Dean quickly walked through the halls of his old elementary school. Once again he was running late. He'd promised his ex-wife he'd talk to his son's teacher about his performance in class. Adam's most recent report card had been underwhelming at best. But, a client called as he was heading out the door and he couldn't escape the clutches of the office.
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Dean's ex-wife heard that excuse one too many times, and it contributed to their eventual divorce. He hesitated to call himself a workaholic, but he refused to confront the actual definition out of fear of proving Sarah right about one more thing. She'd be mad again that he was late to the parent-teacher conference, but she'd never find out. They had been less than civil since the divorce and agreed to share the same room only when absolutely necessary.
Likely the only thing we agreed on, Dean thought.
So Sarah had met with the teacher the day before and Dean's appointment was tonight at 7pm. It was 7:20 pm. He whipped around a corner and finally found room 14. He slowed down and tried to remember the teacher's name before entering, "Ms. Christ? Cline? Cruise? Cruise," he decided on.
Dean popped his head into the doorway. "Is there a Ms. Cruise here?"
He found himself staring at an absolute beauty. She appeared to be a few years his junior with a toned body and an expertly fitted blouse. She wore a dark skirt with a tasteful slit.
No wonder Adam was having trouble focusing, he thought.
"No, no Ms. Cruise here," she responded with a smile. Dean took a couple steps backward, embarrassed. He must have mixed up the room number. He turned to leave, apologizing.
"But there is a Ms. Crise here. Are you Adam's father perhaps?"
Dean refrained from smacking himself square in the forehead. "Guilty. And late too."
"Twenty-three minutes," she said without glancing at a timepiece.
"Sorry. Is it still a good time? I see a lot of people have gone home for the night."
He had a difficult time reading her at first. She certainly wasn't warm and bubbly, but she also wasn't shoeing him out the door either. She appeared to be contemplating something. After a few minutes of silence she finally said, "No, no problem at all. I've been eager to talk to you about Adam, he's a great young boy."
Dean chuckled, "Well if that were true I wouldn't be here."
Ms. Crise countered quickly, "And I find that a bit disappointing. We've had three parent teacher conferences this year, and you've only come now that I've indicated that Adam is struggling."
Dean was momentarily speechless. She was absolutely right, of course, he just hadn't expected such a blunt statement a minute after meeting Ms. Crise. Maybe a quick subject change could save him?
"You know I went to school here too when I was a boy," Dean offered.
"Is that right?" she responded, her tone still even.
"Yep, born and raised here. Never drifted too far after," he trailed off. This was going poorly.
"Dean, why are you here tonight?" she asked him directly.
Dean exhaled and looked down at his feet for a second. "Well, I'll just say it. I for the life of me can't understand how a boy can be struggling in the third grade. The material isn't complex, yet, all I hear from you and Sarah is how difficult Adam finds it," Dean paused. "Sorry, I didn't mean to lump you in with my ex-wife."
"No problem. What else?"
"I excelled at school when I was younger. I can't help but think he's not getting the attention he needs from you and the school. So I've read your recommendations that we work with him more at home, but I have, and I sure know Sarah has. So, I'm left wondering if the problem is somewhere here," he paused. "There, that's why I'm here tonight."
To his surprise Ms. Crise actually smiled after hearing this. "Good. I appreciate your honesty. I think we can work toward a solution now that all your cards are on the table."
Dean wasn't sure how to react, he expected her to escalate the argument and point the finger back at him. Maybe Sarah had conditioned him to expect that. "Okay. What do you propose?"
"Well the school officially closed a few minutes ago. But, I really do want to talk this through with you. Can you pull the drapes across the windows and I'll just close the door. They have a pretty strict policy on hours here," she looked directly at him and winked. "You wouldn't want to get me in trouble, would you?"
