Author's Note: Virtual reality has become one of the fastest growing fields in the computer science industry. The technology is so advanced that the latest models are capable of simulating nearly anything, enough to make the game world all but indistinguishable from reality. The Sherbrook Institute uses the latest in cutting-edge VR to offer almost any erotic experience imaginable. Anything, no matter how hedonistic, sadistic, or immoral.
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Chapter 1 - Father and Daughter Bonding
The waiting room was small, but it practically screamed wealth. With rich hardwood floors, rows of expensive leather chairs, and a pleasing view of the city skyline through wide picture windows, nobody could ever mistake the room for anything but a place for the wealthy. The three people inside did nothing to go against that impression.
Richard was an older man with black hair and dusky skin. He was still in his work clothes, which was a pale blue dress shirt and black slacks. His short, slightly graying hair was cut low and combed down even further. He had a strong jaw, sharp brown eyes, and a gold wrist watch that had cost him more than what some people made in half a year. He was the sort of man who could afford the services that Sherbrook offered. He lounged in his chair with his legs crossed.
Rachel was the spitting image of her father. She had the same eyes, the same hair, and a near identical face. But she was curved and soft where he was solid and straight, waifish while her father was large. She was five foot five inches, thin, and dressed in a stylish jacket with tight jeans and a low cut shirt that showed more than a little cleavage. Her breasts seemed close to spilling out, in fact. Partially because they were quite large, but also because her shirt was a little too small for someone with her chest size. Her long hair spilled over the back of her chair. Her eyes were glued on her phone.
The receptionist wore a pencil skirt, a cheery yellow blouse, and bright red lipstick. Her blond hair was cut short, enough to just stop shy of her discreet silver earrings. She had an air of confidence around her. Nothing that anyone could notice unless they really looked. The receptionist was a person used to being in charge. She made no noise outside of the clacking of fingers rapidly dancing across a keyboard.
Then she stopped. The receptionist looked up and said, "Alright, I'm ready. Rich?"
Richard and Rachel stood up. The receptionist gave Rachel a smile with a hint of teeth as they walked over. The father took the lead. "Hey, May. I'm here for our appointment."
"Of course. I just need some identification."
Richard open his wallet and slide over his driver's license. She leaned over and studied it intently. Then, after a few moments, she nodded and gave it back. "Just standard procedure, you know how it is. Alright. I have one last piece of paperwork for you to finish."
Richard smiled. "Thank you."
"No problem." The receptionist handed him the paper and a pen. He leaned over the chest high desk and began filling it out.
The silence didn't last longer than ten seconds. "So," the receptionist said with an airy tone, "it's been a while since you've last visited. I missed talking to you."
He didn't look up. "I know. Work has been hectic, and Rachel was busy with school. There was no time. But she just finished her senior year of high school a week ago. Almost made top of her class, if you can believe it. I decided that a family vacation was in order. She's earned it."
The receptionist raised her eyebrows. "I bet. Not many parents would think of this sort of thing as a reward. I'm not saying anything against it, mind you. Virtual reality is amazing, and Sherbrook is the best of the best at what it does. But, you know. I thought you would just go somewhere exotic. A trip to the Bahamas is not that much more expensive than all this."
Richard smirked, and then lightly draped a hand on Rachel's shoulder. "I have more than enough money. And what can I say? Rachel's my little girl. No one else deserves something special more than her."
His body language was a little too relaxed, and his hand a little too enveloping, for Richard to be entirely platonic with his affection. May's expression didn't change a bit. Still, Rachel looked down with a faint blush across her face. She mumbled, "Dad..."
He laughed. "Alright, honey. I'll stop." He removed his hand and went back to the paperwork.
May studied the two of them intently. She didn't let any of her thoughts show on her face. Still, her eyes seemed to focus on Rachel. Her eyes lightly touched on the girl's outfit. A small grin made its way to her lips.
"You're all finished with school, huh," she said. There was a hint of something bright in her voice. "I'm jealous, to be honest. I remember my graduation party. It was fun. At least from what I remember. There was a lot of dancing and a lot of drinking. What package did you choose for the VR sim, Rich?"
"One of your more exotic scenarios. It looked interesting. It's called "Princess in Training" I believe. It was recommended to me by a friend."
May raised her eyebrows. Richard grinned. "I'm sure you've heard of it."
"Yes," May said dryly. "I have. It has something of a reputation. That program has been out in public circulation for more than a month and I think less than five people have gone through the whole scenario. You know that it's very long, right?"
"Yes. It lasts for a full week. This isn't the first time that we've gone through something like this, though. That Rachel has, I mean. She has enough experience to handle a long dive. Even for a simulation this intense."
Rachel kept her eyes down towards the floor. She was obviously embarrassed, and maybe a little nervous. May let out a short twittering laugh. "I'm surprised you're so shy about this, Rachel," she remarked. "I thought that would have been conditioned out."
"This is real life," she muttered. "It's not like the sim."
"Really? Are you sure? The entire point of Sherbrook's VR is that its indistinguishable from reality. It has the highest quality emulation you can find. You aren't supposed to be able to feel the difference. How is it not the same?"
Rachel shuffled her feet, but she didn't say a word. May grinned. "I think that VR is as real as it matters. There isn't an appreciable difference. I think you just have a small case of stage fright. This is going to be a big one, right? Afraid you can't handle it?"
Rachel puffed up, actually angry. "What? No! I'm not a coward. I can do anything."
May hummed out a short tuneless noise, something that seemed to edge near mockery. Rachel glared at the receptionist. "Hey, I don't have to prove myself to you," she said nastily. "I know who I am, you don't. Stop looking down on me."
Richard paused. He looked over at Rachel, a polite mask across his face, and she almost immediately deflated. Her bravado disappeared as she cringed away from his gaze. "Rachel," he said, "don't be rude. You know better."
"I'm sorry, sir," she mumbled.
