Author's Note: Hi everyone, I'm back! After a long hiatus due to serious health issues I've decided to post my fifth story. Unfortunately, writing does not provide me with the same spark that it used to so I am uncertain as to when I will be able to post further updates. As of now, this is a work in progress.
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As always, I accept any and ALL feedback. Whether it be positive or negative.
Her long, tanned legs stretched over the side of her bed as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She took a few uneasy steps as she headed for the curtains. She gasped as she slowly drew them, temporarily blinding her deep green eyes. The sun was still partly blocked by trees but that didn't stop it from fighting through and melting the light covering of frost on the grass. Stephanie scanned her room searching for some of her clothes, forgetting that they had been confiscated at the front desk. They had all been traded in for a solid steel chastity belt, which she now wore.
It's not that she didn't want this, this was exactly what she wanted. She paid a handsome sum of money for this 'vacation'; something that most people would call hell. It was a beautiful, secluded resort in the northern region of New York State, far away from prying eyes. They offer a very special service for a niche market; people who enjoy and live for chastity. The concept is simple, pay to come and stay at the resort like you would with a normal vacation. Of course it includes 5 star accommodation, food, drinks and naturally mandatory chastity and bondage.
Stephanie rushed to make herself look somewhat presentable. She spent some time doing her makeup, straightening her beautiful brunette hair, and finally spraying a little bit of perfume as a final touch. She adjusted her very secure chastity belt and moaned at her aching pussy begging for attention. The grand clock in the main hall began to chime; she would become officially late on the 11th ring.
She hopped down and the stairs, rounded the corner and joined the line of at least 15 naked guests, save for their chastity belts/devices. Cocks strained against plastic and steel as pussies ached and dripped behind their equally as restrictive prisons. Some suffered even worse fates, as Steph could hear faint buzzing sounds of vibrators locked inside pussies or asses. 'how awful, but how delicious it must be' she thought to herself as she put her hands behind her back and awaited the House Mistress to arrive.
The clock gonged for the 11th time and then there was complete silence. Females, males, the young and old, wealthy businessmen and successful women, they all stood at attention with their hands behind their backs. Finally, the sound of high heels echoed through the halls. She was here. The one they all worshiped, the House Mistress. She stood in front of them all, towering over 6' tall in expensive 6" leather stiletto pumps, her blonde hair flowed well past her shoulders, her icy blue eyes stared each of them down; not a word was said. Leather leggings clung to her legs and hugged her curves while an equally as tight fitting corset accentuated her D breasts. A single key hung from her neck attached to a gold and platinum chain.
"Good morning slaves, I expect you all had a good nights sleep." She finally spoke, everyone lowered their eyes. "Here are your assignments for the day. Slaves 1-5 will be on reception today, 5 new slaves should be arriving shortly. Slaves 6-9 shall have relaxation and pleasure. Slaves 10-15 will receive punishment and teasing. And slave 16, you will be my personal assistant for the day." Stephanie's heart jumped up into her throat, slave 16 was her number. She had heard stories of the things that happen when you're the house mistress' 'assistant'. She would be in for a rough day.
"Why the fuck do I have to do this again, I did it two days ago." Said Phil with disgust.
"Shut up, or we'll all get in trouble. I don't want to be punished again." Amanda replied as she began to change into the uniform. The slaves at reception were responsible for welcoming, registering, pleasuring and then fitting all new slaves with a chastity device. Before arriving, every slave submits an information form which contains all their measurements, physical description, any special requests/needs and a picture so that the management knows the type of individual arriving. Also, customized steel belts can be made to fit the slave.
Amanda tightened the rear strings on her corset before pulling up her thigh high stockings and clipped them to the garter. Finally, she slipped on her 5" red stiletto platform heels. Her steel chastity belt was still exposed, locked firmly to her nether region. Amanda had gone without an orgasm for almost two weeks, and she still had another two to go; the longest she had gone without relief.
Males at reception were required to wear almost the same as females. Phil reluctantly pulled up his black chaps and then his tight fitting leather top complete with bow tie. Amanda's desire to have Phil inside her increased with each passing day; but both their chastity belts denied any chance of that. Phil was extremely attractive, with a nice build, tanned, toned muscles and dark flowing hair. Amanda was 28 and she guessed that Phil was around the same age; perfect.
"Hey, Mandy, can you give me a hand." Phil said, as he gestured her to help him with his bow tie. She helped without hesitation.
"Seems really nice outside, I hope we can have some relaxation time soon." She made small talk as she finished the knot.
"Yeah, I'd like that. Hopefully we can have it together." Butterflies fluttered in her stomach. 'Is that him hitting on me?' She thought to herself, almost forgetting to say something. "Yeah, that would be great!" Was the only reply she muster, along with a stupid grin on her face.
The other 3 slaves arrived whom were assigned to reception duty, dressed in similar attire. "You guys ready?" Asked a middle aged man, maybe in his 40's. Amanda had never learned anyone else's name, nor did she care to; except for Phil's.
"Yup, our new arrivals should be here in about 30 minutes." Phil said, as he turned and walked towards the reception area.
