Author's Note: This is a complete story.
I met Ashley Atkins when I was just 22 years old at a lakeside bar. She was absolutely fucking hot. A ridiculous bubble of an ass, a tight waist and perfect full breasts that she almost always had on display. Her face was straight out of a princess catalog but with a bit of an evil tinge to it. She fell head over heels in love with me almost immediately. I'm not exactly sure why because I never reciprocated...at least in reality. I fell into the habit of saying I love you too to not hurt her feelings and lose the chance to continue to fuck her. Because in addition to being absolutely fucking hot, Ashley was also absolutely fucking crazy and crazy chicks are always great in bed.
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I realized she was insane in less than a week. Within three days she said "I love you and I know it's early so you don't have to return it back yet." She wanted to be around me every waking second and I wanted to fuck her every waking second at first, but then it began to get tiresome. After a week, she started buying gifts. Gift after gift after gift. She had to be physically touching me at all times...either holding my hand or leaning up against me or completely entangled in me while we slept.
It actually pissed her off that I had a job. It was a hard construction job that I finally took after searching a decent office job after college. Only two weeks into our relationship she said. "Quit. You can live with me and you'll have no bills." My back hurt and I hated my boss so it didn't take long to convince me. Women do this all the time, I told myself. What would it hurt if I did it for awhile.
Up to this point, we had only stayed at my house, so when she took me to her place I was shocked. Her home was on a lake. There was a mansion on the mainland and then a 60 foot walking bridge that led the island...yes an island. The island was around 10 acres with another mansion on it. It was lush with trees, beaches and views. A paradise.
"How?" was all I got out of my mouth.
"My Dad was a great businessman. When he and my mom died they left me everything."
"Incredible." was all I could say.
She smiled her perfect white smile and said, "And you loved me before you knew. That's how I knew you were the one."
The one? How could anyone know who the one was that quick? I played along though. I was fucking a hot chick, retired from work and living in a mansion...or really a pair of mansions.
The weeks went by and spending 24/7 around her was getting difficult. She was way too happy all the time and I don't mean normal happy, but manic happy. So happy that I knew there had to be a fall coming. When I met no members of her family and none of her friends, I became even more suspicious. "Maybe we should have a dinner party and introduce our friends to each other?" I suggested one day.
"I'd rather not, baby. I just want to be with my soul mate with no one to interfere."
That's when I started an exhaustive search to find information about her. However, every attempt was a dead end. I had moved to the community about a year ago, so I had yet to develop strong friendships here, but she had lived here her whole life...where were her friends?
She bought me a Land Rover, an entire wardrobe of clothing and a Rolex all in the first three months, yet in spite of all of it, it was becoming too much to bare. I was smothered by her love. I never had a moment to myself and her conversation was constantly about love and how we were going to live our lives together. There never was a single conversation about world events or sports or anything else besides our relationship...it was mind numbing.
When I mentioned joining a softball league or working out at a club, a dark cloud went over her. It was the only time she wasn't manically happy. Finally, I talked her into letting me workout without becoming angry. I told her I wanted to live a long and happy life with her so fitness was important. That did the trick. She smiled and said "I don't care how you look, but I suppose that's a great reason!"
I was so relieved. I didn't want to leave the luxurious accommodations and I didn't want to go to work again, but I couldn't continue this way. Even a couple hours a day would help me regain my sanity.
The health club ended up to be packed with hot women and it was on only the 5th day that I met a woman that I immediately fell into crazy love with. After working out, we had long conversations at the juice bar. We had so much in common and I wanted to ask her out on a real date so badly that it hurt but I couldn't. After several weeks of texting her and meeting her at the club, I knew I had to break it off with Ashley, but I kept chickening out. Finally, I decided to ask the new girl, Sarah, out and just tell Ashley I needed to do an evening workout.
It worked and I had the best date of my life with Sarah. Of course, I had to lie to her and tell her my condo was getting fumigated. We went to her house and had some wine followed by the most intimate and fulfilling sex of my life. I just knew that I had found the one and I vowed the very next day to break it off with Ashley. I could sell the Land Rover and have plenty of money to get started on my own again.
The very next day I was watching Football and sexting with Sarah when I received a text from Ashley. "Sweetie, come to the island house. I've made us the best lunch ever! :)" I decided it was time. After lunch I would just do it and be free.
Ashley had made delicious steak sandwiches and fresh home made lemonade. I looked around and thought. I will miss this life, but it's time for a change. Ashley's demeanor had been off. She wasn't her manically happy self, but I chalked it up to catching my vibe and didn't pay it much attention. This whole thing would be over in a few minutes anyway.
"Let's go into the living room, baby. I have a gift for you."
"You and your gifts." I said laughing.
"People who love each other, give gifts to each other." She said with more hurt than enthusiasm. "This gift is the most appropriate one I have ever given you though. You may not like it much, but I think it suits you perfectly."
I was curious and I could tell by her tone she knew something was up. I got up from the table and was surprised to find that my legs felt really weak and by the time I was in the living room I could barely walk. I tried to talk but my words came out slurred.
"Sweetie, you better lay down on the floor so you don't fall and hurt yourself."
I sat down and then toppled over. I had no control of my body...none. I was just a heap on the floor. I was terrified that I was suffering from a stroke or a seizure, but Ashley appeared above me and rolled me onto my back and explained everything.
"Just relax Pookie. I gave you a paralytic with your lunch. You will be completely paralyzed and unable to move anything except your eyes for about an hour. Just long enough to give you your gift" she said giggling.
Suddenly she produced a picture that she held up to my eyes. It was Sarah and I fucking from the night before and my face in the throes of ecstasy. "You look like you are enjoying yourself, Pookie."
You probably can imagine my terror. I had a crazy girlfriend who knew I cheated on her sitting on my chest and I was completely paralyzed and unable to defend myself.
She stood up and came back with a giant Tailor's scissors and cut all of my clothes from my body, then proceeded to roll me onto a tarp and spread some sort of depilatory cream on me.
"I got this cream because it permanently destroys hair follicles. If you weren't paralyzed it would be burning like a son of a bitch." She even spread it on my hair and eye brows. I tried to scream but it was useless. She cleaned the dead hair off of my body and rubbed some sort of oil all over me. "You are so smooth now, Pookie."
I don't know where the Pookie nickname was coming from but I hated it. However, at that moment I had more important things to worrying about. I was trying so hard to move but my body wouldn't react to my desperate brain. I was going to look like a freak with no hair. I was devastated.
She left for a moment and came back with a phone...an iphone 6, just like mine. "As soon as you joined the health club I had your phone cloned. At first I thought I had been wrong and you did, indeed, just want to work out, but it didn't take long until you showed truly who you are...a dog willing to put your cock in anything that moves just for your own selfish pleasure. You see that's the way dog's are...they can't control it. It's natural instinct. Humans are more evolved than dog's. They can resist selfish temporary pleasure and if they love someone and they know it will hurt the person they love, they have the will power to avoid the temptation."
Although, her words were delivered in a measured tone, there was fire in her eyes. The hatred that stared back at me was terrifying. What was she going to do? At that moment what worried me most was my exposed cock.
"You, though, are more of a dog than a human which why I'm calling you 'Pookie'. I think it's a cute doggie name."
She reached over from my side where I couldn't see, then grabbed my left wrist. Her hand returned with some sort of wrap. She placed my hand in a fist and bent my left elbow so that my left fist touched my left shoulder then tightly wrapped the entire arm so that it was held in the bent position. She then did same thing for my right arm. I was completely confused.
She stood up and repositioned herself so she could work on my legs, but first she propped some pillows under my head so I could watch. She did the same thing. She bent my knees and wrapped them so that the upper and lower part of my legs were held against each other in a bent position.
She whistled a happy tune as I tried to wrap my brain around what was happening. Was she going to torture me? Anything was possible. She was certifiably insane and I was helpless.
She left again and returned with what looked like a lot of black leather. It looked like some sort of costume. She pulled a mask over my head that was part of the one piece costume and positioned my eyes in the appropriate holes. A little bit of feeling was coming back and I could tell that the mask was extremely tight and molded to my head. One by one she threaded my bent arms and legs into the costume. When she was done they looked like four black stumps. It took her another 15 minutes to pull the rest of the tight costume over my body.
As the feeling came back, I could tell how incredibly soft and flexible the material was...the only thing I could deduce was that she wanted to humiliate me in some way. When she got to my cock and balls, I could actually feel her pull them though a hole in the costume so they were exposed. As she worked on the costume around my ass I could tell that most of my ass was exposed as well and that my legs had been angled slightly so that my heels were more on the side of my buttocks.
She pulled the pillows out from under my head and I could no longer see but I could feel her open the costume at my knees and do a considerable amount of work down there. By the time she started on the costume at my elbows I had a lot of feeling and could move ever so slightly but not enough to resist her. I watched as she attached an appendage to my left arm at the left elbow. I was surprised when it looked exactly like the bottom half of a dog leg, but then it hit me. She was dressing me up as a dog...the fucking bitch wanted to humiliate me.
Before she attached the right appendage she rubbed it on my butt. "You have very soft fur, Pookie." It felt exactly like the short dog fur of a puppy. Without hesitation she attached that right leg as well.
At this point I could move quite a bit and I was ready to rip the damn costume off and beat the shit out of her. I didn't care about the consequences, I was too angry. She brought over a collar and showed it to me. "It said 'Pookie' on it in big letters. There was a little silver tag dangling from it which said, "My name is Pookie. If you find me, please return me to my owner, Ashley Atkins, 139 Lakecrest Blvd." I was going to stuff the collar up her ass. I couldn't wait for the drug to wear off.
"This collar is special, Pookie. You've probably heard of a Bark Collar that delivers a shock when a dog barks. Well this is a Talk Collar. If you attempt to speak or even whisper it will deliver a pretty sizeable shock, however if you bark, pant or whine like a puppy it will give no shock at all. Isn't that great Pookie?"
