Author's Note: Josephine is organising a franchise party at her home but this isn't for cosmetics and tupperware.
I am hosting a Boudoir Party. Boudoir is a company that sells sex, not pornography I stress; adult toys, costumes, games. We all have our excuses for girls' nights; book clubs, gourmet meals, clubbing, in my case I've chosen Boudoir.
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Little Slutty Hannah is the first to arrive, looking perfect as she always does, in the costume I have chosen for her; I am perhaps cruel in my sobriquet, but Hannah is the youngest of our group and the closest to a WAG; she pert and pretty, her lustrous dark hair always immaculately coifed, her make up perfect, false nails and eyelashes, her body toned and tanned. Tonight she wears a short white strapless PVC minidress and matching thigh boots, around her throat is a white leather collar from which dangles, tantalisingly, a gold ring.
She kisses her hello and accepts a glass of champagne, perching on the end of the sofa and producing her phone to check her status on whichever social media is currently trending. I make a mental note to look later and see if there is an uploaded a photo of what is to come. I take a moment to imagine her in the bondage I have planned, her arms pinned behind her back in a white leather single sleeve, the leash clipped to her collar, perhaps a gag between her soft pink dusted lips.
Verity distracts me with her arrival, voluptuous, draped in a long black leather coat and, for a moment, I fear she has reneged on her promise to dress as requested, but then she opens her coat and flashes the tightly laced black and red striped velvet corset that struggles to constrain her gorgeous form; her breasts in a matching bullet bra jut out, nipples clearly visible; deep black knickers stretch across her hips, and sheer black stockings on hang teasingly on suspenders.
'Well ?' Verity's rouged lips smile wickedly. We have been friends since university. She is a little older than me, I attended her fortieth last year. She has always been curvaceous but the corset packages her form delightfully.
'Perfect.' I hug and kiss her enjoying the closeness of her body, catching the smell of her foundation, and her trademark scent, smiling at the creak of leather and ruffle of lace as she moves. She wears more makeup than usual, her addition to the role I have prescribed for her. I give her champagne too imagining her kneeling in bondage licking it from a bowl at my feet.
'I hope we're going to be doing a little more than just dressing up.' She leans in, whispering conspiratorially and winks theatrically. 'I have waxed.'
'I hope so too.'
I have the urge to spank her.
Jenny is next to arrive, firm and toned, short blonde hair, the ultimate yummy mummy and my nearest neighbour, my very own Jenny from the Block; the block in question being of the suburban sort, large family houses, leafy gardens and German cars in the drive. I wonder if this event is being played out up and down the avenue tonight. Jenny has walked across the lawn brazenly in her costume, lacy bra and knickers with a long diaphanous gauze robe that floats behind her in the evening breeze. I have frequently watched Jenny sunbathing or gardening in her bikini and, I'm sure, our other neighbours have too. She kisses me on the cheek with cool firm lips, her hand cupping my left buttock. I smell alcohol on her breath.
'Not going to be too warm in this are you ?' She smiles mischievously.
I wear a skin tight rubber catsuit that exposes more of my body than it conceals, its tautness drawing in my waist while soft padding boosts my breasts before thinning over the nipples to make them easily visible.
'If I get too hot someone might have to peel me out of it later.'
Jenny guffaws and takes her champers.
We are four now with two to come and I am eager to begin. I refill glasses, pleased to see that Hannah, always a little nervous beneath her cool exterior, has drunk her first glass quickly.
'Are you really going to tie us up ?' The flash in the brunette's dark eyes tells me she is now perhaps more willing to accommodate what I have planned for her than a few minutes ago.
'Well, a little light bondage perhaps.' I smile reassuringly. Hannah's is probably one of the more stringent restraints I have in mind. She has a lovely lithe body, I suspect her elbows will touch.
'I hope she's got plenty of rope.' Verity gestures the fullness of her figure to Jenny.
'Stop it.' The blonde laughs loudly and strokes a finger down Verity's corset. 'Anyway, it looks to me like someone's already in bondage.'
'Took John nearly half an hour to get these laces tight. Got him quite excited too.' She turns to me. 'You've made one sale at least. If I go home without this I swear he'll divorce me.'
Jenny laughs again and I turn to find Carol on the doorstep.
Carol is a redhead and tonight she is modeling a steel chastity belt and bra, these are linked by small chains, other chains run from these across her skin and along her limbs to support cuffs around her arms and legs, there is a matching steel collar around her neck and a similar band around her slim waist. She is completely free to move at the moment though, of course, her sex and breasts are off limits, later it will be a different matter, although she may not know it yet, Carol is modeling the latest in plug and play bondage; all the cuffs can be linked by steel pegs or by chains with simple clasps, I have steel mitts for her hands which, once in place, encase her fingers meaning that anyone else can plug and play while Carol is completely helpless.