Amanda quickly joined him behind the front desk and waitied for the new arrivals, she always felt nervous standing in front of strangers dressed as she was. At least the desk could offer her a little bit of cover.
Before she knew it, the five new guests arrived in a dark coloured limousine. Three men and two women, the oldest of which must have been in his 50s and the youngest in her 20s; the latter is what caught Amanda's intoxicating blue eyes. This girl must have been a model and if she wasn't, she should. Skin tight jeans clung to her long legs and a thick, dark beige jacket with fur trim couldn't even cover her insane cleavage. Her hood was drawn up and large sunglasses covered most of her face.
"Hello and welcome to the resort, ma'am." Amanda said politely with a genuine smile as the female approached the desk. At this point, the other slaves were already approaching the other new arrivals; one slave for each new guest. Males always welcomed males and females did the same with their female counterparts.
"Hey, thank you." Replied the female, as she adjusted her hood to better hide her face.
"Can I please have your name, ma'am?" Amanda asked professionally.
"Katie. Katie Winters." She said at almost a whisper. Amanda quickly checked the registry and pulled out Katie's file. She read over the background before taking the file and ushering Katie towards the first interview room.
Once inside the room, she offered Katie a seat first before taking one herself, kicking off her heels as she sat. Amanda never really liked heels; sure, they made your legs look amazing but it wasn't worth the pain to her. She was more of a flats and sneakers kind of girl.
"You can take your coat off Ms. Winters, make yourself comfortable." Katie hesitantly stood and removed her jacket then placed it on the back of her chair, removing her sunglasses as well. This girl was certainly gorgeous, standing only about 5' 4"; but that did not take away from her many attractive qualities. Her blonde hair fell just past her shoulders into gentle curls. Her dark hazel eyes kept you locked to her, making you unable to look away. Perfect straight teeth sat behind luscious red lips that just popped.
"Ms. Winters, I hope that you had a nice trip down here. My name is Amanda, I will be helping you get up to speed on things today. If you have any questions, just ask." Mandy opened the folder with all of Katie's information in it. It contained likes, dislikes, breast size, turn ons, turn offs, chastity preference, favourite colour; literally anything you could think of. "What is your experience with chastity?" The pretty red head asked politely.
"Myself and my husband play from time to time. He wanted me to get more experience and trained so he sent me here." Replied Katie, hesitantly.
"Great, you'll definitely get the experience you're looking for." Amanda said with a wink and small smile. Katie did not return the look, in fact, she looked scared. "It's okay Ms. Winters, everyone is nervous when you first get here. But you'll get used to it." Mandy continued to read off the questions and write down the answers, it didn't go on for long before it was time to fit Katie with a belt.
"Now Ms. Winters, it is time. Please read over all the terms and then sign the contract. Please note that should you blatantly disrespect the house or its mistress, perform illegal activities or do anything else the house Mistress considers outside the normal scope of what we do here, you will be removed from the resort. You will not have your deposit returned, you must arrange for your own transportation home and your clothes will not be returned. In other words, be a good girl." Amanda said with another pretty smile.
Katie read it over before signing and dating at the bottom. Her hand shook nervously as she placed the pen down and refused to look Amanda in those dark blue eyes.
"Please take your clothes off Ms. Winters. Underwear has to go as well." It almost looked as if Katie was about to protest, but instead she slowly stood. Her tight fitting purple sweater was the first to go, revealing an even tighter, white, low cut top underneath. Amanda couldn't help but stare at the woman's cleavage, making her feel jealous of the blonde. Katie hesitated taking her top off, Amanda could tell she was the shy type that always liked getting changed alone.
"It's okay Katie, look at what I'm wearing." Amanda said as she gestured down to her chastity belt. "Nothing to be embarrassed about, it's just us." That was a lie; the house mistress had small cameras in these rooms and liked watching the new slaves. Sometimes, she would even make a personal appearance if she saw someone she liked.
A small, shy smile escaped Katie's lips as she peeled off her top revealing her large, shaped breasts being held almost precariously in their purple lace bra. Katie shimmied out of her skin tight jeans next to show a dark purple matching lace thong. Katie stood there with her arms crossed over her chest, refusing to look at Amanda once again.
"Katie? The thong and bra has to go as well." Amanda said, with a little more authority in her voice. Katie's face turned red as she reached behind her back and released the clasp of her bra, freeing her twin monsters from their lace prison. Mandy stared for a bit before she snapped back to what was happening. "The thong?" She pressured.
Katie slid her undergarments down her short legs and stepped out of them. Before Katie's hand went to cover herself Amanda could see her sex glistening; almost begging for attention. "Step to the middle, here please." Amanda ordered as she pointed to a spot in the middle of the room. Katie obeyed, this time without hesitation. Amanda collected a spreader bar, pair of cuffs, small length of chain and some locks from a closet in the corner of the room. "Spread your legs." Katie did as she was told. Amanda buckled and locked the cuffs onto her ankles before attaching and adjusting the spreader bar to a distance of about 2 feet. Amanda then pulled one of the chairs over to stand on beside Katie. "Raise your arms above your head, please." Amanda asked. Katie once again did as she was told, with a bit more hesitation this time. It was apparent that she was getting nervous again.
