Author's Note: One mistake costs a man nearly everything.
Chapter 1
It happened when I was on a business trip. I had finished my meetings for the day and then worked until 10. After calling my wife, I felt restless. My flight the following day wasn't until 11, so I decided to get a drink down at the hotel bar. That probably was a mistake. I figured that I could grab a couple of drinks and watch the call girls operate. In a million years, I would never buy one...I was completely faithful to my wife. We had been married for 2 years and I was totally in love with her. She was the best looking woman I had ever been with and one of the nicest people I had ever met as well. No way would I ever risk it and I had no desire to either.
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I had just finished my second drink and told the waitress, "what the hell...I'll have one more" when she sat down. She was definitely not a prostitute although she was certainly as good looking as one. She sat facing me at the next table over. There was no one else near us.
She smiled warmly at me and I thought 'damn that woman is hot.' Even though she was dressed in conservative business attire, you couldn't help but notice her curves.
"Let me guess...here on business?" She said playfully then smiled.
"Yes, I suppose we both are" I said smiling. I probably should have been less friendly but I was on my third drink and had no one to talk to. I remember thinking 'what the hell' it's not cheating to have a drink with someone.
We chatted for awhile before it started to become awkward that we were at different tables. Several large groups of business people had entered the bar and tables were at a premium.
"Would you mind if I joined you?" she asked motioning her hand with a drink in it to the empty chair across from me at the little 2 person table.
We talked for a long time and to be honest I really liked her. She was warm, friendly and really fucking hot. After 7 drinks, it was much more difficult to resist temptation, but I was holding strong. When she would touch the back of my hand as she spoke or deliberately played footsie under the table I resisted. However, I am a man and it was becoming difficult. I regretted speaking to her in the first place and not leaving, but that is always difficult. Leaving right when she sat down would have been offensive and rude and I did my best to not be either of those.
At about midnight, she said "Well, I've really enjoyed this but I better get to my room. Would you mind escorting me?"
I hesitated but agreed. It sounded like she wanted to retire for the evening anyway. What would it hurt to escort her to her room?
So I did. It's painful to think about now and I would do almost anything to go back in time to warn myself...my naive self...to say no and go back to my room, but I can't. Unfortunately, I have to live with the consequences of that one evening...that one mistake...for the rest of my life.
When we got to the room, she seem hesitant to go in. She turned to me. "Would you do me a huge favor? I know you are married and if I were your wife I wouldn't want you to do it, but would you stay with me for awhile? I'm scared. My ex-boyfriend is violent. He doesn't know where I am, I'm very sure of it, but at night I get scared...even if it's not rational. If you could just come in for a little while until I can relax... The fear is always the worst when I get back home or to a hotel room. I should calm down in a a few minutes."
How do you resist that? Well, I couldn't and I followed her in feeling very nervous.
"Have a seat on the bed." she said and disappeared to the bathroom. When she came out she was only wearing a nightshirt and panties. The nightshirt just barely covered her ass and her big beautiful tits and pointy nipples were clearly visible. I knew she was wearing panties because when she hopped on the bed on her stomach turning on the TV her shirt came over her hips displaying her perfectly round ass in small, see through, lacy, tanga style panties.
Fuck! I thought to myself.
"Oh my lower back is killing me from walking in those heels!" she said sighing. "Would it make you feel too uncomfortable to rub my back? Just the lower part?"
My jaw dropped but almost in a trance I replied. "Sure, no that's fine."
I rubbed her lower back and felt my cock get extremely hard. Before I knew it I was rubbing lower and lower until my hand was massaging the soft skin of her firm ass.
"You can take off my panties if they are getting in the way." She said innocently.
I pulled them all the way off and tossed them on a nearby chair. The rest is history. I couldn't resist the fruit of temptation in front of me and it wasn't long until her beautiful body was riding me and bending over for me and just about everything else you could imagine.
When I finally fell asleep with her cute face resting on my shoulder, I felt incredibly guilty. Never again I told myself as I drifted off.
I woke up in a haze...I felt like I had been drugged and then I remembered all the alcohol and that I wasn't in my own room. Then, I realized that I had woken up because a woman with a strong accent was yelling "Housekeeping!" I looked at the alarm on the side of the bed and it said 12:04. I jumped up realizing I had missed my flight and just about fainted. I actually screamed.
"Sir, are you OK?" asked the voice still out of view.
"Yes, please come back...I'm not ready!" I yelled.
"Ok, but hurry, check out was at noon."
"Ok!" I yelled back.
As I moved to get out of bed, my chest jiggled. I looked down at a huge set of tits on my chest. They were firm and sporting pencil eraser nipples.
"What the fuck?" i said almost in a whisper.
As I swung my feet off the bed I screamed again. My cock was gone and I was looking at a bald vagina.
Frantically I grabbed at both and realized that they weren't real but just very realistic looking prosthetics. I tried to pull them off but they were attached like they were real. I actually felt a great deal of pain by pulling on them.