She buckled the collar very tightly around my neck. Furious, I tried to speak and tell her to fuck off but what came out was garbled and unintelligible. However, the collar sensed it as speech and delivered a shock that was excruciating and I immediately peed all over the place.
"Bad puppy." she exclaimed with the condescending voice humans use with dogs. I was in absolute agony from the shock. It was without question the worst pain I had felt in my entire life and and I writhed around for a while recovering from it.
She left the room and came back with a warm, wet rag and cleaned me up including my cock and balls which to my great consternation started to come to life with her rubbing. It was degrading beyond words. She wrapped up the tarp and pulled it from underneath me and left the room. I wiggled around and tried to break out of the costume. She came back quickly though and giggled.
"Are you trying to get loose, Pookie? Don't you like your gift? I'm allowing you to recognize your true nature. You should be thanking me. Your behavior tells me you want to be a dog."
I looked into her condescending, mirthful eyes with hate. I think if had I been totally free I would have killed her at that moment. I felt like I had most of my feeling back but with my arms bent and in the constricting costume my ability to move was limited. I also noticed now that the mask appeared to have a snout on it and my mouth and nose were inside it.
"Stand!" she suddenly ordered showing me a remote control. When I laid still and continued to stare daggers at her she responded. "I can deliver a shock just like the one you just experienced from here as well."
It took me what seemed like 5 minutes to struggle to my paws and when I was finally up I was breathing heavily. Thankfully the collar didn't zap me.
"Good boy." she said patting me on the head while she clicked a leash on my collar. "Let's go to the mirror so I can tell you about your new life." She was going to fucking lead me on a leash!
Walking behind her on a leash in a dog outfit was extremely humiliating and difficult. I felt like I was going to topple over any second. The bedroom she took me to had a three way mirror and what I saw defied belief. The mask on my face exposed my scared eyes but the rest of the head was very realistic. My bent arms and legs formed the top half of the costume's legs and the bottom half's looked exactly like a dogs. The back attachments were much shorter than the front of the legs but still long enough to make my butt stick up. The mask had floppy ears and I can only assume that my real ears were somewhere underneath because I could hear fine. I even had a tail which pointed out at 45 degree angle. I noticed with extreme embarrassment that my cock and balls were hanging there clearly visible and most of my ass was uncovered as well.
"What do you think, Pookie? I think you are a really handsome puppy."
She gave me a big condescending smile and rubbed behind my ears.
"As soon as I realized what a dog you were I ordered this suit for you. It came all the way from Austria. Normally, they run $50,000, but I had to put a rush order on it, so it was much more. It's tailored just for you. The gentlemen from the company who makes them insisted that the suit is escape proof. It has a little latch just under where your ball hang. You just pull a little piece of fabric over and twist a knob 90 degree and pull straight out. It would be really easy if you had hands...which you don't and if you could reach it...which you can't. Any human being could release you right away but for you it might as well be Fort Knox...the suits not coming off."
She paused giggling to herself.
"I'll continue since you no longer have the ability to talk. The suit is made of extremely strong material. It's the toughest, stretchiest material I've ever held. I took an extremely sharp knife and tried to poke through it and couldn't even scratch the surface. No matter what you try to do, you won't be able to tear it off yourself. You are stuck. You will just have to get used to being my puppy and walking on all fours."
She began to stroke my back and it felt like my actual skin was being touched. "As you can see the material is so thin and breathable that it becomes like real skin."
At that moment, I just couldn't help myself. I was just so angry, humiliated and scared at the same time. I burst into tears.
"What's a matter, Pookie? Don't you like being a doggie? I was so sure that you would love it based on your behavior. You acted just like a dog except for in one area...loyalty. Do you know why dog's are so loyal, Pookie? They are loyal because they are dependent on their owners for food and shelter. You will learn that without me giving you food and water and a warm cage to sleep in that you will die. You are now completely dependent on me, your owner, just to survive. Speaking of your cage...let me show you your new bed."
She flicked her wrist which must have been a command to walk, but I was just too pissed off for her games anymore and I refused.
"Oh, Pookie, that was a mistake. She fiddled with the knob on the remote. The shock collar has different pain settings, so I'm going to just set it on the lowest for now for your training. I don't want to clean up the rug."
She pushed the button and a shock hit me that almost knocked me over. It wasn't as painful as when I tried to talk but it still almost brought me to tears and sent me walking forward immediately.
"Good boy, Pookie."
I watched her magnificent ass in front of me as she pulled me down the hall into the bedroom where I used to fuck her, but I was no longer her dominant boyfriend, but now her pathetic pet. She had a large cage in the corner of the room with a metal bottom in it.
"Let's see how you fit, shall we?"
There was no way I was getting into a dog cage, but when I hesitated another horrifying shock went through me and I walked right in reeling from the effects of it. She shut and latched the door and I quickly realized she wouldn't need a lock on it because while the mechanism would have been easy to manipulate for a human, a dog couldn't get it in a million years. Once I was in the cage I was stuck.
"Oh...that cage is perfect for you, Pookie. You look so cute trapped in there. You should see yourself." She brought a mirror over and set it in front of the cage. I looked utterly ridiculous. I was so frustrated and embarrassed. I was just going to have to let her have her fun, but when she let me go I would beat the shit out of her.
"I need to do some clothes shopping and go to the grocery store. I'll be back in a few hours. Unfortunately, I can't trust you outside of your cage yet. Your little accident showed that you are not house broken and I don't want to come home to carpet stains. Be patient, Pookie, I know you are going to miss mommy."
She wiggled her hot butt out the door shutting it behind her and I was stuck in the cage. It was the most humiliated I had ever been in my life. She had tricked me, that was for sure and held all the cards. She couldn't keep me forever, but she sure could make this a very memorable low point in my life.
My arms and legs were extremely uncomfortable and beginning to cramp, so I slid down onto my stomach and splaying my legs out in front of me and behind. Exactly like a dog does. Her shopping trip seemed to last forever. She didn't leave a TV on and I couldn't see her clock radio from the cage.
I tried my best not to panic and just told myself that it all would be over soon. She just wanted to humiliate me for cheating on her. When she finally let me go there would be hell to pay. I just hoped it would be when she got back because I was already going crazy. Hours went by, but I couldn't tell how many. I was stuck in this constricting outfit in a cage and my muscles had begun to cramp. What if she didn't come back? I had no way to release myself. I would die in this cage. I was completely at her mercy.
When I heard her front door I breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't possibly hold me much longer. I convinced myself that she was going to release me and let me head back to Sarah. She didn't come in right away...probably to make me suffer knowing she was there, but when she did it was with a big smile.
"How's my good boy? Did you miss mommy?" She said with sick condensation. She opened the cage and patted her leg. "Come on, Pookie."
At first, I balked. I was suddenly viciously angry. I didn't want to follow commands like a dog and give her any more satisfaction, but when she sighed and pulled out the shock remote, I struggled to my feet and came out. She put her hand on my ass, fingers pointing downward and stuck one of her fingers between my ass cheeks. "When I come home, I expect to see your tail wagging." She said sternly and moved my ass back and forth showing me how to do it. I could feel the weight of the tail swaying. "If it doesn't, you will regret it."
Her hand pulled away but seconds later I heard a crack and felt intense pain. She showed me a black leather strap in her hand. "I see you understand." she said looking at my tail. Indeed, I had begun to move my ass to make the tail wag.
What was more terrifying than the strap, though, was the fact that she said "When I come home." like I was going to be her dog for a long time, not just this one day.
"Open your mouth." she commanded and for the first time I realized that opening my mouth caused the snout to open too. She stuck a tennis ball in it and then pulled it out. "Fetch." she commanded throwing the ball across the room.
Once again, I balked. There was no way in fucking hell I was going to fetch a Tennis ball for her. It was too much. It was time to end this.
She looked very cross and said, "Fetch!" pointing at the ball.
Once again I refused. She pulled out the remote and turned the knob before pressing. I braced for it but there was no bracing for the level of pain it caused. I let out a squeal as the horrifying pain made me fall to the floor and roll around.
"Up!" she commanded giving me almost no time to recover. I stood up feeling the after shocks acutely. "Fetch!"
This time I made my way for the ball. I could do no more than crawl slowly. My body was not used to walking in this position.
"You are a lazy fucking dog, Pookie!"
I moved quicker trying not to fall over. I opened my jaw and was able to grasp the ball and walk back. She opened her hand and I dropped it.
"Faster Pookie!" she said tossing the ball across the room. I tried to explain to her with my eyes that I was sorry and that it was painful to move in the suit, but she pointed at the ball with fire in her eyes.
Time and time again she threw it and although I grew more coordinated with my walking, I was in severe distress. Everything hurt and my legs and arms were horribly cramping. After 20 times I could no longer move and I collapsed to the floor in misery. I wept like a baby. Humiliated, in pain and scared.
"What's a matter, Pookie?" she said. "I thought you wanted to be a dog? But, you are so sad."
I looked up at her trying desperately to communicate with my eyes. I had learned my lesson.
"I want you to understand something Pookie. You are permanently my dog. You are going to wear this suit for the rest of your life. I am never letting you go." She stared down at me with a self satisfied grin on her face enjoying my mental agony.
I had to get out of the suit...I had to get some form of relief but she was telling me that it was permanent. I was going to spend my life in a living hell. I started crying harder.
"It took less than a day to turn you into a weeping, little bitch and to think I used to worship you as my man. Boy was I wrong about you."
I felt anger looking up at her, but mostly fear. She had complete control. I was helpless. The feeling was overpowering and overwhelming.
"And Pookie. I want you to understand something else...no matter how bad you think things are...they could be worse." I didn't know how, but I had a feeling she was right. This woman was certifiably insane.
She commanded me up and walked me to the laundry room which had a stationary tub with a low lip on it and motioned me in. As I stood their on all fours ashamed and humiliated she sprayed me with warm water then used real dog shampoo to lather me up.
