Author's Note: Two girlfriends have a series of conversations about bondage. You won't find this one in 'The Listening Project' archive.
"Honestly, Sharon, I don't know why you let him do this to you"
"Oh Theresa, I've told you ! He likes to think of me as his little slavegirl waiting for him to return."
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"But you have a life too. Don't you object to spending your whole day tied up like this ?"
"It's not that bad, Theresa. I quite enjoy it too you know."
"But don't you get bored."
"No. I can totter round the house, watch the TV. You'd be surprised what you can do when you put your mind to it. Besides I have you to talk to."
"Well, uncomfortable then, isn't it uncomfortable having your hands tied behind you all day ?"
"It's not too bad."
"Your nipples must hurt though. That looks so painful."
"They go numb after a while. You kind of get used to it."
"Look, why don't you let me untie you, we can go out for the day then I can tie you up again and he'll never know."
"I'm not just tied, Theresa, look ! These cuffs are padlocked onto my wrists and ankles."
"Where are the keys then ?"
"In Jeff's pocket !"
"Well, how about those, what do you call them, nipple clamps ?"
"Keep your hands off ! Do you know how painful it is to take them off ?"
"No Sharon, I don't and I have no intention of finding out."
"Look, Theresa, if my being like this bothers you why don't you visit another day when we can do something together ?"
"Because, as you well know, I work every other day of the week and there's not much point me coming round when Jeff's here, where would be the fun in that ? Why don't you get him to tie you up on another day then we can go and do something interesting. You're my best friend Sharon, but when I say let's have lunch I don't really mean I want to sit there with you stark naked and completely helpless with me feeding you with a fork."
"Theresa, you're my best friend too but this is the day Jeff ties me up. We both kind of like Fridays, it's a good start to the weekend and you know I do things on other days. You don't have to come here. In many ways I wish I hadn't told you."
"Oh, Sharon. I'm very glad you did tell me. I may not quite understand why you put yourself through this but if it's what you want to do then so be it. Anyway, I must be going, some of us don't have time to sit around all day playing slavegirl."
"Goodbye, Theresa. I'd see you out but it would probably take me half an hour to reach the front door."
"Goodbye, Sharon."
"Thank you."
"For what ?"
"Oh, I don't know, visiting me, understanding, you know !"
"It's what friends are for. Goodbye, Sharon."
One week later...
"Oh my ! That looks painful."
"Hello, Theresa. Yes, it is a bit uncomfy. It's called a hogtie."
"How long have you been like that ?"
"Since Jeff went out at seven. What's the time now ?"
"Nearly eleven. I'd have been earlier but I went for a swim first. Is this some new bondage gear then ?"
"No, I'm being punished today."
"Punished ! Sharon, you and Jeff have to have a serious talk. What have you done ?"
"I don't know."
"You don't..."
"I have to wait until Jeff comes home, then he'll tell me. It means I have all day to think about what I might have done to upset him. It's quite rewarding."
"I'm sure it is. Sharon, are you sure it's safe to be left like this all day. I mean it could do you permanent harm. That hood you're wearing you can't even see. What if something happened ? You fell or something ?"
"There are risks in everything. Besides I'm not likely to get up to any mischief, I can barely move."
"Is there anything I can do to make you more comfortable ?"
"I don't know, you'd better not touch anything or Jeff might notice. I'd quite like a drink though, I'm a bit thirsty."
"Here you are, drink this if you can."
"Thanks. That's better."
"So, what's that thing holding your arms, it looks awfully tight."
"It's called a single sleeve and, yes, it's extremely tight. I can feel my elbows touching."
"Sharon, why do you do this ?"
"I told you, it's kind of fun."
"By which you mean you find it arousing, sexually ?"
"Got it in one, Theresa. It hasn't taken you all this time to figure that out has it ?"
"No. But I don't think I realised quite how far you went until I saw you today."
"Believe me, this is tame compared to some of the things Jeff does to me."
"I'm learning not to be shocked by you anymore, Sharon."
"Then look in the end cupboard of the wardrobe."
"What, this one ?"
"How should I know, I'm hooded remember."
"Sorry. It's locked."
"Keys in the jewelry box on the dressing table."
"Wow ! Sharon, is this a whip ?"
"I expect so, there are quite a few in there."
"But does Jeff use it on you ?"