I desperately had to pee but I realized with horror that I wouldn't be able to with my cock covered, but I rushed into the bathroom anyway. I felt around the vagina and realized it had a small hole where I guessed a woman's was and sat down on the toilet. Sure enough, despite the indignity of sitting down I was able to relieve myself. I relaxed my cock inside it's prison and I was able to pee through the small hole. There was something else wrong too...my ass seemed to fill up the whole seat.
I got up feeling the heavy tits bounce and when I looked in the mirror I saw the womanly hips. Looking over my shoulder I was greeted with a big, round, smooth ass. Grabbing it, I was shocked at the realism. It felt huge it my hands.
It was then that I saw the letter on the mirror. There was one word on the envelope..."cheater."
I felt a chill rip through me.
As I struggled to open it I noticed that my fingernails were false, long and bright pink. I was too interested in what the letter said to worry about that at the moment so with trembling fingers I read.
"Dear Cheater,
You are a cheater. A vile, repulsive man who has no morals or character. You recited an oath at your wedding and it just took a pretty girl to break it. You are a man without honor and as such you must be punished.
The breasts, ass and vagina you now wear are part of you. They cannot be removed by any surgical technique currently available without removing your cock, balls and most of the skin on your chest, ass, and inner thighs. A painful, debilitating procedure which will leave you in constant pain and in need of medicine to ward off infection for the rest of your life. You see, these attachments are in a way, living. They attach themselves with sort of digital tentacles to your body. There are millions of tiny electrodes on the bottom of them which attach themselves to nerve endings in your actual skin. The electrodes take the stimulus that affects the surface of the breasts and vagina and instantly apply it to real nerve endings which send the stimuli back to the surface. It will take about 18 hours for the electrodes to completely take effect, but you probably already have a great deal of feeling. In just a few hours they will feel completely real. You will feel the sensation of every touch, bounce or movement as if they were real and part of your body.
You have just three options.
Option one is that you live with these humiliating additions that have been added to your body for the rest of your life.
Option two is you have the surgery which will make you a sickly eunuch.
Or you can choose option 3. You call this phone number - XXX-XXX-XXXX and ask me to remove them. I alone have the solution and key that will allow them to be removed safely.
If you attempt to remove your breasts, vagina, ass, or your finger nails or the finger nail polish on your toes you will be punished even more severely than you already have been. I will know if you made an attempt. Trust me...you don't want to be punished further.
If you go to the police, a doctor, a scientist or even a friend and tell them what happened, you will regret it the rest of your life. I can't be serious enough about this and I am a woman of my word.
Have a wonderful day and have fun getting back to your room.
I was shaking so bad that I had to sit down on the edge of the tub. The tits bounced as I sat down and I could actually feel them and not just up against my skin. It was the same with the ass. I could actually feel the cold ceramic of the tub. If what she wrote was correct by the end of the day they would be completely real. I tried not to panic. I guess I would have to see her and ask her to remove them. It would be humiliating, but she would remove them and I could go home and resume my life.
As I stood up to get my phone I noticed that the shower had no curtain and there were no towels whatsoever in the the room. I went out of the bathroom into the main room and noticed for the first time that the bed I woke up on had no sheets, blankets or even pillows. It just was a mattress on top of a box spring. Then, I noticed that my clothes weren't where I put them. I knew before I even looked that my clothes were no where in the room. Her comment "Have fun getting back to your room." came back to me. Sure enough, they were no where to be found. I kept desperately looking though. With the big tits, ass and vagina taunting me at every move.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I screamed. My wallet and phone was still there but no hotel key card. I looked in my wallet and there was nothing but my driver's license - no credit cards or cash...nothing. I unlocked my phone and immediately called her.
"Well hello sleepy head. It's about time you woke up. I have been expecting your call." She sounded like nothing had happened.
"Why...why did you do this to me? I did nothing to you?" I asked trying to keep my voice from shaking.
"I told you in the letter, sweetie. Did you not read it?"
"Yes, but I don't understand..."
"You are a cheater and cheaters deserve to be punished."
"I love my wife. I never would have done it if you, if you...didn't entrap me."
"Do you not have free will? You were given choices and each time you selected the choice that put you further in danger and then when the ultimate choice happened you didn't seem to have many regrets. Your little pee pee was really hard. It's probably not very hard this morning, huh?"
I wanted to tell her to fuck off so badly but I bit my lip...literally...and tried not to break down into tears.
"Can you take them off, please? I've learned my lesson."
"Well certainly I can take it off for you. At 10:00 PM be at the corner of 10th and Broad. A van will pick you up and take you to me."
"Can you bring me some clothes?"
"But how am I supposed to get out of here?" I said sounding more desperate that I wanted to.
"I have no idea, but if you aren't at 10th and Broad at 10 PM, you will never hear from me again."
