- Author - thepinkbishop
- Rating -
    [ 4.24 actual ]
- Site Rank - 763 of 2955
- Story Codes - F-f, consensual, bondage, spanking, tricked
- Post Date - 12/13/2017
Author's Note: A little Christmas cheer for the festive season.
It is Christmas morning, 3.02am to be exact and one minute since I last looked at my phone. I'm crashed on Katie's sofa after yet another row with Vic. Half a bottle of vodka and a joint has got me this far but after eating the last packet of crisps in the house and smoking my last cigarette the rest of the night is stretching ahead of me like a very long tunnel.
I'd hoped Katie might take me to her bed; it wouldn't be the first time and, at the moment, I'm very much on the homo side of bi. Katie has a delicious kinky streak and last time we fucked she had me tied to her bed with a clothes line. If I'm honest, it's as much for her that I'm wearing my sexiest undies, the red lacy ones with the bows.
I probably should get up and turn the Christmas tree lights off, they're old and I can hear the plug buzzing, plus every few minutes the flash wildly.
Then I hear the noise again, the one that must have woken me up, the tree lights flicker and, suddenly, she's there. I know she's a girl, but it's not Katie, the proportions are all wrong. This one is tall and slim, long legs I can only dream of and boots with five inch heels just incase I hadn't noticed. She's also wearing tight leather trousers or maybe faux leather and a matching jacket trimmed with fur. Her clothes are all red and the fur trim is white. She must be one of Katie's friends or a friend of her flatmate. I've clearly not been invited to the right party. The way I'm feeling at the moment she looks like one sexy Father Christmas. She's even carrying a sack.
I don't know where she's come from, and for a moment it seems as if she's just walked out of the fireplace. I guess I must have dozed off for a moment.
I lift my head and reach for my phone again.
'You're supposed to be asleep.' She sees me looking pathetic under my blanket. Her voice is chastening though not unkind, the sort one uses for a child who's doing something wrong but cute at the same time.
'Tell me about it.'
'It's Christmas night and little girls who don't go to sleep don't get their presents.'
'Ha, bloody, ha !' I don't want to be angry but I'm tired and still a bit drunk and I'm upset. And I want to know why Katie has never introduced me to this girl. 'Look, I don't want to be rude but who are you ?'
'You really don't know ?'
'Well, I'd say you were Father Christmas if you weren't a girl.' She's quite a pretty girl, little elfin features and dark eyes.
'You don't think daddy does it all by himself do you ?'
'Alright.' I make myself sit up. She might be annoying me but it's better than lying here moping. 'I'm Sandy...'
'Oh, I know.' She smiles and uses that voice again. 'You're on my list.'
'Very funny.'
'It says 'naughty' by your name.'
'That'd be me.' I can be flirty too. I let the blanket slip. Girls are less attracted by that sort of stuff but it's surprising how physical some are. I may not be a leggy blonde goddess but I'm pert and I have nice breasts and the bra I'm wearing does display them pretty well. 'Beyond redemption.' I add.
'Oh no, I wouldn't say that.' She's clearly interested. Probably home alone for a reason and feeling as shit about life as I am.
Consolation sex better than no sex and can be a lot of fun. She is very pretty.
'So, how do I earn my redemption.'
'Oh, the usual way.' She grins and looks at me with those dark, sultry eyes. 'A good spanking is probably the best way to start.'
She's talking my language now but I'm not going to throw myself at her. Even at three in the morning I have standards. 'And who's going to do that ?'
She looks around theatrically. 'Well, I don't see anyone else and all the good little boys and girls are tucked up in their beds, so it's just you and me.'
I'm still looking into her dark eyes and just for a moment the darkness there frightens me but then I see the tunnel of loneliness that is a night on the sofa until the sun comes up and I forget any fear.
I let the blanket fall away giving her both barrels full on and showing her my stockings too. I might not be tall but stockings and suspenders cover up a whole host of sins.
'I can see you're already beautifully gift-wrapped but I think I can add a few finishing touches.
