Author's Note: A young researcher visits the wrong household and becomes the offspring Nancy could never have.
Nancy Jacobson always wanted a little baby girl. She and her husband, Steve, were trying during the first few years of their marriage, but now she was 38 years old and time was running out. They lived in a big, but not very preserved cabin, a few miles outside of town. That and the fact that none of them had a stable job, made it impossible for them to adopt a child. Nancy, a blond, chubby woman with long fingernails, had become increasingly depressed due to this situation, and rarely left the house. Steve, a quiet, thin-looking man, whose, sideburns had just started turning white, tried to comfort his wife as best as he could. But things didn't seem to change and desperation slowly turned into madness in Nancy's mind...
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It was a warm spring day. Steve was out and Nancy was lying on the couch in front of the T.V, when she heard a knock at the door. That was weird. They didn't have anyone drop by for months. She certainly wasn't expecting anyone other than Steve, but he had his keys with him. She slowly got up and walked towards the door. She opened it just enough to see who was outside. A beautiful, young girl of asian descent was standing in front of her, holding a clipboard. She had straight brown hair and a beautiful smile. Her great physique showed under the blue jeans and the dark green jacket she was wearing.
"Good morning! I'm doing a survey about the upcoming elections. Can i ask you a few questions? It will only take ten minutes." A light bulb flashed in Nancy's head. "She's perfect!" she thought. "Off course! Come inside." she said to the young girl. "Excuse the mess around here. Would you like some coffee?" she asked her. "Water would be nice, thank you." the girl replied. She sat on an armchair next to the couch while Nancy went in the kitchen. "This is a nice place you got, it must be so peaceful Aah...", her words were cut short by a thud, as Nancy came from behind her holding a frying pan and hit her hard in the head.
She was still recovering from the heavy blow. Her head was spinning and hurt like hell. She was bound to a chair, arms behind the back of the chair and legs tied to each front chair-leg, and she had a scarf tied over her mouth. She would drift in and out of consciousness, though she could distinguish in the blur image the blond woman talking in an intense manner with a man. The man seemed to be angry with the woman, who was trying to explain herself to him. Then, darkness. She sees the blond woman bringing packs of colorful cotton wool and pieces of black leather next to a knitting machine that wasn't there before. Then, darkness. She feels a measuring tape against her bound arms, then her legs, then her around her bust. The blond woman is carefully working next to her, measuring and noting on a small notepad. The gagged girl lets out a sigh, and tries the ropes hugging her ankles, once again, a tiny attempt at rebellion. "Sssh, sweety, i'm not finished yet", the strange woman replies to her, not even glancing at her. Then again, darkness.
When she opens her eyes again, Nancy has almost finished her knitting. The girl blinks repeatedly to clear her vision. She sees what the woman that has kidnapped her created. It's a one-piece bodysuit, with girly pink on the shoulders, arms and legs and light blue on the torso, with three different sized pink hearts sewn over the waist of the torso. A double zipper, runs across the center's length from under the chest, all the way down to where a person's private parts would be, and another part above where the chest would be (where now was an oval-shaped gap) up to covering the whole neck, this one also brought together by a single zipper. The weirdest thing is that the arms and legs of the suit are very short for any adult arms and legs to fit, and can't even go through, as all limbs end in smooth, closed stumps.
"I saw your name was Julia on your clipboard. I've always wanted an Elisabeth since i was a little girl, though. So, that will be your name from now on," Nancy said to her immobilized captive. Julia then saw Nancy take a rug and soak it with an bottle labeled "ether". "I'm going to need you to be calm for this next part, honey, please forgive me", said the chubby lady as she went behind the girl's chair and with both hands held the rag over her face. A few muffles and chair squeeks later, Julia was out cold.