The phone clicked and she was gone.
There was not a shred of fabric in the entire hotel room, so I either had to walk to my room naked with no key card or get help. I poked my head out of the door and saw the housekeeping cart just a few doors down.
"Excuse me." I said loudly. "Excuse me, housekeeping."
A middle aged Latin woman walked out into the hall. "Yes, sir?"
"Would you do me a big favor?" I asked poking just my head out the door. "I was visiting a friend last night and it seems she has pulled a bit of a prank on me and has taken my clothes and key card." I smiled sheepishly. "Would you mind going down to my room and retrieving my bag...It's a small black travel suitcase. The kind that can fit on airplanes. I'm in room 634."
"How do I know that that is really your room?"
"Just a moment." I walked back and got my ID. "Check with your manager. I don't have any money in my wallet but I will be staying an extra night and I will bring you a $50 when I can go to the bank."
She sighed loudly. "Ok, Sir. I will knock when I get back."
5 minutes later she knocked. I answered with just my head visible. I'm sorry Sir but there are no bags in that room other than your computer bag."
"What?" I said feeling nauseous.
"I did get you a key card for your room, though. And a robe." She handed a white terry cloth robe to me through the door and the key card.
I thanked her and hurriedly put it on in the bathroom. There was no way to hide the breasts. They were very obvious in the robe. I tried to loosen the robe but they only way to hide them at all was to untie the robe which wasn't an option either. Then, I looked down and saw my toes.
"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!" I hissed. I was going to have to walk with obvious breasts and pink toe nails.
Taking a deep breath and I said "Fuck it." and left the room hustled to the elevators praying for help in getting down 4 floors without being seen. I pushed the button and it seemed like an eternity. Every noise made me jump. I was terrified someone would leave their room. Finally, the bell rang and I got on an empty elevator. I hit floor 6 and took another deep breath. But, my luck ended on floor 8. The elevator stopped and opened up to three business women.
I hid my face by turning to the side and looking down, but I could hear the giggles. My faced burned red hot with embarrassment.
The elevator doors closed and one of the women said mockingly, "Where did you get your toes done?" I said nothing and raced out of the elevator when it opened on 6. I heard them burst into laughter as the doors closed.
There was only a housekeeper in the hall and she looked me quizzically but she went right back to work. The key card worked and I breathed a gigantic sigh of relief as I shut door behind me. There was a message from the hotel manager on the phone though that said my credit card had declined for the additional night.
I called my wife and explained that I had been robbed and had missed my flight. I asked her to cancel all of my credit cards and put one of her cards on account at the hotel and buy me a plane ticket for the morning. Then, I asked her to wire me $500. I was able to use the robbery as a cover for why my voice shook. She was so understanding. I loved her so much. I just had to get this shit off my body and get home. I would never stray again!
I waited awhile and called down to the gift shop and asked them what clothes they had. I had them send a xlarge t-shirt, an xxl sweatshirt and khaki shorts and clogs...which were the only footwear they had that would cover toes. Once I had the clothes safely in hand I tried to relax. The breasts were heavy and it was so frustrating to bear the humiliation of the vagina with my cock trapped deep inside.
I pulled on both a bit to see what would happen. Both of them felt like they were part of me to my hands. They were very firmly attached. I could feel them them when I moved but it was like the feeling you have when the dentist numbs you and you can't feel your jaw very well. I wondered if what she was saying was complete BS and if I got some solvent it break the seal and I could pull them off, but her warning that she would punish me if I tampered with them haunted my thoughts. They might not be as technically advanced as she said, but it would probably take a doctor so that I didn't remove the skin of my cock in the process. That was a humiliation I wasn't ready to face. It felt like the best move was to take the humiliation and ask her to remove them.
It was 1:00 and I had 9 hours until I met her. I needed to spend most of it out of sight but I still had to go out to get the cash she sent. I ordered room service and then tried to take a nap. It was difficult, but I finally figured out that if I slept on my side I could cradle the breasts and get comfortable. However, the stress was intense. I just wanted this crap off my body. Finally, I was able to sleep a bit yet when I woke up the clock said only 2:30. As I moved to get up I noticed that the breasts definitely felt more real. It sent a jolt of panic through me. Shit. Even though she had told this would happen it was a surprise. I hadn't truly believed her. I felt the vagina and sure enough there was a lot more feeling there too. I pinched the labia and I actually felt the pain. It was still relatively dull, but I felt it. I gave my ass a swat and it sounded exactly the same as real flesh and it stung
I decided to get on my computer to do some work and take my mind off of things. When I opened the bag there was a surprise. A bright pink bra and thong pantie set and a little note. "I thought you might need these. - J" I threw them across the room feeling my breasts bounce wildly and a little painfully. "Fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! I said flipping off the note.
