The buzzer sounded, indicating someone was at the door of the apartment building downstairs. Before Denise could cross the room to answer it, it buzzed again. "Sweet Jesus," she muttered. "Yes, where's the fire?" she asked, unable to hide the annoyance from her voice.
"Denise, it's Britney, I didn't know where else to go," came back a desperate voice.
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"Oh, Britney. Wasn't expecting you today, why don't you make your way up and tell me what's going on," Denise said.
"Thanks, coming right now."
Denise hit the switch for the door, allowing Britney access. Denise was a surprised to have Britney banging down her door on a Sunday morning. The two had been more or less frenemies for a couple of years now, mostly letting silly issues turn into dramatic events followed by hugs and tears. But today was unique, she'd never heard the inflection in Britney's voice she'd just heard, and it more than intrigued her. While she wanted to help her friend with whatever was troubling her, she also felt she should savor the moment a bit.
Let's see where this goes.
Britney stormed up the five flights of stairs and shot down the hallway until she arrived at room 517. She was barely breathing hard from the climb, she exercised frequently and her body reflected it. But, her blood was pumping hard for other reasons. She knocked on the door, a little harder than she intended.
The answer didn't come immediately, had Denise not heard her? Impossible, plus she knew Britney was headed upstairs. She felt the anxiety getting the better of her when she heard footsteps and then the door opened with Denise standing in the doorway with her head slightly tilted. "Britney, what's going on?"
Britney launched herself forward to hug Denise, but Denise cleverly sidestepped her, making it seem like she was closing the door instead. She never acknowledged the gesture and instead asked, "Would you like to sit down and talk about it?"
Britney nodded her head and dramatically plopped herself down on the couch. Denise lowered herself gracefully onto the adjacent seat, keeping an intentional amount of distance between the two.
"It's my landlord, he's been calling asking for the rent. I thought I had it set up to automatically come out of the account, but it didn't process and I took that trip to the beach last weekend and there's nothing in my checking account to pay him. He's threatening to toss my stuff on the street if I don't pay him by the end of the day."
Denise nodded, "I'm so sorry to hear that Britney. Surely you have a rainy day fund you can pay him out of in the meantime?"
Britney became more upset, "I'm not organized like you, Denise. You know I live paycheck to paycheck, and I don't have another paycheck coming until next month. I thought I had more than enough in there, and now it's just gone, I don't know what to do. How am I going to come up with $1,400 today?"
"Wow, that really is a shame. You know I'd lend you the money but I don't have that kind of cash on hand, and the bank isn't open on Sunday."
"I knew this was going to happen eventually. I'll move back to Tulsa, just like all my friends who never made it out of that dump, living with my parents until I'm 40 only to then find-"
Denise moved over to her swiftly and cupped a hand under her chin, "That doesn't have to happen. I think I may have an idea."
Britney's eyes lit up, "Yea?"
"It's going to sound a little crazy. Okay, really crazy. You have to promise not to judge me."
Britney managed to laugh, "Look at me, I'm in no position to judge anyone."
"Okay, I'm going to hold you to that. I have this friend, Rob, he's got this not exactly legitimate business he runs. I've never wanted much to do with it, but maybe I could make an exception."
"I hope you will," Britney said, completely invested in this plan.
"He runs one of those nude websites. Kind of kinky stuff, but he pays well for good pictures."
Britney started to back away from Denise, "Eh, I don't know if I want my face posted all over some porn site."
"Yea, but he claims the pictures are of celebrities. He just pastes someone else's face on top of yours and uses your body...and the accessories."
"It's light bondage mostly. I guess guys seeing the hot female character from the latest action movie bound and helpless gives them a hard-on. I don't get it personally."
Britney shifted a few times uncomfortably, but she wasn't getting up to leave. "How would this work?"
Denise continued, "Rob actually dropped off some of the accessories last time he was over without my knowing. He keeps trying to get me to model for him, but I tell him 'no way'. I think he may have left some money in the bag too, now that I think of it. If you take enough pictures I could give you the cash, I think it's about a grand, could buy you time with your landlord."
Britney was visibly saddled with indecisiveness. This could be her way out of a huge predicament, but she'd never done anything remotely like this before.
"You know what, this is crazy, I'm sorry I brought it up." Denise said as she stood up from the couch.
Britney grabbed her hand and stopped her, "No. Let's do it. It's the best, and only, option I've come across. Just one thing."
