Author's Note: This is the seconf story about Madeleine and Master John. It has been a while in the writing but it's herte now, I hope you like it.
David and Mellany had been together for four years and married for nearly two, but recently things had been going wrong. They had a long standing love of bondage, unfortunately they were both naturally submisive in nature. Before their marriage they had only experimented a few times with bondage games, but after they married the games became a regular part of their sex life. Initially they took turns at being tied, but as time past Mellany took less and less interest in tying her husband, things had recently reached the point were she had outright refused to play the Domme part of the relationship. This left David feeling letdown and he retaliated by in turn refusing to play the Master to Mellany's sub. As a result their marriage was starting to fall apart.
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Eventually they reached the point of no return, as a last resort David suggested they seek help, when Mellany asked what exactly he had in mind, he explained he had seen an ad in one of their bondage mags. It was offering training for people who wanted to be subs or doms, he fetched the magazine and showed Mellany the ad, it read,
'To ALL would be slaves, Masters and Mistresses. Do you lack the skills to be a success in your chosen roll? Does your partner refuse to accept you?
We can help. I am an experienced Master, and my current slave is a former Mistress we have many years of experience in the B&D lifestyle. We offer training courses to would be slaves and doms, slave have the choice of being trained by myself, or by my slave. Masters or Mistresses would be trained by myself, with my slave serving the trainee.
For further information contact Master John, on 77 555 4344'
Mellany read the ad several times and eventually looked at her husband and said,
"I suppose it might work, and it wouldn't cost anything to enquire. You know the sort of thing, what's the cost, what would they actually do to us, and expect us to do. OK go ahead and give them a call, but we both have to agree to go on the course".
David nodded his agreement, and picked up the phone and dialled the number, as soon as the number started ringing he put the phone on speaker, so they could both hear, and join in the conversation. After a few rings the call was answered and a female voice said,
" Hello, you are through to B&D Training, how may I help you?".
David quickly explained that he had seen the B&D Training ad and he and Mellany were looking to book a training course. The female voice asked him which course they were interested in, the sub or the dom David started to explain that they were both sub, but wanted to try the dom course, the voice stopped him and said,
"What you're suggesting sounds a little unusual, I think it would be better if you booked an appointment and came in to see Master John, and he can offer the best solution for your needs.
Do you want to do that, if so I can book you a date and time right now?".
David looked across to Mellany, who nodded, and he said,
"Yes that would seem to be the best way forward, so what appointment slots do you have? I think an evening early next week would suit us best".
The female voice tutted before saying,
"I'm afraid you misunderstand, Master John will set the appointment, you will take it or leave it, if you choose to leave it then we say goodbye right now, and no further contact will be made. So the Master can see you, for half an hour, tomorrow, at 6.30pm, there will be a, non-refundable, charge of £75 for this initial assessment, if Master John decides to enrol you on a training course he will discuss the course fee at your assessment.
If you want to take up the assessment meeting you can give me your credit card details now and I can confirm the appointment".
David hesitated before replying and before he could say anything Mellany spoke,
"That will be fine, I'm Mellany by the way and my husband's name is David. Our card number is 7781 6238 0034 9814".
The female voice said,
"OK, just let me put that through the system. Yes the payment has gone through. So we will see you tomorrow at 6.30, the address is 221 Oakfield Road, Ashford Industrial Park, do you know it, or do you need some directions?".
David confirmed he knew the area and they would be OK getting there, he thanked the voice and hung up. He turned to Mellany and said,
"Well we've done it, no going back now. Let's see what this Master John has to say. I have to say it seems a bit OTT, all this being told when he will see us, don't you?".
Mellany shook her head and replied,
"No I don't. If these people are really serious players then they are just setting us up, so we know what to expect. It gives me a bit of a buzz, just thinking about tomorrow".
Chapter 1
The next day flew by, David was at work and Mellany met some friends for lunch and passed the afternoon window shopping. By 5.30 they were both ready to leave for their appointment, they arrived at the address, which turned out to be a three story office block. There was no indication of the name of the occupiers but when they reached the front door they saw an intercom, David pressed the call button and after a few minutes they heard the familiar female voice,
"This is B&D Training, do you have an appointment?".
David spoke into the grill,
"Yes, we're David and Mellany, we have an appointment for 6.30".
There was no answer but the door buzzer sounded, and David pushed the door open and they both walked into the building. As the door closed behind them they again heard the female voice,
"Welcome to B&D Training, please walk down the hall and enter the second office on the left, and I will take a few details and start your assessment".
David and Mellany walked down to the indicated office and David knocked on the door and walked in, with Mellany following close behind him. The sight that greeted them stopped them both in their tracks, sitting behind a desk was a stunningly beautiful young woman, but the thing that shocked them was that she appeared to be completely naked except for a set of handcuffs, as she stood up they saw she was also wearing a set of ankle cuffs with a short connecting chain. As she came round the desk, to greet them, they saw, she also wore a metal chastity belt and a pair of ankle boots with ballet heels, forcing her en point. They also noticed her breasts, and thighs were stripped with the bruises from a recent whipping. Despite all this she was smiling and seemed to be completely at her ease, she indicated a couch and asked them to sit, when they were seated the naked woman pulled up her desk hair and sat with them, then she said,
"Hello, my name is Madeleine, I'm Master John's assistant and slave. I used to be a full time Mistress but then I met Master John and all that changed. He showed me I was also a slave, so I now serve him and also act as a Mistress when needed".
As she paused David spoke,
" Please forgive our starring, but your appearance is a little surprising. If it was intended to shock us, it worked, especially the whip marks, they look very realistic".
Madeleine smiled before answering,
"They should look real, since they are, I received a punishment whipping this morning, from my Master, for failing to obey an order quickly enough. As to the rest of my ' clothes ', well as I'm currently operating in my slave mode, I don't get to wear clothes, and the items I am wearing are also part of my punishment.
The restraints are a reminder of my servitude, and the boots are very difficult to walk in and make my feet ache. The chastity belt prevents me touching myself, and also holds two vibrators in place, my Master has the controller for the vibs, which, thankfully, are switched of at the moment. So you see, my appearance has nothing to do with you at all.
Now shall we get down to business, first I'll explain what you can expect from our course, then, if you are still interested, I can take your details and set up your training programs, but I'm forgetting my manners, would you both like something to drink, I can offer you, tea, coffee, soft drinks, or a glass of wine. What would you like?".
Both David and Mellany, settled on coffee, Madeleine shuffled out of the office and returned a few minutes later with a tray with two cups, a coffee pot, cream and sugar and a plate of biscuits. When Mellany had poured the coffee and she and David were again settled Madeleine said,
"Now, our training course, is designed to teach you how to be a good slave and how to please your Master, or Mistress. Or if you want to be a Master, or Mistress, then we train you in Domination.
So if you David wanted to be a slave then I would become Mistress Madeleine and I would train you in obedience, and also instruct you in ways to please a Mistress. However there is no sexual contact between you and your trainers, so that part if the training is theoretical.
If you Mellany wanted to be trained as a slave then both Master John and myself would be your trainers.
If either of you wanted to be a Master, or Mistress, then Master John would be the trainer and I would be the slave.
Now the question is, do you still want to be trained?, and If so, what as, Sub or Dom?".
David looked at his wife and when she nodded he spoke,
"Firstly Madeleine, can I thank you, on behalf of both of us, for your time in explaining the training program, and also for the coffee. However I think the program might be a bit too full on for us, your treatment by your Master seems a bit extreme to me, and I know neither Mel nor myself want to go that far. So I think we will decline your offer of training".
Madeleine tried to stifle a laugh as David finished speaking, but she was not very successful, when she had managed to stop laughing she said,
"I'm sorry, but neither of you would be expected to be treated as I am. You are both obviously novices in B&D, were as I'm a very experienced Mistress and slave.
If you enrolled on a course part of your assessment is the setting of your limits, the things you want to happen and the things you don't want. Also you would set hard and soft limits, for example, David if you set a hard limit that you were not to be gagged, then you would not be, but if you set it as a soft limit, then we might push your limit, by using a very simple, and gentle gag, to see how you responded.
So, now that you know that, do you want to go ahead?".
This time it was Mellany who spoke,
"What David said was right, actually your whip marks terrified me, I had an image of me being flogged by two sadistic maniacs. But now you've explained that the training is set to our own limits, I think we might go ahead. Do you agree David?".
David looked very relieved and quickly nodded his agreement. Madeleine smiled at them both and said,
"OK then , I'll just take your basic details, name address phone number, then what training you both want, sub or dom, and then I'll pass you over to Master John, and you can start to set out the details of your training, including those very important limits".
Madeleine quickly took down the information she needed and then asked who wanted training as a slave, both David and Mellany indicated that they wanted to be trained as a slave. Madeleine frowned and looked a little unsure. Then she asked which of them wanted to be trained as a dom, again both of the clients said they wanted dom training as well. Madeleine again looked unhappy and said,
"Look let me get this straight, you both want to be trained as slaves, and you David want to be trained as a Master and you Mellany want to be trained as a Mistress, as well! Is that right?".
David said it was correct and he went onto explain that they were both naturally submissive, but that they tried to be Master, or Mistress to the other, but while he found he could act as a Master, Mellany found it impossible to play the Mistress, hence the need to be given training in both rolls.
Madeleine smiled, and looked relieved, by David's explanation, she made a note on the form she was filling in and then said,
"OK. You had me worried for a moment, but I understand now, your situation is a little unusual, to say the least, but I'm sure Master John will be able to help you. The only problems I can see are the cost, to you, and the time it will take.
To give you some idea, a course in slave training usually lasts three months, with one training session a week, and the cost is about £3000, training as a Master, or Mistress takes a little longer, about 4-5 months and costs in the region of£7000.
Now to train you both in both disciplines, is going to take about a year and cost close to 20,000. So do you want to go ahead?".
Mellany answered quickly, saying,
"I think we definitely need to get some training, but can we have a few minutes to discuss what you've told us?".
Madeleine nodded and replied,
"Of course you can, take as long as you need. I'll just go and pass the forms over to Master John and then if you want to enrol he can take over your assessment".
As she finished speaking Madeleine stood up and shuffled out of the office, leaving David and Mellany to talk in private.
Madeleine went down the hall to another office at the back of the building, she knocked on the door and waited, shortly a voice in the office called 'enter' she went inside and walked to the desk and dropped to her knees, bowed her head and waited. The other person in the room continued working at the desk, when he closed the folder he was writing in he turned his attention to Madeleine, his slave, and said,
"Well slave, have you interviewed the new clients".
Madeleine answered,
"Yes Sir. I've carried out the basic interview. They seem an odd couple, they both want to be trained as slaves, and he wants to train as a Master, and she wants to train as a Mistress. They are both Submissive, but that means they have trouble, because neither of them likes to be the Dom.
Do you think you can help them?".
Master John thought for a few moments before saying,
"I think WE can help them. Do they want to do both the sub and dom courses at the same time, or maybe one does the sub course and the other does the dom course, then when they finish they switch.
Did you tell them the likely cost for two people training as sub and dom? Well I suppose we better go and see what they've decided".
John stood up and walked out of the room, Madeleine quickly got to her feet and followed her Master back to the first office, and David and Mellany. John walked straight into the office and sat at the desk, Madeleine followed him and knelt at the side of the desk.
Master John looked both David and Mellany over before saying,
"Well it seems you have made a decision, what's it to be, what training are you opting for?".
David looked at Mellany, who nodded and he said,
"Thank you, John, for your time, and that of Madeleine as well, we would both like to take a slave training course and also train as Master and Mistress. Is it possible to do both courses at the same time?, that way we could help each other, by practicing at home between visits to you and Madeleine".
Master John's face had clouded while David was speaking, when he finished john quickly said,
"Before we go any further, you will never again call me John. I am Master John to both of you at all times, as I'm sure Madeleine told you".
Madeleine coughed quietly and almost whispered,
"I'm sorry Master but I failed to tell our visitors how you should be addressed, your slave begs your forgiveness for her failure".
John looked at Madeleine and said,
"You stupid slut, how can I expect visitors to show respect when they are not given the information they need. As to forgiveness, you know I never forgive a slave anything. Go to the dungeon and fetch the inflatable penis gag, the one you hate, and a pair my special nipple clamps, and you had better be quick. Now move bitch".
Madeleine had gone a little pale but she quickly got to her feet and left the room, while she was gone John returned his attention to his visitors and said,
"My apologies for snapping at you, the error was not your fault, and I will see to it that my slave pays for her poor service to both of you, and to me. As an added punishment, for her you can both be witnesses to her punishment.
But to return to your own training, yes we can run the sub and dom courses at the same time, your suggestion that you could practice what you learn at home is quite a good idea. I would suggest you both start the dom course first, as I believe you both have a little natural slave training already.
Each session of training will be 2 hours, you will have to be trained separately, so say one of you on a Monday and the other on a Thursday, would seem sensible. Then after a month or so of dom training we could start the sub training, say on Tuesday, for the dom from Thursday, and Friday for the Monday dom ".
As John finished speaking Madeleine arrived back in the office carrying a leather strap and a pair of shinny metal clips. She placed them on the desk in front of her Master and quickly went to the side of the desk and dropped to her knees facing her Master. John opened a draw in the desk and removed a hank of rope and a rubber bulb pump, he looked down as his slave and said,
"Students, David and Mellany, will you excuse me a moment, while I administer a little punishment to my slave. As I told you, before slave Madeleine returned with the items I sent her to fetch, you will witness this punishment, and your presence, watching, will add to the slaves humiliation.
I'd like to show you both the umm 'tools' I will use on her, this first item is a gag, it consists as you can see, of a wide leather strap with a shaped pocket, the pocket has a heavy gauge rubber balloon, deflated at the moment. When the strap is fastened around the slaves head the balloon slips into the mouth and the leather pocket fits over the mouth and under the chin".
While he had been speaking Master John had offered the gag upto Madeleine 's mouth and slipped the balloons into her mouth, and pulled the strap around her head and fastened it tightly. Protruding from the front of the pocket was a short metal tube with a built in screw valve, John picked up the bulb pump and attached it to the end of the valve, as he did so, he continued his description of the gag,
"This little stub of metal, is a valve and allows for the balloon to be inflated, this particular balloon is penis shaped, to the desired size, then the valve is closed sealing the inflated balloon in the wearers mouth".
John again paused in his description, and began pumping the bulb and inflating the balloon, as it expanded, the balloon filled Madeleine's mouth and the observers could see Madeleine's cheeks bulge over the gag strap. When Madeleine started showing signs of genuine discomfort,John gave one more pump of the bulb and then closed the valve and disconnected the inflater, and then continued speaking,
"This miserable slave hates this gag, because, when inflated to its maximum, it renders her virtually silent, and the penis shaped balloon reaches to the back of her throat, making her gag if she is not very careful.
Now look at these nice little clamps, they are made to my own design, see they are similar to crocodile clips, those things used by electricians to make temporary connections, but the teeth on these jaws are more like small needles and the springs in the clips are far stronger than in conventional crocodile clips. So the needle teeth mean they grip very well and even penetrate flesh, and the strong springs mean they have a very secure grip, the result is they give a vicious bite, and they're going to bite this slut's nipples.
But before I put these on I need to move her hands, and cuff them behind her back, to make sure she doesn't try to remove the clips, or the gag".
Master John grabbed Madeleine's wrist and released one of the handcuffs, the pulled her hands behind her back and refastened the cuffs. He then looped the rope around her upper arms and drew her elbows together, he continued pulling the rope tighter until Madeleine's elbows touched, then he cinched the elbow rope and tied off the ends. Madeleine was looking very nervous, and as John grabbed one of her nipples and gave it a pinch she tried to pull away, and made whimpering noises, but John just tightened his grip and Madeleine gave up her futile struggles.
John then opened the jaws of one of the nipple clamps and applied it to the nipple he was pinching, as he released the jaws, they closed on the nipple and produced an immediate reaction from Madeleine, she was obviously trying to scream, but the massive gag prevented almost any noise escaping. Madeleine screwed her eyes shut as John applied the second clamp to the other nipple and as the jaws closed on her tender flesh a shudder ran through her body. John gave each clamp a flick with his finger and then said,
"Right bitch your period of punishment is set at 1 hour, you are to remain in position for that time, but I think you need one further addition".