I decided to just go get the money and get it over with. The t-shirt was difficult to get over the breasts. The size I asked for - xlarge - was my size, but with the breasts it was way too small. They stuck out with the nipples visible plain as day through the thin white tourist shirt. I decided not to worry about it because the sweatshirt would cover them up.
Once everything was on and I walked to the bathroom to see how I looked, I realized that without underwear the shorts were rubbing me uncomfortably and the breasts bounced. Even with the big sweatshirt, I could tell they were there when I walked. My ass was gaining feeling as well and I felt a little bounce when I walked.
"Fuck!" I yelled and hit the counter, then went and retrieved the lingerie. I put the bra on backwards and flipped it around settling the big tits in the cups. The tag on the bra said 40G. I didn't know a lot about bra size but I knew G was porn star size, but those girls were like 32G or 34G. I had no idea what the difference was with the 40, but that was not something I would have to worry about in a few hours. I had never worn a thong but it relieved the irritating shorts and that's all I cared about right now. No one was going to see them anyway and I could take them right off when I got back.
I looked in the mirror again and they looked a little less noticeable. I would just keep to myself and be incognito and no one would notice. I walked out into the empty hall and rode a completely empty elevator all the way to the lobby. The lobby was empty too except for a few people milling near the coffee shop and the employees at check-in. It was the middle of summer in the mid-west so the heat and humidity immediately overcame me as I walked out. In the sweatshirt with the damn tits on my chest I started to sweat immediately.
The little Western Union desk was just a block away and getting the money went painlessly. The clerk just looked at my face and the ID and dished out 25 $20 bills. I immediately went into a Target store and purchased sunglasses, a hat, a pillow an XL sweatsuit, socks, underwear and shoes. I was back in the hotel in 30 minutes. I put on my new purchases and looked in the mirror. By stuffing the pillow under the tits I was able to make it look like I was just fat with big man boobs. In the XL sweatsuit no one would be able to tell the rest of my body was slim.
I laid on the bed and once again tried to relax. After a fitful 30 minutes I gave up and found the yellow pages. Even in 2018, the hotel had yellow pages. For what I was thinking about doing, I couldn't use my computer. I wanted no trace of it because for all I knew she had placed malware on my computer to watch me. When I found what I needed, I hurried out.
As soon as I left the hotel I made a beeline to the subway station and raced down the stairs. I stood beside a train that had stopped and was waiting for passengers with the door open but I didn't go in and acted like it wasn't my train while I browsed my phone. As soon as I heard the doors start to close I darted in and looked quickly to see if anyone else jumped in at the last second. There was no one. I took the train two stops, got out and took the train back 3 stops, got out and found my destination. I was so afraid that her or anyone she had hired was following me that even after the subway security precautions, I went into the alley behind my destination. To my great relief, the back door was open.
I ran into a nurse almost immediately but I just asked her where the bathroom was and she smiled and didn't seem the least bit concerned that I was in the back of the doctor's offices. The next part, though, was far more tricky. I had to convince the front desk in this plastic surgeon's office to let me have an appointment with no notice, without seeing my insurance and without knowing my name.
As I walked to the front to try this nearly impossible task, I saw a man who had to be a doctor looking on a computer in an office that had the door wide open. This was probably my only chance. I stripped off the clothes as fast as I could and walked into the office.
"Doctor, please help me! Someone attached these things to my body and I can't them off. Please, I'm sorry to barge in but I'm desperate and I can't go about this the normal way."
He looked up with a look of shock on his face, but instead of calling the police or demanding that I leave he said. "Someone stuck them to your body?"
"Yes, while I slept and I woke up like this. I have no idea how to take them off."
"Follow me." he said and took me into an exam room. "Tell me everything exactly as it happened."
When I finished he responded with a "Wow! " and asked to take a look.
He began with the breasts and began to feel them. When I reacted to his touch, he was surprised. "Do you actually feel that?"
"Yes." I said feeling utterly humiliated.
He felt the edges of the prosthesis. "You can't tell where the real skin ends and the fake skin begins."
He examined me for about 45 minutes and gave me an ultrasound and took x-rays. When he was done, he sat down in front of me.
"I've never seen anything like this before and I have worked on a lot of transgender persons." he began. "These prosthesis' feel and look real and they literally seem to be part of you. I can tell that they are not real and that they are not actually covered by your skin, but anyone who wasn't a plastic surgeon probably wouldn't be able to tell. I literally can't see any line or seam where they end on your real skin. Even by poking and pulling I can find no spot where we could try to peel them off. In the ultrasound, I could see your penis but it is completely attached to the prosthesis..it's not in a pocket. From what I can tell removing these would take surgery. We would have to take a biopsy to see what type of glue is holding them on you. This might be difficult and even if we can test the chemistry of the glue, it is unlikely that we will be able to break down the glue much because there is no good way to get to where the glue meets your skin.