Amanda secured both leather cuffs to the blonde's slender wrists. The cuffs were then locked to an eye bolt in the ceiling. The timid blonde was completely immobile now, and looked as if she was about to panic. Amanda stroked the side of the short girls face in a soothing manner.
"It's okay sweetheart, I'm not going to hurt you." She continued to stoke before locking both ends of the spreader bar to small rings on the floor that Katie never even noticed. "Now, before locking you into your device I have to inspect you." Before Katie could ask what that meant, Amanda's fingers were already inside of her moist pussy. She let out a quiet, shy gasp before asking the red head "what the hell are you doing?"
"Just my job. All new slaves have to be relieved of all the pressure and stress they bring with them." Amanda's fingers continued to probe and stroke the inside of Katie's slit. The blonde let out another moan, this time a little louder, as Amanda paid more attention to her swollen clit. "My my, someone likes the attention." Mandy said with a sly grin as she pulled her fingers out of the helpless girl.
"Please, please stop." Katie said with a whimper.
"Never been with a girl before?" Amanda asked. Katie shook her head 'no'. "Well, once we get this belt on, you'll be begging the mistress to let me finger you again. Amanda circled around behind the girl, out of view. "You have an amazing ass." She commented.
"Thank... thank you, mistress." She replied.
"I'm wearing a chastity belt babe, and was in the same spot as you not too long ago. I'm not your mistress." Amanda strode back over to the table and picked up Katie's folder. "Says here you like ass play?"
"Yes.... Ma'am."
"Don't call me ma'am either. Amanda, Mandy, red head, or anything else. Just not Mistress or Ma'am." Amanda's blue eyes returned to the folder. "Hmm, I think I might have a surprise for you then." Amanda grinned devilishly. She retrieved a fairly large black butt plug from the chest and applied a generous amount of lubricant to it. Katie tried to relax as Amanda went behind her and began to gently ease it inside of her.
"You have a greedy ass." Amanda stated as the plug was swallowed easily by the blonde's asshole. Katie was so distracted by the invader that she hardly noticed the red head now on her knees in front of her. Amanda's tongue circled the blonde's slit; teasing and lapping it against the clit's hood. Her fingers came into play next as she simultaneously penetrated and teased the blonde. Katie began slowly rocking her hips towards Mandy. 'That didn't take long' Amanda thought to herself as she began to pick up the pace.
The smell began to envelop Amanda as she licked and fingered the blonde's now dripping pussy. She stopped before Katie could cum. The blonde let out a disappointed sigh but was almost glad to be done. Amanda stuck her fingers into Katie's panting mouth, nearly causing a gag reflex.
"Relax." Amanda soothed, as she rubbed her fingers on the girl's tongue. "It's just the taste of your pussy." Amanda laughed before pulling her fingers out and taking another taste for herself.
As Amanda went searching through the closet once more, Katie wondered what else could possibly be inside there. She soon had her answer when Amanda emerged with a 5.5" pink dildo. Once again, Amanda applied a generous amount of lubricant to it before attaching it to the front of her own chastity belt.
Amanda approached the defenceless girl and wrapped her arms around her slender waist as she took a deep kiss. Amanda could still taste the blonde's pussy as her tongue glided over Katie's. Amanda felt pleased with herself as Katie began to return the kiss, easing her tongue into Amanda's open mouth. As Amanda kissed back, she began to ease the dildo inside Katie. Kate moaned into Amanda's mouth as she began to passionately kiss her captor/mistress/fellow slave. Amanda's hips began to rock, driving the dildos full length inside of the moaning girl. Both the butt plug and dildo fanned Katie's bliss that was now approaching a boiling point. Amanda only quickened the pace and stopped kissing the gorgeous blonde for a moment to catch her breath.
Katie screamed into Amanda's mouth as the wave took over her entire body. Shivers quickly spread as the feeling took complete control. Amanda refused to stop, she continued to pound the blonde as she began to slump in her restraints, exhausted from her powerful orgasm. Before Katie could fully get a hold of herself she could feel another wave filling up inside of her. Her pussy dripped as the hot pink dildo continued its unrelenting attack. Katie thought to herself in between thrusts 'this is going to be a long, exhausting day'.
Slave 7 was her official name but everyone called her Nikki.... or slut. Nicole had been sent here by her counselor for sex addiction, ironically enough she was also fucking him. She always needed to have a dick or a phallic shaped object inside of her. Sometimes she would even want a pussy if the mood struck her. Sex started to control her life to the point that she couldn't do or think of anything else. She constantly called in sick or late to work, slept with several different guys a night and would go to the washroom at work to masturbate.
She had the biggest frustration with the belt. Most people came because they enjoy chastity, however this whole concept was new to Nicole. She spent a total of two weeks in the custom made, high security steel belt so far. Three more weeks to go. Like most guests, she got extended vacation time from her employer; a law firm based out of New York City.
For the first time in five days Nicole finally got to relax, along with four of her fellow slaves. 'Slave', the word still had a strange sound to her; she had never been used to being someone's bitch. She lounged in the common room reading one of her mushy romantic novels, wishing that she could be free of the belt for a few seconds to give her sensitive pussy a much needed rub.
