Part 1
Difficult to know where to start. I was a happy married man, not rich, but not poor, living my retirement.
Then I got an e-mail from a solicitor in Manchester, which I took to be the usual scam.
But he kept sending them, telling me that I would find something to my advantage, if I replied.
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So, I replied. He said he would send a car for me, which would take me to his office in Manchester, it would arrive the next day at 9:00am.
At 9:00am the next day, this limo arrived, and the driver, dressed in livery, held the door open.. I got in, he closed the door, greeting me quite friendly. We arrived at the solicitors office, and I was shown into his office.
Well Mr. Brown, he started, "I have some news for you, which you may find interesting, confusing, and unwelcome, bu first, I need to take a DNA sample, it's just a swab from inside your mouth, I need it to confirm your identity."
Not too sure about this, but I gave the sample, which was taken away.
" We won't have to wait long for the results, perhaps you would like a cup of coffee while we wait."
" What's this all about" I asked, getting a little pissed at all the cloak and dagger stuff.
" I can't say anything until we get the results."
Just then, a messenger entered the room, presumably with the results of the test.
"I'm pleased to tell you that we have a match"
"A match for what?"
He started to tell me the whole story.
Apparently, my mother had an affair with a young army captain, whilst my father was still away in the army.
It was a brief affair, as the captain soon realised that he preferred men to women, i.e. he was gay.
The result of the brief affair was me.
Now it seems that the captain was connected to a noble house, and was the last male representative, and not having married, and having no relatives, the estate was in limbo. He had confided to his solicitor that he had a child by a previous affair, and gave my mothers details to him.
The solicitor then had the task of finding my mother, which was hard since she had died several years before.
The solicitor then traced me, hence the DNA test.
It appears that I have inherited the whole estate, which includes many properties, many of which are rented out.
The solicitor gave a list of all the properties, and the rents they were brining in.
I then went home to check through the list and take time to take everything in.
Several days later, I looking through the list, and found a property, that was not paying any rent, in fact there was no rent entry against it at all.
I rang the solicitor, and he confirmed that there was no rent on this property, and there never had been, he said my father had looked after this property personally. I was intrigued.
I checked out the address, and the name of the tennant, a Miss Jones, it gave a telephone number.
I rang the number, a very sexy voiced lady answered. I stated my problem, and she invited me to the property to discuss the matter.
the property was a very large Victorian house, which should be bringing a large rent.
I rang the doorbell, and a young woman, I say woman, but she was a Goddess, dressed in an allin one vinyl cat suit, and high patent leather boots. I was immediately wary.
Hello, I have an appointment with Miss Jones.
Please come in, go into the room on your right.
I entered the room, which was very well lit, but didn't have any furniture, save a single chair, I sat down.
Why have you sat down without being told? she asked in a very stern voice. I stood up at once. {I've always been a bit on the Submissive side}
Well! I haven't got all day, get your clothes off, what are you waiting for?
To say that I was alarmed at this is an understatement, it took me completely by surprise.
"Don't be ridiculous",I stammered,"I came here for a business meeting with Miss Jones, I have no intention of removing my clothing, show me to Miss Jones at once."
"Playing hard to get are we? Well I'll just have to get some help with removing your clothes." and she pressed an intercom.
Two very large black men entered the room, wearing very skimpy white tops, and very tight, very small cycling shorts, which left absolutely nothing to the imagination. I couldn't take my eyes off the two enormous bulges forming in those shorts. It would appear the rumours were true.
"Well, either you remove your clothes, or I give you to these two gentlemen, (who incidentally, will not be too gentle), and allow them to have their way with you."
Things were looking up, I don't think I would have any problems with them having their way with me, quite the contrary, I would quite enjoy it, but that was not why I was there.
" I need to be taken to Miss Jones, immediately"
"Right boys, he's all yours" The two men started to advance towards me, when the intercom buzzed.
"Camilla, was that Mr Brown at the door? Show him to my office immediately"
"Oh shit' I'm terribly sorry Mr. Brown, just a misunderstanding, follow me."
The two men looked very disappointed. I also felt a level of disappointment too.
I followed the Goddess, and was taken to an office door. She knocked, and we were called in.
Sat at a desk was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
"Come in, please, Mr Brown, I'm terribly sorry about the misunderstanding, Miss Carol will be severely punished, I assure you."
"No, please if it was just a misunderstanding, nothing untoward happened"
Excuse me Mr. Brown, Miss Carol follow me" and they left the room.
"Well Carol, what did you think?" Miss Jones asked Miss Carol, as soon as they were out of earshot.
