like I had had a dreamless deep sleep for hours, and woke up longing for a cup of coffee.
Then I remembered why I was here, I felt a dull ache in my crotch, and gave Veronica a look and asked if the operation had gone well. Oh, yes she reassured me. Everything had gone according to plan. There has been no complications. Now it was only the healing.
I tried to scratch myself down there but Veronica stopped me. You are not supposed to do that for a while she said. You can lift up your bed sheets and have look, but no scratching. So I did and all I could see was a surprisingly small bandage over a flat crotch. It was very clear to me that there was nothing there. It was now truly done; I had no genitals any more. I felt sad, but there was nothing I could do but to wait, and hope that the healing process went quickly. I also saw that I had a band aid where my nipples use to be, but my bellybutton was still intact, which was a relief. We had discussed if I had to live up to that promise, and she had let me keep just that
Veronica told me that my pee hole was as far back as it was possible and that one of my testicles was now resting in a lower abdomen, so it was going to supply my body with testosterone. That would prevent f lashings, and keep my body in male physic. It could also mean that I could get horny from time to time.
I said nothing I just felt very tired, and went to sleep.
I woke up 6 hours later with Veronica still at my bedside reading a book. She asked if I felt any better, and I confirmed that. I felt hungry and Veronica went out of the room to find something for me to eat.
In the meantime the doctor came in and made me a visit. He confirmed that everything had gone according to plan. He had made a great effort to make my p-hole as discrete as possible. It was almost invisible. He also said that if I really wanted my scars to be as small as possible I should remain in my bed for at least ten days or even 14 days. After the sutures were removed I should use a special type of band aids to keep the scars as tight as possible for at least four months or even more. I thanked him for a good job, and off he went. This was just another day in the office for him, but for me it was life changing, to say the least.
I remained in the room for two days, while I was constantly monitored for complications, and there were none. After that I was moved to another room for two more days, and after that back to the hotel. Twice a day there was a nurse from the institute that came over, and checked on me that everything was going well.
I had by now recovered so much that I could go to the toilet by myself. The healing process went fine. I have always been a fast healer. The rubber hose that had taken care of my bodily functions after the operation had by then been removed. It felt strange to sit on the toilet and feel the urine pouring out from the new hole far back between my legs.
Veronica had made sure to do everything to make the scars to become as invisible as it could possibly be, was done. She made me wear those band aids over the wounds for many months.
Mostly we stayed in the hotel for the remaining time, so the wounds should heal in peace.
We had taken a four week vacation from our jobs, and we would stay in Thailand three of them.
After breakfast the morning of the second to last day Veronica told me to lie down on my back on the bed, while still dressed in my robe. Puzzled I did as she wanted. She told me to close my eyes, and that she would now use some brown cream, and other stuff to hide my scars so I now would see for myself what I would look like when I was all healed. She opened my robe and got to work.
After a few minutes she was done. She closed the robe, and told me to stand in front the full length mirror, and slowly open the robe. So I did, and it was amazing, there I was with a totally hairless, and a completely smooth crotch. My chest was without any trace of nipples. My body looked so..... clean?! That was the word that first sprung to my mind. I let my fingers to explore the smooth area were my dick had been attached. It felt so nice and ... well clean. I searched for the pee hole and found it. It was still a little bit sore, but it would soon get better.
Now Veronica handed me a mirror so I could have a look at my pee hole. I moved the mirror between my legs. At first I couldn't see it but then I saw a small opening far back. Otherwise there was just a perfect smooth unharmed skin. I could not help myself but I thought that after all, I looked amazing. Veronica stood behind me with a big smile on her face, giving me an applaud. She was also amazed of my new look.
After a couple of minutes Veronica suggested that we should visit the pool on the roof, and lay down on the deck chairs there, close to the pool. It was still early in the day so she thought that at this time we would be alone. So we did, and we were alone. Veronica told me to lay naked and try to catch some sun-rays, and I did as she suggested. It was a new kind of feeling to be laying there beside a beautiful naked woman without being exited and getting an erection. This was the first time in a long while that I saw her beautiful body totally naked, and it would have exited me a couple of weeks ago but not now, for obvious reasons. I was still attracted to her but that was all. I took her hand, and closed my eyes; it did not take long before I had fallen asleep.
