Author's Note: In full when the story is complete it will consist of more tags then given room to list. This is simply the first installment and it will continue here in this site.
Chapter One
I am just going to say this upfront and out loud. She was a bitch. Yes i said it and I could stop there but there is a whole lot more to her than simply a bitch. She was an intelligent, educated, tall hot redheaded woman and a gold digger to boot. I knew this pretty much right away and I think she knew that I knew.
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She began dating my step brother months before I had the chance to meet her since I travel a lot for my job. So one Friday evening the three of us had dinner together at Rob's house. To say that Rob made good money would be an understatement. With a 150 million dollar home and a figure eight driveway with a six car garage and built in swimming pool one in his home and the other in the fenced in backyard I have to say he was doing more than very well.
He met Janelle at some charity auction that I cannot remember what the cause was but that is not really relevant to my story. They hit it off almost immediately according to Janelle who asked me to call her Jan or Jane. I preferred Janelle which seemed to piss her off even though she tried not to let on but I could see it in her eyes which is why I decided to call her Janelle.
As you can tell there was no love lost between the two of us and we both knew it but Rob did not see it. In fact Rob did not see many things about her that I had clearly seen from the get go.
One of our conversations about her went something like this. I asked how well he knew her and his response was how well does anyone really know anyone? Well I have known you since the third grade and I think I know you better than anyone. He agreed and then I asked him where she came from what her family did and what she did. He told me that her family was very well off and that she ran charities for different organizations around the world. What is her favorite color was my follow up question. Red and pink were a tie in that category and then of course the obvious questions one asks about another person. He seemed to know the basic things about her but nothing very concrete I surmised.
Weeks had gone on and Rob insisted that the three of us get together as often as we could. He was convinced that I would learn to love her or at least like her he had said. Optimistic about it he was. I was determined that she was a bad seed but I needed some proof so I started to dig and ask questions about her from people she had worked with on charity events.
Some things were sort of shady and many of the women whom I spoke with did not reveal much with their words but their body language and their eyes gave them away. I would normally not stoop to do something illegal but Rob was my brother even if we were from different parents. We had grown up together since the first grade and his mother and my father were married in the summer after our fourth grade year. We were now both 27 years of age but I had no idea how old Janelle was.
One night I decided to break into her office so I began watching her throughout the day for about a week. I took photos and some video and logged everything I saw in a notepad I had in my car. I noticed that on Tuesday there was an hour after everyone left the office that there was no security guard so my plan was to break in next Tuesday within the hour window which I did successfully I might add.
Many businesses have two sets of records that they keep. The real books and the ones they show the board and the IRS and to anyone else who might come down the pike. It seems that not only had Janelle been falsifying the books but also stealing money right off the top. Not just money but hundreds and thousands of dollars from every charity event. I saw many names of women who were in on it and all of whom I had earlier questioned. Now I knew why they did not reveal very much in their words to me. I had to wonder if they were on to me or if Janelle had assured them I was harmless and perhaps just jealous because she was taking my brother and best friend away. If she had said that she would have been wrong. I was merely looking out for his best interest as well as my own. You see I had invested some of my own money in Robs business ventures which surely paid off. Although that extra money was nice that is not how I made my living. I traveled and worked most of the time and now I had taken three long weeks for my vacation but instead of going somewhere to enjoy myself I was trying to save Rob from whatever she had planned. I obviously could not go to the cops and tell them I broke into her office, so come arrest her because she is a thief because I would be arrested as well which would ruin my career and perhaps Robs as well.
I made copies of everything I laid my eyes upon and stuffed all 50 pages into a nap sack and headed home for the night. I did not sleep very well and I kept turning the light back on and looking over more of the pages I had read before. I guess I could not believe it or maybe I was somehow relishing in the fact that I found something on her. So my plan was to go to her tomorrow night and confront her with this evidence and make a deal with her to leave Rob or I would go to him and to the cops as well. Yes I decided that she had to go down if she would not leave him alone.
The next day I called Janelle and told her that I needed to meet her at her home at 8 P.M. She, of course asked what it was all about and I told her that she find out at 8 tonight and to not let Rob know about our little meeting. I knew she was curious as hell before I hung up the phone. She asked if everything was okay and again I told her she would know everything at 8 PM.
I sat there glancing at her picture and thinking what a waste of a gorgeous woman. Very beautiful red hair that cascaded her shapely face perfectly. Her was cut short and rounded the lower part of her face and curled around just under her chin. Her eyes were sparkle blue if that is even a color and while looking into them one could become seemingly quite lost there. Her eyes brows and lashes were perfect in everyway and her lips were full but not too full. Actually they were quite perfect as well. Her cheekbones were classic high cheekbones. This woman could have been a supermodel. She stood at five feet, eleven inches tall and wore very high, high heels. In fact the last time I saw her she was wearing neon pink high heels with a pink and blue dress. Her skin tone was perfect and she was always very well manicured. Yes what a waste she was a looker but a gold digging thief to boot.
The day seemed very long and drawn out but it was just a little past seven thirty so I grabbed the papers and put them into a small suitcase and walked to the car. As I drove down the road I was feeling pretty good about getting her out of his life for good but I knew he would be depressed but I would be there for him and someday I would tell him all about her.
I got to her house a few minutes early so I sat there wondering how she would take all of this. I mean I knew for sure she would be completely pissed off because I was going to steal her meal ticket away from her and I was determined to make sure it all went my way.
I walked up the stairway to her house and rang the doorbell. After about thirty seconds I was going to ring the bell again and just as I reached out to ring it she opened the door. "Hello", she said as she smiled at me and motioned me to come inside. She was gorgeous as I earlier stated but something was different about her tonight and I could not put my finger on it quite yet. She had some food laid out on the table next to the sofa along with a bottle of white wine. I knew she drank red wine and she knew I preferred white wine. I was actually surprised as I didn't think she ever paid any attention to what I said or did at all. I was about to find out very different this evening.