"He's definitely a sub, and he couldn't take his eyes of those two big black cocks, I thought he was going to wet himself when I offered him to the men" Laughed Miss Carol.
"Just like his father then, he liked a big black cock. It's just a matter of whether we can persuade him to partake"
Miss Jones came back into the room alone.
"Let's go into my Parlour, we will be more comfortable in there, then we can discuss business."
"Said the spider to the fly" I muttered under my breath.
"Now your getting the idea" said Miss Jones.
"Take a seat, please, would like some tea, coffee?"
"Yes please, coffee, no sugar, just a dash of cold milk, if it's no trouble"
"No trouble at all," she pressed the intercom, "Coffee for two please, Adam"
"I see you like your coffee just like your father"
" I don't really know my father, did he come here often?"
"He couldn't keep away"
"I have inherited my father's estate, which includes several properties, one of which is this house. This is the only one that does not aappear to paying any rent, so I thought I would investigate"
"Ah! I see. As you may have noticed this is a different arrangement to a normal house."
"You mean it's a brothel"
"Brothels a bit harsh, we are a private members club, that caters for it's members little hobbies"
"Was my father a member?"
"Yes, he was, he was given life membership, in lieu of rent"
"And how much is membership?
"Members pay £500 per month, irrespective of their orientation or preference"
"That's very cheap for the rent on this property, it should be at least £1500 per month, why did my father put up with such a loss?"
"Because he got here what he couldn't get anywhere else"
" And what did he get here?"
"Sorry, I can't say, every member is entitled to our discretion, even if they are dead."
"What I would like to hear, is what we are going to do going forward"
"Well as I said this is a private members club, we accept anyone, straight, gay, dominant, sub, or Bisexual, would you like me to show you around?"
"Well! yes please, but with no obligation on my part"
"Of course, follow me, but I must warn you that ordinarily there is a dress code, depending on your orientation, and preference.:
"Oh! what's that?"
"Dominants must where either leather or PVC, and Submissives must be naked at all times, there are variants for gay bottoms, but we can get in to that at a later stage."
"Bit chilly for the subs, isn't it?"
"They don't seem to mind, they must be available for any dominant who wishes to use them, so it saves a lot of unnecessary complications."
"shall we get on with your tour, I hope your not easily offended."
"No, I think I shall be fine"
We passed several rooms, where people were doing various sexual acts, or punishments, and then led into a bar area.
"Judging by what we have been looking at, it would seem a bit reckless to serve alcohol, people may get carried away."
"This is a social club, above anything else, we have shows, or public punishments, or public orgies, depending on what people want, we pride ourselves on catering for all tastes, we have a caring staff who will do what is necessary."
"I was nearly subjected to two of your friendly staff"
"I'm sure you would have enjoyed yourself, it would seem you couldn't take your eyes off the bulges in their shorts."
I blushed in embarrassment, "How did you know?"
"I was watching, to see if you passions were the same as your fathers, it appears they are, he loved to worship big black cocks"
"Never said anything about loving Big black cocks"
She felt the front of my trousers, "this tells me different"
"I wouldn't know how to go about it"
"If I were to put in a room naked with those two gentlemen, I'm sure you would work it out amongst yourselves. You may not be able to walk for a week, but I'm sure you would enjoy it."
"We would have to see" I replied in a very quiet voice, not knowing what I was getting myself into.
"Your father was very fond of those two men, and anyone else who wanted to join in, he would have as many as five or six men paying him attention, at one end or the other.
"Why don't you try it, on the house, then we can conclude our business"
I hesitated, not really knowing what I wanted, although this had been a secret desire for many years.
She pressed the intercom, Earl, Leroy, come to the lounge at once.
The two men appeared very quickly, I suspect they knew what was going on.
"Gentlemen, why don't you two help our guest with his clothes, and entertain him. Go gently, don't damage the goods. Yet." she chiuckled.
Leroy and earl grasped my arms and led me off to what looked like a dungeon, the only furniture was a spanking bench in the middle of the room.
"Ok, we've waited long enough, get your clothes off now, or we will rip them off."
Frightened, I quickly took off my clothes.
"Now kneel down, and get ready to be served some delicious black cock, lets see what you can do with the real thing."
I knelt down, and Leroy came towards me.
"Pull out my cock, slave."
I pulled down the front of his cycle shorts, and released his massive cock, it was at least 10 inches long, and so thick that I couldn't get my hand all the way round it. He pushed it towards my mouth.
