Author's Note: Please Enjoy. Let me know you're thoughts in the comments :)
Chapter 1
I'm into self bondage. Can't remember how or why I started, but for a long as I can remember, it's been my thing. Well that and dressing en femme.
The best practice for the two is to always have a way out. Whether it's a spare at of keys, or have a person you use (whether they are aware of it or not) to be your safety.
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This is a story of getting caught, and of course getting that person back.
I've had a friend that for the last few years we talk about our love of being tied up. We've discussed ropes, leather, gags, and toys we would like to try. It's weird, because even though we talk about Sex related things, and about how vanilla our significant others are or have been, we have never talked about becoming partners or bdsm buddies. I did use her on a regular basis as my backup though. I thought she knew, but was never certain as she never did catch me in the act. Recently my friend Jenn seemed to becoming content with her partner, and I thought she had found something serious, wasn't sure how she was going to deal with a vanilla relationship...... Not sure how I would deal with her in a relationship line that as well...
Last week I planned to take a holiday at the end of the month for myself. Kind of an early Christmas Present. I had been doing some reading and had planned for myself a few weeks as my en femme identity. None of my friends knew or even Jenn, it was my little secret. I keep it this way, as I'm not into the whole slave thing, or the being forced into things. No, I chose en femme vs cross-dressing because it's me vs myself, not being turned into a sissy, not being humiliated. Not interested.
"Hey Jenn, I won a trip to the St. Lawrence Spa and in for the day, so you think Mike would mind if you came with me?" "You mean thee St. Lawrence spa? Cause if you do, I don't really care what Mike thinks, I'm going anyways. What package did you win?" "I don't really know, I just had everything confirmed today.... I'll let you know when I find out. It's booked for this Friday, and it says we need to be there for 8:00am if that works for you." I answered.
My week flew by. All the packages I ordered, arrived on time and I even managed to not open them to spoil the surprises that waited for me. The spa retreat had been planned and picked out for a long time and as I was going to be getting to spend my holidays in my en femme persona. Jenn has always been a good friend for me, but not as well off as I currently was; Not that it mattered, but I tried to spoil her and take care of her where I could. So I had planned this partially for her, and partially to give me a confidence boost before I had my enhancements done. I also had no way of turning back for at least a week, so wanted her there if she knew it or not.
What a week this would be, I thought to myself, but little did I know where it would go.
"Are you OK?" Jenn asked as she got into the car. "Yeah, just a little nervous, never been to a spa before." "Ah, don't worry, I'll pick the nail polish for your toes" she said with a laugh. "Plus I think we only have the first few sessions together, what do you have in your schedule for this afternoon?" "Haven't really checked." I said, hoping she wouldn't catch on. "How did you get Mike to let you go? I mean is he ok with this?". "He wasn't at first, sometimes he thinks there's something between us. But then I told him what I was getting done this afternoon... And he quickly agreed." I laughed "Do I want to know?" "Come on Charles, you know what this spa is famous for..." "being an expensive spa" I laughed, if only she knew the real reason we were at this specific spa... The St. Lawrence Spa.... Specializing in People Transformations for people that knew about the otherside of the business, but mostly the risqué outfits some of the staff wore...
We kept the small talk going, for the good hour trip and finally arrived.
As we walked in, I saw her eyes go sideways at one of the nurses wearing a tight leather dress. I chuckled to myself. I wonder what she would think, if she knew the outfits I had planned for the week...
As we signed in, a host brought us each to the rooms we would be using for the day and were asked to get ready for our morning treatments. For the morning treatments each of us was given a Latex Bathing suit to start our morning in the pools.
As I got undressed, I looked at the packages laid before me on the table, and started to get excited about my week. I opened the package I had brought with me for this morning. It was a small urethra insert. I had ordered different sizes but had never used them before and wanted to make sure it was somewhat comfort table before things got to far. As I looked up, I noticed the time. "Crap, taking too long, she will for sure think something is up if I don't hurry." I said to myself. I quickly lubed up the tube, and carefully inserted it, and placed the ring around the head of my penis. I jumped up and down a few times before (didn't know what else to do) and kind of laughed at myself. It didn't really hurt, and didn't shift, guess I'm good to go. With that, I slowly worked the latex jammers up and on. Once dressed, I gave myself a quick once over and walked out to the pools. Jenn was a good friend, but truthfully had never been this naked in front of her...weird..
When I got to the pools I was surprised to find Jenn not out already, so I slipped in and started to relax, this was going to be a long day after all. Not including any of the surprises Jenn was currently planning.
After about ten minutes, I heard the door to the pools open, and looked over to see Jenn was wadling over wearing her own latex swim suit. "What" she asked? "You do know what this spa is known for. I had them add something for me." I gave her a quizzical look "I had them give me a Bathing suit that was a bit smaller, plus I added my own butt plug." I laughed "apparently you know more about this place than I do. But a butt plug?" "Havent you tried one before?" She asked giving me a look. "I had, but never really liked it or found it comfortable." "Ohh that's too bad she said with a smirk. I've missed mine. I love being stretched, I'm going through 3 different sizes today. Oh how I missed this. Thank you for bringing me here. Did you get any of the special treatments?" "Special treatments?" And with that she was back out of the pool, heading to the page one of the matron to the pool. "What are you doing Jenn?" "Relax, we're here to have some fun. Plus, I know there is going to be at least one of these spa special packages that you will enjoy." she said as she was hoping back into the pool. "Plus we always talk about this stuff, and I haven't had a chance to play lately. So humour me and try one of the plugs I like. I don't like the stupid ones either, and you might actually enjoy this."
"Excuse me, miss. You paged someone?"
"Can you please bring me the list of toys? I think I'm going to have my partner in crime try to relax and have some fun with a butt plug. Can you please bring him the same one I have, with the same colour I have?"
"If this is how you're going to play, Can I see the list please?"
"Certainly, I will be back in one minute." The hostess said. As she walked away, I got a glimpse that her Latex leggings. They weren't quite solid, but not see through either, and I could have sworn I saw something glowing through the latex.
"Stop Staring" Jenn said mocking me, "Its not polite" "But she had a glowing.." "Butt" Jenn said mocking me even further. "Ok, Ok. Jenn look, if I do this for you. Let's have a day of this. I already have my afternoon planned, but including the pools we have three sessions planned. If I use your butt plug, you need to have something done for me. In each session today, we make the decisions for each other, but you must keep the "add-ons" for the remainder of the morning. And you need to keep one of my modifications for the entire day. If you do this, I will do the same for you. You do get one veto, as do I, but if you veto, the other person get one more choice, with the addition of needing to wear ballet heels for the remainder of the day as a walk of shame. What do you think?"
Jenn looked troubled for a moment, then an evil smile came across her face. "On one condition. As long as this does not constitute this travelling outside our friendship, thing are limited to things or toys. No "Sex" and this stays between us. I don't need Mike to think I'm any more crazy than he already does."
We looked at the lists as we sat in the pools, each with our own evil smirk on our faces. Each thinking of things or ways to one up each other. And then I saw the plug she ordered me. Definitely not like the ones I had tried before and certainly larger than I was expecting.
"I took the liberty of ordering a pair of ballet boots for you too." I heard from behind me. "I mean there is no way you'll have that in before were done in here" "thanks for the support" I muttered back.
I hopped out of the tub to head to my room, and to try to find some lube. This is going to hurt I thought to myself. As I headed into the reception area, I looked back to see the smirk on Jenn's face. She had even hoped out and was unlacing the ballet boots.....
As I got the bottle of lube, and headed back to my room, to get this in me, I was still trying to figure out what to get Jenn back with for the remainder of the morning. I kept going over the list. There were a few different ones that kept coming to mind, but nothing really stuck out. It was good to have something else to think about as I tried to get the plug into me. Helped stay relaxed until I felt the "plop". I then walked around for a bit to make sure it wasn't going anywhere, pulled up my shorts and went back into the pool area.
"Not a moment too soon. They just paged us to head over for the Many/Pedi. Now bend over so I can make sure it's all the way in." And with that, she gave my ass a slap, and then rubbed her hands between my cracks to feel the bulge of the plug.
