Author's Note: This story is fiction and not real. It's pretty dark, but it's just fiction.
Chapter 1: Susan
It had started with his joking about her ass. She was shocked the first time he said it, he had called it big and sexy, so she supposed he mean't it as a complement and she should be flattered.. She wasn't. She had been embarrassed about the size of her ass since she had been a teen. It was bigger than normal. A black girl's ass on a while girl's body. It had gotten her a lot of attention that she didn't want as she grew up and when she hit her twenties things got worse. Her body was fit but curvy...a lot of men liked it, but she hated even the mention of her ass size.
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So, that day when he made the comment she had simmered inside. Unfortunately, it didn't end there. He had taken to caller her a "Whooty" and a "PAWG". She had to look up Pawg - Phat Ass White Girl. Now, she was downright angry. When he began saying things like "maybe we shouldn't order pizza and how about we skip dessert", she was furious. How dare he tell her what to eat and call her ass big. She had wasted 6 months on the fool.
When he came to her house the next night, he had been drinking and when he saw her in the yoga pants half asleep when she opened the door, he said "Damn Girl! You've got the sexiest fat ass I've ever seen!"
He pushed his way in and she said seething, "Hold on! I have to get up early tomorrow."
"Come on, baby. I just want to bend over that big ole ass of yours and give it a hard spanking while I absolutely fuck the the shit out of you." He tried to bend her over the couch, but she slipped away and he said, "Suit yourself...you are missing out." Within 5 minutes he was sound asleep on the couch.
As she watched him snore, she realized that it was over and wrote him a note which she pinned to his shirt. "We are done, Asshole! Never contact me again." Then she went to sleep.
She left for work before he woke up but when he did he was really pissed and trashed her apartment. He wrote "fast ass" and "Miss Piggie" all over the place in permanent marker. He even drew a picture of her with a MIss Piggie face and a giant ass on the living room wall.
When she got home from work she was mad but then she cried and cleaned the whole thing up. It took all night but it gave her time to think and hash out her plan.
She spent the next month planning with one of her best friends from college, Maggie. Maggie had another friend that she knew by reputation....Dr. Beth Carrington. Dr. Carrington was a world renowned plastic surgeon but it was her extra curricular medical activities was why she sought her out. Several years before, she heard Maggie tell a story about how Dr. Carrington had made some "alterations" to a wife beating thug and sold him to a Russian Oligarch as a play toy. When Dr. Carrington saw the pictures of her apartment, she agreed to everything and began her planning with enthusiasm.
In the meantime, he left her message after message and tried to stop by. He wept on the phone telling her how sorry he was. She completely ignored him knowing when the time was right she would invite him over and he would be desperate to come. By the time she met with Dr. Carrington and finalized plans, he was putty in her hands.
All is took was a text. "Are you really sorry?" Within second he had texted back and she had invited him over. She felt like a whore waiting for him in boy shorts, a bra and high heels, but she wanted him to be memorized by her and have his guard down. When he arrived, she gave him a sly smile as his eyes popped at the door. She sauntered away toward the middle of the room swaying her hips. For a second, she wondered if he was following, but then she felt a hard slap on her ass.
"I really missed my PAWG." he slurred cockily. She was furious, but those were the last words he ever said. Maggie plunged a needle into his neck rendering him unconscious.
It wasn't easy but the two women loaded him the trunk and took him the 200 miles to Dr. Carrington's office. The Doctor started the "treatment" that night. First he was bathed in a solution that removed every hair follicle on his entire body permanently. No hair would ever grown on him again. He looked really strange with no hair on his head and no eyebrows and that made her laugh out loud. The Doctor surgically removed a sample of fat, bone, skin and cartilage from his body and then bathed him in another solution which permanently dyed his skin pink. Every inch of him from his toes to the top of head would be pink forever.
For a second, she felt guilty as the doctor put him on the drip that would keep him in a coma for the month's worth of treatment, but she remembered the big butt Miss Piggie picture and the guilt went right away.
For the next week she worked on the samples and made a few surgical adjustments to his hips and shoulders. They had his arms and legs pointing straight up while he lay on his back so the surgeries would heal properly.
