Author's Note: It's been a very long time since I dipped my toe into the waters of writing, the muse had basically left (suppose I should tie her down next time), but this scene just popped into my head and would not let go. The setting is pseudo-Victorian, but makes no claims at accuracy. Enjoy.
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Part 1
In a maneuver born of much practice Eliza carefully balanced the silver tray in her hands as she climbed the narrow stairs toward the second floor, heels clicking on the worn and ancient wood as she did so. Especially mindful not to shake the steaming teapot she was carrying, to say nothing of the fine china cup and saucer or the pots of milk and sugar, she made her way out into a broad hallway. The house was mostly deserted at the moment, the doors of empty rooms yawning wide open, save for the last. Stepping up to the finely carved and richly stained piece of oak she carefully shifted the tray to balance on one arm while gently knocking on the door to announce her presence.
"Miss?" she asked, quietly.
A soft voice from within replied almost immediately, "Come in."
Deftly twisting the old brass knob Eliza opened the door with a familiar creak and carefully grabbed the tray again before slipping inside. The room was on the small side, though warm and in good repair. An old and comfortable rug was thrown across the fine hardwood floor with a chest of drawers and vanity pushed up against the wall. A brass bed, neatly made, dominated the space while a small desk sat just under the windows. The curtains had been thrown open at some point, bathing the room in the golden afternoon light but she paid little enough attention to those familiar details. As she crossed the floor and set the tray down on the edge of the desk it was the room's occupant that held the entirety of her attention. A young woman sat neatly with a book in hand, brilliant red hair done up in an elegant bun while green eyes set in a lightly freckled face seemed to twinkle in the light as she smiled. Eliza felt her heart skip a beat at that familiar beauty.
Swallowing slightly to steady herself, she offered a smile of her own, "Tea, Miss Rosalind?"
The young woman nodded enthusiastically, "Yes please." The redhead then speared her with an amused gaze as she set her book down, "And how many times must I tell you, call me Rosa."
"At least one more time, miss." Eliza replied with a sly smile as she carefully poured a measure of tea, adding a spoon of sugar and a hint of milk before placing the cup and saucer before the young woman, "I wouldn't dare, it would be terribly inappropriate."
Rosalind had to stifle a giggle at that as she lifted the cup, stirring gently with a silver spoon, "Is that so, Ms. Oakes?" she asked, still quite clearly amused. Setting the spoon down she paused to take a sip. Rosalind closed her eyes and released a small sight of pleasure as the warmth suffused her before offering a much more wicked grin and what might have been called a sultry gaze over the rim of the cup, "Well then, if you would be so kind, what might you dare?"
Setting the teapot down with a soft clink of china against silver, Eliza leaned foreword and captured those amused lips in a soft kiss catching the young woman off guard with her boldness. Still, Rosalind moaned into kiss, her free hand gripping her maid's apron tightly to pull them closer together, before parting her lips slightly in a silent invitation. Eliza took that as permission to deepen the kiss, gently probing the other woman's mouth with her tongue and tasting a faint hint of sugar that only added to the sweetness. Eyes closed and lost in the kiss they stayed that way for a long moment until Eliza's back protested the position, forcing her to break contact, both their faces flush with excitement and just a hint of embarrassment.
"Perhaps you're more daring than I gave you credit for." Rosalind offered in an almost husky whisper, eyes still lidded with pleasure.
"My daring is ever at your service." Eliza returned with a smile of her own, "If my lady would like, perhaps there are other parts of her she would prefer that I..."
The playful innuendo was cut short when Eliza felt a heavy hand fall upon her shoulder from behind, squeezing hard, while a second clamped over her mouth. Eyes widening in terror she tried to scream before she felt herself pulled back and into darkness.
Slowly, bleary and bloodshot eyes opened to near total darkness, the dim illumination revealing only a small cell, featureless save for a few iron rings set into the stone and a heavy iron door that blocked off the outside world, a small opening within it set with bars the only window to what lay beyond. Laying on her side on the cold, hard floor Eliza groaned in discomfort as her mind awakened and her body made its displeasure known. Taking in her surroundings she closed her eyes again and let out a muffled sob, fully recognizing the small room that currently made up her own private hell. Rolling onto her back to relieve some of the pressure on her shoulder and hip she felt tears well up again. How long had she been here? It was impossible to say, truly. With no clock and no source of natural light the only mark of the time were the dreaded visits of her 'caretakers' yet she had no way of knowing how often that was. Her days consisted of near endless nothing, laying or sitting here in the dark with only the sounds of slamming doors, heavy footfalls and the occasional scream to break up the monotony. She was in too much pain for sleep to come easily and when it did it was often fitful and filled with nightmares, or perhaps worse in its own way, memories of more pleasant times though lately the two had been blending together. It had been days at the very least, weeks perhaps, long enough in any case to begin losing track of time and make it impossible to remember how long it had truly been. Some part of her feared it might have been longer even than that.
