Chapter 1
He could barely breathe. It had been a struggle for who knows how long now. It felt like hours, but could have been 15 minutes for all he knew. The only thing he was focused on besides not passing out, was that he'd asked for this and it was too late to turn back now. His mind drifted back to how this started...
She knew he was kinky, maybe not to the extent she was about to find out as their weekend together approached. They'd been together a long time now and played around a little bit with role playing and used a pair of handcuffs now and then. That was about it. She enjoyed it but he'd always wanted to keep trying weirder stuff. Sometimes she would, other times she just shied away from it.
One day, seemingly out of the blue she asked him what his most outrageous fantasies were. It took him by surprise. He knew he couldn't really tell her all that, she'd probably run away screaming, maybe call the police for all he knew. He did however have a lot of ideas that were "out there" but not crazy bad. She challenged him to think of what he wanted and let her know, promising him that he wouldn't scare her. For a second, this made him nervous. Was she actually willing to do this stuff.
She had made up her mind that he was going to get what he asked for, and then some. She had some some of her own digging, checked out his browser history and knew what to expect. When she got his list, it wasn't nearly as bad as his online searches and websites he visited. He was in for a surprise if he thought she'd stick to the ideas he gave her.
He came home from work Friday afternoon to a note she had left him.
I'll be home from work at the normal time. When I get there I expect you to be tied to our bed. I don't care how, but it had better be inescapable! I want the plug I've left for you tied in your ass! There's also a dildo, just in case you didn't notice 😉this will be tied in your mouth! Not too far, but enough that you can't push it out. I want your headphones in your ears. Your earmuffs over those. I've left a voice memo on your phone. You are only to play it when I say so! Once every thing else is secured and you're left with just your hands free, I want you to put the blindfold I've left you almost all the way on. Make sure you can hit the play button on your phone after the blind fold is on.
Lock your hands down and hit play.
It took him quite a while to sort all this out. His head was spinning. Was this actually happening? He knew it would take some prep time but he didn't have long, she'd be home in a little over an hour. After planning on how he'd tie himself, he laid out the rest of the stuff she had left for him. The plug went in ok, it was a little big but not bad. The dildo was a good size. Not long but pretty thick. It had a hole through it which made him more comfortable about breathing. After struggling a bit to finish his bondage he was ready. With intense nervousness he was set to hit play. He moved the blindfold down, it was snug and he didn't think he'd be able to slide it off using the bed after. He locked his last remaining free limb and pushed the button.
Her voice came over the headphones. There was a tone to it he hadn't heard before. A serious and yet playful tone.
I know you've wanted to step up our little games and bedroom fun. I decided a little while ago to give this a shot. I've researched your browser history, wow are you a freak! In a good way that is, haha. You gave me those ideas I asked for and well, they're just too tame. I know you want more, need more. You're gonna get it this weekend! You have no way out and no say in the matter. Hear my next few words very clearly! You are my toy, my plaything. You are barely human to me for the next 48 hours. I don't care what you want, what you say. You can whine and cry, and you'll probably do both! You can beg, if you're ever not gagged that is. You will be completely under my control. If there is a moment when you're not tightly bound, there won't be many, then I'll have another means of keeping you under my control. Maybe a choke collar, maybe a cock and ball leash. If you decide for some reason you've had enough and you entertain thoughts of overpowering me and ending our little game you should know this. I've have a lot of pictures of you in compromising positions. I have your internet history as well as screen shots from our security cameras of you walking around in women's clothes. Oh, you didn't think I knew about that. Silly girl. Anyway, all of those will be sent to your friends, co-workers, and uploaded online for the world to see. I have no intention of doing that but know that it's not just a threat. You need to know that in order to understand your place! Now that all of this is out of the way I'm sure you can't wait for me to come home, well, you're gonna have to. I know I said in my note I'd be home at the regular time. I lied. I have some errands to run. I'll be home in a couple hours. I'm guessing from what I know of you that you didn't listen and put that gag in too tight and your bondage really snug too. Oh well. See you soon, not too soon!
He was shaken from his day dream about the night before. He was quickly remembering where he was and what was going on.
She had him strapped down to a medical exam table. Complete with his legs in stirrups that were spread wide open. He was completely exposed and couldn't do anything to prevent her from what ever she felt like. His arms were pinned to his sides, he was gagged with pissed soaked panties (he had lost count of how many times he'd tasted her pee in the last day.) she never told him but had made up her mind that he was her toilet for the weekend. Every drop she had to pee, he was getting. His neck was strapped down super tight. This was what kept him from breathing normal. He couldn't not think about it. It was relentless.
She came around to all his bonds and started to just slightly loosen them. Then she added more straps over his waist and chests. He had a feeling this wasn't good. Why was she loosening things yet adding more unless he was gonna be here a while.
She removed the gag but before he could even thank her the dildo with the hole in it was quickly in its place. She attached a hose to the outside of the dildo and connected that to a container nearby. He knew what was coming before it even happened. The pee started to drip. An agonizingly slow drip. He'd been forced to drink it before and as bad as that was, it was quick. This was about one drop every 5-10 seconds. Just slow enough to make him taste it constantly. In his mind, this was the ultimate in humiliation and yet a huge turn on as far as her establishing dominance over him.
Now she was busy on his ass. He didn't expect her to remove his plug anytime soon. That's just what she did. Then she inserted a tube and as soon as it began to inflate, he understood what was going on and the nerves kicked in again. He was starting to freak out but knew it didn't matter if he did. She wouldn't care. The balloon in his ass was really full as was the one outside. This wasn't coming out for sure. The enema started flowing, very warm water, and just as he could feel a little pressure it stopped.
She came around near his head, he could sense her standing there even in his isolation. She double checked the blindfold was snug. All his bindings were locked and pulled his earmuff aside and whispered "You'll notice I didn't fill you very much. I'm sure when it stopped, you were actually disappointed, the slut that you are. It may not feel like you're full, but it will eventually. Good night."