I'm going to keep my Pookie nice and clean so we can snuggle when you have been a good boy." She had changed into a good mood in an instant. It was unnerving. Her hands reached my cock and balls and she began to lather them up with a handful of shampoo. I was mortified when my cock began to harden.
"Oh Pookie. Do you like it when mommy rubs your little cock?" Suddenly her hands gripped my cock and balls tightly. I'm sure my eyes bulged in fear. "Or, would you prefer to be a bitch? Because if you want to lie on the floor crying and act like a bitch, I can have that arranged with one operation. It's amazing what they can do with surgery these days."
I shook my head wildly back and forth. "No?" she said with a smile. "Well, I'll let you decide. If you want to be a bitch then you act like one and cry and refuse to follow commands like you just did and I'll make that happen for you."
The terror was so intense that I felt my eyes watering up again. "Don't cry Pookie. That's what bitches do...they cry." The more I tried not to cry the more terrified I became and the more I cried. She had total control and I didn't doubt it one bit that she would give me a sex change operation...not one doubt. In the matter of a few hours, she had me. I was terrified of her and knew that there was nothing she wouldn't do to me.
"Do you understand?" I shook my head up and down. I closed my eyes and breathed trying desperately to stop crying and it worked.
"Good boy, Pookie." she said rubbing behind my ears.
She finished my bath taking her time cleaning my ass, cock and balls, but every time I was about to cum she stopped and started cleaning somewhere else. When she was done she dried me off with a fluffy towel. My cock was still extremely hard from the teasing.
"Do you know what I think, Pookie? I think that you are hard because you are thinking about being a bitch."
I shook my head back and forth vigorously.
"We'll see, Pookie. If your behavior is bad then that will be your way of letting me know that it's what you want."
What I started off thinking was going to be just a day of revenge turned into a week and then two. The first couple of days were the worst as the pain of my constricted legs and arms was nearly unbearable, but on the third day my body had started to adjust and soon it was not nearly as painful. The suit had hinged joints just like real dogs do and after a while I was able to master them and run and after two weeks I was pretty fast. She enjoyed making me run back and forth across the room fetching a Tennis ball so I got plenty of practice.
While she ate her meals she made me practice sit, lay down, roll over and shake as she fed me little pieces of human food, but the rest of the time I ate actual dog food. It was really tough with the snout. I had to scoop it in there and then tilt my head back and let it fall into my mouth. It was the same thing with water. I scooped water into my snout and then let it roll into my throat.
During the evenings she had me curl up on the couch with her and put my head on her thigh while she watched TV. She would rub behind my ears and softly say you are a good boy, Pookie. Sometimes she would have me roll over and lay on my back while she rubbed my belly and then make her way down to my cock. Usually she stopped and left me frustrated but every once in a while she allowed me to cum. To my great embarrassment there was nothing I could do about arousal.
The humiliation of constantly having my cock, balls and ass exposed didn't ever seem to wane. I was always acutely aware that she was clothed most of the time and I was exposed. When I got erect there was nothing I could do to hide it. I felt like it made what she was doing to me OK in some way and I hated it.
The talk about making me into a bitch was a successful strategy. I did everything obediently. I was scared to death she would follow through and it didn't take me long to realize that I had no choice anyway. She had me completely trapped and helpless.
After that initial two weeks everything remained horrible but I somehow got a little used to the new norm. However, it was on the 17th day that I was in for another big surprise. She walked into the bedroom where I lay in my cage. Holding a leash and on that leash was another human dog. A female dog with a fit, gorgeous body. The dog's eyes looked terrified and her gait was awkward and uncomfortable like she had just had the suit put on her. As Ashley walked the dog closer, I was shocked. The eyes looked at me with terror were Sarah's. Ashley had taken the woman I had cheated on her with and made her life a living hell too. The woman I loved and that I longed to be with was now with me, but not in the way I would have ever wished for.
"I thought you would be happy to see your pretty, little friend, Pookie." She said mirthfully. "Her behavior made me think that she longed to be a dog too. I actually took her on the same day I took you. When I told you I was going out clothes shopping I was actually kidnapping her. She had to have a little operation. I had her fixed so that she couldn't have puppies. It's the humane thing to do. Now, come out of your cage she said opening the latch.
I wanted to kill her, to attack her, but I knew that would only end up with me in severe pain and possible on my way to becoming a bitch, so I walked out dutifully wagging my tail.
"Good boy, Pookie. Dog's usually sniff each other's butts when they see each other..." she said as I got close to Sarah and tried to tell her I was sorry with my eyes. "I followed the suggestion feeling a surge of humiliation course through me. I put my snout up to Sarah's ass.
"Lady, now you sniff Pookie's ass." Apparently she had named Sarah, Lady.
Sarah cried and didn't move but a correction from the remote sent her snout right into my ass.
She clapped her leg and ordered us into the living room. Sarah fell behind still extremely awkward on her new legs. Ashley leaned down to my ear. "Remember Pookie...I'm waiting to see if you are a bitch or the top-dog. The top dog humps the other dogs in the pack and shows them who is the boss."
The last thing I wanted to do is take advantage of Sarah, but the look in her eye told me she wouldn't hesitate to follow up on her threat. Sarah finally made it into the room with her eyes filled with terror. I wanted to save her and take her away and I felt responsible for what was happening to her, but I didn't have a choice. When she reached the middle of the room, I approached her from behind and pounced.
She let out a little squeal that that sounded like a dog that didn't set off her "talk" collar. Her front paws splayed out causing her upper torso to fall to the floor. Her lower legs splayed too, but the way the dog suit was configured it didn't allow her lower half to completely fall to the floor. Her butt was in the air higher than her torso. The result was literally the perfect angle for me to enter her.
I was instantly hard and I wasted no time in pushing my cock inside her. Her pussy was very soft and moist. Maybe like me the situation caused her arousal despite her fear and humiliation. She was pinned tightly underneath me...completely helpless...and I fucked her hard and fast just like a dog would have.
I hated myself for it and I knew she had to be shocked by my aggression. There was no way to tell her why I had to play along...I just had to do it. I hated myself and felt repulsed by my actions. It was my fault she had been sterilized and my fault that she was here at all and yet here I was pinning her down and raping her while Ashley watched. I banged in and out of her as fast as I could and to my surprise I came quickly exploding into her with a shocking hard orgasm. As soon as I was done, I pulled out just like a dog would have.
Ashley immediately slapped her leg beckoning me to come over. "Good boy, Pookie!" she said with exuberant eyes. "I guess you are the top-dog and Lady is the bottom bitch."
I glanced at Sarah who hadn't moved and was sobbing. I wanted to hug her and apologize, but instead I stood obediently while Ashley rubbed behind my ears.
Things changed after that. About an hour later, Ashley came over and rubbed my belly making her way to my cock. As usual I became very hard. Sarah had moved to the corner and was in a constant struggle to get comfortable in the constricting dog suit. Why don't you go to take care of that with your bitch. I trotted over and pounced on her again. She had been her side but I was able to push her onto her stomach and stick it again within seconds.
That day and every day there after for weeks I fucked her at least 5 times a day. Trapping her and pinning her down any time I felt like it. My animal instincts were never denied. At times, I shocked myself with my aggression. Sometimes she would see me coming and try to avoid me, but I was faster and stronger and eventually I would get her in a corner or run her down and have my way with her. Always fast and hard like a dog. I know it was wrong, but I was scared to death of Ashley and what she would do to me if I didn't do it.
My life was only marginally better during this period. Sure I had sex constantly but I was nothing but an animal. The suit had become tolerable, but I still was in near constant agony. I was scared it was doing permanent damage to my legs. I was always on the lookout for ways to escape but it seemed like Ashley had thought of everything, plus the suit's bondage was impenetrable. I would just have to pray that law enforcement would figure it out sooner than later. There had to be someone looking for Sarah who would find the connection to Ashley. I had no hope for my friends and relatives. I doubted they would realize I was missing for a year or more.
At dinner time, I was fed pieces of steak while Sarah was relegated to dog food only. I slept on the bed with Ashley while Sarah had to sleep in the cage. Sarah was not allowed on the furniture, but I was allowed up there any time I wanted. Ashley would expect me to lay with my head on her leg while she would watch TV while poor Sarah was laughed at and had to lay on the floor.
Ashley constantly talked about how muscular and beautiful I was to Sarah. Complementing me on my butt muscles, my shoulders and everything else. "You are lucky to be the bitch to such as handsome, muscular dog, Lady." she would say right after I would fuck her.
At the beginning of a 4th week there was a new arrival at our house...another bitch. I had no idea what her real name was but Ashley called her "Lucy." The terror in her eyes was unmistakable. Both Sarah and I had felt the same way a few short weeks before. She walked in on unsteady legs and Ashley introduced us. "This is Lucy. Lucy was a bully in high school and gave me a really hard time when I was a young girl. I've been watching her for a while and she has exhibited doglike behavior since high school. She had bent over for many different men."
I was very excited. Ashley was getting careless and picking up old grudges like this girl who was apparently a high school bully. She would make a mistake and someone would find us. I was sure of it now. Poor Lucy could hardly walk and was easy prey I circled around and approached her from behind. Then, I pounced and shoved her to the floor face down. Just like Sarah, Lucy's suit caused her butt to push in the air and I found her pussy easily accessible. I fucked her in hard fast thrusts and came almost immediately. When I was done Lucy wept just like Sarah had. The hell of her new life now completely revealed to her.
Ashley laughed at Lucy and rubbed behind her ears. "Poor little bottom bitch." she said condescendingly.
Later that night she changed my name. I was now Rex. "A name for fitting for the top dog." she said when she cuddled in bed with me. The two bitches slept together in the cage.
My life over the next couple of weeks was nothing but fucking, eating and sleeping. I took turns fucking the two girls when Ashley was around. I rarely fucked them unless she was there, so when we were alone I left the girls alone. Ashley loved it and fed me tasty human food and let me sleep in the warm comfortable bed overnight. The two bitches ate dry dog food and slept on the metal floor of the cage.