She let out a scream of frustration, which came out as little more than a muffled whimper, and struggled against her bonds, writhing and twisting with all her strength, but to no avail like the last dozen or hundred times. Tears prickled her eyes again as she fell back limply against the cold stone and began to sob in earnest. Why were they doing this to her? Her once luxurious dark brown hair had been shorn to near stubble and straps circled her head to hold a leather panel firmly over lips, their cruel tightness forced her jaws to clench shut around a painfully large rubber ball that filled her mouth. The gag was effective but agonizing, her jaw ached at the strain and each day she swore the ball grew in size to the point where she was certain she would go insane if she didn't get the awful thing out of her mouth. However, all of her attempts to dislodge it had failed and so far her captors showed no indication that they cared one whit for her discomfort. To make matters worse a steel collar had been locked around her throat and a straitjacket imprisoned her body. The leather and canvas garment was pulled tight and locked in place, clinging to her curves, while more straps held her arms in a helpless self-embrace and a short skirt that came to about mid-thigh preserved her modesty, such as it was, exposing bare legs and a set of leather cuffs around her ankles that locked them together. The jacket was not painful, thankfully, but it might as well have been made of iron for all the progress she had made in trying to free herself. But even all that was not the worst part, not truly.
It had not taken long to realize that she was naked beneath the straitjacket, naked save for a chastity belt that imprisoned her loins. The steel bands she wore were tight, squeezing her waist and rubbing uncomfortably against her hips making it painful to stay in any one position for too long, as the dull ache from sleeping on her side last night indicated. Worse, in an example of some strange perversion a large cylindrical object had been inserted into her vagina, locked in place by the belt, that seemed to shift and move inside of her with every breath. Her face flushed to admit it, even to herself, but as uncomfortable as the plug was it was also driving her mad with arousal. Her thighs were damp from the relentless teasing and she could hear her flesh squelch when the plug moved inside of her but it was never enough to push her all the way to the release her body craved. Her hips twitched involuntarily as her pussy tightened about the plug forcing her aching clit to rub against the steel shield that imprisoned it, but to no avail. She needed to cum so badly, a maddening ache that might have been worst than the gag in its own way, but such release was impossible, the belt made certain of that even if her hands had been free.
Eventually, jaws and loins both throbbing for different reasons, she awkwardly lifted herself up to a sitting position, wincing as the waistband of the belt dug into her stomach and the plug within her shifted cruelly. Drawing her legs up to her chest she buried her face in her knees and began to sob again, shoulder's shaking, tears running down pale cheeks as she closed bloodshot hazel eyes. As much as she hoped and dreamed and prayed to wake up from this nightmare she was beginning to accept that it was never going to happen. She was no one of any importance, her disappearance meant nothing to the world at large, there would be no daring rescue, no clever escape she was trapped here, helpless to resist whatever cruel fate her captors had planned.
As if summoned by that thought the loud click of her door's lock being opened suddenly sounded through the small room like a gunshot. With a thump the handles were turned and the heavy iron door of her prison began to swing out, old and rusted hinges creaking loudly at the abuse. Eliza felt her stomach drop as she risked looking up. The woman standing there was familiar, tall and thin with a young face just beginning to show lines of age around brown eyes, dark black hair pulled back into a severe bun and covered by a cap that marked her as a nurse. A dark dress sheathed her body with a white nurse's apron thrown over that while modestly heeled shoes covered her feet and clicked ominously against the stone floor. Eliza did not know her name, for although she saw the woman daily she rarely spoke and seemed to take far too much sadistic glee in the pain she inflicted. Eliza's eyes flickered quickly to the small metal cart the woman was pushing and she couldn't help but whimper at the instruments it held. A trio of glass bottles, two filled with liquid (one clear the other a faint brown), coils of rubber hose in various lengths and a collection of shiny metal nozzles and tubes of various shapes and sizes. Eliza was intimately familiar with all of them.
Despite the despairing knowledge that it would not help, indeed that it might make things worse, Eliza instinctively pushed her feet against the floor, desperately shoving herself deeper into the room to try and escape the woman. The nurse just sighed with a put upon frown, crow's feet at the edge so her mouth making the expression seem even more severe, as she pushed the cart in and set it aside before closing the door with a loud slam. Wordlessly the nurse advanced on her scrambling patient until Eliza's back hit the wall and she could move no further. With as much care as if she was disciplining a naughty child the nurse grabbed Eliza's collar and pulled her upright with surprising strength. Ankles bound as they were Eliza could not keep her balance and fell painfully on her knees, crying out into her gag as she did so, as the nurse drug her into the center of the room. Satisfied the woman then kneeled down and clasped Eliza's ankle cuff's to one of the iron rings in the floor, locking her in place. Grabbing her patient by one of the straps around her waist, the pressing her other hand between her shoulders, the woman pushed forcing Eliza to bend over at the waist until her cheek was pressed against the floor. A second clasp locked her collar to another iron ring forcing her into an awkward and humiliating pose, hips pointing straight up at the ceiling and face on the floor like a girl in a pornographic image presenting herself.