"Hey wait a second, how do I even know you have one." I asked, kinda annoyed at the lack of personal space. And just like that she bent over flashed the pink jewelled tip of her plug, and started to walk to the door. "Hey Jenn, for the record, I have two choices for you in the next room since I'm one toy up on you now. Don't worry, it won't get away from you having your fun. And by the way, your next plug is ready, and its still smaller than the one you gave me." And with that I grabbed my robe and headed into the spa area. She gave me a quizzical look as we headed off to our next appointment. I laughed.. "Something that stops from having Sex, even if we get to carried away.." With that, I walked out the door, with her jaw dropped.
Chapter 2
Jenn rushed into the spa room and had everything ordered before I reached the main area to see what the next part of our morning had to offer.
Right before we were ushered into our area for the service, one of the matron came out to collect me, but to Jenn's surprise another came to collect her as well. I knew what I ordered for Jenn, but had no idea what she had ordered for me.
In my room, there was a box on the bench. As I approached to open the box, 2 matron appeared in the room. "We are here to help you into this. Please let us know if these get too tight." By the time they had finished speaking they had already opened the box, and had begun putting me into a black latex boned corset. To my dismay though, it was designed for a guy. Not too restrictive, but made it hard to breathe. I'm glad I didn't go over board on Jenn I thought to myself.
Meanwhile in the other room, Jenn was having her matron help her apply the nipple and clit suction cups. The spa had designed a very unique and low profile fittings, that was only offered here at the Spa. Once on, and inflated, Jenn found herself surprised she was enjoying the constant pressure.
Once we were both ready, we met back up, and headed out for our Mani/Pedi. Jenn looked me up when she saw me. "Thanks for the surprise, I had been wanting to try these for a while. How does it fit?" "Better than my plugged ass" we both laughed. We both kept quiet as the matrons began the pedicures. I kept shifting, and couldn't help but not sit on the jewelled end of my plug due to the corset I was wearing. Jenn on the other hand, looked like she was in heaven, Just sitting there without a care in the world. "Did you make it to size 2 yet?" I casually asked. She sighed "No, truthfully, I thought you would go a lot more extreme than you did, so took it was easy. But your nails, are going to match that jewel in your ass. But mine are too, so don't feel like you're alone. Thank you by the way, your work I feel has inadvertently paid for the best spa date I have ever had." I laughed "I wouldn't say that yet, you don't know what happens in the massage room. Plus, you only get one more surprise for me. I still owe you two, since I didn't give you one in the pool.... Well now that my nails are "did" I guess its time for the massage. And with that I got up and walked away, and into the room for my massage.
Its time like this, that great minds think alike, or maybe in this case its perverted minds. When I got into the room, I found a bed with a note, asking me to remove my clothes and to lie face down on the bed. I did as the note asked, and then realized the stirrups on the side of the bed, at this point the matrons entered the room and proceeded to tie me down to the bed. From there the massage slowly started. They slowly worked on my back and my shoulders and slowly worked their way down and across my body. At this point, one of the matrons, slowly started playing with the plug in my ass and worked it out. My plug was slowly worked out, and as it came sliding out, my matron started separating the legs on the table, spreading my legs apart, and bringing them down with me in a bent over position, and with that they inserted a new plug into my ass. Just when I thought it was done, I felt the plug start to inflate. Pump, by slow painful pump. With that, the first matron started to resume the massage I felt a warm liquid enter me through the plug that was now what I thought was a fully inflated plug. It was a weird experience, to be so utterly relaxed, and so utterly full at the same time.
Just when I thought that my session was over, the matrons came down to my ass, and started inflating the plug even more. I stopped counting how many pumps they did, but slowly I could feel my ass start to pulsate and more liquid enter me. They then left me in the room, in my state, and left me to my mind.
At points, the matrons would come back, and start massaging my body, and then suddenly leave again, each time stopping to admire the toy in my penis. It was a delightful ordeal, but as all good things must come to an end. The Matrons suddenly reappeared and lowered the bag, that slowly let me empty everything that had been in my body, once empty they slowly deflated the plug.
"The Lady Jenn has informed us that you are required to keep one item from your bet on at all times, as there was no mention of your penis jewellery, I would guess that you have a choice between the plug or the corset. And after seeing what you have planned for the afternoon, we have already replaced your other Jewellery, so once you recover, and start to get some feeling back, your friend has been washed, and has already been placed back in you. At this time, she has also requested that you join her for lunch. I'll be waiting for you this afternoon" She said with a smile, and turned around and left.
As I walked into our shared Lunch room, I was slowly regaining feeling in my ass. They were right, I did not even feel them slide it back in. I sat there for about 5 minutes before I heard the door open. I looked up to see that same expression that I had as I walked in with, and laughed when I saw how she was hobbling due to the ballet heels she was wearing. "You're an ass. I can't believe you made me wear these for the remainder of the day. I see you're not wearing the corset, which means that you're still wearing the plug." "Good guess. How did you enjoy your enema? Mine hurt for a while, kind of relaxing after it set in." "Remember when I said I enjoy feeling full." She leaned forward and gave me kiss on my cheek. "thank you, I have never climaxed so hard in my life. I was able to go straight to the largest plug, something that I've never had time or been able to fit in before. And I love the boots, by the way as she sat down.
We talked and we laughed over the next half hour, I can't really remember what we talked about, my mind kept racing to what was happening after. It's hard to explain and I wanted to talk to Jenn about it, but my mind kept jumping at how she took advantage of my laizez Faire attitude at points, even though I agreed to everything. I just wasn't ready to share this part of me yet.
"Excuse me Mr. Waltz, we had a phone call from your office. They need you to return for an emergency. I'm sorry to interrupt."
"I'm sorry Jenn, looks like I'm going to need to get out of here quickly. I'll leave me car keys at the desk for you, and have them get a cab for me, thatway you can use my car to get home. Enjoy the rest of your day. I'll give you a shout later this evening. Be nice to the car, and remember the ladies here all know you need to keep the boots and the plug in for the rest of the day.... Try not to have too much fun."
And with that, I left and walked out. I went into my room to get changed, but not to go to work.
When I awoke I was groggy. I remembered what I ordered, but was still sore, but aware of the difference in my body. My chest was heavier, and more sensitive, my hands rubbed down to where my penis was now encased in my new fake vaginal. My new breasts were an injection that would last until an antidote arrived to my house in 2 weeks. So until then I was stuck looking as I do.
While I was under for the injections, I also had a full makeover done to my body. All my body hair was removed or sculpted, I had fake nails done to match my toes as picked earlier in the day, and I had my makeup done and had extensions added and my hair dyed purple. No sense in only going halfway I had told myself when I was picking out the packages.
"Ahh I see you are awake. Just before you get carried away with the new you, I just want to fill you in on a few things. First as of right now, you currently look to be about a "c" cup so please for the next 24 hours wear the shelf bra we discussed leaving the breasts themselves open. Next the injection to your throat will also be released with same antidote arrives. Again for the next 24 hours, do as little speaking as possible. Next, we did do minor appearance enhancements, to give you a more feminine appearance, so there might be some tenderness as well. Again please take it slowly. Lastly your vaginal prosthesis has a sheath in it, so penetration is possible, so if you can please clean it as needed. It also can provide some stimulation to your penis, but I would recommend avoiding that will also be difficult to achieve any sort of erection with the injections you have taken for your other operations.
If you have any questions, please call the spa. The staff will be expecting any calls off of your new cell phone. Here also is your ID, this is a temp ID that will allow you to operate normally until the regression happens." I nodded my head "I will send in the matrons to help you get dressed."
And with that my transformation was complete. I looked down at my new Id for the next 2 weeks I would be Olivia St. Lawrence.
By the time the matrons had come to dress me, I was mostly dressed. For my discharge outfit I choose a nice classic look. Started with a leather thong, followed by a classic pair of stockings and lastly added my leather shelf bra.
When the matrons appeared they touched up my makeup, and then helped me get on my blouse, pencil skirt and heels. As I was signing out, and picking up the keys to my other car, Jenn actually walked up and signed out beside me. Sure enough, she had the ballet boots in a box, and was still wadling around, my guess, she was still wearing her friend.