She slept through the afternoon and night. When she finally woke up it was 11 a.m. Nancy was having coffee downstairs when she heard moans coming from her newest "baby room". She rushed upstairs into the room. It was still pretty empty but she had a lot of plans for it. But for the moment there was only a drawer and a pink, drop-side crib next to the only window in the room. She walked up to the crib and saw the young girl, crying hysterically. Her slim, young body was laying in the crib, nude except for a big diaper with cute little bear pictures, that was put on her. Her arms and legs had been fused together, bent at her elbows and knees, respectively ,with some tight, black tape. Her hands had been forced into two black mittens by the same tape, rendering them useless. A big ball was stuffed in her mouth and secured there by a big pacifier through a strap behind her head, impossible for her to reach. Her screams on the pacifier had made a mess of saliva all over her chest and neck, a mess that the tiny bib on her could not clean at the slightest. Finally, her hair had been separated into two cute pigtails by two big pink ribbons.
"What is it Lizzy? Does Lizzy want a hug?" she spoke as if the person in front of her was actually an infant. The girl moaned behind her pacifier, still confused and miserable about her predicament. Nancy lowered the rail on the crib and went to stroke the girl's cheek with the outside of her hand, but flinched as Julia struggled, trying to attack the woman that had done this to her. "Someone is in a bad mood this morning" said Nancy. "Or is it time to change your nappy?" She brought her face close to Julia's crotch, stretching the front of her diaper. "No, it seems you're just moody, never mind, i have ways to teach you." She then took out two pairs of wooden clothes' pins and snapped the first pair on her exposed nipples. She opened her diaper and put the others on each side of her labia, before closing the diaper again. Each clipping resulted in Julia letting a big "AAOUUH" and widening her eyes. She tried to dislodge them by skaking left and right. They didn't move. but they did cause her more pain. "You'll be fed only when you calm down", Nancy remarked assertively. She raised the crib's rail and left, closing the door behind her.
The hours passed and Julia's tears dried after many hours. Her crib had wooden rails too high for her to get out of, no matter how hard she tried, she could not reach them. Her taped hands made it impossible for her to reach the pin lowering the crib's rail. Even standing up was difficult in her predicament. The pain in her nipples and pussy was getting worse each minute, but she could only sit there and suffer. "How could someone do this to me? What does this crazy woman want from me?" she thought to herself. She could hear some noises coming from downstairs occationaly, the sound of the T.V or Nancy making dinner and cleaning the house.
Finally, Nancy arrived, this time along with her husband. It was now dark outside and Julia was really hungry. She looked up at both of them silent, with begging eyes. "Are you going to be a good little baby, now?" said Nancy. Julia nodded reluctantly, with a look of defeat on her face. She wanted to relieve the pain so bad at this point. "Come on, mommy is gonna feed you now". Nancy removed the pins from her sensitive skin. Now she had to carry her downstairs. That's what her husband was here for.
Steve picked up the girl from under her armpits and held her in his arms. The young asian girl tried to avert her eyes away from him, it was so degrading. She was really embarrassed at the way she looked. The stupid pigtails and the big diaper with the velcro straps made her look ridiculous, not to mention the pacifier that prevented her from saying anything comprehensible. She felt his strong grip around her waist and the other hand cupping/holding her ass. She wanted to move as far away from this man as possible, but she was afraid. Steve carried her downstairs and brought her to the couch where he "handed her over" to Nancy. She cradled the bound woman in her arms, as close to holding a child of her own as she had ever been. Julia watched the woman, scared and humiliated. She stayed like that, holding her for a few moments, then Nancy began tearing up.
"I'm so happy that i found you." she said, very emotional. "I'm gonna love you sooo much, little Lizzy, i promise you." She said and gently kissed her on the forehead. Julia tried to keep her cool. It was obvious that this psycho wanted to raise her as some sort of adult baby. She had to find a way to escape!
Nancy's family, along with its newest member, little Elizabeth, gathered for dinner. A large feeding chair was on the side of the table, modified with leather straps on the sides for "Lizzy's" hands and legs, and complete with belts to keep her secure. On either side were two chairs for Nancy and her husband. Julia struggled furiously when she saw it, but tied as she was it was no trouble for Nancy and her husband to put her inside and click the belt around her waist. Her arms were freed from the tape, but only momentarily so they could be strapped on the baby-chair. Julia was at least grateful that her limbs weren't cramping anymore.
