Author's Note: Much of this story happened. I'll leave it to the reader to determine how much. Further updates may come depending on events and on interest here.
Chapter 1: Kinky to Vanilla
Throughout my years as a single guy I had fantasized about a variety of bondage scenarios. I had dreamed of finding a partner who shared my love of kink. After a few failed relationships that bordered only slightly on kinky, I found the love of my love. She was smart, funny, kind, and the person that I knew, without a doubt, that I wanted to be with for the rest of my life. She was also, without a doubt, vanilla when it came to sex. That wasn't to say the sex wasn't good. Far from it; we had an excellent sex life but we didn't engage in anything I considered kinky.
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We talked about it. I didn't go into detail but I told her that I enjoyed things that she considered kinky; particularly BDSM. She wasn't interested and I had no desire to force the issue. I loved her, and still love her, with all my heart. I remember thinking before we got married that, even if I never did anything kinky again, I would be completely satisfied with my life and the intimacy I had with my wife.
A decade later we had two wonderful kids and a great life. We didn't have intercourse all that often and I had a regular masturbation habit. I spent a fair bit of time reading and watching porn. My viewing habits varied but usually focused on BDSM, constrictive clothing, and chastity. I became increasingly interested in male chastity, an area I had dabbled in during my single years. I started reading forums and stories and became increasingly focused. The idea of giving up control of such a fundamental part of me was fascinating.
That might have been the end of it; simply masturbating to the fantasy of enforced male chastity had I not found the wonder of Chinese manufacturers on DHGate, Alibaba, and similar sites. I realized that male chastity cages and belts were more accessible and less expensive that I had ever dreamed a decade earlier when I had tried a cage out as a single guy.
I spent hours scouring the Internet for deals. I measured and remeasured. I looked at specifications and tried to figure out exactly how big certain cages were. At a mere $20 for a cage, including shipping, I decided to try one out. I submitted the order online and waited for the cage to arrive.
Chapter 2: The Conversation
One of the things I treasured about my relationship with my wife was the honesty we shared. I realized that if I were to start experimenting with self-imposed male chastity without telling her about it, that I would feel like I was being dishonest with her. I decided a needed to broach the subject. One night, as we were lying in bed, I decided to bring it up.
I reminded her that I had always been a bit kinky. I explained, again, that I loved our sex life and that I was perfectly satisfied with my life if nothing about our sex life changed. Then I told her that I did have some fantasies that I wanted to explore but that I could do that on my own. I told her I would love for her to be involved but that she didn't need to be if it made her uncomfortable or if she simply didn't have any desire to do so. I told her that I didn't want to do this on my own without being honest and forthright with her and that's why I was telling her all this.
At first, she just listened. Then, she asked me what fantasy I was contemplating. I explained the concept of male chastity. I explained that losing the ability to masturbate, to have intercourse, or even to touch my own penis was something that turned me on. I explained, loosely, the idea of a key holder and told her that I would love to give up control in that way to her. That I would be happy simply engaging in self-bondage but that giving control to her would be even more attractive. I also told her that this wasn't something I wanted to engage in 24x7. I wasn't interested in becoming a lifestyle slave or submissive. I was interested in giving up control of my penis for potentially lengthy periods of time but not all the time.
It did not go well. I left the conversation wishing that I had never brought it up. I felt deviant, I felt as if I had hurt my wife, and I felt like I had done harm to our relationship. By mutual consent, neither of us discussed it again.
Chapter 3: Self Chastity
The cage came and I started to play with chastity on my own. It was fairly comfortable and the bulge under pants wasn't noticeable but I realized fairly quickly that I could pull out of the back of the cage. It still trapped my balls and I couldn't get it off but I could, if I desired, masturbate. The thrill of chastity was diminished and the cage was set aside until, one day, I was browsing DHGate and found low cost, adjustable, full belts.
I knew that the quality wasn't the same as the custom-built devices but for less than $100, I decided to try it out. Three weeks later my new EMCC belt arrived. Some assembly was required. The belt had an ergonomic steel belt with a silicone liner. The ends of the belt clicked into a large locking plate which pressed against my abdomen below the navel and above the genitals. From the bottom of that plate was attached a tube which curved down and back, effectively tucking the penis between the balls and point backwards.