Dean questioned if he'd seen that correctly. This woman was very difficult to read. He went over and pulled the drapes along their track. He noticed they were quite thick and would completely prevent the light from leaving the room. As he closed them he saw Ms. Krise finish with the door, inserting a key back into a small pocket on her skirt. She noticed that he'd seen it. "Just to keep any of the janitors from discovering us. There's only one other person that has the key to that lock, and they won't be by tonight. So, we can talk all night."
Dean took a quick moment to take the situation in. He and his son's gorgeous teacher were hidden in a classroom together. He shook his head, and laughed to himself.
"What was that?" she asked.
"Oh nothing."
She didn't pry further. "So, you don't think the subject matter is very complex."
"I didn't mean any offense by it. You and I both have degrees and advanced degrees, myself a law degree. We are aware that the material only gets harder as education continues. If a kid is getting behind now, the future could be bleak."
"I completely agree with you, and that's why we need to address this sooner than later," she said as she sat on a desk next to Dean. "But still, I'm interested in why you don't think the material is very difficult."
Dean felt himself becoming frustrated. "I just told you."
"So you think you would ace a test on the material?" she pressed. As she was sitting her left leg slid open slightly revealing more of her inner thigh than Dean imagined she intended.
"Yes, of course," Dean chuckled.
"I'm willing to bet you can't."
"What, you want to actually test me? Now?"
She stood up slowly and took the three steps necessary to close the distance between her and Dean. He noticed for the first time her pointed heels and the slow click they made as she approached. She twirled her hair purposefully with a finger as her body was only inches from Dean's.
"I would like to test you and this ridiculous assertion of yours, Mr. Lawyer. But let's make it interesting."
"For every question you get right, I'll remove a piece of my outfit," she maintained eye contact as her hand slid over her breast and found the top button on her blouse and unhooked it with ease. She pulled the shirt back slowly revealing a considerable amount of cleavage.
Dean was certain his mouth was hanging open, but he did nothing to fix it. He'd somehow landed the jackpot through being an over-worked semi-absent father. A loose jaw wasn't going to scare this vixen away now.
"So, like strip third grade trivia?"
She smiled generously and turned away and took a few steps away from him. She made her way to the corner of the room, her heels clicking with each step. She opened a closet and pulled the key out of her skirt and unlocked a compartment beneath where she hung her coat. Ms. Krise reached in and seemed to rummage around from a second and then held something close to her stomach to hide it from sight.
She then turned and held the item up for the reveal. Dean was shocked to see a pair of handcuffs dangling from her hand.
"Stripping is part of it. But, I'll know I've lost the bet when I'm writhing in bonds," she let the sentence linger as she approached him again and leaned to whisper hot breath into Dean's ear, "And completely at your mercy."
Dean awkwardly tried to adjust the erection that had formed in his pants. Ms. Krise noticed. "Tell me Dean, how are you imagining me?"
Dean blushed a little and turned away, but Ms. Krise set her hand on one of his cheeks and brought his gaze back to her. "Tell me."
Dean was shaking as he exhaled, "I see you on the floor in front of me, with your hands behind your back and your feet also bound and coming to meet your hands."
"Mmmmm," she purred. "Sounds like a hog-tie. Am I gagged?"
Dean nodded.
"I see. Well, I have enough equipment in that closet to make that a reality."
Dean couldn't believe what was taking place before him. "Why are you doing this?"
Ms. Krise had started walking back to her desk and tossed the handcuffs on it. She placed her left hand on the desk and straightened her back like a model posing and turned to Dean, "Maybe I've just been waiting for someone to come into my classroom and teach me a lesson." And with that she smacked her ass fiercely with her right hand. She half moaned and half gasped as she smiled.
Dean approached her and put both hands on her waist and leaned into her.
"Ah ah ah," Ms. Krise chided. "First the material."
Dean groaned but backed away. Ms. Krise grabbed a few booklets off of her desk and placed them on the podium at the front of the classroom. She appeared ready to lecture.
