Author's Note: I could do a part 2, but I wonder if its better like this.
His tongue flicked wildly against her clit as she bucked her pelvis against his mouth. Quick tingling sensations filled her body as he greedily sucked her clit between licks.
"Oh my God...", she moaned as her hands pressed his head deeper into her pussy as her orgasm surged, he held his breath and flicked his tongue faster against her. Finally, her tense arched back slammed down against she came, pressing his face even harder against her throbbing pussy. After several spasms, her body finally collapsed back down on the mattress, and she released his hair allowing him to breath again. He lovingly and slowly traced the outline of her clit as she panted and recovered. After a while of running her fingers through his hair as he cleaned her up, she finally pulled him off her and up to lie with her.
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"I... I can do more...", he stammered as he rose from between her legs. "Do you need something more? I have..."
"Shhhh... Please.... That was amazing, just be calm down and hold me", she cooed at him. "That felt amazing, like always. You're so good at that."
He beamed a bit in pride, but the hunger was in his eyes. He surveyed her body, glistening with sweat and took in the smell of her sex on his lips. After a few moments, he slid his hand up her body slowly as he finally lowered his body to lie next to her. He nuzzled her bosom wrapped his legs around her limp body and carefully rubbed his dripping cock into her thigh. She smiled a secret smile feeling his hot frustration and stroked his hair.
"Shhhh... You did so good hunny. That's all I need right now", she whispered at him. "I'm so satisfied, I don't think I could stand any more... You feel pretty hot and wet. How are you doing? Down there?", she asked.
"It... it sorta throbs. It's been a long time now since...", his voice trailed off. "I kinda, I kinda think I can't... anymore..."
"Mmmm... well, that would actually be pretty convenient for you", she half laughed. She slowly rolled on her side revealing his engorged cock, trapped behind a locked titanium cage. The hollow tube forced down his urethra and locked into place with an piercing that traveled through the head of the penis oozed slippery precum. The cage forced his throbbing engorged cock into a much smaller size than his natural erection. "No. You are just fine. Your little guy definitely still works." She slowly slid her index finger down the length of his caged shaft and through the slick of precum. He watched her motions intently.
"Oh good. Yeah... no, I kinda meant. Maybe we... or I, maybe, anymore... I... can't?" His words came out as a bizarre word salad, his body visibly vibrating under her touch.
"Oh hunny. You are doing so good. And, I know you'd regret it so much if you broke your promise. All that wasted time, you've come so far. We are so close..." she said running her finger around the tip of the cage, wetting it in his drippings.
"I... I know. And... and I want to make it. Five more months till the wedding. But, maybe I could just handle it? It's been a month and... I'm starting to forget what it... what it feels like... Five months...", he trailed off looking at the wall.
Suddenly his mouth was filled with the taste of his own sex as she rubbed the finger across his tired and skilled tongue.
"I know this is hard hunny. It's hard for everyone that ever wanted to be with me. So many couldn't agree to, let alone keep their promise. I know you love me and I love you. When I proposed to you, I gave you your ring and your cage. I told you then, like I'm telling you now, after six months of being engaged, we'll be married. But, you have to wait for me. Your whole body has to wait for me. Unlike, before..."
His gaze fell into her eyes, entranced. His mind raced back to those days. He remembered restaurants and intimate conversations. He remembered movies and cuddling. He remembered the first time he took off her shirt and cupped her breasts, circling his tongue around her nipples. He remembered the excitement of sliding his hand down her pants and slowly rubbing her clit while driving to the campgrounds for their vacation. He remembered every moan, every happy moment.
But what he remembers most was always having to masturbate, frustrated and alone. After the months of dating passed by, and they became more intimate, one rule stood firm: his pants had to stay on always. Her reasons were myriad, from fear of becoming pregnant, to personal life choices, to ruining the relationship. But his mantra as to why he should accept it was always the same: She's worth it. As soon as he could after their meetings, he would masturbate, dreaming of the day his cock would slide inside of her and she would gasp as he pushed it all the way in.