However, about 2 months after my kidnapping something happened that flipped my entire life. I had been sleeping on the living room floor on my side when I was suddenly pushed onto my stomach and felt pinned down by a heavy weight. The dog suits we wore were difficult to stand up in. I had mastered getting up in an instance, but with the way they were configured standing up with a heavy weight on you was nearly impossible. From the smell I immediately knew it was Sarah. Just like the girls, laying on my stomach pushed my butt into the air.
It took me a second but I soon realized to my horror that not only was she laying on top of me but she was dry humping me! I squirmed and struggled in desperation but there was nothing I could do that would dislodge her. I felt her pussy rubbing against me as she humped me like a horny bunny. I couldn't let Ashley see me like this! However, when I finally gave up and turned my head, I realized that Ashley already was in the room sitting on the couch and watching my humiliation with a look of disgust in her eyes.
I began to fight again but there was nothing I could do. For two straight hours she laid on me and about every ten minutes she dry humped me. The frustration grew so great that I found myself crying. The worst part was though that I was ramrod straight erect. Just the smell of Sarah had begun to get me hard. I had a feeling that Ashley was feeding me something push my libido and this confirmed it.
Ashley sat right in front of me with her legs extended to each side of us and looked me in the eye. "You are pathetic! You let her do this to you and you cry like a little bitch?" She leaned to the side and looked under us. With my butt pushed up a little but the suit there was enough space to see.
"Apparently being the bottom bitch is something you enjoy." she said with an evil smile.
When Sarah finally got off me I jumped up in a rage and began to chase her. I was going to fuck the shit out of her and take back my place. However, as I finally cornered her and was about to pounce I was hit hard from behind and I collapsed into a heap on the floor. Lucy had perfectly timed a jump onto my back.
Now, it was her turn. She humped me for at least an hour. For most of that time, Sarah laid in front of me looking me in the eyes. The eyes can say a lot and hers told me that she was enjoying my humiliation immensely. Ashley looked even more disgusted. She couldn't even look at me. I caught and pinned both of them before the day was through but both times, Ashley had left the room.
That night, I was fed dry dog food and placed in the cage with the other bitches. It was cramped and cold and the night was very long. There was barely enough room for all of us and I had to sleep up against the bars on one side. In the morning, things got even worse. I heard Ashley wake up but before I could spring up and wag my tail, Sarah jumped on my back and began to hump me again. Ashley's first look at our cage gave her this view. My pathetic eyes staring up at her as I was dry humped by a much smaller dog. Sarah had figured out my weakness and was taking full advantage.
For the next couple of days I lived in fear...an all encompassing fear that Ashley was going to follow up on her threat. I knew all I had to do was hold on and the cops would find us. Ashley had become kind of like a serial killer or rapist and she would kidnap more people who pissed her off and eventually we would be rescued. I didn't want to be rescued with my body changed.
However, I got no help from the women. They seemed hell bent on revenge. I wish that I could explain to them why I continued to fuck them and what would happen to me if I didn't but there was no way to communicate it. I was constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure I wouldn't get pounced on and constant scheming for a way to fuck them myself. Unfortunately, I got the worst of it. Standing on my legs was tiring and if I stood too long I got too tired to outrun them, however if I lay down I was even more vulnerable. Especially if I dozed off. I learned that the hard way twice the first day when I woke up trapped underneath Sarah and then Lucy getting humped. Both times right in front of Ashley.
If we were keeping score they would be leading 2-1. Then the worst thing happened. I was fucking Lucy and was shoved over by Sarah on to my back. Before I could turn over Lucy sat right on my face and Sarah sat on my cock. I was pinned to the floor and raped. I actually thought I might die because I could barely breath. They left me on the floor covered in sexual juices and despite myself I felt the tears well up. Ashley walked over and snapped a leash on my collar and pulled me up and over to the stationary tub.
She said nothing at first as she rinsed me with warm water but when she started to lather me up she began. "Pookie, it appears that you are now the bottom bitch in this house. I shook my head side to side violently. She laughed. "Talk is cheap...or should I say gestures are cheap. The proof is in what I see happening. I saw how excited you were when the girls were fucking you."
I was now openly crying. There aren't words to describe how desperate I was. It had to be only days before we were rescued.
"See, Pookie, you are crying like the little bitch you are...what did I warn you about? I'm afraid that we need to do this sooner than later. I called my friend who works at a private genetics company and he has agreed to see you and include you in their experiments. I guess friend is not the best word. I offered him 20 million dollars in seed money if they would make some alterations to your DNA for me. He agreed to do it...no questions asked. 20 million dollars to me is like a penny to most people and I get 10% ownership in the company. It's a win/win for everyone...including you.
They have shied away from traditional funding because of the sensitive nature of their work. Let's just say that they have taken their experiments beyond what is considered legal in an effort to get to market quicker. A simple of vial of their drug can alter DNA. All they need to do is take a person's DNA profile and with a few keystrokes create a formula that alters that profile any way they wish. It has taken thousands of human lives to reach this point. Mostly homeless people and criminals so the world won't miss them, but still it would be frowned upon if it ever came out.
"Now they can take a person who will likely get cancer or have heart disease and literally eradicate it before it happens. If a person is obese, they can literally wipe it from their body and within months they will be height/weight proportional. Their literally is no limit to what they can accomplish.
With you they will take your DNA and alter it to female, but I will sit down first at the computer and literally make you look exactly as I desire. The computer will make an exact image of what you will look like female and then I will shape you the rest of the way. Several months from now you will wake up in your dog suit as my obedient little bitch puppy."
At that moment I felt her plunge a needle into my ass. I tried to scream but nothing came out, within seconds I had passed out.
I have literally no recollection of the next three months. They passed like a second because I had been placed in a deep coma for the changes to take place. When I did wake up it was on the floor of one of Ashley's guest rooms in the island mansion. The window was open and the birds chirping with the lake breeze should have been relaxing...however for me my only thought was 'did it really happen?' I felt the familiar bondage of the dog suit, but instantly I knew things were different. For the longest time I didn't move a muscle. I noticed that Ashley lay on the bed watching TV...probably waiting for me to wake. I didn't want to alert her. Even though I knew it had happened, I didn't want to face it yet.
However, this didn't last for long. I heard the bed move and suddenly Ashley was looking down at me. For some reason, I didn't close my eyes. "Princess! You are awake. How's my good girl? Did you have a nice nap?"
Although she had confirmed my fears with her words, it didn't really sink in until she had commanded up and I had struggled to my feet. There was no mistaking the feeling of mounds of flesh on my chest. They bounced and swayed as I struggled on weak, new legs to rise. Once I reached my feet they felt heavy hanging pendulous from my position on all fours.
"Good girl, Princess, let's go look in the mirror."
She put a leash on my collar and walked me across the room to a three way mirror. both my ass and my new breasts bounced with every step and there were bells that jingled on my collar as well. I want to puke! I was so nervous that I felt like I would pass out with every awkward step. Even when I reached the mirrors, I didn't look up. I was too terrorized to see, but when she commanded I obeyed and nothing could have prepared me for what greeted me. I saw a small girl with big, sad brown eyes behind a dog mask. The girl's tits were firm looking and very large...especially for her frame. Her waist looked impossibly small and expanded into a very large ass that I could see from the mirror behind me. Her pussy was bald and totally in view. She had a dog suit on that exposed her breasts, ass and vagina and covered everything else up. Around her neck was a pink collar with little bells hanging from it that said "Princess" in pink, sparkly silver letters. There was a heart on each side of the name.
I knew the girl was me but it just didn't totally compute in my confused brain.
"This must be very shocking for you, Princess." She with her usual condescending voice. It was at that moment that I realized that my new name was actually Princess. "You were such a big boy before and now you are a small little bitch."
Her hand touched the girl's ass and I felt it. She was indeed me. "Not so small where it counts, huh? When I was designing you, I couldn't help myself. I've always thought short, little girls with big curves were sexy. When I sat down with the genetic designer he was even able to make your tits and ass firmer so they wouldn't ever sag like other girls. He also made sure you would never have unsightly rippling or stretch marks. They will always look perfect. It's amazing what they can do at that lab.
If you were allowed to stand up you would be exactly 5'-0" tall. Your hair was so thick and beautiful that I decided not to shave it. I incorporated it into your costume. Of course you will never grow any hair beneath your eyebrows ever. Your hands and your feet were so tiny and cute too that I almost didn't want to hide them in the suit, but you are a dog and it would be cruel not to have you live as a dog.
I named you Princess because you are so delicate and sensitive. Look how easy you cry." I saw my eyes starting to well up in the mirror. I was slowly realizing what happened to was very real and very permanent. Even though she had been clear what she would do to me, it was still hard to believe. What made it worse was that my humiliation was on display. I couldn't hide anything. Everything but my face was clearly visible.
She pulled my leash and I noticed in the mirror how my tits bounced about when I walked. "Come on now, Princess, it's time to go see the other bitches again and to meet Chester."
Chester? I thought. Who the fuck is Chester? I suddenly felt even more vulnerable...if that was possible. She had gotten another male dog when I was away. I almost spiraled into a panic attack. I was tiny and I still hadn't adjusted to the dog suit. My legs were wobbly on top of the unfamiliar feeling lower legs and my muscles which were not used to the outfit were cramping again. I would be easy prey for a male.
I stopped in my tracks.
"Princess!" she said sharply. "Dog's are not anti-social. It's time to join your pack whether you like it or not." she pulled harshly on the leash and I felt like I was being hung, so I walked forward and through the open door and then down the hall. Even that short walk had me out of breath and my legs sore and tired. The ridiculous bells on my collar jingled with every step. There would be no sneaking around for me. My heart was beating out of control and I was fighting back tears as we rounded the corner into the living room.
The two familiar girls jumped up and trotted over immediately and sniffed my butt. They were trained well. They both looked really comfortable now moving around as dogs. To my surprise, they were both larger than me and taller, but nothing could have prepared me for what I saw behind them.