Dean took a seat on top of one of the small desks and tried not to roll his eyes as she began the examination.
"Now class, let's start with math. How about multiplication? Nine times seven is?"
Dean blurted out, "Sixty-three!"
"Raise your hand please," Ms. Crise said.
Dean complied, sarcastically waving his hand until she nodded at him.
"That's right." Ms. Krise looked over her body and selected the watch on her left wrist and removed it. Dean had hoped for more, but it was only a matter of a few more questions.
"Geography. What is the zero degree of longitude?"
Dean's giddy mood was stopped cold. He paused as he rifled through his memory.
"Anyone, anyone know the answer?" she asked, pretending to look around the room.
"The center of latitude?" Dean answered in more of a question than a statement.
He saw Ms. Krise's eyes flick a brief moment of excitement. "No, I'm sorry, that's not correct. The correct answer is the Prime Meridian."
"Well, can't get em all, what's next?" Dean asked.
"No, no, Dean. We had a deal, remove a piece of clothing for each wrong answer. You didn't think that only applied to me did you? Men, always a one-way street."
"Oh, no, you're right, how foolish of me," Dean said as he unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his arms. "See, playing by the rules."
"Glad to see it." Ms. Krise continued. "Back to math for a little long division. Seventy-eight divided by eight?"
Dean reached into his pocket to pull out the calculator on his cell phone. "Dean, what are you doing, there's no cheating in my classroom. Our kids don't get to use calculators."
Dean sheepishly put his phone back in his pocket and thought about the problem. He was becoming flustered not knowing these answers. He tried to think of all of the multiples of 8, but he couldn't remember 78 being one. Or maybe it was... "Nine." He said enthusiastically.
Ms. Krise turned to the board and drew the right angle for a division sign. She put 78 underneath it and 8 to the left and then solved the problem step by step. She wrote a 9 above the line.
"Yea, nine. And you don't have any accessories left to waste," Dean said rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
Ms. Krise ignored the comment and continued the problem. Two steps later and she wrote "R6" next to the 8. "Eight, remainder six," she said.
Dean's hopes sank further. He looked back at her and Ms. Krise motioned for him to hurry up. He unzipped his pants and slid them over his feet, tossing them on the desk next to him. He sat in briefs and an undershirt.
Ms. Krise smiled deviously and then went back to the booklet. Three questions:
-What is the Spanish word for tomorrow?
-Find the pronoun in the sentence on the board.
-What triggered the first World War?
Three answers:
-Lo Siento
- Germany invading Poland
"No." "Nope." "Not even close." Three wrong answers.
Dean removed his undershirt after the first wrong answer. After the second Ms. Krise looked at him eagerly and her eyes moved down to his underpants. He considered protesting, but also had to admit he was embarrassed for knowing so little of the "simple" subject matter. He finally closed his eyes and slid his briefs down quickly. He now stood completely naked in front of the desk. After his poor answer to the history question, Ms. Krise walked over the the desk and grabbed the handcuffs.
"Hands behind your back please," she said in a sweet voice Dean could barely resist. But he was going to try.
"What's to stop me from overpowering you and leaving?"
She was prepared for such a question. "Well, quite a few things really. One, if that was your inclination you probably would have done it before letting me see you buck naked. Two, a deal is a deal. I am a woman of my word, and I really thought you were a man of yours. Three, the game isn't over. Because I'm a woman of my word, if you get the next few questions correct, you'll have me completely naked. A few questions after that, I'll bound and gag myself right in front of you and tell you where the key is so you may have your way with me. Which, by the way, I am still hoping happens." With that she got very close to him and let her hand graze his cock. It jerked in response and she kissed him lightly on the neck.
"Okay, fine." He said as he moved his hands behind his back. Ms. Krise wasted no time in securing his wrists in the cuffs.
Dean wiggled a little bit to gauge how tight the cuffs were. Ms. Krise responded promptly,
"Don't worry, you aren't getting free."