"I've made her a cream from veggies and mashed potatoes" she said proudly to her husband. "That sounds nice". Steve said reassuringly. "Did you get the things i told you?" she asked. "Yes, they're on the kitchen counter" he replied. "I hope i won't have to go to any more of your errants again, will i?" he said. "Whatever it takes for our baby, honey!" she said passive-aggressively. "Tomorrow i'll go check for things for her room and a stroller. Oh, and i want you to order one of those play-yard things so i can have her in the living room with me". Nancy was so excited. Julia watched horrified the conversation between the two. She really was going to be their baby! Nancy went to the kitchen and returned with what looked like a ring-gag. She showed it to Julia or "Elizabeth" as she was now called and said to her. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but this is necessary until you behave properly, and it makes things easier for both of us."
She then unbuckled the pacifier that was in the girl's mouth since she recovered. The Asian girl tried to take this opportunity to plea to her captors but it was pointless. "Please, let me go, don't do this AAAGH" but the ring between her teeth rendered her speechless again. Nancy placed a new, dry bib around her neck and sat down on the table. The sound of forks and knives was only accompanied by Julia's occasional moans as she whined, strapped in her high chair, her eyes anxiously searching around the room for a way out.
After some bites of her own, Nancy took a big plastic spoon and a bowl full of the creamy substance that would be Lizzy's dinner. "Here comes the train! Chew, chewwww!" said Nancy playfully while she guided the spoon inside Julia's gaping mouth. Julia couldn't take the humiliation anymore. She broke into a fit, thrashing on her chair and screaming at the top of her lungs. Nancy took the bottle of ground, black pepper from the table and, forcing Julia's head upwards by the hair with one hand, poured it in her open mouth. "BAD, BAD MOUTH, BAD LIZZY!", Nancy scolded her baby as she punished her. The poor girl's mouth was on fire now. She started crying, half from the unbearable heat on her tongue, half from her desperation.
Nancy got emotional too, seeing her baby in tears. "I'm sorry sweetie, i only want what's best for you, please be a good little girl. I have to teach you how to behave." She gave the girl a sweet kiss on her cheek, but left her tongue half-black from the smeared pepper. "Now, eat your cream, it's good for you", Nancy brought the spoon close. Julia was now silent, still with tears on her cheeks and breathing heavily from the hot spices inside her mouth. She obeyed this time and leaned over the spoon. It was very hard for her to swallow with her mouth forced open like that, but she was really hungry and it didn't taste so bad. After 3 or 4 tries "Elizabeth" managed to do it without choking. "See, if you behave next time, i won't have to use that mean gag. Babies don't talk, and good babies don't whine. You're going to be the best baby-girl in the world", said Nancy and swept the cream that dribbled down Julia's chin.
After dinner was over, it was lights out. Their new baby girl was back in her room, on the floor, her pacifier back in its place, its large ball filling her mouth, limbs taped together like before. Nancy stood kneeling in front of her, with a mysterious bag by her side. "I was hoping i wouldn't have to put you in it that soon, but after today's incident, it seems you need some discipline", said Liz's self-proclaimed mother, opening the bag and taking out the baby suit Julia had seen her make the day before. "It is really warm so you won't catch a cold. In fact, it's get really hot in there. Every time you misbehave or cause a ruckus, you'll be put in that suit", she explained as she opened the zipper to show that the colorful, soft exterior of the clothing was nothing like the pitch-black leather that covered the inside.
"Since you'll be naked inside the suit, mommy has to make sure you won't make any mess", the woman spoke as she removed the girl's diaper. Julia was petrified in fear, what did she mean by that? Her questions were answered when Nancy produced a considerably large butt plug and another much smaller one. Julia begun struggling and screaming into her pacifier gag, but she was no match for the woman, who turned the girl on her chest. Julia's muffled pleas did not stop her "mom", who grabbed the girl strongly on the back of her neck and with a stern tone said "stay still".
After a few seconds, the girl's screams had been reduced to soft sobbing, submitting to her captor. She felt two saliva-coated fingers massaging her sphincter and did her best not to move away. Then, the sobs were cut sharply as she felt the pressure of the plug pushing its way inside her, then a sudden moan of pain as it penetrated her. Nancy flipped the girl over and picked up the urethral plug. Another loud moan later, Julia was plugged up for good. No mess would be made tonight.
