Author's Note: English is not my native language, so if there are some writting mistakes, I apologize.
How can we learn to love the light if we've never been in the dark? The story seems pretty dark and sad in the first part, but please, be patient. The main character is deaf, so every sentence written like this means that someone is using sign language.
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"Magda, please, I need the report about the north Bolivian weather", said the note on my desk. A message from Maria, my boss. She must had left it there while I was on the bathroom. We both worked in a company dedicated to build big infrastructures like bridges, stadiums, dams, and so on, all around the world. We both were engineers, and we did pretty much the same work, but she had a bigger salary because she arrived here early and she was the boss. That month we had to travel to Bolivia for a new mountain road, and she was affraid it would very likely rain a lot. She was right. My desk was in front of her office's door, which had a lot of glass and the curtains used to be open, so she always knew when I was siting or not.
I took the requested info and there she was, writting something on her computer, as always. She was really beautiful. Fit, B cups, light brown eyes one meter seventy without heels. Her black hair was long to just below her neck. She weared a knee length dark gray skirt, a satin-like blue blouse and a dark grey blazer, black medium heel shoes on her feet. The same style as always. She used to be sad which affected her clothing style.
I weared dark blue slacks, dark blue blazer, white and green stripped button down shirt fully closed to the neck, and black flat shoes. Fit, C cups, olive green eyes, one meter sixty-five. My hair is light brown long to just below my chin with a very fringe long fringe past my mouth. I weared it on my left side for concealing the scars. The same style as always. Some days a thin sweater instead of the blazer.
-Close the curtains and lock the door.
The curatins used to be open because they were very thick, so closing them blocked every light. Once we were pretty dark she turned on the reading lamp and I blocked the door with the latch.
-The report?
-Where you in the bathroom?
I kneeled beside her and she opened her legs. Her g-string was over her garters so I could easily take them off. I began licking her lips and bitting them slightly. Then went the clit until she was about to reach the climax. A good tongue fucking as deep as possible for the big end. She wanted it fondly and eagerly. I did it that way not only because she wanted but also because I wanted. I was in love with her, which she didn't knew or didn't care. I did a lot of things each day fondly and eagerly without needind her to ask me for.
I kept licking after she had orgasmed in my mouth, for preventing any stains on her clothes, her chair, my face or my clothes. She grabbed my chin and approached my mouth to her nose.
-Luckily, you never talk.
I was born deaf and had never talk. I thought I could emit noises but I was never sure. She cleaned my face with a napkin.
-Today we are going home earlier.
In addition to working together we also lived together. I didn't have a driver license, nor a car so we went in hers. We could also work at home so was very common leaving earlier. We went home about one hour later. When we arrived we went to her room for changing clothes into something more comfortable. We also slept in the same room. She put on her a satin nightgown to her midnight and thin straps over her shoulders and her satin housecoat. I put on me my stainless steel shackles for wrists and ankles and my collar. They were four cm wide with built-in padlocks, the key on Maria's key ring. My collar had a two cm wide ring hanging down on the middle at my front. The shackles had a thirty cm long two cm wide chain between wrists and the same between the ankles.
I looked at my reflection on the mirror. The left side of my body at the front was covered in burn type scars from my left knee to my forehead, including almost my entire left arm. The right side had a lot of shrapnel type scars, from forehead to waist, most of them on the torso over my navel. That's why my clothes covered my full body and my hair, half my face. It seemed to be consequence of a kitchen gas explosion. The reality was a bit more complicated.
The story began about eight years ago, when I was sixteen. My parents spent a lot of time working in their florist, as they had money issues. I used to be alone and sad. Maria, and her husband, Joseph, moved in to the apartment next to were I lived with my parents. She was twenty six and he was twenty five. She was an assistant on a small company dedicated to building cheap residential buildings, and he was a writer, trying to find any durable job with a decent salary. They were so nice and so funny.
I began to spend more and more time at their place. First time was because my mother requested them helping me with my homework. I used a notepad to talk to them. I knew since child how to read the movement of the lips when people talk, but it wasn't infallible as every mouth is different, so I prefered the notepad. In a few months I taught them the essentials of sign language. They helped me with mathematics, physics, languages and literature. Maria even taught me how to love physics.
