Author's Note: I do not intend to update and it is meant as a complete stand alone. A continuation is not out of the realms of the possible.
Loosely based on Pulsing Petra (2005) video from HoG.
My name is John Doe.
I know what you're thinking, "What kind of stupid name is that?" Well...it is stupid, but let me explain. I'm your average unassuming gentleman, but my profession is a bit odd and has certain...rules. I work for a company called "Your Fantasy Getaway" which is sort of a combination of travel agency and fetish club.
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At YFG, we provide our customers with a safe space to live out their fantasies and fetishes. Denial and humiliation, BSDM (tops or bottoms), feet, food, tentacles, whatever. You name it, we got it. The customers come to us with their fantasy, and we work to fulfill that fantasy. But that being said, there are some rules that come into play.
Our clients range from your classic fetishists, to high ranking businessman, to famous female tv chefs, to housewives. So, in order to preserve the client's privacy, whoever they may be, they get assigned the name either John Doe or Jane Doe. It is strictly forbidden to use a person's real name. And you guessed it, just because I work in a fetish place, doesn't mean I want MY privacy compromised either. That means all of our employees are also John or Jane, its company policy. It's also very confusing at the company Christmas party.
Let's say you want to come to YFG and you have your "impossible dream getaway" (don't you love corporate slogans?), it works a little something like this. You schedule an appointment with our receptionist and come in for a consultation. We then book you at a specific date and time, and when you show up, we have magically acquired all of the stuff we need to fulfill your...whatever it may be. Now, customers are allowed to dictate exactly what happens in their session. They are paying (a lot) for it, so we do it. When you start your shift, you look over your client's request on paper and follow it to the letter.
Its pretty sweet and the pay is good. While you're pencil pushing on a Friday watching the clock to tick over to the end of your shift, I'm supervising two huge Black dudes giving it to a small Asian man. You know, regular 9-5 stuff.
That out of the way, let me tell you about a particular Friday that's been on my mind.
I was early, as always. Pulled into the parking lot and walked in the front door. We're part of an unassuming strip mall, but the Chinese place three doors down makes a great sweet and sour pork so I'm not complaining. The door "bing-bonged" as I walked through.
"Good morning Jane!" I said to the receptionist. She's a modestly hot girl with light brown curly shoulder-length hair who always seems to be just happy to be here. She was clacking away on her computer. You could always count on her to do you a solid.
"Good morning John!" she said back with some sing-song in her voice. "You're 9am is here already. I let her wait in room six."
"Oh...thanks. Lemme just put my stuff down and I'll get settled."
"I took a look at her 'request', I think you're gonna have your hands full!" she said winking.
I took a quick look around. Same fancy waiting room chairs, same goldfish on the counter, same MASSIVE bright yellow company logo positioned behind Jane's desk. If you didn't know what we did, you would have mistaken us for a dentist office.
Going to have my hands full? Considering yesterday I had to hose down the room I was in after my shift, what does "have my hands full" mean?
I went to my desk and put down my backpack. I took off my over coat and put it on the back of my chair. Then I stashed my lunch in the lunchroom fridge and took a swig of water.
Well...let's see what we have today.
I started walking down the hallway that went all the way through our office. On both sides there were rooms with golden numbers on the doors. Most were closed, but as I walked past door four it was wide open. Blonde Jane was sitting on a stool in her black lace underwear with a naked older man kissing her feet while being on all fours.
Hmm...door's open so he's an exhibitionist? Huh, to each their own. I gave Blonde Jane the professional good-morning nod, which I got back in kind. I didn't want to say anything that would distract the client. It might be that speaking to Blonde Jane was okay, but I don't know the rules of their session so I played it safe.
I kept walking until I reached the door with the gold six on the front. Next to the door there was a clipboard mounted to the wall with a detailed account of the client's wants and desires. I picked it up and started reading.
