I got a call that someone needed a boxer for a few rounds of fighting with this up and coming mixed martial artist. Apparently he was taking on a fighter with strong boxing and needed someone to practice with. I'd done a couple semi-pro fights, but then I'd broken my collarbone and by the time I'd healed, I had bills to pay and boxing wasn't doing it anymore. But I'd step into the ring for $100 to help a fellow out. Especially since I was between jobs.
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The gym was a box in an old industrial area, sheet metal walls and block glass windows. I guessed the fighter was more coming than up. The coach met me at the door and sent me to the locker room. I changed and headed to the ring, past the hanging bags, assault bikes, and weights. I had on my heavy gloves, headgear, loose shorts, and a cup.
"I just want you to fight like you normally do," the coach said. "Don't hold back on her."
"Yeah, here she is," he said. My opponent slide between the ropes. She was a she. 5'7", Hispanic, small tits, thin waist, and black hair knotted up tight on her skull.
"This the scrub?" she asked.
"Scrub? They didn't tell me it was a girl," I said.
"What does that matter, scrub?" she said.
She was wearing the smaller gloves that MMA fighters wore, but no headgear.
"You don't want your money?" the coach asked.
I looked at him, then I looked at the girl. "I'll do it."
We squared off and the coach yelled, "Go!"
I circled to the left, keeping my distance. I still trained in my garage, but I hadn't gone toe-to-toe with anyone in a while. I had a speed bag, a heavy bag, and some weights. But I didn't train my footwork enough.
Boom! Out of nowhere her right caught me in the side of the head. Shit, she was fast.
I backed out, but she followed me, raining punches on my headgear. She backed me up to the ropes, and I covered up until the coach said, "Break!"
"Maybe you should punch back, scrub," the fighter said.
We met in the middle and went at it again. She kept aiming at my head, so I started bobbing and ducking under her punches. She wasn't changing levels, so I countered with a punch to the belly.
"Oof!" She staggered back and I backed off.
"Press her! Press her!" cried the coach. "You ain't in there to play paddy cake."
I lunged forward, but she was already recovered and she caught me on the chin with those thin gloves, and I felt it in my toes. She was fast, and I was slow and out of fighting trim.
I backed up out of there, circling left. Now she was guarding her middle. I started working my jab, using my reach to keep her out of range. But she was fast. She got inside my arms and rang my bell with a couple shots to the temple.
"Break! Go again."
After that, I forgot she was girl, and we kept at it for an hour before the coach called a break and I could get a drink of water. The fighter and the coach were talking things through. She was fast, but she was no boxer. I'd caught her with a few tricks, and I wasn't that good. She had some work to do before her fight.
"Let's go again," he said.
We squared off, and this time she was even faster. She tried to use her jab, but I still got around it a couple times and tagged her in the side of the head.
I was giving it to her good, had her backed into the corner, when I heard the coach say, "Take him down, Esme."
Boom. I was my back. She'd swept my leg and I landed with a thump that knocked the wind out of me. Then she was straddling me, her crotch over mine, pounding away at my face. I could do nothing but cover up and think about the hot pussy that was just a few layers away from my cock.
This was closer than I'd been to a girl in six months and my cock was showing it.
I kept my arms above my face, but then she started rabbit punching my mid-section. And the coach wasn't calling her off. I tried to turn over, but she clamped my torso tight and I was stuck. I was no grappler, so I had no idea what to do to get away from her.
"End it," the coach said.
She spun, and suddenly her crotch was in my face. The shiny, sweaty material was mesmerizing and I got a full smell of her sexy stink. I didn't even register the pain in my foot as she got me in a heel lock.
"Fuck!" I cried.
She twisted it once more for good measure and then came off me backwards so her crotch slid right across my face.
"How's it feel getting beat by a girl?" she asked as she stood over me.
I shrugged and stood up. I had to adjust my cup. My erect cock was pushing it out of place. I turned sideways to hide what I was doing, but when I turned back, she was watching me with a smirk.
"I guess you like getting beat by a girl," she said.
I would have gone redder in the face if I could. Instead I turned away and exited the ring for a drink of water. When I came back, the coach told me, "That's it for today, Rudy. Thanks. Here's your money." He handed me five twenties and I thanked him. That'd get me to the end of the week at least.
I hit the locker room and changed out of my gear. When I came out of the shower, I came face to face with Esme, as naked as I was.
"Jesus! I'm sorry, I thought this was the men's locker room," I said. I should have turned away, but she had the tightest body I'd ever seen. She was sleek and rounded with muscle. Her thighs were an inverted V that pointed right at her hairless cunt. Her perky tits with their brown nipples were atop pecs that most men would have died for. Her shoulder muscles were like cables.