"Don't apologize to me. Say it to May."
Rachel hunched down. With her head bowed, and her eyes locked on the desk in front of May, she murmured, "I'm sorry. I won't do it again."
"Oh, but you've hurt my feelings Rachel. I was just trying to help. You've upset me." May's voice was cheery. "That really isn't good enough. It's not sincere, you know? You're supposed feel regretful after an apology. Rich, dear, where are her manners? I thought you trained her better than that."
"I thought I did, too," he said gravely. He continued with the paperwork without looking away. "Rachel, you're going to have to make it up to May."
It took a few seconds for Rachel to say anything. When she did, it was with clenched hands. "What I am supposed to do?"
May leaned forward and took a better look at Rachel. Her gaze ran down Rachel's body, stopped at her impressive cleavage, before it momentarily went to the windows. A sharp smile spread across her face. "I have an idea. Tell you what? You're going to have to strip down when we put you in the VR pod. We're bringing you over to the changing room once Rich is done with the paperwork. Why don't you just go ahead and take off all your clothes now? It'll save us some time."
Rachel looked up with wide eyes. "What? No! That- "
"Would be horribly embarrassing?" May interrupted. She chuckled and looked towards the big picture windows. Rachel turned to it in horror as well. If Rachel strained her eyes, she could maybe see into the windows on the skyscraper across from them. "That's the point," May continued. "It's a punishment. It's not supposed to feel good."
Rachel didn't seem to know what to say. "But..."
"Honey," Rich said, "do what she says. That's an order."
It took a few seconds of silence, but Rachel eventually just nodded. She didn't move, not until May made a shooing motion, and then Rachel took a few steps back away from the desk. Far enough to give May a good view of her body.
Rachel started stripping with a hot blush on her face. First she kicked off her shoes, then she stripped off her thin socks. Her toenails were painted hot pink. She shrugged off her jacket next. It was tossed on top of her shoes. Rachel bit her lip, steeled herself, and then took her shirt and pulled it up over her head. The fabric was tight enough to actually drag her breasts up as she tugged up the shirt. They fell back down once her shirt was off her body.
Her bra was black and strung tight against her chest. It was pushing her breasts up, propping them high in the air. Rachel fiddled around with the bra strap, unconsciously slowing down and giving May a longer show, before she finally let it fall to the ground. She hid herself with an arm, for a moment or two. Only before she caught the warning in May's eyes. She hurriedly exposed herself.
Her breasts hung heavy from her chest. She had fat nipples, pencil nubs that were already hard and pointing straight out, along with dark areolas that were almost black. Her tits were round and smooth, and they had just a hint of a teardrop shape. May licked her lips at the sight, which caused Rachel to somehow blush even harder.
The windows were to Rachel's right. The angle mean that anyone looking in would see her in profile. Rachel seemed very careful to not look outside. May smiled at that. She made a hurry up motion with her hand, and Rachel shimmied out of her jeans. They were tight, so it took a little hopping and squirming to get them off. Her underwear was made of pearl white silk, nearly see through, and crotchless. Her outer lips peeked out between the strips of thin silk.
"Do you like it?" Richard suddenly asked. "I picked it out for her. We spend part of the weekend trying out new clothes, and I thought that was one of the nicer pairs of lingerie."
May smirked. Her gaze was rapt and intensive. "Yeah, I love it. It looks good. Twirl for me?"
Rachel almost spoke, but then she thought better of it. She raised her arms and slowly shuffled around in a circle. May pursed her lips at the lack of enthusiasm, but she brightened at what she found on Rachel's back.
"Oh my. Is that a tattoo? A tramp stamp! Oh my God. Rich, really?"
Richard laughed. "What? It was her idea. She wanted something to celebrate her new adulthood. Well, she originally wanted a smaller tattoo. I thought it would be better to get something more eye-catching."
Very low down on Rachel's back, nearly on top of her buttocks, there was a stylized scroll with the words "Daddy's Little Girl" written across it in flowing cursive. Small cartoon hearts peeked out from behind the edges.
"My god, Rich. That's, like, kind of tacky? Ah, well, I guess it's more slutty than anything else."
Richard shrugged. "I don't mind. Rachel likes showing herself off, no matter how demure she acts. You like everyone knowing you're my princess, right honey?"
Rachel licked her lips, and then forced herself to nod. "Yeah."
"Yes what?"
"Yes sir. I, uh, I like being your girl. I like showing off for you." She straightened out, pushing her breasts further out, in a short show of courage. Her stage fight returned almost immediately after.
May grinned. "You're so different in the simulator. It's so odd."
Rachel looked to her in shock. "What? You've seen me...?"
"Well, yeah. I'm not just in charge of paperwork, you know. I help make sure everything in the program run without any problem. Hell, I've even participated a few times. When I had permission, of course." She added the last few words with a quick flick of her eyes to Richard. He looked up and smiled, but didn't say a word.
Rachel didn't know what to say. It almost distracted her from her nudity, for a second or two. But then a cloud rolled over the sun and dimmed the light. She remembered that she was wearing nothing but her panties in a public waiting room across from a huge open window. She shivered, and then stopped herself from covering her body.
Richard signed his name on the bottom of the page with a flourish. "Paperwork is done. Shall we get going?"
"Right," May said. "Rachel? Take off the panties and let's move. The orderlies have already set up the VR pod. I'll take you to the changing room."
May stood. Rachel hurriedly tore off her panties and picked up her clothes as May walked over to the door behind her desk. It was locked, but she opened it with a swipe of her keycard. The three of them entered, with Rachel carrying her pile of clothes and Richard following the two of them.
The hallway inside was white, clean, empty, and utterly unremarkable. The three of them walked with the sound of their echoing footsteps in the air. May confidently led the way. Rachel's skin was covered in goosebumps from the cool air, and she was twitchy throughout the whole walk. Doubly so whenever they passed through an intersection. They didn't see anyone else, though. Richard enjoyed the trip, and nobody missed the appreciative looks he sent his daughter's backside.