An enormous jet black dog stood behind them at attention. He was huge. Probably 270lbs of solid ripped muscle. His shoulders and chest were humongous. He wore a jet black dog mask that matched his dark skin and behind it were intense eyes. The bored into me without blinking. The biggest shock, though, was what was between his legs. An impossibly big cock and balls hung exposed and as he appraised me his cock grew hard and became even fucking bigger.
Chester is a volunteer. He asked to be my property. Unlike you three he knew he was a dog and didn't need to be forced into it. I control him completely now, but he is very happy. Aren't you Chester?"
He wagged his tale side to side but his gaze never left me.
Chester show Princess how fast you are... Chester exploded into a sprint across the large living and came back stopping on a dime staring at me again. He was barely shower than a real greyhound. Every stride had displayed his huge flexed muscles.
"Chester, would you like to greet Princess?"
His tail began to wag out of control and I began to back up on wobbly legs. I knew I had no chance to get away but my instincts told me to try and I turned the other way right as I heard Ashley say, "Release!"
I barely made it one step before he was on me. His huge torso pushed me to the floor with my butt forced into the air by the suit and my knees underneath me. His massiveness practically swallowed me up. I was totally pinned and could barely move. Within seconds I felt the tip of his giant cock up against my soft, little hole. I honestly felt he was going to rip me open and I would bleed to death, but miraculously he was able to fit after about 30 seconds of gradually pushing it in.
I let out a squeal that sounded horribly high pitched and I heard Ashley giggling.
He proceeded to fuck me fast and hard for what seemed like 30 minutes but was likely only 2-3. There was the horrible slapping sound as hips repeatedly slammed into my ass combined the sloppy sound of my wet vagina. My high pitched squealing was mortifying. When he was done I could feel his cum oozing out of me. With a loud pop he pulled out and he went over to Ashley to get his ears rubbed. It was very painful and humiliating but at the end I felt something welling up deep inside me. It didn't come out but I could feel it there. Plus, I had become very wet as I soon as I was pinned to the floor underneath him.
I laid there for a while crying afterwards. Just like the girls had after I had raped them like a dog. I was a fuck toy for this giant muscular man who apparently enjoyed being in dog bondage. When I finally looked over he was laying on the couch resting his head on Ashley's lap while she rubbed behind his ears...just like she used to do for me while the other girls cried.
For the next hour I lay in terror. I had one eye on the TV and one eye on Chester. Suddenly his head perked up and he looked right at me. I knew what was about to happen so I scrambled to my paws and tried to run. I heard a loud thump as he jumped off the couch and then I heard his quick strides as he ran me down. I was pinned to the floor instantly and almost immediately his cock entered me. His strokes were hard and fast like before but it took him longer to cum. I tried to think about other things but for some reason I was extremely aroused. The feeling I felt before began deep inside me and made gradually made it's way to the surface. Everything was extremely warm right before and I knew was coming and there was literally no way to stop it. Convulsions gripped my entire mid section and extended up to my nipples. It was like absolutely nothing I had ever experienced.
I lost myself in it and although I knew I was squealing, it seemed like someone else was making the sound. It was almost an out of body experience. He finished immediately afterwards and popped out. I felt the cum drip out of me again but this time I was still feeling the warm, pleasant sensations of the after effects.
During the next two weeks Chester fucked me at least 6 times a day. The man was insatiable. I ran for the first day or so, but soon I realized how pathetic it was to be tracked down and captured and I eventually gave myself up and took it without complaint. Sometimes I came and sometimes I didn't. Either way, I was mortified every time. I knew how much Ashley was enjoying my defilement. She was so utterly evil. I had pegged her as crazy, but I didn't realize how crazy. The thought of having to live like this...a humiliated bitch...for the rest of my life was too much to bear. I took everything one hour at a time so I didn't completely go insane.
Ashley took great pleasure in giving me bathes after I had been fucked. She would thoroughly clean my butt and vagina and take her time on my breasts as well. "You are Chester's favorite bitch. I think he loves your big ass." she said to me one day as she carefully rubbed the shampoo between my ass cheeks. "It must feel strange to never be able to touch yourself...to be so helpless and dependent on me for everything. I mean...look at you. You can't even clean your own ass or your own pussy after getting fucked. I could stop feeding you and watch you die and the only thing you could do is look up at me with your weepy brown eyes and beg for help." She laughed at me as she dried me down. "As a matter of fact." she continued. "You will never feel yourself because you will spend the rest of your life living in this suit as a dog." She sent me on my way with a hard slap on the ass.
She followed me into the living room and sat down on the couch. Chester jumped up and put his head on her knee to be petted, but his eyes were focused on me. It didn't take him long to recover after cumming and I knew fucking me was already on his mind. What kind of sick bastard volunteers for this I thought.
It was at that exact moment that I heard an extremely loud bang followed by footsteps. Seconds later, the room was full of police officers with guns drawn. I'll never forget their looks of shock at seeing the four of us in dog suits.
Ashley was arrested and charged with kidnapping, torture and many other things. The police were somehow able to keep most of the details out of the news, but it was on cable news 24/7 for weeks. It was unheard of for a beautiful woman to kidnap and keep people in sexual slavery.
I also will never forget the feeling of relief when the officers took off our dog suits. The detectives on the scene photographed the suits, but thankfully did not photograph us in them. They told us there were more than enough witnesses and that the photographs would just be more cruel punishment for us.
When the suits were off we were wrapped in blankets and carried out of her house to ambulances. It took three men to carry Chester. I had no feeling in my lower legs or lower arms, but I had it a lot better than the other girls. Their upper arms and legs looked sickly. Almost no muscle structure at all. I couldn't speak. My vocal chords had atrophied. None of us could communicate with the police officers. None of us, except for Chester. He must have been allowed to speak when he wasn't around us.
He told a tale of being kidnapped as well and we could do nothing to refute him. Fortunately, the detectives uncovered messages between Chester and Ashley that talked about her slaves. He argued in court that he thought she meant willing slaves and his defense included an elaborate explanation of the S&M world. In the end, he only spent 6 months in jail.
It took 4 months of intense, painful physical therapy for the girls to fully recover. Fortunately, all three of us did. It was a month before I could walk normally, but the other girls took 4 months. My voice came back within a couple of days, but it took the other girls a couple of weeks. In this one way, I had lucked out by getting a new body and only spending 2 weeks in the suit.
We were all placed in the same hospital for recovery and it was immediately apparent that the girls didn't know who I really was. They assumed I was just another poor girl who had been kidnapped just like them.
Because I was the first one to speak, I was the first one interviewed by the detectives. Their first question...what's your name? I had anticipated this and made a decision as soon as I was taken to the hospital. I never wanted anyone to know what happened to me. I would be seen as a freak and it would destroy ever having a normal life. I decided to feign amnesia. People who go through severe trauma often get amnesia, so I thought it would be a good cover and it was. The only downfall was that I had to spend countless hours in therapy trying to regain my memory. They came up empty on a fingerprint test, a DNA test and from the directory of missing persons in the USA and abroad.
They wanted to broadcast my picture to the national news media but I refused much to their frustration. I tried to explain that I didn't want to spend the rest of my life known as the "dog-girl". (By the then the dog suits had been leaked to the media) They pleaded saying that someone out there is probably dying inside because I'm missing. I told them that anyone who was missing a girl would certainly inquire with them when they heard there was a Jane Doe.
Apparently, my argument made sense and they left me alone after that. It did leave me with a serious problem though. I had no identity which meant I had no money, no job history, no family, no education...nothing.
Although I was relieved beyond words by our rescue, the result of what happened to me was utterly humiliating. I was soft, little and curvy. During the first days, after our rescue I had to be carried to the toilet by a male nurse. Every touch of a man made me wet. It was obvious that Ashley had made me into some sort of nympho as part of the DNA change. It would explain why I got so wet when Chester used me while at the same time I was so horrified. It was going to be tough to live with such a supercharged libido.
I waited until I could walk on my own before I looked at my face. I had a feeling that I was extremely good looking from the looks and attention I seemed to get from cops and male staff in the hospital, but when I walked into the bathroom by myself I was shocked. Sure enough, I was gorgeous. I looked extremely young...like 18-19. I was fresh faced but with a tinge of bad girl when I smiled at myself in the mirror.
I was literally 5'-0" tall. Everyone was taller than me except children. My frame was skinny in the waist, shoulders and arms but with very large firm breasts and a big, round firm ass and thick firm thighs. My feet and hands were really little. My teeth were perfectly white and straight. My lips were the perfect level of full, my nose dainty, my eyes big and brown and my hair thick and brunette.
The psychiatrist brought in some forms one day and told me that my situation would most likely qualify for temporary social security benefits and maybe for a lump sum payment from the crime victims fund set up in the state for crime victims who became financially destitute from being victimized by a crime.
"Where you will really clean up is by suing Ashley Atkins." she said with a smile. The three of you will own everything. I hadn't thought of that. I was going to be rich.
However, that fantasy soon ended. The second Ashley Atkins had been arrested or more likely a few seconds before a panic code had been placed in her phone and all of her assets had vanished into thin air. Her fortune was transferred 100 or more times through different banks and countries until it was impossible to find. Her homes were mortgaged to the hilt and her cars were on lease. There was no money whatsoever...zero...none.
It was her final fuck you to us. I suppose she wanted her money if by some miracle she ever left prison, but I still to this day I think that more than anything she just didn't want us to have it.
Shortly, after I was denied Social Security benefits and I was denied a payment from the crime victims fund. 2 days later I found out why when the police came calling again. Their tone had changed from helpful to interrogation. I could tell that nobody believed that I didn't know who I was and that the police now believed that I was hiding something and that I may have been in cahoots with Ashley. They kept bringing up the fact that I recovered so quickly...like I wasn't really subjected to the same suffering as the other girls. They even asked me if I knew Chester before he came to the house.