Carol is, I think, probably the most versed in fetish and bondage within our group and has spoken frequently and, sometimes at grueling length, about some of her sexual encounters. Some of her tales, I suspect, are a little tall and this is one of the reasons I have invited her this evening; I wish to see if she has the endurance she claims. I notice she has added some ankle high ballet boots to the outfit I have chosen for her and is walking on them with some confidence; my opinion of her rises along with my libido.
Then, finally, I see her, the one this is all really about, Abigail. I have known Abby since we were eighteen, we lived together as students, are the closest of friends, and have been lovers on several occasions though our relationship has never gone beyond this.
In short, I want her.
She looks at me and I think I can see a spark in those turquoise eyes, a pleased smile on those beautiful red lips. Her glossy black hair is drawn back severely into a ponytail and she has highlighted her cheekbones.
'It looks like someone's been a naughty girl.' She is dressed as a dominatrix, black leather bustier and knickers, thigh boots, leather gloves; like Carol she has embellished her costume, she has a whip tucked into one boot !
'Perhaps you could punish me later.' I must assume she is playing her character but a part of me, a large part, yearns for her to put me over her knee and spank me until I come.
We are all assembled and I want to fun to begin but first I must refill glasses, Hannah's fourth, Verity's third, the second I have seen Jenny drink. We down them and then I ask Carol to begin.
'Would you do the honours ?' I hand her the white single sleeve and explain it to Hannah who looks surprised and somewhat pleased to be the centre of attention. I can see Carol is enjoying the moment too.
'Put your hands behind your back.'
Hannah obeys and we watch as Carol slides the sleeve up the brunette's arms, pushing her hands into the glove section. In a deft movement Carol secures the wrist strap and Hannah is suddenly helpless. I watch her still for a moment then shake her arms.
'Your going to be fine, Hannah, just relax.' Carol really is enjoying herself and I watch her lay a hand gently on Hannah's shoulder.
Hannah stills and Carol begins to strap the sleeve in place, firmly but not tightly at first, then she crosses the chest straps around Hannah's shoulders and pulls them tight.
'I'm going to tighten the sleeve now, Hannah. We'll see if your elbows can touch. It will be uncomfortable but shouldn't hurt. Tell me to stop if it gets too much.'
I watch Hannah wince but she doesn't complain.
'Look down.'
Hannah obeys, clearly surprised by the way her posture now displays her breasts. I know she is a little embarrassed by her small breasts and has talked several times about having them enlarged.
'Let's look in the mirror shall we.' Carol reaches up to hook a finger in the ring dangling from Hannah's collar and I pass her the leash.
'Perfect.' Carol clips the leash to Hannah's collar.
The helpless girl gives a slightly surprised gasp but doesn't speak and then, in a beautifully submissive gesture allows herself to be lead to the mirror at the end of the room.
Jenny is my next subject; I know she works out and enjoys riding. Who better then to be my pony. I invite her to remove the gauzy shrug and present her with the black leather harness I wish her to wear. Having watched Hannah submit to bondage, Jenny has no qualms in shedding the flimsy garment to some well intentioned, if somewhat raucous, comments from the others. She then standing almost straight in her lacy bra and knickers; I see how she accentuates the natural curve of her spine enough to thrust her firm little bust forward and her bottom out behind her. I have appeased Carol who has clearly demonstrated her familiarity with bondage but do not want to make her the centre of attention all evening so when she offers to harness Jenny I politely but firmly refuse.
I notice she still holds Hannah on the leash.
Carol does nevertheless assist and, in the end, I am grateful; I have tried the harness myself, rather enjoying the tight straps around my body, the snugness of the collar, the pressure on my breasts and the firm squeeze around my waist, I have also enjoyed the tight crotch strap, imagining myself forced to run with the leather gently chaffing my warm engorged sex.
In short I have come wearing it three times.
Jenny seems to enjoy it too, or perhaps it is the attention of her dressers, 'grooms' perhaps. I notice she doesn't complain when Carol slips a hand into the leather bra cup to adjust her breast and that her nipples are stiffly erect. She grins broadly as I tighten the crotch strap and wiggles her hips subtly. I wonder if I should have removed her knickers.
'Don't want it coming loose !' She winks at me and shakes her hips again, pulling at the heavy leather cuffs which now hold her wrists to her thigh cuffs.
A bridle follows, ornate and plumed, a large rubber coated leather bit for her mouth and blinkers held by straps across the bridge of her nose and forehead.
'Ok ?' I don't want any my guests to be unhappy in their bondage.
Jenny nods emphatically, the metal rings on her bridle jingling and the plumes fluttering.