She was actually sweet and very pleasant. I wanted to get right to it all but she had a different air about her so I slowed myself right down to see what was up with her. It was as soon as I calmed down I noticed all of the different things in her appearance. She had her hair colored a deeper red and she was wearing new high heels that were quite high and a brand new outfit. I also knew she has been to the boutique by the scent I smelled and then I glanced at her hands. She had her nails done and they were longer than usual in fact they were a glamour length that I have not ever seen her wear before and they were the brightest shiniest red I'd ever seen before. "So sweetie what is so urgent you needed to see me tonight for"? She was smiley and excited. I sipped some wine and set the glass down while clearing my throat. "Well Janelle, I'm on to you". She set her glass down and repositioned herself on the sofa. "You're on to me"? I stood up and opened my bag with the evidence in. "Yes, yes I am on to you and it is all right here". I handed it to her and she began to read it all as I sipped my glass of wine.
"So that is what you were doing in our building". I turned to see this blonde haired woman standing behind me. "And just who the hell are you lady"? Janelle stood up and placed the bag on the table as the blonde began to walk towards me. "My dear I am either your greatest fantasy come to life or your worst nightmare or both, I guess that all depends on you sweety". She was still walking toward me and then Janelle began to walk to me as well. Which one did I want to turn my back on was the question. Then the blonde woman spoke to me again as she pulled a pistol from her purse. "Take of all of your clothes and lie face down upon the floor and do it quickly my dear or I will place the barrell into your mouth and I will shoot you in the mouth". Without thinking I began to walk toward her. "Did you think I was kidding". Then she pulled the hammer back and aimed it my face as she walked quickly to me and shoved the barrell into my mouth. Just as she did this and told me not to move Janelle grabbed my wrists and pulled them behind my back and quickly handcuffed them together.
"I guess we've changed the plan, we'll just strip you down later". After cuffing me they directed me to the floor where they tied my ankles together and then began to hogtie me. I protested rather loud and Janelle placed her hand quickly and tightly over my mouth. I began thrusting myself about the floor trying to free myself but to no avail. She clamped both of her hands over my mouth and my nose so that I could no longer breathe. "Should we suffocate him to death"?, asked the blonde woman. "No Janice I have much better plans for him and he will find out soon enough what they are". I was relieved to know they were not going to suffocate me to death but what in the hell did she mean she had plans for me?
I lay there gasping for air in my bounds as the two sat upon the floor with me. I began to struggle to breathe and Janelle just held me even tighter. "I had a feeling you would try to find something on me sweety and that is why I asked Janice to follow you and watch your every move and I decided to kidnap you and right now your car is being demolished and your computer along with it, your phone and your home is being searched for copies of everything you have on me and my girls and just so you know you're never going to see anyone you know ever again except for me of course but you're about to get to know about half a dozen women that work with me and they're pissed that you were about to expose them". Those were the last words I heard before waking up bound and gagged with a tight hood or what I assume to be a hood anyway over my head and tied and strapped very tight.
Chapter Two (added: 2019/02/09)
"I do hope your evening is going to be everything you though it was and more". As I heard her words I became increasingly angry at her and her friend. I could not believe they out smarted me and got the jump on me. I felt the hood being untied and taken off from my head. I blinked several times as my eyes adapted to the light. Janelle and her blonde friend stood there in front of me looking down at my naked strapped down body. I flinched at them in an attempt to get loose from my bounds which did nothing whatsoever. They simply laughed at me. I tried to speak but my mouth was full and it was beginning to hurt as well. I felt the leather strap buckled around the back of my head. A rubber tube was laying on my chest that came from a leather bad over my mouth. As I looked down I saw a rubber bulb like the type you would see on the end of a blood pressure sleeve. Those bitches shoved an inflatable gag into my mouth. I struggled to speak but only grunts and sounds came out of my mouth.
Just then I saw another woman enter the room. Her long dark hair cascaded her shoulders and came down to just passed her ass. She was dressed in all bright red which looked to be some sort of rubber suit. Her high heels were the same color as was her lipstick and nail polish. Her sultry voice shot through my brain as she spoke to me or rather at me that is. "Well I think we should get right to work on this one, he needs a good cleaning don't you think ladies"? She giggled a little bit as the other two sprung into action. Janice, the blonde left the room while Janelle went to the closet and rolled some sort of contraption with drawers in it into the center of the room. She opened two of the drawers and took out some tubing and what appeared to be an enema bag. "Oh shit" I mumbled. Just then Janice walked into the room rolling a stand in front of her. I immediately knew what they were going to do.
The dark haired beauty spoke directly to me this time. "Well my dear we have lot of plans for you and trust me most of it is quite unpleasant but believe me we are going to enjoy every moment of your suffering we actually delight in imprisoning and punishing and torturing men". Janelle put on a pair of latex gloves and handed another pair to the dark haired woman. "Here you go Jane, try not to poke your sharp nails through the fingers".So I have just been kidnapped by Janelle, Janice and Jane. That can't be their real names I thought. They loosened the leather straps that held my legs and ankles in place and slid some sort of pillow under me. "This will work Janelle it did for the last four guys we did this to". Janelle and Jane lubed the fingers on the gloves up and began to insert a tube up my ass. When they finally got it in and secured it with surgical tape I saw another rubber bulb in Jane's hand. "Sweetie this is going to be even more uncomfortable than the inserting the tube was". Then she began to squeeze the bulb little by little with short squeezes. I moaned into my gag as Jane grabbed that bulb and began to pump that one in the same manner as the other. It was inflating in my anus and in my mouth. My eyes opened wide as I began to struggle up and down and back and forth. Janice and Janelle took hold of the leather straps and tightened them again. My useless struggling came to a sudden end. I began to gasp for air as she had pumped it so wide I couldn't suck and air into my nostrils because my throat was closed off. She kept squeezing both of the bulbs and smiling. "Can't we just suffocate him to death right now"?Janelle spoke up and said, "you know the plans we have for the private facility I would hate to change all the wonderful things we have planned for him". They all smiled at me as I slowly passed out.