That night I sat in my bed and cried. I owned literally nothing. For the past 30-days I had lived in the hospital gowns. I didn't even have underwear until one of the nurses picked me up two sets of bras and panties. Finally at about 1:00 AM, I decided I had to make a break for it, but when I opened the door I noticed that there was a cop at the nurses station just 20 feet away. They must have left him to make sure I didn't go anywhere. Fortunately, his back was to me and night nurse was giggling and paying attention to only him.
I slipped into the hallway and then into the stairwell as quiet as a mouse. I went down two floors and walked softly down a silent hallway. One by one I checked the rooms. At the 4th room I found what I needed. The girl was sound asleep with an IV dripping. I put on her black yoga pants which molded to me like a second skin and her running shoes which were too big and then her t-shirt and sweatshirt which didn't fit too badly.
Her purse was right by her bed and although I didn't want to, I needed money terribly. Her wallet had $52 dollars in it. I pocketed the money but then I noticed her ID. It was definitely not an exact match but her ID actually resembled me. She had dark hair, brown eyes and a similar jaw line. Her ID said she was 5'-2" and 115lbs. I took it and mouthed sorry to her sleeping face. It may be the only way for me to escape, so I took it without hesitation. She could go to the DMV and get a new one. I started to walk out of the room, but then I stopped. When they realized that I had left and the girl reported her ID missing, they would put two and two together and the ID would be useless. I put it back where I found it.
I walked right out the front entrance without anyone paying me any mind. I kept to the side roads and the shadows and several hours later I reached a truck stop along the freeway. The third truck driver I approached agreed to give me a lift. He was heading to Denver. The man was in his fifties and not in great shape so I figured I would be able to wiggle away from him if he tried something. I knew it wasn't the smartest move, but it was worth the risk. I would be long gone by the time the nurse entered my room at 7:00 AM and realized I was missing.
He smiled as we entered the freeway. "Don't worry sweetie. I'm not dangerous." He could sense my unease.
"I really appreciate it." I said with my high, little voice that I was not used to.
We made small talk for the first hour before he looked at me with lust in his eyes. "Is it safe to say that you need money." he asked.
"Yes, but..."
He cut me off. "Hush with that. What I'm asking is a lot easier. I just want to see you in your lingerie." he paused and when I said nothing he said. "I'll give you $100."
I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I stripped in that truck cab and gave him a good look. He took out his wallet and dropped 5 20s on the seat beside me. All without stopping the truck.
"If you let me see you naked, I'll give you another $100." Taking a deep breath, I did it. I felt like an idiot...a dumb young idiot, but I needed the money way too badly. Then, he told me he would give me another $200 for a naked lap dance. We pulled over at the next truck stop and I rubbed my ass on his cock to music like a real stripper. It was humiliating, but when you have nothing and your only commodity is your body, you don't have much choice. When it was over he gave me a playful slap on the ass.
"I love you big butt girls the best." My face felt fire engine red. It was really hard for me to comprehend that I was a big butt girl.
By the time we reached Denver I had an extra $500 in my pocket. He dropped me off at another truck stop before he headed to deliver his load. It was dusk.
"Are you alright, sweetie? You can walk across the street and get a room. Ain't too expensive there." He was pointing at a low end hotel across the street. "I would do it by dark, though. This ain't the best neighborhood. I would take you with me but I can't have you when I drop off my load and that's not a good neighborhood either."
"No problem." I said hating my high voice.
As he pulled away, I realized that any motel probably wanted an ID and I had nothing but cash. It was run down but a chain motel so they probably had rules. There didn't seem to be anything but chain hotels in the area as I scanned my surroundings. I was so vulnerable in this weak little body. Plus I was wearing yoga pants and a tight t-shirt that showed off my breasts. It was getting cold out too. It might have been summer time but we were in Denver and the nights would be chilly at a mile high. Finally, I decided to just go into the truck stop.
It seemed like every eye was staring at me as I walked into the grocery section. There was only so much time I could kill so finally I sauntered into the cafe and sat at the bar and ordered a coffee and a piece of pie. I truly had no idea what to do next. I knew I needed to get a real government ID and Social Security number so I could work.
I fought back tears as I looked down at my huge tits. I had no idea what to do. I didn't want to walk outside at dusk. I was so little and vulnerable, but I also didn't want to sit in here and endure the stares. I had shocked myself by how easily I had taken to using my body to make money with the trucker. He could have killed me and no one would have ever know. It was humiliating but I was so turned on by it.
The first order of business was to get something warmer to wear and the second order was to buy a phone. I felt completely disconnected from the world and disorientated. With only $500 I was going to have to be very careful with my money.
I knew a cab ride was going to be expensive but I had to get to a target or somewhere similar to buy some cheap clothes, then I needed to get a cheap motel room at an independent motel where they wouldn't ask about ID. Then, I could relax and think. I borrowed a nice chubby lady's phone who was sitting two seats down and called one. After some advice about neighborhoods and $40 in cab fare I was at a Target in an OK neighborhood.
I bought myself a week's worth of panties, some socks, a pair of running shoes that fit, Plus I attempted to buy some 32G bras based on the measurement of the one bra I owned...which were almost non-existent. Sadly, they only had two that could fit and they both were extremely frilly push up style. I was surprised when I felt myself get a little wet thinking about putting them on.
Strangely, I found myself buying the extremely frilly thong style panties. Plus, I couldn't resist buying some tight, little pink shorts and some very small running shorts. I also bought another pair of yoga pants, several tight fitted t-shirts and a couple tight, fitted, low cut blouses. My feelings were strange, but I couldn't resist them. Before I knew it, I was buying a pair of 4 inch" heels.
At times it still felt like I was watching a movie of myself. None of it seemed real. The whole abduction all the way to now was so crazy that it defied reality. Yet, here I was...in a teenage girl's voluptuous, fit body. I was completely real. I felt out of place and like I was a pervert in the women's section even though nobody else would think so. I grabbed a pair of tight stretchy jeans and then headed to the electronics area. I got a burner phone that looked like an iphone knock off, purchased it right there at the electronics counter, then activated it as I walked to the makeup aisle. I walked around watching Youtube videos as I figured out what I needed. Lastly, I went and purchased some perfume and toiletries and a few food items. When I checked out I had only $151 left from my $500.
There is almost nothing scarier than being 5' tall, weak and girly at night in a strange big city. I knew no one and I was scared to death that the hotels wouldn't take me. I looked 18-19 and had no ID. The Target was just off a freeway exit and there were tons of hotels in the area. I started with one called the dollar inn and as luck would have it a very young man was at the counter and he didn't even flinch when I told him I had no ID. The cheap hotel set me back $58.25. The kid literally stared at my breasts twice as much as my eyes, but his infatuation gave me a place to stay for the night.
My room was ugly and worn, but it had a TV and seemed clean enough. When I shut and latched the door, I finally could relax. I fell asleep for an hour and then started to plan. At $58 a night I had just a day and a half to find a job and a place to live. In the back of my mind I knew that women's shelters might be an idea, but I didn't know where to start with that. I looked very young and I was afraid they would report me to child and family services. Without an ID, who knows what they would do. Maybe even ship me back to the police back home if they searched for a missing girl.
I walked to the mirror and took off my clothes in front of it. I was going to be infatuated with my body for a long time. My big perfect tits hung firmly. There was't a blemish in them and my hips looked silly big next to my tiny waist. I was so short and tiny except in my ass and breasts. It was humiliating and arousing at the same time. I was embarrassed in public and yet I found the need to buy tight, little sexy clothes and lingerie. I suppose if I had to be a girl, then it would be better if I was aroused by things I was going to have to do to survive.
I knew what I had to do the next day and although I didn't like it one bit, it had to be done. I spent the evening practicing my make-up and watching Youtube videos by experts. By 2 AM, I felt like an expert.
I slept fitfully and when I woke in the morning I had the usual feeling of disorientation as I slowly realized that the flesh moving on my chest was tits and that I was a girl. I hoped out of bed with the springiness of a gymnast feeling the bouncing of my tits and ass. After showering and dolling myself up with my new makeup skills, I put on a pair of little pink shorts and a tight, low cut white blouse.
Topping it all off I put on the heels which were 4 inchers. I wobbled around the room trying to get used to them as I steeled my nerves. The way I figured it, the only chance I had for a job without an ID was in a strip club and in a strip club I would find someone who could get me a quality fake ID. I guess after living as a "bitch" and getting fucked against my will, working in a strip club didn't seem quite as bad. It was a necessary evil to make a life out of what had happened.
As I walked out of the room into the daylight, I suddenly had second thoughts. I felt like every single eye was on me as I sauntered across the parking lot. I had mapped out a bus route to the various clubs and the bus stop was a good half a mile away in heels. I was in distress by the end of the parking lot. With the heels on my ass swayed more than normal and I felt the bounce even more acutely of my tits and ass. I hoped that I wasn't mistaken as a hooker on the way to these clubs.
As I walked down the sidewalk, I felt like I had made a huge mistake. I felt so utterly vulnerable and ridiculous in these clothes. Could I really suffer through being a stripper? I felt like crying, but I soldiered on, I'm sure I was giving a nice view to every man who drove past.
The bus stop had a few people in it but they paid me no attention and I relaxed the best I could. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. I had no choice...I couldn't attend school or get a job without an ID. The only way to a normal life was entering the world of a stripper. I hoped that I could make a contact that would provide me with a high quality fake ID and maybe full identity. I had a feeling it was a long shot but where else could I go?
The first place looked totally run down, but I kept walking toward the door...scared out of my mind about what would happen next. Coming in from the bright sunlight into the dark interior made me blind for a moment, but after a few seconds I noticed a middle aged gentleman sitting a table working on paperwork. It was still early and only the bartender and a janitor were in the club. He looked up as I approached and his eyes grew bright.
"Hello sweetie, what can I do for you today?" he said with a warm smile.
"I'm looking for a job." I said as brightly and enthusiastically as possible. My voice was so high that it always made me want to clear my throat as if I could find my old deep voice in there.