Carol and I then help her into pony boots, transforming her feet into hooves. Then, our pony complete, I lead her out through the French windows onto the patio and down the steps to the lawn. This part of the garden is not overlooked and, even if it were, the only one likely to see my little pony is her husband.
Jenny allows herself to be harnessed to the little gig, seemingly unperturbed though I can see the surprised looks on some of the other's faces.
'Anybody care to drive ?' I hold up the reins and am surprised when Verity responds almost immediately. I look a little anxiously at Jenny but the harnessed girl just smiles around her bit. Her blue eyes are shining and her face and chest are flushed even though she hasn't pulled the gig yet.
Verity climbs a little unsteadily into the gig and I pass her the reins. There is a long driving whip in a leather bucket attached to the seat and the voluptuous brunette takes this up with surprising confidence.
'Walk on.' Verity shakes the reins and Jenny responds.
The effort of pulling the gig and its driver on the soft grass is clear and Jenny's progress is slow.
'You're not trying.' Verity flicks the whip and I think I see the tip kiss Jenny's firm buttocks. My heart skips a beat as I envisage an angry scene but the harnessed pony girl simply redoubles here efforts, her lean, muscular legs straining as she breaks into what can only be described as a trot.
Verity uses the reins to guide her around the lawn with no apparent awareness or care that the further parts of the garden are overlooked. Jenny makes a graceful pony but as she is guided back to the house I can see how much effort is required to pull the gig and its occupant, the pert blonde's chest is heaving and her skin glowing. Verity seems to realise this and, despite her clear enjoyment at driving this unusual pony, climbs down from the gig and replaces the whip in its bucket.
'Good girl.' Verity holds Jenny's bridle and strokes her bottom gently. She has used the whip on it four times in the short circuit. Jenny stares fixedly ahead. I watch Verity lean forward and whisper something to the pony who gives a curt nod. Verity plants a kiss on Jenny's cheek just below the blinker and pats her bottom one final time then we release her from between the shafts though not from the harness or bridle.
'I don't suppose you have a spare harness ?' Carol is standing beside me with Hannah, still restrained in the single sleeve.
'For you or your little pet ?'
I see Hannah blush furiously at this comment and look away.
Carol smiles and pulls on the girl's leash drawing her in closer so the brunette's pert little breasts are pressed against her temporary mistress' arm; I note Hannah does not resist.
'I'm sure Jenny won't mind. I have something else in store for her later.' I smile at Hannah. 'You'll have to remove the dress though.'
As Carol takes Hannah's dress off, sliding the little PVC down the girl's exquisitely toned body, Verity and I remove Jenny's bridle and harness though when we leave her wrists cuffed to her thighs she doesn't complain, standing confidently in her black lacy underwear and leather pony boots.
Hannah looks utterly gorgeous and beautifully submissive in the tiny PVC knickers and thigh boots, collared, with her arms restrained behind her in the single sleeve. Her little nipples are stiffly erect and I suspect her knickers and pretty wet. I wish I'd thought to order a white leather harness too. She stands patiently while she is harnessed and bridled and then guided between the traces.
Carol drives her through a short circuit of the garden. She is not such a natural pony as Jenny though is, of course, hampered by the thigh boots, nevertheless she is positively glowing when, panting for breath around her bit, she returns to the bottom of the patio steps.
I help Carol remove her pony's harness and bridle and notice that when Carol refastens her leash Hannah makes no comment on on this or the fact that the redhead does not replace her dress.
'I hope you've got the key to this chastity belt.' Carol leans in towards me as we climb the steps up to the house. 'I might need it later.'
'Oh, I've got it somewhere safe.' I smile.
'Any chance of another drink ?' Jenny stands on the patio in her flirty pose, wrists still cuffed to her thighs.
Verity laughs and holds a glass to the blonde's lips allowing her a little sip.
'Oh, come on. I was a very good pony.'
'And you shall have your reward.' Verity grabs the champagne bottle from it's bucket and then picks up a bowl from the buffet I have set out for later. She pours some champagne into the bowl and sets it down on the stones.
'All yours, my little pony.'
Jenny looks scandalised but then gives one of her very loud laughs ad drops to her knees giving a heartfelt pout before bending to lap the champagne out of the bowl.
Verity and Abby laugh, clearly enjoying the spectacle while Hannah, standing leashed beside Carol, watches with what I think is a shocked expression. I watch Carol whisper something to the helpless brunette and then gentle stroke one of the girl's erect nipples. Hannah flushes again and, I notice, rubs her thighs together as she presses her body once again against the redhead's.