Nancy helped the girl into the suit, each limb at a time, making sure that another leathery cover was laid on top of the zipper,before zipping it all the way up. Julia was completely covered by her new piece of clothing, except on her face and breasts, that were forced to "pop out" of her leather outfit. The girl was already feeling the heat rising from inside, breaking sweat on various parts of her body.
"Here, look what mommy bought you." She shook a toy rattle and placed it on the girl's naked breasts. Julia could not care less about a stupid toy at the moment, she struggled in her newest piece of clothing, only exhausting and heating up herself more. "Come on, isn't it cute?" said Nancy anticipating a bigger reaction. Julia looked at her with indifference. Nancy then squeezed her nipple with her long-nailed fingers as hard as she could. Julia let out a muffled yelp in pain. "I want you to be more appreciative of what i'm doing for you", she warned the girl, pulling her finger away, along with Julia's nipple.
"I'll buy you all sorts of pretty things tomorrow! Goodnight my Lizzy. I love you!", Nancy said as she placed the beautiful helpless girl in and closed the door behind her, leaving Julia alone to "warm up" her suit, in the most bizarre prison she could ever imagine.
Julia's eyes opened for what seemed like the 20th time during her night. It was finally morning. She was drenched in sweat, both inside her torturous pyjamas and out on her face. The plugs on her two holes didn't make the experience any easier, as they were very uncomfortable and gave her a "full" and "tight" sensation that she hated. She tried to move but once again realized her total helplessness. The door opened and Nancy entered holding a bunch of baby toys like rattles and teddy bears and other decorations for her baby's room. The had bought a stroller and a play-yard, along with a set of baby monitors.
"Good morning, my sweet little angel!" she said softly as she walked towards the pink crib. The look of hate she had received the first day was now a scared look of submission. Nancy unlocked the crib and stood a few feet away from it. "Come Lizzy, crawl towards mommy!", she said with a warm, encouraging voice. Julia obeyed, clumsily stepping down on the floor, on all fours, and slowly making her way towards the older woman. She felt so humiliated, doing this, but the exhaustion the suit had caused her drove her to hope it would be removed where Nancy stood. Nancy cheered her baby on, until she reached her. A smile came on her face when she saw the girl rise to her knee-stamps and hug one of her legs with her bound arms, begging her to remove her babysuit.
Nancy prepared a bubble bath for her and her baby. After removing the boiling hot suit (but leaving the two plugs in), and retying her hands and her legs at the same frog-tie with waterproof tape, she got nude and jump in the bathtub, with her baby-girl sitting on her lap. The woman took much care, cleaning the girl's hair and body, eliciting minimal sounds from Julia, who tried to be as dignified as possible during this, without much success. She had to admit the water felt great after all she'd been through last night.
"I love you, Lizzy, i want you to know that" Nancy spoke in her ear. "I will not only punish you when you cause trouble, my sweet, i'll also reward you when you're being a good girl. And you have been very good this morning", said Nancy, as her hand moved under the water to Julia's pussy. Julia uttered a muffled "whh?" through her pacifier and tried to look at the woman, who was now grabbing her breast with the other hand, and had found her little clit with her fingers. Julia tried to resist for a moment, this was rape, after all, but she was so powerless to resist, bound as she was, and besides, it felt so good! Her mind was in a battle, alternating between the shame of not fighting back and the acceptance of the pleasure she was experiencing. "Come, my little baby, don't fight it" she heard the woman's whisper and she gave in seconds later.
The first few days of Julia's new life passed eventfully. Stephen was at work for most of the day, but Nancy stayed at home with her all day. The kidnapped woman spend most of her time in the play-pen her new "parents" had brought home, while Nancy was doing household chores or simply relaxing on the couch, watching T.V. Sometimes, she was inside her crib, but essentially, she was either confined or around Nancy's arms. Whether she was fitted with a simple diaper or her "babysuit" usually depended on the behavior she had earlier in the day. Her baby-suit's zipper could put her privates on display at any time, a situation the girl's perky tits were perpetually in. She did not care for that at all, especially whenever some mean cloth pins were left, pinching her cold nipples or her soft little clit. And the presence of the intrusive butt-plug was evident, every time she was placed inside the horrid leather.