"Hey, can I sit." Asked one of the guys that Nicole didn't really know.
"Sure." She replied quickly with a cold tone, frustrated that he had interrupted her reading. 'Fuck, now I have to re-read this page.' She thought to herself.
He eased himself down on a chair directly beside her. "My name is David. And you are?" He offered to shake her hand.
"Nicole. But everyone calls me Nikki." She glanced up from her book to shake his hand before returning her gaze to the romantic words of 'Summer's Love'. There were a few moments of awkward silence before he spoke again.
"My ex used to read that book, said she loved it. Also made her horny as hell so I didn't complain." He said with a chuckle.
"That so?" Nicole replied coldly once again.
"Yeah. So what are you here for, pleasure?" He asked, refusing to shut up.
"Actually I'm a sex addict and I'm here because my counselor said I should try it. Now I would really appreciate it if you let me read my book." She snapped, looking up at him when he didn't say anything else to meet his brown eyes. She couldn't help it but she looked down at his cock straining against its plastic cage. Her hands instinctively went for her belt, trying to find a way around the wall of steel.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." His face turned flush red as he began to stand and tried to hide his erection.
"It's more than okay." She smiled, looking down at his cock again. Even trapped inside the plastic she could tell he was well endowed; what she wouldn't give to suck him off and then have him fuck her, right then and there.
"Have a seat Donald, don't be shy." She said with a huge grin, drinking in every second of his penis growing inside of its cage.
"It's David..." He replied as he sat.
"Right, sorry, this book is distracting." He certainly had her attention now. Not many of the guys here were locked up in one of these devices, almost all of them wore steel ones for security. At least with this one she actually got to see a penis.
They exchanged small talk for a little while before getting into more sexual things, such as their preferences and turn offs. Nikki desperately wanted to stop talking about this, she could almost feel her vagina starting to drip. But she kept going, flirting with him and touching his arm and leg gently from time to time.
"Hey, wanna go back to my room and talk for a bit? I have drinks." He asked as he stood, offering his hand to help her out of her chair. She agreed, almost forgetting that sex would be impossible with the belts on.
His suite was just like every other one; large kitchenette, spacious washroom complete with marble counter tops and floors, master bedroom with a king sized bed, flat screen TVs in every room and many other amenities that you would expect to find in a five star resort.
David went and grabbed two beers from the fridge. When he turned around to face his guest she was pressed right up against him. Her leg was pushed up between his crotch which she used to grind against his chastity tube. Her kiss was strong and aggressive, catching him off guard. He returned it, pushing his tongue into her mouth and slid it along her perfect teeth. She let her straight dirty blonde hair fall from its pony tail as she pushed him towards the bed room.
"Wait, wait, what do you think we're doing. We can't fuck." He stated the obvious as he gestured down to his cock straining against the plastic. She pushed him onto the bed and jumped on top of him all the while, continuing to kiss him. She kissed his upper chest and slowly went down his body. Then she started kissing and sucking around the base of his penis before taking the device into her mouth. She sucked at it and smiled to herself; this is just what she wanted. She loved the feeling of power she got while teasing a guy before sex. Only one problem, she was starting to get turned on herself. Correction, really turned on. She could now feel her sex getting increasingly wet with some of her juices escaping past the belt and running down her thighs.
"Wait, stop." He said abruptly as he gently pushed her off of him. He sat up on the bed and started adjusting his chastity tube.
"What are you doing?" She asked, annoyed. He simply held up a finger to his lips as he continued to fiddle with his device. With a little bit of effort, he managed to pull his penis out of the plastic tube. She was shocked, she didn't even know that was possible.
"How did you do that?!" She demanded. The penis got even harder now, drinking up all the fresh air and the sensation of being free.
"When my mistress sent me here, forcibly, I asked for a plastic device instead of a steel one cause I knew I could get out of one of these." He explained, very proud of himself. Without any further warning, the blonde leaned forward and took the head of the penis into her mouth. She ran her tongue around the tip and lapped at it. She could feel him getting increasingly hard as she took the penis deeper and deeper. She went slow and careful, wanting to tease him for as long as possible. His breath began to quicken as she took the full length to the back of her throat, gaging a little. She could feel his dick pulse and his hips began to rock; she knew he couldn't take much more.
Her pace was fast and aggressive, anyone could tell she had sucked a lot of dicks before this. Just when he was about to climax, she heard a noise behind her. Nikki stopped and looked towards the door, her mouth dropped when she saw her. The House Mistress.
"Oh please, keep going." She said, with the most evil of grins.
"What the fuck!" Yelled David as he sat up. The cum started flowing out of his dick, completely ruining his orgasm.
"Oh dear, you ruined his orgasm. I'm so sorry for interrupting." The Mistress stopped smiling and walked towards the bed, with Stephanie right behind her holding her own leash between her teeth. "Lick it up, bitch." David slowly gathered up his cum in his hands and hesitated before licking them clean. He cringed at the tangy, salty taste. Without warning the mistress brought her cane down on his exposed penis. He shrieked and instinctively went to protect his dick.