It only took a minute before May was in front of the door that led to the changing room. Rachel quickly went inside and closed the door behind her. Richard had a bemused expression when May turned to him. She grinned easily. "They are all ready for her on the other side," she explained. "She'll be prepped and made ready for long-term VR immersion. That'll take about twenty minutes. Then she has to undergo the roleplay immersion, which is another ten minutes."
Richard was very familiar with VR roleplaying. It was one of the newest features Sherbrook had made available, and one of the most controversial. All VR hardware was purposely made incapable of controlling anything but the user's senses, what they felt or saw or tasted, and the government made it illegal to run any software that directly manipulated the human mind. Or adjusting the hardware to make that actually possible in the first place. Everyone was afraid of what could happen if VR systems were able to change how someone thought. The roleplaying system was a half measure, a kind of hypnosis that was done through purely physical means. It took a while, and it wasn't perfect, but the end results spoke for themselves. Anyone could be made to believe anything.
Of course this was tightly regulated. Companies were required to use a specific procedure that would install the hypnosis imperfectly. It left the VR users believing they were both the person they were roleplaying and themselves. A kind of dual personality syndrome. It didn't detract from the fantasy experience, but it did cause any dissonance to eject them from the VR program. It was a safety measure to ensure whatever they experienced would always be consensual. Only the big virtual reality corporations had VR roleplaying systems so far, and the government was keeping a close eye on all of them so that the system would never be used unethically.
But wealth opened all doors. The impossible was made possible with enough bribes, kickbacks, and favors. Sherbrook was willing to sell anything, so long as the check was large enough. And that included things that weren't supposed to exist. Like a VR roleplaying system that was not only tampered with but installed stronger and more thorough hypnotic mental programming than what was supposed to be possible. Or like Sherbrook's most closely guarded secret, the virtual conditioning program.
The virtual conditioning program was basically a brainwashing technique that didn't technically break the laws on mind alteration technology. It was all done through purely physical means, though the same system roleplaying worked through. If a woman had mind-blowing sex in the simulator, the virtual conditioning would ensure she would leave the simulator with a heavily edited subconscious, one totally affected by the sex. She wouldn't become aware of it unless someone pointed out the changes, and sometimes even that didn't work. Sherbrook made it a point to always install the blind acceptance of VR mental conditioning as entirely natural before anything else. It was nothing to worry about, think about, or ever talk about. Ever.
"How is Rachel doing?" May asked. "I noticed that she was following orders. Has there been any relapses? Any of her old personality aspects resurfacing?"
Richard shook his head. "No. She has been doing wonderfully. She obeys every order, no matter what I tell her to do. And she loves it. You saw the tattoo, right? I know for a fact that she is secretly proud of it, even if she acts embarrassed. She shows it off whenever she can get away with it. She loves being claimed by me. Her words, not mine."
"Good, good. How has she adapted? She's had some substantial alterations. There hasn't been inconsistencies with her new character values?"
"It's fine. She acts like she is supposed to. Loves the sex, no matter how kinky or degrading. She gets off on humiliation like you wouldn't believe. The new love for masochism is working better than I thought it would too. I caught her purposefully breaking a dish in order to be punished for it. I taught her never to do that again, and I think she took it to heart. She couldn't sit down without wincing for days."
May hummed to herself. "Well, it sounds like everything is working well. I'm happy for you, Rich. I really am. I have to ask, though. Why did you sign her up for such a long VR program? She doesn't need any more conditioning."
Rich grinned. "There is no such thing as too much conditioning, May. But yeah, this is just for fun. I've got a few new traits I want installed, but mostly this is for her benefit."
May huffed out a laugh. "Her benefit? You've seen some of the scenes they have loaded into this program. There is some crazy shit. It's queued up some of the most extreme scenarios there are on file. I don't think she's going to be thanking you after she comes out."
"So? May, you know Rachel. There isn't anything she wants more than to follow my orders. Her new sexual preferences and the roleplaying will be enough to ensure obedience. She'll do anything for me, and thank me for it afterwards."
May, after a second, conceded the point with a wave of her hand. "Well, you're the one paying for everything. You're in charge."
"Damn straight," Richard agreed. "I plan on joining her session later, when it starts. But after dinner. I don't plan on waiting half an hour in the lobby."
May smiled. "I see. Well, it just so happens that my break is coming up in a few minutes. I'm going out to eat myself. Maybe we can go somewhere together? A new restaurant opened downtown. We could try it out."
Richard, slowly, returned May's smile. "Yeah, I would like that."
An hour later, with a full stomach and a pleasant attitude, Richard found himself sitting down on a heavily cushioned VR chair. The special material he could never remember the name of would let him sit there for hours without any aches or pains afterwards, if he chose to do so. It was for people who wanted short VR jumps. His virtual reality helmet was already strapped across his head, and May was typing onto the console across the plain white room.
"Rachel has already been inside the sim for a while. You missed the beginning. Do you want me to start you off there, in the recordings, and speed things up so you can get to where she is now?"
"Of course," he replied.
"Very well. We'll begin now." Richard sat for a few moments, waiting until he felt the familiar sense of false vertigo. His vision bled, smearing across his eyes, before disappearing. He felt as if he was toppling backwards, and then he fell unconscious.
When he came back to himself, he was standing in the middle of an opulent bedroom. It was very feminine, to put it simply. The bedsheets on the four poster bed were a light shade of pink, the same shade of color as the wallpaper. A faded dark purple traveler's trunk sat at the foot of the bed, and the shade had a nice contrast between the bed and the rich red wooden floor. The few chairs and decorative benches scattered around all had red and pink upholstery. There was a shelf filled with books next to a desk covered in what appeared to be knitting projects. A table with a small mirror attached was almost overflowing with makeup paraphernalia. The whole room was huge, even larger than Rachel's room in real life. It was all very modern as well. Richard wouldn't have been surprised to find something like this in an actual house.