The first time the belt tightened around me, I felt a thrill. This was real chastity. I couldn't remove this belt without the key unless I was willing to destroy the belt. I couldn't pull out. As my penis tried to grow I felt a comfortable hug as the tube kept me from achieving an erection. It wasn't painful but I was incredibly aware that my penis was locked away.
Over the next few weeks I developed a system for locking myself in chastity. One Thursday morning I did exactly what I had been doing for weeks. I pulled the belt out of the closet, making sure that it was clean and that the silicone liner was on securely. I quickly put on the belt, making sure my penis was fully in the tube. I pulled the straps up into the locking plate locked the right side. As I pulled the left strap into the locking plate, the entire belt snugged up around me. I felt the metal strap hug my hips, I felt the strap pulled up tight between my butt cheeks, and I felt the tube itself pull snugly up against my pelvis as my penis was force the last little bit into the tube. Pressing the locks to secure them, I turned to the final step in my self-imposed chastity.
I pulled out and opened my MasterLock key box. It was the same kind that realtors use on front doors. I pushed the switch inside the box to reset the combination and then spun the four digits on the front without looking at them. I pulled out my phone and opened the iChronfess app. I created a new iChronfession and used the phone's camera to take a picture of the lockbox and its combination. While taking the picture, I held my finger over the iPhone screen so that I could make sure the picture was in focus without seeing the numbers of the lockbox dial. I went into the options for the iChronfession and indicated that I wanted to be unlocked no later than 6:00pm. I knew this was after my wife would be home but I had one last thing to do. I selected the option to pick an random opening time at or before the time I selected. Once I saved the iChronfession, I wouldn't be able to see the picture until that time came - and I wouldn't control exactly when that was. Usually, the random time ended up being sometime in the middle of the day but I enjoyed the slight risk of still being in chastity when my wife came home.
I hit save, put the keys in the lockbox, closed the box, and spun the dials. Instantly I felt a short surge of arousal. I was now locked until the iChronfession timer elapsed. I went into the app to see what time it had decided to use. I was surprised that it had used 5:55pm, almost the entire time I had allowed. I had the next eight hours locked in chastity and there wasn't a thing I could do about it. My arousal deepened but then waned as my body realized that there wouldn't be any stimulation coming for the near future.
Chapter 4: My Wife Returns
My wife returned home at about 5:30 and we talked briefly about our days. This was all typical and, though I was still locked in chastity, I knew that the odds of her noticing were very low and that I could simply go unlock in half an hour or so.
The time came and went and I knew I could retrieve the combination. Now, all I had to do was go upstairs to the bedroom for a minute or so to get out of my belt. Since it was dinner time, I decided I'd wait until after we ate. We had a pleasant dinner, talked about our days, and then started putting away the dishes.
That's when it happened. I was going towards the dishwasher with a plate. My wife, noticing that both kids were playing happily in the other room, came over and said, "maybe tonight we can" - then stopped abruptly as she patted my crotch, an action that I can't remember her initiating in all the years of our marriage. She felt the hard, smooth tube under my pants and looked at me with a shocked expression.
"What is THAT?" she asked in a hushed but urgent whisper.
My mind froze. We had talked about chastity but she hadn't been interested, she didn't really approve, and I had no intention of trying to introduce her to it again. "Um," I said "It's a chastity belt that I've been trying on. It's not a big deal, I've just been messing around a little bit to stop myself from masturbating and I knew that you wouldn't want to participate. I'll just go take it off right now."
"Wait," she said "You've been trying this on without me? You wanted this so badly that you've just been wearing it on your own? Where are the keys?".
"I've been trying it a little bit and key are in a lock box upstairs."
"Show me" she said.
I took her upstairs and showed her the lock box in our closet. She asked for the combination and I had to pull my phone out to get it. Watching me retrieve the combination, she figured it out. "So, you haven't been able to get the keys for... how long?"
"Since about 8:00 this morning right after you left." I said. My heart was sinking. Far from the thrill of discovery that some people talk about, I just felt scared. I felt like I had been hiding a dirty secret and that my wife, having discovered that secret, was going to think that I was a pervert, that I was dishonest, that there was something wrong with me.
"Give me the keys" she said. "I don't want to talk about this right now. After the kids are in bed we'll discuss it and figure out what this means."
The next few hours of my life were the longest I've experienced in years. We cleaned up dinner, went for a family walk, put the kids to bed, and then met back in our bedroom. My wife came in and said, "show me."