I woke up by voices not far from us. It came from some people who had taken some deck chairs on the opposite side of the pool. I gave Veronica an angry look, she was now reading a book, and I said that she could have wakened me or covered me up so I wasn't naked, now when there were other people there. She just said: "why? You have nothing to hide anymore!" It was true what she said. I had nothing to hide anymore but still......!? I felt that I wanted hide that I had nothing to hide.
We stayed on the roof for just an hour or so, and then we went down to our room. Veronica tended to my scars, and put some band aids on them. I started to look for my pants but couldn't find them.
I asked Veronica where they were, and she told me she had bought me a new pair of jeans and that she had thrown the old once out. The old once did not fit me anymore she said. She gave me a pair of woman's panties, and a pair of new jeans, and I put them on. The jeans were tight, and I had some problems with the zipper. Then I looked at myself in the mirror and saw that this was clearly a pair of woman's stretch jeans. They were like painted to my crotch leaving no doubt that I had nothing there.
I turned around and faced Veronica, "Do you really expect me to go out in these? "
"Why not?" She answered, "You look just fine and besides, you don't have anything else to wear. Come on now and let's go".
I let out a sigh and followed her out.
We did not have go far; we just sat down at a table on the sidewalk outside the nearest bar. A very nice sexy looking girl came to take our orders.
Sitting there, waiting for our drinks I looked down into my lap, and saw how totally flat I was down there. I had always admired girl's crotches especially when they were sitting down. They were so flat and sexy down there, and now I was too. Well, perhaps not sexy but at least flat.
Veronica followed my eyes, and saw what I was looking at and said:"you do look so very nice there now. I really mean it Leo". She took my hand and squeezed it. I looked at her and said: "Thank you....I think"
It felt really nice to be outdoors and watching the people walking by. There were many sexy women there drawing my attention. When Veronica followed my gaze, and she saw what I was looking at, she just smiled.
After a few drinks in the bar I felt a little more confident, and we walked down to the beach. I looked at the people we met if somebody noticed how I looked in these tight jeans. But I didn't see anybody noticing me. I started to relax a little.
Veronica suddenly said "Look Leo there is a nude beach lets go there", and before I had a chance to react she took my hand and dragged me there. She found a spot where we could lay down, and started to remove her clothes. I just stood there until she told me to get undressed. Oh... I was so nervous, being naked among all these people, showing of my smooth body. I was not a man, and I was not a woman. I was something else; I was a eunuch, a third gender. Again Veronica reminded me that if there was one person on this whole beech who had nothing hide it was me. It was a small consolation. But I did get undressed, and sat down on my jeans with my knees high up. After a couple of minutes I lay down on the sand on my belly, and tried to relax. Veronica told me to lie on my back and removed the band aids that covered the operation scar. She then went into the water for a while. I was not allowed to swim in the sea for at least half a year, so I just lay there looking at her. Suddenly the drinks and the beers that I had before, wanted to leave my body.
Veronica came up from the water, and saw my unhappy face and asked what the matter was. I told her that I had to visit the WC. She just smiled at me and pointed to the nearby bar 150 m away, there was the WC. I stood up and started to take my jeans on, but Veronica just took them from me, and told me to go there naked. She reminded that this was a nude beach, everybody there were supposed to be naked. But before I left she told me to remove the band aids first. I did that and walked over to the WC, I was so nervous. There were just a few of the people there who looked at me more than once. But most of them did not care. So when I walked back to my wife I was a little more relaxed. In a mirror I had seen that Veronica had painted nipples, where my nipples used to be.
After an hour or so we got dressed and went back to the hotel.
Tomorrow we were going home again.
By this time I was getting used to how my body was looking, and I did not care if I got any strange looks from other people.
Back home we had another week of vacation before our vacation was over. I threw all of my old under wears out, and replaced them with woman's panties. Veronica had bought me some new pants in Thailand to replace some of my old once. But I saved some of my old once so I could wear them at work. I could just stuff in a pair of socks or something in my pants, and it would look like I had something down there.
Veronica had yet another surprise for me. During her bridle party she had gotten, among other presents, a kit from Elisabeth that supposed to make a mold of her husband's cock. Something I totally had forgotten. At that time I thought that it was just for fun. Elisabeth had now made two strap on dildo out of the casts. One with an erected dildo and one with a f laced. They were in natural colors and looked like the real thing. The harness was also the same color as my skin, and was shaped like a pair of panties. They were just as I remembered them. I tried the big one on, and once again I looked like a man. It was great to wrap my fingers around the dildo and feel it. It looked so big, and I almost started to feel like "wow had I really been sporting such a huge ting between my legs!! "
Veronica loved them from the start. I have used them from time to time since then, even at work, well only the flaccid one of course. At one time Veronica even made me fuck her with it, but it was not a huge success.