"Well, there's just the one locker room, scrub," she said. She made no move to cover herself. For a long second she looked me up and down. My cock had hardened on its own, and I saw her eyes linger there.
She brushed past me into the shower.
"You coming back tomorrow for some more sparring, scrub?" she asked.
Her ass was smooth, and I couldn't look away until she swept the shower curtain across my view.
"Nobody's asked me. And my name's Rudy, not Scrub," I said.
"Be here at six tomorrow night, scrub. We'll go a couple more rounds."
The gym was empty except for me and her when I arrived the next evening. She told me to get dressed and meet her in the ring.
"Let's go," she said.
Esme was better than before. I just tried to keep out of the way of the punches. I barely had any openings. She was pretty damned good if she could figure out my moves after one day. I still caught her once with an upper cut that sent her staggering back. That just seemed to make her angry. She started taking me down.
Her judo was her main game, and she ducked inside my punch and threw me across her hip. I splattered across the mat, the wind knocked out of me.
Before I knew it, she had her feet across my chest and my elbow in an arm bar across her crotch.
"Uh!" I grunted as she pulled it tight.
"Give up?" she asked.
"Yes! Fuck!" I cried. She cranked the armbar tighter.
She stuck her foot in my face.
"Lick it, scrub!"
Her feet were dirty from the mats. She stuck her foot right on my lips.
"Lick it!" She almost hyperextended my elbow. I had no choice. I ran my tongue over the length of her foot.
"Good boy."
She let me up. I rubbed my arm out and then adjusted my crotch. My cock was rock hard.
"Let's go, scrub."
She danced around me and this time she caught me with a leg sweep. She ended up mounted across my chest, her crotch an inch from my face. Her knees pinned my biceps to the mat. It wasn't a strong position for her, but I had no interest in bucking her off.
She smelled of sweat and pussy and my cock was pushing my cup aside.
"You like that, scrub?" she asked.
"Yes, ma'am."
She leaned forward until her the shiny material of her crotch touched my lips.
"Kiss it, scrub."
I kissed her crotch, and as I did she turned around and punched me right in the balls.
She laughed as she stood up. "That's as close as you're getting to my pussy, scrub."
I staggered up. My erection didn't go anywhere though my balls were throbbing. I stood bent over, just breathing.
"Let's go."
"Hold on," I said.
She didn't. She caught me in the side of the head with a roundhouse kick and I was flat out on the mats seeing stars.
"Don't take your eyes off me, scrub," she said, bending down. She pulled off her sports bra and dropped her shorts onto the mats, kicking them through the ropes.
"Let's go, scrub."
I staggered up and tried to keep my hands up as the naked woman came at me.
I was woozy from the kick, so it took everything I had not to take another big one. She caught me in the torso. I grunted. Then she caught the back of my head in a clench and kneed me repeatedly in the gut. Her little titties bobbed and bounced as she pounded me. I almost didn't notice the knees to my torso. Almost. If you're going to get pummeled, it might as well be by a naked woman.
Esme caught me in the liver, and I slumped to the mat. She came down on top of me, and this time, she straddled my face, while facing my feet. Her ass was just inches from my face. Her anus was brown and puckered and I couldn't stop looking at it.
She reached down into my shorts and squeezed my balls.
"Men think they're so tough," she said. "But they have these things. It's their weak point and they hang right there in front. Like a target."
She squeezed and I winced.
"So the boys make rules that you can't punch here. She slammed a fist into my balls."
"Girls don't have such a weakness, but they call us the weaker sex." She punched me again.
I groaned.
"Am I weak?" she asked.
"No, ma'am!"
She looked over her shoulder at me. Slowly she rocked back until her asshole was right on my lips.
"Kiss it," she cooed.
I did, placing my lips firmly on her anus and leaving them there.
She rubbed her ass left and right.
"Lick it, scrub."
I slid my tongue into her ass. I'd never wanted to that before, but because she was ordering me to do, I found it irresistible.
"That's it. Clean my ass, bitch."
She kept hold of my balls and continued to squeezed them.
"Your cock says you like this. Keep licking."
She pulled my shorts down around my ankles and stood up.
"Let's go."
I stepped out of my shorts. We were both naked except for our gloves.
She dodged in and went low, catching me full on the balls.
I doubled over.
"See how weak men are?" she asked.
I couldn't answer.
"Let's go."
We started again, me now guarding my crotch as well as my torso and head. She was laying shots at all three locations. I just covered up as well as I could.