Name: Jane Doe
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 151
Hair Colour: Dirty Red
Bra Size: C
Waist: Size 6
Client type: Platinum
Length of session: 8 hours (full shift)
The descriptors went on and on and on as they always do. Its like reading a form at the doctor's office. But three things stood out to me immediately. The first is that she appears to be average to above average in terms of dimensions. I've had a string of umm...heartier clients lately, so it's a nice change of pace. Second, she has Platinum status. This means that she has given us a LOT of money for this experience and her words are to be followed to the letter. Third, those words, listed under the "Desired Experience" section, were like a fucking essay. It just went on and on, so I suppose she wanted something extremely specific.
Ahh, this is what Jane was trying to warn me about.
I looked on the bottom of the form, and written in pink ink was "She specifically asked for you ;P" in Brunette Jane's handwriting. That's odd, agents are assigned to clients randomly. And how does she know who I am? Moving on, first things first. At the top of her "Desired Experience" it said:
Alrighty then, let's do it. I pushed the door open and walked in.
Standing in the middle of the off-white 15" x 15" room was Jane. She was in a tasteful but still sexy bright red dress, which I immediately noticed complimented her dark red hair. She was wearing black flats and had her hair up in a simple ponytail. There was just a hint of cleavage. You could see her in the office or dancing in the club, fashionable but professional. Behind her on a table by the back wall was all the things that I would need in order to "fulfill her fantasy". I looked back to my clipboard, back to Jane, then back to my clipboard again.
If you are stunned by my beauty, be sure to close the door behind you. I want it to be just you and me.
I felt a little sheepish that she had caught me off guard like that, and closed the door. Usually clients are a bit embarrassed when a session starts, sitting nervously or pacing (sharing your deepest desires with a complete stranger does that to some people). But she was different. Confident and cool. She was making me look like the first timer.
Let's get a little more informal and get started. Oh, and ditch the tie dear.
How did she know I would be wearing a tie? I took it off and rolled up the sleeves on my dress shirt. I read on.
Undress me.
Alright, time to get to work. I walked over to Jane until we were nearly nose to nose. I was a fair bit taller than her so she had to look up in order to meet my gaze, but she showed no signs of backing down. I reached around her and grabbed the zipper of her dress on the first try. She never broke eye contact. I pulled the zipper down slowly, crouching at the same time so that I could keep pace with it. When I reached the bottom of the zipper I was on my knees looking up at her, her dark brown eyes peering back. Her chest was getting in the way a bit of our little staring contest, but I didn't mind. It was a nice view. With a cute little shrug, the dress came free and fell in a heap around her ankles. She flashed me a little smile, then went back to calm confidence.
Is she flirting with me? Maybe that's her thing...
I stood back up and reached around to her bra clasp. It popped free in one smooth motion. It didn't seem like she expected me to nonchalantly unfasten it, because she started and swiftly covered her nipples with one arm as her deep red and black bra joined her dress. I knelt back down so I could pull off her panties with my teeth (a patented move of mine), but she placed a hand on my forehead to stop me. She then pointed back to the clipboard.
Bring me the red latex catsuit and I will dress myself. You are to wear the chastity belt, lock it, then give me the key. I get to see you put it on.
Ho boy, she's one of those. I always thought that chastity was a fun thing to fantasize about but would really suck if you actually tried it in real life. I walked over to the table, grabbed the items and brought them back. I handed her the suit with one hand and held the plastic cage, lock, and keys in the other hand. She looked me up and down, then shot me a look like "well, what are you waiting for?"
I guess I'm going first then. I took off my belt, then undid the zipper and button on my slacks. I was sporting a bit of wood under my boxer briefs so I walked back to the table where there was a bag of ice. Brunette Jane sets up the tables, and she thinks of everything. In a few minutes, the bastard thing was on and the lock clicked shut. She held out her hand like a giddy kid on Halloween expecting candy. So, I dropped both keys into her hand, and took a step back.
She turned away from me, I could have sworn I saw her blush, and she started to put on the catsuit. She had to do a butt-dance-shimmy thing in order to get the suit past her hips. She had an ample behind and thicker thighs. That being said, Brunette Jane had pre-prepped the suit with powder, but sometimes its still a pain in the ass to get those things on. Then she turned around, suit half on and one arm still protecting the goods, and pointed to the clipboard.