Surgery will be painful and might result in permanent damage to your chest and sexual organs. I wouldn't know for sure until the surgery begins and I have a better idea of how they are bound to your body. However, from the ultra-sound and x-ray I can tell that more than just glue is holding them to you. It's like there are thousands of tiny tentacles extending into you and locking the prostheis' on you. I have no idea what these tentacles are or how to approach this. They are deep and to be honest no surgeon would truly know what to do.
The best approach would be to remove all of the prosthesis' down to where they meet the skin and then test the chemistry of the glue. We would then begin to remove the outer layer from your skin on an outpatient basis with whatever agent we create to break down the glue. This could take weeks or months and there are great risks. The skin on your genitals is very thin and has a massive amount capillaries right beneath the surface. The long term exposure to these chemical agents and the original glue will almost certainly result in permanent damage...how much, though, is impossible to know.
There is another risk too. The prosthesis' appear to be attached to your central nervous system with these tentacles and you will feel very real pain. In fact the pain could be extreme. Until we completely remove them, the pain will likely be hellish and the damage will almost certainly cause lifelong chronic pain. By attaching itself to the nerve endings in these very sensitive parts of your body, it has virtually guaranteed you long term nerve damage.
There is even the risk that I will need to amputate your genitals. I know this is hard to hear but the genital region is extremely fragile and there is no guarantee that they won't be mutilated by the surgery and outpatient care. If what she said is true and the connections run into the millions, then a surgery that exposes these nerves will almost certainly be a failure that results in mutilation and the necessity of amputation.
I'm very sorry."
He looked like he felt extremely sorry for me.
"Do you have time for me to share the examination with a colleague? I would like to get a second opinion on my findings due to the extreme rarity of your situation."
I waited in the room for nearly two hours for the findings of his colleague. I was in a daze. I knew I had no choice but to meet her and beg for her help.
At 7:00, he walked in the room and gave me the news that his colleague's prognosis was even worse than his. "He shared something with me." The doctor said looking me in the eye. "and it's something you need to hear." My heart began to beat thunderously. "His partner had a patient who came in with your exact problem and your exact story two years ago. He did four surgeries on the man over a two month period. The damage from the first three surgeries was so extreme that he was forced to remove his genitals and nearly all the skin in his groin region, the skin all the way to his anus and in addition to a significant portion of the skin on his chest along with his nipples.. The man lives with chronic pain that is so extreme that he can't work or live any semblance of a normal life. Not to mention the life altering change to his body. He was a corporate executive but now he lives in public housing existing on just social security. If there is even a chance that this woman has a way to remove them, I would meet with her."
So I did. I spent the next three hours so nervous that I could barely function. I got to 10th and Broad 2 hours early. There was no way I was going to be late and lose my chance. When a white van showed up precisely at 10:00, I almost threw up. I had never felt so nervous and scared in my whole life. Two men jumped out of the van, handcuffed me and put a sack over my head, then put me in the back of the van. "Relax sweetie. This is just so you don't know where we are going." said one of the men condescendingly.
I estimated the trip as approximately one hour but there were so many twists and turns that I lost track. I would never be able to find it. The van stopped and I was practically carried into a building and then down some stairs. The handcuffs were removed and the sack taken off of my head. I was in a white room with a cement floor and she was sitting in a folding chair across the room with a smug smile on her face.
"Thank you for meeting with me." she said with a superior tone to her voice. "How was your day?"
I didn't know how to answer so I said, "Not easy."
She laughed. "I imagine not." Looking me up and down she said. "Take that silly outfit off. All of it."
It's almost over, I kept telling myself as I stripped naked. Everything felt completely real now and I felt every movement of the tits acutely. I stared at the ground unable to meet her eyes.
"Is there something you need to ask me."
"Yes, Ma'am." she corrected.
"Yes, Ma'am." I repeated. I hardly could spit it out. I was so humiliated and enraged.
"Good girl. That's better. You don't mind being referred to in the female do you? It's much more appropriate in your current condition."
"No, Ma'am." I said with my voice cracking. I truly hated her, but I feared her more.
"Good girl. Why don't you kneel? I think that's a more respectful position to assume for what you need to ask." I couldn't believe she actually wanted me to kneel, but she held all the cards right now.
I knelt feeling the breasts bounce around like they were my own. "Ma'am, could you please remove these things from my body?"
"Do you understand why you are being punished?"
"Yes, Ma'am."
"And you are remorseful?"
"Yes, Ma'am. I made a huge mistake. I love my wife and I am so sorry that I strayed. Please forgive me." My fucking voice kept cracking.
"You are being such a good girl and I believe you have been humbled by this experience." I felt a glimmer of hope. but she dashed it quickly. "However, I don't believe you are truly sorry, I believe that you are sorry that this happened to you but not sorry about what you did." I started to interrupt, but she stopped me. "Let me finish." She said curtly.
I nodded.
"Did you attempt to remove them?"
Once again a felt a chill and started to tremble. "No, ma'am."