Nancy often added torments to her discipline methods, to keep her baby always obedient. A hot chilly inside her pussy, added to the suit's heat, she might have gotten used to. Some couch-stuffing in all the right tender spots, in addition with the sweat she would certainly produce from the suit, caused her uncontrollable itching. One time she even cut a piece of solid soap and shoved it in the poor girl's mouth, before sealing it in with some tape. It was one of those rare times were "Elisabeth" had her pacifier removed, but she had gone straight into raging, foul language, that was no-where near baby coos. Julia had a few chances at negotiating with her captors, but they always ended up in trouble for her. She had offered them money, she had pleaded them to let her go, that she wouldn't go to the police, that she would forget everything. But nothing worked.
Julia remembered a particular day, where she had thrown the spoon of her mommy's hands, after another one of her "defiant fits", as Nancy called them. Later, as she was sitting inside her playpen, she pooped in her diaper. Normally, Nancy changed her baby right away, but instead, she left her there with the filth she had created in her diaper. As time passed, the mess irritated her tender privates, driving Julia crazy with itchiness and discomfort. She never made a fuss during meal time ever again.
Usually, Julia hated changing nappies. She always whined in embarrassment at Nancy raising her taped legs to put some talcum powder on her, or the sound of the velcro straps of her diaper being undone. It felt so degrading, especially the moment when her "mother" would get a whiff of what had happened, but Nancy loved it. She would watch "Lizzy" turn red in shame and playfully tease her. "Oooh, did you made a mess in your diaper, Lizzy? Who's a messy little girl?" It always made Julia want to kill herself. Even though it was a pretty mundane task for any mother, Nancy loved changing her baby's nappy.
On night, Nancy had gone out with some friend and Steve had stayed home to look after her. She sat inside her playpen, as usual in the afternoons. Steve was watching T.V, not paying much attention to her. He always seemed a bit uncomfortable around the girl, and have never directly spoken to her. She moaned behind her pacifier, trying to get his attention. He turned his look at her. Her breasts were stunning and her waist was slim. Her ass was firm, too, but the diaper covered it completely. She moaned again, begging him to remove her gag. " Look, i know this must be hard for you, but think about my wife. It's the first time in many years since i've seen her this happy. And it's all because of you. So please, try to understand. You will never return to the outside world, so it's best that you stop stressing out and try to live your life here, as best as you can."
Julia lowered her gaze at the words she heard. She realized they were probably true. No one had come by the house to ask for her. No one could know where or how she disappeared. She had been in hundreds of houses that day and this was in the middle of nowhere. She looked at her amputated hands and let a soft whimper as Steve continued watching the game...
The first two hellish weeks had passed really slowly for Julia. Her whole life turned upside down, she didn't have a chance to escape, always having her legs and arms taped together, reduced them to even more worthless than an actual baby's. But one day, she found an opportunity. Nancy would usually put her in her crib after lunch, and would take a small nap before afternoon. But that time, she had not locked the sliding side of her crib properly. A strong nudge pushed it open and with enough force from her elbows, the crib was open. Julia crawled her way towards the bedroom door, thankfully it was not locked. She pushed the handle down and she was out. "Oh my god! I'm out! Maybe i can actually get out of this place!" thought Julia.
She tried crawling quietly across the wooden floor, and carefully made her way down the stairs to the living room. No one was there. "They must be asleep", Julia thought. She reached the front door, but as she turned the handle, realized it was locked. The keys were right there on the lock, if only she had her hands free! Julia tried using her elbows to turn the key, then her teeth, but it was impossible. To add to that, every attempt caused the keys to jingle and risked waking up her captors.
Then, out of nowhere, Julia heard the doorbell ring. Someone was on the other side of the door! She moaned and screamed in her pacifier gag, calling for help to whoever was out there. "Mrs Jacobson, i brought you some tomatoes from the farm.." the voice of a very old woman was heard. Julia started banging on the door with her stamped limbs, trying to alert the passerby, but the old lady was hard of hearing, and just pushed the doorbell again. Before she knew it, Julia was picked and raised in the air by strong arms, taken to the kitchen out of sight, while Nancy opened the door. "Hello Mrs Mayweather, thank you so much for the groceries. It wasn't necessary...no it was just the cat that's all.." was all Julia heard as she struggled on Steve's arms.