The next incorrect answer resulted in Ms. Krise taking a long piece or rope and tying an end to Dean's right ankle and then looping it around his left before wrapping the rope tightly back over itself inbetween his ankles. "This is an effective hobble tie. Your feet are wide enough apart for you to balance, but you sure won't be going anywhere in a hurry!"
Dean observed his predicament and noted that he could only step a few inches at a time. He was starting to dread how comfortable she was with bondage.
She took her place behind the podium and picked up a new booklet. "Physical education. How many meters are in a mile?"
"Sixteen hundred!" he exclaimed, excited to finally know the answer.
"Close. Sixteen oh nine."
Dean rolled his head back in disbelief.
"But I'm going to give you that one." Ms. Krise stepped back into full view and reached a hand up underneath her skirt and slowly worked a pair of pink panties down her slender legs. She held them up in front of Dean's face and he could see they were moist in the center. "Maybe a taste of what's to come?" Ms. Krise teased sexily.
She tossed the panties on Dean's head and they clung to his forehead. He could smell her scent, and it made him lust for her even more. Dean wondered how much longer he'd have to play this game to be with her.
Back at the podium. "How about basic electricity. Which of these items makes the best insulator? Copper, zinc, rubber, or wood?"
Dean responded instinctively, "Copper."
Ms. Krise inhaled sharply, "Ah, I'm afraid you got insulator and conductor confused. A real shame." She went back to the closet and picked out an item she could hold in the palm of her hand, hidden from Dean's view. She walked up to him.
"We're getting very close now. While I thought you were going to have your way with me, I may have been wrong. But, I'm going to enjoy what's the come."
She took the panties off his head with her free hand and rolled them into a ball and then offered it to his mouth. He opened partially, which apparently was not enough for Ms, Krise's liking. "I want you to enjoy this completely." Dean opened a bit wider, surely wide enough he thought. She worked the panties into his mouth, but he sensed frustration from her. After she finished her hand snaked around to his back and then slowly started to slide down it. Dean was getting to know the taste of her sex when the hand reached lower than he was comfortable with. He gave her a concerned look and then her hand plunged downward and came into contact with his anus.
Dean started to yelp but the panties proved to be a significant hurdle. He opened his mouth wider to try to work to tongue around them-
Ms. Krise shoved a ball gag deep into his wide open mouth and quickly secured the straps behind his head. Dean was shocked and suddenly realized he could barely move his jaw and couldn't make any noise with his mouth. The panties with the taste of her sex where now firmly planted against his tongue.
"Sorry, I just didn't think you were going to let me talk you into that. Get it, talk you into it?" She stopped to giggle for a minute.
"Oh, but we have a little problem now don't we? You can't answer the questions verbally. But don't worry, you can always tap your fingers together. One for yes, two for no. If you're really good at it, you just might still get me in that hog tie...."
Dean closed his eyes and realized his burning desire to restrain Ms. Krise had led him to a series of terrible decisions. He wondered what more she could possibly have in store for him.
She took her place at the podium and seemed to ponder which booklet to select next. Dean was worried as her face exhibited excitement and she thumbed through a booklet.
"Last question...probably," She snickered.
"I have a few questions of my own," came a new voice suddenly from across the room.
Dean swung his head around to see a woman standing in the doorway. Maybe ten years older than Ms. Krise, attractive, knee high boots, and a commanding presence. Dean panicked at the thought of being seen by the principal in his current state.
But his fears were not warranted.
Dean looked back to the front of the room to see Ms. Krise with a truly horrified look on her face. It was more than being caught in the act. She finally stammered, "Mistress Vexina."
"What have you gotten yourself into, Samantha?" the woman had still not looked in Dean's direction, but he knew she was aware of him.
Ms. Krise didn't answer the question. Dean looked on in complete shock as she obediently removed her blouse and skirt, leaving on only her bra and heels. Ms Krise than walked over to the closet and took out a new restaint, a long black leather sleeve. "Would you help me into my restraints, Mistress Vexina?"