Well dear readers, I feel like telling you a cute little incident that happened about a week after our return from Thailand.
In bed, when we went to sleep, I was spooning her like I had done so many times in the past, and wrapped my arms around her chest, and started to massage her breasts. She moaned a little of pleasure, and everything felt so good. Somewhere in between dream and awake, I pushed my pelvis closer to her butt, trying to get my cock in between her but-cheeks, like I had done some many times. But this time something was not right. How much I pushed nothing happened. Then I woke up, and I remembered that I had no cock to push in between her but-cheeks. I felt a bit sad, I really missed my cock.
As I still had one active testicle in my body which was producing some testosterone I from time to time get a little horny. That is hard for me as I had no way to get an orgasm or anything close to it, as I have no sex organs on my body. Massaging my crotch area feels good but that's all. All I can do is to try to relax, and hope that it will calm down soon.
So, dear readers let me tell you how it happened when everybody I knew found out what had happened to me.
The first thing was that I like to swim for exercise. I used to swim 2 km twice a week before I had to wear that chastity belt. Six months after the operation I thought that I would do it again. So off to the public swimming pool I went. Veronica had painted nipples on my chest with water resistant paint. There were just a few people there at that time of the day. I was alone in the showers. So far so good I thought. My swim trunks were loose fitting so I thought that no one would notice that I was missing something between my legs. It went well until I finished off my laps. Then I bumped into Harry who live not far from us. He had also done his laps, and was on his way to the showers. I thought to myself; well let him be the first to know, so we went there together. When he saw me there naked his eyes nearly popped out of his head, and he asked me what had happened. I told him "Cancer", and he accepted this, and felt so sorry for me.
I knew that he was going to tell his wife Klara who was a gossip monger. Now the whole neighborhood would know. I actually felt some relief; it was like coming out of the closet. Now I would not have to be nervous that someone would find out.
The next thing was at my job. A few weeks after I had begun to swim again it was time for the annual spa weekend. It was the company that paid for a weekend at the spa in the next town. I had not attended for a few years, because of the CB. I had managed to come up with some excuse, but now I thought that I would attend, and show off my "new" body.
We arrived at the spa hotel in the afternoon the first day. We found our rooms, and all of us changed to bathrobes and bathing suites in our rooms, and soon the hotel was filled with guests in white hotel bath robes heading for the sauna. Outside the two sauna rooms there was a bar with free drinks. The temperature in the bar was 28 - 30 C, so many did not have their bathrobes on, and walked around in there bathing suites.
It was meant to be men only for the first hour and woman only for the next hour. But as the years had passed it had more become half an hour men only, one hour mixed men and woman and half an hour woman only.
If someone wanted to get naked, he/she did, and many did. After a drink or two it was off into the hot rooms. The two rooms had different temperatures. Otherwise it was a mixture of men and women in each room. I preferred the not so hot room and left the bathrobe outside. I took a deep breath and entered the hot room naked. The reaction in the room was that the babbling almost stopped. All of them were looking at me. All I said was "cancer", and the talking begun again. I sat down on a bench beside one of my female coworkers and started to talk to her. She felt sorry for me put her hand on my thigh, and we started to talk about other things.
After we had come out of the hot room we had a cold shower, and some more drinks in the bar. Almost all of us were now naked and in a very high spirit.
At the dinner later that night I had planned to wear my favorite blue suite. When I put the pants on I noticed that they had been altered. So that's why Veronica had been at the tailor. I am not sure where she had gotten the right measurements from but they fitted me perfectly. At the dinner there were some coworkers who wanted to know more of how it was to be without any genitals. I told them that I was doing fine, and my life goes on and so on.
After that weekend I did not have to pretend any more. It happened that I wore the stretch jeans at work, and nobody saw anything wrong with that.
It felt good that all of my neighbors and my coworkers knew about me not being a man. This meant that I did not have to pretend. At garden parties, and so on it often happened that I got some attention from a woman who fancied me. Veronica did not mind when that happened. She knew that I could never cheat on her.
And so we lived happily ever after.