"Are you sure?" she said with a wry grin like a teacher who caught a student in a lie.
"Yes, ma'am." My voice broke and I sounded pathetic.
"So it wasn't you who went to a plastic surgeon named Dr. Wright at 2345 West Grant Street?"
I spoke softly, almost in a whisper "I'm sorry, ma'am. I just was so upset and worried."
She cut me off. "Did I not give you a clear warning?"
"Yes, ma'am. You were very clear."
"It's a pity that you tried to remove them because if you hadn't, I would have removed them and freed you. You would be on the way to enjoying the rest of your life and putting this unfortunate day behind you." She shook her head sadly. "However, you have forced me to sentence you to a much harsher punishment."
"What do you mean, ma'am?" I squeaked.
"I think you are not an entirely bad person, so I'm going to take it easy on you. I will give you an opportunity to earn the removal of your breasts, ass and vagina."
I began to shake with the word "earn." This nightmare was never going to end.
"I believe in 2nd chances but I think that sinners need to atone for their sins before being granted a second chance, so I will give you the same opportunity I give all boys who have made the same mistake as you and who show the proper respect." Her smile was positively evil. "If you serve for one year as a sissy maid, I will remove your breasts, ass, and vagina and return your life to you."
I had no idea what a sissy maid was but it sounded horrible and the words one year were ringing in my ears.
"I don't understand. I thought if I came here and asked that you would remove them." I felt extremely dizzy and was fighting off tears.
"I never promised you that and I clearly warned you that there would be further punishment if you tried to remove them." Her voice was condescending like she was talking to a five year old. "Do you know what a sissy maid is?"
"No, Ma'am."
She picked up a bell under the chair and rang it loudly. A girl dressed in the most outrageously, girly outfit I had ever seen in my life rushed in the room and curtsied to her.
"This is Monica. She is my personal sissy maid. Monica used to be Alexander...a man who was in exactly the same position as you. She chose to serve and earn her freedom and I happened to be in need of a maid, so I took ownership of her myself. That was 4 months ago."
I was desperate, terrorized and angry all at the same time. There is no way I could live as a maid like this pathetic excuse for a man in front of me.
"Please, Ma'am", I begged. I've learned my lesson. I have a wife and a job, I need to be free. Please, I understand what I did was wrong and I will never do it again. Please trust me!" I begged. The tears were flowing freely now.
This person in front of me barely looked like a man. He had wavy platinum blonde hair that hung to mid back. He wore a baby blue dress with white lace along all the edges, A massive amount of petticoats flared out at his hips. He stood atop heels that were at least 6 inches, had white stockings that were held up by garters and had a big baby blue blow on them at the top just above the knee. He wore a wide baby blue collar with a silver ring on the front and back and had a baby blue french maid's cap with white lace borders. His hands donned white, lacy pairs of gloves that extended up his arms to mid bicep. The dress was low cut and his big perfect looking breasts practically spilled out. Between the flared petticoats and the breasts was an impossibly small waist that must have had an extremely tight corset cinched on it beneath the dress. His face was impeccably made up. He wore false lashes and his eyebrows were thin and manicured.
"Ma'am...there is no way I can live like that...I'm not gay...I don't enjoy that sort of thing. No one is going to want me."
She laughed condescendingly. "Well that's kind of the point. My customers want men who don't want to be maids and it would hardly be punishment if it was something you wanted to do. It's far more satisfying to force a man to do something like this. We get off on your suffering. You certainly have the choice to refuse to serve, however if you do, you will never see me again and the breasts, ass and vagina will not be removed."
It was hard to think straight. I was beginning to hyperventilate.
"If you do choose to serve, your service will begin today. You will dressed as a maid and given to a member of our organization for one year. She will have complete autonomy to use you and punish you in whatever way she wants The only rule is that you are returned in one year with no permanent damage done to your body. Your owner will fill out a questionnaire and if you receive a 70% or more satisfaction rating your attachments will be removed and you will be set free. It's that easy. One year and then you get your life back."
"Please..." I begged.
"Like I said, you have a choice. If you don't wish to serve, you are free to leave, however you will walk around with huge breasts and a vagina the rest of your life...unless of course you are stupid enough to try the surgery."
If I hadn't have seen the plastic surgeon I would have walked away and tried my luck at removing everything, but the surgeon's words haunted me - 'If there is a chance this woman has a way to remove them, then I would meet with her.'
"How do I know you can even remove them?" I asked.
She laughed. "I can remove them. I'm not a liar like you, I'm a woman of my word." She called two big men into the room and each one held one of my arms. I was mortified that they were seeing me this way, but what choice did I have. She came behind me and I heard the hum of a machine underneath my balls and I actually felt the device start to detach itself from my cock and balls, but only for a second and when she pulled it away everything reattached itself quickly. "There you go...proof."