Since I was deaf, I always had had troubles making friends. Some of them made fun of me and the rest just ignored me. Because of that I had never worried about clothes or make-up and was a bit chubby. Once Maria and Joseph arrived, my loneliness problem disappeared. I used to go to their place because I was sad, or happy or bored or for no reason. They had videogames and played with me, and gave me snacks, and even taught me some cooking recipes. Maria taught me how to make-up and we used to jog at weekends. We talked about anything and everything. Sometimes, Maria fell asleep with her head over my thigh while we watched movies, as she worked a lot. I had friends, at least.
Two years later they got married. One year after that, they had a child, Jesse. I, of course, helped them with everything they needed. They wanted to pay me for babysitting but I said no. Since I was studying engineering I used to spend my afternoons with Maria. Since Joseph still had problems finding a good job I used to watch Jesse while he was writing. He worked for several magazines and newspapers but for very little money, sometimes even for free. Some days, I helped Maria get dressed and comb her hair, which was longer at the moment, while she changed diapers, so funny. I was accustomed to seeing her in underwear or with only a towel so it wasn't uncomfortable.
One night I was babysitting and studying cause they had gone to a party with some friends. They came back tipsy. Joseph hugged me and kissed me on the cheeks which was strange because he was always sad and depressed.
-How is the most beautiful babysitter in the whole world?- said Maria. I'm not sure she remembered at that moment that I could understand her. Then grabbed my head and kissed me on my lips. Not a peck like Joseph, but a full kiss with slightly open mouth and some sucking on my upper lip. I was in shock. I didn't understand why at the moment but that tipsy kiss appeared on my dreams for years.
The next year things changed. Maria had a beter job and spent less time at home. Joseph's sadness was becoming anger. He was angry with himself, the worst kind of anger. One day I was making him a coffee and he embraced me, nothing strange. Suddenly, began to kiss my neck and cheeks. It was very uncomfortable but also nice because it was the first time someone did this to me. Also he was cute. I should have said no but didn't. What can I say? Girls sometimes don't think with our heads. So we had sex. My first time was with the husband of my best and only friend, hurray! During several weeks I was so ashamed that I was barely able talk to her. The flesh, though, wants what the flesh wants, so along the year we had sex several times.
He kissed me everywhere. He licked my pussy. I learnt to give blowjobs. We tongue kissed a lot. Once we even tried anal. I am full deaf but some kind of sounds like explosions or heavy objects falling, I can sense them, on my skin. It's difficult to explain, but I can. When Joseph and myself had sex I could feel his heartbeat and his breathing in his chest. It was like a sonar for me. For about some minutes I felt powerful. One day, though, fate and chance showed me how felt true power.
I was having dinner at my place when suddenly, all the furniture moved, and some of the walls's paint fell to the ground. I run to my neighbours place. The door was off the hinges and half the house was burnt. The firemen said it was a gas leak. Then I remembered I saw Jesse entering the kitchen while Joseph and myself were having sex. He should have been playing with the wave or the water heater and left the valve open. Joseph lighted a match and... And was my fault.
The next day Maria was broken. Crying like a river. I was hugging her with the monster of shame eating me from the inside. I needed to tell her. Those tears were my opus. I should do the right thing to do. So, I told her. Everything. Her kiss appeared on my dreams, but her hatred look that day, still appears on my nightmares. After a month without her talking to me, she left the bulding wihout saying goodbye. All my friends lost in a single day. And was my fault.
Three years later I finished studying engineering with good grades and began the internship. A year later I sent an application to a big infrastructure building company. I had passed the first selection and had scheduled an interview with my possible future boss. The cold bitch was her nickname.
There she was, as beautiful as always, her smiling capability totally lost. I was holding her hand during Jesse's birth. I was at her side in her wedding pictures flowers in hand. I hugged her the day she lost her job and hugged her the day she got another job. My love, my friend, Maria, the cold bitch. And was my fault.
She was a professional, so we did the interview, her eyes oozing hate. I tried to talk to her about personal issues, but she cut off me quickly. After that I went to a bar for a coffee, and she entered with a book and sat down. It was my chance, possibly the last one, so I sit down on her table.
-Get out.
-I want your forgiveness.
-Go to the beach and drown.- Tears appeared on my eyes.
-I don't have a car. Take me there and you can watch me.
-Very funny.- She wasn't laughing.
-I'm serious. I want your forgiveness. Put your price. I'll pay it.
-Get out.
-Put your price. Anything. I'll pay.- She hesitated for a couple of minutes.
-Ok. You were hired anyways. This way I will have some fun.
I was the best candidate, so she had to hire me. Working together was going to be hellish. Any agreement for improving our relationship was welcome.