Finally, the day came when she proposed. It was the end of a perfect week. He'd been staying at her place and every day had been filled with activities: walks, parks, movies, plays. Every night, he would wear full pajamas and please her body to screaming orgasms with his tongue, fingers, and the occasional vibrating toy. But every night when he tried to sneak away to release his own passion, she would wake and ask where he was going. Sheepishly he would return to the bed making excuses. Once he made it all the way to the bathroom and pulled out his dripping member, only to have her walk in blearily and ask him to come back to bed. She wouldn't leave until he did. There, she would grind her naked ass into his fully clothed crotch and engorged cock while gripping his arm tightly to her chest as she slept. Through the whole week he barely got two hours of sleep per night.
Then it happened. It was a beautiful evening: she had cooked a lovely meal, served with delicious wine. Her tight and sexy dress was pure white and lace with thin line of red tracing the outline. The split in her dress reveling tight stockings, her breasts on tasteful display. After several glasses of wine, she approached him with a box that she placed on the table in front of him. She then sat sideways in his lap and kissed him deeply while caressing his chest.
Slowly, she went down on her knees in between his legs. She gazed at the bulge in his pants for a bit, then looked up into his wide eyes and said, "Will you marry me?"
"Wh..? I... Yes!" he stammered. As a guy, he felt like he should have been the one to propose, but since they had never consummated their relationship, he didn't think they were on that level yet. However, one thing he did know was the fear of being turned down. Now that she was the one proposing what he knew in his heart was that he didn't want her to feel that rejection. With a beaming smile, he immediately agreed again and moved to kiss her.
"Wait... there's... something you have to do if you want to marry me. It's not a big deal, but it has to happen." She looked to the box on the table. "I... know that you masturbate, and that you do it a lot. And... if you want to be with me forever, from now on, you have to wait for me until we are married. Until now, I've let it go, knowing that it happens when you are alone. But I see the mess in your sheets in your apartment... the sticky clothes. But, I need you to prove you can wait for me until we are truly together forever."
He glanced at the box confused how it was related to masturbating. "Sure! I can stop masturbating. I mean... this week has been rough... but yeah, I can do this to be with you! A few months and...".
"Six months. I want to get married in June, I always had this dream as a little girl to have a pure knight make me a June bride and take me... with all his pent-up passion... Breaking me in half with his desires... I need that so badly.", her hands moved across his legs towards his throbbing cock as she spoke. "You're... obviously no pure knight... but I forgive you for that. For the past. But, I know you can be better, this week has proven it to me. You will be my knight. And to do that, I need you to stop... or we can't be together."
"Six months... well, I don't know how I can do it, but for you... I will do it. I promise", he beamed at her with all the confidence he'd ever had. He knew he could stop. For her, he could do anything.
"I know you can do it.", she said with heady passion in her voice. To his wide-eyed shock, her hands slowly unbuckled his pants. "But, a promise just isn't good enough. I've decided that part of our engagement is, I'm going to help you stop masturbating."
She continued to work his pants and down as he sat dumbfounded in his chair. She had shut him down every time he even considered removing his pants and now here she was removing them for him. He could not have been harder as his cock popped out of the underwear she slid down to his ankles.
"Oh my God", she whispered as his cock stood at attention before her. "I need this so badly", she moaned looking deeply into his eyes. "Please, open the box and take out the device."
He barely even heard the word device as his shaky hands reached for the red velvet hinged box. As he lifted the lid, the dull silver titanium cage glinted in the light. At first, he had no idea what he was looking at as his entire mind was focused on her mouth, her sex, her smell, her tongue. His fingers shook as he grasped it and came to a slow realization.
"Is... is this a chastity belt?" he muttered.
"Yes. I measured you and had it specially made. It was very expensive... and... in a way, it's your engagement ring. See?", she said as she pointed to the back ring.
The rear ring of the device had two parallel lines engraved into the titanium and on the top of the ring, between the locking posts, there were two words inscribed: Hers forever.
"This is all the help you need to make your promise happen. I love you and I want to be with you forever. Please, be my husband?"