The two men left the room and I was feeling crazed. "Please! I promise that I'm not like what you think. Please take them off, I will spend the rest of my life as a faithful devoted husband." That feeling of release from her horrible device was all I could think about. That little taste of freedom she had given me had made things worse. She had to power to free me."
"In one year, sweetie. If you are a good little maid for one year, you will earn your release."
I started weeping...feeling pathetic. I had barely cried since I was a boy, but this was far worse than even a prison sentence. "What about my wife? I can't just leave her for a year."
"Oh, sweetie, your marriage is over. You cheated on her. When you cheat you lose your marriage. I sent a video of our entire sexual escapade to her about an hour ago. By now, she has surely watched at least part of it. You can call her before you begin your year of servitude if you would like, but she might not be in a talking mood right now."
It felt like my heart had been ripped from my body. I imagined the horror that she felt when she saw the video of my betrayal. "Why?" I was shaking and felt completely broken.
"Because she deserved to see who you really are."
She softened her tone and approached me putting the back of her hand on my cheek and stroked it. "It's OK, sweetie, if you are a good girl during the next year, you can find a new wife and be a better man. However, your current marriage is over."
She kept rubbing my cheek and I kept sobbing. I'm not proud but I had completely lost control of my emotions. I couldn't stop crying.
"Are you ready? If you are ready just nod your head. I know it's difficult to talk right now."
I raised my tear stained face and nodded to her. I noticed that her maid still was in the room. She was like a statue. There was no movement at all. She stood with her head down and hands behind her back. It was spooky.
She turned at her and snapped her fingers. Take her to the preparation room. The maid jumped into action and curtsied before leading me out of the room.
I followed this man who looked like a woman in a insanely feminine outfit noticing that she walked with an exaggerated womanly sway to her hips swishing the dress. Her arms were straight down to her hips but her wrists were flared out sideways. The walk was extremely feminine.
She told me to sit on a chair in front of mirror. Her voice was a man's but it was soft and submissive. Once I was seated, she pulled two tray like devices that were on a swivel from each side of me. I jumped a bit as they met around my neck and locked together. My head was now locked in between so that it protruded through and my chin rested on the tray. She brought my wrists up through two holes on each side of my head and turned a wheel which made the holes get smaller and they trapped my wrists at the same level as my neck. In the mirror, I looked ridiculous trapped that way. The big tits and vagina but a man's face locked in a weird stocks-like apparatus.
She walked in with two more maids and laughed. Looking at me she said, "Don't worry sweetie. By the time we are done you will be just as pretty as Monica."
It was surreal.
They started with my face. Last night while you were sleeping, I used a chemical to permanently destroy all the hair follicles on your body below your eyebrows. You will never have facial hair again, but I'm sure you don't mind. You will save a fortune on razors.
Everything was moving at breakneck speed. I hadn't noticed the lack of any facial hair at all. Usually by 10 PM, if I hadn't shaved I would have the beginnings of a beard. It was like I was stabbed. It would be very strange for a man to not even have the slightest hint of facial hair. In a year, I wouldn't leave completely unscathed. I would be the hairless man...a freak when I went to get my wife back. I started to cry again...as I imagined what it was going to be like having to explain why I had a hairless baby face.
They thinned and shaped my eyebrows first, then attached false eyelashes, then they did a lot of stuff I didn't understand. It was girl work that I had never paid attention to...I guessed that one of them was base or foundation or something. I was told to close my eyes while I guessed they put on eye shadow and mascara.
When they were done I couldn't see how I looked because she was directly in front of me. She proceeded to lather up my head, and to my shock, shaved all of my short dark hair off with a straight razor. She wiped the remnants off with a hot, wet towel and smiled.
They put a goo like substance all over my scalp and then brought over a brunette wig. The hair was thick, silky and wavy and really long. They pushed it onto my head and adjusted it until they were satisfied. The tresses ended a little below the middle of my back. They held the wig in place for about 5 minutes before letting go. When she moved out of my way for the first time I was utterly shocked. I was a very passable woman. My eyes looked much bigger and rounder and my face seemed much softer and feminine. The long, dark, silky hair completed the picture. I was sick to my stomach and was scared to death that this wig and glue might be destroying the real hair on my head. I wanted to come out of this with a chance to be normal again.
They released my head and hands from the stocks and almost immediately a bright pink leather collar was buckled to my neck, then locked with a mini-padlock in the back. The Front had silver sparkly cursive writing that said "Chloe." It didn't compute at first, but then it slowly dawned on me...she was fucking naming me "Chloe." The name Chloe always gave me the image of big tits and bee stung lips. A stupid girly-girl. I hated the name. The collar seemed to be unnecessarily tight and it made me a little desperate that they had locked it on and I would just have to live with it uncomfortably tight.
She came in front of me. "Do you like your new name? I thought you looked like a Chloe from the moment I met you."
I resisted the urge to tell her to go fuck herself.
"Chloe, stand up and put your hands above your head."