I have no idea how much time had gone by as I slowly opened my eyes to see an empty room. Strapped down and still gagged with that same gag with an enema tube inflated up my ass and a huge enema bag on the stand all I could do was lay there and wonder what they meant. I was grateful that they didn't suffocate me to death. That is a scary thought. Just then I felt all of the liquid in my bowels moving around and it was so uncomfortable all I wanted to do was to release that pressure. I wished I could release it but nothing was going to go anywhere with that inflated inside of me. As I looked around to see if there was any means of escape the door opened up and the three of them came walking in. "He looks so wonderful this way don't you think so"? Asked Janelle. "You must be wondering where everyone who knows you thinks you are by now or are you thinking of how to escape"? As she spoke to me Janelle came closer to the bed where I was strapped down to. She took the gag bulb in her hand and squeezed it a few times. "You know it does lose some air sometimes so we have to pump it back up and hopefully not too much so you can't breathe". She reached down and began to stroke me. She squeezed her long sharp nails into my shaft. I groaned as she did this. "Jane, whenever he groans squeeze the gag bulb, if he is going to try and make noise we're going to take his breathe away and repeatedly cause him to pass out, now sweetie you make me make you pass out again I am going to do it over and over again until I just bored with controlling your breathing". Then she squeezed her long nails into my rock hard erection as hard as she could several times. I moaned and tried to scream but only mumbled unintelligible noises that were greatly silenced when the bulb was squeezed again. Over and over she dug her long nails into me and the gag pump was again squeezed. I gasped for air over and over as she released pressure and then pumped it again until I finally passed out just to be slapped in the face and woken up again just to repeat this sadistic cycle of breath control and torture. Finally after being made to pass six times the torture stopped.
They finally left the room and let me rest for what seemed like an hour. I heard the door being unlocked and the three of them came back into the room but this time they were all dressed in sexy leather outfits with very high, high heels and they had another gorgeous woman with them. Janelle, Janice and Jane brought their friend Janet with them. For the life of me I do not know why their names all begin with a J. No words were spoken after they introduced their newest partner in crime as Janet. Janelle opened another drawer on the rolling cart and took a long black leather looking thing that had wires attached to it. She came over and stroked me off until I got hard again and placed this on my erection and pulled the tie tight and tied it in place. Then she ran the wires to a small hand held box and turn it on and gave it a huge jolt. It hurt so bad but I could not move and I did not dare to scream into the gag because I was too tired to deal with more breath control. Then Janet took another toy from the rolling cabinet. As soon as I saw it I knew where it was going to go. It was a sound. The kind that go into your penis only this one had a wire attached to it. Janet plugged it into another hand held electrical box and lubed the sound and shoved it into my penis. Both of the electrical boxes were turned all the way up. I flinched and moaned and screamed into my gag. Janelle turned down and explained to me if I did not stop trying to scream she was going to attach more electric things to me and torture me for a very long time then she turned the two things back up to high.
I tried and for about 3 seconds I did not scream or flinch but I couldn't do it. They shut them off and deflated the gag and took it out. I started to yell for help but Janelle quickly covered my mouth with her hand and Jane pinched both of my nostrils tightly closed. Janice knelt down to my right ear and said, "well sweetie they're going to let you breathe and take their hands off from your mouth and nose and if you do not stop trying to yell for help we are going to change our plans and I am going to bury you alive do you understand and by the way this room is completely sound proof and no one can hear you but we need to make you mind completely of everything you are told and if you do not the penalty will be a slow death by suffocation, do you understand me"?I nodded yes to her and they took their hands from my face. I stayed quiet as Jane quickly shoved another inflatable gag into my mouth and buckled it around the back of my head. "This one is different", said Jane, " this one is attached to another hand held box and it will shock the inside of your mouth and I am looking forward to you disobeying me so I can turn it on as I am going to surprise you with other electric devices as well, the enema I have deep up your ass does the same thing and if you flinch or make any noise all of them will be turn on high". Each of the four of them had a box attached to me. Janelle turned hers on and shocked my erection. Janice's was in my penis and she then turned hers on. Janet slowly turned hers on and shocked my insides from my asshole in. I jumped and flinched and screamed and Jane just smiled an evil smile as she turned my gag on and the inside of my mouth was shocked. Then she pinched my nostrils closed and told me she was going to make me pass out in a few minutes and when I awoke I was going to be bound and gagged, blindfolded, ear plugged, ass plugged, penis plugged, bound tightly mummy style and locked in a box and buried in the dirt in the unfinished room in the sub basement and they were going to feed me through a tube from my nostrils to my stomach and they would control all of my breathing through another tube in my other nostril. Jane played breath games with me for what seemed to be a half an hour as the pain rolled through my mouth, my ass and my dick I did wish they would just kill me.
Chapter Three (added: 2019/05/03)
I saw all four of them looking down at me while Jane pinched my nostrils closed and I passed out and was scared out of my mind because of what she described they were going to do to me.
I awoke and was immediately surprised that I wasn't wrapped up and buried like she had told me they were going to do. "You got lucky my dear, it seems your car could not be destroyed as planned so we had to go with plan B instead". Plan B? Were they actually going to let me go instead I hoped? "We're going to have to dump your car in the river and make it look as though you lost control or that perhaps you were murdered, yes my dear we're going to fake your death and that way it will be much easier to keep you prisoner that way no one will be looking for you". I moaned and struggled as they laughed at my feeble attempts.
Then Janelle spoke again. "We're going to make it look like you had been into a lot of kinky sex stuff so we're going to take photos of you in many different predicaments with various women only it will not be that many actually, it is amazing what wigs, costumes and makeup can do". All I could was listen to the plan. "Yes photos and perhaps even some short video clips of us tying you up and gagging you and caning you and whipping you and all sorts of kinky things and you will have to be drugged so we can handle you without any problems". Jane walked over to me with authority in each of her steps. "We're actually going to be using chloroform as well on you because your death or fake death will look like someone was playing some rather serious BDSM games with you and they either got carried away with their usage of chloroform on you or they simply wanted you dead".