Once I'm half done, I need the scissors please.
I quickly grabbed them, wondering what they were for. She used the scissors to cut off her panties, and pulled the remaining fabric out from underneath the latex. It was done so quickly and smoothly, it looked like she had done it a thousand times.
She's about to let me do all this stuff to her, but I can't see her nipples or vag? What is she playing at?
Whatever it was, my own stuff was straining against the cage so I suppose her plan was working. She turned away from me again, pulled the rest of the suit up, put her arms in the sleeves and stood their wiggling around waiting for me to do something. It dawned on me, so I took a step forward and grabbed the zipper from between her legs and pulled it all the way up to her neck. I noticed that it was a two-way zipper, so there might be some "thunder down under" later.
Right as I started thinking about her...happy place, as if she read my mind she turned around with a very serious look on her face. She brought the keys to my cage up to eye level, and I noticed that they had been put on a slender chain. Where did that come from? Jane then slipped the chain over her head, and fed the keys down to in-between her breasts under the suit. The latex formed to them, and I could see a perfect little outline of my freedom next to her left breast.
She put her hands on her hips and cocked them to one side, waiting. "Good god I'm getting distracted" I thought. Reading further it said:
You are to place the penis gag (it's your size) in my mouth and fasten it tight. Then bring the black box armbinder and the fun can really start.
What? She wanted to be gagged with something my size? How does she even know what my size is?! Why be gagged? Neither of us have said anything yet!
I wasn't offended, or flattered, I was just confused. But my practiced professionalism took over and I walked to the table and returned with what she wanted. She stood there with her mouth hanging open, waiting for me to make the first move. I moved the black rubber phallus closer to her lips, and right as it was about to pass the threshold her tongue came out and started licking the tip.
Once it had a little "lubrication", it slipped right in, and with a muffled "mmmfff" it was fully inserted. I moved around behind her and pulled it tight, then fastened the buckles. I turned my back and bent over to grab the armbinder and heard some wet slapping slopping noise. She had somehow pushed the gag back out of her mouth! It was hanging around her neck like some bizarre tribal token and she was grinning ear to ear like a cat that stole the milk. I didn't even know you could do that, especially when I had it pretty damn tight.
Huh, so that's how you want to play it...then an idea struck me. Brunette Jane always had multiple versions of things brought into sessions, just in case a client changed their mind on the fly. I walked back over to the table to see if she had my back. After looking over the array of implements, I found it. A penis gag, that was my size, but hanging off of the front of it was a rubber pump at the end of a thin black tube. Perfect.
I walked back over the Jane, and stood in front of her. She started playfully shaking her money makers, which caused the rubber equivalent of my manhood bounce all over the place. It also reminded me that she had the keys to my actual manhood, because when the rubber dick hit the keys under the suit they made a soft metal clink sound.
It was incredibly arousing.
I calmly reached out, stopped the gag from moving, and unbuckled it. I then put it down, and picked up the replacement. I followed the exact same procedure as last time, moved it closer to her mouth, which she then licked, then slide it home. Again, I moved behind her and fastened it in place, but I quickly returned to being nose to nose with her. I picked up the pump and started squeezing. Slowly at first, then faster and faster.
Jane realized quickly what was happening and her eyes widened. I'm assuming she tried her "slip out" trick as her jaw started moving in an odd way, but the penis on the inside was inflating too fast. Soon her cheeks were starting to puff out from the pressure of the gag pushing outward. She crossed her arms and, even with her face distorted, pouted like a girl whose father told her no dessert till she finished her vegetables. All she said was "mmf...".
I flashed her a "Ha, I got you" grin and made a mental note to buy Brunette Jane a beer, then picked up the armbinder. I don't often get to use the box armbinder as folks are usually familiar with the standard fare. It's the same thing, but instead of your arms being straight, they are folded so the forearms are parallel with the ground. I had to first unfold her arms as she was still pouting about the gag. I placed the left arm closest to her back, then the right arm behind it. Then I pulled up the latex enclosure and her arms disappeared into shiny blackness. I brought the collar up to her neck and zipped it up in the front. With the black latex covering her neck, arms, and most of her shoulders, Jane wasn't going anywhere.