I'm vaguely aware of her taking something out of her jacket pocket that looks like a roll of ribbon. I probably should resist but I can't or perhaps I don't want to. I'm in my friend's flat and this is one of her friends and, I admit, I don't know her name but she's pretty, gorgeous really and she's here and she's about to spank me.
I let her tie my hands behind my back and then she crosses my ankles and ties them together too.
'You might need to gag me.' I'm slightly surprised I've said it.
'A screamer eh ?'
'That depends how hard you spank me.'
Katie's spanked me twice, once in bondage and once without. The second time she tied me up and gagged me first.
'Oh, you've been pretty naughty.' She grins down at me. 'It's going to be pretty hard.'
'Then you'd better make sure you gag me properly.' I'm getting a little out of my depth here but I can't stop myself.
'Well, if you say so.'
She strolls over to the Christmas tree and I get perfect view of the tight red leather stretched over her lovely arse. She takes down a big red bauble and when she brings it back to me I can see it's not a bauble at all but a ball gag.
'I hope this will suffice.'
'That looks perfect.' I open my mouth and she shoves the big rubber ball inside then buckles it behind my head. By the time she's finished I'm already drooling.
I watch as she slips off her leather jacket. Underneath she's wearing a very tight leather vest that, like her trousers glistens in the low light. I can see small neat breasts and surprisingly perky nipples.
She catches me looking. 'It is snowing out there you know.'
I smile up at her around my gag. 'Sh...nk me !'
'Well, if you insist.' She sits down cooly beside me and pulls me over her lap jiggling me so my bottom is lifted up beside her knees. She is strong and, even if I wasn't tied up I'd probably have difficulty resisting her.
I lie still enjoying the thrill of being helpless and half naked and the thought of what is about to happen to me. Her body is beautifully toned, I can feel the strong muscles of her legs through the leather against my belly.
'One !' She brings her hand down on my bottom and I feel a sharp stinging pain followed by delightful warmth.
'A...ain.' I squirm in delight wanting her to slap me again.
She delivers a second blow, slightly harder.
'Har...er' I squirm wanting more.
The third blow is something like what I want.
'...essss.' I spray saliva as I express my pleasure at that tipping point where pain and pleasure balance.
I don't mind being spanked but, for the record, I don't usually respond quite so enthusiastically. There is pain and I can soon feel my bottom starting to burn. When I've been spanked before it hasn't lasted long partly because the person spanking me is also getting a sore hand. However, this spanking doesn't stop or even ease. It's almost as if the girl is a robot, striking me repeatedly, unwaveringly. Tears spring to my eyes and I start to struggle in my bonds, squirming crying through my gag.
However, as the pain increases so does the pleasure and, though I'm crying and squirming I'm really not sure I want the spanking to stop. In fact, I sure I don't.
I know I'm going to cum, it's just a matter of time as long as my beautiful tormentress keeps punishing me.
She doesn't let me down and, even as I cum she continues to slap my bottom driving me on into a multiple orgasm the likes of which I've almost forgotten until I'm completely spent and then I lie in her lap gasping around my gag.
Finally, she slides me off onto the floor.
'You really have been a naughty girl, aren't you ?' She doesn't seem out of breath at all though there is a rosiness to her cheeks that was not there before.
I lie on my back looking up at her, still panting, gagged. I nod.
'But I think you have earned a present.' She walks to her sack and pulls out a red leather collar with a D-ring. She crouches beside me and slips it around my neck then closes the little padlock, locking it in place. It has a name tag on it like a dog collar but I can't see what it says. Then she lifts me in her arms and I am reminded how strong she it.
I hope she'll take me to her bed where ever that is but she carries me only a few steps before putting me down under the Christmas tree. Then she rolls me onto my belly, pulls my bound ankles up to my wrists and secures them there tying off a length of ribbon to the radiator beside me to stop me wriggling away.
Then I watch helplessly as she takes a dozen more presents from her sack and deposits them beside me.
Finally she tousles my hair, picks up her sack and, blowing me a kiss, vanishes...
...and that's how I ended up hogtied and gagged and gift-tagged under Katie's Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
What Katie did when she unwrapped her presents is another story.
The End
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