Denise looked at her quizzically.
"Let me put on the accessories, I don't want to feel trapped."
"Not a problem. Let me see if I can find that bag. Oh, and a camera!" Denise said as she disappeared into the bedroom.
Britney took a deep breath as she came to terms with what she was about to do. She'd heard of women having to make a tough decision to be on their own, this would be her's. She wasn't sure if she should get undressed. She looked down at her skirt that ended three quarters down her thigh, then noticed her designer top with the cleavage cut just right to complement the push-up bra. Maybe this outfit is where all the money went, she thought. But, she had to admit, she looked incredible.
Denise came out of the room with a duffle bag and dropped it on the opposite side of the coffee table, just out of Britney's sight. "I have a few things here, and Rob even left me a list of what he pays for each shot. About a grand for everything. Smile!" Denise snapped a quick photo of Britney without her being able to prepare.
"Hey, don't send him that one."
"Just trying to lighten the mood. I'm sure you're a little nervous, and I'm guessing that makes two of us."
Britney nodded in agreement. "So what is first?"
"Says here we start with your feet, and these." Denise pulled out a pair of five inch black heels. Britney looked them over and conceded they were sexy.
"Maybe this won't be the end of the world."
"That's the spirit, Brit."
Britney slipped them on and tightened the strap. She stood up and walked back and forth, admiring them.
"Okay, first I just need a picture of you standing in them, not much more."
Britney shrugged and placed her feet together and Denise snapped a photo from the waist down.
"Says here that is 50 bucks," Denise said as she pulled a $50 out of the bag and placed it on a metal dish in the middle of the coffee table.
"That's it?" Britney asked.
"Well, the prices go up for some of the higher profile shots. Next, it says $100 for secured shoes."
"Secured?" Britney asked, looking down confused.
"Right here," Denise reached over and pointed to the teeth marks of a zipper on the inside of each shoe. They were the same color as the heels and Britney had missed them originally.
"Do you want to do it? It's a little awkward for me to reach down with my feet together." Britney asked.
"Eh, given that you wanted to do it all yourself, I think it's better if you do it," Denise replied sincerely.
Britney nodded and bent down to find the zipper. With some effort, she fed the teeth into the slider and pulled. The heels were now connected, with little to no slack. Britney tried to maintain her balance with her feet so close together, and Denise extended a hand to help her.
"Like this?"
"Looks about right. Just keep standing there," Denise said as she snapped a few pictures from a few different angles.
A hundred dollars was added to the dish on the coffee table.
Denise talked Britney through the next few poses, affording her to sit on the couch as Britney secured a strap around her legs, just above her knees. The instructions called for Britney to slide her skirt off, and so she did for another $100 dollars. She writhed on the couch in a thong, only able to extend and retract her fused legs.
"Have you ever done anything like this with a guy?" Britney asked, curious.
"Me, no, I'm too much of a prude for this kind of thing. But I have to say, with your body, you're making this look really good. Rob may come back for more."
"Oh no, this will be the only time, I won't be spending a dime on something I don't absolutely need going forward," Britney said adamantly.
Denise bit her tongue and continued on. The writhing called for another $150. She then asked Britney to remove her top, but keep her bra on. Britney complied, hugging her bound legs in one shot and offering her wrists to be bound in another.
"Okay, now stand up and place your hands behind your back like they are tied. Great!" Denise exclaimed as she got a shot of Britney seemingly helpless in her bra and panties.
"The next ones call for you completely naked."
Britney felt a little uneasy. While she felt very sexy, a part of her couldn't accept what she was doing. But, then she looked at the pile of money on the table. Five hundred dollars sitting on it, the beginning of her way out of this mess.
After 30 seconds, Britney said, "Okay. But how do I take my panties off with my legs tied?"
Denise thought about it for a minute and then said, "Scissors? I wouldn't redo those binds, they are positioned just right at the moment."
Britney agreed. Her thong was among her least expensive, given the amount of money at stake she could part ways with it. She took a pair of scissors from Denise and made two cuts along the waist line and pulled it out from between her legs. She caught Denise looking at her perfectly shaved pussy. "Eyes up here!" she joked.
Denise smiled and took the severed thong from Britney. Britney then reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it slide down her arms. She handed it to Denise as well who tossed it in a pile with the rest of her clothes. Again, she caught Denise looking at her body.
"My god Britney, you must have all the boys chasing, I've never seen tits so plump, yet firm."