The cart was wheeled over to her side and the nurse went down on one knee to work. Grabbing the straps at the back of her head to hold her in place, Eliza could do nothing but watch as one of the rubber hoses was plugged into a small port on the front of her gag while the other end was affixed to the bottle holding the brown liquid. The bottle was then turned over and hung from the side of the cart allowing gravity to feed a steady steam of the foul broth they had been force feeding her since her imprisonment into her mouth. The taste was just this side of vile but a combination of gnawing hunger, desperate thirst and the need to breathe forced Eliza to swallow it. Still kneeling the nurse reached up and retrieved a pair of rubber gloves, slipping them on with an ominous snap, before grabbing a bulbous silver nozzle with another hose attached too it. Eliza groaned at the sight of it, which caught the nurse's attention. She glanced down her captive with a slightly menacing glint in her eye, favoring her with a slight, yet twisted smile as she lubricated the device with petroleum jelly. Moving out of her line of sight, Eliza felt hands lift her skirt until the cloth was bunched around her waist revealing her pale ass, slick thighs and chastity belt to the world. She flushed at the thought of being on display like this, thankful that the door was closed, though the way the nurse's hands seemed to linger on her skin added to the humiliation. Finally, the moment she was dreading, she felt the cold metal of the nozzle press up against her anus and hey body reflexively clenched to deny the intruder. A sharp, painful, smack on her ass jolted her enough that she lost concentration allowing the nurse to seat the device with a harsh shove, the bound woman crying out in protest as the thing entered her. The sense of fullness was unbearable, as was the increased pressure against the plug already in her vagina.
Not that her tormentor much cared. The tube now dangling from her was quickly affixed to the second bottle and fresh tears spilled over Eliza's cheeks as freezing cold water began to flow into her bowels. The uncomfortable sensation of being filled from both ends distracted her enough that she was unprepared for the final indignity as the nurse roughly inserted a zinc catheter making her hips twitch, which only caused the tube in her urethra twist painfully making her cry out again. The sound of liquid on glass filled the room a moment later as the tube began to siphon her full bladder.
It was hard to tell how much time passed as Eliza could only concentrate on the growing pain in her knees and neck, as the well as the slowly rising pressure on her waistband as she was filled, the muscles of her stomach cramping in protest. All she could do was lay there, face flushed in humiliation and eyes blurred with tears and endure. Finally, however, she swallowed the last drops of broth and the nurse seemed satisfied enough that her job was done to begin draining her patient. As aweful as it was Eliza could not help but moan in relief as the pressure faded, though she yelped again when the devices were removed as roughly as they had been installed. But then something strange happened. As Eliza watched the woman pack up her gear, and pull her skirt back down, she was not released from the iron rings but was instead left bent in her painful pose as the door opened and the woman began to leave. Eliza felt her eyes go wide at the sight.
'Don't leave me like this!' She begged silently, screaming in her mind as she writhed in her bonds, 'Please don't leave me like this!'
However, while the nurse pushed the cart out she did not close the door. Instead she walked briefly out of sight before returning with a wheelchair. Still panicked, but now curious as well, Eliza watched as the woman moved the chair behind her then leaned down to unclasp her collar. Crying out in surprise Eliza felt the woman grab her under the arms and then, as effortlessly as if she were manhandling a child, pulled her into the chair. A leather strap was tightened about her waist, holding her in place, before her ankle cuffs were also unclasped and she was pushed from the room. Brought up short by this Eliza could only wonder what was happening. She could not ever remember leaving her cell since she had first woken up there. Where was she being taken?
The hallways beyond was much as she expected. A stone corridor lined with more iron doors identical to her own yet, while she could hear some noises within the whole place seemed eerily deserted. But she was given no time to contemplate her surroundings before being quickly ushered through a series of twists and turns into a far nicer section of the building with plaster walls, fine wooden trim, and tile floors. At last the journey came to an end in front of a simple wooden door that the nurse opened without hesitation before wheeling her inside. The room beyond was small, though much larger than her cell, with one wall dominated by banks of windows, the light of which was momentarily blinding after so long in darkness, with plush rugs lain upon the floor and another woman sitting in a comfortable leather chair.
The woman stood as soon as they entered and, despite it all, Eliza could not help but note that she was beautiful. Blonde hair was fixed in a single plait that draped over her right shoulder and wire frame glasses were perched on her nose, showing off bright blue eyes, while perfect pink lips were quirked in a friendly looking smile that showed off white teeth. Yet she was dressed strangely. She wore a tie with her high-collared blouse and a waistcoat over that. A long pleated skirt sheathed her legs, and was just high enough to show off fine ankle boots buttoned up the side, but over all of that she wore a long white coat of the type a doctor might wear.