It took a moment to notice Rachel. He saw her just as she was throwing off the covers and sliding out of bed. She wore a dress that was almost a parody of what he expected a stereotypical princess to wear. It was bright pink, made of silk, and had more than a few frills. Richard could tell just by looking that it must have felt almost impossibly smooth against her skin, as all good silk did. She wore white gloves that went up to her elbows and white stockings that were complemented by a pair of bright red shoes. They had a low heel, just enough to give her an inch or two. The word that popped into his mind was demure. Her raven black hair was longer here than in real life, enough to reach the middle of her back.
Richard liked it. His first impression was that she was a pretty girl dressed up like she was far younger than she really was. He wondered how long that innocent impression would last. Rachel blinked the sleep out of her eyes, momentarily confused, before the roleplaying logic set in. She looked around the room with an open and honest face, something far more innocuous that her usual expression. Nothing caught her attention, at first. He would have been invisible even if this hadn't been a recording. Nothing stood out to her. At least, that was until she stood up and took a few steps forward, and then began to pick up on some of the room's details. She saw something that Richard had missed.
Pictures were scattered across the various desks and end tables. Now that Richard was looking closer, he realized that they weren't the generic family pictures he had initially assumed. They were all extremely obscene, in fact. The photographs were all of Rachel, or rather her new body, in the middle of various sex scenes.
There were two on the nightstand right next to her. The closest one showed her giving a blowjob while naked with her arms tied behind her back. A man's remarkably hairy hands were clenched around her hair and forcing her mouth deeper onto his cock. He couldn't see much of her face, though he did see that the Rachel in the picture had mascara smeared across the cheek that faced the camera.
In the other picture, she was being held down on a bed by multiple men, the same bed that she just woke up on. One of them was captured fucking her mid thrust. Another man held her head in place so she was forced to face the camera while the third kept her pinned with his hands pressing down against her back. Two others had their hands around her wrists. She was wearing a blindfold with the words "Princess in Training" written across it. Judging by her grimace, and the angle that the man behind her was thrusting from, Richard had to assume that he was fucking her in the ass.
There were also a few pictures hanging from the walls. Not that many, but they were all large and easily visible. One in particular caught Rachel's eye, in large part because it was actually two photos placed side by side inside the same frame. The picture to the left showed Rachel standing in the middle of a group of men in tuxedos while wearing a beautiful white dress. Everyone but Rachel wore a ballroom mask. A white banner hung from the ceiling with the words "Happy Seventeenth Birthday Rachel!" written across it in blazing red lettering. They all faced the camera, and Rachel had a wide smile on her face. The picture to the right showed the same men in a similar group shot, but now Rachel was completely naked, stood crooked, and had harsh red hand prints all over her body. Her hair and face was a complete mess, slick with slimy sweat and other fluids. She had a dopey half-glazed grin that managed to convey aching pain and mindless pleasure at the same time.
The other pictures followed the same general theme. She was tied down, men were fucking her, or there was a sense of struggle or violence. A noticeable few showed her being spanked or caned, always with a focus on her face and expression of pain. Sometimes there were women in the scene, usually fucking her with their hands or strapons, but other times they were content to just watch others play with Rachel, always with hooded smiles and smirks.
Rachel didn't seem to know what to make of it all. She tore her eyes away from the pornography with a flustered expression. She walked away from her bed, towards the door. The sound of her shoes clacking against the wood floor seemed incongruously loud in the empty room.
Somebody knocked on the door. Rachel twitched, surprised at the sudden noise, but then she calmed herself. There was a pause, a moment of silence, before someone outside the room spoke. "May I come in, my lady?"
"Yes," Rachel replied in a remarkably smooth, high pitched voice. It sounded just like something Richard would have expected from young royalty. It certainly wasn't her own voice.
A man opened the door and peeked into the room. He was dressed like the quintessential butler, with a black suit and white gloves. He walked inside and gave her a short bow, bending from the waist, and said, "If you please, my lady. Your father the king wishes to know if you are ready."
Rachel raised her eyebrows. "What do you mean? Ready for what?"
The man maintained his aloof expression, though a hint of something Richard didn't catch flashed across his face. "For your guests. They are waiting for you."
Rachel hesitated, then nodded. It was obvious she had no idea what he meant, but she still said, "Alright then. Tell them that I am ready to receive their company."
The butler nodded. "I shall let them know."
"Thank you."
He left the room and shut the door behind him. Rachel frowned and looked around the room. There were pornographic images everywhere. She moved towards one of the pictures on the wall, as if to take it off.
Then the door opened again. A new man walked inside, one dressed in casual pants and a nondescript shirt. Then another followed him inside, and another. More men came in, they spilled into the open room through the door's bottleneck. There were six, then a dozen, and then a dozen and a half. Eighteen men, all of varying races and age and height, were inside Rachel's bedroom.
Rachel watched this all happen with wide, uncertain eyes. "Hello?" She asked with a nervous tone. "Who... no, what is the meaning of this?"
The men all walked towards her. They didn't bother saying anything. Their confidence, and the way they spread out to surround her from all sides, was enough to have her clench her hands together and take a step back. "Hey, wait, stop! What are you doing in my room?"
Then they were upon her. The man to her right reached out, grabbed her arms, and pulled her towards him. He was rough, enough so that she almost stumbled off her feet and onto the ground, but he looped his arms around her shoulders and held her up.
"Well, now," he murmured into ear. She struggled, but he was too strong. The men held her in place without any trouble. "Aren't you lively?"
More men came from the side and grabbed her wrists. The lead man walked up in front of her. He had a cruel grin and a swaggering gait to his step. "What are you doing?" Rachel all but shouted. "Let go of me!"
The man pretended to think for a moment. Then he shook his head. "No can do, my pretty little lady. We're here on orders. Your father's orders."