Back inside I unveil a display of toys; whips, tawses, paddles, crops, cuffs and collars, gags and nipples clamps of various designs. One pair of clamps has little bells hanging from them and Carol picks these up, examining them before jingling them in front of Hannah. The brunette, seems doing he best to live up to her unflattering nickname, by following her new mistress still leashed and still wearing nothing but a tiny pair of white PVC knickers and thigh boots. I am, I suppose, being unkind; perhaps if I possessed a body like Hannah's I would be happy to flaunt it.
If she were not so utterly gorgeous I might feel a sudden surge of guilt for placing her in this situation but then I see the look in her eyes and notice that she makes no move to pull away as Carol places the clips on her stiff nipples. Once in place, Carol flicks the bells with her fingers; we all watch them swing and, when they still, watch again as Hannah shakes her chest making them jingle again.
'So who's next ?' Verity's voice carries an urgency I do not associate with her rather bohemian personality. She sits on my leather sofa, legs crossed, looking in her corset and stockings like some boudoir madam; an image that is only strengthened by the toys arranged on the coffee table before her and Jenny kneeling at her feet beside a refilled bowl of champagne.
'I thought you might fancy a light spanking.' I smile. 'You seemed to enjoy dishing out to our pert little pony.'
I see Jenny look up, and wonder if she should be the one to administer it. I know Verity likes to be spanked. I've done it myself, twice, and I remember seeing bruises on her bottom quite a few times before.
'This looks fun.' Verity leans forward and picks up a a leather tawse. 'But not too hard, I'm modeling for a life drawing class on Friday and don't want to look like a complete tart.'
'That's settled then.' I stand. 'Having driven the pony, you can ride the horse.'
The horse is a padded leather bench, a variation on an athletic vaulting horse on which the submissive can be strapped in a variety of poses. In this case I make Verity lie along its length, cuffing her ankles to the splayed legs at one end and her wrists at the other.
'Jen ?' I offer her the tawse first.
'I'm a little tied up.' Jenny pulls at her wrist cuffs.
'You don't have to stay like that.' I grin. 'After all I have at least one more bondage adventure planned for you.'
'Actually I'm quite happy like this at the moment though I might need some help getting out of these heavy clothes later.' Jenny looks down at the lacy lingerie I have given her to wear. 'Especially if I start to get too hot.'
I kneel beside Jenny and nod towards Hannah who is busy studying the bells clamped to her nipples.
'You know what happens if you let your nipples go on show.'
'I can handle it.' Jenny laughs again then leans towards me lowering her voice. 'Do your plans for me include a good spanking ?'
'If you carry on with this disgracefully wanton behaviour I expect it will be unavoidable.'
'Oh, I think I can handle it.' Jenny thrusts her breasts towards me. Lovely lingerie by the way. Does it come in pink ?'
'I'll do it.' Abby steps forward interrupting my little chat with Jenny. 'After all, I am dressed for the role.' She reaches for the tawse.
I am unnerved by this turn of events, there is a history between Abby and Verity a little like the one between me and both of them. I doubt it is the first time the current object of my desires has spanked the voluptuous brunette.
I give her the tawse and watch her flex it.
'Perfect weapon and a delightfully broad target.' Abby teases.
'Watch it Abbs ! You'll be the helpless one in a minute.' Verity doesn't seem to be too anxious about being bent over the horse facing a spanking with a leather tawse.
'That's 'Mistress' to you Slave.' Abby winks at me. 'Any more of that and those panties come down.'
'I have a gag if you'd like to borrow one.' I want to be part of this act. I also want to limit Verity's ability to flirt with my Abigail.
'Thanks Jo, but I want to hear this little piggy squeal.' Abigail brings the tawse down hard on Verity's bottom with a resounding slap.
I watch for reactions. Hannah is looking shocked but, again there is something more and I wonder if she is trying to work out if she would enjoy this too. Jenny and Carol are clearly enjoying the show.
Verity doesn't complain.
Abby delivers five more strokes before I see Verity flinch.
'Had enough ?' Abby has clearly seen the response too.
'I can take a few more.' Verity is defiant but there is a strained edge to her voice. 'Just don't damage the goods.'
'Half a dozen more then but I'm going to gag you first.'
We follow Abigail as she walks across the room to select a suitable gag. She studies them for a moment, rolling a glistening red ball gag over with her finger before toying with the rubber intra-oral phallus of a muzzle in a suggestive way.
Suddenly, Hannah gives an audible gasp and we all turn to look at her.
The brunette's face is bright red and I think I see her begin to panic but before I can react, Carol turns her away whispering something I can't hear into her ear.