Janet walked over quickly and grabbed the bottle and opened it and poured some out on a rather large rag. "I think it should look as though he was playing with one too many women and someone got too jealous and chloroformed him to death". They all smiled in agreement as Janet pushed the cloth over my mouth and nose and forced me to breathe it in. Then Jane spoke, "it needs to look as though there was a lot used from this bottle so not to waste what I spent hours making lets just use a lot on him because it will be fun and he does deserve each punishment we can give him". Janet and Jane both placed their hands over the rag and forced it so hard down on my face I could not hold out any longer as I breathed it all in and was out in seconds flat.
I woke up in a doggie style position as my wrists and ankles were strapped down and there was a leather collar locked around my neck. My mouth was gagged with a ball gag and strap contraption that buckled in several places around my head. It was buckled in the back and on the sides of my head and tightly under my chin. The ball was rather large and it has been forced in my mouth very tight. I tried to force it out with my tongue but it was buckled way too tight. Suddenly there were hard quick smacks across my ass. I then heard giggling from the ladies and one of them placed a mask over my face and tied it around the back of my head. There were holes cut for the eyes so that I could see but I could not see any of them. Quick flashes of light flashed throughout the darkened room. It had begun. Plan B was in affect and they were taking the photos. Quick stings one after another glided across my ass checks non stop for what seemed as though it has been a half an hour or so. I was exhausted and I just wanted to be left alone so I could get some rest. Then it all stopped and I heard doors closing and then a loud click as the door had been locked behind them.
Finally I got some rest. Then the worst case scenario had happened. I needed to go to the bathroom. Then I thought what had happened after the enema. I needed to go badly and then my jaded memory came back. They had rendered me unconscious at least a couple of times so they must have taken care of that problem while I was out. But, oh no, I thought. What am I going to do now? If I pee here on this bed they will surely beat the crap out of me. Wait, wait, what am I thinking they're going to fake my death to keep me here for the rest of my life. All because Janelle is a lying bitch. This sucks. I have to get out of here and quick.
The door opened and the lights came on low. Janelle walked quickly to me smiling a huge smile. "It's Janet's turn with you now and you'll never guess what she wants to do to you". Janet reached into their rolling cabinet and pulled out what I could only guess was a strap on harness. I had actually never seen one before but it had to be what it was. She placed it around her waist and placed the dildo in place and buckled it all tightly. Then she got behind me and lubed my asshole up shoving her long slender finger into my tight ass. "Don't worry sweetie it won't be tight for long and you'll be my bitch". I had noticed they stopped talking and began taking more photos of what they were doing. It hurt so much but Janet was laughing not hysterically but she was enjoying my pain and discomfort. "Sweetie I am going to make you my bitch so much you will be begging me to shove this up your ass daily". Then she smacked my ass with something very solid about ten times without letting up. It hurt a lot. Janelle took it from her hand and began where she had left off now hitting me even harder without letting up at all.
I groaned into the ball gag which caused Janice and Jane to come over to me. "What is all of this, when you're in the presence of your Mistresses you should know better than to try and speak without proper permission now we're going to show you that breathing for you is a privilege".Jane placed her hand over the ball and Janice pinched my nostrils closed. One was raping my ass while another beating my ass while the other two were controlling my breathing. Even though it was humiliating I could not help from getting a huge erection. Janelle while still beating my ass reached her hand around and felt my erection. "Dirty bad boy, Jane get some rope and tie up his balls and his dirty erection we're going to torture him". Jane took a piece of rope and reached under me and grabbed my erection and my balls and tied them tightly. After doing so she grabbed the camera and took more photos while they raped my ass and beat my manhood down as Janice continued to control my breathing or lack there of it. I started to get dizzy as I struggled to breathe. Janice was enjoying being the one who decided whether I lived or died. She took her other hand and pressed against the ball in my mouth and forced down hard on my nostrils as she continued to pinch them. I could not breathe in or out. Just get it over with I said in my mind. Then I began to choke. "Can't I just finish him off"? Asked Janice. "Yes", yelled Janet, "suffocate him to death while I rape him hard". I choked, I moaned and I struggled and as my eye sight became blurred all I could remember seeing was Janice's hands wrapped around my nose and in a blur all I could see was her the tips of her finger and her long red fingernails and then there was nothing but quiet and darkness and stillness as everything had ceased at once.
Minutes or hours had passed I am not sure which but I awoke once more. These hardcore kidnappers let me live once again. I seriously thought they were going to suffocate me to death. Now an interesting question arose in my mind. If I thought they were going to kill me why did I get sexually excited? Oh no, these crazy bitches were manipulating my thoughts. Is this how they brain wash people? Just then I looked up as Janice was pouring more chloroform onto a rag. "I am going to do this to you a lot in the next few days simply because this is the start of completely controlling you, yes you're going to be kept unconscious for a while because we have so much leg work to do and then Janelle has to work on Rob too". I tilted my head from side to side but they had tied the harness to a hook in the wall and I could barely move my head at all. "Don't worry sweetie she isn't going to hurt him, well at least not yet she is going to convince him that they should not have sex until after they get married she is actually hoping she can convince him to let her put him in chastity to help keep his promise should he decide to do what she wants him to do and as you know he always does what she tells him to do now doesn't he"?You bitch, you bitch I moaned without actual words into the ball gag. She smiled as she clamped the rag over my mouth. "No nose this time I want you to experience the slowness of being completely under my control". Just then I got excited once again. "I seriously think we need to castrate you, you dirty boy".