-Here's the deal. You will live at my place. You will pay your full salary as a rent. You will do everything I ask for, without hesitation. And we are going to visit a surgeon.- She told me the rest and I cried but said yes. I deserved everything.
Once I was settled in her place, we went to the surgeon. A married couple of surgeons. Illegal surgeons I'd bet. I sat on the gynecological chair and they put me to sleep. I awaken on the floor beside Maria's bed. That's were I've been sleeping since I arrived her home. A blanket, a pillow, my shackles and my collar padlocked to a chain attached to her bedframe. She unlocked my collar and showed me my new body on the mirror. It was covered in bandages from my knees to my face and my left arm. It hurt a lot. Luckily I didn't have to go to work until next month.
-They've made your left side with a blowtorch. The right side with hammers, nails, broken glasses and knives. Don't worry you don't have any fragment. They've put a cream for fast healing. They've also taken out your clit and nipples, and fed the rats with them. They've also covered those three scars with special plastic domes the same colour than your skin and glued them so no one can see them. Now you're as ugly on the outside as in the inside. Enjoy.- Her eyes still oozed hate. I wanted to die.- Take this.- She gave me a penis shaped plastic dildo. -It's the same size than my husband's. Every night before going to sleep I'm going to open your cunt and you're going to masturbate with it. Whenever you fell you're about to orgasm you stop. Once you're relaxed you do it again. You will spend half a an hour like this. Understood?
-Yeah.- I was in shock.
The bandages and the pain only were there for a week. Illegal surgeons but skilled, I guess. During the next year I was her assistant at work and her housemaid. I helped her get dressed and put her make-up on everyday. I cleaned her in the shower and combed her hair.. I licked her pussy everyday several times. I shaved bald both our pussies twice a week. I obeyed her without hesitation. I gave her all my money. I only talked with my parents with text messages, which angered them. I didn't want them to see me like this. I was deaf, ugly and alone.
Some days, she brought home friends or lovers or whatever, and had sex with them. Those days she took out my chains and I watched them fuck kneeling on the floor. I helped the guys hardening their cock with my mouth so they could fuck Maria. I was so jealous. After they had shot their loads on Maria's pussy I had to suck the cum and swallow it. Then she asked them if they wanted anal. If they said yes they took my ass. I was a sex toy for them. If they insisted on taking her ass I licked it first for lubrication and another time for cleaning and swallowing the cum. Part of my punishment for betraying her and letting her family die. I took it gladly. It was fair.
So there we were, one year after moving in with her. I still was watching my scars and remembering good old days. She grabbed my arm.
Our laptops were on a low table in front of the couch. She sat on the couch and I sat on the floor beside her leg. My place was on the floor, except for the toilet. She caressed my neck and shoulders. In addition to being her sex toy I was also her pet. I was her assistant, housemaid, beautician, hairdresser, sex toy, pet. Still not her friend, nor her lover. I must a lesbian because her tipsy kiss appeared on my dreams but her husband's kisses didn't. Or maybe I'm not lesbian and is only her. But I love her, I'm sure, because I love making her orgasm with my fingers and tongue. When she caressed me a little after being the cold bitch all day I wonder if she liked me a little bit, at least.
-It's going to rain a lot. You're going with me. I'm not suffering this shit alone.
-You're not suffering anything alone if I can prevent it.
-Well, thank you, that's very kind. Now we work a little and then we cook dinner.
I made some salad and she makes some pork chops. I ate my portion on the floor, as always, sitting beside her leg. After some more work we went to bed and floor. I licked her pussy until she had several orgasms, as I always did before she sleept. Next morning the alarm clock awakened us and we went to shower were I licked her pussy again, as always. I helped her dress while kissing her skin all around her body. She didn't ask me for this, It was my idea, but she didn't say no.
After a couple of hours working on my desk I went to the common area for a coffe. The area was a room with some couches, magazines, a small fridge and a coffe machine. There was Joel, one of my co-workers. He was a cute boy, slim, funny, about my age. He talked a lot and I tried to read his lips. He told me some gags and some anecdotes, as he used to do. Then came Maria.
-What are you doing?- I read her lips.
-We are talking.
-Oh yeah? Are you talking? What do you want with her?
-That's none of your business.- Joel doesn't know when is better to be quiet.
-Oh, I get it, you want to fuck her. You don't know anything about her. Show him.- She helped me undo my blazer and my shirt and we showed him the scars.- Do you see? She's a monster.
