Author's Note: This is a speculative fiction novel with some darker content set in the relatively near future. Some might call it dystopian but others might argue that the picture it paints is quite attractive to a BDSM audience. The story draws on the ideas of a number of mid to late twentieth century sci-fi authors including Philip K Dick and William Gibson. The title is a homage to Robert A Heinlein's sexy protagonist 'Friday' and the story is largely told in the first person by two submissive women who inhabit different worlds, though others contribute as the plot develops. In this respect I enjoy the style of Iain M Banks, developing characters and sub-plots in isolation and then gradually allowing different stories to collide.
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If all this sounds a bit pretentious, I apologise; at the end of the day I love female bondage and submission and enjoy writing about it so, needless to say, there's a bit of John Norman in there too.
I hope you enjoy it.
Chapter 1
'Come here !'
I am lying on my belly with my arms laced behind my back into a heavy black leather single sleeve. My breasts are bound and there are clamps on my nipples; my legs are folded, each of my ankles strapped to the thigh above it in a frog tie. There is a clamp on my clitoris that trails a heavy weight. A large ring gag held in place by a black leather head harness makes me drool.
I must go, of course. Mistress commands and Slave obeys.
Mistress has a delightful French accent, perhaps I should call her Madame but then what would I call Madame who guards this place ? Mistress, French mistress, sits on her stool smoking a cigarette in a long holder with her stockinged legs crossed and her back straight; her head up though she briefly lowers her gaze to me before she speaks. She is immaculate, her peachy complexion flawless, lips bright red, dark hair coiffed beneath a burgundy beret, long lashes framing dark eyes. Her blouse is sheer, creamy silk, her cleavage dark and inviting, leather skirt short, stockings seamed, suspenders dark against the pale flesh of her legs; her shoes, like her nails are blood red, patent leather with spiked stiletto heels.
I grovel towards her, pitiful and in pain, my tortured nipples burning, my bound breasts crushed, the weight on my clitoris seeming to catch with every movement.
'Fifi.' Mistress addresses her maid. 'She is too slow. Give her a dozen strokes.'
'Yes, Mistress.' Fifi curtsies. Like her mistress she has a French accent though it sounds affected. This goes with her French maid's outfit which comes complete with lacy apron and mob cap but is made of wet look pink latex. The neckline of her dress plunges so low it appears that Fifi's enormous cleavage will pop out at any moment and is so tight at the waist I am not sure she would be able to breathe. Even when I wasn't groveling on my belly it was clear that any time Fifi made the slightest movement her skirt rode up to reveal matching pink knickers. From where I am lying I do have a rather delightful view of her pert bottom and even the outline of her sex against the tight pink latex knickers. Fifi's stockings are white rubber and her heels are almost as high as Mistress'. Like me, Fifi is in bondage, though not as severe; her hands are chained in front of her body attached to a chain that is locked around her neck and runs down her front to a pair of shiny silver ankle cuffs.
Fifi totters forward and swings the tawse with which she has been punishing me. With her hands cuffed she cannot swing it hard but she is remarkable accurate and delivers a series of stinging blows to the soles of my feet this time instead of my buttocks.
With Fifi's encouragement I make slightly quicker progress though Mistress' irritation remains clear and by the time I reach her I have suffered another dozen strokes, this time to my buttocks.
I lie at Mistress' feet, the shiny red leather of her shoes is inches from my face and I long to worship them, caress them with my tongue, but to touch Mistress without permission would earn me a punishment far more severe than any I have endured thus far today.
'Roll over.'
Mistress commands and Slave struggles to obey; with my arms sheathed behind me and my legs folded up it is an effort that taxes me physically and puts pressure on my tortured breasts; however, I am not unused to being bound and a sub learns such tricks. Nevertheless, I am too slow for Mistress.
The tawse falls on my side and then my buttocks as I heave myself over in a creak of leather; at least my breasts are not longer crushed but the weight jerks my throbbing clitoris.
I lie breathing heavily. I am looking up at the sole of Mistress' shoe which hangs above me. It is a little too high for me to reach even were I permitted. Mistress leans forward and I watch as she flicks the ash of her cigarette over me, the flakes tumbling down onto my body. I recall the pain of previous encounters where she has extinguished the stub on my body, sometimes flicking it into my open mouth as a mark of her contempt.
I lift my head, watching the ash fall. I must be a pathetic sight looking up at her wide eyed over the strap of the head harness that crosses the bridge of my nose. I can see my breasts, tightly bound, the skin blue and shiny, my clamped nipples look like dark ripe cherries.
I lower my head looking back up at Mistress who is leaning forward slightly. From this angle she makes me feel so small. She slides forward on her stool, uncrossing her legs and lowering her foot, the heel of her shoe coming towards my open mouth. I glance up at Mistress and see her smile. I think this must be a sign that I may worship her and, as the spiked heel of her shoe passes through the ring of my gag, I lift my tongue to meet it, stroking the steel nail. The stiletto is smooth and I circle it with my tongue. Mistress pushes it in deeper towards the back of my mouth and I fold my tongue around it until her sole touches my lower lip. The tip of my tongue caresses the leather. I try hard not to gag.
Pleased, I hope, Mistress lifts her foot and then offers me the shiny red leather toe. I let my tongue glide over it and then lift my mouth to it, taking it within the ring of my gag to touch it with my lips.
Mistress smiles and flicks more ash over me.
'Very well, Slut. You have earned the right to worship me.'
Mistress leans back drawing on her cigarette, recrossing her long, slim, stocking clad legs and I begin the labourious task rolling back onto my belly. At least it will take the strain off my clit.
With another great effort, I land heavily on my tortured breasts and clamped nipples. Ignoring the pain I lift my head and squirm towards, Mistress. The distance is less than a foot but it takes me some time to reach her and, I think, she moves her foot back to make me grovel further. However, I finally reach the object of my desire and am rewarded with the opportunity to worship it, licking the leather with my tongue and touching it with my lips. I lick and kiss one side of her foot and then the other, rolling from one crushed breast to the other and then lift my head, straining against my tight bondage to lap at Mistress' other shoe.
After a few more moments she stands with her feet together and, naked, bound and helpless I am given the opportunity to grovel at my mistress' feet, my tongue gently caressing the shiny red leather of both her shoes.
I am panting hard, partly from exertion, partly from the pain in my breasts but mostly from lust. I squirm forward and run my tongue up one of the twin steel spikes that are her heels and, as I do so I press my sex firmly against the wooden floor.
'Do you wish to come, Slut ?'
'Uuuuuhhhhuuuu.' I nod, my tongue raking the steel of the stiletto.
'Very well, Slut. You may have your pathetic orgasm. Then it will be time for our afternoon walk. There is a new module in the punishment suit which I'm sure you'll enjoy.'
I feel a burning stab of pain as Mistress stoops to extinguish her cigarette on my buttock and then I come hard, bucking in my bonds, crying out through my gag.
I crawl at Mistress' heels on my leash. I am naked save for the chains that keep me helpless and remind me of my submission. A short chain between my wrists clicks as I crawl on my hands and knees, another links my ankles making my movements small and rapid. Chains running from my wrist cuffs through my nipple rings are linked to my clitoral piercing to keep my movements careful. Similar chains from my ankles run through rings on my thigh cuffs to my nipple rings. Thus I am kept on my knees, docile. A chain from my clitoris and two more from my nipples to my nose ring force me to keep my head down, submissive.
Mistress stops in front of Silver who waits to be punished, the slave's lovely body spread, hanging, her wrists held wide, her ankles chained apart. Silver is gagged, a rubber coated bit gag locked between her teeth that makes her drool onto her small neat breasts.
Silver is my fellow pet. We are not sisters but many remark on how similar we are with our sleek, lithe bodies and pert breasts. We are both pierced: nasal septum, nipples, clitoris and labia and both wear gold-plated steel cuffs welded around our wrists, ankles and throats marking us out as the chattels of our mistress, safe under lock and key. Each cuff has a single ring that can be used to chain us; our piercings too are rings that can easily be used to intensify our bondage.
Silver looks down at me and I lift my head as much as my bondage allows; this close I think she can just about see me wink. As well as being my fellow pet, Silver is my lover and I know that tonight, if we are not too tightly restrained, I will be required to console her after her punishment. Such sisterly support will, of course, involve the use of my tongue and, if I am lucky and my bondage is not too strict, my fingers as well.
When one of us is punished which, in truth, is quite often, the other is usually kept more securely restrained explaining the intricacy of my current bondage. Our lovemaking during these times is usually somewhat laboured but extremely satisfying unless we have been really naughty when we are kept, sometimes for days at a time, in chastity restraints.
Mistress tells me to kneel and I drop back, placing my bottom on my heels, a position that allows me to lift my head a little more and steal a glance at my lover before bowing my head again to demonstrate my submission. I'm sure the movement has not gone unnoticed. Mistress does not miss such lapses. Perhaps, I hope that Mistress will punish us both, however, she appears to ignore me, focussing her attention on Silver.
She is beautiful, our flame haired mistress, with her pale skin and intense blue eyes. She is dressed today in an outfit composed of a bronze collar and belt supporting diaphanous blue silk bands that swirl around her lovely, toned body covering yet not concealing her large, firm breasts, her taut buttocks and firm thighs. When I allow my eyes to stray from the floor before me for a moment can see the dark pink of her big nipples only half covered by the silk and the little skirt that barely reaches the crease of her buttocks that is so fine I can see her thick bush of her pubic hair. She is a barbarian goddess and I am her conquered foe.
She is Countess Desire.
'Such a bad girl.' Mistress reaches out her hand and brushes Silver's cheek with her fingers. 'You know I have to punish you.' She sounds so sad, so disappointed.
We know Mistress loves us and dearly wish to obey her in all things but sometimes we just can't help ourselves.
Silver nods.
'And you know that punishment must be severe.'
Silver nods again.
Mistress' hand runs down Silver's taut, brazenly displayed body, her finger hooking in the helpless girl's left nipple ring and pulling at is gently. I see Silver's nipple swell in response to this treatment and cannot resist lifting my head to make the chain from my nose piercing lift my own nipple rings; I feel the pull on my clitoris too.
Mistress' hand slips lower and her finger hooks Silver's clit ring, pulling it more firmly.
I hear Silver whimper.
As part of the punishment we have been kept apart, Silver in chastity restraints at the foot of Mistress' bed where she can hear the intense pleasure Mistress and I have shared. Silver is thus, I know, in a state of sexual frustration.
The punishment proper begins, the urticant wand. Mistress strokes it down Silver's helpless body following a route similar to that traced by her finger moments before. Unlike Mistress' finger, the wand leaves a fiery trail of red in its wake as the stinging venom is delivered into my lover's bare skin by the tiny spiked wheel in its head. Silver whimpers slightly as a tongue of flame erupts down the left hand side of her body. Mistress circles her slave's left breast and then draws a line of pain across its fellow taking in Silver's right nipple. The expression on my lover's face and the soft whimper through her gag testify to the wand's power.
It is not Silver's first time being punished like this and, I am certain, it will not be the last. I have felt the wand's touch too, endured it's fiery kiss and writhed helplessly as it has been applied to my naked skin. I shudder at the memory recalling it's burning touch on my nipples and the apparently endless throbbing left by its passing, eased only by Silver's soft kiss after I was finally released from my torment. I remember her lapping a mouthful of water then crawling to me, hands bound behind her back, as I lay chained to my cot and depositing a cooling kiss to my throbbing, aching nipples. It was only later I noticed the heavy weight hanging from her clamped nipples and the knee pads with their tiny spikes on which she had crawled to deliver succour to me.
Both Silver's breasts now shine, their skin stretched, swollen and red, where the venom has touched them. There are lines of fire across her belly and down to her loins. Mistress is moving in to Silver's inner thighs.
I am standing on the tips of my toes, with my arms still laced tightly behind my back in the single sleeve. The harness holding my gag in place is chained to the ceiling above me and prevents me falling; I am very aware of the chin straps that pull my jaw hard against the steel ring gagging me and the strap just a little too tight around my throat. My breasts are still bound and the clamps still bite my nipples but the weight has been removed from my clit clamp.
Fifi begins with a corset, a heavy black rubber sheath that wraps around my waist settling on my hips and lifting my tortured breasts. She tightens the laces gently at first and then with increasing ferocity, until I feel like I am encased in iron. Breathing is a labour in itself and my waist is impossibly thin now like Fifi's but still Mistress inspects her maid's work, carefully checking the corset's tension before allowing her to move to the next step of my bondage.
Shoes are slipped onto my feet and laced in place; these are toe boots, spiked heeled with pointed toes so that I am forced to stand like a ballerina. At least they ease the strain from my neck and, at the moment, I cannot fall because of the gag harness. Fifi takes some time lacing up the thigh high boots which are so stiff that I will be forced to walk on my tiptoes with perfectly straight legs. When she has finished she hobbles my ankles though I am not sure this is strictly necessary.
Electrodes come next. Fifi sticks them to my buttocks, belly and breasts and then to the inside of my thighs above the boots and the side of my neck. I am about to be encased in sheer rubber and, though I know I will still be able to feel the whip, Mistress wishes to be able to punish me easily. There are wires that attach to my nipple and clit clamps too. Fifi gathers these and plugs them into the main distributor which she then lubricates and proceeds to push gently into my bottom.
Though I have come quite recently this treatment has maintained my arousal and I cannot help smiling as the pert little thing in her pink dress violates me so casually. The lead to the distributor hangs from my bottom like a tail along with wires for the dildo that is about to be forced inside me. I know the wires will connect to my leash as I am taken for my walk so that Mistress can punish her helpless sex toy with the squeeze of her hand.
The dildo requires no lubrication as I am still wet from my recent orgasm and my sex is becoming more slick as I submit to increasing bondage. The dildo and anal plug are held in place by a heavy crotch strap from the corset which Fifi buckles tightly between my legs; this puts delicious pressure on my sex and, as Fifi tightens it, slightly eases the pressure on my tightly bound breasts.
Next Fifi fits the bodice of the rubber dress I am to wear, buckling the high collar around my neck first and then fastening it down my body, compressing my throbbing breasts and smoothing it over my tiny corsetted waist; then she pulls its crotch strap tight. When Mistress is satisfied, Fifi inflates the garment and my body is squeezed further, the collar lifting my chin and the bust compressing my bound breasts while expanding hugely to make my chest appear enormous, particularly above my tiny waist. The dress has a skirt too, a tight hobble skirt that wraps around the thigh high toe boots further hampering my ability to walk. I know mistress will set a grueling pace for her little rubber sex toy and that I will be punished repeatedly for my slow progress, particularly if I should stumble or, perish the thought, fall.
My bondage is nearly complete. I am a helpless rubber sex toy, slave to my mistress and I am very wet.
The hood comes next, inflatable rubber, like my dress, that Fifi pulls over my gag harness lacing it tight around the chain holding me up and down the back of my head. It has a hole for my mouth to allow me to breath and to drool though my ring gag, a hole that can easily be filled with an inflatable gag or blocked to leave me gasping. The hood can be used to isolate me completely and I have spent many hours in tight bondage enjoying the sensory deprivation it enforces, deaf, blind, my mouth and nose plugged so that my only remaining sense, that of touch is left exquisitely enhanced, deliciously sensitive to both pleasure and pain. At that stage as I am teased and punished I become Mistress' sex toy, turned on and off at the touch of her control.
I feel the hood inflate, hear the hiss, feel the pressure against my ears then my nose and my cheeks, the top of my head. My head and body are now tightly compressed, my legs held straight on the stiff thigh boots, toes en-point. I am forced to stand upright, neck erect, my absurdly huge rubber breasts thrust out, waist so constricted it is almost as if I am being sliced in half. Fifi has removed the chain supporting my gag harness so that I am now dependent on my own sense of balance.
The pump gag is then inserted into my mouth and inflated. I can visualise the inflation pipe and bladder bobbing gently in front of my head.
I look and feel like the sex toy I yearn to be.
Finally I feel my collar being applied. This is a heavy leather stock, padded and ringed, it connects Mistress' control to the electrodes which she will use to play with her toy. It also links to sensors to that Mistress will know exactly how much pain and pleasure I am experiencing, exactly how aroused I feel.
I will suffer pain, I will experience pleasure. I will come if Mistress chooses and, if she chooses that I may not come, there is no chance of disobedience.
I follow Mistress, blind and obedient, as she leads me from the building. I am used to this route; I realised some time ago it was a different one to that by which I enter and since that discovery I sought to imprint it in my mind, measured in the tiny hobbled steps I am forced to take. As we descend the steps to the street Fifi holds my arms to prevent me from falling.
Mistress sets a fast pace, fast at least for one in my situation, and I struggle to keep up, encouraged by the tug on my collar and Fifi's whip across my rubber coated bottom; my ankles are hobbled and I can feel the rubber skirt stretch slightly as I totter along on the tips of my toes with my awkward straight-legged gait. Yet, each step has its rewards, the crotch strap teasing my sex and the dildo moving inside me. It is nearly an hour since I have come and in that time I have endured delicious and progressive bondage. I can feel pleasure rising inside me.
It is almost ten minutes, I think, until Mistress first deigns to play with her toy. I sharp jolt to my clamped, crushed nipples and poor clitoris brings me obediently to a stop and I stand gasping unsure how air is reaching my lungs.
The electrodes can deliver a variety of stimuli from intense pain to the tiniest current that feels like the gentle caress of a lover's finger. I feel a soft ripple across my thighs and up my belly onto my breasts, my nipples respond to this, throbbing gently with a mix of pleasure and pain. The sensation builds, feeling something like a cool breeze across my hot wet skin. Mistress leads me on and I follow, the tingling in my skin increasing until it is a hot rush of air and then the abrasive scurrying of tiny insects; then my flesh is crawling and I want to scratch it, tear at it, but I am bound and helpless and must endure. I writhe with a feeling that my flesh is being eaten, straining against the single sleeve, squirming, a slow dance of pain as I try to rub my burning thighs together, scratch my back with my bound arms.
I whimper through my gag. I feel I am about to fall over and part of me wants this so I can writhe on the ground to satisfy the intense itch in my skin.
Then it is gone and I am left gasping.
The vibrator starts along with a gentle buzz from the electrodes on my nipples and clitoris, a reward for my endurance.
My vision clears. Mistress can do this with a touch of her control, turning lenses in the hood clear so that I can see where I am and what I am.
There are others like me here in the neon lit streets of this bizarre district where fetish fantasies come alive. Women on leashes clipped to collars and harnesses, nipples, clit piercings; women in rubber, leather, PVC, some naked; some crawl on all fours, others walk, many hampered by restraints such as mine. I pass a blonde with huge breasts who follows a woman in a blue latex mini dress, the blonde has clamps on her nipples and the woman in blue leads her by these, she is strapped into a body harness, her arms sleeved like mine, an enormous red ball gag fills her mouth and she drools incessantly onto her huge chest, her saliva making the skin of her breasts glisten and shine in the tawdry light. Another girl, a slim brunette, wears something that looks like a pony harness and is lead by a bridle attached to a rubber coated bit between her teeth, it is clear from the way she walks that her rubber knickers hold a large dildo inside her and probably, like me, a butt plug too. The woman leading her wears jodhpurs and riding boots and a white blouse that is unbuttoned to the navel and shows off her small neat breasts with their delightfully dark brown nipples. A Goth in a long black leather coat leads a redhead whose leash is clipped to a nasal piercing; the redhead is naked aside from wrist and ankle cuffs. Another woman in a cat mask is lead by a collar, crawling one all fours, a tail bobs behind her held in place by a butt plug.
I see myself too reflected in the window of a sex shop in which a mannequin is cuffed to a diagonal cross. I am a bizarre caricature, with my smooth shiny rubber coated head, the bladder of the pump gag bobbing in front of it like a lapping tongue; my neck is thick and my pneumatic breasts huge; my torso shrinks to a waist that is truely an hourglass figure above the curve of my buttocks; my long legs taper inside the hobble skirt to the tiny points of my toes and spikes of the ballet heels; my arms wave uselessly behind my back. Fifi follows me in her shiny pink dress, tottering on her heels, tawse poised and ready to strike.
I can see Mistress too as she saunters gracefully on her heels, her bottom swaying deliciously, my eyes are drawn to the perfect buttocks wrapped tightly in her skirt and her long elegant legs where the seams of her stockings return my gaze to those shiny red shoes I love to worship.
Pleasure builds within me but I know I will not be permitted to come for a long time, Mistress will want to spend some time playing with her toy. I have much more pain to endure and more pleasure and I know that by the time Mistress permits my orgasm my mind will barely be able to differentiate the two sensations.
I hear Silver cry out through her gag and realise that mistress has returned to my fellow slave's nipples, teasing them mercilessly with the wand until they are two swollen nubs of pain, stretched well beyond their normal size even when Silver is aroused. I can see the tears welling above my lover's lashes about to spill over as she struggles to contain them. Her blue eyes are wide, shining, her gaze focussed though, when Mistress pauses Silver cannot help but look down at the burning decoration upon her skin. I try to smile, to offer her encouragement and I think I see a flicker of response then Mistress steps behind her and strokes the wand down my helpless lover's buttocks increasing her agony.
Silver whimpers and I watch the tears spill onto her cheeks.
Once, when we had been really naughty, Mistress lay us on our backs on benches side by side with our legs held up in the air and spread then applied the wand to our gaping unprotected sexes. Lying there with our sexes on fire we squirmed and pleaded through our gags, writhing without relief in our bonds for several hours before the pain finally subsided. We were permitted to console each other that night and found our sexes, not surprisingly, extremely sensitive. Lying side by side, each cuffed into a loose hogtie, we enjoyed the pleasure of our bodies reacting intensely to the tiniest stimulation. We climaxed multiple times that night, the venom, no doubt, still affecting the nerves of our poor tormented pussies. I remember us being completely exhausted the following morning.
I do not think Silver deserves such punishment today, though I know it would be very easy for Mistress to slide the rod between my lover's spread thighs, increasing her torment further, though, of course, it might provide an opportunity for me to offer succour more effectively tonight.
I watch Mistress sweep Silver's long mane of golden hair over her shoulder so she can apply the wand to her slave's back. I see the pain that Silver feels even at the brush of her own hair across her sensitised skin as it hangs over her left nipple.
I follow Mistress on my leash, my body still tightly confined though now so sated with pleasure I wonder that any of the stimuli around me can excite me further. I have enjoyed multiple, intense orgasms at the hands of my mistress; I have endured much pain too. While I was brought to orgasm, my vision was again taken away from me so that all I had was the bondage and the pain which had itself become pleasure but, with my lust satisfied, my vision has been returned and with my mind less obsessed with the lust for sexual gratification I see my surroundings in a different light.
The tawdry neon signs still cast garish lights which still reflect off rubber bodices and steel cuffs, women still trail their mistresses obediently some tottering in bondage on ridiculous heels, others crawling. My body is still the same fetish golem.
Mistress is still there, of course, in front of me, her perfect bottom in the short tight skirt with the seams of her stockings running down her long shapely legs, her hips still swaying on the shiny red heels that I worshipped an age ago and Fifi still totters behind me ready to administer a stinging slap if, for a moment, I slow my pace.
I pass the blonde again, the one with the clamped nipples who drools round her red ball gag onto her huge breasts and the brunette pony girl. They are always here and, I know, will remain after I have gone, awaiting albeit unknowingly, my return. We pass the sex shop again and I wonder why, in this strange world its goods are not modeled by a living, moving woman.
Beyond the sex shop is a brothel, then a bar that advertises its hostesses in leather bikinis and heeled boots. Then comes the general store with the blonde proprietress in her white blouse and tight leather trousers. I recognise other familiar features too, the sex shop has become a clothing store whose goods seem to be largely made from rubber and then, a little further on a bondage shop selling cuffs and harnesses, chains and collars, whips and paddles. Further along it will display lacy red and black lingerie, stockings and waspies.
I follow mistress back into the brothel, Fifi helping me up the stairs that are just within the limits of my hobbled ankles and then I am back inside, a different pathway to that by which I left, a right turn where it should have been to the left.
I am a policewoman, I'm trained to notice these things.
Silver's punishment is finally over, or perhaps, one should say, it is about to begin. Mistress hangs the urticant wand from Silver's right nipple ring, a reminder, should she need one, of the ease with which further suffering can easily be administered. Silver's beautiful body has been transformed into a distressing mass of swollen red flesh which will torment her for several hours before the effect subsides. I watch as Mistress blindfolds her, strapping a heavy leather strip across Silver's eyes; depriving her of one sense will, I know from experience, amplify the others so that, in this case there is almost nothing to distract her from the constant burning of her skin.
Then, with barely a second thought, Mistress take up my leash and leads me away leaving my slave lover hanging naked in helpless bondage, blindfolded and gagged, to endure her punishment and reflect on her sins.
We have been slaves for two years now. Pets, lovers, obedient to our mistress, and utterly submissive though not without occasional forays into disobedience that earn us these sort of punishments. Such naughtiness usually take the form of sexual encounters that have been prohibited to us, pleasuring each other when we should be doing our chores or reaching orgasm without permission from Mistress. Everyone knows slaves are not permitted to come without their mistress' permission but sometimes it's very hard being kept naked and in bondage next to a fellow slave who is also naked and in bondage, a slave who is so physically desirable and just as horny as you. Frankly, when I think about it, it is surprising we are not punished more than we are. Of course, Mistress could keep us in stricter bondage, but where would the fun be in that ?
As I have mentioned, we are a matching pair, Silver and I, at least as close to matching as two unrelated girls can be, with our lithe athletic bodies honed by our mistress' training, our small pert breasts and our long hair such a pale blonde it is almost silver. When we pull our mistress' chariot we attract many admiring glances from other women and, when we occasionally encounter them, from men.
Who would not, I wonder, turn to look at a pair of lithe blondes toiling in harness under the whip of a woman such as our mistress ? We are, I think, ideal specimens of female slavery, our bodies trained to physical perfection, strong, toned, supple and, mostly, utterly obedient.
Chapter 2
Tuesday opened her eyes but saw only darkness. She fought a surge of panic, struggling for a moment before realising she was still hooded, still strapped to the chair, plugged and wired.
She always felt anxiety at this point, sitting blind and helpless, the oral plug, the 'gag' still in her mouth, the straps restraining her at the wrist and ankle, elbow and knee, upper arm and thigh, across her belly, her chest and her throat, aware of the electrodes on her body particularly clustered around her breasts and sex, the clips on her nipples and clitoris, the two other plugs, one in her vagina, the other in her anus.
Naked, her skin slick with sweat, she shivered waiting urgently for release, straining to hear the approach of the technician, her hearing blunted by the earphones wedged in by the hood. Something brushing the backs of her fingers made her start and then she felt a pressure under her chin, a pull as the strap there was loosened and then the oral plug, sour in her mouth, pulled out in a rush of saliva.
'Thanks.' She tried to sound casual, though naked and helpless, her body sexually replete from her time in the VR. She coughed and felt her collar being undone then the hood unzipped; then she blinked in the harsh glare of the immersion chamber with its concrete floors and steel struts.
It was the blonde technician, the small one with the scar through her lip leaving her with a permanent scowl; the girl's hair was greasy, tied back in a limp pony tail; Tuesday could smell her, unwashed for several days though she was aware that after her sexual antics in the sim she probably smelled just as ripe.
The girl left Tuesday restrained as she removed the electrodes from her body, peeling them off roughly, removing the clamps from her nipples with no warning.
Tuesday forced down an expletive. The girl was just doing her job albeit one in which she apparently took no pleasure. An hour ago Tuesday might have enjoyed such treatment, enjoyed the casual abuse of her body but she was spent now, spent and stiff and no longer safe in the virtual world. Pain here was real, her body would bruise and bleed, bones broke, death was final.
There would be bruises, of course, marks from the clamps on her nipples, light burns caused by the sensory electrodes, strap marks from her prolonged bondage, her confined body struggling in its computer enhanced dreams, dreams that did not leave the dreamer paralysed. She knew that in high end VR suites clients were given relaxants to ease their struggles and in some, one in particular, they were not needed at all, the join between virtual and reality was seamless and immediate.
Released from the chair, she stood unsteadily, fumbling to remove the belt with its crotch strap holding her vaginal and anal plugs in place but the technician knocked her shaking hands away and pulled it open, withdrawing the plugs with a casual action that left her standing naked and disconnected.
'Exit's over there.' The girl had removed her from the machine numerous times but still gave no sign of recognition, no acknowledgement.
'Lover, are you there ?'
I lift my head. I am hooded, my wrists chained together behind my back, my ankles cuffed.
'Uhhhhhhuuu !' My jaws are held wide by a large ring gag sown into the hood through which I drool helplessly.
'Oh, my love ! You're gagged.'
'Uhhhu !' I can't help nodding even though I surmise Silver is still blindfolded even if her gag has been removed. With the hood in place I am no longer restricted in the amount I can lift my head though my nipple rings are clipped by a short chain to my clit piercing meaning that, if I straighten up, three of my most sensitive areas are stretched.
'Oh, Spark. Can you reach me ? Can you touch me.'
'Ohhhha ?'
I know her voice is in front of me and I start to crawl forward. I can feel the weight of my leash and know it is fastened to something ahead too though I suspect it is fixed less than half way to Silver and will thus be too short for me to reach her. The physical punishments our mistress administers are often severe, but the psychological ones can be much more intense. Imagine the pain you feel being separated from your lover and then imagine how much worse that pain becomes when you are so close to them that in ordinary circumstances you would be able to touch them, see them, taste them even, but you are kept apart, restrained, yearning, unfulfilled.
Crawling awkwardly in my bondage I creep forward then I feel my head brush against something firm yet yielding. I turn my head, lifting it, aware of the pull on my pierced nipples and clitoris. I push out my tongue. A hooded girl who is bound must use all her skills to explore her prison and it would not be the first time I had found something using just my tongue.
'Lover, is that you ?'
My tongue makes contact with warm flesh.
'Uhhhu !'
I can't help nodding and my tongue darts back out to rake itself over Silver's flesh.
'Oh, my love. That feels so good.'
Cautiously, I kneel up, tracing my tongue across her skin. Whichever part of her I can feel slopes up above me and, thinking how she was chained before, I think it must me her thigh. A little higher and I might be able to reach her sex.
My heart leaps and I tip my head back, pushing my tongue out further and stretching up ignoring the pain in my nipples and clit. As I rise off my heels I am reminded that my labial piercings are chained to my ankle cuffs and to reach higher I will have to strain against them or perhaps risk going up to balance on my knees.
At that moment I feel Silver squirm in response to my touch and hear her give a low moan. Some of her skin feels hot and rough against my tongue, the swelling from the venom still present, I imagine the way my touch makes her sensitised body tingle. The rest of her skin is cool from where she has hung naked for many hours and there is a tang of salt where sweat has dried on her skin. My tongue touches metal and I know it is Silver's thigh cuff.
Sensing her respond to my touch makes me bold and, almost without thought, I push up to balance momentarily on my knees. My balance is good but I am chained and hooded, with my hands bound I have to use my shoulder against her thigh to stabilise myself and feel her move under my weight. I fight to maintain balance the pain in my nipples and clitoris now taking second place to the cramps in the back of my thighs brought on by the need to keep my heels up to protect my pierced labia. I wobble briefly but do not fall. I reaslise I am breathing hard through the ring gag from the exertion or perhaps because I was holding my breath as I concentrated on my balance.
I can feel something against my cheek through the leather of the hood and turn my face, exploring again with my tongue. I taste metal, feel a chain. I am sure it is my leash. I push my tongue forward and encounter flesh.
Silver gasps.
I probe again, feel more metal, a ring; a familiar taste creeps across my tongue.
My collar is chained by my leash to Silver's clitoral piercing.
The thought thrills me, a dizziness that almost makes me fall. My knees hurt and my hamstrings are screaming for relief, I am intensely aware of the strain on my nipples and clitoris.
I push out my tongue again, easing it through Silver's clit ring as I have done many times before and then curl it gently teasing her. I am rewarded with a little cry of pleasure and, as I gently tease her, with clear evidence of her arousal. Under my touch her clitoris swells and I can taste her slickness, feel it with my tongue. I push past the ring seeking her labia, feel the rings that pierce them, the rings that can, when she is being punished by locked closed to prevent access to her vagina. These are the rings that on me are currently chained to my ankle cuffs forcing my to balance on my knees. I seek each ring with my tongue and tease the flesh between them.
Silver moans again and I sense her tense in her bonds, lifting her weight slightly with her arms pulling against the ankle chains that spread her legs so flagrantly.
I know she is near orgasm. If I make her come she will be punished and so will I. Tomorrow may see our roles reversed or the start of some other punishment, possibly physical but perhaps more, perhaps a period where we are kept apart, denied sex for days, even weeks, tormented by lust.
We will, of course, only be punished if Mistress finds out.
Tuesday looked at herself in the mirror. It was about fourteen hours since the end of her VR session and her body had recovered a little though she still felt tired, spent, despite a bath and a long sleep. Her eyes looks tired and there were dark shadows underneath them that she had concealed partly with careful use of make-up. Policewomen didn't wear make-up on duty but they were also supposed to inspire confidence in the public they served, not look as if they'd been out all night partying. Judicious use of lip-gloss had covered the marks around her mouth caused by the oral plug.
Aside from this she looked fine, the tight kevlar-reinforced bodysuit hugging her slim form and hiding any bruises caused by the VR chair's restraining straps. When she wasn't trying to hide her simulated indulgence she liked the way the a suit gave her slim athletic body a more muscular shape and provided reassuring protection, as much as was possible in the real; liked the way surface glinted in the light as it stretched over her shoulders, small breasts and tight bottom.
She pulled her blonde hair back, trapping it in a tight ponytail and then went into the bedroom. Her utility belt and helmet lay in the bed along with her nightstick. She buckled it around her slim waist and then pulled on her helmet locking the chin-strap then picked up her weapon. Then she opened the wall safe and pulled out her gun checking the clip and action before strapping it to her thigh.
Silver is being punished again and, in some way, so am I. Silver has been a bad girl; she is usually the instigator, and Mistress is making her contrite by denial. I am part of that punishment and, knowing this, is my own penance, although, of course, this is because I am partly to blame. Silver has worn the chastity belt for a week now and, when chained at night the chastity bra is usually added to her bondage; this consists of two steel cones that are held in place by chains, the purpose of which is to prevent any erotic contact with Silver's highly sensitive nipples.
Poor Silver must be desperate by now, I know I would be; I certainly have been these past few nights having had to amuse myself to satisfy my slave lust as best I can when it has not been eased by intimate relations with Mistress or any of the other women to who I am sometimes given. My role is, of course, in all these encounters to pleasure my mistress, whomever she may be, and although this almost invariably leads to my own arousal (I can't imagine that a girl would not be sexually excited by being held in bondage and forced to pleasure another) such intercourse does not always end in my own climax. It is the lot of the pleasure slave that sometimes she is left chained and hooded at the foot of her mistress' bed squirming in sexual frustration while the woman she has just pleasured sleeps above her utterly satisfied and without any thought for the needs of the pet who has just served her mistress so well.
Some mistresses, of course, use this approach to keep their pets attentive and there are numerous restraints designed to hold a girl so that she can be used for pleasure by another but in no way satisfy her self. Slaves treated this way sometimes beg pitifully for orgasm, promising all kinds of perverted pleasures to anyone who will touch them intimately and relieve their suffering.
Mistress is not so cruel and, I think, loves us both though she must, of course, maintain order and a slave who is not regularly punished will soon become lazy. So it is that I am riding the sybian, a mechanical device that looks a little like a saddle designed to give pleasure to the girl who sits astride it. This is not perhaps what most would consider a punishment, but then, I am not the one being punished, not directly at least. I am, of course, tightly restrained and I have no control over what the sybian does to me though this is hardly a punishment for a sex slave.
My arms are restrained tightly behind my back in a single sleeve laced over my arm cuffs, more intense than the chains in which I am typically restrained; the tip of the sleeve is locked to the back of the saddle; my legs are bent at the knee, my ankle cuffs also locked by chains to the back of the saddle so that all of my weight is taken by my spread thighs and my sex. The saddle is ridged, a vibrating bar pressing insistently against my sex; I am penetrated too, a large dildo deep inside me, stretching my labia; the dildo is slightly conical so that as my weight forces me down onto it I am stretched further; by squirming and pressing my thighs together I can ease the intensity of these stimuli on my sex but a steel belt locked around my waist and chained to the front of the saddle prevents me from escaping their full power over me for long. A short chain from the front of the saddle to my pierced clit exerts a similar control and as the saddle vibrates this teases my clit mercilessly. As if this is not enough for a slave girl to bear, a butt plug is also locked inside me, this is large enough that I am very aware of it stretching me and, when the vibrator runs at full power, it too moves increasing the intensity of the stimulation in my loins.
More stimulation comes from nipple clamps, not heavy, toothed punishing ones but light ones that pinch and gently tease, weights hang from them, weights that are also clipped to my nipple piercings, not heavy ones but enough to make their presence felt so that, with every move my nipples are tweaked and jerked adding to the intensity of my arousal.
I am gagged too, of course, it wouldn't do to have my cries of pleasure disturb the rest of the palace; a heavy leather muzzle covers the lower half of my face and holds a large expandable plug between my teeth that stretches my jaw painfully.
I have climaxed multiple times already; I am a sex slave, a pleasure toy, a pet, trained to please intimately and respond sexually; and this is my punishment. As the sybian moves, twisting and rolling, bucking gently, vibrating, delivering it's delicious torment I know that Silver is watching me and sometimes I see her, see the envy and the frustration in her eyes.
Poor Silver is as conditioned as I am, a slave like me to mistress lust as well as Mistress Desire.
We are in the audience chamber of Chateau Flame where she, Mistress, that is, Countess Desire, is entertaining several high ranking guests from elsewhere in Erolia. These women sit around her on silken cushions enjoying the food and wine that my beloved Silver serves them. My fellow pet is beautiful in her polished cuffs, the lights of the room shining off them glinting like it does off her nipple rings and her nose ring, and off the chastity belt that is locked to her delicious body. Silver's wrists are chained together in front of her body, her ankles too are chained. She wears a gag, a steel bar locked in her mouth like a bit. Here in Mistress' chambers she is under close scrutiny and cannot attempt to play with herself though from the way she is walking, the tension in her body as she moves, the looks she gives me when I cry out with lust through my gag I know how horny she is.
I know that when she leaves the chamber, steel balls will be locked around her hands and her chastity bra will be replaced so that her state of denial is maintained. We will, no doubt, be chained apart again later so that I cannot offer her any pleasure although, in truth, I suspect that when I am finally released from the sybian I will be utterly exhausted, barely able to stand, certainly of little use to a girl requiring the undivided attention of a pleasure slave.
Perhaps, as I recover, Mistress will call for Silver and release her from her torment; Mistress has needs too although, of course, she could enjoy Silver's caresses while ensuring her poor slave remains chaste.
The sybian moves again and I gasp. Silver looks up as do a few of the guests, taking in the view of this gorgeous and rare blonde slave utterly subject to her mistress' control. My eyes meet Silver's and I see the need in them and long to express my desire to satisfy it. Then the sybian bucks again and turns, the speed and intensity of the vibrator increasing, the weights on my nipples swing and I am, once again, swept away by lust, climaxing hard and panting around my gag.
'Spread 'em !' Tuesday forced herself to stay upright, hands on hips, radiating confidence and command even though her chest was heaving from the chase. The girl looked up at her from where she crouched, cornered in the semi-darkness of the alley. She was pretty, blonde, soft cheeks and full lips, sparkling blue eyes not unlike Tuesday and clearly from this part of the city. She was a rich kid playing games not a hardened criminal though tonight she had been caught red-handed and would face the justice Tuesday served.
Tuesday watched the girl stand and turn to face the wall spreading her arms above her head and legs wide. She was wearing a black latex catsuit that hugged her firm young body showing the smooth curve of her buttocks, the wide spacing of her hips.
'How old are you ?' Tuesday began to pat her down though there was nowhere to conceal a weapon in the skin tight latex.
'Old enough.'
The girl was at least nineteen and Tuesday snapped a cuff on the girl's right wrist, pulling the arm down and then locking it to its fellow behind her back, the noise of the ratchets clicking sending a shudder through her body. The girl still held her swag, the little velvet jewelry bag containing her haul. Satisfied for the moment she had control of the situation Tuesday took the bag and opened it, shaking its sparkling contents into her gloved hand. There had been a spate of burglaries in the neighbourhood, jewel thefts and her sources told her it was rich kids out for kicks, showing their nerve and their skill by jamming alarms, scaling walls, cracking safes with gadgets they bought with their parents credit accounts.
Getting caught was part of the thrill.
She spun the girl round and pulled off her mask. The young blonde's cheeks were flushed from the exertion and the excitement, her eyes shining, the thin rubber of her suit did little to hide her erect nipples.
'Gonna book me ?' She smiled like an addict knowing her fix was coming.
'Oh, yes.' Tuesday pulled the custody collar from her belt and locked it around the girl's neck then called for back-up.
It is my turn to be punished. It is not that we take turns but I think Mistress keeps a mental tally so that neither Silver nor I are punished excessively. Also, I think, there is sometimes doubt as to which of us has truely been the instigator of the act requiring punishment and, rather than have both her slaves unavailable, Mistress sometimes chooses to punish one or other of us. If I am honest, I would have to say that Silver tends to be more sinful than me but to be truthful, on this occasion it was me who had been naughty instituting a bout of sex with Silver when we were supposed to be cleaning Mistress' boots. I was on top when Mistress found us diligently applying my tongue to Silver's sex when I should have been using it on Mistress' left boot. In my defense I would point out that Silver, underneath me, was pleasuring me with the same degree of diligence with which hitherto she had been addressing Mistress' right boot.
I am restrained in an intense hogtie, suspended by a heavy leather training corset around my waist to which are attached two ropes that support my weight; such devices are used to train pets in gymnastic manouvres. I lie on my back; my arms pulled behind me tied to the floor and my ankles pulled underneath me so they reach beneath my shoulder blades; this pulls my body into a delicious bow almost, in fact, a half circle. Pleasure slaves must be flexible to better please their mistresses (and occasionally, masters) and we spend a good deal of time in our training stretching to allow us to reach extreme erotic positions and to endure prolonged and intense bondage. Most of this training is, of course, carried out in bondage; and I recall being restrained for hours at a time during my training in positions such as this. Such sessions are often combined with periods of intense sexual stimulation (and sometimes frustration) designed to ensure we continue to regard our bondage as a source of sexual pleasure.
At the moment, however, there is no pleasure; well, not much anyway. I am hooded, a rope from the heavy leather hood I wear pulling my head back, increasing the intensity of my bondage. The position is extreme and, I suspect, where I come from only a gymnast or athlete would be able to endure it for any length of time, and probably not for as long as I am now able.
The bondage is not my only punishment, there are cords clipped to my nipple and clit rings attached to what must be some sort of counterweight system over a pulley; as my punishment progresses these weights increase, only a little at a time but gradually my poor nipples and clit are being increasingly stretched.
My punishment is taking place in Mistress' gymnasium and as I hang, helpless in my bondage, giving the occasional small cry when the weights on my nipples and clit jerk painfully as they are increased, I can hear Silver being exercised. My fellow slave is, no doubt currently on the lunge rein, probably clipped to her left nipple ring although she may be bridled today; her wrist cuffs probably strapped to a small training corset to keep her hands away from her bottom so that Mistress' groom, Madam Equa, can strike the slave's bottom easily with the long whip she is, no doubt wielding. If Madam Equa is displeased with her, Silver's elbows will be drawn tightly behind her back making her little breasts jut our beautifully; I think Madam Equa enjoys treating the pets she trains as pony girls like this; she is a woman who clearly gains much pleasure seeing and touching other girl's breasts, especially playing with their nipples. Madam Equa's own slave has the biggest breasts I have ever seen in this world, where such modifications are possible more easily.
I can hear Silver high trotting, the pad of her sprung steel shoes wrapped in cloth today to protect the wooden floor on which she is drilled. I can envisage her lifting her knees as she runs, the touch of Madam Equa's whip under her thighs when she does not lift her knees high enough. I think she has been doing this for sometime now, perhaps forty or fifty minutes, though it is difficult for a hooded sex slave hanging in punishing bondage to be certain. I suspect Sliver is quite flushed, from the prolonged warm up trotting under the whip and the leg exercises she will already have performed; I can hear the rhythm of my lover's steps change occasionally, faltering, each deviation no doubt earning her a red stripe on her bottom or thigh and sometimes think I can even hear the swish of the whip and slap of the leather on Silver's bare flesh.
I wish I was there with her. It is not that I mind being punished. Pleasure slaves are trained to enjoy bondage and some degree of punishment though currently I can feel my body reaching its natural limits, particularly my poor tortured clitoris which feels like it is holding up half the world at the moment. I am sure Silver has at least another hour of training ahead of her which means my punishment will last at as least as long.
'Ready ?' Tuesday mouthed the word silently but all eyes were on her; her team nodded in unison.
Tuesday in turn nodded to Major Black the operation commander.
The light turned green and they moved as one.
The door splintered open and she rushed through, the team flooding in behind her spreading like water through a breach.
There were two figures in the long hallway, and Tuesday leveled her weapon but both were restrained and she moved past them trying not to be distracted by their presence.
They were both woman and both were naked, clearly undergoing some sort of punishment; chained with their wrists held in the small of their backs, a short chain from their collars lifting their hands away from their buttocks, the position forced their breasts out and both girls had their nipples clamped by a pair of steel rods that were fastened to the wall keeping them up on their toes; they had cuffs on their ankles too and both were gagged.
As Tuesday sped past both girl's whimpered but she ignored their cries and took the stairs to her right climbing quickly away from the noise below. There was another hallway at the top which was deserted as she entered but then a man emerged through a doorway on the right hand side; he was half naked, wearing just a shirt; his cock with still stiff, it's tip glistening and wet; he held a shotgun and when he saw Tuesday lifted it aiming to fire.
'Come to join us, blondie ?' His finger curled around the trigger.
Tuesday fired and the man's head snapped back, the bullet entering his skill but not leaving.
A door to her left opened and a woman emerged. She was dressed as a dominatrix in a black leather bustier and skirt with spike heeled boots. When she saw Tuesday she lashed out with her whip but Tuesday caught it and leveled her weapon. The woman rasied her hands.
'Get down.'
The woman obeyed and Tuesday cuffed her wrists then bound her booted ankles with the whip before moving on.
She stepped over the dead man glancing into the room from which her had just emerged as she passed. There was a woman inside kneeling bent over some sort of frame; her wrists were cuffed, held by short wires to the dais on which she knelt; a heavy leather strap pinned her neck to a scaffolding pole; while similar straps around her ankles and the backs of her calves held her on her knees; a large rectal hook lifted her bottom which had clearly been beaten with the cane that lay by her feet; she had large breasts which were tightly bound turning the skin blue and heavy weights hung by wires from her swollen nipples; though she could move her hands to ease the pressure of her throat on the bar to which her neck was strapped, the wires on her wrists were not long enough to allow her fingers to reach her tortured breasts; she looked at Tuesday with tearful eyes over the large ring gag that stretched her mouth; her face was covered in semen.
Tuesday heard her whimper but knew she had to move on.
At the end of the corridor was the room she was after and even as she ran towards it the door opened and a woman emerged. She carried a light pistol. Tuesday fired even as the woman began to raise it and the woman slumped back.
'Upper floor, end of the corridor.' Tuesday no longer needed to maintain radio silence. 'I'm going in.'
There were three of them in there, two men and a woman, lying on couches, their minds and bodies wired to terminals connecting them to the virtual.
They were not threat, not in their current state.
The woman with the pistol looked up at her weakly and then her eyes glazed. Tuesday crouched checking that the woman's pulse had gone even as her eyes scanned the room.
Kara came in behind her, the brunette was armed with an assault rifle that had clearly been fired more than once.
'All accounted for, Lieutenant.'
'Thank you, Stern.' Tuesday stood.
'Looks like we got ourselves three live ones.' Kara shouldered her weapon and walked towards the nearest Reiver; the woman; she lay naked on her couch, arms and legs lightly strapped down, her skin decorated with the interface electrodes that brought the sensations of the virtual to her real body; behind her closed lids her eyes flickered from side to side and every few seconds she twitched slightly.
Stern ran a gloved hand over the woman's body as if trying to confirm that she was real.
'Do you ever wonder what it's like ?' Stern looked at her Lieutenant. 'Inside, I mean ?'
Chapter 3
Silver's training is over. I have heard no footsteps for at least a few minutes and I can visualise Madam Equa rewarding her charge for her diligent work, her hands on Silver's little breasts, dark flesh against Silver's pale skin, her finger probably through the little golden ring that pierces Silver's nipple, pulling it gently as she strokes the soft flesh of her breast. Silver will, no doubt be on her knees shortly thanking, in that way we sex toys do so well, Madam Equa for her lesson.
I wait, hooded and helpless, for release.
Finally, I feel someone undoing my gag then pulling the large steel ball with its leather covering from my mouth. I am grateful to be able to move my jaw again though would dearly love the pain in my nipples and clit to stop and to be released from this strenuous position.
However, I know what is coming and push out my tongue; a moment later I taste Madam Equa, hot from her exertions. She has unlaced the leather knickers she wears when training and is presenting her sex for the attention of my tongue and lips. I wonder briefly that Silver has not satisfied her but it is not unheard of after training for her to demand pleasure from both of us. More usually she will use one of us part way through the session, usually while the other continues to train so that she has the duel pleasure of enjoying an attentive tongue while watching a lithe blonde pony girl perform under the whip.
Madam Equa's sex is already wet from Silver's ministrations and I think I can taste my lover along with the woman's own scent and the tang of leather.
Pleasuring Madam Equa is difficult suspended on my back and hooded, my body drawn into such a tight arc. I am further distracted because contact with the groom that is making me swing in my bonds increasing the stretch on my tortured nipple and clitoris. However, the obedient sex slave that I am, I must serve or be further punished. I know too that Silver will be watching me; she no doubt standing beside Madam Equa, still restrained and probably bridled as the groom toys with her nipples and their delicious piercings.
As Madam Equa approaches orgasm she release the clips from my hood to allow my tongue better access to her sex and her hands hold my head, guiding my tongue as it probes and teases so that at the point of orgasm my lips are pressed against her labia and my tongue deep inside her. I feel her muscles spasm and relax, continuing to tease her until I know she is fully satisfied then, as she relaxes I slip my tongue back into my mouth. As she steps away, I feel her stroke my lips with her finger and tell me I am a good girl. I hope that I have satisfied her and that she will release me but then I am commanded to open my mouth and I obey. The gag is replaced and the clip to my hood is once again attached so that my body is once again curved into a beautiful arc. I do not complain, a pleasure slave is subject to the whim and discipline of her mistress and any that have the right to use her, particularly someone held in high regard by Mistress Desire like Madam Equa. Despite this I can't help but whimper as my gag is tightened and I swing helplessly; my nipples and clit are throbbing painfully.
Then I am left alone.
'A Reiver cell was destroyed today by state police.'
Tuesday looked up at the screen above her head showing archive footage of a previous raid.
'It's understood that two Reivers were killed and three captured. A number of captives were freed. Martin, can you tell us more ?'
The screen changed to a reporter standing by a police cordon; Tuesday could see dark figures moving behind while above them, outlined against the sky, she recognised the district where the raid had taken place.
'Yes, Jane, another successful day for law and order. It's understood this Reiver cell was inside Utolia though, as yet, we don't know exactly which VRE.'
'And do we have any idea what were they doing there ?'
'Disrupting as usual. The Reivers might be a relatively new group but their philosophy, their credo, if you like, is as old as what we used to call the internet. Where once we had hackers and trolls we now have Reivers. The whole point about VREs is that they are safe; citizens can go there and live out their fantasies then come back to the real and carry on with their lives. The Reivers want to spoil that.'
'Is there any evidence that they succeeded ?'
'VirCo are being very tight lipped about the whole thing. It's embarrassing enough for them that the Reivers got through their security for a second time this month so I'm guessing they won't be very forthcoming on that front, they'll want to reassure users that their VREs are safe.'
'The famous Virco Guardians dropped the ball again.'
'The Guardians, of course, can only protect the designated portals. There is some suggestion that the Reivers have a way to punch directly into the virtual world.'
'Can you tell us anything about the captives who were freed ?'