"Sometimes. You want to try ? I mean take one home for Trevor."
"Sharon. He'd have a coronary."
"He might appreciate it though."
"Sharon, you might enjoy this sadism stuff but I'm not sure I'm the sort of person..."
"You don't know until you try."
"Oh, I think I know. Mind you, I like this PVC bodice. Now that would send Trevor wild."
"It usually works on Jeff too. Try it on."
"Sharon, I couldn't. It's not...you know."
"Theresa, you're in your best friend's bedroom and she's hogtied and blindfolded. Nobody is going to know. I'm certainly not going to tell anyone. And besides, if I did spill the beans, think what you'd be able to do to me next time you came to see me on a Friday."
"Hmmm, you have a point. OK you've convinced me, but no peeking."
"Scouts' honour."
"Oh Sharon. I wish you could see me."
"Then take my hood off."
"What ?"
"I don't think it's locked on.You can easily replace it. Let me see what you look like."
"I don't know if I should."
"Come on Theresa, you've been trying to help me since you started visiting me like this."
"Alright, but don't tell Jeff."
"I have no intension of telling Jeff you've even been here."
"Hmm, yes, I see. I'll just undo this..."
"Sorry. Here we go."
"Thanks. Stand over by the mirror, I want to see you properly. Wow ! It really suits you. Your boobs do it more justice than my little ones."
"Do you think Trevor would like it ?"
"Well, I don't know."
"You don't think so ? How about if I have the whip too ?"
"Theresa. I'm joking, I think Trevor will ravage you where you stand. You'll need the whip to keep him under control."
"Isn't it supposed to be the other way around. Shouldn't I be the cowering slave and Trevor my stern master ?"
"That depends, you can do it either way. Why don't you take it home and try it out."
"Could I ? I don't know though."
"Theresa, what's the harm in trying."
"OK. I'd better go now before I change my mind."
"Don't forget to lock the cupboard. And don't forget my hood."
One week later...
"Well, what happened ?"
"He loved it. I thought afterwards, did Jeff miss it ?"
"No, we have plenty of toys to keep us amused. Tell me more."
"He made me wear it nearly all last weekend."
"Well, at least he didn't want to wear it. Did he tie you up ?"
"No, Sharon. I was in complete control."
"Did you tie him up then."
"Sharon !"
"Alright, but he liked the bodice. I just thought you might like to try some other games too."
"It's possible to have a good sex life without toys you know, Sharon."
"Yes, but not as much fun. How about the whip ?"
"I had him grovelling at my feet. He has a great tongue you know."
"Theresa !"
"I'll put this back. Do you mind if I have a look through to see if there's anything else that... you know... ?"
"Tickles you fancy. Is that the phrase you're looking for ? Go right ahead. I'm hardly going to stop you."
"Yes, you and that chair are going to stay together for the rest of the day. You're sure you wouldn't like me to take those weights off your nipples ?"
"No thank you, Theresa, I'll be fine."
"What's this ?"
"A gag."
"And this ?"
"A slave's body harness."
"The thick strap at the top is a collar. Hold it up and you'll get some idea what happens."
"And you wear this ?"
"Most weekends, it's one of our favourite pieces."
"May I ?"
"Of course."
"It's a bit fiddly."
"I usually have help ! That one goes below your boobs, that's it. And that one..."
"Between my legs."
"You've guessed it."
"Very kinky."
"That's the general idea."
"How do I look ?"
"Not bad, turn around. Hmm... Don't you just love the way those straps squeeze you ?"
"I'm not sure about that but it makes me feel quite sexy to be wearing this."
"I should think so ! How about some heels or a leash ?"
"Sharon ! I'm not a dog."
"Jeff always makes me wear heels with that."
"Not those enormous ones in the bottom of the wardrobe, they must be 5 inches at least."
"Five and a half actually."
"I'm surprised you can walk in these things."
"You should try it on a leash, wearing a hood with your hands tied behind you."
"I wont if it's all the same to you."
One week later...
"Oh Sharon ! Are you alright ?"
"Nnnnnggggg !"
"Here, let me take that gag out."
"You're being punished again aren't you ?"
"You must have done something pretty bad. Are those whip marks ?"
"Right on both counts."
"I had to tell you, I bought one of those harnesses. Trevor loved it. He wanted to tie me up!"