7 days in, she began inserting the fat. She brought bag after bag into the room. "I've grown this in the lab from his real fat. It a perfect genetic match, but I make some enhancements. It'a little thicker and stays smooth and consistent. It will give him the look you want. We have to insert it in stages so his skin will grow. She looked at his muscular, cut body and laughed. The doctor made tiny laser incisions in his skin and began the process of filling him with the fat. The process took several hours and by the time she was done his skin was stretched to the limit.
On the 8th day, she began the nose job that would take several days and a lot of bone and cartilage to complete. By the time she was done the transformation was shocking.
On the 10th day, she reshaped his "hind legs". That surgery took 14 hours.
On the 11th day, she fused the curly tail made with his own cartilage and skin to his tailbone.
On the 12th day, she did a 15-hour reconstructive facial surgery.
On the 14th day, she inserted more fat distributing it evenly over his upper torso with the exception of his arms.
On the 15th day, she did his hands.
On day 21st more fat.
On the 23rd day his vocal chords.
On the 25th day his ears.
On day 30, the doctor came in the room with the last load of fat. "He is almost done!" she said with a smile. "What are you going to do with him?"
"I have bought a remote little farm down a long bumpy road. Nice and private."
"I wish I could be there when you wake him up," she said giggling. "I know you want his ass really big, so half of this last batch is just for his ass."
The doctor gave her just enough medicine to keep him asleep until they reached the farm. It took a surgery bed to push him into the barn. She already had the mirrors set up for him. They laid him in the middle of the floor and she put a big wide collar around his neck and leashed him. The collar had his name, "Pinkie." right in the middle.
"Are you ready?" said Maggie as excited as a school girl at Christmas.
"Yes," she said and inserted the syringe. He woke up confused, but then as he rolled around trying to get up his eyes filled with terror. Seeing her, he tried to speak but nothing came out but a high pitched squeal which made him more panicked. His pupils were huge!
It took him a long time to get up on his legs and it took her pulling on the leash to get him there. She yanked hard to get his heavy body moving toward the mirrors. His was really unsteady on his legs and it looked like he might fall.
Maggie purposefully walked in front so he couldn't see until they got him into position. When she jumped away, the squeal that he let out was ear shattering. He began to snort through his huge pig nose and then let out another squeal. He was crying and his eyes were desperate and panic-filled. She imagined the suffering he must be going through seeing what he was now and it made her warm inside.
The doctor's work was amazing. His pink skin was stuffed to the hilt with fat giving him a huge torso, but his legs were thin like a real pig. His hands had been turned into ugly useless pig hooves that would only help him walk. His back legs were drastically altered and were now the same length as his arms with pig hooves on the end of them as well.
His face was a work of art. Reconstructed to look like a real pig with a long ugly round snout that constantly snorted. Any heavy breathing at all would bring out involuntary snorts. He had big, pink pig ears sticking straight up.
They had left his penis and balls and they hung down underneath his fat torso looking really small compared to the rest of him.
She walked around to his ass. It was humongous. Round and full of fat with a squiggly tail just above it. She gave it a hard swat. "Who has the big ass now, Pinkie?"
He let out a long, loud squeal as she came around to look him in the eye. "Mr. Piggie," she said smiling. "You are probably really confused and terrified right now, so let me explain. For the last 30 days, your body has been reconstructed permanently. What you see in the mirror right now is how you will look the rest of your life. The changes we made are permanent. Your beautiful sculpted body and handsome face are gone forever."
She laughed in his face as he cried and snorted.
"You are my pet now and you will live on this farm. You will live the life of a pig eating slop and playing in the mud and several times a week I will fuck you in your big fat pig ass while I spank you. Isn't that what you wanted to do to me, Pinkie?"
She put her crying, desperate, panic-stricken pig into a cage slapping his ass as he entered.
"I don't even need to lock it. Those useless hooves can't open it and your big pig nose can't either. With your fat body, you can't even get high enough anyway. You will just have to stay here and wait for me to feed and water you and let you play in the mud. That's what animals do a lot of...sit and wait." she taunted as she closed the cage and the latch snapped into place.
She smiled and walked away as he squealed and snorted. For the first time, she realized that her panties were literally sopping wet with arousal. Well, that's a nice bonus she thought. This is going to be a lot of fun.