'We don't have specific details but, the Reivers have a do as you please attitude on both sides of the VR divide which is, of course, where they take their name from, the border reivers who raided across the marches in two historical kingdoms. We all know why most people use VREs.' Martin smiled. 'The same reason they used the internet: for sex. The Reivers particularly seem to target worlds where S&M has a major role like Subtown and, of course Dominia and Erolia in Utolia. They also argue, somewhat perversely, that if you act out your fantasies in the virtual, you should try them out in the real too.'
'And these captives were users of these VREs.'
'We don't know at this stage but Subtown is a WIWO site and it's not hard to see how they might ambush somebody as they walked in or, probably, walked out. They wouldn't even have to go to an official portal, as we all know there are dozens on unlicensed portals with almost no regulation. The Utolia lands are, of course, residentials but you will recall a Reiver raid in the real two months ago on VirCo's western hub. The official line was that the raid was unsuccessful but there were unconfirmed rumours that a number of users were removed from the site.'
Tuesday swallowed the last of her drink and left the bar.
I don't know how long I have hung in bondage for but I think it is three or four hours. My body aches: my spine from the intense curve into which it has been forced and my limbs from the strain of their bondage. Mercifully, perhaps as a reward for my diligent service, Mistress Equa switched off the mechanism that increased the weights on my clit and nipples. Finally I hear footsteps on the wooden floor that sound like the tap of heels, probably toe boots. I suspect Mistress Equa has sent her big breasted pet Nipples to release me and take me to my cage. It is not unusual for her to order Nipples to cage or stable us and, often when she does this, she showers us too. This is something the big breasted slave seems to enjoy and, on these occasions, frequently takes advantage of us as we enjoy her care helpless in our chains.
Nipples has been here far longer than Silver and I and is considered a more senior slave. She is sometimes assigned to punish is too and can be quite inventive when she does this, enjoying placing us in predicament bondage where one of us can ease our suffering at the expense of the other. Often we are hooded at these times and can only find out the extent of our predicament by the gagged whimpers of the other.
I feel flesh touch the right side of my chest and fingers fumbling with the clip holding the weight to my nipple ring. I whimper as the weight is finally removed and feel fingers gently stroke my poor nipple. It is clear that whoever is releasing me is in bondage too and I think of Nipples restrained with her hands at her sides and her elbows pulled back. It is certainly how Madam Equa likes to display her, forcing out the brunette's enormous breasts.
There are more footsteps, clearly hobbled steps and, definitely, toe boots; then a pressure against my left breast as the weight is released. I am more prepared this time and bite down on my gag as my poor tortured nipple is unclipped. This time a tongue comforts it, a tongue which, judging by the lips that surround it pokes through a ring gag.
Nipples spends a lot of her time ring gagged; Madam Equa enjoys the sight of her drooling helplessly on her huge tits.
Freeing my clit proves more difficult for my restrained saviour and I cry out as, inadvertently, I am made to swing, jerking my poor clit sharply. Whoever is there tries several times before she succeeds in getting her fingers to the clip holding the weight onto my clit ring and I imagine Nipples trying to manoeuvre her huge breasts past the cord clipped to my clit ring without disturbing it and she shuffles close enough, her fingers straining to reach the clip. Finally, however, she manages to remove the weight, something which make me cry out sharply through my gag.
It is difficult for a girl wearing a ring gag to say 'Shhhhh' but the gagged grunt reaching me through the hood certainly seems to be an exhortation to be quiet and is accompanied by a spray of saliva over my belly.
That's when I realise this is not Nipples but Silver !
I struggle frantically in my bonds though this is completely pointless.
There is no way Silver has been sent to release me. Neither Mistress nor Madam Equa, nor indeed anyone in the palace would countenance such a thing; we as such lascivious sluts that we are always kept restrained when together and usually when apart to stop us playing with ourselves.
Silver is doing this to me, no doubt without any authority and I know we will be punished. I tell her to stop through my gag and squirm again pulling on the ropes holding my arms and legs but only succeed in curving my spine further than it already is; then I feel Silver's tongue on my pussy.
We have been kept apart since yesterday, it is at least fourteen hours since I have had an orgasm, this is a very long time for a pleasure slave; I have also just endured a prolonged punishment and been forced to tongue my trainer.
I want to be a good girl but I just can't.
Tuesday checked behind her and then turned quickly into the alley. She was dressed for the lower south side, dark coat and combats, walking slightly hunched with her hands in her pockets, blonde hair tousled.
She walked down the alley, the click of her heels echoing off the crumbling brickwork and her heart thumping in her chest as it always did at these times but her desire overcame her caution.
She turned left into the quiet street and slid into the doorway.
'Tiffany !'
Tuesday smiled. Here she was Tiffany though not the Tiffany she would soon become if she chose that particular sim.
'What's it gonna be ?' Pulse smiled, crooked teeth splitting his dark face. 'I have a couple new ones you might like.'
Tuesday/Tiffany faced him square on. 'Such as... ?'
Pulse picked up a glossy box from the counter. 'The Perils of Lady Caroline.' He turned the box over revealing an image of a naked blonde in a pony harness pulling a gig being driven by a man wearing jodhpurs and a riding jacket. He began to read from the synopsis. 'Aristocratic Lady Caroline is sent to stay with her aunt at Ropingham Hall when the family fall on hard times. Here she is quickly taken advantage of by Sir Ralph, the black sheep of the family, who puts her to work in the stables where she finds the grooms take care of a special type of pony. Caroline is familiar with the equestrian world but not from the point of view of the pony. Before long she is bridled and harnessed and confined to the stables where she undergoes rigorous training as a pony girl...'
Tiffany shrugged. 'Maybe. I'm not sure I'm into solo adventures.'
'I'll do you a good price.' Pulse grinned lasciviously. 'Favour for a good client.'
Tiffany frowned, unwilling to commit to a solo booth. 'Too much preamble...'
'What about Star Girl in Bondage ?' Pulse read again. 'Loretta is a Star Freighter Captain until she is captured by alien pirates. Kept in chains Loretta is forced to obey the whim of her captors. Deep in space there is no escape but despite this she is kept in constant and intense bondage, forced to satisfy her captor's sadistic fantasies with no hope of escape.'
'Sounds better.' Tiffany took the box. The picture showed a brunette with large breasts strapped into a steel frame in what appeared to be the interior of a space ship; two green skinned but otherwise very humanoid female aliens were punishing her with whips while she was forced to pleasure a third with her tongue.
To be fair to him, Pulse had a pretty good idea of what she was into.
'I'd say Loretta looks a bit like the real Tiffany.' Pulse leered at the picture.
'I don't know what you mean Pulse.'
'Sure you do.'
He was right, Tiffany, VR Tiffany, was a large breasted brunette and seeing the fate of Loretta was making Tiffany's desire to slip into her avatar body more urgent.
'Anything else ?' Tiffany ran her finger over the image of Loretta's helpless form weighing up her desires.
'Subtown wearing a bit thin ?'
Tiffany sighed. 'Maybe.'
'You could always do it with another punter.'
Tiffany stiffened. 'What are you suggesting, Pulse ?'
'New upgrade for Subtown. 'Lets avatars interact in a meaningful and satisfying way'.' Pulse quoted from memory, then his face formed a genuine smile. 'Be almost like Utolia but at a fraction of the cost.'
'Yeah, I bet.' Tiffany sounded doubtful. 'Still, interaction with no strings...'
'In a bondage suite ! No strings.' Pulse laughed. 'You kill me sometimes, Tiff.'
'Funny, Pulse, just give me the Subtown key.'
'You know, I read that in Utolia they're all punters, no AIs, 'cept the security protocols, of course.'
'Yeah, Pulse, like I've got a gazillion dollars and can drop out of reality with nothing to worry about. Come on, give me a key.'
'Show me your money, pretty girl.'
Tiffany produced a roll of notes and put them on the counter; pulse picked them up counting them carefully, holding anything over five dollars up to the dim working light beside him on the counter. Then he handed over the key.
'The real encounter is a standard plug in. You should give it a try.'
'Mind if I watch ?'
'Fuck off, Pulse.'
I am Tiffany again, not the pseudonym I give the shady proprietor of the sleazy VR emporium, but the real Tiffany, the busty brunette who lives within me, surfacing regularly to slake her thirst for carnal encounters. Tiffany with her straight chestnut hair, her wide blue eyes and her big voluptuous lips. I watch her smile and realise that I am once again her and she, me. I love having breasts this large and can't help lifting my hands to play with them. They are imprisoned in a red rubber bustier which stretches thinly across them, shiny, slightly translucent so that I can see the dark areoles of her...my, large brown nipples where it bulges over them.
Tiffany is more muscular than Tuesday and her shoulders are broader in keeping with her large chest; her waist almost as narrow as Tuesday's, her hips flare and her bottom is round and firm, displayed perfectly in the shiny red rubber of her knickers. Her stockings have red latex tops that are suspended from the matching belt and her ankle boots have five inch heels.
I look gorgeous and turn admiring myself in the mirrors of the entrance suite.
The 'suite' is like the foyer of one of the theatres in lower south side, sleazy and dim. Screens on the wall alongside the mirrors show samples of the programme running beyond, a redhead tied to a bed writhing as hot wax is dripped onto her breasts, a dark-skinned dominatrix punishing the posterior of a blonde girl bent over in a pillory; in the street the big breasted blonde is still being lead by her clamped nipples; a pretty brunette with a neat body crawls beside a woman in a white PVC dress, the brunette hold a whip in her mouth.
I watch them for a few moments until I am no longer alone.
Madam is there, the security protocol given human form, in this case a blonde dominatrix in black leather: eyemask, studded collar, jacket zipped low revealing large pale breasts and a deep cleavage, short skirt, laced thigh boots; she carries a bullwhip and bars the door. I walk towards her swinging my hips enjoying the feel of Tiffany's body, the weight of my breasts, the heels, the cling of the latex.
Madam fixes me with one of her stares and Tuesday knows she is being scanned even before she gives the password.
Madam frowns repeating the scan, though more deeply this time, but then relaxes and stands aside, the door behind her opens and Tiffany steps into the eternal night of Subtown.
I walk down the familiar street past the sex shop and the one selling bondage gear. The displays have not changed. I pass the blonde girl on the nipple leash, her breasts look even bigger, she looks up at me and smiles, her blue eyes wide with lust; in doing this she slows her pace and her latex clad mistress jerks on the leash pulling her into motion again. I spot the redhead with her Goth mistress, she now has a tattoo of a flower on one of her buttocks and her nipples have piercings. I know there are others here like me in among the AIs, thrill-seekers, sex addicts, 'punters' as Pulse calls them, who want more than the human body can supply or indeed support. Sometimes they are easy to spot, their avatars subtly different from the AIs that populate this carnal neighbourhood, but often they only stand out because they are not part of the familiar scenery.
I come to a series of windows that are new though not unlike the frontage of the sex shop. The goods here are women themselves, not hidden in brothels or acting as hostesses but selling themselves to their customers. I appreciate the base implications of this even while I study each one: the redhead dominatrix in her black rubber catsuit with the studded paddle; the French maid in her short black PVC dress standing with her hands cuffed and her head bowed holding her feather duster; the next, I think, may be an avatar, someone like me, she is quite pretty, a brunette with short hair and small pointy breasts, around her neck is a steel collar and from this runs a chain which it is locked to a post with a padlock, the girl wears a corset and stockings and her arms are laced behind her back into a tight black single sleeve, as I pass she looks up at me with a shy smile, her eyes wide, the girl is cute but I don't want her, I want to be like her. The next two shops are empty and then, leaning against the doorway of the third is a woman who reminds me of the madam at the brothel I usually frequent; she has dark skin and wears a short shiny PVC mac, her skirt is short and I can see her stocking tops, her hair is curly and highlighted with blonde streaks, she wears a bolero hat and is smoking a cigar.
'Wanna rent a room, Lady ?' Her accent is Hispanic, her dark eyes flash seductively.
I stop and look at her. She is appraising me and as her head comes up her brightly rouged lips curl into a feral smile.
'Someone like you could make good money.' She pushes herself upright with a shrug of her shoulders then makes a show of strutting round me, appraising me. 'Nice.' She is standing behind me and, in the reflection of the shop window I can see her inspecting my bottom. 'Dom or sub ?'
'Perhaps I'm both.'
'A true switch ?' She sounds skeptical. 'Na ! You're sub.' She pats my rubber clad bottom then squeezes it gently.
I bow my head.
'Inside.' Her voice has become dominant. I don't have to obey but I am curious and I like her.
'How much ?'
'As it's your first time, you pay thirty and I let you stay the whole night.'
Money does exist in Subtown, extras can always be purchased and redeemed in real currency. Thirty isn't much in the real world and it will practically double my time in the sim.
She tosses away the remains of the cigar and holds up a pad. I speak my password and then follow her into a narrow hallway that runs down beside the shopfront and into a cluttered back room festooned with fetish gear; leather and rubber clothing hangs from racks and more is thrown over the top of this, there are restraints hanging from the wall and the ceiling and lying scattered across the floor, on one wall there is every kind of whip, paddle, cane and tawse.
'I always think a little window dressing enhances the merchandise.' The woman spins on her heels, arms outstretched. 'See anything you fancy.'
I look around at the various cuffs and chains, straps and ropes.
The woman circles me again appraising me. I am standing with my arms at my sides.
'I know just the thing.' She bends rummaging in a chest, I can see her lacy knickers beneath the hem of her skirt and her firm pert bottom. She stands holding up two large cuffs with a smaller one attached to each.
'You don't mind, do you ?' She begins to buckle the large cuffs round my thighs then snaps my wrists into the smaller ones.
'Won't your customers want to take my knickers off ?' I pull at the cuffs, my wrists are securely strapped to my thighs.
'I'm sure they'll find a way when the time comes.' She presses herself against me. I can feel the pressure of her small breasts and the slickness of her coat against my bare skin. 'Besides, they'll be buying you for their pleasure, not yours.'
She is slightly shorter than me, slimmer, like Tuesday but less muscular and more wiry. Her eyes are dark, brows highlighted, lashes heavily painted. Her hand comes up to my breast and she rubs my nipple.
'Perhaps you'd like to try me out first.' Here I can be brazen. If I'm lucky she'll punish me but she just smiles and pinches my nipple through it's rubber coating watching as it swells in response.
'Perhaps.' She turns away and I notice she sways her hips more markedly now as she hunts for another restraint. She bends again, clearly deliberately showing me her stocking tops and her knickers, picks up a belt and walks behind me.
She loops the belt around my elbows and uses it to cinch them together, wrapping the belt around a second time before buckling it.
'In business one has to use ones assets to the full.'
'Perhaps you'd like to use me to the full.' I am being bound and it is turning me on.
'Feisty.' She smacks my bottom. 'I like that.'
I like it too.
When she reappears in front of me her eyes fix on my breasts, now thrust forward by my bondage.
'Nice.' She cups my left breast in her small hand and then teases the nipple again.
'I wouldn't charge you.' My nipples are hard and my pussy is wet.
'You know, I might have to gag you.' She smiles and I am beginning to wonder if she is an avatar, not an AI.
She turns away, moving a plastic chair towards a shelf high on the wall. When she puts her foot up on it she stops to adjust her stocking top then looks at me with a smile before climbing onto it. What she picks up is not a gag but a heavy posture collar.
'Everyone loves sub who won't kowtow.' She walks towards me with the collar. 'Gives them a chance to punish her.'
'And are you planning to punish me ?'
'Maybe.' She presses herself against me again and I reach forward with my hands, hooking my fingers into her suspenders. She slides her hand up behind my neck pulling my head down, her lips meet mine brushing them gently at first and then more forcefully.
She is an AI.
She breaks the kiss and places the collar round my throat buckling it tight.
'Thank you, Mistress.'
'Oh, I'm not your mistress.' She flashes that smile at me again, dark eyes flashing seductively. 'I'm your madam.'
'When do I get paid ?'
'First client's fee goes to the house for my...services.'
'And the second ?'
'Costume rental.'
I could feel cheated but I am in bondage and the pretty Hispanic girl has been distracting foreplay. I have also got the extra few hours in the sim at very little cost. However, I decide to be a little bad. 'Do I get anything out of this ?'
'You get to be used like the submissive whore you are.'
'And if I don't. If nobody buys me.'
'Oh, I think there's little chance of that.' Her dark eyes appraise me again. 'You naughty girl.'
The picture is falling into place, her use of language is clearly AI. I smile and open my mouth as she lifts a large ball gag to my lips.
Then, when I am securely gagged, she threads a rope though one of the rings on my collar. 'Come on, time to put you on display.'
I have been on display for five minutes, perhaps a little more, when the girl enters.
Tiffany is a girl who demands attention even in this den of hedonism and vice.
The girl is a tarty blonde out for a night of fun in a shiny leather outfit of straps that exposes more than it conceals, spiked heals and a studded collar; heavy foundation and red blusher add to the image of party slut as does the thick coating of lip-gloss and tousled hair. The whip hanging coiled at her belt shows her preference.
Through the window I've seen her mouth something that is presumably her keyword.
The bottom line is, I know, that Pulse is using me as a prostitute.
The blonde is, at first glance, not unattractive; she has nice tits, long legs and some black stilettos that I can see myself worshiping later.
I see nipple clamped blonde lead past and then look up at the woman who has just bought me, for the next hour at least. Now that I can see her in better light I see her face is severe though softened, by the heavy make-up.
Some people choose avatars that look like them, others chose to be different. In Utolia, the ultimate VR, it is said the programme makes the decision about appearance and sometimes even changes behavioural characteristics. With this one exception, it's generally easier to be the same if you are playing the long game. The sim can be used to try new things but in the long game they can be hard to maintain.
I have a reason for not wanting to be recognised.
'There's a room upstairs.' Hispanic girl tells my client.
The blonde avatar follows Hispanic girl up the cramped wooden stairs, leading me by my posture collar. Upstairs is a grubby landing with a threadbare carpet off which lead several doors. Hispanic girl points to the second one. There is a panel on the wall beside the door which is out of character with the fading old fashioned decor and when Hispanic girl runs her hand over it an image of a bedroom appears; there is a double bed with an iron bedhead and footboard, a chair and a dresser; there are chains hanging from the ceiling beams, a light hangs from one but they are clearly not just for this. Hispanic girl flicks her finger over the screen and the image scrolls to a rubber playroom with a vacuum bed and diagonal cross. I smile round my gag and watch as blondie flicks to an image of a deserted factory with scaffolds and dripping pipes; next is a school room which she flicks past without any interest; then an office; a medieval torture chamber; a prison cell; a boudoir; a medical room. Then we are back to the bedroom.
Blondie selects the rubber room and Hispanic girl leads us inside. I expect her to go but she sits in a chair in the corner, crossing her stockinged legs as if preparing for the show. I find this strange and wonder if it is some sort of regulatory feature in the programme. An avatar can't truly be harmed and any injuries will not transmit to the body of the human associated with it but there are limits which a human could easily disregard. In the early days of full immersion it was noted that the loss of an avatar's limb could sometimes lead to a 'hysterical' or dissociative paralysis in the human controlling it; similarly, reports emerged of players suffering strokes or heart attacks when an avatar was killed and sometimes people died. Safeguards are thus important even in this cheap world.
I obey. I cannot bow my head because if the posture collar but I do cast my eyes down, initially at least. In the peripheries of my vision I see Blondie circle the room, running her hand over the vacuum bed, checking the restraint rings in the walls, examining the cross. In one corner is a heavy wooden chair with thick leather restraints that would have fitted easily into the torture chamber were it not for the rubber phalluses attached to the seat and the enema bag hanging above it. There is a bucket of whips and paddles beside the chair and Blondie tosses her own whip on the bed then selects a short cane.
I wonder what she is thinking. Unless she has been regularly it is unlikely she has interacted in this way with a human mind either.
I am glad I am gagged.
Blondie stands in front of me holding the cane. She really does have a nice body though perhaps a little skinny for my tastes. I watch as she starts to strut around me and then my eyes flick to the bed, lust starting to rise. I imagine myself stretched out on it, writhing as the rubber sheets caress and confine my body.
'I'm told you've been a very naughty girl.'
I jump and then realise she is speaking to me. I nod as best I can and mumble around my gag.
'Then I suppose I'd better punish you.' She comes back to stand in front of me.
I look up at her and nod again.
'After that perhaps we can have some fun.' She smiles.
I smile back around my gag and nod again.
I lie stretched across the vacuum bed, my wrists and ankles cuffed. I have been caned, though not as heavily as I would have liked, on the breasts and buttocks and then, after diligently thanking Mistress Blondie by applying my tongue to her heels I have been released from my bonds and commanded to strip then climb onto the bed.
My new mistress cups my breast.
'These are very distracting.' She squeezes my nipple.
'I hope to please, Mistress.'
'I'm sure you do.' She lifts my nipple stretching it and then releases her grip letting it fall back. 'Do you enjoy breath play ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
'Good.' Blondie smiles and picks up a heavy rubber coated ring gag. 'Be a good girl and open wide.'
I obey. Mistress pushes down on my jaw and forces the gag between my teeth. It is considerably larger than the ball gag I wore earlier and is made up of two rubber coated rings so it sits on either side of my teeth. It is so big that my jaw is stretched painfully. Then she straps it in place using the harness of thick rubber straps that wrap around my head limiting my vision although this probably isn't required, with my teeth in the space between the two rings, my jaw is forced so wide I wonder if I would be able to spit it out if it she hadn't used the strap.
She clips the ring on the top of the harness to the bed so I cannot lift my head very far then returns her attention to my breasts, teasing my nipples so they swell and then I watch as she bends, feel her kiss my right nipple. I try to lift my head but can't. All I can do is lie back as she flicks my nipple with her tongue and then nibbles it gently.
Then, suddenly, she bites down hard. I cry out in surprise and squirm, writhing in pain, pulling at my bonds and trying to lift my head. She stretches my nipple with her teeth and I try to arch my body to follow her whimpering through my gag. Finally she releases me and I fall back, gasping and look over at Hispanic girl who smiles back as if she is enjoying my pain.
'We'll have to make sure I can get at those when you're all wrapped up snugly.'
Blondie pulls a thin latex sheet over my body and I squirm in delight at its soft caress; the sheet is dark, probably black though it is so thin it looks brown; it has four holes, each ringed with what looks like a thick black rubber washer; the first of these goes over my mouth and the next two, smaller, around my nipples which Blondie pulls through so they are gently pinched; the fourth ring is more of a slit and goes over my sex so that, although my body will be enclosed in the latex, my clitoris and labia, like my nipples and mouth will be freely accessible.
'I'm expecting you to enjoy this too.' She smiles down at me as she tucks the sheet in and activates the suction.
I feel the sheet begin to tighten around my helpless body, smoothing itself with increasing pressure against my skin; the sensation is delicious and I squirm with pleasure, moaning gently into my gag.
'Good girl.' Blondie almost purrs with delight at seeing me like this and I can't help wondering what sort of woman she is.
It is several minutes before I am fully wrapped in the tight rubber sheet, pressed firmly against the bed; the pressure makes my skin hot and I can feel myself sweating, the heat a sharp contrast to the coolness of the world outside that I can feel against my exposed nipples and sex and the air I draw with increasing effort through my open mouth. My eyes are shut, the pressure of the rubber firm against them and I wish I could see what is happening but I can't open them. I can move, just but it takes a lot of effort and when I stretch against it the rubber pulls me back.
I feel something in my mouth. It is mistress' finger, wrapped, I think, in a latex glove. I lick it with my tongue and am rewarded by her other hand stroking my exposed sex. Her tongue follows the finger, entering my mouth as she continues to stroke my sex. As we engage in this bizarre kiss I realise her lips must be pressed against the gag and find myself struggling to breath.
Avatars, of course, don't actually need to breath but do so as part of the simulation to make them more lifelike. Like all sensations, the need to breathe is transferred to the player by somatic sensors and neural cognition fields. Denying an avatar breath is presumably transmitted to the player via the 'gag' and I wonder what effect it will have on my body. These days, permanent harm is rarely done to the player even if the avatar is killed, a brutal beating in the sim will leave the human player bruised though not nearly as severely as one in real life and, though bones are occasionally broken and muscles pulled by players struggling against their restraints in lower end sims like Subtown real harm is unusual.
When she next lets me breathe I gasp, my chest heaving.
'Good girl.' Her voice is surprisingly clear through the rubber. Her hand is still teasing my pussy. If she's not careful I'll come. She licks my nipples. 'I think you're rather enjoying this.'
She's right.
'Time for a little more pain.'
Clamps close around my nipples, heavy toothed clamps. I love them.
I feel her move between my spread legs and then her tongue runs up my pussy.
'You're very wet.' She licks me again then something cold touches my labia, teeth bite like the nipple clamps; she is clamping my sex.
By the time she has finished I have counted seven little sets of teeth biting the most sensitive parts of my body, nine if you count the two on my nipples. The one on my clitoris is particularly painful.
I really think I might come.
Then I feel her sitting astride me, moving up my body with her knees on either side of it.
'I expect you think I'm going to let you come.' Her voice is a soft purr. 'However, I think that's pretty unlikely. You're here for my pleasure not yours.' Her finger is back in my mouth stroking my tongue. 'You're my little rubber slut, my toy, here for me to play with.'
She crawls over my breasts squeezing the clamps on my nipples and then sits over my face. I taste her and feel her juices in my mouth.
I behave like the sex toy I am and begin to tongue her feeling her squirm above me.
Her sex is completely covering the opening to my gag and I can't breathe at all; it is not long until I am desperate for air and, when she doesn't move I wonder if I might actually die. Then I feel her kneel up lifting her sex from my mouth and I gasp in air. She allows me a few moments to breathe and then sits back down again.
For the next half hour, perhaps more she rides me, making me tongue her almost to the point of orgasm and until I think I might lose consciousness and then she lifts herself allowing me to take in lifegiving air while she brings herself back from the brink.
In my giddy, half smothered state I relish the exquisite torment, marveling at her self control. Dimly I wonder whether Hispanic girl is making her give me time to breathe or perhaps just telling her when I am about to pass out. In my moments of respite my tormentress plays with my nipples and my sex which along with the asphyxiation and the bondage keep me intensely aroused.
When she finally comes I feel her knees clamp the side of my head and the weight of her body on my face. Her orgasm is intense and prolonged and I can hear her screaming.
She keeps her promise not to let me come and leaves me helpless, still tightly confined in my rubber prison with my sex and nipples clamped and my mouth gagged.
Hispanic girl finally releases me and I stand unsteadily dressing with difficulty, replacing my red rubber bustier and knickers and my stockings and boots. Then she collars me, leads me back to the shop window, and makes me kneel on display again before cuffing my wrists behind my back and tying my rope leash to the ring in the floor.
Chapter 4
My next clients are clearly a couple though out for more than each other. They have oriental faces, long black shiny hair, thin bodies with small breasts and buttocks. One is dressed in a black PVC bikini, thigh boots and cat ears, the other wears lacy blue lingerie with a fur trim complete with stockings and heels. Both are classic forms based, I think, on the Japanese anime subculture. There is, of course, a sim specifically for this but I suppose one can get tired of racy motorbikes, cute monsters and samurai swords; I expect they attract mostly boys rather than men too. There are also sims for animal play both the visceral thrill of being a 'real' animal, hunting or being hunted or simply enjoying a new experience such as flying, swimming underwater or swinging through the trees; there are sites for cute humanoid cats too, usually cats anyway. My two mistresses are reassuringly human and have a pleasingly sadistic glint in their eyes as well as cute bodies and a very strong lesbian vibe.
They drag me roughly up the stairs; Bikini Cat Babe with her fist in my hair and Little Miss Lingerie striking my bottom with her whip to encourage me; Hispanic girl follows behind. They select the disused factory and throw me inside where I fall heavily onto the cold concrete floor. I struggle to my knees but Miss Lingerie cuffs me hard across the face and I fall again. When I try to rise Bikini Babe puts her foot on my collar.
'Stay down, Slut.' She has a strong oriental accent. 'We did not say you could rise.'
'I'm sorry, Mistress.'
'Silence.' Miss Lingerie kicks me in the belly and I lie still.
'I hope you like pain, Slut.' Bikini Babe joins her friend and, presumably, lover in threatening me. The foot not on my neck is close to my face, if it were not for the posture collar I could lean forward and lick it's shiny patent leather toe.
'Pain Slut.' Miss Lingerie laughs cruelly. 'It's a good name for her.'
'Yes.' Bikini Babe agrees. 'We'll call her Pain Slut.' She removes her foot from my neck crouches down putting her fist back in my hair, pulling my head back, looking at me with her dark, hooded eyes. 'You are Pain Slut. Do you understand ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
'Let's see how much she can take.' Bikini Babe lets go of my hair and stands.
'She's an AI. She'll take all we can give her.' Miss Lingerie kicks me again.
They think I am an AI. A shudder of pleasure runs through me.
'Get up, Pain Slut !'
I scramble to my knees and Miss Lingerie cuffs me again, chastising me for being slow, this time her blow is not hard enough to make me fall.
There is a scaffolding frame at one end of the room and I assume they will tie me to that but then I hear the rattle of chain, the scrape of metal on metal and look up to see Bikini Babe pulling a hoist across a track on the ceiling.
Lingerie Lass crouches in front of me and takes hold of my bra then in a rough movement rips it open spilling my breasts free.
'Nice titties.' Miss Lingerie pinches my right nipple hard before shredding my rubber bra, ripping it from my body; then she takes off my collar. As she does this, I feel Bikini Babe attach the chain to my wrist cuffs and then my arms are hoisted up behind my back.
I know I have not been given permission to stand and try to remain on my knees but the pull on my arms is insistent and eventually I am dragged up, by the tearing pain in my shoulders.
'I did not say you could get up, Pain Slut.' Miss Lingerie kicks my legs away and I swing by my arms tipping forward to ease the strain on my shoulders.
I gasp and Miss Lingerie grabs me by the hair.
'I don't cry, Pain Slut, we've only just started.'
I briefly wonder how much of this my real body could take.
'Shall we have her naked ?' Miss Lingerie looks across at her companion and I can hear and see her arousal, the pleasure she is feeling from treating me this way.
'Yes.' Bikini Babe's voice betrays her arousal too. 'Then we can cane her arse.'
The pair laugh cruelly and Miss Lingerie shreds my rubber knickers though she leaves my torn stockings.
There are rings in the floor and they tie my ankles to them then tighten the chain on the hoist so I am in an intense strappado, up on the toes of my boots my feet a little beyond my shoulder width apart, bent slightly forward, arms almost vertical above my head, my body completely vulnerable.
The factory doesn't have the usual sex toys and, in particular, to my tormentors' disappointment, any whips. Bikini girl takes off the PVC belt from her bottoms but they soon realise that even the buckle end is not heavy enough to hurt me properly even when they use it between my spread legs. They search the room and find a length of rope which Miss Lingerie knots and proceeds to use this across my buttocks, thighs and back. Miss Lingerie is, I think, the more sadistic of the two but punishing me like this clearly excites them both and they take turns to whip me with it. The rope is not heavy but after several dozen blows I begin to squirm and then to cry out; the whipping is exciting me too and my cries are a mix of pain and pleasure.
A lot is said about the blurred line between pain and pleasure and the joy of the sim is that, as long as you can endure the pain, you will come to no real harm. I've read about subs who've become so addicted to it that they endure what would be considered barbaric torture anywhere else in the world.
'I think we'd better gag her.' Bikini Babe picks up a short length of broom handle and uses a piece of rope to lash it between teeth. I smile at her as she does this, pleased to be able to bite down and enjoy more pain.
'We should be a little more creative ?' Miss Lingerie has the knotted rope and brings it up sharply between my legs. My pussy is wet and sensitive and I can't help but utter an expletive that is only partly tempered by my gag.
'What's that, you little AI whore ?' Bikini Babe grabs my hair and pulls my head back. 'Not happy with the way we are treating you ? You'll take what we give you and thank us for it.' She spits in my face and then turns to Miss Lingerie, planting a passionate kiss on the girl's lips which is returned with equal fervour. I watch them embrace, feeling Bikini Babe's grip in my hair relax as her other hand slides into her lover's knickers then I hang, for a moment forgotten.
My respite lasts only a few moment and then the pair begin to whip me again, Bikini Babe with her belt and Miss Lingerie with the knotted rope, mercilessly targeting my breasts, the inside of my thighs and, after pulling off my boots, the soles of my feet. It is clear they are trying to outdo each other and are skilled at this sort of punishment; I squirm and cry out under the repeated blows; some clearly produce more response than others particularly when the buckle of the belt catches my nipples or the rope strikes against my clit; on these occasions they kiss before turning to punish me again.
It is clear they are becoming increasingly aroused and their physical contact becomes increasingly more intimate and lingering. Finally I see Miss Lingerie wrap the rope around the back of Bikini Babe's neck and pull her in closer, twisting the rope with one hand to hold her as her other hand slides inside the black PVC bikini bottoms. The two kiss and I see Bikini Babe's hands go behind her back confirming that she is the more submissive. Then the two embrace, hands in each other's hair and running over each other's bodies.
It is Miss Lingerie who breaks first, pulling her lover's head away by her long silky hair; she is still holding the rope around the other girl's neck.
'Shall we hurt her again ?'
'Yes.' Bikini Babe's voice is breathy, betraying her arousal and her eagerness to please.
Though there are no sex toys there are plenty of items that the inventive sadist can use on their willing sub, a little like the knotted rope that the girls have used so prolifically on my helpless and increasingly aroused body.
While Miss Lingerie continues to whip me, Bikini Babe spends a few minutes rummaging in the various bins and piles of junk, returning with two short wooden planks and some rope which she uses to rig up a press for my breasts. Well-endowed Tiffany's breasts are easily bound and the pressure of this kinky torture leave my nipples so stiff that I think the girls could tie cords around my nipples and hang me by them.
Inspired by this find, Miss Lingerie beings a sawhorse and steel scaffolding pole. She balances the pole on the sawhorse and lifts it between my legs, lifting me onto the very tips of my toes. The position eases the pain in my shoulders but I can see there this is going and while the cold pole against my burning sex is surprisingly stimulating I can see that may not last long. Bikini Babe rolls over a barrel to wedge the other end of the pole and I am soon balanced on my sex, my ankles still cuffed to the floor to ensure I can't climb off.
'Are you enjoying that, Pain Slut ?' Miss Lingerie takes hold of one of my nipples. 'Do you like something pressing against your pussy ?'
I think I might come.
'We should use this ?' Bikini babe has unrolled a fire hose from the wall. 'We don't want her getting to hot while we play with her.'
She is inventive, if nothing else.
'We should deal with these first.' Miss Lingerie has realised just how swollen and sensitive my nipples are and gives the one she is holding a sharp pinch. 'Give me that wire.' In a few moments she has wound wire tightly around both my nipples and suspended a small steel bucket from them.
Then they turn the hose on me. The water is freezing and, in a few moments I am gasping and shivering uncontrollably. The water is filling the bucket too, increasing the weight on my tortured nipples, stretching my crushed breasts.
I'm not sure how much more I can take and I look over at Hispanic girl.
'Enough.' Hispanic girl comes to my rescue. 'Your hour is nearly up.'
My tormentresses look at her then at each other.
'Fuck me !' Little Miss Lingerie slides a finger into the ring of Bikini Babe's collar.
'Yes, Mistress.' Bikini Babe goes down immediately, dropping to her knees and pulling Miss Lingerie's knickers down to reveal her smoothly shaved sex. I see the kneeling girl's tongue dart out, pushing between Miss Lingerie's legs and watch the girl squirm with pleasure, her hands going into Bikini Babe's hair and pulling the girl's face against her sex.
Bikini Babe is obviously skilled for in a few moments Miss Lingerie is panting hard looking at me as her lover pleasures her.
Seeing the arousal in the girl's eyes excites me and reminds me of the sadistic pleasure I have just provided her, part of me is disappointed not to be kneeling there being forced to please both of them. I begin to squirm in my bonds, I can't help myself, tiny movements that rub my sex against the bar pressed so cruelly against it and make the bucket torturing my nipples swing.
I have been used as a sex toy for two hours now, kept in bondage, punished and humiliated.
I desperately want to come.
I watch Miss Lingerie's eyes cloud over and her head go back as she climaxes and I can feel my own building.
Then I feel something press against my belly and look down to find Hispanic girl's dark eyes looking up at mine. I see her shake her head.
'Bleathe...' I plead with her through my gag.
'You are not here for your pleasure.' Her voice is deep and dominant.
I kneel in the window still recovering from the treatment I have just received. My body feels exhausted, bruised, battered but I remain sexually frustrated. With my clothing torn away, Hispanic girl has removed the remains of my torn stockings and dressed me in a tiny leather thong, I am otherwise naked aside from the posture collar and the cuffs still holding my wrists behind me back. I am tethered to a ring in the floor by a rope leash. When she leaves me alone it only takes a moment for me to slide my cuffed hands under my bottom and then, kneeling again, I just can't stop my my fingers wandering towards my sex. I am on public display, women walking past me continuously, many looking at me with interest but this only serves to excite me further. I have been tied up and abused, forced to please others, treated like the sex toy I want to be.
The thong is no deterrent at all and soon my fingers are teasing my slick swollen sex. With the posture collar round my neck I cannot look down and am forced to stare back at the women who look in on me as I masturbate.
In the real world I would probably look a mess, bruised and dirty, my hair wet. I would smell too, smell of the women who had used me and my own sex. In the simulation this does not happen. In the partial reflection of the window I can see that my hair is tousled but my body appears otherwise unmarked. My breasts that have been bound and clamped are once again full and shiny, the nipples stiff, my belly is taught, my thighs firm.
When the brunette spots me I am close to orgasm, my fingers inside my sex. I see her immediately, big blue eyes and shiny hair not unlike my own though cut into a longer bob. There are only a limited number of avatars available and though the variations that can be made to them is almost infinite, some basic body styles and faces are more common than others. She looks at me and I see a smile creep onto her face.
I look back at her and continue to play with myself. I can feel my cheeks blushing with the humiliation of what I am doing but I am so horny I can't stop.
Looking into her eyes I climax hard, arching forward as I rub my swollen clit. I hold her gaze for as long as I can. She is as stunning as Tiffany and staring at her increases my pleasure; the fact she is watching me play with myself just amplifies that lust. However, eventually, I have to close my eyes as I kneel gasping and very satisifed, for the moment, at least.
When I open my eyes I am disappointed to find her gone though I realise there are at least a dozen women watching me through the window.
I can't resist licking my fingers.
Suddenly the door opens and, so soon after my orgasm, I jump. For a moment I am filled with hope that it is the brunette but it is only Hispanic girl.
She smiles. 'You've been putting on quite a show.'
I look back at the window. My audience is dispersing.
Another figure enters behind Hispanic girl.
It is the brunette.
'She's paid for you for the rest of the night.' Hispanic girl crouches in front of me and unties my rope leash from the ring in the floor, deliberately pushing her bottom into my face as she does so, then she stands and passes it to the brunette.
'There's a room upstairs.'
The brunette smiles. 'Thanks but I'll use my own.'
My eyes widen as she takes my leash but I do not resist, I drop onto all fours and crawl behind my new owner, following her out into the street.
The brunette is wearing shiny red thigh boots and I crawl eagerly beside them, turning occasionally as far as my posture collar permits to look at the red patent leather and the huge heels. She is also wearing a matching patent leather bodice that is cut very high on the thigh and has a zip at the front which is currently at about the level of her navel so that the soft flesh of her breasts is clearly displayed before they disappear from sight beneath it. Between her breasts hangs a red stone on a necklace. She holds my leash in her red gloved hands.
Whether she pays me any attention I cannot tell. She doesn't look down, simply walking through the street as one might taking a dog for a walk.
Despite my recent climax or, perhaps because of it, I revel in this treatment.
We pass the usual suspects and others, a woman in a hobble skirt trips past on toe boots with her arms folded behind her into a box sleeve, she is being lead by her nipple piercings; there is a pony cart being drawn by two pretty redheads tied up outside the lingerie store, the girls are decked out in ornate harnesses and plumes and while their mistress shops they nuzzle against each other as far as their bonds will allow.
After perhaps ten minutes, we reach something that looks like a house, a single story that is almost cottage like and somewhat out of place in this grimy slum. The brunette mounts the single step to the porch and places her palm on a sensor like the payment tablets mounted beside the door. She then pushes the door open and leads me inside.
I am expecting some sort of kinky playroom but it is simply a living room with chairs and tables, a breakfast bar and a kitchenette. The only evidence that it is in Subtown is the smattering of sex toys and bondage gear lying around though, compared to Hispanic girl's treasure trove, the equipment is somewhat spartan. The woman drops my leash and I settle back on my heels bowing my head as far as the posture collar will allow.
'My, aren't we a good girl.' The brunette circles me. 'Though perhaps I'd better cuff your hands behind you to remove any temptation you might be feeling to repeat that kinky little act of yours.'
'If it would please you, Mistress.'
'Quite the little sub.' She reaches down and frees my wrists. I place my arms behind my back and she locks my wrists together again.
'Better ?'
'Yes. Thank you, Mistress.'
'What's your name ?' I see her walk to the kitchen, take a bottle of wine, pour a glass.
'Tiffany, Mistress.'
'I mean your real name.' She walks back towards me sipping the wine.
'Tiffany, Mistress.' I look down shyly. I come here to do what I do in a place where I won't be known. However, deep down, I have often fantasised about meeting another like me here. However, there are safeguards, even here, to prevent the exchange of personal information. Even so, I blush slightly at the thought I have lied to her.
'Whatever.' She is standing in front of me again and I can't help looking up at that delicious full body. 'What do you think of the new mod ? Your first time with an av ?' She takes another sip of wine.
Drinking is like other bodily functions here, an optional extra.
'Tonight, yes.'
She crouches in front of me and I look back into her eyes before dropping my gaze submissively though this takes my eyes to her breasts and then down at her crotch.
'These are delightful.' She strokes my nipples. 'Is this anything like what you look like for real ?'
'No, Mistress.' I'm sure we're not supposed to be discussing this sort of thing. Perhaps the protocols to prevent the exchange of personal information are less stringent with the new interactions.
'Me neither.' She smiles. 'Though I recall being a brunette.' She stands and I get to see her boots in their full glory. 'I've always wanted big tits though.'
I look up to see her playing with her breasts with her free hand.
'How about you ?'
'36B, Mistress. The real Tiffany is a skinny blonde.'
'Not here I see.' She smiles. 'I must say I admire your taste.'
'Thank you, Mistress.'
'Anyway, why don't we get you into some interesting bondage, then we can talk some more.'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She uses rope; it is soft and white but I can still feel it chafing my skin as she tightens it round my shoulders, pulling them back. She ties my elbows together next and then, after removing the cuffs, my wrists.
'Do you like having your breasts bound ?'
'Very much, Mistress.'
'Good girl.'
She sets to work on my breasts, harnessing and binding them.
'You own anything here ?' She talks conversationally even though I am kneeling at her feet and she is handling my breasts freely.
'Own ?'
'Real estate.' She pauses to take a sip of wine. 'This place is going to be worth a fortune one day. You should invest.'
'I'm not sure I could afford it.'
'Be worth the investment if you can.' She runs rope close to both my nipples and tightens it so it pinches them gently.
I think of the money I have earned by prostituting myself. I'd hoped to pay for more sim time though realise I will need to replace the rubber clothes that were torn off me. Either way, I'm pretty sure I couldn't afford anything like property here. I begin to wonder who this woman is in the real world. She must at least have come in though a registered portal and can afford the drinking mod. I've never even thought of buying a house here. This woman must be rich and, perhaps, influential.
She starts to tighten ropes around my belly, linking them to the rope harness which pulls my shoulders back and cinches my breasts. When she has finished there are three ropes hanging free and I am excited at where she is going to put them.
'Stand up.'
I obey and she removes my thong then pats my bottom gently.
'This is nice too.'
She draws the hanging ropes between my legs, pulling two back, tightly, separating my labia and pulling them tight into my bottom; the third comes forward through my sex.
She smiles as she tightens it off. 'I'm guessing you might be asking me to undo this quickly later.'
I grin back. 'Yes, Mistress.'
'Sit in the chair.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I sit in the padded wooden chair, the leather of the seat cold for a moment against my bottom. My arms go over the chair back.
She crouches and begins to tie my legs, knees wide apart, ankles pulled back, ropes around my thighs then she ties my arms to the back of the chair.
'Let me see you struggle.'
I squirm against the ropes. They are deliciously tight, knotted where I can't reach them. My breasts are throbbing and, after struggling I can feel the crotch rope working its magic.
'Good girl.' I watch as she goes to the kitchen and refils her wineglass. Then she slips off her shiny red leather gloves walks back towards me. I think she may be swaying on her heels.
She sits astride me, facing me so that once again I am forced to look at her, her blue eyes and strong features, her large breasts. Her nipples are stiffly erect under the leather bodice.
'I don't suppose you drink.'
'No, Mistress.' I know she is asking whether I have the mod.
'Shame. You really should try it. You can get as drunk as you like and never have a hangover.'
'Maybe.' I don't really want to tell her all my disposable income goes on sim time.
'You can still taste though.' She dips her finger in the wineglass. 'Open wide.' She slips it into my mouth and runs her fingertip over my tongue. I notice her nails are the same glossy red as her clothes.
'Thank you, Mistress.' I can taste the wine but, though I try, I can't swallow it, it is almost as if I've forgotten what to do.
She leans forward and kisses me gently on the lips.
'I think that collar might need to come off.' She puts the wine on the floor and unbuckles the posture collar.
'So, tell me, what is it you like best ? Is it the bondage or are you more into S&M and being tied up is just a way to get yourself punished ?'
'I like it all, Mistress. I like dressing in rubber and leather too, and seeing others in it.'
'What delightful little fetish addict you are.' She kisses me again and drips another drop of wine into my mouth.
I lick my lips.
'Perhaps we should find out if the wine has any effect on you.'
'I don't think it will. If I can't swallow it I won't get drunk.'
'Oh, I wasn't thinking of getting you to drink it.' She arches her eyebrow suggestively and for a moment I am confused but then she dips her finger back in the wine and rubs a little on my nipple. I feel a slight chill as the wine evaporates and my nipple responds obediently.
'See ? It does have an effect.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I smile. 'Perhaps you should punish me for doubting you.'
She smiles back. 'Oh, I'm sure there'll be time for that later.'
She drips a little more wine onto my nipple and then bends to lick it off. She repeats the process with the other side.
'Shouldn't I be doing that for you, Mistress ?'
'Perhaps you should.'
I watch as she slides her zip down a little further and then slips her free hand into her bodice, guiding her right breast out; it is delightfully firm and round and, I notice, considerably bigger than mine, her nipple is pierced. She holds the edge of the glass to her nipple and tips it up so the wine wets it then guides her nipple to my mouth.
I lick it and then suckle it gently then play with the nipple ring.
'Good girl.' I can hear the pleasure in her voice. 'You know, I've read there's a mod that lets you lactate.'
'I think wine is more fun.'
'Me to.' I know I cannot be drunk but there is something about the situation that excites me in a way that is not purely sexual.
'Ropes aren't too tight ?'
'No, Mistress. Just right.'
'Good. Let's try the other side shall we ?' She puts down her wine and shrugs her shoulders out of the bodice. Her breasts really are beautiful and the little gold rings in her nipples glint in the light. I paid all I could afford for Tiffany's body, larger breasts were a premium.
I spend some time licking her breasts and she finishes the glass, leaving me for a moment to refill it. As she becomes a little more drunk the wine begins to run down her belly and she stands to let me lick it out of her navel. Eventually she pulls the bodice off entirely, standing in front of me in just her boots. Her clit is pierced with a similar gold ring and she responds with a gasp when I flick it with my tongue.
I want to make her come with my tongue but it is difficult in this position.
'Do you have a bedroom here, Mistress.'
'Are you feeling tired ?'
'No, Mistress. I was just thinking I could please you more...', I search for the word, '...thoroughly, if we were lying down.'
'I think you've done a pretty good job already.' She takes a swig of wine, draining the remains of the glass, the last of the bottle, and walks to the kitchen leaving it on the counter. She is definitely swaying on her heels now. 'Time for me to give you a little fun.' She turns and smiles at me and I can't help thinking how beautiful she is.
'Yes, Mistress.'
'I seem to recall I was going to punish you.'
'Yes, Mistress.'
'The question is how to do it with you all trussed up like that.'
My breasts are quite tightly bound and striking them with a crop would be painful but probably wouldn't be as satisfying as striking bare flesh; in the sitting position my bottom is protected; she could perhaps take a crop to my thighs where there is no rope around them; I am aware the sole of my feet are exposed and I suppose she could always clamp my nipples.
She comes to stand behind me and gently pulls my head back, bending to kiss me on the mouth again. I return the kiss and feel her hands slip to my breasts, kneading them gently in their little rope prisons and then teasing my nipples with the edges of her nails.
'I don't think this can be classed as punishment, Mistress.'
Her hand slides down my body and between my legs stroking my labia which are already wet and swollen.
I feel her smile as she continues to toy with my helpless body. One of her hands wraps in my hair and holds my head back as her tongue probes deeply into my mouth. I can taste the wine on her breath.
I squirm with pleasure feeling the pull of the ropes on my body, a sensation which excites me further.
'Those ropes really are tight, aren't they ?'
'Yes, Mistress.' I am in a dreamy world of subspace, helpless, aroused, squirming in delicious bondage.
'Do you think you can squirm enough to make yourself come ?'
I wriggle on the seat. The crotch-rope is teasing but I'm not sure it is enough to give me orgasm. Tiffany has, however, endured most of the night in bondage and, for most of that has been frustrated.
I think I can probably do it.
'I'm not sure, Mistress.' I strain up to try to kiss her but she lifts her head.
'Shall we find out then ?' She stands and smooths my hair. 'Your mistress commands the her slave come.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I begin to squirm trying to rub my sex against the seat of the chair hoping to work the crotch-rope against me. After a few minutes I realise it is not going to be easy. Mistress has opened another bottle of wine, refilled her glass; she sits watching the show from a leather armchair opposite me, feet up, still wearing just her boots. When I look up, flushed and frustrated, she raises her glass to me and takes a sip.
For a very long time she watches me squirm. At least twice I get very close to climax but it eludes me; on the third occasion I look back at Mistress in defeat.
'Please, Mistress.'
I am bathed in sweat, gasping and, despite my nakedness, very hot.
Mistress smiles and climbs a little unsteadily to her feet.
'So you're begging me to let you come ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
'Good girl.' She picks up a vibrator and comes to sit astride me again, sliding the vibrator in between us. 'Shall we do it together ? I must say I've got very wet down below watching you squirm like that. You really are a beautifully submissive little thing.'
'Thank you, Mistress.'
She kisses me and switches on the vibrator.
After my sexual teasing my body responds almost instantly and it is clear my booted brunette mistress is in a very similar state. As my orgasm builds she kisses me gently, stroking my hair and her gentleness strikes me as an extreme contrast, to my earlier encounters with other avatars, other humans using this simulated world to satisfy their fetishistic lusts.
We climax almost together, me slightly before her, and she hugs me as we do so, pressing her body against mine, I can feel the firmness of her body, the pressure of her thighs, the fullness of her breasts, her nipples, as hard as mine.
Then we are both lost, vulnerable and in thrall to our bodies' needs, no longer Mistress and Slave but the same.
When I emerge gasping from a climax that I think has lasted several minutes I find Mistress smiling at me, her dominance returned, her blue eyes shining so that were I not bound and helpless I would obey her utterly, her willing sex toy and her loyal slave.
'Thank you, Mistress.'
'Oh, I think we both got what we wanted.' She brushes her hair back on one side, a gesture I have noticed her use before, a mannerism that is probably something she does in the real too, such things are often transferred to Avatars. Then she turns off the vibrator and kisses me gently.
And thus we spend the rest of the night together, me as Mistress' obedient slave, helpless in the rope harness using my tongue to pleasure her and Mistress in her thigh boots gently dominating me. After our second climax together where, again, I feel her vulnerability, she releases my from the chair but only to slide me over her lap on the bed and spank me hard. It is perhaps the most delightful punishment I have ever endured; Mistress' body in contact with mine, firm and toned and those delicious boots; after I climax twice during the spanking she ties me by my ankles to the bed and gags me with a large ball gag. Then she pleasures me. I have had cunnelingus many times in Subtown, certainly in my earlier visits before my addiction to more intense bondage and physical punishment grew, but this is beyond anything I have experienced; her tongue is so skilled that I squirm and cry and beg through my gag for her to let me come again; it is an exquisite torment so different from the grueling torture I have endured for my own pleasure already this night and for many nights before.