'Sounds like our closet submissive is getting horny.' Abigail whispers to me, grinning as she picks up the muzzle gag offering it to Carol who takes it and holds it up for Hannah's closer inspection. I see the brunette regard it wide eyed but then look up, her eyes meeting Carol's; after a moment she gives a slight nod. Carol lifts the gag further and Hannah opens her mouth, accepting the rubber phallus inside and holding it in place with her teeth while Carol reaches behind her head to buckle the straps. The large black muzzle covers the lower half of Hannah's face, a shockingly dominant symbol that is in stark contrast to the subtlety of her white bondage.
'I'm sure she won't be wearing it long.' Carol purrs and strokes her finger over the side of the muzzle. 'At this rate I'll be wanting her mouth for something else as long as you can find the keys to my chastity belt.'
There is a burst of slightly shocked laughter and I watch Hannah's eyes widen, her cheeks blushing furiously again.
I think I will be using the term 'Little Submissive Hannah' from now on.
Carol holds the brunette's leash close to the collar and strokes her bottom. 'I'm just teasing, my dear.'
Hannah's eyes are wider than I've seen them, almost wild over the gag as she looks from Carol to me and back again.
I really think we may have gone too far. Hannah has always asserted an aggressive heterosexuality, discussing her sexual conquests in florid detail. To my knowledge, they have all involved men, mostly gorgeous ones that Hannah encounters in her work as a cheerleader for the local RFU team.
'I think we're ready to proceed.' Abigail has gagged Verity with the large red ball gag. It matches the stripes of the helpless woman's corset and lingerie in exactly the was Hannah's gag doesn't. 'But I think your bottom has suffered enough. I'd hate to think of you having to explain too many bruises when you pose for your art students.'
Abigail crouches and removes Verity's patent leather shoes. The helpless woman fights to keep them, the chains cuffing her wrists and ankles to the horse clicking as she struggles and her corset creaking loudly but there is very little she can do and soon her stockinged feet are exposed. Abby caresses them with the tawse and Verity renews her struggles which again are in vain.
'..oooooo !' Verity shakes her head.
I don't recall her being quite this ticklish but I have not previously had the pleasure of strapping her down and tickling her feet. I make a mental note add it to my bucket list.
'Oh keep still you baby.' Abby chides, continuing to knead Verity's feet, and producing a shriek and string of moderately comprehensible expletives.
I make a note to invest in an effective gag when it's my turn.
'Perhaps the crop would be better. What do you think ladies ?'
Jenny stretches against her bondage to pull it from the top of Abigail's boot and Verity directs her next torrent of abuse at the pert blonde.
'I think someone else is in for a spanking later.' Abby accepts the crop from Jenny and winks at her. 'I'd forgotten I'd brought this.'
Again she teases Verity's stockinged feet and the brunette renews her struggles.
'It's just as well Jo chose a solid bra for you or those great big fun bags of yours would be busting out all over the place.'
Verity growls angrily and then yelps as Abby strikes her foot. Her feet are clearly a lot more sensitive to the crop than her bottom to the tawse and after only three strokes to each it is clear Verity has head enough.
'I'm sure Jenny will kiss them better for you.' Abby pats Verity's bottom and the woman looks round glaring at her over the gag which is now wet with saliva.
Abby crouches and releases Verity helping her up from the horse. The brunette's skin is covered in a thin sheen of sweat brought on by her struggles and her impressive chest is rising and falling accompanied by creaks of her corset. She reaches behind her head and struggles to unbuckle the gag and I fear a sharp rebuke for a joke gone too far but even as she fumbles with the gag I can see that her nipples are huge and erect and her knickers are wet with more than just sweat.
Carol comes to Verity's rescue, freeing the strap and steadying her as she pulls the huge ball out of her mouth followed by a gush of saliva.
'Oh, you're all wet.' Abby holds a fresh glass of champagne in one hand and reaches out to run a finger over the saliva soaking into Verity's bra. 'Perhaps we should get you out of those wet things.'
My fears of a rebuke heighten and I sense the others tensing too but Verity smiles coyly.
'Is that an order, Mistress ?'
I tense, I really don't want Abby pairing off with Verity.
Abby smiles. 'Would you obey me if it were ? You haven't even thanked me for whipping you yet.'
'Thank you, Mistress.' Verity gives a mock curtsey and snatches the champagne glass from Abby's hand, lifting it to her lips, and downing the remaining half glass in one.
'I needed that.'
'Perhaps we should eat.' I am keen to keep the party going and, if I can to break this unfortunate connection between Verity and my Abigail. 'More drinks too.'
We move to the buffet and I encourage everyone to dig in. I free Jenny but notice that although Carol removes Hannah's gag she does not free the girl's arms, taking a little extra onto her plate with the brunette's leash looped around her wrist. When Carol sits Hannah kneels beside her and, after her gag is removed, accepts small bites of food in a series of exquisitely submissive gestures.