I was backing away, just getting out of the range of her punches, when I landed against the ropes. There was no more backing up. I tried to land a punch on her temple, but she caught me right in the crotch. I doubled over and she kneed me right in the nose. I flew back, seeing nothing but stars and the next thing I knew I was looking up into her face.
She smiled, hawked up a ball of phlegm, and spat in my face.
"See you tomorrow, scrub. Same time."
I didn't need another hundred that bad, but I couldn't stop thinking about Esme and her tight-as-hell body. I whacked off remembering my tongue up her ass and her hands squeezing my balls. The pain wasn't as bad when I fantasized about it. I was happy to be her punching bag. I hadn't been on a date in months and now I was getting hours of painful attention from a hot woman.
I went back at six that night. Again the gym was empty.
She looked at me as I walked in and said, "I want to do some bag work."
"You want me to hold the heavy bag for you?" She could have gotten one of her coaches to do that.
"No, you are the bag, scrub. Strip."
After I dropped by clothes on the floor, she dragged me over to one of the heavy bags. Before I could say anything, she snapped one side of a handcuff to my right wrist. Then she climbed a step stool and pulled my hands behind the chain holding up the heavy bag. I was on my toes and effectively locked against the bag.
She put the stool away and came around the bag smiling.
"You think you can take a punch?"
"Yes," I said, but I wasn't sure.
"We'll see."
She left me there for a good thirty minutes. I heard her moving around the gym, hitting the speed bag, riding the stationary bike, then she was in front of me. Before I could open my mouth she was into my torso with body shots at full strength.
Bam, bam, pow. I tried to catch my breath, but she'd spasmed my diaphragm. Every fighter knows the feeling, unable to breath, unable to talk, and, in that position, unable to move away.
Then she was pummeling my face. I tried to move my head, but it was pinned between the bag and my shoulders. There was no escaping. I felt my lips puff up. My nose didn't break, but she caught me above the eyebrow, and a line of blood ran down my cheek.
She finished it with a shot to my balls.
"I like hitting a real body. A bag doesn't bleed."
I hung there like so much meat and she did another circuit behind me. My breath came back to me, but my body was bruised and throbbing.
Before I knew it, she was back in front of me.
I tried to shift my body left and right. Then I tried lifting my knees up.
She laughed at that. Esme grabbed a heavy jump rope and tied my feet to the chain at the bottom of the bag. She was back at it in a second. Now there was nothing I could do to avoid the blows. My torso was on fire. My face throbbed. And blood was dripping down my face. Yet, the pain was just sensation at that point. My cock was hard and every time she punched me, a jolt of electric pleasure slashed through my body. I'd never felt anything like it and wished she'd never stop.
She finished with three shots to my balls, then leaned in close, placing her shoulder against my chest.
"Who owns you, scrub?" she whispered as she squeezed my balls.
"You do, ma'am."
"Don't forget it."
She left me there for one more circuit in the gym. When she came back, I was ready to take the next beating, but to my surprise she dropped down to her knees in front of me. She gripped my swollen balls in one hand and took my cock into her mouth.
"You've been a very good punching bag," she said. "You deserve a reward."
Her lips glided up and down my shaft. She met my eyes and smiled as her saliva glistened on my cock. She took the length of my dick to the base and began to bob up and down.
My cock was so ready, it exploded within thirty seconds in the most amazing orgasm I'd ever felt. I groaned, and when I started to spurt, she unleashed punch after punch on my balls. I screamed at the pain, but it didn't stop the orgasm which seemed to erupt from my ass through the tip of my cock. My cum sprayed all over the mat and ended in a dribble over her gloves.
"Good boy, scrub." She climbed up behind me and undid the handcuffs. I fell to my knees.
"Clean up the mess before you go," she said. "I'm hitting the shower."
She walked away. But then turned back.
"Almost forgot." She dropped five twenties and a laminated card in front of me. It was a VIP ticket to her fight the next week.
Esme crushed her opponent, a cute little Serbian fighter who tried to beat her with her boxing. Esme out stepped her, caught her with her own jab counter and took her down within the first minute with an awesome judo throw right into an armbar. The cute little girl had no chance. I knew how those punches and armbars felt. But I didn't feel sorry for her. Jealous maybe.
As Esme danced around the ring in victory, she looked right at me through the fence and blew me a kiss. A smiled back. Then she mimicked a low punch that on me would have crushed my balls.
When the usher dropped the locker room pass into my hands ten minutes later, I grabbed my stuff and made my way back there. Esme probably needed to cool off a bit with a few minutes on the punching bag.