I wonder if I have finally found the kind of domination I desire, not the brutal, intense pain and violent climaxes in the anonymity of Subtown but something I can enjoy both in sim and in the real.
I am lying in a haze of satisfaction when I feel something trigger inside me, a feeling of nausea and exhaustion. I have felt it before, on my second visit to Subtown when I tarried, delaying my return to the entry portal. Subsequently, I always ensured I arrive at the exit in good time. When playing with AIs who are linked to the core there is no possibility of them unexpectedly keeping me in bondage too long.
'I have to go to the portal, Mistress.'
'You can't stay ?'
'I really want to. I...she...me... I have to go...' I am shaking.
She begins to untie me and, just as she frees me I feel the second warning, staggering.
'Come on.' She must recognise the signs and is walking to the door still naked save for her boots.
I have fifteen minutes and the portal is only a short distance away, I can easily reach it. If I stayed here I would return to my body when my allotted time was complete but all my memories of this night (and my small earnings, whatever they might be) would be lost.
'Yes ?'
'Will you take me back the way you brought me here ?'
She smiles. 'Of course.'
I drop to my knees and she collars me then pulls on her leather bodice.
'Heel !' She picks up my leash and I crawl out of the door behind her.
We have only a few minutes and part of me wants to go through the portal like this, like an animal, a pet, on all fours but I also want to say goodbye to mistress properly.
'Mistress.' I kneel back on my heels. 'May I kiss you again before I go ?'
'Of course.'
I stand and, somewhat awkwardly take her into my arms. Something I am not sure I have ever done in the sim.
I see her smile though there is sadness in her blue eyes.
'May I see you again ?' I try not to sound too desperate.
'I'm sure that can be arranged.'
There is a pad by the portal and she keys in her code. I turn and do the same. I don't care what it will cost me. I'll probably have to take out a loan to come back tonight but I so want to do this again.
Perhaps somehow we will be able to continue seeing her.
Perhaps we can meet in the real.
Nausea washes over me and I stagger. Mistress steadies me.
'I will see you tonight.' She kisses me gently on the cheek. 'You don't want to forget me, do you.'
'No, Mistress.'
She gives me a gentle push and I pass through the portal, turning as I do so to see her world shimmer and vanish and then I am back in the entrance suite.
Author's Note: the first two parts were published together
Chapter 5 (added: 2018/08/11)
Needless to say we are being punished. Mistress is very angry with us, and with Madam Equa. Mistress doesn't punish her subjects often, except her slaves of course, but she ordered Madam Equa flogged, a punishment that was carried out by the Chateau Flame's Tormentress. Madam Equa could, of course, allow her slave to take the punishment for her and the thought of seeing the voluptuous Nipples dancing under the whip, no doubt encouraged a good attendance at the event. However, Madam Equa chose to take the punishment herself, something I am certain will ensure the loyalty of her slave for a long time to come and confirm clearly her own loyalty to Countess Desire.
Silver and I are, of course enduring a far more severe punishment which is likely, overall, to last several days. I could perhaps argue that I had a very limited role in what was largely Silver's transgression but unfortunately I was climaxing loudly and strongly in my bondage when Mistress caught us.
I think Silver was so engrossed in her cunnelingus she did not notice Mistress striding across the floor of the gymnasium until it was too late and, for my part, I was otherwise occupied, as well as being hooded. Even if I had noticed her approach it is doubtful I would have been able to warn Silver in time.
We are, as the first part of our punishment straddling a steel bar which, over the last few hours seems to have become increasingly hard where it is pressing against my sex; our arms are chained behind our backs, wrist cuffs locked to opposite upper arm cuffs while our ankle cuffs are chained to the thigh cuff on the same side. Chains behind our knees keep us upright so there is no escape from the pressure on our poor crushed pussies and we are far enough off the ground that we cannot support ourselves in any way. We are both gagged, of course, and sit facing each other. Our nipples are clamped and joined, my left to Silver's right and her left to my right, by wires from which hang weights so that if either of us moves the weights are set swinging. My nipples are still sore from the punishment in the gymnasium and this arrangement is an exquisite torment for me.
I can see that Silver is suffering too, the eloquent agony in her lovely blue eyes is heartbreaking. I long to comfort her but chains from our collars are locked to the end of the bar which we straddle and keep us a short distance apart furthermore a rod between our nose rings means that, even were we not held apart by our bonds we would not be able to touch or, indeed, kiss and yet we are forced to look at each other; this is perhaps the cruelest torment of all.
We have already been whipped, of course, buttocks, thighs (inner, outer, front and back), belly, calf and the soles of our feet. This whipping occurred before we were left in our punishment bondage and, I think, Mistress has left our breasts and backs for Madam Equa though she has decorated our breasts heavily with the urticant wand.
A girl could spend her whole life in the clothing boutique of Subtown, well a kinky girl at least. The shop is packed with every conceivable fetish garment from heavy rubber bodysuits to lingerie that is little more than a collection of silk strings, there are bras and knickers of every colour and material from leather to lace and many that are completely transparent; stockings come in rubber, silk and nylon, fine mesh and fishnet, some torn for effect; a lot of the skirts are ultrashort designed to flash the wearer's knickers, if she is wearing any, at any opportunity, but some are long and tight designed to bind and hobble the wearer, there are harnesses too and corsets, lots of corsets even steel ones that can be locked on the submissive as a punishment or, perhaps a reward; subs often adorn themselves with collars too and cuffs, others with piercings though many prefer this to be carried out within the simulation itself; the boots and shoes almost invariably have heels that are at least five inches whether they are simple sandals or heavy rubber thigh boots, many are designed to lock in place, particularly the toe boots. As well as individual items there are sets too: kinky uniforms, pony girl gear complete with bridles and play hooves; pet ears and collars with bells and, of course, kinky superhero outfits that would almost certainly fall off in any sort of action.
I want to wear something to please Mistress and with the credit earned from my night as a whore I think I can pick something from the designer range but as I enter the boutique one of the assistants takes my arm and leads me directly into the changing rooms. She is a statuesque blonde like madam who guards the door though this one looks like a shopgirl with her tight white blouse stretched over the points of nipples confined in a bullet bra and black pencil skirt that would be utterly smooth across her firm bottom and thighs if its line was not lost over the clips of her suspenders. I try to protest but the girl's hold on my arm is firm unwavering.
She shows me into a booth and there is my costume waiting for me. It consists of a red, white and blue rubber bra and matching knickers; there is writing on them and when I lift them up I can read the words 'Sex Toy'; the bra has holes for my nipples and the knickers are split in the crotch and lined with little rubber cilia that tease a girl as she walks; it is obvious that, as I bend the split will open exposing my sex blatantly to anyone who cares to look at me. There is a collar too with the word 'Sex Toy' embossed on it too.
The girl offers to assist me in dressing but I decline. The way she has brought me here leaving no room for arguement has already excited me and feeling her hands on me would, no doubt be pleasurable but I wish to save myself for Mistress and it will hardly take me more than a few seconds to don the deliciously slutty garments. I roll the rubber over my skin ensuring my nipples are poking through the little holes designed for them, the holes pinch gently and are slightly rough to ensure that, like my sex already responding the rubber cilia, my nipples are constantly stimulated. In the mirror I can see Tiffany's body clad in rubber that shapes her curves and highlights her smooth tanned skin, she is deliciously seductive, the word 'Sex Toy' is splashed across Tiffany's big breasts and firm round bottom, her nipples already swollen like ripe raspberries; I cannot resist spreading my thighs to look at my shiny pink sex through the slit in the knickers.
Tiffany is a girl who shaves and waxes daily, moisturises regularly and spends half her day in the salon to look her best for Tuesday's visits.
I would like Mistress to collar me but that is clearly not what she desires and I lift the metal to my throat, encircling Tiffany's neck. I am about to close it when I think I should probably kneel to be collared. I drop to my knees spreading my thighs wide and close the collar, locking around my throat, hearing it click shut, locked.
I tremble with pleasure.
I am about to stand when I notice the boots, knee high boots with six inch heels that will make me walk on the very tips of my toes like I did when following the AI mistress and her maid who walked me on a leash. I sit on the leather stool flashing my pussy again, because it's hard not to and because that's the kind of collared slutty rubber sex toy I am. Then I slide the boots onto my feet and begin to lace them up.
When I have finished dressing I am panting hard, not with the exertion but with the expectation. I can see Tiffany's face flushed in the mirror and I tell her what a little slut she is.
She likes this and smiles back at me. Then she stands and, slightly hesitantly on the huge heels walks out of the changing room.
The shop girl has been waiting for me and I note immediately she carries a set of wrist cuffs and a chain leash.
'Very nice, Madam.' She smiles. 'The garments suit you.'
'Thank you.' I smile.
'Turn round.' The AI's have a very definite dominant voice and the girl uses it on me.
I obey immediately and, before I can even think to stop her she has cuffed my hands behind my back. I pull against them impotently as she spins me round so she can clip the leash to my 'Sex Toy' collar.
'Heel.' She walks off, jerking the leash and I follow obediently behind.
I am scanned again by Madam on the door. The two girls could be twins save for their different garments. Madam is, currently, dressed in a black catsuit that has a military air and she carries a taser rather than a whip. Her clothes do change from time to time when the software gets upgraded. Her scan takes the form of a body search which, given the skin tight nature of my skimpy rubber garments is gratuitous but in my current state extremely enjoyably and deliciously intimate with her fingers going into every orifice.
She passes me and her shop girl clone leads me through the portal.
I find myself in an area of Subtown I don't recognise or perhaps the upgrade has changed the appearances of facades. I look around trying to get my bearings and catch a glimpse of nipple clamped blonde disappearing round a corner. Tracking back I see Hispanic girl restraining a pretty oriental looking girl in one of her display windows; Hispanic girl is using rope, trying to obtain a shibari effect, something her captive is clearly enjoying from the look in her lovely dark almond eyes which are wide above the huge red ball gag that fills her mouth; even from this far I can see her nostrils flaring as she struggles in the intense bondage which has her suspended in a kind of hogtie but with her arms folded behind her back; the tight knotted crotch rope disappearing between her legs is probably playing its part in her arousal although, if she is anything like me, the feeling of rope on her skin is also working like an aphrodisiac.
I hope Mistress will use rope again.
Shop Girl leads me a short way down the street to a stone plinth standing in the middle of an intersection. I don't recall seeing it before; it looks like the sort of thing a statue might be set on but the steps cut into the side suggest another use. It is about waist height and has a steel ring set into the top. Shop Girl tells me to climb onto it and I obey dropping to my knees at her command on the top. Around me the people of Subtown continue to go about their business, doms and subs passing, the latter leashed and hobbled, crawling or tottering on punishing heels. There has definitely been an upgrade since my last visit, the slim brunette with the bit and butt plug is now harnessed to a gig and Jodhper girl now flashes her small cleavage from its seat. Goth mistress and the pierced redhead come next, bells now adoring her nip
ple piercings, and then a couple I have not seen before, a mistress in corset and taffeta skirt, with a fascinator perched on her head and a pearl choker; I can tell she's AI but the woman behind is clearly an avatar, a petite blonde dressed as far as I can tell only in a large black cloak that flaps out as she walks exposing her naked body beneath, from what I can see of the blonde's face beneath the hood of her cloak she is pretty with blue eyes and a small rosebud mouth, she is heavily made up and her nipples have been rouged too; perhaps she has been made to look like a whore; the boudior dominatrix leads her by a clit piercing and as she passes she looks up at me; perhaps she knows I too am like her or perhaps she is new to Subtown, wide eyed at the vast array of kink available; perhaps she thinks she will try what I am doing next time; whatever her story, I can see the pleasure in her sharp blue eyes as she is lead to enjoy whatever masochistic pleasure she desires.
There is a pull on my collar and I realise Shop Girl has passed my leash through the ring in the plinth, she pulls on the chain and I am drawn down so that my neck is next to the ring, my face no more than a few inches above the stone. Shop Girl fastens me like this with a padlock, on my knees, wrists cuffed behind my back, my bottom above the level of my head and my sex, no doubt gaping, exposed to whoever chooses to touch it.
I am the slutty sex toy I desire to be, my status written on my body, clear for all to see.
I shudder with delight.
I am back in tight bondage and the feeling is exquisite. I am lying on my back on a low table in Mistress' house. She has once again used ropes to bind me and as I squirm in pleasure I hear them creak and feel them bite into the flesh of my wrists and arms, tighten around my spread thighs and my crossed, booted ankles, there is even a noose around my throat above my wonderfully humiliating collar that tightens deliciously when I lift my head. I have always thought I preferred being restrained in leather, enjoying the look and feel of it on my body, its smell and taste; but I think I will soon be addicted to being bound with rope; this is not only from the way it confines me now but the way it takes longer to bind a girl with rope making the interaction between dominant and submissive, Mistress and Slave, more prolonged and far more intimate.
It was the bondage that first excited me, the feeling of utter helplessness, of being gagged and blindfolded but, then I began to enjoy the domination of another, the loss of control, a spiral of teasing, flagellation, humiliation, pain; but now there is more, there is Mistress.
I lie on my back across a low table in Mistress' house, thighs spread, ankles pulled back and bound together, crossed, beneath the tabletop; I still wear my beautiful submissive boots. My wrists are tied together too, pulled up over my head and then down under the table so that when I pull against my restraints I can feel the ropes tighten on my ankles; my elbows are bound too so that my head rests on the rope binding them. Mistress sits with her stockinged feet resting on my bare belly; she is still dressed, partly at least, lacy red lingerie, her bra still covering her breasts and garters still holding up the stockings. The red pendant still swings teasingly between her full breasts. I removed her knickers with my teeth when we arrived here and they now fill my mouth, a deliciously sensuous gag.
I have pleasured her twice so far, helpless as I am now, lifting my head, feeling the cord around my throat tighten as I thrust my tongue inside her; I am sure I pleased her from the way she moaned and cried, enjoying the ministrations of her helpless and utterly devoted slave but then, after her second climax, or should I say series of climaxes, she stood leaving me helpless and full of lust; I watched her walking to the table to retrieve her wineglass then saunter back taking a tiny sip before kneeling beside my head and pushing her discarded knickers into my mouth.
I am thus hot and horny as hell but I still haven't been allowed to come.
She sits, holding her glass of wine in one hand but I notice tonight she barely drinks from it. Instead she fiddles with the remote control to the vibrator she tied against my pussy, with the knotted crotchrope that torments me as I squirm, teasing me mercilessly. She has also tied a cord around each of my nipples and has them twisted around the fingers of the hand in which she holds the vibrator so that as she torments me with pleasure the cords create delicious sensations in my swollen nipples.
I have a dozen whipmarks on my belly, punishment for trying to defy her and reach the orgasm I so desperately crave. After teasing me with the vibrator and the nipple cords for some time she asked if I was ready for orgasm; I was, of course, as she well knew, she had been turing off the vibrator repeatedly just as I was about to come; despite my submissive desires or perhaps because of them, I lied, shaking my head trying to pretend I was not so mindblowingly near orgasm I could barely think of anything beyond how helpless I was and how this gorgeous woman was dominating me so utterly and how much I wanted to come; I hoped she might give me a few moments more pleasure that would carry me over the edge but instead she stopped the vibrator, carefully placed it to one side and then stood, delivering the half dozen blows sharply, punishing me physically but also humiliating me utterly for my worthlessness.
I came as she whipped me, of course.
The vibrator stops again and I whimper pitifully into my humiliating gag.
A noise outside has caught Mistress' attention.
A shot.
She puts down her glass and places aside the control to my vibrator, standing purposefully, alert suddenly. From where I am lying I can see her lush body, full and strong, her long toned legs, tight belly and full breasts, she looks so utterly dominant.
'I may have to step out for a few moments.'
I can also see her gaping labia, pink and moist, the ring in her clitoris catching the low light. She dressed only in her bra and stockings but then this is Subtown.
She slips on her heels then turns from me and walks to a painting on the wall, pulling it open on hinges mounted on one side like one might see in a detective film to reveal a safe. It takes her only seconds to turn the combination lock, spinning it in a blur of movement that is beyond my ability to see let alone remember. The door opens and I can see only darkness, not just the absence of light but the absence of reality as if whatever lies within is not part of this world, or perhaps less dramatically, beyond the coding of Subtown.
I watch as she reaches in and retrieves and object. Exposed to the light of this world, I see it is a gun, a small but heavy revolver. I see her check it with a precision that is honed by constant familiarity, opening the chamber, checking the rounds, inspecting the mechanism then snapping it shut.
I hear shouts in the street outside, noise, the unmistakable sound of violence.
She stuffs the gun into the top of her right garter then she looks down at me and smiles.
'I should probably put my knickers on but I'm not sure they'd be of any use to me at the moment.'
She picks up her transparent PVC coat and slips it on. 'I suppose this will have to do.' She grins more broadly. 'A girl must preserve some modesty.'
She blows me a kiss.
'Don't go away.'
As if I could, or would want to.
She slips out through the door and out into the street. I lift my head to try see what is happening but the cord around my neck tightens sharply and then the door closes leaving me alone and helpless.
I squirm for several minutes tugging frantically at the ropes but I am securely bound I have no option but to wait for her return. I lie listening to the unfolding scene in the street. I can hear screaming and swearing, windows breaking, an explosion; there are more shots but I don't think they are fired from Mistress's gun. Tuesday trains on the firing range regularly and is familiar with a variety of weapons. She has also policed a number or riots; the sound is unmistakeable.
I should probably be frightened. I am bound to a table, half naked, gagged and there is only a light wooden and very definitely unlocked door between me and a violent street confrontation outside.
I hear the unmistakable sound of a fire.
However, I am not frightened and I know this is not because I am in a simulation, it is because of the way Mistress looked. She was not frightened at all. If anything she looked slightly exhilarated. I know that she will protect me.
I turn my head and look at the wall safe, still open, the painting hanging out at right angles to the wall. The blackness is still there, like the absence of reality, still and calm and unfathomable.
There is another shot.
A second.
Mistress has six rounds. She has fired two. I cannot think of anywhere she might conceal more ammunition.
Her opponent returns fire.
I lie still, holding my breath only releasing it when until Mistress fires a third shot.
There is silence outside.
A cold sweat bathes me then nausea washes over me. If I wasn't gagged, I would lick my lips.
I hear the door start to open and look towards it. I know it must be Mistress. I think I see her arm, the clear PVC coat, her stockinged leg and patent leather stiletto.
Then the world dissolves around me.
I scream into my gag in frustration but there is nothing I can do.
It is the second day of our punishment. After a day astride the steel bar we are locked in tiny cages, on our knees, our wrists chained behind us and our legs folded tightly beneath us. These cages are so small that when we are locked in them we can barely move and, after several hours our bodies are tormented by cramps. We are, of course, gagged and, on this occasion also hooded so that we kneel in the darkness listing to each other's whimpers.
I have an enema tube inside me and, I assume the same is true for Silver. A girl must relieve herself even if she has not been fed for twenty four hours. Many mistresses enjoy seeing their slaves squat to pee in front of them, granting permission to do this is another way for a mistress to exert her dominance over one of her pets, but very few I think enjoy watching their slaves evacuate their bowels. Slaves who are being punished are thus sometimes plugged or, as in our case, flushed regularly with enemas. The enemas themselves can also be used as a punishment, stretching a girl's belly, inflicting pain as well as humiliation at her utter helplessness. Chilled enemas can be particularly effective, making a girl shiver, her teeth chattering around her gag as she is cooled from the core; enemas provide fluid too ensuring a slave can be kept gagged for days at a time without becoming dehydrated; of course, a slave's mouth has other uses too so even if she is not permitted to drink, a slave's gag is sometimes removed to allow her to pleasure the very mistress that is punishing her; such treatment is sometimes used to condition a slave to her mistress when she is being trained or newly acquired, ensuring the only thing she tastes, sometimes for days or even weeks at a time is her mistress' pussy. I can say from personal experience that a girl quickly learns to looks forward to the salt tang of her mistress' sex and rehearses diligently to ensure she provides prolonged and very satisfying cunnelingus.
However, Mistress' pussy is very definitely off her slaves' menu at the moment. I expect she has been enjoying the pleasures of Nipple's enormous breasts and extremely talented tongue or perhaps has taken Madam Equa to her bed. I watched Madam Equa writhe under the whip during her punishment which took place as we awaited ours and the only sounds that escaped around her gag were moans of lust.
Nipple clamped blonde has just been lead past me for a third time and pony brunette has just trotted past again. They have obviously upgraded the software because the brunette is now pulling her blonde groom in gig rather than simply being lead along.
I am kneeling on a plinth in the middle of Subtown's main drag where it intersects with another street, another change. I am chained here by my collar with my wrists cuffed behind my back.
For me this is a free trip to Subtown, something went wrong with the programme last time I was here and the whole site was shut down; this may have the work of ordinary hackers but I wonder if it was something to do with the Reivers.
Pulse gave me a voucher.
As I came out early I have no memory of what happened. I hope I met Mistress and I hope she is safe though I think she must be because when I entered the sim this time I was given a costume to wear rather than choose my own. It consists of a rubber bra and knickers and a collar with the words Sex Toy on; I think Mistress must have supplied this. I am wearing knee high toe boots too.
The knickers are split crotch and I know that as I kneel with my head chained down and my bottom in the air everyone who comes past can see my pussy and they can probably all tell how horny being kept like this is making me. Having my nipples poking through the peep hole bra does nothing to quell my excitement.
A sharp slap on my bottom makes me jerk against my chain leash; I try to turn but, chained like this, I cannot see who delivered it.
I hope it is Mistress.
Fingers brush against my thigh and I turn again to see a beautiful oriental girl wearing only a pair of shiny red thigh boots. She smiles and strokes my bottom with the crop that she has just used to strike me.
'Thank you, Mistress.' Here I am slave. I think it is how I should respond.
'Well trained too.' She has a typical oriental accent, struggling to enunciate the 'r' in 'trained'.
'I am waiting for my Mistress, Mistress.' It sounds strange to say it.
'Oh, but you called me Mistress just now.' She stops stroking my rubber clad bottom and comes to stand before me tapping the crop into her other hand. Her body is sweet and, for an oriental she has lovely big breasts with huge dark brown nipples. 'And my boots really do need cleaning.'
Her boots are beautiful and shiny and, at any other time I would be delighted to worship them.
I am aware of a movement beside me and, glancing across I see Madam, or at least a Madam.
'My mistress will be here soon.' I tell the Oriental Girl.
She grabs my hair and pulls my head back. 'Then you'd better work on my boots quickly unless you want to be punished.'
'Yes, Mistress.' There is nothing I can do, and her boots really do look quite delicious; besides, her dominance excites me.
She lifts her foot onto the plinth to which I am chained and I lower my head. As I begin to lick her lovely shiny boots the taste and smell of leather wash over. I begin with to toe and then move to the instep. Standing with one foot up her pussy is very close to my face and I think that by squirming forward I might be able to lick that too.
I as a sex toy and have little choice over who might play with me.
I am made to give pleasure.
I crawl slightly forward and run my tongue up the spike of her stiletto heel.
'Mmmmm, good girl.' I am sure she pushes her hips forwards, her crotch brushes against my hair.
I crawl forward again pushing out my tongue, licking the soft shaved skin of her pubis and feel her stroke my hair. 'Looks like I won't have to punish you after all.' She leans forward to tap my bottom with her whip and I lick her with even more enthusiasm, pushing my tongue between her thighs and tasting salt.
A sharp blow to my bottom makes me start.
'You'll have to find your own toy to play with.' It is Mistress.
'I saw her first.' Oriental Girl is defiant.
'She's mine.' I sense the edge in Mistress' voice that leave no room for doubt. I have been in some pretty tense situations. I know when people are bluffing of displaying bravado. Mistress is not bluffing.
'Want to fight me for her ?' Oriental Girl steps back and hold up her whip.
'No.' Again Mistress leave me in no room for doubt. Her possessiveness excites me.
I watch as Oriental Girl lifts he whip.
There is a blur of motion and Mistress has her by the hair, head pulled back, body arched. Mistress holds the whip against Oriental Girl's throat. It is not the tactic I would have used, it is a position that leaves you way too open but it makes a very point.
Oriental Girl is clearly frightened.
'Go.' Mistress brings the whip down on Oriental Girl's breasts and then pushes her away. I watch her stumble and then stand straight, walking away with as much dignity as she can. Her bottom is as beautiful as her breasts.
'Now, young lady.' Mistress stands before me. She is as beautiful and perfect as I remember, a reflection of Tiffany, a reflection currently dressed in lacy red lingerie deliciously packaged in a transparent PVC coat that hides nothing of her beauty; I can see her lacy red garters holding up her stockings and her shiny red stiletto heels. I look up to see her frown. 'I think you need to be taught a lesson.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I can't help smiling. Mistress' has chosen a costume for me, a costume that is so deliciously humiliating it excites me, she has demonstrated a determination to own me too.
I am in love.
I am back in tight bondage and the feeling is exquisite. I am lying on my back on a low table in Mistress' house. She has once again used ropes to bind me and as I squirm in pleasure I hear them creak and feel them bite into the flesh of my wrists and arms, tighten around my spread thighs and my crossed, booted ankles, there is even a noose around my throat above my wonderfully humiliating collar that tightens deliciously when I lift my head.
The position seems delightfully familiar.
I have six stripes on my bare belly where Mistress has punished me for my brief relationship with Oriental Girl.
Such treatment has confirmed my love for Mistress even more and I have pleasured her twice to thank her. She seems so relaxed tonight, sitting beside me now still wearing her bra and stockings. Her wine glass sits on the table beside me. She has tied cords around my nipples and is using these to tease me, using them to stretch my breasts, to lift them to her tongue when she bends to kiss them. There is a knotted rope pressing hard against my pussy and each time I struggle it rubs my sex, teasing me; Mistress has been using a vibrator too, pushing it against my sex and even leaving it tucked into the crotch rope. She has been careful not to let me come.
'I expect you're ready to come.' She smiles down at me.
'No, Mistress.' I lie. 'Not yet.'
'You are a very naughty girl.' Mistress picks up the whip and strikes me on the belly. The pain dissolves into the fire burning in my loins, stoking it. I am so close to orgasm I am surprised that the blow itself does not send me over the edge. A second blow takes me closer especially as I squirm, making the knotted crotch rope rub my sex and lift my head feeling the noose around my throat tighten above my collar.
'Please, Mistress.'
She looks down at me, dominant and beautiful.
'Please let me come.'
I see her smile.
'Open wide.'
I obey and she puts the whip between my teeth.
'If your a good girl I'll use my knickers to gag you later.'
I watch her kneel beside me. If I move I know I will come. She takes a sip of wine and brushes her hair back.
She is magnificent.
Then she pours wine into my navel.
'It really is a shame you can't drink.' She bends and licks my belly.
I come almost immediately, squirming and shrieking with pleasure, the knotted rope against my crotch rubs mercilessly and, seemingly insatiably and I can feel the tightness around my throat.
I am pleasing Mistress again, my tongue running freely over the warm softness of her sex, flicking the little ring that pierces her clitoris. I have more stripes on my belly and Mistress has tightened my bonds so that my body is an exaggerated bow, a cushion now under the small of my back lifting my sex. The top of my head now almost touches the floor and Mistress kneels on the carpet with her knees spread to allow me full access to her sex. She has removed her bra and, before presenting me with her sex, she allowed me to suckle her lovely big nipples. I am fascinated by the rings piercing them and I know she takes great pleasure from me flicking them with my tongue. I want to ask whey she is pierced and plan to do so when I have finished pleasuring her. The worst than can happen, I reason, is that she will punish me again and I'm so horny I would thorughly enjoy it.
I push my tongue inside her in a way I know she likes and then brush her clit with my lips, kissing it and its piercing ring. She moans and I do it again, feeling her squirm and press her hips forward. I use my teeth the hold the little gold ring, tugging on it gently.
'Naughty girl.' She murmurs but I know she doesn't mean it.
Her fingers start toy with my nipples and then she gathers up the cords binding them pulling them with one hand as her other slides into my rubber knickers. I squirm and feel her jerk the cords on my nipples.
'Keep your mind on the job.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I pause for a moment and then circle her clit with my tongue.
'Good girl.'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She tugs on my nipple cords again and I fall silent applying my tongue diligently to her hot wet sex.
When she starts to come I feel her tremble slightly and one of her hands goes behind my head, grasping my hair, pulling my face harder against her sex. I continue to tease her, tongue inside her, lips pressed against her soft labia. The cord around my throat is tight and her sex smothers me. I remember for a moment my ordeal on the vacuum bed and shudder with pleasure but she is lost in her orgasm, hips bucking, her stockinged thighs spasming on either side of my head; there is a sharp jerk on my nipples but I do not think she is teasing me, it is simply the way her body is responding.
Her orgasm takes much longer than the first two; it seems Mistress is a woman who enjoys pleasure to its fullest, liking to draw out her climaxes. Although my head is swimming from the tight cord around my neck and the way her sex is smothering me I don't want to stop pleasing her and I continue to push my tongue inside her and kiss her sex.
She is still climaxing when I lose consciousness.
When I come round I am still in bondage. She sits beside me, still gloriously naked aside from her stockings and garters. She is sipping her wine and looking down at me with her lovely blue eyes.
'I'm sorry, Mistress.' It is all I can think to say. Perhaps we are lucky that Madam did not intervene. Presumably the programme recognised my distress.
'You lasted long enough.' She smiles and sips her wine.
I love her.
'Your turn I think.' She puts her wine down and bends to pick something up.
But she holds a finger to her lips. 'Open wide.'
I obey and she slips her lacy red knickers into my mouth then I watch as she unclips of one of her sheer stockings from its garter and slides if down her leg. She uses the stocking to tie the knickers in my mouth. It is not the most effective gag I have ever worn but it is the most delicious.
She takes off her second stocking leaving only her garters the stands.
'What do you think ?' She poses for me naked save the two red bands around her thighs. I look up at her magnificent body with its full breasts and firm bottom and want to throw myself at her feet. She bends over me and I long to kiss her lovely pierced nipples but then she puts the second stocking over my eyes blindfolding me.
Helplessly bound, blindfolded and gagged I lie there at her mercy. I feel her pick up the cords binding my nipples and murmur with pleasure through my gag. Then she begins to fiddle with the crotchrope. I really want to come and if she carries on like this I will very quickly. I wonder if I am allowed but frankly this is one area I am not going to be able to obey her and if I do come without permission I will have to endure whatever punishment she chooses to inflict.
I tremble with pleasure at the thought.
I feel the crotchrope fall a way and whimper.
Surely she can't be untying me.
Surely she will let me come.
'You have permission to come.'
I squirm but there is nothing to squirm against. Perhaps if she were to play with my nipples I could manage it.
I shout into my gag in frustration.
And then something brushes against my sex.
I strain against my bonds trying to make it happen again.
It does.
I know is Mistress' tongue.
I cry out with pleasure thrusting my sex out.
Her hand rests on my right thigh pushing it a little further out and she pulls on my nipple cords.
'There's no rush.' Her voice is playful. 'We have all night.'
She might not be in a rush.
'Bleashheee.' I plead around my gag.
'Well.' She is almost purring with pleasure now. 'If you insist.'
She pushes her tongue through the rubber slit in my knickers and flicks my clitoris. I squeal with delight. She teases me again and then begins to lick my labia using the cords on my nipples to tease my breasts.
I am Mistress' helpless sex toy and I am going to come very soon. She has been teasing me all night, having me dressed me as her slut before displaying me in the centre of subtown then making me crawl at he heel on my chain leash to her home, then keeping me in bondage, humiliating me using me for her pleasure, her sex toy.
I climax hard, bucking in my bonds, enjoying the way the cord around my neck tightens again. Madam has not interfered so far and I don't think she will this time. I am truly helpless, the sex slave I want to be, owned.
I keep climaxing until I pass out for the second time that evening.
'What a good little sex toy you are.' Mistress is sitting on the sofa beside me, naked apart from her red silken garters. I am still bound to the table.
She has nearly finished her wine.
She runs her foot over my belly and then wiggles her toes against my sex making me squirm.
We are both very satisfied.
Mistress has come five times and I have been permitted three orgasms and punished with the whip across my breasts and between my thighs for an unapproved fourth. It was this which lead to Mistress' fifth.
Her foot comes back up my body, pausing to tease one of my nipples before her toes caress my lips and I kiss them.
Her toenails are painted a delightful shiny red.
'I suppose I will have to let you go in a minute.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I am suddenly sad. 'I wish I could stay here as your slave.'
'We will meet again.'
'I hope so, Mistress.'
She begins to untie me and even when she is finished I lie still enjoying the last of my bondage wishing I could stay with her.
'Come along, Slave.' She is standing above me and I quickly struggle off the table, dropping to my knees, hoping she will attach the leash to my collar and make me crawl beside her to the portal.
'Well ?'
I look up.
'Dress me.' She is standing naked in front of me.
'Yes, Mistress.'
I scurry to collect her lingerie, starting with the stockings. She sits as I gather the fine material and then slide it over her toes with their lovely shiny painted nails, then I gently pull it up her leg enjoying the softness of her skin against my fingers; finally I clip the stocking top to the garter. I am aware that her sex is only a little further but then I feel the signs of the session ending, the wave of dizziness and nausea.
The other stocking has been in my mouth and is damp.
'I'm sorry, Mistress.'
'I will have to punish you next time we meet.'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She puts on her own bra and, still on my knees I offer her the knickers which are soaking wet where they have been used as my gag.
'Oh, I have a much better use for those.' She pushes them into my mouth again and then pulls on her transparent PVC coat and slips her feet into her stilettos.
Finally she picks up my leash and clips it to my collar.
Although I would enjoy the humiliation of walking on the toe boots, I know i have limited time and, besides, I would rather be made to crawl.
'Come along.'
On all fours I follow her out into the street holding Mistress' knickers in my mouth.
'You may remove your gag.'
I pull the knickers from my mouth, holding them in my hand, a physical reminder of her.
'May I see you again, Mistress ?' I am kneeling beside my portal.
'We will meet again.'
'Tonight ?' I cannot keep the eagerness from my voice. I feel like a teenager with a crush.
'Not for a few days.' She smiles sadly. 'I have things to do. I need to wind up my affairs.'
'You're dying ?' I am almost heartbroken but I realise she could be anyone int the real.
'No.' She laughs, stroking my hair. 'My affairs here in Subtown.' She seems amused at my assumption but then I can see her blinking back tears; real tears, another mod.
'Could we meet...' I gesture to the portal with my head.
'You know that's not possible. Anyway, I'm going to Utolia.'
My heart breaks. I wish I could cry.
'My name is...' I try to say Tuesday but can't. 'Oh, Mistress...' I bend to kiss feet her but another wave of nausea washes over me and I reel, glad I am on my knees or I would certainly have fallen.
'Go !'
'Yes, Mistress.' I blink back tears that will not come and turn. I cannot bear the thought that I will forget her. With my heart full of grief I crawl through the portal.
'My name is Lust.' At least I think this is what she says as the reality of Subtown dissolves and I am back in the entrance suite.
Chapter 6
Today it is Madam Equa's turn to punish us and, after the tight confines of our cages we hang spreadeagled in the stable yard, both naked aside from our collars and cuffs, linked by a short chain between our clit rings that means we have to arch slightly in our bonds to relieve the strain on our intimate piercings. Silver's nipple rings are chained to the ends of my bit gag and mine to hers so that any movement we make under Madam Equa's punishment is, to some degree, transmitted to the other. It is clear we are going to be whipped, probably quite soundly and I know from experience that a girl in this position is tempted to arch her neck in response to each lash. Silver, I know, has a particular tendency to do this so I know that my nipples will be sore even before we are turned round to allow our breasts to be whipped.
It is a cold bright morning and I can see the clouds of vapour produced by the breath of those who have turned out to watch and, no doubt enjoy, our suffering. The sun on my back just about stops me shivering but I can feel goosebumps all over and my nipples are stiffly erect. At least the fire of the urticant wand has faded from our breasts. It is not the day to be out naked unless, as is usual, we are training or running between the shafts of a gig. Later the heat of the sun will be intense and I have little doubt we will be left here longing for the cool of evening.
Mistress is, this morning wrapped in a woolen cloak, standing beautiful and stern beside Madam Equa who is clad in her usual leather. The two stand closer than I like and the smiles they exchange are almost more painful to endure than our physical punishments. Mistress holds Nipple's leash, clipped to her clit ring. The slave is ring gagged, sheathed and harnessed, each of her huge breasts pinched gently at the bases by a steel ring so that they are slightly dusky; her nipples like ours are stiff and, I notice, both clamped and hung with weights. That she appears to be enduring even this small degree of punishment offers me a crumb of comfort, perhaps she has not entirely pleased Mistress Desire.
I suspect there are those among the crowd who watch our humiliation that will enjoy it intensely, not simply from the erotic sadism it will vicariously provide but for the pleasure of seeing Silver and I suffer. As Mistress' favoured pets we are popular but being the intimate toys of Mistress Desire can elicit jealousy. If our detractors are very lucky and their mistresses permit (only a slave could be jealous of another slave) they may be allowed to experience the pleasure of beating us themselves; I would not be too surprised if, at the end of our whipping a crop or tawse was hung from one of our nipples or clits and left for use by any who chose to employ it. At least the blows from a chained slave are likely to lack power even if they will be intensely humiliating. Unfortunately, the blows from their mistresses are likely to be far stronger as they compete to make Silver and I cry out around our gags thereby showing their loyalty to Mistress Desire.
I see Madam Equa draw her whip from the top of her boot and start towards us. I look at Silver, her blue eyes show eloquent distress yet, even in this there is the mischevous sparkle that I love and I see that smile play on her lips that tells me she loves the world in which we live as much as I do.
They came in the night. The first thing Tuesday knew was the explosion at her front door and the sound of boots. She took a deep breath ready for the nerve gas that would leave her unconscious and slid from her bed crouching low but she never made the window. Strong hands grabbed her from the darkness, presumably aided by IR goggles.
She didn't stand a chance, naked and surrounded. Armoured troopers pushed her to her knees and bound her wrists behind her back before she could even struggle. Then she was thrown onto her belly and her ankles crossed and bound; a hood followed, strapped tight, the rubber plug filling her mouth, a preferred option to losing her teeth; then came the custody collar, locked snugly around her throat to allow them to monitor her vitals and deliver a stun charge should she escape and struggle.
To be fair on them, it was exactly how she would have done it.
Tuesday sat, naked, astride some sort of elongated stool a little like the saddle of a police bike a sensation reinforced by the narrow bars supporting her feet. The seat was angled forwards forcing her to hold herself in position with her legs or slide off the leather seat onto a thin steel bar I front of it, a painful prospect for her bare sex. Her ankles were cuffed in place to prevent her climbing off or adopting a more comfortable position. Her arms were restrained behind her in what felt like a single sleeve, probably, from its stiffness, one made from heavy reinforced leather the wrist strap of which was suspended at the level of her shoulders also forcing her to lean forward, the position calculated to put a strain on her captive body, adding to the burden on her thighs; a position of vulnerability. The custody collar was still locked around her throat and she still wore the leather hood that the troopers had locked in place when they had taken her.
She wasn't sure how long she had been left like this but outside the sim it was surprising how tiring it was to maintain such a position and how much her muscles ached.
She had tried bondage in the real of course but had soon realised she preferred it in the sim. In any other circumstance she might have enjoyed it rather more.
Finally she heard the door open, a door that sounded very much like the steel door to a standard custody cell though her restraints were very much not standard. She heard footsteps, heeled boots, stilettos clicking.
The door closed with a clang that was loud even through the leather of the hood.
There was silence for a moment then she jumped as something stroked her back, something firm but slightly yielding.
It felt more like a whip than a cane.
Tuesday shuddered.
Fingers began to undo her hood and she waited until finally is was pulled free of her head, in a rush of air, cold against the hot sweaty skin of her face. She could feel her hair plastered to her scalp and when she looked up could see her flushed face still showing indentations from the hood and her limp, damp hair in the oneway mirror of the cell; there was saliva on her chin and the custody collar.
The figure standing beside her was dressed in black, tight leather from head to foot, a catsuit that clung to an obviously female form, long legs, firm buttocks, slim waist, surprisingly full breasts; a long leather coat hung open; the woman appeared to older than Tuesday, perhaps in her early forties; she was a redhead, her face pale, eyes hidden behind dark sunglasses; it was indeed a whip she was holding.
She recognised Major Black.
Tuesday worked her jaw and tongue for a moment trying to regain some semblance of control over them while at the same time trying to prevent more saliva from running down her chin. Major Black regarded her with what appeared to be amusement.
'Not exactly standard police procedure, Major.' Tuesday was stiff and uncomfortable.
'I'm not standard police as you well know.' Major Black smiled. 'Besides, I thought you might enjoy it.'
'Why would you think that ?' Tuesday felt an ache in her belly. She knew what was coming and the woman had a point, the bondage was well devised, lovely predicaments, it was just a lot harder in the real.
She knew she should be terrified but there was a part of her that was aroused by this.
The Major's hand shot into Tuesday's hair, her gloved fist yanking Tuesday's head back and turning it slightly to face her.
'Don't play games with me, Morgan.'
Tuesday felt her body respond as it always did in these situations a warmth in her loins and a tingling in her nipples.
'You seem to be the one playing games.' She was emboldened by her arousal. 'Quite kinky ones I might add.'
Black brought tip of her whip up under Tuesday's chin. 'Lieutenant Morgan...Tuesday. You don't mind if I call you Tuesday do you ? Perhaps you prefer Tiffany.'
That settled it. The major knew everything.
Tuesday smiled in spite of herself. She had always known this day would come.
In spite of her position, Tuesday smiled.
'Call me whatever you like, Mistress.'
The major's expression changed; it was hard to tell exactly how behind the mirrored glasses.
'Your captain says you're a good police officer.' Black looked down at her and Tuesday could see her own reflection in the woman's mirrored sunglasses, her flushed face and damp hair, small breasts bare, her blatantly swollen nipples. 'And you certainly performed well in that raid a few days ago.'
'You didn't have to go to all these lengths to thank me.' Tuesday's voice was strained from her bondage, from the other woman's fist in her hair. 'You could have just sent me a memo.'
The major frowned. 'Your captain also said you lack respect for authority.'
'Oh, he's wrong. I've got respect for authority.' Tuesday licked her lips. 'If you let poor little Tiffany down she'll lick those lovely leather boots of yours.' She made passable attempt at a lascivious gesture with her tongue.
'You've been a very naughty girl, Lieutenant.' Major Black's words made Tuesday's eyes widen.
'Oooo, Major.' Tuesday couldn't help grinning. Her sex was dripping despite the implications of the situation. 'Going to spank me ?'
'I think we've got a little beyond the spanking stage.' Major Black was still very close, her gloved fist still in Tuesday's hair or was it Tiffany's, Tuesday could feel the lines between her two selves blurring. The major lowered the whip tucking it in her boot, released her grip on the captive; she slipped her hands into the pockets or her leather coat. 'I'm sure you're familiar with Statute 27, Section 2 concerning uniformed personnel and the use of Simulated Recreational Environments.'
'I hope you're not implying I've interfaced with an SRE.' Tuesday's shoulders and thighs were aching and her neck felt stiff but her nipples were like bullets and, if she stayed here much longer the leather saddle was going to become too slippery for her tired thighs to hold her position.
'I don't need to imply anything. I know exactly what you've been up to.' Major Black smiled. 'Everything.'
The way she spoke confirmed Tuesday's suspicions that other woman's engagement in the interrogation, assuming that was what it was, was more than strictly business.
'Everything ?' Tuesday glanced sideways at the woman. 'You really are kinky.'
Tuesday jerked as the custody collar discharged, pain sparking along her nerves, her muscles tensing involuntarily. 'Fuck !'
'Tougher than you thought in the real ?' The major brandished the control to the custody collar.
'A little.' It had hurt a lot but Tuesday was still aroused.
'Perhaps you'd prefer me to use the whip ?'
'You choose, Mistress.'
The collar sparked again and Tuesday gasped, jerking in her bonds.
'The DPP takes a very dim view of any violation involving service personnel and SREs. As with any other state official it's too much of a risk to security. You're looking at discharge with dishonour and imprisonment for three to five years; but then perhaps you'd rather enjoy being in prison; as much bondage and humiliation as you can endure at the taxpayer's expense.'
'What do you want ?'
Major Black smiled. 'I want to send you to prison. You've committed a very serious crime. Who knows what corrupted code has been uploaded to your perverted little brain. You could be a sleeper agent for any number of criminal organisations. Using an unlicensed portal is probably more of a security risk than an approved one.'
'You could have sent me down already yet here I am in your own little S&M playroom. You must want something.' Tuesday grinned. 'Or perhaps you've seen what I get up to and want to try out a little S&M yourself.'
'Oh, Lieutenant, you've no idea.' Major Black's voice softened and she ran the whip up Tuesday's belly, stopping just below the captive girl's nipple. 'I want a full confession and the names of any other officers involved.'
'There was nobody else.'
'Sure ?' The major's fist slipped back into Tuesday's hair and the whip came up raking over her nipple. She got the distinct impression that Major Black was about to use it on her.
'Nobody else.' Tuesday tried to keep her voice steady.
'And do you admit entering a SRE through and unlicensed portal while a serving officer ?'
'There doesn't seem much point in denying it.'
'Good girl.' Major Black released Tuesday's hair and stepped away from her. 'Now that we've cleared the air, let's talk business.'
Tuesday squirmed in her restraints. She had been kept naked and chained since being sent to her cell by Major Black; wrists cuffed behind her back, ankles chained. She had been taken out daily, perhaps nightly, probably both, for interrogation, usually in the saddle. Aside from the constant bondage, she had suffered little physical torture, no significant whippings or beatings despite the major's obvious pleasure in threatening her with the whip, just repeated questions to ensure she is not hiding more, not a Reiver.
However, the process had been exhausting and, when returned to her cell where she was left chained to the floor by the custody collar, the short chain limiting her movement, preventing her from standing, she had fallen asleep almost instantly.
Waking naturally on the fourth morning of her imprisonment her captive body needed satisfaction. Somehow in the night her left leg had become tangled in the chain by which her collar was locked to the floor and on waking she had found it pressed firmly and rather insistently against her sex. In the warmth of her half waking, half dreaming state she gently moved her hips making the chain run gently between the already wet folds of her labia.
After three days in bondage the sensation was delicious and, despite her situation or perhaps, if she was really willing to admit it, because of it her body craved orgasm. In other situations she might have enjoyed such treatment considerably more; this sort of thing was available in simulation and she had tried it once but had quickly learned that shorter, intense periods of bondage and punishment were more satisfying and cheaper.
Her arousal building, Tuesday rolled onto her back straightening her left leg around which the chain was entangled and felt the pull on her collar as well as the pressure of the links as they slid between her legs; lifting her hips and arching her back increased the sensation and she closed her eyes biting down gently on her lip and working her hips. Rolling again wrapped the chain more tightly around her thigh and wedged it into her sex, the pressure of the chain under her pubis was exquisite and her nipples rubbed perfectly on a small, slightly rough ridge in the floor.
She came hard, gasping, grinding her hips and her nipples against the steel on which she lay the pleasure suffusing her body, driving out its stiffness and any anxieties; then, satisfied she rolled onto her side, curling into a ball as far as her bonds would allow, eking out the sensation of pleasure.
The arrival of breakfast disturbed her repose, a steel bowl pushed through a small hatch in the door to her cell and she struggled to her knees untangling the chain from her leg. She had been fed but only sparingly and was hungry. With the chain to her collar too short to allow her to stand she was forced to crawl awkwardly towards the food and with her hands chained behind her back the only way to eat was to bend over the bowl and lap at the porridge with her tongue, trying her best not to get it on her face or in her hair. It didn't take her long to lick the bowl clean and then she crawled over to the hole in the floor over which she squatted to relieve herself.
'What do you know about Utolia ?' Major Black was still dressed from head to foot in black leather and still wearing her sunglasses.
They were back in the interrogation room.
'As much as anyone.' Tuesday stood with her legs spread wide, ankles shackled to the floor, she was bent forward at the waist, arms still chained behind her back and now pulled towards the ceiling by a chain; her collar was once again chained to the floor so that her head was just below the level of her hips.
'Lieutenant, Tuesday...if you continue in this manner I will have no alternative but to send you back to your cell and have you imprisoned for your crimes.' Major Black brought the whip down hard on the prisoner's bottom, another red mark crossing the dozen of so that were already there. 'I'm sure neither of us wants that to happen.'
'No, Ma'am.' Tuesday still struggled to believe how much it hurt to be whipped in the real.
'Good girl.' Major Black stroked the whip over Tuesday's bottom. 'Now, tell me about Utolia.'
'It's a SRE, the SRE. High fidelity, coding so detailed that it's said to be just like the real. Entry starts at ten thousand dollars... There are nine lands with a variety of themes...'
'What do you know about Erolia ?'
Tuesday smiled. 'Mediaeval themed world; population is mostly women though there are a few men, popular needless to say with lesbians especially those with an S&M interest, lots of slavery, bondage...my sort of place really. Your's too, I'll bet, or perhaps you'd prefer Domania.'
There was another slap as the whip landed hard on Tuesday's bottom.
'I demand complete loyalty and obedience from my operatives.'
'Yes, Ma'am.'
'Perhaps these will remind you to behave.' Major Black produced a pair of toothed clamps from her coat pocket and applied them to Tuesdays nipples.
Tuesday gasped as the bit into her sensitive flesh.
'Hurt, don't they ?'
'Yes, Ma'am.'
'You'll wear them until you learn more obedience.' Major Black smiled. 'And if they don't work, I have one for your clitoris too.'
'I'll be a good girl, Ma'am.'
'I'm glad you feel that way. I am considering whether to dispatching you on a mission to Erolia.'
Tuesday looked up in surprise. 'Tiffany will definitely lick those shiny boots of yours if you promise to send her there.'
'Hmmm...' Major Black frowned and left the room leaving Tiffany to contemplate her throbbing nipples.
'Please, Ma'am.' Tiffany was kneeling in what she assumed must be Major Black's office; she was chained by her collar to a ring in the floor and hands were still shackled behind her back. She had just crawled from her cell, where she has spent the night hooded and naked, lead by the chain from her collar as she always was when moved to and from her cell.
The office was austere, steel floor and walls like the cells and the interrogation room, a desk, a metal chair, a stand for a coat and a set of steel shelves. Strangely there was no monitor or computer link.
'Yes ?' Major Black sat behind a desk, looking up from the papers the was reading. Her coat hung from a stand beside the desk but she still wore the tight black leather catsuit and her sunglasses.
'My nipples really are very sore, Ma'am. Please can you take these clamps off.' She had been wearing them for at least twenty four hours and her nipples were throbbing painfully a torment worsened by every movement.
'I'm not sure you've learned your lesson yet.'
'Honestly, Ma'am, I have.'
'A little longer, I think.' Major Black turned over a sheet of paper
'Yes, Ma'am.' Tiffany bowed her head looking down at her throbbing nipples; her flesh was raw where the teeth bit into it and the skin around was bruised.
After a few minutes she glanced up. Major Black was still reading the paper notes.
Tuesday smiled and crawled slowly forward. The Major's slim legs were crossed under the desk and Tuesday knew she could reach the woman's shiny boots with their spiked heels. Reaching the desk she ducked her head below it and ran her tongue along the instep of he Major's right boot. The position was just at the limit of her neck chain and as she strained against it she could feel the collar press against the front of her throat.
'I don't recall giving you permission to move.' The major did not look up.
'I'm sorry, Ma'am.' Tuesday ran her tongue up the front of the major's boot almost to the knee. 'I wanted to demonstrate my loyalty and obedience.'
'Your diligence is noted, Lieutenant, but you must not confuse your submissive fetishes with your duties.'
'Forgive me, Mi... Ma'am.' Tuesday knelt up.
'That being said, perhaps we could test your resolve.' Major Black stood and walked round the desk, Tuesday watching from where she knelt. The woman was tall and svelte and radiated dominance. The major stopped in front of the kneeling girl and perched her tight leather-covered bottom on the edge of the desk.
'You may begin.'
Tuesday leaned forward, her nipple chain clicking on the steel floor as she pressed her lips against the major's shiny black boots; then, cautiously she began to lick them, running her tongue over the slick shiny leather, caressing first the top of the woman's foot and then her ankle, finally her calf.