"Don't stop me you bitch, raise your hands above your head and don't move them!" She ordered, holding the cane above her head, ready for another smack. He reluctantly did as he was told. She brought several solid smacks down on his exposed dick and thighs. "Stand, slut." She ordered to Nicole.
Nicole did as she was told and stood with her hands behind her head. The mistress brought very strong smacks down on the blonde's average sized tits, causing her to yelp after every whack
"Slave 16!" The mistress yelled abruptly. Stephanie stepped forward without a moment's thought. "Secure these sluts for me." Stephanie hurried off to one of the supply closets that are at the end of each hall. She returned with many types of cuffs, chains and various other equipment.
Stephanie secured hinged handcuffs to both of their wrists behind the backs. Ankle and thigh cuffs were added next followed by a penis gag for the both of them. Tall posture collars were added and for her final touch, clover clamps were adorned to their nipples. Everything was locked on for security.
"Nice addition with the clamps, slave." The mistress commented. She let a few smacks loose on David's and Nikki's chests, making the clamps dig into the sensitive skin of the nipple even more. "You two really fucked up." She commented as she grabbed both of their arms and pushed them for the door.
He slammed the door shut of his room and made sure it was locked before heading straight for the washroom. He spat repeatedly and used a copious amount of mouthwash; no matter what he did he could still taste the zing of the man's cum in his mouth.
"Fucking bullshit, this isn't what I signed up for!" He yelled in anger as he hit his reflection in the mirror. He spat once again before he began to calm down. His dick pulsed inside of its tube, locked securely behind a wall of steel. Phil had chosen a Neosteel belt for his stay, a decision which he now regretted as it was impossible to receive any form of relief.
He spat once again and took another swig of mouthwash before heading into the living room. "That slut better not make me do that again." He said out loud referring to the House Mistress.
*KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK*. "Phil, its Amanda." Sounded the perky red head from the other side of the door. Phil unlocked the door and let her in.
"Hey, what are you doing here?" He really didn't care to see anyone right now and just wanted to know the purpose of her visit.
"Just thought I'd drop by, see how today went for you." She said as she walked into the living area and sat on the couch.
"Oh, okay. Yeah, make yourself at home." He said sarcastically. "It sucked, how did it go for you?"
"Had a hottie in today" she spoke as she played with the lock on the front of her chastity belt. "Poor girl was so shy and scared, I felt pretty bad for her."
"Is there a reason why you're here?" He cut her off. "Cause I wanted to have a nap and was hoping to get to dinner at a decent hour." Amanda stood and got right inside of Phil's personal space.
"Yeah, well a nap seems pretty boring. I was hoping we could." She began tracing her finger over Phil's chest. "I was hoping we could have some fun." She finished saying. First she gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek, nearly having to stand on the tips of her toes to do so. When he reacted well to that, she went in for another, this time on his lips. He began returning the kiss and his penis started filling it's tube, causing a delicious ache.
Amanda was aggressive but he liked that kind of aggression from a girl, especially from a red head. She continued her barrage, pushing him back onto a couch. She rubbed her hands over Phil's chastity shield before grabbing both his wrists with each hand. She brought his hands behind his back and held them there while she retrieved a pair of handcuffs which were tucked in the back of her belt.
She quickly applied both cuffs, before Phil knew what was going on, it was already too late.
"What the hell?" He demanded, pulling away from the kiss. She slapped him hard without hesitation.
"You might want to be more polite to me, I'm your only chance of escape after all". She was right. He could easily yell for help but no one would come, if anything they would just assist the crazy red head. "Now, I want you to stay put!" She ordered as she stood and headed for the door.
Sure, he was into chastity, which is a form of bondage, but Phil just wasn't ever into the whole 'handcuffs and rope' scene. He liked to be able to move and do as he pleased, that's not to say that he didn't enjoy it once and a while. Before he knew it, Amanda returned with an armful of equipment.
"Stand up." She ordered without so much as looking him in the eyes. He obediently stood, knowing it was probably best to just get this over with. She wrapped several leather straps around his legs. One at the ankles and one above and below the knees. She then locked on a slender leather collar, kissing his neck gently as she did so. He went in for another kiss but she stopped him, to insert a ring gag instead. He accepted it reluctantly. He thought she was done but clearly she wasn't, standing there holding a leather armbinder. She slipped the soft leather over Phil's arms, not even bothering to take off the handcuffs.
"I'm leaving the cuffs on cause I don't want you slipping away." She giggled as she finished lacing it up. She wrapped the straps around Phil to keep his arms pinned to his back and then completed it all by doing up the crotch strap.
"There!" She proclaimed. "You look so much better! Except for one more thing." Scissors were retrieved from the kitchenette, which she used to cut off Phil's shirt. He merely moaned his displeasure and struggled mildly. "Yumm, that is much better!" She bent down and began kissing and nibbling at the faint outline of his abs. She traced her fingers around the band of his chastity belt, searching for any give or weakness. She kissed him up his chest, around his neck and then to his gaged lips. She slipped her tongue through the ring and probed, his tongue finding hers in the process. He moaned when she pulled away and clipped a leash to the front of his collar.
