- Author - Papa
- Rating -
 [ 1.86 actual ]
- Site Rank - 2037 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-m
- Post Date - 1/31/2018
Chapter 1 (added: 2018/01/26)
Rosa and Jennie were best friends, they attended the same highschool, both in their junior year, but their story was sad, they were both orphaned at age 6 and lived in an orphanage since then. The home provided food, shelter and basic clothes. They were teased often at school, the poorly dressed Hispanic girls. Teenagers could be cruel. They had no spending money for the mall, fast food, movies, so they spent their time becoming very good with computers and cell phone apps. They did have their own computer in their shared bedroom. Rosa suggested to Jennie that they go to the mall and see if they can put their skills to use, Rosa state that she felt confident they could fix their lack of money problems with their looks, age (16) and skills. Jennie, tired of the relentless teasing from the "cool kids" about her drab wardrobe, agreed, it was time. They first needed cell phones. Off to the Verizon kiosk at the mall, step one.
When they arrived at the mall they came upon the T-mobile kiosk, a college kid was working there, "he won't work for us, he has no money" Rosa stated. Jennie pointed to the 40 yr old guy with the wedding band at the Verizon kiosk. "bingo" Rosa said. They chatted and flirted with the man as he showed them the latest smartphones. The man having a good time and thrilled when the girls said they'd sign up for the umlimited data plan. The cost per phone and plan would be $85 each. The man activiated the phones after getting their name and addresses. While Rosa was pretending to play with her phone she was actually filming the man and Jennie getting friendly, with Jennie taking the man's hand and placing it on her boob, before he realize what had happened Rosa held up her phone and said "Mr. Johnson, I am afraid I have you on film touching a 16 yr old girl. And that video is now in my cloud. What would Verizon say, the police, the courts?" He turned red, begged the girls not to say anything. "Mr Johnson, we don't want to ruin you, or your marriage, and we will protect that video after you enter you credit card info into each of our profiles and set it for auto payment each month". He had no choice, down deep he knew he had to do this, he was not sure how, but he did not want to go to prison. As he entered the credit card info in the computer, Jennie picked up his wallet and put it in her back pocket. "Mr Johnson, what is the PIN to your bank card". He hesitated, looked at Jennie who was holding his ATM card in her hand, Rosa was taking a picture of his license, they now knew where he lived. "4321" he said. "We'll bring your wallet back in a while Mr Johnson". The girls went to the food court, checked his wallet and pulled out all his cash, $140. The bought lunch, baseball caps and sunglasses, and then while wearing the hat and glasses went to the ATM and logged into his account. He had $3,000 in his checking account. They withdrew the maximum allowed on his account, $500, and then proceeded to change the PIN on his card and the online password to his account. This would keep him from tracking the activity in the bank until he found time to get to the bank sometime next week. Mr Johnson also had two credit cards in his wallet. Rosa looked at Jennie and said "what are the odds it's the same PIN?". They inserted the Chase credit card, entered the PIN and they were in his account. They went to cash advance, were shocked to find out he had a $2,000 limit with a $1,000 advance limit. They withdrew $1,000. The second credit card, a Capital One, had the same PIN, that cash advance yielded $750. All in all, in just 2 hrs at the mall the girls had taken $1,990 from Mr Johnson. "You know Rosa, we know we're lives, we can visit once a month and take him to an ATM for our monthly allowance, hahahaha".
Back at the kiosk, the went up to Mr. Johnson. "Hey, here's your wallet back. We'll stop by your house next month for a little fun. And don't you dare stop the cell phone auto payments". Now the girls needed to begin the real mission of coming here, find a successful guy that they could lock into their control with technology. They walked to McDonalds and entered at the exact same time as Matt. He looked to be about 30, dressed well, no wedding ring. Rosa got in line just ahead of him, Jennie behind him. Matt checked out the two Hispanic girls, thought they were extremely attractive, figured they were in college, maybe 20, 21 yrs old. Rosa placed her order and pretended to look for her money by patting her pockets, and then said to the counter girl "I am sorry, please cancel my order, I seem to have left my money at home". At that moment Matt spoke up "I will pay for her and her friend ... if ... they join me for lunch". The girls smiled and happily his accepted his generosity and invitation. They all got their food and found a booth in the quiet section of the restaurant. Matt was happy, he couldn't believe his luck. Jennie meanwhile deferred to Rosa to take the lead and she'd just follow along, adlibbing as needed. The girls talked about school, tests, quizzes, and they got Matt chatting about his condo, being single, his job. They were right, he was successful, and good looking. They learned he was 31 and sometimes lonely. Rosa starting leaning her head on Matt, reaching up and kissing his cheek and his ear. Jennie using her foot under the table starting rubbing his leg. Matt was loving it. "Matt, let's exchange phone numbers, here give me your phone and I will enter mine and Rosa's, since she's too busy cuddling with you haha" Jennie giggled. Matt handed over his phone, told Jennie the password to unlock his phone and she got to work. She downloaded a hidden and permanent app that could control his phone, his apps, capture his passwords to his online accounts and emails as well as intercept his SMS and phone calls. She entered their phone numbers, then sent a text from his phone to each of theirs. Rosa then took Matt by the hand and said "lets go for a walk" leaving Jennie with Matt's phone. She installed teamviewer to his phone, hid the icon, set it up to always be on, and transferred all his contacts to her and Rosa's phone. She then found a folder that contained a list of all his financial and bank accounts, with all the ID and passwords. This was too easy she thought to herself. Matt had no idea what was coming ...