'Don't neglect the other one.' The major's voice wavered slightly as she spoke.
'Of course not, Mistress.'
There was no response to her error.
Tuesday pressed her lips to the major's left boot, then ran her tongue over the top of the woman's foot. As she did so the major moved her right foot, pressing the toe onto Tuesday's nipple chain.
Tuesday froze.
'Continue !'
She began again, keeping her chest low to avoid pulling on her clamped nipples.
'A little higher now.' The major sounded slightly breathless. 'I want all my boot cleaned.'
Tuesday hesitated for a moment and then, cautiously lifted herself a little more, applying gently tension in her clamped nipples though the pain made her want to cry out.
Major black said nothing for a few minutes.
'Higher still.'
Tuesday lifted herself again suppressing a cry as she did so, her breasts now stretched painfully.
'Right to the knee.'
Tuesday hesitated again, but only a moment, her tongue was lapping just below the top of the major's boots and as she straightened a little more she licked at the woman's leather-clad legs.
It felt as if her nipples were about to be torn off and she blinked back tears.
'Shame to stop there.' Major Black lifted her foot allowing Tuesday to lap a little higher, her tongue coming to the woman's mid thigh.
'Enough.' Major Black put her foot down again and Tuesday squealed, following obediently, lead by her throbbing nipples, kneeling with her head down.
'Lie on your back.' Major Black stepped away lifting her foot off Tuesday's nipple chain.
Tuesday obeyed immediately, rolling onto the steel floor, lying on her cuffed wrists.
'Spread your legs.'
Again, Tuesday obeyed pleased with herself as Major Black walked to her coat.
The Major reached into her coat pocket and pulled out another clamp, similar to those on Tuesday's nipples; it was attached to a chain that had a clip on the other end.
Returning to the supine blonde Major Black squatted, the leather of her catsuit and boots creaking and slipped a gloved hand between Tuesday's spread legs. The helpless girl was wet, her labia slick and, when the major stroked her clitoris she whimpered, though not in pain.
As Major Black attached the clip to Tuesday's clitoris the blonde's eyes widened but she did not cry out, even when the major clipped the end of the clit chain to her nipple chain stretching both and making Tuesday's heavily abused nipples burn.
'Kneel up.'
Tuesday obeyed, rolling onto her knees easily after being kept in bondage for so long; the pain this caused in her clamped nipples almost made her scream and now the clamp on her clit added to this.
'Now, where were we ?' The major leant back against her desk and guided Tuesday's head towards the front of her thigh. 'Continue.'
'Yes, Mistress.' Tuesday smiled despite the tension in her nipples and cit then began to lick once again at the woman's thighs. She was close to orgasm.
Tuesday knelt back and looked up expectantly at Major Black. The redhead's usually pale cheeks were flushed and her neatly gathered hair had come away so that wisps floated around her face; her breathing was rapid too. Clearly aroused, the woman reached up to unzip the front of her catsuit, exposing her generous breasts and a toned belly that suggested many hours in the gym. Then she shrugged out of the leather garment revealing honed shoulders and muscular arms.
You, Major, Tiffany thought, need to consider some R&R. You are spending way too much time in the gym.
Naked to the waist, the major pulled her chair round her desk to set it in front of Tuesday and then slid the catsuit down her legs to the top of her boots; her pubic hair was the same deep red as the hair on her head. Sitting down she spread her legs and motioned Tuesday forward.
'I own you.'
'Yes, Mistress.' Tuesday smiled and pushed her tongue into Major Black's very wet pussy.
Tuesday crawled behind Major Black, her chain leash looped around the woman's fingers. The taste of the redhead still filled her senses and looking up at her captor's leather clad bottom she thought it swung just a little more than it had before. She smiled and then bowed her head again, following the woman's heels as they clicked on the steel floor.
After pleasuring the redhead she had finally been released from the clamps that had tortured her nipples for the last twenty four hours, a sensation that was far worse then the pain of their application and she had fought back an expletive as the Major had removed them. Despite her forebearance, the major had gagged her anyway, pushing a big rubber ball gag into her mouth and then tightening the strap behind her head. However, the major had not replaced her hood. Then her wrists had been freed briefly before being cuffed in front of her to allow her to crawl on all fours.
They reached Tiffany's cell and Major Black lead her inside, bending to chain her captive's leash to the ring set in the floor.
'Kneel up.'
'Esh, Ishdress.' Still gagged, Tiffany obeyed resting her hands on her thighs and Major Black once again cuffed her prisoner's wrists behind her back.
'You will require training, of course.' Major Black looked around the cell as she spoke though there was nothing but bare steel walls. 'Enforcing in a SRE is a little different to standard policing. However, you clearly have a talent for this so six months should probably be enough.'
'Esh, Ishdress.' Tiffany nodded watching as Major Black stepped through the cell door and it slid closed behind her, locking itself in place.
Tiffany smiled around her gag.
I am strapped down to a padded examination couch in what looks like a medical room, watching as a blonde nurse pulls on a pair of rubber gloves. I am naked, of course, straps across my throat, chest, belly, thighs, ankles, wrists and upper arms. I am gagged.
The nurse turns to me; she is a strikingly beautiful, blonde, blue eyes with long lashes, white teeth and rouged lips; she has big breasts and long legs; every teenager's fantasy; her short nursing dress is made of white rubber and when she bends slightly forward I can see the bottom of her knickers, her stockings are white rubber too and her heels are at least five inches.
'I'm just going to examine you.' She smiles radiantly. 'I hope you don't mind.'
Gagged and strapped naked to the trolley I can hardly object but I smile and nod obligingly.
She is one of the Utolia security protocols, like Madam in Subtown but way more sophisticated and way more desirable.
The Simulated Recreational Environments may have started with a more laudable aim but they very quickly became sources of the commodity that all adults want: relationships and. particularly, sexual relationships. Sex sells, good sex sells faster, and the SREs all provide good sex in almost any from you can to name; there are some taboos of course, but there are illegal environments out there that will cater for them.
Utolia is the pinnacle of virtual reality, every nuance, every bodily function lovingly recreated in simulated form; the security protocols, 'Guardians' as they are known are the (very pretty) faces through which the outside world sees the land in which the rich can be beautiful all their lives.
The blonde starts with my hair, running her fingers through it. Though she is not really my type, I am in bondage and gagged and the way she touches me and the scent of her rubber clothes excites me so that by the time her hands probe my breasts my nipples are standing to attention and my pussy is soaking wet. She smiles reassuringly and with a hint of playfulness as she pinches my nipples checking, no doubt, for implants.
It's all virtual, of course, by implants I mean malware or malicious code and she is, of course, scanning me; all this could be done in a nanosecond but where would the fun be in that ?
She pushes down on my belly like a doctor examining me and then slides her fingers into my vagina, smiling again, I'm sure, at how wet I am.
'No need for any lubricant here.'
I feel myself blush and turn my head away from her while she continues her examination running her hands over my thighs.
'Your first time ?'
Still gagged, I nod.
'It's beautiful inside.' She squeezes my calves and then strokes the soles of my feet making me squirm.
'Nearly done.' She presses a button on the couches control panel and the lower section starts to move lifting and spreading my legs and bending them at my knees then she steps between and slides her finger into my bottom.
'You're clear.' She pulls her finger out and peels off her rubber gloves before throwing them into the bin. Then she turns back to look at me. 'Nice bod, by the way.' She smiles and then presses another button on her console; my legs are pulled straight again and then the couch tips so I am half standing, half lying in my bonds. She steps behind me and begins to push me towards a door which slides open to let us through.
We are in a small room with dim lights that reminds me of the sleezy foyer leading into Subtown; this room is more like a guardpost and the guardian is one of my nurse's many twin sisters though she is dressed in military fatigues; well, if I'm honest she wears a khaki blouse that is open to the navel, a pair of very tight and very short shorts, cavalry boots with unnecessary and probably impractical heels and a little peaked cap.
Normally this might all grab my attention, I've done a few sims where I've been interrogated by a woman like this but today nothing can distract me from what I can see behind her; Subtown has its vids playing of what was happening within but they are nothing like this, nothing like the rolling landscape of forest and field; I can see blue lakes shining in sunshine and distant mountain peaks capped with snow, I can see birds and animals and, somewhere in the middle distance, the haziness of rain. It is utterly beautiful.
I am scanned again though the soldier simply looks me up and down then nurse removes my gag.
'All that glisters...' I speak my code and the world around me dissolves.
Chapter 7 (added: 2018/09/01)
I am holding Silver's hand, our fingers actually touching ! We touch each other's bodies a lot, of course, particularly using our tongues, when we are not cruelly kept apart. Girls who are kept in such strict bondage so rarely feel the caress of a lover's fingers that the normal contact between lovers becomes adapted to the touch of a shoulder or the brush of a cheek, usually limited by the strap of a gag. Sometimes, so keen are we to feel the caress of each other's fingers, we eschew the intimate contact you might think a pair of sexually voracious sex slaves would prefer so that when we are caged together for the night we lie holding hands, often at these times we are back to back, our wrists cuffed behind us; we lie with our fingers entwined and sometimes the soles of our feet touching. Things often progress, of course, it is difficult to lie beside a lover knowing that she is naked and helpless in bondage and very horny and not take advantage of that fact but, for a while at least it, is a pleasure to hold hands.
We are not caged now though we are, of course, in bondage, harnessed between the shafts of our mistress's chariot, bridled, reined, toiling under the whip but, at least the little finger of Silver's left hand is wrapped around my right fist as I hold the middle shaft. Our wrists are shackled to the shaft by the steel cuffs that were welded shut when we became slaves and our other wrists are chained to the shaft on the other side of our bodies, Silver's right and my left. All our cuffs, including our collars, and the chains with which they are linked are steel coated in gold as are our piercings. We wouldn't be much use as ponies if our legs weren't free but we still wear our ankle and thigh cuffs; our upper arm cuffs are chained together in a way that draws our shoulders back and makes our breasts point.
When she puts us in harness, Mistress locks our wrist cuffs to the shafts of the chariot so that we hold the wooden poles. Many girls are run with their hands cuffed behind them or even sheathed but our mistress prefers us to hold the shafts believing it gives us more control and helps to maintain our arm strength. As you might imagine, girls who are kept in constant bondage are at risk of losing their strength and muscle tone but our mistress has her pets exercised regularly in ways that make very sure this will not happen to us.
Pony training has always been a regular part of our routine, usually under the watchful eye of Madam Equa; as well as gym work on the lunge rein to develop speed and technique we spend many hours each week straining to pull a heavy work cart to develop strength and stamina. Pony training can be very intense and we often return to our cages exhausted, our bodies caked with sweat and dust and our hair matted, far different from the exquisite pleasure slaves who grace Mistress' chamber to entertain her and her guests.
At least once per week our mistress trains us herself between the shafts of her chariot.
Today, however, we are not training, we wear our best display harnesses, our skin is oiled and our hair carefully plaited. The harnesses are white leather with gold buckles, they have padded straps that go over our shoulders and round our waists and others that run between our thighs, they support gold rings that circle our breasts. We also wear white leather pony boots that make us run on our toes and support our ankles as we draw our mistress along the country road. The boots lock to our ankle cuffs. We are both plumed, white feathers attached to our bridles; the bridles hold bits between our teeth and support blinkers to keep us focussed on the road ahead. Bells are clipped to our nipple rings and jingle we run. We make a beautiful sight as we jog easily along the dirt road drawing our gorgeous mistress behind us in her golden chariot.
As we approach a fork in the road I feel a gentle pull on my bridle guiding me to the left hand path, the one that climbs towards a village on the top of a hill. A moment later there is a sharp, stinging slap to my bottom as Mistress reminds me not to slacken my pace on the climb ahead.
I am hanging by my wrists which are bound together above my head, turning slowly. My ankles are crossed and also bound together with a leather thong. I am naked. I am in a clearing in a forest, it is evening, the sky a vibrant orange, the heat of the day fading.
I am not alone. There is another girl, a skinny brunette with tanned skin hangs like me from the branch of a tree some ten meters away. Like me she is naked and there is a small patch of cloth lying on the ground beneath her; I wonder if it is the remains of her clothing. Her hair is unkempt and her skin dirty, I think she must be some sort of wild girl, a barbarian or a savage. By swinging slightly I can turn myself to see more of my surroundings, spinning and swinging slowly back to rest over some fifteen minutes.
When I first woke, I tried calling out to the other girl but discovered I was gagged, there is something large and solid in my mouth and, I think, the taste of leather; it feels like a wooden ball coated with leather and, from what I can see of the other girl it is held in place by a thick strap. She has a leather collar buckled around her neck and I think I am wearing one too.
I cannot be sure how long I have been here or, in truth, where here is or why I am in this place. There is a part of my mind that tells me I should be frightened, terrified even, to wake naked and in bondage in some wild place but that is only a small part and I keep it in check.
I look up to see two women entering the clearing noticing quickly that the first woman leads the other, by a rope to the collar around her neck. The captive is naked like me and Wild Girl, her wrists bound behind her back and a gag is strapped into her mouth. This woman looks like my fellow captive, wiry with unkempt dark brown hair, her skin however is slightly lighter in tone and covered in a network of blue patterns that I think must be tattoos.
The woman in charge, our captress, is athletic looking, a brunette though different from the other two; she has chestnut brown hair that is much glossier and drawn behind her head into a very short ponytail held by a leather thong; she is more muscular than the other two girls and, I note, considerably more buxom, she is also clothed; a tight leather bodice clings to her torso and is laced across her large breasts, a short leather skirt hangs from it; she wears thigh boots too, not sex shop patent leather ones with spiked heels but low heeled and of the same tanned leather as her bodice and skirt. A short sword hangs from a baldric across her shoulder and there is a bow strapped to her back. I note that she carries a multibladed whip.
I watch as she makes Tattooed Girl lie down before crossing and binding her ankles. She then pulls the girl's ankles up to her wrists and binds them in place then leaves the girl lying hogtied. Satisfied the girl is helpless the warrior woman stands and walks towards my fellow captive moving with grace and confidence. She circles the girl then reaches out to touch her, feeling the firmness of her thighs and buttocks. Wild Girl is clearly frightened by this treatment and wriggles in her bonds crying out through her gag though it is clear there is nothing she can do. Warrior Woman draws her whip and delivers a flurry of stinging blows to the girls loins and buttocks, admonishing her in a language I cannot understand and Wild Girl quietens. Warrior Woman turns away, leaving the girl crying softly, and glances up at me. She is strikingly beautiful, strong featured with high cheeks and full lips, I meet her gaze for a few moments, her eyes are a piercing blue and she seems so fierce, so dominant. I find her intensely attractive. Finally I am forced to look down.
I wonder if she will come and examine me, feel my body, and what she will think of it. I am less wiry than my two fellow captives, my skin paler and my hair is blonde. I find myself wondering if my captress, the term 'mistress' appears unbidden in my head, finds me attractive but, if she does she shows no sign of it and turns away.
I watch as she scales the tree from which I am hanging and retrieves a couple of leather bags and what looks like a bed roll. She tosses them down onto the ground below and slides down as agily as she ascended. Over the next few minutes she gathers wood and then, using straw and a flint from one of her bags, sets it alight. Somehow this seems odd to me but I don't know why. With the fire taking hold she draws a knife, looking up at me as she does so, the blade is long and gently curved, it glows red in the failing light. I wonder for a moment what she plans and shiver though I am not cold and she looks down, smiling to herself.
Opening one of the bags she produces the body of a small furry creature that looks a little like a rabbit and proceeds to skin and gut it with the knife. She works with skill and dexterity, her movements precise, her attention focussed. I think she is utterly engrossed until there is a rustle in the trees just beyond the clearing she freezes immediately becoming instantly alert, as her sharp blue eyes scanning the woods for movement. She remains in this state for some time before returning to her preparation.
I watch as she cuts the meat into slices and throws them into a battered pot, adding water and dried herbs. She puts the pot on the fire and stirs it with the knife until the water is boiling then she lifts it off the fire, standing it to the side where it continues to steam, simmering gently. Then, after another careful look around she stands and walks back to the tree from which Wild Girl is hanging. She unties the rope holding her captive up and lowers the girl to the ground. Wild Girl rolls onto her back watching her captress with wide eyes then tries to wriggle away as the woman approaches her.
Warrior woman squats and pulls her captive back by the leather thongs around her ankles. Wild girl continues to struggle but warrior woman straddles her, pinning her down and, when the girl brings her bound hands up to protect herself warrior woman brushes them away, twisting her fist into the leather thong from which her prisoner has been hanging and using it to pull the girl's hands back behind her head. Wild Girl stills for a moment but then Warrior Woman reaches out to touch her breasts and she begins to squirm and cry out again through her gag.
Warrior Woman slaps Wild Girl across the face with her free hand and uses the hand holding the thong to grab the girl's hair and pull her head back. I watch as she leans in and says something to the girl in the language I don't understand. Wild Girl reacts with panic turning her head from side to side and bucking beneath her captress. Warrior Woman dismounts her and turns her over; with her fist still in the girl's hair and holding her bound wrists, then Warrior Woman proceeds to spank Wild Girl at least a dozen times with the flat of her hand until she stops struggling. Warrior Woman ties the thong from the girl's wrists to the back of her collar and pulls up her bound ankles, using rope from which she has been hanging to anchor the captive's heels just below her buttocks. Then, to my surprise Warrior Woman removes her captive's gag before turning her over and repeating the phrase she used earlier.
Wild Girl shakes her head and replies in what I assume to be the same tongue. It is easy to guess the word she is saying means 'no'. Although she presumably understands more than I do of the language, Warrior Woman ignores the girl's refusal and picks up her whip. Wild Girl looks at it anxiously and quietens, stiffening as Warrior Woman cups one of her small breasts and plays with the nipple.
I watch, fascinated, as Warrior Woman slides herself forward lifting her skirt. Wild Girl starts to protest again but not as violently and then Warrior Woman lowers herself onto the girl's face.
I have known what is occurring for some time but have shut this out. A girl, a frightened girl, is being raped in front of me; a frightened girl whose fate it is quite likely I will share. That small cautious part of my mind starts to tell me it told me to be frightened but I fear only one thing, that Warrior Woman will be satisfied by Wild Girl and won't treat me in the same way.
Wild Girl does seem to show promise and I watch Warrior Woman move her hips slowly as the girl's tongue begins to arouse her. My captress is side on to me and I can see the smile gently creeping across her face as her body responds to the captive's teasing. I watch as she arches her back running her hands down her body and thighs then reaches up to undo the laces of her bodice; she pulls the garment apart freeing her large breasts, a red pendant on a fine chain swings free and she begins to play with her own nipples which are dark and brown and both pierced by gold rings. As her arousal builds she begins to writhe slowly, rhythmically, the muscles of her strong thighs moving her hips gently as she arches back allowing the girl's tongue full access to her sex. I see her free her hair, running her finger through it.
As I watch this exquisite sexual athlete I realise just how aroused I am by this display; nipples hard, sex wet, that warm feeling in my loins. I begin to squeeze my thighs together to increase the sensation wishing I could be part of the coupling that is occurring before me. Then Warrior Woman climaxes, her head back, mouth open, eyes wide looking at the darkening sky above her where the brightest of the stars are beginning to appear. Until that moment she has been focussed, intent on her arousal as she was intent in all the other actions I have seen her perform; at this moment, however, she suddenly looks vulnerable so that, were I not bound and helpless I might, perhaps, have an opportunity of escape; but then she look at me, her blue eyes still slightly clouded with lust but and I know that escape is impossible, even if I wanted it to be.
I lie on my side watching Warrior Woman as she squats by the dying fire. She has cut me down and rebound my hands behind my back, tying my ankles to my wrists like Tattoo Girl. I did not struggle; after my captress' moment of vulnerability her focus returned, with my ankles bound I would not have had much chance to overcome her or escape; at least that is the reason I give myself for lying meekly in the cool slightly damp grass and allowing myself to be bound. Wild Girl is still tied with her hands behind her head as she was when she was forced to give cunnilingus to our mistress - it somehow seems a more appropriate word now. Her gag has not been replaced. Tattoo Girl lies near me still hogtied and, like me, gagged.
It is nearly dark and I am beginning to feel cold. I realise I am also hungry, perhaps this is because I can smell the stew.
I wonder if Mistress will feed me.
She looks up, as if realising I am watching her and smiles, at me this time. Perhaps the sex has relaxed her. She removes the stew pot from the fire and stands and coming towards me then bends and removes my gag brushing my hair from my face in a gesture that is almost affectionate and somehow familiar.
She really is beautiful.
'Thank you.' It is hard to form the words, my jaw is stiff and my tongue doesn't move properly; saliva runs from my mouth. Aside from being naked and helpless I find myself thinking I am not as desirable as I would like to appear.
I am not sure if she understands but she smiles again and goes to remove Tattoo Girl's gag then she returns to the stew pot.
We watch her eat. Glancing at my fellow captives I can see an expression in their eyes that must mirror my own. I notice Tattoo Girl wriggle slightly towards the fire and wonder if I could do the same. Mistress has smiled at me but I can still see the whip at her hip and fear to displease her.
When she has finished Warrior Woman stands and walks towards Wild Girl. I watch as she puts pieces of meat into the girl's mouth, standing over her as she chews and swallows before giving her the next piece.
I cannot help feeling envy at the attention being shown to Wild Girl and wish Mistress would favour me.
Wild Girl says something and the two converse briefly in their language. Then Mistress goes to Tattoo Girl and feeds her.
I am left to last, waiting impatiently for the attention of my mistress.
Eventually she crouches beside me, brushing my hair from my face again before pushing a small piece of meat into my mouth. It tastes quite good, slightly gamy though the herbs mask this a little; it is also quite tough but I chew and swallow and accept a second piece of meat.
When she has fed me I thank Mistress and she favours me with a smile.
Next Mistress brings a leather water bottle to each of us, holding it to our lips and allowing us to drink. The water is slightly warm and tastes sour from the leather of the container.
I thank Mistress again and she kneels beside me but it is only to replace my gag.
I watch as she replaces the other girl's gags too and then lifts Wild Girl and Tattoo Girl so they are lying beside me.
It is almost completely dark now, we can see only by the light of the stars. The fire is a faint glow, almost gone. I have barely noticed the creeping darkness, my eyes adapting like those of the creatures whose sounds I can now hear stirring in the woods. I am aware this is not a place I am used to, though, again, I do not know why.
Mistress takes a leather rope and threads it through our collars, tying us together then she checks out bonds as best she can in the darkness and finally throws a rough blanket over us. Then she unlaces her bodice though does not remove it, takes her own blanket, kicks out the remains of the fire and lies down beside us.
I lie beneath the blanket looking up at the stars and then across at my captress. She is less than a meter from me, a dark mass in the darkness around her aside from the soft sheen of the starlight on her hair. Behind me I can hear the breathing of Wild Girl and Tattoo Girl, one of them is muttering quietly in her language and I wonder if she is reciting some sort of prayer. The blanket smells slightly musty and, I think, smells of the Warrior Woman whose scent I have caught on the occasions when she has bound me; though it is rough I am grateful for its warmth and, as the night cools for the presence of my fellow captives.
I lie awake, continuing to stare at Mistress. I think I can see the rise and fall of her chest beneath her blanket. I try to call to mind her features, recalling her fierce blue eyes and shape of her face, the fullness of her lips. Somehow the face is familiar but I know it cannot be. I wriggle a little closer to her in the hope of seeing her more clearly. I am aware of the tether tied to my collar but think it is long enough. I near the edge of the blanket and feel it lift, a rush of cool air bushing my naked skin. The sensation is not unpleasant and I creep a little further exposing my body more. I wonder what Mistress would do if she were to wake now, open her eyes and see my naked body helpless in front of her, my golden hair shining in the starlight; would she know that my nipples erect are from more than cold.
I am committed now, although it is true to say such was the case when I took that tentative wriggle towards her; any further and the blanket will fall away. I am hogtied and there will be no chance to replace it, I will be left naked and bound at the mercy of the night.
The blanket slides away and I shiver as the cool night rolls over my whole body though it is as much a shiver of anticipation as chill. Inch by inch I creep towards my sleeping mistress trying to be as silent as possible hoping fervently that my tether will let me reach her.
I am almost touching her when I feel the tether pull taut, another inch or two and I could press myself fully against her. I could push my hips against her but I want to touch her with my whole body, feel my breasts against her, lie with my face close to hers. This close I can see her face more clearly, beautiful in sleep. I can feel her breath on my face. I want to kiss her though I am not sure how I will do this with the gag in my mouth; I pull gently with my neck feeling the collar tighten around my throat.
Her eyes snap open and I see a momentary flicker of alarm, her hand moving towards the hilt of her sword then she stills as she recognises me. I see her smile and then she slides towards me lifting her blanket and pulling it over me. She reaches behind and unties the tether from the ring on my collar. I feel her arm around me, holding me, the pressure of her breasts against mine, the firmness of her body, the roughness of her bodice and the smooth skin of her thighs above her boots.
She holds me against her and while I am content with this I fear she is falling asleep again and part of me wants more. I squirm against her pressing my hips against hers and rubbing my thigh against her boots. She does not reject these advances but neither does she respond. Finally, I nuzzle my cheek against hers, feeling rather than seeing her smile. Her grip on my body changes, her left hand sliding into my hair, the other holding my arm. She pulls me down her body so that my face is pressed between her breasts then she unbuckles my gag. I need no further encouragement. I nuzzle into the dark warm cleavage, feeling the heat of her skin against my cheeks. She tries to push me down her body but I resist for a moment and manage to slip one of her big dark nipples with it's piercing ring into my mouth. I think she is about to pull my head away but then she relaxes enjoying the way my tongue plays over her nipple which swells as I tease it. After a few moments I feel her hand come up to my own breasts, her fingers caressing my own nipples. Her breathing quickens.
I want to move to her other breast but I am not sure I can reach it with just my mouth. I move down her body licking her skin between the laces of her bodice. I can taste and smell her more intensely now, taste the salt on her body where her sweat has dried and the dryness of the dust, the faint tang of unfamiliar herbs. I push my tongue onto her navel and feel her squirm then work my way down her body, tracing a path with my lips and tongue.
Her sex is shaved though roughly, the stubble coarse and I smile to myself as I rub my cheek against it then plunge between her legs which part to accommodate me. Her sex is already wet and when I touch her slick labia with my tongue her taste becomes stronger, saltier. I can feel her fingers stroking my hair, twisting stands of it gently, guiding me when I stray too far from where she wants my tongue. She clearly likes the way I gently stroke her clitoris. I smile when I find this too is pierced.
Suddenly, I feel her fingers tighten and she rolls onto her back, pulling me with her so that I am lying on my belly on cool damp grass with my head between her legs. I have free access to her now and, though I am still tightly restrained I can please her more easily. This I do for a long time, enjoying the responses of her body almost as much as if they were my own. Several times I think she is nearing climax and reduce my teasing until her breathing settles before starting to arouse her again more fully. I fear she may object to this sort of treatment, rebuke or punish me, but she does not, simply lying back under the open sky and enjoying the service I am performing for her. When she does come, she lets out soft whimpers, her back arching, her hand going to her head, sweeping though her hair in the same way as it did before.
I lie with my cheek pressed against her thigh as she recovers, remembering that brief moment of vulnerability I saw in her before.
Then her fist is back in my hair and she drags me back up to lie beside her. She strokes my hair and looks into my eyes in the darkness. I can see the blackness of her pupils and the shine of starlight on her iris. I think she might kiss me but then she rolls me over and I feel the gag pressed against my lips. I open my mouth to take it and lie still while she buckles it tightly in place. For a moment she presses herself against my back, my bound arms and my feet, her right hand teases my right nipple and I feel her cheek against mine. Her hand moves down my body and slips between my legs. I am very wet and her fingers slide easily over my labia. I gasp around my gag and her fingers move to seek out my clitoris.
'Tapdak !' She says and pushes me away, rolling me back to my fellow captives. She lifts their blanket to allow me to squirm underneath it but does not retie my tether then she turns away and pulls her own blanket over herself.
I lie looking at my mistress in the darkness knowing that I have pleased her and that having done so I have been cast aside like an unwanted toy.
I shiver with pleasure.
We are running and have been since shortly after dawn. Mistress, I enjoy using that word now, sets a tiring pace for girls who run naked, bound and leashed behind their owner. My fellow captives, perhaps 'slaves' is a more correct word, are from the wild and keep pace easily despite having their arms bound behind their backs and gags in their mouths. Also their breasts are a little smaller than mine and, I don't think bounce as much as mine do. Mistress, of course, has very large breasts but the leather bodice confines them tightly.
If Mistress feels anything towards me after our sexual encounter of the previous night then she does not show it.
I am tiring and my legs ache, as do my breasts, though, for the moment, I keep pace. We have left the forest behind and are running across open grassland that rises and falls but, overall, gently slopes up towards a range of mountains in the distance. The sun began at my back and has now moved to my left side suggesting that we are running west, assuming this sun is that which shares my own world. I still do not know who I am or why I am here, a captive/slave in this strange place. I must be fit, more than average for...I don't know what to use as a comparator...for a moment as that thought enters my head I can see myself chasing a figure in black between buildings, I am running hard, my chest burning more than it does now, gaining on her then the image is gone and I am once again behind Mistress.
She is a glorious sight, her strong legs easily setting the pace at which we follow, her glossy hair flying behind her, the flap of her skirt revealing tantalising glimpses of her firm buttocks.
When we stop we are all breathing hard, me more than the others though I stand upright trying to hide my breathlessness, my weakness, from Mistress; then, at her gesture, I drop obediently to my knees, eager to please her. She removes our gags, something for which I am very grateful, and unslings her water skin; after removing the stopper she holds it to our mouths. The water is warm but I gulp it down until she pulls it away from me with a shake of her head. I think she smiles at me, her blue eyes flashing and then she is gone to water my fellow slaves.
Chapter 8 (added: 2018/09/01)
Silver and I lie with Mistress. It is the third day from Mistress' home and she has driven her ponies hard. Our bodies bear the marks of her whip and our muscles ache despite our constant training. However, even after the day's efforts, harnessed and toiling under the whip we are still required to serve our mistress.
We would have it no other way.
Silver lies between Mistress's spread thighs lapping at the soft pink labia while I lie beside her kissing her gently, my tongue playing with hers. Some mistresses do not permit their slaves to kiss them on the mouth and Mistress only permits it rarely but for the girl who does not get to use her tongue elsewhere, it is at least some consolation. Mistress' lips are always cool and firm and her tongue is always playful. Despite the earnestness of her journey she is relaxed by our supplication and, I think, will allow Silver and I to lie together tonight.
We slaves are restrained, of course, as slave girls should be, wrists cuffed behind our backs, ankles shackled, Mistress has been using chains clipped to our nose rings to guide is tonight. She usually clips her leash to our clit or nipple piercings or even our collars but when directing the willing mouth of a slave girl the nasal piercing is probably the most exact; not that we need much direction, of course.
We are staying at a roadside inn, the first of our journey. The two previous nights we spent under the stars snuggled together for warmth, among other things. Thus, when we arrived at the inn just after sunset, after watering us, Mistress had us washed and then we knelt chained beside the fire in her room as she bathed alone. We were both gagged for this which, I think, was a Mistress' punishment for our squeals and general rowdiness as, with us chained in the stable block one of the inn's grooms removed our harnesses and washed us down.
The girl had clearly handled many ponies and knew her business but I think she was rather excited by being given charge of the matching pets of a Utolian noble, particularly pert blondes like us. She was certainly very diligent in her duties, ensuing we were thoroughly washed and rubber down and that all our intimate were piercings cleaned. She then oiled us, massaging scented oil into our tired muscles, and braided our hair with flowers.
We thanked her, of course, we had both come several times at her hands and it seemed only fair to return the favour though I think her mistress may have been less well pleased and the poor groom probably ended up chained naked in the stable wearing only a chastity belt for the night.
I watch Mistress check the height of the sun and then look down the road to the north and east where it curves round the hill. We have been running for four days across the open grassland, the land climbing as we head further west. The days have been long and tiring and I am exhausted but, for a girl who is naked in a strange land, captive, bound, gagged and leashed, I am remarkably content.
On the second night of my captivity Mistress had me kneel by her fire as she cooked and began to teach me her language. I do not think it is the one she uses to converse with my fellow slaves. She seemed pleased that I was able to remember the words easily, something in which surprised me too. I wonder if I might be, or perhaps have been, some sort of scholar though my fitness suggests maybe I was a traveller. I thus learnt the words for many of the things lying around our campsite and other collective nouns. I also learnt what I think is the word for Mistress, I certainly don't think Lovtjak is her name. Only once did she become impatient with me and that was when she tried to ask my name. I knew what she was asking but, as I cannot recall who I am, it was not possible for me to answer. She ended up naming me Toigrin; I do not know what this name means but I like to hear her say it, especially when she abbreviates it to Toi. She has also called me something which I think means something like 'skygirl' or 'starmaid', I am not sure exactly of the vocabulary she was using.
That night, after we had eaten Mistress tied the other two slaves together and then took me to her bed, this time removing her clothes so that I had the pleasure of seeing her glorious body fully naked, a sight which ignited within me an intense passion and made my pussy wet. I pleasured her again with my tongue, enjoying once more the taste of her body, its saltiness and the scent of a day's exertion.
I love the feel of her full breasts, her firm belly and strong thighs against my body and her response as I use my tongue unreservedly to give her pleasure. She seems to enjoy particularly when I take one of her big brown nipples in my mouth and nibble it gently with my teeth. I am fascinated by the rings that pierce them and wonder if all women in the world wear such jewelry. She also likes my tongue pressed deeply inside her pussy, squirming when I penetrate her after teasing her labia and pierced clitoris. Again, the little ring piercing her down there intrigues and excites me. It is such an intimate adornment and I want to know who inserted it.
I think, rather rediculously, I am becoming obsessed with Mistress.
On the third night Mistress freed my hands and told me to collect 'jacek', wood. I expect the other girls would run off if they were freed but I do not know where I would go even if I did escape. Perhaps she knows that, bizarrely, after being her prisoner for two days I considered myself her devoted slave and, I hope, lover.
I am embarrassed by this teenage crush I appear to have developed on Warrior Woman and wonder whether I was a very submissive person before coming here. The way I am responding to my captivity, makes me wonder if I was a sexual submissive too, perhaps enjoying bondage. I certainly have no objection to being kept bound and gagged and, when that bondage is applied by my dominant brunette mistress I feel unexpectedly excited by it.
You can imagine my pleasure then, when on the third night as I was taken to bed by this beautiful leather clad dominatrix she, for the first time, touched me intimately in return, not just fleetingly but lingeringly so that, after I had enjoyed her convulse with pleasure she played with my nipples and then teased my dripping sex with her fingers until I climaxed with surprising force. I think I also made quite a lot of noise because I woke the other two captives who started whimpering into there gags.
I think Mistress found it funny at first but when she had to get up and replace their blanket which they had dislodged in their panic and order them to be quiet she was less amused. As a punishment she tied me into a tight hogtie, binding my hair into a rope and using it to pull my head back. She gagged me again, of course, and then left me like this for the remainder of the night.
I should probably have found this distressing but, other than a slight pang of sadness that I had let Mistress down, I relished memory of her hands on my captive body; I also enjoyed the playful slap she gave my bottom when she went back to bed. I am sure she was grinning and she rolled under her blankets and turned her back on me.
Finally I see what Mistress has been waiting for. Three figures round the hillside and begin to approach us along the dirt road on which we are standing. They are indistinct at first, lost in a haze of heat and dust their footsteps stir up but soon I can make them out. There are two figures running ahead and one just behind them. The sunlight glints off them, metal flashing as they run.
Then I can see them clearly. Two girls pull another along on some sort of chariot. The two leading girls are harnessed and the woman behind in the chariot has a whip although I cannot see her using it. The pony girls, for that is an exact description of what they are, are both blondes, their hair so pale it is almost white, they are both of athletic build and so similar I wonder if they might be sisters. Their skin is pale too, like mine. Their harnesses consist of broad leather straps around their waists and padded straps across their shoulders, there are gold rings around their small pert breasts and straps between their legs. They are also bridled, bits between their teeth and blinkers over their cheeks; the bridles are plumed, white feathers floating above their heads as they jog, or perhaps I should say trot, along the road with a grace that is almost effortless. As well as their harnesses it is clear that each girl also has metal bands locked around her neck, upper arms, wrists, thighs and ankles although the ankle cuffs are partly hidden by steel shoes that are strapped to each girls lower legs and feet. The bands, bonds, are gold and I think it was these that caught the sunlight when I first saw them.
I notice also that the girls have a bell hanging from each of their nipples and, as they come nearer, I can hear them tinkling.
The woman behind is a redhead and, as she approaches, I can see she is strikingly beautiful, if somewhat austere. She wears a copper or perhaps brass collar and breastplate like a warrior moulded to accommodate the swell of her large breasts. A sword and a bow are strapped to the chariot and standing in a holder beside her is a spear too. I cannot see her bottom half because of the front of the chariot.
As the chariot reaches us I can see the pony girls are both flushed and sweating despite the ease with which they have laboured to arrive here. As the redhead brings the girls to a stop beside us Mistress turns and gestures for me and my fellow captives to kneel; I obey immediately, bowing my head though can't resist looking up at the blondes who now stand in front of me breathing heavily.
I wonder what it would be like to be treated like this and whether Mistress owns a chariot to which she will harness me.
The redhead and Mistress exchange greetings and I see Mistress bow; then the redhead smiles, dismounting her chariot and embracing her. From the way they are speaking it is clear they are old friends. I can understand little of what they say but do hear the word 'sepora' which I think means slave and, what I think are names of the ponies: Silver and Sparkle. I watch from the corner of my eye as the two women walk towards the ponies and see Mistress gently caress the bottom of the one nearest her. The girl smiles around her bit, clearly pleased at the attention.
I cannot believe the wave of jealousy that engulfs me.
There is another discussion between Mistress and the redhead; Mistress and this new woman are clearly comfortable owning others of their sex and the thought makes me flush of desire.
Then, suddenly they are approaching me and I bow my head. I feel a hand on my chin and my head is lifted. I look up at the redhead. She really is beautiful though in an austere almost noble way, different to the rugged relaxed beauty of my own mistress. I meet her gaze for a moment, her blue eyes are fierce and I quickly look down. There is another discussion and I hear the word 'starmaid' again, I think they are comparing me to the ponies and hope the comparison is a little favourable though how I can compare to these exquisite, harnessed beauties with their poise and grace I do not know. I can only hope that Mistress will have me trained.
We fall in beside the redhead and her chariot. The ponies, fit as they are, are encumbered by their burden and the pace is slower than that which Mistress set over the grassland we have crossed, something for which I am grateful.
I run behind Mistress, still leashed and bound with a gag in my mouth trying to watch the ponies, enjoying their graceful movements and, when I think I can, trying to emulate them. Not looking forward I stumble and nearly fall. Mistress looks round and draws her whip, then, slowing her pace just a fraction, delivers a sharp blow to my buttocks, a clear rebuke and very unlike the playful slap she delivered to me in the camp.
Chastised, I concentrate on the road ahead.
We camp as evening falls. The road has turned progressively south, the red evening sun now sets to our right. There is a river crossing the road and we ford it before stopping; the water is chill as it splashes around my calves and ankles, a pleasant sensation after a day running barefoot in the heat.
Pulling off the road, Mistress commands her three captives to kneel and I watch the redhead, who is called Desedre, step from her chariot and begin to unharness her ponies. From the way she handles them it is clear she has great affection for them; there is much touching, some of it intimate and the bitted ponies clearly show their pleasure at the way they are being handled.
The ponies' wrists are, I have noticed, cuffed to the shafts of their mistress' chariot and when she releases them, Desedre locks their hands behind their backs using the same cuffs. The girls make no effort to resist. When they are free of harness and unbridled the redhead leads her blonde charges to the waters edge a few yards downstream from the road. The blonde ponies still wear the metal cuffs locked around their bodies and I think these must be signs of their bondage, permanent reminders of their slavery. I think of my leather collar, feeling the urge to touch it, reassure myself that I too am owned.
Desedre commands the slaves to kneel by the water's edge and they do so obediently. I notice the way they do this, their knees apart, backs straight, small breasts thrust out, heads down and I begin to wonder at the way they have been trained to do this, to appear desirable in everything they do. I can see the girls looking at the water, after toiling all day in harness and bridle, they must be thirsty but they do not attempt to drink until Desedre, Mistress Desdre gives them permission. At her command they bend forward and begin to lap at the cool water. I push my dry tongue against my gag and realise how thirsty I am. As they bend forward I can see that they have pierced citorises and labia and seem in no way self conscious about exposing their sexes. The bells hanging from their nipples are actually clipped to piercing rings and I try think why these submissive beauties and my dominant mistress might both have their bodies adorned in such a similar way.
Mistress Desedre has been watching her slaves as they drink and when they have slaked their thirst commands them to their feet before releasing their wrists. They proceed to help their mistress remove her clothing. Under her armour, like my mistress, Desedre wears a short leather skirt and thigh high boots which, despite the dust of the road seem to shine as if polished daily, perhaps by her obedient slaves.
Desdre's body is quite stunning, firm and strong like Mistress' though lither, but her breasts are almost as large and I notice, almost with surprise that her nipples are not pierced. Her skin is pale and gently freckled. Once naked she leads the girls to a pool a little further downstream. The blondes follow with utter obedience, dropping to all fours and crawling in a way that is totally lacivious, the bells on their nipples tinkling gently. Desedre enters the water and submerges completely. The slaves kneel back on their heels their hands sliding immediately behind their backs. When Desdre surfaces standing, waist deep in the water like some newly born river goddess, she commands her slaves to come in and, with a brief glance at each other they follow.
I watch as Silver and Sparkle begins to wash their mistress. They do this in the same manner in which Desedre handled them while removing their harnesses and bridles, touching her unashamedly and erotically.
When Desedre is satisfied she begins to help her slaves wash each other.
I kneel, still bound and gagged, watching the spectacle.
I am snapped from my voyeuristic pleasure by the by Mistress's hand in her hair. She jerks my head back but I can see she is amused by my preoccupation. I realise how aroused I am and find myself blushing. I am not sure if Mistress notices but she unties my wrists and tells me to collect wood for a fire.
When I return I find Desire once again dressed and her slaves kneeling beside each other at the edge of the camp. Mistress, however, is now naked, washing herself in the pool and I wish that she had commanded me to wash her. My fellow captives kneel beside the pool, still bound and gagged though their skin glistens with water and their hair is wet. I touch my hand to the gag in my mouth hoping I am allowed to drink soon and distract myself by setting a fire.
When I have finished I look up to find the blondes are watching me. They look so perfect, kneeling submissively, naked save for their steel bonds, their little breasts thrust forward so pertly, each nipple belled. I smile at them around my gag but get no response though they turn to each other and giggle. I feel clumsy and awkward in their presence though they are in bondage and I am comparatively free. Their Mistress is over beside the chariot and, when I look at the river I can see my mistress has emerged from the water.
On impulse I drop to my knees trying to adopt the same position as the blonde slaves, knees apart, back straight, breasts thrust out, head down.
I look up to find mistress standing over me. She is smiling and strokes my hair. She is still naked and I know I give away my thoughts as I take in her glorious body shining in the evening sun. The urge to bend forward and worship her, to kiss and lick her feet and show my utter submission to her is almost irresitable.
Mistress smiles. 'Come !' She commands me in her language. It is word I have learned quickly and eagerly.
I have watched the blondes crawl and I do my best to imitate their movements, arching my back and swinging my hips. I wish I could display the intimate jewelry they flaunt though I know their allure needs no augmentation.
At the pool's edge I kneel up, hands behind my back, breasts thrust out, head down and Mistress removes my gag. I look down at the water, it looks cool and inviting. I long to bend forward and quench my thirst but I make myself await Mistress' command. I hope she will let me drink then command me into the water to bathe her; I relish the though of running my hands for the first time over her voluptuous body but I feel her begin to tie my hands behind my back.
At her command I lean forward to drink, remembering how the blondes did this, lifting their hips and flaunting their sexes. I suppose, any girl bound thus would have to display herself this way. However, before I can reach the water, Mistress stops me with a hand on my shoulder. I blush, embarrassed that I seem to have misunderstood her but she is smiling. I hope she knows how much I am trying to please her.
She points to the river.
The others have all drunk from the flowing water and I assume it must be fresher.
'Thank you, Mistress.' It is the first time I have spoken these words out loud, though, after she made me come I lay awake beside her, helpless and gagged, practicing the words in my head ready to use when next she did something for her most loyal slave.
She is clearly pleased but I see her frown putting a finger to her lips to indicate I should be quiet, saying something I don't understand involving the word for slave.
I think she must be telling me that slaves must only speak when given permission.
I nod, still blushing from my indiscretion but thrilled at the way she is beginning to train me.
She hooks a finger in my collar and leads me to the river.
I crawl awkwardly with my hands bound then kneel waiting. She crouches beside me and places a hand on my lower back pushing me forwards and then on my shoulders lifting them, pulling them back further correcting my posture. I had thought I was displaying myself like the blondes but I realise I have much to learn.
I kneel as she stands and circles me then gives me the command to drink.
I bend forward, trying again to assume the position the blondes adopted. The water is deliciously cold on my lips and tongue and I lap at it realising how difficult it is to drink like this. Finally I place my lips in the water and suck in a mouthful but I have only just done this when Mistress grabs my hair in her fist and lifts my head; she demonstrates a lapping motion with her tongue and says 'lappe', the word that I assume must apply to this action.
I have so much to learn.
When I have slaked my thirst, Mistress leads me into the pool. My wrists are still bound and I worry that I will slip in the soft mud at the bottom of the pool but she keeps hold of my collar. My body has cooled from its exertions and the water feels chill though I relish the pleasure of having the dust and sweat cleaned from my skin for the first time in four days. Mistress commands me to kneel and I do so feeling my knees and legs sink into the soft mud, the water rising to my neck then she motions that she will wash my hair and, with no further warning tips me back under the water.
My first urge it to panic, to fight, a naked bound captive in a strange world, but I force myself to calmness. When I surface I find Mistress smiling, perhaps pleased at the trust I have shown in her. The she herself ducks under the water and rinses the grime from her own hair. She stays under for some time and, when she surfaces I can see gooseflesh on her skin; her nipples are stiffly erect and I wonder again how she came by the rings that pierce them.
The blonde are clearly slaves and intimately pierced.
Could Mistress have once been a slave ?
I kneel near the fire in the posture I have been taught.
Mistress is cooking and talking to Desedre. The brunette captives lie bound on their sides, each of their ankles tied to the collar of the other, their wrists still tied behind their backs. The other slaves, the blonde ponies, kneel beside each other. Desedre has fastened their wrist cuffs to their thigh cuffs, no doubt an easier position for them to maintain. They have continued to show their disdain for me but I have taken every opportunity to observe them.
Thus, with Mistress and Desedre are deep in conversation, I see one lean into the other, brushing her companion's shoulder with her own. The other, Sparkle, I think, turns and, as I watch them steel a kiss; both turning back to face the front in instant later as if nothing had occurred. They kneel like this for a few moments and then, satisfied that they are not being watched I see Sparkle edge slightly closer to Silver and the two girls link the fingers of their adjacent hands.
I am shocked by this behaviour but also completely fascinated and, when I think about it, not particularly surprised. These girls are kept in constant bondage, trained in sexual provocation, treated most likely as sex objects for the pleasure of their mistress and, perhaps others. It is thus of little wonder that the are lascivious, aroused, probably almost permanently by their treatment. I think of the four days I have spent with my new mistress and how I have willingly assumed the role of sex slave to her though she has kidnapped my and placed me in strict bondage.
Silver and Sparkle kiss again, longer this time, before facing their mistress trying, I think to disguise the guilty looks on their faces.
They keep still for several more minutes though I am aware that they are playing with each other's hands, something perhaps slaves kept in constant bondage have an opportunity to do very rarely.
Then, I see Sparkle lean over and lick Silver's nipple. She does it carefully so as not to disturb the bell, or make her own sound, and I wonder if that is the reason the little nipple bells have been left in place. Mistress Desdre must know how her slaves behave. Silver returns the favour and then a process of escalating mutual pleasure begins, the slaves' mouths moving further down their bodies with each encounter until Sparkle's face is buried between her lover's legs, her golden hair spread in a carpet over Silver's thighs.
It is unfortunate for the two girls that, at this moment, Mistress perceives that the food is cooked and Desede looks round to catch her slaves inflagrante. At a sharp rebuke from her they spring apart their little bells providing an audible reminder of their guilt.
Mistress Desdre stands and walks to her chariot. The bucket containing her spear and driving whip also appears to house a cane and she waves this as she approaches the kneeling slave girls who, though they eye the implement warily do not appear to show any contrition. Desdre delivers several sharp blows to each of the girl's breasts. The blondes are resolute, taking their punishment without question or appeal although the cane makes their nipple bells dance noisily and produces red lines across their lightly tanned skin. After the punishment, both girls bend forward and kiss their mistress' booted feet.
Mistress Desedre then turns back to the fire and exchanges comments with my own mistress. I see the cane passed to her and my mistress stand and walk towards me.
I suddenly realise that I am to be whipped too though I am not sure why. Perhaps, I think, I should have alerted Mistress Desdre to the lascivious behaviour of her slaves or, perhaps it is simply a warning. I recall reading something about punishing a slave at the end of the day leading to him or her performing more diligently the next.
Mistress stands beside me and orders me to count. She has taught me to count to twenty in her language and I hope will not need to demonstrate this level of knowledge. In the end she gives me six strokes, sharp blows to my breasts. I try hard to be as stoical as the blondes and succeed until the final one which catches my nipple and makes me gasp. Then the caning is over, Mistress stands before me and I offer my thanks by placing my lips to her still bare feet. I make sure I thank her diligently and am prevented from further adoration by a quick blow to my upturned bottom.
When I lift my head, Mistress is smiling.
I am surprised that the slaves are fed first but this is perhaps a pragmatic arrangement meaning their mistresses are not disturbed when they have eaten. The blondes have steel bowls into which their food is placed and which are then laid before them where they kneel. I see them eyeing the food hungrily but they make no effort of bend to eat it presumably awaiting the command from their mistress.
Mistress frees her other slaves, at least to the point where they can kneel and eat their food with their mouths. They and I have no bowl and the food is placed in front of us on a large leaf that Mistress plucks from the riverside.
Then Mistress and Desedre serve themselves and sit to eat.
I look at my fellow slaves; they are, no doubt as hungry as I but we all wait.
Finally, after several minutes Mistress Desedre gives the blondes permission to eat and they bend over their bowls, picking their food up hungrily with their mouths. The brunettes bend to eat too and I wonder if I should start but, a moment later Mistress turns and commands her slaves to eat, smiling at me as she does so.
When our dinner is over, we kneel awaiting the pleasure of our mistresses in the growing darkness. Mistress and Desedre talk quietly to each other for some time and then finally stand, my mistress moving to tie my fellow captives securely for the night and Desedre going to her chariot.
I have been watching the blondes edge steadily closer together. It is too dark to see the red lines on their breasts caused by the cane but I can still just see those on my own. I should probably say something about the blondes but I feel that would be betraying them even if it does lead to another whipping for me.
When Mistress Desedre returns from her chariot she is carrying a bottle and I watch as she shares it with Mistress. They drink a few sips each and talk a little more, their conversation becoming more animated as the alcohol I presume to be in the flask lowers their inhibitions. Silver and Sparkle take advantage of the distraction to resume their flirtations and, when they catch me looking reward me with a smile and, in Silver's case a suggestive gesture with her tongue. Part of me desires to be with them, to enjoy the intimate contact they share and, in the cooling evening, the warmth of their delightful bodies, but I do not know they will accept me and, besides, I wish to await my mistress.
Finally I see Mistress stand, albeit a little unsteadily. She disappears, staggering slightly, into the darkness, presumably to relieve herself and then reappears. Mistress Desedre does the same, returning via her chariot whence she collects a blanket. Selecting a place to sleep not too distant from the fire she settles down and calls to Silver and Sparkle. I watch enviously as they leap to their feet and race to her side like the excited pets they are, snuggling up to her, one on each side. I imagine that their presence will very hard for Mistress Desedre to ignore.