"I don't know about you but I'm starved. I think its dinner time, slave." She smiled as she led him out the door.
She swung open the door to her room and was pleasantly surprised at what she saw. A large living area, lavish kitchen with marble countertops and soft lighting, two separate bedrooms with attached bathrooms. Her smile grew as she looked around, she was very pleased with herself for spending the extra money on the Queen's Suite.
Katie felt very bare, and extremely exposed; constantly covering her breasts while in her own room. She didn't even know how to feel about the high security prototype chastity belt that she wore. Her hands constantly roamed over it and she couldn't help but pull and claw at it to no avail.
This thing truly was the ultimate belt for orgasm denial. Even with her slender frame, she couldn't get so much as a finger nail past the front shield. The belt was perfectly formed to sit on her hips before dropping down to run over her flat, tight stomach. There were essentially two shields, one was raised off the other which provided protection from the use of vibrators while the other assured the utmost security against prying fingers. The belt was also equipped with a mini computer which could record the slaves location, whether the belt was removed, whether it was tampered with and finally whether it was destroyed. Through the download of an app, the Master/Mistress could also control pleasure via a vibrator built in behind the main shield or punishment through electric shock. And of course, the belt was perfectly sized, for her and her alone.
Katie sighed as her fingers grazed over the built in high security locks, she knew this belt wasn't going anywhere. She checked herself out in the hallway mirror, she could concede that she looked amazing but still felt strange; she was already beginning to miss her yoga pants, leggings and jeans.
The blonde didn't know what to do with herself, she had no bags as they had all been confiscated at the front desk, so she had nothing to unpack. She just plopped herself down on one of the leather couches and began watching some TV.
Her nosy fingers continued to trace and prod over the belt, she tried slipping past the front shield but there continued to be zero give. She pulled slightly on the front lock and received a very mild shock, almost a tingle, in her pussy. She shrieked and her hands darted down to relieve the pain. It had already subsided. Her mind raced, had she gone way over her head this time? This isn't something that you just bail out of and this was a serious belt she was wearing, with painful consequences.
What seemed like hours passed, 30 minutes in reality, when her door opened. Her hands shot up to cover her large boobs.
"What the hell!" She screamed as she looked at the tall, strangely dressed woman standing in the doorway.
"Is that how you treat all your guests?" The woman asked. "I'm the House Mistress, you should show me more respect. May I come in?"
'You've already opened the door, so why not?!' She thought. "Yes.... M-Mistress, of course." Is what she actually said as her nerves took over. The Mistress stepped inside, with a naked chastity belt wearing girl hot on her heels. The door was then shut. Katie couldn't help but take her eyes off the girl with her own leash in her mouth.
"Do you like her?" The Mistress asked. Katie couldn't think of anything to say so she thought it was best to just nod yes. "Well she's mine for today. Her name is slave 16 but the others call her Stephanie." The Mistress giggled and took a seat right beside Katie. The girl with the leash took a seat on the ground in front of the Mistress, like a dog would. Katie still covered herself with her hands, unsettled as to what this woman would do.
"Put your hands to your side, slave. I want to get a look at you." Katie slowly and reluctantly did as she was told. "My, my, you certainly are beautiful." The Mistress said as she traced her long nails over the blonde's DD breasts. "Are they real?" She asked.
"N-N-No Ma'am." Stuttered Katie.
"They are very well done." Commented the Mistress, as Katie's nipples began to harden. "You like being touched like this?" Katie nodded in agreement. "Slave!" The Mistress directed towards Stephanie. "Bring some clamps for our new guest."
"Clamps?" Katie had never really used clamps before, they just seemed too painful. In a flash, Steph returned with an intimidating set of clamps, connected with a chain.
"Clover clamps are my favourite. They tighten as you pull on the chain, which is perfect for leading slaves. Far better than a leash." The Mistress went to go to attach the clamps to Katie but Ms. Winters' hands darted up to cover her hardened nipples.
"Thank you but, but, I don't want them." Katie whined, feeling very intimidated by this woman. A look of surprise crossed over the woman's face, followed by a small, evil grin.
"I can handcuff your wrists behind your back and make you wear these clamps for 24 hours if that's what you'd rather do?" Katie reluctantly did as she was told and lowered her arms. The Mistress wasted no time and applied both clamps eliciting a small moan from the scared blonde. "There, that wasn't so bad!" The woman commented before taking out her phone. "Says here you tampered with your belt and that you received a light punishment. God I love these belts and this app."
"I didn't tamper with it, I just, EEEEKKKK!" She shrieked as a strong shock coursed through her vagina.
"Don't argue with me and don't touch your belt. That is my property behind that thing, remember!?" The Mistress boomed, grabbing onto Katie and forcing her to stand. She twisted both her arms behind her back and held them there with ease. "Slave 16, grab some handcuffs for our new slut." That word rang through her ears. 'slut'. Ever since high school, Katie loathed that word.
Stephanie went to the closet and returned with some hinged cuffs and a lock. The Mistress attached the cuffs to the back of Katie's belt and easily secured her hands within the cuffs. "Hopefully this will teach you to never talk back to me! I will let you out in a day or so, don't think of asking anyone for help either. They won't help you anyway."