He took a look at my body. Then he helped my covering myself.
-What's wrong with you, psycho crazy bitch?- He was moving his mouth a lot, so he was yelling.
-What have you called me?
-Psycho, crazy, bitch.- Said slowly remarking every word. Maria was in shock.- Everybody here hates you. Everybody, but her.- He pointed at me.- And you harass her like this? You're really stupid.
-How you dare talking to me like this? You are so fired.
-Oh, yeah, am I fired? So I can do this, at least.- He punched her in the face and her nose began to bleed. She went to the bathroom.- You're lucky, she's going to be fired for harassment and you will get a promotion.
The three of us went to the chief's office and he asked me, as I was the posible victim of harassment. I talked through a note pad.
-"All that was a joke gone wrong." "There's no need to fire anyone."- Joel was very dissapointed. Another lost friend, hurray.
-Are you sure?
-"I am".
Once in my desk, Maria was in front of me with her hands on the table. Her face was almost purple and had some strips of cloth.
-I'm really sorry, it was unprofessional. It's been a hard week. I just don't want him sticking his nose in our private lives.
-I'm not offended. You are right, I'm a monster.
-Yeah, you are...- She went to her office.
That night at home she was very nervous. She was at the bathroom looking at her face, and pronouncing the word "shit" several times per minute. She had breathing problems.
-Are you ok?- I asked her. She stared at me like she was planning something.
-Cook some dinner, I need to do something in a place.- She dressed quickly in some jeans and a t-shirt, and left.
-Ok.- How strange.
A while later she came back with a big plastic bag. We ate quickly per her request.
-I have a mission for you. It's pretty important, for me and for you. Can I trust you?
-Of course you can.
-I've bought you some things. You're wearing them to a place. I'll take you there by car.- She pulled out of her bag a very big syringe, with a palstic tube instead of a needle.- But first, an enema.- Ugh.
The water of the enema was surprisingly brown even after I had pooped. Ugh. Once I was fully nude came the mask, my hair combed back, showing for a second my damaged face. It was shinny black latex and covered all my face and neck except my mouth and nostrils. My eyes were covered with a coth that allowed me to see everything, but my eyes were concealed to the world. Then was the shinny black latex catsuit. The catsuit covered all my body except head, pussy lips and arsehole. It had a zipper from the waist at my back to my neck just below the scalp. She padlocked a thick three cm wide black leather collar. I was a dog-like collar with one three cm wide iron D ring vertically embedded at the front. The same padlock joined the collar with the catsuit's zipper, so now everything was locked on me. Finally came the stainless steel chastity belt and the plastic vibrating dildo. The belt hinged and my back and closed at my front. The crotch part was a concave triangle-like piece of metal that covered all the crotch from the waist to the pubic bone, joined to a chain that could be fastened to the back of the waist belt. She lubricated the black plastic ten cm long, two cm wide dildo with her saliva and put it on my ass. Then padlocked the waist belt and the front plate and the back chain was fastened with a small clasp. All the ensemble was her size so for me was a little bit bigger, but still very tight. The last piece was a three cm wide plastic ring gag padlocked at the back of my head. In the bag also was a one meter leather dog leash with a clasp but she didn't put it on me.
We both looked at me on a mirror. I locked like an alien in a B-series science fiction movie. I put some trousers and shirt and we went to the enigmatic place of the mission by car. We parked a few blocks before arriving at the door. We could see a very muscular bald man beside the door. Maria catched my chin and made me look at her.
-Listen carefully. This is not going to be dangerous, but can be uncomfortable. You do as I say, thirty minutes tops, and we go back home.
-It is a special pub for special people. When you walk in there no one must know that you are a rookie. You must behave like if you are accustomed to be in places like this. If you don't do it the people in there might want to talk to you. You can't distract yourself, you have a mission. Show them, with your behavior, you don't have time to lose. Are you with me?
-The guard might request you and ID or something. You have any because you are infiltrated.
-Am I faking I am you?
-Yes, we are fooling one person. Only one. Ok. If the guard is going to say something, you squat down, unzip his fly and take his cock in your mouth. He will stop you, so you get in while his blood is not on his brain. You must go to the cabin four past the bar, you won't get lost. There will be a man unless he's late. Fat, white beard, glasses, expensive suit, in his sixty's. Show him your pussy is locked and suck his cock and swallow. If he wants more, you take off the chain on your ass and the dildo, and let him fuck your. Then your mouth again and so on until he's spent. Then you go to the bar and wait for me. You can ask for something, I'll pay. Once I've saw him getting out of the pub I will go find you. It's only roleplaying. Piece of cake. You got it?