"Yes! Of course!", he instinctively said. But behind his confidence, his mind was a race. Could he do it with this device? Why did he even need the device? It looked kinda small...
She's worth it. She's worth it. She's worth it. She's worth it. She's worth it.
"Good, now, inside the box is a sheet of paper. It's a prenup that just says you agree to wear this device, etc. It's just a formality so that everyone can know you did this willingly. Legal stuff is weird sometimes...", she explained.
"Legal... why would...", he started.
"Well, this isn't exactly a normal proposal. It's just something my lawyer recommended if I felt like, you really had to do this as part of the agreement for me to agree to marry you. You know, a prenup is pretty normal these days."
"Yeah... oh... yeah... paperwork... sure..." he said as he glanced at it. It was a simple agreement for him to wear the device as she said. No weird stuff about money or anything. And since he had already agreed to wear the device, the signature came swiftly and he tucked it back into the box.
"OK, I agreed. Now.... how... how do I..." he stammered. But suddenly all the words went away and was replaced with freezing cold. She was holding a plastic bag of salt and ice water against his cock and gazed lovingly into his eyes whispering.
"Thank you so much. I can't wait for us to be together forever...", she said with baited breath.
Jesus, is this the first time she has touched me? Wait, when did she put on those padded gloves? His mind raced as the ice numbed his cock to deflate down to a small size.
"OK, first I need your engagement ring please. I'll put it on your... finger.", She giggled.
He fumbled with the device, remarking at how sturdy it is. He slid the engraved ring off the back of the cage and handed it to her.
"G --- gloves?" he barely got out.
"Oh, this ice pack is freezing hunny. My hands would be so cold. But, there's no other way to calm you down..."
He could think of more than a few ways to calm down his cock. The best would be to bury it deep inside her and pump her full of his cum.
As he fantasized about this, she was at work on his crotch. Skillfully she pulled his testicles through the ring. They came through with a pop and a sudden stabbing sensation. They barely fit in their swollen state. However, the gloves, the stares, and the shock of everything had made him very docile and inquisitive. Finally, she pushed his deflated cock into his body and then threaded the head through the top of the ring.
"Now, the promise", her voice commanded him in an almost accusatory manner.
"Y... yeah, sure... um, be careful with that. It's the only one I got!", he joked.
She smiled as she reached behind her and pulled out a bottle of strong lubricant. She held the cage bottom up and squeezed the lubricant inside the cage. He blinked at it as he noticed a smooth tube in the center where his cock should be.
"W... wait, what's that?"
"It's your promise. Now hold your head back and close your eyes, and I'll make everything right."
He did as she asked, and, after some fiddling, he felt a sharp pop on the underside of his penis. He heard some shuffling but didn't dare look down, half out of fear, half out of obedience.
"Good, very good. OK, almost done."
He felt the cage now being lifted into position. The smooth lubricated tube in the center was slowly inserted into the shaft of his penis. He grimaced in confusion, but he was almost completely numb from the ice. He then felt a sensation around his cock as if it was being encased while the central tube slid deeper inside him. He felt the tube inside him was quite large and he felt his urethra stretching a bit, but he couldn't feel any pain so he stayed calm and just kept repeating in his head:
She's worth it. She's worth it. She's worth it. She's worth it. She's worth it.
After some clicking noises, behind the numbness he started to feel a bit of sharp pain in the underside of the head of his penis.
"I... umm... Why...", he started.
"Don't move or talk" she said sternly. Far more sternly than he had ever heard her speak. "This has to be done right."
After some more clicks and pinching sensations, she finally was finished.
"There, now. Your final agreement to be with me. I want you to lock it shut yourself."
He looked down at his member and was in a hazy shock. His balls where pressed between the 'engagement ring' and a short tube of titanium bars that extended to the tip. The of his cock however was covered by a secondary shield that encased the part of the cage where his penis head was. On the top of the shield where the head of his cock would be, was a small diamond. His eyes darted to her gloved hands, which now showed a tinge of crimson.
"What... blood?"