"Thank you, Theresa." the mystery woman said, "I'll call you if we need anything."
The nurse curtsied slightly, "Of course, doctor."
Theresa. So that was her chief tormentor's name. Twisting in her chair Eliza watched the woman go before the sound of a throat clearing brought her attention back to the front.
"Ms. Oakes," the doctor started, "I do apologize for the delay in seeing you, but I must confess that your case is very complicated." She gestured to a small stack of paper sitting on a table next to the chair, "Delusions, hysteria, hyper-sexuality, lesbianism to say nothing of your outbursts toward the staff and your attack on Ms. Benson..."
The woman continued but Eliza wasn't listening. Attack on Ms. Benson? Rosalind? Rosalind had been attacked, and they thought it was her!? Anger at the implication, combined with the weight of the indignities she had suffered made her narrow her eyes and scream at the woman. Though her denials were muffled by the gag her face flushed with anger as she railed, 'How dare you! I would never hurt her! Never! I love her!'
The woman only seemed to smile sadly, "And even being reminded agitates you. Truth be told the doctors weren't sure what to make of you and have little hope that traditional treatments will be effective. That's why I was called, I'm something of a specialist you see."
The woman then began to walk toward her and Eliza was suddenly reminded that she was still helplessly bound and gagged alone with this woman and that there might be consequences for lashing out, even with unintelligible words. The woman reached into one of the pockets of her coat and withdrew a small case, snapping it open to reveal a hypodermic syringe which she deftly took in hand before slipping the case back into her pocket.
Eliza's eyes went wide at the sight of the needle and she whimpered in both fear and pain when the woman then grabbed her under the chin, lifting her head up to look her square in the eye before offering a bright, yet somehow sinister smile. "Don't worry, Ms. Oakes." she soothed before plunging the needle into her neck, "I promise that I'll take very good care of you."
With that the contents of the syringe discharged into her veins and, after a moment of groggy disorientation, Eliza knew no more.
Part 2
With a start Eliza jerked awake, temporarily disoriented and blinded by what felt like a harsh light shining on her face. Flailing slightly she found herself lying on a soft and inviting bed, clean sheets cast over her naked body. Eyes widening as she realized that the straitjacket was gone and that her arms were free Eliza jerked upright, one hand shooting to her face while the other reached between her legs. Cupping her cheeks and running a hand over her scalp desperately tears sprang into her eyes when she confirmed that the gag was gone and her hair was back. Her body too was free of the belt that had imprisoned and violated her. Sobbing softly as her head fell back into the gentle embrace of a feather pillow, Eliza wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. It had been a dream, nothing but a horrid dream and terrible nightmare.
A soft moan drew her attention to the left and a familiar, red-haired form curled up against her that had been awakened by her sudden movements. Still half asleep Rosalind drew herself closer and opened brilliant green eyes that were still clearly tired. Voice sleepy but concerned as she asked, "What's wrong, love?"
Blinking away more tears at the sight, Eliza felt her throat constrict slightly before she swallowed the lump down, "Nothing." she forced out as she moved to embrace her lover, "Just a dream. A horrid dream."
Rosalind hmm-ed, moaning softly in delight as strong arms encircled her and she returned the embraced more tightly, "Want to talk about it?"
Eliza closed her eyes tightly for a moment, reliving for a moment the memories of being trapped in that awful place, of being bound and humiliated and tortured, marveling at how her mind could concoct such terrible images. Finally she shook her head, "No, no it's fine. Everything's fine as long as you're here."
Awake now, Rosalind offered a bright smile, "That might be the sweetest thing you've ever said to me. But now I feel guilty, I had a wonderful dream." Her smile became just slightly wicked as she shifted her weight and climbed on top of her lover to press their naked bodies together. "Perhaps I can make it up to you?"
Eliza felt her skin flush, both at the suggestion and the contact, arousal spooling in her gut, yet she could not help but tease back, just slightly, "Best be careful. I'll have more than bad dreams if your father hears anything."
"You worry too much."
With that Rosalind leaned in to kiss her and Eliza closed her eyes to enjoy the sensation of those delicate and hungry lips upon her own. They kissed for several long moments, exploring each others mouths while hands roamed freely before Rosalind pulled back slightly, earning a put upon moan.
"I do have one question, though."
"What's that?" she replied, eyes still closed.
"Why did you do it?"
Eliza frowned at that. What was Rosalind talking about? But as she opened her mouth to ask a drop of something landed on her face and her eyes snapped open instantly. Breathe caught in her throat then as she saw her lover looming above her, skin waxy and pale, eyes milky and blind while the purple marks of fingerprints were pressed deeply into the skin of her arms and shoulders as well as around her neck while a thin trickle of blood escaped the edge of her mouth.
"Why did you do it?" The apparition pleaded, voice a pained whisper, "I was a good girl, wasn't I? I did everything you asked. I didn't tell anyone, even when they beat me, I didn't!" Tears of blood began to run down her pale cheeks, "I promise I was good!"