He looked up at me with an even bigger smile...although not too far up because I wasn't much taller than he was sitting down. "Aren't you a sexy, little thing... Turn around for me nice and slow, doll."
I'm sure my face was bright red but I smile a big, wide smile and slowly did a twirl. He whistled when I saw my ass in the little shorts.
"Wow, Is that ass real?"
"Yes, Sir, it's all mine." I felt like an idiot talking like a flirtatious girl.
"Well...it's quite large but also quite shapely and that it is "in" right now. Why don't we go talk in my office." he said standing up and leading the way. My ass felt bigger than usual after his comment.
He shut his office door and sat behind his desk. When i started to sit at the chair in front, he stopped me.
"I'd prefer you stood."
"Yes, sir." I said trying to project the perfect blend of submission I imagined he would want in his strippers.
"How old are you?"
"21" I said quickly. It wasn't really a lie because I didn't know for sure what my chronological age really was.
"Do you have your ID with you?"
This was the moment I knew was coming. "Well, Sir, I don't have it with me."
He sighed. "I can't give you a job unless I can prove your age and do a background check on you, sweetie."
"I'm sorry." I said with my head down. "When I left home I had to leave quickly and hide. I can't use my ID or he'll find me."
"Who will find you?" he said with curiosity.
What I said next I knew would make me very vulnerable but I had thought it over all morning. I felt like it was the only plausible story.
"It's long story, but I had a boyfriend back home in Connecticut. He was much older than me and he was so sweet at first." I deliberately tried to make my voice crack and get the tears flowing. Surprisingly, I pulled it off. Maybe the the stress of the situation and what I had been trough made it easier. "but he became abusive and I was sure he was going to kill me..." I sobbed. "My Mom and Dad died years ago and I grew up in foster care and group homes, so when I got out of high school and I met him, it seemed like the answer to my dreams. He took me into his home immediately and paid for my community college classes. But...but...he became so jealous..."
"So you snuck away and came west." he interjected.
"Yes." I said softly. "I wanted to get as far away as possible. He is smart and connected. If I used my real identity he would have found me."
He looked deep in thought.
"Is there any way you could help me, Sir?" I said earnestly. I knew my comments about my boyfriend being much older had had an effect on him. I knew how men thought and even the slight hope of a submissive, hot young woman fucking him and enjoying it would be an advantage for me."
"Perhaps..." he said cryptically. He stood up and walked around his desk and sat in a simple flat back chair that had no arms in front of me. "Before I go out on a limb and help you out I need to see if you're worth it....to see how good you look dancing."
I was prepared for this but my heart was beating out of my chest anyway. It was humiliating and nerve wrecking but I had to do it.
"Yes, Sir." I said a smile.
He went on his phone and began to play one of those stereotypical strip club songs and I began. I felt utterly ridiculous but I gradually stripped down to nothing. My when my tits sprang out and bounced around, I want to crawl into a hole and hide but I played with them like every stripper I had ever seen and then began on my tight, little shorts. My ass felt huge when it was on display...especially when I bent over slowly and touched my toes in front of him.
By the time I turned around and began to rub my ass on his lap, I was just wearing and ultra tiny pink thong. I moved my way up and found his hard cock and rubbed my pussy up and down on it to the rhythm of the music. It was so degrading and humiliating, but I felt the deep heat inside of me too making me feel even more humiliated.
When the song ended he said "Good girl." in my ear. One of his arms wrapped around my mid section holding me tight against his cock. "Have you ever danced before?"
"No, Sir, that was my first time." I was breathing heavier than before.
"Well, I think with some work you will look like veteran immediately. You are a natural."
"Thank you, Sir, does that mean I have a job?"
"I have a friend of a friend who can help us out with an ID. The problem is that a good identity will cost $5000...maybe even $10,000."
"I promise I will pay you back!" I said earnestly.
"Oh I know you think so, sweetie, but once you get the new identity what's to keep you here? If I do this for you, I will need to keep the documents in my safe until you pay them off. I'll provide you with a place to live and transportation and give you a stipend for clothes and food, but everything else you make will go to pay off your debt...when it's paid off I will give you all of your documents and then you can stay or you can go, but I have a feeling you will stay."
"Yes, Sir. That will work." I knew that he would propose something like this...I came into his office out of the blue and he certainly wouldn't spend 10 grand on me without a guaranteed return. I had misgivings about the whole thing but it was the only way I could see myself going forward.
"Good girl." he said and lifted me off his lap as he stood up. Lifting me was effortless to him and I felt a surge of jealousy. I hated being little. He held my naked body up against his cock with his giant hands gripping my ass.
"You've left me quite hard sweetie." he said leaving the comment in the air waiting for my reply.
I was at a crossroads. I knew what he wanted. It was what every man wanted and I knew he was expecting it as a quid pro quo for the ID and the job. He wouldn't explicitly say it. I couldn't bare the thought of it, but I felt trapped...a least until I had that ID in my hand.
I hesitated a bit too long but I tried to make up for it. "I would be happy to take care of that for you Sir." I bent over the arm rest of a nearby couch and pushed my butt into the air. I was actually relieved when I heard his pants drop to the floor. I couldn't even imagine a cock in my mouth at this point, but I had been fucked many times. I thought it would be bearable.
However as I felt his big hands grab hold of my hips and the tip of his cock on my little hole, it felt different. I had no choice before, but now I was using my body like a whore and doing so willingly. It felt different. He felt huge going in and I gasped in shock for a moment, but I was extremely wet and the pain went away quickly, but it also led to a degraded and humiliated feeling. The sound of his hips banging into me and his heavy breathing combined with my high pitched sighs was so embarrassing. I was a was hot, little girl with nothing to offer but my looks. I couldn't help but wonder what I looked like in this position. My ass was big and there was no way it didn't look huge spread and pushed up over the couch arm.
He finished quickly with a loud sigh and pulled out just in time to cum all over my lower back and ass. He lifted me up like I was weightless and with a swat on my ass, he gave me directions to his private shower. "Get cleaned up and made up." he commanded. "I want to take care of your new ID before the evening shifts start."
"Yes, Sir." I said softly and started to walk quickly to his bathroom. I just kept telling myself that it was all for a purpose and that as soon as I didn't have to do it, I would live differently.
I scrubbed the cum off my body and redressed in my sexy outfit and finally made sure my makeup was perfect. He was waiting for me when I got out and looked at his watch.
"Hmmm. I should spank you for taking too much time but we are late."
His comment sent butterflies through my stomach felt my pussy start to get soft and wet. I wanted to slap myself.
We drove into a rough section of town in his brand new Lexus SUV and pulled up to a dilapidated looking office building. It was only about 4 stories high. One of those buildings that usually had a dentist, a specialty doctor and an accountant. This one seemed vacant though and only had a little sign that said Romonov Brothers Construction. There was no receptionist and he walked me back down a dirty hallway to a door in the back.
Something about the situation made the hair on the back of my neck stand up but I knew that a counterfeit ID manufacturer probably wouldn't have an office in the suburbs so I just took a deep breath and walked with him. He pounded on the door and a huge man with homemade tattoos all over his body answered. He had a shaved head and talked with a strong eastern European or Russian accent.
"Yuri! It's great to see you my friend." he said to the big man who responded in kind. They hugged and Yuri looked at me with a smile that was disconcerting. His mouth formed a smile but his eyes were cold and lifeless.
"Johnny, you lucky man. You found quite a cute, little peach here." He said to the strip club owner.
"Thank you, Sir." I said to Yuri smiling.
"And polite too. Very good. Here's that thing I promised you." said Yuri and gave the strip club owner something wrapped in a brown paper bag.
He looked at me and said. "I have some e-mails to return, doll, Yuri will take care of everything. I'll be in the lobby."
"Ok, Sir, thank you." I said politely but inside I was terrified. He was leaving me alone with this tattooed Russian.
As soon as he was gone, Yuri smiled and grabbed my arm a little too firmly. "Let's go through this door, cutie, that's where I take the picture for your IDs."
The room was completely empty except for a little table at one end with camera equipment on it.
He looked down at me with a big smile on his face. The man was huge. He must have been at least 6'-4". I felt tiny next to him. "You sure are cute."
"Thank you." I said with my voice wavering a bit.
"Johnny told me your story. Very sad. You are on the run and you have no one to help you...no one in the world. You are all alone."
"Yes, Sir."
He smiled widely at this.
"I'll tell you what...I have a proposition for you. My guess is that Johnny was going to let you work off the cost of the ID out of the goodness of your heart...probably charge you twice as much as he paid me and keep you in his club for a year or two to pay it off. You be sucking his dick every day for it too and then you never know if will really ever give it to you."
"I don't know." I said unsteadily. I didn't quite know what to say.
"Oh, I tell you the truth, cutie, I can guarantee it. That's what he will do, but I have a better deal. You take pictures for me and I give you the ID and $1000. You walk out the back door and I tell Johnny you run away. There is a bus stop a block away that it comes every 15 minutes. You go continue your life and no dick sucking or naked dancing."
He had a huge smile.
"What type of pictures?" I said with my voice still unsteady. I didn't want naked pictures out there if I decided to have a normal life they could haunt me, but working in a strip club for years was getting naked for strangers every day was going to be terrible, so maybe this was a great deal.
"Well, they will have to be naked cutie to be worth my while, but we start with some innocent ones until you get comfortable."
"Is it a good ID? I don't want to do it unless the ID is top of the line and I can really use it."
"It's the best, sweetie, passport, driver's license, birth certificate, the whole thing. My IDs are perfect. The best you can buy."
"Ok, I guess that will work." I said with obvious nerves. It was really hard to know what route was the best to pick.
He started slowly by taking innocent pictures in my clothes. I felt like an idiot, but I smiled and tried to look sexy. He had me take off the blouse and then the little shorts.
"Very good, cutie. Big butts are in right now, these are going to sell really well." I felt my face get really red. I was not used to the thought of being a big butt girl.