Without a word, I pulled off my pants and underwear so that she could see the belt. The shining tube tucked between my legs, my balls pushed slightly out to either side. She walked around me slowly, looking at the strap, the waistband, and the locks. She looked me in the eye and the expression on her face seemed resolved, as if she had decided something that she wasn't sure about but that she knew was the right thing to do. I waited for her to tell me that she was horrified, that she didn't want me around her or our family. I reached down to put my pants back on.
"Stop" she said. I paused, halfway bent over to grab my pants then slowly stood up. "It's clear that this is something important to you. It's clear that you're going to pursue it no matter what I do. And it's also clear that, no matter how little I understand this, that I still love you and that your happiness is important to me."
A rush of relief washed through me. She didn't hate me, she wasn't so appalled that she wanted to leave me. Whatever else came out of this conversation, even if it meant that I could never do anything kinky even by myself, my wife still loved me and seemed to want to be with me.
"Here's what we're going to do." she said. "I'm going to hang onto these keys for now. I'm going to think about this whole chastity thing. You, on the other hand, are going to find out if this is something that you really, truly want. You want to wear that belt so badly, then let's do it. I'll let you know when I'm done thinking. If you have a problem and really need out of that thing, let me know but be aware that bringing this up before I'm ready to talk about it may not be a great idea."
So now, here I am lying in bed. My wife decided, tonight of all nights, to sleep in the nude. She didn't comment on it. I didn't comment on it. But I find myself lying here in bed with my penis struggling to break through a solid steel chastity belt, wondering what the future holds.
Chapter 5: Date Night
The next morning my wife seemed to be in an upbeat mood. I walked into the kitchen and my wife said, "Good morning, how would you like to go on a date tonight?"
Date nights were our time to get out and enjoy some time by ourselves. They usually consisted of dinner and either a movie or show at the theatre. Sometimes, we'd stop for coffee or a cocktail to finish the night. Going on a date certainly sounded like fun, particularly given the fact that my current chastity situation was causing me to lust after my wife more than usual. Since date night often ended in sex, it sounded particularly great. I smiled and said, "Sounds great. Do you think we'll be able to get a babysitter?"
"Yep," she answered. "I already set it up and I even got us tickets to the new musical at the theatre downtown."
"Sounds great, sweetie!"
"Oh, by the way," she said in an offhand manner. "I don't see any reason to change your current situation, if you catch my drift."
I did, indeed, understand. My wife had no intention of unlocking me for date night, though I hoped that at the end of the night she might be up for sex. The thought of going out on a date with my belt locked around me caused me to swell once again. This could be a very interesting date night.
Later that evening, I was in the bedroom getting dressed. I put on my dress pants, a nice shirt, and found my dress shoes. I looked in the mirror, worried that the thinner material of the dress pants would let the belt show through. Turning this way and that, I looked in the mirror to see if anything showed.
My wife walked in and said, "Don't worry, everything looks perfectly secure to me!"
I laughed, somewhat uncomfortably, and finished putting on socks and shoes. My wife disappeared into the closet and reappeared a few minutes later. I looked over and my eyes widened in surprise. She was wearing her small black dress, the one I loved but that she thought was a little to risqué. She added a pair of strappy sandals to the outfit and said, "Ready to go, dear?"
We went downstairs and, a few minutes later, our babysitter showed up. She and my wife made casual conversation while we got our stuff together and made sure the kids had what they needed. Our babysitter, Jane, asked my wife about our plans.
She answered, "We're going to dinner and a show. We're excited to have locked in the plans. I'm really keyed up about it."
I quietly sighed, now she was intentionally teasing me.
The restaurant was busy but not packed. We ordered dinner and my wife reached across the table and put her hands over mine. "I didn't know how I'd feel about this but, sitting here, I'm actually a bit excited to have things under lock and key. I love you."
I smiled and replied, "I love you too, sweetie." It made me nervous to have her mention lock and key here in public but having this shared secret felt so incredibly hot. The mere touch of my wife's hands on mine aroused me more than I ever would have imagined. My penis started to grow but quickly reached the limits of its steel prison. "I feel very secure here with you."
Dinner was fantastic and throughout the meal we would touch hands, sometimes gently caressing the other's hand with our fingers. I knew that, no matter how good the food was, the thing I would remember about this meal was the feeling of the steel band around my hips, the steel tube surrounding my penis, and my wife's hands gently playing with mine. We talked about our plans for the weekend, some things that had happened at work, and a few other topics but didn't talk any further about chastity.