As he finished speaking John produced a small fob, similar to a those used to unlock car doors, immediately Madeleine began shaking her head and making soft mewing noises through her gag. John gave her an evil smile and pressed a couple of buttons on the fob and David and Mellany heard a low buzzing start up from Madeleine's chastity belt, John had activated the twin probes she was wearing. The buzzing sound increased several times and then stopped, only to restart, at the low level again, and then go through the same cycle repeatedly. To David and Mellany the effect, of the twin vibrators, on Madeleine was shocking and fascinating, her eyes were shut and by the start of the third cycle the mewing sounds had been replaced by soft moans, and a series of shudders ran through her body, when the buzzing stopped Madeleine's eyes flew open and she managed to snort a cry of frustration through her nose. Satisfied with his slave's torture John returned to his two new students, and said,
"Now let's get down to the details of your training course. Are you both happy to start as I've suggested, Yes, good then let's get down to some of the nitty gritty. Now I get the feeling that the two of you are really only wanting to use B&D as a game, something to add a bit of spice to your sex lives, am I right?, Yes. Good now that would mean that neither of you wants to enter into a permanent state of servitude, so we can pitch your dom training at a relative low level. I will be your trainer and my slave, Madeleine will be your slave for the sessions.
Now I won't be teaching you the high level of discipline, as Madeleine and I indulge in, your training will be far more gentle, and will depend on the limits you both set. That is because there is a common misconception that the Master, or Mistress, is in charge of a B&D session, they're not, the slave is in charge. They will set the limits and a Master, or Mistress, will always stick to those limits, if they don't, then they will find they no longer have a slave.
So although I'm training you as doms we will be sticking to the limits you set for yourselves as subs, so our first job into set those limits.
The first limit is one that WE set, it's quite simple, there will be no actual sexual activity between you and either Madeleine or myself, the rest of the limits are up to you, so what are they?".
Mellany spoke first,
"Well you're right about our wanting a low level of training, and we are very happy to hear your first limit, as we were a bit worried when we first contacted you that we might be expected to be sex slaves to you.
Our own limits, well we are both OK with bondage, we've used rope, leather straps and leather cuff. Gags are also OK, although nothing as severe as the one Madeleine is wearing right now, also I wouldn't want to have those clamps attached to my nipples, David has put clothes pegs on me a few times and they hurt quite enough, but I would accept clothes pegs.
Blindfolds are OK for me, and I'd like to try being played with, while I'm tied, with a vibrator, but I want to keep my underwear on, I won't be naked. I think that covers my limits, unless you have some questions".
When Mellany finished, John said,
" Yes I do have some question. Your list of limits is fine, but you didn't give any indication of the levels of punishment, spanking, whipping, cropping, etc. or how far you are happy to go with the bondage. For example, crotch ropes, hogties, suspension, breast bondage, or how long the bondage is to last.
My second question is, why are you answering for David, you said we are both OK with bondage. Are you, you might be OK being hogties, but David might not be, so you do not answer for your partner, just for yourself. I think this will be better if you are separated, so David come with me".
Master John led David out of the office and into a small room opposite, he turned on the light to reveal a small room with a chair and a school desk. He opened the desk and removed a pad of paper and a pencil and said,
"David sit down and write a list of your limits, for both your sub and dom training, use a separate page for each list and also include what you want to get out of each training course. Take your time and don't leave anything out, as this list will be used to set out you training. I'll come back shortly to see how you are getting on".
With that John walked out, and David sat down and looked at the paper for a moment and then began to write. Meanwhile John had returned to the main office and found Mellany looking intensely at Madeleine, he walked round the desk, giving Madeleine's nipple clamps another flick with his finger as he passed, causing a very muffled squeak from his slave he sat at the desk and picked up a pad and tossed it to Mellany, followed by a pencil, and gave her the same instruction she had given to David.
While Mellany was writing Master John took the opportunity to play with his tortured slave pulling the clamps and switching the two vibrators on and off, to tease Madeleine.
Chapter 2
As he continued to play with Madeleine, John kept an eye on Mellany, he noticed that she repeatedly took sly glances at Madeleine, John smiled to himself. After a short while Mellany said,
"I think I've finished my list, would you like to check it and see if I've covered everything?".
Master John took the pages from Mellany and after a quick look he said,
"You seem to have most of the things covered, although you seemed more interested in Madeleine's punishment, I think you might like to experience her position. That will have to wait though, as your training starts off with Mistress training. Maybe you want to treat Madeleine the same way I have, we can see about that later, for now you can wait here while I go and check on David".
John stood up and walked out of the office, Mellany sat looking at Madeleine, and eventually said,
"I know you can't speak, but you can move your head, so I'm going to talk to you.
First off you look as if you're in real pain, those nipple clamps must be horrendous! and that gag is really keeping you quiet. Do you really enjoy being treated this way?".
Madeleine looked straight at Mellany and gave a slight nod of her head, Mellany continued speaking,
"Well I suppose I can understand that, as a sub myself, I enjoy being 'punished' but this is a bit extreme for me. Is it very painful, with those clamps on your nipples?".
Again Madeleine nodded, this time instead of speaking Mellany reached out and gently flicked one of the clamps, causing Madeleine to give a little squeal from behind her gag. Mellany smiled and said,
"Sorry. I just had to do that, I watched Master John do it and I really wanted to do it as well. Maybe I'm not such a sub as I think, I'm really starting to look forward to being your Mistress".
Madeleine still looked straight at Mellany, and her eyes seemed to crinkle as if she were smiling behind her gag, then she slowly pushed her chest out, so her breasts and nipples were being offered to Mellany. Mellany took the hint and reached out and gently stroked Madeleine's breasts and played gently with the clamps. Madeleine closed her eyes and Mellany noticed Madeleine's breathing quicken as her breasts were played with.
While Mellany was conducting her own Mistress training, David was talking with Master John, when John returned to David he found David too had finished his list. John checked it over and said he was satisfied with the information, he then asked David about Mellany's attempts to play the Mistress.
David thought for a moment and then said,
"Well she doesn't like being the Domme, at first she was a little reluctant, but would try to please me. Then she started to make excuses to avoid playing the Mistress and now she outright refuses to even try. It's true she was never a natural, and her attempts were always a bit weak, but she was getting better, then she just stopped. Do you think you can help her to overcome her reluctance?".
Before John replied he looked at David, then let a slight smile break across his face then said,
"I think you might be in for a surprise. You see I think your wife has very real Mistress tendencies, but she wants to be a Mistress to another female".
David's jaw dropped, but before he could say anything John continued,
"While she was writing her list of limits, I watched her, and every few minutes she would steal a glance at my slave Madeleine. She watched me playing with her breasts and nipples, and judging by her reaction, eyes glistening, and the constant lip licking she wanted to play with Madeleine herself. In fact I'm willing to bet if we go back to the other office, quietly, we will catch her doing just that. Do you want to see if I'm right, yes, OK, then follow me but keep quiet".
John led the way back to the other office and when they reached the door John took a look and saw Mellany playing with Madeleine, he stood back and motioned for David to take a look. David followed John's lead and took a quick look, he was so shocked by the sight of his wife, obviously, enjoying acting as a Mistress with another woman, he couldn't avoid making a noise. Mellany glanced around at the sound and saw David looking at her, she quickly sat back on the chair and tried to act as if nothing had happened, but the deep blush that covered her face made her actions a lie.
John walked into the office and David followed, he couldn't keep his eyes off his wife, and Mellany was blushing furiously. John went straight to Madeleine, and deflated the gag and unfastened the straps and pulled it from her mouth, then he said,
"Well now slave it seems you have further disgraced your Master. You allowed this client to play with you, and not only allowed but encouraged and enjoyed it. All without my permission.
Now such behaviour can not be tolerated, so after our clients leave you will present yourself to me in the dungeon for a very long, and painful, punishment session".
As John finished speaking and before Madeleine could reply, Mellany said,
"Please Master John, please don't punish Madeleine, it was not her fault, I took advantage of her position, to play with her. She really could not stop me, and I felt an overpowering urge to dominate her.
I don't know what happened, I've never felt that way before. It was all my fault and I apologise for my behaviour, please don't punish Madeleine, you may punish me in her place if you wish".
Although she was still blushing, there had been a very slight change in Mellany's manor, she was sitting straighter in the chair and holding her head high and looking straight at Master John, her breathing had also quickened. John looked at Mellany and then at her husband before speaking,
"Well now, this is very interesting, we seem to have a, supposed, submissive who likes to Domme other women, but she is concerned that justice should be done and the, er, 'innocent' should not be punished. She is even willing to take the blame, and the punishment that is due.
Let me tell you something Mellany, I was certain you wanted to be Mistress to Madeleine here, I told your husband you did, but he didn't believe me, until he saw with his own eyes. Now I'm still going to punish my slut slave, because she should have stopped you trying to play with her, but I will take your plea into account, and reduce the punishment. I can't take up your offer to replace Madeleine, but I will bear it in mind for when you start your slave training.
Now I think the two of you should go home, and talk about what just happened, and why it happened. Then if you still want to be trained phone me and we can set the dates and sort out the payments. Madeleine please escort our guests to the door and see them out".
John finished speaking and immediately returned to studying the forms David and Mellany had filled in. Madeleine stood up and walked to the office door and said,
"Please come with me and I will show you out".
As the two client stood up and started to leave Madeleine continued speaking,
"Master may I have your permission to thank Mellany for interceding on my behalf, to try and save me from punishment?".
Master John looked up and gave a slight nod. Madeleine turned to Mellany and said,
"Mistress Mellany, thank you for speaking up and asking my Master not to punish me, and also for offering to take my place in the dungeon. You seem to have the makings of a fine Mistress, but you must learn that a slave's always to blame for any failures. Master John is right I should have resisted you and not allowed my own desires to cloud my judgment, I will take my punishment, and think of the pleasure you gave me while doing so, as it will lessen the pain".
As she finished speaking Madeleine lent forward and kissed Mellany lightly on the lips. Mellany tried to return the kiss, but Madeleine quickly stepped back. David equally quickly took his wife's arm and pulled her gently out of the room. Shortly Master John heard the three of them going down the stairs and then the door opening and closing, a minute later Madeleine returned and went straight to the desk and dropped to her knees at her Masters side. John looked at her and said,
"That was a very interesting interview. You seem to have awakened something and caused our little subbie wife to turn into a full on Lesbian Mistress. I'm not sure David appreciated your effort, or the discovery that his wife is very willing to play the Mistress with another female, but not with him.
Now what was your opinion of them both?".
Madeleine thought for a moment before saying,
"Well you're quite right it was a bit of a surprise when the little bitch started playing with me, although she lacked some basic skills, I think she will make a very good Mistress, but I'm not sure if her Domme side will translate into a Mistress for her Husband! He on the other hand seemed far more the full on slave, despite being willing to play the Master for Mellany.
All in all I think she is probably a bi switch, even if she doesn't realise it, and he is a switch with a major leaning to the sub role".
John nodded and said,
"I'm pretty sure your right. When they first arrived and talked about what they wanted, I felt David was going to be the easier one to train, as he seemed willing to play the Master role and she would be the problem. Now I'm sure the opposite is true, it will be quite easy to train Mellany to be the Mistress, although she might prefer to play with another girl, and he will be more difficult to train as a Master. Both of them will be easy to train as submissives, as they both lean that way naturally.
Now I think it is time to deliver your punishment, for your allowing 'Mistress' Mellany to play with you. I think another whipping is called for, so go along to the dungeon and wait for me by the sawhorse".
Madeleine quickly got to her feet and walked out of the office and went up the stairs to the dungeon room on the floor above. Once in the dungeon she went to the sawhorse and dropped to her knees beside it and waited for her Master to arrive. John left Madeleine to fret on her impending punishment for over ten minutes, before he followed her to the dungeon.
On entering the dungeon John found his slave, as he had instructed, awaiting his arrival kneeling at the sawhorse, John walked around the dungeon, collecting the items he needed to use in Madeleine's punishment, when he returned to his slave he said,
"Right bitch first off I need to remove your hand and ankle cuffs and your chastity belt, then use rope to tie your wrists, so up on your feet slave".
When Madeleine was standing John unfastened the cuffs on her wrists and ankles and quickly bound her wrist with rope, the he unlocked the chastity belt and removed the belt and it's twin probes, satisfied he continued speaking,
"Right bitch get up on the sawhorse, I want your crotch right on the centre board of the horse".
Madeleine struggled up onto the wooden sawhorse and then adjusted her position till she was straddling the horse. When she indicated she was in position, John tied ropes to each ankle and then fastened them off to top of the legs of the sawhorse, pulling Madeleine's feet off the ground and forcing her weight forward so she was crushing her pussy onto the edge of the centre plank of the horse. He then tied a rope through her wrist bondage and pulled a short ladder over, climbed the ladder and threaded the rope through a pulley in the ceiling, returning to the ground he pulled the excess rope through the pulley and then threaded a second rope through her wrist bondage through a hook fixed to the base of the sawhorse. Finally, John pulled on the length of rope from her wrist to the sawhorse, in the process pulling her arms towards the ground and forcing his slave to sit straighter. Satisfied he knotted this rope off, to keep it tight and hold Madeleine in position.
John then picked up a heavy flogger and stood in front of his bound slave and said,
"I promised you a whipping for your failures today, firstly not telling a client how to address me and secondly for allowing a client to play with you, and to encourage them to do so, without my permission.
Now you are going to get your whipping, I intend to whip your front, bound as you are you will make a very open and easy target. Each time you move during the whipping you will cause your sweet little cunt to rub on the edge of the sawhorse and that will add to your suffering. Then of course you are still wearing your nipple clamps, so it is inevitable that the tails of the flogger will catch the clamps occasionally and give the clamps a nice hard tug, which I will enjoy seeing, but you, I fear, will not enjoy at all.
I think 20 lashes is a suitable punishment, and when I have delivered them I will release the rope holding your wrist to the wall and then pull the rope from the ceiling and pull you into a very tight, and uncomfortable, strapado. You will be forced to lean forward, putting all you weight onto your crotch and grinding your pussy into the plank you are straddling. I will then leave you for.....Oh an hour, maybe two, before I return and release you.
I hope this punishment will be sufficient to remind you of you duties and responsibilities to me, your Master, as an added pleasure, for me, I will not gag you, as I want to hear your screams, as I whip you, and your begging and moaning while you ride the horse en strapado. Do you have anything to say before I start?".
Madeleine had gone quite pail, as her Master had told her what she was to suffer, but she shook her head slightly and replied,
"I have nothing to say Master. I know I failed you with your clients and I am deserving of whatever punishment you think fit. I only hope my suffering will give you pleasure and also help me to be a better slave to serve you".
John smiled evilly and moved to the side of the sawhorse and said,
"Well said bitch, your humility is good to hear. It will however not reduce your punishment in anyway".
As he finished speaking he swung the flogger and delivered the first lash, of the promised twenty. The tails of the flogger landed right across Madeleine's stomach, and produced a cry of pain, it also caused her to jump slightly and this in turn rubbed her pussy hard against the edge of the sawhorse, producing further cries of pain. Before she could adjust to the whipping John delivered the second lash, this time across her breasts, catching the clamps in the process, and as he had predicted tugging on them.
This second blow produced an even louder cry of pain, as the tugging of the clamps added to the sting if the whip it's self. The whipping continued with John switching targets from Madeleine's stomach to her breasts and then her inner thighs and pussy, each lash caused increasing pain for Madeleine. When he had delivered ten, of the twenty promised, John took a rest, Madeleine was sobbing and moaning, and her head had dropped forward as far as her restraints would allow. John left the dungeon and returned shortly with a glass of wine, after taking a couple of sips he said,
"Well you have received half your whipping another ten to go, I'll give you a choice, you can have the second ten now, or I can leave you for, say half an hour, to recover then deliver the remaining strokes. The rest period will of course be spent as you are now, and you will still have your one or two hours en strapado to look forward to.
So bitch what do you want to do, finish your whipping, or take a rest?".
Madeleine raised her head slowly and after a couple of false starts managed to whisper her answer,
"Please Master I would like to get my punishment over with as quickly as possible. So please deliver the remaining whip strokes, then leave me to my suffering, as you have promised".
John smiled, evilly, and nodded, as he did so Madeleine's head again dropped forward,
picking up the flogger once more John started on the rest of Madeleine's whipping. John varied the rate of the whipping, sometimes delivering two strokes in rapid succession and then leaving a gap of a couple of minutes before he struck again. By the end of the whipping Madeleine was screaming loudly as each stroke landed and the moaning and sobbing, continually between the blows.