-Are you a whore?- Strange but she was not offended by the question.
-Courtesan. Undress and show me your ass.- She activated something on the dildo and it started vibrating very low-. Go get him, tiger.
I did exactly as she told me, distract the guard, who didn't stop me as fast as I thought. Then went to the cabin four, walking as if all this was normal for me. On my way I saw a lot of leather, latex, chains, corsets, whips, nudity, and explicit sex. A funny place, indeed. Inside the cabin was already the fat-cat. I let him carees my tits and ass and sucked him. He wanted some more as suspected. He liked a lot the vibrating dildo detail. His thrusts in my ass were gentle, neither he needed to be harsh, as I was already complaining. No loving, no kisses, only sex for his amusement. Is not a pleasant feeling. Neither is a tragedy if you don't let it mess with your head. It's only..., roleplaying, I guess. Maybe I just don't have self-steem.
-We have a deal.- He said as he left after fucking my ass. Reading lips is more difficult with a beard but I could anyways.
I put on the dildo and chain and asked for a strong beer at the bar. A few minutes later my night got much better. Maria got in the pub with my leash and her medium heeled shoes. Only that. She walked towards me like she was the queen of mambo, the fucking mistress, Gulliver in Lilliput..., more or less. She walked like she was in control. Period.
-You can't stop sucking cocks, don't you?- She talked opening her mouth, therefore in loud voice. Then she grabbed my ass cheeks and tongue kissed me deeply until she needed to breath. This new kiss and the whole scene was going to be on my dreams for a good time. We drank the beer in silence for a while. Later she made a gesture to the bartender.- Put this on my account, I have a bitch to punish.
She clasped the leash to my collar and we left. She dressed on the car and shut off the dildo. When at home she put a robe and a nightgown as usual and all my stuff was chaged for the usual shackles and collar. She was sitting on the couch while I was lay down on my side with head on her thigh. She requested me to do this when I was about to sit on the floor. She was caressing my head.
-Do we have a deal with the guy?
-He said so, yeah.
-Well done, You have saved your friend Joel's job and many others.
-Do we need this for staying in the market?- She laughed.
-Everyone needs this.
-Our boss knows?
-I don't know, I don't care. I don't do this for him.
-Then why?- She stayed silent fo a while.
-Because, whenever we have a new contract, the people around me is happy, and for a second, I don't feel useless.- How couldn't I see it before? She didn't hate only me. She hated also herself. And that was also my fault.- Also someone has to.
Always fucking raining, fucking fuck.
-What do they want?
-Money, overthrow the government, ethnic cleaning? I don't know.
The man I fucked in the pub was some kind of embassy intermediary with the bolivian government. It seemed that making something useful wasn't part of their job. Maria looked at me.
-We need to be there.
-Then we go.
We needed to know the composition of the soil for planning the new road. Some rebel group was in the area and no one seemed to want to do anything. We took a jeep with the equipment for the chemistry tests and went through the old dirt road.
-Take the wheel.
-I don't know how to drive.
-We have a lot of kilometers for practicing.
After a while driving through the long road we stopped as it seemed that the rain was going to stop. We both weared mid calf brown leather boots, strong military type cream colored trousers and a tight tank top instead as a bra. Over the tank top she weared a long sleeved t-shirt and me a hunter type button up shirt fully closed. The air was very hot and humid even inside the jeep with the hood closed.
-The rain stops, we take some samples and photos and back to the hotel.
-I think I can drive inside the city.
-Not so fast, Niki Lauda.- She needed a moment to realize the joke wasn't funny.- Sorry, wrong guy. I've said his name beacuse he was a good driver not because of the... Well, you know.
-He was fast, indeed.- I saw another not funny thing.- Do we have a bilingual dictionary?
-I'm not sure, why?
-Because we're surrounded by people with weapons.
-Oh, shit. Let me talk. Come on smile, it is a joke.
We get out of the jeep and the most aged among them approached to us. The rain was still there but was much more bearable.
-Two women alone?- As usual I could read their lips.
-You can talk english.
-Of course I can, I do the interrogations.
The interrogation clearly wasn't in the road in the middle of nowhere, because they where approaching us with a lot of ropes.
-She can't talk. Take me alone. She will stay within the jeep.- Said Maria. She was protecting me. Very kind.