I took a step back and admired my handiwork. Jane squirmed a bit for me and did a little spin. Watching that cause my nether regions to twitch, which she immediately noticed. I could see the coy smile behind the gag. Yeah yeah, you've still got my junk in this contraption, I get it...what's next up on your list. I grabbing the board again.
Put a black latex hood on me. Seal it on with a posture collar. Then strap me to the pole with the grey straps. Start tightening from bottom up.
I was wondering why that was there. In the background, there was a round metal pole about two or three inches in diameter with grey one-inch wide nylon straps hanging from it in regular intervals. It was welded to a large flat metal plate on the floor. Huh, Brunette Jane knows how to weld? I'll have to ask her about it later.
I walked back over the Jane with a hood and collar in hand. There were several hoods to choose from on the table, so because there was no specific request, I went with a hood that had no eye cut-outs.
I grabbed Jane by the shoulders and spun her around until she was facing away from me. This caused the pump from the gag to flop about, so I gave it one last squeeze, disconnected it and put it to one side. I gently gathered up her hair and fed it through a hole in the top of the hood. Then I pulled the hood down and made sure that the latex got properly smoothed out without bunching or wrinkling. At this point, Jane must have realized that the hood was also a blindfold and started quietly "mmf-ing" in protest.
Unfortunately for her, I was following her rules so I got to ignore her. Which did give me a sense of smug self-satisfaction. I then grabbed the leather posture collar which was only a couple of inches tall, so not too extreme, and placed it around her neck. On the back of it there was a clasp suitable for a small padlock, which I snapped in place. This effectively sealed Jane inside her get-up. Without being able to remove the collar, getting off anything else was pretty much impossible.
Guiding her by the shoulders, we walked over to the pole together and I lined her up with it so that it ran right down the mid-line of her breastplate. The front of the pole was padded with a few inches of foam and leather, but the back side had the grey nylon straps with ratcheting mechanisms. As instructed, I started with the strap closest to Jane's feet. I looped it through the ratchet and started to crank down. The slack was quickly taken up and I stopped when I could see that her ankles were making a pretty deep depression in the leather.
A thought occurred to me. I wonder where this all is going...I'm gonna find out. I mean, Jane's not going anywhere now that she's strapped to the pole by her feet, so I can take a second and gather myself. I decided to keep reading.
Once I am strapped to the pole, you are allowed to open the suit and insert any vibrating anything. Your choice. Strictly into the front, the back is off limits. Seal everything back up. You will then sit down 3-5 feet behind me, with your eyes at ass level. You are required to watch for the remainder of the session.
Then I heard some barely audible "mmf's" in the background. She's probably wondering why I stopped at just her feet. Being deaf, blind, and dumb does make for a pretty poor combo when you want to ask a question.
If you feel inclined to become touchy-feely, you are able to do so as long as you do not undo any previous steps. If the straps become loose through strain or other activity you are required to re-tighten them until minimal movement is observed. After 2 hours, you are allowed to add any additional layers if you believe they will enhance my (or your) enjoyment. At the end of the session, you are required to remove the gag last. You are required to hold me during recovery. Please have a bottle of water on standby.
Thank you.
Wait, she wants me to watch her the entire day?? Is she crazy? Then a whole smattering of thoughts went through my mind. Then they passed through down to my nuts and the levels of frustration started rising all over again. She's orchestrated this entire elaborate thing, so she can taunt me for hours and hours. This isn't about her...it's about me. I mulled the realization over in my mind. Alright, I can play your game...
I went back over to Jane and lightly touched her bright red butt, which made her jump. As much as she could jump being tied to a metal pole while in bondage gear. I knelt back down and started doing up each of the straps in turn. Calves, thighs, right below her butt cheeks, right above her butt cheeks (which made her round rump even more round), low-back, mid-back, on and on. Finally, when all the straps were in place, and tight to my satisfaction, I turned around and went back to the table. I glanced over my shoulder and saw her testing her bonds (or trying to anyways). She could barely flex a muscle. She was a red and black statue.