When John finished the whipping it took Madeleine several minutes to realise that it was over, and it was only when John started to release the rope holding her wrist down that she revived sufficiently to again raise her head. When her wrist tether was released, she gently moved her arms and quietly asked,
"Master, please may your slut slave beg a drink of water, before you put me into the strapado position?".
John didn't say anything, but he left the dungeon and returned a short time later with a bottle of water, he opened it and pushed a straw in the bottle and held it up to Madeleine's mouth. Madeleine drank about half the bottle before pulling away from the bottle, John asked if she had finished, and when she nodded he replaced to bottle cap and put the bottle on the floor.
John then quickly started to pull the ceiling rope, raising Madeleine's arms, and forcing her into a strapado position. As her arms passed the horizontal Madeleine was forced to bend forward and put more of her weight onto her crotch, this produced a hiss of pain from the bound girl. John continued to pull the rope until Madeleine's arms were almost vertical, pointing at the ceiling, to ease the strain on her shoulders Madeleine was forced to lean further and further forward, finally satisfied John tied of the rope.
Madeleine was now leaning so far forward that her face was mere inches from the sawhorse and her breasts actually hung each side of the central plank, this position meant that almost her entire weight was resting on her pussy and crushing it into the sawhorse. Madeleine was already in a great deal of pain, and knew things would only get worse the longer she was on the sawhorse, John delivered a stinging slap to her arse, causing her to jump and crush her pussy even more. Finally satisfied he said,
"Well bitch, I hope this punishment will teach you to be more obedient and pay more attention to my orders. I'm sure leaving you in this position will help to concentrate your mind on your failings today, and to further help with your learning I'll record your time here and allow you to watch it over and over tonight. You will stay in this position for two hours, I'll drop by from time to time to see how you are dealing with your pain, and also to add to it with a few swats on your arse and maybe add a weight or two to your nipple clamps.
So I'll leave you now, you can think about your failures today, while I get a drink and start planning the training for our new clients".
Master John returned to the dungeon after half an hour, he found Madeleine as he had left her, only now she was sobbing quietly and making soft moans as she tried to ease her position. She was so focused on her pain she did not hear John enter and she only became aware of his presence when he delivered a stinging slap to her rear, this in turn produced a jump from Madeleine followed by a long drawn out scream, as her pussy suffered further punishment from rubbing on the sawhorse.
In fact John was quite amazed at Madeleine's ability to move about, considering her strict bondage, she managed quite an entertaining dance before she managed once again to calm herself and come to rest on the sawhorse. Satisfied John announced that Madeleine had another hour and a half of punishment, this produced a loud groan from the bound girl and she seemed to slump slightly further forward. John delivered a gentle pat on Madeleine's rear and then left her again.
When John next returned to his slave he found her moaning and whimpering in pain, but she had also managed to get hold of the strapado rope with her hands and was trying to pull on the rope and lift her pussy off the sawhorse. Unfortunately when she did manage to lift herself a little, the strain on her arms and shoulder quickly proved too much and she had to release the rope, this caused her to drop back on to the sawhorse. This repeated lifting and dropping back was the cause for the whimpering.
John decide he could not allow Madeleine to try and avoid her punishment, even if the attempt failed. He selected a short length of chain, from one of the cabinets in the dungeon and knelt alongside Madeleine and clipped one end of the chain to one nipple clamp. He then threaded the chain under the top of the sawhorse and adjusted the length of the chain, so that if she tried to lift herself off the horse she would pull on the nipple clamps. When he was happy with the length of the chain he attached the other end to the other nipple clamp.
Madeleine had been shaking her head while John had been attaching the chain, but she said nothing, satisfied with his latest addition to Madeleine's torture, John delivered another hard slap to his slaves rear. When she moved, in response to the blow,this time she not only rubbed her pussy on the horse, but also tugged hard on the nipple clamps. The result was a long, drawn out, very loud scream, satisfied with the result, John produced a ball gag, from a pocket and forced it into the bouind girls mouth and fastened it tightly in place, and said,
"Well slut you have about 45 minutes still to go. I'm sure you will enjoy the time trying to ease the pressure on your cunt, without pulling on your nipple clamps, but I don't think there is any way you can do both, so I'll leave you again, I'll be back when it's time to release you, so enjoy your 'me' time".
John then walked out of the dungeon, leaving Madeleine mewing through her gag, shaking her bead and trying to plead with her eyes, all to no avail.
Chapter 3 (added: 2018/07/29)
John was as good as his word and after exactly two hours of riding the saw horse he returned to the dungeon to find Madeleine, as he had last left her but now she was screaming as loudly as she could, without moving her body.
John moved to the strapado rope and released Madeleine's arms,Madeleine tried to lower her arms slowly, but the tight bondage she had endured meant her arms felt dead and they dropped as fast as John fed the rope out. As her arms hit her back they caused her to lurch forward slightly and this movement caused further soft screams and moans. John then released the nipple clamps, and although this meant she could have sat up Madeleine was too exhausted and stiff to even move.
John released the ankle ropes and pulled his slave up into a sitting position, this caused Madeleine to rub her pussy on the top of the sawhorse and resulted in a hiss of pain. John finally released the wrist and elbow ropes and then gently pulled Madeleine to her feet and eased her off the sawhorse, he had to support Madeleine as her legs were like jelly, and she was unable to stand unaided.
John helped her to a chair and let her sit down, even this produced a further hiss of pain, John looked at Madeleine and said,
"Well slut I hope you have learnt your lesson, and will be more obedient in future. Now I'll leave you to get your strength back, you have half an hour, then tidy the dungeon, put the ropes and equipment away and then join me in the main office. I expect you to be kneeling at my feet in 45 minutes, fail to be there and I may put you back on the horse over night".
A shudder ran through her body at the thought of spending the night on the horse, but Madeleine nodded her head and said,
"Master I will be in your office, kneeling at your feet in 45 minutes, and the dungeon will be tidy and everything put away".
John returned to the office and continued to work on the training plan, for David and Mellany, he heard Madeleine walking down the corridor and as she entered the office he glanced at the clock. Madeleine was 5 minutes early, she quickly came to his side and dropped to her knees, she seemed to have recovered well in the time he had allowed her, he noted she had washed her face and even repaired her makeup, he was certain if he went to the dungeon he would find it clean and tidy.
John continued writing for a few minutes and then sat back in the chair and said,
"Well slut I hope your period of contemplation, on the sawhorse, has concentrated your mind, and I can expect better service from you in the future. Right now though I feel the need to employ your mouth, to give me some relaxation after all my efforts.
So when I stand up you will undo my trousers and pull them down and likewise my pouch, then I will sit down again and you will service me with your mouth. Oh and one other thing you will not use you hands to undress me, only your mouth. Do you understand?".
Madeleine nodded and John stood up and turned to face his slave, Madeleine quickly unfastened her Masters belt and then the top of his trousers, she then took the fly zip in her teeth and pulled it down. She worked his trousers down to his ankles and his pouch followed quickly, John then sat down at the desk and turned the chair so he faced Madeleine.
Madeleine shuffled forward and took John's semi erect cock in her mouth and slowly began to suck it and work her mouth up and down his shaft, as his cock stiffened she sucked harder and took more of his cock into her mouth and quickened her pace. Soon her head was bobbing up and down the full length of his cock, and her activity was producing moans of pleasure from John. As he neared his climax John grabbed Madeleine's head and pulled it onto his cock, driving his full length deep into her mouth and down her throat, he held her in position for a moment before he came, shooting his cum down her throat. Madeleine greedily sucked on his cock and swallowed everything John shot down her throat, as his cock started to soften John released Madeleine's head and allowed her to pull away, as she did so she licked his cock until it was perfectly clean, when she had finished she said,
"Master, thank you for my punishment, I will try to be a better slave. Thank you also for using me as a fuck slut, and for allowing me to feed on your cum. I hope my performance was satisfactory and gave you pleasure".
John patted her on the head and said,
"Your 'performance was satisfactory, and yes I did enjoy it. Now get up off your knees and pull up a chair, we need to sort out a training plan for our new clients".
As Madeleine pulled up a chair, alongside the desk, she said,
"Master do you think they will still want to be trained, after David discovered his wife likes to play with other girls?".
John laughed before replying,
"Oh I'm sure they will call tomorrow. David will be a bit annoyed that his wife will be Mistress for another girl, but not for him, but he will quickly realise if that's true then it is only a small step to being a full on Mistress. As for Melany, she will be too eager to get back here, to continue playing with you, to even think about not being trained.
Now when they call I want you to deal with them, we will start their training next Thursday, and bring David in first, that will give him the impression he is getting first crack. Also it will make Melany think she is being punished for playing with you, which is partly true
We can start with him giving you orders, you know the sort of thing, 'get me a drink', 'fetch me some rope', then we can move onto some bondage, so we can see how good he is at tying a girl. Remember if his rope work is sloppy you are to escape and then I will show him what he needs to practice. He can then have another try at tying you and if that's OK then we can call it a day.
Do you agree, or is there something else you can think of to add in?".
Madeleine though for a moment before saying,
"Yes I think that all sound fine, but I think he should be allowed to play with me when he has me tied, as a bit of a reward, and as an apology from me for letting Melany play with me today, but only with your permission, of course".
John nodded and smiled at his slave and said,
"Yes I think your idea works, and I'll overlook the fact that you will probably get off on being played with. Now I think we can go home and have a relaxing evening".
The following day Madeleine was going over some paperwork, when the phone rang, when she answered it she heard David's familiar voice she smiled to herself and said,
"Good morning David, Master John said you'd be calling. I take it you want to enrol for training, yes?".
David stumbled in replying,
"How did Mast.... Oh yes of course, I think I see.
Er yes Madeleine, we both want to be trained, do we pay for all four courses at once or is there some sort of payment plan?".
Madeleine laughed and explained that as there training was so extensive Master John had decided to offer them a discount, she then said,
"So the normal fee for the four courses would be £20,000, but Master John has decide to offer your a special price of £16,000, that's a 20% discount, but you have to pay it all today, if you opt to pay for the individual sessions then you will pay the full fee of 20,000. So what do you want to do?".
David replied straight away,
"Well we would be foolish to reject such a generous discount, the only problem is we would need to pay the 16,000 on two separate cards, say 8,000 on mine and 8,000 on Melany's. Would that be OK".
"That will be fine. I already have details of one card, yours I think, you gave me them when you paid for your assessment, so if you have Melany's card details with you I can take them and sort the payment".
Madeleine said.
David gave her the details of Melany's card and Madeleine entered both payments into the bank's system, after a few seconds the payments were confirmed and Madeleine said,
"OK David those two payments, each for £8,000, have gone through. Master John wants to start your Master training as soon as possible, can you come to the office next Tuesday, at say 7.00pm?, and he will want to see Melany on the following Thursday, at the same time, is that all OK for you?".
David replied that Tuesday was fine for him, and he thought Thursday was OK for Melany, but he would tell her the arrangements and get her to confirm they were OK. David said goodby and hung up. Madeleine returned to the work she had been doing and 5 minutes later the phone rang again, this time, when she answered it, Madeleine heard Melany's voice.
Melany quickly confirmed her appointment for Thursday, she then asked how Madeleine was, and if Master John had punished her, as promised. Madeleine replied,
"Thank you for confirming your appointment, and I'm fine this morning. Yes Master John did punish me after you left, as he promised. As you asked I take it you want to know the gory details, do you?".
When Melany said she would like to hear about the punishment, Madeleine told her what Master John had done to teach his slave a lesson. Melany seemed quite excited by the details and was a little reluctant to say good by to Madeleine.
After She hung up Madeleine returned to her paperwork and shortly she was joined by Master John, she quickly related the details of the two phone calls and after hearing about Melany wanting to know how he had punished Madeleine he smiled evilly before saying,
"You know I think you are going to be in for a hard time from your 'new friend' when she starts her Mistress training. I have a feeling she will turn out to be a real bitch, David on the other hand strikes me as a bit of a soft touch, I might have problems getting him to be a real Dom".
Madeleine nodded in agreement and then they both settled down to working out a training plan for David.
The remaining days passed quickly and soon it was Tuesday, Master John and Madeleine spent the afternoon getting everything ready for David's first training session, with everything in place by mid afternoon the pair relaxed and chatted over a light meal and a glass of wine. As the clock ticked around to 7.00 John told Madeleine to go and get ready for David's arrival, she dashed off to dress in her slave outfit and was back in the office a few minutes before 7.
At exactly 7.00 the door bell rang, John used the intercom to check it was David, when he was satisfied he buzzed David in, as they heard him climbing the stairs, John sent Madeleine off to the dungeon, and waited for David alone. David came into the office, he was wearing black leather trousers, a leather bomber jacket with a white t-shirt underneath and black shoes, he stopped in the doorway and said,
"Good evening Master John, I hope I'm on time for my appointment, I was unsure how to dress for the evening so I hope my choice meets with your approval?".
John smiled at David's comments and replied,
"My approval is of no importance, how a Master, or Mistress, chooses to dress is up to them, contrary to the opinions, and ideas of the ignorant, there is no set uniform for a Master or Mistress to wear. Yes, it's true, many do like to wear black, and like leather, PVC and latex, but I know several who wear jeans and a tee shirt, being a Master is a state if mind. You have to be able to dominate your subject whatever you're wearing.
You and your wife may like to set a style of dress, or uniform, if you prefer, so that you each know your roll for the day, that's up to you.
Now our slave, Madeleine is waiting for us in the dungeon, so I suggest we go to her and start your training".
Master John stood up and walked out of the office heading for the dungeon and David followed along behind. When they entered the dungeon they found Madeleine in position, kneeling in the centre of the room, her hands rested, palms up on her thighs, and her head was tilted down so she was looking at a pointing the floor about two feet in front of her. Her choice of outfit gave her the perfect slave look, it consisted of a series of leather straps and chains, that went around her body, a leather thong and half cup bra, and finished off with 5" black stilettos. John smiled and said,
"Good evening slave, we have a visitor this evening, another Master and you will be his slave for the time he is here. Do you understand?".
Madeleine didn't move but quickly replied,
"Yes Master John, I understand. May a humble slave beg to be introduced to her new Master?".
John said,
" If you wait a moment your new Master will introduce himself and tell you what he wanted you to do, and what to expect if you failed to please".
John then stepped to one side and indicated that David should take over. David was unfortunately still looking at Madeleine, with his mouth hanging open, he could not believe the site before him. Madeleine, in her slave outfit made him weak at the knees. Eventually, after a cough from Master John, David tried to speak,
"Er, yes. Er hello Madeleine I'm David, Um, I, Er, will be your Master for tonight. Er...".
Chapter 4 (added: 2018/08/11)
When David tailed off and stood looking at Madeleine, John called a stop to proceedings and said
"Dear God, what on earth was that all about. Slave please tell us what you though of Master David's introduction, you may look up at us while you speak, and be completely honest".
Madeleine looked up from her kneeling position and said,
"Well Master John it was a bit pathetic really. Master David was far to friendly, he used my name, instead of simple calling me, slave, or bitch, or slut. He introduced himself as David, not Master, and he was far too uncertain, there was no authority in his voice. I'm sorry Master David".
John nodded and said,
"Yes slave everything you said was true, so do not apologise, it's Master David who should be sorry.
David, what were you thinking, let's look at what went wrong, I don't know we're to start.
OK, firstly you never call a slave by her name, as Madeleine said you address her as slave, slut, bitch or some other insult. You always introduce yourself with your full title, ie, Master David, in you case, remember you are not friends, but Master and slave. You don't Um and Er, you must be decisive when addressing a slave and speak with authority.
Let me show you.
"Slave, this is Master David. He will be your Master for the next few hours. You will do what ever he orders you to do, and if you fail to obey, or fail to please him, you will be severely punished. Do you understand?".
Madeleine dropped her gaze back to the floors and quickly replied,
"Yes Master John, I understand. Master David is my new Master and I will obey his orders and try to please him".
John then turned back to David and said,
"OK David try again, and remember what I have told you, and what the slave said as well".
David stepped forward, took a moment to get set then said,
"Hello slave, I am Master David, and that is how you will address me at all times. I will be your new Master, for the rest of the evening. I expect absolute obedience from you at all times. Fail to obey me, or fail to please me and I will string you up by your thumbs and whip you as a punishment.