-Is she mute?
-Almost there, she is deaf.
-I think we take both.
They tied our ankles together with forty cm of strong rope between them. Our wrists where tied to the oposite elbow each, our upper arms pinned to the sides, our arms pinned to our backs and everything pinned to a chest harness all with only one length of rope. Our chest harnesses enhanced slightly our tits and a long legth of loose rope hanged from our breastbone making a leash. The rope was tight but didn't hurt. Yet.
We walked for hours inside the tupid jungle, then we stopped for taking a snack and water. They wanted us healthy, clearly. After the break we kept walking. We arrived at a meadow where they tied us to a wooden cart. The cart had two donkeys, no hood and a vertical pole in the middle were they tied us together facing opposites. A rope was for joining our necks, and the other for the waist. These two were even loose. At least the rain had stopped.
After several hours traveling with "donkey airlines" we arrived at a very old school village with wooden huts, a single long distance radio and a single TV. They untied us from the cart and they took us to a big hut. There they tied us spread eagled to a pair of tables horizontally. After a while the interrogator got in with another man who had some ornaments on upper arms and chest, therefore, the boss. They were at our feet in the gap between the two tables. The interrogator made as a translator between Maria and the boss and I could read both their lips.
-So...?- The boss didn't seem to be a genius.
-This is a mistake. We are engineers, we want to build a new road, we were taking samples and making photos.- The boss laughed.
-Do you think we're stupid, you CIA scum?
-Ok, look at my eyes. We are engineers, we want to build a new road, we were taking samples and making photos. You can torture us, rape us, beat us, or even use the truck battery over there.- Over there was a truck battery with two pliers.- But I'm not going to tell you anything more, beacuse there is nothing more to tell. You can't take a look at our jeep, and see that I'm telling the truth. Now, you want some fun? Take me then, but let her go. Please, let her go.
They released us. We talked with them. We ate with them. The next day at midday we were already back in the jeep and the tests we needed were finished.
-Thank you for protecting me. You were very brave.
-Brave? They weren't dangerous. They're only trying to protect their world. A world who is going to disappear pretty soon. They're not dangerous, they're victims. Also you took away everything from me, so I've got nothing to lose.
-I have something to lose.- I grabbed her hand and kisses it on the back. The cold bitch melted for a second.
Shut up and drive, Schumacher.
We had another hot, long and wet drive back to the hotel. We were dressing for the party after we had ate our dinner at the room. We were celebrating the agreement for the new road. We took a long shower with an intimate shaving. A while later we were chosing among the clothes the company had borrowed us. Maria was in the phone with our boss almost yelling.
-I've said that the rebels want to help! It's the fucking rain! I can't hear you! I call you tomorrow!- She put down the phone.
-I think I will wear this one.- A dark blue cotton dress who covered all my body except head and hands. The torso and arms were tight fitting and trimmed with lace. My legs and medium heeled shoes were covered by a long tube skirt with slits to mid calves.- -This way I can dance with you.- The cold bitch redden.
-Are you hitting on me?- She was joking.
-Nobody likes you. I take you out or you don't dance. You choose.- She hesitated.- You can lead me.- And the cold bitch laughed.
We arrived to the hotel's big lounge. There was a bar with alcoholic beverages and expensive snacks. The lounge was pretty full with people who surely weren't going to take any part in the construction of nothing. They were only earning money. Parasites. I couldn't help myself from staring at Maria. She weared a olive green satin dress, knee length, sleeveless and showing a enough cleavage for several days, and medium heeled shoes. No underwear, the same as me. We only knew there the fat man with glasses and he was talking with a whore, so we hadn't no one to talk with. I'm not trying to insult, the girl was actually one of the many whores wandering around the party. At one side of the lounge was a chamber Orchestra, playing a tango.
-Do you like tango?- Asked Maria.
-I've never listened any tango.- I joked.
-Come. Dance with me. Follow my steps. I'll go slow.
She hugged me with her right arm and grabbed my right hand with her left one. She had learnt at a short course a few years ago. We danced until the end of the piece and a couple more. At the end of the third piece I put my head on her shoulder and she kissed me on the back of my head. The fat man with glasses approached us and said something to Maria. I didn't know what did they talk about because I had my eyes clossed enjoying the hug.
-I have to go. You can stay here. Drink something. Enjoy.- Said Maria.
-Where are you going?
-I's only a moment.