He had me bend over and touch my toes and also get in doggie-style position and push my butt in the air. It was so degrading. If he was telling the truth, though, I would be home free and not an indentured servant in a strip club.
He had me take off my bra and panties for some pictures and the feeling of being completely naked and photographed by a completely clothed man was beyond humiliating, but I just kept telling myself it's almost over, it's almost over. More than anything in the world, I wanted to check into a nice hotel and just relax in the room for a couple of days and get my bearings. I had barely had time to get used to my new self. If I had to be a girl for life I needed to time to adjust and figure myself out. I would have the time and the money to carefully pick a job that didn't involve 8 hours of naked dancing every day. A job where I could hide myself a bit.
"Ok, sweetie, we are almost done." he said. "One more little thing." I looked up and he was holding a pair of handcuffs. I'm sure my eyes were wide. I was already terrified of the situation. "Don't worry, cutie, they are just props. These types of pictures sell really well, though."
"I don't know." I said unsteadily.
"It will be OK, sweetie, they are only props. Flimsy things. I'll tell you what. I'll throw in an extra $1000 if you do it."
I looked at the door. All my instincts told me that something was wrong and that I needed to leave but if I left it would be empty handed. Who knows if the club owner who I now knew was named "Johnny" would continue to help me. I still wouldn't have an ID and only enough money for 1 more night in the hotel. If he wanted to keep me here, he didn't need the handcuffs. The man was twice my weight and probably 10x as strong. My only chance was to slip through the door and out run him. However, he was between me and the door. There was another door on the other side of the room and I thought briefly about making a break for it. However, I decided against it. Some random pictures in handcuffs weren't going to matter in the long run. I had already taken the naked pictures. If he wanted to abduct me, he could do it without handcuffs I reasoned.
"Ok, for $2000 more and the ID...yes."
"Good girl." he said beaming and snapped the cuffs on behind my back. They were hardly just props. The snap of the metal and the clicking of a double lock plus the heaviness told me they were very real. They were tight but not so tight that they hurt.
He took a few pictures standing up and then helped me onto my knees and took some more. He positioned me in the middle of the room and began to take some from behind. There was a few seconds with no clicking of the camera and I was about to turn around when suddenly I felt cold metal encase one ankle and then the other.
"Just a few with the leg shackles, cutie." he said patting me on the head like a child.
I was downright terrified now, but it got worse. I heard a click and quickly realized he had attached the middle of the chain between my two ankles to a piece of metal riveted to the floor. I had seen the small metal circle there but hadn't thought twice about it's purpose. I was now anchored to the floor with very little slack to the chain. It forced me to stay in place kneeling.
After a couple of pictures he put the camera down and began working on something behind me I twisted around and saw him setting up a video camera on a tripod.
"Eyes straight ahead." he said firmly. His voice had lot most of it's warmth and it was clearly an order now...not a request. A cold chill rushed through me. Something was horribly wrong.
He set cameras up on both sides of me and then in front of me.
"Sir..." I said cautiously. "You didn't say anything about video."
He said nothing and proceeded to attach a collar tightly to my neck, then attach the collar to the chain from my wrist cuffs with another chain that clicked to my collar, then another chain from my wrist cuffs to the to the metal loop on the floor. The effect on all the chains was that I was stuck kneeling and looking straight ahead with my head up into the camera.
"There we go." he said coldly. "You are all set."
He left the room but came back quickly with a chair and a laptop computer and sat in front of me. He pushed the camera memory card into the computer and began to work. I wanted to say something but something told me that would be a bad idea.
"Finally, I couldn't help myself. Is Johnny still in the lobby? Won't he be wondering about where I am?"
Yuri actually smiled...the first time since he locked me to the floor naked. "He left as soon as I gave him that paper bag with $50,000 in it."
Panic knifed through me. He couldn't have I thought. Did the 50K have something to do with me? I was so fucking stupid. What was I thinking trusting a seedy strip club owner?
"Why...why...would he leave?" I stuttered sounding very young and emotional.
"Because he had no reason to stay after I bought you." he said simply as though it was obvious.
"I'm not for sale." I said sounding really impotent in my current position. I had begun to cry and I was having difficulty creating coherent thoughts. I felt like I must be having a panic attack.
"That's where you are wrong honey. You were for sale the minute you told Johnny that you were on the run from your ex-boyfriend and that no one knew where you were. He made a simple business decision. $50,000 in hand is better than a chance to maybe make $50,000 off of your dancing. Once you realized that he would never give it to you, you might quit. Plus, there was the possibility that you might not work out. Maybe you were a drug addict or just didn't have what it took to shake your ass and your tits and grind on old fat men's laps 8 hours a day. Either way, $50,000 is a lot of money for a couple of hours of effort."
He smiled and continued to work on his computer. However he continued, "I bought you because I have the connections to turn you turnaround and sell you for a huge profit immediately. Have you ever heard of the dark web?"
"Yes." I squeaked. my wrists hurt from trying to find a lever or any way to break out. I knew deep down I was fucked but my panicked brain continued to tell my hands to try.
"Done." he said with a satisfied look. He turned the computer around and showed me a website. It had a photo array of me clothed, semi-clothed and unclothed. It some of the pictures I was smiling and in others I looked sexy and in some I looked downright scared.
At the top it said "Kylie" in big letters and had a little paragraph underneath. "Look who just walked in thinking she was here for a modeling session? This sexy 5'-0" 19 year old has no family looking for her and her family and friends don't even know what city she is in. She is a totally safe purchase. As you can see Kylie has a very tiny waist, very large breasts for her frame and a big bubble butt that is perfectly smooth and round. Her facial beauty is beyond compare. Under that paragraph it said "Opening Bid: $150,000. There was a link that said live video feed. Yuri clicked it and suddenly a live feed of the four cameras was on the screen. Top left was the camera facing me, top right was my backside and the side camera's where in the bottom row.
"You looked like a Kylie to me." he explained.
Yuri had slipped a hood over his head and had put a long sleeve shirt on to hid his tattoos. He let me look at the feed for a moment before walking out of camera view. My fucking ass looked enormous and my perfectly shaped tits filled up my torso. They looked so natural though...firm teardrops. I was completely, utterly fucked. At that moment I lost control of my urine and peed on the floor while weeping.
The bidding lasted 2 hours and by the time it was done I was physically and emotionally spent. Yuri unchained me and carried me into a little room with a large dog cage in it. The cage was heavy steel and he padlocked it shut. He left me a bottled water and a power bar, shut the light off and closed and locked the door, but before he left he smiled and looked at me. "It's just business. You sold for $650,000. Not bad for a day's work."
Less than 24 hours later I was taken to a small airport somewhere a few hours outside of Denver. When we arrived I was given a shot that completely knocked me out within seconds. I awoke in a bed with light spilling in from a high window. I got up but quickly realized that I was wearing a locked collar that was attached to a chain that was locked to the headboard and sat back down. Within moments though, a man walked in.
He was a very severe looking Asian man who I learned quickly was Mr. Kim...my owner and the owner of an exclusive island resort for rich men. He unlocked the chain from my collar and commanded in a heavy accent. "Stand still, feet shoulder width apart, look straight ahead." When I didn't respond right away he stepped forward and I got up quickly and followed his order. He hit me with a leather paddle on my right ass cheek. He carried the paddle like a weapon on his hip and as I found out he used it liberally with a nasty flick of his wrist. I winced and was surprised by the level of pain the thing caused.
He began to examine me. When his hand rubbed my ass, I flinched and received another swat. "Do not flinch when man touch you." He said curtly. "You have nice, big, fat butt." he said as he continued to rub. "Good shape. I have lot of customer who like big, fat round butt. You will be very popular here."
I felt a tear go down my cheek as I stood there getting examined as property. A little slave girl with a big butt.
It was already evening and he didn't waste any time. I was taken into a bathroom and he bathed me and put my makeup, hair and nails exactly the way he wanted it. Then he gave me lingerie combo that included stockings, garters, a thong and push up bra and finally a pair of 6" clear high heels.
I was brought into a huge luxurious bedroom. He made me kneel at the foot of the bed and put heavy steel handcuffs on wrists behind my back and then attached a leather collar tightly around my neck and tied it to a bedpost. Lastly, he put a large bow like you would see on a Christmas gift in my hair.
"You are gift for guest. He like big fat butt girls. You are his present. You will not talk to him unless he asks you to speak. You will do exactly as he says. He paid extra for new girl. Some customer like new girl. First time slave girl fun for some customer. If you are bad girl I will put you in the stocks and you will be fucked by whoever wants to all weekend. You understand?"
I nodded my head. Tears were streaking down my face.
"Very good. Customer like new slave girls who cry."
He left and I just had to wait for the customer who would no doubt would use and abuse me all weekend. This was to be my life. I knew that I should never have left the hospital. There was no evidence against me so eventually they would have had to stop their investigation. I was such an idiot.
And it was my life....for 15 years I worked as a sex slave in Mr. Kim's brothel. When I was 34, he pronounced me too old and made me a waitress. It wasn't much better because the guests still used me. When I was 40, he made me into a maid and I cleaned the guest rooms in an extremely small French maid's outfit. I looked incredible at 40 and many people would guess I was much younger.
When I was 50, Mr. Kim's son had taken over and he beat all the girls mercilessly. I was actually somewhat relieved when I saw sold to a Bangladeshi factory owner and made to work on a sewing machine all day. At 50, I still looked phenomenal and I spent most afternoons on my knees in the factory owners office. I had hoped for escape but every evening we were chained by our right ankles to metal beds in the factory basement.
That's where I spent the rest of my life...in that factory on a sewing machine for 37 years. If my work was shoddy or too slow I was beaten. I slept in the basement with my ankle locked every night for those 37 years. The factory owner stopped using me sexually when I was 58, so the last 29 years of my life was work, eat and sleep. I never saw the outdoors again.
I died while I slept at 87 years old with my ankle shackled to the foot of my bed.