Stone Gardens Incarceration System |
- Author - VisitorCenter
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- Story Codes - non-consensual, reluctant, analplay, bondage, electricity, extreme, machine, mind-control, packaging, slavery, torture
- Post Date - 3/2/2018
Author's Note: This is a description of a fictional system for incarcerating and reforming criminals. I tried to create a system that completely controls every aspect of a persons existence. The most intense bondage experience possible.
Incarceration is a massive expense for any modern country that wishes to maintain justice, peace and order. The main goals of incarceration are to prevent recidivism, act as a deterrent to potential criminals and protect public safety.
In the case of lesser crimes for non repeat offenders these issues can often most effectively be dealt with using short term incarceration in facilities with high quality education and treatment programs. These programs ensure that inmates leave in good emotional and physical health. When followed by probation services that help with employment, housing and other issues recidivism is often only an insignificant issue.
However, some criminals will reoffend repeatedly, commit extremely severe crimes or pose a threat to public safety, these issues require extremely severe sentences or permanent incarceration. In these cases, the traditional response can be sentences lasting for decades or capital punishment. These sentences can require an inordinate amount of resources to implement.
In response to these issues Stone Gardens has developed the Reduced Cost and Duration Incarceration System (RCDIS). After a simple 1 hour intake process inmates require no staff intervention and only consume food, water and a small amount of electricity as expenses for the entire duration of an inmate's sentence.*
RCDIS facilities can house twice the inmates in half the area and have never had any instances of deaths or physical injuries of guards or inmates. An RCDIS sentence need only be one quarter to one third the duration of a traditional sentence.
Despite having profiles that indicate a high risk for recidivism, criminals subjected to the RCDIS have the same or better rate of recidivism as those with low risk profiles who go through traditional incarceration.
The RCDIS intake process is simple, fast, cheap and efficient. Upon arrival at a RCDIS facility inmates are immediately fitted with with a Corrective Electric Shock Device (CESD). Then a dose of a powerful laxative is administered. Next the inmate is forced to disrobe. A complex system of cameras and lasers is then used to scan the inmate in various poses for the computer to gain a full understanding of the inmates anatomy in order to produce an ideal restraint bed that can safely hold them for months or years at a time. This process takes approximately 15 minutes depending on inmate resistance.
Next, while a CNC router machine prepares the restraint bed. The inmate is given time to void their bowels. Once this is complete the inmate is bathed using powerful antibacterial soap with long duration residual effect.
Next the inmate is restrained in a chair for the fitting of required equipment. This includes a urinary catheter, multiple redundant intravenous connections, a nasogastric feeding tube, a fecal management system (this consists of a rectal tube held in place with an internal liquid filled balloon, the tube has a small inlet for administering enemas and dynamically resizable outlet for fecal matter).
By the time the inmate has been bathed and fitted with the required equipment, the custom restraint bed has been automatically fully prepared. The bed consists two halves of a cavity that is formed perfectly to the inmates anatomy. The restraint is lined with electrodes that are connected to an electric muscle stimulation system and air bladders which are automatically inflated and deflated as required. This combination of electric muscle stimulation and air bladder reconfiguration successfully serves to prevent all formation of pressure sores as well as any significant muscle atrophy.
The inmate is released from their restraint chair and forced to lie in the bottom half of the restraint bed. Before the bed is closed all the required equipment is connected to the bed, then a head mounted display and headphones are fitted to the inmate, these are also connected to the bed.
The top of the restraint bed is then lowered and secured in place. Then the bed is moved to long term storage where it will remain sealed until the sentence is concluded.
Some features of the system include:
* The ability to run various hypnosis and behavioural conditioning programs using a combination of medication, physical stimulation, electronic stimulation, diet changes, thermal stimulation, visual stimulation and auditory stimulation.
* A proprietary and dynamic mix of medications to prevent any health issues, eliminate hair growth, nail growth and treat any physical and mental issues.
* A responsive nutrition administration system that adjusts the nutrients administered to optimal levels based on various health sensors.
* Full restraint, no part of the inmates body is unrestrained and there is effectively zero mobility.
* Interactive education systems, using the included head mounted display and headphones.
* The electrodes around the entire interior of the restraint allow inmates to experience simulations of virtually any physical stimulation either painful or pleasurable.
* Pressure sensors and electrodes around the interior of the restraint allow the inmate full control of a virtual avatar.
* Regular reorientation of the restraint bed to help ensure that there are no issues with atrophy or pressure sores. A punitive stimulation program that is used by the system to deter future offenses. This system is so effective that on its highest setting, inmates say that, in the moment, they would have preferred death. Despite this, after release most inmates express gratitude for the treatment they have received.
This combination of features allows for complete control of every aspect of an inmates body and mind. They can be forced to experience anything deemed necessary for their rehabilitation or, in the case if life sentences, punishment.
While RCDIS is only being released to various governments this year, it has been in use for over ten years at the Stone Gardens Medical Research Institute. We have successfully reformed over one thousand criminals.
Even the most problematic criminals have a high likelihood of being successfully rehabilitated using this system. In some of the most extreme cases inmates have had to spend a total of 18 months in the system. However most are fully rehabilitated after just a month. In cases where an inmate reoffends after a first sentence, they will automatically be sentenced to one year or double the original sentence, whichever is longer. We recommend that any criminal who commits a third offence within ten years of the last sentence ending be automatically sentenced to life in the punishment program.
In addition to various shorter duration sentences, 20 inmates who had been sentenced to death have been restrained in this system for the last ten years, at no point have any of these restraint beds needed to be opened, we anticipate that these beds will remain sealed until the inmates are deceased. They are all in perfect physical health and we expect to be able to keep most of them incarcerated this way for decades to come, in fact, due to the constant monitoring, as well as adjustment of medications, diet and exercise we expect that these inmates will live well beyond typical human life expectancy. All for a significantly lower cost than a decade of incarceration in a normal facility.
All of these inmates who are serving life sentences with the punishment program running constantly have expressed regret at choosing to participate in this experiment and have asked at every opportunity to have their death sentences reinstated. In fact, all of them made this request during the evaluation done after their first hour of their life sentences in the RCDIS.**
*This excludes a one week to one month rehabilitation period.
**Such requests will not be honoured, SGMRI has paid a significant cost to acquire the rights to experiment on these individuals, they will be kept alive for testing of new and innovative punitive treatments indefinitely. Their restraint beds will remain sealed until the inmates are deceased, an event we will work to postpone as long as possible.
The End
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