I will, of course, punish you anyway during the evening, but that will be for my own pleasure. Do you understand slut".
Madeleine tried to hide a slight smile as she replied,
"Yes Master David I understand, and I will try to please you at all times, but I will also accept any punishment you deem necessary.
How may I serve you?".
David was starting to get the feel of the role he was playing and said,
"You can start by fetching me a drink, on your feet and move yourself, you have 5 minutes to be back here with my drink".
Madeleine scrambled to her feet and then stopped and said
"I'm sorry Master David, please forgive an ignorant slave, but I do not know your preferences as to refreshments. Could you tell your slave what you would like to drink?".
David looked at Master John, who just gave a slight shrug, so David said,
"You are correct slave, you do not know what I drink, and you were also correct to ask for guidance.
I would like a glass of wine, white and dry, now on your way, your 5 minutes are running".
Madeleine started for the door, but before she reached it David called for her to stop, as she did so he said,
"I'm forgetting my manors, Master John, would you like something to drink as well".
John nodded and David continued speaking,
"Right slave you will fetch a drink for Master John as well, I assume you know his preferred drink, so unless you need further orders get moving".
Madeleine nodded and quickly left the dungeon to fetch the drinks, David let out a deep breath and looked at John. John nodded and said,
"Much better David, although you should not tell a slave what punishment you intend to inflict for failure, as letting them imagine the horrors that you might inflict is often a very effective punishment in its own right.
You were right to offer slight praise for the slave when she asked you what you drank, and also for giving her a time limit to fulfil the order. Now let us see if she manages to get back here in time, did you note the time she left?".
David's face took on a look of panic before he said,
"I'm sorry Master John, but I didn't notice the time, do I guess the start time, or just assume she gets back in time?".
John gave a slight smile before answering,
"It really doesn't matter, this time, as I'm sure the slave will be on time, but in future remember if you give a time limit, you need to know whether the slave meets it.
Now while we wait for our drinks, what do you intend to do with our slave, remember although Madeleine is a very experienced slave, and could take anything you dish out, your wife might not be so willing to suffer. So let's have an outline of your plans".
David looked a bit worried but eventually spoke,
"Well I was thinking of just trying a bit of bondage, and maybe a spanking, nothing too hard to start with, as I'm a bit unsure exactly how far I can go with Madeleine, and as you say I have to think about Melany's limits as well.
Does that sound OK to you, or am I bring too soft?".
John quickly nodded and said,
"No you're not being too soft. The level of pain, discomfort or punishment that you decide on is up to you, and provided you deliver it with authority it is fine. I think some bondage and mild punishment, such as a spanking, is fine, but remember if the slave fails to obey you, or displeases you she must be punished, on top of the spanking.
I think I can hear her returning, so are you ready to get back in to 'Master Mode'?".
As John finished speaking Madeleine came back into the dungeon carrying a small tray with two glasses. She went straight to David and dropped to her knees, taking care not to spill anything and offered the drinks to him, he took one glass and then said,
"Well done slave you got back here in time, now offer Master John his drink. You should have offered him the first drink, so I think you need a little incentive to be more attentive to etiquette in future.
So when you have served Master John you will receive your first punishment from me, move yourself my patients are already being tested, by your failure".
Madeleine quickly turned towards John and offered him the drink, when he took it David continued speaking,
"Right bitch, put the tray down and fetch me a selection of ropes, and a chair. I'm sure you know we're they are stored, better than I do. Move".
Madeleine scrambled to her feet and went quickly to a cupboard, opened it and grabbed five or six ropes of various lengths. She closed the cupboard and put the tray down next it, and then quickly grabbed a wooden chair and returned to David and again dropped to her knees and held the ropes out to him. David took the ropes and selecting a short length dropped the rest on the floor and said,
"On your feet bitch, and get your hand behind your back, palms together".
When Madeleine had obeyed he doubled the rope and wrapped it around her wrists and threaded the ends through the bite, forming a larks head, he took several more wraps around her wrists, before cinching the rope down tight. He bent down and selected a second rope, again doubling it and passing it around her arms above the elbows, and repeated to tying, pulling her elbows tightly together, and nearly touching, again he cinched the tie.
He then grabbed hold if Madeleine's bra and pulled her over to the chair, he sat down and again pulled her bra till she bent over his lap, and then ordered her to lie on his lap. After a slight struggle she managed to lie across his lap, he then hooked his leg over hers and pulled her thong down and delivered a hard swat to her bear rear, producing a little jump from Madeleine, he then said,
"Now slave, I'm going to give you a hand spanking, after each swat you will count and thank me for the punishment. I'm thinking you deserve, Oh, let's say 20 swats, if during the spanking, you fail to count, or thank me, or cry out, or struggle, then I will double the number of swats.
Now let us begin".
As he finished speaking he delivered the first swat, to her right arse cheek, Madeleine quickly said,
"One. Thank you Master David".
The second swat arrived, on her left arse cheek, and Madeleine again counted the swat and thanked her Master. The punishment continued, with David alternating his target and Madeleine counting and thanking him each time. When he had delivered the promised 20 blows, Madeleine had managed not to wiggle about too much, and not cry out, so David pulled her thong back up and slide her off his lap and down onto her knees. He then stood up and turned to look at Madeleine and said
"Well slut did you enjoy your punishment?".
Madeleine remained looking at the floor and replied,
"Your humble slave thanks her Master for her punishment, which I did not enjoy, it was painful, but deserved, for my failure. Your slave has learnt a lesson and will try to do better in the future".
David quickly said,
"Well I hope you have learnt your lesson, but I think, Master John and I will adjourn to the office, to discuss your further training, and while we are away I think you should spend some time contemplating your behaviour.
I think you should remain in bondage while we are talking, but you are far too comfortable in you present position. So I will add to your restraints before we leave you to your contemplation. Now you obviously can't fetch me the things I need so you will tell me were I can find the items I want, understand?".
Madeleine replied,
"Yes Master David, I understand, if you tell your slave what it is you want to restrain me I will tell you were to find it".
David nodded, and said,
"I thinking I have enough rope, and I saw were you got this selection from, so the other things I want are, a pair of nipple clamps, but I'm feeling kind, so I'll accept a simple set of clover clamps, and not those special ones Master John uses on you. Also I want a gag, let's say your dirty panties stuffed your mouth and some tape to hold them in place, and a nice bandage over the tape. So were do I find these things?".
Madeleine took a moment before replying,
Master David, you will find the clamps you need in the top draw of the small chest of draws in the far corner. Master John keeps a selection of my soiled underwear in a box in the cupboard by the window, there is also tape and VetWrap bandages in the same cupboard. Is there anything else you wish to use on me?".
David had already moved to the chest of draws a found a selection of nipple clamps, he picked a pair of clover clamps and moved over to the cupboard Madeleine had indicated, while he was examining the contents, for the items he wanted he said,
"No slave I think that is all I'll need".
As he resumed his search, John spoke,
"Wait a moment, Master David, were you happy with your slave asking if you wanted to use anything else on her?".
As David started to answer, John continued,
"I hope not. After all it is not up to a slut slave to question a Master's decision, as to her treatment, also her tone seemed a little mocking to me".
David though for a minute, obviously replaying the events in his mind before replying,
"Master John, thank you for bringing these things to my attention, I have to admit, being a 'new' Master, I had over looked the sluts behaviour. You are right, of course, it is my decision how my slave should be restrained, it is her job to accept my decisions. You are also right in saying her attitude did seem a little mocking, so can you suggest anything I could do to teach her more respect?".
John smiled before saying,
"I'm sure your plans are fine, but you could add a distraction to her position, to make her contemplation harder, and force her to concentrate more on her failings. For instance you will find a very powerful vibrator in the second draw down of the chest of draws were you found the nipple clamps".
David finished selecting the gagging materials he wanted and returned to the chest of draws and found a large Magic Wand vibrator in the draw John had indicated. David pick up the vibrator and pressed the power button, immediately the vibrator sprang into live, and he could feel the very strong vibrations as he held the toy. He played with the mode switch and found it could be set to a variety of vibration modes, turning it off again he returned to his slave.
He ordered Madeleine to stand, with her legs apart, he then looped a rope around her waist and ran the ends down her front and through her legs and then back up to the waist rope and pulled the crotch rope tight. He passed the rope back through her legs and up to the waist rope twice more, pulling each pass as tight as he could, forcing the rope tight against Madeleine's pussy, and each time producing a groan from his slave. Finally he tied the crotch rope off in front.
He then ordered her to sit on the floor, with her legs straight out in front of her, when she complied he crossed her ankles and selected another ropes and tied her ankles. Madeleine was now looking a little worried, David's rope work was very tight, and Master John's suggestion of using the Magic Wand was causing her some concern.
Satisfied with the bondage David turned his attention to a gag, he pulled Madeleine's head back and as she opened her mouth he began forcing a pair of her own soiled panties into her mouth. When he had all the cloth in her mouth he ordered her to keep them in place, while she did so he pulled the end of a roll of duct tape and stuck it across her cheek. He then ordered her to open her mouth and quickly wound the tape across her face and between her teeth, this forced the panties deep into her mouth and made it next to impossible for her to spit them out. He continued to wind the tape around her head and again across her face, overlapping the layers until he had laid down five or six layers of tape, and Madeleine's face from just under her nose to under her chin was covered in tape.
He smoothed all the tape down and then picked up the roll of Vet Wrap and covered the tape with the bandage, he continued wrapping the bandage over the tape until he had used the whole roll. Satisfied with the gag David pushed Madeleine over on her side and then rolled her onto her front. He then tied another rope to her ankles and pulled her feet up and back towards her thighs. He threaded the ends of the rope around her wrist bondage and pulled the rope sorter and shorter, drawing her feet closer and closer to her hands. When her heels were touching her hand he tied the rope off, leaving Madeleine in a very strict hogtie. As her ankles were crossed the hogtie forced her to open her legs and expose her pussy.
David gave her a few minutes to adjust to her new strenuous position before saying,
"Now just a couple more things I want to add, firstly your nipple clamps, and then this lovely vibrator, that Master John was kind enough to suggest. I imagine you are well acquainted with both items, but it will be nice for you to meet them again".
As he finished speaking her rolled Madeleine on to her side and clipped one clamp to each nipple, producing a very muffled squeal from Madeleine. After giving each clamp a playful tug David turned his attention to the vibrator, firstly he turned it onto a low speed and played the head around Madeleine's breasts and nipples. This activity produced a mixture of squeals and moans from the bound girl, and soon her breathing quickened as her arousal mounted.
David suddenly turned the vibrator off and Madeleine began humffing into her gag and pleading with her Master, but David ignored her. He then started to push the vibrator, under the waist and crotch rope, working it down her front till the head was pressing against her pussy. Madeleine knew what David was going to do and madly tried to move to resist his plans and also resorted to wildly shaking her head to say NO.
David again ignored her protests and continued pushing the vibrator down until he was happy with its position, tight against her pussy, and held in place by the crotch rope, and soon by her own weight. He smiled evilly at his still protesting slave and turned the vibrator on again to a low speed, this produced an immediate response from Madeleine, she snorted and started trying to buck her body to try and move the vibrator. Soon the protests turned to moan and her attempts to move the wand turned to humping moves as she tried to get more stimulation, David stood back and said,
"Well I think I've finished. Master John, shall we go back to the office and have a drink, while this slut slave contemplates her failures, and fights her bodies responses to her vibrating friend, or should that be fiend".
Master John went over to Madeleine and gave her bondage a quick check, but found every rope was tight, and the vibrator was held tight against her pussy, he stepped back and looked at David and said,
"A very good job Master David, and I think your suggestion is a good one. This piece of trash will be kept busy for some time, but I would suggest one more thing, not an addition to her position, but a simple warning, that she isn't allowed to come until we return and give her explicit permission, and if she does come while we are away, then she will be subjected to even harsher punishment".
David nodded and said,
"What a wonderful, and truly evil, idea. Right slut you heard what Master John said, you are not allowed to come while he and I are away. If you do come then we will both punish you most severely on our return.
Now Master John I think we can leave the bitch to struggle".
John nodded and both Masters turned and walked out of the room, ignoring, totally, Madeleine's whines and pleas for mercy.
Chapter 5 & 6 (added: 2019/02/19)
As she saw her two Masters walk out of the room, she let out a muffled scream of frustration. She tried to move around so she might be able to get them to show her some mercy, but all she succeeded in doing was to loose her balance and roll over to her front.
This caused the vibrator to be pushed even harder against her pussy, and resulted in as loud a wail of anger as she could manage through her very deep gag. The two Masters both stopped at the sound of the commotion and looked back at Madeleine, when they saw what she had done they looked at each other and then burst out laughing, knowing Madeleine had managed to make her position even worse by rolling onto her front, the last thing she heard as the door closed was the laughter of the two Masters. Madeleine groaned and let her head fall forward to rest her forehead on the floor.
The two Masters went back to the office and John went to the small fridge and selected a bottle of white wine and picked up two glasses. He indicated David should sit on the couch and joined his pupil, he poured them both some wine and said,
"Well avid you've had your first taste of being a Master, how do you feel, yourself? and how do you think you coped with a slave?".
David took his time answering and took a drink of wine before saying,
"Well I obviously made a poor start, being polite and unsure of myself, but I think I improved as things went along. My confidence grew and I found myself enjoying the whole experience, I know I still have a long way to go, to even think of myself as a Master, but I'm happy with the start.
I know I made a few mistakes, not checking the time when I sent the slave off to get the drinks, and I missed her getting involved in deciding her punishment etc. but on the whole I think I did OK for a first time. However what really matters is what you think of my attempts, so please give me your critique".
While David had been talking John had been sipping his wine and then put the glass down and looked at David and began to laugh, then said,
"Well done David. Your assessment was quite accurate, and you final point, that it's my opinion that counts is correct.
So your report card would read, 'Made a poor start, but improved quickly. Shows signs of potential for the future', marks out of ten, six. You actually surprised me, and I think Madeleine as well. We both thought you would be quite weak, as a Master, and need a lot if guidance, but you did OK, after that terrible start.
Now let's just sit back and relax, enjoy the wine and think if our poor slave fighting her own body trying not to come before we get back to her".
While the two Masters were enjoying themselves Madeleine was suffering, she had been surprised by the tightness of David's rope work. Although it was quite inescapable it was still not as tight as Master John's bondage, so she could cope with David's ropes. Her problem was the vibrator.
She knew she had been goading David when she had asked if he wanted anything else, but she hadn't expected Master John to intervene, and she knew she was in trouble, when he had told David about the vibrator, that was currently driving her to the brink of orgasm.
Although the vibrator was set on its lowest speed Madeleine knew if she increased the pressure of the vib on her pussy, by pushing her crotch into the floor, and then start rocking her body, she could probably bring herself off. But she had been forbidden to come while her Masters were away, so she had to decide, did she want the instant gratification of an orgasm, followed by a far more severe punishment, when Master John returned, or did she lie there and suffer the frustration of being so close to coming.
Madeleine knew the answer, if she disobeyed her Masters and came,her punishment would be too painful to imagine, she groaned again and tried to change her position, to lessen the vibrators effect, but she knew she was wasting her time. The vibrator was wedged too tightly behind the crotch rope for her to be able to move it at all. Giving up on her attempts to ease her position, she turned her mind to Master David's performance.
It was true he had started very poorly, being tentative and trying to be friendly, but he had surprised her, and she imagined Master John as well, with his rope work and then his overall performance. They had both though that Melany would be a hard ass Mistress, and David a far weaker Master, but things were not turning out that way at all. Madeleine was beginning to look forward to being Master David's slave.
After what seemed an age, to Madeleine, but was in fact a little over half an hour, the two Masters returned to find Madeleine pretty much as they had left her except she was now bathed in a sheen of sweat, and moaning loudly. John indicated to David he should resume as Master, so the student approached his slave and used his foot to roll her on to her side. Madeleine hadn't heard them come in and gave a squeak of surprise at David's contact.
She immediately started pleading with her eyes and making mewing sounds through her gag, David knelt by her side and began to rub his hand over the vibrator, causing it to press harder on her pussy. While he was teasing her he said,
"My what a good little slut butch you are. All that stimulation and you managed to avoid coming, so I can't punish you, can I?
Judging by all the noise you're making and those eyes you are quite desperate to come, so I suppose I'd better give you some pleasure, before we move to your next punishment".