Nancy was very disappointed at her Lizzy's escape attempt. She had to teach her a lesson she would not forget. Julia found herself on Nancy's lap, still bound as before. She felt Nancy remove her diaper, and her voice, still angry, say to Julia: "You should NEVER try to run away from mommy, you understand? I only want what's good for you." And with that, she spanked her exposed ass really hard, then again, and again. "Elizabeth" cried her eyes out, unable to avoid the punishment. Her ass-cheeks soon got a bright pink color, then a deeper one, until they were fire-red.
After 10 minutes of relentless ass smacking, Nancy stopped. Her "baby-girl" was sobbing on her lap, still aching and bruised. "I'm sorry sweetie, mommy doesn't like hurting you, she just wants you to be good." She stroke Julia's head, between the two pink pigtails she always had and Julia let out a desperate sigh, her tight butt-cheeks still very warm from the beating they had suffered.
About 9 months had passed and Julia had started to respond to Lizzy or Liz without thinking about it. She had learn to walk for a few steps with the help of her new mom and even started to enjoy the times when Nancy would hold her in her arms and caress her. She had started to come in terms with her fate and that turned her helplessness into a kind of euphoria she hadn't really felt before. She didn't need to do anything, because she couldn't. All she had to do was let her "mom" take care of her, and there was a weird peace in that. Mom. Even though she had both her parents alive and well, Julia had started to associate that word more with Nancy, rather than her biological mother more and more as the days went by.
She noticed that Nancy had brought home about a dozen injections, but she never saw what she did with them. She just saw Nancy take one from time to time, and then throwing the needle in the garbage.
Nancy spend a lot of time at home with "Lizzy", playing with her. She sometimes took her to bed with her, when she was napping after lunch and Steve would relax on the couch, reading the paper. She loved falling asleep with her baby girl in her arms. Julia came to like that, too. Sure, life now was duller, but it was also much simpler. She was more obedient now and therefore she got punished less.
Sure, there were also hard times. Mental regression's to an older, more complicated and fulfilling life, with job's and friends and a sense of personality. But mommy was there to calm her baby down, and reassure here that everything was gonna be fine. Her baby's cries could be heard from the baby monitor in her room, that was now filled with colors and toys, and Nancy would wake up in the middle of the night to go be with her, and help her fall back to sleep, with a small caress on her back or stroking her hair.
The baby monitor was also used to make sure Elizabeth was in her room, and not wondering around "unwanted placed". Nancy had, time and time again, taught her daughter to ring her rattle every 10-15 minutes or so, (unless she was asleep), so that mommy knew she was safe in her crib.
Adapting to a new life such as this, was not easy at all. But Julia had learned to be quiet around the table and was starting to appreciate the creamy meals she was given day after day. She'd have her teeth cleaned and a nice warm shower by her new mommy, everyday. She had started to get familiar with the feeling of her soft hands and her red nails as she cleaned her in every part and crevice on her body. Nancy was shorter than her the day she first saw her, but now, with Julia unable to stand above the kitchen table, she really looked like a "grown-up" in front of the young asian girl. She wasn't taller than 4 feet now and that completely changed her perception of the world.
One day, when Steve was out Nancy sat on the couch with Liz on her hands. She undid the strap of her pacifier and removed it. "Sweetie, i know you haven't eaten since breakfast, but i want to start feeding you, myself, from now on." Julia's eyes looked up at the blond woman, confused. Then Nancy started unbuttoning her blouse. "I've been taking medication so i can be a proper mother and breastfeed you. Go on, now, Lizzy." Her tits were already big, but now with the added swelling they looked huge. Julia turned her mouth away and murmured in defiance.
A strong pinch of her right nipple made Julia moan and turn to face her "mother". "Don't make me sad, my angel. Eat for mommy's sake." said Nancy. As she was holding "Lizzy", she pushed the back of Julia's neck towards her exposed breast. She cradled her like that, Julia's face in contact with her breast. Then, the girl reluctantly put her lips around the 38 year old woman's nipple. She watched endearingly as the girl suckled the milk from her breasts. It tasted strange, but Julia couldn't dare stop and kept sucking on the woman's nipple. "Look at me, darling" she said to her, and the captive girl obeyed instantly, locking her eyes with the woman's. Nancy wanted that mental picture, of her baby, looking up at her mother as she was being fed. She smiled happily and caressed her daughter's cheek as she kept suckling on her mother, their eyes linked together.