We drink more champagne, Hannah at one stage emulating Jenny's earlier trick of lapping it from a bowl though managing to spill more than she drinks and getting as much over her face as in her mouth. It occurs to me that Jenny is either naturally more coordinated than the brunette, which seems unlikely, or perhaps has done this before.
'So, what do I need to do to get myself out of this chastity belt ?' Carol puts down her plate.
'I'll let you go after I've used you for a little demonstration.' I stand and clear some space on the coffee table. 'Jen, could you pass me that box.'
Jenny, still wearing her black leather thigh and wrist cuffs and, for the moment her lacy black bra and knickers, bends delightfully to pick up a heavy box which she places on the space I have cleared. I open the box and produce a short metal rod.
'Welcome to the world of plug'n'play bondage.' I hold up the rod. 'Carol come here.'
Carol loops Hannah's leash over the arm of the chair in which she is sitting and comes to kneel in front of me.
'Put your arms behind your back.'
Carol raises and eyebrow but obeys and I insert the rod between her elbow cuffs. The ends click into place so her elbows are held about three inches apart.
'All the chains and rods clip into slots in the cuffs she wears.' I clip a short chain to her right wrist cuff and then link it to the left.
Carol obligingly struggles to show her helplessness.
'Tire of one position and you can change it for another.' I unclip one end of the chain and use it to fasten Carol's right wrist to her steel belt. I repeat the process with her left arm. She now stands with her wrists at her sides and her elbows pinned behind her.
'Cute.' Jenny takes a handful of rods and chains. 'So we can position her any way we want to.'
'Your imagination and her flexibility your only limit.'
Jenny laughs and gently pushes Carol to her knees with a fingertip then slips her hands between the redhead's knees easing them apart before plugging a rod between her thigh cuffs to hold them there. She taps meaningfully on the front panel of Carol's chastity belt.
'Suppose we want to spread her out a little wider.'
'The bars come in various lengths.'
'Won't she be able to take them off herself ?'
I show Jenny the release mechanism. It's fiddly with one hand but probably not impossible.
'We also have these.' I produce two steel balls the size of a fist. I slip one on to Carol's right hand, fastening it to the wrist cuff and give Jenny the other.
'Neat.' Jenny covers Carol's left hand.
'I hope you have the keys to these too.' Carol pulls gently at her bonds, the chains securing her wrists clicking gently.
'Oh, they don't necessarily need keys though you can set them to lock.' I grin. 'Which incidentally is what I have done for the chastity belt...and the bra.'
'I think it's time to find out just how flexible Carol is.' Verity, of all of us seems to find Carol the most irritating and, after her spanking is probably feeling a little vengeful; not that Carol was particularly involved.
There is a murmur of approval and, without hesitation, Jenny eases Carol on to her side before using a short bar to hold the redhead's ankles together. She then uses chains to lock Carol's ankles to the back of her thighs and then another to link the front of her collar to the front of her thighs.
Carol is left lying on her side in a sort of ball tie and Jenny gives her a playful slap before standing up to exhibit her work.
'Perhaps we should have her kneeling. I hate to see a slave lying down on the job.' Verity smirks as she says this and Carol glares at her while Jenny and I lift her to a kneeling position. The redhead is completely helpless, forced to kneel awkwardly, head bowed. With her elbows pulled behind her and her wrists cuffed to her waist Carol's pale freckled bottom is clearly open to abuse, the thin metal strap on the chastity belt offering no protection.
'Abby.' Verity grins. 'Could I borrow you crop ?'
'Of course, dear.' Abby has tucked the crop back into her boot top. She removes it and passes it across the table.
Standing in her bra and corset holding the whip, Verity suddenly looks very dominant.
'What do you say Carol ?' Verity grins broadly. 'Six ?'
'Yes, Mistress.' The strain of the position is clear in Carol's voice.
'Good girl.' Verity brings the crop down on Carol's bottom and I watch the redhead grit her teeth. I guess Carol is probably more dominant than submissive and probably more sadist that masochist.
I turn to look at Hannah's reacting. She still kneels submissively watching her hitherto mistress being beaten. I wonder if she has reviewed any thoughts she may have about being spanked or whipped later.
The slap of leather on bare flesh brings my attention firmly back to the Verity and Carol, watching the scene of domination and submission with mounting pleasure.
The whipping is quickly over and Carol has six red weals across her bottom and he skin appears even paler than usual.
'Please let her go.' Hannah is now standing beside me.
'I don't think she enjoyed that.'
I look at Jenny who nods and bends to release the chain holding Carol in her crouched position.
Gratefully, the redhead straightens up. Her face is pale.
