Author's Note: This is my very first story, so forgive me if there are flaws in my writing, Thank you, and enjoy.
Chapter 1
The girls pleaded with me, however they were trying to accomplish that. I really wasn't paying attention. I wondered in the back of my mind how many I have treated like this. I had lost count. The girls I captured and trained became nothing more than faces that needed to be disciplined before the next auction. Hell, I hadn't even remembered how I had started this business.
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Three girls in front of me all moaned and cried. They had barely been caught. It had only been a day before when my assistants had pressed chloroform drenched rags tightly to their noses. They weren't innocent however, the organization didn't pay attention to the innocent. The girls they turned into slaves were liars, thieves, mean, and cheats. The organization paid special attention to these three after they had been seen harassing local dogs. Six rolls of duct tape and ball gags later, the girls were tightly mummified and cocooned together in the small trunk of a car. They were later shipped away to the small secluded farm the organization had provided me. The organization were kind to me, having captured over hundreds of women for them.
After I untied them from their cocoon. I tied their hands with rope, and did not remove the ball gags that were put tightly on them. Leashing them, I led the three to the basement of the farm, the basement that I had enlarged and made into a dungeon. Having chained them to the wall, I better looked at the girls.
One, the one her file said she was named Jessie was a small, fragile. She had raven black hair, and olive colored skin. She wasn't loaded with much, small breasts, and nice, petite buttocks. The only thing that betrayed her appearance, was her green eyes. They were mean spirited, as if she was ready to rip your throat out. I imagined she imagined me in pain, by her hand.
The one next to her was tall, slender, and clearly athletic. Her name was Jade, she was chestnut skinned, with light brown, curly hair. Boasting the largest breasts of the three, she was very beautiful, she could look at a man and have him succumb to her. She was the leader of the mean posse I could tell. She had the same mean eyes as Jessie, however, they were a dark brown. She also looked at me with hatred. Soon, those looks would turn into something else, they would no longer see an enemy, but their mistress.
I walked over to the one at the far left. Ivory skinned, she was the most beautiful. With natural dark red hair, steel grey eyes, and perfect sized breasts --- Not too big, but not so small --- with the best buttocks of the three, she outshone even Jade. I recalled back to her file. Her name was Marlene. I found myself staring for too long. Her eyes didn't match her friends. She had caring eyes. I could tell that she was the weakest link, only part of the group in fear of what the two would do to her.
Naked and gagged, they tried their hardest to break the chains, but to no avail.
" I see girls that you are quite afraid of what is to become of you. " I said to them. I laughed gleefully, " well, I guess it is time for one you to show the other two what will happen. "
I grabbed Marlene's leash and led her to the preparation room. She was afraid. Afraid of what I'd do to her.
She didn't deserve this, I thought to myself, but sadly, the organization demanded three slaves, and so, I realized I must do this to her.
The preparation room was small, and bare, with only one table and a chair. There was one trunk to hold the gear, and a utility board holding all types of gear. I opened the trunk, and pulled out the suit that was meant for Marlene. These suits had been shipped to me a day prior. They were what we slavers called " bitchsuits. " It was specifically made for her. Because of her dark red hair, the organization designed it to look like a red furred australian kelpie.
I untied her unleashed her, and took her gag off., she stood unmoving, silenced, paralyzed. I sat her down on the table slid the latex suit on. She did nothing. I was glad she had accepted her fate, I had to fight most girls to do this. In time, her entire body was covered by latex but her head and her buttocks. The part covering her round ass could be zipped open and closed, but I left it open for now. I had not yet put on the hood that came attached to the suit. I examined the suit. It had rubber padding where the elbows and knees were. It had seatbelt-like restraints on the forearm and lower legs to connect the upper arm with the forearm, and the upper leg to the lower leg. The suit had but two monogloves to hold the hands, so that the fingers would be clasped together on each hand. It was the same for the feet of the suit, having shoes.
I clasped together the clamps. When I was finished. The heels of Marlene's feet touched her buttocks, and the forearm was clasped tightly to the upper arm. I then paid attention to the hood. It was a gwen hood, a hood that would cover everything on the head but the eyes and the bridge of the nose. Where the mouth was, a ball was connected. Pulling Marlene's hair into pigtails, I put on the hood, and she calmly opened her mouth so that the gag went in. I pulled her pigtails through the holes of the hood specifically designed for hair. I zipped the zipper all the way down to the end, so it sat nicely on her back. Having to do one more thing, I smiled. I grabbed the tail plug from the chest.
" I'm sorry" I said and shoved the tail plug inside Marlene's ass. She yelped and cried. The butt plug gave the look of a dog's tail. I then zipped the butt zipper shut.
I looked at my work, and I was in awe, she definitely looked like a kelpie. Her hair even resembled ears. She looked at me with those grey eyes. I put a leash on the built in suit collar. I smiled and led her back to the main dungeon room. At the sight of her, the two other girls gasped, and struggled even more. I looked down at Marlene and I found myself taking a liking to her.
That wasn't good...
I had done the same thing to Jessie and Jade, although with much struggle. Finally, I chained the three girls by the leash to the hooks on the wall. Jade had been turned into a german shepard, and Jessie into a black lab. They were moaning nothings. I couldn't understand them.
I cracked out a whip and started the training. Whipping each of them several times, I put the rules down.
" Rule Number One!" I whipped, " I am now your mistress, and you are my pets, and you will learn to know that."
" Rule Number Two!" I whipped Jade. " You will not think of yourself as a human, but as a mere dog. You will not talk, scream, or cry, you will bark, yelp, and whimper."
"Rule Number Three!" I whipped Jessie. " I am your mistress, and therefore, you will do what I order you to do!"
" Rule Number Four!" I whipped Marlene several times. " You will accept your fate, there is no escape!"
With that, I started a flurry of whips.
For the next few hours I trained them. How to walk, talk, and act like a dog.
Finally, I removed their hoods, and let them eat. They ate dog food the organization had provided.
" How the hell are we supposed to eat this?" Jade yelled, and her mind wandered off, " Who the hell are you, what the hell are you doing to us? This is illegal! You're going to pay for this!"
" I'm sure" I whipped her fifteen times, five times for every rule she broke.
They learned to eat by putting their forearms on the floor and bending their head low.
After that, it was easy to control them. Once they had finished their meals. I hooded them, and grabbed their leashes, leading them to the sleeping chambers.
Warily, they slept on their sides on the dog beds I provided them.
I looked at Marlene. She looked so amazing in that suit. I had to have her.
I couldn't, it was against the rules for the trainer to touch the product. No one would know however. If they ever caught me, I would surely suffer the same fate as them.
I moved towards her. I spread her legs and undid her zipper. I moved my tongue up and down her cervix. She slowly woke up. She looked over to me and yelled. I paid no attention. I gave her all. She moaned and struggled, but she didn't complete her goal. My tongue flicked up and down and she was loving it, even if her heart told her not to.
She gave a loud moan as she climaxed.
I felt accomplished, but then, I realized, there was a small red light peering at me in the corner of the room.
After I was done, I was sweaty and so was she. She was crying, I saw her to succumb to me as slowly fell back asleep. I walked over to my room, and plopped down on my bed. As I drifted to sleep, I only had one thought in my head.
What have I done?