I went to the bar and asked for some wine. More than half an hour later Maria still hadn't returned. I really don't know if someone talked to me during that time. Probably not. I was bored so I went to the reception desk and asked about Maria writting the words on paper. They knew nothing so I went to our bedroom.
I knocked on the door as I didn't have the keys and opened someone who wasn't Maria. Inside were about ten persons including a couple of women. One of them was the fat man with glasses again. A private party. Maria was dancing naked some loud music as I could the vibrations on my feet and stomach.
-Do you need some help?- I asked her when she looked at me.
-No, thanks. Go to the bar. I'll go soon.- She told me without stopping the dance.
About fifteen minutes later she came back to the bar where I was drinking something too strong for a working day. She sat down next to me and asked for the same drink.
-You don't need to this alone.- I said.
-You don't need to help me.
-I want to help you.
-I don't want your help.
She looked at me for a while without answering.
-I don't like this party. Do you want some movies? Tomorrow we can sleep on the plane.- She said.
We went to the bedroom and undressed. She signaled me to sit next to her on the bed and hugged me. It was a bit uncomfortable for me as we both were totally nude. I wasn't wearing the shackles, because we didn't want problems at the airport.
-Why am I on the bed?
-Because is more comfortable than the floor.
-But the rules...
-The rules are fine, but hugging someone soft and warm is better.
-I want to lick you.- My own words surprised me.
-Really? Haven't you had enough all this months? Why do you want more?- She was also surprised.
-Because I love you.- I was a bit drunk but not enough for being so stupidly honest. I really don't know what happened to me that day. Maybe it was because I had saw her naked in front of those idiots. Maybe I was angry and nervous. Maybe I was jealous. Maybe I was horny because she was hugging me. I really don't know.
She looked at me with fear. She shut off the TV's sound and laid down looking towards the wall and pretending to be asleep. I could keep watching the movie thanks to the subtitles but I preferred to shut down the TV and sleep trying not to cry.
The next way we did all the way from the hotel to our home without talking more than the strictly necessary. Arriving home she told me to undress and opened the small safe behind Dalí's painting "La persistencia de la memoria". She showed me a bank book.
-Here's all the money you've earned this year.
Then she showed me a spray can. She poured some on my left nipple and on some other scars around my torso.
-You may feel some heat.
A couple of minutes later she grabbed the humid scar tissue and pulled on taking it all off.
-The surgeons were fake. They were Joseph's friends, from college. A painter and a sculptor. This is make-up. Take the spray can, go to the bathroom and take off everything. Then take a shower. The solution is toxic, careful with eyes and mouth. Don't forget the nipples and clit.- I was in shock.
When I finished in the bathroom, my dinner plate was already on the table next to hers. I spent a good amount of minutes gathering strength to ask.
-What now?
-Now you do whatever you want.
-I want to live with you.
-Ok. You can sleep in the guest room. But you have to help with monthly expenses. I think it's fair.- I had very big problems trying to assimilate everything.
-So, you don't hate me anymore.
-They were also your family. You also lost something.- She began to cry. The cold bitch let some feelings in her life.
I got up, embraced her, and kissed her on the cheek.
-I don't deserve your love.- She said.
-Now I'm doing whatever I want. I'm going to sleep in your bed and embrace you every night. I'm going to make you understand.
-Understand what?
-Shut up. Listen.- As my chest was against her back she could feel my heartbeat.- It's for you. It's been for you since you kissed me after that party. Do you remember?- Her heart joined my percussion concert.
-I remember. What about my husband?
-He was my first and only man. My body reacted. That's the only explanation I can give. You were the first and only in my dreams, though.- I sat again and we finished our dinner in silence.
After cleaning everything I grabbed her hand and took her to our bedroom. I helped her undress, made her lay down face up on the bed and sat over her waist. She was so sad that she wasn't fighting anything.
-My friend is there, hidden somewhere.- I signaled her forehead with my index finger.- I'm going to find her.
I kissed her in the forehead. Then I kissed her on the lips. Then I tongue kissed her which she responded after some hesitation. Suddenly she grabbed my hips and pushed me making me lay down face up.
-I have a debt to pay.- She said.
After a year in denial her tongue on my pussy and clit was almost painful. She made me orgasm again and again. I lost the count after the sixth but they were surely more than ten. I should have been screaming because my throat hurt. When she finished she hugged me. As her face was next to mine I could smell a part of my body I didn't know I had. I was so stunned I couldn't move, and barely couldn't breath.