This time I awoke with a plan. Well sort of a plan anyway. I was going to do whatever it took to get free. All I needed was one hand free and I knew I could escape. I looked around the room and noticed there was a digital clock on a stand. I began timing how long it took them to come into the room after I woke up from whatever way they put me out again and then I was going to time how long they would stay and how long I was out because at this point I had no idea if it was day or night or what day or night of the week that it was. I could see the A.M. And P.M. Just fine as well as the time. It was now 5 P.M. But I had no idea what day it was or how many days I have been captive. Just then the door flew open and all of them entered rolling in a cart with a tv on it. They rushed it to the wall and plugged the cable wire into it and quickly turned it on. We all watched in silence as I learned what was happening to my life or rather the end of it as far as the rest of the world knew.
The news reporter had this to say as she was live at the scene down at the river and standing on the bridge where a car drove off from the bridge and sunk into the waters below. Police say the car was going at least 50 mph when it drove through the rail on the side of the bridge. There were no skid marks to be seen. They then said they did not think it was an accident as they pulled the car out and the brake lines had been cut on all four sides. The police had gone through the car and found a strong box in the trunk which contained some bondage equipment and kinky photos and videos. They also went to the home of the man the car is registered to and found some BDSM furniture and many toys in his basement. The investigation looks as though he was a player in the under ground world of BDSM. Why are we calling it the under ground is because of the nature of what appears to be brutal beatings he suffered at the hands of several Mistresses. Some of which appeared to be consensual and some not consensual as there were photos and video scenes of him being drugged with chloroform and dragged away and bound and severely beaten. She went on to say the police have not finished the entire investigation but it looks as though he had been kidnapped and murdered even though his body has not been recovered as of late. More details to follow on this breaking story.
Janelle spoke up. "See honey everyone will soon think you're dead and Rob will come to me for comfort and I will use his grieving state of mind to get him to do what I want him to do for me"."The cops will probably not figure everything out right but they will understand enough so that it will ruin your reputation", said Janice.
Just then Janelle's phone rang. As she said hello I tried to yell but Jane and Janet quickly silenced me by taping duct tape over the ball gag which was already in my mouth. Apparently Rob had seen the news already. I could tell by the way Janelle was speaking. She told him to come over and she kept telling him that it couldn't be the news has it wrong. She was good at the way she handled people that lying manipulative bitch.
After the phone call had ended the four of them undid the straps that held me captive to the bed and dragged me to a wheel chair which they quickly bound me to. "I want you to hear and see everything that goes on between myself and Rob when he gets here that way you will know that you do not stand a chance on escaping or helping him because I have plans for him too".
They rolled the wheel chair into another room and set me in front of a tv screen which was set up as a monitor. I could see the two of them sitting on a sofa together and talking. Rob was crying and she was hugging him and reassuring him everything was going to be okay she even went so far as to suggest maybe they should wait to go through with all of their plans. They were planning a wedding this year and the next thing I know instead of putting it off she manipulated him into suggesting they move the date closer instead of waiting. If I wasn't sitting in another room bound and gagged in her house and guarded by these women who had helped her and was hearing her performance I would have believed her too. I struggled in the chair and managed to tip it over and my bounds came loose. I threw my arms and legs about quickly and made it to my feet. Ropes were still wrapped around my limbs but were no longer tied. Jane and Janet came at me fast and tried to wrestle me to the ground. I pushed them away quickly and ran to the door. Janice jumped on my back and I managed to toss her aside as well. I reached behind my head while trying to open the door at the same time and unbuckled the ball gag. I finally got the door open and I made it into the hallway as Jane and Janet grabbed me and tried to pull me back in. I unbuckled the ball gag harness from behind my head but the duct tape would not allow me to remove the ball from my mouth. I started to yell for help when all three of them pulled me back into the room and closed the door. Perhaps it was 20 seconds or perhaps it was 5 minutes I am not sure at this point but they managed to get me to the floor. I could hear the audio from the tv as Rob was asking Janelle what the noise was upstairs. She passed it off easily and quickly without batting an eye, that it was her girlfriends upstairs just winding down from a long workout.
I was determined to escape but honestly these three women were in great shape and I had been bound for who knows how long and drugged and tortured I wasn't making out so well at the moment. Jane and Janet got me onto my stomach and twisted both of my wrists behind my back as Janice began duct taping my wrists together. I tried to yell again as I pushed the ball from my mouth a little bit as the tape tore some in the scuffle. Janice was done taping my wrists together at that moment and grabbed the ball and forced it hard back into my mouth. "Buckle it", she commanded to Jane and Janet who immediately buckled the harness back in place.
Moments later Janelle walked in the door. She didn't say a word and walked and rolled me onto my back and kicked me square in the balls. She kicked me so hard I thought she had broken my balls. Then she kicked me again and then again. "If you ever attempt to escape again I will beat you so bad you will just wish I would kill you". Then she kicked me again. Tears came out from my eyes and rolled down my cheeks. Honestly as a kid on the play ground I had been kicked before and probably in some fights in junior high school but never like this and so many times before. I couldn't move nor did I want to. "Pick him up and put him in the chair and wheel him back to the room and prep him because we're going to bury him in the basement for a while until the police confirm his body is in the river and they can't find it then we will take him out and bring him to the institution and there my dear you will stay until you die from old age".
They picked me up and placed me in the chair and tied me to it so there would be no more escape attempt today. "Rob is sleeping on the sofa right now I drugged his drink and he will be out for a while and trust me ladies and my bound and gagged future step brother in law or prisoner he will agree to whatever I want him to agree to because I have him wrapped around my fingers". Then out the door and back to the room I had been bound in before.
All four of them came into the room as they rolled me in the wheel chair. "Ladies please make sure Rob is comfortable and then go into the basement and get the box ready for our prisoner as he will be living there for a little while". Janelle sat next to me and stayed quiet for a few minutes and stared at me. "You know it didn't have to be like this, you see when I first met both of you I wanted you, yes I was planning on making you my slave like I will do with Rob only he doesn't even know it but you, you could see that I am a sadistic bitch, I know you call me that under your gagged mouth because I can see it in your eyes but since you ruined my plans I had to set you up and it was quite easy to do".Then she stood and pulled my head toward the ceiling and she slapped me hard across my cheek. "I'd slap your mouth if it wasn't gagged, you deserve a good beating which I am going to do before I have them place you in the box, I know you don't think I am that much of a sadist to do it but it is exactly what I am going to do". She slapped my cheek once again. "I made it so easy for you to break in and I made sure everything you were looking for was pretty much in plain sight and you think you're so smart don't you"?