I need to remember to get Brunette Jane two beers, because she always brought me all the fanciest toys. I glanced at the table and was spoiled for choice. Short and fat ones, long and skinny ones, ones that spin, ones that thrust in and out, you name it, and she brought it. In the end, since it was going to be a long day, I picked out a plain smooth purple dildo about my size with a vibration function. I also grabbed a small bottle of lube that was left next to the colourful display, and walked back to Jane.
I stood behind her with dildo in one hand and lube in the other. I got on my knees and put my left hand between her legs. Which is a lot easier said than done when everything it strapped down and squished together. I also felt her thighs squeeze together around my hand and heard what could have been a giggle. I managed to force my hand in and find the other end of the two-way zipper, and pulled it open as gently as I could. I reached back in with my left hand while coating the dildo in lube with my right. I reached up with my left index finger and found my opening. I was stunned but it was sopping wet inside.
Well, if she's enjoying herself I'm doing my job right. I moved to insert the dildo. With a combination of Jane's "help" and my prep work, it suddenly vanished. It was like it had been sucked up by a vacuum. I was so surprised that I thought I missed my mark, but putting my hand back in between her thighs and I felt that it was in the right place. I flicked a switch on the back of it and felt it spring to life. This was met with a quiet "mmf...mmf...".
I then grabbed the zipper, pulled it back into place. Which was much easier to do as the lube had gotten onto her thighs a bit. I grabbed a paper towel off the table and wiped off my hands, her thighs and her butt (for good measure of course). Once we were both clean, I grabbed a chair and sat in my designated spot.
It was incredibly arousing, having this beautiful woman mere feet away from me, moaning and attempting to wiggle around against the straps. I could have sworn that it looked like she was trying to thrust her butt out towards me. The "mmf's" started very slow, but then grew a little faster. Then faster. Then longer. Then faster. Then there was a split second of silence, followed by a long outburst. Jane was shaking and twitching and flexing and squeezing as much as her bonds would allow her.
All the while I was shifting uncomfortably in my seat. I would have given anything to have those keys and have the ability to get myself sorted, but she had taken care of that a long time ago. So, I did as I was instructed, I got up and checked all of the straps to make sure that they were all still tight. A few of them did need some adjustments, but I got those sorted and returned to me seat.
That's when I noticed it. Jane had orgasmed of course, but the dildo was still going. Her butt was twitching. Every now and then there would be a quick contraction of the muscles, subtle but it was there. It got my blood hot and flowing, let me tell you. She had gone quiet for a few minutes, but slowly the muffled sounds started to come back. As much as she could, she was trying to rub against the post for more stimulation. She couldn't move much however. I took a quick look up at the clock on the wall and timed it. After about 15 minutes from the first wave, a second more intense one hit her and things were shaking and tweaking uncontrollably.
I dutifully got up and checked her straps after each orgasm, but after number five or six I lost count. All I could think about was her plump red butt and my frustration. I looked up at the clock again, and noticed that not only were my two hours of "observation" up, there were about three hours left in the session. Hmm...my turn to play.
I went back to my adult equivalent of a candy store, and decided that I would make things a little bit more interesting. She did say that I could add anything as long as I didn't undo her specific instructions.
I settled on a slightly more sinister looking beast. A little bigger than my first choice. It had lumps molded into the shaft and a smaller secondary arm that caressed certain...other areas. It was still purple, so at least I was still along the same lines as before. The trick with this little baby is that it had a remote control with an intensity slider. I figured that should liven things up, we still have a few hours to go.
I went back over the Jane, stood right behind her, grabbed two handfuls of her ass and pressed my manhood (plastic covered as it was) up against her. I swear the reaction she gave seemed like she had just orgasmed all over again. She was still twitching like mad, and it made my hands feel like they were vibrating. I gently traced my hands down to my work space and knelt down again. I had the zipper open without issue. Even though I had mopped up any excess last time, it looked like her lady stuff had seeped through the suit and made things a bit more slippery.