"Great ! Did he ?"
"Why, Theresa ? Wouldn't you let him ?"
"What is it ?"
"I think I preferred being the Mistress."
"How about tying him up. I'm sure most of our stuff would hold him."
"I don't know, I sort of want to find out what it's like, being helpless I mean. I don't want to set myself up as Mistress Whiplash and then find I'd rather be Cindy Slavegirl. And if I did let him tie me up I just know I'd have to be gagged or I'd start telling him what to do. I thought I could try it here first. You don't mind do you ?"
"No Theresa, if I can get you to understand bondage I'll be happy. But don't ever let him leave you like this."
"Right. I'll go and see what I can find."
"Are you OK, Theresa ? You've been in there an awefuly long time."
"I'm really not sure what to do with half this stuff. I've got the harness on. I was wondering, if I released you for a little while could you tie me up ? I think I could work out how to put you back as you are."
"Please, Sharon, just this once."
"There, that must feel better."
"Yeah, that bannister between my legs was really starting to hurt."
"Right, how do you want me ?"
"I'll cuff your wrists to you waist with these cuffs. It'll be a gentle start, not too uncomfortable. There, how does that feel ?"
"Alright. I won't get out of these."
"That's the general idea. Now, lie down and I'll strap your ankles together. OK ?"
"OK !"
"Are you sure about the gag ?"
"As I'll ever be."
"OK. Open wide. Feel alright ?"
"Good, you've got thirty minutes while I have some coffee then I suppose I'd better get back astride the bannisters."
"Theresa, are you OK ?"
"Would you like me to untie you ?
"OK, you can have another thirty minutes for being such a good girl. I'm not really in a hurry to get back astride that banister. Perhaps if I just pull your ankles up here and fasten them to the back of your harness. How's that ?"
"Oh, Sharon ! That was wonderful. Especially when you pulled my legs up like this. What did you call it, a hogtie ?"
"Yes, it is a sort of hogtie. I'm glad you're enjoying it. So are you going to let Trevor do this to you ?"
"Hmmm, I'm not sure. It makes me feel so vulnerable, it was quite fun just being left alone. That strap between my legs is really rubbing me just...you know ?"
"Yes, Theresa, I know exactly what you mean. Can you imagine what it would be like being tied like that and then having someone run their hands all over you."
"Oh, Sharon, I can."
"Then let Trevor do it to you."
"I still don't know. I quite like being the boss too."
"Come on, lets get you out of there."
"Can't I have a bit longer ?"
"And will you blindfold me as well ?"
"Theresa !"
One week later...
"Here, lets take that gag out."
"Theresa ! What happened ?"
"We tried it both ways round."
"Which did you prefer ?"
"I think I enjoyed tying him up more."
"That's fine... Borrow some of our heavier gear."
"Are you alright ? You're breathing very fast. Hey, what's that noise ?"
"What...Oh ! Oh ! Vibrator...its..."
"You're tied up with vibrator inside you ?"
"Yes...oh...it...happens...quite a lot..."
"You mean..."
"Yes, you've just never been here...oh...when it's been going before...ah...oh...oh...This one is mains run and Jeff ...uses a timer to make it come on every now and again...oh...Just incase I get...oh...bored...It's been...oh...going for about...oh...oh...five minutes...or so...oh...since I heard your car outside...and now I'm...oh...oh...oh..."
"Oh...excuse...me...oh...oh...oh...ohhhhhhhhhh !"
"Sharon ? Did you...?"
"Yes...and...I think I'm going to...oh...have another...aaaaahhhhhhhhhhh !"
"When you've quite finished."
"Sorry, Theresa, it's a bit out of my control. Just let me get my breath back."
"Don't mind me, please. Look Sharon, I was wondering, I'm a bit unsure about this tying up."
"I thought you enjoyed it."
"I do, but I don't think I'm very good at it. I was wondering if you'd let me practise on you."
"I'm a little different from Trevor, some of the things you can do to me would be a bit difficult on him. And you wouldn't have much luck with cock restraints."
"What are..."
"Exactly what you think they are."
"Well, can I ?"
"Yes alright. You can practise on me but not today, I'm kind of enjoying myself right now and besides I think you'd struggle to get me back into this single sleeve and corset without a bit of practice. Jeff is out tomorrow morning, why don't you come by then."