After dinner we left the restaurant and walked to the theatre. Standing outside the theatre waiting to pick up our tickets, my wife turned to me and said, "I love you." She reached her arms around me and gave me a big hug. She made a point of pressing her body firmly against mine. I felt her body touching the length of mine and I felt her abdomen bump into the belt. She whispered into my ear, "This is nice, don't you think?"
I whispered back, "Very nice though this is possibly the most aroused I've been in my entire adult life."
She just smiled in response and turned to collect our tickets from the ticket booth. We went inside, found our seats and waited for the show to start. The lights dimmed, the curtain opened, and the show began. Initially, I was focused on the show but then my wife leaned towards me over the arm of the seat and lay her hand in my lap.
She started to casually trace the outline of the belt with her finger through the thin material of my pants. Her finger traced the hip band around the left side of my hip until reaching the locking plate over my pubis. She lingered there, softly caressing the skin above the belt. Her hand drifted down, tracing the tube itself.
I leaned towards her and said, "You're killing me here, dear."
She whispered back, "Shush, I'm watching the show. Also, be careful what you wish for."
The rest of the show was a bit uncomfortable as my penis seemed unwilling to recognize that fact that it simply couldn't become erect. My wife would stop and it would start to shrink again, allowing me to feel it pull away from the sides of the tube very slightly. Then, without warning, she would begin touching me again. I have no idea whether the rest of the show was good. I was altogether too focused on other matters to care.
As we were driving home from the show, I said, "Would you be interested in any other... extracurricular activities this evening?"
"Why yes, I believe I would," she answered with a smile.
We made it home and I quickly payed the babysitter, ready to move on and get this belt off so we could finish our evening with the intercourse that I was desperately craving. We went upstairs and my wife pulled off her dress, leaving her in a very revealing pair of black bikini bottoms and bra.
"Why don't you take off your clothes, sweetie," she said.
I quickly stripped down and she pulled me into bed. I kissed her all over, trailing kisses along her neck, down her breasts, and across her abdomen. She was starting to breath heavily when she said, "You know what I think we should do now?"
"Get this belt off so that I can be inside you," I responded.
"Not exactly. I think you should get the vibrator out of the drawer and help me get to that orgasm that I've been thinking about all night."
"But, what about..." I started.
"Oh, sweetie. You told me you wanted denial, you wanted to have your sex locked away. I decided earlier that I'm going to try to give you what you want. I wasn't sure I'd have the willpower to follow through with it so I left the keys at work today. I'll grab them tomorrow but, for tonight, I'm afraid you're staying exactly as you are."
My head spun even as a surge of arousal coursed through me. I wasn't getting out. The raging erection that was trying to form wasn't going to happen. No matter how aroused I was at this moment, I was going to remained locked up without any chance of release. In that moment, I realized how very much I loved my wife. She was doing this for me. It wasn't something that she had sought out, it wasn't something that came naturally to her, but it was something that she was going out of her way to do because she knew that I wanted it. My desire for release was still there but it was overwhelmed by the realization of what a very special person I had married. I looked at her and simply said, "I love you."
The rest of the evening was incredibly arousing for me and I did, indeed, bring my wife to an orgasm that left her screaming into a pillow. As we lay cuddling together, I realized that even though I hadn't come myself, that this was one of the most sexually gratifying experiences I'd ever had. My wife's breathing slowed as she fell asleep in my arms. I lay awake for a bit longer while I enjoyed the feeling of my wife's bark back pressed against my chest. Eventually, my penis subsided and I drifted off to sleep.
Chapter 6: Checking In
The next morning, I woke up to see my wife lying in bed on her side, looking at me. She smiled, a bit tentatively, and said, "How was last night for you?"
"It was an amazing experience," I replied. "Going out with you on a date is always great but last night added a layer of arousal and intimacy that made it particularly amazing. How was it for you? Were you OK with it?" I was still worried that, though she was willing to do this for me, she secretly disliked it.
"You know, I really enjoyed it too," she said with a small smile. "I didn't think that I would but I really enjoyed teasing you. Knowing that you were aroused and that you wanted me made me feel sexy. Plus, I enjoy touching you, even when it won't lead to sex. In fact, I might enjoy it even more when it won't lead to sex because I know that can caress you and enjoy touching you even if I'm not particularly in the mood for sex." With that, she leaned over to give me a deep, long kiss while her hand caressed from my thigh, up and around my hip, and down to my balls. She spent a few moments caressing my balls and then said, "Well, it's probably about time to get ready for work!"