Jane, Janet and Janice came back into the room and told Janelle they were ready to prep me as the box was ready. "You two get something to eat and make something for him too as I will allow him one solid meal before we make him eat from a tube, Janice you stay here with me as we're going to give him the beating of a lifetime before we bury him".
"I don't think you quite get it yet do you, you see you're going to spend the rest of your life bound and gagged 24/7". Then she unbuckled the strap in back of my head and the chin strap that was holding the ball in my mouth. My jaw ached something fierce having been gagged for so long. Then she proceeded to unbuckle all of the straps and took that sadistic contraption from my head. "Don't make a sound or say a word or I will place an even bigger ball into your mouth and there it will stay for a very long time". Then she began caressing my face. Her hands were very soft and lovely as she caressed my lips and my cheeks and even my chin. It was so sensual I got lost in it. I began to become increasingly excited until she smacked me across my mouth as hard as she could. It startled me back to reality and it hurt like hell. The pain was numbing upon my lips and I was trying to take it all like a man and not flinch or make a sound. Then again she slapped me across the mouth. Again and again she repeated the smacks and slaps. Just when I thought I couldn't take it anymore she stopped.
Then she and Janice untied me and stood me up. Thoughts of escape entered my mind as I was brought to my feet. Janelle took something from the rolling cabinet and showed it to me. "If you decide to be foolish I will shock your cock and your balls with this do you understand, now nod if you do". I nodded yes that I understood. "We're going to chain your wrists from the ceiling and you're going to get the beating of a lifetime that I promised you". They reached for my wrists and motioned for me to put my hands in the air. As I did this I lost my balance and fell on top of Janice and we both fell to the floor. "You stupid bitch", Janelle yelled at me as she took the gadget and shoved it into my crotch and shocked me twice. "I'm sorry, I am sorry", I yelled, "I lost my balance and I wasn't trying to escape, please stop please". Janelle helped Janice to her feet and they both kicked me hard several times in the ass and in my upper right leg.
"You stupid little bitch", she said as she kicked me again. She took the bottle of chloroform and a rag from the drawer of the rolling cabinet unit and came toward me with it. "No, no way not again", I said as I got to my feet. I pushed Janice out of the way and I pushed her so hard she fell into the rolling cabinet and her and it rolled over and onto the floor. Janelle was now furious at me and was determined to drug me again with the chloroform. She kicked me in the knee and I started to go to the floor but I grabbed the chair and balanced myself and managed to stay vertical. "Come on Janelle this ends here and you know it, I'm going to get out of here and Rob is coming with me and you and your girls are going to go to jail". I was pissed and determined to do this and I didn't care at this point who got hurt or what. There was no way I was going to spend the rest of my life bound and gagged as her slave. Janelle poured a lot of chloroform onto the rag. "Come and get this sweetie you know you like being my helpless bound and gagged slave, I see the excitement within your eyes and you can deny this all you want but this is really what you want and you know it is true my little bitch slave".The problem was that Janelle was crazy and she really believed that I wanted to be owned and kept by her and her girls. She came at me and kicked at my knee again. I moved out of the way and she went forward and fell into the foot of the bed. I pushed her down on the bed and grabbed the rag she had dropped and I placed it over her mouth. No sooner did I do that Janice jumped on my back and placed both of her hands over my mouth and pinched my nostrils closed with her thumbs. Janelle was fading under the chloroformed soaked rag and I was starting to fade under Janice's hands. I had to let go of the rag to fight Janice off and as I did that Janelle grabbed for my hands and with her pushing me and Janice on my back hand gagging me they managed to push me off from the bed. I landed between the wall and the side of the bed with Janice still on my back hand gagging me. I got to my feet using the wall for support. I turned from left to right quickly trying to throw Janice from my back. Her grip wasn't as tight anymore but I was having trouble breathing just the same.
Janelle came toward me again with the drugged rag in her hand. Janice wrapped her legs around my waist and squeezed me tight. I could not believe how strong this woman was for her petite size. Between her hand smothering me and her legs about my waist it was difficult to breathe in or out. This moment seemed it was my last chance. I turned quickly and threw my back against the wall. Just then Janice's hold around my waist let completely go but she was still hand smothering me. Janelle kicked me in the balls and came at me closer trying to place the rag over my mouth. I grabbed her as she came closer. Still in pain from the kick to my balls I stayed vertical once again. I moved my head from side to side viciously to loosen Janice's grip. She finally began to slip her grip. I grabbed Janelle and tossed her to the bed. I picked Janice up and threw her onto the bed as well. I picked the rag up and quickly located the bottle of chloroform and poured more it onto the rag. First I placed it over Janelle's mouth. I loved the feeling of her struggles beneath my hands. In seconds she was out and then it was Janice's turn.
As I looked around for something to wear I thought about tying them up or chaining them but I thought the most important thing was to get Rob out of here and myself included. I poured chloroform onto the rag and left the room with a towel wrapped around my waist. I knew what room he was in because of what I saw on the monitor so I started down the stair way. I stopped to listen to see if Janet and Jane were nearby. I had no idea where they would be. I got to the room where Rob was just to find the door locked. I had no idea where the key would be so I began to look inside of drawers and such. She had lavish wood furniture everywhere. The damn key had to be somewhere. After looking through four pieces of furniture drawer after drawer I found a set of keys with ten keys on it. I finally opened the door and walked inside just to find Rob not there. So I decided to look for a phone to call the police and tell them I had been kidnapped. Things were certainly not going my way at all. In this fancy house you would think perhaps there was a phone in every room but there was no phone.