Something in her snapped and Eliza could only scream in terror at the horror above her as cold, pale hands closed around her throat and began to choke the life out of her. She continued to scream until darkness overtook her once again.
Eliza woke with a gasp, sucking in a deep breath through her nose as she did so. Head still foggy she found herself staring up into an unfamiliar ceiling made of dirty white plaster with an electric light in a glass cage directly above making her squint. Laying on a soft surface with her head propped up slightly she tried to move only to find herself completely immobile. The twinge of pain from her jaw as she lifted her head to have a better look confirmed to her rapidly clearing mind that she was still wearing that awful gag. That quickly became the least of her concerns when she managed to look down at the rest of her body. She was laying on some kind of padded table, her straitjacket clearly removed but now replaced with some kind of tight body sleeve that covered her from neck to toe. A dozen leather straps pulled the garment tight about her, pinning her arms at her sides and her legs together, while also binding her to the table. She could clearly feel that the chastity belt had also been removed, which would have been something of a relief if she could not feel a smooth object of some time trapped between her thighs that extended up to impale her sex. She could also feel the familiar intrusion of a catheter and a rubber tube snaked from the crotch of the suit to a small stand next to her and a bottle half filled with urine. A pair of wires also ran from under the suit to what looked like a small box covered in dials and switches but it was hard to see clearly. However, what truly caught her attention was a cutout in the chest of the suit that left her bare breasts on full display and revealed that someone had driven small rings of silver through her erect nipples.
She could only stare wide-eyed at that fact, horror mounting at the thought that, while unconscious, someone had mutilated her body. Mind conjuring imagines of what other horrors might have been wrought, hidden by the suit she wore, Eliza screamed into her gag in fear and rage as she fought against the straps that restrained her but they held fast, allowing only a fraction of an inch of movement in any direction. Indeed, she succeeded only in exhausting herself and making her breasts sway in a manner that an observer would have found quite attractive. Spent for the moment, she collapsed back into the table panting heavily, her breasts bouncing with each breath, as tears blurred her vision. Was this to be her fate? Imprisoned in this place for a crime she did not commit, continually graduating from one horror to the next? To be confined and tortured, little more than a plaything to the sadistic whims of her captors, until she broke in truth? A sudden thought chilled her. What had truly happened to Rosalind? Was she also imprisoned somewhere here, helplessly bound, her cries of pain and pleas for mercy silenced by a cruel gag? The idea terrified her, even more than her own torment. Eliza knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, that she would never have hurt the girl, no matter what that "doctor" claimed. Yet something must have happened, though for the life of her she could not remember what it was or fathom how it could end like this.
Exercising the only freedom she had at the moment Eliza twisted her head about to take in her new cell. It was larger than the old one, though not by much, walls and what she could see of the floor covered in clean white tiles rather than dark stone. The electric bulb was the primary source of light though she could see a small window of hazy glass across from her. It was barred however and set high against the ceiling as if she were in a basement, which might well be true once she thought about it. Beyond that the room was completely featureless, not even a door revealing itself, though she assumed it was simply behind her and thus out of view. With a frustrated sigh Eliza laid her head back down. It seemed her new prison was an inescapable as the old one.
The slam of a door and the sound of footsteps cut her introspection short and Eliza craned her neck to the left to see what was happening. As she did she mustered the fiercest glare as the blonde woman from earlier stepped into view. Yet the doctor ignored this look, merely smiling as she began to circle the table, methodically checking each one of the straps that imprisoned her patient as she did so. Then, as she reached the chest, the woman suddenly cupped her breasts, squeezing and playing with them in a manner that brought an unintentional moan of pleasure from Eliza's throat. That moan quickly became a gasp of pain when the woman then pinched her tender nipples.
"Still a bit sore I see." the woman announced earning an embarrassed glare and a muffled curse, which only elicited a chuckle, "To be expected I suppose." She circled again, footfalls echoing loudly in the room until she was standing in front of that strange electrical control box. "I do apologize for the methods used to bring you here but precautions needed to be taken thanks to the... ah delicate nature of your condition. I do hope you understand."
Eliza only continued glaring.
"My but you are a stubborn one." The blonde laughed, "Oh well, no surprise that. In any case I realize I never introduced myself, did I? Terribly rude of me, I do apologize. I am Dr. Lillian Easton, Lillian to my friends, though," she leaned in with a smile as if whispering some great secret, "I suppose we aren't friends yet."
Eliza grumbled something into her gag but gave no other response.
Lillian just chuckled, not phased in the slightest, "Perhaps someday then." She clapped her hands together, "In any case, straight on to business. As I said earlier, your condition is rather complicated, that's why I had you brought here for a somewhat experimental treatment. I have high hopes, however, that you'll be perfect by the end of it."