Rachel gaped. "What?"
The leader nodded sagely. "That's right. He's concerned about your education. Wanted to make sure you knew how to best serve the people, as all princesses are supposed to do. He's a good man, your father. Always looking out for what's best for his kingdom."
One of the men behind Rachel groped her ass. She tried to get away, but the man holding her didn't budge. The stranger's hand grabbed a larger piece of her ass and squeezed. "No," Rachel gasped out in anger and fear, "you can't do this. You can't! I'm royalty!"
The man pointedly looked up to the pictures on the wall. "That's true, yeah. Not very often a rich blooded girl like yourself would touch a commoner. You only fuck nobles. Well, that changes today. We're about to have some fun."
The man slapped her tit with a backhanded strike, and Rachel yowled in pain and surprise. While she was stunned, the men behind her took ahold of her dress and ripped it apart. He tore the dress from the neckline to the hem, and he let go of her for a second to rip the silk dress off her body and throw it to the ground. Rachel, now in her cream white underwear, screamed and jumped away. Another man grabbed her before she could get far.
Rachel tried to cover herself. A man stopped her. The crowd's eyes were all on her bra and her panties. Her sizable breasts were hid behind nothing but flimsy fabric. They tore it off, breaking the latch and ruining it, and then she was bare chested. She yelled, fought back, and had her ass slapped for her troubles.
She was dragged her to the bed, and at that point Rachel couldn't help but flail. She threw off her heels, which accomplished nothing. She couldn't move her arms, and the man was holding her at an angle that didn't let her hit anything with her legs. She tried shouting for help, but then one of the men cut off her voice. He looped his arm around her so the crook of his elbow was tightened around her neck. Her breath sputtered out, the chokehold too strong for her to even breath, and her eyes desperately searched for some kind of help. They landed on the face of the man holding her. He was smiling.
"Now," the man said, "you make any more noise and you get punished for it. Go ahead, yell. It won't do anything. Your father wants this to happen. You don't want to go against your father's orders, do you?"
Rachel blinked, confused for a second. His words had caused something deep inside her mind to come to the front. One of her first virtually conditioned behaviors had been an order that was now, for all intents and purposes, the word of God. It was a mental law that had been built through many VR sessions and was completely impossible to go against. It was a law that she loved following, even when she should have hated it, and she wouldn't have wanted to break it even if she could comprehend disobeying.
Rachel will always follow Daddy's orders.
She shuddered. "Stop it," she repeated, less sure of herself. The men around her snickered, and hands immediately went to her breasts. She fought and yelled as they groped her, but not as hard as before. She knew that this was happening, and she wasn't going to be able to stop it. But she could still put up appearances.
Her panties came off next. Her sex was covered in a small landing strip of hair, a thin line of jet black hair carefully trimmed in the shape of a small but inviting arrow. The men all laughed, inordinately pleased with the discovery, and Rachel blushed and fumed in humiliation. A finger was rubbed across her sex, and she bucked in surprise. Another slap to her breast kept her still.
The real Rachel wouldn't have reacted this way. She would have willingly played along, or tried to take control of the situation by offering her body and forcing them to follow her pace. But that Rachel wasn't here. This Rachel was a roleplaying persona, and she was an innocent damsel being taken against her will. She had to play the part. So Rachel hated the groping and the predatory looks they shot her body, even as the situation excited her, even as her fat nipples pointed straight out and her sex grew hot in anticipation.
The men didn't bother taking off her long white gloves or her white silk stockings. They dragged her over to the bed, threw her down face first, and half a dozen of them climbed in with her to pin her in place. Her hands were forced spread eagle and her legs propped wide open. Her sex was open to the air, and it glistened with moisture. No matter how Rachel felt, or how hard she tried to get away, her body was ready. The lead man pulled out his dick and walked up to her open pussy. He rubbed the head of his dick against her entrance, which made her whine and squirm. He kept at it, until he suddenly penetrated her all the way down to his hilt.
Rachel yowled and thrashed impotently. The man laughed, and the fucking that followed wasn't anything tender. It was hard and fast, with the air full of the sound of flesh slapping against flesh and panting grunts. Her body rocked on the bed. The man apparently loved to feel her long silky hair in his hands, because he reached out and tugged her hair as he leveraged his angle of approach so that he could deliver the fastest, most punishing thrusts possible. Rachel kept struggling, at first, but her protests quickly tapered off. She tried to endure the brutal fucking as best she could with her face buried in the pillow and her tearful grunts of pain muffled inside the soft fabric.
Richard told the system to skip ahead a little. The scene blurred, and the man was finishing inside her. He grunted and huffed as his seed spurted into her raw and abused channel, and when he pulled out a thin trail of semen trailed out with him. Rachel's body was shuddering, either from the unwanted pleasure or the violation. Probably both.
Another man took his place. But instead of her pussy, he lined his dick up with her asshole. He rubbed himself over her like the first, announcing his intention, and Rachel tried to jerk herself away. The other men laughed and jeered as they kept her from escaping.
Anal sex in virtual reality was nothing like it was in real life. The man didn't do anything to prepare; he just pushed himself in and started fucking her. He slid in and out of her unprepared asshole with reckless abandon, and there was no tearing or damage. It was like his cock and her asshole were coated with lubrication, though Rachel couldn't tell from how it felt. Her asshole was also much more pliable and elastic than it should have been. The VR system was specifically built to ignore the awkward realities of sex.
So he was able to fuck her in the ass like it was not a big deal. But everything else was the same. Her asshole was just as sensitive and unused to sudden insertions as it was in real life. Richard smirked at the sight of Rachel yelling and screaming from the painful pounding. The men around her had to work to keep her pinned down. One rolled onto the bed and crawled over to Rachel's face, then pulled out his dick and awkwardly scooted over so that his legs were wrapped around her head. He forced her mouth down against his crotch and locked his legs so that she couldn't move away. She fought him and the men surrounding her even as she found herself willingly sucking and stroking his dick with her tongue.