I decided to look for car keys which I found on the wall in the hallway to the garage. I got into the garage and got in one of the three cars that were there. I was well on my way but the car did not start. Then I heard a voice say, "Voice verification please, voice verification please". I got out of the car and then I heard voices and they were getting closer and closer. The door flew open wide and there stood Jane and Janet and they weren't screwing around. They both had hand guns and they aimed them right at my legs. "Get to the floor now or we'll shoot you in both of your legs, do it now face down". Jane cocked the hammer back. "Honestly do you think we're kidding, prison for us for kidnapping you or shooting you in the legs, yes sweetie you're screwed". I reluctantly laid upon the garage floor face down. Jane sat on my ass and handcuffed my wrists tightly behind my back. "If you two let me go I will not tell anyone either of you were even part of this, please". "Let you go so we can go free and betray our friends so you can go free, no sweetie we have plans for you very fun plans at least for us". Just then the three of us heard voices outside of the garage door. "Janelle, Janelle are you okay"? Before I could utter a sound Janet placed her hand firmly over my mouth while Jane pinched my nostrils closed. I struggled and tried to rattle the handcuffs. "Stop moving or we will suffocate you to death right here right now". Again they made me pass out.
I awoke in a room I have never been in before and I had no idea where I was. My wrists were bound in leather bindings that were chained to the ceiling and my ankles were also bound in leather and in chains. They were bound spread eagle to metal O rings in the concrete floor. I wasn't gagged as usually but I couldn't move but only side to side slightly. As my eyes began to focus more I realized that all four of them were now in the room with me. They each stood there with furious looks in their eyes. They all also held in their hands a cane. I don't mean the kind you use to walk with but the kind you use to beat someone with. All at once they all snapped them at my flesh. Two hit my ass cheeks while the other two hit the front of my legs. Janelle walked over to me after the first canes hit me. "We are going to cane every inch of your body except for your head and your neck, your face we're going to slap numerous times and bottoms of your feet are going to be caned as well and we're done with that you get paddles and whipped and then we prep you to bury you until after the entire investigation as to what happened to you is over and then we carry out the rest of our plan which also includes me enslaving Rob". I was to afraid to comment or speak at all and then she stood back and they began their caning.
I yelled, I screamed, I begged them to stop. Janelle only stopped to tell me that we were in her sound proof basement and no matter how hard they beat me or how loud I yelled no one would ever hear a sound. The beating and torture continued. Finally the caning had stopped. I watched as each of them placed their canes down and grabbed wooden paddles. Janelle came to me and stood so close that I could smell her breath. Then she began where she had left off slapping my mouth and smacking me in the face. Suddenly she stopped for a moment. "The voice you heard asking if I was okay was a neighbor we were suppose to meet in my driveway because she was going to check out one of my cars that I am going to sell so don't think anyone knows you're here and is going to rescue you because no one is ever going to find you to rescue you ever, you belong to us for good". Then she smacked my face and slapped my mouth a few times before forcing a rather large ball gag into my mouth.
Down went the paddles after a rather long beating. I was exhausted and in a lot of pain. "Now we're going to whip you and prep you for your burial". I'm not even sure why I put up a struggle I guess it was instinct because even if I could escape my bonds there was no way of getting past either of them at this point. Janelle laughed loudly at me as I struggled and then she came over to me and began to wrap a thin rope around my balls and as she pulled it tight she said, "I would love to leave this on you but anymore than an hour would permanently damage you which perhaps might not be a bad thing as I am still toying with castrating you myself and believe me you would not be my first I have done a few".
After gagging me with the large ball gag they whipped me for a very long time. I pleaded for them to stop but all that came from my mouth were garbled sounds. I could see that they delighted in my beating as they smiled and joked with each other. They made contests with each other to see who could make their area the most red first. Finally they were finished and I was in much pain.
"I said we would feed you a nice meal before we buried you but you tried to escape and you chloroformed me, for that I will not forgive you nor will I feed you, that will be done through the feeding tube for quite sometime". Just then another cart was rolled in just like in the upstairs room. "This is all supplies to bind you properly and also gags to properly keep you quiet for long periods of time, breathing and feeding tubes and tubes for you to go to the bathroom with, without ever leaving your box in which we are going to bury you in".What came next was simply horrible. I was drugged with a shot in my arm and all I could do was watch while they got me ready.
I was mummified with black bondage tape. They wrapped me up tight. It wasn't sticky tape that stuck to my skin but it stuck to itself. They left a hole for the tube they put inside of my anus which was damn horrible. Then they put a catheter in my penis and down my urethra. It was quite an unpleasant experience. Before they mummified my head they had to insert the feeding tube and the breathing tube through my nostrils. I was not looking forward to any thing they were doing and going to do. They laughed at me as they began to insert the tubes into my nostrils. Janelle inserted my breathing tube as Janet began to insert the feeding tube. I was scared but there was nothing I could do. I couldn't move or yell or even make a sound. Just as I thought that things could not get any worse a fifth woman appeared suddenly from the shadows. "Well sweetie, let me introduce you to Janine, she is a nurse at an institution that I give big charitable contributions to and they will do just about anything for me since I have given them over 2 million dollars". Janine walked over to me and smiled at me. "Oh I can see this one is going to be fun, you see honey we keep many men such as yourself bound and gagged at our facility 24/7 and none of them are ever going to leave there and that will soon include you but don't worry, myself and others are going to take great care of you". With that she poured some chloroform onto a small cloth and placed it over my mouth and she held it in place as I breathed the fumes in.
I woke up just to realize that I was about to be buried in a coffin in a dirt hole in the basement. I was mummified with the black tape that I had mentioned earlier and gagged with an inflatable cock gag. It was inflated so much that no air could get into my mouth at all or even in my throat. I was completely dependent on the tube from my nostril that ran down my throat for air. I could not move very much nor could I speak but I was not yet blindfolded and my ears were not plugged like they were before. I had one last shot to beg not to be buried. I could not use my words but only my eyes to beg with. I was scared because of what they were about to do to me. I must have looked quite pathetic in my attempts with the expression in my eyes. "Oh look", said Janelle. "He is trying to beg us with his eyes not to do this to him, as if we haven't seen this done before right ladies". They all chuckled at her words and my situation.