Perfect. It was an odd turn of phrase, but Eliza wasn't really paying attention to that as Lillian stepped behind her and back out of sight. A moment later she felt something cold, almost like the ear pieces of a stethoscope, press into her ears, the suddenness of the sensation making her jump. A loud scratching noise a heartbeat later made her wince but then soft music began to fill her ears, violins mostly, but compared to the oppressive silence of earlier it was soothing, almost strangely so. Lillian stepped silently back into view and walked up to the box. Eliza could only watch, curious, as the woman manipulated several switches and levers before twisting a large knob slightly. At that the device trapped between her thighs began to vibrate, making her gasp in pleasure, sucking a deep breath through her nose as she did so. That gasp became a moan as the vibrations increased in intensity, the sensation radiating through her loins making her already overstimulated pussy clench the vibrating rod tightly. Writhing in pleasure she barely noticed when the doctor walked away, leaving her alone with her music and this wonderful sensation.
Wonder gave way to horror quickly enough however when Eliza realized that, as intense as this felt, the vibrations were also insufficient to bring her to orgasm. She moaned in frustration, rocking and bucking her hips in desperation, trying to increase the stimulation that last little bit needed to bring her over the edge but to no avail. She screamed and cried, arms straining against her bonds in a desperate attempt to reach her aching core, but nothing worked, she could only lay there in frustrated agony as the relentless teasing continued all the while the soft music droned on, almost mocking her with the contrast. It became impossible to concentrate on anything else, the world drifting away in a sea of sensations. In that state time began to lose meaning and Eliza felt herself drift in and out, barely aware of her surroundings as long hours of desperate struggle intermixed with short periods of exhausting sleep. She was alone with her thoughts and frustrations for the most part, though Lillian returned fairly frequently to change the collection jar or attach a bottle of a much better tasting broth to her gag, but she seemed deaf to Eliza's increasingly frantic pleading. Indeed the doctor never said anything as the days passed, at times adjusting the controls of the vibrator, though that never seemed to change anything, and largely ignoring Eliza's increasingly frantic struggles and muffled begging as she felt her arousal spiraled to heights she had never imagined possible.
The sensations even seemed to be invading her dreams and, in time, Eliza found that the nightmares and memories that had once haunted her sleep were gone, replaced by dreams of sex and other, increasingly bizarre fantasies. At times she imagined herself on her knees eager to serve, or naked and crawling on all fours like an animal. At other times she dreamed she was still bound helplessly and cruelly, punished and made to serve her mistress in hopes of mercy. At first it had been Rosalind in all her red-haired glory who held her leash and demanded her obedience, who eagerly used her, but as time went on it was increasingly a blonde doctor whom she kneeled before, ready to serve. She found herself fantasizing about it, even when awake. What might the beautiful blonde look like without her cloths? What would her pussy taste like and what wondrous sounds would that musical voice make at the heights of passion? Even better she dreamed of what it would be like to be teased and tormented by Lillian's own hands, to have those delicate fingers inside of her, to be roughly fucked until she was left raw and spent on the cold tiles.
Once, during her visit, Lillian had checked the restraints once again, tightening down straps that had begun to work loose, and had again indulged herself by playing with the helpless woman's breasts. This time, instead of groaning, Eliza moaned in sheer need and pushed her chest upward into that eager grasp, desperately hoping that more sensations on her oversensitive orbs would be enough to push her over the edge. It was not too be and as she sobbed in frustration Lillian gently kissed her on the forehead before leaving the room. She cried herself to sleep after that and dreamed of being the cruel doctor's plaything.
An indeterminate amount of time later, though it felt like an eternity, Eliza awoke reluctantly from a dream she could barely remember, dark circles under her eyes from what felt like weeks of fitful sleep, body still burning with need but her mind strangely clear. It only took a moment to realize that the music and the vibrations had stopped. Though she was still desperately horny, but she could not help but sigh in relief that the torment had ended at least for now. It was then that she noticed that Lillian was standing over her, watching her intensely. Once she realized that Eliza was aware of her the doctor began to play with her breasts making the poor girl moan desperately. So caught up in the sensation she almost didn't hear the woman speak
"I have a question for you, pet. And answer me truthfully." She paused her ministrations for a moment, "Do you want to cum?"
Eliza almost couldn't believe what she was hearing but as soon as she processed the request her eyes went wide and she nodded frantically.
Lillian leaned in close, eyes hard and serious, "Very well then, you can cum, if," she stressed that word, "you do everything I tell you to. Can you do that?"
Another frantic nod.
"Good. First, I'm going to take off your gag." Eliza perked up again, eyes watering slightly at the thought of being free of that awful thing. "However, when I do you will not say a word. Moan and scream all you want, but do not speak. If you speak not only will you not get an orgasm, you will be punished. Do you understand?"
She nodded slowly.