"Take it in your mouth, slave, show me what a white sissyboi can do."
I opened my mouth and wrapped it around his massive cock, with difficulty, because it was so big.
Just you wait until it gets hard honky boi, He started to push it into my mouth, and to the back of my throat causing me to choke. "Take me down your throat you white trash, or I'll beat you senseless, and do it anyway."
I tried to swallow his cock, choking and gasping, but was unable to get it down.
"lets see if he's as tight down the other end Leroy," said Earl
"Get over the fucking bench honky, lets see that fancy white ass"
He literally picked me up, and threw me over the bench, and started fondling my ass.
"I think we's going to need a whole load of lube here Leroy, or we's going to bust him for sure."
He lathered my ass with lube, and inserted a lubed finger, then two then four into my ass, God that felt great.
I pushed back against his hand.
"Well he does appear to be eager"
He pushes his whole hand against my asshole, twisting it round, trying to push it in.
"Man, is he tight, I'll just have to push my big cock into his ass, to loosen him up"
I feel the tip of his cock, pushing against the opening of my ass, pushing harder and harder, suddenly, the tip of his cock pushes into my ass, the pain is incredible, I try to scream, but was soon as I open my throat to scream, Leroy pushes home his cock into my throat.
Both ends of my body are now wracked with pain, but they don't seem to care.
Leroy pushes his cock deep into my throat, and I feel his balls on my chin. He holds it there.
"Right Earl, that's his throat opened up, now you work on that ass."
Earl pushes his cock in a little bit more, opening me up, like I've never been opened before. He pushes relentlessly, bit by bit. I'd scream if it wasn't for the massive cock deep in my throat.
Eventually, I feel Earl's balls hit my ass, god, he must be all the way in.
He holds his cock deep in my ass, until the pain subsides. He then slowly pulls out about half way, then rams it back in to the hilt fast.
Leroy starts to pull out of my throat, but stays in my throat keeping it open.
Earl repeats the pulling out of my ass, only to ram it straight back in. He sets up a rhythm , slowly fucking my ass. Boy does it feel good.
As he thrusts back in, I push back to meet his thrust, burying his cock deep in my Ass.
Leroy starts to fuck my throat, and they get a rhythm between them, both thrusting at the same time. They increase the pace, and I start to moan with pleasure.
ThenEarl. pulls his cock nearly all the way out, leaving only the head in my ass, he holds it there for a moment, then rams it in hard, all the way to the hilt.
Leroy's cock starts to twitch i my throat, "Aw Man, I'm gunner cum, I can feel it"
"Just hold off for a moment shouts Earl, I haven't finished with his ass yet."
Earl then pulls his cock all the way out of my ass, and then pushes it in quickly so that my hole doesn't close up.
He does this several times more, until he says" Ok Leroy lets go for the cumm shot."
They both start to fuck my holes, and I feel the cumm flooding into my ass, and down my throat. Leroy pulls out, and shoots cum into my mouth. "Swallow it, fag boi"
His cum tastes salty on my tongue, I swill it around my mouth, and swallow it down.
They both pull out, and leave me drained on the Fucking bench.
Just then, two women push into the room, "we'll have the subbed next, boys, lets see if he can take a good double whipping, take him to the high bars."
"Sorry girls, can't do that, Miss Jones instructions, we give him a good fucking and then return him to her."
One of the girls bends down, and whispers in my ear,"Don't worry little sissy boi, we'll get to you next time we see you, I'll have the skin off your back, and you'll beg for more, just you wait and see."
They two men lifted me off the fucking bench, and carried me to the showers.
They put me under a nice warm shower, and lathered up my body, and cleaned me up very thoroughly, not missing any nook or crevice.
I got dressed, and returned to Miss Jones's office.
"Well, little faggot, did you enjoy that?"
"YEs Miss Jones, very much"
"Would you like a repeat performance, with maybe more men in attendance?
"Yes please, Miss Jones"
"Well we need to deal with the matter you came for, don't we?" "I propose that you join our little club, on the same terms as your father, i..e. you get life membership, in lieu of rent."
"That seems reasonable, Miss Jones, nut I need to decide my status in the club. I don't particularly wish to meet up with the twins, and their whips."
"I see, then you will have to register as a switch, one who switches between Dom and Sub" then you will only be fully naked when you wish."
She pulled ou a pair of Pvc trousers, and a PVC top. "This is what you will need to wear in the club, it will stop the girls from choosing you, although they may ask nicely, then you can agree if you wish"
You will be given a locker, to hold your clothes, only you will know the combination.