While David had been speaking Madeleine had continued to plead as best she could, when David offered to let her come she nodded her head rapidly, but then let out a groan when he mentioned another punishment, still she was going to be allowed to come. David began to remove her gag and when she could eventually spit the panties out she said, in a rather dry voice,
"Master David, you humble slave thanks you for her suffering, but begs that she may have a drink of water".
David laughed and said, as he turned up the speed of the vibrator,
"Well we'll see about some water after you have come, Oh say a couple of times".
As the vibrator ramped up to its highest speed Madeleine let out a scream and began trying to buck her body as she hit a shuddering orgasm. Her convulsions seemed to go on and on, but eventually the orgasm subsided and left her a panting wreck. Before she could recover enough to try and speak her body started to build rapidly to a second orgasm, when it hit her the effect was even more dramatic than the first. She fought her bondage, wrenching at the ropes trying to free herself and alternating between screams and moans, again her orgasm eventually died down, leaving her twitching in her ropes. David turned the vibrator off and waited for Madeleine to come back to earth, when she was again conscious if the world around her, she found David holding an open bottle if water to her lips.
Madeleine managed a few sips and then again semi collapsed, David began to release the hogtie and he released her wrist and elbow ropes. When Madeleine began to try and move, David put his hand on her back to stop her and said,
"Now slut, your hands are free, so you can remove the rest of the ropes yourself, when you are completely free, you can go and fetch Master John and I another drink, now it is a little before 9.00, so I think 10 minutes will be sufficient for you to get free and get back here with the drinks.
Now you better get moving, as lateness will not be tolerated, and will earn you further punishment".
Madeleine groaned slightly, as the feeling returned to her hands and arms, but she started to release herself, with the ropes off, she moved as quickly as she could to retrieve the drinks tray, she had used earlier, then she ran out if the dungeon to fetch the drinks for her two Masters. She returned to the dungeon some twelve minutes after being ordered to free herself, as she entered and moved to David and offered him a glass of wine he said,
"Now slut I gave you ten minutes to get free and fetch the drinks, you took over twelve minutes to complete the task, so your failure has earned you further punishment. Now what have you to say for yourself?".
Madeleine bowed her head and replied softly,
"Your humble slave apologises for her tardiness, but your rope bondage was so tight it took me longer to free myself than I realised, so I exceeded my time limit. I will accept any punishment you order, but wish to beg your forgiveness for my failure".
David looked at his slave and then looked around the room before saying,
"Well slave you ask forgiveness, but look around you. Not only did you take too long to get free and fetch the drinks, but you also failed to tidy the dungeon, and put the ropes away, as I'm sure you know must always be done, even without an order to do so.
I do not see how I can forgive such a lazy, slovenly bitch as you, you just keep adding to your failures and thus adding to your punishment.
Now move your lazy caracas and offer Master John his drink, you've added another notch to your punishment total by making him wait this long, MOVE".
Madeleine quickly moved to Master John and offered him the second glass of wine, as she did so John spoke,
"Well said Master David, I think you summed up this sluts performance completely.
She was late fetching the drinks, failed to tidy the dungeon, which as you suggested is an automatic requirement following a punishment, and then delayed serving me my drink. A wholly unsatisfactory performance, I don't see how you can offer any forgiveness, or avoid a very long and, for her painful, punishment. She has failed to meet your orders and has caused me a great deal of embarrassment as I'm responsible for her training.
Did you have anything in particular in mind as a punishment for the bitch?".
David looked around the room, before replying,
"Well I think her punishment should be painful, prolonged and as uncomfortable as possible. I noticed you have a ceiling hook, so how about putting her into a strapado and then delivering a whipping. After which I think leaving her strung up, with a couple of vibrators, one in each of her holes, might serve the purpose".
John nodded and said,"An excellent plan, and one I'm sure this bitch will hate, but will also learn from. While you prepare her I'll rig the ceiling rope for you, to save time".
John grabbed the chair and a long length of rope and carried them over to the hook in the ceiling, he stood on the chair and threaded the rope through the hook and dropped the ends to the floor. Meanwhile David had pulled Madeleine's hands behind her back and quickly tied her wrist tightly, he added an elbow rope, pulling her elbows together until they just touched before tying it off. He then ordered her to open her legs and wrapped another rope around her waist and further tightening it down till it dug into her stomach, until it nearly disappeared, he then passed the rope through her legs, and back up to the waist rope and repeated this twice more before tying the crotchrope off at the front.
Satisfied he took Madeleine by the arm and forced her over to the rope hanging from the ceiling hook. He took one end of this rope and passed it between Madeleine's forearms and tied it off around her wrist bondage. He then looked around and eventually said,
"Master John, were can I tie the other end of this rope off, after I pull this slut into the strapado?".
John pointed out a hook on the nearby wall and said,
"That hook on the wall is my usual tie off. You can pull her into position then tie the rope off and then you need to decided what you want to use to whip the slut. The cupboard next to the hook has a selection of, 'devices' for you to choose from, but get her into position first and then I can show you the items I think would be suitable for you to use".
David pulled on the free end of the ceiling rope, and drew Madeleine's arms up towards the ceiling, as her arms rose so she was forced to bend forward to easy the pressure on her shoulders. When he had her arms almost vertical, and she was bent almost at right angles at the waist he tied the end of the rope off to the hook in the wall. He then turned to Master John and said,
"I think we'll leave the gag off for a while, it might be nice to hear the bitch screaming and begging for the whipping to stop. Now I think I need to select a suitable whip, do you have ant suggestions Master John? Oh and I need to get the two vibrators, for her to wear after the whipping, are they inthe same draw as the other vibrator was?".
John replied to the question saying,
"No Master David the main collection of vibrators, including butt plugs, is in the bottom draw of the chest of draws. If I might suggest the pink 'rabbit' style vibrator, it has a very interesting range of movements, and the medium sized butt plug, with the pony tail at the end. I happen to know the slut dislikes both of those items, as to the whip, either the leather flogger or one of the crops is your best choice. Again if I might suggest, you could choose one of the two, and I'll take the other, and we can both whip the bitch, you for her failures to please you, and me for the embarrassment her behaviour has caused me, by those failures. What do you say, do we both give her some pain?".
David was already selecting the two vibrators John had suggested and turned back to Madeleine and said,
"I think that would be an excellent idea, that way we get double the pleasure, of punishing the bitch, and she gets twice the suffering".
John had moved to the cupboard and selected the flogger and a crop and offered them to David, after a moment David chose the crop. The two Masters then took up position, one on each side of the bound slave, David slashed the crop through the air a couple of times and readied himself to start the punishment, John also stood ready, but said,
"One thing to remember Master David, we should not limit our whipping to the sluts arse, we can also hit her pussy, tits, thighs and stomach. Shall we begin?".
Chapter 6
As he finished speaking Master John delivered a stinging blow with the flogger across Madeleine's rear, producing a startled scream from the target, and making her move forward. This movement caused further pressure on her shoulders and resulted in a second, softer scream, and she quickly returned to her original position, just in time to receive the first stroke from Master David's crop. This blow landed on her upper thighs and had a similar effect to the strike from the flogger, causing Madeleine to move forward and thus pull on her shoulders forcing her to return to her original position. The whipping continued in this vein, with the Masters striking her alternately, each blow forced her to move forward and the pull on her shoulders forced her back to the original position.
Both Masters varied their target, with David hitting her arse, thighs and the side of her tits, and John tricking her arse, thighs and occasionally hitting between her legs and landing a blow on her pussy. The latter producing the loudest screams from Madeleine, by the time she had received ten blows from each Master Madeleine was frantically begging for them to stop the beating, but both Masters continued until they had delivered twenty blows each. David put down the crop and said,
"Now that was fun, but it does make your arm tired. I think the bitch has had enough, at least for now, would you agree Master John. If so I think we can stuff the sluts arse and pussy with the vibrators and switch them on and then leave her here while we go and get something else to drink".
John, picked up the crop, David had dropped, and hung up, it and the flogger in the cupboard, and turned to David and replied,
"Yes it was quite enjoyable, I'm a little more used to the exercise, so my arm isn't't tired, but I think you're right, she has had enough for now, I might give her another whipping after you've gone home, but for now we can stop. I think letting her try and fuck herself, with the two vibrators would be another bit of enjoyment you could stuff her arse and pussy with the toys, while I go and fetch a bottle of wine, for us. Then we can sit back and watch the fun as she goes mad trying to get away from the twin distractions buzzing away inside her".
John walked out of the dungeon and left David with Madeleine, he picked up the two vibrators. He knelt by Madeleine's side and after teasing her pussy with some stroking and then gentle tugging on the crotch rope, which produced low moans from the bound prisoner. He then pulled the rope roughly to one side and slid the pink rabbit vibrator into her pussy, he worked the probe deeply into her pussy and then made sure it was held in place by the crotch rope. Satisfied he picked up the butt plug ponytail and began working it into Madeleine's rear, when it was fully inserted he again adjusted the crotch rope to hold the plug in place. As he had been working the twin invaders into her Madeleine had begun to try and grind her hips, and her breathing had quickened and her moans were louder.
When he finished pushing the butt plug into her arse David stood up and delivered a hard slap to her rear, producing a yelp of surprise from Madeleine. Giving his work a final inspection and tugging on the crotch rope, to force the two vibrators a little deeper into their host, he said,
"Now slave you seem to be getting off on having those two toys stuck in your holes. I can't wait to see what happens when we switch them on, Master John said you didn't like them, so tell me why you dislike them. Come on speak up".
Madeleine was still trying to grind her hips on the probes, and had even started panting slightly, she managed to regain some control and said,
"Master David, please take the vibrators out of me, Master John knows I hate these two in particular. When they go to work I can't stand it, I loose all control and find it very degrading being excited, and made to come by mechanical toys. Please take them out, you could tell Master John you've changed your mind and think I've suffered enough.
I'd be very grateful to you, and I'd show my gratitude in any way you wanted, just take them out please".
While David was looking at Madeleine, Master John returned with a bottle of wine and two glasses, as he started to speak David interrupted him saying,
"Master John, our little slut here has just been begging me to remove the vibrators, she even suggested that I tell you I'd changed my mind about using them in her. She said if I did take them out, she would show her gratitude in any way I liked.
Now I find it totally unacceptable for a slut slave to try and influence a Master in that way. After all I can do what ever I want to the bitch, anyway, I don't need her permission. So I think her period of punishment, strung up as she is with the vibrators working away, should be increased. I was thinking of leaving her for half an hour, but now I think it should be a full hour. What do you think Master John?".
John was looking at Madeleine, and his face had hardened with anger, after a couple of deep breaths he said,
"So bitch you went begging to our guest, trying to bribe him, with your body, to let you off. I'm very disappointed, and angry with you. You know full well, as Master David just said, he doesn't need your cooperation to do what ever he want to do to you, also a slave may beg for mercy, or release, but you went beyond acceptable limits. So I agree with Master David, you can stay as you are, with the vibrators switched on of course, for an hour. You will also receive further punishment, from me, for the disgrace you have brought down on me with your actions.
I'll add a set of leg irons to your bondage , then a pair of my special nipple clamps, and attach the linking chain between the clamps to the chain between the leg irons. Meaning every time you move your feet, or your body, you will pull on the clamps and punish your little tits. Then I'll braid a rope with your hair into a pigtail and tie the extra rope off to your wrists, after pulling the hair rope tight and pulling your head back, of course.You'll like all that won't you bitch?"
Madeleine had been listening, with increasing dread to everything her Master had said, she tried a couple of times to reply, to his question, before she managed to say,
"Master you know I will hate every minute of my punishment, but I know it is deserved. My behaviour to night has been unforgivable, and the embarrassment I have caused you, in front of your guest, Master David, means I must be severely punished. The punishment you have described will be very hard to bare, it will be painful and extremely embarrassing for me, but I will accept it gladly if it pleases you, and grants me your pardon for my failings this evening".
John did not say a word, but gave a slight nod, before gathering the additional items he needed to punish Madeleine as he had described. David watched with a slight feeling of horrified fascination as John locked the leg irons on Madeleine and added the nipple clamps, David noticed that John tightened the clamps until their prisoner was on the point of screaming, he then linked the clamps and the leg irons, with no slack in the linking chain.
He then braided her hair and used the rope to pull her head back, before tying the hair rope off to her wrist bondage. Satisfied John stepped back and said,
"Master David, you might think I'm being a little hard on the slut, but I can assure you she will benefit from this punishment, and be a better slave for her suffering.
You should also note that her position leaves her only remaining hole, available should I decide to make use of her later
Now Master David I will pull over a couple of chairs, for us to use, and pour the wine, while you switch on the vibrators, I suggest you start off with the butt plug on high speed, and the rabbit on medium the bitch really hates having her arse invaded, and on high speed it will have her jumping around, as much as her bondage will allow, and the ponytail will look very good flicking around as she moves about".
David moved behind Madeleine and switched on both vibrators, to the settings Master John had suggested, as they came to life Madeleine gave a cry and moved slightly forward this produced a real scream of pain, as her nipples were pulled and her shoulders were also strained even further. She quickly returned to her original position and tried to stand perfectly still. He two Masters then took their seats to watch the fun, as the hapless girl started her punishment.
Very quickly her body started to react to the toys buzzing away in her two holes, and she started moaning and trying to grind her thighs together, without moving her feet. Her eyes were closed as she continued on her journey to orgasm, when they suddenly flew open and she gave a shuddering cry, as her whole body shook, as her first orgasm hit. As she came her legs collapsed slightly, producing a scream of pain, as her shoulders were wrenched by the strapado rope, as she tried to fight the effects of the orgasm, and her bondage, she also moved her feet and this resulted in an even louder scream of obvious, genuine agony, as the nipple clamps did their work.
She eventually managed to regain some control of her body, and resumed her original position, although her legs continued to tremble, as she built towards a second orgasm. Tears were running down her face, and she tried to turn her head towards the two Masters and started to beg,
"Master John, please help me. I can't stand this. The bondage, and the vibrators are too much, but the nipple clamps, are killing me. Please let me down, I can't take it please. Please.....".
Her begging tailed off and was replaced by moans as she neared her next orgasm, as it neared she started shaking her head, as best she could, and the moans turned to sobs, and she said,
"No, no, noooo, please no, no. Oh God. Oh God. Oh God, no oh oh nooooo......"
The second orgasm hit her even harder than the first. Her legs trembled and her whole body shook and bucked in response. She managed to remain in the original position, but as the climax continued her feet moved and the nipple clamps again came into play, producing another scream.
The two Masters watched Madeleine's performance with great pleasure. The sight of her fighting, her own body, as well as her bondage, whilst trying desperately to stay as still as possible was great entertainment for the two men. As her punishment continued, and she realised there was no chance of either Master relenting Madeleine stopped begging and even started praying to God for help, sadly, for her, there was no Devine help available.
With each climax Madeleine became a little weaker, and by the fourth she was nearly unconscious, and was almost hanging by her wrist, as her legs were on the point of collapse. At this point Master John did intervene, he turned to David and said,
"Well Master David, I'm afraid, our little slut is just about finished. As I don't want to cause her permanent damage, she is after all a valuable tool in my trade, I think we will have to cut her down. The best thing would be to release the strapado rope and let her down slowly on to the ground and then leave her to finish her hour of punishment. She has a little less than 20 minutes to go, I'm sure she can manage a couple more orgasms before her time is up. Do you want to do the honours, of letting her down?".
David looked at Madeleine and quickly nodded his agreement and replied,
"Master John, I think you are right, if she stays strung up much longer she is very likely to collapse and she would dislocate both her shoulders if that happened, so we better let her down. I also like your idea of letting her finish her hour of pain lying on the floor".
As he finished speaking he walked to the wall hook and untied the rope and slowly lowered Madeleine's arms, her legs were so weak that as her arms were lowered her knees buckled and she slowly fell to the floor.
Madeleine spent the remainder of her hour of punishment writhing on the floor, while the two vibrators continued to drive her to three more orgasms, eventually, after what seemed like hours to Madeleine, master John said,
"OK David, that's time up. She's had her hour of pain and punishment, as you are still, strictly speaking, her Master you get the honour of switching off the vibrators and untying the stupid bitch.
I'm going back down to the office, when you have finished here I want both of you to join me there".
David had already begun to remove the vibrators and turned to Master John and said,
"OK Master John, I take it the bitch has to tidy the dungeon before she can join you in the office, and I will have to check all is as it should be before I join you too".