"I... had to pierce your cock to ensure that the device really can't be removed without the key. The diamond is the top of a post that holds it in place. Also, I have to confess... I love a pierced cock... it makes me... I can't, we have to wait until our wedding night. Just, keep the wound clean... in a month, It's fine, you're fine."
Why didn't I feel it? He wondered, but this event had taken so long he was ready for the weirdness to end. He couldn't wait to tell his parents he was finally engaged!
"Now, will you marry me?" She smiled and handed him the key.
"Yes... yes I do... where... how do I?"
"Right here, at the top. Insert from the side and twist. "
He breathed deeply and tried to regain his composure and humor. After a chuckle, he inserted the key and said, "with this ring, I do thee wed!"
He turned the key hard and then blinked as the clicking noise made by the lock was more like a loud snapping.
"That's normal. Super strong lock", she said. "Now, give me the key and we can announce our engagement!" She had one hand held out and her phone out ready.
He handed her the key and she slipped it into her bra with a coy look.
"I can't believe we are finally engaged!", she squealed.
"I... uhh... I can't believe it either! What do we do now?" he stammered, the wine and adrenalin starting to fade.
"Oh... I need you now" she said, finally standing from the floor. She grabbed him by the shirt and pulled his confused and caged body down the ground. She lifted her dress showing her shaven, glistening pussy dripping down her thighs. She slowly lowered herself onto his face and started typing furiously on her phone.
"I'm updating everyone that we are engaged now. But... I need your tongue so bad. Please, my wonderful fiancé, ... please..."
His well-trained tongue got to work on her clit as her fingers flew across the phone. After only a few minutes, she couldn't type anymore and placed her phone on the floor gasping for breath as her body was rocked so hard with an orgasm she screeched. Her juices gushed out of her covering his face with the strongest squirting cum he'd ever seen her have. Panting, she toppled off him onto the hardwood floor. His mind was running in a million directions but was so content that he made her cum harder than he ever had before. He knew he made the right decision.
After a few minutes of gasping for air, a beep startled them back to reality. He looked over blearily at a camera on a tripod that he hadn't noticed before.
"Oh!", she exclaimed and hopped off the ground. "I filmed my proposal, for our scrap book. I think the memory card must be full now."
"Hah, I'm not sure I want to show our future kids all of that!" he snickered.
"No, this is just for us to remember this special day. Six months can't go by fast enough. Thank you again for marrying me!" She ran over with the memory card in hand and bent over to kiss him as he lay on the floor of the dining room.
"Oh... I" he stammered.
"I'll be back in just a bit hunny. I need to drop off this stuff, so it doesn't get lost." She smoothed out her dress, the wet glistening of her sex still fresh on her inner thighs.
"Oh, ok... what sh..."
"You should wash your... promise. With some salt water and make sure it's all clean. Take some aspirin too. It'll hurt for a few days. Be back soon!"
And then she was gone in a flash. Under normal circumstances, he would have relived himself while being alone for thirty minutes. But this time, he spent it looking up how to clean his piercing to avoid infection and examining his locked member. He wouldn't be masturbating for a long time.
That night was the last time he had seen the key, the memory card, or the prenup agreement. She said they were safe and that, unless he didn't want to marry her, they didn't need them.
Even now, with his now fully healed cock completely encased, he knew: He did want to marry her. But, the pain, the frustration that his promise caused was so intense. He had plenty of alone time in the last month to examine how he might get out, but the titanium construction, the penis tube that extended down the whole shaft, and the piercing, hidden behind the penis head shield that was locked on, was out of reach. His swollen blue tinted balls rested against the base of the device as his cock continued to drool precum. The taste still on his lips.
He rested his head against her warm breasts and quietly began to weep softly.
"Sometimes, it's hard to keep a promise hunny," she whispered to him. "You're doing so good. Just five months to go."
"You're worth it..." he said confidently with tears streaming down his face. "Thank you so much for the device, I know I couldn't have kept my promise and you deserve your chaste knight on your wedding night. I'm so happy I can give you this, hard as it is." A faint chuckle escaped his lips.