I laughed to myself as I saw her check out my ass, she didn't recognize me. I also had a good chuckle because there is no way that I would be able to concentrate while driving, if I had left that plug in. Mind you, my take home was already going to be hard enough to drive in heels. The receptionist quickly told me that there would be a matron at my house for the first day to make sure everything is going as planned, and to teach me some basics.
With that, I collected my keys and started the next two weeks. By the time I got home, I was still exhausted, so went to bed.
Day 1
The first few days were for recovery and for setting up my plan. My only hiccup at this point, was that Jenn still had not returned my car. I guess I would need to deal with that as it arose. The matron arrived just after nine, and announced that my breasts had stopped growing, and that I was free to wear what I would like. She also brought me the makeup and taught me how to properly apply the parts that was not semi-permanent as applied at the spa.
Once we tidied up from my makeup lesson, it was time to start unpacking my presents.
I spent the day getting my house ready for my adventure. I had a map setup as to how things were going to progress over the next week. Today was prepare the house as I healed. The challenge here was I had no idea what I needed or the tools to do it. So forcing myself to get dressed and head out to first of all buy some clothes that fit, and then the tools and supplies needed for my adventure.
I quickly picked up my phone and sent Jenn a text.
Hey, it's me. I'll be working the weekend, feel free to use the car as long as you need it. One condition. My friend Olivia is in town and she lost her luggage. Can you pick her up at my place and take her shopping? I owe her big time, so make sure she spends the money and make her look nice. Her number is.... Give her a text or ring when you can, she's expecting you any time. PS send me pictures, so I know what I'm buying Lol
By the time Jenn called Olivia it was almost 2 in the afternoon, but she arranged to pick me up by 2:30. This was good, because by the time she got there, I had already spilled coffee on the only female clothes I had, and ended up wearing a pair of my sweatpants and a hoodie. But I did manage to make my list of thing I needed for the next day.
"Hey Olivia, I think I met you yesterday at the Spa, we were checking out at the same time." "Yes you're right, I was just in for a quick adjustment yesterday. Why were you there?" "Actually Charles won a spa package there, but got called into work while we were there which is why I have his car. Plus this is also why we are now heading out shopping.. I owe him big time for yesterday. How do you know Charles?" "Ohh we work together. What package did you get yesterday?" "Ohh just a mani/Pedi" Jenn replied. I laughed. "Jenn, nobody goes to that spa for just a Mani / Pedi. But you can tell me about it on the way, let's go."
For the first few minutes of the drive, we just made small talk while Jenn was figuring out where to take me, and as she got to know Olivia a bit more, we started talking about more girls things, about my relationship with Charles and the reason I was at the spa last night.
"So if you were not there for a manicure, what brought you there last night?" "Well, I've been going to that spa for the last couple of years for a few reasons" I said laughing. "The first, I love the latex. It is so hard to find anywhere that has good latex clothing anymore. But last night was mostly a mani/Pedi with a small touch up where needed." "What do you mean, where needed?" Jenn asked me giving me a look. "Relax, I just had to get the rest of my hair to match." "Olivia, you did what?" She said with a laugh. "I can honestly say that I have never heard of anybody ever doing that before. I know this is going to sound weird, but seeing as how were out buying you some clothes, Can I see it? I mean for real. You have me curious."
I laughed, "What do I get out of this then?"
"I'm sure we can think of something."
From there the afternoon went by quickly. Jenn and I became quick friends (again) but it was different. Like a different light was coming through and I was seeing a new side of one of my closest friends.
Jenn dragged me from store to store around the mall, and I ended up spending a small fortune on things I needed. We bought formal work clothes, lingerie, even bought some for Jenn as well, and some nice casual clothes as well. We were exhausted by the time we stopped for dinner, but the evening continued on as I developed Olivia's stories and personality. There were times, where I had to stop myself before getting too carried away. But at this point, that was half the fun.
After Jenn dropped me off and helped me unload the car, I went upstairs and started to get ready to formulate my plan for tomorrow. Today had taken longer than expected. Totally worth it, but I lost too much time and wouldn't be able to get the things I needed tonight. So I spent my night organizing my new clothes into the spare bedroom, and quickly downloaded the photos of me onto my computer. I had no idea of how complete the transformation had been, until I saw the pictures of me in the lingerie. If I didn't know it was me, I would have sworn it really was a woman.
I started to get a bit turned on at this point, but due to the injections, couldn't really do anything about it. And then I remembered my plug. I quickly got undressed, grabbed the plug, and started to run the tub. As the tub filled, I quickly went around my house closing the blinds, and locking the doors. It was kind of fun, sneaking around my house naked. My new breasts heaving up and down, as I snuck from room to room. Once everything was set, I headed back up to my bathroom and slid myself into the tub. As I started to relax, I began to notice how much more sensitive my body was. The hairless arms and legs, my breasts and nipple certainly and there was some sensitivity in my newly formed vagina. This is going to be a great few weeks, I thought to myself. With that, I hopped out of the tub, dried myself off had some more wine, and started to work my jewelled plug into my ass. Once I felt my new best friend slide home, I gave myself a few minutes to adjust before moving on to the rest of my evening.
I headed to my bedroom, to get ready, as I still needed to get things into place for my setup for tomorrow. As I pulled out a slip I bought earlier that day, I decided against it. I walked to my wardrobe, and just stared. The first thing I pulled out was a new pair of stockings. I slid the stockings up my legs, and shuddered from the sheer joyous feel of new expensive stocking creeping up my body. This is how I found out about my passion when I was a teenager. I went to a Halloween party dressed as a French Maid, and never looked back. That party also taught me about the down side to being a crossdresser. The people I thought were my friends, all treated me differently, like I was below or beneath them. It didn't sit right with me. I still see some of those people, most of them are below me now, so looks like I got the last laugh.
After the stockings I added a crotch less pair of latex panties, when pulled tight, my jewel poked through, and let's just say the pink Jenn picked stood out against the black shiny latex. I then pulled on my latex bra, again the nipples had been cut out, and I could feel my nipples become even harder from the pressure and the restraint the latex was placing on my breasts. Next I stepped into a ¼ cup corset, to really give me that feminine shape I was looking for, but also wanted to give my body a warm up for the remainder of the week. As I laced myself into the corset, I kept it lose, as I still needed to put on my heels. I slowly picked a pair of 5" stiletto heels that were black and shiny, Just like the clothing that was caressing my body. I stepped in and started walking across the room. After the third step, my body started shivering as my new best friend started moving and swaying with every step. This really is going to be a great week, I smiled to myself. On the side of my wardrobe, I had installed a hook, as I had done some reading on self lacing a corset, and hooked the pulls and slowly started moving my way down, to get my body into my new home for the next 2 days. This corset was not going to be locked on, but the next one would be.
Once I was laced in, I headed back into the spare bedroom that I had left all my packages in, I started to un-wrap the packages. I had one in mind, my leather French Maid outfit. This was almost like a coming out party for me. I had this made, to remind myself of why I was doing this week. As everything was wearing off and I was putting things away, I would be returning to me. Not someone everybody else thought I was, or someone they expected me to be, and with all the stories regarding alt-rights and gender blah blah blah, sometimes it was easier not to explain. Don't get me wrong, I have tons of respect for those people, and for the challenges they face on a daily basis, but this week was me vs myself.
After I got dressed, I started walking around the house, moving furniture, and bringing packages into different rooms around the house. By the time I had finished it was almost midnight, but I couldn't get any more done until I made it to the hardware store the following day.
By the time I made it to bed, I took off my heals, and the uniform, curled into a ball and fell asleep. I didn't see the missed messages on my personal phone.
I woke up the next day to my body being tired and exhausted from moving everything the night before, but at least it was done. Outside of the supplies I needed from the hardware store, I was set for the week ahead.
I grabbed Olivia's phone to text Jenn and say what a great time I had, and that we should hang out on Wednesday, to do dinner since I was going to be "out of town" for at least a week.
From there, headed in to have a nice hot shower and to get out of the rest of the clothes I had slept in last night.
"So the carpet does match the drapes" startled, I leaned out of the shower to find Jenn giving me a look. "I thought you were kidding when you told me that you had that done." "You know Jenn, and I thought we had a good time yesterday, but kind of creeped out that you followed me into the shower." "Hey what are friends for," she said with a wink. "I'll see you downstairs when you are out."