Chapter 2 (added: 2018/02/28)
The girls woke up Sunday morning very happy with themselves. They still had over $1,800 in cash and decided they would go back to the mall later to do some clothes shopping and visit the nice Mr Johnson assuming he was working. Rosa checked her phone and she had a text from Matt, asking if she wanted to go the movies. She texted him back and said she had to study, but perhaps dinner later in the week. Matt was fine with that, happy he may have found himself a nice hispanic college coed, having no idea she was still in highschool. Meanwhile Jennie was on their computer setting up the "Matt Folder", she put all his finanical accounts ID's and passwords that she had found on his phone. She knew when she went to login the banks and brokerage accounts would send a temp code to his messenger, which was not a problem now since all his messages and phone calls went first to the girl's phones and then after a minute would go to his. All she had to do was delete the messages from these websites that sent the temp codes and he would never know. Rosa came over the computer to watch Jennie. "Hey Jennie, I am going to the mall and visit Mr Johnson while you take care of Matt".
Rosa arrived at the mall and smiled when she saw Mr Johnson. He was not with any customers and he looked scared when Rosa approached. "Hi Rosa, something is wrong with my online banking, the password isn't working". "Don't worry Mr Johnson, I did that, I will be in control of your bank account now. By the way today is a new day, so give me your wallet, I will back". She leaned in and gave him a long kiss on his lips, took his wallet and wandered off to the ATM. She was able to take $500 from his bank, another $300 from each credit card. She came back and gave him back his wallet. "Mr Johnson, since you now spend more money on me than your wife, don't you think I should hold onto your wedding band"? He pleaded with her not to take his wedding ring, but in the end he handed it over to her. She went off to the stores to buy clothes for her and Jennie. Meanwhile back at the orphanage locked in her bedroom Jennie was busy. She was logged into Matt's bank account. He had $18,000 in his checking account and another $10,000 in his savings. Being a smart girl she knew there was nothing she could do without her own bank account. She called Rosa and told her to meet her at the bank. They met with the new accounts manager and opened a joint account complete with ATM cards. Now back home Jennie transferred $500 from Matt into their account. He would not notice $500, he might notice over a $1,000. She played it carefully. She then logged into his online payroll account which she could tell from the recent activity tab he never went in here. Time to lock him out. She changed the password and all the security questions and then set up a second direct deposit account, their joint account. This way there was no way now he could now stop his money from going into their account. She then noticed he was putting away $1,000 a month into his 401k. She stopped the contributions and had that money directed to their account, his net amount going into his checking account would not change, unbeknownst to him, he would have no idea he was no longer saving the future. With that done, she logged out and went into his brokerage account. From here she could see his 401k account, a nice $75,000 balance and his broker account. She changed his linked bank account to their joint account, closed out his 401k to their joint account, changed the passwords and security questions to the account. She could tell from the broker account he was a passive investor, just mutual funds, no money going in. She sold off all but 10%, transferred $35,000 to their account and logged off. She knew he would become aware of the 401k activity at tax time, so that gave her just 6 months to avoid problems, but by then they'd own him. In one Sunday afternoon Jennie had successfully put over $100,000 into the joint account.
She then got to work on his phone. Using her remote phone control app, she locked him out of all this financial mobile apps. Even if he got a new phone, once his cloud downloaded all his apps again, these would remain locked. She then changed his phone's front page to a picture of her and Rosa. She changed his access to his calendar to view only and then proceeded to set up a salon appointment for him which would pop up on his phone. She set up an app that allowed her to set the phone to screech if he was not within 1 mile of wherever she decided he needed to be. A message would pop one hr before the scheduled appointments or instructions giving him ample time to do as he was told. While looking his phone remotely she noticed he had a Lexus app which could start the car, control the temp, lock the doors, etc. This app could override his key fob and key-less entry. She changed the password and security questions to the Lexus app. She then changed the google home password and security questions allowing her to control the lights, door locks and temperature of the house. She set up the Lexus app and the google home to pop us picture of her and Rosa smiling and shakng their fingers with the text "no no no Matt" anytime he tried to access these apps. He now no longer controlled his car nor his home. In addition the Lexus app allows the girls to control where he could go and how fast. Matt was napping at home while all this was happening. He had no idea what had just happened.
Jennie decided he needed to wake up and take them out to dinner. She lowered the temp to 55 degrees in his house and turned on all his lights. She also raised and lowered his garage door a few time. Matt awoke startled, looked at this phone and saw the new picture on his screen. Then a text came in from Rosa telling him she wanted to have dinner with him. He got up, wondered why all the lites were on, spoke to google home to turn off some of the lights, to which he heard "sorry, unauthorized person, please speak with the girls for access". "What" he exclaimed??? He got dressed, got in his car and headed to the restaurant Rosa had selected. He decided to run a quick errand and he turned down Main street at which point his Lexus slowed down to 20 mph. Little did he know Rosa and Jennie could see where he was driving. Using the Lexus app, they spoke through the speakers "Matt, this is Rosa, head straight to the restaurant or your car will come to a stop". He couldn't understand what was happening. He pulled a U-turn and the Lexus was able to drive normally again.