Suddenly I feel something grab my hair and jump, gasping in surprise. Mistress holds the bottle she has been drinking from to my lips and pours a pungent liquid into my mouth that tastes of grapefruit. I swallow and feel it warm my throat and belly.
Then Mistress kisses me. The act is so sudden that I am taken by surprise and it is a moment before I return the kiss with the passion I feel. I can taste the liquour on her breath. One of her hands goes to my breasts as she drops to her knees in front of me, still holding my hair in her fist, her lips moving to my throat and then I feel her bite my neck. Excitedly I press my body against hers.
'Mistress.' I gasp. 'Take me, Mistress.'
She forces me back lying on top of me, fist in my hair, her other hand cupping my breast, playing roughly with my nipples. I am bound and cannot resist her even if I should want to but I also want to pleasure her and struggle beneath her longing to kiss her, to run my tongue over her body but she pins me down with her weight, the fist still in my hair tightening, perhaps misunderstanding my intentions, thinking I am trying to escape her advances. Her mouth moves to my right nipple and I feel her tongue rake over it then her teeth close around it.
I gasp with pleasure and squirm and have a flash of memory, a memory of intimate contact with her but not here in this place, she dressed in shiny red leather, a bodice, heeled boots, leather gloves she is playing with me, binding me with rope.
I cry out, a little surprised by this and she rolls me over, slapping me several times on the bottom.
This is more than I can bear.
'Please, Mistress. Hurt me !' I have to beg in English but I think she understands my need, rolling me back over and nuzzling my breasts then biting them as I squirm and cry out. Then she rakes her tongue over my belly and I lie rapt with pleasure moaning, waiting for her to move onto my hot wet sex. She takes her time, clearly very skilled in treating a slave in such a manner.
I am whimpering and ready to beg when there is a shout from Desedre, and I catch the word for silence.
I fall silent and Mistress stops her ravishment. I hear her breathing hard and then feel her creep her way up my body leaving me frustrated. The moon has not yet risen but I think Mistress looks slightly sheepish then she pulls my mouth to her own breast and I begin to pleasure her.
Chapter 9 (added: 2018/10/08)
It is morning and I awake to find the others preparing breakfast. Mistress' body is still pressed against me and I lie enjoying its warmth. I have been dreaming about being a slave in a different world. I have seen Mistress again as I saw her before in her shiny red outfit, boots heeled. I was crawling beside her through a garishly lit world that was at once familiar and strange; lit by neon, something that surely can't exist in this world where warriors wear swords and armour; some of the people in this other world dress leather and steel too but others wear rubber and plastic, materials with which I am familiar for I know the words by which they are called. In my dream I was leashed, crawling beside Mistress, naked apart from a tiny thong which simply emphasised my nakedness rather than providing any modesty. However, I was not out of place, others there were leashed or bound too. It was night in this strange town with its bars and shops and brothels and I think it is always night there.
Mistress, the mistress in my dream, in her rubber dress lead me into one of the houses along the street. I think I have been in it before.
She told me to kneel and I obeyed, placing my hands behind my back and bowing my head.
When I glanced up at her she is undressing, revealing her voluptuous body to me and I felt a surge of lust inside me. Without thinking I started to speak, in English, which I think must be my native tongue. I told her that I love her, love being her slave, want her to keep me, to make me her sexual plaything like Mistress Desire keeps Silver and Sparkle.
'Please, Mistress.' I begged.
She touched her lips for silence, whispering the word I have learnt. Behind her finger she was smiling. She bound my wrists with rope and then knelt down in front of me. She had a glass in her hand, red wine. I couldn't help but look at her beauty, her glossy hair and her blue eyes, her marvellous breasts with their piercings. I bowed my head trying to show my submission, my eyes looking at her firm thighs, spread with the dark well of her sex between, but she reached out and lifted my chin, looking into my eyes.
She pointed to me, saying my name. 'Toigrin' and then added the word for slave.
I already know this and when she pointed to herself and said 'Lovtjak', her word for mistress. I wanted to tell her to move on then let me kiss her. 'Esala Luust.'
I realise she was telling me her name. 'Lovtjak Luust. I said, and bowed my head as submissively as I could.
Again she reached forward and lifted my chin telling me again that I am a good girl. Then she pointed to her mouth and said 'Bocu.'
'Bocu.' I repeat.
She then hooked her finger in my collar as she did earlier and pulled me towards her. We kissed gently and she said 'Botoz.'
I laughed, repeating the word.
I am surprised how my knowledge of her language has expanded, grown so quickly, and it was almost as if this dream was part of my training, almost as if her language was already there and just needed unlocking.
Through the night we knelt together, Mistress and Slave as she continued to expand my vocabulary. She taught me the word for tongue, reminding me that I learnt 'lappe' earlier, then other body parts too; chin, neck, shoulder, nipple; she traced her finger over the bruises she inflicted as she taught 'breast'; she then ensured I had understood and remembered by commanding me to kiss the named parts; thus I learnt the difference between left and right and the word for ring.
Yet as she taught me these things I learnt others, words forming in my mind, names for the things around me, the walls and windows, carpet and ceiling, the people beyond.
I whispered them quietly in the darkness, as she touched my body, stroking my skin, playing with my nipples, guiding my lips to hers.
Eventually it was too much for me and my head started to nod. I saw Mistress smile as she took me in her arms and I drifted into sleep safe in her care.
Behind me Mistress groans and when I turn I can see she is clearly suffering from the effects of the alcohol she consumed the night before with Mistress Desire. I stop for a moment. Desdre means Desire in her language. I think I know other words too but I do not have time to think about them as Mistress makes me get up, leading me towards the river where she bends and gulps down mouthfuls cool water.
I kneel watching, noticing that Desire, Countess Desire, I can translate that now too, and her blonde ponies are looking at me strangely.
It is only when I am given permission to drink and lean over the river that I see my reflection in the stiller water at the side. My hair is in disarray and I wish I could apply make-up to cover the dark circles under my eyes and a little gloss to my lips but, more obviously I notice the whip marks on my breasts and, as I bend to drink see the bruises on my neck and chest where Mistress has bitten me.
I look up at Mistress and see the challenge to confront her with the abuse of my body but I will not do this. Mistress has marked me as clearly as if she had branded or tattooed me, even if it is only for a short time, for the moment at least.
I am the property of Lust, Mistress Lust and my name is Tuesday.
We travel for five more days until we round a hillside and see the city, a walled fortress standing in the plain below us, protected by the oxbow of a great river that shines in the late afternoon sun. I can see flags on the turrets and sentries on the wall, the sun catching the tips of their spears. On the road below other travelers toil towards it, some on foot, some using carts pulled by slaves.
Desire's ponies have seemed tireless as they draw her chariot and I wonder if all pony slaves in this world are as beautiful and as strong. Mistress and her slaves have, of course kept the same pace though we are not as encumbered as Sparkle and Silver. I have observed that, on occasions, particularly when the road has climbed steeply, Desire has stepped down from her chariot and shown no less physical prowess, running easily in her heavy bronze armour.
Each night I have shared Mistress' bed, pleasuring her and being pleasured myself. Aside from when I am working around the camp, collecting wood or occasionally helping with preparing the food, my hands are bound behind my back and I have become so used to this now it seems almost natural. Thus when I pleasure Mistress it is always with my tongue and lips. Occasionally I feel the urge to touch her with my hands, run my fingers over her breasts, hook one through her nipple ring or even her clit piercing but such desires are only fleeting and soon assuaged when she touches me intimately and pulls my mouth to her lush body.
Throughout the journey she has continued to train me both in her language and in the arts of seduction. I have learnt that the blondes are 'seduciar', which translates as 'pleasure slaves' or, the word is the same, 'sex slaves'; they are ponies too, of course. I have learned also by watching them, watching how they stand or kneel, each movement designed to flaunt their bodies, to display themselves as object of desire. I continue to try to imitate them and, after their initial reticence, they seem to have accepted this sometimes showing me how I can improve my posture, the turn of my head, the position of my feet.
Last night they approached me as I knelt in the position I have been taught, with my knees spread and my back arched, shoulders pulled back so that my breasts are thrust forward and my head bowed, Silver squatted beside me, her balance perfectly maintained despite the fact that her hands were cuffed to her thighs.
'Did you know that Mistress Lust likes to have her toes licked ?'
I looked up at her in surprise. It was the first time she had spoken to me openly.
'Try it later.' She said, winking and making a very suggestive gesture with her tongue.
I thanked her and later found that she was quite correct.
We approach the city in the early afternoon having left camp later than usual in the morning. The reason for our slow departure was to prepare ourselves for entry to the city. Desire and Lust bathed together while Silver and Sparkle polished Mistress Desire's chariot and armour. I was assigned to clean Mistress' equipment. Mistress then washed the two captured brunettes, before braiding their hair. They were then given a brief lesson in how to stand and display themselves, threatened with use of the whip if they did not comply.
Our cleaning duties over, it was time for the ponies and I to bathe. I expected Mistress to come with me but, to my surprise Silver and Sparkle were given the task of readying me. Sparkle quickly tied my hands behind my back and Silver tied a leash to my collar then they lead me, naked and helpless to the stream beside which we were camped. Making me kneel in the water they removed my collar for the first time since my capture and then used a little flask of soapy liquid to wash my hair and my body spending, I thought, more time than was strictly necessary washing my breasts and nipples. Both seemed fascinated by the way my nipples responded and, at one stage, looking round to make sure they were not being watched, both crouched in front of me and suckled on me. I suspected we would all be punished if caught and was anxious at Mistress' reaction, however, kneeling naked in bondage with two beautiful slave girls sucking at my nipples was not a stimulus I could resist and, when Sparkle slipped her fingers between my legs, I came almost immediately, blushing as I did so.
The ponies giggled at my response and Silver put her arms round my neck and kissed me full on the mouth, pushing her tongue between my teeth before I could stop her. As she pressed against me the firm tone of her muscles was obvious, and I could feel the pressure of her little breasts with their stiff nipples. The sensation was exquisite, her gesture so practiced to tease and excite that I felt immediately ready to climax again. Sparkle followed, less sure I thought than Silver, though still utterly perfect in her contact, the pressure against my body, the position of her hands on me, the brush of her lips, the curl of her tongue.
I was left breathless.
'Your turn to please us now.' Silver whispered in my ear.
'Me first.' Sparkle was still crouching in front of me her hand on the side of my neck holding me gently. 'Before you dishonour your mistress again.'
I tried to protest that I would never dishonour my mistress but Sparkle put a finger to my lips and Silver told me I am a naughty girl for coming without Mistress' permission.
'Now it's time for you to make us naughty girls too.'
They stood on either side of me and Sparkle turned my head, guiding my tongue to her pussy. I touched her clit ring with my lip and felt it click against my teeth.
'Gently !'
I stroked her clitoris with my tongue.
Above me Sparkle and Silver kissed, lingeringly, embracing, then their hands started to roam over each other's bodies. I may not be as skilled as them but I it doubt it mattered to my temporary dominatrixes, to be touching each other's bodies with such freedom is probably a rare treat for them. It seemed to take only moments for Sparkle to reach climax and I heard Silver teasing her for her lasciviousness.
'She's quite good actually.' Sparkle told her lover as she turned my face towards Silver making me blush as I began, gently to tease the other girl's sex.
Silver lasted a little longer but it was clear both girls were extremely horny, a state in which I have noticed they spend much of their time. She gasped as she came and Sparkle admonished her but we were not disturbed.
The girls then shaved me. My pubic hair had grown to stubble in the ten days of my captivity. The sensation made me recall being shaved intimately like this before but I could not remember the context. I am, however, fairly sure it was done by a man and that I was tied to something at the time. This is the first inclination I have had that I have not always been gay. Certainly, in this world I have behaved like a lesbian and, I think, in the worlds of my dreams and previous memories this is also true.
Satisfied with the smoothness of my pussy, the girls rinsed my hair and replaced my collar before leading me from the water. They command me to kneel there in the sun while they bathed and I watched as they washed their hair, soaped each other's bodies and dishonoured their mistress at least three more times.
When they emerged from the water they were clearly excited, their gorgeous, lithe bodies radiating happiness; holding hands and I watched them kiss once more before continuing to prepare me. They replaced the flask of soap in the leather pouch whence it came and pulled out several more vials. My hair had dried a little and they rubbed some perfumed oil into it; they then braided my hair plaiting in some white flowers that are growing beside the stream. Next they applied a little gloss to my lips and, making me close my eyes, a little colour to my eyelids.
Sparkle then opened another vial and applied a little rouge to my nipples. The sensation of having them touched again is delightful and they sprung urgently to attention as she ensured the paste was rubbed in. Having watched these two naughty water nymphs cavort I was more than ready to earn myself a punishment or two and having my nipples teased again was almost enough to push me over the edge. I was thus disappointed when Sparkle's teasing fingers left my nipples, leaving me kneeling, panting on the edge of climax.
Seeing my state, Silver laughed and mades a lewd comment, one that unfortunately, even with my rapidly expanding knowledge of Erolian, was beyond my ability to translate exactly. Then I felt it, a tingling in my right nipple like something rough being drawn over it; already stiffly erect it felt as if the nipple was growing further and when I looked down I could see my areole stretching too in the way I have noticed it does when I am very aroused. The same sensation then began in my left nipple and in moments both were standing rigidly erect feeling as if they were being teased with what I can only describe as a rough feather.
I looked up at the two blondes who were giggling frantically and saw Silver whisper in Sparkle's ear. I knew they were planning something and hoped it involved me being brought to the climax my body was craving. Silver disappeared behind me and I felt her draw my elbows together; with a little effort she made them touch and then bound them there. I have seen both blondes stand like this, usually with their wrists cuffed to their thighs or their waists. The position augments their little breasts delightfully.
Thus I found myself kneeling with my breasts thrust enticingly forward and my nipples tingling as if they were swollen like balloons. I shifted on my knees with the sole purpose of trying to rub my sex against one of my legs and heard the blondes giggle again.
Sparkle crouched in front of me again and I watched expectantly as she took another blob of paste on her finger then slipped it finger between my legs leaving a smear of paste across my sex. The effect was much more rapid there, my labia were already wet and swollen, and within seconds it is as if my sex is being licked by a rough tongue.
I climaxed almost immediately but my body instantly craved more so the effect was to leave me frustrated and very aroused looking up at the two blondes knowing I was radiating all the signals of a bitch on heat. They were grinning, both clearly very pleased with themselves.
I refused to beg but I did remember seeing one of my tormentresses bite her lower lip gently when trying to entice Desire to fuck her; I tried to imitate this gesture but the blondes simply giggled.
I thought they were finished but they had one more ignominy for me. Before I could do anything Silver crouched behind me and pushed something into my bottom. Then Sparkle attached my leash and I was pulled to my feet by my collar and lead to Mistress Desire's chariot. Standing with Sparkle holding my leash I watched Silver bend seductively, flashing her sex to me to pull something out of one of her mistress' bags. When I saw what this was my eyes widened; she was holding what looked like a bridle though with a ball gag rather than bit. She told me to open my mouth and stepped behind me. I obeyed eagerly, enjoying a brief climax as the ball was pulled into my mouth, something that did not go unnoticed by either of my tormentors; the thought of Mistress harnessing me and using me as a pony was more than I could bear. However, I soon realised this was no more than a gag, albeit a very sexy one. The blondes then produced a pair of thigh boots in soft pink leather; unlike Mistress' boots these had heels which were about five inches. They laced me into these and lead me tottering, slightly unsteadily to Mistress.
Mistress was clearly pleased with my appearance which I think must have been something between horny slave-whore and fuck-me-bondage-sex-toy.
I am thus now a stranger in a strange land, bound and collared, being lead towards this unknown city, leashed and naked save for my boots, my wrists tied and my elbows pulled hard behind my back to emphasise my breasts; a sex slave, forced to strut thanks to the heels of these fetishistic boots that make my hips sway flaunting my naked bottom, at least, I try to blame the boots rather than my desire to show all around me the wanton sex toy that my captivity has unmasked. As I am lead along, I drool constantly round my gag, saliva running freely onto my breasts and down the front of my body so that my skin glistens in the afternoon sunlight emphasising, my helplessness while the paste on my nipples keeps them massively erect, beacons broadcasting my intense arousal if my salacious state was not obvious already from the flush of my skin which is anything but maidenly. I know that part of my arousal is caused by the rouge on my nipples making them intensely sensitive and guess the plug Silver pushed into my bottom is doing a similar thing but being treated like this is making me so horny I am drooling from my sex almost as much as I am drooling from my mouth.
I am lead up the winding road towards the city gate. This is Pont Rouge which I know somehow is the largest city in Eroilia. I can't help feeling I know a lot of things I could not but when I think of Erolia I cannot help but feel I know it as one would know a fictional land from reading a novel or seeing a holographic picture rather than because I have lived here. I am sure I have seen Pont Rouge before, or at least its walls with their crenelations and elegant high towers. We start to pass a few travelers leaving the city, all women, some with slaves in tow, many of these are pretty pleasure slaves like Sparkle and Silver, like I want to be, naked or provocatively clad, restrained, their eyes flashing seductively. It appears that traveling in Erolia is done with a mix of practicality and style, certainly when one is likely to encounter others on the road. There is no doubt the pleasure slaves are on display, their hair braided, faces painted and, I am clearly not the only one with her nipples rouged. A few of these girls wear chastity belts and I wonder how many hold phalluses inside or how many of the girls have been painted by with the strange paste that has had such an effect on me; certainly most of these slaves are in a clear state of sexual arousal. I watch their movements which, like Silver and Sparkle's are filled with seductive grace. Like me most of them strut on high heels which are way too high to be practical.
Their mistresses also appear to be dressed in finery to travel, silken robes that cling to luscious bodies, brief cotton tunics that show trim thighs, a few wear bustiers and knickers, often in leather; one pretty redhead is corseted, her large breasts apparently in danger of spilling over to expose her nipples.
As we approach the gate we pass a party of women in heavy chains who may perhaps be prisoners or slaves for another purpose, perhaps fighting or labouring. They are lead by a woman in a heavy leather bodice and thigh boots, who has a similar air to Mistress but is not as pretty. They are followed by a pony cart, drawn by a singly pony, harnessed between the traces of her mistress' cart; this is not a chariot like Mistress Desire but a wooden cart laden with goods, and her mistress walks beside her leading her by a nasal piercings, a single ring hanging from the middle of her nose like the one's Sparkle and Silver wear and I can't help imagining what it might be like to be lead along in this manner rather than by a collar as I am now.
A number of those we pass acknowledge Countess Desire, bowing or nodding, however, whether they do this or not, all appear to enjoy the site of the princess' ponies and many look at me too; I am very aware of them studying my naked body, looking at my breasts thrust out by the way my arms were bound so tightly behind me, no doubt noticing how my nipples are erect, obscenely so, and rouged, how my skin glistens with saliva that continuously runs from my gagged mouth perhaps even noticing how the tops of my boots are wet with the secretions that drip from my burning pussy.
I had never thought that a girl could be kept so aroused for so long and not climax but the paste is clearly some sort of sexual stimulant so that, with every step I ache to be touched and despite my love for my mistress, see every woman who looks at me, slave or mistress, as someone who might satisfy my burning lust. Rather than feel exposed or embarrassed to be so displayed, I thus relish it, hoping that, as well as being studied, I might also be touched.
And then, at the gate I see her, another like me, not a pampered pleasure slave or prisoner but one who I think is new to her captivity, and enjoying as I am the brazen display of her lust. Our eyes meet and I can see the arousal I feel mirrored in her face, the pleasure of being newly enslaved, newly captured, confined to a sensual bondage. Like me she wears thigh boots though hers are a deep red, her collar matches; her arms are restrained behind her in a tight single sleeve. She is a brunette, slim but with larger breasts than mine, breasts which are currently bound with leather thongs, though I don't think this is the reason that her nipples are so swollen and stiff just as I don't think her captivity alone is all that excites her. I think it is more than that and, perhaps more than the stunning leather clad redhead that leads her just as my mistress leads me. She is not gagged and, as we pass she smiles, a genuine expression of joy and an indication of the utter fulfillment she clearly feels as being the sexual plaything of another.
Inside the gate the crowds are thicker though still the same mix of mistress and slave. Along the main street are merchants' stalls and shops selling food and clothing including a leatherwear stall and a shop selling leather restraints where a woman peruses a rack of single sleeves; the next stall is devoted entirely to gags and I see a mistress pushing a newly bought ball gag into the mouth or her blonde slave; further along is a lingerie stall, with a dozen chained slaves displaying a range of lacy bras and knickers, corsets, stockings and suspenders; next to this is a shop selling rope and then another smithy where a buxom redhead is being fitted with steel restraints.
At this point the road opens into a square and Mistress Desire steers her ponies towards and inn. Couples and groups sit at tables outside drinking and being waited upon by serving wenches accompanied by naked slave girls in collars and steel cuffs; the girls work in pairs, the wenches in low cut dresses, with their hands cuffed before them deliver full glasses and collect empties from the tables while their companions, more tightly restrained with their arms cuffed to her thighs and her elbows chained together behind are fitted with a steel tray strapped to the waistband of a chastity belt; the trays are supported by chains from the girl's collars and steadied by chains from nipple rings. Though naked, the tray girls wear impractically high heels that, even were they not bound would make carrying drinks without spilling them a challenge. I note the wenches carry whips in their boots and spot one of the tray girls being chastised for spilling what looks like a glass of red wine.
Mistress Desire drives Silver and Sparkle through an arch while Mistress Lust waits with me and her other two captives. Mistress signals to one of the serving girls who brings a small glass of brown liquid, I think this might be a spirit and this is confirmed from the way Mistress takes a swallow and grimaces then wipes her mouth; she places the glass rather more firmly than is necessary on the accompanying girl's tray and then, with equal force slaps down a coin. The girl with the tray is clearly used to this treatment.
As we wait for Mistress Desire I look around the square; most of the buildings are one or two stories here and made of the local red sandstone but beyond them there are higher buildings, some with elegant tapering towers. Along one edge of the square are more market stalls among which women browse and slaves are lead. One side of the square is lined by a large stone building with sculpted, swirling, black metal grates in the windows and a flag hanging outside. In front of this building are two pillories, one empty and the other holding a buxom, muscular woman; the pillory is at her hip height so she is forced to bend at the waist; she is not surprisingly naked and I see she is gagged with a large wooden ball. Some sort of wooden paddle hangs from the pillory and, as I watch, a woman in a long silken robe with a thigh high slit picks it up and delivers half a dozen slaps on the helpless woman's bottom much to the pleasure of her companions. I can see that the woman in the pillory has pegs clipped to her nipples; these look rather crude and I wonder if they are an official part of her punishment or something that a spiteful passer by has added.
Seeing this woman in bondage reminds me of my own needs and I suddenly realise I am leaning against on of the inn's tables rubbing my sex along the wood, worn smooth by many years' use. It is at this moment that Mistress looks at me and I quickly stand up straight, blushing furiously.
'Be a good girl Toi, or you will end up like that adventuress over there.' Mistress smiles and winks at me. 'Or perhaps you'd like to be treated that way.'
Gagged, I cannot reply but I feel myself blushing even more hotly and look down as submissively as I can to cover my embarrassment. Fortunately, it is at this moment that Mistress Desire returns; the redhead is on foot and is leading my two fellow slaves on their leashes.
'The ponies are stabled and I have booked us a room.' She smiles suggestively at my Mistress. 'Unless you'd rather spend the night with your new pet.' As she speaks Mistress Desire looks directly at me and for a moment my face is so hot I think I might catch fire. I look at my mistress and am surprised to see that she too is blushing and when she sees me she turns away quickly.
My pleasure soars and, in my current lustful state I feel a desire to throw myself at her.
'Come on.' She tugs on my leash. 'I need to get you to the market then get myself a drink.'
I follow behind, my pleasure crashing at my feet.
Chapter 10
We are about to leave the square when I hear a commotion ahead and look up despite my misery to see what is happening. A chariot is entering the square from the road we are heading towards; the chariot is pulled by six ponies, all stunning blondes, their hair a silvery white like the Countess Desire's ponies; their skins are tanned; they are all exquisitely beautiful; each girl wears white harness decorated with silver and silver plumes decorate their bridles; the ponies trot in perfect time, their knees rising to a perfect right angle with each step; like Silver and Sparkle they have bells clipped to their nipples which jingle as they approach though I notice that their breasts are considerably larger than Mistress Desire's ponies and bounce deliciously as they run. It is, however, not the ponies that draw my eye, it is their driver who I realise with astonishment is a man. The driver is bare chested, huge and muscular, blonde, handsome. He is the first man I have seen since my arrival here. The crowd around me seem equally surprised as I am and a hush falls over the square. I notice a few mistresses covering their slave's eyes and a number turning away but many look on admiringly. In my current state of arousal I can't help but feel my body respond but then I look at Mistress and know she is the one I want. I want to plead with her not to sell me, beg her to keep me as her slave but I can do nothing other than look at her desperately over my gag.
'Bloody men !' I see Mistress shake her head and then she pulls on my leash. 'This world would be so much better if we banned them completely.'
I see Mistress Desire give her a stern look but then they both turn away from me and I follow, leashed and helpless and yearning for my mistress.
We plunge into a side alley and the crowds become even denser; though they part for the two dominatrixes in front of me I find myself receiving rather intimate attention from those around me; initially I feel hands brush against me then bodies press against mine; then, as the crowds become more used to our presence I find myself touched by unseen hands which cup my breasts and buttocks and even play briefly with my nipples.
Despite the terror within me, I find myself increasingly excited by this intimate contact and when a hand slips unbidden between my thighs I almost climax but something stops me. It is at that moment Mistress turns round and I blush again.
I see her smile sadly and grab the hand that has just caressed me so intimately, pushing its owner, a pert little brunette hard against a stall selling fruit so that a pile of apples tumble into the street. I hear a sharp cry from the stall's owner but Mistress has already moved on, yanking on my leash to draw me stumbling after her into more intimate caresses.
We enter another square and I know we have arrived.
This is a slave market.
Women cram the square: some chained slaves for sale and some there to buy them. Rows of women in various forms of bondage stand in groups or alone, sometimes on plinths to display them more effectively. Most are naked though a few are clad provocatively, most wear spiked heels or even boots that make them walk on the tips of their toes.
Ahead of me I see a redhead strapped to a pillar, her hands held above her head and a broad strap around her throat; she is fastened to the pillar by her belly and ankles too; the look in her eyes is the same as the woman I passed at the city gates and, I think, the same as the one in mine. I see Mistress Desire lift her hand and tease the redhead's nipples.'
'These are nice.'
The redhead's eyes widen with lust and I think she wants to climax as much as I do but for some reason she doesn't.
'..eash, .issdress.' The redhead begs around her gags.
'Oh, I don't think you're quite ready yet.' Mistress Desire tweaks one of the slave's nipples again and the woman cries out with desire pushing her hips forward.
And then we are past her, passing a four brunettes locked into a steel pillory; each stands upright, heeled shoes hooked over a steel bar; hands locked beside her head; ankles in matching stocks; each faces a different direction; the pillory is mounted on a stand and as she passes Mistress pushes it gently, turning it to examine the next woman on display; the brunettes all have pierced nipples and chains run from these down their bellies, presumably to piercings between their legs.
To my right I can see a slaver auctioning a blonde. The slave has been dressed in black PVC or perhaps rubber and skillfully bound, tight white ropes around her body pinning her elbows together behind her back and her hands at her waist; her knees are tied together and she wears heels that must be at least five inches; the slaver displays her skillfully, turning her and making her totter on her heels, displaying her vulnerability; from what seems to be the rate of the bidding, the crowd appreciate this show as well.
As mistress leads me though the crowd a few of them comment on me calling me 'star maid' which I now know is the Erolian word for blonde. I realise there are very few blondes here both slaves and mistresses. Perhaps blondes fetch a high price.
The thought of Mistress selling me fills me with despair.
A tall woman wearing a very skimpy leather bikini stops my mistress, clearly wanting to buy me; she is not pretty but she is tall and slim and radiates dominance; in my current state I almost want to fall at her feet but Mistress shakes her head; the woman shrugs moving on but not before caressing my breasts with her long delicate fingers; her touch is cool and surprisingly stimulating; I hadn't realised my nipples could get much bigger but I feel them swell as if they are about to burst; the woman winks at me and is gone.
Perhaps, I think, being sold may not be quite so bad.
As we pass through the crowd other hands start to touch me again until it feels that I am being passed from one person to another for appraisal, tested for ripeness like a piece of fruit. One woman hold my hair and slide her fingers inside my pussy, clearly pleased with the hot wetness she finds there. I hear her talk excitedly to mistress and notice Mistress Desire's eyebrows rise in response to the sum offered which I think is five thousand; though I have no idea what that really means, it is clearly a lot for a slave.
Mistress refuses and starts to walk away but Mistress Desire stops her; while they argue the woman continues to fondle me until I think I will explode with desire; she is touching me intimately, running her fingers across my pussy and playing with my nipples; I am so desperate to come I push myself onto her hand hoping she will bring me to climax but I just can't reach it.
Then the discussion is over and I am lead away trembling with lust.
We finally reach the far side of the square. The blonde in the black latex has been sold and the leather-clad slaver is introducing a pert redhead in a steel pillory who is being lead onto the platform by a leash that seems to be attached to a genital piercing.
I am ready to burst with arousal but somehow, despite the intimate caresses, I haven't climaxed; this is probably why, when Mistress stops in front of a stall selling what look like fighting slaves I push myself against her and rub my body against hers. She tolerates my lust for a few moments and then pushes me away, affectionately, flashing me a smile that fills me with hope.
In response, drop to my knees and spread my legs showing my submission.
For some reason this appears to irritate her and she jerks on my leash pulling me to my feet then calls over the owner of the stall. When the owner turns round I am surprised to see it is a man. He comes over and shakes Mistress' hand.
A moment later he is joined by a buxom brunette in a leather bustier and knickers who is clearly a fighter too, though apparently not a slave though she is clearly built like the muscular women chained and caged around her; I wonder if she is a trainer. She is handsome with strong features and lovely grey eyes that, like her movements, display confidence.
There is a brief discussion but the man's voice is thickly accented and Mistress is facing away from me in the noisy market place and I can't really understand what is being said though I pick up the words 'slave' and 'buy' and 'needs training'. The man looks at me briefly and shakes his head saying I am too scrawny but I notice that the brunette looks at me more carefully. Mistress argues with him and he is persuaded to examine me, a task delegates to the woman. She begins by putting a fist in my hair and tipping my head back roughly, turning it from side to side, then she pulls my lip down and looks at my teeth. While she is doing this I feel a hand on my breast and someone squeezes the nipple. It is at this point that the woman releases my hair and I look down to find it is the man who is groping me. I don't want to be aroused by this, certainly not in front of Mistress but I can't help it. I look at Mistress but she is talking to Countess Desire; the brunette knocks the man's hands away and continues to assess me, taking me by the shoulders and shaking me before spinning me around, I feel her squeeze my arms and then she pulls me against her body placing his hands on my belly; I want her to squeeze my breasts too and, gripped with lust, even push myself against her but her hands do slide down to my thighs. I wait, hoping that she will slip one between my legs but she pushes me away from her and bends to squeeze my calves.
'She has potential.' She says to the man. 'We should take her.'
The man looks at me again. 'Really, Nadia ?' He gestures to the podium on which the redhead in the pillory is being groped by the slaver selling her. 'She looks like a pleasure slave.'
I suppose this is a complement.
There is a further argument where Mistress and Nadia seem to be trying to convince the man to take me and eventually he agrees.
Mistress and the slaver shake hands.
I think I have just been sold.
The slaver hands mistress a token and Mistress passes over my leash.
My eyes mist with tears and I see her turn to me with a sad expression.
'.leashhh, ishdresss.' I beg stepping towards her but the slaver pulls me back. Mistress raises a hand and touches my cheek then turns away and I watch her go.
We are being punished again, it is very humiliating. We are the highly trained pets of an Erolian aristocrat and here we are crucified in the yard of an inn like common sluts. I suppose we should have learnt by now not to flirt with stable girls but this one was pretty and buxom and seemed very interested in us.
How were we to know that she was so puritanical but then, I suppose, things are different in the city.
Thus we have both been paddled and put on display as a public humiliation, our lush bodies displayed, spread and vulnerable, for the delight of any passing slattern. It is fair to say we have attracted quite a crowd and, I think, a number of women and even two men have come in to view us.
Some have done a lot more than view us ! One of the grooms is supposed to be watching us but she is not doing a very good job and we have thus been repeatedly fondled by members of the crowd; many of whom have been decidedly lascivious, thinking nothing of toying with our breasts, tweaking our nipples and running their hands over our widely spread thighs; one woman even leant down and pushed her tongue into my sex.
We are gagged, of course, large rubber plugs pushed into our mouths and then heavy leather panels strapped across the lower part of our faces to keep us silent and stop us complaining.
As I turn I can see Silver squirming as a dark skinned woman in an almost translucent white silk gown pushes a large phallus into my lover's exposed pussy. Such humiliations are common practice in some parts of Erolia. I noticed an adventuress in the pillory of the square as we trotted in; someone had clipped pegs onto her nipples and she probably had one on her clit too though I couldn't see it; I wouldn't be surprised if she had a crude phallus inside her, quite possible a piece of fruit; there was probably one in both her pussy and her bottom.
Much to my displeasure the woman uses the phallus to fuck my helpless lover who, rather than resisting this humiliation seems to be ridiculously turned on by it to the extent that she arches her back, closes her eyes and moans into her gag as she squirms with pleasure like a common slut. I know she will come unlike Mistress Lust's new pet Tuesday who has ancara root in her bottom to prevent her climaxing.
Silver convulses in her bonds, screaming with pleasure around her gag.
I am unbearably jealous.
Perhaps it is the effect of whatever has been spread on my nipples or even the drug (I assume that is what it is) pushed into my bottom, perhaps it is that I truely love Mistress. Whatever the cause, as Mistress turns to leave, I feel such a surge of passion within me that I cannot allow her to abandon me without a fight.
Despite my tears I know in that instant what is happening around me and feel a sense of deja-vu though I cannot believe I have been sold in a slave market before.
The slaver holds my leash. He is not a big man and, even though I am restrained I know I can overcome him, enough to escape, enough to reach Mistress. The fighter, Nadia in her leather is more of a threat.
I know what I need to do and shift my weight subtly then kick the slaver hard in the side of the knee moving to my right, towards the buxom leather clad fighting woman in an attempt to jerk my leash from his hands. The slaver's leg buckles and in his surprise I am able to pull myself free.
I turn quickly to my left to avoid Nadia and run towards Mistress calling out to her around my gag. Mistress doesn't hear me above the noise of the market and I run on towards her jostling through the woman in the crowd.
Then I feel a jerk on my leash and nearly fall. It is Nadia, buxom and powerful, there is a smile on her face.
'So eager to leave ?' Her smile is confident and her stance overly so.
I kick her hard in the belly and she doubles over. I try to run but she still holds my leash. My hands are restrained so all I can do is kick her again; even though she is winded she manages to dodge this easily enough and lifts her head, still smiling. I jump into the air and try to kick her face but she dodges with ease.
I realise a crowd has gathered around us, the slaver and her recalcitrant slave.
I try to run again but she holds my leash tight. There is only one thing I can do.
I hurl myself at her, dipping my shoulder and charging her in an attempt to drive myself past her. I hit her hard and think I have done enough to knock her down but she is free and stronger and a skilled fighter and my wrists and elbows are bound. She rolls me over and comes up on top of me leaving me pinned by her weight, my arms completely useless beneath me.
I scream into my gag struggling for all I am worth kicking my legs wildly.
She slaps me but I continue to scream.
Then suddenly Mistress is above me, her face blurred by my tears but I know it is her.
'.leashh misdress, don'. .eave .e' I beg her.
She crouches and strokes my hair.
'Calm my little Toi...'
I still and look at her and she gestures to the women, indicating it is safe to realease me. I stand, awkward in my bondage. There is a huge crowd around me but I am barely aware of them. Nadia holds my leash tightly, she is tense, wary after my last attack on her.
Mistress touches my cheek, stroking it gently.
'Toi..calm...I will return for you, I swear.' She smiles. 'But if you wish to be my slave you must be trained...'
She bends my head down and kisses my forehead then releases me as the slaver limps up.
Mistress turns to Nadia. 'Are you slipping ?'
I see Fighting Mistress Nadia tense, standing to her full height. She is almost a head taller than mistress.
'I'm just teasing.' Mistress smiles and the pair clasp hands then Mistress turns to go.
I see Mistress Nadia look at the slaver and smile. 'I told you she was a fighter.'
Silver and I are still being humiliated. I thought that when Mistress returned our punishment would end but it is clear that Mistress Lust is upset by being separated from her new slave and Mistress Desire was clearly in a mood to console her.
Our services were thus not required.
Needless to say Mistress was not best pleased to see her two pets being punished in such a degrading manner and at once made her feelings clear to the inn manager, apologising for our lasciviousness and, as way of recompense giving us to be used as common serving wenches for the rest of the evening. We were thus fitted with trays that were clamped tour nipples and forced to serve food and drinks to the inn's customers. With our wrists cuffed to our thighs like the other serving wenches and our upper arm cuffs pulled tightly together behind our backs to make our little breast stick out we were almost as incapable of defending ourselves as when we were strapped to the crosses and had to endure further fondling, tweaking and intimate groping. Thankfully we were still forced to wear the panel gags so we could not be forced to pleasure the crowds who took delight in tormenting and humiliating us.
From what I could gather, our presence was a significant draw and the inn's takings for the evening were the best for some six months. Personally, I think Mistress Desire should be given a share of the profits but I suspect she would refuse it even if it were offered to her.
Silver and I are very dextrous and, under normal circumstances, we would have had little trouble carrying out the tasks assigned us, but in the press of the crowds we could to little to prevent the drinks we carried being spilt and thus had to endure the wrath of our handlers who used their whips extremely freely. They even allowed the punters to chastise us at times too. At one point I was pulled on to the lap of a slim brunette who spanked me hard as she fondled my nipples and then slid her fingers into my pussy.
I'm embarrassed to say that I climaxed almost immediately, kicking my legs and squealing with delight, something that drew a look of displeasure from Silver though I felt it was completely justified as revenge for her disgusting performance in the cross.
Now, with the inn finally closed for the night, we have been given to the staff as reward for their hard work and Silver and I kneel in the middle of a circle of serving wenches and tray girls, barmaids, cooks, grooms and stable lasses. Commoners in other words ! They are in various states of undress with corsets loosed and stocking tops exposed. I have noticed flashes of underwear for most of the afternoon and assume this is common behaviour for these city girls, and that red and lacy seems to be the preferred style. The tray girls are still naked and collared though not so tightly restrained and they kneel on the floor with their wrists cuffed in front of them rather than sit on benches like the other girls. Their trays have been removed as have ours. This is especially a relief to me as I am sure my tray was designed for a more buxom girl meaning my poor nips have been cruelly stretched for several hours. Our arms are still restrained and we are still gagged; our thigh and ankle cuffs on each side have also been tied together with strips of leather to keep us on our knees.
The buxom stable lass is among them, flashing her assets like the harlot she surely is and, despite all the trouble she has caused us still seems to be ogling me. I don't think her motivation for punishing us earlier was anything to do with her disapproval of us, I think she wanted to humiliate with us.
The girls have threaded leather straps through some of our piercings to better control us, we are thus linked by our clit piercings, so that we can move about three feet apart but no further, that is to opposite ends of the circle but not beyond without the other coming too; there are thongs through our nipple and nasal piercings too.
The girls have been sharing flasks of mead and some bread and chicken while we have knelt helpless and gagged; other than the occasional suggestive comment they have ignored us until the flasks have been round the circle a few times. It is at this stage that Buxom Stable Lass suggests our gags are removed.
'Better give 'em a drink before they start.' She suggests.
One of the bargirls fetches two bowls and mead is poured for us while a groom removes our gags.
Mistress doesn't usually let us drink and we have not eaten since breakfast; what follows is thus predictable as two highly sexualised and submissive pets have the last of their inhibitions removed.
Silver and I are good, very good, and the drink does nothing to inhibit our oral skills and thus, giggling with delight we begin to serve our temporary mistresses. Buxom Stable Lass is first and I am guided too her by my nipple leash. I find her extremely responsive as I bring the full force of my tongue to bear upon the juicy lips of her pouting pussy guided by her fist on the thong attached to my nasal ring. She is quickly and easily satisfied though I find myself disappointed not to be able to nuzzle her heavy breasts or nibble at her nipples with my teeth.
With BSL satisfied, temporarily at least, my nipples guide me to the rather pert serving girl who was responsible for Silver when we waited at table. I think Silver has already pleasured her this evening, I noticed the two of them disappearing into a store cupboard just off the main corridor to the kitchen and, a few minutes later, I noticed how flushed both of them were. I don't blame Silver, of course, for this indiscretion, I would have done the same in her place; we are slaves after all and both therefore subject to the will of others. PSG clearly enjoys having her nipples teased as the first thing she does is use my nasal ring to guide me to one of her rather small breasts; I soon find her nipples are very sensitive and that she likes them to be bitten; I feel her shudder as she nearly comes when I bite her right nipple and rub it with my tongue. She soon guides me down her belly to her pussy which is neatly shaved and has a clit ring which she threads my leash through before laying back and spreading her legs.
When I leave PSG panting I am guided by a tattooed and pierced barmaid to one of the kneeling tray girls. I can feel Silver moving behind me and feel a tug on my clitoris meaning I have to lean forward to reach the little redhead in her snug collar. I suspect that on any other night it would be her in the circle pleasuring the others. She clearly wants to kiss me and I lean in to touch her lips which are warm and soft. She is clearly good with her lips and, I soon find, with her tongue too. She is also a very hot little thing and before I know it she has her hands on my nipple rings and is using them to hold me close to her. I squirm and she calls me a naughty girl telling me that, if she wasn't cuffed, she would put me over her knee and spank me hard. I continue to kiss her and feel her hands move down my body as she presses her breasts against mine; I feel our nipple rings click together and then her fingers slide into my pussy. I might be an exquisitely trained pleasure slave but I have needs and despite an awful lot of stimulation they have not been met for several hours; I therefore come almost immediately. This make my little HLT giggle and tell me that I am definitely going to get a spanking now. I call her mistress and beg her forgiveness and she tells me that if I please her sufficiently she will let me off my punishment, for the moment at least, and with that she leans back spreading her thighs and I bend forward to push my tongue between them.
Chapter 11 (added: 2018/11/10)
We are back at Chateau Flame, Mistress' home and are training Jade, Mistress' new slave. She is eager to please but rather clumsy and I wonder if Silver and I were ever this inept.
She is pretty but not as stunning as either of us though she is clearly quite submissive. Mistress bought her before we left Pont Rouge and she came back with us running, collared and chained beside Mistress' chariot.
Jade has glossy black hair and slightly sloping eyes that are almond shaped, her face is rather flat and her nose broad but her lips are luscious and she has a lovely smile. She is quite small, shorter even than Sparkle and I, and quite stocky compared to us though this does mean she has nice big breasts and a lovely round bottom.
When she is not learning the ropes as it were she spends time with Madam Equa undergoing fighting drills. She is currently better at fighting than she is at cunelingus, something that Silver are working to change.
At the moment Jade is kneeling in front of Silver practicing the use of her tongue and I can see Silver frowning.
My trainer advances wielding her twin shortswords and I take up my guard. I am being trained. She attacks and I respond, parry left, parry right, step lunge, parry, step parry repost. The iron practice swords are heavy and my shoulders burn. I am naked aside from a steel cage locked onto my head and chained by heavy links to a pillar in the centre of the training yard. Weighted cuffs are locked around my ankles and wrists. There are three other girls behind me undergoing similar training all under the cool, grey and ever watchful eyes of Fighting Mistress Nadia.
The yard is a dirt arena surrounded by high walls that reflect the heat of the sun and block out any breeze making the midday air stifling. Sweat is running in rivers down my naked body, flowing into my eyes, stinging them, so that, unable to wipe it away, I am forced to blink furiously.
I have been here for six months undergoing physical training by day and chained at night, heavy cuffs locked to my wrists and ankles and the collar around my neck. I am not sure which are the worse; the burning days when the goading of my trainers combines with the clash of steel ringing in my ears and punishing blows rain on my body when I miss a parry or I am beaten for my ineptitude or the cold loneliness of my cell at night when I lie chained on my back, body aching, my wrists locked to rings beside my collar and my ankles chained apart.
At least when I am alone at night that I can think if Mistress.
My nights these six months have not always lonely, of course. I am something of a celebrity in the fighting school. There are not many blondes in Erolia and my golden hair attracts much attention though my fairer skin is rapidly darkening to a honey tan in the hot sun. I think the incident in the city square has become something of a legend in the annuls of the city and some are curious about the restrained blonde slave who knocked Mistress Nadia off her feet.
Nadia, my fighting mistress is the most frequent of my nocturnal visitors. She has a deliciously firm body, strong and supple though a little overmuscular for my taste. She is, despite the intense domination and even violence she shows me during the day, probably the most considerate of my night time lovers. I use that term because I do not like any other and, in truth, the physical contact, albeit sometimes violent of these night time encounters is not unwelcome. Fighting Mistress Nadia is a sexual athlete and I wonder that she does not have more of her own adoring lovers, slaves to worship at the temple of her body to satisfy her carnal desires. Nevertheless she comes often (full pun intended), unlocking the door of my cage as I lie helpless and chained on my back. She is usually naked at these times and, I notice, has always washed herself which is more considerate than others who come to use me.
She seems to take pleasure in my body, running her hand over my belly and then playing with my small breasts, kissing and licking my nipples like a true lover rather than just using me for my tongue. She herself is very responsive and I cannot help but feel pleasure when, kneeling astride me, she arches back, grasping the bars of the cage above her and crying out as I bring her to orgasm. If I have performed well, which is usually the case, she will sometimes bring me to climax too using her finger or, if she is in the mood, her tongue to stroke my labia and play with my clitoris.
Sometimes she makes me beg and I like this even if I think it is just her way of showing that, day or night, I am totally subject to her whim.
Many of my other lovers are not so considerate and some relish the opportunity to punish a chained, helpless girl bringing with them clamps for my nipples and various whips and canes. Some bring gags too, silencing me while they abuse me and then removing the gag so that they can enjoy my tongue. Some of those who visit me are from the fighting school but others come from outside and, I assume, some of my mistresses earn money from selling my helpless submissive body.
I am usually kept chained in my cage for these night time assignations and, I suppose there is little that can truly be done to harm a slave lying chained on her back in a small cage. There are some, those who pay more I assume, that are allowed to remove me from my cage. This usually happens when Mistress Nadia is away and one of the other fighting mistresses is in charge. On these occasions I am chained or bound in all kinds of positions: sometimes and intense strapado, sometimes suspended by my ankles or wrists. sometimes arched over a weapons chest exposing my body and, especially, my sex to whatever abuse my tormentor chooses to inflict upon me.
I should, I suppose, object to being used in this way but, I am slave and therefore subject to the whim of others and I do not dislike this situation in which I find myself. Also, sometimes when I am treated like this I experience the flashbacks, memories of other humiliations, other abuses I have endured in another place, perhaps even another world, and I feel my body respond, not with fear or revulsion but with intense arousal.
Mistress !
It is the first time I have seen her since she left me here and I am not certain whether it is truely her. We were, after all, only together for a few brief weeks.
I am hanging by my wrists in the training yard. There is a bar between my ankle cuffs holding them about eighteen inches apart. I have just been whipped for losing against Mica, one of my fellow slaves. I am a better fighter than her, in fact, I am the best of the slaves but I allowed Mica trick me and I am being punished. It is a good lesson and one best learnt with blunt swords and, of course, Mistress Nadia's whip. All that is wounded is my pride (aside from a few bruises and two dozen stripes across my back and thighs).
Mistress comes to stand before me, lifting her hand to shield her eyes as she looks up at me. This is not how I planned to greet her on her return, assuming she ever came back for me.
She is as beautiful as I remember her, shiny chestnut brown hair, longer now, and blue eyes, strong features and a broad mouth with full lips; her body strong and, I cannot help myself, those lovely big breasts. She is dusty from traveling and I wonder if she has come here before resting and bathing through a desire to see me.
'Not exactly what I was hoping for.' The disappointment in her voice is evident.
I want to reply but I am gagged, a wooden bar lashed between my teeth using a leather thong. Even in the heat of the day I feel myself blushing though, I suspect, Mistress cannot see it.
Her remark is, of course, not only, if at all, addressed to me. My fighting mistress stands behind her. What a pair they are, two warriors, goddesses made flesh. Mistress Nadia is a little taller and her muscles are more defined.
'She's alright.' Nadia reassures Mistress.
'Shall we find out ?'
Mistress Nadia releases my ankles from the bar holding them apart and lowers me down before freeing my wrists; I am still, of course, wearing my cuffs and collar.
I drop to my knees placing my wrists behind my back arching my body like a pleasure slave, showing my obedience to my newly returned Mistress. I want to fall on my belly at her feet and lick the dust from her boots and later, perhaps, from her toes too.
Nadia removes my gag and I bend forward touching my lips to the toes of Mistress' boots, my hair falling to the floor around her feet.
'She seems pleased to see me, Nadia' Mistress' voice carries humour. 'I hope you haven't been abusing her too badly.'
'She's been surprisingly willing to learn.' Fighting Mistress, Nadia is amused too. 'And proved herself very capable.'
'Can she fight too ?'
They both laugh.
Mistress Nadia gives me a practice sword and Mistress draws her blade. We crouch circling. I can see that her footwork is wrong when she moves left, her left foot crossing too far behind her right and that the tip of her blade is perhaps an inch too far to the left.
Mistress lunges and I parry easily. She is testing me or perhaps she is being cautious, her blade is not blunted for practice. We continue to circle and she comes at me again, a more concerted attack this time requiring me to move my feet as I block and parry. I think she has overextended and swing my blade but she ducks easily and rolls away.
It is my turn to attack. I have just been punished for swinging too violently at Mica, of overreaching and leaving myself open. Mica had been making lewd comments about Mistress and how Mistress would not return for me.
I launch an attack but this is Mistress and I suddenly fear I will hurt her. I change my attack, driving for her shoulder. Mistress knocks my clumsy lunge away easily and looks at Fighting Mistress Nadia who admonishes me.
Mistress hits her chest with gloved fist.
'The heart is here, Toi.'
I know her heart is there, and mine sits beside it.
I lunge but my attack is half hearted.
Mistress steps back. 'I think she needs another six months.'
'No !' I can't believe I have just shouted at Mistress like this but the thought of her leaving me again is too much.
I attack quickly coming from the right through the weak point in her guard and my blade glances off her bustier as she just manages to turn her body to slip the blow. My attack spent, I roll quickly away, knowing I am vulnerable. I regain my feet to see Mistress coming at me, a determined look on her face. I had thought she might be angry but, if anything, she seems amused.
We trade blows, lunges, parries, blocks and reposts. I sense she is still testing me but differently now, more as she would another swordswoman than an unskilled rival. I suspect, should she have wished she could have killed me a dozen times over. I see her make that overstep and lunge again; my sword is blunt and hers sharp, she is protected by her bustier and I am naked, I cannot truly hurt her but I still don't want to hit her with my blade.
I am inside her guard and I suddenly turn bringing the hilt of my sword up to the side of her head, she leans back with surprising agility but not far enough and I catch her with my pommel. It is enough to unbalance her. I drop my blade and catch the wrist of her swordarm, pushing forward to carry her to the floor with the weight of my body.
I land on top of her and am momentarily thrilled by the look of surprise in her blue eyes; her mouth is open.
I cannot resist her, this close, this physical contact is too much and I kiss her, feeling an instant thrill at the warmth of her mouth and the firmness of her lips, her taste, that smell of sand and exotic spices. She will throw me off, strike me with her left hand, I expect it; she is, no doubt, far stronger than I despite all my recent training but I continue to kiss her, releasing my grip so that I can hold her head, keep her lips against mine for as long as I can.
I know I will be punished for this, that after she has rolled me over, striking me hard in retribution for my presumption she will beat me or whip me or bind me but I don't care, I want her to do it, want her to own me again, want her more than I have ever wanted anything or anyone.
She her wrap her arms around me, holding me close but this is to return the kiss with a passion and lust that leaves me gasping.
I feel her roll me over and offer no resistance.