"Wait, I obeyed and let you see my boobs. Please don't keep these clamps on me! Please!! You can keep me in handcuffs but take off the clamps!" For a moment the Mistress paused before standing.
"I would have, but that was before I knew you tried touching my property and before you talked back. Shut up or I'll add a gag!" The authoritarian Mistress boomed. "Besides, I kind of like you in clamps. And if I like it, it stays." The door was closed as both the Mistress and Stephanie left. Katie looked down at the clamps, with anger building inside of her. She let out a loud shriek before tears began to well in her eyes. She was definitely way over her head.
The tight collar that encircled her neck felt as though it got tighter as the day went on. She had followed the House Mistress for the entire day as she checked on guests, made sure chastity belts were locked on tight and helped administering punishment when required. Stephanie enjoyed the punishment part especially, regardless of whether that made her a sadist or not. She was always more dominant than submissive but had a special spot in her heart for chastity. She wanted to become more submissive so this vacation was her way of forcing herself to do just that. Even still, she couldn't help but feel embarrassed as she followed behind the Mistress holding her own leash in her mouth like a well trained hound.
"We're almost done, slave. Just going to head back to my office then I'll let you go for the rest of the day." Steph was relieved, she was looking forward to being able to put her feet up on a chair beside the pool.
They both walked into the Mistresses' office which was beautifully furnished and decorated. The room was very spacious and had several comfortable looking couches in the corner, a large office desk in the middle, several filing cabinets as well as a couple of book shelves which contained various bondage and fetish literature. The office also had a huge picture window looking out onto the beautiful rolling hills and forest. It was a gorgeous office, if not for the steel cage and D rings anchored to the floor just beside the Mistresses' desk.
"Go and sit beside the cage, slave." Stephanie obeyed obediently and sat beside the cage in a heartbeat. The Mistress sat on the leather chair behind the desk and started going through some paper work. Stephanie did not dare to say a word, still holding the leash in her mouth. After a few moments, the Mistress removed the leash from Stephanie's mouth and clipped it to the floor.
"You were a very good girl today". The Mistress commented as she began booting up her computer.
"Thank you, Mistress." The brunette replied timidly.
"Would you like some kind of reward?"
"I do not require any reward, Mistress. Serving you was reward enough." Stephanie said as she looked at her Mistresses' heels. Steph figured that they must have been at least six inches tall with a rounded toe and a jet black, almost shiny, sheen. The bright red bottoms were a sight to behold and beautifully contrasted the rest of the shoe and the Mistress's outfit.
"Good girl, just what I wanted to hear." The Mistress opened a drawer of her desk and retrieved a small ring of keys, she bent over and unlocked the front shield of Steph's belt. Stephanie felt naked as the shield was removed and a small rush of cool air flowed over her moist pussy. The Mistress then retrieved a small vibrator and inserted it into her obedient slave. Stephanie let out a very quiet gasp as the vibrator easily slid into her puss. Stephanie's hands almost darted for her pussy but she controlled herself and kept them at her sides. The Mistress then attached the shield back onto the belt.
"Thank you Mistress, you didn't have to." She said as she slowly began rocking her hips.
"Of course I did, I have to reward those that are good girls and boys." Just then, the vibrator sprung to life and Stephanie couldn't help but shriek. The beautiful vibrations coursed through her body making herself feel numb with pleasure. It was so beautiful to feel vibrations and pleasure again. So beautiful in fact that she began feeling light headed. Her hips continued to rock as the vibrator maintained its low, steady buzz.
"Enjoying yourself, beautiful?" The Mistress asked as she looked at Stephanie in the eye.
"Yes Mistress, yes." She could hardly think, she didn't even really know what the Mistress said to her. She was totally lost in the vibrations. Stephanie's hips now rocked at a very noticeable pace and her hands reached for the front of the belt, pushing against the shield to try and get more relief.
"My, my, do you ever look sexy." The Mistress commented as she bit her lip. She grabbed a hold of Stephanie's nipples, gently pinching and twisting them. Stephanie's moans grew louder now and her eyes rolled back into her head. She was completely gone now, not even noticing that her nipples grew harder with each pinch and twist from the Mistress.
"Can I... cum? Please Mistress, I need to cum.” She didn't even know that those words came out of her mouth, she just asked them. "Cum, I need to, ughhhhh, cum!" Stephanie asked between moans.
"You were a good girl today but no slave, you can't. No one can and you need to remember that." It took Steph a few seconds to realize, but the vibrator had been shut off. She didn't know if her mind was playing tricks on her but she could still feel a faint buzz. She franticly began pushing the front shield of her belt, pointlessly trying to get the vibrator to move just a little.
"Now, now slave. Stop that or I will make you wish you had stopped earlier." Stephanie didn't listen for a second and then forced herself to put her hands behind her back.
"Good girl. Now, get into the cage." Stephanie was disappointed and embarrassed as her leash was unclipped from the floor before she crawled into the solid steel cage. The cage door was closed behind her with a very loud clang that made her jump. "Since you were a little naughty just now, touching my chastity belt, I'm going to put some handcuffs on you." The Mistress stood, taking a pair of cuffs out of her desk drawer.