Lizzy's breast milk meals became an everyday habit from then on. Julia was fed less as a result, causing her to often be hungry and in need of the nutritious milk, as appalling as it first seamed. The bound girl's caretaker loved to see her "Lizzy" raise her "stamped" arms towards her, to be picked up and fed.
If loving someone meant depending on them, then "Lizzy" loved her mother to death.
Nancy had found a part-time job during the next months, so Steve was home alone with Elizabeth more often than before. He was more than a little frustrated at how much attention she had taken away from him. It had been 2 months since the last time they even had sex. And now, he saw her even less. He went along with her weird plan, he loved her after all, and becoming a mother was something she always wanted. But that didn't take away from that fact that there was a hot, bound 22-year-old in his house at all times.
It was another dull afternoon. Lizzy was sitting inside her pen, wearing nothing but her pacifier and her diaper as always, and the two pigtails that Nancy always fashioned on her beautiful brown hair. Her wrists were attached to her arms with two pairs of purple handcuff-straps, same treatment to her ankles and thighs - getting the duct tape on and off had become tiresome. Her hand were also engulfed into two pairs of white, cotton mittens, Nancy had made herself. Steve was sitting on his laptop, surfing mindlessly on the internet. He would occasionally glance at Julia, until he'd caught her eye, then again.
Finally he got up the chair and moved towards her. She looked at his determined look, confused about what was going on. He then picked her up and nervously started undoing her diaper. Julia's eyes widened at the horrible realization. She started screaming hysterically, but the big pacifier muffled her cries. Steve placed her on the dining table face down and unzipped his pants with one hand, holding her down with the other. Her bound arms and legs couldn't do anything to save her from what was going to happen. Steve grabbed her by the waist, forcing her down his hard cock. "Ssshh, hush now" he said to her, as if he began thrusting in and out of her hole.
He came hard and quickly inside her. Julia face's was now covered with snot and tears. Steve stroked her on the back across the spine for a moment as she wept quietly. "I need to clean you now. I don't want your mom learning anything about this, ok?" he said to the helpless girl, to scare her, more than anything else. He then took her to the bathroom and washed her private parts. She was still in shock, after having been violated like that.
Sadly for Julia, this was just the first of many incidents Steve would take advantage of their "alone time". At some point he'd fuck her two or three times a day, especially when Nancy would be outside or at work. She could do nothing to avoid it and that made her fear being left alone with him. She would crawl towards her mother whenever she was at home and beg to be taken on the bed with her. All of this unbeknownst to Nancy, who welcomed the extra affection her "daughter" showed her without really questioning it. Steve was thorough with cleaning her every time so that Nancy would never know. And without the ability to speak, even when the pacifier was off, Julia had a hard time explaining to her "mother".
She has her face shoved against the couch. She feels the rough surface on her cheeks. She hears the sound of the T.V and the thrusts of the man inside her. She is blindfolded with some kind of towel or rag. Her legs, or better, her thighs are raised high above her. She's almost upside down. He fucks her mechanically, without giving a shit about her, just something he likes to do. She's there to fulfill that basic human need of his, and nothing else matters. She was not his child, she was just an unlucky bitch who was forced to please him daily.
That never-ending cycle of abuse and care, he and she, would last for almost a year. At the end of it, Julia wasn't the person she was when she visited that house that damned day. Her captor, Nancy, was now the only one she wanted around, to caress her, to love her, to protect her from that monster. The moments with her, those were the best ones. With him, on the other hand, were a living hell. It didn't change much when a couple of times, Nancy had discovered her husband's semen on the girl's mouth or pussy, or another time a spiked dildo shoved inside her baby. He had become careless, an inevitable state of repeating an offence too often to count. She even caught him red-handed one time, facefucking the bound girl as she was returning from work.