I quickly jumped out of the shower, put on a thong and bra, some tights, and a sweater dress, and headed downstairs to see that Jenn had already made herself at home, and was cooking some breakfast, and making coffee. As I walked by the entrance to some of the other rooms, it didn't look as if Jenn had gone in our noticed anything moved. Dodged a bullet I thought to myself.
"Mmm coffee" I announced as I walked into the room. "Thanks for yesterday, I had fun." "No problem, I'm just glad I solved the mystery of the carpet and the drapes. It haunted me all night." "I thought Mike, would have haunted you all night" I said with a smile. "And by the way, since you asked me, and then saw what I had done at the spa, what did you with your afternoon?"
Jenn's face immediately went red. In all the years I had known her, I had never seen this reaction out of her. She even spit out some of her coffee.
"Well a few things actually. Do you want to see or hear?"
She started to take off her shirt and a sports bra, and revealed a breast enlargement. "so the people at the spa have developed a syrum that allows you to have bigger breasts, and butt temporarily through this injection. I had the blood tests while I was there, and was allowed to proceed, when the injections arrived. I had both done. Kind of sore today, but I went from a c to an f, so that was to be expected. My butt looks amazing now, but that's sore for another reason." She then started pulling down her pants to show me her new ass. But I noticed, she was wearing her butt plug. "Doesn't that hurt" I asked. Again she blushed. "No, it kind of keeps me company right now. Ohh and I also got my clit pierced, so the plug takes away some of the new sensations" "What does Mike think of your enhancements?" "Can I be honest with you?" I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. "Mike left me a month ago, I just went with it yesterday, as I assumed Charles told you. I was too out of the box for him I guess. The trip to the spa with Charles was the highlight of the last few months.". "Why didn't you tell Charles?" "I was about to at the spa, but couldn't do it. Ended up making a stupid bet instead." "The ballet boots?" She nodded. "Are they that bad?" "Yes and no" she said laughing "Yes, because they take a lot of pain to wear, but no, because you feel like a bondage goddess while in them. I had a photo shoot at the Spa with them, and they've asked me back with my that enhancements to do another." "Sounds exciting.... Maybe I'll come with you, give them a whirl myself." We laughed for a few minutes, talked some more and are breakfast together in the sun porch.
After we ate Jenn asked if I could drive her back to her place since she was dropping off Charles car, and I quickly agreed as I was starting to push my day back again, to help out Jenn. Couldn't complain though, I was starting to see a totally different side of Jenn.
After I dropped her off, I headed to the hardware store that was on the way home. I must have been in this store at least 100 times in the last year as I was renovating my house, but never had the kind of service I had that I had today. The clerks all made sure I found everything as quickly as they could. Some asked me if I was new to the area, others you could just see them stare as I walked down the aisle. I guess I now know what women go through on a daily basis. I guess I'll need to be more aware of my actions and how I follow the woman in my life. It got to a point where it was a back-handed compliment. I was kind of glad when I walked out of that store, it was kind of nice to have that much attention, and then to not know everything that was going on at the same time.
When I got back, I went into the garage to collect the tools I needed to begin construction of my next few days. It took me a few hours, and a bottle of wine, but everything was set and ready for tomorrow.
I could barely sleep that night. It was almost my Christmas. I had been planning this for almost 6 months. I had read an article in one of the blogs I follow, that had given me the final ideas to finish what I was about to start.
When I got up I was both tired and excited at the same time. I had no idea of how any of my planning was going to pay off.
First thing I did was sit down to have breakfast to help calm any nerves I had left. It didn't help. I headed up to my bathroom to get things started, because the coffee and the food wasn't sitting well. I headed up to my bathroom and jumped into the shower, once I was in, I attached an enema nozzel onto the second shower head and proceeded to rinse myself out as thoroughly as possible. I then have myself one last fill and inserted my butt plug to continue the enema as I got the rest of the stuff ready. I went around and opened all the packages and laid out the contents of each.
As I finished laying out my clothing, a matron from the spa walked in to help me get ready for my day. I had a full Spa day that I was awake for. This time she put on fake nails, and painted them silver to match my toys and the outfit I was going to be using. Then she got me to empty myself and proceeded to Laser any hair that had reappeared and even bleached my asshole. I then hoped into the shower to remove any creams and lotions she just used. Once out of the shower, she reapplied the glue that was keeping my hair on my head as well as braided my hair into a long ponytail. Once my hair was done, she quickly moved onto my face to which she quickly had me looking like I was when I first left the spa, albeit, more colourful and added in fake lashes with crystals in them. I must have let me shock show, because the Matron simply smiled and continued on with her work, She then pierced my septum, and removed my ear piercings and added spacers into the holes.
Once we were done, we then proceeded to my next room that I had set up the night before. I pulled several packages out of the pile. The first was an enema plug, which I quickly inserted and gave a quick few pumps to help keep it in while I finished getting dressed. I then quickly grabbed a wireless vibrating dildo that was programmed to things happening around my house, and inserted that into my vagina.
From there, I then pulled the Thick Latex catsuit out that I would be wearing for the next few days with the help of the matron. This needed to be slowly worked over each section of my body and took about 25 minutes to get into and positioned. Once on the matron locked the zipper with the zipper lock. At this point I stopped to look at myself in the mirror and did not recognize myself at all. Here stood an attractive curvy woman, with purple hair, and my breasts exposed and being squeezed to make my nipples hard, and a skin tight latex catsuit. I was in heaven.
"I will UPS this to you for delivery Wednesday morning, if you would need anything else, please call the spa." The matron said, holding up the key.
"Thank you for all your help today, I look forward to seeing you next time at the spa."
With that, she walked out and I was left alone. Next I pulled out to the tube that were attached to my urethra tube, and my enema tube that would allow me to use the washroom as trapped in the catsuit. I then moved into opening the rest of the boxes for the various other equipment I was about to use. My next thing to install was a metal chastity belt. This belt was a new system that had no key lock and could only be removed by a pass code reader that would arrive Wednesday as well. If that failed it would stay on until I arrived at the spa until later this week, to go for my checkup. So this was my point on no return. With a click I was now trapped, no going back. Next I needed to pull on my thigh high boots with stilleto heels. These were the probably the tallest heels I had worn to date, but also the most restrictive as they ended at my crotch. These boots I had custom made for this, they were to the point where only the balls of my feet and toes were on the platform, with the rest of my foot accommodating the heel portion, due to the size of my feet, the heel was roughly 6.5 inches tall. I then stood up, and walked around in them for a minute to learn my balance before further restraining myself. This is going to be fun I mused to myself. I then reached into another box to pull out right restraints and ankle restraints and attached them without the chains to hobble me as of yet.
Next I start to work myself into my leather ¼ cup corset which is double boned and I get snug, but not too tight to start, and then lock it on with the c-clips that have been installed on the back. Each c-clip has been functioned so as I progress into my bondage, the corset can only get tighter, so the corset will be fully closed by the time I finish. The corset ive chosen, is the harshest size I've had to date, and where I'm starting in size, is about 1-1/2 - 2 inches smaller than anything else I currently have. At this point, Im elated at how I look and feel in my current setup and start to feel a little frisky, so I give myself a few squeezes on the enema plug to keep up my mood.
At this point, I locked in and pretty much ready to go. I start going through my mental checklist to really go through step by step of my adventure, and decide to go double check that everything is set up around my house in order to continue. I head out to the kitchen, and start to bring out my ice releases, and start setting them up around my house. I even have an old alarm clock release that will only release one of my keys tonight at 10:00pm. I then head over to my computer to check any of my devices I'm using a tech release for (IOT typically) and make sure all the sequences are programmed for what they should be. Once I have this all together, I then head back to my living room, and start preparing the last of my equipment.