"Yes Mistress, thank you." The dominant side of Stephanie was screaming, wanting out of the cage. Stephanie kept her hands behind her back as the Mistress reached through the bars and gently applied the cuffs, securing them to the back of her chastity belt.
"Doesn't that feel a little better, sweetie?" The Mistress asked as she stood and walked to the front of her desk.
"Yes Mistress, I needed to be cuffed." Stephanie's hands uncomfortably shifted in the cold cuffs, hardly having any room to move.
"Good, I'm glad to hear that." She smiled at her caged slave. "Just sit tight, I'll be back to get you later." The Mistress turned and left the room, the sound of her heels echoing off the walls. Stephanie could only sit there and watch her go, just as the door closed her vibrator popped back on with an increased speed than before. Stephanie screamed again which flowed into a solid, deep moan of pure pleasure. Her cuffed hands struggled to get free of the cuffs but to no avail. She rocked her hips and forced herself up against the bars to put some pressure on her front shield. Her thighs were wet from all the attention her pussy was receiving this afternoon. Sooner than it did before, the vibrator shut off, leaving Stephanie an exhausted, horny mess.
The rigid cuffs he wore cut into the soft skin of his wrists. They were so tight that it felt as though they were cutting off circulation. The 2" ball gag strapped in his mouth uncomfortably irritated the sides of his mouth. He also wore a rigid posture collar which was attached to a chain and ran underneath the steel door of his cell, likely locked outside. His cock was the most uncomfortable of all, the CB6000 he wore was now attached to a harness locked around his waist making pulling out of the device very difficult. The room he was in was pitch black, save for the light that came from the cracks of the door. The room was made of cold, unforgiving concrete with nothing inside but him.
His penis strained against the plastic cage and his balls ached from the chastity cage's ring. He cursed his Mistress back home for sending him here in the first place but he was beginning to understand why she did it. He loved her more with each day and wanted to leave and be by her side.
Just then, there was a loud knock on the door before it was opened. He stood as his House Mistress entered the small cell.
"You were a very bad boy, weren't you?" She asked, crossing her arms over her chest.
"Yeshhh Mistreshhh." He managed to say past the large red ball gag.
"Do you think I should let you go?" She asked.
"Nofff." The drool began flowing past the gag, dribbling down his chin and onto the collar.
"You're right about that you, bitch." She boomed. "I will be contacting your Mistress back home and I doubt she will be pleased. Also, you're not getting your security deposit back and I will be fitting you with a steel belt instead. Lucky for you though, I'm not kicking you out of the resort, instead I want you right here where I can deal with you personally." That last part rang in his ears; he didn't know what this woman had in mind.
"I undershhtand Mistreshhhh." The drool continued to flow past his gag.
"Good, now, let's get you fitted in your new belt." The Mistress left the room for a moment and returned with a shiny steel belt. David also couldn't help but notice the plug on the rear of the belt. "You're lucky I'm in kind of a good mood today, I put some lube on your plug. For the rest of your stay you're going to wear this. The plug is hollow and you're to receive daily enemas so you can maintain normal bodily functions without having to remove the plug" David's heart began to race, he hardly ever wore plugs and even when he did they were nowhere near the size of this. Before he could really react the Mistress was already on her knees unlocking his cock from the plastic device. It felt amazing to have his penis free again and became fully erect almost instantly.
"You're a grower huh, I'm sorry baby but I just have to." She took the head of his cock into her mouth and gently sucked. It was one of the best things that Dave had ever felt and he didn't want her to stop. She took his member deeper and deeper into her mouth as she picked up the pace and began playing with his balls. He moaned a soft, blissful moan as he enjoyed every suck. As quickly as it started, it stopped when the Mistress slapped his cock and balls.
"When did I say you could enjoy that?" She asked, looking up at him. "Get soft for me, now!" She slapped his balls again and he let out a whimper. She continued to painfully slap his balls and cock as he tried to forcefully make himself forget one of the best blow jobs he has ever had.
After what felt like an eternity, he finally became sufficiently soft for the Mistress to insert his cock into his new penis tube. The tube came equipped with a few bars at the bottom to prevent any stimulation and a bar along the top to prevent any pull out. The Mistress wrapped the waist band around him and then it was the moment of truth.
"Are you ready for your new plug?" She asked, standing up to look him in his terrified eyes. She smiled and went behind him, pulling the rear band up and slowly inserting the cool, steel, lubed plug into his awaiting asshole. It took a little bit of pushing and some effort but his ass eventually accepted the plug, sucking it inside of him. He moaned loudly and his legs shook as his body took in the size of the plug. The chastity band ran between his legs and went up to join the penis tube and finally it was all locked to the front of the waist band. His cock strained against the new tube and made a vain attempt to try and break free. David didn't know if he had ever felt this turned on before.
"Fits perfectly!" The Mistress declared as she tapped the front of the belt. Dave shifted on his feet as the plug filled his entire ass, it would take a while to get used to this. "You aren't off the hook so easily though, I want you to stay here, slave." Her hand lingered on the front of his chastity belt before she backed out of the room, closing the door and leaving Dave in darkness once again.