We continue to kiss until finally she pulls her mouth from mine and kneels up. She is smiling, her face reflecting the joy I feel within. There are tears in her eyes, and mine as we gaze at each other.
'Touching.' Nadia, the fighting mistress expresses her sarcasm and Mistress looks up at her then climbs to her feet.
'You've done a good job.' Mistress claps Nadia on the shoulder.
'Perhaps you'd both like to join me for six months.' Nadia offers. 'I can see your technique is in need of a little remediation.'
'I'll pass.' Mistress smiles and pulls her purse from her belt. 'This is for you. I've already paid you clerk.'
'Thank you, Madam.'
Mistress looks down at me where I still lie in the dust of the practice yard.
'Have her sleeved and booted and delivered to the Griffon.'
'Yes, Madam.'
I am being lead through the streets of Pont Rouge, free from the weighted cuffs for the first time in over six months. I am once again wearing the leather collar mistress first gave me. I am, of course, still in bondage, my arms laced into a tight single sleeve. I wear slave boots, spiked heels to display me, force me to walk in a way that is seductive, mark me out as the property of another; this pair are thigh high, blue leather like the sleeve that binds my arms and the collar around my throat. I am otherwise naked, my body displayed for others, my breasts, my belly, my sex open to view and, perhaps to touch.
A gag, a leather covered wooden ball, also blue, is strapped into my mouth with a pony harness silencing me, displaying to others how utterly helpless and vulnerable I am.
I know my body is desirable, my hair attracts glances and my toned slim form makes gazes linger on me. The training has strengthened my shoulders and chest and, I think, made my breasts appear bigger, the single sleeve helps with this illusion; I also make a conscious effort to thrust my chest forward, strutting like the sex toy I am.
That is another of those curious phrases that seem to pop into my head from time to time. I am owned by my mistress and, if she wishes, she can use me for sex, treat me as her plaything, her toy, and I was thrilled when she called me that even if the shortened version of my name, Tuesday, 'Toi' in Erolian just sounds like the English word.
The streets are not busy at this time of day, the heat of the sun keeping many indoors. A few slaves are about, running errands for their mistresses or, perhaps, in a few cases, masters. Most are naked though some are dressed, clad usually in skimpy garments designed to display their bodies, almost all wear heeled slave boots, some ankle high and some up to the thigh like mine; a few wear boots that make them walk completely on their toes, girls like this are forced to hold themselves very upright, thrusting their hips forward in a way that seems to push out their sex invitingly. Many such girls are clearly pleasure slaves, their sole purpose to please others, to flaunt themselves, displaying their bodies, performing; these are kept almost constantly restrained and those I see about are mostly bound in a single sleeve like me; many are pierced too, decorated, rings glinting their nipples and sexes, some tattooed.
I enjoy the fact that I am displayed like one of these pleasure slaves, though not in toe boots. Part of me wishes Mistress had ordered me trained for pleasure rather than as a fighting slave but, thinking rationally, if Mistress wishes me as a companion, one she can take with her when she hunts, she will need one who can take care of herself. Even though I have not been trained in the arts of pleasure I have, when given the chance, observed these submissive beauties and attempted to emulate their movements, thinking, even as I was forced to please the visitors to my cage how Silver or Sparkle might 'entertain' the women who commanded them, how, given the chance they might display themselves, satisfy their mistresses. I have, if I am honest, throughly enjoyed being used as a sex slave and memories of this thrill me; though I can't help but tremble at the thought it will soon be Mistress whom I pleasure and Mistress who holds my leash rather than the apprentice of Fighting Mistress Nadia.
Valerie is a wiry redhead, new to Pont Rouge, slim and lean as one would expect a future fighting mistress to be. She has pale skin and watery blue eyes. I think Mistress Nadia gave the girl a hard time when she arrived at the school, treating her as one would a slave, making her fetch water, clean the yard daily, repair equipment in addition to her training. Mistress Nadia demands the highest of standards and beat the when she did not achieve them just as she beat me, us, the fighting slaves she was training. There were several nights when Valerie spent her nights chained in a cage like mine with her nipples and sex painfully clamped though, of course, she did not have to entertain night time visitors.
As she became more accepted, Valerie's punishments became less frequent, though probably more intense when they did occur. She also became trusted with matters of training, particularly the strength and agility training of the fighting slaves including me. At first she was moderately indifferent to us but, as she came to know us she talked more; this occurred particularly after training as she washed and fed us.
At the end of the day all the fighting slaves, except those being punished, were taken to the shower block and chained up before being washed. As one might imagine, a naked slave girl standing helpless and chained with water dripping of her body is an alluring sight and, if the girl in charge of this slave is expected to wash and soap her body there can be only one outcome.
Valerie quickly learned to wash me with my hands chained behind my back so that she could make me kneel after she had soaped my body then, as she washed herself make me please her, lapping at her sex beneath the torrent of water that ran over us. On one occasion, when Valerie must have been feeling particularly voracious Mistress Nadia came into the showers to find out what the delay was and found us inflagrante. She rebuked Valerie, of course, more for wasting water than for anything else, but there was a smile on her face as she did it and I don't think Valerie minded the dozen blows she received to her bottom from Mistress Nadia's cane.
That night Valerie came to me in my cage and went on, like her mistress, been a regular visitor.
We enter one of the towns squares; like most of the others it has trees and a fountain, places to eat and drink, some offering lodgings too, a few shops and workshops and one or two houses. It also has a pillory which currently contains a woman who I assume to be an adventuress like Mistress judging by her strong muscular body. A sign proclaims she is being punished for being drunk and disorderly and for not paying her bill at the inn. She stands, bent at the waist, her hands locked beside her head through holes in the heavy wooden board; her ankles are kept apart by a set of stocks. Someone, presumably the landlady whose bill she couldn't pay has increased the woman's punishment by clipping clothes pegs onto her big nipples and her fat labia; there are bruises on her large buttocks where she has been beaten with some sort of paddle.
From my brief forays into the streets of Pont Rouge I have come to realise this is quite a common fate for adventuresses and can't help wondering if Mistress has ever been treated this way.
Valerie leads me past the helpless woman towards an inn with a sign outside displaying a griffon.
Mistress is waiting for me in her room on the first floor and she accepts me from Valerie. The room is comfortable though clearly worn, the carpet is threadbare and the four poster bed sags, there is a leather armchair that is heavily worn and a small table with a washing bowl, jug and mirror. I drop to my knees as the two women speak, Mistress enquiring about Valerie's training before bidding her farewell. As they speak I try to be a good slave, kneeling with my head down but cannot resist stealing glances at my beloved mistress. She is wearing only a light silk skirt, a strip of material wrapped around her hips that barely covers her beautiful bottom or her sex; almost naked like this she is utterly gorgeous, full and strong, dominant despite the wispy garment that clings to her body. Her hair is loose, cascading almost to the small of her back. I like this new look. As she turns I can see the gold rings of her piercings and yearn once again to flick them with my tongue as I take her big brown nipples into my mouth.
I hope that, as soon as Valerie leaves, Mistress will command me to bed and I will be forced to spend the next few hours in helpless bondage pleasuring her as she commands.
However, as the door closes, Mistress rounds on me, her eyes blazing with anger. She cuffs me hard across the face and I sprawl across the floor crashing into the table and nearly upsetting the water jug. I am helpless, arms restrained behind my back, and can do nothing as Mistress leaps on me, one fist plunging into my hair and yanking my head back.
'That's for embarrassing me in front of Nadia.' Her voice is a low snarl and I want to tell her how sorry I am for knocking her from her feet, tell her I thought it was what she wanted me to do; I want to grovel at her feet and beg her forgiveness, beg her to punish me.
Tears spring to my eyes and I tremble.
Then, suddenly, Mistress is smiling. 'Toi.' She hugs me and then kisses me on the neck, then the forehead, then around the gag. I squirm trying to press myself against her.
She reaches behind my head and fumbles with the straps of my gag, finally managing to undo them and pull the ball from my mouth. I feel saliva running down my chin and she pulls the towel from the table to wipe it away.
Then she kisses me, long and deep and, at last I taste her again, reveling in her scent, the tang of spices that cling to her body, her warmth and her strength.
'I want you in that bed.' She is as breathless as I. 'Now !'
She climbs off me and I scramble to my feet delighted by this treatment.
'Do you want my boots off, Mistress ?'
'What do you think ?'
Still booted I climb up onto the bed, rolling onto my bound arms and arching my body seductively, watching her as she unknots the strip of silk around her hips and, gloriously naked, hurls herself on top of me.
Even without the use of my hands I pleasure mistress joyfully and skillfully, my tongue roving over her body, my lips caressing her, teeth nipping and nibbling, clasping her gorgeous body between my booted thighs. There are moments when I wish I could use my hands on her, stroke her bottom with my fingers, take her big heavy breasts in my palms, gently pinch her nipples; yet, for the most part, being restrained as we couple excites me; I love the fact that she has complete power over me, that she could, at any moment if she tired of me replace my gag, and tie me helpless and unwanted out of her reach, ready to be used again on her whim.
And besides, I am probably more skilled at the use of my lips and tongue simply by virtue of having a lot more practice.
The first time I make her come she kneels over me and I use my tongue to stroke her swollen labia, lapping and savouring her secretions before toying with the ring in her clitoris. She climaxes quickly, crying out as she comes and, I think, saying my name under her breath.
Then, still panting, she lies behind me playing with my breasts, pinching and teasing my nipples as she nips at my neck below my collar. Such treatment makes me squirm with delight and I have to force myself not to 'dishonour' her by climaxing without permission. I feel her rubbing her sex against my mitted hands and, in response push them between her thighs. As her second climax builds her hand begin to slide intermittently down to my own sex to tease me and make me gasp. As she begins to climax she rolls me onto my belly and sits astride me taking my hair in her fist while she rubs her sex on my bound wrists.
The sound of her crying out with pleasure is almost enough to send me over the edge too but I manage to hold back; as well as wishing to demonstrate my obedience I want to be able to pleasure her as completely as I am able and I know that in satisfying my own lust I may lose focus on hers.
As she recovers from her second orgasm she climbs off my back and slaps my bottom before rolling me onto my side an lying in front of me, gently brushing my blonde hair from my face. Her blue eyes gaze at mine, dazzling me, her cheeks are gently flushed, her lips parted. I lean forward and kiss her then gently bite her lower lip before moving down to kiss her chin and then her neck.
'Don't think I've forgotten the incident with Nadia.'
'Of course not, Mistress.' I begin to kiss her chest. 'I'm sure you'll be wanting to punish me.' I bite her right nipple gently. 'Quite severely.'
'Very severely.' She corrects.
'Very severely, Mistress.' I bite her nipple a little harder. 'Perhaps you'd like to whip me now, or you could put me across your knees and spank me.'
'You deserve more than a spanking.'
'I know, Mistress, but it would be a start.' I lick her nipple and play with the piercing. 'I'm aware I've been a very naughty girl and must be punished.'
'I had you trained as for fighting. Where did a fighting slave learn to be so seductive ?'
'Fighting slaves have a tongue too, Mistress.' I push my tongue into her nipple ring. 'And needs.'
'And why should a mistress care about the needs of her slave ?' She pushes my head down towards her sex.
'A happy slave is a devoted slave.' I kiss her lower belly. 'Mistress.'
'And what would make this slave happy ?'
'To please her mistress of course, Mistress.' I giggle. 'And to be spanked.'
She grabs my hair and sits up, pulling be across her lap.
'I might have to punish you for being presumptuous too.'
'I certainly hope so, Mistress.'
She begins to spank me, her hand, firm and strong, the skin of her palm hardened by the use of a sword and living wild. It is the most intense spanking I have ever enjoyed.
Ever enjoyed...
I see a flash of the garish world again, women clad in shiny clothes, women on leashes like slaves...pets... I am bound, roped, over the knees of another woman...Mistress ?
The spanking is making me very hot and I realise I am close to orgasm. I try to wriggle away but Mistress has a firm grip on my hair.
'Too much for you slave.'
'No, Mistress.' I realise I am panting. 'Quite the opposite.'
Her hand slide between my legs.
'You are enjoying this !'
'Yes, Mistress. Please !'
'Please what ? Do you want me to stop or to continue ?'
'Please stop, Mistress, or you'll have to punish me all over again.'
'Are you trying to be clever, Slave ?'
'Your slave has no wish to be disobedient.'
'Very well.' She pulls me off her lap and rolls me onto my back then straddles me but so she is facing my body this time. 'If you're a good girl I might give you permission to climax.'
The expression 'good girl' seems a little odd; I wonder if she means 'good slave'.
I begin to lick at her sex and feel her respond almost immediately.
It doesn't take long to bring her to the point where she shudders at almost every contact of my tongue with her labia or clitoris or even her piercing. She knows I am teasing her and clearly enjoying it. I can feel her fingers playing idly with my nipples and occasionally stroking my belly.
Then she leans forwards; I assume she is just moving position but I feel her hair brush against my thighs then, without warning her tongue runs along my pussy; I gasp, completely distracted from my own ministrations.
'Slave !'
'Sorry, Mistress.' I begin to lap her again.
'Better.' Mistress' tongue runs along my labia again.
I lift my head and push my tongue inside her sex.
'Good girl.' She laps my pussy a third time and then circles my clitoris. 'You may come if you wish to.'
'Thank you, Mistress.' My words are slurred by a mixture of intense arousal and the fact that my tongue is buried in Mistress' pussy.
It doesn't take long. I hold out for as long as I can but I am so horny it seems no time at all. I am glad that Mistress starts to come first because, although I try to continue licking her diligently, when I start to climax I loose all control, writhing violently and screaming my lust for all to hear.
Chapter 12 (added: 2018/11/10)
My arms are once again laced tightly behind my back in the single sleeve and I am once again collared and leashed. We are leaving Pont Rouge, heading north along the road by which I was brought here a little over six months ago. In many ways little has changed, I am in bondage and lead, leashed by my mistress over whom I continue to lust devotedly. I am, of course, now a trained, at least basically trained, fighting slave although restrained and wearing slave boots I would probably not be the most testing adversary for any challenger. However, one thing has changed; Mistress has returned for me, I am not a passing whim, a plaything she has used and cast aside like the countless other slaves she has, no doubt enjoyed; I am hers, utterly, devotedly and, of course here in Erolia, legally too. I know some slaves are branded by their mistresses or pierced or tattooed to mark them out as property and I fervently hope Mistress will bestow this upon me soon.
For the moment, however, I am content to follow Mistress, leashed and restrained. I am laden with two of her bags but after my intensive training they are not a burden. Walking behind her I have the pleasure of enjoying her body, her broad shoulders, the curve of her waist, the sway of her hips. She is, once again, clad in her leather bodice and thigh boots and carrying her sword and bow across her back. This morning I fancy there is a swagger to her walk, the gait of a woman who has enjoyed a night of intense pleasure and is now leading the lover who provided that pleasure behind her in bondage and on a leash; a woman who knows she will be afforded that pleasure whenever she demands it from her willing slave.
Each time I think of our encounter, or rather encounters, I recall Mistress' tongue on my hot sex and shudder with lust. We made love eight times in total overnight. After the third of these, when Mistress first pleasured me with her tongue, she ordered food and wine and, fed me by hand as I knelt at her side still restrained, her juices still smeared across my face so that, with every mouthful I was forced to taste and smell her. After our meal we went back to bed and I, once again, pleasured her devotedly. She permitted me a second orgasm sometime later and I think she may have allowed me a third had the innkeeper not banged on the door demanding that we be silent.
I spent the rest of the night gagged and bound at the foot of the bed, tied there like an animal by my collar enjoying the taste of my mistress still fresh on my tongue and reliving the exquisite joy of her touch until I fell into an exhausted sleep.
It is lunchtime.
We have been traveling for eight days, initially north, then west. We have stopped to rest taking advantage of a copse beside a spring to shelter from the heat of the midday sun. Still tightly restrained, I kneel by the little stream, knees wide, bent at the waist lapping at the cool water with my tongue. I feel a sharp blow on my bottom and lift my head in surprise.
Mistress is grinning at me holding a flexible stick that she has used to hit me.
'Would you like me to say 'sorry' Toi ?' She is clearly not the least bit sorry.
I kneel up and shake my head, knowing that my shoulders have moved too and my breasts. I can't help feeling happy to be displaying myself like this, though the single sleeve pinning my arms behind my back is tight and my shoulders are aching.
'I seem to recall you were going to punish me, Mistress.'
'Yes, I was, wasn't I ?' She her smile becomes more mischievous. 'How shall I do that ? Perhaps I could stake you out in the sun while I enjoy a quiet rest here by this lovely stream or maybe I should tie you to that tree and give you the whipping you deserve.'
'Why do you keep me in bondage all the time, Mistress ?' Each morning she laces my arms behind my back into a single sleeve with the straps pulled tight across my shoulders and chest and sometimes she keeps me in it at night too; she also makes me wear the thigh high slave boots on my feet with their five inch heels. Other than this I am kept naked, save for my collar, of course, by which Mistress' leads me.
'Do you not enjoy it ?'
'Of course, but there are times when it might be more practical to have my hands free.'
Mistress smiles. 'Perhaps I enjoy it.' She squats down beside of me. 'Do you really have no idea how appealing you look like that, so completely helpless and submissive. If you were free I wouldn't be able to take advantage of you quite so easily.' She reaches out and tweaks my nipple.
'Or perhaps now you are trained you are a dangerous weapon and all weapons should be kept sheathed until they are needed.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I shudder with pleasure feeling my body respond to her touch.
'You are such a hot little thing.' She continues to play with my nipples. 'Have you always been like this ?'
I feel a sudden surge of panic and I am forced to think about this. 'I can't remember, Mistress.' I smile at her as shyly as I can, casting my eyes down. Since meeting Silver and Sparkle I have watched the many ruses of pleasure slaves and stored these up to employ with Mistress. 'I have been horny every day since you captured me and I do seem to enjoy being kept in bondage, but I really can't remember anything of my life before then.'
'Nothing at all ?' She drops forward onto one knee, an expression of concern on her face. Her hand goes up to my cheek, stroking it gently.
'No, Mistress.'
'Poor thing.' She bends forward and kisses me gently. 'Does that make you sad ?'
'Not at all, Mistress.' I smile sadly looking into her eyes surprised to feel tears come as I will them; another pleasure slave ruse; through the film of tears I see her eyes are big and blue and full of concern and she is so beautiful that fall in love with her all over again. 'I am your slave and nothing else matters.'
'Good girl.' She pushes me back onto the warm ground and starts to make love to me.
I run at Mistress' heels. My arms are still strapped behind me into the single sleeve and I still wear my slave boots, I am otherwise naked aside from my collar. As well as my bonds and the slave boots I am further encumbered Mistress' bedroll and a water skin slung across my back.
Mistress is free, running, bow in hand and sword strapped across her back, her little skirt flicks up as she runs giving me delicious flashes of her tanned, firm bottom. At least I am not leashed though in some ways I wish I was, at least then Mistress would know how far I lagged behind. If she does know how I struggle to keep up with her she gives no indication though I have no wish to fail her and, after six months of training my body is almost as well toned as hers, though, of course she is not in bondage and her breasts don't bounce with every step she takes.
Mistress woke me at dawn, a determination in her face.
'We must go.' She began to untie me, so simple for the one who is not in bondage.
'Yes, Mistress.' I had spent the night snuggled against her, my wrists and ankles crossed and bound and when free moved to help her clear the camp and pack up her few belongings.
In five minutes I stood naked and barefoot, ready to leave but Mistress had other plans and waited while I pulled on my boots; then she spent a further five minutes lacing me into the sleeve.
'Why can I not be free, Mistress.' I asked.
She held a finger to her lips and when I persisted told me she would gag me and tied my gag to my collar as a warning, if I did not remain silent.
'You are a slave, my Toi.' Was all she would say. 'You should be kept in bondage.'
Somehow this made me very happy.
'There !' Mistress points and I see them coming up out of the valley. There are less than a dozen figures climbing the hill towards us. Mistress Desdre, of perhaps, as I now know the word, I should call her Mistress Desire, is with us as are Silver and Sparkle her slaves though the blondes are no longer harnessed to her chariot; despite their freedom, they still wear the steel cuffs around their wrists and upper arms, ankles and thighs, waist and neck that, as far as I can see are welded in place, there are certainly no visible joins as if they have been magically set around their delicious bodies. Their bonds and their piercing rings glint in the sunlight.
We do not conceal our presence.
Mistress Desire wears her steel breastplate and holds her spear ready looking even more the warrior queen with her shining red hair; Silver and Sparkle are armed too, the lithe grace of their athletic bodies turned into potent warriors; Silver carries a sword and shield and Sparkle two light short swords; Mistress' holds her bow, her sword hanging at her side.
Only I am restrained, my arms sheathed behind me, the gag Mistress keeps around my throat hanging outside my collar; I even wear my toe boots; otherwise I am naked.
Mistress turns to me. 'Go and draw their attention.'
I look at her in surprise.
'Unless you want me to whip you.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I start off down the hill, my breasts bouncing as I lope down the grassy slope on my toes.
The party below is climbing quickly and, when they see me I see one of them point and they turn towards me. There are eleven of them and, as I can see them better I see a bizarre mix of figures, six men and five women; two of the women are leashed and chained, heavy shackles holding their wrists before them chained to steel chastity belts, their elbows are chained behind them, their ankles are cuffed and they are lead by leashes attached to their collars, they have voluptuous bodies, large breasts and shining golden hair, their skimpy clothing is torn exposing their breasts. The other three women are part of the group that has captured them; all nine are strangely attired a mix of power armour and mail, leather doublets and frock coats though I don't know how I know what they are wearing and where it comes from. They are armed too, swords mostly but the man in front, the one in power armour, holds a plasma rifle which I know shouldn't be here in this world, the machine pistol carried by the man leading the blonde captives is wrong too as is the musket slung over the back of one of the women, she has shocking red hair and wears her leather jacket open so her breasts are clearly visible, a heavy chain hangs between them.
They climb the hill quickly or, perhaps, I am distracted by their appearance. I know the blondes, the word Guardians pops into my mind, are not part of this place though are linked with it.
I wish I could remember.
I do remember I am bait.
I am Tiffany.
Tiffany is a girl who demands attention.
I turn and climb away from them leading them towards my Mistress and Mistress Desdre and Sparkle and Silver though I do not understand how their primitive weapons will help them against plasma rifles and gunpowder weapons.
A few moments later I am standing before Mistress, my chest heaving.
'Do you plan to release me ?'
Mistress smiles. She is so beautiful that I want to kiss her. 'Perhaps next time.'
'But I can fight.'
'I expect no less.' She looks at Mistress Desire who nods and the four of them move down the hill past me. I turn and watch struggling against the single sleeve though I know I cannot free myself. I want to join them, fight at Mistress' side, die with her if I have to.
I want to call out but I can see the resolve in the way the two mistresses and the two blonde slaves move.
I follow them down the hill though lag behind, stopping when they stop. The two groups face each other. They are four against nine and the nine are better armed, even the swords are more modern, rapiers against Sparkle's longwords, one of the women carries a katana while Mistress Desire's weapons are bronze; surely this is what I have trained for and yet Mistress will not release me to fight.
I see the man in front, the one in power armour grin and his comrades fan out, the one holding the leashed blondes pausing only to tie them together on their knees.
'We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way.' He levels the plasma rifle at Mistress Desire.
'Or you can leave now and avoid getting hurt.' Mistress Desire looks magnificent, utterly fearless, commanding.
'Well, if you insist.' The man squeezes the trigger of the plasma rifle and bright pulse fills my vision, I feel the concussion and the air shimmers around me but though I expect Mistress Desire and, perhaps half the hillside to burst into flame, nothing else happens. I see him charge the weapon again but Mistress Desire points her spear at him and light erupts from its tip, crackling through the air towards the man with the rifle which explodes in his hands leaving a smouldering pile where, a moment before, the man stood.
Eight against four.
The man with the machine pistol lifts it and fires at Mistress Desire who tucks and rolls as the ground behind the spot where she stood begins to spray mud where the bullets strike. As the redhead regains her feet the man fires again but before he can discharge a third volley Mistress puts an arrow in his throat and he slumps to the ground.
I watch the remaining seven advance. I am aware that the woman with red hair has fired her musket but the ball has bounced harmlessly off Silver's shield and I see her take the heavy chain from around her neck and begin the swing it as she closes on the blonde, a large, heavily muscled man with a baseball bat advances beside her; the others draw their weapons too, a curious mix of swords and other hand-held weapons. The woman with the rapier and dagger engages Sparkle and for a moment I watch them duel, both elegant and skilled but I quickly force myself to look away, there are other things that command my attention; another of the men armed with a baseball and rushes towards Mistress who draws her shortsword, the man to his left is armed with nightsticks, he advances on Mistress Desire; beside him is a man with an axe.
The last of them, a woman has a curious green tinge to her skin and hair and her ears are pointed; she wears a tight silver latex top that lifts her small breasts and shows every detail of pierced nipples and a matching ultra short skirt; her boots are silver too and come up to her thigh. Initially I think she is not armed and perhaps thinks she is coming to take me as booty but as she approaches I see she is armed with steel knuckle dusters. She clearly knows I am more than a captive and bares her teeth at me, hissing and revealing two sharp fangs. When she springs at me I have little time to react, she is very quick, leaping at me, perhaps hoping to bring me down and sink her fangs into my flesh. I just mange to roll clear, coming up onto my feet as she whirls towards me again.
This time I am more ready and as she lunges at me I step away and kick her hard in the belly; she rolls in the air landing on her back before flipping up; snarling and baring her fangs, she circles warily, then I see her smile sadistically. She faints low and, when I try to kick her she grabs my foot and steps in sweeping my right leg away. I land heavily on my bound arms, I am winded but know I must react; I kick out as hard as I can at the side of her knee; the blow is glancing but enough to make her stagger and I am able to pull my ankle from her hands, rolling free and regaining my feet.
I am breathing hard, both from being winded and from having to fight only with my legs. I struggle angrily with the sleeve biding my arms but it is still as tight as every. I feel frustrated but control this emotion; my opponent, however, is angry, probably at the difficulty of defeating a girl with no arms; perhaps she did assume I would be easy prey.
She comes for me again, leaping high and slashing down with her fists; I kick out and the toe of my boot catches her under the chin; her head snaps back and she goes down. I kick her again on the ground but she does not respond and when I roll her over with my foot her head lolls at a strange angle.
A scream distracts me and I look round to see the man with the axe impaled on Mistress Desire's spear; she holds him aloft with a strength that seems unnatural for her slight, lithe form as he flails wildly and then hurls him and the spear away from herself with apparent ease; seeing his chance the man with the nightsticks lunges forward but Mistress Desire drops to one knee, spinning with the elegance of a dancer and emerging with a drawn dagger in her hand, she cuts the back of the man's legs in one fluid motion and he staggers, as he falls she drives the dagger up under his ribs leaving him to slump forward with a surprised look on his face.
Mistress is still fighting with the man with the baseball bat, they seem evenly matched but then I realise Mistress is simply toying with him, letting him attack, parrying, countering; the man has at least a dozen woulds that bleed freely; his face is pale and he is breathing hard.
Silver and Sparkle are fighting side by side; Sparkle still fencing with the woman wielding the rapier and dagger, Silver had felled the woman with the chain and now faces the man with the wooden bat, her shield is dented and she looks tired, even as I watch she stumbles slightly and the man brings down his club with all his strength jarring Silver's shoulder. I am running almost before I know it and, when I hit the man with my shoulder, I am traveling so fast that, despite his size, we tumble together down the hillside. He finishes up lying across me and, without the use of my hands I am trapped. Silver finishes him with her sword in his belly before he can recover and then looks down at me. She seems angry. 'I will be punished for that.' Then she smiles and bends to roll the body off me. 'But thank you.' She helps me to my feet.
As I stand I see Sparkle's opponent, the woman with the rapier and dagger has surrendered and is being bound by Mistress Desire. When she has bound the woman's wrists she rips open the blue doublet her prisoner is wearing exposing her breasts. Despite the change in her fortune the woman doesn't seem too unhappy.
'Mistress will sell her into slavery.' Sparkle puts her arm around me. 'I imagine that is why she is here.'
Puzzled I turn and look at her and see her run her gaze down my naked body she winks. 'I'm sure you will agree it is a prize worth fighting for.' She straightens out the strap of my single sleeve that has become twisted while I have been fighting and then uses it to guide me gently back to our mistresses and her fellow slave.
'Kneel.' Mistress Desire issues her first command to her new slave and the woman drops to her knees spreading her legs wide; her doublet now hangs off her shoulders leaving her torso bare. She is a brunette, quite pretty too with dark soft eyes that give her a slightly shy appearance or, perhaps that is the effect of kneeling bound and newly enslaved on a Utolian hillside at the mercy of her new captors.
Mistress Desire turns away and starts to descend the hill towards the two blonde captives who lie bound and helpless where they have been left.
'Guardians !' Sparkle informs me. 'Do not worry, your memory will return in time. Go with Mistress, seeing them may help you to remember.'
I look at Mistress who nods and then start off down the hill.
Mistress Desire is untying the blondes, her spear, wiped clean now, planted in the turf beside her. The prisoners are magnificent, their hair golden, eyes blue and shining, bodies statuesque, huge breasted goddesses, toned. Despite their ordeal they appear completely unharmed other than their torn clothing which looks as if it must have been very skimpy in the first place. One wears shreds of white rubber that may once have been a short dress; torn stockings coat her legs and I note she is wearing white heeled stilettos, the other wears the remains of a black bustier that hangs open around her chest, the shredded remains of her knickers still cling to her, the boots come up to the thigh; I can't help thinking they look like a nurse and some sort of soldier, though neither would be found in Utolia.
Free of the ropes, they are able to stand, proud and commanding though are still chained. Mistress Desire makes no move to remove their shackles and I wonder how she will accomplish this.
'Destroy the woman too.' One of the chained blondes speaks.
'No.' Mistress Desire picks up her spear.
'We require it.'
'Consider her my fee.'
'Remove our bonds, we will deal with her.'
'She is mine.'
The two blondes look at each other and I sense they are communicating, though they do not speak.
'Very well.' The one who was speaking before speaks again. 'Free us.'
Mistress Desire touches the tip of her spear to the chains linking the blonde's wrists and the shackles begin to fall away. She repeats the process with the second woman. With the process started the women begin to remove the rest of their bonds, brushing them away as if they were removing dust from their flawless skin; as they slip out of the chastity belts I am surprised to see the huge phalluses that have been inside them, they are big girls but I wonder at their ability to tolerate such devices and certainly not to be aroused by them; I have been sexually aroused for most of my time in Utolia.
I look up to find one of the blondes, the one who has not spoken, looking at me, her huge blue eyes seem to pierce me as if she is reading my thoughts and I find myself blushing furiously. I think I detect the faintest hint of a smile on her lips as she reaches out to touch me.
For a second I find myself strapped to a frame in a white room that looks like a medical room, the blonde is there, I feel her running her hand over my body then push her fingers into my pussy then the image is gone. Then I see grey streets, an alley, I am kneeling behind a large glass window, clad in a leather thong, collared and leashed, people are looking at me through the glass and I sense I am a commodity on display, for sale in a shop window, these people are going to buy me or perhaps hire me, use me as a sex toy. In this vision I am playing with myself, my fingers inside my pussy, I am close to orgasm. I see Mistress and, though she is dressed in leather, it is not her usual outfit, she wears shiny red leather that glistens in the low light, her hair is cut into a short bob.
Then the image is gone and I am left flushed and confused, a mixture of emotions, though the strongest is lust and I can't help looking back up the hill.
When I look back I find the blondes free of their chains, they still wear their torn clothing though the tiny shreds of fabric barely cling to their voluptuous bodies.
'What is your portal number ?' Mistress Desire asks the blondes.
'Twenty seven.'
Mistress Desire nods. 'Russia ?'
'What is its status ?'
'It has been closed temporarily and will be repaired shortly.'
'Then you'd better get back to duty.'
The two blondes look at each other again and then are gone.
Mistress Desire turns to me. 'Thank you.'
My previous embarrassment is fading but I immediately find myself blushing again as Mistress Desire turns her piercing blue eyes on me. I open my mouth to speak but do not know what to say.
'Mistress...' I stammer and drop to my knees spreading them like Silver and Sparkle do. I resolutely look at Mistress Desire's feet, even they are beautiful, pale and freckled like the rest of her skin, the nails painted a shining bronze; she wears sandals held on by leather thongs.
I feel her hand touch my chin and lift it and I look up into her beautiful face.
'For defending Sparkle.' Mistress Desire's voice is soft on my ears. 'She would have managed on her own, I'm sure but I am indebted to you.'
Then she winks.
'Though I think a little remedial training is in order and a few days punishment to remind her to take care of herself.'
And then she is gone. Striding up the hill back towards her adoring slaves and my beautiful mistress.
'They are called Reivers.' Mistress and I are camped a little down the trail from where the fight took place. 'They seek to disrupt, to destroy this land.'
'They come from outside Erolia ?' I am kneeling, my arms still laced into the single sleeve. I still wear my slave boots with their five inch heels and my collar, otherwise I am still naked but, perhaps, not entirely helpless. I smile to myself.
'Yes.' Mistress ties my leash to a low tree that shelters in the little hollow.
I nod trying to piece together what I know about this place, trying to remember how I came to be here. I can recall fighting but not like this. I recognised the weapons the Reivers carried, I think I would know how to use one, yet Mistress fights with a sword and bow and Mistress Desire uses a spear. I close my eyes for a moment and hear the sound of violence before I see it; there is darkness lit by garish neons and people are on the streets, I think it is the world where I am chasing the girl in black.
Then the image is gone.
I open my eyes to find Mistress looking at me.
'You fought well.'
'Thank you, Mistress.' I feel myself blushing with pleasure at praise from Mistress.
She turns and squats with her back to me and begins to make a fire.
'Who are the Guardians, Mistress ?'
At first I think she hasn't heard me but then she responds.
'They protect the borders of Utolia but they do not work well in the world. Once the Reivers are through we must deal with them.'
I close my eyes again picturing the Guardians and then think of myself strapped to the cross, imagine the Guardian in white running her hands over my body. I am sure she is not performing a medical examination, rather she is searching me.
I open my eyes and I am back in Utolia. Mistress still squats in front of me continuing to make the fire.
Mistress is pleased with us and we are being rewarded with a night of pleasure. We are, of course, still in strict bondage, we would have it no other way. We are both restrained in the same way, hands mitted and wrists locked to the back of our collars, upper arm cuffs pulled tightly together behind our backs making our arms useless; our legs are chained too, ankles to thighs meaning we cannot walk and could barely crawl but we are able to spread our legs and offer our sexes at a moment's notice; mistress likes us like this and we like it too. We are hooded, slaves must not be given an easy ride, but the gags sown into the hoods are steel rings that sit behind our teeth forcing our mouths open; we thus have our tongues and, I suppose, our toes.
We lie together caged, naked save our bonds, squirming in our delicious bondage, hot, lust-filled slaves.
We began by kissing for a long time, our tongues dancing together, teasing and twirling; there is no sense in rushing despite the heat in our bodies, we have all night. At times like this a girl yearns for the chance to enjoy the brush of her lover's lips against her own; perhaps Mistress will permit it next time she rewards us. It was not just our tongues touching, of course, as we lay together, our bodies side by side; there was the intimate contact of our breasts, the brush of nipple on nipple, my thighs rubbing against Silver's. At this stage gentle teasing is required, too much pushes us too far too soon and the lovemaking of two horny slaves must be controlled.
Fortunately, we know each other well, know when to tease and when to please, when to give release and when to show restraint. We have had much time to practice. We thus both know when to move on. It I who moves first though it is usually Silver who takes the lead; I squirm, my tongue seeking Silver's nipple, as stiff and sensitive as my own, intensely responsive to my tongue's caress. I hear her moan, hear her breathing quicken; girls who spend so much time hooded and helpless learn to pick up on every subtle cue given by a lover.
I work on her right nipple exclusively. It is slightly less sensitive than the left and I have made it my mission to stimulate it more and make both equally responsive. I lick at her flesh and then use my tongue to hook and pull on her nipple ring as if I am drawing her closer to me. Mistress uses our nipples a lot when controlling us, sometimes when in harness we are guided by nipple reins, hooded like we are now, so that blind and helpless we must follow Mistress' gentle lead on our most intimate piercings; at such times our clit or labial piercings are sometimes used to; this is often the case when we are used as dressage ponies, the clit rein being used to guide us backwards or slow us down.
Like me, Silver is utterly obedient to direction from her piercings and as I pull in her nipple ring she squirms closer to me taking the opportunity to push her sex against my belly. We have not been shaved for several days. This is usual when we are in the field though sometimes Mistress does it when we are camped. Our last shaving was at an inn three days ago when a rather pretty stable girl, a redhead, took charge of us. As usual we were very grateful for her care and thanked her in our usual way.
I am reminded of this now by Silver's slightly rough sex scratching my belly as she squirms in her bondage. To be honest, it is rather enjoyable and I squirm against her too while teasing her nipple with my tongue.
Finally, I judge that Silver is ready for a little more direct stimulation and wriggle down her body, my tongue licking at her taut belly and lingering briefly at her navel.
I want to pleasure her as if she was my mistress and I was her slave, denying my own lust, for the time being at least, sacrificing my needs for hers but Silver has other ideas and I am too weak to refuse.
We roll apart and I begin to turn. From above it must look like some strange and very kinky dance, our helpless naked bodies writhing and turning until we are once again back in a very intimate coupling, our heads resting on each other's inner thighs though our mouths are some distance each other's sexes. I can feel Silvers hard nipples against my lower belly as I lie breathing hard from the exertion of turning. I think she must be teasing me, giving me a chance to catch up, build my arousal as I have built hers and she is doing this deliciously using her unshaven sex, rubbing the coarse hairs against my nipple. The sensation is exquisite and in a few moments I am, I am certain, more aroused than her.
I can wait not longer and I squirm quickly, plunging my tongue into her waiting sex.
'Mistress ?' I am lying beside her, my arms still sheathed in the single sleeve. Wearing it seems almost natural to me now...like dressing. I recall briefly I used to spend my time clothed.
'Yes, Toi ?'
'You called me something when we first met. A word I didn't understand.'
She smiles at me. 'Tews Daye.'
'Star Maid'
'Yes.' Mistress rolls towards me. 'Your Erolian is now fluent, you know that.'
'Do I come from the stars ?' I look up at them.
'No.' Mistress laughs. 'Though it is a term that is commonly used for blondes here.'
I frown. 'I've never heard it.' I don't think I ever recall Mistress lying to me before.
'Are you disputing the word of your mistress ?'
'No, Mistress.' I turn anxiously towards her. 'It's just...'
'Toi !'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She looks into my eyes.
'The important thing is that you are here with me, my slave.' She toys with one of my nipples in a way that is very distracting.
'I am your Toi, Mistress.' I smile. 'Your little Sex Toy.' I frown. The words 'Toi' in Erolian and 'Toy' in the language in which I spoke before that I remember as English are the same. I can't help thinking that 'Tews Daye' and 'Tuesday' are homophones too if that is the right word when talking about different languages. ToiGrin means 'Tuesday' in Erolian.
'Toi !'
'Sorry, Mistress.'
'I wonder if a night in a tight hogtie might help you focus your mind.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I cast my eyes down submissively, her bare breasts are touching mine.
'Don't do all that pleasure slave stuff with me Toi. It won't work.'
'Sorry, Mistress.' I make my voice husky. 'Your little toy just desires to please her mistress.' I realise I have spoken in English.
'Speak Erolian or I will punish you.'
I rub my nipples against hers enjoying the way her nipple rings tease my own nipples.
'Mistress, why do you call me Tuesday.'
Before I know it I am over Mistress' knee being spanked.
I squeal with delight and forget the need to ask any more questions.
Chapter 13 (added: 2018/11/25)
'Why are you pierced, Mistress ?'
We are lying beside a stream after a long day's walk. I am gently nuzzling Mistress' right nipple flicking the piercing ring with my tongue.
'That's a very impertinent question for a slave.'
'Forgive me, Mistress.' I smile. I can tell Mistress is not angry, that she, I think, loves me as much as I love her. 'Perhaps I am need to punishment.'
'And perhaps I am the one who should decide.' Mistress reaches out and grabs one of the shoulder straps of my single sleeve, pulling me up her body and plants a kiss on my lips.
I respond, pressing my body against hers.
'Were you a slave, Mistress ?'
'Really, Toi, I think I may beat you.'
'I'd like that, Mistress.' I kiss her again. 'Perhaps you could pull me over your knee and spank me.'
She does, bringing her hand down with a hard stinging slap on my bare bottom. I squeal delightedly.
'Harder please, Mistress.'
She spanks me again and I shiver with delight.
'Since you ask.' She slaps me again. 'I was a slave. When I first arrived in Utolia I was bought by Mistress Desire.'
She continues the spanking and I squirm with pleasure.
'She was the one who trained me.' She pauses for a moment and then slaps my bottom really hard. 'And she who pierced me.'
She rolls me off her lap and sits astride me, pinning me to the ground. I can see by her eyes, so big and blue and shining, that she is as turned on as I am.
'Will you pierce me, Mistress.' I desperately want her to. Though I am already owned, though I wear Mistress' collar and she keeps me in bondage, leashed; punishes me, I want her to own me utterly, put her mark on me that makes me hers.
'You do wish to please your doting slave girl, don't you, Mistress.' I pout with my best pleasure slave face trying to express the longing I feel.
She slaps me hard. 'Don't test me slave or you may end up spending the night staked out in the river.
'Does Mistress not wish me to warm her ?'
She slaps me again then kisses me fiercely.
'Good. Now look along the line of the arrow, set the tip just above the target.'
I try to obey but Mistress is standing right next to me, her body touching mine; I can feel her breasts against my back, her loins against my buttocks, arms along mine. Her breath is gentle on my neck.
Mistress is teaching me to use her bow.
'No.' She tells me. 'Keep your upper body still. Move from the waist.'
It would be easier to hold the bow at full draw if I hadn't spent the last few weeks in bondage, unable to use my arms.
I breathe out and try to relax.
'Now, think of the target, guide the arrow towards it.' Her fingers brush the back of my left hand, the one holding the string.
I let the arrow go and watch it fly. It clips the side of the tree I am aiming for.
'Not bad.' She is pleased. 'I think I'll give you that one.'
She kisses me on the cheek.
'Thank you, Mistress.'
'From now on it's two strokes of the whip for every arrow you miss.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I can't help smiling even though I know I am going to have a very sore bottom later.
By the time the quiver is nearly empty I am approaching three dozen lashes, most of these gained before the punishment was doubled.
Mistress is, I think, growing a little impatient though I am still hitting the tree twice in three shots or perhaps the two of us standing together with me naked save for boots is having the same effect on her as it is on me. I also have a feeling she is trying to distract me and this is confirmed when Mistress suddenly steps back from me and removes her leather bustier and skirt leaving just her boots, and her piercings, of course.
'We may as well enjoy ourselves.' She tells me as she puts her arms round me again to help with my technique.
Needless to say I miss the next two arrows but then I find my aim again until Mistress' hands began to work back along my arms and up onto my shoulders as she allegedly addresses the correct balance in my muscles.
She doesn't even bother to explain why her hands then slide down my breasts but the last arrow misses badly and I suddenly find myself spun round, kissed passionately and forced down onto my back with Mistress on top of me.
I put up a minimal struggle, firstly because I would almost certainly loose but mostly because I want to be held down and ravaged by my horny mistress. It doesn't take her long to have my wrists pinned above my head with her left hand while she kisses me on mouth and kneads my left breast with her right hand.
She pinches my left nipple and I squirm a little harder though not enough to throw her off me.
'Hurt me, Mistress.'
'You have forty lashes to face later.' Her words are muffled by her contact with my lips and tongue. 'Though I might just spank you forty times.'
'If you are going to spank me then you'd better make it eighty.' My words are similarly affected.
'You really are a little pain slut, Toi.'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She pinches my nipple again and I whimper with pleasure squirming harder. I hope she will tie me and she does, flipping me over and binding my wrists behind my back with a thong then she lies on top of me with her fist in my hair kissing and biting my neck above my collar. I squirm frantically with pleasure, pinned to the ground and once again helpless; well, not quite helpless.
As I struggle I manage to slip one of my hands between her legs and feel her clit ring touch my fingers. She feel it too.
'Naughty Toi.' She doesn't try to stop me though.
I manage to run a finger along her labia and feel her pleasure.
'I don't recall giving you permission to touch me.' She is clearly delighted that I am. 'I really am going to have to punish you later.'
'Does Mistress wish me to stop ?'
'Don't you dare.' She bites my neck hard and I shriek with delight.
I hook my thumb into her clit ring and my fingers continue to play between her legs, stroking her sex as she kisses and bites me. I want to be really naughty and try to push my finger into her bottom but I can't reach and eventually I settle for pushing my fingers into her sex.
I freeze. I have offended Mistress and I keep my fingers still inside Mistress' sex and my thumb still hooked in her clit ring. We lie still. We are both breathing hard.
'You definitely didn't have permission for that.' She has her fist in my hair.
'I'm sorry, Mistress.'
'Oh, you will be.'
Crushed, I slide my fingers and thumb out.
Then, suddenly, she lifts me, pulling me up onto my knees. A moment later she is kneeling behind me, legs outside mine, our booted thighs and calves pressed together.
She is still breathing hard.
'Now, slut. Let me feel you do it properly.' She bites my shoulder and I feel her hands go to my breasts, playing with my nipples.
I realise she has been teasing me but I am now in a much better position to please her. Though my bound arms are still pinned by her body I can do far more with my fingers and I once again reach back between her legs.
'Good girl.' She whispers, kissing my ear and continuing to pull on my nipples. She rubs her own bare breasts against my back and the back of my arms. 'Now, I want you to make Mistress come.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I want to come too but | am just a slave and must await my mistress' pleasure.
I play with her clit ring and then tease her labia and hear her breathing quicken.
I still can't reach her bottom.
As I tease her she continues to toy with my breasts and then one of her hand slides down between my legs.
'You're very wet, Toi.' Her breathing is very rapid and I think she is about to come.
'Yes, Mistress.'
'Does my Toi want to come too ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
I am not really ready to beg but this is what Mistress wants.' 'Please, Mistress, make your slave come.'
'You know I'm going to punish you later ?' Her hand slides to my sex.
'Yes, Mistress.'
'Are you looking forward to it ?'
'Yes, Mistress.' I am suddenly gasping almost as much as her.
'Do you enjoy being punished ?'
'Yes, Mistress. I am your Toi, your sex toy, your pain slut. I love being punished by you. Hurt me. Hurt me, Mistress, own me...keep me in bondage...keep me as your slave. Keep my like this forever.'
Mistress comes a moment before me, my fingers are buried deep inside her pussy and hers inside mine. Her spasms are as violent as mine and at some point she drags me to the ground holding me against her, kissing me as she pinches my nipple and fucks me with her fingers.
'Thank you, Mistress.' I am on my knees, back once again in the single sleeve, bending to kiss and lick Mistress' boots.
I have just been whipped and spanked. Forty of each and my bottom is very sore.
The spanking, if course, lead to more sex, a little more refined than our earlier coupling with me kneeling before Mistress and using my tongue to pleasure her. She satisfied me again too, kneeling behind me as she had done before but, of course, with my arms sheathed I could not do anything to satisfy her.
She was very gentle in the way she handled me, a contrast to the punishments she had just administered. However, this was not in any way an atonement on her part, just that by treating me gently she was able to make my climax much longer and way more intense and, most importantly, I think she made me truly beg, howl in fact with frustration until when I did come she had her hand clamped firmly over my mouth to keep me quiet.
It is this really, that I thank her for though, I am also thanking her for the punishment and being my mistress and keeping me as her helpless adoring slave.
I sense her suddenly still and look up, lifting my tongue from he boot, risking another punishment.
Surprisingly she doesn't notice and I see that she staring into the distance holding the amulet she wears around her neck. I kneel back watching her and a moment later she looks down at me.
'I don't recall telling you to stop.'
'I'm sorry, Mistress.'
'Yes, so am I.' She grins. 'But your punishment will have to wait. Once you've made Mistress come we have work to do.'
Mistress slides the single sleeve off my arms and I roll my shoulders and neck. I am very used to it now and almost forget I am wearing it other than the fact I cannot use my arms. Even then, I am pretty used to picking things up with my teeth and, other than follow obediently on her leash, much of what a slave is meant to do for her mistress really only involves the use of her lips and tongue anyway.
'Stop making such a fuss.'
'You're going to let me fight with my arms too this time ?' I cannot help express my sarcasm.
'I will punish you for that later, Toi.' Mistress' voice is stern and serious.
We are crouched in a hollow just down from the ridge of a hill. At the very top of the hill is a square building that is constructed from concrete and steel. My brain applies the term-prefab but it also tells me that such a structure has no place in Eroila.
'They will be inside.' Mistress remains serious.
'Reivers ?'
'Yes, of course, Reivers.' Mistress rolls my eyes. 'You might not have the body of a pleasure slave but you certainly have the mind of one.'
I am stung by the twin insult.
'What are we going to do ?' I can feel myself colouring at my ineptitude.
'We are not going to anything.' Mistress has emphasised the word 'we'. 'You, however, are going to go in and cleave a little Reiver skull.'
'Do I get a sword ?'
'Better.' Mistress reaches into her bag and pulls out an automatic pistol. 'You do know what this is don't you ?'
I take the pistol and check the chamber then slip the safety catch off. I don't understand why I can do this but I can. The weapon feels heavy but very reassuring in my hand. I know how to fire it and that I have fired one before but cannot remember if I have ever killed anyone.
'How many are there inside ?'
'Three.' She sounds pretty sure. 'And they have a captive.'
'I am supposed to rescue her ?'
'In a way.'
I look at her waiting for more. This situation is familiar to me, the details might be different but I get a feeling of deja-vu.
'I want you to rescue the captive if you can but if you can't then I want you to kill her.'
I look surprised.
'You do know how to follow orders ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
'Good.' She reaches into her belt and takes out the small knife I have seen her use to skin animals and prepare food. 'You'd better have this too. Primitive weapons have uses other then killing people.'
I take the knife and stick it into my boot. I don't really have anywhere else to put it; I can hardly hang it from my collar.
'Well ?'
'Yes, Mistress ?' I am still confused. Two minutes ago I was a slave, helpless, relatively at least, in bondage, now I'm about to go in and rescue or kill a kidnap victim.
'Go on then.' She gestures towards the strange building.
'Now ?' I really am struggling to keep up. 'Yes, Ma'am, I mean, yes, Mistress.'
I look around but there really don't seem to be any guards.
I stand in a low crouch then begin to climb out of the hollow. I still can't see anyone which I find odd. I look back at Mistress and she gestures for my to continue, she is following just behind.
We stand either side of the door and I reach for the handle but Mistress knocks my hand away. I watch as she takes off her necklace and touches it. There is a faint hiss and the door vanishes.
Inside I can see only darkness. Not the darkness of night a blackness far more extreme like a complete absence of anything.
I know I have seen this before but I don't know why or where. All I know is that Mistress was there and I was tied up.
Mistress pushes me gently and I yield to the pressure plunging into the darkness.
For a moment I can see nothing and then the room is brightly lit, at least in the centre. There is a woman sitting on a chair, she is blonde and sits bound with her arms behind the back of the chair; the wisps of a gauzy dress hang from her helpless body revealing her breasts which are cruelly bound and clamped, her nipples too are clamped, weighted, there are wires leading away from them; her legs are pulled back and bound to the chair at the ankle and thigh and the torn remains of her short skirt has ridden up leaving her stocking tops revealed; her knickers are ripped and there are clamps on her genitals with more wires; I see her look at me, pleading, her huge blue eyes full of pain and desperation over a massive gag that fills her mouth; I think she must be pretty but, as well as the gag, a nasal hook deforms her face.
There are indeed three Reivers and I turn to my right, tucking and rolling, knowing I must not stay still as the quickest of them draws his weapon, a heavy revolver; almost without thinking as I come to my feet, I decide in that split second to shoot him in the head; he is a man in a dark suit that, like my pistol and his, has no place in Erolia; I feel the kick of the weapon in my hand, somehow familiar and hear the concussion; the man crumples before he can fire his own weapon. The second Reiver, a woman, is slower to react, she is holding some sort of box, the source of the wires that are clipped to the blonde's nipples and genitals, I cannot take a clear shot at her head so I shoot her in the chest and she spins back dropping the box; the helpless blonde screams as the wires jerk her nipples and clit.