I should say at this point, I felt restrained. But not to the point of stress, but where I was starting to wonder if I had done too much. I grabbed Olivia's cell phone to text Jenn, to make sure we will still on for Wednesday Night, and told her I was heading out for the night. Once the phone was back down, I quickly raced over to the remaining things to make sure I got everything done before I lose the nerve to continue. I quickly put on my posture collar, and leather full body harness, and locked my thigh cuffs to my chastity belt and attached the chains between my ankles. Almost there I thought. Next came my gag. I had chosen this gag very carefully, and almost missed it when I started shopping but finally found what I had been looking for. It was a full brindle gag, with harness clips on the side, for the post I had just dropped behind me, but rather than the kit in between my teeth and solid, the middle was hollowed out with an 1" O-Ring gag. So for all intensive purposes, it worked as a pony bit. I grabbed my wrist cuffs, and locked them on almost ready to give in to everything I had left. Next I grabbed the nipple clips next to me and placed them on my nipples, and quickly covered each with a pastie to make sure the nipple clips could not fall off. Each pastie had little silver bells on them as well, to make sure I could be heard, if not necessarily seen on my travels. I then attached a drip tube to my chastity belt that would allow any pee I had in my oredeal be collected, and slowly pumped up the enema bulb. Just when I thought it was full, I gave it 5 more pumps, and pulled the needle that would allow me to deflate the bulb. Last I dropped my hands behind my back over the bar that was hanging behind me, and then pulled the last of the harness between my legs and up to my wrists. I then put on my wrist cuffs and locked my wrists together, and attached them to the harness. I took a big breath, and then hopped onto the table to start my Adventure.
Click, whirl and snap where the first sounds I heard as I landed on the table, but just as quick was the fact that any slack I had in my setup was now being pulled tight, and my legs were now being pulled back into a hogtie position. I could feel my breathing start to race, as I had no idea how long I would be stuck like this, and I could see the ice slowly start to drip. The slack in my bit was also restricting my already limited movement in my posture collar, but everytime I lowered my head, I could feel my corset starting to get tighter. I started thinking I did too much, and started to move and shift, and started to hyperventilate especially with the tightness of the corset.. I thought to myself, me vs myself.. and with that I passed out. I awoke a few minutes later, or what I thought was a few minutes later to the strange sensation of getting full.... I quickly looked up, I had missed my opportunity to move across the table to only get one bottle of my enema, and quickly realized I was already done the first and quickly moving through the second. The first bottle was a wine mixture, which was the one I was looking forward to, but the second will make sure I'm full for a long long part of my trip. From where I was, I could see the slow drip of the ice release that I was using to release my legs, but wasn't sure how much longer I could continue being in this position. Thankfully the wine concoction kicked in, and the time passed in a happy blur in my bondage cocoon that i had created for myself.
As the time passed, In no particular order, my head started checking to make sure to go through all the releases I had setup, but couldn't focus due to the effects of the wine, so always kept stopping and coming back to when I was going to be able to go to the washroom, as I had forgotten what I had planned there for me.
After what felt like forever, I heard the last of the ice fall and crack as my legs were released from being hog tied to my back. I slowly started to move and shift towards the edge of the table to put my feet on the ground I rested there for a few minutes and gave my body a few minutes to enjoy the release and to take the edge off from being restricted, and still fairly buzzed at this point as well. I didn't know that getting drunk through an enema was going to be this effective or fun. When I finally stood up, I looked to my next problem of releasing my hands. Just beside the table, I had placed a bar to be pushed by my body, while the rope that was attached to the maypole had been attached to my brindle. As I started walking to unwind the maypole, I realized that this was going to be a lot longer than I thought to get this done. The 6 inch chain on my feet was really limiting how fast I was able to go, and I quickly realized that it was a good thing as every step I took, slowly tightened my corset. So ever so slowly I unwound my maypole. I needed to stop and rest on the table, and learned the hardway that the tension that had been taken away and to reach the and reached the bench as I my corset reached its full tightness, which in turn started pushing on my enema and bladder. After resting for a short period, and making a few more turns I heard my alarm clock go off in the other room. Crap, I thought, how is it 10:00pm already? I'm not even anywhere close to where I need to be to find that key. I don't even have my hands free! I quickly got back up and looked at the maypole. Halfway I though, I can still do this. I'll just need to be able to find that key. I started walking, and after about the third step my bladder burst. I could feel the urine leaving me, and I started feeling a moment of dread. Too long I told myself, once I finished peeing, I did feel less encumbered by the emema and was able to continue my trek to free my hands. I continued my walk, which had now turned into a walk of shame in my head, and slowly unwound the last of the rope to free my hands. At last the rope come off the top peg, and dropped the key to release the keys to my wrist leash. I fumbled with the key, and truthfull I was glad I hung this key, because my nails kept getting in the way of being able to unlock the chain between my wrists. So now my hands were able to have some side to side moment but still connected to the ropes behind my back. I also had to pinch my emema tube, with a clamp that was there before I released it, and would be able to move to the next room. It took me a few minutes to do that, as I kept stumbling due the long nails I was not use to.
From there I realized how tired my body was, and returned to the bench to give me a quick rest. My Dildo suddenly came to life causing me to jump right back. Im sure it was a funny sight, if anyone had seen jump up and dance like I had to pee, as my phone rang, and siri announce that Jenn was calling. I obviously couldn't answer the phone, but had to continue to have the dildo vibrate until she it went to voicemail. I then decided to move to the next room, before any more unexpected happened.
It was still a slow waddle, but halfway down the hall I found a groove, and was able to make pretty good time, everything considered. At least the next station is sitting I thought to myself, I didn't really want to think of the other part. I had peed twice more, and it was as if any water absorbed through the enema was being squeezed right back out of me because of the enema and corset. A good combination, if I wasn't going to be trapped like I was currently.
As I reached the next station, I sat down as carefully as I could, hoping to avoid what I knew was coming next. In front of me was a post with a hollow dildo, and a bucket system behind to release my next key. I wasn't happy with this station, but thought it would be a different system, especially since there was a webcam that would record me doing this. Truthfully there were pictures and images for everything I was going to be doing to escape I thought. So I guess as long as nobody can see through my makeup, I should be fine. But if I didn't finish soon, I was going to be out of luck as pictures and videos of my adventure would be posted online. Not anywhere of importance, but once it was out, it was hard to get it back.... Didn't want that to happen, but needed these keys, and the keys I heard fall earlier, before I could safely travel to the next key that stopped the computer. Time it seemed was not going to be my friend. I thought back to how I looked before I started, and tried to start convincing myself that nobody would recognize me, and that so far I had been lucky in that nobody had recognized me. Jenn had given me a look at one point, where I thought she recognized me, but it quickly faded. I need to get going I told myself, and I need to be careful. With that I cozied up to the dildo and slowly inserted it into my gag. The first time I gagged as the dildo hit the back of my throat, but had no choice, as I could not suck, I was going to need to deep throat the dildo for my chin to hit the pump button. As the bucket would empty it would slowly said the float to release the key that was hanging above my head. This again was a slow process, it took me a while to learn how to control my gag reflex even just to push the button, let alone to hold my breath as the water shot down the back of my throat, and I needed to continue to do this carefully. At one point, I stopped to catch my breath and I thought to myself I'm getting this done, but also glanced to my back through a mirror to see how large the bag that had collected my urine had become. I didn't think I peed that much, just take this nice and slow and I can do this. I quickly went back to work, and tried to push through when I felt myself start to pee again... I quickly glanced at the bag through a series of mirrors and watched it grow just that much bigger. I was starting to get worried, that It wouldn't take too much more before the bag burst and again had to start pushing myself back to finish. With that I did a big push and managed to swallow quite a bit of water, when the dildo in my pussy sprang to life as Olivia's phone sprang to life. As I shot back from the jolt of the dildo, I hit the nail that had been put in the back of the chair and caused my bag of pee to drain into the bucket I was drinking out of. And then to top matters off, my house switched my voicemail onto the speakers as Jenn left me a voicemail.
"Hey Olivia, called Charles, but never heard back. So... I'm going to swing by first thing tomorrow morning to pick up his car as I have a few errands to run. I know this is weird, but Charles normally tells me to take his car if I needs it, and well since hes not home.. See you tomorrow. We should do breakfast... See you then" Click....
I started crying on the spot. Emotionally I was drained at this point, who knew what time it was, and now I needed to start over again with this bucket, and now I would need to drink my own piss. This Adventure was not going as planned, I had set myself some "encouragements" to do a good job, but so far was 0 for 2.
I took a few minutes to compose myself, but also needed to figure out, how I was going to avoid Jenn in the morning.
