- Author - Burning Silk
- Rating -
  [ 2.67 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2327 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m, non-consensual, bodymod, kidnapping, medical
- Post Date - 3/24/2019
It was a slow day at the clinic and Doctor Helen Shackelton was minding the front desk while the receptionist was on a smoko, when two teenage girls walked in. They were dressed almost identically in very short denim shorts, tight sleeveless tops, and white tennis shoes. With their similar long sandy-coloured hair and fair complexions, they could almost have been twins. The main difference was that one top was pink and the other pale blue. Also, because Dr. Shackelton was the sort of person to notice small details, she saw that Pink Top wore white ankle-length socks while Blue Top appeared to be sockless.
"Greetings," said Blue Top cheerfully. "I'm Cindy and this is my best friend Bree."
"I'm Doctor Shackelton. What can I do for you?"
"It's my step-brother. He needs to be circumcised."
"Can we watch?", Bree added, rather enthusiastically.
Dr. Shackelton hesitated. They appeared to be serious. "How old is your step-brother?", she asked cautiously.
"Eighteen. His birthday was last week."
"Okay, well, tell him to make an appointment. We can examine him and take it from there."
The girls exchanged glances. Cindy did the talking.
"Actually, he's here now. Out in the car."
Dr. Shackelton hesitated again. Something wasn't right. Surely they weren't really serious? Nevertheless, she decided to play along for the moment. What could be the harm?
"Well, bring him in. I can't examine him out there."
There was another exchange of glances between the two. Something was definitely not right.
"Actually, you see...," Cindy began.
"It's sort of difficult for us to bring him in," Bree continued. "Could you come out and give us a hand? Please?"
Dr. Shackelton was about to tell them to take their pranks elsewhere, but had a change of heart. Maybe there really was a lad out in the car and he was too shy to come through the door. It was possible. Not very likely, but possible. With a sigh, she stood up and indicated to the girls to lead the way.
There was only one car in the carpark behind the surgery, a four wheel drive the size of a small armoured personnel carrier. The girls headed straight for it. Either one of them was from a wealthy family or they had borrowed it from their father.
As they approached, it was obvious there was nobody in either the front or back seats. The doctor was about to ask about this when Cindy popped the boot, and there on the floor could be seen a young man lying on his side. He had curly dark hair and a well toned but not especially muscular body. She could see his body because he was naked apart from a pair of navy and white boxer shorts. But none of those things were what she noticed the most. What she noticed most was that he was hogtied with cable-ties and gagged with some sort of yellow cloth - perhaps a silk scarf - wrapped around his head and pulled between his teeth. He was squirming against his bonds and making incoherent mmmphing sounds through the gag.
"There he is doc," Cindy piped up. "All ready to go. We just have to get him inside and you can start cutting."
"Can we watch?", Bree asked for the second time, even more enthusiastically than the first time.
Dr. Shackelton was feeling a bit stunned. "Now hold on. I can't just remove the foreskin of a young man while he's bound and.... Actually, come to think of it, how did you manage to...?"
"Ambush on the way to the shower," Cindy explained.
"Cable-ties are amazing," put in Bree. "His hands were tied before he knew to start struggling."
"Yes, well, err... be that as it may." The doctor paused for a few second to steady her composure before continuing. "I can't perform a circumcision on an unwilling patient. We don't do that sort of thing here. Not even to babies. Sorry."
"Don't worry," said Cindy. "My socks are in his mouth, so he can't complain."
"That's right," Bree chimed in. "Just tell him if he doesn't want to be circumcised to say so. Ha ha!"
"'All those who don't want to be circumcised, raise their hand.' Ha, ha, ha!"
"Ha ha ha ha!"
"Ha ha ha ha ha!"
"Yes, hightly comical," Dr, Shackelton interjected befor either of the girls could have an accident laughing at their own wit. A small pedantic part of her brain was happy to have solved the mystery of the missing socks. "But it's not going to happen. Maybe if one of you two were his long-term girlfriend..."
"That's me," Bree interrupted. "Didn't I mention that? Very long term. Been going out for ages."
"...and he had a medical condition, like premature ejaculation, or..."
"That's it, premature ejaculation. Yes. That's the one! He cums too early. Can't satisfy me. I'm desperate. Need a fix."
Dr. Shackeltom stared at Bree skeptically. "For some strange reason, I'm having trouble believing you. Furthermore..." She reached into the captive's shorts and pulled out his surprisingly (or perhaps not) very erect penis. She gave it a quick examination while he squirmed and mmphed even harder. "As I thought. His equipment is perfectly healthy. No need for any surgery whatsoever."
"But he wants it!" Cindy pleaded. "I mean, he would if he knew what's good for him!"
Bree backed up this opinion. "Exactly. The poor thing's only a boy. Boy's never know what's good for them. We have a... a... duty to look after them!"
The doctor gave each of them a stern look. "Is that a fact? I have an idea. Let's ask him, shall we?" She loosened the scarf and let it drop, still knotted, around his neck.
The girls became suddenly frantic.
"No, no, don't do that!"
"There's no need, really! Just take our word. Please!"
Dr. Shackelton removed a pair of rather damp socks from the captive's mouth. "Now then, young man..." she bagan.
"Get your hands off me you bitch!" he exploded. "Let me go now!"
"Now, now. Just calm down..."
"I said NOW, you whore-slag! Let me go right fucking NOW!"
"I said calm down!"
"Me and my mates from the footy club are going to come round here and pack rape you like you fucking well deserve, you fucking slut!"
As he opened his mouth for the next salvo, she shoved the socks back in. Then she reinstated the scarf, pulling it as tightly between his teeth as she could.
She glared at the girls, who looked back rather sheepishly. She continued to glare for a few seconds before breaking the silence.
"I owe you two an apology. I've spoken with the patient, and he clearly stated his wish to have the procedure you mentioned performed as soon as possible. Without anasthetic. Or stitches."
The girls beamed. Cindy spoke up for both of them. "Thanks Doc!"
"Oh, and he also expressed a desire that the two of you should be allowed to watch. It should be a valuable learning experience."
Bree spoke next. "Thanks Doc. Yes, we should learn a lot."
"I meant for him. Wait there while I get some equipment for bringing him inside."
A short time later there was a lightweight screen shielding a certain part of the carpark from prying eyes as a wheeled stretcher with a young man tightly strapped to it was trundled in through the back door. He struggled and thrashed all the way, but it did him no good. Two teenage girls followed eagerly behind. They grinned at each other.
This was turning out to be a great day.
The End
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