The third Reiver has had this time, perhaps three seconds to react and she moves to crouch behind the blonde so I cannot fire. I throw myself down as she lifts her gun above the hysterical captive's shoulder. Her pistol cracks loudly and a bullet whistles over me but makes no further sound.
'Drop it.'
The Reiver is holding her gun to the bound blonde's head.
The shot is clear and I take it; the familiar kick again.
Blood spatters and the Reiver spins away like her colleague a moment before. She is not dead but I know her right shoulder is shattered and she will not be able to use her arm. I think I might be able to capture her, arrest her. I also want to make sure she does not have another weapon but as I rush towards her she runs for the door, bursting out into the daylight of Erolia.
For a moment I mean to follow but then I see the bodies of the two men begin to shimmer and then vanish.
I am left alone with the blonde who is still screaming and I fear she may vanish too, taken by the same magic, though I know it is not magic just as the strange building is not magic and the wires to the victim's nipples carry power.
If she starts to disappear I know I am supposed to shoot her.
I check the room quickly to make sure I have not overlooked anything but, aside from the blonde, it is bare save the chair and the lamp and the box with its wires. I should probably turn the box off but I think I need to work fast so I simply rip the clamps off her nipples and sex making her cry out into her gag; the flesh beneath them is bruised and bloodied and I think she has probably been like this for some time.
She has clearly been whipped too.
The ropes binding her are tight and her flesh where they bite is bruised and bloodied from prolonged bondage and her struggles, the knots look very tight and I wonder how I am going to free her; then I remember the knife. As I draw it she begins to scream again.
When I emerge from the building I find Mistress talking to two guardians. They seem almost unreal, ethereal even, with their fine perfectly quaffed blonde hair and perfect bodies, their huge breasts and toned buttocks and the shiny minuscule wisps of silk that barely cover their nipples and sexes.
I have retied the blonde despite her gagged protests though not as tightly as she was bound inside. After her long captivity she is slow and needs my support to walk.
'You let one go !' Mistress turns to me and I feel chastised.
'Yes, Mistress.'
'You'll be pleased to know I dealt with her.' She points and I see the woman bound and gagged, she is hogtied, naked; I can see the blood from her wound across her shoulder and chest.
Mistress looks at the blonde taking in her torn dress and tightly bound breasts.
'I hope you didn't stop to play games.'
'Of course not, Mistress.'
'Give her to the Guardians.'
I guide the blonde to the two dolls and one of them supports her while the other lifts the helpless Reiver who whimpers in pain.
'Thank you.' One of the Guardians smiles at me. Her voice is as unreal as her body and I am barely surprised when she lifts her staff and they vanish.
'Knees.' Mistress turns and points to the ground beside her
I am back to being a slave and I obey without question.
'Give me the gun.'
Again I obey and Mistress takes it, stuffing it into her boot.
I give up my other weapon and slip my hands behind my back.
Mistress restrains me, arms behind my back in the single sleeve. There is something delightfully comforting in this treatment but equally, some acknowledgement from mistress that I had survived that I had succeeded in my mission would be nice.
'Mistress I...'
I bow my head.
I am gagged.
Mistress attaches me leash and commands me to my feet.
I obey, of course, following her gagged and helpless, excited by the thought I will soon be punished.
I have been deliciously chastised....
After whipping me, Mistress staked me out naked, but I think punishing me had really turned her on and it wasn't long before her hands were roaming my helpless body, stroking my belly and playing with my nipples. She hadn't gagged me, a sure sign I was going to be allowed to please her and after teasing me mercilessly for some time she sat astride me and made full use of my willing tongue.
I love pleasuring her, especially when I get to play with her clit ring so freely.
After her first climax she spotted a feather in the river by which we were camping and I watched her wade in to retrieve it. She spent the next hour ticking me, starting with the soles of my feet and then working her way over most of my body so that I was soon writhing helplessly, screaming with pleasure and giggling uncontrollably. I begged her to stop, offering all kinds of sexual favours and pleading to submit to any number of punishments if only she would stop.
She didn't stop, at least not until I had wet myself and she was thoroughly randy from watching me squirm in my bondage.
Then she sat astride me and I pleasured her a second time.
Thankfully, she didn't go back to the feather after her second climax. It was dark by then and she lay down beside me wrapping us both in her bedroll.
My third punishment was the worst, and best, of all.
as we lay wrapped in the blanket, she began to tease me, slowly and steadily, her fingers caressing me, toying with my helpless body, exciting me, increasing my arousal little by little until I was squirming as wildly as I had been under the feather. It was not the first time I had been tormented with denial but it was possibly the most intense, worse even than the effects of the paste that she had painted on me before taking me into Pont Rouge. I learnt then that the slave paste has a powerful ability to arouse but inhibits orgasm and thus shows a girl at her randiest. In some parts of Eroila it is used as a punishment, keeping a girl denied for days or even weeks. Some women use it on themselves, however, the effects change over time causing a constant intense desire but limiting the intensity of orgasm even when the paste has gone. In a world where it appears multiple orgasms are the norm, being constantly horny and but only able to achieve a brief climax rather then the sheer bliss of a prolonged and intense orgasm is not a desirable state. I imagine it must be rather like being a man.
Mistress denied me last night by her skill though, after I had pleasured her a third time did finally let me come, something I did loudly and gratefully for several minutes.
We then slept together before she undid my bonds only to rebind me for this morning's journey.
'Yes, Toi ?'
'Would I not be more useful in normal shoes ?'
'You are a slave and those are slave heels.'
'I know, Mistress but they are not very practical. I have to concentrate on my balance all the time and they are much harder to walk in than normal boots.' If I'm honest I can't really remember wearing anything other than five inch heels on my feet but Mistress' heels are lower than mine and must be more practical.
'I think you've just answered your own question.'
'Why ?'
'They keep you alert and fit.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I bow my head.
'And I like the way you move in them.'
I can't help smiling.
I walk on, collared and leashed, my arms sheathed behind me, my breasts and sex bare, slave boots on my feet, helpless, obedient, owned, my mistress' very own living sex toy.
This land is beautiful and when I can tear my eyes away from the athletic form of my leather-clad mistress in her bustier and short skirt I can see the mountains and the plains, clear in the still air; I think rain is coming but the but at the moment I can enjoy the sun on my skin and taste the freshness of air.
Then I hear it, a change in the stillness, there is dust ahead, a cloud rising from the road beyond the next ridge, dark, somehow foreboding.
Then I see them; they come in a rush, horsemen.
I have not seen horses in Erolia before, carts are pulled by two legged ponies here.
They reach us quickly at full gallop, Reivers.
They are lead by a hussar, his green pelise flapping behind him, beside him rides a knight in chain mail, he carries a mace and a shield with a horseman on it, the sign of the Reivers. There is a cossack with a scalplock and three cavaliers with braided coats and flowing hair.
Mistress draws her sword in an instant, there is no time to use her bow.
'Free me !' I shout to her urgently turning my back so she can cut me free.
But there is no time. The horsemen are upon us in an instant.
Without the use of my arms I cannot fight or even defend myself; all I can do is try to try to avoid being trampled.
Mistress fights like a fury, wielding her sword with a skill far beyond mine and I wonder how I was able to defeat her in the training yard. She unseats the cossack and when he falls I kick him hard in the side of his chest and then in his face. Beside me I can hear the clash of steel and the stamp of horses' hooves, the jangle of harness. I turn to see what I can do to aid Mistress and am hit in the chest by the boot of one of the cavaliers, I fall, sprawling, gasping, believing I will be trampled but the rider's mouth opens and blood spills from his lips, his horse rears and he falls.
Mistress looks at me with a fierceness in her eyes as she rips her bloodied sword from the man's back.
The knight and the cavalryman have dismounted and as I fight for breath and struggle to me feet can do nothing to save mistress from being overpowered, turned onto her belly and bound. As I reach my knees, one of the other cavaliers dismounts and kicks me in the face.
I wake to the feel of rain on my skin.
I think it must be getting dark and wonder if I have been unconscious for hours but when I roll over I realise it is clouds covering the sun.
My head hurts and I am thirsty but, apart from this and a little bruising, seem otherwise unharmed.
I am still bound.
I know what has happened and a dread fills me. I want t get up quickly but my body won't respond and I climb to my feet somewhat unsteadily. My head throbs and I think I might vomit. I look along the road but there is no sign of mistress. The marks of the horses' hooves are on the track lead back the way they came.
The cossack has gone but the body of a cavalier lies in the dust beside me blood spattered on his coat and a ragged wound in his back. The rain is getting heavier, I can see it on his coat, dark spots spreading, coalescing.
I can feel the rain on my body too; the drops are cold.
I shiver, standing helpless and alone.
A Guardian appears. Blonde and ethereal, though the rain is falling on her she doesn't seem to be getting wet.
'Toigrin.' She nods in greeting.
'Please. You must help me.'
She looks at me with her large blue eyes as if, for a moment, she is considering the best course of action, then she looks down at the body.
'Please. Free me.'
'To what purpose ?'
'To rescue my Mistress !'
'Alone ?' She smiles in a way that is almost sad.
'At least tell me where to find Mistress Desire.'
'At Palace Flame, north of Pont Rouge.' She seems surprised I don't know.
'Can you help me reach her ?'
'We do not interfere in the running of the world.' She lowers her staff and touches the body of the Reiver with its tip.
They both vanish and I am left alone in the rain sheathed and booted and collared.
Chapter 14
I have traveled for ten days, in a state which I cannot help thinking is like that of an animal, migrating. My arms are restrained and so I cannot use them my hands, I must thus kneel to drink from streams and browse for berries and pick them with my mouth.
It is fortunate that I was not gagged when the Reivers struck or I might have died of thirst or starvation.
I have avoided travelers. Though they might offer me help, they might also take advantage of helpless slave, taking me with them. Though I know I can defend myself to some degree with my legs I know I might easily be overpowered and chained, perhaps taken to a place from which I will never escape and so never be able to find Mistress.
For similar reasons I skirted Pont Rouge adding, I think, two days to my journey but, finally, I am here.
Chateau Flame, seat of Countess Desire.
As I reach the top of the long road leading to the palace I know I am being watched and, as I approach the gates a woman emerges. She is large and powerful with black skin. She wears a white leather bustier and carries a whip; she is flanked by two guards, redheads in breastplates and leather kilts that remind me of Mistress Desire though they are stocker and less beautiful. They stand in front of me and I have to stop too.
'I need to see Mistress Desire.'
The black skinned woman looks at me. I must be a disturbing sight, a semi-naked, grimy urchin, my hair unkempt and my body unwashed; though I have tried to bathe where I could I have been unable to use my hands to clean myself.
'You are a slave are you not ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She looks at me expectantly.
'Please...' Then I realise what she wants and I drop to my knees. 'Please, Mistress, I need to see Mistress Desire.'
'Better.' She directs one of the guards to take my leash; the woman holds it well away from her body. I climb to my feet and follow her back to the palace gates.
We enter the courtyard and more guards appear. There is a pony cart too which is being driven by a large breasted brunette who is clearly a slave from her collar and body harness. I hope her ponies might be Silver and Sparkle but, like their driver they are brunettes too and their skins are dark brown, though much lighter than the woman in the white bustier.
'Nipples.' The black skinned woman calls out and the busty brunette drives her chariot towards us.
The brunette pulls on her ponies' reins and stops her chariot in front of us. The ponies are almost as stunning as Silver and Sparkle though their beauty is very different to that of the blondes with their dark eyes and large breasts framed in silver rings; their harnesses are silver and white, a beautiful contrast to their dark skins; their bodies shine with a coating of sweat and I can see their chests rising and falling rapidly; both are pierced and have bells hanging from their nipples.
'Mistress.' The slave Nipples dismounts her chariot and drops to her knees in front of the black skinned woman.
'Take ToiGrin and make her presentable to Mistress Desire.'
'Yes, Madam Equa.' Nipples stands and takes my leash from the red-headed guard.
I do not know how she knows my name but I find it reassuring and, though I feel an urgency to tell Mistress Desire what has happened I somehow feel that arguing with Madam Equa or her slave will do me no good.
The slave, Nipples, leads me through a gateway into the stableyard where grooms are working with their ponies, harnessing and bridling them ready for their daily exertions. I see a statuesque blonde in full harness shifting in her boots, eager to be off, the girl is hooded, her long sleek pony tail cascading from a hole in the back of the hood to her waist, her arms are laced behind her back like mine and I notice the gig she pulls has a single shaft that finishes between her legs; her groom is a small girl with pale skin that is covered in an intricate pattern of tattoos, knotted ropes that twist and interlace across her body; she has green hair and, unlike the other grooms who wear short leather skirts or knickers and bustiers her body is bare, naked save for a pair of ankle high boots. As she finishes securing her pony she cups one of the girl's heavy breasts and kisses it tenderly; the pony nuzzles her, leaning down and pressing her body against the smaller girl.
I am reminded of my loneliness without Mistress and of my own sexual needs. I have been kept in a state of almost constant sexual satisfaction since my arrival in Erolia, used by my mistress and then a string of others so that my needs have become almost insatiable. During my journey I have, of necessity, pleasured myself, on one notable occasion straddling the moss covered trunk of a fallen tree in my desperation as I lay one night trying to sleep, bound and helpless almost wishing I would be found and captured again by another so that I would once again the be the sex toy I have come to be.
I watch the tattooed girl take the blonde's reins and climb into the gig; with a flick of the whip she sets her charge into motion and I see the blonde lift her legs, starting with a perfect rising trot and she is guided, blind and obedient from the yard.
I shudder with lust and turn my attention back to Nipples as she leads me on among the grooms and ponies who's very presence is a symbol of sexual desire. My guide is a little taller than I, and more heavily built, voluptuous even, her studded harness drawing in her waist and the straps confining her flesh; she has a full firm bottom that sways seductively in front of me beneath her mane of dark hair and I wonder if she also spends time between the shafts as well as at the reins. There is no doubt however that she is a slave, her collar is locked around her throat and she wears slave boots in black leather that come up to her knees.
We reach the shower block in the far corner of the yard and she snaps my leash into a hook in the wall then holds her whip up to my lips clearly meaning for me to take it. I hold it in my teeth and stand obediently as she circles me, clearly appraising me, something that makes me flush with pleasure rather than embarrassment. I suddenly realise my nipples are hard and my pussy wet. She commands me to kneel and I obey with a thrill that makes me shudder. She leaves me with a sense of anticipation and moment later returns with a hood which she pulls over my head, briefly removing the whip from my mouth the fasten it in place. With the whip back in my mouth I feel cuffs being locked around my ankles.
Then she starts to free my arms.
I have been sheathed for nearly two weeks forced to endure the strain across my chest and shoulders, forced to walk with my shoulders back and my chest thrust out, displayed for any who might see me and choose to look, helpless to resist the advances of another who might choose to touch my body, fondle my breasts or play with my nipples. The removal of this tension is so painful I cry out though it is as much a resentment of the freedom I have been given as the physical pain.
I can barely move my arms and almost feel I don't want to and in a moment I am given no choice as Nipples shackles my wrists, chaining them behind my back then she has me stand while she removes my boots. Then she takes up my leash and I follow her again, hooded and still carrying the whip in my teeth. I feel awkward out of my boots without the slave heels but I do not have to walk far. When I stop again she fastens something to my ankle and wrist chains then my hood is removed.
I am standing chained to a metal pillar that comes up to the top of my thighs; I am collared but otherwise naked.
She smiles at me and for the first time I see her beauty, dark eyes and lush lips and then she turns on the water. It is chill at first and it makes me gasp but it quickly warms, washing over me in a torrent of pleasure. The sensation is delightful after bathing in cold streams and I feel a surge of pleasure, turning my face up into the water to enjoy it spraying over me.
Then I feel Nipples' hands on my head, massaging my scalp and when I open my eyes I find she is washing my hair; the sensation is delightful; when she has soaped my hair her hands move on to my body, kneading my shoulders at first and then my arms.
'You have been tied for a long time.'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She works on the muscles of my back and then, inevitably her hands move to my breasts, cupping them gently before she begins to play with my nipples.
'It must have been hard to satisfy yourself alone and with your arms bound.'
'Yes, Mistress.'
'You must be very horny by now.'
'Yes, Mistress.' I can't help moving in my bonds, squirming, my pussy suddenly as wet inside as outside.
'Do you want to come ?'
'Yes, Mistress.' I realise I am panting.
She presses herself against me and I can feel her huge breasts against my back, nipples bullet hard. My cuffed hands are pressed between our bodies, and I can feel the top of the steel pillar firm against my bottom.
Her fingers slip inside me, moving freely, slick with soap and my own juices. I come intensely, pleasure exploding in my loins and ripping through my body; I am aware that I am swaying, supported by Nipples and my bondage.
'Thank you, Mistress.' I can barely speak.
She continues to play with my sex, her fingers circling my clit and then diving inside me as the fingers of her other hand tweak my nipples.
I come again and this time she has to hold me up with one arm.
'Good girl.' Her hand is still on my pussy. 'One more, I think.'
I come again almost instantly, as if she has commanded and I obey so that, when I think about it afterwards I recall Mistress' question about whether I have always been so submissive. I think I must have always been a bondage slut so that when a woman binds me and touches my body it is as if she turns a switch and I become a sex toy in her hands, utterly responsive and subject to her will.
I sway in her arms, enjoying the closeness of our bodies.
'Perhaps later you can return the favour.' She backs away from my and rinses me down.
Madam Equa, the dark skinned woman and Nipples' mistress, leads me into the presence of Countess Desire. I am still naked and chained but I am clean, my hair, nearly dry now, is drawn behind my head into a ponytail.
Countess Desire sits on a raised throne wrapped in flowing white silk that covers her toned body but does not conceal it. She is flanked by two guards armed with spears, both are dressed like the guards in outside in bronze breastplates and leather kilts, one, like the countess, is a redhead but the other is blonde.
Chateau Flame's audience chamber is vast but otherwise empty though the walls are hung with turquoise silk banners which stir gently in the breeze that flows though the huge room.
At Mistress Desire's feet kneel Silver and Sparkle. I can only assume the blondes are being punished; they are heavily chained, wrists locked behind their backs to chains from their collars, the ankles and thigh cuffs they usually wear locked to keep them kneeling; in addition they both wear chastity belts though I wonder if even these can truly keep them chaste; both have steel masks locked over their faces that gag and blindfold them; they kneel motionless, kept apart by a pair of steel bars about three feet long clipped to their nipple rings; a light chain links their nasal piercings.
I kneel obediently spreading my legs trying to emulate the behaviour of a pleasure slave to please Mistress Desire and Madam Equa clips my leash to a ring in the floor. This latter is surely unnecessary, I am chained and helpless and gagged and the countess is guarded.
At Mistress Desire's command my gag is removed.
I watch her stand, sultry and alluring, the fine silk flowing around her body like water, I can see her deep red nipples and the red triangle of her pubic hair. I watch her bend and caress Sparkle's right breast before gently nudging the bar that hangs between it and Silver's left. Both girls whimper in unison as their tortured nipples are stretched.
Mistress Desire smiles menacingly.
Abruptly I have a sense of deja-vu; not here exactly but I have faced this woman before when I have been on my knees naked and chained. Not here, not in this world; not with Mistress. I see darkness, polished walls, bars.
'It is very foolish of a slave to flee her mistress.' She walks towards me slowly, her heels clicking on the marble floor. 'And particularly to present yourself here.'
'Mistress...please...' I can hold back no longer and cannot stop myself interrupting.
I see Madam Equa step forward with her whip raised but the countess raises a hand to still her.
'Let her speak, Palim.' She looks at me, her turquoise eyes fixing me intently. 'But she'd better speak only the truth.'
I begin to tell my tale of Mistress' capture.
I am lead from Mistress Desire's presence and down into the cellars below the chateau. There I am chained by my wrists to the ceiling, pulled up onto my toes. Cuffs are still locked around my ankles then my gag is replaced and I am left, helpless and naked aside from my collar and my bonds.
Helpless and chained there is nothing I can do and I fear that Mistress Desire is not acting quickly enough. I wish I had gone after Mistress Lust myself.
I do not know how long I wait but suddenly the door behind me opens and I turn awkwardly on my toes to see Madam Equa.
The dark skinned woman was formidable when she lead me to Mistress Desire but chained now, as I am this undeground dungeon I can only shiver with fear when I see her enter. She is dressed still in the white leather bustier and briefs, her boots come to her thigh; she carries two sticks and has a coiled whip hanging from her belt.
'That was a pretty tale you told.' She stands in front of me arms akimbo studying me.
Gagged, I cannot respond. I feel suddenly angry and jerk pointlessly at my chains.
'Mistress Desire thinks it would take more than a bunch of Reivers to overcome Mistress Lust.' As she speaks she studies the two sticks she is carrying.
I rattle my chains again in angry frustration.
'So she has sent me to ensure you speak the truth.'
I shout at her through my gag.
'When you are in the right frame of mind to tell the truth I will remove your gag.' She lifts one of the sticks. 'Until then I will teach you what happens to slaves who betray their mistress.'
I scream at her again but the words are garbled and I can only watch as the tip of the stick advances on my right breast.
'...eeee....' I beg but to no avail.
The tip touches my skin and pain jolts through me making the muscles of my chest and right arm jerk violently.
'Aaaaaaaaggghhhhh.' My scream, muffled by the gag, is still loud.
'The wand has higher settings.' Madam Equa smiles cruelly. 'Perhaps we could try the next one up.'
I shake my head. '...oooooo !'
The tip of the wand touches my shoulder and, once again, pain rips down my arm and up into my neck; all the muscles around it spasm.
I have felt this before, I have a flash of memory, I am sitting astride a metal box with my arms bound behind me, Mistress Desire is there...the dark place with the polished stone...
I scream again as Madam Equa touches the wand to my belly and then begins circling me, touching my body at seemingly random intervals on my arms and legs, my back, my breasts and even my sex; each time I scream at the pain she inflicts and beg for her to stop.
'I think that's enough for the moment.' Madam Equa, finally removes my gag.
I am weeping openly, shuddering with pain, drenched with sweat.
'Tell me what happened.'
I tell her the story again as she strokes the wand over my nipples, her finger poised over the trigger, but when I finish she shakes her head.
'That's what you said before.'
'They were mounted...well armed...they came on us suddenly.'
'You are lying.' She shakes out the whip; it is thick braided leather with barbs woven into the stands. 'And you know what happens to slaves who lie.'
'I'm not lying.'
'We will soon find out.' She begins to circle me.
'It's the truth !' I scream at her...
...and then the whip hits me, lashing across my back, ripping at my flesh...
...I scream again.
I have been whipped before, during my training as a punishment; I have been beaten too by Mistress.
I have never been whipped like this.
The whip falls again.
I do not scream this time, I just whimper. The pain is intense, unbearable.
As the whip coils over my breast I see blood on my skin and then scream again as it lashes across my belly.
My whipping is over and I have told the same story.
I am bruised and bleeding, hanging limp in my bonds wondering why this is happening to me.
'Anything else you want to tell me ?'
I shake my head. I cannot speak.
Madam Equa shrugs and picks up my gag. I don't have the strength to argue and I let her push the big rubber plug into my mouth. She buckles it behind my neck.
'Let's try a different approach shall we ?' She lifts the third wand.
I whimper and shake my head again.
She strokes the tip of the wand across my breasts and pain ripples across my skin, not the shock of the first wand but a deep burning and when I look down I can see my skin erupt in fiery rash.
'..ooooo ! ...eeeeee...' I beg her to stop. I have suffered too much pain.
She traces the tip of the wand up my belly and my skin seems to smoulder there too, then across my back and buttocks and then up between my thighs until my skin is a burning mass of pain.
I am sobbing again, my vision blurred but I can see her point the tip of the wand to my right nipple and I feel the fire ignite there too. She moves to my left nipple.
'Want to say anything else ?'
What can I say ?
I shake my head and then shout into my gag as she traces the tip of the wand around my areole and my nipple starts to burn.
'Just one more spot then.' She looks down.
',,,eeee... ...ooooo !' I shake my head but it is no use and now there is a scalding heat my sex.
'I'll leave you to think about it for a while.' She picks up the pain wand. 'The urticant wand can be very persuasive over time.'
And then she is gone and I am left to my pain.
I hang in my bonds, sobbing in misery, my body a throbbing mass of pain. I know I am submissive, masochistic, that I enjoy being bound and chained, humiliated, beaten and abused but Madam Equa's torment has been beyond my ability to withstand. I have found myself here in this strange world, a naked, bound captive, trained as a slave and until now have relished the abuse that has been inflicted on me, particularly by Mistress Lust. I have not betrayed my mistress, I have come here because she has been taken and I cannot rescue her alone and yet I have been tortured as if I were somehow involved in her abduction.
The door to my prison opens and I look up to see Silver and Sparkle enter. Even through the mist of tears they look beautiful, exquisite examples of perfect submissive femininity, their delicious bodies adorned as always by their intimate piercings and the gold bands they wear, the symbols and the reality of their bondage, the collars and cuffs and rings by which they are so easily chained and which mark them as slaves, the property of another.
Sparkle is clearly being punished, her wrists are chained together in front of her and, by a short chain that disappears between her legs, to her clit piercing; she is hobbled too and, her feet are locked into punishing steel boots that make her totter awkwardly on her toes with straight legs; she is also gagged, a steel muzzle locked about the lower half of her face. Silver is leading her lover by a chain that is clipped to one of her nipple rings.
I think that for Sparkle to be punished is less usual, it is usually Silver who is the naughty one.
Silver, free and radiant, she smiles so bewitchingly that I am distracted from the pain that glowers in my helpless body and as she saunters towards me, swinging her hips, Sparkle in tow, she has my full attention. I see she wears sandals with heels like my own slave boots that emphasise the beauty and tone of her legs and not for the first time I look at her body with intense desire.
'Poor little Toi.' Sparkle reaches out and strokes my cheek which is still burning from the wand. 'Madam Equa can be so mean.'
She examines my body with its welts and bruises, there are lacerations in my flesh from Madam Equa's whip, some are still bleeding. Silver looks on, her blue eyes filled with compassion as she stands behind her lover, helpless in her bonds.
'We've come to make you feel better.' The lovely blonde runs her finger down my body trailing what feels like a current of sparks where my skin is still inflamed and red. 'Well, I have.' She glances back at Sparkle. 'Poor Sparkle's been a very naughty girl.'
I think I see Sparkle blush, the colour in her cheeks rising above the top of the steel gag.
'It's a shame she won't be able to enjoy you as much as I will.' Silver strokes my right nipple which stiffens immediately, a strange mix of pleasure and pain as the flesh of my breasts still tingles with the poison of the wand.
I hear Sparkle give a muffled cry. The gag is clearly very effective.
'I was hoping we could both play with little Toi.' She giggles as she uses the word and then says in the language I know as English 'Our little Sex Toy.'
I see Sparkle's eyes flash with amusement and then she whimpers again, more urgently this time, pulling her hands forward against the chain holding them to her intimate piercing. Silver drop the chain clipped to her lover's nipple ring, letting it swing then she reaches behind me, standing very close and undoes my gag.
'Thank you.' My voice is hoarse and I can barely speak but Sliver holds a finger to my lips.
'Shhhh...' She whispers softly, her face close to mine. She looks into my eyes, her blue eyes wide, shining, she is so beautiful and I think, perhaps hope that she will kiss me but then she bends in and licks my nipple which swells further. I feel a flush in my chest and cheeks that is beyond the torment of the wand.
Silver grins. 'You're almost as randy as we are.'
Sparkle takes a tiny hobbled step towards us whimpering again.
'Don't worry lover. I'll release you in a moment.' Silver's tongue continues to play with my right nipple then she straightens and kisses me full on the mouth.
Her kiss is intense, her lips warm, her tongue moist as it brushes my own. I can taste and smell her and suddenly want her with an intensity I cannot control. I push myself against her returning her kiss in a way that I know is clumsy and almost lewd compared to her intensely sensual caress.
'Good girl.' Sparkle lifts her lips from mine.
I care barely believe the complement is true and the loss of her touch leaves me feeling almost bereft. I try to kiss her again but she steps back grinning.
'We have plenty of time. No need to rush.'
I watch as she steps behind Sparkle and release her fellow slave's gag.
'Silver ! I'm going to punish you.' Sparkle speaks as soon as the gag comes out of her mouth..
'I'm not sure you're in any position to do that my love.' Silver wraps the chain leash round her hand and pulls her helpless lover towards her. 'You do want me to free your hands don't you...or perhaps I should just chain you to the wall over there so you can watch the fun.'
'Oh, Silver, you wouldn't.' Sparkle lifts her hands as far as she is able and I see her hips move forward.
'Stop that at once or I'll put you over my knee and spank you right here.'
'You can be so dominant sometimes.' Sparkle giggles as Silver frees her hands, a simple task it seems for a girl who is not chained. Sparkle bends and frees her own ankles though does not attempt to remove the boots.
'Now we can both play with our toy.' Silver uses 'palg', the Erolian for 'toy' and similar to 'palga' the word for 'slave'. 'Don't let me forget to chain you again when we leave.' She puts the Sparkles gag on the floor next to mine.
Sparkle totters towards me; even in the steel punishment boots somehow, her movements deliciously sexy. The clit chain is still dangling between her legs and the leash still swings from her nipple. Like Silver before her she puts her arms around my neck and kisses me on the lips deeply and sensuously.
I cannot help but kiss her back and press my body against hers.
When she takes her lips from mine I am wet between the legs and I get the impression she knows this.
'Did Mistress Lust have you trained for pleasure too ?'
Before I can respond Silver answers for me. 'There won't have been time.' She grins. 'But I recon she was popular in the cages at night.'
'And I bet she enjoyed it too.'
I look at them and find myself blushing much to their pleasure.
'Come on, Sis. Let's play with our randy little toy.' Sparkle puts her arm around my shoulders and begins to stroke her fingers across my breasts.
Silver takes up her station on my other side, one hand on my bottom and the other toying with my right nipple.
I open my mouth the speak but Sparkle again puts a finger to my lips. 'Shhh...' She pulls my chin round and kisses me again.
'We're not really sisters you know.' Silver speaks conversationally as her fingers circle my nipples and then I feel her lips on my neck.
'Though we are very alike.' Sparkle lifts her lips from mine.
The pain of my torment seems to fade as they caress my body, their hands on my breasts, teasing my nipples, stroking my belly and bottom. In a few moments I am panting hard, my pussy soaking, my nipples standing out so stiffly I think they may burst. I long for them to slip their hands between my thighs.
'Please...' I can't help it. It is a fortnight since I have been touched like this excepting my casual encounter with Nipples which now seems an eternity ago. It is a fortnight since Mistress was taken. 'Please...' I am not sure whether I am asking for sexual release or to be freed so that I can seek out Mistress.
'Shh...' Sparkle admonishes. 'Don't make us gag you.'
'No.' Silver adds. 'We really don't want to do that.' She kisses me again.
'We will gag you.'
'We like our toys to be obedient.' Sparkle's hand, it think, is stroking my inner thigh.
'Please.' It is not sexual release I really want, though I crave it dearly.
'Get the gag, Silver.'
'No, please, Mistress...'
Silver bends and picks up Sparkle's gag.
'Please, let me go.' I beg them. 'Please let me go and find Mistress.'
'Open wide.' Silver holds the gag up.
'Please...' I can say no more. I open my mouth and take the large rubber plug. Sparkle locks it in place.
'I think she's telling the truth.' Silver looks at me.
'Silver !'
'I'm sorry, my love, but we would be the same if Mistress Desire disappeared. We must help her to get Mistress Lust back.'
'Yes, but first we have our duty to do.' Sparkle slips her hand between my thighs and I can do nothing but submit myself to her wishes.
Chapter 15 (added: 2018/12/14)
The water was warm and comforting and Tuesday lay back enjoying its gentle caress. Looking up she could see daylight above the surface. She smiled and relaxed but then began to feel a growing unease; try as she might, she couldn't remember why she was in the water. A memory of a forest came to her, she had been bound, hanging by her wrists; there had been another; she could see the woman's face; a sense of loss enveloped her, a loss so profound it smothered her.
The light above her winked out and she was left in darkness, the water suddenly thick and cloying, filling her mouth, her nostrils.
She was drowning, sinking into blackness.
She tried to breathe but no air entered her lungs and panic gripped her. She wanted to lift her arms to swim but they wouldn't respond; she couldn't kick her legs either. She was paralysed...no, too weak...no, something held her; she was bound again, bound like she had been in the forest and many times after, helpless, sinking into darkness.
The woman's face came again, her lover, lost...
She was still sinking but the woman's presence comforted her and she lay back into the warmth of the liquid around her resigned to her fate. Mistress always took care of her. She closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.
There was light and Tuesday opened her eyes.
The liquid was gone.
She coughed violently almost retching, gasping for air.
Looking down she could see her naked body; her skin was bathed in sweat.
She was lying on her back, naked, her arms were strapped down beside her, and there were heavy leather bands across her shoulders and chest, her belly and her hips. Her legs were spread, just wide but enough to expose her sex and when she tried to close them she found she could not.
She looked up to find Mistress Desire standing above her but there was something different about the slim redhead. The hat looked strange, peaked and military style, the black leather uniform wasn't right too.
Or perhaps it was.
'Major ?' Tuesday's voice was little more than a hoarse whisper.
'Tuesday.' Major Black smiled.
Why was she talking about star maidens ? No, Tuesday realised, she was speaking in English.
She was back in the real.
'Most people take a lot longer after their first long trip.' Major Black seemed amused. 'But then I suppose you've had plenty of practice.'
There was another woman, small, pretty, dark haired in a white tunic. She was removing the interface from Tuesday's body, the electrodes on her breasts and nipples, her belly, those clustered around her sex.
Tuesday looked at the major and was about the speak but the redhead put a finger to her lips and she thus lay back watching as technician reached down and pulled a large phallus out of her sex then deflated the balloon of her catheter and removed this too but Tuesday barely noticed. Memories flooded back into her brain, no, she corrected, resurfaced...escaped might be the right word.
It took nearly ten minutes but finally Tuesday was left naked save for her bonds though she might as well have been free given the turmoil in her mind. She was suddenly aware of a custody collar being locked around her neck.
The technician looked at Major Black who nodded.
She began with the straps across Tuesday's shoulders then her chest and worked down her body until just her arms were restrained.
'Thank you, Carol. I'll do the rest.' Major Black suddenly loomed over her and the technician retreated.
Major Black freed Tuesday's arms and wrists.
'Can you stand ?'
'I think so, Ma'am.' She really wasn't sure.
The major smiled and pressed a button on the side of the table, it began to tilt more upright then she helped Tuesday down. Moving was a chore, her limbs felt weak and seemed barely her own and she only managed to stay on her feet through force of will but found she wasn't quite sure what to do with her arms and ended up folding them across her breasts.
'I can restrain you if if would make you feel more comfortable.'
'No.' Tuesday tried to smile. 'I might need them. Is it always like this after a long period in the sim.'
'You get used to it.' The major smiled. 'Shall we try a few steps ?'
'Yes.' Tuesday thought hard about putting one foot in front of another and managed a few shaky steps though each one was more sure than its predecessor.
'You can crawl beside me while we talk if you prefer.' The major's tone was knowing and carried more than just an offer to be at ease.
'It might be easier.' Tiffany sank gratefully to her knees and then dropped to all fours to follow the major through a set of doors that slid open in front of them. Even then she struggled, the strain on her shoulders was almost worse than the ache in her legs when she tried to walk. The major took slow steps for which Tuesday was grateful. As she crawled, Tuesday could see her reflection in shiny black paneled walls, on all fours, naked for save the custody collar still around her neck; her body looked different, leaner, her breasts smaller than she thought they were. Major's shiny boots moved beside her the heels clicking on the tiled floor.
Mistress ! Memories swirled in her head.
'Ma'am.' Tuesday's voice was urgent.
Tuesday dropped her head forcing herself to remain calm despite her rising panic.
A soldier in black passed them, clearly distracted for a moment by Tuesday's nudity but he passed without comment, saluting the major and then they entered Major Black's office.
Tuesday remembered it from before, remembered kneeling, chained, her nipples clamped, collared; remembered...
She smiled at the memory of the major lifting her skirt...
Without thinking Tuesday dropped back to sit on her heels sliding her hands behind her back.
'Ma'am, please...'
'You are concerned for Agent Lust.'
The title sounded strange. 'Mistress,,,'
'We are all aware that Agent...Mistress...Lust has been taken by hostile elements and I am sure we all expect her safe return.'
'Ma'am ?' Tuesday's tried frantically to process the information being presented to it. 'Agent...Mistress ?' She knew she sounded like an idiot.
'And that is the reason I have brought you back.'
Tuesday looked at her sharply, the facts dropping int to place, the two worlds suddenly aligning.
'She needs rescuing in the real ?'
The major smiled. 'No. She was taken in Erolia and that it where you will retrieve her...or terminate her if that becomes necessary.'
Tuesday's mouth opened to speak but the Major held up her hand.
'I do not think it will come to that.' Major Black's voice softened. 'But you need to be aware of what is going on here.'
'It might have been easier if you hadn't taken all my memories away.' Tuesday's training helped her to focus.
'That was a necessary precaution.' The major came to stand in front of her. 'I had to make sure I could trust you.'
'And do you trust me, Ma'am ?' Tuesday looked up at her.
'As far as I trust anybody in these worlds.' The major stared back with her shrewd blue eyes.
'Not enough to take this off.'
Major Black laughed. 'I though you liked being collared, Lieutenant.'
'I'm less keen on being tortured.'
'That was more an interrogation and I did send Silver and Sparkle to comfort you afterwards.'
'We both know that's not true.' Tuesday felt a shudder run through her as the memories of her interrogation at the hands and tongues of the blondes' returned. She felt her nipples harden and her sex moisten but resisted the temptation to fold her arms back across her breasts to cover them.
If she noticed, Major Black didn't comment.
'You've done well, Lieutenant. Your combat skills are reasonable and your work with Countess Silk in the positron cage was first rate. If the department really existed and you weren't officially serving a sentence for improper conduct you'd probably have a medal by now.'
'I'm not sure I want a medal.' Tuesday shrugged.
'Do you want your freedom ?'
'I want Mistress...Agent Lust back.'
'Good answer.' The major leaned back in her desk. 'Shall we get down to business ?'
'As long as it doesn't involve you having me tortured again. And don't think you're getting another free tonguing.'
'Perish the though, Lieutenant but I recall the last one being rather good.' The major smiled. 'Do you know how a positronic cage works, Lieutenant ?'
'My physics is probably a little rusty; there's not a lot of science in Erolia,'
'On the contrary Lieutenant, there's rather a lot, but I accept the point. The cage is a special interface between hardware and software, a corruption in the AI's processing hardware that allows free access. The AI doesn't know it's there and therefore can't do anything about it. In the context of a sim, it allows free entry and exit without any need to override tiresome security protocols. It's a very sophisticated bit of kit and one that until now, only we possessed.'
'But now the Reivers have one.' Tuesday thought of the strange concrete bunker in Erolia.
'Indeed.' Major Black nodded. 'By using it in Erolia the Reivers were able isolate Countess Silk from the protection of the programme. One of the reasons why uniform personnel and diplomats are not permitted to use simulated recreation.'
'What happened to the countess ?'
'I imagine she has been stripped of her title and privileges and probably quite a lot more besides.' Major Black smiled ruefully. 'At least she'll be allowed to indulge in her...interests. Albeit in Subtown I expect rather than Utolia.'
'There's nothing wrong with Subtown.' Memories flooded back into Tuesday's mind, images of the submissive fantasies she had lived out there. Even in the real the thoughts made her horny and she shifted on her knees. Then she realised the rashness of her statement and refocussed. 'Aren't the Reivers just out to wreak havoc like the trolls on the old internet.'
'That might be how they first appeared but they have evolved. You know they have committed acts of terrorism the real and like most extremists they have become rather more sophisticated. You will recall how easily they overpowered and imprisoned the Guardians in your first encounter with them.'
'And now they have the positron cage they can get in to any world any time they want ?'
'Not only that but the kidnapping and...interrogation...of the countess suggests a more sinister situation.'
Tuesday frowned. 'They are touting themselves out for hire ? Entering the sim to enter peoples' minds.'
'Very shrewd, Lieutenant.' The major sounded impressed. 'Someone had presumably paid them a good deal to extract information from our kinky countess.'
'Are going to use the positronic cage on Mi...Agent Lush ?'
Tuesday's anxiety grew. 'Can you not just pull her out. There are emergency protocols.'
'It's not that easy...with an agent besides, we need her in Erolia.'
'Why ?'
'She can guide us to the cage in the sim and we can trace it to some degree out here.'
'You want to get the cage back.'
'...and capture the Reivers ?'
Tuesday looked up when the major did not answer.
'Lieutenant, we are Black Ops...'
'Yes, Major.' Tuesday thought of the fight with the Rievers in the sim of how their avatars were killed and wondered briefly if exposure to death in the sim made it easier to kill in the real. While she was, presumably going back to kill more avatars, the major or another agent was presumably going to do it for real.
'Why did you bring me back to the real ?' Tuesday was still trying to work out why her lover could not be just pulled out.
'I've brought you back because what I have to say to you cannot be said in Utoila.'
'Why not ?'
'Every action there, every word, every thought is part of the processing matrix. Given the right skills, one might access it.'
'The Reivers have upped their game, Lieutenant.' Major Black smiled. 'I needed you to know what you were doing and why you were doing it. You're a very good officer, Tuesday and I need you at the top of your game.
'Major...' Tuesday was thinking fast, trying to process all the information. 'Why can't you just pull Agent Lust out ?' There seemed no reason unless it had something to do with her memory; perhaps she reasoned, the positronic cage might mean that if her mistress was brought back she would forget something she had learnt.
'You really have regained all your faculties, Lieutenant.' Major Black sounded impressed. 'If I were to tell you the full reason, the mission to rescue her might be jeopardised. However, I will say that the Reivers hate her. Agent Lust has thwarted them many times and killed their previous leader.'
'In the real ?' Tuesday absently reached up fingered her collar.
'Yes, in the real.' The major's voice was serious.
Tuesday was suddenly hit by a dreadful fear that her lover might be even now enduing torture albeit in the sim. 'Send me back, please, Major...Now !'
'Keep them in bondage until you need them.' Contess Desire has just checked Silver and Sparkle's harnesses and bridles and turns to address me. I stand in her chariot holding the ponies' reins waiting impatiently for Mistress Desire to give me permission to leave; something that, from the way they shift in their bonds, the ponies are also keen to do.
'Yes, Mistress.' I look down at the beautiful redhead, wearing today a bra and skirt of thin bronze plates; the garments will clearly offer little protection but display her body beautifully and maintain her the air of warrior queen.
After having me tortured, I am glad that Mistress Desire has agreed to lend me her slaves to rescue Mistress Lust.
I am clothed for the first time in many months, a leather doublet and matching knickers, not unlike the clothes Mistress usually wears. I will be some protection at least from weapons though the doublet has no sleeves and there are holes in the cups thorough which my nipples poke, stiff currently in the chill morning breeze. I still wear my slave boots and my collar. There is a sword strapped to my back. Silver's swords and Sparkle's spear are in the bucket in front of me along with a bow and quiver of arrows and the chariot's driving whip.
'Only use the whip for discipline.' Madam Equa stands to my other side. Deferential now despite having to qualms about torturing me two days ago. 'If you need speed, they will know to provide it.'
I nod. What else can I do. I wish, not for the first time that either of these powerful and obviously skilled women were coming with me. I know I rescued the blonde countess alone but Mistress Lust was waiting outside the positronic cage. I wonder, again why she did not come in to support my rescue attempt. Perhaps she knew I would succeed and wished to test me or perhaps there is some rule about this place that I do not know about, like the limits on the powers of the Guardians.
I look from Madam Equa to Mistress Desire. 'Thank you both.'
'Good fortune.' Mistress Desire reaches up and embraces me, kissing me affectionately on the cheek.
'Walk on.' I shake the reins and, as one, Silver and Sparkle step forward, drawing me behind them.
By the time were pass through the gate of the courtyard they have reached the trot and I wonder if I will have any control over them at all after we have left Chateau Flame behind.
As we emerge from the lea of the castle the wind catches us and I see the blonde's hair flying behind them. Despite the warmth of the sun the wind is chill this far north and the air cold because of the altitude. I shiver briefly despite my leather garments and wonder at the effect of the wind on the ponies' naked bodies but if they feel the chill at all they show no sign of it and, increase their pace.
They are truly beautiful, this pair of blonde ponies, and seeing them run before me is thrilling, particularly at the trot, with their knees rising showing the delicious tone in their buttocks and thighs as they run with their shoulders back and their head erect.
They are not harnessed as I have seen them before, hands cuffed to the shafts of the chariot but rather their arms are laced into single sleeves that draw their shoulders back and they are shackled the to shafts by harnesses which seem to be fashioned like a heavy girdle or corset reaching from their hips up to their small, neat breasts with shoulder and crotch straps to keep it in place. They are bridled too but not in the usual way, these bridles have heavy neck stocks that go over their collars and large blinkers; the bits are much thicker than usual, more like gags and these are joined to each other so it is almost impossible for them to turn their heads. I drive them by reins clipped to their nipple piercings and there is a third rein from each girl hooked to the weapons bucket. This is attached to their clitoral piercings and can be used to slow or stop them.
In charge of such a pair I cannot help but share the exhilaration they clearly feel at being on the road again.
Before I realise it we have come almost a mile and I note they are still at the trot, a tiring pace designed more for show than speed and, as Madam Equa informed me, invaluable in training. I touch the third rein, indicating they may change pace and see them drop obediently to a more gentle but only slightly less fast pace.
'Thank you, Mistress Star.' Silver and Sparkle kneel side by side at the edge of the river by which were are camped. I have just released them from the shafts and traces and removed their bit gags so they can drink. They are still harnessed and bridled and their arms are still strapped tightly behind their backs in the single sleeves.
It is our second night out of Chateau Flame and they have kept an impressive pace.
'You may quench your thirst as you wish.' I leave them to go and unload the chariot, thinking about preparing a meal.
I collect wood and light a fire but as I sit down to cook I hear Silver.
I look up.
'Yes.' I try to use the voice Mistress Lust would use for an unrequested interruption. The pair have turned round to face me but otherwise kneel as I left them, side by side, shoulders back, their little breasts thrust out as if being offered to their mistress.
'If you released us we could do the work for you.' She is using that husky pleasure slave tone, the one they use when then want something.
'Silver !' Sparkle turns her head as far as she is able in the neck stock as if to look at her fellow pony around her blinkers although it is clear she cannot see her. 'You know what Mistress said.'
'Well, Mistress ?' Silver persists.
'Silver !' Sparkle admonishes again but the adds. 'But it would be nice to be able to stretch. This bondage is very tight and we are wearing chastity straps.'
I know what I have to do. If I had been in harness for two days I would probably want some relief and my sympathies go out to her. The harnesses and bridles are difficult to fuck in even for such accomplished tongue sluts as these two.
They must be as horny as hell.
I stand and walk towards them watching them smile and turn slightly so that I can reach the straps of theirs single sleeves.
But I walk past them to the chariot.
'Mistress.' Silver pleads.
I pick up the driving whip and turn back to face them.
'Present !'
They obey immediately, bending forward and lifting their bottoms for the whip. Like this they cannot protect themselves with their bound hands.
'Silver.' I hear Sparkle hiss angrily.
I begin to whip them.
'Do we please you, Mistress ?' Sparkle hovers over me and then lets her lips brush mine.
'Spark !' Silver has been diligently running her tongue over my sex in a way that is very pleasing. 'Perhaps you should have asked if you pleased her !'
Silver returns her focus to the task in hand, circling my clitoris in a way that makes me want to put my fist in her hair and make her keep doing it.
The ponies have behaved impeccably since their whipping the previous evening after which I staked them apart, using the rings at the tips of their single sleeves to anchor them on either side of me. They whimpered in protest but eventually settled, no doubt tired from the exertions of the day. They have run well today too, looking, if anything, more diligent than their first day in harness; by lunchtime I was feeling quite guilty about the red stripes decorating their bottoms that I was forced to watch all day.
When we stopped they made no suggestions that I should release them and knelt obediently where I had left them, drinking only when given permission and speaking only when spoken to. I made them eat on their bellies again despite a desire to feed them by hand, I felt they had not earned this privilege yet.
After two days I was beginning to see the advantages of being dominant and when they begged me to forgive them for their transgression the previous day and to thank me for disciplining them I granted their request.
They really are very skillful as I realised when they interrogated me but lying here with Sparkle kissing my throat and Silver lying on her belly lapping at my pussy I realise what a lucky woman Mistress Desire is.
Sparkle has just begun to nibble at my areoles again when Silver pushes her tongue inside me and I feel a heat in my loins that I cannot deny; I come forcefully crying out with pleasure reaching out to hold Sparkle in my arms, pulling her towards me and kissing her forcefully on the lips.
I sense her smile, feeling her pleasure in the recognition of my own.
As the orgasm passes she presses herself against me begins to brush her lips against my neck again.
'Would Mistress like us to swap over ?' Sparkle runs her tongue up my neck very gently. 'I'm sure I can make her come again.'
'I think you had better open wide and let me put your gag back in.'
'Oh, Mistress, please.' Sparkle kisses my earlobe.
'Kneel up.'
I sense Sparkle pout but she obeys me, kneeling beside me with her small breasts thrust out and opens her mouth. I reach up and clip the bit back in place. It is a shame really, she was causing all kinds of exciting sensations that meant she was almost certainly right about making me come again.
I can see her pouting now and I reach up to stroke one of her nipples, playing with the piercing ring hoping to mitigate some of her disappointment even as Silver finds a lovely new way to play with my sex. The feeling of control over these beautiful obedient pets is intoxicating and I consider punishing them both for the pleasure it will, no doubt bring me, but then Silver does something even more wonderful to my clitoris with her tongue and I turn my full attention to her.
I brush aside a stray lock of Silver's hair that has escaped her usual sleek pony tail and she murmurs her thanks, kissing me gently on the lips. Behind me, Sparkle sleeps soundly after her firth day in harness. I have just let them make love, the first time I have permitted this since leaving Chateau Flame.
For these two submissive sexual athletes this kind of abstinence while being kept in bondage and forced to play pony then pleasure their, albeit temporary, mistress in the evening had left them intensely aroused extremely frustrated. When I gave them permission to play together they had each others crotch straps undone almost before I had finished speaking, no mean feat for two girls who were forced to do this with their teeth.
Their lovemaking was intense and, if I'm honest, highly pleasurable to all three of us though they clearly got a lot more satisfaction than I did. What those two can't do with their tongues probably isn't worth knowing about. I realised I had my hand between my thighs when I was on the point of orgasm; if the two blondes noticed, they were too well trained to comment.
The sun had almost set but the time they emerged from their passion during which they appeared to have explored almost every inch of each other's body with their tongues and done things with their toes that I would struggle to do with my fingers. Both satisfied they had called to me and, after removing my doublet and knickers I had slipped between them to enjoy their ministrations as darkness closed in around us.
'Thank you, Mistress.' Silver whispers in the darkness, I can just see her face in the moonlight, softly lit, thin, elfin, with lovely blue eyes; I am still fascinated by her nasal ring.
'The two of you are very lucky.' I kiss her gently.
'Lucky, Mistress ?' Her sudden response surprises me. 'We are slaves, pets, kept in constant bondage; subject to the will of any woman or man even who choses to use us; used as beasts of burden, sex toys; we can be whipped or beaten on the whim of another as you demonstrated the other night; we have have bonds always on our limbs, collars around our necks. We are pierced.'
'You are unhappy ?' I am shocked by her response but the suddenly laughs.
'I would have it no other way.' She kisses me. 'And neither would Sparkle.'
She is clearly teasing and I know I should punish her but it is late and I can always whip her in the morning, besides, her words have triggered something inside me.
'Have you always been slaves ?' I know I am asking this because of my own lack of memory; this place is very physical, very much in the moment with, it seems little thought to the past; while I clearly have knowledge I know that it sometimes does not fit with this place; any memories I have, if they are indeed memories and not dreams, are flashbacks.
'Always ?' Silver laughs again. 'No, Mistress. Though before we came here I was Sparkle's slave.'
'Her slave ?'