John walked out of the office and David and Madeleine heard him walking down the stairs. David continued to free Madeleine, and when she was at last free she was still to weak to get up, she took ten minutes to be able to stand and even then her balance was poor, she made a start on tidying the dungeon and she took a further ten minutes to complete the task.
When every thing was put away, and Madeleine was able to walk, relatively normally, she and David left the dungeon and walked down stairs to join Master John in the office, they found him at the desk writing some notes, as they came in he motioned them both to sit down in the chairs he had set out when they were seated he said,
"Well now that was fun, wasn't it, don't bother answering Madeleine, we know your opinion.
David your first training session as a Master is now over, so you can stop being Master David, and Madeleine you can also stop being a full on slave. David, Madeleine and I will now give you our 'feed back' on your performance. Madeleine do you want to start, I've already given David some feed back earlier, off you go".
Madeleine looked at David and smiled, before saying,
"Well now David, your performance started very poorly, as we have both already told you, far too friendly and uncertain, but when you had a second go, wow it was a different you.
You were very certain about your position and seemed to be in complete control. Your rope work was very tight, and quite inescapable, even for me, so if you tie your wife like that she has no chance of getting loose. Your commands and orders were precise and left the slave in no doubt as to your wishes, again a good point, you picked up on most failings straight away, and delivered some very strict punishment.
I enjoyed the spanking, even though it did hurt, and I could feel you were enjoying it as well. The hogtie was OK, but I hated being at the mercy of that bloody vibrator, Master John knows my feelings, and I think he suggested it to teach me a lesson, but I digress. The strapado punishment was truly evil, and definitely deserved, I tried to goad you, to see what I could get away with and the answer was very little.
So as an overall first time performance, I'd say very good, shows a great deal of promise and score you 7.5 out of 10".
Master John had been listening and when Madeleine finished he spoke,
"David I've already spoken to you but I will add that Madeleine's comments are spot in, as a first time attempt you were on the money. I have nothing else to add, except to warn you that your treatment of Madeleine was OK, but I wouldn't try the same level of pain and punishment on your wife, she is probably not as used to pain as my pet slave here is.
Now I think you can be on your way, unless there is anything you want to say?".
David nodded and stood up, he said goodby to Master John and Madeleine and left a few minutes later they heard the door open and close, Master John looked at Madeleine and said, well we got that wrong he has the makings of a first rate Master. When he started off, uming and ering I thought he was going to be the weak willed non-master we both expected, but once he got going he turned into a real Master in training. If we are right about his wife then that partnership is going to turn from two Subbies trying to get the other to play the Dom, to two very Dom people looking for a Sub.
This could turn out to be very interesting. Now you need to plan for your next new 'Mistress'. She will be seeing you in a couple if days, and the you have to switch and become Mistress Madeleine for your slave David. But we've had enough for today, so get dressed and we can go home and get something to eat.
Madeleine dashed off and quickly changed into her vanilla clothes and then rejoined her Master and they both left for home.
Chapter 7 (added: 2019/10/13)
A few days after David's first training session, Master John and Madeleine were sitting in the office sharing a coffee when Master John said,
"Slave our 'new' Mistress is due this evening, have you prepared the dungeon and do you have any plans for her training, you egged her husband on during his session, are you going to do the same with her?".
Madeleine quickly shook her head before saying,
"I've got the dungeon ready, but after her performance when they came for interview, I'm definitely NOT going to give her any encouragement. As we both agreed she is probably a closet Mistress all along, with some repressed lesbian tendencies, or maybe just a Bi-bitch, we'll find out tonight.
Do you plan on adding to her own ideas of punishment, like you did with David? Or will you leave her to her own devices?".
Master John gave her one of his evil smiles and said,
"Well now, you'll just have to wait and see. If she turns out to be the Domme bitch we both think she is, then I think I can leave her to deal with you, and just observe, and make sure she doesn't go too far. If on the other hand she is too nervous, a bit like David, then I'll step in and offer guidance. After all thats what she is paying for".
The rest of the day passed uneventfully and shortly before Mellany was due Madeleine got up and said she was going to change into her slave outfit, and then wait in the dungeon for her 'new' Mistress. About half an hour later the door intercom chimed and Master John answered it and checked it was Mellany, and then buzzed her in.
He heard her walking up the stairs to the office, there was a soft knock on the office door and John called out for her to come in. When she entered John was sorting through some papers and took a moment before looking up, when he saw Mellany, even he was surprised by her appearance. Before he could speak Mellany said,
"Good evening Master John, I hope I'm on time. I can see by your face that you are a little surprised by my costume, David did tell me about your conversation about Dom and Sub 'uniforms', but both David and I felt we needed to establish a mode of dress, for each of us, that showed which role we were playing. He also told me a little of what happened, he was very insistent about me not making his initial mistake, of not being forceful enough with his slave.
So I went out and bought this outfit, I hope you consider it suitable".
Master John said nothing. But got up and walked over to Mellany and walked around her, looking her outfit over. The outfit consisted of a full length coat in heavyweight black rubber, similar to the famous 'Matrix' coat, the coat was open and revealed the rest of the outfit, which consisted of a blood red PVC catsuit, which was a very tight fit, which showed Mellany was not wearing any underwear, a pair of black patent leather crotch high laced boots, with red piping along the front lacing and 5" heels. Around her waist she wore a chain belt, from which hung a short flogger, a crop and a pair of police handcuffs. Her make up was heavy and quite gothic, and the over all effect was of a very powerful and dominant woman.
John returned to his desk and sat on the front of the desk and said,
"Mistress Mellany, as you know, from my talk with David, a uniform is a matter for each individual Master or Mistress. You decided you wanted a uniform,and that's fine, the outfit you chose is..... Absolutely wonderful, the colours, black and red, are really standard, and the boots, catsuit and coat are also what people might expect a Mistress to look like, but the make up and the additional items, the belt and 'toys' are a lovely touch.
Overall a very good start. Now would you like to go up to the dungeon and meet your slave for the evening. As you have been briefed by David to be a full on Mistress from the start, I would suggest that we both go up and you wait outside while I go in and announce you, the you can walk in and give your slave a real shock".
Mellany, blushing slightly, thanked John for his comments and agreed to his suggestion for her first meeting with her slave to be.
They both left the office a went to the dungeon, John held his finger to his lips to indicate Mellany should keep quiet and wait for his call to enter. He then opened the door and walked in, Madeleine was kneeling in the centre of the room, this time she had chosen a French Maid's outfit, consisting of a very short black dress, in latex, with a bodice that was closed by lacing. It had a stiffened white underskirt, a white latex apron and a little latex cap, the outfit was completed by black latex stockings and a pair of ballet heeled shoes. Master John looked her over and said,
"Very good slave, I approve of your choice of outfit. Now your 'new'Mistress, for this evening is waiting outside to be introduced, you know what I expect from you, but I will leave it to Mistress Mellany to tell you what she requires of you. One thing I will say is you had better please her or else.
Slave Madeleine may I introduce Mistress Mellany".
As he finished speaking John moved to one side allowing Madeleine to see her Mistress as she entered.
Mellany walked in and at the first sight of her Mistress, for the evening, Madeleine gave a gasp of surprise, she quickly regained her composure and lowered her eyes to look at the floor. She was too late, Mellany had noticed her look and her reaction, she walked over to her slave and said,
"How very disappointing, a slut slave who thinks she can look at her Mistress, and pass a judgment on her dress. You obviously need a lesson in being a slave, get on your feet and fetch me some rope, MOVE BITCH".
Madeleine quickly scrambled to her feet and tottered, on the ballet heels, to the cupboard and returned with a handful of rope, she dropped to her knees in front of her Mistress and held the ropes out to her. Mellany took the bundle of ropes and selected a couple of lengths, dropping the rest, and walked behind Madeleine, she pulled Madeleine's arms behind her and began wrapping the rope around her wrists. Mellany cinched the bindings and tied off the rope with a square knot, she then looped the second rope around Madeleine's forearms and repeated the binding.
The result was Madeleine's forearms were welded together, Mellany picked up a third rope and lopped it around Madeleine's arms just above her elbows, she drew the rope tight and then looped her own arm around Madeleine's upper arms and pulled them together, as she, did so, she continued to tighten the rope around her arms. Eventually Madeleine's elbows nearly touched and a final tightening of the rope held them in that position, Mellany then continued wrapping the rope around Madeleine's arms and cinched it down, tying it off as before.
Satisfied with her start, Mellany took a moment to remove her coat and after looking around the room walked to a chair and folded the coat over the chair back. She then returned to Madeleine, walked in front of her and grabbed a handful of the slaves hair and pulled her head up and back, so they were looking into each others faces and said,
"Now slut since you think you can look upon me and comment on my dress I think I'll give you permission to tell me what you think of me as your Mistress. So off you go, you have a couple of minutes to speak, before I continue your lesson in behaviour".
As she finished speaking, Mellany released her hold on Madeleine's hair and the slave swallowed and said,
"Mistress Mellany, you humble slave apologises for her earlier behaviour, in daring to look upon her Mistress without permission, and for her reaction to her Mistress's mode of dress.
With your permission, this unworthy slave is honoured to serve such a beautiful Mistress, the clothes you have chosen are truly wonderful. Nobody seeing you could fail to recognise you as a powerful Mistress, every inch of your clothing and appearance screams Domme.
I am ready to accept what ever punishment you decree as suitable for my earlier failure".
For a moment Mellany remained silent, just looking at Madeleine, then she gave a slight shrug and an evil smile slid across her face as she gave a low laugh and said,
"Such a grovelling apology and all that wonderful praise. I suppose you hope it will soften my heart and get you a lighter punishment. Well.....IT WON'T. You see I don't have a heart, or rather it's a heart of stone, so you apology was a waste of time.
Now on your feet again and show me were you keep the gags?".
Madeleine got quickly to her feet and told her Mistress which Cupboard the gags were stored in, Mellany went to the cupboard and returned quickly, with a truly horrible gag in her hands, Madeleine saw the gag and gave an involuntary gasp. Mellany had chosen a double penis gag, this consisted of a wide leather strap that covered the wearers mouth, on the inside was a 3" x 2" rubber cock, which Madeleine knew would be very uncomfortable, as it would 'tickle' the back of her throat, causing her to gag, if she wasn't careful. On the outside was a second cock, this one was removable and was 8" x 3" in size, and the gag wearer would be expected to use this cock to please their Mistress. Mellany moved behind her slave and offered the gag up to Madeleine, who opened her mouth reluctantly, as she pushed the cock into Madeleine's mouth Mellany said,
"Well bitch, I saw, and heard, you reaction when you saw the gag I'd chosen. So I assume you are familiar with it, and that you don't like it.
Let me guess, it makes you drool and, probably, gag as well, also the big cock sticking out of your mouth must be embarrassing, especially if you are made to serve your Mistress with it. We will have to see wether you enjoy wearing it for me.
There now that strap is nice and tight, and that gag is staying in your mouth until I decide to take it out".
As she finished speaking Mellany slipped a padlock through the gag strap and clicked it shut. When she heard her Mistress's words, and the lock click, Madeleine gave a soft sigh. Mellany moved in front of her slave and pulled the ends of the bodice lacing and started to undo the lacing. As she proceeded the bodice fell open and Madeleine's breasts were revealed, Mellany began to stroke the breasts and gave the nipples an occasional pinch. This attention soon had Madeleine's nipples hardening and Mellany took this opportunity to attach a pair of clover clamps to her slave's nipples, the clamps were linked by a short chain and Mellany clipped a bell to the mid point of the chain. This meant that every time Madeleine moved, her breasts swung slightly and the bell tinkled, Madeleine now suspected that Mellany was intending to cause her slave the maximum mount of embarrassment, as part if her punishment.
Mellany gave each of Madeleine's clamps a quick flick, which produces a quiet squeak from her victim, and then she stepped back and said,
"Now slut, we come to your main punishment, I see our host, Master John, has a very nice sawhorse, it looks quite uncomfortable to me, so I think you should spend some time resting on it. On your feet and get over to it NOW, come on I don't have all night!".
Madeleine scrambled to her feet as quickly as she could, considering, her lack of arms and her footwear, and then tottered over to the sawhorse, Mellany picked up the remaining rope and followed her slave. Mellany took hold of Madeleine, by the arm, and guided her onto the sawhorse, when she was straddling the middle of the horse Mellany told her slave to stand still. Mellany then gently pushed her slave down, so she was sitting on the horse, she then knelt and tied a rope to each of Madeleine's ankles, and then pulled the ropes back to eyelets on the horse, causing Madeleine to take her full weight on the horse. The top of the horse was well padded, but also quite narrow so her weight was resting entirely on her crotch, as her feet were pulled back Madeleine gave a groan, and gave John a quick glance, to see if he was going to stop Mellany, her hopes were dashed when she saw the smile in his face.
Mellany then tied a rope around Madeleine's waist, and another was threaded through the nipple clamp chain, Mellany bent her slave forward, slightly and then tied the nipple clamp rope off to the front of the horse, leaving about 2" of slack. She then tied the waist rope off to the back of the horse, pulling it tight and so reducing the slack in the nipple clamp rope. Madeleine's position was quite severe, in that she was resting her full weight on her crotch and any movement forward or back now pulled on her nipples, as well as increasing the pain in her crotch. Mellany checked each rope and gave them all a gentle tug to check their tightness, satisfied she stood back and said,
"I think that is enough, for now, you look rather uncomfortable, and just 'resting' in that position would be quite arduous, but since I'm a real bitch, of a Mistress, I have to go the extra mile, so I will now give you a whipping. I think 20 lashes will do, and then you can stay on the horse for, Oh let's say half an hour.
What do you think Master John, am I being to hard on the stupid little slut?".
Madeleine had been shocked by Mellany's words, but the final question gave her some hope of mercy, but her hopes were short lived when John said,
"I'm very impressed Mistress Mellany, your 'inventiveness is quite amazing, for so 'new' a Mistress. I think your punishment sounds about right, to me, it should have the desired effect on this miserable slut".
Madeleine gave a quiet groan and lowered her head, so she was looking at the end of the horse, as she realised her Master was not going to help her. Meanwhile, after Master John's comment, Mellany had been giving all the ropes a final check, satisfied she took up her position to the side of Madeleine. The Mistress then unclipped the flogger from her belt and gave a few experimental flicks before holding it up to Madeleine's face and saying,
"I've never used this flogger before, so this will be a double baptism, the first time I've whipped a girl, and the first time I've used this flogger. I'm sure I'll enjoy the experience, and I'm also sure you won't, now I said twenty lashes, so let's get started".
As she finished speaking Mellany delivered the first stroke, a backhand lash which caught Madeleine across both tits, the blow caught Madeleine by surprise and caused her to pull back from the blow. This in turn caused the nipple clamps to tighten and pull harder on her nipples, and also the bell to jingle, and produced a very muffled scream from Madeleine. Before she could recover Madeleine received the second lash, this time across her shoulders, this caused her to rock forward, causing her crotch to rub on the horse, and the nipple clamp bell to again jingle, and produce another muffled cry.
Mellany continued in this manner, varying her target, sometimes hitting Madeleine across the breasts, and sometimes across her back. After about half the twenty lashes had been delivered Mellany took a break, and gave Madeleine a short respite to recover. All too soon the whipping restarted, this time Mellany added Madeleine's stomach, crotch and thighs to the target list. By the time Mellany had delivered all twenty lashes, Madeleine's body was well stripped, and tears were running freely down her cheeks. Mellany clipped the flogger back on her belt and then reached out and grabbed Madeleine's breasts and gave the nipples a squeeze, producing a quite loud cry if pain from her slave.
Mellany released her grip and walked away from her bound slave, saying as she did so,
"Well I was right, I did enjoy that, and looking at the slut, I was also right saying she wouldn't enjoy it.
Now bitch you can spend the next half hour, sitting on the horse, contemplating your failures, while Master John and I go to the office, and get a drink and discuss what further punishment you deserve. Master John, shall we adjourn to the comfort of your office?".
Master John said nothing but smiling, gave nod of agreement and walked to the door with Mellany following, and they both left the dungeon, and the bound and suffering slave.
Chapter 8 (added: 2020/05/01)
The Master and 'would be' Mistress walked to the office and once there Master John took his seat behind the desk, and indicated to a tray with an open bottle of wine and two glasses. Melany poured two glasses of wine and placed one of them on the desk in front of John, after both had taken a few sips Melany spoke,
"Master John, I know from David's visit that you take this opportunity to give me some feed back on my performance. I'm hoping that I've done better than David, as I had the benefit of his advice, and I hope you are a little impressed with me as a Mistress and I hope I've not gone too far in my punishment, so I await your critique".