I watch as Hannah drops to her knees in front of Carol her dark eyes searching into the redhead's face anxiously.
'Are you alright, Mistress.' Hannah blushes again as she says it.
Carol smiles. 'I'm fine. A little pain is good for the soul.'
Hannah leans forward and plants a kiss on Carol's lips.
We all stare in amazement, even Carol looks surprised and then, gently, returns the kiss.
'I think we all need another drink.' Jenny breaks the moment reaching for another bottle of fizz. 'I'm dying to see what's in store for Abbs.'
Tying Abby is a delightful experience. The rope I use is soft, designed for tight bondage without the rope-burns and Abby, removed from her dominatrix outfit is a perfectly willing subject. Though not quite as voluptuous as Verity, her figure is full enough to dimple beautifully and her breasts are large enough to bind properly.
I have practiced a number of shibari techniques on an old dressmaking mannequin though the excitement of applying rope to bare skin makes me go wrong in a few places. However, Abby and the others are patient with my mistakes, though I notice Carol and Hannah are clearly distracted by each other as they kneel side by side, still in bondage, leaning together and exchanging meaningful glance and each brushing their lips against the other's intermittently.
Verity, particularly seems to be enjoying the spectacle though I notice Jenny plying her with drinks, bending over suggestively and doing as much as she can to distract the brunette.
When Abby's bondage is finished she kneels with her arms folded up behind her back in a form of reverse prayer tie, her arms harnessed to he body with multiple loops of rope that intertwine with her tight breast bondage. More ropes wrap around her hips and pass between her legs, knotted and doubled in a way that means every movement of her captive body teases her labia and clitoris. Her legs are folded beneath her and each calf is tied tightly against its corresponding thigh allowing her to spread her legs and even crawl. I desire access to her more intimate regions even though I have bound them. The ropes will be easily removed later. My final touch is two ribbons, one around each stiffly erect and very large nipple, tight enough to make them tingle. Abby clearly enjoys the application of these.
'I feel as if I've been gift wrapped.' She grins. 'I wonder who's going to open me ?'
I try to hide my smile.
Carol and Hannah are eating each other's faces on the carpet and Jenny has finally succeeded in gaining Verity's full attention by slipping off her bra and allowing the brunette to try my collection of nipple clamps on her. Verity, never one to hold her drink, is clearly drunk and both girls are giggling hysterically as they play with the blonde's nipples.
'I'm sure someone will look after you.' I stroke Abby's dark hair.
Abby looks at me almost shyly. 'I was rather hoping it might be you.'
I try to hide the surge of pleasure I feel. I had thought Abby more dominant, hence my choice of costume for her. I had expected, or at least hoped, to be her sub; the thought of having her as mine sends a thrill through me that is hard to disguise. I think Abby notices but she says nothing.
There is a disappointed moan behind me. I turn to see Verity slumped asleep in the armchair, Jenny still sitting on her lap. The blonde is still wearing the black lacy knickers but no longer wears her bra. The black leather cuffs still encircle her wrists and thighs. Her nipples are clamped, a steel bar between them with screw clamps on either end.
Jenny grins at me and then looks disappointedly at the sleeping Verity. 'All dressed up and no place to go.' She pulls the bar stretching her pert little breasts giving a pout as the clamps tighten. 'Guess I'll get us all another drink.' She stands unsteadily clearly completely comfortable with her nakedness and her clamped nipples.
I look at Abby, I long for her but, I realise, I must distract Jenny.
'You deserve a second bondage session.'
Jenny grins. 'Going to trot me round the garden again ?' She pulls on the bar between her nipples again. 'Perhaps you could clip the reins to these.' She laughs loudly and Verity stirs briefly before her head lolls back and she snores noisily.
'I have just the thing for you.'
Jenny picks up her glass and drains it. 'Ready and willing.' She pauses before adding 'Mistress.'
'Over there.' I point to the French windows.
'A little outdoor fun, eh ?'
'Too late for that now.' I pick up some straps that are designed to hook over doors and provide anchor points.
A few moments later Jenny's arms are spread wide above her head, wrists cuffed to the upper corners of the doors. I add similar cuffs to her ankles, keeping them about eighteen inches apart.
'A girl could feel very vulnerable like this.' Jenny pulls at her bonds. 'Especially if she wasn't wearing any knickers.'
'Just as well you are.' I run my finger across her sex and her eyes widen. Her knickers are very wet. She looks at Abby.
'Don't worry. I have something to keep you amused.'
I pick up a bit gag and a blindfold. Jenny accepts these with no fuss. She looks delicious and intensely vulnerable spread out, blind and helpless. From the flush of her skin and her breathing I can tell she is very horny and I wonder if the blindfold has liberated her, allowing her to enjoy the sensations of the bondage in which she is held. I can recall times when I have felt like this.