"Oh, Sharon, you're an angel."
"Don't mention it."
"Tell me, do you ever tie Jeff up ?"
"Sometimes. Not often though."
"Have you got any of those...?"
"Cock restraints, yes. I'll show you them tomorrow."
"Nothing really, I was just wondering..."
"Yes, Theresa ?"
"That vibrator's still going, isn't it."
"Oh yes, it's still going."
"Are you...?"
"Yes !"
"Just wondering."
"If that's all...Theresa...oh...then could you...oh...oh."
"Leave you in peace ?"
"Well,have fun with your vibrator. I'm going to buy some thigh boots. I'll bring them over tomorrow."
"Theresa !"
"My gag."
"What ?"
"You've forgotten to gag me."
The next day...
"Theresa, come in."
"It's nice to be greeted and not have to use my own key."
"I must admit it's quite nice to have the freedom of the house once in a while. Would you like some coffee ?"
"No thanks. Do you mind if we just get on. I want to try this out on Trevor this afternoon."
"OK. There goes my freedom."
"What do you think ?"
"Those thigh boots look really good on you. They go with the bodice really well. You'd make any man your cringing slave in that lot."
"What do you want me to do now ?"
"You're the Mistress, you tell me. I've left some stuff out on the bed that I think will be most suitable for tying up a man. It'll work on me too though you may have to adapt it slightly."
"OK. Drop the robe and kneel, Slave."
"Very good. Yes, Mistress."
"Let's start with the collar."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Is that too tight ?"
"No, it's fine. You won't ask him that will you ?"
"Of course not. Now, hands by your sides and kneel up."
"Are you going to use the wrist to thigh cuffs ?"
"Silence, Slave."
"You're getting the hang of this aren't you ?"
"Just practising. That O.K. ?"
"Fine, Mistress. These cuffs are great, they make you helpless but you're arms don't get in the way and you can still touch your lover."
"Good slave, now, lick my boots."
"Gladly Mistress. They're beautiful aren't they ? It always turns me when Jeff makes me do this."
"That's enough groveling. On your feet, slut."
"Theresa !"
"Just getting into character dear."
"You'll have Trevor eating out of your hand if you carry on like this."
"Yes, dear, now shut up or I'll gag you."
"Theresa !"
"I mean it, Slave."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Now, stand up and spread your legs while I put the harness on you."
"Yes, Mistress."
"Wider !"
"Yes, Mistress...Theresa, careful, being tied up is quite a turn on for me and you've just made me lick those gorgeous leather boots. If you carry on like that you'll have me squirming just like you want Trevor to."
"You'll be getting a whipping too if you don't hold your tongue, slut. Now stand still while I buckle you up."
"Now, now...oooohhhhhh..., Theresa, please be careful. Oh, that actually feels quite good."
"I'll just put these cuffs on your ankles. There. What shall we do next ? Ah, lets try these."
"Hey, you can put those down ? You don't need to practice with the nipple clamps, they're easy enough to use."
"Going to stop me ?"
"Theresa, take your hands off my breasts."
"Hey, they're standing to attention for me."
"Theresa ! Ow, ouch. Take them off !"
"Gonna make me ?"
"Theresa when I said you could practice..."
"I said 'Silence', Slave."
"Ow, put that whip down. I didn't mean for you to... Ow, ow, ow. Stop it."
"I warned you. Open wide."
"Theresa, I think you're taking this a little too far. Ow, ow, ow."
"Open up, dear, like the good little slaveslut you are. Unless you want to feel the whip again. Who knows, once I've filled this hole perhaps we'll think about what to put in the others."
"Theresa !"
"Your Mistress is waiting slave. It will go ill for you if you don't obey her. Do you want to be whipped again ?"
"No, Mistress."
"Then open wide."
"Yes, Mistress."
"There we are, that's better isn't it ?"
"Nnnnnnnnngggg !"
"Now, a blindfold I think."
"Oh, yes, there we are. Now, if I just push you back on the bed like this and slip my fingers into the straps like this..."
"Darling. I thought you liked to be tied up. Here, let me just make myself comfortable. Now, how's that ?"
"And that ?"
"And this ?"
"Sharon, where are you ? Would you believe it ? The place was shut. Is that Theresa's car outside ? Hey, love, where are you ?"