She hopped out of bed while I lay back and groaned. I muttered to myself, "I really need to learn to be careful what I wish for."
That evening, after the kids were in bed, my wife walked into the bedroom and said, "Look what I have for you dear!" She held up the keys to the belt and then slowly walked over to me. "Why don't you take off your clothes and we'll see how you're doing down there."
I quickly took off my clothes. My wife knelt and carefully unlocked and removed the belt, leaving my penis visible for the first time in days. The feeling of freedom was intense but, oddly, I already missed the warm embrace of the metal.
"I don't see any signs of damage," my wife commented. "Why don't you jump in the shower to get cleaned up a bit."
I turned the water on and, when it was warmed up, stepped into the spray. I wanted to touch myself. I wanted to feel my penis become fully erect but I couldn't bring myself to masturbate with my wife standing right there. She looked at me and said, "Why don't I help you clean up a bit."
Quickly, she stripped off her clothes and joined me in the shower. She lathered up her hands and started to wash me. She started at my back, rubbing her hands down the length of my back to my buttocks. She reached around and started to gently clean my penis and testicles. By this point, I was fully erect, my penis rock hard at her touch.
She soaped up her hands once again and slowly began rubbing her hands up and down the length of my penis. I moaned as my wife used her hands to stimulate me while the hot water streamed down my back. As the water washed away the last of the soap, she knelt in the shower and took the head of my penis in her mouth, gently sucking and flicking her tongue on my glans.
"Sweetie, if you keep doing that..." I started.
"You're right, we should probably dry off."
I quickly grabbed a towel so that I could dry off and we could pick up where we left off after moving to the bed. She took my hand once I was dry and led me to the bed, gently pushing me back and straddling me.
She pressed her chest against me and kissed me deeply. "We should probably grab a condom," I said. Both of us love our kids but neither wanted any more.
She murmured something softly in my ear then rolled off me towards the side of the bed where we store the condoms. When she returned she was not holding a condom, instead she was holding the chastity belt.
"I'll tell you what," she said. "I'll give you a choice. You can take this belt and lock it onto yourself again or you can set it aside and grab a condom. If you lock yourself back up, I'll know that this is really something you want. If you go the other route, then we'll have a great night but we'll put the belt away and we won't make more than occasional use of it. It's entirely up to you. I'm curious about how badly you want this."
I'm sure I looked crestfallen. I wanted desperately to be inside her but I didn't want to give up chastity. My arousal almost won out but then I thought about how intense our chastity date night had been. I wanted an orgasm more desperately than I ever had and yet, I wanted this to continue. "Could I have the belt, please?"
She smiled as she handed me the belt. "I was hoping you'd pick that option. Against all odds, I'm enjoying this and I'd like to see where it takes us."
She and I lay next to each other, talking but not touching while I waited for my erection to subside enough to fit back in the belt. Finally, I stood up and put the belt back on. With a click, it was locked. I handed my wife the keys to the belt. She handed them back to me and said, "Why don't you show me how that lockbox and iPhone app work."
"You want me to use the lockbox?"
"It'll help me understand how it works," she replied.
I pulled out the lockbox and showed her how I reset the code without looking at it. Then I showed her how I used the iChronfess app to create a new message with a picture of the code. Finally, I showed her how I could set the date to any date and time I wanted and where the option for a random time was.
"So, if you set it for one day and then choose random time, it'll give you the code sometime between now and one day from now?" she asked.
"That's right. It could be a couple minutes or it could be the full day."
"Hmm, let's do this then...". While I watched, she set it for seven days and then selected the random option.
"Umm, just so you know, you have it at a full week," I said, thinking that perhaps she had just put in the wrong number of days.
"Thanks, I know," she said. She quickly hit save and spun the dials on the lockbox so neither of us had the combination. "Odds are it'll be a few days. I'm sure you can handle it. Let's see where it ended up."
She went back to the message menu and looked at the unlock date that the app had selected. "Wow, six days and twenty-two hours. I guess we'll find out how much you want this after all!"
My heart seemed to stop as I looked at the date for the code. A full week. I was going to be locked in this thing for a week. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to do. Then, my wife took care of that for me.
"How about a massage, sweetheart?" she said with a grin.