I warn her before carefully slipping a vibrator into her knickers. She gasps around her gag. The vibrator has a wire which I connect to a switch; the switch has a ring on each side, pull the rings apart and the switch activates the vibrator. I thread a chain through one of the rings and clip the end to her gag then I put a chain through the other ring and, telling her to bend her head, fasten the chain to her thigh cuffs.
'Lift you head.'
Jenny obeys and I hear the vibrator start. She gasps.
'Head down.'
Again she obeys.
I watch her lift her head again and, once more hear the buzz of the vibrator.
'Stop that !' I spank her hard on her bottom. 'Head down.'
Jenny gives a gagged moan of disappointment but lowers her head.
'In a moment you can play all you like but I haven't quite finished with you yet.'
I hook the chain that runs from her gag to the switch to her nipple clamps.
'Try it again.'
Jenny lifts her head and I watch her nipples go up with it, the clamps tightening. The helpless woman gasps and lowers her head.
'Beautiful predicament, isn't it ?' I reach out and gently rub one of her clamped erect nipples. I have tried the arrangement on myself, lying in bed, my wrists cuffed behind me and my ankles strapped together. I recall how sore my nipples were the next day.
Jenny is already drooling around her gag and her saliva has run onto her breasts. With her head down, she looks ultimately submissive.
'Head up.' I spank her again.
Jenny obeys, nipples lifting, the vibrator buzzing.
Again she obeys.
I lick my finger and trace it over her nipples then blow on them gently.
I hear a cough and look up. Abby, still kneeling in her rope bondage is looking at me.
'I thought I was going to be your new sex toy...'
I resist the urge to apologise. 'It sounds like my slave needs to learn some manners.'
'Perhaps she does, Mistress.' Abby lowers her head but not quickly enough to cover her smile.
'Mistress.' It is Hannah's voice. She and Carol are lying together, Carol still held in her hogtie position and wearing the chastity restraints, Hannah in her knickers and thigh boots, arms still strapped behind her in the single sleeve. I notice the bell has come off one of her nipples and watch as Carol uses her teeth to remove the other one. Hannah gives a delightful squeak.
'Please, Mistress. Could you take off Carol's chastity belt ?'
'Well, since you ask so nicely.' I pick up the key and unlock the device. The metal is slick with the redhead's juices. I remove her chastity bra too and am unable to stop myself giving one of her nipples a gently pinch.
'My nipples need some attention too.' Abby squirms in her bonds, her large breasts swinging and the ribbons around her nipples fluttering. 'Though if Mistress prefers her other toys I think these ropes will keep me amused for the rest of the night.'
I pick up the crop that she used on Verity and stand in front of Abby using the whip to tease her nipples.
'Is this what you had in mind.'
'Something like that.' Abby squirms.
There is a cry behind me and I turn. Jenny has clearly just come and as I watch she tips her head back again bringing on another climax. It is clear her nipples are in for a night of significant self-abuse.
'It's very distracting in here.' Abby grins. 'Perhaps we could go somewhere quieter.'
'Aren't you a little tied up ?'
'I'm sure if Mistress put her slave on a leash she would follow obediently.'
'Perhaps I'd rather watch you squirm.'
Abby looks coy and then, keeping her eyes on me rolls onto the floor, lying on her belly. Then she begins to squirm across the floor towards the door. I follow a few steps behind and, when she stops to catch her breath, encourage her along with a stroke from the whip on her bottom or the soles of her feet. Although she complains about her cruel mistress she clearly enjoys the ordeal; something that is facilitated by the knots of the crotch rope teasing her pussy and the carpet no doubt rubbing her nipples.
As I follow her into the dining room I look back. Verity is still snoring in the chair and I consider cuffing her but then decide to leave her. I don't want to be disturbed if she wakes up in the night needing to relieve herself and, given that my other friends are all helpless, it seems sensible to leave one of their number free incase of emergencies even if, for the next hour or so she will probably be quite hard to wake up. Jenny is giving her nipples a rest and catching her breath though even as I watch she lifts her head again. Carol and Hannah are lapping at each other's pussies and I suspect my little soiree has made quite an impact on them.
'Mistress.' Abby has rolled onto her back. Her legs are spread wide exposing her roped pussy, her nipples are stiffly erect. I notice she has lost one of the ribbons from her nipples. I bend to pick it up, replacing it and pulling it a little tighter than necessary.
'Ouch.' Abby pouts deliberately.
I place the whip between her teeth and push the door shut. I consider making her unzip my catsuit with her teeth but I really can't wait any longer. With Abby watching I peel myself free of the clinging rubber and fall upon my helpless slave.