"Took you long enough," the woman spat as she crossed the room in a few strides. Ms Krise put her arms together behind her back and the other woman worked the restraint up her arms, effectively fusing them together from Ms. Krise's wrists to her elbows. Mistress Vexina tightened a couple straps at Ms. Krise's shoulders and the restraint was complete.
"Now kneel in front of your male friend here. Words cannot express how disappointed I am in you."
Ms. Krise walked over to Dean and then sat on her knees in front of him. She sat with perfect posture.
"You thought you were going to take this one for yourself didn't you?" Ms Krise nodded weakly. "You know that is against the rules. Now would you please put an end to this poor man's suffering. Lord knows how long you've teased him."
With a simple "yes Mistress" Ms Krise took Dean's penis fully into her mouth. Dean tried to moan, but the gag kept him silent. Ms. Krise worked her lips over his cock vigorously, making up for not being able to use her hands. Dean was so aroused by the surroundings he felt like he would blow his load any second. He looked down at Ms. Krise and saw she was maintaining perfect eye contact with Dean.
"Now, not a drop, you understand?" Mistress Vexina said to Ms. Krise.
Mistress Vexina knelt next to Ms. Krise and unhooked her bra, exposing two perfectly shaped teardrop breasts. The sight of them pushed Dean over the edge as he came so hard his legs felt wobbly. Ms Krise keep her lips around his cock and soaked up all of his cum. She swallowed visibly and then ran her mouth over Dean's penis a few more times to ensure she had captured everything.
"She has such potential," Mistress Vexina said to Dean. "Just sometimes a little rebellious, case and point," she pointed to Dean's restraints. She reached around Dean's head and unhooked the ball gag, laughing as she saw the panties behind it. "Oh, she hasn't learned too many new tricks, she was doing this one when I found her."
Dean wasn't sure what she meant, but also knew this wasn't the time for questions. He looked down at Ms Krise. A few minutes ago she controlled Dean's entire world, and a swift turn of events had reduced Samantha to a sex prisoner in her own classroom.
"Tell me, what did she give you hope of? Why did you let her do this to you?" the mistress asked Dean.
"She said I could tie her in a hog tie. And gag her before I had my way with her."
"Ah, I can see how that could be irresistible. That tight body, that pretty face, and an ample rack to go with it. You didn't stand a chance, did you?" Mistress Vexina asked. Dean couldn't tell exactly what was going on, but he knew his hands and feet were still bound, so she wasn't quite a friend.
Dean started to answer but the mistress shot a finger up to his lips. "Less talking. I'm going to grant you that nice little vision. You'll be able to keep it with you."
Dean again was unsure what she meant by that but nodded slightly. What choice did he have?
Mistress Vexina went back to the closet and pulled out a few more items. She tied Samantha's feet together very tightly with rope before taking the excess portion and looping it through a small ring attached to the arm binder. She then cinched the rope several times over, each time Samantha's back arched a little further as her feet were brought to her hands. Dean felt himself begin to get hard again just watching.
Mistress Vexina then brandished a small vibrator with a barb on the side. She applied lube over it and then rubbed it around Samantha's anus. Samantha closed her eyes and then started to protest. Mistress Vexina stopped and stared at the back of Samantha's head until Samantha obediently calmed down. "I am sorry Mistress. I will accept it."
"Better," Mistress Vexina then quickly slid the vibrator into Samantha's rectum. Dean saw her eyes get wide but she resisted the urge to complain. The mistress worked a slightly larger vibrator into Samantha's vagina before walking around her victim to the front.
"Is this what you had in mind?"
Dean nodded excitedly.
"Anyone thing missing?"
"No, I don't think....oh, the gag. She's not gagged."
"So observant," Mistress Vexina said sarcastically. She then knelt down to Samantha and started to message her left breast. "I do know how much you hate this."