Suddenly the door burst open wide and with authority and there stood Rob. "What in the hell do you all think you're doing to my brother"? He had a pistol in his hands and was pointing it toward them as they stood around me in a semi circle. "Janelle, are you all crazy, I know the two of you don't like each other but to kill my brother because you don't like him is crazy, so step away now or I will start shooting your friends you crazy ass bitches". Janelle began to walk toward Rob with her hands in front of her as she walked toward him. "Tell your friends to take those tubes from his nose and take that awful gag from his mouth now". Janine took her thumb and placed it over the outer end of my breathing tube as to shut any air from coming in. I began to struggle to breathe but it wasn't obvious because Janelle stood in the way of his complete vision. "Sweetie you don't understand, your brother tried to kill all of us, he had my girls hostage down here while you and I were upstairs, I just came down and saved them all and we weren't going to kill him we're just going to teach him a lesson, he had Jane bound and gagged in the coffin that is why we put him there to show him how she felt". Rob waved the gun at all of them and told them again to untie me and pull the tubes out and take the gag out. He was getting pissed. I could hear it in his tone and honestly did he believe her crap filled story?
Seconds later Janine pulled a gun out and aimed it at my face. "Right now I am cutting of his air flow and in seconds he'll pass out and I will still continue to suffocate him so you need to put the gun down or I will suffocate him to death and then shut him in the coffin just to make sure he's dead". Ron glared at Janelle. "You lying bitch". Just then Jane and Janice and Janet all pulled out a gun and aimed at Rob. "Rob my dear I am going to give you options, you put the gun down and let us continue to take care of your brother and you will marry me as I keep your brother hostage or we will shoot you and bury him, if you do put the gun down we will let the both of you live, of course you will be my slave and he will be my hostage to make sure you stay in line or I will have my girls dispose of him". Janine let some air flow into the tube which saved me from passing out one more time. "Wait you kidnapped him and faked his death and made it look like he was some crazed sex freak killed by some other sex freak and now you're going to bury him, why are you going to bury him, why did you kidnap him in the first place"? Rob let his guard go for one second and Janelle grabbed the gun from him and backed away quickly as she point it at him. "On the floor now or we'll all shoot you". Reluctantly Rob dropped to the floor and face down. They all jumped on him quickly and placed his hands behind his back and cuffed them tight while Janelle poured some chloroform onto a cloth and sat on his back and pulled his chin up and back as she placed the cloth over his mouth and nose with both hands and using her thumbs to hold it over his nose. "Now sweetie, you're both mine, your brother will spend his days at the institution and yours will spent here in the basement bound and gagged".
I struggled within my bonds and they all turned to me and laughed at my pitiful attempt. "Sweetie we do hope you're comfortable in there because you will be kept there for quite some time before we deliver you to the institution and f I have not told you this before I am telling you now, no man that has been brought to the institution as ever made it out alive or ever been seen again by anyone except those of us who are in this sisterhood and believe me we have made many men over the years disappear basically into thin air". Jane, Janine, Janice and Janet gathered around me and finished preparing me for my burial. Then the tube was checked that went down my urethra and another tube was inserted into my anus both so that I would be able to go to the bathroom. "Since from here on out you will be tube fed it will only be liquid so only liquid will leave your body through these tubes both front and back, don't worry pet many have survived this way for many years, it will change you forever but no one but you cares because from now on only cruelty and acts of sadistic proportions will be bestowed upon you and of course the rest of the world thinks you're dead and you basically are to others but to us you are a play toy and one to do experiments in pain on and experiments to see how to keep men alive for long periods of time in complete captivity under complete control.
"Now your head will be completely wrapped so you are in complete darkness and your ears will hear no sound at all, we want you to take a good look around before you take your next step into your new life, only the people in this room know that you're still alive and of course we own you and now sort of need you to complete our work and do not worry about your brother he will be brainwashed and used accordingly just hope he does as he is told or we will dispose of him quickly". They began to wrap silk and bondage tape around my head. They made sure that no air could get in anywhere but through the tube that would be my only source to breathe through. "I want you to know that we will also be controlling the amount of air you breathe by closing the end of the tube, sometimes it will be for 15 seconds or 30 seconds and at other times we will be pushing your limits because one of goals is to push your limits, we had one man who held is breath for two and one half minutes just before he passed out, we did allow him to breathe after that but our new rule is that should you pass out before we open your tube up again we will not open it again and you will be suffocated to death and I am the one who sets these times so be a good pet and do not struggle too much or think you're somehow going to escape or suddenly become some sort of hero and save yourself and your brother because no one has ever escaped from our sisterhood as I have stated". They finished wrapping my entire head except for my ears. "And now sweetie for the last sound you will hear in a long time and that last sound will be my voice". Then in a rather seductive and alluring voice she said, "my pet do not think of this as the end of your life but the new beginning of your new life that will be spent with you bound and gagged for my pleasures and my amusement which will last for the rest of your life and the length of your life depends upon how you act and what you do when we get you to our institution, now be a good boy or this will be the last thing you do ever hear oh and make sure to hold your breath for a long time when your breath play begins". I did hear them giggle until the ear plugs were placed into my ears and the wrap was then placed over my ears and around my head.
Moments later they closed the lid and I felt the coffin being moved as they brought it to the hole and lowered it into the ground. I tried to hear whether or not it was really being buried but the ear plugs and the lid being closed were most affective so that I could hear nothing. Suddenly I felt liquids rushing through the feeding tube and it really freaked me out. My only wish and hope was Rob. Surely he would be missed or were they going to let him out of here and remind him of my predicament and keep a watchful eye on him? This and many other things rushed in and out of my thoughts as I was hoping the breath games would not begin today.