With that, I started drinking the water again. It wasn't so bad, because I needed to deepthroat to activate the pump, I missed most of the urine taste except upon enter and exit. I did pee a few more times, which added to my humiliation, but finally managed to get the part to drop to release my key. I was exhausted at this point but knew I needed to continue, I kept telling myself I'm going to beat the computer. With that I unlocked the chains that led to my wrist to head to my next room to find the key, that would release my arms from behind my back, and then at least I would be able to move a bit more gracefully.
Again, about halfway down the hallway I found a groove and kept pushing through to get to the next room and find that key. As I walked through the entrance to the room, I felt the bar release as had been programmed as one of my releases. The motion detector inside the room is what acted as the release. This was an easy one, just in case something happened, I would have had some release in order to eventually get myself out... or wait till Wednesday for our "Dinner" date.. What a surprise that would have been for Jenn I thought to myself. But at this rate, who was I kidding, it was going to be an early breakfast date..
I managed to find the key that had fallen, it wasn't even close to the alarm clock that had released it, and truthfully I was lucky, as it had almost slid under the dresser holding all my girlie outfits. I reached up and unhooked the 2 attachments to my brindle and the bar, and they dropped to the ground with a thud. At least my arms were free at this point I thought to myself, and started rubbing my jaw, trying to figure out how long I had locked myself up for. But before I got too far into thinking of what was next, I decided to get to the bathroom as quickly as I could. I ended up making some good time, but only just made it before I had to pee again. I sat down and just let it all hang, I was exhausted. I just sat there drained as I thought of what was going to happen next. My pussy roared to life, and I started screaming to myself.. What the Fuck... and only just finished screaming to hear, on my way over through the speakers.... I nearly shit myself (Had I been able to) and quickly had to scramble to figure out what to do next. I knew the buses would take Jenn almost an hour to get here, but if she took a cab, I had 20 minutes to do something! My mind started racing... What if, what about.... Wait, what time is it?... I started hobbling to the stairs and started heading towards the front door, I guessed it took me 15 minutes for what normally took me 30 seconds. I was lucky I was in business, and always had pens and paper stashed around the house, so I grabbed a set of keys, and wrote her a note, to leave the keys on top. I couldn't stop Jenn from coming in, but could try to stop her from coming in and snooping...
"Hey Jenn,
Had a friend pick me up for an early Yoga class at a studio downtown. Doing breakfast with her, but see you tomorrow. I'll take a cab, so keep the car till then.
I quickly waddled my way into the next room and hid behind the couch. Less than 30 second had passed as my vibrator went off announcing your arrival.
"Olivia. Hey you here Hun?" She started walking down the hallway when she noticed the note with the keys. She grabbed the note and looked like she read the note over and over. As I watched, I could see confusion on her face. But she took the keys and left. Again my vibrator started going nuts as she walked out the door. I stayed there for a few minutes as I waited for the car to leave. Trying to remind myself not to move to quickly as to draw attention through the window, as the sun was now up. I then returned to the first room to retrieve the enema bag and valve so that I could relieve myself. I slowly made my way to the bathroom upstairs plugged myself in to deflate and let go of everything I had been holding in. Strangely enough, I was exhausted and after I cleaned myself before I headed to my bed, to have a nap. I slept so soundly, that I didn't even notice my vibrator go off, when the door opened.
I woke up, to being tied up to the table, where I had spent most of the previous evening. I was confused at first as to what was happening. I had a hood placed on me as well so could only make out blurrily where I was. I couldn't hear, and couldn't speak as well. Once I was fully tied to the table the person removed my hood. I started squirming trying to break free of the bonds I was in, the same bonds I had been trapped in last night. And then I felt something in my ass. It started moving around, so I could only assume it was a finger, it felt almost as if they were inserting something. Lube I screamed.... I started squirming again started to try to free myself, but was unable. The person, then stepped behind me and grabbed my hips. I slowly felt my ass be penetrated by a cock. It went slowly at first, and started to build. This went on for a long time, long enough that the person added more lube too keep going. And keep going they did. I finally felt the pair of hips behind me, shutter and shake. Then I felt their chest land on my back and they just lay there for a few minutes. Once they had recovered, they started to pull out, and then not so subtly shove a butt plug up my ass. As they started to move away from behind, I heard the sound of heels on the floor, but my movement was still limited, could not see anything until they were right in front of me.
"I've never had a girl before. That was fun. But you took something from me... And I want it back." As she rounded the corner I saw a strap on dildo approaching my gagged mouth. "I want you to remember this, as you clean up your shit and leave Charles' house. I want you to remember the taste of your ass and my dildo, as you crawl back to whatever shit hole you came from. This is my turn for Charles to pay attention to me, and you need to leave." With that she shoved the dildo to the back of my throat and just started pounding my face. I felt her come again as her hips ground against my face and again she collapsed on top of my body as she finished her climax. That was the last feeling I had before I passed out due to the dildo shoved down my throat.
When I awoke, I was still on the table. But not locked anymore. I looked around, but still looked like everything was where I had left it the night before, but there was also no sign of Jenn. I had mixed feelings over what had happened, and I was Pretty sure I climax along with her, but I was not someone who took bring violated lightly. I felt sorry for her as well, as she took advantage of Olivia and not really "me". My head kept going around and around as I moved around my house, still ever so slowly as my hobble chain was still locked on. My house seemed eerie, even though it was daytime, and there was lots of light coming into the house, all I heard were those damn bells hanging off of my nipples. I finally made it to the kitchen and sat down, still trying to process what had made Jenn snap like she had. I sat down to be reminded that I was still wearing the butt plug she so elegantly placed back in side of me. How did I not notice during my walk that it was still there? I tried to pull it out just to get some relief at this point, but couldn't get it to move. In fact it sort of stuck itself deeper into me. Then my vibrator went off as I heard Olivia's phone beep with a text. I was really started to be weirded out at this point. So I hobbled over and grabbed my phone. "You still haven't left. I'm not still there, but I'll know when you pack your things and you leave. The plug will not release until you are out of the house."
What the fuck I thought to myself, I tried to remove the plug again. This time I got shocked...
My vibrator sprang to life again as my phone beeped.
"Warned you" was all the message said.
Well fuck I thought to myself. I started to go through my list of things I needed to still do in order to get myself out if just what I had planned. How the fuck am I going to get out of what she has planned. I'm going to need to leave at one point to get this thing out of me, but how far can I go dressed like I am? I started screaming with frustration, although it just reminded me of the gag I still had locked on my face. I hobbled over to the fridge, to get a smoothie as my stomach started to rumble.
My next place to go was the shed in my backyard. It was going to be a walk, dressed as I was. Should I just stay like this for now, or do I hope for the best and hope my neighbours are still out at work? I looked at the clock, it was now 4:00pm.
I decided to head back upstairs to get some rest, and to try and figure out how to deal with my new Jenn situation. This was not going to be easy, I knew Jenn now liked "me" but I was not going to have her be a domme. Not a chance, I also decided she was going to need to pay for what she did, but I would need to wait and plan for that. And plan I would. My ass was beginning to get numb from the butt plug, and my jaw was aching from the gag, my nipples also felt raw and trapped under the pasties that I was still wearing. I decided the best thing to do right now was head to my bedroom with Olivia's phone to relax before I needed to do any more travelling.
I got as comfortable as I could considering all the bondage equipment I was still wearing, and realized I really was enjoying every minute. As I got cozy and started to watch TV, I decided to text Jenn from Olivia's phone.
"Hey, not sure what I did to piss you off, but we can chat tomorrow night if you still want. Weirdly I still had fun. And don't worry, you can have Charles, I'm just trying to take advantage of an empty house."
I hoped to get a response, but nothing.
I couldn't get comfortable as I was on the bed, Just couldn't get comfortable with everything. My breasts were so tender any movement was torturous. My jaw was sore, my feet are aching, but I swear I still had a smile on my face.
I grabbed my tablet since I had long since missed my opportunity for the computer to not send out footage of last night and logged onto the portal. I had set this up to capture photos and video, as well as pull photos at key points from my evening. There was some good footage there as I scrolled through my evening. The thing for me was the footage even covered Jenn raping me. I guess that's what she did.. I was confused about the video as I was certain I only set it to record to morning. I checked the log and then noticed a user currently logged in outside of me. I quickly booted them out, and changed the system settings and password.... What had they seen? Why were they in my system.... My vibrator roared to life as Olivia's phone beeped.