It took a while for Rachel to realize something. Richard watched the playback and saw the dawning realization spread across her face. As her body began to warm up to the anal, as the pleasure grew with each thrust, the pain stayed the same. Her body didn't get used to the hard and fast pace like it often did in other simulations. The sense of strain, of a terribly thick cock forcing itself into a hole not meant to handle something so large, didn't fade. When the man behind her finally finished, he shot his load deep inside her and took himself out with a satisfied laugh and a hard slap to her ass. The few seconds it took for the third man took his place was all that was needed for her asshole settle back into the shape it had before. There was no gaping hole, no stretched muscles that made it easier for him to push himself inside. It was like he was fucking a fresh girl.
This was something Richard had specifically asked for. He had a fetish for painful anal. It was something he enjoyed immensely. Rachel, from the look on her face, did not appreciate it herself. But that look might have also been because of the man finishing into her mouth and holding her nose closed until she swallowed.
Richard kept watching for a little while, but the third man just repeated what the second did. He appreciated the sight of Rachel struggling while she was held down and screwed, but he didn't have the time to watch. He wanted to catch up to Rachel in real time. Richard made the system skip ahead and only stop to show him the highlights.
The world flickered forward in quick bursts, only giving him enough time to take in the new scene before moving on again. A man fucked Rachel in the pussy while another took her mouth. Skip. One of the men made a game of holding her down on his dick and seeing how long she could go without breathing, and each time he pulled her off there were fresh tears in her eyes. Skip. Two men were double penetrating her from behind as the third rubbed his precum off on the tongue she held out of her open mouth, and a black blindfold now hid her expression. Skip. Three men pushed into her as deeply as they could, plugging all three holes. Her body twitched impotently. Skip. She was hauled to her feet, and half a dozen man kept her from getting away as two men carefully forced their dicks into her pussy at the same time, stretching her open even as she thrashed.
They threatened to do the same to her asshole while she desperately begged them not to, going as far as to go to her knees and offer her mouth. Skip. They spent some time making her humiliate herself, first by having her talk dirty and then by letting her kiss each of their dicks one at a time and thank them for the privilege. She was still blindfolded. Skip. They hauled over a knee high cushioned bench that had been sitting in the background and made her lie on it belly first. It was short enough for her ass and mouth to poke over the edges. They quickly began fucking her from both sides. More men surrounded her, physically filling the space around her with their bodies, and her hands went to their exposed dicks. She jacked them off in time to the thrusts of the men fucking her.
And that was it. She had been doing that for twelve minutes now. Her hands and forearms was covered in dried seed, staining her pretty white opera gloves, and both her ass and pussy were positively stuffed with the stuff. She had swallowed enough semen to stain her tongue with the sour taste. Her pussy was red and swollen with overuse, and her asshole probably felt similar. But the men kept going.
Richard stepped into the simulation. One moment he was an invisible spectator and the next he was actually there. The men gangbanging Rachel didn't acknowledge his presence, and Rachel was too busy focusing on the man in her mouth to notice him. Richard waited until he was finished, curiously watching Rachel's face as the man filled her mouth with his seed and waited for her to swallow before moving away. Richard took his place. Rachel heard him approach and opened her mouth for him. She was silent save for her heavy breathing.
He unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick, but he didn't do anything with it yet. Instead ran a hand through her sweaty cum-stained hair. He smiled at the flinch. "Hey sweetie? How are you holding up?"
"Daddy?" Rachel whimpered. She squirmed as her blindfolded face turned towards his general direction. The man fucking her ass delivered a stronger than usual thrust, and she let out a pained groan. "Oh god, please, Daddy..."
"Are you having fun?" Richard asked in a soft, comforting tone. He undid his belt, letting his pants fall to the floor with a loud thud, and the sound was distinct enough that Rachel immediately understood what had happened. "You seem to be making some new friends."
"Daddy, please," she begged, practically blubbering. "I can't cum, I can't get over the edge. I keep trying, but I can't do it, and they keeping fucking me, it's too much, too much stimulation, please help me!"
"Why would you get an orgasm? Nobody gave you permission."
The man behind her began to speed up. He leaned over and leveraged more strength to slam into her asshole harder than before. The sound of his skin slapping against her ass became even louder. Rachel groaned in pain and frustration, but she didn't stop jerking off the two cocks in her outstretched hands. "Daddy, let me cum please. I'll do anything, I mean it, anything I swear. I, I've been a good girl right? Good girls get rewards?"
Richard laughed. She was playing along! Even after all this. He really did love the roleplaying system. "Well, that's true. You have been a good little trooper. I think you deserve a little reward. But! You have to do something for me first."
Rachel hissed as the man behind her groaned and pushed into her one final time. He stood there for a few seconds, panting heavily, before jerking his dick out of her ass and moving away. Another man immediately took his place and wasted no time fucking Rachel right in the pussy.
"Tell me how many men you've had sex with today. I'll be nice and let you count the men who've fucked you multiples times as separate people. Have you been keeping track?"
Rachel let out a soft, bitter, heartbroken laugh. "No. God, I haven't. Oh fuck, I want to cum please. Um. I can guess?"
Richard sighed. "Yeah, that's true. But I don't like that. You shouldn't be blindly throwing out numbers. New rule, sweetie. How far off you are is how many men get to fuck you before you're allowed to cum. Off by twenty, twenty more men. Does that sound fair?"
She groaned again. This time it was a sound of pure frustration. One of the men she was jacking off spurted, coating her glove in his seed. It joined the layers of dried and drying semen. She barely spent the extra effort to keep stroking him until he fully finished. She immediately let go and lunged for another dick. "Daddy, please, I need it now. I can't wait, I have to have it, I need to cum, please!"