Chapter 7: A Long Stretch
The next few days were particularly difficult. Knowing that I didn't have any chance of freedom for the next week was arousing but it was felt like a mountain that I needed to climb. I didn't know how I'd be able to make it for a full week.
The third morning, I approached my wife. "I'm not sure if I can make it the full week. I want to be able to do it but it's so much longer than I've been locked before. Before you got involved, I hadn't done more than a day and a half. This seems daunting. It's exciting and scary all at the same time."
"Are you not sure because there's a physical problem or because you're not sure you can take it mentally?" she asked.
"I think mostly mentally," I replied. "I mean, there's always the chance something medical-related happens that requires me to get out of the belt. I suppose we'd have to get bolt-cutters at that point. I'm more concerned about whether I can handle it."
"I wouldn't worry about that, sweetie," she said. "It's going to be difficult but I know you can do it. Besides, it's not like you have much of a choice. I would be more than a bit disappointed if you were to cut that belt off for anything short of a medical emergency. Trust me, you'd regret going down that road."
"I'll have to give some thought about how to handle emergencies in the future," she continued. "Maybe we'll have to have an emergency key someplace safe. For now, let's focus on making sure you can handle this mentally. We'll just need to make sure you don't get bored." She chuckled softly and walked away.
I sat down and stared out the window with a bemused expression on my face. It was strange to think about how much my life had changed in such a short time. She seemed to be getting into this whole chastity thing faster and more wholeheartedly than I ever would have expected. I knew that she was a smart, creative person and it worried me a bit to think of what she might do if she turned her creativity get 'helping' me make it through a long period of chastity. As it turns out, I didn't have to wait long to find out what she had planned.
I woke up the next morning to my wife straddling me. I looked up at her in surprise and she said, "Good morning sweetie."
"Good morning," I replied. "Um... what's up?"
"Well, not you. That much is certain." She laughed. "I was thinking about how to help you through being locked up for so long and it occurred to me that one of the things you probably need is stimulation to keep you interested. I decided that I'm going to make it my job to keep you stimulated for the rest of this week."
Without another word, she proceeded to run her hands over my body. She ran her hands over my chest, pausing at my nipples to pinch them lightly. She ran her hands over the belt and then down my thighs, all while I lay on the bed moaning. She trailed kisses up my thigh before kissing the steel tube of the belt. My penis strained to escape but all I felt was the intense pressure as it tried to expand against its steel prison.
I couldn't take it anymore. I flipped her over onto her back and started kissing her. My mouth probed hers while my hands caressed her clitoris and dipped inside her. She was already wet, something that surprised me a bit. Apparently touching me while I was locked up turned her on too.
Eventually, much later, we went into the shower together to clean up. My wife told me to turn around and she lathered up my back, using her hands to clean me thoroughly. She paid particular attention to the belt, ensuring that it was completely clean. She knocked gently on the steel tube and said, "How are we doing in there?"
"Aroused and horny beyond belief," I answered.
"I have a request," my wife said with a quirk of her eyebrow.
"What can I do for you?"
"I'd like you to buy some things for me. I'd do it myself but I have a feeling that this particular kind of shopping is more in your wheelhouse."
I looked at her inquisitively. "What would you like me to get for you?"
"Well, it's actually for you," she said. "I know how you've always loved the idea of me being in control and, truth be told, I'm enjoying this whole chastity thing. Since we're going this far, I'd like to try a few other things. I'd like you to buy something to secure you to our bed, something to blindfold you, and something to keep your hands out of the way when we're not in bed. I'd like you to find a few options and then show them to me. I'll tell you which ones I want you to buy."
"You want me to buy bondage gear?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. If you had told me that my wife would not only get into having me in chastity but would want to go further in restraining me, I would have said that there was no way in the world it was going to happen. And yet, here we were, my wife dictating a shopping list of bondage items.
"Are you sure you want to..." I trailed off, not sure how to ask the question.
"Yes," she said firmly. "I want to try some things out. Happy shopping!"
Chapter 8: Branching Out
I spent most of that afternoon shopping around online. I found a variety of options and selected a few different options that I'd present to my wife. I included, for each item she'd requested, a cheap option appropriate for beginners as well as one or two options that were a bit more intense.
Of course, browsing the Internet for sex toys didn't do anything for my arousal levels and I spent most of the afternoon with my penis engorged, straining at the belt.
That evening, my wife walked into our bedroom after the kids were in bed and said, "So, do you have some options for me?"