'Well, pet, sub, lover...' She lifts he head to look over me at her sleeping lover and I see a sad look come onto her face. 'She was a soldier you know.'
I wait for her to say more but she falls silent.
'If you'd rather not talk about it...' I know I shouldn't behave like this with a slave.
'No, it's fine.' She smiles at me but I know it is only an appearance.
We are silent for a moment.
'You're like her, aren't you. You don't know, do you ?' This serious woman is not the Silver I thought I was beginning to know.
I look at her in surprise. 'What do you mean ?'
'Where are we ?'
'Where I are we ?' Inwardly I know the question is not as stupid as it sounds. 'Here, Erolia ?'
'But where is it ?' Silver smiles. 'Which continent is it on ?'
I frown. 'Is Utolia a continent.'
'And where is that near ?' She looks at me. 'Africa, South America...?'
'Well, its...' I have no idea. 'Are you telling me this is another planet ?' I think of what Mistress first called me before naming me Toi; she used the words Tews Daye, Star Maid.
She looks at me, amused. 'No, this is Earth...Well, after a fashion.'
I must look puzzled because the mischievous Silver reemerges.
'Your flashbacks, what do you see ?'
I think of the images, the girl I am chasing through dark streets among buildings that have no place here, of the dark place where sex is bought and sold, a polished prison where I crawl beside a woman in black. These are worlds beyond the one in which I currently live a world of hussars and plasma rifles.
'Other...places...' It is the best I can come up with.
'Real places ?'
I think the running girl is real.
'Some of them...' I feel as if a fog is clearing. 'This is a sim ?'
She smiles and nods.
I know I should be surprised, shocked even but it feels like I have been reminded of something I had momentarily forgotten.
'Why...?' I don't know how to form the question.
'Some people struggle to adapt to this place and the programme has ways of helping that, controlling memory, blocking it out or allowing bits to creep in.'
I can see them clearly now, the chase in the real world and in the seedy night of the other sim I see Mistress wearing red lingerie, heels, garters; her hair is shorter but she is the same.
I also remember who the woman in black is and know who she is here.
I know why I am here and where I am going.
'Thank you.' I kiss Silver and hold her close sharing a contact far beyond the intimate physicality we have just shared. She presses herself against me in response.
'Mistress.' I can tell her voice is sleepy. 'Sparkle doesn't know'
Chapter 16 (added: 2018/12/14)
I cannot resist stroking Silver's nipple as I clip her nipple reins in place. It stiffens under my touch. The intimacy of our previous night's conversation has gone, I am Mistress once again, and she Slave, my sexual plaything. Beside her Sparkle stands fully harnessed and bridled, her intimate reins already in place.
I look up to find the pony looking at me intently with her sharp blue eyes. I wonder what she is thinking, wonder whether she regrets the nature of our exchange. A mistress, a true mistress should not feel this way with a slave; perhaps she knows my weakness.
'Does Mistress Desire ever use this one ?' I touch her nasal ring.
'Only when we've been naughty, Mistress.' Her tone suggests I am right.
'Quite frequently then.' I hook my finger through the ring.
'Yes, Mistress, quite frequently.' Her voice is again submissive, her eyes down.
I know it is best that I gag her and move to insert her bit.
'It's probably the most sensitive one, Mistress.'
'Really ?' I reach between her legs to attach her clit rein.
'Well. Perhaps most consistently sensitive.' The humour in her voice is obvious.
'I will punish you later if you try to tease me.' I give her clit rein a gentle tug.
'Yes, Mistress.' The flush of her skin tells me she is already excited by this treatment and perhaps my threat. I know that in her place, I would feel the same and part of me wishes I was.
She opens her mouth and I push the large bit between her teeth then clip it in place; then I leave her, climbing into the chariot and take the reins in hand; my two ponies stand poised, eager, I think; then, still wondering what it would feel like to be a pierced slave in harness I shake the reins and command them to walk on.
We drive through Pont Rouge. It is the first time I have been her since my training and when last I entered I was a leashed slave new to this world.
My chariot and ponies attract much attention and when I pull up in the main square we are quickly surrounded by a crowd.
I closed the ponies' blinkers this morning as we approached the city leaving them utterly dependent on me to guide them towards the gates and then through its crowded streets. This is not a punishment, it is not even me reinforcing my control over them, it is something I think they will enjoy. I know from my previous experience what happens to slaves who walk in bondage through the streets of Pont Rouge, even those who are lead by their mistress.
Helpless and with their bounty tantalisingly displayed my ponies will feel bodies pressed against them, be touched by unseen hands and fondled but curious fingers. They are in no danger, no woman who does this will mean harm and should any try to hurt them I am there with my whip and, if needed, my sword.
I expect that by the time they reach the inn they will be so hot and will beg to serve me with a diligence beyond that which I have previously experienced. I also think that it will give me another excuse to punish them, something I am surprised to find I enjoy intensely. Besides, I have to take a little revenge for the manner in which they abused me after my interrogation by Madam Equa.
By the time we reach the inn, my ponies are clearly flustered, their skin as flushed as if they had been running at full gallop along the open road. The last time I was here I was restrained and leashed, gagged too, following my mistress obediently fearing that I was about to be sold in the slave market and, despite this, like my luscious ponies I was panting from the thrill of unseen hands touching me, sometimes intimately.
As before there are women drinking at the tables served by waitresses and their chained helpers. As we pass there is a shriek as a chained blonde is pulled across the knee of a dark skinned woman who proceeds to spank her hard, presumably for spilling some of her drink. The waitress makes no attempt to aid her assistant and, in fact, seems to be enjoying her partner's suffering though from the shrieks it is not only a punishment that is being handed out.
Then we are in courtyard of the inn, it is somehow much quieter and a little cooler than the rest of the city, presumably because of the fountain in the centre. As I enter a groom comes forward to catch the ponies' bridles as I pull on their clit reins to slow them. The girl's skin is almost as black as Madam Equa's, her eyes apparently astoundingly white as are her teeth when she flashes me a smile. I toss her a coin and she catches it grinning then gives Sparkle a gently pat on the bottom.
I can see the lust in both the blondes from their stances and the way they are moving their hips, mares on permanent heat. I feel I am almost as hot as them though I have not been touched as they have, not been subject to the exquisite pleasure of being driven in such a humiliating state through the crowded streets of this city where bondage and lust are the norm.
I take my bag and sword and leave my ponies to their groom.
I am punishing Sparkle. The groom reported her for salacious behaviour which, given her state was completely understandable if inexcusable. She lies hooded and chained by her nasal peircing to the foot of the bed I now share with her lover. She is, no doubt, aware of what is happening just beyond her reach though the hood is thick and padded, blocking out sound as well as light, leaving her alone.
Silver's technique is, as always, exquisite, despite her day in harness and being still strapped into the single sleeve. She has clearly benefited from the massage offered by the groom but not, unlike Sparkle, taken it upon herself to return the favour in exchange for a few moments free of the single sleeve. Washed, rubbed down and oiled, Silver was thus presented to me as the perfect show-pony; her skin glistening, her hair shiny and with a definite spring in her step. Once I had secured Sparkle I fell upon my shiny new toy with the hunger of a wolf, hurling her to the bed and raking my tongue over her body biting her nipples and then spanking her over my knee to enjoy her screams of pleasure. This latter part was calculated to ensure Sparkle knew full well what she was foregoing, however, watching their delicious bodies all day leaves me excited and, tonight, the pleasure of dominating poor Sparkle had further inflamed my lust.
I am surprised how dominant I feel, how far removed from the submissive sex toy I was to Mistress and expect to be again.
If she hadn't heard us, Sparkle would almost certainly have felt the floor shake from our violent coupling as her lover writhed in her bonds, kicking out wildly as I slapped her bottom repeatedly with my bare hand and then her thighs and calfs with one of the whips provided by the inn for such a purpose.
Having been spanked and whipped, Sparkle was as sexually charged as me and intensely eager to please and when I told her to use her tongue on me she had no hesitation in thrusting it into every orifice available to her until I came like the sexually voracious slut I am.
Satisfied, for the moment at least, I undid her crotch strap and teased her mercilessly with my fingers enjoying her cries of anguish as I teased her to the point of orgasm only to deny her at the least minute. At some stage, when her pleading became almost pitiful, I considered replacing her bit gag but then decided to let her scream as I spread her thighs, and raked her with my tongue giving her the release she so clearly needed. Again, I have little doubt her helpless hooded lover was fully aware of what we were doing and what she was clearly missing. It was perhaps my cruelest punishment so far in my rather brief career as a dominant.
Afterwards we lay together, Silver and I, touching each other's bodies, me once again exploring my temporary pet's piercings.
'Why doesn't she know ?' I am playing with Silver's nose ring, wondering if I want this piercing too. I have always craved nipple and clit piercings, labia too but until now I have never thought of a ring through my nasal septum, pierced like an animal.
'I've told you she was a soldier.' Silver looks at me. 'It can be a difficult job to do. Sometimes, something goes wrong.'
I think she is going to tell me more so I wait for her to continue.
'I remember when I met her, she was so strong, so dominant. I remember her in uniform; leather breeches tight on her thighs and around her bottom, the vest clinging to her breasts.' Silver smiles. 'I could see her nipples...and her physique, tight abs, well toned muscles, she was perfect, almost more so than she is now.' Silver looks over at her helpless lover. 'You have no idea how submissive I was, still am; well, perhaps you have, you know what it's like to be a slave, I can see the way you look at Mistress Lust when she clips her leash to your collar, that look that comes into your eyes when her name is mentioned. I'm guessing this, being dominant, is hard for you.'
I shrug. 'It has its advantages.' I play with her nipple ring and see her smile.
'Yes, Mistress.' She pushes her little breasts forward, a sign that she is enjoying my touch. 'I was really submissive. I would take anything...in the real.' She looks at me meaningfully. 'It was a form of self destruction; some use drugs, others alcohol, gambling, some steal when the don't need to; my thing was pain, humiliation, I wanted to be tied and chained, whipped I had multiple piercings that I got people to use to control me. I would take it from anyone who would give it to me, woman or man. At one point I thought I was probably straight, knowing that men were much better at hurting and humiliating women. Then one day Sparkle came in and gave me all that I wanted, including stability and then, slowly, love.'
'She was home on leave. She took me to her apartment. I knew from the moment I mey her she intensely dominant. At the time I guess I thought soldiers had to be. She had all kinds of gear, military restraints that I'd only fantasised about. She had a cage in her bedroom and I remember wondering how many other girls had been chained in there.'
'She treated me just how I wanted it: pain, humiliation, long periods in tight bondage that left me whimpering into my gag but she also took me into her life, the part I was allowed to see anyway, and to her bed.
'When she was due home on leave I would go to her apartment and lock myself in the cage, usually restraining and gagging myself first. Sometimes she'd order me to wear certain clothes, she particularly liked me as a whore in stockings and ridiculous heels and skirts so short she'd be able to see my knickers if she let me wear any. Sometimes she took me out to places where she knew people I worked with or my friends would be so they would see me dressed as a tart clearly playing submissive games for a client. Then, in her bedroom she'd chain or tie me to her bed and punish me with whips and canes, she'd even use a cattle prod on me; taking me to my limits, occasionally beyond though I never used our safe word. In return I pleasured her and, I know it gave her pleasure to see me beg.'
'It was a perfect life for both of us.' Silver frowned. 'I think you will understand why.' She smiled, her eyes looking past me as she recalled. 'Sometimes she would bring other women home and make love to them while I was forced to watch, helpless in bondage. Sometimes she even let them punish me. One day she brought an old school friend of mine home; the woman recognised me immediately and told me what a slut I was. Sparkle let her punish me and then I pleasured them both. We saw her twice and on the second occasion I had to play the whore for her, she made me wear this slutty little PVC dress and rubber stockings and took me to a party to a class reunion; she kept me leashed and gagged all evening, calling me a slut and a whore and offering my services to them...'
I can tell she is still excited by the memory.
'Slowly that sort of thing happened less. Sparkle, there's no point in me using her real name, began to want me, to herself, just as I wanted her. She got a promotion, was home more, I spent most of my time in bondage, it was a perfect life for both of us: dominant Sparkle and submissive Silver.'
'Then came this mission. Uniformed personnel aren't allowed to use sims except for specific military training scenarios and even then only when it is really serious, just one chance to get it right. I know she spent some time in the sim, she told me about it. Then one night she was gone though I knew she wouldn't be away long.'
I can see the tears beginning to form in Silver's eyes
'Something went wrong, I could tell as soon as she came in. She didn't say anything at first and I just waited for her to tell me. I endured some very intense punishments during that first week or two and got pretty close to using my safe word but the torture she inflicted on me was nothing compared to what she did to herself mentally. When she wasn't punishing me she was in the gym pushing herself hard, it was a kind of distraction or penance I suppose. Finally she told me that she'd killed, a woman, a civilian I assume; I never found out exactly why or how. There was an investigation, of course.'
'The court martial exonerated her but she continued to blame herself and that's when it happened. She came home that evening and ordered me to punish her saying that if the law wouldn't do it she would do it herself. I was ordered to tie her to the pillar in her hallway that she used to tie me to and whip her. She made me start with twenty four strokes and told me to gag her if she told me stop. I did as she told me. I guess I thought it would help her find closure. I remember those first few strokes, lashing the whip across her skin, watching the red stripes appear across her back; there was no point in trying to be kind; but I soon realised it wasn't helping; the punishments she wanted became more intense and I was forced to inflict them: beatings, prolonged bondage, she would set out what she wanted and make me promise to complete it no matter what; I remember her crying and squirming in her bonds, begging me to stop when it became too much for her, as I beat and burned and clamped her beautiful body scarring it through a veil of tears.'
Silver blinks and I wipe the tears away.
'She eventually left the forces; became a vigilante, a very successful one too; hunting them down and killing them with a ruthless determination. I think the Reivers feared her as much as they do Mistress Lust. Then, one night, they came for her. The fight was brutal and bloody and I walked in to the middle of it. The Reivers would have killed me but she took the bullet. She didn't have to but she did, like I say, it was the one thing she did that wasn't meticulously planned. It didn't kill her but I knew it would never be the same again. I sat with her in the hospital, watching, waiting, at first expecting her to die but she didn't. They wanted to turn off her life support but I wouldn't let them. Then, sitting holding her hand, I hatched a plan. She had left extensive notes and, for once in my life I had a purpose. I hunted down the cell that had come for her and and killed every one of them. On the day I killed the last one I went to the hospital ready to see Sparkle die. Major Black was sitting by her bed.'
I get a flash of black uniform, a redhead, and see the face of Mistress desire. I see myself in a cell with black tiled walls, naked and chained.
'She wanted Sparkle for her team of virtual soldiers. What else could I do. Major Black took us and we underwent training together.'
Silver smiles despite the tears streaking her face.
'In the end, we all have what we want: though she doesn't know it, Sparkle has her penance, I have Sparkle and Mistress Desire has her soldiers.'
More of the fog in my mind begins to clear.
Poor Sparkle must think she has really displeased me, I am punishing her again. I took the isolation hood from the inn and she wears it now, kneeling where I have left her, legs spread, her belly pressed against a tree; she is held there by nipple clamps. I haven't whipped her, that would have made me feel too guilty; but a mistress has a right to punish her slave as and when she chooses and it is considered good practice to do it sometimes on a whim to show one's dominance. I have implied that Silver was to be punished too and, indeed, she kneels against an adjacent tree, also held against it by clamps on her nipples which stretch her little breasts.
I press gently against Silver's right breast with the tip of my whip causing her nipple to be stretched out tauter.
'I take it Mistress wishes to know more.' Silver looks up at me.
'Tell me about Mistress Lust.'
'Perhaps I don't know about Mistress Lust.'
I bring the whip down hard on Silver's stretched breast and she gives a pleasing yelp.
'I don't think you'll be able to torture it out of me.'
'I might try.' I really am enjoying being a dom.
'Lust was Mistress Desire's last slave; before me and Sparkle.'
'Her slave ?' I smile.
'Yes.' Silver grins. 'Had you not noticed she was pierced.'
I bring the whip down on Silver's breast again and she yelps even louder.
'Sorry, Mistress.' She looks up grinning.
'Was she a soldier too ?'
'Military intelligence I think. Like Major Black.'
'Do you know any more about her ?'
'The Reavers fear her.' Silver has suddenly become vey serious. 'That is why the horseman have taken her.'
'Is there any risk they will try to track down her physical body ?'
Silver looks up at me and my mouth goes dry.
'You don't know do you ?'
I strike her breast as hard as I can.
'I am sorry, Mistress.' Her voice is harsh with the pain I have just inflicted.
'Tell me.' I have the sudden urge to beat it out of her.
'Mistress Lust is different.' Silver pauses and I raise my whip then she looks up at me.
'Tell me.' I am angry but more than that I am frightened.
'Mistress Lust has no body.'
'She is AI ?' It is the only logical conclusion.
My world begins to crumble. I am in love with a machine !
Then I remember. 'You said she was a military intelligence officer.'
'She was.' Silver is frightened too, though not of me, I think. 'She is...her body was destroyed. I don't know how but I can guess why. Back in the days when they tried to tackle Reivers from the real. Agent...Captain...Lust was something of a legend; the Reivers feared her, hated her.'
'But...' I drop the whip and lean against the tree.
'Somehow the programme kept her alive, her consciousness at least.' Silver is really frightened now, talking very quickly. Does she think the programme will stop her telling me this ?
'Human consciousness alive in the machine ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
'You look uncomfortable, Captain.' Major Black leant back and put down her drink. Her slim athletic body was packaged in a tight black leather jacket, skirt and thigh boots, all emphasising her lean muscular form.
'I feel awkward here, Ma'am.' Captain Grey looked across the seedy bar in which they were drinking fingering her glass nervously. It was not clear whether her comments referred to the real of the bar.
'We are safe from prying eyes and ears.'
'Let's hope we're safe from the fashion police too.' Palim Grey looked down at the semitansparent jumpsuit she was wearing, it clearly displayed her solid form and her underwear. 'I'm not sure I have anything in my wardrobe that's currently in fashion.'
'Would you wear it if you had ?' Major Black looked wryly at her subordinate.
'I suppose not.' Grey smiled back, relaxing slightly.
'Fashion comes around.' Major Black glanced around her. You might even be setting a new trend.'
'Will we get them this time, Ma'am ?' Grey didn't do small talk when there were more important issues at stake.
'Yes, Palim.'
'You know what happened last time.' Palim Grey realised she should not have said it a moment too late.
'Of course I remember, Captain !' Major Black's mouth became a taught line and her voice carried a harsh edge.
'Sorry, Ma'am. It's just I'm worried... You're new agent, can she really cope with her side ?'
'You've tested her. What do you think ?' The major leant forward, resting on her elbows.
'Tested is an interesting choice of words, Major.'
'It was in the Sim. She'll get over it.' Major Black shifted in her seat. 'Besides, I'm getting to like her. She has tenacity.'
'That's not what you said before.'
'I admit I was against it when Scarlet wanted to bring her on board but now she's here I think she'll be ok.'
'I suppose it wouldn't be the first time that kind of recruiting technique had been used for our unit.' Captain Grey looked sternly at her superior.
'You can't put a price on loyalty, Captain.'
'Or comradeship.'
'Captain...' Major Black was beginning to lose her patience. 'Anyway, Tuesday has the twins with her.'
'Leaving Chateau Flame undefended.' Captain Grey continued to press her superior.
'Barb is there.'
'She's an office clerk.'
'Captain !'
'Ma'am, if I didn't question I wouldn't be doing my job.'
'You could follow order's, Captain.' The major's tension was a clear sign of the importance of the operation.
Captain Grey knew her limits.
'Have RAM tracked the cage ?'
'Lieutenant Green tells me she has a close fix on it. We can only be sure when they open it.'
Captain Grey nodded. She was aware of the links and knew the consequences if the positron cage was closed again.
'We could lose her altogether.'
'She is a soldier, she will understand.'
Captain Grey raised her glass. 'To Scarlet Lush.'
Major Black smiled and raised her glass and took a long drink.
'Remember we can get hangovers here.'
Black laughed. 'I think I can manage. I come back more than you.'
'Presumably that's how you manage to stay in shape.'
'One of us has to.'
It is Grey's turn to laugh.
'One of us has to mind the shop.'
'And the presence of a certain large breasted brunette avatar wouldn't be the reason you are neglecting yourself ?'
'I was your drill instructor and I recon I could still take you, Major.'
'Then perhaps I'd better come to you for some training in when we get back.'
'I'll look forward to it, Ma'am.'
We are nearing Point Grey and are camping for the night just off the track. There are no roads here, these are the wilds, the part of Erolia beyond civilisation and therefore, I suppose, the perfect place for the positronic cage. There are wild tribes here, feral packs of woman and some men living the barbaric primitive lifestyle they desire. Few from the rest of Erolia come here and those that do come to join the tribes or, sometimes to hunt them a little like my fellow slaves when Mistress first captured me.
I do not recall being hunted, only waking here in Erolia, bound and helpless and naked. Though I know now that I was pursued and captured in another way. Silver's tale has unlocked more memories, more than just flashbacks now, that have come in dreams as I have slept so that I now seem to wake each morning knowing more than I did the previous day. I know that it was Mistress who bound and used me in Subtown, that strange twilight world of sorded sex and lust that has haunted my dreams; I recall with some shame that she was not the first woman to do so and that she called me Tiffany then. I recall too my arrest and my interrogation by Major Black and know why I was a prisoner in the tiled cell; I remember Major Black's office, kneeling, my tongue on her sex. I know what Erolia is, a subworld of Utolia and that my body lies somewhere, a warm but empty shell, wired to an interface; I wonder if I still wear the custody collar. The memories align now with those of my time in Erolia including my training and the reappearance of Major Black as Mistress Desire.
I know now who Mistress is.
I feel Sparkle move against me, dreaming perhaps, lost in another layer of consciousness beneath the dream in which we live. Does she, like me, have flashbacks to her previous life ? I am lying between them, Sparkle and Silver, their naked bodies pressed against mine and, though they are beautiful and submissive and utterly willing I have not indulged in pleasure with them tonight. I know now that the urgency to rescue Mistress is more than just my desire to feel her leash on my collar again.
Silver moves too, sighing around her gag, and I feel her nipples against my breasts reminding me of the rings that pierce her so intimately like the rings that pierce Mistress. I can remember the taste and feel of them on my tongue and I experience a sudden rush of lust and loneliness, I am so grateful Silver is here and yet I feel an urge to punish her simply because I can, because she is not whom I wish her to be.
Though I have little experience in domination, owning, at least for the moment these two luscious blondes who lie so submissively beside me has given me a pleasure it will not be easy to relinquish.
I reach up and hook my finger into Silver's nipple ring, using it to pull her back against me and feel her respond. I can imagine her smiling around her gag as she wakes, her sensual body once again called to serve, to submit to the will of one who dominates her. She nuzzles against my neck, her breasts and belly pressing against mine and I can feel the strap of the heavy gag that I pushed into her mouth when I ordered her and Sparkle to sleep, denied of the pleasure they so clearly craved.
Sparkle will be jealous if she wakes to find what we are doing but I am Mistress here and I do as I please.
I reach to undo Sparkle's gag and kiss her full on the lips feeling her respond with the full passion of the pleasure slave she is.
Chapter 17
I creep forward on my belly. I can see them, sitting around a fire outside the mouth of a cave, the hussar and the knight, the cavaliers, they are mostly men, though one of the cavaliers is a woman. She is fondling a brunette who sits on her lap, the girl's arms are strapped into bondage sleeves and the tips of the mitts are cuffed to a belt that is locked around her waist, she has huge breasts and these are tightly bound making them shiny even in the low light; she is gagged with a large ball; I watch as the cavalier takes a pair of nipple clamps from her pocket and clips them to the brunette's nipples, the girls shrieks and squirms as if she is unused to them or perhaps because she has worn them rather a lot and, like her tortured breasts, her nipples are very sore.
They have a number of captives, all woman, mostly naked and lying bound hand and foot within the fire circle; one, a redhead is staked out spreadeagle and the cossack with the scalplock is fucking her hard.
Beyond the fire I can see a wagon and as I move a little to me left I can see it has a cage on the back, there is a figure kneeling inside. I creep forward and, when one of the men stands, light from the fire illuminates cast enough light for me to know it is Mistress.
She kneels with her head bowed, heavily chained, wrists behind her back, locked by a chain to the heavy collar around her neck, the collar itself is chained to the four corners of the cage keeping her in the centre and I can see she is also chained to the floor of the cage by her piercings, there are cuffs around her thighs and ankles too all linked by more chains; she is gagged and blindfolded with a heavy leather bridle. I can see she has clearly been abused, her body is bruised and covered in whipmarks.
I watch her for a few moments, fighting down the urge to rush in and save her. At one stage she lifts her head, turning it in my direction as if she knows I am there but with the leather pads strapped across her eyes there is no way this can be the case.
I am just beginning to move away when another figure appears. He looks like an officer from a US cavalry regiment, in a blue shirt, matching britches and riding boots.
'It's ready.' He speaks English with an American accent.
The knight stands up and smiles cruely, his scarred face lopsided. 'Let's do it tonight.'
'In the morning.' Lady Cavalier is twisting the chain of her prisoner's nipple clamps, stretching the girl's breasts.
'Tonight !' the knight is angry and drunk. 'I want that bitch annihilated.'
And then I realise what they are intending to do. I creep a little further so I can see inside the cave and there it is, the darkness, not just the blackness of the cave but the darkness I have seen before, the space outside the world, the safe in which mistress kept her revolver in Subtown, the positronic cage in which they were torturing the diplomat.
I know now why Mistress could not go inside before and why the knight wants her inside now. Away from the programme that sustains her she will simply cease to exist and, with no human mind to reenter this world and any other she will be lost forever.
'We must do it tonight.' I keep my voice low, as steady as I can. 'Now.'
'Yes, Mistress.' Silver and Sparkle are free for the first time in ten days and in the time it takes for them to rub their arms and move their shoulders getting used once again to being able to use them they have gone from submissive pleasure slaves to focussed warriors. Silver checks the edge of her sword, her buckler is already hanging from the steel belt that is fastened around her waist; satisfied she sheaths it and picks up two light spears from the bucket on the chariot; Sparkle holds her two swords in her left hand and a throwing knife in her right.
'There are seven of them.' I visualise them in my mind. 'The knight is armoured but the rest should be easier.' I pick up my bow and ensure my sword is free to draw from its scabbard.
We separate, Silver circling to the far side of the cave, me following her but hanging back to come in from opposite the cavemouth and Sparkle taking a more direct route.
Once in position I nock an arrow and raise my bow. I wait until I know Silver must be in position then I sight and loose.
The shot is not perfect but the arrow hits the cavalryman in the shoulder spinning him round. The rest of the camp rise drawing their weapons and I see one of Silver's spears pierce the throat of a cavalier knocking him back into the fire. A second later Sparkle bursts into the camp driving one of her swords into the cossack who is still pulling up his trousers; I see her leap the staked out girl and hurl her knife left handed into the chest of the hussar. Silver appears a second later, driving her remaining spear into the belly of the female cavalier; she knocks her victim aside and, drawing her sword, hurls herself at the armoured knight.
I look back to find Sparkle facing the woman cavalier and a samurai and draw my bow again. My second arrow flies straight and one of the samurai falls but in the fray I cannot get off another clear shot so I sling my bow and draw my sword. The cossack is trying to rise but I swing my sword hacking roughly into his neck and he goes down falling on his captive who screams wildly around her gag. The cavalryman has drawn his sabre and is moving up behind Sparkle as she finishes the cavalier; I run him through as the blonde turns; she smiles at me and swings one of her swords slicing his head clean off his shoulders.
Silver is not faring so well; though she is very skilled the knight is well armoured and wields a heavy sword meaning she cannot get close enough to him to inflict any damage. However, he is now fighting alone and there are three of us. Sparkle is there even before I can move and in a blur of movement she has thrust one of her slim swords into the back of his leg, he staggers and Sparkles second sword goes in under his right arm; a moment later Silver hits him hard in the face with her buckler and drives her sword in below his visor. He falls.
I see Silver wink and then point past me. I turn to find the female cavalier climbing to her feet. I run her through with my sword.
I know she is an avatar but I know it makes no difference.
When I look back the two blondes are crouched over the cavalryman searching his pockets. Even here, among the carnage we have just wrought, they are seem perfect creatures, poised and elegant despite the blood spattering their skin. After a moment Sparkle stands shaking a bunch of keys which she tosses to me; behind her I see Silver stand too, she is holding the cavalryman's riding whip and has an impudent expression on her face.
I already know what I plan to do and they follow me over to Mistress' cage with their arms around each other's shoulders.
I unlock Mistress' cage and climb inside. She is magnificent even in her bondage, even with her body bruised and blooded, kneeling with her head up and her large breasts thrust out. I can see that her breasts have been bound and her nipples heavily abused. Her knees are parted and I can see she has been thoroughly caned on the inside of her thighs. Even as I crouch beside her she does not moving or flinch even though she knows someone is there; she turns her head in my direction even though the cannot see with the blindfold on.
It takes a good deal of willpower not to hug her but I hold back for a moment, trying not to cry though I don't know whether they will be tears of relief or because of the pain and bondage my beautiful mistress has suffered.
'Has someone been a naughty girl ?' I need to tell her she is safe and as I speak I see her relax in her bonds, her lips curling into a smile around her gag.
I unlock the padlocks on her piercings resisting the temptation not to play with her nipples and then remove the chains from the cuffs on her legs. Then I take the chains off her collar save for one down her back to her wrists cuffs and one of the others which I can use to lead her.
When I tell her to stand she obeys me then follows, blind and helpless as I lead her from the cage and I feel that rush of pleasure I have come to enjoy when I bind and punish Sparkle and Silver. Free of the cage she stands with her hands behind her back and her feet slightly apart, still gagged and blindfolded.
I can't help but take another moment just to look at her.
She is stark naked save for the steel cuffs locked around her wrists, thighs and ankles and, of course her collar and her body is beautifully displayed; also with her wrists still chained and pulled up clear of her bottom and her head up her breasts are thrust out magnificently.
I walk around her enjoying the pleasure of her body though the number welts and bruises that adorn her skin makes me want to free her from her ordeal, to have her chain me and command me to kiss and lick her to ease her pain.
Those we have just killed are avatars and still live, probably, in another world. I know now this is Mistress' body and I love her even more for the knowledge of how close I came to losing her.
I am distracted by a sound from behind me and turn to see Silver and Sparkle regarding me curiously. Despite the carnage around them and the blood that is spattered across their bare skin, they stand arm in arm clearly watching to see what I do next, perhaps realising my plan. I hold my finger to my lips and they giggle, squeezing each other tightly. Silver reaches out and hands me the cavalry whip.
I thank her silently and walk round Mistress again, enjoying her body.
She must, by now, have to some degree guessed my intent.
From behind I gently touch her knee with the tip of the whip. I have seen this done to slaves, particularly when blindfolded, as a sign to kneel.
Mistress obeys instantly. Dropping without hesitation and then settling back on her heels; her knees spread wide and her chest thrust out, the posture of a pleasure slave.
Silver and Sparkle suppress a giggle. I look sternly at them and, with some difficulty, they force themselves to be silent.
'Check the cage.' I point not to the steel bars from which I have rescued Mistress but to the cave where the terrible blackness beyond night lay.
'Yes, Mistress.' The blondes give each other a knowing look and go to do my bidding.
I can wait no longer.
I bend and release Mistress' gag.
'You've become quite the dominant.' She has clearly been gagged for a long time and moves her tongue and jaw awkwardly, her words slightly slurred; her voice is husky.
'Someone had to take charge of your rescue.'
'You know I'm going to punish you for this ?' She speaks without menace.
'I'm counting on it.' I can wait no longer and take her head in my hands kissing her passionately.
'All dead ?' Major Black looked sombre.
'Their interfaces were programmed to explode if they were disconnected. Sergeant White took quite a flare. I'm guessing she might want transfer to our office if there's permanent damage.'
Major Black nods.
'Ice is burned too but I don't think she'll care. She seems to enjoy mutilating her body.' Captain Grey shapes her face into a smile but the major remains distracted.
'Major, why don't you go back in ?' Captain Grey touches the Major's arm gently. 'I can finish up here.'
The major looks down at her subordinate. 'Thank you, Palim, but we need to sort this mess out. I know how you hate media interviews.'
Palim Grey nods, thinking for a moment how much simpler things are in Erolia, her mind conjouring up a picture of Nipples, currently under the domination of Sergeant Barbara D'Orange better known as Chateau Flame's Tormentress. The thought of her big breasted slave girl hanging by her wrists while she dances under the Sergeant's whip brings a smile to Palim Grey's face even as she stands amid the carnage of the burned out industrial block, the air thick with smoke and the odour of charred flesh.
'We're ready to shut it down, Captain.' Lieutenant Green interrupts Captain Grey's thoughts.
'I don't suppose you can tell...' Captain Grey looks over at Major Black standing over Sergeant 'Ice' Blue.
'Captain ?'
'Shut it down, Lieutenant.'
'Yes, Ma'am.' The lieutenant turns away.
We are camped a few hundred yards from the site where we ambushed the Reivers. The site where we left Mistress Desire's chariot and the rest of our equipment.
After confirming that the positron cage had been deactivated Silver and Sparkle rounded up the Rievers' captives; six in all including the redhead who was staked out and the large-breasted brunette and lead them back to our camp. Aside from freeing their ankles to allow them to walk they left the girls bound as they had been and gagged tying them in a coffle so they could be easily controlled; the blondes even tied the redhead's hands behind her after freeing her from the stakes to which she had been bound. None of them made any complaint.
I followed the line, guiding Mistress, who I had left blindfolded and, had once again, gagged.
Back at our camp, the blondes had the six captives kneel and, removing their gags, watered them before regagging and tying them for the remainder of the night. I noticed the girls made no fuss about this.
'They are yours, Mistress !' Sparkle informed me.
'Your slaves.' Silver added. 'Under Erolian law you now own them.'
Surprised by this I suggested I help care for them but was quickly shooed away by the two blonde slaves who seemed suddenly as adept at the dominant role as they had always been in the submissive one.
As a consequence I stood to one side fondling my helpless mistress with increasing intimacy.
'Do you wish to chain us for the night too, Mistress ?' Silver came to kneel in front of me with a knowing smile on her face; Sparkle was a few paces behind.
I knew I should punish them for this impudence but there were other things on my mind, particularly the helpless brunette standing beside me chained and naked panting around her gag as I rubbed her erect and exquisitely sensitive nipples with the juices coating my fingers from where they had just been exploring her pussy.
'Would you like to be chained ?' I struggled to keep my voice level. My own pussy was very wet too.
'We would hate to be a trouble to you, Mistress.' Silver flashes a smile of such innocence I almost believed she didn't know what she was interrupting. 'I'm sure we'll manage.'
'I should tie you at least for being so forward with Mistress Toy.' Sparkle drops to her knees beside her lover.
'How about I tie you ?' Silver retorts. 'I'm always the one who gets punished. It's ages since I had the run of your lovely bod.'
'That's because you're so naughty.' Sparkle seems to be horrified at Silver's behaviour. I am trying to decide when to do when I feel Mistress press herself against me and my own needs overtake me.
'Sparkle. I want you to submit to Silver.'
'Yes, Mistress.' Sparkle has responded almost before the command has sunk in; for a moment I think she might protest but she simple bows her head and as I turn my attention to my helpless mistress I am vaguely aware of Sparkle crawling away at Silver's side.
I can wait no longer and pull Mistress to her knees. She does not resist and in a moment she is lying beside me on my blanket, helpless and panting hard. I remove her gag and kiss her again and, again, she responds.
The warmth of her tongue in my mouth is delicious but I have more urgent need of it elsewhere and I quickly guide her mouth down my body. She seems utterly docile and in a few moments her lips and tongue are caressing my hot pussy. Although I want to prolong it I can't and a few moments later I climax strongly pulling her face against my sex and calling her a good girl.
'Thank you, Mistress.' I can hear the amusement in her voice.
We are leaving the camp. It is late morning. Silver and Sparkle are once again in harness and I hold their reins, driving them along the track away from Point Grey. Sparkle has a number of new bruises across her buttocks that were clearly caused by Silver. However, both girls run happily side by side now, obedient to the guidance of the reins.
The six captives of the Reivers are still bound and coffled, tied to the back of the chariot; they lope along easily in their bonds as if it was an everyday occurrence in their lives to be running in bondage.
I recall my first few days in Erolia and wonder if all have a similar experience.
Beside them runs Mistress, still blindfolded and with her arms still cuffed behind her back. I can see that her body is healing fast and, despite her ordeal she runs easily on her leash.
I can't help but smile as I recall the sexual intimacies of our night together, the pleasure of her tongue on my pussy as she served me submissively and the taste of her body when I finally allowed her the climax she so clearly wanted.
Even this morning she seemed in no hurry to resume her dominant role and so I made no move to relinquish mine, making her kneel as I fed and watered her and then giving her permission to relieve herself before I helped Silver and Sparkle prepare for the journey ahead.
Mistress is still in chains as we approach Pont Rouge six days later. We have made good time, Silver and Sparkle eager to return to their mistress and the captives relieved to be free of the Reivers, willing to cooperate. I am still toying with the secret thought that I might sell them as slaves, to take the profit and set myself up as Mistress Passion in a chateau of my own with slaves of whom Mistress will be the first. I still call her Mistress, even when we are intimate together and she kneels in chains at my feet applying her tongue to my ever greedy sex.
I might consider keeping the little redhead too, of all the women, I think she may bring the best price. She is, I think, as lascivious as Silver and Sparkle and, though not trained cavorts like a pleasure slave, flaunting her body and frotaging herself at every opportunity if that is an appropriate use of the word. She calls herself Loosie and seems to revel in her bondage; she is very eager to please. I know she has pleasured her fellow captive numerous times; I think her favourite is the big breasted brunette who's name is Lush though she is happy to share her favours and has offered herself repeatedly to me and to my ponies. I think Silver might have succumbed if Sparkle hadn't intervened and subsequently inflicted a set of stripes on her lover's buttocks to match those on her own.
Despite her advances, I have remained loyal to Mistress though I accept that after my behaviour when under training in Pont Rouge, the label of slut or 'lustkit' could as easily be applied to me.
For the moment, however, I am mistress, albeit with a small 'm', and I know that even as Mistress pleasures me locked in her chains, she still owns me.
I have not yet removed her blindfold, a week now since her rescue and she has remained my slave, blind, obedient, intensely willing to serve me. Somehow I know that when I do next see her beautiful blue eyes I will not be able to stop myself kneeling at her feet, once again yielding my body to her as I have already yielded my mind.
She teased me last night as I toyed with her, my fingers playing with the rings in her nipples, making her squirm and gasp, promising her pleasure but denying it when she neared climax.
'I'm keeping tally you know, Mistress.' She seems comfortable to call me Mistress as a slave should.
'Really ?' I was warm and comfortable, satisfied repeatedly from the ministrations of her tongue, snug against her body.
'Every humiliation, every stroke of the whip, every time you deny me orgasm.' I knew she was smiling. 'And when, I am back in charge, I will punish you.'
I kissed her. 'Who says I am ever going to release you ? I may choose to keep you as my slave.'
'That's another dozen lashes.'
I kissed her again continuing to toy with her helpless body.
I am surprised to find Mistress Desire waiting for us at the gate of Pont Rouge; she is accompanied by Madam Equa and a pair of ponies from her stable, redheads with freckles dappling their skin. Madam Equa's slave is there too, the big breasted Nipples, harnessed and, from the way she is moving, I think, denied for some days, perhaps the result of Mistress Desire using Equa's company while her pets are away. I can see Nipples moves subtly from foot to foot, she wears toe boots and a black leather harness that clearly invades her sex and encircles her breasts making them swollen and, I expect, intensely sensitive; as usual she has bells clipped to her nipples and sports a huge muzzle gag that covers half her face; when she looks up at me, her blue eyes shine with need.
I draw Silver and Sparkle to a halt.
'Mistress.' I bow from the chariot but do not descend, unwilling suddenly to relinquish my dominance, my power.
'Mistress Tuesday.' Mistress Desire's tone is slightly mocking. 'Or perhaps you prefer Mistress Tiffany ?'
'Toigrin.' I inform her.
Mistress Desire nods curtly, her fingers stroking Silver's flank and the pony nuzzles against her. Sparkle presses closer to her, eager too for her mistress' attention.
I see Madam Equa take a step towards me.
'You gave good account of yourself, Tuesday.' Mistress Desire stands between her two pets, her arms around their shoulders drawing them to her; her fingers playing with their blonde manes; her voice is kind and her expression soft. She shares another moment of intimacy and then looks up.
'You bring quite a haul.' Mistress Desire gestures to my slaves who stand coffled and bound. I watch as she reviews them and note they bow their heads submissively as she does so. She lifts one of Lush's big heavy breasts, examining the bruises and bites evident on the skin from Loosie's ministrations. She looks at me and I nod towards the little redhead who drops immediately to her knees like a pleasure slave in front of Mistress Desire.
'Keep me a slave, Mistress.' Loosie spreads her legs wider and pushes her chest forwards, emphasising her little breasts and pert nipples.
'You had better ask Mistress Tuesday.'
'Please, Mistress.' Loosie looks at me earnestly. 'Have me trained.'
I look at Mistress, standing chained and blindfolded with her head down. Loosie is delicious and pert but I want only Mistress.
It is time for Tuesday to resume her normal duties.
'I don't need another slave.' I look at Mistress as I speak and then wrenching my gaze away from her lovely body I look at Mistress Desire. 'I give them to you, Mistress as payment for the use of your chariot and ponies.'
I step down from the chariot.
Mistress Desire nods appreciatively. 'I take it you wish to keep this one.' She strokes Mistress' body and teases one of her nipples.
I feel insanely jealous.
'Yes, Mistress.' There is an edge in my voice that Mistress Desire notes and I see her smile secretly as she drops her hand quickly.
'Palim.' Mistress Desire speaks to Madam Equa. 'Release the slaves that wish to be freed.' She looks down. 'I will keep this one.' She strokes the kneeling redheads cheek and the girl turns to kiss her hand.
Madam Eqau draws her dagger and begins to free the captives.
I am not surprised to see Lush drop to her knees beside Loosie, emulating her pose. Loosie seems surprised but I see her smile and lean in, touching her fellow slave's shoulder with her own. They are still leashed to the chariot and Madam Equa leaves them bound.
The four freed captives hug each other and melt into the crowd returning to whatever life from which they were snatched without a backward glance. That they are naked and dirty from their travels does not seem to bother them or, indeed, the women of the little crowd that has formed around us who part to let them pass.
I watch as Mistress Desire picks up the reins and climb into her chariot. She turns and looks at me, or perhaps at Mistress.
'I will expect you at Chateau Flame in one week.'
'Yes, Mistress Desire.'
And, with that, she sets Silver and Sparkle to the trot causing Loosie and Lush to jump to their feet to follow her.
Madam Equa picks up Nipple's leash. 'One week.' She reminds me, and Mistress, sternly then winks. 'I look forward to continuing your training.'
And then she too is gone, disappearing into the crowds with Nipples in tow.
'So what happens now, Mistress ?' Mistress has an uncanny ability to look directly at me despite her blindfold.
'We get a room and you fuck my brains out then punish me for being a very naughty girl.'
I see mistress smile.
I am usually the naughty one, so the opportunity to punish Sparkle is rare treat. I have her locked in a pillory, bent at the hips so her back is horizontal, those firm toned legs straight, strapped together so her lovely bottom is beautifully presented, the highest part of her body, prominent, ready to be whipped. Though we are usually kept naked, I have made her to wear heels to make this more pronounced; it also helps me to subjugate her, she has always been uncomfortable in heels though, before we came here she loved to make me wear them so I enjoy watching her totter awkwardly, it reminds me of our time together in the real world.
I love her intensely, more than words can describe or actions portray and I know she loves me.
She doesn't know, of course, doesn't know that our life in the real was shattered by the Reivers just as, for the moment we have broken theirs. She was always the diligent one, always careful, the planner and the one who followed the rules. That's what made us a team, her diligence and my inspiration; solid earth beneath turbulent air, water quenching the unpredictable fire. She only ever did one impetuous thing in her life and that was to take the bullet was meant for me. I like to think that she would have done it even without the self destructive urges that possessed her at the time.
She and I will never know.
I have her gagged, I don't want her distracting me, I'm easily distracted which, to be honest, is probably the reason I am punished so often.
I begin with the training crop, a leather covered cane some four feet long, light and flexible; it is the whip I enjoy most, delivering stinging slaps that tease as much as they punish, reddening the skin but not leaving deep bruises; it can be used more forcefully but there are far more suitable whips for this. Sparkle is so sensitive to the cane and within minutes I have her flinching with every touch, tensing in her bonds even when I stroke her lovely bottom which is becoming increasingly red and tender. With her in this state, so deliciously sensitised, I stop to apply nipple weights, teasing her stiffly erect buds until she gasps and then closing the little toothed clamps on the swollen flesh; I use the whip to make the weights swing and smile at the little whimper she gives.
Then I begin the punishment in earnest, switching to the knotted cat; Sparkle has been a very naughty girl and Mistress would only punish me if I did not carry out my duties properly. Her cries become quite pitiful and despite my entreaties she struggles wildly increasing her pain as the nipple weights swing and jerk wildly. Her plight tugs at my conscience but she is so beautiful, even displayed like this, or perhaps because of it and I allow my inner dom to surface. I remain more submissive then my beautiful lover, far, far more but every girl likes to be queen bee once in a while.
With the first whipping complete I pick up a blindfold and cover her eyes; I know they will be moist with tears, eloquently pleading over her gag and I know that if I see them I will possibly succumb. Then I release the pillory from its mount and help her to stand upright. Blind and helpless, she is beautifully obedient, balancing on the five inch heels, her body toned, her skin honeyed through constant exposure to sunlight except where the steel bands of her slavery shackle it; the little weights hang like jewels from her tiny breasts and I cannot resist playing with them for a moment before I remove the straps from her legs.
I would like to lead her by the clit ring but, blindfolded and locked in the pillory I know she will struggle in the heels and so I guide her gently, my arm around her shoulders, towards her next ordeal.
Major Black looks down at the pale figure in the hospital bed beside her. She was, is, a blonde, unconscious for two years now following the assault, a good officer who made one wrong decision and paid a very high price. She has been kept alive by the wonders of medical science and a number of lines and tubes enter and leave her body supporting and monitoring her vital functions. She lies still as if in sleep, her breathing shallow, her only real movement the flicker of her eyes beneath closed lids as if she is dreaming.
Major Black strokes her hand and then looks at the figure sitting in the chair next to her. This woman is also blonde, slim and athletic. The two could be sisters. The blonde in the chair also has tubes and wires running to and from her body and her eyes flicker too behind closed lids. The only difference is in the tone and posture of the sitting girl's body which has a life that is absent from the girl in the bed.
Major black squeezes the sitting girl's hand and feels a flicker of response; then she turns and walks through a door into an adjacent room where there is a chair similar to the one beside the bed where the blonde sits. The major is not alone, a technician stands ready beside the vacant chair. The major begins to undress, first pulling off her boots and then, despite the presence of another, begins to remove her black leather catsuit, unzipping it and slipping out to stand momentarily naked before sitting and placing her arms on the arms of the chair. The chair is fitted with straps and the technician begins to strap the redhead to the chair, pinning her wrists and elbows, upper arms, neck and chest, her belly, thighs, shins and ankles. Then the technician steps behind the chair and pulls a heavy black leather hood over the head of the seated woman. Major black opens her mouth to take the large oral plug and waits patiently as the hood is laced tightly closed and connected to the interface beneath her seat. The technician presses a button and there is a pneumatic hiss as the rectal and vaginal plugs slip into the helpless woman's body. Nipple clips follow and then electrodes densely packed over her breasts and then more widely spaced over other parts of her body.
'Ready, Major.'
The helpless woman nods and the technician throws the switch.
Major Black's eyes being to flicker behind the hood.
We are camped in a clearing similar to the one in which I found myself when I first came to Erolia and, as I have been since that moment, I am still in bondage, though now in a from far more intense than I was that day.
It is night and the stars of Erolia shine in the blue blackness of the sky above me as I kneel waiting for MIstress to return. Usually when we camp, Mistress releases me from the tight single sleeve in which she keeps me while we travel so that I can work, serving her as befits my station as her slave, but tonight she has kept me restrained. I am her slave, she has complete domination over me.
As well as the armbinder I wear my slave boots, thigh high with high spiked heels designed to display the beauty of a slave, make her strut and flaunt herself, humiliating and utterly delicious. I am collared too.
In the woods around me I can hear the occasional call of animals and birds and the movement of the treetops in the soft breeze, the same breeze that caresses my naked skin, gently cooling my body and making my nipples stiffen. The breeze carries the scent of the forest, loam and earth, and I can smell the smoke of our fire where it coats my skin and lies in my hair, it is mixed with my scent and that of my mistress which are now forever combined.
It is I think, Toigrin, Tuesday in Erolian and we are six days out of Pont Rouge, a day's travel from Chateau Flame. On this trip, as so often, before, I have been commanded to pleasure Mistress frequently though now it is a mutual coupling, true lovemaking, a sharing of pleasure; of course, for me, that pleasure may involve being put across Mistress' knee and spanked hard or being lashed into tight bondage.
I tremble slightly, not with cold but with anticipation.
Looking up I see Mistress coming, a shadow save where the starlight glints off her nipple rings. She is naked and I have noticed that, after we have bathed together she usually does not bother to dress again, displaying her glorious body to me with its broad shoulders and full breasts. I think, too, that she sometimes moves like a slave, bending in front of me to show the soft lips of her pussy and ring that pierces her clitoral hood, the ring that I love to flick with my tongue and pull gently with my teeth when we lie together.
Her only other adornment is the amulet she wears around her neck, the one that is used to summon her when Mistress Desire needs her, or perhaps I should say, needs us.
Mistress bends and kisses me. I can smell her scent. There are no rivers nearby and tonight we have not been able to bathe so the sweat and dust of our journey still clings to our skin.
'Are you ready ?'
'Yes, Mistress.'
She sits behind me pulling me into her arms and shuffles back so that she can rest leaning against the rock that shelters her fire. I sit between her legs, my shoulder resting against her chest, my bound arms tucked under her left arm and feel her caress my body.
I shudder again.
I can feel the heat of the fires embers against my side, I am not cold.
Mistress picks up a little bottle of spirit and removes the stopper then, carefully she pours it onto my right nipple. The chill is instant and I feel my nipple respond sharply. She repeats the process with my left nipple then stoppers the bottle placing it down beside her.
Then she picks up a gag and holds it to my lips. I open my mouth and take the leather covered bit between my teeth.
I love to be gagged by my mistress.
She brushes my hair back and buckles the gag's strap then settles back holding me gently, kissing my neck above my collar.
'My lovely Toi.' She whispers and I snuggle against her.
I see her reach into the fire and take out one of two irons with the glowing needles in their tips then, gently she takes hold f the tip of my right nipple and pulls out the flesh, stretching it.
I try not to tremble but push myself just a little more firmly against her watching as she lifts the glowing needle towards my nipple.
I so want her to pierce me.
The pain is intense, a searing white heat in one of my most sensitive parts. I bite down on my gag, every muscle in my body tense, tears squeeze out though my closed eyelids and when I inhale I smell scorched flesh.
When she has finished I am bathed in sweat, panting, my vision blurred.
'Good girl.' She kisses me on the cheek.
I open my eyes. A needle of steel protrudes from the base of my nipple.
'Shall we get it over with ?'
I nod. I would not dare to speak even if I wasn't gagged.
I know what to expect this time, watch the needle, tense as it touches my skin but I want to see it, see it go in; I see smoke, my flesh burning but the pain is not so intense and as I watch the flesh of my nipple swells and then tip of the needle emerges.
I let my breath, go and Mistress removes my gag.
'Thank you, Mistress.' My voice is shaky but I am truly grateful.
I watch as she picks up two half circles of metal and clips them to the ends of the needles, another sign, as if it was needed, that Mistress owns me.
I am happy beyond measure.
I feel something against my side. A vibration, a warmth.
'Mistress ?'
She touches the amulet.
'No rest for the wicked, my love.' She squeezes me tight. 'Mistress Desire calls.'
I smile. 'Yes, Mistress.'