John took a other sip of wine before he said,
"Melany, both Madeleine and myself were convinced you would be a real bitch tonight, and I think we have been proved right. First off, yes you have had the, slight, advantage of your husbands experience, but your behaviour on your earlier visit, playing with my bound slave, indicated that you are a latent Mistress, with either bisexual, or lesbian tendencies, and tonight's show has confirmed that opinion for me.
I think you have done better than David, because you are, as I said, a latent Mistress, even though you try to deny it. Now as to your punishment, my slave, Madeleine, is a tough bitch, but I think you have pushed her close to her limits, which is very good.
Now to talk about your general performance, normally I'd be checking a new Mistresses rope work, but I didn't need to in your case, I could see the ropes were well positioned, so as to limit the chance of circulation problems, and they were obviously very tight, both important, and good points.
I was impressed that you picked up on Madeleine's behaviour when she first saw you, and that you decided to punish her for it. You seemed to want to cause your slave some embarrassment, as well as physical pain, in her punishment, with you choice of gag and the little bell on the nipple clamp chain. Both of which are very nice touches and will cause the required embarrassment, the saw horse was also a good choice, although I would probably delivered the whipping before I put her on it, but that's a minor point.
The actual whipping was good, the strokes were hard, and there was no pretence in them, they would have hurt the slave. Your repeated change of target was another plus point, it is no good hitting the same area each time, the slave simply get used to the pain.
The only addition I would have made would be the addition of a bullet vibrator, in her pussy while she is sitting on the horse, just to keep her frustrated, and I think that's about all I can say, is there anything you want to ask, or say?".
Melany looked slightly troubled for a moment, and after licking her lips a couple of times, and still looking worried she said,
"Thank you Master John, for your kind words, I'm glad I have been satisfactory, as a Mistress. Now I do have a question, or rather a request, when we signed up for these courses you said there would be no sexual activity between the parties, could you define 'sexual activity'. I ask because, both David and I, have talked things over and we both feel we would like to experience some sexual activity, with Madeleine, but not full on intercourse, just oral or manual stimulation. That was partly why I chose the gag I did, as I hoped you might allow 'my' slave to use the external cock to pleasure me as a final act of humiliation.....".
As Melany tailed off John just looked at her, causing her to blush, after a few moments he spoke,
"You want a definition of 'sexual activity', well it can be what ever the individual decides, in the case of Madeleine and myself it would be full intercourse. What you are suggesting is a possibility, I'm sure you know David used vibrators on Madeleine when he was her Master, and I would expect you to do the same, getting her to use the cock gag to please you would be acceptable as part of your training, as long as both you and David agree. I'm assuming that David has agreed to your suggestion, as you say you have both discussed the idea.
Now looking at things from David's side, if you are being served by Madeleine, either with the gag she's currently wearing, or just with her mouth, then he would expect to have her give him oral sex, or to put it crudely a blow job. Also when you both start your sub training, Madeleine will expect David to serve her with his mouth, and maybe that gag as well, as for you, I won't expect you to give me a blow job, but I might force you to serve Madeleine in some way, or she might wear a strap on and fuck you.
I need to be sure you both fully accept ALL the consequences of taking the next step as a Master or Mistress. So how do you feel now about Madeleine serving you with the gag?".
Melany swallowed hard and said,
"Master John, as I said David and I have talked about this, we both agreed that if one of us disagreed with anything happening then we would not go there, but at the end of the talk we agreed that it was OK to have a slave, wether it was Madeleine, or one of us, serve the Master, or Mistress, with their mouth, or with anything else, excepting full intercourse.
We both realised that if one of us wanted to be served it would be unfair to say the other couldn't have the same option. Does that answer your question?".
John nodded and said,
"Yes that seems to cover everything, and I have to say, I'm a little glad to hear you say you both want to go a bit further than we originally agreed. You see my instincts tell me David wanted to have Madeleine serve him, and I think she also wanted to be forced to serve him. I do know for a fact that she really wants to be your lesbian fuck bitch, so I think we can go back to the dungeon and let your slave know what is going to happen".
John stood up and walked out if the office with Melany following a step behind, when they reached the dungeon door john held up his band to stop Melany and indicated she should listen to Madeleine's moans. Judging by the various sounds coming from the bound slave, she experiencing a mixture of pain and frustration, from her position on the horse, eventually John pushed the door open and walked in, followed by Melany. They found Madeleine trying to rock her self backwards and forwards, on the horse causing her to rub her pussy on the padded edge of the horse.
John gave a cough and Madeleine's eyes flew open and she tried to look round at her Master and Mistress, she was also blushing furiously at being caught in the act of trying to please herself. Melany walked over to her slave and grabbed a nipple clamp and gave it a hard tug, causing it to tighten its grip on Madeleine's nipple, and producing a squeal from the slave, releasing her hold Melany said,
"What the fuck do you think you were doing, I didn't give you permission to pleasure yourself, did I? No I didn't. So what were you trying to do? You seem determined to cause your Mistress embarrassment, and displeasure, I think further punishment is required".
When she heard Melany's words Madeleine tried to protest, shaking her head and looking pleadingly at her Mistress, Melany ignored her slaves actions and turned to John and said,
"Master John, I'm sure you have a selection of 'toys' I could use on this slut, I'm thinking a couple of vibrators, to stuff up her arse and her pussy, can you recommend something, and tell me were to find them".
John nodded and gave an evil smile to Madeleine before saying,
"Mistress Melany, I could offer the items you asked about, but I think I have an even better option for you to try. In the bottom draw, of the chest in the corner, you'll find a leather chastity belt, and a selection of vibrators that fit onto the crotch strap. I'd suggest the medium sized red butt plug and the large black cock vibrator, you'll also find the remote controllers for the vibs and a tube of lub in the draw".
Melany was already at the chest when John finished speaking and had the draw open and pulled the belt out, followed by the vibrators, the remotes and the lub. She carried the items back to her bound prisoner, the items were dropped on the floor and Melany started to release her slave. The nipple clamps were first to be removed followed by the rope around her waist, Melany then untied the two ropes holding Madeleine's legs off the ground. Madeleine was then ordered to stand up, as she tried to get up her legs were to weak to hold her weight and Melany had to help support her slave.
When she could finally stand unaided Madeleine was ordered to stand with her legs apart and Melany fitted the two vibrators into the belt crotch strap and then fitted the waist belt around Madeleine's waist. The vibs were then greased and Madeleine's two holes were also given a smear of lub, Melany then pulled the crotch strap between her legs and positioned the two vibs in Madeleine's arse and pussy. She slowly started working the vibs into her slave and when they were about half way in Melany pulled the crotch strap tight between Madeleine's legs, driving the two invaders deep into Madeleine's holes she then tightened the crotch strap until the belt was crunching her pussy, and fastened it off.
Madeleine was then ordered over to a well padded couch and then pushed down on to her knees and Melany smeared lub onto the cock protruding from Madeleine's gagged mouth. Madeleine suddenly realised what was going to happen, and looked over to Master John. When she saw him nod to her she returned the nod, and tried to smile behind her gag.
Melany then unzipped the crotch, of her catsuit, and sat in the chair, she wriggled into position, and lifted her legs over Madeleine's shoulders, presenting her crotch to her slave, and said,
"Now bitch, it is time for my slut slave, meaning you, to show her devotion to her Mistress, meaning me, and the best way to do that is for you to pleasure me with that lovely cock sticking out of your mouth.
If you do a good job, I might consider your punishment over, and might even grant YOU a little pleasure later. So get to work, I want to come at least twice, and I haven't got all night to wait".
Madeleine moved her head until the tip of the cock gag was positioned at Melany's pussy lips, then she gentle moved it around the outside of Melany's pussy. She then slid it inside a few inches then began slowly to pump it in and out, each time driving it a little deeper, soon she was driving it fully into Melany's pussy and her Mistress responded by moaning and bucking her hips. As she neared her first orgasm, Melany grabbed Madeleine by the hair and pulled her face deeper into her crotch, driving the cock even deeper. As her climax hit Melany pulled Madeleine hard against her crotch and clamped her thighs around her head, and then her climax hit. Madeleine could feel wave after wave of muscle contractions and Melany's love juices flowed over her face, Madeleine was finding it difficult to breath, with her face clamped against her Mistress's crotch, and she was just on the point of trying to pull away when Melany relaxed her hold on her slave, and allowed Madeleine to pull back.
Melany was panting and still recovering from her climax when she said,
"Well done slut, that was one of the best orgasms I've ever had, now you can take a few minutes to rest, while I get my breath back and then we can go again".
As she finished speaking Master John coughed and said,
"Forgive me Mistress Melany, but may I make a suggestion, you have not yet used the two vibs that this bitch is wearing, so why not remove the gag and let her serve you with her mouth, I know she is very adept at doing so. While she is eating your pussy, you could play with the two remotes and bring her to the edge of a climax, and hold her there until she brings you off again, and then give her the pleasure you mentioned earlier.
Would you like to try her out, so to speak,?".
Melany had nearly fully recovered and immediately nodded her head and said,
"Master John, as always, your suggestion is wonderful. It will enable me to see how good this bitch is, with her mouth, and also let me tease her with the vibrators, and if she does a good job I can let her have a climax as a reward".
As she finished speaking Melany sat up and reached behind Madeleine's head and unlocked the gag and removed it. Master John handed her a bottle of water and Melany offered it to Madeleine, who took several sip. She indicated she had had enough by thanking her Mistress for the water, she then waited for her Mistress to continue their play. Melany resumed her position, with her legs over Madeleine's shoulders and said,
"Now bitch, you heard what Master John suggested, and what I agreed to so, you will lick, and eat my pussy and give me my second climax. While yo are doing so I will play with the twin probes in you two holes, it will provide a distraction to you, but not enough to give you a climax, so you need to really concentrate on your job. If I'm satisfied with your performance then I might allow you to come as well, but that depends on how well you perform.
Now I think we are ready to start, so get busy bitch, use that dirty slut mouth of yours to satisfy your Mistress".
Madeleine went to work straight away,pushing her face into Melany's crotch and sucking and licking her pussy, she was just starting to get a rhyme when Melany turned on the two vibrators. The sudden shock caused Madeleine to miss a beat in her activities and Melany delivered a single slash with her flogger which quickly brought Madeleine back to concentrating on her work.
As Melany was already aroused, from her first orgasm it took Madeleine only a few minutes to bring her to a moaning near climax state, Melany grabbed Madeleine by her hair and pulled her face deeper into her crotch, and again closed her thighs to hold her in place. Madeleine continued to eat her Mistress, despite the twin invaders buzzing away in her holes, quite soon both women were moaning, although Madeleine's moans were very muffled, due to her position. Suddenly Melany stiffened and cried out as she hit her second climax of the night, as she clamped her thighs together, trapping Madeleine's head, she turned the vibrators up to high speed, and in a few seconds master John heard a series of muffled cries from Madeleine, as she too hit a climax.
When both women had recovered slightly John said,
"Well Melany I think it's time to call a stop to the nights training, so if you want to visit the bathroom, and clean yourself up, while I turn your slave loose, and she can follow you in the bathroom, then we can meet up in the office for your report".
Melany walked, a little unsteadily to the bathroom, and John began untying his assistant, when she was finally free Madeleine just lay back on the floor and stretched her cramped muscles. When she felt able to stand she followed Melany to the bathroom, and John walked to the office, and began writing his notes about Melany's performance, about 5 minutes later both girls joined him in the office. Melany was still in her Mistress outfit, but Madeleine had hanged into jeans and a sweater, when they were both seated Master John said,
"Now Melany, it's time for you to get your report card, so to speak, I'll start by talking about your 'uniform'. You said both you and David felt you needed a 'dress code' to show your status, Master/Mistress or slave, as you know I believe that your status is a matter of your mind, not your clothes, but if you as an individual feel better with a 'uniform' then fine.
It's certainly true that your choice of outfit screams Mistress and you used it to good effect when you first met your slave. You fell in to the role of Mistress quite naturally, it seemed, despite your claim to be pure submissive, both Madeleine and I are sure you have some bisexual nature, and maybe even lesbian tendencies, this may be why you feel uncomfortable being a Mistress to David.
Tonight you were on the money from the start, you picked up on Madeleine's actions, like looking at you when you first met, and reacted perfectly. I particularly liked the various verbal threats, especially the one about having no heart. Your rope work was first class, and your punishments were inventive, effective and deserved, you were observant throughout, picking up on Madeleine's dislike of the gag you chose amongst other things.
Your cropping and whipping were good, you varied your targets and hit hard enough to leave light marks, but not cause real harm. I wonder if you were actually doing thing to Madeleine that you want to experience yourself, but we'll leave that for your slave training.
I think I can grade you an 8.5, but I still have concerns about your ability as a Mistress, if your slave is male, and particularly if it's David. Well that's me finished now it's Madeleine's turn to judge your performance".
Madeleine gave a laugh and said,
Well, were to start. Master John got it right with his comments on your outfit, it is perfect and you used it to good effect. I'd agree with all of Master John's comments, although I have to say your 'inventive' punishments were also truly evil, and I think Master John may use some of them on me again.
I tried to push you to get a reaction, and I got it in spades, so I won't do that again, all in all I don't think I can add to Master John's comments, but I would give you a score of 9. So that's me finished".
Melany was looking relieved at her 'teachers' comments and was also smiling and her face had taken in a slight pink tone as she blushed at their praise, before she could say anything herself, Master John again spoke,
"Melany, there is one more thing I want to say to you. As you didn't bring a change of clothes with you, you'll be wearing your 'Mistress' outfit when you get home, it might be an idea to give David a surprise, by playing the Mistress to his slave. I'm sure you will both get a lot of pleasure out of it, and it will give you a chance to see how you feel Domming a male. Just an idea, not an order".
Melany looked at both her teachers and after a few seconds took a deep breath and said,
"Firstly can I thank you both for your comments, and a special thanks to Madeleine for being a wonderful slave this evening. I'm starting to realise that I'm not pure submissive, I really did get off on being a Mistress tonight, and I think I just might just take your advice and give David a real surprise when I get home".
When she finished Master John smiled, nodded and said goodbye, Madeleine stood up and grabbed Melany and gave her a hug and delivered a long kiss on the mouth, then broke away and also said goodbye. Melany, looking a bit flustered picked up her coat and put it on then said goodbye to her teachers and quickly left.
After they heard the front door closing Master John said,
"Well it looks liked David is in for a treat tonight. Melany is definitely bi, at least, and she is no submissive. I think we can start their sub training in a couple of weeks.
Now I think we have earned a drink and then we can go home".
Chapter 9 (added: 2021/01/25)
Three weeks had gone by since David and Melany had started their Master/Mistress training and on their last visits Master John had announced that they would be starting their slave training next time. The day had rolled around and David was due to arrive shortly to become Mistress Madeleine's slave.
Madeleine had chosen a Gothic style outfit for the session, this consisted of black lace body, and a black leather strapless dress,with a two piece full length skirt with a short train at the back that finished at her hips and a second panel forming the front. She'd added a pair of red patent thigh boots, her hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail and heavy makeup. The overall effect was quite intimidating, especially with the addition of a riding crop and a leather flogger, Madeleine sat in the office discussing her plans for the session with Master John, while she waited for David to arrive.
They had discussed the general outline and Madeleine suggested that it might be an idea to force David to try a bit of cross dressing. Master John thought for a moment before saying,
"Oh I like that, yes, it'll be a real surprise for him, he'll be expecting the usual Mistress games, ordered about, made to kneel, boot worship, a bit of bondage and some punishment, and then you spring cross dressing on him, yes, really go for it".
Just then the door chimed and when Madeleine answered it it was David, she buzzed him in, and then quickly left the office for the dungeon, leaving Master John to bring David to her after he had a chat about the evenings entertainment. Less than a minute after she left the office David walked in, he was dressed in straight vanilla clothes, Master john told David to sit and then looked him over a said,
"Well David, tonight you start your slave training, shortly I'll take you to the dungeon and you can meet Mistress Madeleine. She has reviewed your list of limits and worked out a training programme for you.
She has a few ideas that I think will be a great adventure for you, and it may lead to some fun for you and Melany, by the way how is she doing as a Mistress for you?".