"I do," I replied. I wasn't sure exactly what you wanted so I have a couple options for each thing.
I showed her the bed restraints I had picked out. She nixed the simple Velcro cuffs and instead selected the system of under-bed straps which ended in heavy leather cuffs which could be locked with small padlocks. I showed her the blindfolds and she selected a simple leather blindfold with a strap at the back. Finally, I showed her a few options for handcuffs.
"These aren't exactly what I had in mind," she said. "Can you show me more options online?"
"I can," I answered. I was feeling a bit thunderstruck about this whole situation but I pulled up a site online.
She started clicking through some of the restraints until suddenly she exclaimed, "That's it!"
I looked at what she'd selected and sat back in surprise. It was a high posture collar with a strap leading down the back. The strap ended in two cuffs which would hold the hands up above the small of the back.
"That's what you want?" I was incredulous. Who was this woman and what did she do with my wife?
"Yep, that looks perfect. Order it up sweetie!"
I completed the order and told my wife that everything should be here in a few days.
Three days later, the box arrived. I brought it up to our bedroom and opened it up. I setup the under-bed restraints so that they were hidden under the bed but could be pulled up quickly. The other items I left in the closet on one of my wife's shelves. Just touching the restraints and imagining being locked up had left me with the now familiar feeling of my penis trying to expand in its tube.
My wife met me in the bedroom that evening with the lockbox in her hand. She said, "Guess what time it is sweetie?"
"Time to get out of this thing," I exclaimed excitedly.
"Exactly. Let me see your phone."
I handed her my phone and she pulled up the app to get the lockbox code. In just a minute she was holding the keys in her hand. I stared at the keys and then at her with a look that she would tell me later was a mix of excitement and desperation.
"Since our new toys have arrived, it seems a shame not to try them out." She pulled the blindfold out of her back pocket and smiled and me mischievously.
I grinned and said, "Whatever you'd like my dear!"
She came over and put the blindfold over my eyes, pulling the strap tight. Then she turned me gently towards the bed and sat me down. She pushed my chest gently to get me to lay down and then guided me to the middle of the bed.
"I'm glad you thought to install the new restraints," she said. "Let's see how they work." She pulled my right arm up towards the corner of the bed then wrapped one of the cuffs around my wrist. With a click I heard a padlock lock closed. In a moment she had repeated the process with my left wrist.
I heard her go down to the end of the bed where she pushed my legs apart, spreading them toward the corners. I felt her wrap cuffs around both ankles then heard the clicks as she locked the cuffs on. My arms and legs were spread to the corners of the bed. I had enough slack that I could move them but I couldn't reach far.
"Hmm, we need to adjust a bit here," she said under her breath. Suddenly I felt her shortening the straps that went under bed, pulling my arms and legs further apart. She pulled until my body was stretched as far is it would go, leaving me no ability to move more than a few inches on the bed.
I groaned softly as I felt her straddle me. I hear her put the key into the chastity belt and then heard a click. She carefully pulled the front of the belt away and then said, "Lift your butt a little."
I lifted my butt up a few inches, all I could manage in my current situation. She pulled it out from under me and I heard her set it aside.
I waited, not knowing what was coming next. Suddenly, I felt her mouth on the head of my penis. The feeling of her warm, wet tongue flicking over the head felt like nothing I had experience before. I thought I might explode right then and there.
"Not so fast, love," my wife said with a smile that I could hear in her voice. I felt her putting a condom on my penis, slowly unrolling it down the length of my shaft. Then she slowly lowered herself down on me, guiding my penis inside her.
It was breathtaking. The feeling of being restrained, my wife lowering herself down on my shaft, the feel of her breasts as they settled on my chest. I moaned and tried, ineffectually, to thrust up further. She started moving up and down on me, her breath quickening.
Just a few minutes later I felt her approaching her orgasm. As she crested, I reached my own climax; exploding inside her. It felt like the longest, most intense orgasm of my life. The hot cum seemed to go on forever while my penis pulsed.
With a sigh, I lay my head back and said, "I love you."
"I love you too, sweetie," she responded. Then I felt her carefully removing the condom and wiping up some mess with a Kleenex. She snuggled up against me, throwing her arm over my chest. "I love you very much indeed.
I didn't know when she planned to release me but I certainly wasn't going to force the issue. Instead, I lay there thinking about how very much I loved my wife and my life.