Britney actually snapped her fingers to change the conversation. Denise responded after a slight delay and went back to the list. "Okay, now this gets real." She pulled out a simple ball gag with a red ball and black straps and handed it to Britney. Britney turned it over in her hand and looked back incredulously at Denise.
"I don't know about this. I've already stretched my comfort zone pretty far today."
"I get it," Denise said. "But, $500 bucks isn't going to be enough for your rent. Look, the strap has no lock on it, you just press that button and it releases easily. You can take it off whenever you want. Actually, come to think of it, you can take all this off whenever you want, it's all just simple clips and zippers, not even a single knot."
Britney sighed and agreed with Denise's point. She looked at it again and saw Denise was right, the straps unclipped very easily. She opened her mouth as wide as she could and jammed the ball into it, barely getting it inside her mouth. Once she got her mouth around it she quickly attached the straps in the back and tightened it to prevent it from popping out. She offered Denise a face as if to say, it's not that bad.
Denise backed up to snap a few more photos, trying to capture the leg accessories and ball gag at the same time. She again asked Britney to put her hands behind her back as if they were tied. She then pulled $300 out of the bag and saw the excitement on Britney's face. Denise pulled the next item out of the bag.
"This is pretty simple. Rob just wants another strap around your shoulders, kind of to help pin your arms at your sides, but it needs to rest above your breasts."
Britney took the strap and wrapped it around her shoulders, with the strap resting right at her deltoids. It was snug, but fit perfectly given the purpose. Given that her hands were free and she could bend her elbows, she didn't really feel that much more confined and almost welcomed the addition.
Snap Snap Snap. $100
Britney was feeling close to the end now. While she couldn't see the bag, she heard very little left in it when Denise rummaged through it. She was close to having enough money to pay the landlord and on her way. If she was lucky maybe Denise would agree not to talk about the ordeal ever again.
"Okay, the last piece here," Denise said. She slowly pulled out a pair of steel handcuffs and dangled them in front of Britney. "And it says $500 for this shot."
Britney was a mix of emotions. The money would be enough to clear her debt entirely. But the handcuffs meant securing her hands, the last bit of freedom she maintained. Denise picked up on the inner turmoil.
"I know, this seems a little daunting. But, I have the keys here as well, why don't you take them in your hand and keep them hidden from the camera. That way you can get out anytime you want and this will all be done with shortly."
Britney hesitated, but one look back at the pile of money and she nodded softly.
"Just to be sure, that was a yes? Tough to understand you with the gag there," Denise joked.
She nodded again, more definitively. "Okay, here are your keys." Denise handed the two keys over to Britney who quickly clasped on to them. Denise then slowly gave her the handcuffs. Britney placed on cuff around her left wrist and was about to secure the right one.
"No, it says here it has to be behind your back. Sorry, I don't make the rules."
Britney groaned behind the gag. Then, she slowly moved her arms behind her back and started working with the restraints. She clicked them a few times around her right wrist, allowing plenty of room.
"Sorry, I hate to nitpick, but Rob wants them tight. It looks like you could slide those slender wrists right out."
Britney took a deep breath. And then she fastened the cuffs until they were tight around her skin on both wrists.
"That should work nicely. A few shots and we're all done here." Denise said as she moved around Britney, getting every angle. She positioned herself behind her and took a picture of the cuffs which completed her bondage.
Denise then placed a supportive hand on Britney's shoulder. "We're all done, I think these are going to turn out great." She then went over to the bag and pulled out five crisp hundred dollar bills and added them to the others. "As promised, $1,400."
Britney smiled from behind the gag, she felt free, even though that wasn't exactly the case at the moment.
"Go ahead and work yourself out of that silly stuff, I'm just going to go send the pictures to Rob so he knows his money was well spent. Be back in a second."
Britney was still beaming when Denise left. Fourteen hundred dollars, just like that! It was the perfect amount at the right time-
Wait, didn't Denise say a thousand earlier? Would financially savvy Denise actually be off by $400? Britney tried to push the uneasiness out of her mind and focused on getting out of her restraints.
She was standing stark naked in the middle of the living room with her legs bound at the heels and knees and her arms bound at the shoulder and by the handcuffs. And then the gag of course. She took a moment to appreciate how efficient the accessories were. No more than what was needed to prevent her from moving a muscle.
She slowly worked the keys to her fingertips and fiddled them into the keyhole. Once the key was fully emerged in the hole she gave the key a turn.