"Too late,look here" which transferred me to a you porn link. "Chastity saves this bitch" was the title of the movie. It already had 6000 views... She had only pulled when I was sleeping on "Charles" bed. I watched it as she crept into my room and slowly dragged me into the other room. She left me there sleeping on the bench. At this point she had been wearing her street clothes, and a mask to hide her identity. She them gave the show of a lifetime as she redressed in front of the camera. She slipped out of everything and started to play with herself as she laced up her ballet boots, and slowly walked over to cuff my ankles as hands to the bench like I was when I woke up.she also placed the hood over my head. She then came back to dress in a waist cincher, nipple clips, and then she bent over to reveal the jewelled butt plug from the spa. She also wore a simple ball gag, which is why I didn't hear her climax. If that hadn't been me on the bench, and had I still not been trapped in my bondage, I would have taken Jenn right there and then. It was hard not being able to have an erection, and not being able to get off. I was horny, but not able to do anything about it. I was fixated as she pulled out the strap on she was going to use. I saw the harness earlier, but now I realized the harness was just support. She inserted a bulb I into her vagina, and as she pulled the harness on to secure it, I realized how big of had been. My ass started to hurt as I watched her just pound on my latex covered ass. I don't know why, but I was still turned on by what I was seeing. I mean it was me, but it wasn't "me" I was becoming confused, but couldn't look away. I then saw the box that contained what was now in me. She walked up to the camera gave everybody a good view, then headed back to my ass. Lubed it up, and then shoved the butt plug right up and back into my ass. She them inserted what looked to be an identical gem to her plug into the end, sealing something in my ass. I was horrified at how big the plug was, but also confused, because feeling was just now starting to return to my ass.
The vibrator ripped to life again, as I saw a message appear on my phone. "I've climaxes 2 more times just watching the video. I hope you're enjoying it."
The message quickly disappeared just in time to see her start riding my face.
Again the vibrator roared to life. "Ohh by the way, it was a numbing gel I used. You should be getting feeling back soon. Looking forward to dinner tomorrow :)"
A smiley face? And then I saw Jenn climax as she was riding my face in the video. And my whole body started to shake as I had a mini orgasm, and just lay on the bed recovering. 9000 views... Well it was climbing fast.... I'm just Glad nobody could pin this on me. 10000 views.... Wow...
I texted Jenn back "restaurant or delivery? Looking forward to tomorrow night. I'll wear something cute."
I put my phone down, and left it on the bed, but my vibrator started to go off.. And off, and off. Maybe I was going to be able to save things with Jenn as Olivia. I smirked to myself, it was dark by the time I made it down to the main floor, and Jenn was right feeling was coming back to my ass. I thought my breasts were sensitive, as sore as my breasts were, every movement in my ass seemed to be amplified by something in the plug I was wearing. I couldn't wait to get this thing out of me. It was a slow process, my heels sticking in the grass, my bells on my nipples, it was not a pretty sight. And I needed to take my time, because at points the neighbours appeared in the backyard for a smoke. I swear one neighbour must have seen me, because he stood out back for long time, and I didn't see any smoke appear while he was there. But slowly, he went back inside, and I just made it inside, as he and a girl reappeared on the back porch. I doubt they saw me, as there is a good size piece of land between me and the neighbours, but who knows.
As I walked through the door, my pasties came flying off and released my nipple clamps. It's a good thing I was still wearing the gag, as I was screaming bloody murder. I looked down to see my nipples purple, and standing on end. They looked like they were going to hurt for a while, I saw still almost crying from the pain, when I saw the puddle on the floor where the ice release had been. I looked around and found the key that had fallen, and unlocked my ankle cuffs. At least I would be able to get back to the house faster, now that I could walk properly, but unfortunately I wasn't heading back to the house yet. I needed to retrieve two more keys from the guest house.
I headed towards the first bedroom, this was another one I was not going to look forward to. This was what I had called the chair of possibilities. This was a suction device in a box. The only way to get the key was to create a vacuum to open the doors on the bottom of the box. The only way to get the suction, was to use my breasts. The downside of this, was I had someone design the box to have some sort of random sensor that would be hit as I inserted to create the seal. That sensor controlled 4 different outcomes before I would be able to release the keys. The first, was a metal chasity spiked chastity bra. The second, pierced nipples. Third, the suction cups coming lose to trap my breasts, the last..... Nothing. This box had been programmed on random and I had no idea what was going to happen, or what I needed to do in order to get the keys to release. The worst part, was that as my breasts were being pulled in, a numbing spray was being sprayed on them, so until the keys release, I would have no idea what had been done. I wish I could have taken credit for this, but I found most of this one on the internet. Some people were just cruel.
As I started lifting my breasts into place I could feel the cold air from the suction start I could feel my nipples start to become aroused again, and then I felt my left breast pop into place, the shortly after my right. I know it sounded weird, but this part had me scared. I could hear the vacuum speed up as the suction took hold and the box holding my breasts dropped off. I looked down to see the metal cage that now enveloped my breasts. They were really uncomfortable and I'm fairly certain there was a nipple clamp on the end as well . At this point this was going to hurt, but at least I would be able to take them out and let things settle down, the other two would have been a lot more bothersome to try and figure a way out of them or the healing time would have been harsh.
I grabbed the key, and went to unlock my gag. Shit.. Wrong key... This should have been my gag... I tried the collar... Nothing... I tried the harness.... Still nothing. What key was this? I tried to inspect the key, it looked like mine, but it didn't work on anything I had left... well this was certainly not my day. I headed to the next room in hopes this would go a bit better. Where I had left the key for my harness and collar, was a note from Jenn.
"I watched the footage from you setting up, and knew you had 3 keys hidden here. You still have those keys, but go get your cell phone and give me a call"
I was getting tired of Jenn, I really had this love hate thing going on. I started to almost Jog to my house, but needed to slow down as spiked cage was starting to bite, and apparently the bra had weighted nipple clamps so my entire breast felt pinched and sore. And they also had fucking bells..... Why I did this to myself, I never thought I was going to get caught at every stage of my adventure.
I picked up my phone and dialed Jenn...
"Ohh man, I totally forgot I took your keys. I'm sorry, I was just so pissed when I thought you were going to steel Charles. Have you checked the website lately? We're a hit, we have over 30,000 views.... Your keys are in your ass, let me deactive the butt plug so you can retrieve them. I'm going to come over and bring a few bottles of wine to apologize. See you soon." With that she hung up. Shortly after I felt my ass start to buzz, and it felt like the plug started to shrink and fell out of my ass with a thud. I quickly bent down to pick up the plug and headed to my bathroom. As I started to fill my tub, i took off the boots I had been stuck in for the last day and a half, the gag(which was even more painful then keeping it in at this point, and the harness that had been where everything attached to for the adventure. As I lay in the tub, I knew the tub would have no effect on my catsuit, charity belt and bra as well as my corset, but wanted to give my aching body some time to relax. After about 10 minutes, I felt my vibrator go off and shouted down the stairs. "Hey Jenn, I'm up in the bathroom"
It took a long time for Jenn to make it up to come see me. Not that I minded, but I thought she was having problems finding the wine glasses. When she appeared, it was the Jenn I had always known. She was wearing tight jeans, and a regular t-shirt.
"Now I feel over dressed." I said as I saw her.
"I was trying to sneak in, I thought this was going to be a trap. I didn't think you had actually forgiven me."
"Nothing to forgive, after watching that video. Have you never done that before? You seemed to really enjoy yourself, in a sadistic sort of way." I said with a laugh. "Where is this wine you offered me?"
"I'll be right back, with it. Like I said, wanted to make sure it was safe."
She was only gone a few minutes, but when she returned, she had a basket with her. She came over to the side of the tub and whispered "For old time sake" with a laugh and placed a blind fold over my eyes. Truthfully I was too tired to fight it.