-One day, before Jesse's birth, I was showering and you got in the bathroom for the same reason. I opened the curtain and we almost collided. We were both fully naked. Do you remember?- She asked.
-Of course I do. It was so funny.
-You also appeared on my dreams.
It was her turn to wear the latex cat suit, collar, chastity belt, and leash. We needed someone with talking capability so she wasn't wearing the ring gag. It was my turn to be the mistress so I weared only the latex mask and some high heeled shoes. I also weared in my hand a leather harness. It had two plastic curved dildoes simulating penises. Twelve cm for the wearer and seventeen in front. Two cm wide both. It wasn't too big. The crotch strap was triangle shaped in front, covering all my groin and about two cm between my buttocks. The waist strap was three cm wide. The two straps buckled at the back. We were supposed to meet a client and use it with her but she was late. We tried it at home before, obviously.
We were sitting on a couch with some drinks. A man was licking my pussy. He offered himself, what could I tell him? He was wearing only a metal 8 shaped..., thing on her cock so the tip was inside one of the holes and the base inside the other one. This way his cock was bend down, with the tip below his balls. A very simple chastity device with very small holes where, very likely, went the keys. He should be slave to someone else around there. I could see Maria was a bit jealous so pulled on her leash and kissed her until I orgasmed.
-Thank you.- Said the man when he left. How cute.
-I lick you better than him.- Said Maria.
-I'm not so sure. Perhaps you can show me.- I joked. Maria smiled. She was already on her knees with her tongue out when our client arrived. I pulled softly on the leash in case we needed translation.
-Am I interrupting something?- Said the woman. She was on her fifty's to sixty's. Still hot. Good genetics, I guess. She weared a short tube skirt and a blazer, all in grey.
I showed Maria the harness. She licked the short dildo and helped me putting it on. We had a conversation a few weeks ago the day after our..., reconciliation. No more disgusting people. We may be whores..., or courtesans, but we are not cheap. Our clients need to be kind, and likeable, at least. Not negociable. We were two for the price of one, after all, they couldn't complain.
-Panties.- I said.
-Panties.- said Maria.
-Here?- She asked. As we didn't answered, she took them and gave them to me. They, were clean, not sweaty or smelly. Good.
-Ass.- I said.
-Is your ass clean?- said Maria.
-Clean how?
-That's private.- She blushed.
-She says that's private.- Said Maria. Without hesitation I got up and pulled on Maria's leash. We walked towards the pub's exit until she stopped us.
-I'm clean.- Said the woman.
-She's clean.- Said Maria. I licked my index finger and put it on her ass. She tensed. My finger didn't smell so she was telling the truth. I nodded to Maria.- Come with us.
Maria grabbed her hand a we went to one of the private rooms. It was slightly uncomfortable to walk with a cock inside, but in a good way. The woman was more uncomfortable than me, though. While Maria closed the door and I put her arms over my shoulders and embraced her by the waist. I lifted her skirt and rubbed the bigger cock to her pussy. Maria squated down behind her and licked her ass and my cock while I kissed her softly first, deeply later. Maria laid down face up on the couch and I pushed the client over her in a 69 possition. Maria licked her pussy while I fucked her ass very slowly and carefully. We kept doing until I orgasmed once and the client three times.
After that Maria spooned her from behind on the couch for helping her relax while I cleaned the harness on the bathroom. I entered when the client was trying to kiss Maria. She put a hand on her mouth.
-I'm sorry, my dear, but my mistress may get jealous.- She smiled at me knowing I could understand her.- Besides you're not lesbian. Are you?
-No, I'm not.- She blushed. I helped her getting up and tidying her clothes. We hugged in a friendly way and she left.- I think we've got a new client.
-Fucking her ass with your finger and the dildo wasn't a part of the plan, you know?
-Well. That was my plan. And it worked, so...
-Where is Magda and who's the femme fatale in front of me?- Maria joked. I laughed.
-Let's go home. My slave is in need of a good fucking.
Two hours later we were hugging on the bed totally naked after some good fucking.
-So this is all. After all the shit we've been through this is how everything ends?- Asked Maria.
-You don't like it?
-Of course I like it. It's only... It has been too easy. Life is not like this. There are not happy endings.
-Come on, don't be so picky. Enjoy.
-Yeah but...
-How do you know this is the end? Maybe is just the beginning.
-Ok. I have a new rule, though. For us.- She said after a short while.
-Tell me.
-The next part of our story will have much more sex.
-Of course, my love.