- Author - Cuffman
- Rating -
   [ 3.38 actual ]
- Site Rank - 1395 of 2955
- Story Codes - f-self, self-bondage
- Post Date - 11/17/2017
Author's Note: perks of the job
Part One
Strange objects can be found under kitchen appliances,as I found out about a month ago.
We deliver and install various machines and cookers for a large national company,this particular customer had requested a new oven in the kitchen and a new washing machine in the utility room.
My mate was taking out and fittting the new oven,which needed some extra electrical work so I started to remove the old washing machine.As I gently pulled the machine forwards I found two pieces of red ribbon each had a key tied into them.
Being into restraints ,I soon realized one key was for standard handcuffs,the other I also reconized as a long key used for a common type of chastity belt.
Not wanting to make a scene in front of my mate I decided to put both keys in my pocket and chat with the owner later.
While demontrating the operation of the new machine to the customer, I noticed she had some very angry looking marks around both wrists which happen to show from under her jumper.This almost certainly conformed my suspisions that the keys were used for recreational purposes in the house.
Half an hour later and my mate had the new oven ready for turning on and showing the young lady some of the functions,being it was a low level oven,she squatted down to look in the oven and at the controls,while doing this her jumper parted company with her jeans,and poking over the waistband of her jeans was the familiar sign of the top of chastitybelt secured around her waist.
Standing directly behind her I had a direct view,which made me wonder how long she had mislaid the key for,meaning she was inself imposed chastity,the key was now in my pocket,just waiting for the right moment to approach her with possible release.
With the install all completed we moved on to the next call,the rest of the day seemed to drag so much,all I could see was this atractive young lady in handcuffs and chastitybelt waiting for release.
The end of the day saw us coming past where my mate lived,so I offered to drop him off to save him atleast an hour.
This meant I could take the van back with all the paperwork,phone the office and debreif.Also I would have the phone number and address of the owner of the keys that were buring a hole in my pocket.
Officed phoned I was free to make another call,but I was not quite sure how to start the call.There was only one way to go about it.
It all started so easily,,I just said I found something under the washer ,which I would like to return if shewas in.
She asked me what it was ,but I said I didnt to say over the phone and I would like to see her with it.
When I arrived she invited me in and offered me a coffee ,which I gratefully accepted,we sat at her breakfast bar in the kitchen,she rested her arms on the work surface and I could see the marks around her wrists,this made it very easy to ask if she had been stuck in handcuffs lately?.She immediately coloured up to a crimson blush.I tried to tell her not to be ashamed,as I understood the addiction to bondage,whether by your own hand or somebody else.
Out come the story of what had happened,
She said she would handcuff herself and go to bed leaving the key on the top of the coffee pot ready for the morning,but a week before we did the work she came down in her nighty as usual but the key was not where she had left it.
This meant a panic search of the house but she could not find it.She did have a spare but that was buried at the bottom of the garden by her shed,with her hands cuffed behind her back and only wearing a short nighty she was not in position to go digging in daylight as her garden was overlooked by several neighbors.
She spent most of the morning searching the house but still could not locate the missing key,by lunchtime she could stand it no more,her wrists were now very sore and her shoulders were cramping up.She then remembered she had an old school freind who had joined the local policeforce.It took her another ten minuites to get her freind on the phone,but luck now played a big part as the female police officer was in the neighborhood and would come round sraight away.
Needless to say she was deeply embarrised but at least she was free of the cuffs.All this time while she was telling me what had happened with the cuff key,I was wondering about the other key I had and what I had seen earlier,
I now very carefully pulled out just the handcuff key and asked her if it would help,she almost leapt across the worktop and gave me a hug and kiss,saying she thought her cuffs were going to be redundant.All I could do was smile and tell her to be more carefull,she then went on to blame her cat for playing with her key during that fatefull night and pushing under the machine,
At this point she scooted upstairs and come down with a big smile on her face and her beloved pair of ridgid style police handcuffs,,she sat back at the breakfast bar slid the key towards me.saying not rush off yet and then locked her hands together but around the chrome support bar that rose up from the worktop to a shelf above,she could now not leave the kitchen until I freed her.
While she was in this position I decided to ask about the other key,the response I got could have lifted the roof off.
She was now leaping up and down on the spot but with both hands still firmly fixed around the pole.
When she calmed down I gently released her hands and showed the other key,I then asked her when she had put the belt on,it turned out she had done that the night after loosing her cuff key,she said she could not believe the belt key went missing aswell but atleast she was able to carry on near to normal.
After another coffee I was about to leave when she offered to repay me somehow for being so honest and understanding,,,,,,,