I heard her scurry around the bathroom for the next few minutes as I say in the tub, and shortly could smell lavender and vanilla floating around the air. You can take off the blindfold now. As I removed the blindfold, I saw she had turned my bathroom into a spa. She had candles going, and she was now naked and heading for the tub, carrying two very big Glasses of white wine in ice.
"I may not be able to fully apologize for what I did, but I hope we can stay friends."
I smiled and took a rather large sip of wine. "You need to get drunk, and tell me everything Lol" and with that she downed her glass.
As she walked back to the wine I just watched and stared at the woman in front of me, and ask those conflicted feelings started to come rushing back over what she had done.
"You talk, I'll listen" I said to her and she popped herself into the tub.
"I'm not sure where to start"
I laughed, if you're asking that, you still haven't had enough wine.
"OK," She said with a nervous laugh. "Why are you still wearing stuff in the tub?"
"Too easy, and your deflecting. But the locks haven't arrived yet, so I'm stuck in the catsuit and corset until the keys arrive. Tomorrow, maybe Thursday. They aren't so bad once you figure out all you can do is wait."
"That's kinky, I had never thought of that."
"but you can think of fancy butt plugs that can only be released remotely?" I said laughing.
"Well ,truthfully, I had that lying around. I bought it to play with Mike, but he only ever used it once. He had no use for those things."
I laughed and said "it was unforeseen, that's for sure. But it did add to my adventure, I did sort of enjoy myself which is weird, but I guess they say this is a fantasy for everybody. But why did you do it?"
"I was jealous, Charles always brings home, at least when I see them, these women, and there is no way I can complete, I thought the spa day was going to be where we would finally connect, but I guess I got carried away. And then you arrived. I mean look at you, you're stunning. So out there, I could see why he likes you. And then I saw his butt plug freshly used lol, but in unedged me. And then the note this morning, from you in his hand writing."
"I need to tell you something. "
"Its OK, I was so disappointed that we didn't get to spend the whole day together and then he got called to the office."
"Look, about that"
"Stop interrupting" she said as she splashed water at me. "So I continued the day, ran the blood work for these" as she pointed to her boobs. "And then got the same done for my ass. I like the ass, but these are tiring, I think I would do your size next time. Those might catch my next guys attention. Do you think I blew it with Charles? Oh never mind, tell me why you're still dressed as a Latex Queen."
So I started where we meet, I told her about the planning, I told her about picking up my new ID and everything. I told her of the stations, what I needed to do to be released, I told her about what went through my head when she came. The only thing I didn't specifically tell her was that I was Charles, she cut me off before I finished with that. In fact, how fast she was across the tub surprised me, and we started kissing and making out and water was going everywhere.
Let's move this to the bedroom I said as I pushed her off, between breath's as I was trying to gain control of the situation. We toweled each other off, and I dragged her to the bedroom. I did stop off and grab a few things on the way to the bed though.
Since Jenn was naked, and I was as naked as I was going to get we got started fairly quickly. At first she pinned me, and stated licking the parts of my breasts she could get to, and then working at teasing what she could, but I could tell she was frustrated by me being contained. I got up slightly and stuck my finger in her ass... "Why don't you use his butt plug again" With that, I saw her mischievous smile reappear and before I could even miss her, she was back and she was working the plug back into my ass... As soon as it plopped in, she was back on top of me, groping whatever she could, her tongue darted in ant out of my mouth and she was grinding hard against my chastity belt.
I rolled her over and slapped her on her ass. I stated kissing and caressing her entire body, and slowly started to work my way to onwards her vagina, but decided I wasn't ready to go all the way ... Yet. I tied her up in doggy style, and left the room. I returned with her cell phone and the plug she used on me. She gave me the password to her phone and I launched the app that controlled the plug. I started scraping my nails up and down the inside of her thighs and she started screaming .... "I'm pretty sure you're enjoying this" I whispered in her ear. I probed my tongue in and out of her asshole, which caused her entire body to start shaking, as I was lubing up the plug with one hand, I started to probe her ass with my finger, then fingers trying to see how far I could push this. The entire time, she sat there shaking, just rocking herself. I looked at her face, and she was grinding her teeth, trying not to scream. I stopped, got up and left her there. The look on her face was priceless. I returned moments later, with her bag from the hallway and the gag I had been wearing earlier. I pulled her hair back and strapped her into the gag. She didn't notice that I had locked it, as I had started to play with her ass again. I kept working her ass with one hand, and then started playing with her clit with my other. I could hear the moans coming from her, and I could tell she was happy to just let loose at this point. I shoved the butt plug into her ass, but she barely noticed as I had just been up to my wrists in her. I kept moving the plug shifting it so she had to continue to try to change her position around the base of the plug. I then grabbed her phone and dialed in the plug to start delivering her a small shock every time it grew a size. I was temporarily amazed at the technology in the toy, that I didn't know she was orgasming until I heard a long mmmmmmm and her body just start shaking and squirting....
I gave her a few minutes and brought her bag over to the bed. I stated to dig through it as she was starting to recover from the orgasm. I found some good stuff in there, but from the bag I could tell she had been planning on staying the night. At the bottom of the bag, I found another strap-on. I guess she was trying to save it for later, this was bigger than the last one. As Jenn looked up to see what I was holding, her face went white.... I purposely pulled the harness up, and strapped in on in front of her face, I even tried to put in in through the gag. But it didn't fit, I did use the puddle of saliva to lube in slightly, and then walked out of view. She stated squirming in her restraints, turning her head left then right to try and find out where I was coming from. I had stepped out of her sight to put some actual lube on the dildo, I wasn't that mean tonight. I came up behind her, and slowly just slid the dildo in, it stretched her good, I was surprised it fit truthfully, and as it slid home, her hips thrust back and she started to orgasm again, not quite as big as the first, but it was impressive. I left it there for a moment to let her recover and untied her feet while she was mount, I didn't even think she noticed. And then I started thrusting, slowly at first, and then working my way up in tempo, I think I had a few orgasms from the plug running against my prostate, but nothing compared to what was happening under me, every-time I thought she was done, she thrust her hips back for more, this continued for more than an hour, at one point, we both passed out, me on top of her, and fell asleep.
I woke up almost an hour later, and Jenn was still just floored... She barely moved as I pulled out, just a soft moan. I untied her hands, curled up behind her and went right back to sleep.
"mmm, mmm,,, mmmm, mmmmm" was all I heard as I woke up to being poked. I forgot I left Jenn locked in the gag.
"I can't." I left the key in the spare room. It was a white lie, I wanted to make her suffer a little bit more. I grabbed her phone and gave her a good shock.
"If you go into the living room, I want you go put on the Maid outfit in there. I'll go get the key while you get dressed." She quickly nodded her head and ran out of the room. I casually pulled on a sweater dress over my latex, to go to the front door to see if the packages had arrived. No such luck. I then quickly headed over to the kitchen to start cooking breakfast. Jenn appeared just as I finished making the coffee. She pointed to the Guest house... "You've had the key the entire time, its in your ass. You look great in that outfit by the way." She gave me a look, then ran back to the bedroom to retrieve her phone to get the key to the gag.
"That was mean. But I'll forgive you after last night."
"We need to talk after breakfast" Jenn just nodded at sat down not too slowly. "Still tender?"
"Tender doesn't come close. My entire body aches, and my vagina and ass are pulsating so much, I might have another orgasm, just recovering from the.. well whatever you did."
We sat in silence eating the eggs and coffee I had made, until I heard the doorbell ring. I headed to the door to collect and collected the packages that had been left at my door and ran back to the kitchen. Really, without thinking I ripped the packages open and searched for they keys. I grabbed the fob for my chastity belt and bra and tapped the pad and it dropped to the floor with a clunk. I then quickly reached up and grabbed the lock on my my catsuit and unlocked it. And slid it off as Jenn sat there gawking at my now naked body. As I turned to her to her, I tried to act with some modesty, and out the dildo slid out and dropped to the floor.
Jenn burst out laughing, as I finished rounding on her. I saw the look on her face, stopped, looked down at what I just did, and burst of laughing as well.
"Jenn, I'm going up for a bath. By the time I'm done, I expect this place to be clean. Or you can come join me..." And I turned away, swinging my ass as I did so. Needless to say, I heard the chair scrape back and heard her start chasing me back down the hallway.