With that Lillian reached down and began to unbuckle the straps that circled her head and with a loud pop pulled the sodden ball from her mouth. Eliza moaned in relief, finally able to close her mouth, and began to work her jaw frantically to chase away the cramps. Her jaw still ached, but it was a pain that was slowly beginning to fade. However, while she was enjoying her newfound freedom, limited though it was, Lillian slipped off her lab coat and let it fall carelessly to the floor. Her waistcoat followed and Eliza began to watch in rapt fascination as the woman tossed away her tie and began to unbutton her blouse partly to expose the corset underneath. A corset, she noted, that did nothing to cover the woman's breasts which were now as naked as her own. Eliza could only stare at those firm mounds and erect nipples, nipples that were also pierced with silver rings. Lillian didn't stop there. With a few more buttons her skirt came loose and fell away revealing silk stocking, a garter belt and absolutely nothing else. The doctor's sex was as bare as her breasts but it has also been shaved smooth and another silver ring pierced her clitoris. Eliza had never seen anything like it and some part of her idly wondered how much it had hurt. Smiling wickedly, Lillian then climbed on top of the table until she was straddling the bound woman, granting an unimpeded view of her mostly naked form. Eliza was entranced, the woman was as beautiful as she had dreamed.
Lillian locked eyes with her, "Your second task is to use your mouth to make me cum." She smiled sardonically, "You do know how, yes?"
Eliza gave a somewhat stunned nod at that question and Lillian lowered herself down until her damp sex was merely a fraction of an inch above her captive's chapped lips. Eliza needed no more prodding, she eagerly darted up to capture those neither lips in a kiss, licking and sucking for all she was worth, relishing the musky scent that filled her nostrils.
Lillian closed her eyes and bit her lip softly to stifle a moan, one hand gripping the edge of the table to steady herself while the other began to play with her breasts. "Just like that, pet." she whispered. "Just like that." Her hips began to rock, grinding herself into the other woman's face, "Stick your tongue in deep."
Obeying instantly Eliza explored the entrance before her and snaked her tongue within, twisting and probing and looking for just the right spot. She knew she found what she was looking for when Lillian jerked suddenly and tightened before pressed her hips down hard.
"Oh fuck." Lillian cursed, harshly under her breath, rocking harder as she did so, "Just like that pet, just like that." Her breath grew ragged as her pleasure mounted. "Suck my clit pet, suck it!" she commanded and, again, Eliza obeyed, locking her lips around that delicate nub of flesh and sucking for all she was worth. Almost as soon as she did Lillian exploded with an orgasm, throwing back her head and crying out in ecstasy, a rush of fluids coating her captive's face as she so. Eliza diligently licked the good doctor clean, feeling her twitch with aftershocks as she did so.
At last Lillian pulled her hips back and sat down to straddle Eliza's waist, taking a moment to recover. Eventually, after her flesh stopped quivering she climbed back down to the floor somewhat gingerly, legs shaking. Letting out a shuddering breathe she smiled down at her captive, "Good work, pet, very good work. I'd say you've earned that orgasm."
Remembering well her instructions Eliza didn't say a word.
"Good girl."
With that she reached over and turned the dial up to near maximum. The vibrator roared to life with an intensity much greater than anything she had felt before and Eliza could not help but moan like a bitch in heat as the sensations washed over her. As hyper-stimulated as she was she came in seconds, screwing her eyes shut and screaming as she bucked in her restraints, twisting and thrashing as she did so, but the sensations did not stop. Her body craved more and the machine obliged, pushing her over the edge again and again until her vision went blurry. She screamed and whined and thrashed as the relief she so craved came again and again. She came until she saw stars, until it started to hurt, until she was certain she would pass out when it stopped all of a sudden. Letting out another low moan that was equal parts relief and disappointment the tension began to drain from her and Eliza felt her body go slack in its bonds. She started, eyes opening again when a hand gently brushed tufts of hair from her flushed and sweaty brow. Looking over she ssaw Lillian, who had re-dressed at some point, leaning over her with a pleased smile.
"Good girl." She whispered and Eliza could not help but smile herself at the compliment. "Close your eyes." As she did so a pair of lips found her own and moaned into the kiss, obediently parting her lips to allow a tongue to explore her mouth. She kept her eyes closed when the kiss broke and another command reached her ears, "Keep your mouth open."
Eliza lay there for a heartbeat, eyes closed and mouth open, until she felt the gag being forced back between her lips. Snapping her eyes open she moaned in despair, struggling in vain as Lillian strapped the device back on tightly. She shook her head fiercely, as if trying to dislodge it, tears prickling in her eyes. She moaned again, pitifully as she felt the vibrator spring to life once more, its low hum teasing her sore flesh, yet Lillian's smile remained unbroken. She bent down to give the poor girl a kiss on the forehead and stroked her face softly.
"You've made absolutely marvelous progress in your first treatment, my dear. Absolutely marvelous. I have no doubt that in a few weeks you'll be right as rain."