With expert coordination Mistress Vexina twisted Samantha's nipple with extreme force and Samantha screamed. The ball gag then slid right in and Mistress Vexina tightened the straps around the back of her head. Dean marveled at the sight.
Mistress Vexina activated both vibrators and Samantha began to moan through the gag as the vibrators went to work. Dean and the mistress both watched Samantha writhe in a combination of pleasure and agony for a few moments. Mistress Vexina then turned to Dean, "Now what are we going to do with you?"
Dean had a bit of a deer in the headlights moment and was lost for words. Mistress Vexina looked down at his erect cock and sighed, "Well we to take care of this."
She walked over to the table and grabbed the lube and then took a position behind Dean. She started working her hand over his cock, spending plenty of time to massage the tip of the penis. She knew what she was doing. Dean couldn't help but notice that he was standing over a fully bound Samantha that was working through her own orgasms at the moment. He also briefly considered that Mistress Vexina was in complete control of both of them.
"Is there anything I can do to get you to climax? You ever had a girl stick a finger in your ass?" Vexina coaxed.
"No, never, I don't think that would do much for me," Dean responded.
Vexina laughed, "Oh, so much to learn. For now just look down at that sweet Samantha. In a minute you're going to cum all over that pretty face and those perfect tits. Think of where you were a few moments ago, and how the tables have turned on this little bitch.
Dean didn't need any further encouragement. He came again, more vigorously than the first time. He watched as his cum laced across Samantha's face and then dripped down her chest. He felt vindicated after what she had put him through.
Dean was in a state of complete relaxation. He had somehow stumbled into the best evening of his life. He was with two beautiful women, engaging in sex games he'd only ever fantasized about, and had just cum for the second time. All that was left for Mistress Vexina to remove the handcuffs, untie his feet and he could go home, have a beer, and go to sleep truly happy for the first time in years.
As he refocused Mistress Vexina was standing in front of him. "Just one more thing before you go. Have you ever seen one of these?"
Dean studied the device. It was a metallic curved tube maybe an inch and a half in diameter with some kind of locking mechanism on one end. He shook his head.
"Well, this little thing is my best friend." Mistress Vexina slid the tube over his now limp cock and locked a strap behind his testicles that would prevent it from sliding off. "Had to get you to soften up a bit. But now, you're mine."
Dean looked down and then back at the mistress, puzzled. "I don't get it."
Mistress Vexina grabbed his face firmly, "Mistress. I don't get it, Mistress. That's what I am to you now. Understand?"
"Yes," he said weakly.
She slapped him with a firm hand, but not hard enough to leave a mark. "Yes, what?"
"Yes, Mistress."
"Good boy," she said as if addressing a dog. "As I was saying. You will not be able to achieve an erection with that device on, but you may still use the restroom. You probably won't be dating much either," she laughed. "Here's the deal, whenever I call you, you come running. No questions asked. When I enter the room, you get on your knees and cuff your hands behind your back." Dean remembered back to Samantha when Mistress Vexina entered the room. "You will pleasure me whenever I request it. I will seldom remove your cage and let you cum. But never ask me for it, or I will deny that occasional privilege."
Dean was feeling horrified. But, the night was beginning to make sense. It had been far too good to be true. "Is there anything else, Mistress?"
Mistress Vexina smiled at his improvement. "Oh there's quite a bit more. But you should run along for now while I consider how to finish up with Samantha. She will pleasure me with her tongue certainly, but I feel like this behavior deserves something extra special." She started to drift off in thought.
Dean allowed her to finish the thought. A cruel smile crossed her lips. "Yes, that will do just fine." She removed the hand cuffs from Dean and untied the hobble tie with a few flicks of the wrist. Dean quickly got dressed and took one last glance at Samantha in her helpless state.
"Run along now dear." Mistress Vexina cooed. "I'll be seeing you real soon."