Richard clicked his tongue, then lightly slapped her face with his dick. She jerked back as if struck. "I thought I taught you better. You don't break rules, Rachel. Not if you want rewards."
Her mouth twisted in panic. "No, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Please, I need it, I just got frustrated, it doesn't matter, I didn't mean it!"
"I think it does matter." He sighed again, this time with a mock put-upon air. "But I'm generous. You've been put through a lot. How about this? You still guess, more men fuck you if you're wrong, but now they all will only fuck you in the ass. No more pussy sex, no blowjobs. You have to run an anal train until they are finished with you. Sound good?"
Richard smiled at the cringe on her face. Her hands tightened on the dicks, actually causing one to erupt. She barely noticed. Rachel bit her lip, then nodded, accidentally hitting his dick with her nose as she did so. A dollop of precum was left behind. "Ok Daddy. I'm sorry. I'll be better."
"See that you do," he said with a chuckle. "How many men do you think you've had sex with?"
Richard already knew because the machine had fed him the answer. She hadn't been doing this for very long, only an hour, but because this was virtual reality she could go nonstop and never have to worry about exhaustion, cramps, hunger, or bathroom breaks. She didn't have a good frame of reference for how much time had passed. It was all a blur of sex, need, and humiliation.
But there had been plenty of time when they were fucking her more for her reaction than their own pleasure. There was the time they made her beg, as well. She struggled to find an appropriate number. "Um, I don't know. Is it... um. Twenty five men?"
Richard pressed his dick against her lips. Surprised, Rachel opened her mouth, then gagged as he grabbed her hair and pushed her straight down on his dick as hard as he could. He buried his cock inside her throat and slapped his balls against her chin. She almost immediately began gagging, though she did nothing to get away.
"Nope," Richard said with a smile. "Try thirty one. Thirty one men, honey. Do you know how large of a number that is? Of course you do. Most people go their whole life without fucking that many people. And you've done it all in an hour. Baby, don't take this the wrong way, but you're kind of a whore."
Rachel was choking on his dick. He groaned in pleasure from the feeling of her throat spasming around his member. She tried to pull away, but his grip on her hair kept her from moving. The man fucking her in the pussy finished, making her shudder and buck, and he stepped back for a new man to take his place.
"Well, maybe not a whore. They do it for money. You're doing this for pleasure. You want to be fucked. That would make you a slut. Are you a slut, honey?"
He pulled his dick out. Spit dribbled out of her mouth and onto the floor. The man behind her began to really slam into her pussy, and it apparently felt good because she whined and lightly rocked her body in time with the motion. "Daddy, please..."
"Only sluts would get off from something like this. You're being gang raped, sweetie, and all you can think of is how good it feels. You want to have an orgasm, right? What does that make you?"
Richard wished the blindfold was off her face, because he desperately wanted to see his daughter's expression of shame, guilt, and lust. The VR system told him it was there, but he would have rather have it in front of his own eyes. Rachel took a second to swallow some spittle and clear her mouth. "I, I'm a slut. I want to cum."
"Why? Tell me how you're a slut?"
"Because I like this," she growled out in an uneven voice. "God, please, I want more. This isn't enough, I want to cum, please Daddy. I'm a whore, a slut, a bitch, whatever you want, I just want to have an orgasm, please, please, Daddy-"
He cut her off before she could go any farther by shoving himself back into her mouth. "I think I get the idea, baby doll," he said as he forced his daughter to deepthroat his dick. She swallowed him just as deeply as last time. "You've got your work cut out for you. Six more men. That's more than a lot of porn stars would take at the same time. What does that make you, honey? More whorish than a woman who'll literally sell her body for money? I think so. You'll have to finish these last few fine gentlemen off before you earn your orgasm. Does that sound alright, Rachel?"
Rachel whimpered. The man fucking her in the pussy sped up, and he really was doing something Rachel liked, because she tried to cry out from the pleasure. Nothing but wet gurgling escaped her mouth. The VR system helpfully told him that tears were spilling out of her eyes and soaking into the blindfold. Richard pulled out, enough to let her breath, and he slammed back in just as she greedily took in air. She shouted into his dick in surprise and flailed her arms, momentarily letting go of the cocks. The men around her immediately began to slap her ass and back, and she desperately grabbed hold of their dicks again.
Richard couldn't keep it up for much longer. Even with the VR system in control, giving him inhuman control over his body, there was only so long he could last. His daughter was sucking his dick as she desperately struggled to deepthroat him, all while being gangbanged by a crowd of vicious and sadistic men. it was more than enough to push him over the edge. Richard practically let out a roar as he came. His vision narrowed on her abused body, his mind went blank, and Rachel eagerly swallowed everything, even as he grabbed her hair and bobbed her up and down against his spurting cock.
The waves of pleasure overcame his composure. He honestly lost track of time because of the mind-blowing orgasm. Once he was done, Richard pulled out of Rachel's throat with a quiet groan. Wet strings of saliva spilled out of her mouth, Rachel began to cough and wheeze as she hurriedly breathed in fresh air, and he tucked his slimy dick back into the pants that suddenly rematerialized on his body.
He realized that the rest of the men had all finished at the same time he did. Her hands were empty, nobody was in line behind her, and for a moment Rachel had a chance to get her bearings. She wasn't in any position to speak, though. Not while she was coughing and getting her breath back.
Richard told the VR system to make a change to the scene. The men who had been fucking her had generally kept to the same dick size. Some were thicker, thinner, shorter or longer, but not by much. It was a healthy medium focused on what was felt best for Rachel. He made it so the nearest six men were different. Their dick's became long, much longer than what Rachel was used to, and just a little thicker as well. There was a small amount of variance, and Richard made sure the smallest of the newly adjusted men were lined up to go first while the largest went last.
He looked at his daughter. His daughter covered in semen, wearing only filthy white gloves and silk stockings. The system happily informed him that her eyes were glazed behind the blindfold, insensible, even as her body subtly writhed on the bench in anticipation of her eventual orgasm and release. Rachel had been fucked senseless. There was no other way to describe it. And she had loved it, even as she hated it.