Eliza's eyes went wide in terror at that pronouncement. A few more weeks of this? She'd go mad, absolutely mad. The music started again and the doctor turned to walk away, a cruel little smile etched on her features as Eliza struggled and moaned, begging for mercy. The door closed with a slam leaving her, once again, alone with her torment still begging and never once noticing that it was her mistress she was calling out for.
Lillian Easton smiled widely at the sight before her. Forgoing her lab coat today she sat in a comfortable chair, leaning back as if she were the queen of all she surveyed, legs crossed and arms held levelly at her sides. Just a few steps away was her newest masterpiece. The young woman stood straight with perfect posture, eyes cast down respectfully and dressed in a simple blouse and long skirt with rather high heeled boots, the collar of her shirt high enough to cover the collar of steel that circled her throat. She was absolutely beautiful and, while her thick brown hair was still far too short, skillful styling and a hat could hide that until it had returned to its full and glorious lengths. But it was not appearances alone that pleased Lillian. The girl was beautiful, even if she had lost some of her figure in confinement, but it was her utterly submissive posture that pleased the young doctor. It has been a risk attempting to break and reprogram the woman, but it had worked utterly. Reinforcing her lesbian tendencies, stimulating her sex drive to near nymphomania, associating a constant state of arousal with a need to be bound and tormented, and last but not least strengthening existing submissive desires through subliminal messaging and loss of control while creating only a single outlet for all of it through continued social isolation. She had not lied, the "treatment" was highly experimental indeed and, while tailored for a very specific purpose, it should be modifiable to produce a wide variety of desired outcomes, though she had little enough interest in that.
For now she simply wished to admire her work. Looking the girl up and down one last time, she asked, "Who are you?"
Eyes still glued to the ground, hands clasped submissively behind her back, the woman spoke, "Eliza Oakes, mistress."
She leaned forward slightly, "What are you?"
There was no hesitation, "A slave, mistress."
"To whom do you belong?"
Lillian could swear she saw a slight blush cross the girl's nose, "All that I am, body and soul, is yours mistress."
"And what do you desire?"
"I desire to please and serve you, mistress." She trembled slightly, "To be used by you in any way that you wish."
"Marvelous." Lillian remarked as she stood, quickly crossing the distance and placing a pair of fingers under the girl's chin to bring her gaze up. "Simply marvelous." Looking into those hazel depths she smiled and then kissed her slave softly, "You truly are perfect."
Eliza beamed, "Thank you, mistress."
Still, there was a hint of something in that gaze. "Is something the matter, slave?"
"No." she responded quickly before correction herself, "No, mistress."
"I won't be angry." Lillian assured, "I want you to be honest with me. Is there a problem?"
Eliza bit her lip and hesitated for a heartbeat before answering, "Mistress? Must... must I wear the chastity belt?"
She reached up to stroke the girl's hair and smiled reassuringly, "I'm sorry my dear, but yes. You're still sick I'm afraid and you need to wear it to protect yourself if you want to be a good girl. You do want to be a good girl, don't you?"
She nodded, trembling slightly, "Yes, mistress."
"Are you sure? Do you think you need another treatment?"
This time Eliza shook her head almost frantically, "N... no, mistress. I understand, I was just confused."
Lillian patted the girl on the cheek, "That's alright, pet, we all get confused sometimes." She smiled again, "Are you ready to come home them, slave?"
"Yes, mistress." she said, with some real enthusiasm.
"Marvelous." Wrapping her arm around Eliza's waist, Lillian began to lead her away before leaning in to whisper in her ear, "I can't wait to have you in my bed, that clever mouth locked between my legs."
This time when Eliza trembled it was in anticipation, "Yes, mistress."
As they walked out the back entrance toward the street, and to a waiting carriage, Lillian spared a moment to consider everything. Some might consider what she had done to the poor girl to be exceptionally cruel, and in a way they were right, but in other ways it was a mercy. Really, carrying on an affair with her employer's daughter? What had the woman been thinking. She could admire the man, though. He had skillfully pinned the results of his own violent reaction on her and then "reluctantly" had the poor girl he'd given a chance to locked away so that she could be treated for her terrible illness, transforming what would have been a scandal into a tragedy he could profit from. Quite brilliant, really. So, in a way, Eliza was quite lucky things had ended up as they had. If she hadn't intervened then the poor woman would likely have spent the rest of her life institutionalized as the quacks there tried to "cure" her. Or perhaps they would have simply broken her enough to make her socially acceptable and sent out the door to face a life of misery and self denial and likely poverty as well as a former lunatic had few prospects. No, far better to have ended up in her hands. And now with a few bribes here and a few secrets whispered in the right ears there Eliza Oakes, former inmate of the Aurora Grove Sanatorium, would be declared dead, having taken her own life in a fit of despair. So tragic, and yet so common, and so unlikely to be questioned. And so she would slip through the cracks, ready to begin a new life as Lillian's sex slave and discover whole new realms of pleasure.
As the pretty young brunette snuggled into her grasp Lillian could not help but smile. Yes, far better to have ended this way.