David smiled and said,
"You have no idea, she has turned from a real submissive into a raving Domme, and I couldn't be happier with things, and she is also enjoying me being a Master, so far our investment, in your training, has been the best money we ever spent. Thank you both, from both of us".
Master John laughter and then stood up and told David to follow him, to meet his Mistress, the two men walked up stairs and Master John stopped at the dungeon door, he turned to David and said,
"OK, you knock on the door, and wait for Mistress Madeleine to call you in, from here on you should be in your slave mode, and you need to obey your Mistress completely. That's all I'm going to say, now you're on your own".
David knocked and waited a few seconds before he heard Madeleine's voice, calling him into the dungeon, when he opened the door, he got his first look at his new Mistress, the sight took his breath away and stopped him in his tracks. His mouth just dropped open and he stood looking at Madeleine.
Madeleine returned his stare and waited a few moments, when David didn't move she moved over to him and grabbed him by the hair and dragged him into the middle of the room. She then stopped and said,
"You miserable little worm. How dare you stand looking at your Mistress. Don't you know you should be on your knees when in the presence of your Mistress, now get down on your knees and keep your eyes on the floor".
As she spoke each word Madeleine shook David's head, by the hair, producing a series of hisses from David. As she finished speaking she pushed David to the floor, he dropped to his knees and stared at the floor in front of him.
Madeleine walked away from her slave and picked up a couple of hanks of rope from a table across the room, she returned to David and said,
"Right worm on your feet and put your hands behind your back, palms together".
David scrambled to his feet, put his hands behind his back and kept looking at the floor, he felt a rope loop around his wrists and quickly found his wrist bound tightly together, with the knots well out of reach of his fingers. He felt a second rope loop around his upper arms and felt it tighten down pulling his elbows together, as they moved together, he again hissed at the strain, Madeleine loosened the elbow rope slightly and then cinched it off and again tied the knots out of David's reach. Satisfied with her start Madeleine said,
"Well worm don't you have anything to say? Come on I'm sure you want to thank your Mistress for bothering to spend time with you, and to decide to put you into some tight bondage. Come on, what do you say?".
David kept his eyes lowered and said,
"Mistress Madeleine, thank you for sparring me some of your time. I'm sorry for my earlier poor behavior, in daring to stand in your presence, and to look at you. I also thank you for my bondage, please tell a humble slave how I may serve you".
Madeleine moved in front of David and pulled her skirt open to reveal the boots she wore and said,
"Well slave you're grovelling has pleased me, a little, but it won't make me show you any mercy. As to pleasing me, you can start with a little boot worship. You can give my boots a nice spit shine, from toe to top, and later you can clean the soles as well. Now get started, and you better make a very good job of the shine or I'll add to your future punishments, which are already going to test your limits of endurance. One last thing, if, during the spit shine, your tongue touches my flesh then you're in real trouble".
David dropped this knees and immediately started licking, and kissing Madeleine's boots, starting at the toe and working along the top of one boot, to her ankle, and then started up the leg of the boot. When he finished the first boot he repeated the shine on the other boot. The whole process took David over ten minutes and by the time he finished Madeleine was tapping her foot in annoyance, when he gave the final lick she looked down at the boots and then walked to a chair, sat and beckoned David to follow her.
David scrambled over to Madeleine, on his knees, and she then said,
"Not a bad job, for a first time, now you have the soles, and heels to spit polish, you may hold the boot off the ground while you do the job, so get going, and see you're quicker this time, but still do a proper job. I'll untie your wrist to make life easier for you".
Madeleine quickly untied David's wrist to allow him to hold her boots while he cleaned the soles. Once free he set to licking the sole of the boots, then gave each heel a lick and suck, when he allowed the second boot to return to the floor, Madeleine stood up and gave her boots a good inspection before saying,
"Well slave I suppose you think you've done a good job, polishing my boots, but it's my opinion that matters. Sadly I think the job is ....... OK, so I don't get to punish you, for your spit polishing, so I'll have to find some other fault. So we'll start by getting you naked, so after I untie your elbows you have two minutes to strip completely".
Madeleine removed the elbow rope and as soon as he was freed David quickly stripped out of his clothes, once naked he dropped to his knees and assumed the standard slave position. Madeleine walked around her slave, and noticed his level of excitement, is cock was semi hard and was definitely getting harder. She stopped in front of David and waited a few moments before screaming at him,
"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN, POINTING THAT DISGUSTING THING AT YOUR MISTRESS? How dare you, you apology for a man. Do you think I'll ever let your shitty little cock anywhere near me? DO YOU?".
As she was speaking Madeleine unclipped the crop from her belt and flicked David's cock with it, which produced a hiss from David, it also caused his semi erection to collapse. David swallowed and quickly replied,
"I'm sorry Mistress, I couldn't help it, your appearance was so wonderful, I just got excited. Please forgive your miserable slave".
Madeleine returned the crop to her belt and walked to one of the cabinets, opened a draw and picked something up. She walked back to David, pulling on a pair of surgical gloves, and ordered him this feet, when he stood up she grabbed his cock and quickly slipped a male chastity device over it and clicked the lock closed, she released David's, now trapped, cock and said,
"There that should stop you from getting 'excited' again, and if you do start feeling excited you'll also feel very uncomfortable, and that 'device' is staying on your filthy little cock until I say otherwise, GOT IT.
Now move your lazy arse and fetch me a drink, and bring one for Master John as well".
David quickly dashed out of the dungeon, as David left Master John raised an eyebrow at Madeleine, who simply shrugged her shoulders, and both waited. They didn't wait long, David returned after a couple of minutes, he entered the dungeon timidly and stammered out an apology saying,
"I, I. I'm sorry Mistress, I don't know your, or Master John's, preferred drink. Please instruct your humble slave as to what you, and Master John, would like to drink"
Madeleine gave an evil smile and said,
"You pathetic little worm, how stupid can you be. Of course you don't know what I drink, but you need to ask before dashing off, so you have just added to your punishment. As to the drink, bring two glasses of wine, one red, for Master John, and a white for me. Now get moving before you make me even more annoyed than you've managed so far. MOVE".
David dashed off again to fetch the drinks, he returned in a few minutes with two glasses of wine, he quickly offered the white wine to Madeleine and then the red to Master John. After Madeleine had taken a couple of sips of her drink she said,
"Well slave you finally got something right, but it's not enough to save your hide from the severe punishment I've got planned for your pain, and my enjoyment.
Now I'm going to show you some real Bondage, so turn round and get ready to suffer."
As she finished speaking, and David turned his back to her Madeleine picked up the rope she had used earlier and pulled David's hands up his back till they were pointing up his spine. She quickly looped the rope around his wrists and tied them tightly and then added a rope around his elbows pulling his forearms together, leaving David gritting his teeth, with his arms in a reverse prayer. She tied a second rope to the wrist rope and tossed the end of this rope through a ring hanging from the ceiling. Then she pulled the rope end forcing David under the ring, and also forcing him to bend at the waist to ease the strain on his shoulders, David found himself in a modified Strapado. This position resulted in him presenting his rear to Madeleine for punishment.
His Mistress quickly tied off the strapado rope, and unclipped the crop from her belt and took up position behind David. She slammed the crop into the top of a table, causing David to jump, in surprise, and the movement produced a cry of pain as his shoulders tried to adjust to the movement. When he had returned to his position, under the ring, Madeleine said,
"Well David, you have proved to be a very disappointing slave, and you have earned your Mistress's displeasure, and a very hard punishment session.
We will begin with a good cropping, which you will find very uncomfortable, in your present position. You will receive ten strokes, on each arse cheek, and you will count them, and thank me for each one. If you fail to thank me, or loose count, then we will start the twenty strokes all over again. Do you understand?"
David nodded his head and replied,
"Yes Mistress, I am to count the strokes and thank you for each one."
As David finished speaking, Madeleine drew her arm back and delivered the first stroke to David's right cheek, David cried out and moved away from the blow, before retuning to position and quickly calling out,
"One. Thank you Mistress."
Madeleine continued the cropping,hitting alternate cheeks and David quickly developed a pattern, of counting and thanking his Mistress. Surprisingly quickly the cropping was finished, and Madeleine released the strapado rope and David dropped on to his knees. Madeleine gave him a few minutes to recover before she ordered him to his feet, when she untied his arms, and ordered David to go to the bathroom and wash his face and then return to the dungeon.
David left the room and was away nearly ten minutes before he returned,when he entered the room, and dropped to his knees, Madeleine said,
"You took your time. I didn't tell you to take a full shower, just to wash your face, still your dilly dallying will earn you a few more punishments, but first."
Madeleine held up a high gloss piece of black fabric, David looked surprised, and then he detected the odour of latex. Madeleine stepped away from the table and revealed a number of items of clothing and said,
"Right David, it's time you got dressed again. You'll find a few items I want you to wear, on the table, so on your feet and get dressed."
David quickly walked to the table, and looked at the clothing, he realised the outfit was a full 'French Maids' dress, underskirt, bra, knickers, stockings, apron, cap and stilettos. The dress and underwear were all black latex, the underskirt, apron and cap were white latex, the stockings were fishnet crotchless tights and the shoes black patent leather.
David looked back at his Mistress and saw Madeleine smiling evilly, he picked up the bra and saw the bra cups were filled with artificial breasts, he slid the shoulder straps over his shoulders and struggled to fasten the chest band, when he finally managed to get the bra fastened he picked up the knickers and noticed the weight and saw the anal probe inside the knickers. The probe had been greased and as he stepped into the knickers, and pulling them up his legs, the probe pushed against his arse hole and then slid inside him. He squirmed slightly at the intrusion, but after a few tries he found a comfortable position. Next he pulled on the crotchless tights, followed by the latex underskirt, then turned to the dress, he stepped into it and pulled it up his body, slipping his arms into the short puffed sleeves. After struggling to fasten the back zip of the dress, David admitted defeat and said,
"I'm sorry Mistress, but I can't manage the dress zip, could you please help me?"
Madeleine sighed and motioned for David to turn around and she pulled the zip closed, David thanked his Mistress and then slipped on the shoes and fastened the ankle straps, and then pulled on the cap and apron. Finally dressed David stood waiting further instructions, Madeleine walked around him and adjusted the dress and cap slightly. Finally satisfied she said,
"Right, you're now going to be my sissy bitch slave. So first take off the cap, and then come and sit in front of the mirror, so I can fix your make up."
David looked worried, but knew better than to disobey his Mistress. Once sitting down Madeleine spun the chair so David was facing away from the mirror. She then fitted a wig cap over his hair and opened a large make up case and started to apply a heavy style make up, similar to her own, she applied, foundation, powder, blusher, bronzer, eye shadow and liner and finally lipstick. She then opened a cupboard and selected a full brunette wig and fitted it over the wig cap, and brushed the wig out and then pulled the maids cap on David's head. Satisfied with the result, she spun the chair around again to let David see himself.
As he saw himself David gasped he could still see himself, but the transformation was almost perfect, while David was admiring himself, Madeleine said,
"You are now my little sissy slut maid, Davina, although I'll probably just call you SLUT. You've spent too much time admiring yourself, so now you can go and fetch Master John and myself another two glasses of wine, when you get back we will see what further punishment I can think up to teach you some humility."
David quickly left the dungeon to fetch the drinks and as he left Master John said,
"Oh you are really enjoying yourself with this slave aren't you Madeleine? Tell me what are you thinking of as a punishment, remember you only have about another half hour before he will be off home."
Madeleine smiled before she replied,
"Well yes I'm enjoying myself, and I think David, or Davina, is also enjoying the session. Now as to further punishment, I'm thinking I'll send Davina home rather than David, and I'll ring Melany to let her know what to expect. What do you think, remember you told me 'To Go For It'. Am I being to hard?"
John also smiled and shook his head and said,
"Thank you for reminding me what I told you to do. So are you being too hard. No I don't think so, and I'm sure Melany will love to see Davina, it might give her some ideas for her own Mistress sessions. Now I think I hear your sissy maid coming back , so you can tell him, err, her? What you're going to do. I think he, she? Might be a bit scared of being seen as Davina, although will anybody recognize him, her?"
Davina came back into the dungeon carrying two glasses of wine, one red, which she offered to Master John, and a glass of white which was offered to Madeleine, Davina then dropped to her knees and waited for further orders. After both Master and Mistress had taken a few sips of the wine, Madeleine turned to her sissy maid and said,
"Well slut, at least you remembered the drinks order, and you were quite quick getting the drinks, so I can't really punish you for much else. However as your time with me is nearly up I think you should tidy the dungeon, putting all the ropes and other 'toys' away while Master John and myself go back to the office and discuss your performance tonight. When you have finished you come to the office and one or both of us will check your tidying and then give you your report. So get busy, you haven't much time left tonight".
As she finished speaking Madeleine picked up David's clothes and put them in to a plastic bag. Davina opened her mouth to speak, then though better of it and stood up and began to coil the various lengths of rope Madeleine had used, as she busied herself, Before she left the dungeon Madeleine went to a cupboard and selected a couple of items, then she picked up 4 small padlocks and then Madeleine and Master John walked out of the dungeon and back to the office. Once there Madeleine picked up the phone and dialed Melany's number, after a few rings the phone was answered and Madeleine said,
"Melany, Hi it's Mistress Madeleine, David has nearly finished his submissive training for tonight, but I'm sending him home in slightly different clothes than those he arrived in. His own clothes will be in a locked box, the combination of the lock is 36A 4D7, if he has decided to open the box himself, ie he is wearing his own clothes, then please ring me as I will want to speak with him.
You might find his new outfit interesting, I'm not going to tell you any more about it, you'll have to wait and see, but I suggest you meet him in your best Mistress outfit and continue his training. His outfit might give you some ideas for your next Mistress night. Give me a call tomorrow and let me know how you felt about the outfit, and if it was a fun night for you both. Oh one last thing, you'll find a key in the box it fits all five locks.
See you soon. Bye".
Madeleine hung up and smiled at Master John, who was also smiling, they continued discussing the nights events and waited for Davina to appear. When she did arrive, she entered the office rather nervously and stammered out that she had finished tidying the dungeon, Madeleine immediately went back to the dungeon and found it very neat and tidy. Satisfied she pulled a heavy wooden box with a combination lock from under a couch, she returned to the office, with the box, were Davina was looking more and more concerned.
Once in the office she said,
"Well Davina, you will be pleased to know you have passed my test of tidying the dungeon. So no extra punishment, so I'm going to send you home, but you will be dressed, just as you are now. Your own clothes will be locked in a box, which you can take back to Melany, she has the combination to the box lock. I will allow you to change your shoes, you can wear a pair of trainers for the drive home, but you have to change back into your heels before you meet Melany. Do you understand?"
While Madeleine had been speaking, David's jaw had dropped, and he was continually shaking his head, and there were tears in his eyes. Finally he managed to answer his Mistress saying,
"Please Mistress , please don't do this, what will happen if someone, my neighbour and said,
"I don't care what happens if you're seen, it's up to you to make sure nobody see's you, at least well enough to recognise you."
She then opened the box and stuffed David's clothes inside and hung the small key to his chastity device inside the box, closed the box and spun the lock. She pushed the box towards David and said
"You will take this box home with you and I have told Melany to expect you in clothes other than your own and she will phone me if you are dressed in your own clothes and then I will want to talk to you, and believe me you will be sorry for cheating your Mistress."
David tried to plead, but realised it was useless, so he picked up the box and headed for the door, but Madeleine called him back and handed him a pair of trainers and said,
"You can change your shoes, so you can drive home, but you must change back into your heels before you go into your house. I warn you again, I have told Melany what to expect and if you fail to deliver, yourself as I have told you, then even God will not be able to help you, do you understand?".
David nodded, and began to change his shoes, when he had done so, Madeleine said,
"Right Davina come here I have a couple of additions to make to your outfit."
Davina walked over to Madeleine ad stood looking worried, Madeleine then produced a heavy leather collar and fastened it around Davina's neck and then slipped a padlock threw the collar to lock in on, she then added a leather strap, lead to the collar, which was also locked in place. Smiling she said,
"Now I think that completes the look I want, so off you go back to your other Mistress, who is waiting for you, Oh one last thing take these two padlocks and use them to secure your heels, when you reach home."
As she finished speaking she handed Davina the last two padlocks she had picked up, Davina took them with a miserable look and Madeleine shooed him out into the carpark and his journey home began.