Richard though about kissing her forehead, but then decided not to. She was a very dirty girl. He didn't want to touch her skin with his lips. He gave her a pat on the head instead. "Well, I have to go know. You be good while I'm gone, alright?"
"Okay," Rachel mumbled.
He was taken out of the simulator just as he Rachel stirred and the first man walked up to her outstretched ass. He thought he heard her say "Thank you Daddy," but that might have been his imagination.
A few minutes later, after he was fully taken out of the system and back in real life, Richard unstrapped the VR helmet from his head and stood up from his chair. He felt refreshed, though his balls ached a little. He came in the game, not in real life. He wanted to go home and relieve himself. But first there was a few things he had to do first. "Hey, May. You saw all that?"
May was the only orderly there at the moment. She nodded, and Richard saw a hint of a flush on her face. "I did. She has already discovered your change to the scenario, by the way. She doesn't seem happy about it."
He huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, I'm sure she isn't. That will change when she finally gets her orgasm. Tell me, what do you have planned after that? I have to go home soon, I can't stay around to watch."
"You're leaving already?" May asked, a little put out. "Well, alright." She looked down and checked something on the computer in front of her. "Let me see. After this she'll get a short power nap so she can go into the next session mentally fortified. We have to do that after every scene, at least if we want her to make it through the week. Then we have a variety of gangbang and public use scenes on file."
That was the thing about the Princess in Training program. It was nonstop. The only breaks the participants were given were the bare minimum they needed. Because Rachel was in a simulator, and hooked up to machinery that took care of her body, she didn't need to worry about getting sore or hungry or tired. Even sleep could be cut down drastically, so long as she was put into short but deep naps every once in a while. All in all, each "day" in the simulator was really nineteen hours of nothing but sex, torture, and degradation.
"So you plan on getting back here tomorrow morning? The file says you have another appointment at nine." Richard nodded. "I see. It's already about eight at night. That's eleven hours until you're back. Five to let Rachel sleep, about fifteen minutes of recovery and prep between each show... I'd say there's time for about six sessions. Four if you want them to be long or particularly extreme."
"Four," Richard said without hesitation.
May paused, then gave him a sly smile. "Well. Okay then. Four it is. Do you have any preferences? The virtual conditioning for these first few days will be focused on multiple partners and nonconsensual sex with subliminal consensual undertones, along with the degradation and the sadism slash masochism content to enforce the conditioning already there. Public humiliation will be a focus as well. She's bisexual, so she'll have both men and women involved. Anything else you want to add?"
Richard shrugged. "Not really? I mean, this is more than enough for now. There's enough time for installing other kinks later."
"Alright." May tapped on her keyboard and clicked on the mouse, opening something on the console. "Yes, I think I have four that you would like. They are very punishing, to put it simply. They also follow the same storyline, so to speak. Rachel the princess is the heroine of each session. Would you like to hear her schedule?"
Richard could have left it a surprise, something to enjoy tomorrow when his head wasn't already buzzing from the session he just left, but he was curious. He also didn't have want to spend all morning going over old footage when he could have it interacting with his daughter. There would also be recordings that he could take home and enjoy in the comfort of his own VR system, but that was for later. It would be best to hear what May had to say now. "Tell me," he said.
"The first is a direct continuation of this session. Princess Rachel, despoiled and humiliated, does not know what to do after being forced to service dozens of men in a hardcore gangbang. She sneaks over to a brothel, unsure of her role in life and wanting to make sense of what she experienced. The madam in charge recognizes her. She effortlessly dominates the girl, strips off her clothes, and then reveals her identity to everyone in the brothel. She ultimately forces her to fuck everyone there. All of the men and many of the women. It's heavy on the public humiliation."
Richard smiled. "Perfect. What next?"
"The king, her father, is secretly deposed after being exposed as an evil tyrant. A mob of angry commoners storm the palace, hauls her out while she's wearing nothing but a thin nightshirt, and lock her in a pillory in the outside courtyard. It's on a raised stage, and the place is filled with hundreds of people. A large number of men rape her in front of everyone, and the rest cheer and make a show of it. There's also some corporal punishment. The whip and the cane to her ass, mostly."
He gave her a mock glare. "An evil king, huh?"
"Hush. It's just a story. Anyways, the third session is more simple. Rachel is sold as a slave to a noble famously known for his cruelty and warped sexual desires. She's immediately stripped naked in front his mansion's staff, and then it is revealed that they were all hired because they share his taste in deviancy. She's hauled to a huge bondage dungeon and then sexually tortured for an hour. A lot of corporal punishment, fucking, and humiliation. There are plenty of points that focus on her masochism, though the whole thing is more on the people abusing her than the actual abuse, if that makes sense."
"Alright. The fourth?"
"Starts with her naked with a slave collar around her neck. She's being hauled out through the streets back to the brothel from before. She's being sold for public use, and the madam is ecstatic because she is being allowed to be more vicious. She's property now, you understand. This story compels her to be more active in the scene. People are fucking her, but it's because she's actively offering herself to them. Plenty of sex and debasement, much of it self-inflicted."
Richard thought for a moment, then nodded. "Sounds good. We can maybe move away from the medieval theme later, when we introduce latex and BDSM gear. But that's later."
"This is a pseudo fantasy setting, there are already plenty of modern day things scattered around. It doesn't matter either way. But if you want, we can try something different after this batch." She typed something in, then stopped. She turned her eyes to Richard, a little shyly. "Um, well. I actually get off my shift in a few minutes. The time really passed by, I guess. I have to finish things up here and leave soon. I'll see you tomorrow?"
Richard shot her a grin. "Of course. I'll see you then, right? I enjoyed dinner. We should do it again. Sometime later."
May returned his smile. "Definitely."