I reached in and flipped off the switch. This made Jane "collapse" against her bonds, but she also made a sound that seemed like disappointment. The thought went through my head "Don't you worry my dear, things will get interesting shortly."
It took a bit of work to get my first choice out, but after an attempt or two it slid out and I let it flop to the floor. I started to maneuver the slightly bigger boy in place, and she tensed up. Jane could sense that something was different. I heard a sound that could have been a mumbled question, right before I pushed the new toy home. Jane screamed in ecstasy or pain or a bit of both. I don't know if she was ready for the bigger size, but he was in, and with the zipper now closed he wasn't coming out.
I wiped off everything again and sat back down. But my seat was wet. The stupid cage had me leaking pre-stuff on my chair. I groaned, got that sorted, then lined myself up with her gorgeous ass. I waited. And waited. I was biding my time. The remote was in hand, but it was not turned on yet. Regardless, Jane was still twitching and shaking from her previous repeated orgasms. But even she seemed a bit confused. More sounds that sounded like questions kept coming. I waited for a full five minutes to pass. For her in her sensory deprived state it must have felt like an eternity.
Then I switched on the remote and set it to the lowest setting of one. Just like when I touched her, she jumped in surprise and instantly the twitching re-intensified. I waited a full minute. Then, I increased the level to two. Jane seemed like she was getting restless, she wanted more. After another minute I increased it to three. This went on, and the closer I got to ten, the more active Jane got. The moment I set the remote to ten, she was taken again and started spasming the most out of any orgasm thus far.
After three minutes at the max level, I slowly brought her down to a modest level four. Her whole body was shaking. So, I got up, checked the straps, and stood behind her again. I placed my hands on her hips, then I started to explore. Up and down, left and right, just gently probing. A handful of breast here, a nuzzling of an ear there, then a firm slap on an ass cheek to close it out. This was all met with mews of pleasure. Then another idea struck me.
I took the remote, turned it off, and managed to slide it between her shoulder and the armbinder. I watched it slip into the pouch where her arms were being held and heard the "plunk" when it hit the latex at the bottom.
Jane seemed confused. Moving her arms was difficult, but with some struggling, she seemed to take the remote in her hand. After a few moments of fiddling with it, she managed to flip the on switch and the familiar buzz of the beast was heard again.
She then understood. She was in control. And she was allowed to do with it as she will. I looked up at the clock and saw there was about 20 minutes left. My manhood was aching, I had missed lunch, and I was a bit dehydrated due to the "leaking problem", but I was also dying to know what she would do.
Jane did not disappoint. I heard the buzz increase to its max level within seconds. She pulsed with ecstasy. I can only imagine what she was feeling after so many hours of stimulation. Which is when I played my final card. I pushed into her again, one hand on a breast, the other on her butt, and manhood pressed in close. This drove her even more wild. We stayed in that embrace for the entire remainder.
At 8 hours on the dot. I started undoing her bindings. I got the collar off first. She was shaking so much I thought she was having a seizure, but once I got the hood off and saw her eyes, they were filled with delight. Without words I knew that she was satisfied. Next, I got her upper body unstrapped from the pole. This allowed me to get off the armbinder and free her arms and hands, which I knew must have been cramping badly after being in that position for so long. I rubbed them from shoulder to fingertips in order to jumpstart the circulation.
I was careful when unstrapping the rest of her from the post, as Jane had no strength left. I let her down gently and she melted into my arms. She was jiggling more than Jello as we sat on the floor. I unzipped her lower parts and pulled out the source of the earthquake, but this only make her spasm more. Last but not least I deflated and unfastened the gag. I had the bottle of water ready as per her orders, popped the top off and held it up to her lips. She drank the entire thing over the course of a handful of seconds.
She then took a moment to evaluate her surroundings. Toys and tools strewn all over the place. Fluids, both hers and mine. Discarded gear this way and that. It was total chaos. Then, her hand reached down and grabbed my stuff. She looked back at me with her dark brown eyes. Her other hand grasped the back of my neck and pulled me in for a deep passionate kiss.
When we separated she said, "My name is Ashley."