Nancy was more than upset with that turnout. She scolded Steve each time he'd been caught, stating how wrong he was being, hurting her little girl, especially since the last year she had been nothing but good and accepting of her role. It was, without a doubt, bad parenting. She issued him to stop, or there would be hell to pay.
But, Steven didn't want to stop. He was fed up with the stupid bitch. She had driven his wife away from him, he felt as if he didn't matter anymore, only "Lizzy" did. He had decided he was going to put an end to all this.
He is free tonight. Nancy is at work and won't be home for at least an hour. He's gotta make it look like an accident. Falling down the stairs? Nooo, that might not work with one try. Pills? Drowning in the tub? All these would require some assistance, incriminating him. But maybe, she could choke to death. That gagging pacifier would not help any person that desperately needed air. He could blame it on a swallow gone wrong and leave her on the playpen, where no monitors were placed. Sure, he was gonna hear it for good, but life would return to normal.
But not before he has his fun, one last time. He takes her upstairs to the bath-room, tied by her usual purple straps, nothing but a diaper on her. He takes his time, playing with her, hurting her, then bending her over and undoing her diaper, starts fucking her doggy-style on the rough carpet. It feels so good, she squeezes his dick with her young pussy. He removes her gag, a few human words like "please" and "don't" manage to come out before he shuts her up with his fully erect cock. He pushes her head, in and out, first slowly, then faster, holding firmly a pigtail in each hand. The girl's wet lips and tongue do the job, and he violently cums inside her mouth.
Nancy opens the front door. There's a weird silence in the room. She hangs her coat on the dresser and goes to the kitchen to check for leftovers from lunch. No one's in the living room, and Lizzy's playpen is also empty. No sound comes from the baby monitor either. Something is wrong. She walks up the stairs, where she starts to hear choking sounds.
Julia cannot see a thing. Her rapist has blindfolded her, not an unusual thing, but now that he has orgasmed, she doesn't understand what the ring-gag, strapped on her, is for. "I'm sorry to do this girl, but i can't have you here any more. Now, make this easy and it will all be over soon..", he hears Stephen speak. She panics at the meaning of those words! She struggles in her bonds, but he holds her still by the hair. She hears her rattle, she recognizes it in an instant. Then, Julia feels the plastic handle of it, being shoved down her gaping throat. She tries to resist, but she can't breath, the object is blocking her windpipe.
Then, the door opens. Julia hears her mother walk in. "My baby!" she hears her yell, horrified. Julia feels the hand letting her go and she falls on the ground, convulsing and trying to catch her breath. "Nancy, listen to me!" Steve tries to explain. She hears yells and curses from her mother. Then she seems like she is leaving. Then she returns. "Nancy, put the gun down, please" she hears the man. "You monster, what are you doing to my girl!?" she screams. "Please, just put down the.." A loud shot echoes inside the small house.
A short, chubby lady is pushing a stroller on the street. It's a busy street, people moving up and down, going about their days, as is the 41 year old woman. The stroller's hood completely closes, with only a mesh part of it, letting light come through. But it is enough light so that Julia can see all those people, passing by, unbeknownst to her presence. The straps inside the stroller keep her trapped inside, while 3 or 4 scarves, wrapped carefully over her mouth and nose, stifle any sounds that escape her pacifier. It is almost heartbreaking how close she is to freedom. But no one's the wiser and her mother keeps pushing her along, enjoying the sun on her skin.
She had to change her name. That was now Martha Rogers. Off course, it didn't matter to little Lizzy. She was still "mom" to her. She would always just be "mom" to her. They now lived a more peaceful life, far away from their old home. There was no crib in their small apartment, but that didn't matter. She got to cuddle with her mommy every night on that single bed, and it was just fine. She enjoyed the feeling of her mother's chubby hands wrapped around her and her legs all curled up close to her, her warm breath on the top of her head. In a way, her suffering was over. The "bad man" was gone. Her mother had sewn a nice, yellow, wool sweater, with a happy bear face on the center, for those winter days were her baby could not stay naked. Elizabeth had learned to enjoy her mother's own milk, and she opened her mouth invitingly whenever it was "time for Lizzy's meal" as Nancy liked to say.
"I love you more than anything in the world, Lizzy." said Nancy and gave her a big smooch on the side of her cheek, as the girl laid in her arms.