I couldn't believe she was already calling me that. My face was crimson red as I stood and put my hands in the hair. Two of the maids brought over a pink corset and quickly wrapped it around me and pulled it tight.
Take a deep breath, Chloe, and hold it." I closed my eyes and followed orders. It was so frustrating to just have to take these humiliations, but she had me...I couldn't spend my life with huge tits and a vagina.
They must have attached some sort of tool to the laces because I heard what sounded like a crank and immediately felt the tightening.
Let your breath out and give me another deep one....deeper than before.
I was terrified. It was excruciatingly tight already. I wouldn't be able to breath. "Ma'am, I don't think it can get tighter."
She gave me a withering look that was pure evil. The maid's behind me pulled the crank 2 more times and I felt like I could hardly breath at all and that my ribs were about to splinter. I was panicked.
She felt around the corset. "Good, very good. Now give her one more crank for speaking out of turn."
She was going to literally crush my ribs.
The maid's tried to pull the crank but could not get another millimeter.
She got into my face. "Give me a deep breath Chloe. As deep as you can."
I felt a tear roll down my cheek, but I followed orders again. With great effort the maid's were able to pull the crank enough to tighten it another couple of millimeters. It forced me to take short breaths to get enough air in to not pass out. I felt them pull the cloth over the laces and then heard the click of another lock trapping me in the corset. To my surprise, the mirror showed me an image of an hourglass figure. It felt like my ribs were getting bent inward.
They put a lacy, pink push up bra on me that held the already firm tits together and raised them up higher. Then, they pulled lacy pink thong panties up my legs and I felt them slide into my big ass. They were skin tight and I could see the distinct outline of a camel toe. Next, a pink garter belt was placed on me with suspenders hanging down and then intricate, lacy white stockings were pulled up my legs and attached to the suspenders in front and back. The stockings had pink bows just below the top. As soon as they finished my legs, they pulled white lacy gloves up my arms until they ended mid bicep.
Then, they brought in the dress. It was jaw-dropping. Pink with white lace. It was French Maid style with spaghetti straps and a low v cut. It had built in petticoats that flared at the hips. They didn't waste any time and she ordered me to raise my arms again.
They slid the dress over me and pulled it down as far as it would go...it just barely covered my ass. It went maybe an inch below. One of the maids zipped it up in the back and it instantly hugged me tight. My cleavage was massive in it. Below my chest it narrowed out and hugged my waist tightly before flaring at the waist with the petticoats. The effect gave me even more curves...very pronounced ones.
A sparkly gold necklace that said "sissy" was put around my neck below the collar. The letters laid just above my cleavage. Gold heart earrings that said "girly girl" in the center were put on my ears...right after they pierced them! Then, a pink and white lace maid's hat was placed in my hair and tied in the back.
The ensemble was almost compete. They sat me down and dressed me in 6 inch pink sandal style heels and locked them on with padlocks. They were done! I was pulled up so that I stood on wobbly heels trying to balance myself. The visage I saw in the mirror was unreal. I looked nothing like myself. I looked like the most outrageous pink girly-girl in history. My wrists were pulled behind me and pink leather restraints were locked on.
She gave me an evil smile. "Let's go back to my office." As I walked on the fearfully high heels to her office, the whole thing barely seemed real. 24 hours ago I was banging a hot chick and now this. I wasn't sure I could handle a year of this humiliation. I struggled to keep up with her trying to breathe and not fall over.
When we arrived there was another woman in her office. She was an slightly overweight, middle aged woman with a very severe look. "Chloe, this is Miss Abercrombie. You are very lucky. She was here returning a sissy maid who earned his freedom, so she has a vacancy. Miss Abercrombie is one of our best owners."
The woman walked over to me and I fought the urge to head butt the fat bitch. She snapped her fingers. "Be still."
I tried not to wobble on the heels and stared at the ground.
"Are you stupid?" she said as she began to examine me. "I said to be still."
With my hands behind my back balancing on heels it was nearly impossible. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek.
She smiled, "Poor little Chloe. You are finding out the hard way that there are consequences for our actions aren't you?" She turned to Miss J, my captor. "He will do quite nicely. By the time I bring him back he will be an obedient little sissy maid."
"It's settled then," said Miss J and the two of them shook hands.
Miss Abercrombie took a pink leash out of her hand bag and snapped it on my collar. "Come along now, sissy." she said pulling me behind her.
I was on the verge of rebelling, but then the thought of living the rest of my life with tits and a vagina flashed in my head. I had no doubt that she was serious with her threat and I had heels locked to my feet and my wrists locked behind my back anyway. So I followed behind her with little steps trying not to topple over. The tits and ass bounced realistically with my efforts adding to my debasement.
I was placed in the trunk of a car and then a needle was plunged into shoulder and I blacked out. The last thing I saw was Miss Abercrombie's chubby face smirking down at me.