It wouldn't budge.
She took it out and tried it again, this time with the other key. It wasn't turning either. She then tried both keys on the other hole, although it was awkward.
"Britney, you want to open a bottle of wine later? I got this great new red I want to try."
Denise called from the other room.
Britney tried to respond but forgot about the bag and was severely muffled.
"What was that? You don't still have that gag in do you?" Denise asked.
Britney cursed Denise and then worked at the cuff again. She was trying to put the key into the hole with her offhand when the keys slipped and fell to the floor. Britney looked down but couldn't seem to figure out how she would pick them up without falling over.
Then Denise emerged from her bedroom. There was something different about her, but Britney couldn't place it. Same shirt, same exercise pants. Denise walked over to her and said, "Are you having a little trouble, what happened to the keys I gave you?"
Britney pointed at the ground with her head and Denise looked down and saw the keys. She bent down slowly to pick them up, happening to graze Britney's leg on her way back up. Longer than Britney thought was necessary. "You couldn't get these keys to work?"
Britney shook her head, having learned from before that words were not an option. Denise then leaned in to Britney and put her lips up against her ear and whispered, "Are you sure they are the right keys?"
Britney was slightly startled, but still didn't understand entirely. She watched Denise walk with purpose to the kitchen and pull out a canister of some kind along with another item Britney couldn't identify. She then walked back to the coffee table and started squirting the liquid in the canister over the pile of cash.
Britney's pile of cash.
Just as Britney started to put all the pieces together and shook her head violently, Denise pulled out a lighter. She lit it, and then held it above the cash. "I want you to look at yourself, Britney. Those heels can simply be unzipped, the straps around your knees and shoulders can be undone with the flick of your thumb. You could unclip the gag with ease and it would fall right out of your mouth. But without your hands, you're fucked. And the beautiful thing is, you did it all to yourself, even when I suggested we shouldn't do this."
Britney looked over her restraints and realized Denise was 100 percent right. She felt foolish to be secured by such simple devices, yet she was unable to free herself. The dread was starting to sink in, and then she looked back at Denise. Just as she did, Denise dropped the lighter onto the cash, and it started to burn. Britney's whole stomach dropped knowing she would be powerless to stop it and that her predicament was worse than it was earlier. A few tears streamed down her face.
Denise watched the money burn with amusement, she then walked over to Britney and took off her shirt and her pants. She wore a black lacy matching bra and panties, with a couple little bows on them, which Britney could only interpret as "I'm so innocent".
"So here we are. I called your landlord last week and asked him to make sure he double checks your rent payment. I then figured out your password "IfyouarefromTulsa", real original, and transferred all your funds out so that you couldn't pay rent. It was just a matter of time before the rest of the pieces fell into place." She said as she gently stroked Britney's tits. "We're going to have a lot of fun together. You live here now, with me, since you'll be evicted by tomorrow. And I'm going to let you cum from time to time."
Denise laughed audibly, "Well, not as much as you'll make me cum, but here and there."
Britney struggled as hard as she could against her restraints, but she had bound herself too tight. She had essentially gift wrapped herself for Denise. She resorted to shaking her head again.
"Oh, you're having a tough time accepting this, I'm not surprised. Here, let me show your something." Denise walked over to the coat closet and pulled out a dolly. She slid it under Britney's heels and wheeled her into the bedroom, and left her standing right in front of the walk-in closet.
With a big smile Denise opened the door, revealing two beautiful women, a brunet and a redhead, in bondage identical to Britney's. Britney's eyes went wide as she wondered how long they'd been in there. She looked at them again and noticed they had something around their necks. Before she could complete the thought she felt Denise secure something to Britney's own neck. Denise then held up a mirror, allowing Britney to see a red collar with a charm on it with the letter "D".
"And now, I have a blonde to complete the set!" Denise said as she actually hopped up and down with excitement.
She closed the closet door and Britney looked at her confused. "But before I put you away for tonight, I want to play a little." She wheeled Britney over to the bed and positioned her standing next to it. She then giggled a little and gave her a hard shove. With her legs bound, Britney could only fall onto the bed. Denise hopped on top of her and licked her tits. After a few tongue lashings she reached over to the nightstand drawer and pulled out a few toys. She brushed the hair out of Britney's face and smiled.
Britney was already bound, but with Denise sitting on top of her as well, she had absolutely no mobility.
And she already knew Denise was going to use that to her advantage.